san francesco^ gaiii:^sunday^togtobert^i,-;!^;.: society's · 2017. 12. 18. ·...

About - fifty - relatives arid ' friends of Mr. » and Mrs. "Sol Gr uman ; tendered them Tv i Mrs."' H. ' D.' ; Scrlbner . : has sent ' out cards to the twelve members 1 of the Bull Frog Whist' Club," 5 ; who will meet Thurs- day, -f:October f. 11. f; at \u25a0; her i4l pretty. , new; homeTj 13 05* Weber; street^ Alamedsuy v ' 3 ' >The r name ofthe cluborigina'ted from all.members'; holding shares in the Bull Frog :mlna." : Some' of ;thei old "members anxious i to , reorganize": ahe : ' Mrs..'Wlll- lam> Edwards,' president; | \u25a0 Mrs.-r H.^Dl Scribnen; Mrs." Sti D. J Skinner, Mrs. Rug- gles, s Mrs. Lloyd. ' Mrs. ~i M. 1 : A:? Terry,' Mrs., J.\F. Jackson and "Mrs.': Moore." ' . The Young Men's. Hiebrew Association begs ' to announce)a : ball, to be given ! Sunday^ evening,'? November, 11, In the J gymnasium vv v of " : its * clubhouse,- 1970 Page street: - ThYgrand march, , led by the : Jayville Band, will ! take place at : 9 o'clock;' . ?; ' - J j. An ..informal* reception was given In the parlors of the First English Lutheran Church," on' Geary:- street."-: near ) Octavia, last Tuesday 'evening, "to; greet the pas- tor, Rev. ; Dr. E.,"H.. Hadlock. who has recently;- returned after; an: absence of three months,' during which time he has visited; all ; . the large cities 'throughout the ,and; Middle ' States.' lectur- ing' on 'the; '.'Great * San ; Francisco' Con- flagration";" for -"the,- , benefit Jof church." Dr.. Hadlock was given a hearty welcome^ home,' *'. and >.the -/deepest r ap- preciation \was shown by'the members of the congregation for his work'in .the good;cause. : * : Mr: arid Mrs. Harry- Cohen -enter- tained \u25a0 a ': 'number of friends- last Wednesday evening - at dinner. _.' Mr. Cohen; has, Just returned from Mexico, where . ; he has been .making quite an extended > tour. AmongI those to wel- come him 'home were Colonel and- Mrs. Trumbo, .Mr. arid Mrs. Pockwltz,"- Mr. andMrs. ;Cameron, Missi Tillie Feld- mann,; Miss > Lizzie i Feldmann. r: James Sweeney," Miss Norma vwoodbury. Alfred McKinnon.^Walter Fetdmann||Ed Feld- mann, Miss > Helen Conless, Mrs.. Hattie Gordon. X!3^BJSB£Sif3S3KRmB& wmaL»sm» A few evenings since Mrs. William Wood, prominently V identified with the German Red Cross Society of thla city, had a birthday, party at her home, at which" there -were present the follow- ing; named: Mesdames Domflant, Desh- man, Tomashelsky. Franke, Wolenshla- ger,;; Masson, Buck, Arndt, Huffman, Brooks,. Marklay. , Wright, Spaniel. Saunders,; Bronice. Large and Rich; Misses Bronice and Rich and Dr. Ko- ford.-Mr.. Pathomann. William Hilde- brandt and Edward Hlldebrandt.- ''The residence •. was - prettily decorated with flowers, and ; evergreens.*- After con- gratulations and a social hour a supper was^served and. then followed ; games and an impromptu programme of en- tertainment. - , * spared to , make this affair as popular as the former ones given by the club. d-'The f members ; of . the ? Uno Club will give a oh evening,^ No- vember/ 23, Vat3 City$ of i Paris - Tea > Gar- dehs.'VcornerJof^Washington^streetland .Van i Ness 5 avenue.'?lThis t daricelwill Sbe the 'first * held ,by \u25a0\u25a0 the « club t during I the present season \. and : nothing \u25a0? will Ibe ,j The \u25a0 directors of ; the : Entre Notis Co- tillon* have invitations^ for their seventeenth', season." .The club as usual will ;; be -a' strictly/ closed' organization of /jseventy,- five 5.' couples. J The *: opening assembly/ and ;i ge^-man } will j take : place on jFriday.l evening:, pfoyember 9,"^ in-the new,fe ballroom H- the XPalace " Hoteli The, following : will « serve as •; a , board ; of directors : * Sanf ord*Gi v Lewald,t Dr.' Ed- mondjv Keeffe,': f Edward -ij.v Lynch.'' Dn William -IVVAicEllis,:;- Davis J'«B."« Torres, George r;G. I Fraser.V, Dr. ; Joseph \ F. i Mea- gher, ? Reuben ; C.i Haas, v Walter;!!.? Rob- inson,"; Ralphs G. Copied G. Hazletbn Wil- soni; FrankSH.'.pavls;^JamesfO. -Hay- burn, ."Alan .? W.:, Maginis.* r George G. Fraser.^; s 201ft Moriadnock" building, ' Js acting^ as - secretary. *i:' * " -. ' - -.\u25a0 (- . i; . ?.-.-"\u25a0 - ; ; '*.'. ;y-\.•';.-'-. m<- : ".-+ ...- \u25a0/. -''-''i. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0":.:. ; Miss Kate Sampson and .William Gra- ham," both of •, whom, are f rom: SaW'-Ma- teo;were'married'here'on October "16 by. the" Rev/. CM. .Warner. - - >-, '\u25a0-. Miss Katherine "L.^Mensero ,\u25a0 and Ar- thur ; Kormel Iwere? married in this city on Ootober 14 .by the-RevACiM.-War- ner. ; >Thel young, couple^will v spend, their honeymoon sin";the; southern part. of the State | and ? af ter. t their ' return . will \u25a0 Jour- ney \u0084'. through >.the'^ East,' , spending ; a month t or; so* •wUh? Mr.': Hyman's mother in' Chicago. \u25a0 s ; L;.->\ v ---"-V- :i V-.^';r : ' '-\u25a0'"['\u25a0 '' ''\u25a0 ' ; The announcement ,of the wedding of Arthur S. Hyman of Chicago, and Miss H. Calif ornla Lesser of ; San i Francisco, to 'takef place^thls Sunday,^October/ 21, is 'causing great; interest. ,. Miss 'Lesser is}^.a? talented^ youngV San Franciscan," the > daughter : : of ,' Mr. -and Mrs.C Jacob Lesser. i'Mr. \u25a0Hyman is , the j unior mem- ber'of, a prominent 7 business The ,marriage of Miss Marie' Barman and* Charles \S. Roserier will ' take place today; at ' the.; residence of Mrs. \ l. Rose- ner,v399 -Laurel street. . ' The engagement of Miss . Jessie Has- sett "and Thomas A.- Mahony Is ':an- nounced. "~ \u25a0-' r - - .\u25a0' \u25a0*. . V . /•\u25a0 iPallP Mr. ; and . Mrs. A. Stark announce the engagement of their daughter, Rose, to Joseph; Mann. They will receive -this afternoon from 2 to 5 at their resi- dence, . 933 Hayes : street. Edmund Loewy announces -the en- gagement \u25a0.'? of his : sister, Ida, "to Louis Charles. They will -. receive Sunday, October. 28, at 1127 Guerrero', sjtreet. engagement of her daughter, Emma, to C.G." Cooper of Oakland. !'- \u25a0',- '•,.•'"'\u25a0-" .' Miss * Nellie ; B.Waters' recently took h#r mother, and a'p&rty^of friends apwa to; Sa n, Jose { and \u25a0 return *.!n 1her tourln-r car; * handling> the : machine herself t th« entire distance. ; 1 7 Mrs. 