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Page 1: SCC Frameworks...Software options to enable process improvements and cost efficiencies such as, cloud based mobile printing, inbound mail and Hybrid Mail. • Software to enable product


SCC FrameworksPeople do business. We make it work.

November 2018 v1

Page 2: SCC Frameworks...Software options to enable process improvements and cost efficiencies such as, cloud based mobile printing, inbound mail and Hybrid Mail. • Software to enable product


Page 3: SCC Frameworks...Software options to enable process improvements and cost efficiencies such as, cloud based mobile printing, inbound mail and Hybrid Mail. • Software to enable product


Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Crown Commercial Service - Open to all Public Sector

Crown Commercial Service

RM3733 - Technology Products 2 (TP2)

Lot 1 - Hardware Lot 2 - Software Lot 3 - Combined Hardware and Software Lot 4 - Information Assured Products Lot 5 - Volume Hardware (Direct from OEM) Lot 6 - Catalogue

SCC is appointed to all eligible Lots (Lots 1-4, 6)

Lot 1 - Provision of a wide range of vendor-neutral hardware including end-user computing and infrastructure. Hardware solutions can also be procured. Scope includes:

• One Stop Shop• Value-add Related Services• Financed Purchase Agreement

Lot 2-Fullrangeofcommercialandopensourcecommodityoff-the-shelfsoftware,softwarelicensesandassociated commoditised software services including software asset management. Scope includes:

• One Stop Shop• Implementation services• Value-added services - including provision of advice and tools for software licensing and asset management,softwareconfigurationandoptimisationcapability,presalessupportforspecificationclarification,deliveryoftrainingonsoftwarepackages,post-salessupportforcommoditisedsoftware,support, upgrades and maintenance

Lot 3 - Any combination of the Goods and Services provided under Lots 1 and 2 may be provided under this Lot 4-CommoditisedITproductsandsolutionscapableofmeetingspecificprotective,informationassurance requirements. Scope includes:

• Hardware related solutions• Software licenses and implementation solutions• Provision of data integrity testing solutions, including (i) Penetration testing, (ii) Security audits, (iii) IT healthchecks

• Audio-visual solutions• Secure disposals• Access to Communications Electronics Security Group (CESG) approved products and services.

Lot 5 - Provision of volume hardware requirement (no service requirement) Suppliers shall be Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) limited to supplying own branded products. Lot 6 - Range of commoditised technology hardware and software products via an online catalogue

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Crown Commercial Service

RM 3804 - Technology Services 2

All Lots: Lots 1-4Lot 1 - Technology Strategy and Solutions DesignLot 2 - Transition and TransformationLot 3 - Operational Services Lot 3a – End User Services Lot 3b – Operational Management Lot 3c – Technical Management Lot 3d – Application and Data

Lot 4 – Programmes and Large

Lot 4a –Official Lot 4b –AboveOfficial

(See table opposite)

Crown Commercial Service

RM1045 - Network Services

Lot 2 - Local Connectivity ServicesLot 8 - Video Conferencing

Lot 2 - Provision of local connectivity services, constrained to a single site, enabling a user to consume a locally hosted service.Provision of local connectivity services to connect an end user to a local service, including but not limited to provision oflocalareanetwork(LAN)equipment,storageareanetwork(SAN)equipment,theprovisionofwiredorwirelessconnectivity and the provision of all elements of a complete solution.Lot 8 - Provision of video-conferencing services including but not limited to all traditional and IP based conferencing services and the provision of all elements of a complete solution (excluding connectivity). The Lot scope includes, but is not limited to:

• Related consultancy and training services to optimise performance or otherwise improve operations.• Related software management tools (including performance enhancing software and software based clients to

extend reach and inter-operability of the services) • Call recording and quality/usage analysis tools

Provision of related ancillary video conferencing services and/or peripheral equipment, including test and analysis tools,securityaccessproducts,collaborationtools,callrecordingandplayback,andtranscribing/translationservices.



