scheme of delegation incorporating roles and ... · south east cornwall multi academy regional...

South East Cornwall Multi Academy Regional Trust Scheme of Delegation Incorporating Roles and Responsibilities for the South East Cornwall Multi Academy Regional Trust SMART LEARNERS SMART LEADERS SMART COMMUNITIES

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Page 1: Scheme of Delegation Incorporating Roles and ... · South East Cornwall Multi Academy Regional Trust Scheme of Delegation Incorporating Roles and Responsibilities for the South East

South East Cornwall Multi Academy

Regional Trust

Scheme of Delegation Incorporating Roles and

Responsibilities for the South East Cornwall

Multi Academy Regional Trust




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Multi Academy Trust Board Scheme of Delegation

Introduction The Multi Academy Trust’s (MAT) Board of Directors is accountable in law for all major decisions about its schools. However, this does not mean that the Board is required to carry out all the Trust’s governance functions. Many of these processes are delegated in order to make this manageable and scalable, including to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and to Local Governing Committees. It is vital that the decision to delegate a function is made by the full Trust Board of Directors and is recorded. Without such delegation, the individual or committee has no power to act. This Scheme of Delegation is the key document defining the lines of responsibility and accountability in the MAT. It aims to be a simple yet systematic way of ensuring that the Members, Directors, Local Governors and Headteachers are all clear about their roles and responsibilities. This overarching Scheme of Delegation for all decision making in the Trust should not be confused with the written Scheme of Delegation of Financial Powers referred to in the Academies Financial Handbook which expands finance more specifically and in more detail.

The status of a Scheme of Delegation A Scheme of Delegation must be fit for purpose which means it demonstrates clearly the lines of accountability. Where there is duplication or overlap, questions should be asked as workload issues may develop (e.g. the need to produce reports for and attending meetings of more than one layer of governance) and cracks can develop as assumptions are made about who is responsible for what, with the result that decisions are either not made or different decisions are reached by different people or committees. The Trust Board is committed to delegating governance decisions to the Local Governing Committees and retains the power to appointment and dismiss these at any time.

Format, structure and clarity This Scheme of Delegation aims to clarify decision making and lines of accountability in a simple, succinct and clear format and as such each model includes decision making linked to the roles of each of the Directors. The document does not use overly complicated legal terminology. Instead it is intended to be a set of working documents that the Trust Board and other stakeholders should be able to revise and adapt in response to their context and circumstances.

Review and adapt The Scheme of Delegation will be formally reviewed annually, with changes made as the context

changes, if necessary each year. This is not a failure, but recognition of the need to be responsive

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to changing circumstances and to adapt accordingly. It is, however, important to ensure that all

involved in governance are made aware of any changes and what these mean in practice. The

most up to date version of the Scheme of Delegation will be that which is published on the Trust

and its schools’ websites.

This Scheme of Delegation will:

Identify the responsibilities of all the Directors on the Trust Board.

Identify the responsibilities of the CEO and CFO, known collectively as the Executive Team. (As the MAT expands there may be the need for more executive posts in this team.)

Ensure those that work in the MAT promote a culture of honesty and accountability.

Ensure the Executive Team and Headteachers are clear about which decisions the Trust Board remain in control of.

Identify responsibility for the appointment and performance management of the CEO and Headteachers.

Ensure that the role of the Executive Team is fully understood throughout the MAT.

Identify responsibility for policy and practice in each school.

Identify responsibility for oversight of educational performance in each school.

Identify responsibility for oversight of each school’s budget.

Identify responsibility for assessment of risk in each school.

Governance structure and lines of accountability

The Trust Board of Directors is responsible for the three core governance functions. o Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. o Holding the Executive Team to account for the educational performance of the Trust’s

schools and its pupils, and the performance management of staff. o Oversight of the financial performance of the Trust.

The Trust Board of Directors appoints the Chief Executive (CEO), to whom it delegates responsibility for delivery of its vision and strategy, and will hold the CEO to account for the conduct and performance of the Trust, including the performance of the schools within the Trust, and for its financial management.

In turn, the CEO line manages other members of the Executive Team (e.g. CFO) and Headteachers, agreeing their targets and performance managing them in agreement with the chair of LGC of the school.