'Anne Seebeck has returned from a itrip to Europe, •. most of which tixn« she was in Paris. . . •v MrVcharles B Wade (formerly Mfc, Ella Copeland) has returned from Loa Angeles, where she has been visiting friends a; couple of months, and is at her handsome -\u25a0. home ;on Sixth avenue Presidio Heights. Mrs. \Wade is" on« of the most popular matrons In the Rich- mond District and a great favorite with the* younger set Teresa , Snook of 1363 Ellis street, a popular member of the Mex- ican: colony.- will leave for Mazatlan Mexico, on the steamship Curacao on November 7 f and wlirspend the winter in v that city as the guest of General Francisco Canedo, the Governor of th<» State of Slnaloa. Mrs. Snook is a rela- tive of General Canedo and will be ex- tensively, entertained by Mexican-so- clety. '-''>. Mrs. j. Zannetta (nea Wolf) has ra- turned from 'Portland' and. will be pleased tosee her friends on the fourth Wednesdays at , 1752. Page street. The Athenian Club will give & social dance at the T. M. H. AIHall, Page and Stanyan streets, on Sunday evening October 28. . . - , f * . . Miss Myrtle Emerson entertained * number of her little friends at a geUha roof garden party on Friday evening at I her residence, 2392 ! Bryant avenue, in honor of her seventh birthday. She received numerous gifts from her many little playmates. Those present were: Misses Myrtle Emerson, Dorothy Mul- ler. ;Lllas Gunn, Gertrude French, Georgia Cameron, Helen Jenne. Lol» Munsll. Mary Kennedy. Beatrice Muller. Madge Cardiff, Graces Soetze/ Dora Montgomery and Jennie Gunn, Charlea Bower. Dick. Montell. Arthur Fex, Wal- ter Cardiff, Harvey Comstock, Charles Stomlolo, Frank Emerson, Lewis Mar- iana, Roger Comstock and Victor Nel- son. BMfIBKBBKMHIM . " "• Mrs. W. Stanley of Stockion. whose home is at the corner ' of Flora and North Hunter streets, . entertained Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. G. F. Cavalll of Berkeley. Mrs. L. But- terick of Stockton and .Mrs. S. P. Blumenberg of San Francisco. A most enjoyable afternoon waa spent by those present. a surprise party last Sunday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. Chas- kel, 1614 Grove street, the; occasion be- ing their second wedding anniversary. Music,* games and I refreshments . were indulged in during, the evening and ea- Joyed by all present. A number of years ago. more than people like to remember perhaps, Santa Cruz was the favorite resort of the elect, the place having been made fash- ionable largely through the prefer- ence for it of beautiful and fascinat- ing Mrs. Hall McAllister and her three daughters, who inherited so much of their mother's beauty and charm, Edith, now Mrs. Francis Newlands; Marion, who was Mrs.' "Wagner, and Alice, both of whom are now dead. They vrere all wonderf ul swimmers, and their feats in that line and their effective bathing costumes were the feed for unlimited conversation of the most absorbing but complimentary na- ture. Summer after summer the Mc- Allisters went to Santa Cruz, and there were other society folk. Mrs. John Dahlgren, then Mrs. Henry McLean Martin, and her sister. Mrs. Crittenden Thornton, were aleo very graceful swimmers and untiring. Later Mrs. Dahlgren'* daughters. Mrs. Francis Grace (Miss Theodosia Martin) and Miss Catherine Martin, were classed among the experts in that line. It being tai<3 'that a more beautiful swimmer than Mrs. Grace has never. been seen at Santa Cruz. The family still have their home there, coming from the East each summer to spend the season. 'and are often to, be seen in the surf. The handsome Corbitt sisters, Minnie, now Mrs. Beverly MacMonagle; Nellie, now Mrs. Fred Moody, and Laura, now Mrs. Beet, were also among the society girls who "were seen frequently on the beach at Santa Cruz and were always noted as among the ibest. of those who were swimming. Mrs. George Crocker and Mrs. Charles D. Alexander (who., was then Miss Hat tie Crocker) also swam «xpertly and were among the enthu- siasts of several years ago. Miss Kate ' Jarboe, now Mrs. Bull, spent much time at the pretty seaside town and was a very fin* swimmer. Monterey was th» delfcat of raany natatorial enthusiasts /•-** OCIETVS diversions change with v»v the advance of years, and what I was altogether the correct and in f c* ij.*::. .^ry thing to do a few years since is now regarded as a somewhat eccentric or at ieast unusual or uninteresting pursuit. Such is prac- tically the case with swimming, at least In or near San Francisco. In Southern California of course it is still a seaside attraction, but climatic conditions make it more popular there than here. When the thermometer registers the mercury around Aiie 100-degree mark it, is in- deed a joy to sink under the crest of a cool green wave, but in our less torrid region it often requires cuite a bit of determination to tak* the first plunge Into the icy brine, and a prolonged stay in the water is apt to be a painful experience that is not soon forgotten*. A few years since swimming wai almost as fashionable, except among the aged, as bridge is at the present time, but the mode of life among San Franciscans of the socially elect has changed entirely. A decade or two since the world of society went away for the summer, not to San Rafael, Ross Valley or Berkeley, but to Santa Cruz, Aptos (a place the very name of which is now forgotten), or to Monte- rey. Then bathing suits were consid- ered as carefully as ball gowns, every- thing new or bizarre in that line was commented upon and written up in the society columns of the city papers. At the present time a published paragraph in regard to the bathing suit of any of the belles of the inner circles would be regarded as a decided oddity, and the girl who swims really well is regarded as a really accomplished young woman. Different Now at Santa Cruz. . There'; are to -be /at 'least half -,- a dozen weddings before { the 'end 'of ; the year, wnich " will do much i toward mak- ing: th« winter' a 1a 1 gay -one.- although : In almost: every J instance -1 the ; somewhat hac kn eyed \u25a0pfS ras e, .'- which . we '> have beard of nea-rly all the weddings since the fire, "a quiet home" affair.'.