schedule weekly · ladies bible 4:30 p.m study nominations 5:30 p.m. committee meeting ladies bible...

Weekly Schedule Thursday, September 8 Center Stage 7 p.m. For Christ Rehearsal Saturday, September 10 Center Stage 9 a.m. For Christ Dress Rehearsal Sunday, September 11 Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Evening Worship 6 p.m. Monday, September 12 Prime Time 6 a.m. Travels to Virginia Beach Mom's Bible Study noon Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30 p.m. Meeting Center Stage 7 p.m. For Christ Rehearsal Wednesday, Sept. 14 Youth Breakfast 7 a.m. Treehouse Trades 4 p.m. Open Table 5:30 p.m. Youth Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Sanctuary 6:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Thursday, September 15 Center Stage 7 p.m. For Christ Rehearsal Weekly E-blast September 8, 2016 We live in the midst of so much generosity. God leads the way in lavishing humanity with creation, provision, love, grace, forgiveness, companionship, spiritual power, and so much more! No doubt, we have great cause to celebrate God's generosity. Perry United Methodist Church will intentionally celebrate generosity over the next several weeks. We will: give thanks for God's generosity. recognize God created us to be generous. embrace our role as partners in sharing God's generosity. acknowledge the deep personal joy that accompanies acts of generosity. We are moving toward our annual commitment time that will be held on Sunday, October 2. This is when we receive financial commitments for the next year's mission and ministry at PUMC. Each gift given provides for experiences that spiritually enrich and transform lives of our church family and beyond. It is our expectation that every member and regular participant of our church's ministry will make a financial commitment. It is one of the most concrete declarations of our intention to be God's partner in generosity. In that same spirit of generosity, October 2 will include a complimentary church-wide lunch. Lunch will be served

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Page 1: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30



Thursday, September 8 Center Stage 7 p.m. For Christ Rehearsal Saturday, September 10 Center Stage 9 a.m. For Christ Dress Rehearsal

Sunday, September 11 Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Evening Worship 6 p.m.

Monday, September 12 Prime Time 6 a.m. Travels to Virginia Beach Mom's Bible Study noon Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30 p.m. Meeting Center Stage 7 p.m. For Christ Rehearsal Wednesday, Sept. 14 Youth Breakfast 7 a.m. Treehouse Trades 4 p.m. Open Table 5:30 p.m. Youth Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Sanctuary 6:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Thursday, September 15 Center Stage 7 p.m. For Christ Rehearsal

Weekly E-blastSeptember 8, 2016

We live in the midst of so much generosity. God leadsthe way in lavishing humanity with creation, provision,love, grace, forgiveness, companionship, spiritualpower, and so much more!

No doubt, we have great cause to celebrate God'sgenerosity. Perry United Methodist Church willintentionally celebrate generosity over the next severalweeks. We will:

give thanks for God's generosity.recognize God created us to be generous.embrace our role as partners in sharing God'sgenerosity.acknowledge the deep personal joy thataccompanies acts of generosity.

We are moving toward our annual commitment time thatwill be held on Sunday, October 2. This is when wereceive financial commitments for the next year'smission and ministry at PUMC.

Each gift given provides for experiences that spirituallyenrich and transform lives of our church family andbeyond. It is our expectation that every member andregular participant of our church's ministry will make afinancial commitment. It is one of the most concretedeclarations of our intention to be God's partner ingenerosity.

In that same spirit of generosity, October 2 will include acomplimentary church-wide lunch. Lunch will be served

Page 2: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

beginning at 11:00 a.m. for those who attended earlyworship, and will continue after the 11 a.m. service.

We are beginning to receive reservations for the mealat church on Sunday. Reservation forms will be inSunday School rooms and in the sanctuary. You needonly make one reservation over the coming weeks.

As we take this journey, you are invited to ponder on allthe ways you have experienced God's extravagantgenerosity. As the old hymn goes, "Count yourblessings, name them one by one."

As you count your blessings, you are invited to join inour collective doxology of praise as we gather eachweek.

Most people who were alive on September 11, 2001,remember where they were shortly after 9 a.m. whenairplanes crashed into the Trade Center andthe Pentagon.

I was in Cleveland attending a training event related tomy ministry position with the Annual Conference. In dayswhen text messaging was still emerging, I watched aspeople around me started picking up their cell phones toread incoming email announcing the attack.

Within a few moments, the presenter was interruptedand told of the breaking news. Our meeting went intorecess as everyone headed to the nearest television tosee the unfolding events.

Shock, stunned, and speechless conference attendeesstared at the screen. Others went back to their roomsto watch news in private. Airports were closed. Phonelines were jammed. Rental cars were scarce.

Fortunately, a colleague from North Georgia was also inattendance. He was able to secure a rental car and wedrove back to Georgia on September 12.

Page 3: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

All of my story related to September 11 is of littleconsequence. More importantly, was the loss ofinnocent life, the extreme grief that swept over ourcountry, the numerous acts of heroism, andthe incalculable acts of kindness and generosity sharedbetween unknown neighbors.

This Sunday is the anniversary of September 11. Weprayerfully remember the sacrifice, heroism, andthe continued groaning of the whole creation.

Lord, in your mercy hear our prayers.

