sauna buyer’s guide

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Sauna Buyer’s Guide

mind, bodymind, bodyReward yourReward your


Page 2: Sauna Buyer’s Guide

Feel the difference ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2

Relax your mind, reward your body���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3

All about infrared saunas ������������������������������������������������������������������ 5

Health benefits of infrared saunas��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7

Infrared saunas for sports and fitness ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9

Choosing the perfect sauna ������������������������������������������������� 10

The finishing touches��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11

Technical information ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12

Peace of mind ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13

Frequently asked questions ������������������������������������������������� 14

Sauna buyer’s checklist ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 15

Get in touch �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16


SPA WORLD | SAUNA BUYER’S GUIDE 1Reward your mind, body and soul

Page 3: Sauna Buyer’s Guide

Feel the differenceA sauna in your home will take your lifestyle to the

next level in luxury – at an affordable price.

Walk in the door, step into your sauna, sit back, relax

and feel the difference. You’ll wonder how you got

through the week without one�

There are lots of different types available from

traditional steam saunas heated with hot stones

through to the latest state-of-the-art infrared therapy

saunas. Today’s high-tech saunas can feature sound

systems, Bluetooth® compatibility, and mood lighting.

While it’s great to have options, as a consumer

– so many choices can be confusing. We get it.

That’s why we put together this helpful guide�

It contains everything you need to know so you

can find the perfect sauna for you.

Health benefits of saunas include reduced muscle pain, better sleep, detoxification, relief from joint pain and stiffness, stress reduction and improved circulation.

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Relax your mind – reward your body

People have known for thousands of years how

beneficial ‘sauna bathing’ is for the mind, body

and soul�

Physically, nothing is more reinvigorating than

a deep, healthy sweat every day� You feel more

relaxed and rested, and the heat helps relieve

sore muscles and can improve your overall health

and wellbeing�

So, what is a sauna?

Put simply, ‘sauna’ describes any heating system

intended to create profuse sweating.

The earliest known sauna structures were dug

into the earth and lined with stone� Today, modern

saunas are typically timber framed rooms heated

with hot stones, wood stoves, hot embers, or

electricity. They can be indoors or outdoors.

What does a sauna do?

Saunas have been a part of traditional medicine

for many centuries. They are believed to provide

a number of wonderful health benefits including

reduced stress, lower blood pressure and relief

from muscle and joint pain.

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Page 5: Sauna Buyer’s Guide

Relax your mind - reward your bodyWhat types of saunas are there?

There are four diverse types of saunas: traditional

Finnish or steam sauna, dry sauna, steam bath (also

known as a Turkish bath), and infrared sauna. Each

experience varies from one type of sauna to the next.

Infrared therapy vs steam saunas

The main difference between infrared saunas

and traditional steam saunas is how they use heat�

Traditional saunas use a single heater that heats

the air and that hot air heats the user�

In contrast, infrared saunas use advanced infrared

heaters to warm your body directly. As your body

absorbs the infrared heat, this increases thermal

energy, inducing a deep and relaxing sweat.

The infrared environment is cooler than traditional

saunas, allowing you to stay in the sauna longer

and get more benefit from each session.


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All about infrared saunasInfrared saunas offer the same benefits of

a traditional sauna plus much more, without

the extreme heat�

What is infrared?

The largest source of infrared heat is the Sun.

Infrared is a safe wavelength of light (or energy)

which we feel as heat. Infrared heat is all around us.

You can feel it from sources like fire, heated sand

on the beach, and the sun (without the harmful

ultraviolet waves that the sun gives off).

The infrared spectrum consists of near (NIR),

mid (MIR), and far (FIR) infrared waves, each with

distinct characteristics and frequency ranges.

How do infrared saunas work?

