sap hr step-wise employee loans configuration

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    created by praneeth kumar mon Apr 7, 2014 2:46 PM, last modified by praneeth kumar mon Apr 14, 2014 9:43 AM

    Hi Friends,

    Hope every one doing well, i want to share onedocument for Employee Loans configuration. i know every one knows

    howto configure, please treat this document as a reference and give your valuable suggestions.

    1. Adjust Value Date

    Table no. V_T506S

    Here, for your payroll area you have to define Value da te

    2. Specify Interest Calculation Method

    Feature: INTLO

    Here, you have to specify the Interest Calculation Method to your country grouping / respective groupings

    3. Maintain Loan Types

    Table No. VV_T591A_4_VC506

    Here, you have to maintain the Loan types and conditions for Interest calculations

    Step-wise Employee Loans configuration

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    Version 2
  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


    4. Maintain Loans Eligibility Checks and Limits

    Table No. V_T7INJ3

    Here, you have to maintain the Eligibility check for the loan types
  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


    5. Maintain Loans Grouping

    Feature: 40LGR

    Here, you have to link the Loan eligibility to Loan Types


    IT 0045 - Loans
  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


    Repayment Plan:

    Salary Slip:

    Scenario :1

    1. When Employee in Full LOP for the Month.


    The solution is depends on the Client Requirement, whether he want Carry forward the Deduction amount to the next

    payroll period or completely waved off the Regular Repayment and Interest too for the LOP and increase the Regular

    Repayment one month extra.

    Carry forward scenario:

    1. Need to change Wage type Arrears Characteristics table V_T51P6
  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


    No Deduction Scenario:

    1. No need to change any Wage type arrears table.

    2. Need to change loan type for installment for that particular period is 0.

    3. Extend the Regular Repayment one month more or change the installment amount.
  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


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    Thanks and Best Regards,

    Praneeth Kumar

    3225 Views Topics: enterprise_resource_planning Tags: sap, hcm, erp, human_capital_management, payroll, hr

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    Sikindar TApr 7, 2014 3:07 PM

    what in case of custom specific loans ? what happens to LRP in case if employee goes full month

    LOP ? Can you let document those two things along with some other issues mentioned in the

    previious threads that would be great

    Like (2)

    praneeth kumar mApr 7, 2014 3:16 PM (in response to Sikindar T)


    Thanks for suggestion

    Custom specific loans - it depends on the conditions of Interest rates, Interest method

    calculations, Interest cycle and Payment cycle. these are client specific requirements.

    About LR P i will update those ASAP

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    vijay kumarApr 14, 2014 11:10 AM


    Can we define in the system, saying like at the end of the loan installment deduct the Cumulatedinterest.

    Note : Every month interest should not come.

    Ex: In April, granted amount is 100 rps with 2 installments. My question is for 100 rps Cumulated

    interest should calculate in the may period. How to achieve this one?

  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


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    Naresh .kmJun 23, 2014 2:24 PM

    Dear Praneeth,

    Thanks for sharing a helpful document, I would like to know how to integrate loan payments to

    payroll, I am able to create loan type and able to create a loan record in Infotype 45, but when I am

    running the payroll it is not deducting from payroll. I would like to now how we can do this? is there

    any PCR change please do needful.

    Thanks & Regards,


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    praneeth kumar mJun 23, 2014 2:40 PM (in response to Naresh .km)


    Check the standard loan wage types with /L** are processing or not ?

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    Naresh .kmJun 23, 2014 2:48 PM (in response to praneeth kumar m)

    Dear Praneeth,

    I have checked in payresult, but there is no wage type available starting with /L

    series. is there any problem in my configurations? kindly do needful

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    Naresh .kmJun 24, 2014 9:11 AM (in response to Naresh .km)

    Hi Praneeth,Thanks for support My issue is solved, I did a mistake in configuration.

    Now it is working fine.