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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Crown Commercial Service

RM1577 - G-Cloud All Lots: Lots 1-4

Lot 1 - Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS)Lot 2 - Platform As A Service (PaaS)Lot 3 - Software As A Service (SaaS)Lot 4 - Specialist Cloud Services

All Lots and extensive range of solutions and services entries on all open G-Cloud iterations including latest G-Cloud-10

• NotethatG-Cloudrequiresspecificentriesforservicestobeoffered• SCC has many entries in each Lot• CheckwithSCCAccountManager

Crown Commercial Service

RM1043iv - Digital Outcomes and Specialists

Lot 1 - Digital OutcomesLot 2 - Digital Specialists

Lot 1 – Digital Outcomes

Provision of teams to research, test, design, build, release, iterate, support or retire a digital service.

Services to include at least one of the following capabilities:• user experience and design• performance analysis and data• security• service delivery• software development• support and operations• testing and auditing

Lot 2 - Digital Specialists


Provision to include at least one of the following roles:• agile coach• business analyst• communications manager• content designer or copywriter• cyber security consultant• delivery manager or project manager• designer• developer• performance analyst• portfolio manager• product manager• programme delivery manager• quality assurance analyst• service manager• technical architect• user researcher• web operations engineer

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Crown Commercial Service

RM3781 - Multifunctional Devices, Managed Print and Content Services and Records and Information

SCC is appointed to Lot 2

Additionally SCC is a named subcontractor by multiple OEMs for the delivery of Lot 3.

Lot 2 - Multifunctional Devices (MFD’s) and Print Management Software Services

Lot 2 – Multifunctional Devices (MFD’s) and Print Management Software Services

Solutions tailored to meet requirements of Customer’s print strategy. Solutions will range from the basic supply, installation and maintenance of products including Software and/or Enhanced Services which willenableContractingAuthoritiestooptimiseandautomatedocumentworkflowsandrelevantbusinessprocesses.

Legacyand/ornewsolution.Customerspecificsolutionscancontinuetobemanagedandcontrolledusingexisting print output Device infrastructure, legacy Product Range and/or new Product Range supplied.

Including but are not limited to:• Mono,colourandcolour-capableMFDs,digitalcopiers,monoandcolournetworkprintersandPrintRoomDevices,includingA0WideFormatand3DDevices,allwithstandardnetworkinterfaces.

• PrintRoomservices,includingwebbasedclientjobsubmission,electronicjobticketing,andvisualcostindicationforUsers,emailjobstatusfeedback,printfinishingoptions,onlineandoffline,documentcleanupSoftware,furtherdefinedServiceLevelAgreementtoreflectcriticalnatureofDevices.

• All the above Devices utilised within an Enhanced Service provision, where required, including Softwareoptionstoenableprocessimprovementsandcostefficienciessuchas,cloudbasedmobileprinting, inbound mail and Hybrid Mail.

• Software to enable product management e.g. remote diagnostics.• Push and pull printing Software.• Functionality to enable email to print and web to print.• Options,includingpaperstorage/feed,finishing,printcontroller/RIP,memory,PostScript,harddisks,

fax etc. Duplex provided as standard for all but the slowest Devices.• Consumables including toner staples, and Customer Replaceable Units (CRU).• AuditingSoftwareforprintmanagement/accounting,printrouting/loadbalancing,emailnotification,

scanning Software with optical character recognition (OCR).• Enabling document management/archiving tools which ensure seamless integration into Contracting

Authorities’ existing document management Software platforms.• Maintenanceandsupport,includingtraining(OnandOff-Site).• PrintAssessments/Surveys–essentiallyfact-findingandverificationofexistingEquipment/estate,networks,principalflowsandpageoutput,ideallywithvendorneutralanalysisandfurtherrecommendations/proposals(typicallyprovidedfollowingawardoftheCallOffContract).

• Financeoptionsofferingflexibilityrelatingtothepaymentconfiguration,includinglease,rentalofferings,assetmanagement,andcostpercopy/page.

SCC and our M2 specialist Managed Print Practice are able to deliver and support solutions across all leading OEMs.

Organisations can use Lot 2 to satisfy requirements via a direct award process or further competition procedure.

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Regional Procurement – Open to Scottish Public Sector

Scottish Procurement Digital and Technology Services (DaTS)

Single LotOrganisationscanusetheframeworktorun Mini-competitions or a Direct Award option for contracts awarded via the framework.