Infrared saunas have carbon or ceramic panels that

generate infrared heat. This infrared heat can easily

penetrate human tissue, heating your body before

the air�

The infrared heat waves penetrate more deeply

than warmed air, allowing you to experience a more

intense sweat at a lower temperature�

In fact, infrared saunas usually operate between

46 to 57 degrees while traditional saunas can get

up to 85 degrees.

Linear three person model shown

Infrared heaters

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All about infrared saunasIs infrared heat comfortable?Many people consider infrared saunas more

comfortable than traditional saunas because of

their lower temperatures and dry environment�

Are infrared saunas safe?Infrared heat is completely safe. In fact, it is so safe,

hospitals use similar heaters to warm newborn babies�

Infrared is a part of nature and essential for life�

How much does an infrared sauna cost?Infrared sauna prices vary depending on the type

of sauna, quality of timber and equipment, the size

of the unit and extra features�

Prices start at $2,000 for an entry level unit

and around $7,000 to $10,000 for high-quality,

mid-market saunas�

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Health benefits of infrared saunasRelieve muscle, joint and back pain

Heat has long been known to improve a vast array of

musculoskeletal ailments. The ability of infrared heat

to penetrate up to 50mm into our bodies means it can

get right into joints and provide pain-relieving benefits.

Weight loss and increased metabolism

Maintaining a healthy weight is an important part of any

wellness plan. According to the Journal of the American

Medical Association, regular use of a sauna imparts a

similar boost on the cardiovascular system as running.

Stress and fatigue reduction

Numerous studies show that stress can shorten the

average lifespan and increase the risk of chronic illness.

Stress relief is one of the greatest benefits of using an

infrared sauna. The heat penetrates deep into muscle

tissues and causes your body to completely relax.

Improves circulation which strengthens the cardiovascular system

High blood pressure can lead to an increased risk

of stroke and cardiovascular illnesses. Studies have

shown that use of an infrared sauna has lowered

blood pressure in some people�

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Health benefits of infrared saunas

Promotes beautiful, youthful skin

Our skin is the largest organ we have� The body’s

natural way to clear pores and clean the skin is

to sweat� Saunas open your pores and allow your

whole body to sweat them clean. Daily sauna

sweating can also help detoxify your body as

it rids itself of accumulated toxins.

Boosts your immune system

A strong immune system is vital in defending against

viruses, bacteria and naturally occurring cancer cells.

Deep heating from infrared saunas raises the body’s

core temperature, this creates an artificial fever which

is the body’s natural way of strengthening the

immune system�

Can help relieve rheumatism, arthritis and fibromyalgia

Many rheumatic conditions respond very well to heat

so infrared sauna sessions can offer benefits to these

forms of arthritis. Radiant heat can also be effective in the

treatment of sprains, neuralgia, bursitis, muscle spasms,

joint stiffness and many other muscular-skeletal ailments.

Infrared sauna studies and science articles

The benefits of infrared therapy have been researched

for many years worldwide. You can view a list of studies,

articles and clinical trials that focus on infrared therapy

on our NZ website or our AU website�

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Infrared saunas for sports and fitnessThere are many benefits to using a sauna after

a workout. It can help you train harder, increase

performance and recover faster.

Muscle recovery

After working out, you’re sure to feel sore in the

muscles you’ve worked. Using a sauna enhances

the muscle recovery process by increasing blood

circulation and carrying oxygen-rich blood to oxygen-

depleted muscle. Heat also allows muscles to relax

better, thus relieving muscle tension.

Benefits of sweating

Sweating during your workout helps cool you down,

but it also releases toxins from your body. You can

prolong the benefits of sweating well past your gym

session by sweating it out in a sauna. Just be sure to

stay hydrated, as you’ll be losing more fluids in

a sauna than you’ll be taking in�

Sauna weight loss benefits

There are many studies showing a correlation

between sauna use and weight loss� Infrared

sauna use can aid weight loss by:

- decreasing body fat

- increasing human growth hormone

(HGH) production

- lowering cortisol levels

- reducing stress and improving wellbeing

Please note: We do not recommend using a sauna

before a workout as it can lead to a number of risks

during your workout such as relaxed muscles, lower

energy, dehydration and overheating�

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Infrared saunas come in a wide variety of sizes,

and a range of prices. To help find your perfect

sauna match, ask yourself these questions:

What do we need it for?

