sardar vallabhbhai patel national police academy - outdoor … · our mission the primary purpose...

O O u u t t d d o o o o r r T T r r a a i i n n i i n n g g H H a a n n d d b b o o o o k k 72 RR Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy Hyderabad

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Page 1: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy - Outdoor … · Our Mission The primary purpose of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy is to prepare leaders for

OOuuttddoooorr TTrraaiinniinngg HHaannddbbooookk 7722 RRRR

SSaarrddaarr VVaallllaabbhhbbhhaaii PPaatteell

NNaattiioonnaall PPoolliiccee AAccaaddeemmyy HHyyddeerraabbaadd

Page 2: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy - Outdoor … · Our Mission The primary purpose of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy is to prepare leaders for

Our Mission

The primary purpose of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National

Police Academy is to prepare leaders for the Indian Police, who will

lead/command the force with courage, uprightness, dedication and a

strong sense of service to the people.

The Academy will endeavor to inculcate in them, such values and

norms as would help them serve the people better. In particular, it will try

to inculcate integrity of the highest order, sensitivity to aspirations of

people in a fast changing social and economic milieu, respect for human

rights, broad liberal perspective of law and justice, high standard of

professionalism, physical fitness and mental alertness.

The Academy will be a focal point for training of the trainers of

police training institutions all over the country and will provide

consultancy services to sister training institutions for improving their

management of training.

The Academy will be a centre for research studies on police

subjects and will expand its resource base through tie-ups with similar

institutions in and outside the country.

Page 3: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy - Outdoor … · Our Mission The primary purpose of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy is to prepare leaders for


Topic Page General 1-3 Code of Conduct 4 Syllabus 5-23 Marks 24-26 Excellent Standards 27 Dress Order 27-29 Outdoor Facilities 30-31 Squads 32 Appointments of Probationers 32-33 Extra Classes 33 NAP (Not Attended Periods) 34 Sick Report 34 Games 35 Annual Athletic Meet 36 Annual Aquatic Meet 37 Inter Squad Competitions 38 List of Trophies 39-41 APPENDICES: Marking scheme of Periodical Examinations 42-47 Marking Scheme of Final Examinations Phase-I 48-59 Marking Scheme of Final Examinations Phase-II 60-64

Page 4: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy - Outdoor … · Our Mission The primary purpose of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy is to prepare leaders for


GENERAL Academy is the "Gateway" to the Profession Our goal is to send out police officers with adequate preparation to perform Policing

effectively for next 8-10 years. Physical fitness, smart drill, safe and efficient weapon handling and firing, high risk-

taking ability, high confidence and good leadership are some of the essential qualities of a police officer that the training tries to achieve.

Attitudes and inherent discipline go a long way in fulfilling that goal. All entrants to the Police Organization need to get sensitized to its ethos and norms

of behaviour. Overview Physical fitness is an underlying factor for performing essential and critical

physical functions of the job effectively. Qualities of leadership, team work, perseverance and high threshold stress levels

are important in police work which can be acquired through squad system of outdoor training in the Academy.

The purpose of conducting tests and defining common minimum standards is to discriminate between those who can and who cannot perform the essential and critical functions of the job.

The final aim of the outdoor regime is to give Probationers a platform to understand the nuances of long term physical fitness and understand the various options to obtain the same.

Objectives of Outdoor Training To develop strength, endurance, flexibility and body coordination. We value fitness

for its relationship to health and for its contribution to performance in profession. To develop leadership qualities. To develop high levels of confidence. To inculcate a strong sense of internal and external discipline required of an officer of

the Indian Police Service. To build an attitude to endure stress and work for long hours without physical and

mental fatigue. To develop the ability of teamwork. To learn command and control. To improve turnout, posture and personal drill so as to act as a role model and earn

respect of men. To develop pride in uniform; and To learn firing, weapon handling, tactical operations, combat, riot control and other

such skills which are critical and essential for any professional police officer.

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Compulsory Minimum Standards The Probationers are required to attain a prescribed level of fitness and skills in all

the outdoor activities. Minimum Passing Score: 50% in each outdoor subject as well as in aggregate of all subjects is required in order to successfully complete the basic course.

An effort to guarantee success in the tests is the responsibility of the Probationer. Scheduled training sessions are limited due to fixed duration available in each working day. The Probationers who are weak are expected to schedule personal exercise time in areas of his/her weakness. Facilities and opportunities will be provided liberally by the Academy. Academy instructors will provide guidance and assistance to facilitate learning. Initiative has to come from the Probationer.

Failures and Injuries

All tests are compulsory and must be passed before a probationer can complete probation and continue in service.

In case of failure, one gets another chance to pass after which the case is referred to the MHA for review.

Probationers who are injured during basic training and are unable to proceed further must successfully complete the Programme at a later date when approved by the physician. In such a case, they will have to attend compensatory classes in lieu of classes missed by them or they may be relegated for the next batch depending upon the number of missed out classes. Probation period is liable for extension owing to non-completion of basic training due to any reasons.

Principles of Learning

The important physiological principles that shall be followed in the outdoor training to attain steady progress are:-

Readiness: The value of training depends upon the physical and psychological readiness of the individual. Readiness comes with maturity in thinking and humility.

Adaptation: Training induces subtle changes as the body adapts to the added demands. The level of difficulty shall slowly increase to give time to the body to adapt itself to the demands.

Overload: Training must place a demand on the body's systems if desired adaptations are to take place. The rate of improvement is related to three factors - frequency, intensity and duration of exercise. The overload stimulates changes in the muscles and other systems designed to help the body to cope with future demands.

Progression: To achieve adaptations using principles of overload, training follows principle of progression. Hence there is a steady increase in the intensity of inputs.

Specificity: All outdoor inputs are designed to impart specific skills. They are need based.

Repetition: Certain inputs, such as drill and weapon handling, rely heavily on the principle of building ‘muscle memory’ through repetitions, as the actions need to become part of officer’s reflex action.

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Variation: To avoid boredom and to maintain interest, variations are introduced at the appropriate times.

Reversibility: It takes longer to achieve fitness and outdoor skills than to lose it. Hence, a year-round schedule must be maintained.

Group Activities: Outdoor training in the Academy is conducted primarily as a group activity to inculcate ethos of team-work. This is intended to ensure that weaker team members push themselves to reach higher standards and stronger members of the team pull their weaker mates up.

Potential: Every individual has a potential maximal level of performance. Most of us never come close to that potential performance. The only way to approach this maximal potential is to regularly participate in physical activity.

Multiple benefits are expected to accrue to the Probationer from the comprehensive outdoor inputs planned for them. The following chart explains the gains from various activities:


































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PT Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Drill Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y WT Y Y Firing Y Y Y Y Y Riding Y Y Y Y Y FC & Tactics Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Riot Drill Y Y Y Y Y Y Driving Y Y Swimming Y Y Y Y Y UAC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Yoga Y Y Y Y Y Adv. Sports Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Games Y Y Y Y Y Y

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CODE OF CONDUCT Punctuality:

• This is sacrosanct. The Probationers will follow the time schedule given in the weekly programme or as stated by the AD (OD)/CDI/DI.

• Outdoor activity will be deemed to start from falling-in in front of IPS Mess till dispersal after the outdoors.

Turn out: • Dress order as specified in the training programme will be abided by. • Immaculate turnout is the responsibility of the Probationer and cannot be left to

washer man or bearer. • All Gentlemen Probationers will sport a uniform haircut pattern and Lady

Probationers shall tie their hair in a bun covered with black net. • No finger rings, neck chains, wristwatches, bangles etc. are permitted during any

Outdoor activity.

Discipline: • All Commands or instructions by any faculty member or instructor will be implicitly

obeyed and carried out. • Any resistance in obedience, execution, unnecessary clarifications or arguments will

be construed as indiscipline of gravest nature. • All Probationers shall properly march from IPS Mess to training area; one training

area to another; and training area to IPS Mess in proper manner in complete silence. • The Squad shall be responsible for any indiscipline attributable to a member of the

group as a whole.

Compliments to Seniors: • All Probationers shall pay proper compliments to all seniors in the prescribed

manner, whether alone or in a group. • The Group/Squad Commander shall give appropriate salutary commands to pay

respects to all senior officers.

Absence from Outdoor training: • The Outdoor training is a part of your duty and absence from it will amount to

absence from duty. No Probationer shall stay in his room, for whatever reason, including illness, during outdoor training.

• No Probationer will go directly to the hospital during Outdoor training without the prior permission of the AD (OD) or CDI.

• Staying back in IPS mess or proceeding to hospital directly will be treated as an act of indiscipline and entail disciplinary action.

Cell phone policy: • Probationers will not carry any cellular phone handset during any training activity. In

case of being found with one, the same would be seized.

Violation of any of the above instructions will be treated as a grave misconduct liable for appropriate disciplinary action.

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AA.. PPhhyyssiiccaall TTrraaiinniinngg

To develop strength, endurance, flexibility and body coordination. We value fitness for its relationship to health and for its contribution to performance in profession. Physical Training would comprise the following:- Endurance training/ cross-country runs Strength, speed and flexibility training Obstacle course/assault course

The following physical activities will be conducted during the physical training periods:

1. PT – Endurance and strengthening exercises 2. Road Walk and Run 3. Physical Proficiency Test 4. Assault Course 5. PT Obstacles 6. Weight Training 7. Aerobics 8. Forward Roll 9. Vertical rope 10. Wall Bar Exercises

RRooaadd WWaallkk aanndd RRuunn

Road walks and runs shall be organized periodically to develop endurance and

stamina. Over the period of the Basic Course, Probationers are expected to be able to develop endurance to cover distance upto 16 Kms by a combination of walking and running within a specified time limit.

AAssssaauulltt CCoouurrssee

This will include: Basics Advance with speed Speed Practice

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B. Drill There is a heavy but essential input of Drill during basic training. A probationer would

be trained in Drill with and without arms, Ceremonial Drill, sword drill, Lathi Drill, Riot Drill & Tear Smoke Drill.

The reason for the emphasis on drill is that the foundation of discipline, team work and the correct way of wearing the uniform is laid on the parade ground. The Probationer would also learn the virtues of punctuality, obeying the leader's orders, tolerating fatigue and would be able to move the troops from one place to another in a correct manner. Doing the drill together in a group will inculcate cohesion amongst Probationers.

The aim of giving inputs in drill without and with arms is to equip a probationer with the basics of individual drill and squad drill. It is a pre-requisite of a smart turnout, posture, march and ability to command a squad besides individual performance of a probationer.

The aim of imparting knowledge and practice of Ceremonial Drill is to equip a probationer with the ability to conduct parades on ceremonial occasions in the field, besides commanding such parades as ASP or SP. The ability to command and control is a core requirement of a police officer and this trait is also developed through Ceremonial Drill.

B.1 Drill without Arms This will include:

• Attention, Stand-at-ease, paces forward, rear & sideways

• Saluting at halt, open and close order march

• Stationary turning and dressing in squad

• Marching in slow time / mark time / changing step

• Marching in quick time / mark time / changing step

• Saluting on the march (both quick & slow)

• Saluting in various situations

• Turning on march (both quick and slow)

• Breaking into slow, quick & double march and vice versa and line tor

• Forming two ranks / three ranks, getting on parade and marching (in lines / threes)

• Forming single file from threes, reforming in threes (at halt and on the move)

• Changing Direction

• Forming line

• Practice in squad Drill (without arms)

• Application of Drill (after completion of Drill with Arms)

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BB..22 DDrriillll wwiitthh AArrmmss This will include:

• General rules of rifle exercises and fall-in with 7.62 mm Self Loading rifle in order arm (baazu shastra) and attention, stand at ease and stand easy.