TheservicesthatcanbeprovidedundertheFrameworkAgreementareextensiveandwideranging.Projects may range from the delivery of

• Servicedesks• Transformational digital/ICT projects• Service/system integration• Product support• Networksupport

Other services may include:• ICT Project and Programme Management• Cyber Security• Digital Services• Service Integration and Management (SIAM)• IT Consultancy (Advice and Strategy)• System Integration

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list but at a high level illustrates the range of potential services which may be requested.

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Regional Procurement – Open to Welsh Public Sector

National Procurement Service (NPS)

IT Products and Services (ITPS)

Lot 4 - End User Hardware and Associated Products and Services

Lot 5 - Infrastructure Software and Associated Products and Services

Lot 6 - Servers, Storage Devices and Associated Products and Services

Lot 12 - Integrated Solutions

Lot 4 -E-nd-userdevicesandassociatedservices,includingbutnotlimitedto;DesktopPCs,Laptops/Notebooks,Chromebooks,ThinClients,Bundles,All-in-Ones,Tablets,Hybriddevices,Monitorsetc.

Lot 5 - Software licences and implementation services including: Terminal services, virtualisation software(serveranddesktop),softwaretoolsforflexibleworking,securitysoftware,corporatefirewall,antivirusprotection,dataencryption,emailspamfiltering,logconsolidation,networkpacketanalysis,intrusiondetection,activedirectoryreporting,alertautomation,patchmanagement,webfiltering,factorauthentication,backupsoftware,remoteaccess,mobiledevicemanagement,mobileapplicationdistribution, device management, mobile device management, proxy services, Software asset managementandconfigurationservices.

Lot 6 - Server room equipment, services and associated software including but not limited to; blade servers&chassis,rackservers,NAS,DASandSANstorage,peripheralsandancillary.

Lot 12 -AnintegratedITHardwareandSoftwareSolutionsservice,including:DesktopSoftware,MicrosoftLicencing,EndUserHardware,InfrastructureSoftware,ServersandStoragedevices,NetworkEquipment,NetworkFirewallAppliances,AudioVisualEquipment,andAssociatedServices)aswellashybriddatacentresolutionsandconvergedinfrastructure.Thismaytaketheformof:

- A one-stop-shop solution in which the Supplier provides all aspects of the Customer’s IT requirements from supply of commoditised end user devices from All Lots to design, implementation and support of infrastructure.

-Projectspecificwork,suchasdesign,implementationandsupportofconverged/hyperconvergedinfrastructure,virtualisationofdesktopssolution,dataroomdesignandimplementationincludinghybrid solutions.

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

National Procurement Service (NPS)

Supply of Multi-Functional Devices (MFD) and Associated Goods and Services

Lot 1 - Multi Functional Devices and Associated Services

Lot 1

Core goods/services

Provision of the following:(a) The Supply of a range of Multi-Functional Devices (MFD); Support and Maintenance, including a range

ofenhancedpackages,suchas24/7coverage,2hourresponsetimesetc;(b) Pre-Sales Services, including site surveys and print audits; (c) A range of associated software products;(d) Arangeoffinanceoptionsandpricingplans;and(e) Consumables, including drums, toner cartridges and staples.(f) Organisations can use Lot 2 to satisfy requirements via a direct award process or further competition


Associated Products and Services(a) Value-added services including, but not limited to, those detailed below: (b) Training, both onsite, e-training and training collateral;(c) Audit services;(d) Enabling document management/archiving tools which enable seamless integration into document

management software platforms; and (e) Large volume, print room equipment and associated services

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As the name ComIT - Complete IT Solutions suggests, this framework is designed to offer the broadest scope of services and solutions under a single flexible arrangement. Full details are provided on the following pages.

Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Other Authorities – Open to all Public Sector

HealthTrust Europe Information Communication Technology (ICT) Solutions


SCC is appointed to both Lots and is able to act as a supplier of:

Enterprise ICT Solutions for IT Hardware Products, Software, Programs, Applications, Associated Products, Services and support


Lot 1 - IT Hardware, Enterprise Level Solutions, Operating Software, Associated Products, Services and Support

Lot 2 - IT Software, Enterprise Level Software Programs, Applications, Development, Associated Products, Services and Support

Organisationscanusethisframeworktosatisfyrequirementsviaapreferreddirectawardprocessorfurther competition procedure.