^ is chosen to . describe,.; the, -anticipated ?; events.' There will probably be quite a bit of Before the fire there was an - enthu-. siastic eet of the younger maidens- of society who used to gather at.the^Lur- line Baths on certain days of the week and deVote the, morning to swimming. Miss Helene Irwin is ; one : !of - the re- markable swimmers of the younger set, she having learned, in Honolulu, where the Irwins have such, extensive proper- ties and where they have spent much time. Miss Helen Ashton is another good swimmer, being particularly, fdar- less in the matter of high diving." Miss Maisie Langhorne also' swims and dives well, as does her sister. Miss Julia Langhorne. Mrs. Daniel- Shean (for- merly Miss Ursula' Stone), who. has Just returned from the Philippines,- was fond of swimming and' did well. Others are Miss Maude Payne, Miss Edna Davis, Miss YsabeTßrew'er.' Miss 'Marie Brewer and Miss Helen Thomas. It is said that Mrs., Will \u25a0 Tevls^ Is probably one of the best swimmers, of the pres- ent day, and Miss Grace Baldwin is an- other expert. . Miss. ; Maude O'Connor swims well, as do Mrs. . Edward Pond, Miss Constance Borrow© - and :\u25a0 Miss Elizabeth LivermoreJ % It- is useless Vto attempt to eunmerate .the men who swim well, as it .is : practically, - a universal masculine accomplishment. Thanks to the village swimming pool, the country boys* streams or; ponds . or the city baths, every Tjoy, becomes able to swim; at least; "dog -fashion" before he reaches years of discretion, and' the man who cannot is | looked upon' as hav- ing been denied a part of the birthright of his,early youth. V of a more recent period, and many peo- ple have learned to swim in the tank 3 at Del Monte. Mrs. Selby Hanna (formerly. Miss Marie Wells) and her cousin, Mrs. Truxtun Beale (formerly Miss Marie Oge) were devoted to swim- ming at one time, and of course did it as extremely well as. they did every- thing, be it mastering languages, rid- ing horses or anything else' to which they turn their attention. Miss Minnie Houghton Is another well-known girl who swims very well. Mrs. Gaston Ashe (formerly Dulce Belado) * swtms wonderfully well, having learned.' at Monterey, the old home of her family, in her childhood. She still retains her interest In the pursuit. and is one of the best here. Conditions are so different now at these former resorts! ( Santa Cruz still has: the faithful few who go there each summer, and many people from the interior of the State, Seeing from the heat of the summer months, throng the beaches, but it is sadly changed" -sincte the days when every one who was any one was to be be seen there, and no season was con- sidered complete without at least a few weeks at Santa Cruz. AtMonterey, too. all is different The beautiful hotel is filled a»»6f yore, but people go for many brief visits during the sum- mer instead of spending the- entire sea- son, and Eastern and foreign guests are more in evidence. People have be- come more advanced_in their ideas and many of those who formerly went to these places for the season go abroad. The pretty towns and country places in Marin have also been ~ built up since then .and have attracted? many of. the elect, who substitute golf, motoring, riding or driving for swimming. Mrs. Fred Tallant was quite a won- derful swimmer a few years since, but has given it up of late. Her sister. Miss Pearl Landers, however, still excels at It and enjoys her tiny cottage at Mon- terey, where she has her^own private beach, to the fullest extent. Graceful Miss Daisy Van Ness, who Is now Mrs.* John Taylor, and who is . making a tour of the world on: her honeymoon Journey, was wonderfully strong and expert, as was also :Mlbs Flora Low. Miss Minnie Houghton is considered one of the best, swimming really remark- ably well. . . - / Expert Girl Swimmers. . .; Miss . Edna! Montgoemyr j, will ;•? desert her \u25a0. many- friends v; In r San ; :: Francisco within "\u25a0\u25a0 ar fortnight,' when" she : ; becomes the -bride Jof ; Lieutenant '• Edward' Stur--. ges, Fifths Cavalry.' Ua S.'fA"^: and » goes to a New Mexico post to make her. home for aZ time, : until t the \ fortunes % of [k war move:S her : soldier husband elsewhere. Theirwedding.ii celebrated at the home of the bride's thbther.iMrs.', Mont- gomery, oncthe: northern; slope! of * Rus- sian ! Hill,*, where : they ; 'are f occupying ; the quaint v little :;apartment|;whereJSherrll Schell and his t mother" lived' prior .; to his departure 'for Europe. " There are to : be As the Charleston is 'to .take the place of the Chicago as flagship of this squadron, it is probable that ..the: bride will spend much of.*; her.; time in this vicinity for the next year :.or , two, Midshipman Goss being attached to the former vessel - and having jus,t made the voyage around the Horn; from;New York on her. It was during, a year's stay at Annapolis with Lieutenant and Mrs. Frederick Horns (formerly Miss Alma McClung) that Miss Gladys and her fiance met, he being at that time in the Naval Academy. Itis said by those who were there at the time that Mr. Goss had one or two rather de- termined rivals, but was ; finally the fortunate man, and. the- wedding' next week will be a happy culmination. Another bride of the near, future who has » chosen a navy man is ' Miss Mary. Marriner, : the* daughter of - Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Marriner, whose marriage to Lieutenant Wallace Ber- thol f, U. S. N-. a will take place either during November or ; December, -~ the date being as yet undetermined. '. To the regret, of her ' : friends "here Miss Marriner and her parents have decided to make their home , in"Berkeley since the fire, and the wedding. will of course take' place there. - The Marriners have purchased a beautiful -home across the bay and it is said that Miss Marriner' a marriage will take place at home. She isa pretty, vivacious girl,-;a great fa- vorite,;and there was great question as, to which branch of ? the" service^ she would finally, decide to join,: two v army men having been, very devoted ; to her the winter, before the announcement i of her engagement. \u25a0:: The "announce- ment came as the greatest ;ot surprises to her friends, which goes : far/ toward disproving; :the old saying that a woman cannot keep a secret, 7 for,; the engagement had existed ;f or . :, almost ; a year at >: the % time jit was -told. Lieu- tenant Bertholf was "on ' sea'j; duty|at the time, however, so ', they, decided -to wait until he was on -shore^before celebrating : their, wedding."- Lieutenant Bertholf lls a .handsome, clever young man and was among those omcers who won special recognition' from thel.Govr- ernment f oi*.i their.; services] during, the disaster here last April: He Is now^sta- tioned at Mare Island 'and; they will probably.- make their home I there. \u25a0 : : Will Marry Cavalry, Officer. . Miss Mary "Small will vbe x married at the Small ; home, on ; : Broadway,;, either late In November or'early, InDecember, to. Lieutenants Arthur G. -Fisher, ; ; Four- teenth; Cavalry; U. S.. A-,^ and, hers, Itoor will be\ rather! a "quiet *, i affair.'