Are you going to be using your sauna primarily

for stress relief, relaxation, fitness recovery or

simply take time for yourself?

What size do we need?

How many people do you think will end up using it at

any one time? Home saunas come in a variety of sizes,

from one person to up to 6 people. Once you know

how many will be using it - you’ll want to decide where

to put it and how much room you have. If you feel

claustrophobic in small spaces, then you might consider

a larger sauna with a full glass front and as much glass

as possible on the sides�

What heat source would you like?

The two main considerations for infrared heat sources

are: the type of infrared heat you want and the heater

material used to emit the infrared heat� Infrared heaters

can deliver near, mid, far and full spectrum infrared

heat� Near and far infrared heating elements are the

most common. Near infrared units tend to promote

topical healing and mild pain relief quite effectively,

but far infrared heating units are incredibly effective

at removing toxins, improving circulation,

and relaxing the muscles. It’s up to you

which heat source you feel will

serve you best�

Where are we going to put it?Settling on the location for your new sauna will also

help you decide what size you should buy. Will it

be indoors or outdoors? What are the limitations

of your property? Remember, if your sauna is easy

to access – you’ll use it more.

How much are we prepared to pay?

Like the old adage says: You get what you pay for�

Inexpensive saunas are made with low-end materials,

offer less effective sauna health benefits and can

lead to costly repairs or replacement down the road.

Creating a list of ‘must have’ and ‘nice to have’ features

is a great way to determine your budget� Remember

to ask about financing options too.

Choosing the perfect sauna

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The finishing touchesOnce you have a general idea about the type and

size of sauna you’re after, there are a number of other

features to consider – all of which could impact your

final decision.

Modern saunas come with a wide array of accessories

and special features. There really is something to suit

every desire, taste and décor!

Take your sauna experience to the next level.

Ask your retailer about the following options:

• Chromotherapy or light therapy

• Digital smart touch control systems for easy use

• LED lighting

• Sound system with Bluetooth® capability

• Automatic timers so you know how long you’ve been in the unit

• Roof vents to allow cool outside air inside the sauna

• Ergonomically-designed benches and integrated seating

• Plus, a huge variety of aesthetic choices including windows and doors

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Cabin wood and timber choices

The vast majority of sauna cabins are made of red

cedar or hemlock. Both are extremely dense and have

effective insulation but the red cedar has a longer life

span and does not deteriorate over years of use�

Cedar is a premium timber with a rich aroma

and elegant finish. Because of these desirable

qualities, it can be more expensive than other types

of timber. Hemlock is a beautiful furniture wood

with smooth contoured lines and edges. It offers

a natural resistance to mildew and is low in scent

so is preferable for people with allergies�

Some woods can emit unpleasant odors when heated.

Therefore, it’s best to stick to conventional, trusted

materials instead of experimental ones�

Electricity voltage

The amount of voltage a sauna requires will

determine which type of electrical outlet you need.

Saunas with 220V and 240V are compatible with most

household or commercial electrical outlets and do

not require any professional wiring�

Infrared heating system

Far infrared and full spectrum infrared heaters are the

most effective and safest infrared heaters available.

The two most common materials used in far infrared

heaters are ceramic and carbon.

Ceramic is a very efficient, effective material when

heated to produce infrared heat. The drawback to

ceramic heaters is that they tend to produce a shorter

infrared wavelength which are not as readily absorbed

by the human body so are less therapeutic.