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Client DevicesAll in One’sCheck-In KiosksDesktopsEntertainment Devices / SystemsEpos - Electronic point of saleHybridsLaptopsMobile Telephones, Pagers and RadiosMobile WorkstationsRugged TabletsTelecommunications EquipmentThin ClientsUltrabooksWearablesWorkstations

PeripheralsBatteries and Power LeadsCabling and tidyingCases and CoversDictation & Microphone DevicesDisplays & TelevisionsDocking SolutionsHeadphonesKeyboards / MicePointersPower Management Printers & ConsumablesProjectorsScannersScreens / MonitorsSecurity & Safety DevicesSignal Boosting EquipmentSpeakers

Furniture, Mounts and WorkstationsBespoke furniture SolutionsCarts - EducationalCarts - MedicalChairs, Seats and StoolsCharging SystemsDesks - Sit DownDesks - Standup Foot RestsMounts - DeskMounts - WallTablet ManagementWork Stations

Enterprise ServersBlade Chassis & BladesConvergence & Appliances Rack Servers Tower Servers

Enterprise StorageFibre Channel / FCoEiSCSISAN/DAS/NAS

NetworkingAppliance based securityBranchCablingCampusChassis & BladeDatacentreFirewalls / VPNRoutersSwitchesTelecommunication NetworkWireless Access Points

Housing and PowerKVM SwitchesPDUsPower ManagementRacks & Cabinets UPS

Operating Software & SecurityApplication Protection Backup & RecoveryBig Data AnalyticsClient ManagementCloud ManagementCyber SecurityDatabase ManagementEmail SecurityEncryptionEnd Point SecurityIdentify and Access ManagementInformation Assurance LicensingMigrationMobile Device ManagementNetwork and SecuritySecure Remote AccessServer ManagementSoftware Asset Management (SAM)VirtualizationWindows Server Management

Services & SupportApplication ServicesAudit and testing servicesAsset RecoveryBackup servicesBusiness ContinuityBusiness Intelligence & AnalyticsBusiness Process OutsourcingClient DeploymentsCo-location ServicesConferencing & Data SharingConfigurationConsulting and ResourcingData ConnectivityData DestructionData Processing ServicesData ServicesDisaster RecoveryDisposals and RecyclingEnterprise DeploymentsInstallationLogisticsManaged Print ServicesManaged ServicesMigration ServicesNetwork ServicesProject ManagementSecurity ServicesSupport ServicesTraining ServicesTransition ServicesUnified Communications & ConvergenceWarranties and Services Plans

InsuranceAsset InsuranceConfidentially and Data InsuranceCyber Insurance

Cloud Services & SolutionsAnything as a Service (XaaS)Brokerage ServicesDesktop as a Service(VDI)Framework as a Service (FaaS)Hardware as a Service (HaaS)Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)ITaaS (IT as a Service)Platform as a Service (PaaS)Software as a Service (SaaS)Specialist Cloud Services (SCS)Storage as a Service

InternetInternet Services Internet Development Services

Lot 1 - IT Hardware

Information Communication Technology (ICT) Solutions - ComITIT Services and Support

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Programmes & ApplicationsAccounting & Financial SoftwareAdministration and Management SoftwareAdmissions & Check In SoftwareCAD SoftwareCollaboration SoftwareCommunication, Multimedia & Entertainment SoftwareConsultancy, Auditing & TestingCRM Software (Customer Relationship Management)Dictation, Transcript and Speech RecognitionDocument ManagementEducational & Training Software & SystemsEMR (Electronic Medical Records)HIS (Hospital Information Systems)Interfacing Software and DevelopmentMobile Application Development, Deployment & SoftwareNetworking SoftwarePACS (Picture Archiving & Communications Systems)Prescription Management Program DevelopmentProject ManagementRecords ManagementRIS (Radiology Information Systems)Software DevelopmentSRM Software (Supplier Relationship Management)Stock & Sales Management SoftwareVNA (Vendor Neutral Archiving)Workflow Systems & Software

Includes industry specific solutions

Lot 2 – IT Software Lot 1 and 2 Catagorisation and Sub C


SCC is approved to both Lots and is able to act as a single supplier and deliver all IT services and support in support of both Lots

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Other Authorities - Open to all Public Sector

NHS SBS Link: Solutions IT Single Lot

ManagedbyNHSSBS,opentoNHSmembers and associate members across Public Sector

Full(One-Stop)ITSolutionsincludingITInfrastructureServersandStorageHardware,Networking,Virtualization, other Services and End User & Solutions Software.