The Trust Board delegates as much of its school level monitoring and scrutinising functions to LGCs as advisable. The Trust Board uses these committees to promote stakeholder engagement and as points of consultation and representation. Directors do not need to sit on LGCs but it is good practice for up to two to be encouraged to do so.

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All Directors will be linked to schools in the MAT such that each school has a named ‘Visiting Director’. These links are reviewed each year but longer term engagement is recommended to enable directors to understand their schools well.

The Headteacher is line managed by the CEO and will therefore be held to account through this role. One of the ways of triangulating the information required by the CEO is to empower the capability of the LGC such that they are able to effectively hold the Headteacher to account through constructive questioning and appropriate challenge. The LGC must be confident that the Trust’s performance management systems are working well, and, if not, how they can make the Trust aware of their concerns. The LGC’s continues to have its current role in relation to Ofsted inspections and Ofsted MAT reviews.

All governance meetings will use a standard SMART format of minutes and agendas. This includes the following conventions:

o Challenging questions should be highlighted in bold text with an explanation for the reason included at the beginning.

o Governors should not be named in the narrative of the minutes, e.g. when they ask questions. All items are numbered. Item number 1 is the first item discussed in September each year and then numbering continues to the following year. Landulph LGC 2017 point 5 for example would therefore uniquely identify an item.


Governance structure of SMART

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Roles and Responsibilities

The Role of the Members

The Members of the Trust are guardians of the governance of the Trust and as such have a different status to directors. Originally they will have been the signatories to the Memorandum of Association and will have agreed the Trust’s first Articles of Association (the legal document which outlines the governance structure and how the Trust will operate). The Articles of Association will also describe how Members are recruited and replaced, and how many of the Directors the Members can appoint to the Trust Board. The Members appoint Directors to ensure that the Trust’s charitable object is carried out and so must be able to remove Directors if they fail to fulfil this responsibility. Accordingly, the Trust Board submits an annual report on the performance of the Trust to the Members. This annual report will include annual reviews of the performance of the Trust as seen by the constituent LGCs, Headteachers, student council and, at least once every three years, survey data from the wider school community including parents and staff. Members are also responsible for approving any amendments made to the Trust’s Articles of Association and Memoranda of Understanding including the current stipulation that it is desirable for Members and Directors to be drawn from across the region of South East Cornwall. There must be at least three Members, with the preferred number being 5 (in line with current DfE recommendation). The Chair of the Trust Board will be a Member. No other Directors will be Members in order to retain a degree of separation of powers between the Members and the Trust Board. Members are not permitted to be employees of the Academy Trust.

The Role of the Trustees/Directors

The MAT is a charitable company and so directors are both charity trustees (within the terms of section 177(1) of the Charities Act 2011) and company directors. Because directors are bound by both charity and company law, the terms ‘trustees’ and ‘directors’ are often used interchangeably. The Directors are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the Trust and, in accordance with the provisions set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association and its funding agreement, they are legally responsible and accountable for all statutory functions, for the performance of all schools within the Trust, and must approve a written Scheme of Delegation of financial powers that maintains robust internal control arrangements. In addition they must carry out the three core governance functions:

Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

Hold the Executive Team to account for the educational performance of the Trust’s schools and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.

Oversee the financial performance of the Trust and make sure its money is well spent.

The Trust Board of Directors has the right to review and adapt its governance structure at any time which includes removing delegation.

The Role of Trust Board Committees

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The Academies Financial Handbook 2016 makes it clear that the Trust Board of Directors ‘should have a finance committee to which the board delegates financial scrutiny and oversight’. This requirement has been achieved by having named finance governors in each LGC with clear delegated responsibilities set out in this scheme of delegation, who report to the Finance Director. Under the direction of the Finance Director the Trust Board then invites all Directors to be engaged in financial scrutiny and thus to have finance as a key and regular agenda item. The Trust is also required to have a separate audit committee. In addition to these requirements, the Trust Board may establish committees to carry out some of its governance functions. There are currently two categories of committee within the governance structure of SMART.