• Samtol Shastr Aur Baju Shastra • Baju Shastr Se Bagal Shastr Aur Vapis • Baju Shastr Se Salami Shastr Aur Vapis • Bhumi Shastr Aur Uthao Shastr • Saluting with the Rifle while standing and while on move • Baju Shastr Se Nirikshan Ke Liye Janch Shastr Aur Vapis • Baju Shastr se Tol Shastr aur Vapis, Baju Shastr se sambhal, Shastr aur vapis /

Tol Shastra aur Sambhal Shastra se badal Shastr aur vapis • Slope(Kandhe Shastr) from order and vice-versa with .303 Rifle • Present Arms (Salami Shastr) from the slope and vice versa With .303 Rifle • Practice in Commanding a Squad / Bringing the Squad/Platoon on the Marker.

Note – Drill with Arms will be integrated with Weapon Training

References for Drill with and Without Arms • Drill Manual published by BPR&D.

CBT package made by the Academy & available on training channel of Academy LAN.

B.3 Riot control module

The objective of imparting instructions in this subject is to train a probationer in the correct techniques of employing force against an unlawful assembly and the various munitions available for the same. The basic formations and the basic exercises will be taught.

It may be stated that these drills cannot be strictly followed in real life situations because of constraints of terrain, time and availability of manpower. However, these drills provide the basic framework on which innovations can be made depending on the situations. This would be reinforced by simulated exercises in Riot Drill.

Exposure to non lethal, Para-lethal & lethal options shall be given.

The principle of minimum use of force to disperse an unlawful assemble contains simple measures like presence of police to use of non lethal munitions use of contact equipment like lathi, batons, and in extreme conditions use of lethal fire power.

This will include:

((ii)) LLaatthhii DDrriillll::-- Introduction and attack Defence drill Attack and defence

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(ii) Tear Smoke Drill:

Introduction, history, characteristics, type of munitions and respirator. Mechanism of Grenades and shells, storage of munitions, tactical use of Tear Smoke

and first aid. Gun drill and Grenade throwing drill Firing and throwing of munitions

Reference: Academy publication on Tear Smoke Munitions.

((iiiiii)) RRiioott CCoonnttrrooll DDrriillll::

Lecture and demo on Riot Control Drill Preparation and formations of Control parties Basic Riot Control Drill Action all round, left, right and rear Various formations and debussing drill Lecture/demo by Rapid Action Force (RAF) Practice Simulation

Reference: Academy publication on Riot Control.

BB..44 CCeerreemmoonniiaall DDrriillll && SSwwoorrdd DDrriillll This will include:

Introduction and parts etc. of the Sword. Attention, draw and return Swords. Stand-at-ease from attention and vice versa. Quick and slow march & halt. Saluting at the halt. Saluting at the march. Knowledge and Practice to command a Ceremonial Parade and knowledge of Police Band

Drill Manual published by BPR&D.

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BB..55 BBrraassss BBaanndd && BBuuggllee CCaallllss The Police Band is an integral part of any police organization. It helps to maintain the

traditions and specific identity of the Police as a uniformed force. Many police functions and activities would seem incomplete without a Band. Therefore, it is essential that a probationer should be conversant with the practices, traditions, instruments and the tunes played by bugler and the Police Band.

(i) Brass Band Instruments

The Probationers should be able to recognize the following Band instruments and

also know the main characteristics of the instruments. Woodwind Section 1. B Flat Clarinet 2. E Flat Clarinet 3. E Flat Saxophone 4. B Flat Tenor 5. Saxophone

Brass Section 1. B Flat Cornet 2. B Flat Trombone 3. B Flat Euphonium 4. E Flat Bass 5. Tubular Bells

Percussion Section 1. Side Drum 2. Bass Drum 3. Cymbal

(ii) Band Tunes The Probationers should be able to recognize the following Band tunes and the

names of their composers and indicate on what occasions these tunes are played.

SN Title Name of the Music Composers 1 General Salute General Salute Shri F.H. Reed 2 General Salute Our Chief Shri F.H. Reed 3 National Anthem (Full) Jana Gana Mana Shri Faicly Brisk 4 National Anthem

(Short) Jana Gana Mana Shri Faicly Brisk

5 Quick March Vijay Bharat Shri M.W.O. Gerge 6 Quick March Bharat ke Jawan - 7 Quick March Sare Jahan Se Achha Shri A. Loboe 8 Slow March Rajasthan Shri F.H. Reed 9 Review Order Deshon Ka Sartaj Bharat Shri L.B. Gurung 10 Slow March Auld Land Syne* Shri L.B. Gurung 11 Hymn Abide with Me* Shri William H.

Monk 12 Raag Ragbahar Shri F.H. Reed 13 Tango Garden in India Sete 14 Sweet Valse Jai Vir Bharat Vishal Shri H.B. Gautam

* Probationers should also know the wordings of these tunes.

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(iii) Bugle Calls

The Probationers should recognize the following Bugle Calls and indicate when they are sounded.

SN Bugle Call Time/ Occasion 1 Reveille 0500 hrs 2 Dress Call 0530 hrs 3 Marker Call 0552 hrs 4 Officers Call 0557 hrs 5 Parade March-up 0615 hrs 6 Parade Dismiss 0830 hrs 7 Guard Mounting Call 1630 hrs 8 Guard March-up 1700 hrs 9 Retreat (After dawn) 10 Officers Dress for Dinner (1st

Call) 1930 hrs

11 Officers Dinner Call (2nd Call) 1950 hrs 12 Dinner Call 2000 hrs 13 Fanfare (Chief Guest Arrival) 14 General Salute DIG and above 15 Guard Salute (Weekly Officer) 16 Fire Alarm (any time at campus area)

Reference: A CD on band tunes and bugle calls made by the Academy and is available

on LAN

C. Weapon Training and Firing

The objective of Weapon Training is to make a probationer proficient in handling different weapons presently in use in the police forces.

The Probationer would be required to undergo extensive practice in handling the weapons correctly, disassembling and assembling them and proper maintenance of weapons.

A good grounding in weapon training would also be required for Probationer to acquire proficiency in firing these weapons thereafter.

Day by day police is required to deal with increasing incidence of violence in the society, including special problems like naxalism, insurgency and terrorism, etc. Proficiency with weapons may turn out to be the crucial factor in saving life and property in such situations.

Varies with


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While imparting instructions in the use of the weapons, particular emphasis will be laid on the following aspects:

I. Safety II. Maintenance III. Ease in handling IV. Firing accuracy

A probationer will be taught the fundamentals of shooting:

The stance and position Grip and aids to developing a good grip Breath Control Sight Alignment: The eye, Relationship of sights, Points of Focus, Concentration Trigger Control: Factors providing for control, Application of trigger pressure, Errors

in the trigger control and means of combating the same. Zeroing

He will be given extensive practice in firing each of the weapons mentioned earlier.

The firing session would be progressive starting from practices where safety is the major concern subsequently moving to accurate firing and firing under stress. The last stage of firearm training would be to fire in simulated combat conditions in different scenarios which will include obstacle crossing, identification of target, changing weapons and engaging targets while on the move.

At the end of weapon training, Probationers will undergo realistic firing practice which would integrate physical fitness, mental alertness & firing skills.

Objective: To train a probationer to neutralize a target consistently, in minimum possible time in real-life like situations.

Range Discipline and Safety is the most essential requirement during any training in Firing. Any casualness in this regard can result in serious consequences.

This will include: .303” Rifle

Introduction, Stripping Assembling, Cleaning and sight setting, Load, Unload, Lying position, Holding and Aiming, Trigger control, Firing Position and Firing a Shot.

7.62 mm SLR Introduction, Stripping, Cleaning and Assembling, Load, Unload, Lying position,

Holding and Aiming, Firing a shot, Mechanism and Stoppages.

.38” Revolver Introduction, Inspection, Good habits and Cleaning, Load, Unload and Fire.

9 mm Pistol Auto/Browning Introductions, Stripping, Cleaning and Assembling, Load, Unload and firing a shot.

9 mm Pistol Glock Introduction, Striping, Cleaning, Assembling, Function check, Load, unload, Low

ready position, Presentation of weapon, aiming, firing, Stoppages and immediate action and firing from different positions.

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9 mm SAF Carbine Introduction, Stripping, Cleaning, Assembling, Load, Unload, Carrying, firing,

stoppages and immediate action.

9 mm MP-5

Introduction, Striping, Cleaning, Assembling, Load, Unload, holding, aiming and firing.

7.62 mm AKM Introduction, Stripping, Cleaning and Assembling, Load, Unload, Firing a shot,

Firing from different positions, Mechanism and Stoppages.

5.56 mm INSAS Introduction, Stripping, Cleaning and Assembling, Load, Unload, Lying position,

Holding and Aiming, Firing a shot, Mechanism and stoppages.

7.62 mm LMG Introduction, Stripping, Cleaning and Assembling, Function Check, Load,

Unload, Lying position, Holding and Aiming, Firing a shot, Mechanism and Stoppages.

HE-36 Grenade Prime, Un-Prime, Throwing, Lobbing of HE-36 Hand Grenade & Use of High Wire.


Lecture on Theory of Small Arms fire and functioning of weapon Lecture on theory of Normal group and Zeroing of weapons

References Précis on Weapon Training published by the Academy. Interactive quizzes on training channel of LAN. Firing practices will be in four stages:-

1. Basic 2. Advanced 3.Reflex 4. Combat

Weapons that Probationer will fire:

Weapon Training at Academy WT at CSWT, BSF, Indore

Intensive Training Familiarization 9 mm. Pistol .303" Rifle SSG-69 Sniper Rifle Glock Pistol .38 Revolver INSAS 5.56 mm Rifle/LMG A.K. 47 Rifle .22 Rifle 2" Mortar/51mm Mortar 7.62mm SLR Corner Shot Automatic Grenade Launcher 9 mm. S.A.F. Carbine .303/ 7.62mm LMG HE No. 36 Hand Grenade 9 mm MP-5 5.56mm INSAS Exposure to CGRL

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Reflex & Combat Firing Module Combat shooting skills have to be learnt over and above the traditional

marksmanship methods. Though police officers have to use minimum force, until and unless a policeman is properly trained in effective use of weapons, S/he may fall prey to the offenders' bullets.

A special module on "Reflex Shooting" with the weapons, which will be mainly handled by the IPS Officers, would be conducted. Probationer will be given firing practices against single and later multiple silhouette targets placed at the ranges in such a manner as to simulate real, typically encountered situations.

It has also been realized that training in individual combat, while unquestionably important in its own right, will be worthless if the principles of tactics are ignored. The purpose of utilizing effective tactical procedures is to train the firer to place himself in the best possible position at all times, use the fundamental marksmanship skills, while minimizing his own exposure to danger.

The advanced stage of firing practices, where firing scenarios are created for different scenarios / situations involving multiple targets like friend and foe target, crowd scenario targets, improves confidence and demands identifying targets while on move in urban and jungle combat environments. Stress is introduced with introduction of obstacles in combat firing in different pattern every time to simulate real field conditions. The module also introduces trainees to concepts of changing from primary to secondary fire arm, fire and move techniques, tactical reload etc.

ALERT! Marksmanship is of no use, if a weapon is handled unsafely- causing danger to oneself and others. Moreover, a police officer has to organize annual firing practices, where safety is the foremost criterion. Therefore, any kind of casualness and deviation from prescribed drill on the range in either firing or weapon handling will be viewed extremely seriously. Apart from any other action that shall be taken, the defaulter will be withdrawn from the firing range and asked to undergo additional practice in weapon handling on holidays.

At the end of weapon training, the Probationers will undergo realistic firing practice which would integrate physical fitness, mental alertness and firing skills.

DD.. YYooggaa Yoga is a timeless practice evolved over thousands of years dealing with physical,

moral, mental and spiritual well being of man as a whole.

This training will help a probationer to develop a skill set that will enable him to enhance his strengths, address impediments and bring about alignment, balance and harmony as a whole.

The aim of imparting knowledge and practice in yoga is to expose a probationer to correct understanding and employment of scientific technique to manage his / her health and stress. This is taught in a slow and phased manner and also done in a relaxed mood. This will be only an introductory course to enable a probationer to adopt yoga as a health and stress management alternative in the future.

