scdl financial institution and banking

Financial Institutions and Banking - SCDL Assignment Online Financial Institutions and Banking Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Soft Loan Scheme for modernisation is provided by :- Correct Answer IFCI , ICICI , SIDBI Your Answer IFCI , ICICI Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Charitable Trusts Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Rajiv Gandhi Foundation PSU MTNL ,SAIL, KRC MTNL ,SAIL, KRC Mutual Funds UTI ,ICICI Prudential UTI ,ICICI Prudential Statutory Trusts Port Trust Port Trust True/False Question Under MIGA the World bank offers various forms of Political Insurance . Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Commercial Papers are issued by :- Correct Answer Corporates Your Answer Corporates Question Investment on a monthly basis and repayment on due date is made in :- Correct Answer Recurring deposit Your Answer Recurring deposit True/False Question Issuance of CD attracts reserve requirements. Correct Answer False

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Page 1: SCDL Financial Institution and Banking

Financial Institutions and Banking - SCDL Assignment

Online Financial Institutions and Banking

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Soft Loan Scheme for modernisation is provided by :-

Correct Answer IFCI , ICICI , SIDBI

Your Answer IFCI , ICICI

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Charitable Trusts Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Rajiv Gandhi Foundation


Mutual Funds UTI ,ICICI Prudential UTI ,ICICI Prudential

Statutory Trusts Port Trust Port Trust


Question Under MIGA the World bank offers various forms of Political Insurance.

Correct Answer True

Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Commercial Papers are issued by :-

Correct Answer Corporates

Your Answer Corporates

Question Investment on a monthly basis and repayment on due date is made

in :-

Correct Answer Recurring deposit

Your Answer Recurring deposit


Question Issuance of CD attracts reserve requirements.

Correct Answer False


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State loans are much less liquid than GOI Securities.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer


IDBI was delinked from RBI and it became autonomous in the year :-

Correct Answer


Your Answer



One of the leading All India FI is :-

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer


The largest member of the IMF is the :-

Correct Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer


The foreign currency account maintained by an authorised dealer with its

correspondent abroad is :-

Correct Answer

Nostro Account

Your Answer

Nostro Account

Select The Blank


As a banker to the Government, RBI accepts Government deposits at ________%


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Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer


The word ' Tranche ' is a French word which means :-

Correct Answer

A Slice

Your Answer

A Pit

Multiple Choice Single Answer


Size of the Quota depended upon :-

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Small Savings

Chit Funds

Chit Funds


NICo of India Ltd.

NICo of India Ltd.

Life Insurance

LIC of India Ltd

LIC of India Ltd

Mutual fund





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CPs have to be compulsorily rated.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer


If the Bank allows a finance of Rs 95 against a Bill of Rs 100 the difference of Rs.

5 is known as the :-

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


IIBI (formerly known as IRBI )undertakes :-

Correct Answer

Merchant Banking activities , Lease or hire purchase finance , Consultancy &

managerial services

Your Answer

Merchant Banking activities , Lease or hire purchase finance , Consultancy &

managerial services

Select The Blank


The loans under________ are based on Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Functions of a Bank's H.O. include:-

Correct Answer

Liaison with RBI , Evolve Policies , Vigilance & Control

Your Answer

Liaison with RBI , Evolve Policies , Vigilance & Control

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Multiple Choice Single Answer


DICGC also provides :-

Correct Answer

Security to deposits

Your Answer

Guarantee to borrowers

Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Insurance of all employees of a Firm

Group Insurance

Auto Finance

Premium Throughout Life

Whole Life

Group Insurance

Fixed Period Insurance



Insurance of ocean Cargo

Marine Insurance

Marine Insurance



A Cheque is a Negotiable Instrument.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which one of the following is not a deposit account?

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Correct Answer

Cash Credit account

Your Answer

Cash Certificate

Select The Blank


The ________ does not collect Savings from the Public.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer


IMF articles were amended in 1978 to legalise the :-

Correct Answer

Floating exchange rates

Your Answer

Floating exchange rates

Select The Blank


________ is merely an asset created out of book entries.

Correct Answer


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Your Answer



Correct Answer

Your Answer

Regional Rural Bank

Thane Gramin Bank

Thane Gramin Bank

Public Sector Bank

Indian Bank

Saraswat Coop Bank Ltd.