Second Tier Centralised Committees

These are established by the Chair of the Trust Board in response to particular functions and are dissolved after having completed these functions. A copy of agendas and minutes of such meetings should be sent to the Chair of the Trust Board and to LGC Chairs. Those committees currently sanctioned include the following (responsible directors shown in brackets);

Admissions (CFO, Premises and CSA)


Staff disciplinary (HR, Chair)

Student disciplinary (Safeguarding, Chair)

Remuneration (CFO, Finance and HR)

CEO performance review (HR and Chair)

Audit (CFO, Audit and Finance) These committees may have delegated decision making ability, although any decisions made will be deemed decisions of the Trust Board. The membership (there must be at least three directors and each decision must have a majority of directors voting for it) and responsibilities of board committees are set out in the committee’s terms of reference. It is the responsibility of the Chair of the Trust Board to ensure that the following terms of reference and expected outcomes are formally agreed by the Trust Board when such committees are established. Any appeals arising from the work of these committees will be established so that governors involved in the original decision are not involved.

Specific terms of reference for the Admissions Committee

To be responsible for determining, publishing and annually reviewing in the light of legal guidance, the

admission arrangements, PAN and fair oversubscription criteria across the member academies in the Trust.

Major issues will be referred to the Trust Board for final ratification.

When changes to PAN are considered they will take into account the views of the LGC, physical capacity of each academy and the spread of places available across the MAT. They will inform the Local Authority of the intention to change any PAN and publish planned changes on the SMART and member academy websites.

They will ensure that legal obligations are met including

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1. Ensure consultation takes place between the 1st October and 31st January in the academic year beginning two years before the academic year to which the arrangements will apply and ensure admission arrangements are determined by 28th February in the same academic year.

2. Ensure a copy of the full proposed admission arrangements (including the proposed PAN) are available on each member academy’s website with details of the person to whom comments can be sent.

3. Ensure the finally determined arrangements are published on each academy’s website.

4. Ensure that policies around the cost and requirements for school uniform or school trips do not discourage parents applying for a place for their child.

Specific terms of reference for the Remuneration Committee To be responsible for verifying that the processes employed by the Trust for performance management of all staff are fair, equitable and in line with statutory and contractual obligations. The Trust Board will delegate its pay powers with regard to Performance Management to the

Remuneration Committee. Major issues will be referred to the Trust Board for final ratification.

The committee must pay particular attention to impartiality and removing the possibility of conflict of interest. To this end, the three directors required for this committee must not include the CEO. The committee must invite the CEO and CFO in an advisory capacity and request that they leave for any discussion involving their own remuneration. Employees can be invited as advisors but must not be present for any final discussion or agreement regarding pay awards to staff. The committee will apply the criteria set by the SMART pay policy in determining the pay of each member of staff at the annual review and advise the Trust Board if any changes to legal requirements must be taken into account. The report of the Remuneration Committee will be placed in the confidential section of the Trust Board agenda and will either be received or referred back. Reference back may occur only if the Remuneration Committee has exceeded its powers under the policy.

Local Governing Committees

As these committees have been established as a core mechanism of ensuring local autonomy, they are described separately in more detail later.

For the LGC (Local Governing Committee), the committee itself nominates and recommends the chair for appointment. For all other committees the Trust Board appoints the board committee chairs and committee members according to their skills.

The Role of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

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The primary aim of the CEO role is to ensure that the individual schools and the Trust as a whole consistently achieve outstanding outcomes for all their students and to further ensure that the ongoing financial viability of the Trust is secure and within regulatory requirements. The CEO has the delegated responsibility for the operation of the Trust including the performance of the Trust’s schools and so the CEO performance manages the Headteachers. As there is the delegation of some governance functions to LGCs, this is usually with the Chair of Governors alongside.

The CEO is the Accounting Officer so has overall responsibility for the operation of the Trust’s financial responsibilities and must ensure that the organisation is run with financial effectiveness and stability; avoiding waste and securing value for money. The CEO leads the Executive Team of the Trust. The CEO will delegate executive management functions to the Executive Team and is accountable to the Trust Board for the performance of the Executive Team including the CFO (Chief Finance Officer). The Trust Board should expect the CEO to strive to provide the best life chances for students in the MAT and as such, they should remain up to date with professional guidance and professional literature, such as the current DfE guidance for CEO skill development as shown below.

