sap co create profit center group end-user manual

PROJECT A-SURE User Training Manual Financial Accounting PROFIT CENTER ACCOUNTING CREATE PROFIT CENTER GROUP CUSTOMER: PTCL IMPLEMENTATION PARTNER: SIEMENS PAKISTAN Date: 17 November, 2007 Author(s): Siemens Pakistan Engineering Company Limited

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User Training Manual





Date: 17 November, 2007

Author(s): Siemens Pakistan Engineering Company Limited



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 2  Version 001  

Document Number

Document Number Document Date

CO-PC-002.01/001 17 November, 2007

Version History

Version Number Version Date Summary of Changes Ref: Minutes of Review

01 / 001 17 November 2007 NA NA



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 3  Version 001  


1.  SAP EASY ACCESS ................................................................................................. 8 

1.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ......................................................................................................... 8 1.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .............................................................................................................. 8 1.3.  DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................ 8 

2.  PROFIT CENTER GROUP ......................................................................................... 9 

2.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ......................................................................................................... 9 2.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .............................................................................................................. 9 2.3.  DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................ 9 

3.  GROUP NAME ......................................................................................................... 10 

3.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ....................................................................................................... 10 3.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP ............................................................................................................ 10 3.3.  DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 10 

4.  INSERT LOWER LEVEL GROUP ........................................................................... 11 

4.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ....................................................................................................... 11 4.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP ............................................................................................................ 11 4.3.  DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 11 

5.  PROFIT CENTER GROUP ....................................................................................... 12 

5.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ....................................................................................................... 12 5.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP ............................................................................................................ 12 5.3.  DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 12 

6.  GROUP NAME ......................................................................................................... 13 

6.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ....................................................................................................... 13 6.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP ............................................................................................................ 13 6.3.  DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 13 

7.  INSERT SAME LEVEL GROUP .............................................................................. 14 



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7.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ....................................................................................................... 14 7.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP ............................................................................................................ 14 7.3.  DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 14 

8.  PROFIT CENTER GROUP ....................................................................................... 15 

8.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ....................................................................................................... 15 8.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP ............................................................................................................ 15 8.3.  DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 15 

9.  GROUP NAME ......................................................................................................... 16 

9.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ....................................................................................................... 16 9.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP ............................................................................................................ 16 9.3.  DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 16 

10.  INSERT SAME LEVEL GROUP ............................................................................ 17 

10.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 17 10.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 17 10.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 17 

11.  PROFIT CENTER GROUP ..................................................................................... 18 

11.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 18 11.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 18 11.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 18 

12.  GROUP NAME ....................................................................................................... 19 

12.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 19 12.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 19 12.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 19 

13.  INSERT SAME LEVEL GROUP ............................................................................ 20 

13.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 20 13.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 20 13.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 20 

14.  PROFIT CENTER GROUP ..................................................................................... 21 



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14.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 21 14.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 21 14.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 21 

15.  GROUP NAME ....................................................................................................... 22 

15.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 22 15.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 22 15.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 22 

16.  INSERT SAME LEVEL GROUP ............................................................................ 23 

16.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 23 16.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 23 16.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 23 

17.  PROFIT CENTER GROUP ..................................................................................... 24 

17.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 24 17.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 24 17.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 24 

18.  GROUP NAME ....................................................................................................... 25 

18.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 25 18.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 25 18.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 25 

19.  INSERT LOWER LEVEL GROUP ......................................................................... 26 

19.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 26 19.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 26 19.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 26 

20.  PROFIT CENTER GROUP ..................................................................................... 27 

20.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 27 20.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 27 20.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 27 

21.  GROUP NAME ....................................................................................................... 28 



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21.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 28 21.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 28 21.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 28 

22.  INSERT SAME LEVEL GROUP ............................................................................ 29 

22.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 29 22.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 29 22.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 29 

23.  PROFIT CENTER GROUP ..................................................................................... 30 

23.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 30 23.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 30 23.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 30 

24.  GROUP NAME ....................................................................................................... 31 

24.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 31 24.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 31 24.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 31 

25.  INSERT PROFIT CENTER ..................................................................................... 32 

25.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 32 25.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 32 25.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 32 

26.  PROFIT CENTER ................................................................................................... 33 

26.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 33 26.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 33 26.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 33 

27.  INSERT PROFIT CENTER ..................................................................................... 34 

27.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 34 27.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 34 27.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 34 

28.  FROM - PROFIT CENTER ..................................................................................... 35 



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28.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 35 28.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 35 28.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 35 

29.  TO - PROFIT CENTER ........................................................................................... 36 

29.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 36 29.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 36 29.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 36 

30.  SAVE ...................................................................................................................... 37 

30.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 37 30.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 37 30.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 37 

31.  MESSAGE .............................................................................................................. 38 

31.1.  REQUIRED USER INPUT ..................................................................................................... 38 31.2.  SAP SCREEN SNAP .......................................................................................................... 38 31.3.  DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 38 