Private Sector Bank

Bank of Rajasthan Ltd

Indian Bank

Foreign Bank


Bank of Rajasthan Ltd

Select The Blank


Syndication of Loans Globally does not involve any funds as it is ________


Correct Answer

Non-fund based

Your Answer

Fund based


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Issuance of CD attracts reserve requirements.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Select The Blank


The repayment holiday period is also known as ________ period.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer


Zero Coupon Bonds are issued at a :-

Correct Answer

Discount to face value

Your Answer

Discount to maturity value

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


DICGC does not insure the deposits :-

Page 9: SCDL Financial Institution and Banking

Correct Answer

Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central


Your Answer

Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


DICGC does not insure the deposits :-

Correct Answer

Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central


Your Answer

Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central


Match The Following


Correct Answer

Your Answer

Small Savings

Chit Funds

Chit Funds


NICo of India Ltd.

NICo of India Ltd.

Page 10: SCDL Financial Institution and Banking

Life Insurance

LIC of India Ltd

LIC of India Ltd

Mutual fund



Multiple Choice Single Answer


Which one of the following is a Cooperative Bank?

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer


Liabilities of Insurance Cos are mostly :-

Correct Answer

Long term

Your Answer

Long term

Select The Blank


GIC raises funds to meet claims from ________.

Correct Answer

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Premium collected

Your Answer

Premium collected



Issuance of CD attracts reserve requirements.

Correct Answer


Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Investment on a monthly basis and repayment on due date

is made in :-

Correct Answer Recurring deposit

Your Answer Term deposit account

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question A current account where the customer can withdraw more

than the balance is :-

Correct Answer Overdraft

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question SIDBI commenced its operations from :-

Correct Answer April 2,1990

Your Answer April 2,1990

Match The Following

Question Correct Answer Your Answer

NABARD Rural Development Rural Development

AFC Ltd Consultancy Consultancy

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HUDCO Housing Housing

NCDC Development of Cooperatives Development of Cooperatives

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Financial Institutions and Banking - 2


Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionThe first long term industrial financing corporation set up in the country was :-Correct AnswerIFCIYour AnswerIFCI

True/FalseQuestionThe Capital of NABARD is subscribed by World Bank.Correct AnswerFalseYour AnswerFalse

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionFinancial institutions deal in :-Correct AnswerFinancial assetsYour AnswerReal assets

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionIn addition to sugar Industry IFCI has predominantly lent to :-Correct AnswerTextile sector

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Your AnswerTextile sector

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionOther than Tourism, International funds remittances comprise of :-Correct AnswerDonations/Charity , Payments of Salaries , Payments of RoyaltyYour AnswerDonations/Charity , Payments of Salaries , Payments of Royalty

True/FalseQuestionNABARD provides Refinance for Marketing of Crops.Correct AnswerTrueYour AnswerTrue

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionR B I conducts monetary control by way of O M O in :-Correct AnswerTreasury bills , State /central Government SecuritiesYour AnswerTreasury bills , State /central Government Securities

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionDevelopment Financial institutions include :-Correct AnswerState financial institutionsYour AnswerState financial institutions

Select The BlankQuestionNABARDs Criteria for Refinance covers Technical ________ of the project.Correct AnswerFeasibilityYour AnswerFeasibility

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True/FalseQuestionBanks do not invest in the GOI securities .Correct AnswerFalseYour AnswerFalse

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionThe unorganised financial system comprises of :-Correct AnswerMoney lenders , Indigenous bankers , Lending pawn brokersYour AnswerMoney lenders , Indigenous bankers , Lending pawn brokers

Select The BlankQuestionNHB at present has a ________ Capital of Rs. 350 crores.Correct AnswerPaid-upYour AnswerPaid-up

Select The BlankQuestionOne of the objectives of NHB is to augment the ________ resources for the housing sector.Correct AnswerFinancialYour AnswerFinancial

Match The FollowingQuestionCorrect AnswerYour AnswerCRRPrimary reserve requirementPrimary reserve requirementBankers Bank

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Controlling the reserves of commercial banksControlling the reserves of commercial banksExchange controlFEMAFEMAOMOGovernment securitiesGovernment securities

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionNABARD was established on the recommendations of :-Correct AnswerCRAFICARDYour AnswerCRAFICARD

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionA member's IMF Quota determines its :-Correct AnswerFinancial commitment , Voting power , Drawing powerYour AnswerFinancial commitment , Voting power , Drawing power

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionCredit Information report is also known as :-Correct AnswerCredit report , Banker's report , Confidential reportYour AnswerCredit report , Banker's report , Confidential report