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This will include:

Standing Asanas S. No. Asana S. No. Asana

1 Suryanamaskar Asana 5 Padhastasana 2 Trikonasana 6 Taadasana 3 Parivrittatrikonasana 7 Triyaktadasana 4 Ardhachakrasana 8 Katichakrasana

Sitting (Twisting and Forward bends) S. No. Asana S. No. Asana

1 Vajrasana 6 Ardhamatsyendrasana 2 Padmasana 7 Janusirasana 3 Matsyasana 8 Shashankasana 4 Ushtrasana 9 Mandukasana 5 Paschimuttanasana


S. No. Asana S. No. Asana 1 Ardhasalbhasana / Salbhasna 4 Naukasana 2 Bhujangasana 5 Makrasana 3 Dhanurasana

Lying Position

S. No. Asana S. No. Asana 1 Sarvangasana 6 Pawan Muktasana 2 Halasana 7 Uttanpadasana 3 Markatasana 8 Padvritasana 4 Kandhrasana 9 Padsanchalanasana 5 Chakrasana 10 Savasana


S. No. Asana S. No. Asana 1 Kapalbhati 3 Brahmari 2 Anuloma Viloma 4 Ujjaipranayam

Reference Book: Asana-Pranayama, Bharatiya Yog Sangthan,

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E. Unarmed Combat

A direct application of physical fitness is in the capability of preventing loss of life and property. In many law and order situations, a probationer would be required to lead his / her men in taking action against the mob. It is unavoidable to come in close physical proximity to the mob in such situations.

The training in UAC would give him / her the required skill and confidence to accomplish this task as a leader. Though this is just one example, there would be numerous other situations in which training in UAC would come in useful not only in its actual application but also because it gives a probationer confidence in his / her own physical ability of handling such situations. He / she may also get encouraged to coach his / her men in these skills and propagate the use of UAC in his / her organization.

This will include: • Basic Punches/ Jabs • Blocks • Kicks • Falls • Throws • Defense against knife • Use of Police Baton/ Defense against Pistol • Controlled Sparring/ Boxing/ Street Fight • Boxing with a Buddy • Street Fight (Gang Attack) • Control Sparring with Buddy (Full Contact)

F. Swimming

The training in swimming is imparted with the objective of improving a probationers physical fitness, enhancing confidence levels besides training him / her in crossing water obstacles and in life saving methods. This will include: Introduction and Submerging and Breathing Inhalation and Exhalation with

Submerging Breathing and Leg Action and Breathing, Floating and Gliding Leg Actions and Arm Action with Breathing Slow free style Swimming with Tube and Breathing Slow free style Swimming with lesser air in tube Free style Swimming without tube with support Free style Swimming with leg action practice Free style Breadth wise with support Note – The Probationer is required to achieve the minimum standard of being able to

swim minimum 50 m in Free style. References Booklet on swimming by title ‘Take Up Swimming’

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GG.. EEqquuiittaattiioonn

A number of State Police Forces and the CAPF’s have mounted Police units which are utilized for law and order maintenance, patrolling, Traffic Control and Ceremonial duties. Hence, the objective of the Equitation classes will be:

i. Acquaint the trainees about the role of the Mounted Police for Police Duties.

ii. Acquaint the trainees about the basics of horsemanship.

iii. Develop skill in riding amongst the Probationers and thereby creating an awareness amongst the Probationers about his/her self-confidence and awareness of their capability of dealing with physically threatening tasks in their different roles as a senior police officer.

iv. Acquaint the trainee officers about the management of mounted Police Units by developing knowledge about the basics of Horsemanship, stable management and care of the horses.

v. Acquaint the Trainee Officers about the role and utility of the mounted police units in maintenance of law and order, patrolling, traffic management and tactical operations.

vi. Develop and generate a sense of compassion and love of animals amongst the Probationers.

This will include: • Saddling and Bridling • Savdhaan and Vishraam with horse • Mount and dismount with and without stirrups • Mount on the horse and move forward • Trot without rising, apply correct aids • Stirrup fitting dismount and mount (Without helper) and trot. • Mount with and without stirrups, trot, turns, circle and straight riding. • Introduction to jumping and jumping practice. • Cross-Country. • Test Practices • Stable Management • Mounted Crowd Control Strategies • Veterinary Management • Inspection of Mounted Police Units • Horse Purchase Procedure • Condemnation Procedure

References Training Film on riding available on LAN. Precis on “Equitation & Stable Management”

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HH.. FFiirrsstt AAiidd aanndd AAmmbbuullaannccee DDrriillll

Inputs on First Aid essentials, techniques, equipment used and other life saving procedures will be given to the Probationers by the expert institutions to develop the skills of life saving to help a fellow being in distress. This will include:

1. General Principles of First Aid 2. Choking, its causes & First Aid 3. Recovery position 4. Blood, Basic Physiology of bleeding, Causes & types of bleeding 5. Application of bandages for control of bleeding 6. Report of an incident 7. Bullet injuries, Blast injuries, Piercing Chest injury 8. Burns 9. Electric Shock 10. Snake bite, Dog bite, Scorpion/ insect bite 11. Dressing & bandaging of various types of injuries by roller & triangular bandages 12. Causes of respiratory/cardiac arrest 13. Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (Basic life support) 14. Sprain 15. Fracture types 16. Spinal injury 17. Sun Stroke 18. Stroke (Cerebra vascular accident) 19. Ambulance drill.

II.. MMoottoorr MMeecchhaanniissmm && DDrriivviinngg

Probationer will be given a short basic course on Motor Mechanism, which includes inputs about a motor vehicle, its engine and other components, various systems like fuel, gear, ignition, cooling, brakes and their functioning, theoretical & practical inputs on the mechanics of automobiles, road signs & signals, driving of light motor vehicle.

Lessons in driving of a light motor vehicle will be imparted to those Probationers who do not know driving. The driving sessions will be scheduled on holidays. A probationer will undergo 15 classes (10 km per class) before he becomes eligible to appear in the driving test.

JJ.. OOtthheerr aaccttiivviittiieess

Probationer will be given a basic course in rock climbing by the Indo-Tibet Border Police instructors. This training will help to build confidence in Probationer’s own physical resources and develop courage. In addition, adventure sports like Scuba Diving, River Rafting, Parasailing, Archery, etc will be organised.

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KK.. FFiieelldd CCrraafftt && TTaaccttiiccss aanndd MMaapp RReeaaddiinngg 11.. SSPPEECCIIAALL TTAACCTTIICCSS WWIINNGG ((SSTTWW)) The Wing is involved in the training of IPS probationers with the view of imparting knowledge and sharpening of their tactical skills. The important areas of focus for tactical training given to IPS probationers are Jungle/ Urban Combat, Explosives and IEDs, Map reading, Intelligence collection, Communication, Combat Firing, Rescue/ First Aid, team building, improving psychomotor skills etc. through hands on practical training. The tactical training has been designed into progressive modules which are subsequently integrated into other streams of training giving the Probationers an opportunity to appreciate plan and execute tactical operations independently. Besides, the Tactics training at the Academy STW also exposes the probationers to latest in weapons and equipments. Apart for the field craft and tactics modules, the STW has an important role to play in the route marches conducted for the IPS probationers. The route marches are clubbed with either demonstrations of field craft and tactics or tactical exercises. 2. Objectives and Syllabus

In the present-day internal security scenario, a police officer of the rank of ASP and SP must have the ability to plan, execute and lead tactical operations against extremists, terrorists, naxals and other anti-social elements. Besides, the inputs in field craft such as field signals, indication of targets, observation by day and night, etc., a probationer must be able to appreciate platoon level tactics such as raid, cordon and search, ambush and recovery, combing, first responder action to IEDs etc. during this training course. The instructions and training inputs are given through lectures, demonstrations, sand model exercises and simulated exercises,

At the end of the course, all probationers must be able to develop the capability to plan an operation and brief the troops on Sand Model/ Eye Sketch/ Cloth Model.

A probationer would also be taught Map Reading whereby S/he would acquire the skill of reading a map and using the information for planning and operation or reaching a destination in day or night with the use of a Service Prismatic Compass/ GPS.

The Probationers would also be trained in Police Tactics like search, frisking, restraining, arrest techniques, Road Opening Party (ROP), Mobile Check Post (MCP) and any other skills/ tactics deemed necessary for execution of effective field operations.

By the end of the Course, a probationer should be able to perform as an Operational Commander and should possess excellent knowledge in the subject to be judged through

Written Exam Practical Planning an operation and briefing on Sand Model Meaningfully be able to use a map, GPS and Compass

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Approx. 84 training sessions have been earmarked for training in Field craft, Tactics &

Map reading. These will include:

1. The Tactics training is planned to be conducted in two parts:-

a) Field craft and Tactics – 1 (FCT-1) = 34

b) Field craft and Tactics – 2 (FCT-2) = 50 (of 06 full days excluding PT Period)

Total = 84 Periods 2. FCT-1 (34 Periods)

Basic FCT Demonstrations

S. No Topic Method

1. Why Things are seen Lecture/demo and practice

2. Judging distance Lecture/demo and practice

3. Field Signals Lecture/demo and practice

4. Camouflage and concealment Lecture/demo and practice

5. Section formation Lecture/demo and practice

6. Identification and description of targets Lecture/demo and practice

7. Fire control Orders Lecture/demo and practice

Map Reading

S. No Topic Method

1. Introduction to Survey of India map, Information available on Map, colours, Scale and conventional symbols, use of accessories used in Map Reading, Contours and Study of geographical features.

Classes and Practicals

2. Finding North, aligning Map with North, Finding own position, plotting coordinate of own position

3. Map to ground, ground to Map, finding and plotting coordinates, Operational route planning

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4. Introduction to GPS and its settings, finding own position, saving way points and navigation through GPS

Classes and Practicals

5. Ex Bharat Darshan (Navigation through GPS), Preparation of route, Track and track back

6. Introduction to Terra Explorer, saving Points and making route on Terra.

7. GPS and Terra, Google Earth Interface, transferring prepared route from PC to GPS and navigation

8. GPS Track log analysis

3. FCT-2 (06 days) MODULES Periods a. Urban Operations Module = 18 b. Explosives Counter IEDs, PBI Module = 16 c. Police Operations Module = 16

S. No Topic Method

(a) Urban Operations Module (Two days)

1. Principles of Urban Ops Lecture/ demo and practice

2. Target Analysis

3. Target folder

4. House clearance Ops (Troops to task, Cordon & Sniping, HIT, Reserve and QRT)

5. Tactical Holding Area, Last cover and concealed position, Final assault position and approach to target house.

6. Breaching and diversion

7. Room Entry (Single room, Room in room, Corner negotiation, Transition of weapon)

8. Corridor clearance drills, stair case drills and multiple entry

9. Building clearance drills (House and Multi story building)

10. Planning, preparation and execution of house clearance ops

11. Urban Ops related Firing practice

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(b) Explosives Counter IEDs, PBI Module (Two days)

12. Introduction to Explosives

Lecture/ demo and practice

13. Identification of explosives and accessories

14. Chain of Detonation (electric and non electric)

15. Introduction to IEDs, switches and Circuits

16. Live Demonstration of initiating mechanism

17. Case study/ latest IED trends in India

18. Police response to bomb threat call, immediate action drills

19. Categorization of IED threat and deployment of RSP(Render Safe Procedures)

20. Demonstration of RSP of IEDs of various threat categories

21. Electric demolition range

22. Introduction to Post blast procedures

23. Demonstration of PBI drill

24. Practice collection and packing of evidence

25. Post blast documentation

(c) Police Operations Module (Two days)

26. Search (area/ vehicle/ house) Lecture/ demo and practice

27. Approaching a suspect (Cover and contact concept)

28. Frisking, restraining and arresting techniques.

29. Urban Patrolling

30. Road opening Party (ROP)

31 Mobile Check Post (MCP) / Naka

32. Convoy escort It is compulsory to attend all tactics modules. Any probationer failing to attend any of the above sessions/modules, for any reason whatsoever, will be counted absent for the number of periods designated for the module. However, for appearing in the final exams, a special session/module, only once for each module, shall be conducted in phase-1 to complete the missed out sessions/modules. If any probationer fails to attend the special session/module, conducted as mentioned above, he/she would not be allowed to appear in the final exam in phase-1 and the special final exam for such probationers would be conducted in phase-2.