The Role of the Local Governing Committees (LGCs)

The Directors will ensure each school that is not in a Category 4 of OFSTED will have an LGC that has delegated responsibility to carry out some of its school level governance functions. Each school will be allocated a 'Visiting Director' who is required to attend at least one LGC meeting each year at that school and attend the school at least once in the year when it is in session. Visiting Directors, together with the Chair of the Trust Board and the CEO, will receive invitations to all governor meetings, the required paperwork, agenda and minutes. Through courtesy they will inform the clerk if they intend to attend. Copies will also be sent to the company secretary for circulation to the Board for information. The visiting director will read all necessary paperwork and bring to the attention of the Board, any items that may require their attention. A Trust-wide annual SMART calendar of meetings will be produced and circulated in the summer term for the following year. LGCs must ensure the dates of these termly scheduled meeting are thoroughly checked. The Trust will provide the funding for the second clerked meeting of each term for those schools with fewer than 100 pupils including any expenses for these scheduled full governor meetings which must be clerked by someone who is not a governor. Any further meetings or committee meetings are at the discretion of the Chair and can be clerked by governors as no binding decisions will be taken. The CEO will receive an invitation to all such meetings but would not normally be expected to attend. The Clerk in consultation with the Chair are responsible for advising the Company Secretary of dates of LGC meetings for inclusion in the annual SMART calendar. If changes are necessary, the calendar must be consulted to avoid clashes. The Clerk must advise the Company Secretary of any changes to governor’s contact details so that the master document of all these details which is shared confidentially to all governors remains up

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to date. This same master list excluding all contact details will be on the SMART website together with Member and Director profiles. The Chair is to ensure that up to date LGC governor profiles will appear on the school website. Governor appointment It is the responsibility of the LGC to find suitable governors with appropriate skills in a reasonable timeframe to ensure that all posts are filled and ensuring the correct SMART application form and skills audit is completed by each applicant. The Chair and Headteacher will meet with prospective governors prior to recommending their appointment to the Trust Board. The Chair will forward the application form and skills audit of recommended appointees to the Company Secretary and invite the prospective governor to their meetings as an observer prior to receiving agreement from the Board, they will also arrange a suitable mentor. Once agreed, all new governors will be provided with an induction pack provided (electronically if possible) by the Clerk who should also pass on details of governor training. The Clerk should liaise with the person responsible for the Single Central Record to ensure all new governors are DBS checked. When difficulties arise or if monitoring support is required, this will be provided by the Trust Board led by the Visiting Director. Constitution The LGC will nominate and recommend for appointment their chair, and ensure that at least two governors appointed to the LGC are parents, at least 2 of the LGC should be staff Governors, the rest should be co-opted, such that no more than one third of the LGC are staff. For all of these posts, the LGC will conduct the process and recommend appointments to the Trust Board, including the Clerk and the Chair. The principles of earned autonomy mean that for good and outstanding LGCs this will simply be a final signing off on the process by the Trust Board but there will be greater active involvement by the Trust Board if the existing LGC has not earned this autonomy. Delegation can be removed at any time or, depending on the conditions surrounding earned autonomy, can have some delegation selectively reduced.

The LGC should comprise a minimum of 8 Governors covering the following roles that mirror the portfolio holders in the Trust Board. Some roles may be shared by governors if they contain a lot of KPIs. Other roles such as Audit and Finance, for example may work well together. We have suggested possible groupings below, under the mnemonic of CORE.

Chair of Local Governing Committee Linked to Chair of Trust Board

Headteacher Linked to CEO

Community Community Governor Linked to Community Dir.

Opportunities CSA (Curriculum, Standards & Assessment)

HR (Human resources)

Linked to CSA Director and HR Director

Resources Finance


Linked to Finance and Audit Directors

Environment Safeguarding

Premises and H&S (Health and Safety)

Safeguarding Directors Premises, H&S and

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The Role of the Headteacher

The Headteacher role is critical to the success of each school and to the MAT overall. As the MAT enshrines the concept of earned autonomy and continuous improvement, the role of the Headteacher is, therefore, dependent on their performance. Headteachers whose schools achieve good or outstanding performance in all their key performance indicators will be given extensive responsibility to set the vision and strategic direction for their school within the overall vision and values of SMART. The MAT will ensure that their capacity as a leader is continuously increased through system leadership opportunities both within the MAT and externally to build the reputation and successful ‘brand’ of SMART. Although ultimate decision making must remain at the level of the Trust Board, the Scheme of Delegation is read from right to left, and, so, if the first tick encountered is in the column for the Headteacher the expectation would be that they hold responsibility for this, with their LGC as the primary source of challenge and the Trust Board as the monitoring body ensuring that the good or outstanding grading is being maintained in terms of the full range of measurable outcomes being achieved.