Select The BlankQuestionDevelopment financial institutions have been established to cater to ________ of the industrial sector.Correct AnswerLong term financial needsYour AnswerLong term financial needs

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Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionTourism promotes :-Correct AnswerCredit Card Business , International remittances , Travellers' ChequesYour AnswerCredit Card Business , International remittances , Travellers' Cheques

True/FalseQuestionDevelopment financial institutions primarily lend to Agriculture sector.Correct AnswerFalseYour AnswerTrue

Select The BlankQuestionThe ________ is the apex institution in the field of foreign trade in India.Correct AnswerEXIM bankYour AnswerEXIM bank

Select The BlankQuestionFinancial markets are the centres that provide facilities for buying and selling of ________.Correct AnswerFinancial claims and servicesYour AnswerFinancial claims and services

True/FalseQuestionNon bank financial institutions undertake fund and non fund based activities.Correct AnswerTrueYour AnswerTrue

Select The Blank

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QuestionThe CRAFICARD recommended the establishment of ________.Correct AnswerNABARDYour AnswerNABARD

Select The BlankQuestionThe price in financial markets is known as ________.Correct AnswerRate of interestYour AnswerCoupen

True/FalseQuestionGramin banks are State Owned Banks.Correct AnswerTrueYour AnswerTrue

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionA credit facility under which a borrower can withdraw up a certain limit subject to availability of adequate security is :-Correct AnswerCash Credit accountYour AnswerCash Credit account

SCDL Assignments of Financial Institutions and Banking

True/FalseQuestionGramin banks are State Owned Banks.Correct AnswerTrueYour Answer

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Select The BlankQuestionCRR and SLR are ________ reserves.Correct AnswerStatutoryYour AnswerStatutory

True/FalseQuestionBanks do not invest in the GOI securities .Correct AnswerFalseYour AnswerFalse

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionSIDBI provides :-Correct AnswerRefinance , Rediscounting of Bills , Financial support to SSIDCYour AnswerRediscounting of Bills , Financial support to SSIDC , Cash Credit facilities

Select The BlankQuestionMutual Funds provide the benefits of ________.Correct AnswerPortfolio managementYour AnswerPortfolio management

Select The BlankQuestionSyndication involves ________ sanction.Correct AnswerIn principleYour AnswerFinal

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Select The BlankQuestionThe ________ regulation makes the banks the largest investor in the GOI securities.Correct AnswerSLRYour AnswerSLR

Select The BlankQuestionIn addition to IFCI and ________ the Soft Loan Scheme for modernisation is also undertaken by IDBI.Correct AnswerICICIYour AnswerICICI

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionNABARD has taken over the entire functions of :-Correct AnswerARDC , ACD of RBI , RPCD of RBIYour AnswerARDC , ACD of RBI , RPCD of RBI

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionInstruments issued by DFIs and Banks carry :-Correct AnswerHighest credit ratingsYour AnswerHighest credit ratings

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionOther than Tourism, International funds remittances comprise of :-Correct AnswerDonations/Charity , Payments of Salaries , Payments of RoyaltyYour AnswerDonations/Charity , Payments of Salaries , Travel related payments

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Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionMoney Markets Satisfy the needs of :-Correct AnswerShort term natureYour AnswerShort term nature

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionDevelopment Financial Institutions provide finance to the needyCorrect AnswerCorporates & govt. institutionsYour AnswerCorporates & govt. institutions

True/FalseQuestionNABARD does not provide Refinance for stocking & distribution of Chemical Fertilisers.Correct AnswerFalseYour AnswerFalse

True/FalseQuestionThe SFCs also borrow from SIDBI & IDBI.Correct AnswerTrueYour AnswerTrue

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionA major part of the credit of SFCs went to :-Correct AnswerSSI unitsYour AnswerExporters


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QuestionMortgage Loans are loans against property.Correct AnswerTrueYour AnswerTrue

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionThe unorganised financial system includes :-Correct AnswerIndigenous bankersYour AnswerIndigenous bankers

Select The BlankQuestionHDFCs loans were linked up with________.Correct AnswerPlanned SavingsYour AnswerRecovery record

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionInitial Quantum of resources of IMF were contributed by members according to :-Correct AnswerQuotas fixed for membersYour AnswerQuotas fixed for members

True/FalseQuestionCPs are issued by corporate entities.Correct AnswerTrueYour AnswerTrue