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4. ROUTE MARCHES During the basic course, a total of 04 route marches, over the span of 08 months, will

normally be held as a part of training activity and these route marches will generally be conducted on a day preceding the holidays or Saturday.

The route marches will be held to familiarize the Probationers with basic police tactics like navigation, patrolling, combing, ambush and other field operations and also to create the stamina for marching long distances in unknown terrain and to develop Probationers’ ability to engage in activities demanding high levels of physical inputs and mental alertness for a long duration and at odd hours without substantial deterioration in physical performance and mental alertness. This ability and endurance are going to be core competency of a police officer.

Dress Order Camouflage dungaree, jungle shoes, khaki socks, anklets and forage cap.

The Probationers will carry rifles from the first route march onwards. Exercise during Route Marches

Exercises on the following will be simulated and conducted for reinforcing the classroom inputs as well as for continuous evaluation for examinations:

1. Visual Training, Camouflage, Concealment, Judging Distance, Indication of targets

2. Eye & memory sketching for operational briefing

3. Section formation and field signals

4. Patrolling

5. Selection of fire position & cover

6. Section chance encounter

7. Day/ night Navigation with Maps, compass and GPS

8. Combing

9. Briefing exercises

Important Instructions for Route Marches Observation Exercises will be a regular and inherent part of any Route March and all

Probationers shall keenly observe the Route/ surroundings in order to memorize the route, observe it from a tactical point of view and negotiate it in a safe manner. Snap Tests may be held to check on this aspect.

All Probationers shall carry the prescribed notebook & pen during every route march.

As Police is a 24-hour job, in order to habituate Probationers to quickly respond to any call of duty at odd hours, there will be surprise route marches/ emergency checks to be carried out in the middle of night. The dress order for these exercises would be same as for the route marches. On sounding of the whistle, the probationers are expected to report in front of the IPS Mess, within 5 minutes. The probationers are expected to wake up neighbors immediately on hearing the whistle.

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All route marches have to be successfully completed. Probationers, failing to successfully complete 15 Kms and/ or 25 Kms route marches within phase I shall not be allowed to attend the 40 Km route march. Probationers, who fail to attend or successfully complete 40 Kms route march, shall complete the same during Phase II.

The Route Marches would be conducted in B Scale Uniform (Combat dress, Rifle, Back pack with specified items)

15 Kms = 04 Periods 25 Kms = 05 Periods 25 Kms (with navigation exercises) = 07 Periods 40 Kms = 10 Periods

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Distribution of Marks in Outdoor Subjects

A. Physical Training : 80 B. Drill (including Sword & Ceremonial drill) : 100 C. Weapon Training and Firing : 80 D. Yoga : 25 E. Unarmed Combat : 30 F. Swimming : 25 G. Field Craft & Tactics / Map Reading : 200 H. Equitation : 40 I. First Aid & Ambulance Drill : 20 J. Motor Mechanism and Driving : Qualifying ________________________________________________________________________ Total : 600

The detailed marking scheme of each subject for the periodical and final examinations is given as Appendix – I, II & lII. However, if there are any change in the marking scheme by the Director, then the scheme may be changed accordingly and would be notified before the commencement of exams. With regard to the qualifying subject, the marks secured will not be added to the final results of the Probationers but are intended to declare whether a probationer has qualified or otherwise in a particular qualifying subject. However, the performance of a probationer in a Qualifying Subject may be reflected in the Director’s Assessment.

Periodical tests and final examinations The basic course inputs in outdoor training will be given throughout the phase-I and phase-II training. The examination in outdoor subjects shall consist of the following:

(i) Periodical Tests with 20% weightage (ii) Final Outdoor Examinations with 80% weightage

Note: The periodical tests of all outdoor subjects shall be conducted in phase-I.

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The examination in the outdoor subjects shall be conducted as per the following schedule:

Periodical Tests

A. Physical Training The examination shall comprise of the following components:

Components Marks

P.P.T 6

BOAC (10 Obstacles) 4

Run (8 KM) 6

Total 16

Note: The probationer has to complete all the components of the above examination otherwise he/she would be deemed to have not completed the examination of physical training subject. However if he/she fails to successfully complete any component he/she would be awarded zero marks in that component of examination. B. Drill : 20

C. Weapon Training and Firing : 16

D. Yoga : 05

E. Unarmed Combat : 06

F. Swimming : 05

G. Field Craft & Tactics / Map Reading : 40

H. Equitation : 08

I. First Aid & Ambulance Drill : 04

Total : 120

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Final Examination (Phase-I) A. Physical Training (Part-1) : 48 The examination shall comprise of the following components:

Components Marks

P.P.T. 16

BOAC (17 obstacles) 22

Cross Country (16 KM) 10

Note: The probationer has to complete all the components of the above examination otherwise he/ she would be deemed to have not completed the examination of physical training subject. However if he/ she fails to successfully complete any component, he/ she shall be awarded zero marks in that component of examination.

B. Drill (Part-1) : 40

C. Weapon Training and Firing (Part-1) : 32

D. Yoga (Part-1) : 10

E. Unarmed Combat : 24

F. Field Craft & Tactics / Map Reading : 160

G. Equitation : 32

H. First Aid & Ambulance Drill : 16

Total : 362


A. Physical Training (Part-2) : 16 B. Drill (including Sword & Ceremonial drill)(Part-2) : 40 C. Weapon Training and Firing (Part-2) : 32 D. Yoga (Part-2) : 10 E. Swimming : 20

Total : 118

Note: If a Probationer fails to obtain minimum 50% marks in the final examination (in case where final examination is held as Part- 1 and Part- 2, marks will be counted for both parts put together) the probationer shall be deemed to have “FAILED” and the marks obtained by him/ her will not be taken into account for arriving at the total marks in that subject.

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The Probationers who achieve excellent standards (full marks) mentioned in final examination scheme would be exempted from attending the classes of PT, PPT, BOAC and Swimming and would be allowed to attend the classes of their choice from other scheduled activities or as instructed/permitted in lieu of these activities. However, a monthly review test would be conducted in these activities and Probationers, who were earlier exempted from any activity, would be required to achieve these standards otherwise the exemption would be withdrawn.


The Dress order for various training activities is given below. Probationers must understand that it is their personal responsibility to ensure the readiness and availability of the uniform items. They must ensure day to day dress order with their Squad commanders/ Course Adjutant/ DIs.

Gentlemen probationers shall shave their beards daily in the morning before attending the earliest training activity and also on holidays. No gentleman probationer is allowed to sport beard except for turbaned Sikhs.


Review Order `B’: Trousers- (Khaki Cellular) Shirt (Khaki Cellular) IPS Scarf Brown ankle boots Khaki socks Peak cap (Khaki Pagri for Sikh officers) Sam Browne belt Title shoulder Rank badges Dark blue lanyard with whistle NPA Formation sign Name Plate

Drill Practice

Same as Review Order ‘B’ except peak cap, cross belt & scarf, it will be Beret cap and web belt.

Sourcing The material/items mentioned above will be sourced from Suraksha Plaza and

stitching done by NPA Approved tailor only.

Working Uniform

Trousers and shirt- terry cot Uniform brown oxford shoes Khaki Socks Leather belt Rank badges Title- Shoulder

NPA Formation sign Dark blue lanyard with whistle

Name plate Batch badges

Beret cap (Khaki Pagri for Sikh Probationers)

Sourcing The material/ items mentioned above will be sourced from Suraksha Plaza and

stitching done by NPA Approved tailor only.

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Physical Training and Games

Physical Training: PT shirt Shorts (Track pants/Slacks for lady Probationers) Track Suit Sports Shoes White Socks

Games: Same as PT Dress

Swimming Costume: Own choice

Sourcing Track Suit, PT and Games dress and socks as prescribed will be sourced from

Suraksha Plaza. Probationers can purchase shoes of their own choice.

WT / Field Craft & Tactics / Route Marches / Rock Climbing

2-piece Camouflage Dungaree Jungle boots Khaki socks Anklets (No anklets during Rock Climbing) Web belt Forage Cap


The material/items mentioned above will be sourced from Suraksha Plaza and stitching done by NPA Approved tailor only.

Equitation Riding breeches Web belt PT Shirt Riding Helmet Uniform Khaki Drill Shirt will be worn for riding on certain specified occasions.


Probationers will purchase breeches from Suraksha Plaza. Helmets and Shoes will also be purchased.

Formals Gentlemen:

1. Bandagala- Black sapphire, White shirt, Black Oxford shoes 2. Formal trousers, Full sleeve shirt, Tie, Leather shoes

Ladies: 1. Pattern saree 2. Saree / Salwar Kameez, Sandals/Western Formals

Sourcing The Probationers have choice of selecting shoes, cloth and tailor based on the above prescription.

Informal Civvies Gents: Formal trousers, full sleeve shirt, leather shoes and socks Ladies: Saree / Salwar Kameez and sandals/ Western formals

Sourcing: Own choice

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Casuals Choice of individuals

Important Correct Turnout, i.e. ironing, cleanliness, polishing etc. of uniforms/ metal or leather items is ultimately the responsibility of the Probationer concerned and not the Room Bearer/ Washerman. Probationers will ensure that their uniforms are stitched through the approved tailors of the Academy as per the regulations and ensure that completion certificates are not given unless the work is done as per specifications.

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The Academy has a very well equipped Gymnasium / Endurance Training Hall on the first floor of the Diamond Jubilee Complex.

The Endurance Training Hall at Diamond Jubilee Complex will remain open round the clock.

A new Indoor Sports Complex comprising of its functional facilities for Squash, Aerobics, Badminton, Table Tennis, well equipped Gymnasium and changing room facilities, is situated near PT ground.

Physiotherapy Centre Injury management is the individual responsibility of a probationer. However, the

Academy provides all facilities to a probationer in the process of injury management in the form of guidance from outdoor instructors, consultation with Sports Medicine experts and physiotherapy facilities.

There is a physiotherapy centre in the old gymnasium which has got modern equipments manned by expert physiotherapists. All Probationers are encouraged to use this facility in consultation with the physiotherapist and Sports Medicine expert.

Swimming Pool An Olympic size Swimming Pool is available for the Probationer to learn swimming.

For those who know swimming, this is an opportunity to improve.

Each squad will be allotted a limited number of periods for learning the basics of swimming. Those Probationers, who are weak in swimming, will have a choice to go to Swimming Pool during their own time as per timings of swimming pool.

The swimming coach will be in-charge of the Pool. Timings of the swimming pool will be as follows:

Category On all Working Days Except Monday

On Holidays, Saturdays & Sundays

For Faculty Members, Participants of In-Service Courses and Families 0730-0830 Hrs 0700-0830 Hrs

For Ladies and Children 0830-0930 Hrs ---

For Probationers Only 0600-0730 Hrs 1600-1800 Hrs ---

Open to All 1800-2030 Hrs 0830-1200 Hrs 1700-2030 Hrs

Pool will remain closed on Monday Timings may be changed as per requirements. All Probationers using the pool will comply with the instructions laid down and

displayed at the pool for use of the Swimming pool. No one shall enter the pool in the absence of Swimming Coach/ Life Guard. No one will be allowed to use the swimming pool without proper swimming costume.

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Spa Modern spa is available in the swimming pool premises and behind the old gymnasium for the use of the Officers and Probationers. The following facilities are available here:

• Sauna Bath • Steam bath • Jacuzzi

Separate facilities are available for gentlemen and ladies. These facilities are therapeutic in providing relief after strenuous outdoor activity. The precautions to be maintained while using these facilities are as displayed at the Spa. Probationers are instructed to follow these while using these facilities.