Organisationscanusethisframeworktosatisfyrequirementsviaadirectawardprocessorafurthercompetition procedure.

NHS SBS Link: 2 IT Hardware and Services

Lot 1-DesktopsLot 2 - Laptops Lot 4 - Specialist Healthcare IT HardwareLot 5 - Clinical Monitors, Medical DisplaysLot 7 - Printers / Scanners / Asset Scanners Lot 8 - Deployment ServicesLot 10 - One Stop Shop

Lot 1-Desktops

Including but not limited to:• AnyformofDesktopcomputer(includingthin/zeroclientdevices/environmentallyfriendlyspecific

machines)• Warranty and peripherals (including monitors). • All relevant pre-installed software• Lease options

Lot 2 - Laptops

Including but not limited to:• AnyformofLaptopcomputers(includingthin/zeroclientdevices/environmentallyfriendlyspecific

machines/Detatchables) • Warrantyandperipherals,suchasDockingStations• All relevant pre-installed software• Lease options

Lot 4 - Specialist Healthcare IT Hardware

Including but not limited to:• Mobile Carts, Infection control products, Mobile Clinical Assistant Devices, for use in point of care and

mobile environments and any other form of Specialist Healthcare IT • Warranty and peripherals • All relevant pre-installed software• Lease options

(Continues on page 15)

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Lot 5 - Clinical Monitors, Medical Displays

Including but not limited to:• LCD and HD monitors, large format, multi display mode Monitors and Displays suitable for end user

applications including (but not limited to) PACS, endoscopy, mammography. • Warranty and peripherals• All relevant pre-installed software• To include warranty and lease options

Lot 7 - Printers / Scanners / Asset Scanners

Including but not limited to:• Officeandmedicalprescriptionprinters,assetscanners,barcodescanners,MFDhardware,patient

wristband printers.• Warranty and peripherals • All relevant pre-installed software• Lease options

Lot 8 - Deployment Services

Including but not limited to:• SupplyofIThardware,assettagging,imaging,deliverytodesk,installation,packagingremovaland


Lot 10 - One Stop Shop

Including but not limited to:• Provisionofspecificproducts/servicerequiredforall(other)ITHardwarerelatedproducts

Organisationscanusethisframeworktosatisfyrequirementsviaadirectawardprocessorfurthercompetition procedure.

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC)

Provision of Multifunctional Devices and Associated Print Services and SuppliesThis Framework is available as the ‘National Public Sector Framework’ for the use of wider Public SectorThis Framework is available as the ‘National Education Framework’ for the use of CPC Members in Education

Lot 3 - Managed Print and Document Services

Lot 3

Services include, but are not limited to, the following:• Print audit;• Networkingservices;• Project management;• Software services;• IT support services;• Document engineering and Re-engineering Services;• Device Maintenance;• Process/workflowre-engineeringservices;• Scanning;• Archiving;• Mailing;• Offsetandspecialistprinting;and• Document storage and management services.

Sector Frameworks – Restricted to Sector(s) / Regional Group as listed

NHS North of England CPC

IT Infrastructure Hardware & Services

Framework divided into four Lots

Lot 1 - Server and Storage Hardware, Software and MaintenanceLot 2-NetworkInfrastructureHardwareand MaintenanceLot 3 - IT Infrastructure Solution Design and DeliveryLot 4 - Co-Lo Hosting

SCC is appointed to all Lots

NHSNorthofEnglandCPCMembersand Associate members by application in Health and Local Government

NHS North of England CPC

Data Cabling Services Single Lot

NHSNorthofEnglandCPCMembersand Associate members by application

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Education - Open to Purchasing Consortia Members

LUPC NationalDesktopandNotebookAgreement(NDNA2)

ThisFrameworkismanagedbyLUPC but open to members of all HE Purchasing Consortia.