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionEXIM Bank provides financial assistance to:-

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Correct AnswerIndian Companies , Commercial Banks , Foreign GovernmentsYour AnswerIndian Companies , Commercial Banks , Foreign Governments

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionFunctions of R.O. do not cover :-Correct AnswerSLR/CRR maintenance , Liaison with RBI/IBA , Issuing Lending PolicyYour AnswerSLR/CRR maintenance , Issuing Lending Policy , Sanctioning advances

Match The FollowingQuestionCorrect AnswerYour AnswerInter Bank Call Money MarketsBRs, Call Money ReceiptsBRs, Call Money ReceiptsMoney Market InstumentsCP, CD ,T- BillsCP, CD ,T- BillsCapital Market InstrumentsSharesSharesDebt Market InstrumentsGOI Securities ,BondsGOI Securities ,Bonds

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionWhich of the following statements are not prepared on a daily basis in branch?Correct AnswerCash Book , Trial Balance , P/L statementYour AnswerCash Book , Trial Balance , P/L statement

Select The BlankQuestionInterest on advances is generally calculated on ________ products.Correct Answer

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DailyYour AnswerFortnightly

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionIDBI has helped in the establishment of :-Correct AnswerEXIM BankYour AnswerEXIM Bank

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionUnder Project Finance Scheme IDBI provides assistance for :-Correct AnswerNew Projects , Renovation , ModernisationYour AnswerNew Projects , Renovation , Working capital

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionDeposits per depositor per bank are secured by DICGC up to a sum of :-Correct AnswerRs. one lac.Your AnswerRs. one lac.

Select The BlankQuestionSCICI provides domestic & foreign loans for capital equipment and________ services.Correct AnswerTechnicalYour AnswerTechnical

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionThe main objective of ICICI was :-Correct AnswerTo augment export finance in India , To channelise World Bank's funds to

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industries in India , To help in building up a Capital Market in IndiaYour AnswerTo augment export finance in India , To channelise World Bank's funds to industries in India , To help in building up a Capital Market in India

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionFunctions of NIDHIs include :-Correct AnswerAccepting Deposits , Granting loans , Encourage thriftYour AnswerAccepting Deposits , Granting loans , Encourage thrift

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionIDBI was initially set up as :-Correct AnswerSubsidy of RBIYour AnswerPublic sector Bank

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionFor its long term operations NABARD raises funds by :-Correct AnswerFloating Bonds in open market , Drawing from the Central Govt. , Drawing from National Rural credit FundsYour AnswerFloating Bonds in open market , Drawing from the Central Govt. , Drawing from National Rural credit Funds

Select The BlankQuestionFinancial markets are the centres that provide facilities for buying and selling of ________.Correct AnswerFinancial claims and servicesYour AnswerGoods and services


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IDA does not lend to countries that are not in a position to borrow from IBRD.Correct AnswerFalseYour AnswerTrue

Select The BlankQuestionGeneral insurance policies are genarally issued for ________ year.Correct AnswerOneYour AnswerThree

True/FalseQuestionSCICI is a member of the OTCEI.Correct AnswerTrueYour AnswerFalse

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionThe deposit account offering cheque withdrawal facility is known as :-Correct AnswerCurrent accountYour AnswerCurrent account

Match The FollowingQuestionCorrect AnswerYour AnswerCRRPrimary reserve requirementPrimary reserve requirementBankers BankControlling the reserves of commercial banksFEMAExchange controlFEMA

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Controlling the reserves of commercial banksOMOGovernment securitiesGovernment securities

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionThe loans of finance companies are generally :-Correct AnswerAt high interest , Unsecured , Based on borrowers worthYour AnswerUnsecured , Based on borrowers worth , At low interest

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionThe apex institution in the field of Industrial Development is :-Correct AnswerIDBIYour AnswerIDBI

Multiple Choice Multiple AnswerQuestionA member's IMF Quota determines its :-Correct AnswerFinancial commitment , Voting power , Drawing powerYour AnswerVoting power , Drawing power , GNP

True/FalseQuestionCP is a usance promissory note hence it can be negotiated by endorsement & delivery.Correct AnswerTrueYour AnswerFalse

Multiple Choice Single AnswerQuestionThe objective of ICICI was to assist the :-Correct Answer

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Private sectorYour AnswerPrivate sector

True/FalseQuestionNABARD provides short term refinance for procurement activities also.Correct AnswerTrueYour AnswerTrue