Carbon fibre elements are more efficient and

have a low EMF� Carbon heaters operate at lower

temperatures due to the heating wavelength of

infrared technology. Carbon fibre heaters have a

more even distribution of heat and infrared heat from

carbon fibre heaters penetrates deeper into the skin

tissue which allows the body to absorb more energy,

meaning you experience a more intense sweat.


Look for infrared saunas with undetectable or

extremely low Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and low

Electric Fields (ELF). The best quality saunas have

EMF levels below 3 milligauss and ELF of 200mV or

lower. As a guide, these levels would be a good place

to start. Check to make sure your sauna has third-

party tested results on its EMF levels�

Your new sauna should be made from 100% non-toxic

materials, inside and out� No VOC glues should be

used to ensure there is no unhealthy off-gassing.

Glass doors and windows should be tempered

safety glass�

Your sauna should also have a built in auto shut down

and timer to eliminate the chance of dehydration after

falling asleep (after all, they are extremely relaxing)�

Electrical certification

Has your sauna been through third-party testing

to ensure safety? Make sure it has an electrical

certification to ensure it meets safety and

performance standards.

Technical information

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Peace of mindYour sauna is an investment� Make sure you buy from

a trusted company that offers extensive warranties.

Here’s what should be covered in a warranty:

Heating system

Lifetime warranty� Covers infrared heaters�

Sauna cabin

Lifetime warranty. Covers sauna structural integrity.

Electrical components

Two year warranty. Covers sauna controls & wiring.

• The warranty is only as good as the company behind it. Is the brand trustworthy?

• Have you checked the company’s Trustpilot reviews?

• How long have they been in business?

• Do they have local stores?

• Do they offer after sales service?

• Does the sauna have a comprehensive warranty that covers all structural areas and components?

• Does the warranty extend for an acceptable period of time?

• Will you be fully covered by the warranty as time progresses?

• Does the retailer have an easy to reach service/call centre? Have you called the customer-service line?

• Will the brand/retailer stand behind your sauna, and provide technical support for repairs?

• Are supplies and parts easy to purchase and affordable?

Check out our buyers checklist at the back of this guide for more useful and important questions to ask.

When discussing your sauna warranty, be sure to ask the supplier these questions:

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Page 15: Sauna Buyer’s Guide

Frequently asked questionsHow long does it take to heat up a sauna? A traditional ‘hot rock’ sauna takes between 30 and 40 minutes to heat up. During this time the rocks are heated to the ideal temperature for soft heat and soft steam. An infrared sauna takes between 10 and 15 minutes to heat up. Since Far Infrared Saunas heat the body directly, you can get in the sauna as soon as the heaters are up to full temperature�

How much does an infrared sauna cost to run? It depends on your local cost per kilowatt hour (noted on your electric bill), the kilowatt rating of your heater, and how much you use your sauna. On average, if you use it three times a week you could expect to spend up to $10 a month on electricity. Overall, infrared saunas are more energy efficient than traditional saunas as you don’t have to wait as long before the sauna is ready to use� An idle sauna doesn’t cost anything.

What is the best timber for saunas?For lasting beauty and durability, hemlock and cedar are considered the best quality sauna timbers. Look for saunas constructed from smooth, hand-selected, kiln-dried hemlock or western red cedar. Ideally, it should be certified from sustainable forests. No one should be cutting down rainforests to make saunas.

How long does it take to install a sauna? Can I install it myself?It depends on the sauna. Most kitset saunas can be easily assembled yourself� It usually takes two people about one to three hours to assemble a portable or kitset sauna, depending on the size and type of sauna and if there are any extra features to install� If you’d prefer a professional installation, check with your supplier if they can provide this.

How often should I use my sauna?There is no right or wrong answer for this as every person is different. Typically, for a healthy adult it is safe to have a sauna session every day, or even more than once a day. If you have any concerns, please check with your doctor for their advice.