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 8  Version 001  

1. SAP Easy Access

1.1. Required User Input Enter "KCH1" then press Enter.

1.2. SAP Screen Snap

1.3. Description   Follow the menu path as shown in the screen snap and double click on "KCH1 - Create" OR Enter transaction code "KCH1" in the command line and press enter.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 9  Version 001  

2. Profit Center Group

2.1. Required User Input Enter "P000" then press Enter.

2.2. SAP Screen Snap

2.3. Description   Profit center group summarizes objects created with master data maintenance. This term is also the name of a node in hierarchically structured groups. The group name must be unique in a class and contains a specified Maximum_length. The groups are used to make work easier. Group names let you edit togeth er objects of the same type within Controlling.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 10  Version 001  

3. Group Name

3.1. Required User Input Enter "Pakistan Telecommunication Limited" then press Enter.

3.2. SAP Screen Snap

3.3. Description   The text describes the contents and meaning of the profit center group and helps in profit center selection at several points in the SAP System.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 11  Version 001  

4. Insert Lower Level Group

4.1. Required User Input Click on "Lower Level" button.

4.2. SAP Screen Snap

4.3. Description   To insert lower level group, pleace cursor on desired higher level group and click on "Lower Level" button in the toolbar.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 12  Version 001  

5. Profit Center Group

5.1. Required User Input Enter "P100" then press Tab.

5.2. SAP Screen Snap

5.3. Description   Profit center group summarizes objects created with master data maintenance. This term is also the name of a node in hierarchically structured groups. The group name must be unique in a class and contains a specified Maximum_length. The groups are used to make work easier. Group names let you edit togeth er objects of the same type within Controlling.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 13  Version 001  

6. Group Name

6.1. Required User Input Enter "North Zone" then press Enter.

6.2. SAP Screen Snap

6.3. Description   The text describes the contents and meaning of the profit center group and helps in profit center selection at several points in the SAP System.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 14  Version 001  

7. Insert Same Level Group

7.1. Required User Input Click on "Same Level" button.

7.2. SAP Screen Snap

7.3. Description   To insert same level group, pleace cursor on desired same level group and click on "Same Level" button in the toolbar.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 15  Version 001  

8. Profit Center Group

8.1. Required User Input Enter "P200" then press Tab.

8.2. SAP Screen Snap

8.3. Description   Profit center group summarizes objects created with master data maintenance. This term is also the name of a node in hierarchically structured groups. The group name must be unique in a class and contains a specified Maximum_length. The groups are used to make work easier. Group names let you edit togeth er objects of the same type within Controlling.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 16  Version 001  

9. Group Name

9.1. Required User Input Enter "South Zone" then press Enter.

9.2. SAP Screen Snap

9.3. Description   The text describes the contents and meaning of the profit center group and helps in profit center selection at several points in the SAP System.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 17  Version 001  

10. Insert Same Level Group

10.1. Required User Input Click on "Same Level" button.

10.2. SAP Screen Snap

10.3. Description   To insert same level group, pleace cursor on desired same level group and click on "Same Level" button in the toolbar.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 18  Version 001  

11. Profit Center Group

11.1. Required User Input Enter "P300" then press Tab.

11.2. SAP Screen Snap

11.3. Description   Profit center group summarizes objects created with master data maintenance. This term is also the name of a node in hierarchically structured groups. The group name must be unique in a class and contains a specified Maximum_length. The groups are used to make work easier. Group names let you edit togeth er objects of the same type within Controlling.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 19  Version 001  

12. Group Name

12.1. Required User Input Enter "Central Zone" then press Enter.

12.2. SAP Screen Snap

12.3. Description   The text describes the contents and meaning of the profit center group and helps in profit center selection at several points in the SAP System.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 20  Version 001  

13. Insert Same Level Group

13.1. Required User Input Click on "Same Level" button.

13.2. SAP Screen Snap

13.3. Description   To insert same level group, pleace cursor on desired same level group and click on "Same Level" button in the toolbar.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 21  Version 001  

14. Profit Center Group

14.1. Required User Input Enter "P400" then press Tab.

14.2. SAP Screen Snap

14.3. Description   Profit center group summarizes objects created with master data maintenance. This term is also the name of a node in hierarchically structured groups. The group name must be unique in a class and contains a specified Maximum_length. The groups are used to make work easier. Group names let you edit togeth er objects of the same type within Controlling.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 22  Version 001  

15. Group Name

15.1. Required User Input Enter "West Zone" then press Enter.

15.2. SAP Screen Snap

15.3. Description   The text describes the contents and meaning of the profit center group and helps in profit center selection at several points in the SAP System.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 23  Version 001  

16. Insert Same Level Group

16.1. Required User Input Click on "Same Level" button.

16.2. SAP Screen Snap

16.3. Description   To insert same level group, pleace cursor on desired same level group and click on "Same Level" button in the toolbar.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 24  Version 001  

