
 Websites steal your money legitimately (Bux, Forex, ...)  You should know about, and what is the real way to get money (no web- sites needed).

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Post on 15-Oct-2015




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  • Websites steal your moneylegitimately (Bux, Forex, ...)

    You should know about, and what is the real way to get money (no web-sites needed).

  • Summary

    1 - Introduction

    2 - About Bux,Forex Websites (understanding the system / algorithm) and how those website steal your money legitimately.

    3 - The real way to get money (no websites needed)

    4 - What you should believe and not believe (Scenario, the idea still the same and yet people are losing money til now/today)

    5 - Conclusion


  • 1 - Introduction

    Bux and Forex websites arent a magic tool to double your cash after one month or one year, and it is not when you deposit cash into your Bux/Forex website then abracadabra your balance has been doubled, folks it doesnt work like that, those kind of websites has been created to make those people rich not WE/US, they are making big money by making people believe that they are going to make big profits by joining those websites,(the more you lose the more they make big money).

    2 - About Bux, Forex Websites (understanding the system / algorithm) and how those website steal your money legitimately:

    The first Bux website was BUX.TO, people start joining this website and believing in the idea of PTC, then after the website became famous because it was the only one in the market so people were making a lot of profits (some people were legit and others were automating clicks and auto-mating everything because had bunch of vulnerabilities), but just few people who got really paid, Why? because :

    1 ) if all people make real profits, its a LOSE LOSE rather then WIN WIN to admins which is not logic, you/we must lose to make them Win.

    2 ) it must be some people who got paid (admins friend) to write success stories in their forum) so they can make sure people are going to believe, Remember : making people believe in the idea is number one priority.

    understanding the system / algorithm :

    In order to create any new successful company in the world, there is some rules to follow :1 - Bring a group of wise expert individuals in the supposed field (motivate them or pay them a lot to make the job well done)2 - Make the idea happen3 - Advertise to bring / attract people4 - Scamming or Faking success stories a.k.a Testimonies (i mean they can make their friends dis-cretely earn real profits in that company just to get success stories which is a hidden scam).5 - MAKING PEOPLE BELIEVE ITS WORTHY IN A VERY VERY SMART WAY.6 - The most important rule is : The idea has been created to make THEM rich not you or me.


  • Please folks, do they really care about us whether we get rich or poor, obviously they dont, they work very very hard to trick us in a very smart way ( Real-Like way) which our small minds doesnt recognize it, if we were all expert no one would be tricked, Its a very high level of Wisdom, thats why every time we got burned, and yet people are registering everywhere in those websites more then ever before.

    How those website steal your money legitimately :

    When you first join those websites, you are going to find out that everything works perfectly, because remember, experts who does the job, it must be perfect-like website, and if you contact their support they will respond immediately, and if you deposit cash its instant, and same for cash out...etc.

    anyway after you checked everything about the website and checked their forum you will find out that everything is true and perfect (and the SSL certificate) , but after you deposit, here is the big unseen problem no real big profits, sometimes you make a 0.000001 usd profits in 1 month and its nothing, or you lose 1 USD, so after trying the website after one month you are going to cash-out even if you lost 5 USD, you see that you have lost some cash and you will never go back to that website, but as you get tricked, someone else is next and ++n, the idea is never going to stop, its a wise idea (the idea is web based Plan A, Plan B, .....til .... Plan Z, and its wisely calculated) .

    Now as you tried the website and you have read and accepted the agreement of their TOS (there is nothing they can do about you even if youve lost all your money because you accepted their agreement, they are not responsible for what happen or will happen to you) , but in the other side youve lost some funds and you decided to never go back again, it leads to one Conclusion, steal-ing legitimately, Trap is a Trap whether it is presented legitimately or illegitimately.

    3 - The real way to get money (no websites needed) :

    Before we go any further, i would like to mention few things, i am not going to tell you to do things, because i am not perfect, and i dont have the 100% certain plan and in the meantime i cant advise people, what i am going to say is just opinion and what i see is right, because certainly IF SOMETHING WORK FOR ME IT IS NOT NECESSARILY TO WORK FOR EVERYONE, otherwise we all would do the same thing, and we all be happy which is impossible + illogical.


  • in my opinion to make real money there is a plenty of methods :

    - Make a decision about a chosen field and engage in it, and to do that you need time and its important, do not rush because you are going to fail, everything comes slowly for right reasons.

    Once you learned some skills, do projects physically not virtually, meet people , propose to them your idea and start right away, do not sit and wait for money to come to you, you should go to it.

    4 - What you should believe and not believe (Scenario, the idea still the same and yet people are losing money til now/today)

    I remember one day, i have registered in a Forex website , the next day, they called me in my phone and asking me some questions, and pleasing me to start investing cash in their website assuming that if i follow some traders strategy i will make a very big profits in just one month, i dont lie to you i was surprised, basically she was a young lady who called me that day, and the thing i remember, this lady insist, she kept saying, Mr X when are you going to deposit your funds? i told her, i will deposit in the next three days, and i will think about it, after she hung up the call, i started thinking about this idea, and i said , is it really worthy to invest in this Forex website, then the 2nd day, i told myself, are they really care about me? does it matter for them to make people rich? well i asked only those questions and i figured out that its all a lie, in the 3rd day, the lady called again, and here is what i have told here:

    Scenario : (same happened for Bux)

    When she called in the 3rd day, i asked her those questions;- me : Are you an employee at this Forex website?- she said : yes- me : So you believe in making profits following copy traders strategies? -she said : yes- me : can you borrow me some cash of yours, i will invest with them, and once i make profit i will take just 1%? can you do it?- she said : no- me : then why are you telling it is good, why dont invest yourself?- she hang up the call.


  • The things that you shouldnt believe :

    in a giving Ads , dont get deceived by those words :

    - How to make $XXX.XXX in one day, or even blah blah minutes.

    - Dont subscribe your email in newsletter so you get advices from economists, financial experts, qual-ified traders ...etc, those website are collecting EMAILS, they are collectors of emails, i repeat, they are collecting emails and sell them by deceiving people.

    - Video proof, or Paypal payment proof or whatever system payment, its has been fabricated to de-ceive you.

    5 - Conclusion

    Dear friends, nowadays finding a real job is a tough mission and hard challenge, because of the bad economy that we face today, they created a system based on theories, and theories arent 100% cer-tain, theories last for decades not forever, its the law of nature, despite the negativity, there are few things positive in this economy, Im not saying its GAME OVER, it is not a game over yet, its just a matter of understanding the system/matrix that we are in, then money comes and comes and does never stop coming.

    Hopefully it helps.




    : iz