How do I clean my infrared sauna?Infrared saunas are made to be cleaned quickly and easily� Use only environmentally friendly, non-toxic cleaning products to clean your sauna. Never use bleach or other harsh chemicals. To prevent accumulation of germs or sweat stains, sit on towels when relaxing in your infrared sauna�

How much do saunas cost?Top of the range: $10,000 - $25,000+

Mid-range: $6,000 - $9,000

Low-range: $2,000 - $5,000

What is the best size for my family?Consider your indoor or outdoor space, your budget and how many people are going to be regularly using your sauna. As a guide, you could plan for at least 60cm of bench space for each bather.

When should I avoid using a sauna?While many people use saunas as part of a healthy lifestyle, what’s best for you may not be what’s best for someone else. Certain health conditions are not compatible with saunas or steam rooms. If you have any medical conditions, we recommend consulting with your medical practitioner before buying a sauna.

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Make things simple, decide from our checklist what is most important to you, prioritise the checklist and take it with you when you go shopping for saunas�

Sauna size□ How large is the area you have available for your

sauna? Take measurements before you shop and discuss suitable options with the salesperson.

□ How many people will be using your sauna often? Are you a couple, or are you a family of six?

Personal needs□ Do you have specific health issues a sauna could

help with? Back pain? Muscle tension? Stress? If so, is the sauna you are considering suited to those requirements?

Site considerations□ Measure the location where the sauna will be

placed. What are the dimensions of the allotted space and is there an adequate electrical outlet nearby? Factors like ease of access and the view from inside are also important to keep in mind�

Sauna timber□ Infrared saunas can be composed of various types

of wood. Durable wood choices like hemlock or cedar are premium sauna selections and should be preferred over materials such as pine or plywood.

The heating system□ The heart of an infrared sauna is its heater� For

optimal healing benefits, find a sauna with a heater that has a lower surface area temperature – this allows for a more precise wavelength consistently throughout your sauna session�

□ The two main types of heaters used in infrared saunas are ceramic and carbon. Carbon heaters are the superior option� They are more expensive but are also thin, light, provide an even and safe surface temperature and can last up to 50 years.

□□ When considering heating, make sure your infrared sauna has heaters all around you� Ideally, you want heaters on the back wall, side walls, under the bench, by your calves and on the floor – so you are surrounded by infrared heat�

Warranty□ Gather all information about the warranty and what

coverage entails. Look for a lifetime warranty on sauna cabin and heaters; and a minimum 2 years on electrical components..

Safety□ When purchasing an infrared sauna, it is crucial to

consider the Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Electric Fields (ELF). When considering safety, look for EMF levels below 3mG and and ELF of 200mV or lower. Ask the retailer if their infrared saunas are both low EMF and low ELF. Check for third-party testing on EMF levels�

Craftsmanship and quality□ Look for the highest quality and craftsmanship

possible during your sauna selection process. This will ensure you are making a solid investment in a sauna that is built to last�

□ A timer to monitor your sessions to ensure you are following recommended use times.

□ Kiln-dried/air dried, fine-grain wood construction to minimize warping/cracking and to look beautiful.

□ An even heat that radiates from all areas of the sauna to ensure a consistent temperature throughout and infrared heat over your entire body�

Extra features and customisation□ Are you interested in colour light therapy or

chromotherapy? How about an audio system? There are a variety of entertainment options that can be added to your infrared sauna to make your experience more exciting and customised to your tastes�

Sauna buyer’s checklist

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New South WalesACT, VictoriaSouth Australia Queensland, TasmaniaWestern Australia

© Copyright 2020

Ready to check out some quality saunas? Come and talk to us at Spa World!

We’re passionate about health and wellness and are experts in saunas, spas and swim spas�

• 30+yearsinthespaandsauna


• Industry-leading warranties

on every product

• ‘No-risk’60-daymoneyback


Auckland Spa Super Centre, 940 Great South Rd,Penrose, Auckland 1061

Nelson Showroom, 203A Waimea Rd, Bishopdale, Nelson 7010