sample general intercessions

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Post on 15-Nov-2014




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prayer of the faithful


Give us a spirit of trust so that we may more fully collaborate with our sisters and brother. For all of us, that God may renew our sight, so that we may envision a new heaven and a new earth, a world in which all men and women will work together joyfully in cooperation and love. For all those who work, that they may see their work as participation in God's creation, and that they may experience and promote economic justice, we pray to the Lord... That Catholics throughout our nation will commit themselves to building an economy that seeks the good of all our people, especially the poor and vulnerable, we pray to the Lord... For members of this parish community, that we might reflect on Christs message of love for our neighbor and recommit ourselves to working to end poverty and hunger in our world. For the leaders of our nation, that their decisions may reflect respect for the life and dignity of every human being and manifest it in their concern for the poorest and most vulnerable members of society. For the Church throughout the world, and especially for the people of our parish, that the gift of faith might bring them peace; We pray to the Lord: For peace throughout the world, and for an end to violence ands hate; We pray to the Lord: For the members of the religious community in our parish, that we may be united in building a society in which everyone can live with dignity and hope, we pray to the Lord. . . For the earth, that our nations leaders will be inspired by Gods Spirit to protect all of His creation, we pray to the Lord... *For the members of this parish, that we may find ways to help build a world of greater respect for human life and human dignity, we pray to the Lord. . . . *For the Church, that we may be a witness to Christs love by practicing charity and promoting justice and peace throughout the world, we pray to the Lord. . . . *That all might turn from the selfishness, hatred, and violence that can take root in our hearts; We pray to the Lord: That our families will always be schools for peace; We pray to the Lord... For peacemakers, that they will be successful in building bridges of peace in our world; We pray to the Lord: For leaders of nations, that the power of the Holy Spirit might grant them the wisdom to always seek justice and peace; We pray to the Lord: That each of us will be ambassadors of hope to a world oppressed by many problems;We pray to the Lord:

For the priests, deacons, and religious, that their continued service to the people of God will bear great fruit. We pray to the Lord. May the poor, the oppressed, the outcast, the powerless, and the misunderstood of our society experience Christ's healing presence through our participation in the saving mission of Jesus, we pray to the Lord That all of us will recognize God's call to us in the events of each day, we pray to the Lord For all who are called to the consecrated life, that they will respond generously in offering their lives to help build the Kingdom, we pray to the Lord For ourselves and our community, that we don't pass by the problems of others but work together to solve the problems that afflict our neighbors, offering comfort and care, support and solidarity, advocacy and action to heal the broken places, we pray to the Lord.For the Church, that we may renew our commitment to Jesus mission to bring glad tidings to the poor proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free.

*For the families of migrant workers: May they grow stronger in their love and commitment to one another, we pray to the Lord: For those who suffer from physical and mental illness: May they be healed through Gods infinite mercy and be comforted by those who care for them. For this, we pray to the Lord: For the sick and suffering, that God may give then courage and strength to share the suffering of Christ, we pray to the Lord. That we may be the agents of Jesus healing power to those most in need, we pray to the Lord.For priests, deacons and lay ecclesial leaders: that they may be inspired to integrate Gods loving design for marriage and the family in their ministries, we pray to the Lord, For all people: that a deep conversion of heart may be granted to embrace human life as a gift, we pray to the Lord, For families who suffer due to illness, poverty, violence or other hardships: that they may be given hope, support and relief, we pray, For children who are suffering: that they may be helped by loving family and friends, we pray to the Lord, For married couples experiencing difficulties in their relationship: that they may persevere in love

and faithfulness to each other, we pray to the Lord, That we may learn from the example of our Blessed Mother Mary, the Virgin of Guadalupe, to become living witnesses of your love in our communities, we pray to the Lord. . . .

That all civil leaders of the world may be empowered with a renewed sense of dedication to reconciliation, peace, and justice, and that we all may use our voices and hands as instruments of your love, we pray to the Lord. . . .That families will strive to make their homes places where children can hear God call them by name. That parents may realize their responsibility to be an example of faith for their children. For each of us, for our families and our friends, that we respond fully to the call of our baptism, and accept the grace to remain open to Gods call to serve.That our daily living may transform our suffering world into a place of love, justice and peace. For our parish, that we continue to invite young men and women in our midst to share their gifts and energy with our church. For all Christians, may we be humble stewards of the gifts given to us by God, and may we set an example of mercy and generosity by becoming involved in efforts to distribute the worlds wealth among all of those in need, For the poor, the homeless, the addicted, and those begging on the street, may we not turn away from them, no matter how distasteful and offensive their circumstances might be, and instead may we earnestly attempt to lighten their load by taking it upon ourselves, For those tormented by disease, depression, addiction, abuse, and hopelessness, and for those who love and suffer with them, may they be comforted by Gods love and Gods promise of deliverance, For the Holy Catholic Church and all Christian churches, may we trust in Christ and become one vigorous, fruitful community of faith, so that the world may see one King of Glory and one Kingdom of God, For our friends and family who love us, care for our needs, listen to us in our desperation, comfort us in our sorrow, advise us with caring concern, and, by their selflessness, bring us closer to God, we thank you Lord; For Christians everywhere, may we be courageous in the face of a world preoccupied with sex, materialism and self-indulgence, and meet these challenges with dignity and godliness, *For those suffering from illness, depression, disability, addiction, disappointment, poverty, and hopelessness, may they trust that God will not abandon the work of His hands, but will abide with them, sharing their joy and their pain, For the children of the world, may they be protected from hunger, abuse, illiteracy, disease, neglect, and violence, and allowed to enjoy lighthearted and carefree childhoods, gently molded by Gods laws and loving discipline,

For the peoples of the world: for international relations based, not on fear, but on good will, understanding that we are one human family, we pray: For those in our parish who are infirmed, that Christ, the Good Shepherd, may bind their wounds, strengthen their spirits and refresh their souls, let us pray to the Lord. For humankind as it explores the mysteries of life and the universe: for reverence and awe before the mystery of God and of life, let us pray: For migrants, refugees, and displaced persons: for protection and aid that helps them to put down roots and prosper anew, let us pray:

For all the people of God, that we may strengthen each other mutually in love, we pray to the Lord.That the Holy Spirit guides all members of our parish to reflect on how we are living out our call to be Christian stewards, we pray to the Lord That we follow the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the first disciple and model for Christian stewards, by responding with a, Yes, to Gods call, we pray to the Lord That we spend time with our families, this week, in prayerful reflection as we count our blessings and consider how we can share them with the Lord and others, we pray to the Lord That through Christs Body and Blood, which we receive today in communion, we will be nourished and strengthened in struggle to temper our wants and desires in favor of serving others through Christian stewardship, we pray to the Lord