Welcome Bishop Lawson Bryan

The new South Georgia Annual Conference Bishopbegan his assignment officially on September 1. BishopLawson Bryan comes from the Alabama-West FloridaAnnual Conference having recently served as SeniorPastor of Montgomery First UMC.

We have two opportunities to welcome Bishop and Mrs.Bryan.

The North Central District laity are invited to a getacquainted session on Thursday, September 15,from 6:30 until 7:30 p.m. at Riverside UnitedMethodist Church in Macon.

The conference's Installation Service for BishopBryan is on Sunday, September 18, beginning at4:30 p.m. at Mulberry Street United Methodist in

Page 4: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30


We will call off our evening worship service here onSeptember 18 so we can participate in this specialoccasion.

Sunday, September 18PUMC will have its third annual meal packaging eventon Sunday, September 18, beginning at 1 p.m. in theYouth Center. This is just two Sundays away!

Stop Hunger Now gets food and life-saving aid to theworld's most vulnerable people, and works to endglobal hunger in our lifetime. Established in 1998, wehave provided over 225 million meals in 74 countries.The meals we packaged last year went to Haiti.

Donations NeededOur goal is to package 25,000 meals. We are collectingfunds to supplement what we have in the budget for thisproject. We will put the September Communion Offeringtoward this project. Individuals, groups, and classes areinvited to make a contribution by earmarking it for StopHunger Now.

Volunteers NeededOur goal is to have 150 people volunteer to helppackage meals. This is one event where we havepeople of all ages work side-by-side to achieve ourgoal. To sign up for volunteering, please click here.

Page 5: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

Mom's Bible Study begins Monday The Mom's Bible study will be studying the book,"Beautiful Mess: Motherhood for Every Moment"beginning on Monday, September 12.

The group meets at noon for lunch, laughter, and tears.A nursery is provided. Bring a lunch and join us for diningbetween noon and 12:30 p.m. Th study begins at 12:30until 2 p.m. The cost of the workbook is $15.

Contact Krissy Walker if you have any questions.

The Capital Funds Campaign team interviewed twoconsulting companies to assist us with raising funds forthe proposed campus expansion.

Both firms offered wonderful presentations about theresources and process they offer to assistcongregations in this major endeavor.

After a long deliberation the team selected InjoyStewardship Solutions. Our consultant will be MartyBenton, who lives in Woodstock, GA. Coincidently,Marty will also be working with our sister church,Crossroads UMC as they go through a similar processfor a building project.

The campaign team will be setting up another meetingwith Marty in the near future to begin our process. Thereis much work to do to create a strong foundation for asuccessful and God-honoring campaign that will result inmany transformed lives.

Page 6: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

Please be in prayer for this whole process. It isanticipated that a building fund campaign would bescheduled in the first quarter of 2017.

In the meantime, we have heard from severalindividuals and families who would like to go ahead andmake a contribution to the building fund during thecurrent tax year.

We welcome and are prepared to receive any gifts.Please note on the check's memo line that this is for the"Building Fund" and it will be placed in the designatedaccount we have for those gifts.

We will keep you posted as we move to our next steps.

CenterStage for ChristSeptember 22-27

Tickets are now on sale!Ticket Availability

Before/After Morning WorshipChurch Office

Cast Members

Ticket CostThrough September 22 --$7 After September 22 --$10

Show Times 7:30 PMSpecial Matinee on Sunday at 2:30 p.m.

Page 7: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

Seating limited to the first 242 patrons

A nursery will not be provided.* The play contains some adult humor. *


During September, we will be collecting "Coins for aCure" donations in honor of three warriors who foughtAML (an aggressive form of Leukemia). Mary ElizabethParis is one of these children being rememberedthrough this effort.

All proceeds received in this collection will bedesignated for cancer research for AML in honor ofthese three wonderful children.

Coin receptacles are located in the following locations: church office, Christadelphian Class, Pathfinders Class,and the Discoverers Class. You are invited to bringcoins, cash or checks. Checks would be made payableto "Coins 4Cure."

If you have questions, you may call, Judy Posey,Martha Ann Rhodes, and Candy Kitchens.

Rev. Fall's Bible Study Rev. Roland Fall will lead a Bible study entitled,"Trusting the Covenant" on Thursdays and Fridaysbeginning September 22-23.

The Thursday evening class is from 7:00-8:30 p.m. TheFriday morning class is from 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Page 8: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

Persons interested in participating should email Rolandat [email protected], or call the church office (987-1852).

Monday, September 12Nominations Committee

5:30 p.m. -- Former J. B. Smith classroom

Tuesday, September 13Staff-Parish Relations Committee

5:30 p.m. -- Conference Room

Treehouse Trades

We had a great beginning to Treehouse Tradesyesterday with seventy-one excited childrenparticipating. Here is a sampling of photos from theTrade Groups that followed Bible study and Music.

Page 9: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

Jam Session

All God's Creatures

Page 10: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

Stretching at the Steeple

1st Aide for Kids

Page 11: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

"Go-fers" Drama Group

Mission Possible

Page 12: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

It's a Girl Thing (Book club)

Treetop Treats

Page 13: Schedule Weekly · Ladies Bible 4:30 p.m Study Nominations 5:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Ladies Bible 6:30 p.m. Study Tuesday, September 13 No JOY Choir Rehearsal Staff Parish 5:30

Cross Stitching at the Cross

Perry United Methodist Church--Perry, Georgia