. Miss Small is. the: eldest of the /pretty; sisters who have made their home here forj the last three years, haying lived much of the r ; time;; before that 'i in '& Sacramento. They have spent '- much"; time - In .; pictur- esque ! old* Monterey.'-however/ and ? have been , great army i. belles, ?; and ?it k was there, that the popular,: young,? cavalry officer met his charming young flnancee. So devoted were his attentions for sev- eral months that the news of the en- gagement came as very little ; of a sur- prise, ' although it was ' none; the ; less .welcomevi.'f \u25a0 \u25a0 "',\u25a0 ' \u25a0; \:'-~ .''\u25a0\u25a0 : :^'- : .i_;-: \u25a0' informal entertaining in honor of most of the brides-to-be. Miss Edna. Mont- gomery, who is to marry Lieutenant Sturges. U. S. A., having been feted continuously already. The first of these weddings will be that of Miss Gladys McClung, the daughter of Mrs. J. j N. McClung and the late Major . McClung," and Midship- man Nelsen Goss, U. ,S. N., _who are to be married ever so quietly here some time next week. -the date having not yet; been announced. Great interest centers in this event, especially as the news of the. engagement comes so nearly at the same time as the wed- ding, and Miss McChing's friends have not yet become accustomed to the idea that, she Is to : marry a man who is a stranger to them, be he ever, so charm- ing. ' Meet at the Naval Academy. Other Events 6f|the Week; ; : " \u25a0*. Mrs. i Pauline s Jacobson^ announces ' the 'J. An attractive photograph' appears to- day ,of pretty) Mis s,Louise ITillman," who is ; one ',of 4 the ; well-known if and '; popular society,"; maids .; of : the (city. ;uShe '% ls t, a clever girl, '; has I .traveled ('consider-*' ably v 1;v 1 ; in ...Europe, 3 she i'j;andi?her.rf mother and:;, sister, v Miss \% Josephine •^Tlllraan, haying returned ••",?' last \u25a0:• year At rom /{a lengthy;. stay ; abroad. : ?;^Ta"ey/? entertain * i? great \ dealt in^an^ informal 'I way Aat their attractive , home, on »Van] Ness : ave^' nue.t their ; affairs "being: always? dellght- lul:; ;• I ,;v r ., ; --;\, : \u0084v- :::-/.\u25a0/-:/,-:- " f The Outsider. : A beautiful portrait \u25a0\u25a0 is shown today of ? Miss Martha Lee,'; who jis; to'become the .bride of :; John- H.^Speculate Inext month at ; Calvary Presbyterian! Church. The is a; charmingly i pretty girl i,with \ beautiful Vbrown 4 eyes £ and wavingr ; hair. iof \u25a0 theTsaniej hue, tone^of herV greatest : ' : charms, * however, '^ being her sweet \u25a0.expression.*- "Shells ;a^ bril- liant; young \u25a0 woman;; clever and. -v cul-; _tured. ; She is a very./accomplished mu- sician b and Is well-; known ; among i the musicals folks of the city. ," She} has also taken ? great I interest % In * charitable ;faf-f fairs and is i a leading. worker injchurch interests aa we 11 .,-, She is the daughter ot | Mrs. }. Martha Lee I arid I has :• lived '\u25a0> in San \u25a0 Francisco isince f childhood.^ Her wedding i will « be one |of1 the /events ; of considerable size. it:isi said, 'as] a.l great many;invitation3 are- toibe- issued/', ';: Mrs. A. H. Payson of San Mateo, with her maid and I chauffeur, has started on a, tour lof Californla >inI her ; four-cylin- der. auto c ar.; : : She .will'be:«it? Del Mon- te a '• week ; and I then go ; southward.*-''; At different' points Captain; Payson. 1 will join [ her for week-end 'visits. 1 : (The . trip \u25a0will bealeisurely "one,. as > Mrs. ; Payson does i not want to be , hurried ;in & her sight; seeing. ; ; .-•'.;. -\u25a0\u25a0":\u25a0* '.::\u25a0:\u25a0:' | Mr.. and Mrs. James W. Davidson are spending : the first days f of their | honey- moon at Del Monte. Theiriwedding was one of the ; society events ;> of J Oakland last >; week, v Mrs. Davidson \u25a0 was Miss Mabel Lillian Dow, randy Dr. Davidson formerly was United States Consul'' to Shanghai, - China. He ;, has : now many real :\u25a0;, estate ':\u25a0' and lumber interests;: in British Columbia andt Canada! : After,' a short .; stay \u25a0 at Del ;\u25a0 Monte";> the •' happy couple go to their new home in Winni- peg/I Manitoba^, "'/;.: '\u25a0* S". ' . .Every Friday night there is an in- formal hop at the Presidio of Monterey, at ; which are - many : visitors - f rom ; Del Monte and Pacific. Grove.: : One of ilthe popular : men \u25a0 last Friday was , Midship- man-Charles G. Davy, a,'{ recent r grad- uate of Annapolis. . He Is visiting; Mr.' and Mrs. J. P. Pryor at \u25a0 the » Grove, and is; daily expecting assignment to the Pacific squadron. only a few of the nearest friends of the vivacious little bride,* and it is as; yet undecided as |to whether she will have any attendants at all; in any case there is to ;be but one) ,r Miss Montgomery arid Mr.; Sturges met a year or ; two since, but their engagement dates from ' the period immediately y following, 1 the flre,' when the! First: Cavalry was.' or- dered" here from ? their. -Texas post to aid: in guarding the city, fsComing here with- his? regiment, ; Mr.': Sturges found time tov'.renew; his -.friendship; *vand ; a quiet marriage on October! 3 ojis jj to : be .the . culmination. Miss Montgomery has already a host of friends in I the service, so her new life has no prospect save the pleasantest. Miss 77^ man M / t0 v The only one of j the fall ;b'rides who has thus: far; declared herself who 'has chosen a : civilian r ; Is Miss Josephine Tillman,: who . will marry fJ.- Maitland Cline, the clever young Canadian who has made such a success •in * the ; few, years of his residence here,' both in the social and the business "world. V Miss Tillman is, a* charming > girl, clever and with a ; host, of { friends! , She has trav- eled abroad \ extensively and a delight-, ful trip has been chosen; by .Mr.YCline and herself for their, honeymoon. They are to be ' married within the ' first , two weeks of December and. will leave Im- mediately , for | New York, > going thence directly ;, to ; Naples arid ,- : to ; tour ;:' the Mediterranean. .. Miss '\u25a0 Tillman's . plans are for a' quiet wedding, 'but whether it ; Is to,be a home affair has not yet been announced. \u25a0' \u25a0:.•;. :, \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'' 'J ~'{^ : ; ; ; v - ; THE;,; SAN FRANCESCO^ GAIii:^ SUNDAY^TOGTOBERt^I,-;!^;.: SOCIETY'S NATATORIAL DIVERSION 32