    Link: Loan Recovery through Regular payroll_Indian PY

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    Jwala ESS MSSJun 23, 2014 7:55 PM

    Hi Praneeth ,

    nice documents from you , Really appreciate you in this ...gr88 work well done..



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    Ketul Patel Jun 24, 2014 9:29 AM


    Nice document. Appreciating effort to help others!!



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    Priya GuptaJun 24, 2014 2:25 PM

    Good Document

    where can i see principle amount?

    I would like to know the remaining amount to be paid I would like to know If iam configuring loan

    suppose for example Employee loan is for 5 years how do i do that

    Like (2)

    praneeth kumar mJun 24, 2014 3:55 PM (in response to Priya Gupta)

    Hi Priya,

    After maintainin g the tabs Basic data, Cond itions & Payments cl ick on the button "CREATE

    REPAYMENT PLAN (F8) " it will show the no. of months according to the repayment value

    and interest for every month.

    Naresh .kmJun 25, 2014 7:34 AM (in response to praneeth kumar m)

    Dear Praneeth,

    Thanks for sharing good document as you said it will show the repayment value

    and the interest for every month as below.T Code: PA30

  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


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    After you exe cute it w ill show a clear record li ke bel ow.

    Thanks & Regards,


    Sai SivaJun 27, 2014 8:17 AM

    Hi Praneeth,

    Thanks for the document on Loan

    Can u please clarify this:

    There is a requirement on which the employee status is inactive - on leave, so payroll is not run but

    the payment is shown in Remuneration statement.

    August the Payroll is no t run but repayment is sho wn i n Paysl ip
  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


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    Please provide your inputs on this.

    Thank you,


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    Naresh .km Jun 27, 2014 8:45 AM (in response to Sai Siva)

    HI Sai Shiva,

    As Praneeth said in this document you can follow below steps,

    1) Change loan type for installment for that particular period is 0.

    2) Extend the Regular Repayment one month more or change the installment amount, then it will




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    Ahmad KarimOct 12, 2014 3:28 PM


    I was wondering is it possible to use "V_T7INJ3" (maintain eligibility checks) and feature 40LGR for

    "other countries / International Payroll" as well or not?


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    Bhagyashree NaikOct 13, 2014 7:00 AM (in response to Ahmad Karim)

    Hi Praneeth,

    Can you also please specify in your document, if we have different loan types, then it should

    get triggered in different wage type and posting for the same to be done in different GL's?

    This will become very helpful document for future reference in that case.

    Also, I h ad come across a requirement, wh erein user wa nted to post these different type o f

    loan in their respective GL's in the particular employee vendor account. Is this possible?



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    praneeth kumar mOct 17, 2014 7:39 AM (in response to Bhagyashree Naik)

    Hi Naik,

    As you suggested for Loan payments posting to different G/L. check in the bel ow


    Employee Loan payments Posting to Different G/L Account's

    Best Regards,

    Praneeth kumar

    praneeth kumar mOct 13, 2014 7:41 AM (in response to Ahmad Karim)

    Hi Ahmad,

    Table V_T7INJ3 and Feature 40LGR is belongs to country grouping India (40). check for

    your country Loans configuration nodes you may find some.


  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


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    Praneeth kumar

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    Ahmad KarimOct 13, 2014 8:14 AM (in response to praneeth kumar m)

    I am working with the international grouping 99 Is there anything we can use to get

    the same functionality?

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    praneeth kumar mOct 13, 2014 8:21 AM (in response to Ahmad Karim)


    you can do same in the Node payroll - international - loans and go with

    feature INTLO with Decision operation Country grouping, loan type, loan


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    Ahmad KarimOct 13, 2014 10:42 AM (in response to praneeth kumar m)

    Thanks for the input but how can we limit the system to check

    the loan payment amount against the employee assets for

    example gratuity and Provident Fund. Is it possible or should be

    use ABAP ?