Sports Facilities 1. Volleyball: Three Courts in PT Ground (Artificial & clay). 2. Basket ball: Two Courts near DJC. 3. Football: One ground at Stadium. 4. Hockey PT Ground and site C behind BCTC. 5. Handball Two courts at PT Ground. 6. Badminton: 4 Courts in Old Gymnasium & 4 at Indoor Sports Complex. 7. Lawn Tennis: 3 Synthetic Courts & 1 Clay Court near Old Gymnasium Block. 8. Squash: 1 Court behind Old Gymnasium Block & 2 courts in Indoor Sports Complex.

Yoga Dhyan Yoga Kendra is located between Indoor Sport Complex & Diamond Jubilee


Artificial Wall One Artificial wall is located near Diamond Jubilee Complex.

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Formation of Squads Since Outdoor training in the Academy is conducted primarily as a group activity, efforts are made to equitably divide the Probationers into groups of comparable height, weight, inherent physical proficiency, so that there is a healthy competition amongst the squads and each squad has a realistic chance of outperforming the other squads.

Squads will be formed by conducting systematic and scientific assessment of Probationers’ physical fitness. No requests, in any form, shall be made by a probationer to any Faculty Member/ CDI/ DI/ ADI regarding preference for a specific squad or DI/ ADI.


For the purpose of maintaining discipline and smooth co-ordination, the following appointments are made amongst the Probationers.

Course Adjutant The Course Adjutant will be appointed by the AD (OD) for daily by rotation from each squad. The duties of the Course Adjutant would be as follows: S/he will find out the daily training programme one day in advance from the CDI and

ensure that the instructions relating to the venue, dress order and time are strictly complied with by the Probationers.

S/he will be responsible for communicating to the Probationers any instructions from AD (OD)/ CDI.

S/he will maintain daily parade statement and report the same to the CDI during the morning and evening markers. S/he will be solely responsible for ACCURACY of the parade statement.

S/he will verify about the Probationers who are absent and inform CDI/ AD (OD).

S/he will ensure that the Probationers report in time at various venues and S/he will march them up from the IPS Mess to the place where they are required to fall-in.

S/he will be responsible for reporting any departure from discipline by any Probationer. Any such instance will be immediately reported to the AD (OD) through the CDI.

Squad Commander One Squad Commander will be appointed by AD(OD) for each squad by rotation for a period of 02 days and S/he will assist the Course Adjutant in his/ her function mentioned above. S/he will be responsible for discipline and conduct of the squad and in case of any absence of the Probationers from the squad or departure from discipline, S/he will report the matter to the Course Adjutant/squad DI and exercise full command and control over the squad during the week. His/her duties will be of similar nature as that of Course Adjutant, but limited to his/her Squad.

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S/he will be responsible for communicating to the Probationers of his/her squad any instructions from AD(OD) / CDI / DI Course Adjutant in a timely manner.

The responsibility for accuracy of Parade Statement in respect of his/her Squad will be the sole responsibility of Squad Commander.

S/he will ensure that his/her squad report in time at various venues and S/he will march them up from the IPS Mess to the place where they are required to fall-in.

S/he will ensure that proper discipline is maintained while squad move from one place to another or when they fall in at the parade ground or P.T. ground during the Games period.

IMPORTANT It is the duty of the Course Adjutant and the Squad Commanders that they familiarize themselves with the correct drill and job requirements of their respective roles by the last working day of the preceding week, by taking a briefing from their DIs and rehearsing the drill.


During the Outdoor Training, it is essential that every Probationer attends the scheduled number of classes in every subject. This is mandatory and is a pre-requisite for appearing in any Periodical/ Final Exam. Therefore, extra classes are scheduled during holidays to:

• Enable the Probationers to attend compensatory classes in lieu of classes missed by them on account of illness, etc.

• Enable the Probationers found lacking in any subject to make up.

• As a punishment for any lapses.

Probationers may note that once an extra class is scheduled, it is to be treated as important as regular class and no casualness in respect of punctuality, turnout, dress order, compulsory attendance, etc. is permissible. However, scheduling of extra classes is at the discretion of AD (OD).

• A probationer will be allowed to take examination in any outdoor subject only if S/he has fulfilled the minimum required attendance (95%) in classes of that subject.

• A continuous evaluation of Probationers’ attendance in outdoor subjects would be carried out and at any time of training, if any Probationer is found to have missed, for any reason whatsoever, more than 10% of the overall regular classes for that phase of outdoor training, S/he would be relegated to training with the next batch. It is, however, made absolutely clear that, for this purpose, the completion of extra classes for fulfilling the attendance criteria for appearing in the outdoor examinations are not counted towards attendance for regular classes.

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NAP (Not Attended Period) 1. If a Probationer is absent from any class for whatever reason (leave, illness etc) S/he

will be marked absent and that class will be counted as NAP.

2. Lady probationers may take one day off from performing physical activities during

their menstrual cycle. It will not be counted as a NAP, but they need to be present at

the venue of the class and listen to the instruction.

3. Compensatory Training in lieu of NAP can be scheduled in the evening (either during

the games period or thereafter depending upon the rigor of the day and rigor of the

extra class). However, Compensatory Training in lieu of NAP during games may

usually be availed only up to a limit of 40% of the total periods; prior approval of

Director must be taken. Compensatory Training in lieu of NAP can also be

scheduled during weekends. However, usually one day in each week, (Sunday)

Probationer should get rest.

4. NAP in cases of serious injury: If a probationer has sustained serious

injury/injuries on the outdoor field/activities resulting in missing more than 75 periods,

Director may decide to reduce the obligation to attend some Compensatory Training,

on case to case basis.

5. No Compensatory Training class will be scheduled till end February, 2020.

6. No Compensatory Training class will be scheduled in lieu of NAP within 3 days of

discharge from hospital. In discharge after hospitalization of over 3 days,

Compensatory Training classes will be scheduled after consultation with the doctor

7. Compensatory Training in lieu of NAP may be scheduled during some attachments’,

those which can be easily repeated. This option would only be for probationers

missing large number of classes and with approval of Director.

SSIICCKK RREEPPOORRTT No Probationer will go directly to the hospital during Outdoor training without the prior

permission of the AD (OD) or CDI.

If a probationer is unwell the procedure to be followed is:

• S/he brings it to the notice of the Squad DI.

• The Sick NCO, after permission of AD(OD) or CDI, will take them for medical treatment.

• Staying back in the IPS mess or proceeding to the hospital directly will be treated as an act of indiscipline and entail disciplinary action.

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- Games, both team & individual, are important for a Police Officer. These games initiate a probationer into activities which need skill and teamwork.

- At the Academy, we give a high priority to games and Probationers are expected to pick up at least 2 team & 1 individual games during the training.

- Games periods will be scheduled on the basis of preference given by the Probationers and available facilities. However the individual games will be scheduled depending on the available facilities only.

Team Games 1. Football 2. Handball 3. Hockey 4. Basketball 5. Volleyball

- The objective of the above team games is to initiate the probationers into games which are regularly played by policemen in the States. By being able to participate in these games, the Probationers will find it easier to interact with the police personnel they lead. This will result in improved informal interaction and espirit-de-corps.

- The team games are also good for physical fitness, bonding within the squad and a healthy sense of competition.

- Among five team games, probationers need to choose 2 games of their choice. However, they need to give at least 03 preferences so that all the Probationers can be accommodated.

- After every 3 or 4 months, probationers will be asked for their options again. They can retain earlier options or go for a fresh one.

- If any of the 5 games does not get enough Probationers opting for 90% of the team strength, (say for a game of strength of 20 for both sides to be actually scheduled at least 18 persons should opt for it) the said game will not be offered in that time cycle. If a particular game gets more options and if infrastructure permits, then that game may be scheduled at more than one venue.

Individual Games 1. Lawn Tennis 2. Badminton 3. Squash 4. Table Tennis

- These games can be effectively used for unwinding oneself in the field besides keeping oneself fit.

Matches - Matches can be played on Saturdays / Sundays / holidays between two teams of

Probationers or a team of Probationers versus team of faculty (including trainers) or any outside team.

- For this purpose, a written request, indicating the names of the players and their willingness, must be given by the Games Captain to CDI / Sports Officer at least two days in advance, so that necessary logistic arrangements can be made.

Assessment - Marks are allotted for performance in Games and Sports, based on the performance in

chosen games. The performance is assessed throughout the basic course and weightage is given to participation/ performance in games championships.

- These marks are considered for Director’s assessment as well as for Maharaj Singh Cup for Games and Sports. The detailed distribution of marks for Maharaj Singh Cup for games and sports will be notified subsequently.

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The Academy organizes an Annual Athletic Meet on a grand scale to enable the Probationers to display their talent as well as expose the Probationers to the nuances of organizing large scale sports events such as All India Police Sports Meets etc. Broadly the meet comprises below mentioned events and rules, however at the time of meet a separate notification will be issued:

Individual Events (Separately for Gentlemen and Lady Probationers): (i) Track Events: (1) 100 M run (2) 200 M run (3) 400 M run (4) 800 M run (5) 1500 M run (6) 5000 M run (7) 110 M Hurdles (ii) Field Events: (8) Triple Jump (9) Long Jump (10) High Jump (11) Shot Put (12) Javelin throw (13) Hammer Throw (14) Discus throw

Team Events (1) 4 x 100 M relay (2) 4 x 100 M Medley relay (3 Men Probationer & 1 Lady Probationer)

(3) 4 x 400 M relay (4) Tug-of-War (5) 10 X 3 KMs Inter Squad Cycle Relay

Points for Best Athlete and Inter Squad Championship Points in each Individual (Open to all) and Team Events will be awarded as follows:-

Individual Event Team Event 1st Position - 12 marks 2nd Position - 08 marks 3rd Position - 06 marks

1st Team - 24 Marks 2nd Team -16 Marks 3rd Team - 10 Marks

A probationer can take part in a maximum of five individual events out of which a maximum of three can be from either track events or field events.

Compulsory Participation: Each Probationer (including Lady Probationers) shall compulsorily participate in at least 1 Track and 1 Field event.

The event will not be conducted in case the number of participants is less than 6 in case of Gentlemen & 5 in case of Lady Probationers. Best Athlete and Best Squad The Probationer securing highest points will be declared as Best Athlete of the meet.

In case of tie, the Probationer securing more medals of higher weightage will be declared winner. In case there is still tie based on consideration of medals of higher weightage, the probationer with higher standing in the common event(s), in which the tied probationers have participated, would be declared the winner. Same criteria will be used for deciding the Best Squad also.

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Broadly the meet comprises below mentioned events and rules, however at the time of meet a separate notification will be issued:

Individual Events Team Events (Inter Squad)

For Gentlemen 50 M. Back Stroke 50 M. Free Style 50 M. Breast Stroke 50 M. Butter Fly 100 M. Free Style 100 M Breast Stroke 200 M. Free Style 200 M Individual Medley

For Lady 50 M. Free Style 100 M. Free Style

4 X 50 M. Medley Relay 4X 50 M. Free Style relay Inter Squad Water Polo Match

Non-Competitive Events Besides the above mentioned events, the following events will also be held:

50 M Free Style for Beginners (for those Gentlemen & Lady Probationers who did not know swimming at the start of Basic Course)

4x50 M. Free-style Relay for Probationers v/s Faculty & Staff.

Rules for Annual Aquatic Meet Marks will be allotted for each Individual and Team Event as per the Criteria adopted

in Annual Athletic Meet.

A probationer can participate in any number of events.

The Probationer securing highest points will be declared as Best Swimmer of the meet. In case of tie, the Probationer securing more medals of higher weightage will be declared winner. In case there is still tie based on consideration of medals of higher weightage, the probationer with higher standing in the common event(s), in which the tied probationers have participated, would be declared the winner. Same criteria will be used for deciding the Best Squad also.

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Broadly Inter Squad Competitions will be conducted in the following disciplines for the Batch and accordingly best squad will be declared. However the detailed scheme will be issued separately:

The best Squad will be decided based on the following three components:

(1) Cross Country (2) Athletic Meet (3)Swimming

(1) Riding (2) Yoga (3) PT (4) Drill (5) WT & Musketry (6) UAC (7) FC & Tactics (8) First Aid & ambulance Drill

AD(OD)'s assessment on squad's performance with regard to (1) discipline (2) punctuality (3) turnout (4) team work (5) interest in training (6) Sincerity

The detailed criteria of assessment and marks to be awarded for the above

components will be notified later.