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Page 1: SAN FRANCESCO^ GAIii:^SUNDAY^TOGTOBERt^I,-;!^;.: SOCIETY'S · 2017. 12. 18. · About-fifty-relatives arid ' friends of Mr.»and Mrs."Sol Gruman;tendered them TviMrs."'H. D.';Scrlbner.:has


relatives arid 'friends ofMr.»and Mrs."Sol Gruman;tendered them

TviMrs."'H.'D.';Scrlbner .:has • sent ' out

cards to the twelve members 1 of the BullFrog Whist' Club,"5;who willmeet Thurs-day,-f:October f.11.f;at \u25a0; her i4lpretty.,new;homeTj 1305* Weber; street^ Alamedsuy v'3'>Thername ofthe cluborigina'ted from

all.members'; holding shares in the BullFrog :mlna." :Some' of;theiold"membersanxious ito ,reorganize": ahe:


lam> Edwards,' president; | \u25a0 Mrs.-rH.^DlScribnen; Mrs." StiD.JSkinner, Mrs. Rug-gles, s Mrs. Lloyd.'Mrs.~iM.1:A:? Terry,'Mrs.,J.\F. Jackson and"Mrs.':Moore."

' .

The Young Men's. Hiebrew Associationbegs

'to announce)a :ball, to be

given!Sunday^ evening,'? November, 11, Inthe J gymnasium vv


*clubhouse,- 1970

Page street:- ThYgrand march, ,led by

the:Jayville Band, will!take place at :9o'clock;' . ?;

'- J

j.An..informal* reception was given Inthe parlors of theFirst English LutheranChurch," on' Geary:- street."-: near )Octavia,last Tuesday 'evening,"to;greet the pas-tor, Rev. ;Dr. E.,"H..Hadlock. who hasrecently;- returned after; an: absence ofthree months,' during which time he hasvisited; all;.the large cities 'throughoutthe ,and; Middle

'States.' lectur-

ing' on 'the; '.'Great*San;Francisco' Con-

flagration";" for -"the,- ,benefit Jofchurch." Dr..Hadlock was given a hearty

welcome^ home,' *'. and >.the -/deepest rap-preciation \was shown by'the membersof the congregation for his work'in .thegood;cause. : *


Mr: arid Mrs. Harry- Cohen -enter-tained \u25a0 a': 'number of friends- lastWednesday evening

-at dinner. _.'Mr.

Cohen; has, Just returned from Mexico,

where.;he has been .making quite anextended > tour. AmongIthose to wel-come him 'home were Colonel and- Mrs.Trumbo, .Mr. arid Mrs. Pockwltz,"- Mr.andMrs. ;Cameron, Missi Tillie Feld-mann,; Miss > Lizziei Feldmann. r: JamesSweeney," Miss Norma vwoodbury. AlfredMcKinnon.^Walter Fetdmann||Ed Feld-mann, Miss >Helen Conless, Mrs.. HattieGordon. X!3^BJSB£Sif3S3KRmB&


A few evenings since Mrs.WilliamWood, prominentlyVidentified with theGerman Red Cross Society of thla city,had a birthday, party at her home, atwhich" there -were present the • follow-ing;named: Mesdames Domflant, Desh-man, Tomashelsky. Franke, Wolenshla-ger,;; Masson, Buck, Arndt, Huffman,Brooks,. Marklay. , Wright, Spaniel.Saunders,; Bronice. Large and Rich;

Misses Bronice and Rich and Dr. Ko-ford.-Mr.. Pathomann. William Hilde-brandt and Edward Hlldebrandt.- ''Theresidence •. was

-prettily decorated with

flowers, and ;evergreens.*- After con-gratulations and a social hour a supperwas^served and. then followed ;gamesand an impromptu programme of en-tertainment.



spared •to ,make this affair as popularas the former ones given by the club.

d-'The f members ;of. the ? Uno Club willgive a oh evening,^ No-vember/ 23,Vat3 City$ofiParis

-Tea >Gar-

dehs.'VcornerJof^Washington^streetland.VaniNess 5 avenue.'?lThis t daricelwillSbethe 'first

*held ,by \u25a0\u25a0 the «club tduringIthe

present season \. and :nothing \u25a0? willIbe

,jThe \u25a0directors of ;the :Entre Notis Co-tillon*have invitations^ for theirseventeenth', season." .The club as usualwill;; be -a' strictly/closed' organizationof /jseventy,- five 5.' couples. J The *:openingassembly/ and;ige^-man }willjtake :placeon jFriday.levening:,pfoyember 9,"^in-thenew,fe ballroom H- the XPalace


The, following:will«serve as •;a,board ;ofdirectors :

*Sanf ord*GivLewald,t Dr.' Ed-

mondjvKeeffe,': fEdward -ij.vLynch.''DnWilliam -IVVAicEllis,:;-Davis J'«B."« Torres,George r;G.IFraser.V, Dr.;Joseph \F.iMea-gher, ? Reuben ;C.iHaas, v Walter;!!.? Rob-inson,"; Ralphs G. Copied G. Hazletbn Wil-soni; FrankSH.'.pavls;^JamesfO. -Hay-burn, ."Alan .? W.:,Maginis.* rGeorge G.Fraser.^; s 201ftMoriadnock" building,


acting^ as-secretary. *i:'*

" -. '--.\u25a0 (-.i;. ?.-.-"\u25a0-;;'*.'. ;y-\.•';.-'-. m<-:".-+ ...- \u25a0/. -''-''i. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0":.:.

;Miss Kate Sampson and .William Gra-ham," both of•,whom,are from:SaW'-Ma-teo;were'married'here'on October "16by. the" Rev/.CM..Warner.

- ->-,

'\u25a0-. Miss Katherine "L.^Mensero ,\u25a0 and Ar-thur;Kormel Iwere? married in this cityon Ootober 14 .by the-RevACiM.-War-ner.

;>Thel young, couple^willvspend, theirhoneymoon sin";the; southern part.of theState |and ? af ter.t their

'return .will\u25a0 Jour-

ney \u0084'. through >.the'^ East,' ,spending ;amonth tor;so*•wUh? Mr.':Hyman's •motherin'Chicago. \u25a0 s ; L;.->\v---"-V-:iV-.^';r :

''-\u25a0'"['\u25a0 '' ''\u25a0

';The announcement ,of the wedding ofArthur S. Hyman of Chicago, and MissH. Californla Lesser of;SaniFrancisco,to 'takef place^thls Sunday,^October/ 21,is 'causing great; interest. ,. Miss 'Lesseris}^.a? talented^ youngV San Franciscan,"the >daughter ::of,'Mr.-and Mrs.C JacobLesser. i'Mr.\u25a0Hyman is,the junior mem-ber'of, a prominent 7 business

The ,marriage of Miss Marie'Barmanand* Charles \S. Roserier will

'take place

today;at'the.;residence of Mrs. \l. Rose-

ner,v399 -Laurel street. . '

The engagement of Miss. Jessie Has-sett "and Thomas A.- Mahony Is':an-nounced. "~ \u25a0-'

r- -.\u25a0' \u25a0*. . V. /•\u25a0 iPallP

Mr.;and .Mrs. A. Stark announce theengagement of their daughter, Rose, to

Joseph; Mann. They will receive -thisafternoon from 2 to 5 at their resi-dence, .933 Hayes : street.