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    Ravi MDec 1, 2014 8:26 AM

    Hi SAP Guru's,Please help on the below:

    An empl oyee h as avai led loan of Rs.10000 0/-, and d eduction of Rs. 10 000/- is started from Aug

    2014, now the employee wants to the EMI to reduced to Rs. 5000/- with effective 01.11.2014.

    When i make changes in IT 0045 instalment amount Rs.5000/-, system is making the changes

    effective 01 Aug 2014.

    My query is, installment deducted till Oct 2014 should not change.



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    praneeth kumar mDec 1, 2014 11:20 AM (in response to Ravi M)

    Hi Ravi,for this you have to close the loan by 31.10.2014, and create new loan from 01.11.2014 on-

    wards for the remaining amount with 5000/- installment.

    requesting you open a question,

    Best Regards,

    Praneeth kumar

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    Ravi MDec 1, 2014 1:42 PM

    Thanks Praneeth,

    Actually i delimited the lo an as on 3 1st Oct 2014 and crea ted a new loan with R s. 70000/- as op ening

    balance, and run the payroll but iam getting below error:

    Loan ends on 30.10.2014, although the loan was not completely repaid in period 07. Extendthe validity period for this loan, or increase the repayment or special repayment in theperiod.please guide.



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    praneeth kumar mDec 1, 2014 1:56 PM (in response to Ravi M)

    Hi Ravi,

    you are not suppose to delimit the loan, in the payment tab give the date 31.10.2014 and

    payment type 0200 - spl. repayment (external) and give the remaining amount. and run the

    payroll live. then create new loan for remaining amount.

    Ravi MDec 1, 2014 2:29 PM

    Hi Praneeth,

    Continuation to your response, if we close the loan amount,how do we treat the remaining loan

  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


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    balance amount. Do we have to show it as the remaining loan amount has been recovered from the

    salary and again re issue the loan, but our finance team doesn't accept for it.Cant we adjust with existing loan.

    Provide your valuable input.


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    Ravi MDec 1, 2014 2:34 PM

    Hi Praneeth,

    Can you please elaborate.Ravi.

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    Ravi MDec 1, 2014 4:12 PM

    Hi Praneeth,

    Thanks for ur support.

    As suggested, In Payment tab chang ed the date as 31st Oct 2014 and selected 0 200 - Specia l

    Repayment (external) and entered the remaining loan amount 70000/-, saved it and run the payroll,

    its working fine.

    Later i created new loan account with the remaining amount saved and rerun the payroll, but system

    is not deducting the new loan amount 5000/-.

    pls let me know where am i going wrong.



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    Ravi MDec 2, 2014 11:08 AM

    Hi Praneeth,

    I could identify where i was wrong and rectified.

    Actually i missed to enter the details in Payments tab, i.e., l oan start d ate, payment type- Loan

    Repayment (external) and amount.

    Entered the above and rerun the payroll.

    Its working fine,

    Highly appreciate your kind support in resolving this.



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    Priya GuptaMay 26, 2015 3:17 PM

    In case of LOP for full month How it is going to process Please let me know

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    Sankarsan DeyMay 26, 2015 3:27 PM (in response to Priya Gupta)

    Hi Priya,

    You can go with priority deduction T51P6 table. but best way to change the repayment start

    date by copying the current record.



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    Priya GuptaMay 26, 2015 3:58 PM (in response to Sankarsan Dey)

    Suppose if i give lop for 1 month that is on 01.01.2014 for full month i have to copy

    and change repayment start date

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    praneeth kumar mMay 27, 2015 5:57 AM (in response to Priya Gupta)

    Hi,In the document Scenario 1 is LOP scenario.

    and given 2 suggestions ie., carry farword scenario and No deduction


    check these and try for your requirement.

  • 7/23/2019 SAP HR Step-wise Employee Loans Configuration


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    Mamedo MahmoudJul 5, 2015 8:27 PM

    His experts

    Did I change any thing in schema

    Kindly Advise .

    praneeth kumar m