The squad emerging first will be awarded the Surendra Nath Trophy for the Best Squad.

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The following Cups/Trophies in Outdoor subjects will be awarded to Probationers, who secure the highest marks as per the criteria given below. The jury for the competition for each trophy will consist of a minimum of two members to be nominated by the Director.

S. No Name of the Trophy/Cup etc.

Subject(s) Positions in Exam

Exam weightage

Special Competition weightage

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 The Jaipur Cup for

P.T. Physical Training

Top 12 50% 50%

2 The 51st Batch of Senior Course Officers’ Trophy for Unarmed Combat.

Unarmed Combat

Top 12 50% 50%

3 Gandhi Gyan Mandir Yoga Kendra Trophy for Yoga

Yoga Top 12 50% 50%

4 Smt. Vinodini Verma memorial cup for Musketry

Firing Top 12 75%


5 The S.R.B cup for Drill

Drill & Ceremonial Drill

Top 12 50% 50%

6 The Tonk Cup for Equitation

Equitation Through a selection process

The following trophies/cups will be awarded to a probationer who stands first/ secures highest marks as per the criteria mentioned below:

S. No

Name of the Trophy Subject(s) Marks Total Marks


1 2 3 4 5 6

7 Shri R. D. Singh cup for swimming

Swimming - - This cup will be awarded to a Probationer declared as the best swimmer of the batch based on the performance in the Annual Aquatic Meet.

8 Shri Umesh Chandra Trophy for Field Combat

a) Field Craft, Tactics & Map Reading

b) Weapon Training & Firing

c) Assault Course




290 This trophy will be awarded based on the marks secured in the final examinations in the subjects as mentioned in Col.3, as per the weight age mentioned in Col.4.

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9 The Maharaj Singh Cup for Games & Sports

a) Compulsory Games

b) Optional games c) Athletic Meet d) Aquatic Meet e) Adventure Sports






150 This cup will be awarded on the basis assessment made by a board of officers nominated by the Director, who will assess the performance of Probationers in games and sports and award the marks.

10 Shri Parash Moni Das Memorial Trophy for Adventure Sports

a) Rock Climbing b) River Rafting c) Artificial Wall Climbing d) Powered Hand

Gliding e) Para Sailing f) Scuba Diving g) Participation in

activities of adventure sports club.

Note: Marks of only those activities which have been conducted shall be taken into account for award of the trophy. All activities carry equal marks

- 100 This trophy will be awarded to the topper in adventure sports based on the marks obtained as per prescribed criteria.

11 ITBP Trophy for Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing - - This trophy will be awarded to a Probationer who secures highest marks in Rock Climbing Module. In case more than one probationer secures same marks, a competition will be conducted amongst them to determine the winner.

12 The BSF Trophy for Proficiency in Outdoor Subjects

a) PT b) Drill c) Ceremonial Drill d)Weapon Training d) UAC e) Yoga g) Swimming h) Equestrian I)Field Craft, Tactics

& Map Reading J) First Aid &

Ambulance drill

80 75 25 80 30 25 25 40 200 20

600 This trophy will be awarded based on the marks secured in final examinations in compulsory outdoor subjects as mentioned in Col.3, 4 & 5.

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13 The IPS Association’s Sword of Honour for the Best Outdoor Probationer

a) All compulsory outdoor subjects

b) Games and


600 100

700 This trophy will be awarded based on the marks secured in the final examination in all compulsory outdoor subjects together with marks secured in Games and Sports. The marks obtained for Maharaj Singh Cup for Games and Sports will be proportionately reduced and calculated out of 100.

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Marking Scheme of Periodical Examinations

1. Physical Training

Physical Training Marks: 16 The periodical examination in physical training subject comprises of three

components as given below: (i) P.P.T (ii) BOAC (10 obstacles) (iii) Cross country (08 KM) A probationer has to score at least 50% marks (out of the total marks of all the

components of periodical examination put together) to pass the periodical examination of the subject Physical Training. If any probationer fails to score the stipulated 50% as mentioned above, he would have to appear in a re-examination comprising of all the three components as mentioned above (i.e. PPT, BOAC, Cross Country 10 Km) as per the standards of the original periodical examination and notified by the Controller of Examinations.

The marks distribution for various components is as follows: 1.1 P.P.T. Marks: 6 PPT Test will be conducted for 12 marks and the same will be reduced to ½ weightage i.e. 06 Marks

1. All 04 events of PPT examination are compulsory 2. The sequence of events of the examination would be notified during the examination. 3. The marks for Push ups, Sit ups and chin ups would be awarded on the basis of

number completed using proper technique.

Marking Criterion (Gentlemen Probationers):


Push Ups in 1

Minute (2 Marks)

Sit Ups in 1 Minute (2 Marks)

Chin Ups

(2 Marks)


1 Mile Race (Min:sec)

(6 Marks)

6 <= 6:00

5 <= 6:35

2 >= 36 >= 36 >=10 4 <= 7:10

1.5 26-35 26-35 5-9 3 <= 7:45

1 20-25 20-25 3-4 2 <= 8:20

0.5 14-19 14-19 1-2 1 <= 8:55

0 < 14 < 14 0 0 > 8:55

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Marking Criterion (Lady Probationers)


Bent Knee Push Up

(in 1 Minute)

(2 Marks)

Sit Ups (in 1 Minute)

(2 Marks)

Bar hold (Seconds)

(2 Marks)


1 Km Race (Min:sec) (6 Marks)

6 < =5.00

5 < =5.30

2 >= 24 >= 24 >= 105 4 < =6.00

1.5 17-23 17-23 >= 85 3 < =6.30

1 13-16 13-16 >= 65 2 < =7.00

0.5 09-12 09-12 >=40 1 < =7.30

0 <9 <9 <40 0 > 7:30 1.2 BOAC (10 Obstacles) Marks: 4 This test will be conducted for 08 marks and the same will be reduced to ½ weightage i.e 04 Marks

Marking Criterion

S. No. Obstacles Marks

1. Rope Ladder 1 2. Tarzan Swing 1 3. Cat Walk 1 4. Spider Net 1 5. Burma Bridge 1 6. Tyre Crossing 0.5 7. Ditch (7ft. for gentlemen Probationers

and 5 ft. for Lady Probationers) 0.5

8. Crawling 1 9. Stepping Stones 0.5 10. Dum Dama 0.5

1. All the obstacles are compulsory and have to be completed in the sequence specified

above. If any probationer deliberately misses/ avoids any obstacle, he/she would be deemed to have not completed the examination successfully and hence would be awarded zero (0) marks for the BOAC Examination. The Probationer, in the opinion of examiner, has to make a serious attempt to complete the obstacle otherwise it would be regarded as deliberately avoiding/ missing the obstacle.

2. Each obstacle has to be cleared in one stretch. If any probationer is not able to successfully complete the obstacle in one stretch, then he would have to attempt again from the beginning of that obstacle. For example, In the obstacle “Stepping Stones”, if the Probationer touches the ground between the indicated stepping stones, then he/ she has to attempt again from the beginning of the obstacle Stepping Stone otherwise

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it would be regarded as missing the obstacle and action as mentioned in point 1 would be taken.

3. In this examination, a probationer is entitled to the marks based on the time taken by

the Probationer to complete the battle obstacle assault course subject to the condition that if any Probationer takes assistance (after two unsuccessful attempts) to properly complete any obstacle, marks allotted to that particular obstacle will be deducted.

4. Helmet & Plastic AKM will be compulsory for this exam.

Marks Gentlemen Probationers (timings in Minutes: Seconds)

Lady Probationers (timings in Minutes: Seconds)

8 <=4:00 <=6:00 7 <=4:38 <=6:45 6 <=5:15 <=7:30 5 <=5:53 <=8:15 4 <=6:30 <=9:00 3 <=7:15 <=9:45 2 <=8:00 <=10:30 1 <=8:45 <=11:15 0 > 8:45 >11:15

1.3 Cross Country - 8 KM Marks: 6 Marking Criterion

Marks Gentlemen Probationers (timings in Minutes)

Lady Probationers (timings in Minutes)

6 <= 33 <= 41 5 <= 38 <= 46 4 <= 43 <= 51 3 <= 48 <= 56 2 <= 54 <= 62 1 <= 60 <= 68 0 >60 >68

Note : The timings of the Cross Country Run have been stipulated keeping in view a definite terrain and conditions. However, if there are changes in these parameters, then the timings may be changed accordingly and would be notified before the commencement of exams. This periodical exam will be scheduled after at least 20 weeks training.

2. Drill The Distribution of Marks for various components in Drill Test would be as follows: -

S. No. Component Marks

1. Foot Drill 9

2. Arms Drill 5

3. Ceremonial Drill 6


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2.1 Drill without Arms (Foot Drill): S. No. Component Marks

1 Turn Out 2

2 Attention & Stand at Ease 1

3 Slow March 2

4 Quick March 2

5 Salute (Saamne & Dahine) 2

TOTAL 9 2.2 Drill with Arms:-

S. No. Component Marks

1 Personal Performance (3)

Salami Shastra 1

Bagal Shastra 1

Dahine Salute 1

2 Performance in Squad 1

3 Command & Control 1

Total 5

2.3 Ceremonial Drill:-

S. No. Component Marks

1 Appearance & Reporting 1

2 Draw / Return Sword 1

3 Salute with Sword 2

4 Quick March with Sword 1

5 Slow March with Sword 1

Total 6 Note: Proper technique, clarity in movements and commands, alertness and sharpness will be considered for assessment.

3. Weapon Training & Firing Weapon Training and Firing: Marks: 16

S. No. Weapon Marks

Handling/viva Firing

1 7.62 mm SLR 1 3

2 9 mm Pistol 2 4

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3 9 mm MP-5 2 4

Total 5 11

4. Field Craft & Tactics

Map Reading & Basics of Field Craft & Tactics Marks: 40

S. No. Component Marks

1 Written (FCT-I & MR) 20

2 MR Practical 10

3 Basic FC & T Practical 10

Total 40

5. Yoga Yoga Marks: 5

S. No. Component Marks

1 Sarvang Aasna 1

2 Bhujang Aasna 1

3 Surya Namaskar 2

4 Paad Hast Aasna 1

Total 5 Note: Proper technique with breathing will be considered for awarding marks.