Edmund Loewy announces -the en-gagement \u25a0.'? of his:sister, Ida,"to LouisCharles. They will-. receive Sunday,

October. 28, at 1127 Guerrero', sjtreet.

engagement of her daughter, Emma, toC.G." Cooper of Oakland. !'- \u25a0',- '•,.•'"'\u25a0-"

.' Miss*Nellie;B.Waters' recently took

h#r mother, and a'p&rty^of friends apwato;Sa n, Jose {and \u25a0 return *.!n1her tourln-rcar;

*handling> the :machine herself tth«entire distance. ;

17Mrs.'Anne Seebeck has returned froma itrip to Europe, •.most of which tixn«

she was in Paris. . .

•vMrVcharles B Wade (formerly Mfc,Ella Copeland) has returned from LoaAngeles, where she has been visitingfriends a;couple of months, and is ather handsome -\u25a0. home ;on Sixth avenuePresidio Heights. Mrs.\Wade is"on« ofthe most popular matrons In the Rich-mond District and a great favorite withthe* younger set

Teresa , Snook of 1363 Ellisstreet, a popular member of the Mex-ican: colony.- will leave for MazatlanMexico, on the steamship Curacao onNovember 7f and wlirspend the winterinv that city as the guest of GeneralFrancisco Canedo, the Governor of th<»State of Slnaloa. Mrs. Snook is a rela-tive of General Canedo and willbe ex-tensively, entertained by Mexican-so-clety. '-''>.

Mrs. j. Zannetta (nea Wolf) has ra-turned from 'Portland' and. will bepleased tosee her friends on the fourthWednesdays at,1752. Page street.

The Athenian Club will give & socialdance at the T.M.H.AIHall, Page andStanyan streets, on Sunday eveningOctober 28. . . -

, f• * . • •

. Miss Myrtle Emerson entertained *number of her little friends at a geUharoof garden party on Friday eveningat Iher residence, 2392 !Bryant avenue,in honor of her seventh birthday. Shereceived numerous gifts from her manylittle playmates. Those present were:Misses Myrtle Emerson, Dorothy Mul-ler. ;Lllas Gunn, Gertrude French,Georgia Cameron, Helen Jenne. Lol»Munsll. Mary Kennedy. Beatrice Muller.Madge Cardiff, Graces Soetze/ DoraMontgomery and Jennie Gunn, CharleaBower. Dick.Montell.Arthur Fex, Wal-ter Cardiff, Harvey Comstock, CharlesStomlolo, Frank Emerson, Lewis Mar-iana, Roger Comstock and Victor Nel-son. BMfIBKBBKMHIM

•. " "•

Mrs. W. Stanley of Stockion. whosehome is at the corner

'of Flora and

North Hunter streets, . entertainedWednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs.G. F. Cavalll of Berkeley. Mrs. L.But-terick of Stockton and .Mrs. S. P.Blumenberg of San Francisco. A mostenjoyable afternoon waa spent by thosepresent.

a surprise party last Sunday evening atthe residence of Mr.and Mrs. S. Chas-kel, 1614 Grove street, the; occasion be-ing their second wedding anniversary.Music,* games and Irefreshments . wereindulged in during,the evening and ea-Joyed by all present.

A number of years ago. more thanpeople like to remember perhaps, SantaCruz was the favorite resort of theelect, the place having been made fash-ionable largely through the prefer-ence for it of beautiful and fascinat-ing Mrs. Hall McAllister and her threedaughters, who inherited so much oftheir mother's beauty and charm,Edith, now Mrs. Francis Newlands;Marion, who was Mrs.' "Wagner, andAlice, both of whom are now dead.They vrere all wonderf ul swimmers,

and their feats in that line and theireffective bathing costumes were thefeed for unlimited conversation of themost absorbing but complimentary na-ture. Summer after summer the Mc-Allisters went to Santa Cruz, and therewere other society folk. Mrs. JohnDahlgren, then Mrs. Henry McLeanMartin, and her sister. Mrs. CrittendenThornton, were aleo very gracefulswimmers and untiring. Later Mrs.Dahlgren'* daughters. Mrs. FrancisGrace (Miss Theodosia Martin) andMiss Catherine Martin, were classedamong the experts in that line. Itbeingtai<3 'that a more beautiful swimmerthan Mrs. Grace has never. been seen atSanta Cruz. The family still havetheir home there, coming from the Easteach summer to spend the season. 'andare often to, be seen in the surf. Thehandsome Corbitt sisters, Minnie, nowMrs. Beverly MacMonagle; Nellie, nowMrs. Fred Moody, and Laura, now Mrs.Beet, were also among the society girlswho "were seen frequently on the beachat Santa Cruz and were always notedas among the ibest. of those who wereswimming. • Mrs. George Crocker andMrs. Charles D. Alexander (who., wasthen Miss Hattie Crocker) also swam«xpertly and were among the enthu-siasts of several years ago. Miss Kate'Jarboe, now Mrs. Bull, spent much timeat the pretty seaside town and was avery fin* swimmer. Monterey was th»delfcat of raany natatorial enthusiasts

/•-** OCIETVS diversions change withv»v the advance of years, and whatI was altogether the correct and

in f c* ij.*::..^ry thing to do afew years since is now regarded as asomewhat eccentric or at ieast unusualor uninteresting pursuit. Such is prac-tically the case with swimming, at leastIn or near San Francisco. In SouthernCalifornia of course it is still a seasideattraction, but climatic conditions makeit more popular there than here. Whenthe thermometer registers the mercury

around Aiie 100-degree mark it,is in-deed a joy to sink under the crest ofa cool green wave, but in our less torridregion it often requires cuite a bit ofdetermination to tak* the first plunge

Into the icy brine, and a prolonged stayin the water is apt to be a painfulexperience that is not soon forgotten*.

A few years since swimming waialmost as fashionable, except amongthe aged, as bridge is at the presenttime, but the mode of life among SanFranciscans of the socially elect haschanged entirely. A decade or twosince the world of society went awayfor the summer, not to San Rafael,

Ross Valley or Berkeley, but to SantaCruz, Aptos (a place the very name ofwhich is now forgotten), or to Monte-rey. Then bathing suits were consid-ered as carefully as ball gowns, every-thing new or bizarre in that line wascommented upon and written up in thesociety columns of the city papers. Atthe present time a published paragraph

in regard to the bathing suit of any ofthe belles of the inner circles would beregarded as a decided oddity, and thegirl who swims really well is regardedas a really accomplished young woman.

Different Now at Santa Cruz.