Frameworkdividedintothreelots:Lot 1-DesktopsLot 2-NotebooksLot 3 -One-StopShop(Desktopsand


SCC is partnered with Lenovo on this Agreement for ALL Lots and appointed as a nominated reseller able to bid and contract agreements with HE Purchasing Consortia members

HEPCW AV Products and Services ThisFrameworkismanagedbyHEPCWbut open to members of participating HE Purchasing Consortia

FrameworkdividedintothreeLotsandallocated Regions (as applicable within Lot)

Lot 1 - Audio Visual Equipment & peripheral products - supply only

Lot 2 - Audio Visual Products & Services–supply&fit

Lot 3 - Audio Visual Products & Services – design, supply & install

SCC is appointed onto Lot 2 and Lot 3.

Lot 2-Supplyandinstall(fit))ofAudioVisualequipmentandperipheralproducts• Supplier provides supply and installation services• Customerundertakesdesign

Lot 3-Design,supplyandfit(installation)ofAudioVisualequipmentandperipheralproducts• Supplierundertakesdesignandoptionallysupplyand/orinstall• Customermayundertakesupplyand/orinstall

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

SUPC SSSNA Lot 1 - OEM Servers OnlyLot 2 - OEM Storage OnlyLot 3 - OEM Solutions

Sub lot - 3a – converged, hyper-converged, hybrid and other solutions (excluding High Performance Computing (HPC) or Data Intensive Computing (DIC)

Sub lot - 3b – High Performance Computing (HPC) or Data Intensive Computing (DIC)

Lot 4 - Reseller Solutions

SCC is a nominated Reseller for HPE and Lenovo under Lots 1, 2 and 3. SCC is directly appointed as a Reseller under Lot 4.

Lot 1 - OEM Servers Only OEM led either direct or via nominated resellers. Supply of a range of enterprise servers and associated options.

Scope include includes maintenance renewals, management software and other software layers (where part of a hardware requirement). Lot 2 - OEM Storage Only OEM led either direct or via nominated resellers. Supply of a range of enterprise storage equipment includingbackup,maintenancerenewals,managementsoftwareandotherstoragerelatedsoftware(wherepart of a hardware requirement).

Lot 3 - OEM Solutions OEM led either direct or via nominated resellers. This Lot is divided into two Sub Lots as detailed below which aims to provide full end to end solutions such as converged infrastructure, hyper-converged solutions,hybridsolutions,andhighperformancecomputing(HPC)includingservers,storage,networkingand intrinsic to solution software, support, maintenance and design and deployment services.At least 51% of the value of the solution being provided must comprise of the OEM’s technology that is contracted on this lot.

Sub Lot 3a - Converged, Hyper Converged, Hybrid and Other Solutions (excluding HPC and DIC)

Full end to end solutions for converged infrastructure, hyper-converged and hybrid solutions.

Sub Lot 3b - High Performance Computing and/or Data Intensive Computing Solutions

Full end to end solutions for High Performance Computing (HPC) or Data Intensive Computing (DIC) solutions,includingservers,storage,networkingandintrinsictosolutionsoftware,support,maintenanceand design and deployment services. Lot 4 - Reseller Solutions Reseller led; products and solutions must be based in servers, storage and solutions (the same scope as Lots 1, 2 and 3) and to also enable:

• Newtechnologies(Flashstorageetc.)associatednetworkingandsoftware,consultancyandinstallation within the scope of products and services set out in lots 1 to 3.

• Solutions and multi-vendor solutions from new and evolving manufacturers and specialist deployment

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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

NEUPC NEPA - National Education Printer Agreement

HE Networking- Supply andServices (HENSS)

Lot 1-Non-ManagedPrintEquipmentLot 2 - Managed Print Agreement and ServicesLot 3 - Production Print EquipmentLot 4-OneStopShopforOffice-PrintEquipment (incorporating Lot 1 and Lot 2 requirements)Lot 5 - Independent Print Audit and Consultancy

NominatedResellerforCanononLots1, 2, 3, 4


Lot 1–NetworkingEquipmentonlyLot 2–SmalltoMediumNetworking Projects – Up to £1M in value Lot 3–LargeNetworkingProjects-Over £1M in value

Lot 1-Non-ManagedPrintEquipment

Supply of an approved range of print equipment and associated options for ordering institutions to manage themselves. Lot 2 - Managed Print Equipment and Services (Including MFDs)