6. Unarmed Combat (UAC)

Unarmed Combat Marks: 6

S. No. Component Marks


Punches/ Hand Attacks – Single Punch, Double Punch, Four Punches, Open Hand Attack, Edge of the Hand, Round Elbow Attack



Kicks – Front Kick (Lower & Middle), Side Kick (Middle & Lower), Back Kick (Middle & Lower), Round Kick (Middle & Lower)


3 Defence against Knife – Elbow Lock, Elbow with Wrist Lock, Shoulder Lock, Wrist Lock


Total 6

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7. First Aid &Ambulance Drill

First Aid & Ambulance Drill Marks: 4

S. No. Component Marks

1 Basic First Aid – MCQ written test 4

Total 4

8. Swimming

Swimming Marks: 5

S. No. Component Marks

1 50 m Swim 5

2 One breadth (21 m) Swim without stop 3.5

3 One breadth(21 m) Swim with one stop 2.5

4 One breadth(21 m) Swim with two or more stops 0

9. Equitation

Equitation Marks: 8

S. No. Component Marks

1. Enter in Walk, Centre Halt, Salute and Report 1

2. Trot – Seating 1

3. Trot - Raising 1

4. Turn Down the Centre line, centre Halt 1

5. Turn out, Sitting Position of the Rider in the Saddle 1

6. Aids – Effective use of hands & legs to control the movement of the horse


7. Seat – Independent seat & use of seat 1

Total 8

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Marking Scheme of Final Examinations Phase – I

1. Physical Training (Part- 1) In phase-I of Basic Course Training, the final examination in physical training subject

comprises of three components as given below: (i) P.P.T (ii) BOAC (17 obstacles) (iii) Cross country (16 Km)

A probationer has to score at least 50% marks (out of the total marks of all the components of Part-1 final examination and Part-2 final examination put together) to pass the final examination of the subject Physical Training. If any probationer fails to score the stipulated 50% as mentioned above, he would have to appear in a re-examination comprising of all the three components as mentioned above (i.e. PPT, BOAC, Cross Country 16 Km) as per the standards notified separately by the Controller of Examinations. 1.1 PPT (Part- 1) Marks: 16

This test will be conducted for 32 marks and the same will be reduced to ½ the weightage i.e 16 Marks This will include:

S. No. Components Marks

1. 1 Mile race 6

2. Stand & Broad Jump 2

3. Push Ups 2

4. Sit ups 2

5. Chin ups/ Half Chin Ups 2

6. Jump & Reach/ Skipping 2

7. 300 m/ 210 m Shuttle Run 4

8. Vertical Rope Climbing 4

9. Forward Roll 1

10. Wall Bar 2

11. 110 m PT Obstacles 5

Total 32

For Vertical Rope climbing, Marks would be distributed as follows: Marks Gentlemen Probationers Lady Probationers

4 Rope Climbing 12 ft. (Class I) Rope Climbing 12 ft. (Class III)

3 Rope Climbing 12 ft. (Class II) Rope Climbing 09 ft. (Class III)

2 Rope Climbing 12 ft. (Class III) Rope Climbing 06 ft. (Class III)

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Marking Criterion (Gentlemen Probationers)

MMaa rr

kk ss




1 m





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1 M



e (M



6 <=5:50 5 <=6:30 4 <=52 <=7:05 3 <=57 <=7:40 2 >=40 >=40 >=10 >=19 >= 7’1” <=62 <=8:15

1.5 32-39 32-39 7-9 17-18 >= 6’4” - - 1 24-31 24-31 4-6 14-16 >= 5’2” <=67 <=8:50

0.5 16-23 16-23 2-3 11-13 >= 4’8” - - 0 <16 <16 <2 <11 < 4’8” >67 >8:50

Marking Criterion (Lady Probationers)


aa rrkk ss



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1 m





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1 m







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1 Km


e (M



6 <=4:40 5 <=5:20 4 <=40 <=5:50 3 <=45 <=6:20 2 >=28 >=28 5 >=90 >= 5’9” <=50 <=6:55

1.5 23-27 23-27 4 >=80 >=5’5” - - 1 18-22 18-22 2-3 >=65 >=4’4” <=55 <=7:30

0.5 16-17 16-17 1 >=40 >=4’ - - 0 <16 <16 0 <40 <4’ >55 >7:30

Marking Criterion – 110 m P.T. Obstacle Course

Marks Gentlemen Probationers

(10 Obstacles including Wall without any assistance*) (in seconds)

Lady Probationers (10 Obstacles including Wall

with assistance**) 5 <= 45 <=55 4 <= 53 <=63 3 <= 61 <= 71 2 <= 70 <= 80 1 <= 80 <=90 0 > 80 >90

*Elbow lift (wall) will be supported for lady probationers.

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Note: 1. All 11 events of PPT examination are compulsory 2. The sequence of events of the examination would be notified during the examination. 3. The marks for Push ups, Sit ups and chin ups would be awarded on the basis of number completed using proper technique. 3. The marks for Forward Roll and Wall Bar would be awarded on the basis of proper technique. 4. In 110 m PT Obstacle Race, each obstacle has to be cleared in one stretch. If any probationer is not able to successfully complete the obstacle in one stretch, then he would have to attempt again from the beginning of that obstacle. 1.2 BOAC (17 Obstacles) Marks: 22 Marks for each obstacle are mentioned below:

S. No. Name of the Obstacle Marks 1 Rope Ladder 1 2 Tarzan Swing 1 3 Cat Walk 1 4 Spider Net 1 5 Monkey Rope 2 6 Parallel Rope 2 7 Burma Bridge 1 8 Double Jump 2 9 W Wall 3 10 Tyre Crossing 0.5 11 Ramp 1 12 Ditch (7ft. for gentlemen Probationers and 5

ft. for Lady Probationers) 0.5

13 Crawling 1 14 Stepping Stones 0.5 15 Hand & Feet Walk 2 16 Tarzan Hand Walk 2 17 Dum Dama 0.5

1 All the obstacles are compulsory and have to be completed in the sequence

specified above. If any probationer deliberately misses/ avoids any obstacle, he/she would be deemed to have not completed the examination successfully and hence would be awarded zero (0) marks for the BOAC Examination. The Probationer, in the opinion of examiner, has to make a serious attempt to complete the obstacle otherwise it would be regarded as deliberately avoiding/ missing the obstacle.

2 Each obstacle has to be cleared in one stretch. If any probationer is not able to successfully complete the obstacle in one stretch, then he would have to attempt again from the beginning of that obstacle. For example, in the obstacle “Stepping

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Stones”, if the Probationer touches the ground between the indicated stepping stones, then he/ she has to attempt again from the beginning of the obstacle Stepping Stone otherwise it would be regarded as missing the obstacle and action as mentioned in point 1 would be taken.

3 In this examination, a probationer is entitled to the marks based on the time taken by the Probationer to complete the battle obstacle assault course subject to the condition that if any Probationer takes assistance (after two unsuccessful attempts) to properly complete any obstacle, marks allotted to that particular obstacle will be deducted.

4 Helmet, & Plastic AKM will be compulsory for this exam.

Marking Criterion for (BOAC) (in Minutes) Marks Gentlemen

Probationers Lady Probationers

22 <=6:30 <=9:30

21 <=7:40 <=10:50

20 <=8:15 <=11:30

19 <=8:50 <=12:10

18 <=9:25 <=12:50

17 <=10 <=13:30

16 <=10:30 <=14:05

15 <=11 <=14:40

14 <=11:30 <=15:15

13 <=12 <=15:50

12 <=12:30 <=16:25

11 <=13 <=17

10 <=14 <=18

9 <=15 <=19

8 <=15:20 <=19:20

7 <=15:40 <=19:40

6 <=16 <=20

5 <=16:20 <=20:20

4 <=16:40 <=20:40

3 <=17 <=21

2 <=17:20 <=21:20

1 <=17:40 <=21:40

0 <=17:40 <=21:40

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1.2 Cross Country(16 KM) Marks: 10

Marking Criterion (16 KM)

Marks Gentlemen

Probationers Lady


10 < =70 min. < =83 min. 9 < =77 min. < =90 min. 8 < =84 min. < =97 min. 7 < =91min. < =104 min. 6 <= 97 min. <= 110 min. 5 <= 103 min. <= 116 min. 4 <=110 min. <= 123 min. 3 <=117 min. <= 130 min. 2 <=124 min. <= 137 min. 1 <=131 min. <= 144 min. 0 >131 min. >144 min.

Note : The timings of the Cross Country Run have been stipulated keeping in view a definite terrain and conditions. However, if there are changes in these parameters, then the timings may be changed accordingly and would be notified before the commencement of exams. 2. Drill (Part- 1) Total Marks: 40

In phase-I of Basic Course Training, the final examination in Drill subject comprises of two components as given below:

(i) Common Drill (ii) Operational Drill (Disturbance Control Drill)

A probationer has to score at least 50% marks (out of the total marks of Part-1 final examination and Part-2 final examination put together) to pass the final examination of the subject Drill. If any probationer fails to score the stipulated 50% as mentioned above, he would have to appear in a re-examination as per the standards notified separately by the Controller of Examinations. 2.1 Common Drill Marks: 15

(A) Sword Drill

1. Draw Sword & Marching 1 2. Halt & Saluting 1 3. Reporting 1 4. Quick March With Sword and Right Salute 1 5. Slow March With Sword and Halt 1

Total Marks 5

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(B) Squad/ Individual Drill

1. Turn Out 1 2. Individual Foot Drill 4 3. Words of command 1 4. Fault Finding and Instructional Drill 2

Total Marks 8 (C) Knowledge of brass band & Bugle Calls Marks 2

Note: Proper Technique, clarity in movements and commands, alertness and sharpness would be considered for assessment.

2.2 Operational Drill (Disturbance Control Drill) Marks: 25

(A) Written exam (Riot control) Marks 5


S. No. Subject Marks 1. Planning and Briefing 1 2. Formation of parties 2 3. Distribution of area of responsibility 1 4. Executive Magistrate order completion 1 5. Role of commander 1 6. Approaching crowd and negotiation 1 7. Action of parties (with words of command) 2 8. Reassembling & debriefing 1 Total 10


S. No. Sub-components Marks 1. Wearing of riot gear equipments 2 2. Lathi Ki Maar/ Bachao (6 stances X 0.5 ) 3 3. Throwing of grenades through high wire 1 4. Firing with Gas gun 1 5. Knowledge of Utilization of Non-Lethal weapons and munitions 3 Total Marks 10

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3. Weapon Training & Firing (Part- 1)

A probationer has to score at least 50% marks (out of the total marks of Part-1 final examination and Part-2 final examination put together) to pass the final examination of the subject Weapon Training and Firing. If any probationer fails to score the stipulated 50% as mentioned above, he would have to appear in a re-examination as per the standards notified separately by the Controller of Examinations.

Weapon Training and Firing: Marks: 32

S. No. Weapon Marks

Handling Firing Viva

1 7.62 mm AKM 3 10 3

2 9 mm Glock 2 12 2

Total 5 22 32

4. Unarmed Combat

Unarmed Combat Marks: 24

S. No. Component Marks

1 Defence against Hand Strikes 1

2 Defence against Kicks 1

3 Release from Chokes 1

4 Release from Head Locks 1

5 Defence v/s knife 1

6 Defence against sticks 1

7 Defence against pistol 1

8 Dealing with multiple attack 4

9 Striking skills 3

10 Fighting skills 3

11 Physical conditioning & determination 3

12 Mental Aggression & Focus 4

Total 24

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5. Yoga (Part- 1) Marks: 10

A probationer has to score at least 50% marks (out of the total marks of Part-1 final examination and Part-2 final examination put together) to pass the final examination of the subject Yoga. If any probationer fails to score the stipulated 50% as mentioned above, he would have to appear in a re-examination as per the standards notified separately by the Controller of Examinations.

Note: Proper technique with breathing, flexibility and smoothness will be considered for awarding marks.

6. Equitation Marks: 32 S. No. Component Marks

1. Timed phase (circuit) 5

2. Pole bending (4 drums) 2

3. Log Jumps 4

4. Different paces – Trot, Canter and change of legs in Canter 3

5. Obstacles (Brush Jump) 03 Nos. 3

6. Aids – Effective use of hands & legs to control the movement of the horse


7. Seat – Independent seat & use of seat 1

8. Mounted Drill 5

9. Stable management and Viva 7

Total 32

S. No. Component Marks

1. Therapeutic (Any three) 3

2. Stress Management (Any two) 2

3. Physical (Any Three) 3

4. Pranayama (Any Two) 2

Total 10

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7. First Aid & Ambulance Drill Marks: 16

The final examination would comprise of two skill sets- set 1 & set- 2 as mentioned below:

S. No. Mandate Skills(Set- 1) Marks

1. Primary Survey 2

2. Secondary Survey 2

3. Response to situation 1

4. CPR 2

5. Calling for Med Evacuation and Stretcher Drill 1

S. No. Any four skills out of the below (Set- 2) Marks

1. Bleeding control – Direct Pressure 2

2. Bleeding control – Pressure Bandage 2

3. Bleeding control – Tourniquet 2

4. Foreign body Airway Obstruction 2

5. Splinting and Bandaging – Upper Limb 2

6. Splinting and Bandaging – Lower Limb 2

7. Splinting and Bandaging – Pelvic Binding 2

8. Stabilization of impaled object in the abdomen 2

9. Sealing Chest Wound 2

8. Field Craft & tactics and Map Reading (Marks 160)

S. No. Component Marks

1. Route Marches 30

2. Briefing on Sand Model /Map/ Sketch. 10

3. FC & T-II Module 50

4. Application based (Written test) 30

5. Attachments 40

Total 160

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8.1 Route Marches S. No. Route March Marks Remarks

1. 15 Km 4 Group event and maximum time permitted is 3 hrs.