. There'; are to -be /at 'least half -,- adozen weddings before {the 'end 'of;theyear, wnich

"willdo muchitoward mak-ing:•th« winter' a1a1gay -one.- although :In

almost: everyJ instance -1 the ; somewhathackneyed \u25a0pfSras e, .'-which.«.we'>havebeard of nea-rly all the weddings sincethe fire, "a quiet home" affair.'.^is chosento .describe,.; the, -anticipated ?;events.'There will probably be quite a bit of

Before the fire there was an-

enthu-.siastic eet of the younger maidens- ofsociety who used to gather at.the^Lur-line Baths on certain days of the weekand deVote the, morning to swimming.Miss Helene Irwin is ;one :!of- the re-markable swimmers of the younger set,she having learned, in Honolulu, wherethe Irwins have such, extensive proper-ties and where they have spent muchtime. Miss Helen Ashton is anothergood swimmer, being particularly, fdar-less in the matter of high diving."MissMaisie Langhorne also' swims anddives well,as does her sister. Miss JuliaLanghorne. Mrs. Daniel- Shean (for-merly Miss Ursula' Stone), who. hasJust returned from the Philippines,- wasfond of swimming and' did well. Othersare Miss Maude Payne, Miss EdnaDavis, Miss YsabeTßrew'er.' Miss 'MarieBrewer and Miss Helen Thomas. Itissaid that Mrs., Will \u25a0 Tevls^ Is probablyone of the best swimmers, of the pres-ent day, and Miss Grace Baldwin is an-other expert.. Miss. ;Maude • O'Connorswims well, as do Mrs.. Edward Pond,Miss Constance Borrow©

-and :\u25a0 Miss

Elizabeth LivermoreJ % It-is useless Vtoattempt to eunmerate .the men whoswim well, as it .is :practically,


universal masculine accomplishment.Thanks to the village swimming pool,the country boys* streams or; ponds .orthe city baths, every Tjoy,becomes ableto swim; at least; "dog -fashion" beforehe reaches years of discretion, and' theman who cannot is |looked upon' as hav-ing been denied a part of the birthrightof his,early youth. V

of a more recent period, and many peo-ple have learned to swim in the tank 3at Del Monte. Mrs. Selby Hanna(formerly. Miss Marie Wells) and hercousin, Mrs. Truxtun Beale (formerly

Miss Marie Oge) were devoted to swim-ming at one time, and of course did itas extremely well as. they did every-thing, be it mastering languages, rid-ing horses or anything else' to whichthey turn their attention. Miss MinnieHoughton Is another well-known girl

who swims very well. Mrs. GastonAshe (formerly Dulce Belado)


wonderfully well, having learned.' atMonterey, the old home of her family,in her childhood. She still retains herinterest In the pursuit.and is one of thebest here.

Conditions are so different now at

these former resorts! (

Santa Cruz still has: the faithful fewwho go there each summer, and manypeople from the interior of the State,Seeing from the heat of the summermonths, throng the beaches, but it issadly changed" -sincte the days whenevery one who was any one was to bebe seen there, and no season was con-sidered complete without at least afew weeks at Santa Cruz. AtMonterey,too. all is different The beautifulhotel is filled a»»6f yore, but people gofor many brief visits during the sum-mer instead of spending the- entire sea-son, and Eastern and foreign guestsare more in evidence. People have be-come more advanced_in their ideas andmany of those who formerly went tothese places for the season go abroad.The pretty towns and country places inMarin have also been ~ built up sincethen .and have attracted? many of. theelect, who substitute golf, motoring,riding or driving for swimming.

Mrs. Fred Tallant was quite a won-derful swimmer a few years since, buthas given itup of late. Her sister. MissPearl Landers, however, still excels atIt and enjoys her tiny cottage at Mon-terey, where she has her^own privatebeach, to the fullest extent. GracefulMiss Daisy Van Ness, who Is now Mrs.*John Taylor, and who is . making atour of the world on:her honeymoonJourney, was wonderfully strong andexpert, as was also :Mlbs Flora Low.Miss Minnie Houghton is considered oneof the best, swimming really remark-ably well.. . -


Expert Girl Swimmers.

. .; Miss . Edna! Montgoemyr j,will;•? deserther \u25a0.

many- friends v;Inr San ;::Franciscowithin "\u25a0\u25a0 ar fortnight,' when" she :

;becomesthe -bride Jof;Lieutenant '•Edward' Stur--.ges, FifthsCavalry.' Ua S.'fA"^:and » goesto a New Mexico post to make her. homefor aZ time,:until t the \ fortunes % of[kwarmove:S her :soldier husband elsewhere.Theirwedding.ii celebrated at thehome of the bride's thbther.iMrs.', Mont-gomery, oncthe: northern; slope! of*Rus-sian!Hill,*,where :they;'are foccupying;thequaint vlittle:;apartment|;whereJSherrllSchell and his tmother" lived'prior.;to hisdeparture 'for Europe. "

There are to :be

As the Charleston is 'to .take theplace of the Chicago as flagship of thissquadron, it is probable that ..the:bridewill spend much of.*;her.; time in thisvicinity for the next year :.or ,two,Midshipman Goss being attached to theformer vessel

-and having jus,t made

the voyage around the Horn;from;NewYork on her. It was during,a year'sstay at Annapolis with Lieutenant andMrs. Frederick Horns (formerly MissAlma McClung) that Miss Gladys andher fiance met, he being at that timein the Naval Academy. Itis said by

those who were there at the time thatMr. Goss had one or two rather de-termined rivals, but was ;finally thefortunate man, and. the- wedding' nextweek will be a happy culmination.

Another bride of the near, futurewho has »chosen a navy man is


Mary. Marriner, :the* daughter of-Mr.'

and Mrs. Charles Marriner, whosemarriage to Lieutenant Wallace Ber-tholf, U. S. N-.a will take place • eitherduring November or ;December, -~

thedate being as yet undetermined. '. Tothe regret, of her

':friends "here MissMarriner and her parents have decidedto make their home ,in"Berkeley sincethe fire, and the wedding.willof coursetake' place there.

-The Marriners have

purchased a beautiful -home across thebay and it is said that Miss Marriner'amarriage will take place at home. Sheisa pretty, vivacious girl,-;a great fa-vorite,;and there was great questionas, to which branch of ? the" service^ shewould finally,decide to join,: two

v army

men having been, very devoted ;to herthe winter, before the announcement iof her engagement. \u25a0:: The "announce-ment came as the greatest ;ot surprisesto her friends, which goes :far/ towarddisproving; :the old saying that awoman cannot keep a secret,7 for,; theengagement had

•existed ;for.:, almost ;a

year at >:the % time jit was -told. Lieu-tenant Bertholf was "on

'sea'j; duty|atthe time, however, so ', they, decided -towait until he was on -shore^beforecelebrating :their, wedding."- LieutenantBertholf lls a .handsome, clever youngman and was among those omcers whowon special recognition' from •thel.Govr-ernment foi*.itheir.; services] during, thedisaster here last April: He Is now^sta-tioned at Mare Island 'and; they willprobably.- make their • home Ithere. \u25a0 ::

WillMarry Cavalry, Officer. .Miss Mary"Small willvbe xmarried at

the Small ;home, on ;:Broadway,;, eitherlate InNovember or'early, InDecember,

to.Lieutenants Arthur G. -Fisher, ;;Four-teenth; Cavalry; U. S.. A-, and, hers, Itoorwill be\ rather!a "quiet *,iaffair.'. MissSmall is.the: eldest of the /pretty; sisterswho have made their home here forjthelast three years, haying lived much ofthe r;time;;before that 'iin'&Sacramento.They have spent '-much"; time


esque !old*Monterey.'-however/ and ? havebeen ,great army i.belles, ?;and ?itk wasthere, that the popular,: young,? cavalry

officer met his charming young flnancee.So devoted were his attentions for sev-eral months that the news of the en-gagement came as very little;of a sur-prise, 'although it was 'none;the ;less.welcomevi.'f \u25a0

\u25a0 "',\u25a0'

\u25a0; \:'-~.''\u25a0\u25a0 ::^'-:.i_;-:\u25a0'

informal entertaining in honor of mostof the brides-to-be. Miss Edna. Mont-gomery, who is to marry LieutenantSturges. U. S. A., having been fetedcontinuously already.