Supply of a range of approved print related equipment and additionally, a managed service covering institutional print requirements. ‘Managed Print’ may encompass any requirement involving supply of additional service elements following supply of equipment, including:

• Timely provision of consumables required and included within the service.• Delivery and full installation• Trainingonanyandallproductsoffered(hardware,softwareorancillaryproducts)• Analysis of current facilities / future requirements & recommendations• A mixture of MFDs and Printers• Full Service and Maintenance• A range of print management software• Peripheral Hardware

Lot 3 - Production Print Equipment

Supply of an appropriate range of approved production print equipment and machinery.• AdditionalFinishingoptionsbothonandoffline• Conformance to a highly responsive SLA• Print Management Software and associated peripherals

Lot 4-OneStopShopForOfficePrintEquipment

OnestopshopforthesupplyofallofficerangeprintersandMFDswiththeabilitytoprovideamanagedservicewhererequired(asspecifiedinLot1andLot2).Doesnotrequiresupplyof‘ProductionPrintEquipment’. Lot 5 - Provision of an independent Print Audit Service and Consultancy

Provision of an independent Print Audit Service.

SCC and our M2 specialist Managed Print Practice are able to deliver and support solutions for our leading partner OEMs in Lots 1-4.


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Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Education - Open to Purchasing Consortia Members

Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC)

NationalEducationFrameworkfortheProvisionof Multifunctional Devices and Associated Print Services and SuppliesThis Framework is available as the ‘National Education Framework’ for the use of CPC Members in EducationThis Framework is available as the ‘National Public Sector Framework’ for the use of wider Public Sector

Lot 3 - Managed Print and Document Services

Lot 3Services include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Print audit;• Networkingservices;• Project management;• Software services;• IT support services;• Document engineering and Re-engineering Services;• Device Maintenance;• Process/workflowre-engineeringservices;• Scanning;• Archiving;• Mailing;• Offsetandspecialistprinting;and• Document storage and management services.

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Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC)

NationalEducationFrameworkfortheProvisionof Multifunctional Devices and Associated Print Services and SuppliesThis Framework is available as the ‘National Education Framework’ for the use of CPC Members in EducationThis Framework is available as the ‘National Public Sector Framework’ for the use of wider Public Sector

Lot 3 - Managed Print and Document Services

Lot 3Services include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Print audit;• Networkingservices;• Project management;• Software services;• IT support services;• Document engineering and Re-engineering Services;• Device Maintenance;• Process/workflowre-engineeringservices;• Scanning;• Archiving;• Mailing;• Offsetandspecialistprinting;and• Document storage and management services.

Authority Framework Scope Further Information

Regional - Open

Devon County Council CP1068-14 - Print Managed Service And Multifunctional Devices

Managed by Devon CC for Devon Procurement Partnership members and associate members. Can be available to PublicBodiesoutsideofthecounty.

Frameworkdividedintotwolots:Lot 1 - Managed Print ServiceLot 2 - Multi-functional Devices

SCC is appointed onto Lot 2.

Police - Open

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Our Cloud Delivered Managed Services Strategy

Our 3-4 year growth plan comprises organic and acquisitive growth, and, the delivery of compellingmarket-leadingend-to-endCloudDeliveredManagedServicespropositionsthatposition SCC as a leading Data Centre and Cloud Services Provider.

Sentinel - Secure Public Sector


HousedinourTier3+UKDataCentre,SentinelbySCCisnotsubjecttoOffShoringorNearShoringRestrictions.Wecanprovide,configure,manageandmaintainanewenvironmentorprovidecost-effectiveenhancementsforanexistingsolutionandourNetworkOperationsCentre monitor, assess and protect customers’ enterprise information systems.

The infrastructure is SCC owned, utilising internal security cleared resources, meaning that as Prime Contractor we are accountable for the contract and not reliant on third parties. We ensure theabilitytoconnectwiththeSentinelbySCCplatformviatheintranet,theGCF,N3andthePSNGovernmentNetworksandthewholeissupportedbySCC-employed,UKbased,SC-clearedcloudengineersavailable24hours,7daysaweek.

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[email protected] | +44 (0) 7976 014249 |

For further information and questions on the details of Frameworks please contact: Nick Russell – Head of Frameworks

People do business. We make it work.PLAN | SUPPLY | INTEGRATE | MANAGE