2. 25 Km (on Road) 6 Marks as per time taken by individual

3. 25 Km (with Navigation exercise) 8 Marks as per time taken by sub-group

4. 40 Km (on Road) 12 Marks as per time taken by individual

Total 30 Timing and Marking Criteria for Route Marches

A) 15 Km route march

Probationers will move in squad and maximum time permitted to complete 15 Km route march is 3 hrs for gentleman and 3 hrs 15 minutes for lady probationer. Special squad may be formed for lady probationers.

B) 25 Km route march (on Road)

This route march is an individual event and marks will be awarded as per time taken by probationer. Marking Criterion is given below:

Marking Criterion

Marks Gentleman Probationers Lady Probationers 6 4 hrs 30 mins or less 4 hrs 55 mins or less 5 4 hrs 30 mins 01 sec to 4 hrs 45 mins 4 hrs 55 mins 01 sec to 5 hrs 10 mins 4 4 hrs 45 mins 01 sec to 5 hrs 5 hrs 10 mins 01 sec to 5 hrs 25 mins 3 5 hrs 01 sec to 5 hrs 15 mins 5 hrs 25 mins 01 sec to 5 hrs 40 mins 2 5 hrs 15 mins 01 sec to 5 hrs 30 mins 5 hrs 40 mins 01 sec to 5 hrs 55 mins 1 5 hrs 30 mins 01 sec to 5 hrs 45 mins 5 hrs 55 mins 01 sec to 6 hrs 10 mins 0 More than 5 hrs 45 mins More than 6 hrs 10 mins

Note:- No extra time is permitted for water/ dinner break etc. (if any)

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C) 25 Km route march with navigation exercise

This route march will be conducted in cross country area and in sub-group. Timing is same for lady as well as gentleman probationers. Marks will be awarded as per timing given below:

S. No. Time Marks

1. 6 hrs 30 mins or less 8 2. 6 hrs 30 mins 01 sec to 6 hrs 45 mins 7 3. 6 hrs 45 mins 01 sec to 7 hrs 6 4. 7 hrs 01 sec to 7 hrs 15 mins 5 5. 7 hrs 15 mins 01 sec to 7 hrs 30 mins 4 6. 7 hrs 30 mins 01 sec to 7 hrs 45 mins 3 7 7 hrs 45 mins 01 sec to 8 hrs 2 8. 8 hrs 01 sec to 8 hrs 15 mins 1 9. Above 8 hrs 0

Note:- No extra time is permitted for water/ dinner break etc. (if any)

D) 40 Km Route March on road:-

This route march is an individual event and marks will be awarded as per time taken by probationer. Marking Criterion is given below:

Marking Criterion for

Marks Gentleman probationers (Time) Lady Probationers (Time) 12 6 hrs 30 mins or less 7 hrs 10 mins or less 11 6 hrs 30 mins 01 sec to 6 hrs 45 mins 7 hrs 10 mins 01 sec to 7 hrs 25 mins 10 6 hrs 45 mins 01 sec to 7 hrs 7 hrs 25 mins 01 sec to 7 hrs 40 mins 9 7 hrs 01 sec to 7 hrs 15 mins 7 hrs 40 mins 01 sec to 7 hrs 55 mins 8 7 hrs 15 mins 01 sec to 7 hrs 30 mins 7 hrs 55 mins 01 sec to 8 hrs 10 mins 7 7 hrs 30 mins 01 sec to 7 hrs 45 mins 8 hrs 10 mins 01 sec to 8 hrs 25 mins 6 7 hrs 45 mins 01 sec to 8 hrs 8 hrs 25 mins 01 sec to 8 hrs 40 mins 5 8 hrs 01 sec to 8 hrs 15 Mins 8 hrs 40 mins 01 sec to 9 hrs 05 mins 4 8 hrs 15 mins 01 sec to 8 hrs 30 mins 9 hrs 05 mins 01 sec to 9 hours 20 mins 3 8 hrs 30 mins 01 sec to 8 hrs 45 mins 9 hrs 20 mins 01 sec to 9 hours 35 mins 2 8 hrs 45 mins 01 sec to 9 hrs 9 hrs 35 mins 01 sec to 9 hours 50 mins 1 9 hrs 01 sec to 9 Hrs 15 mins 9 hrs 50 mins 01 sec to 10 hours 05 mins 0 Above 9 hrs 15 mins Above 10 hrs 05 mins

Note:- Dinner break time 15 minutes or actual time taken by probationers, whichever is less, will be deducted from total time taken.

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Special Instructions for Route Marches:

1. To participate in any route march (except 15 km), it is mandatory to qualify in the preceding route march, which means that, if any probationer gets zero mark in a route march, he/she would not be eligible to participate in the next route march till the previous route march is successfully completed.

2. Successful completion of the route march means securing at least 10 mark as per the marking notified for that route march.

3. Dress order for route marches will be: Two piece dungaree, forage cap, web belt, anklet and jungle shoe.

4. During all route marches the probationer will carry SLR without sling and back-pack having a pair of uniform, ammunition shoes, black/ground sheet and sand bag of 3 kg weight (in lieu of ration and ammunition).

5. The timings, as mentioned against the route marches, have been stipulated keeping in view a specific type of terrain and conditions. However, in case, the specific terrain is not available, the timings may be altered and the same shall be notified in advance.

8.2 Attachments

S. No. Attachments Marks 1. CSWT 10 2. ITBP 10 3. IB 05 4. Greyhound 15

Total 40

8.3 Modules

S. No. Module Marks

1. Urban Ops 20 2. Explosive 15 3. Police Tactics 15

Total 50

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Marking Scheme for Final Examinations Phase - II

1. Physical Training (Part- 2) 2.1 PPT (Part- 2) Marks: 16

This will include: 1 Mile/ 1 Km Race Push Ups

Sit Ups Chin Ups/ Half Chin ups 300 m / 210 m Shuttle Run. Marking Criterion (Gentlemen Probationers)


Push Up (in 1 min.)

Sit Ups (in 1 min.) Chin Ups

300 m Shuttle Run (Seconds)

Marks 2 2 2 4 4 <=52 3 <=57

2.0 >=40 >=40 >=10 <=62 1.5 32-39 32-39 7-9 - 1.0 24-31 24-31 4-6 <=67 0.5 16-23 16-23 2-3 - 0 <16 <16 <2 >67

Marking Criterion (Lady Probationers)


Bent Knee Push Up

(in 1 min.) Sit Ups

(in 1 min.) Half Chin


210 m Shuttle Run (Seconds)

Marks 2 2 2 4 4 <=40 3 <=45

2.0 >=28 >=28 5 <=50 1.5 23-27 23-27 4 - 1.0 18-22 18-22 2-3 <=55 0.5 16-17 16-17 1 - 0 <16 <16 0 >55

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Marking Criterion

Marks Gentlemen Probationers (1 mile in Minutes: Seconds)

Lady Probationers (1Km in Minutes: Seconds)

6 <=5:50 <=4:40 5 <=6:30 <=5:20 4 <=7:05 <=5:50 3 <=7:40 <=6:20 2 <=8:15 <=6:55 1 <=8:50 <=7:30 0 >8:50 >7:30

2. Drill- Common & Ceremonial (Part- 2) Marks: 40

S. No. Test Marks 1. Turn Out 4 2. Individual drill without arms (Quick & Slow march, reporting) 6 3. Squad drill- words of command & conducting squad drill 5


Problem solving : • Narrow Bridge Crossing • Area Search • Guide replacement


5. Ceremonial drill- Individual(Quick & Slow march, reporting with sword) 6 6. Commanding a Platoon/ parade 4 7. Commanding a ceremonial parade 6 8. Arms Drill- Individual 3 9. Instructional Drill 4

Total 40

Note: Proper technique, clarity in movements and commands, alertness and sharpness will be considered for assessment.

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3. WT & Firing (Part- 2) Marks - 32


Bonus / Negative Marks Including weapon stripping, magazine filling and firing

03 <= 05 min.30 sec. 02 05 min 31 sec. - 05 min 45 sec. 01 05 min 46 sec. - 06 min 00 06 min 01 sec. - 06 min 15 sec. -1 06 min 16 sec. - 06 min 30 sec. -2 06 min 31 sec. - 07 min. -3 Above 07 min 01 sec.

Note: Minimum 18 hits are required for bonus marking.

4. Yoga (Part- 2) Marks: 10

S. No. Name of the test Marks YOGA

1. Asanas(Standing-2, sitting-1, Prone-1, Lying-1) 5 2. Pranayam(Anulom-Vilom-1, Kapal Bhati-1, Brhamari-1) 3 3. Viva 2

Total 10 Note: Proper technique with breathing will be considered for awarding marks.

S. No. Handling Marks 1. SLR(Stripping) 1 2. AKM (Assembling) 1 3. MP 5 (Stripping) 1 4. 9MM Pistol(Assembling) 1 5. Filling of Mag(MP5 & Glock 14 Rounds each 1

S. No. Firing Marks 1. Firing MP-5 & Glock ( 12 Rounds each) 24

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5. Swimming Marks: 20 The final examination in swimming subject comprises of two components as given

below: (i) Swimming (ii) Jumping and retrieving a floating object

A probationer has to score at least 50% marks (out of the total marks of both the components of final examination put together) to pass the final examination of the subject Swimming. If any probationer fails to score the stipulated 50% as mentioned above, he would have to appear in a re-examination comprising of both the components as mentioned above (i.e. Swimming and Jumping) as per the standards notified by the Controller of Examinations. Marks (14)

100 m Swimming

<=1 min 30 sec 14

50 m Swimming Jumping and Retrieving a floating object Marks (6)

<= 50 sec 12 5 m 4

<= 1:30 min 10 3 m 3

<= 2:00 min 08 Not attempted 0

<= 3:00 min 07

<= 3:30 min 06

> 3:30 min 00

Note: It is made clear that only those probationers who complete 100 m swimming exam in a timing of <=1min 30 sec or 50 m swimming exam in <=50 sec would be eligible to jump from the Diving Board of 7m & above height. If they successfully complete examination in Jumping from the Diving Board of height of 7 m & above, they would be entitled for 02 Bonus Marks in jumping exam. That is, if any probationer fulfils the swimming criteria as given above in this para, then he would get total of 06 marks (04+02 Bonus Marks) if he/ she successfully completes the examination in Jumping from Diving Board of height of 7 m & above. Instructions: 1. Two attempts for Swimming Exam would be allowed to every probationer. No extra

attempt to improve the timing or otherwise would be provided to any probationer.

2. The probationer can adopt Free style to complete the swimming exam.

3. If the probationer completes 50 meters swimming with one stop then he would be awarded only half of the marks assigned for that particular timing. However, if the probationer stops more than once during 50 meters swimming, he/ she would be awarded zero marks.

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4. For examination in “Jumping and retrieving a floating object”, the Probationer has to jump from the Diving Board while standing in upright position with front portion of the body facing the Swimming Pool.

5. The probationer not attempting the jump will be marked zero as per mentioned in the

above table. However those making the attempt in the same session later will not be marked zero.

6. The Object would be deemed to have been retrieved only if the Probationer carries the

object with him from inside the swimming pool to the side of the swimming pool as indicated by the examiner. The Probationer is not allowed to punch the object towards that side of the swimming pool and claim it to be retrieved.

7. While retrieving the floating object from inside the swimming pool, the probationer has to

return with the floating object to the side of the swimming pool as indicated by the examiner. If the probationer touches any other side of the swimming pool, before retrieving the ball completely to the side of the swimming pool as indicated by the examiner, he would be awarded only half of the marks allotted for that height of the diving board.

8. If any probationer fails to achieve 50% marks in the final examination or in the combined

total of the periodical test and the final examination put together, then he/ she will have to appear in a re-examination, as per the standards notified separately by the Controller of Examinations.