The first of these weddings will bethat of Miss Gladys McClung, thedaughter of Mrs. J. jN. McClung andthe late Major .McClung," and Midship-man Nelsen Goss, U. ,S. N., _who areto be married ever so quietly heresome time next week. -the date havingnot yet;been announced. Great interestcenters in this event, especially as thenews of the. engagement comes sonearly at the same time as the wed-ding, and Miss McChing's friends havenot yet become accustomed to the ideathat, she Is to :marry a man who is astranger to them, be he ever, so charm-ing. '

Meet at the Naval Academy.

Other Events 6f|the Week; ; :

"\u25a0*. Mrs.iPauline s Jacobson^ announces


'J. An attractive photograph' appears to-day ,of pretty) Mis s,Louise ITillman,"whois;one ',of 4 the ;well-knownifand ';popularsociety,"; maids .; of: the (city.;uShe '%ls t,aclever girl, ';has I.traveled ('consider-*'ably v1;v1;in...Europe, 3 she i'j;andi?her.rf motherand:;, sister, vMiss \%Josephine •^Tlllraan,haying returned ••",?' last \u25a0:• year Atrom /{alengthy;. stay ;

abroad.:?;^Ta"ey/? entertain*i? great \dealt in^an^ informal 'IwayAattheir attractive ,home, on»Van]Ness :ave^'nue.t their ;affairs "being:always? dellght-lul:; ;• I,;vr.,;--;\,:\u0084v- :::-/.\u25a0/-:/,-:-"

f The Outsider. :

A beautiful portrait \u25a0\u25a0 is shown todayof ?Miss Martha Lee,';who jis;to'becomethe .bride of:;John- H.^Speculate Inextmonth at ;Calvary Presbyterian! Church.The is a;charminglyiprettygirli,with\beautiful Vbrown 4 eyes £andwavingr ;hair. iof \u25a0 theTsaniej hue, tone^ofherV greatest :':charms,

*however, '^being

her sweet \u25a0.expression.*- "Shells ;a^bril-liant; young \u25a0 woman;; clever and. -v cul-;_tured. ;She is a very./accomplished mu-sician band Is well-;known;amongithemusicals folks of the city.," She}has alsotaken ? great Iinterest %In

*charitable ;faf-f

fairs and is ia leading. worker injchurchinterests aa we11.,-, She is the daughterot|Mrs.}.Martha LeeIaridIhas :•lived'\u25a0> inSan \u25a0Francisco isince fchildhood.^ Herwedding iwill« be one |of1 the /events ;ofconsiderable size. it:isisaid, 'as]a.lgreatmany;invitation3 are- toibe- issued/', ';:

Mrs. A. H. Payson of San Mateo, withher maid and Ichauffeur, has started ona, tour lof Californla >inIher ;four-cylin-der. auto car.;::She .will'be:«it? Del Mon-te a'• week ;and Ithen •go;southward.*-''; Atdifferent' points Captain; Payson. 1 willjoin[her for week-end 'visits.1:(The. trip\u25a0will bealeisurely "one,. as


does inot want to be , hurried ;in&hersight;seeing. ; ; .-•'.;.-\u25a0\u25a0":\u25a0* '.::\u25a0:\u25a0:'

|Mr..and Mrs. James W. Davidson arespending :the first days

f of their|honey-moon at Del Monte. Theiriwedding wasone of the;society events ;>ofJ Oaklandlast >; week, v Mrs. Davidson \u25a0 was MissMabel Lillian Dow, randy Dr. Davidsonformerly was United States Consul'' toShanghai,

-China. He ;, has :now many

real :\u25a0;, estate ':\u25a0' and lumber interests;: inBritish Columbia andtCanada! : After,'ashort .;stay \u25a0 at Del ;\u25a0 Monte";> the •'happycouple go to their new home in Winni-peg/I Manitoba^, "'/;.: '\u25a0* S". ' .

.Every Friday night there is an in-formal hop at the Presidio of Monterey,at ;which are - many :visitors

-from ;Del

Monte and Pacific. Grove.: :One ofilthepopular :men \u25a0 last Friday was ,Midship-man-Charles G. Davy, a,'{ recent rgrad-uate of Annapolis. . He Is visiting;Mr.'and Mrs. J. P. Pryor at \u25a0 the» Grove, andis; daily expecting assignment to thePacific squadron.

onlya few of the nearest friends of thevivacious little bride,* and it is as; yetundecided as |to whether she willhaveany attendants at all; in any case thereis to ;be but one) ,r Miss Montgomeryarid Mr.;Sturges met a year or ;twosince, but their engagement dates from'the period immediately yfollowing,1 theflre,' when the!First: Cavalry was.' or-dered" here from ? their. -Texas post toaid: in guarding the city, fsComing herewith- his? regiment, ;Mr.': Sturges foundtime tov'.renew; his -.friendship; *vand;aquiet marriage on October! 3 ojisjj to:be.the.culmination. Miss Montgomery hasalready a host of friends inIthe service,so her new life has no prospect savethe pleasantest.

Miss 77^man M/t0

v The only one of jthe fall;b'rides whohas thus: far;declared herself who 'haschosen a :civilian r;Is Miss JosephineTillman,: who .will marry fJ.- MaitlandCline, the clever young Canadian whohas made such a success •in


the ;few,years of his residence here,' both in thesocial and the business "world.V MissTillman is,a*charming > girl, clever andwith a ;host, of{friends! ,She has trav-eled abroad \ extensively and a delight-,ful trip has been chosen; by.Mr.YClineand herself for their, honeymoon. Theyare to be '

married within the'first,two

weeks of December and. will leave Im-mediately ,for|New York,>going thencedirectly;,to;Naples arid ,-:to ;tour ;:' theMediterranean. .. Miss '\u25a0 Tillman's . plansare for a' quiet wedding, 'but whetherit;Is to,be a home affair has not yetbeen announced. \u25a0' \u25a0:.•;. :, \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'' 'J~'{

:;;;v - ;