SMART is committed to developing leadership capacity and has already supported Headteachers who are new to the role and requiring considerable support. Such Headteachers may fail to meet the thresholds set by the Trust Board in some areas defined in the Scheme of Delegation and therefore ‘require improvement’ in those areas. It is the role of the CEO to identify such areas and ensure that the Scheme of Delegation is correctly applied to minimise the risks which may arise whilst the capacity is increased. The CEO will seek to deploy the system leadership potential of Headteachers as well as mentoring arrangements in order to assist in such development with the intention of ensuring every school achieves good or outstanding practice in all KPIs and other Scheme of Delegation indicators. All Headteachers should have a whole MAT role to some extent. In terms of accountability, all Headteachers have a line manager within the MAT. In most cases this will be the CEO although in some cases this will be an Executive Head or member of the CBU Executive Team. The scheme of delegation sets out the responsibilities of the Headteacher but more specifically the Headteacher retains responsibility for the following areas

‘front line’ legal and HR matters

being the effective accounting officer for the school in terms of audit,

keeping their line manager informed of their actions and seeking support if there is any potential of risk.

The leadership and management of any short term or permanent exclusion of pupils, together with the LGC including the arrangement of hearings and proceedings.

School Improvement Strategy

SMART is committed to continuous improvement at every level and hence the continuum of assessment from ‘inadequate’ through ‘requires improvement’ to ‘good and outstanding’ that is used throughout the Scheme of Delegation. Rather than work on blanket grading of schools, the Trust's strategy is to be precise about the exact areas that require most improvement and ensure that measurable actions are put in place to address these priorities.

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The following strategies are threaded through the Scheme of Delegation and are designed to maximise continuous improvement in all areas.

A threshold minimum KPI has been set for the percentage of GAG spent on training.

The quality of action planning, the proportion of actions which relate to the three highest priority areas and the proportion that contain evidence of being met, are all indicators monitored at governor and Trust Board level.

Key indicators also include the proportion of outstanding lessons using common criteria across the MAT.

Outstanding teachers, TAs and administrators are supported in sharing their practice across the MAT including during the shared SMART day in which all staff attend a range of sessions provided by such outstanding practitioners in order to identify at least one target from one of the workshops they visit for their own improvement. They then use the presenter as a mentor and others who were inspired by their practice as their peer group across schools. This process is well established and, where applied, has contributed to the increase in the proportion of outstanding lessons year on year.

A Headteacher Forum meets half termly. The initial model for school improvement is for the Forum to focus on one particular school per half term and identify strengths and areas for development which can then be targeted through creating opportunities for staff to share practice including: work in triads; workplace research; MA research; joint observation and learning walks, external trainers and excellent practitioners; visits to centres of excellence in other MATs etc.

Staff working groups develop the ‘baseline’ solution in all areas of school operation over time. This is the minimum expected model which a school should either implement, or develop practice which achieves greater outcomes. Such an approach will generate standardised approaches in some areas and drive innovation in others with a constant upward pressure on the outcomes rather than the specific practice.

An effective Scheme of Delegation backed up by effective KPI monitoring by the Trust Board is designed to ensure that all governors are able to effectively challenge standards and maintain high expectations such that school improvement is a responsibility shared by all members of staff and governors.

SMART is committed to wider system leadership and opening its training to other MATs as well as fully utilising the training opportunities of local providers and local cluster groups. The Community Director post monitors the effective involvement in such networks and the use of expertise within the community. We expect the Scheme of Delegation for this director to change and develop reasonably rapidly over the next couple of years.

Key for the scheme of delegation grid

The following grid summarises the delegated responsibilities in the MAT.

A tick indicates that this role is expected to be responsible.

An ‘A’ indicates that this role is expected to be asked to advise in the process and will either be advising further up the hierarchy (<) or further down the hierarchy (>). If there are no arrows then the person can expect to be critical to the decision making process and asked their opinion through a formal means.

Earned autonomy

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If internal or external inspection or assessments indicate that the school is good or outstanding either in terms of OFSTED grades or in terms of the thresholds decided by the Trust Board, then the green columns for that item only applies.