17. Profit Center Group

17.1. Required User Input Enter "P500" then press Tab.

17.2. SAP Screen Snap

17.3. Description   Profit center group summarizes objects created with master data maintenance. This term is also the name of a node in hierarchically structured groups. The group name must be unique in a class and contains a specified Maximum_length. The groups are used to make work easier. Group names let you edit togeth er objects of the same type within Controlling.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 25  Version 001  

18. Group Name

18.1. Required User Input Enter "Head Office" then press Enter.

18.2. SAP Screen Snap

18.3. Description   The text describes the contents and meaning of the profit center group and helps in profit center selection at several points in the SAP System.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 26  Version 001  

19. Insert Lower Level Group

19.1. Required User Input Click on "Lower Level" button.

19.2. SAP Screen Snap

19.3. Description   To insert lower level group, pleace cursor on desired higher level group and click on "Lower Level" button in the toolbar.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 27  Version 001  

20. Profit Center Group

20.1. Required User Input Enter "P301" then press Tab.

20.2. SAP Screen Snap

20.3. Description   Profit center group summarizes objects created with master data maintenance. This term is also the name of a node in hierarchically structured groups. The group name must be unique in a class and contains a specified Maximum_length. The groups are used to make work easier. Group names let you edit togeth er objects of the same type within Controlling.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 28  Version 001  

21. Group Name

21.1. Required User Input Enter "Islamabad Region" then press Enter.

21.2. SAP Screen Snap

21.3. Description   The text describes the contents and meaning of the profit center group and helps in profit center selection at several points in the SAP System.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 29  Version 001  

22. Insert Same Level Group

22.1. Required User Input Click on "Same Level" button.

22.2. SAP Screen Snap

22.3. Description   To insert same level group, pleace cursor on desired same level group and click on "Same Level" button in the toolbar.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 30  Version 001  

23. Profit Center Group

23.1. Required User Input Enter "P302" then press Tab.

23.2. SAP Screen Snap

23.3. Description   Profit center group summarizes objects created with master data maintenance. This term is also the name of a node in hierarchically structured groups. The group name must be unique in a class and contains a specified Maximum_length. The groups are used to make work easier. Group names let you edit togeth er objects of the same type within Controlling.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 31  Version 001  

24. Group Name

24.1. Required User Input Enter "Rawalpindi Region" then press Enter.

24.2. SAP Screen Snap

24.3. Description   The text describes the contents and meaning of the profit center group and helps in profit center selection at several points in the SAP System.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 32  Version 001  

25. Insert Profit Center

25.1. Required User Input Click on "Insert Profit Center" Button.

25.2. SAP Screen Snap

25.3. Description   Place the cursor on desired profit center group and click on "Profit Center" to insert profit center.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 33  Version 001  

26. Profit Center

26.1. Required User Input Enter "201" then press Tab.

26.2. SAP Screen Snap

26.3. Description   A profit center is a management-oriented organizational unit used for internal controlling purposes. Dividing your company up into profit centers allows you to analyze areas of responsibility and to delegate responsibility to decentralized units, thus treating them as "companies within the company". Press F4 to see and select possible values. Always use controlling "1100" to search for profit center.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 34  Version 001  

27. Insert Profit Center

27.1. Required User Input Click on "Insert Profit Center" Button.

27.2. SAP Screen Snap

27.3. Description   Place the cursor on desired profit center group and click on "Profit Center" to insert profit center.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 35  Version 001  

28. From - Profit Center

28.1. Required User Input Enter "202" then press Tab.

28.2. SAP Screen Snap

28.3. Description   Enter starting number of profit center range. A profit center is a management-oriented organizational unit used for internal controlling purposes. Dividing your company up into profit centers allows you to analyze areas of responsibility and to delegate responsibility to decentralized units, thus treating them as "companies within the company". Press F4 to see and select possible values. Always use controlling "1100" to search for profit center.



CO‐PC‐002.01/001  Page 36  Version 001  

29. To - Profit Center

29.1. Required User Input Enter "203" then press Enter.

29.2. SAP Screen Snap

29.3. Description   Enter ending number of profit center range. A profit center is a management-oriented organizational unit used for internal controlling purposes. Dividing your company up into profit centers allows you to analyze areas of responsibility and to delegate responsibility to decentralized units, thus treating them as "companies within the company". Press F4 to see and select possible values. Always use controlling "1100" to search for profit center.



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30. Save

30.1. Required User Input Click on "Save" icon.

30.2. SAP Screen Snap

30.3. Description   Click on "Save" icon to save profit center group.



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31. Message

31.1. Required User Input Read the message to ensure that profit center group has been saved.

31.2. SAP Screen Snap

31.3. Description   Read the message to ensure that profit center group has been saved.