If internal or external inspection indicates the school needs to improve this particular aspect then the amber colour applies. This could apply if this item only had been highlighted as requiring improvement following an OFSTED inspection.

If a row in the scheme is deemed by internal or external monitoring to be inadequate then the Trust Board will conduct the action shown in the red column.

If a significant number of items in the list are appearing red then the Trust Board may appoint committees to conduct the work required to return the school to good or outstanding.

Key Columns 3-11: Each column summarises the responsibilities of the role which is named in the header. For example, column 3 details the responsibilities of Members.

Blue box Function cannot be legally carried out at this level.

Action to be undertaken at this level

A Provide advice and support to those accountable for decision making or be consulted

R Provide advice in the form of a Report that will be used by the person responsible

< > Direction of advice and support

If more than one tick appears then read from right to left to get to the first tick that applies.

In the example below: if a school had demonstrated good or outstanding practice in succession

planning then they would be expected to draw up such a plan, aided and advised by the

Headteacher. This would be scrutinised by the CEO and copied to the Chair of the Trust Board but

intervention would be minimal. If the school had not yet demonstrated good or outstanding

practice then the responsibility falls to the Chair of the Trust Board to ensure that the CEO makes

arrangements to deliver an effective succession plan.

The workflow and relationships implicit in each line of the Scheme of Delegation is under constant

review and SMART is adhering to the precautionary principle, evolving the model to maximise

delegation where possible whilst effectively managing risk.

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Decision / KPI setting & monitoring responsibility

Delegation If practice is at least good

If it requires improvement

If it is inadequate


Trust Board








s (5


KPI: Monitor Members: Personal earnings from Trust = £0 <A

KPI: Agree annually that financial probity KPIs are met <A <A <R

KPI: Agree annual safeguarding and business KPIs met <A <A <R KPI: Agree vision, mission and charitable objectives are in evidence from annual report

<A <A <A

Annual 360 review with ability to wind up the MAT. <R <A <A <A <A <A <A <A

Percentage top slice: Change based on performance. <A <A <A <A <A <A <A <A

Members: Appoint/Remove (75% must agree)

Directors: Appoint/Remove (75% must agree) <A

Role descriptions for Members: review annually

Change the name of the MAT (75% of Members must agree) <A <A <A <A

Articles of Association: review and agree (75% must agree) <A <A <A Annual targets for expansion and capacity limits for how quickly expansion happens before requiring further agreement: receive and verify

<R <A <A


Any change to the Articles must be agreed by DfE

When appointing a new Member, the audit of existing skills is updated and used to ensure the Members collectively cover all the skills required.

The process of Member appointment will be transparent and information regarding the skill set of those who have applied will be shared with the LGC and Headteachers of all schools in the MAT

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Decision / KPI setting & monitoring responsibility

Delegation If practice is at least good

If it requires improvement

If it is inadequate

Trust Board











st B



KPI: %members responding positively to receipt of the Annual Report = 100% <A <A <R <A KPI: % of half termly quorate TB meetings have agreed minutes published on the website within a week of the meeting taken place.

KPI: % Directors providing an accurate KPI summary for Annual Report KPI: % meetings on governance calendar (3 Core, 6 Heads Forum, 12 TB, 6 LGC per school, 6 MAT student council) take place on initial published date.

<A <A <A <A <A

KPI: % ‘Visiting Directors’ engaging with schools as set out in requirements <A <A <A <A <A KPI: % ‘Red’ KPIs across all Director areas: Minimised (risk management ) <A <A <A <A <A KPI: %Attendance of all LGC and Directors (contribution discussed verbally) <R <R KPI: %Termly student led MAT student council meetings include all schools <A> <A> <A> KPI: #Student led recommendations debated and responded to annually <R> <A> <A> Trust’s governance structure, terms of reference for Board Committees and scheme of delegation : establish; agree; review annually

<A <A <A

Skills audit for LGC new appointments and Directors: maintain Succession: plan <R> <R> Chairs of committees including LGCs: approve appointment and dismissal <A <A Chief Executive Officer: appoint and dismiss <A LGC performance monitoring and Director monitoring: agree arrangements


Annual performance of CEO: review <A <A <A <A <A <A LGC Annual report to Trust Board Inc. next year’s calendar: Submit; Publish. A> <R <R

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Decision / KPI setting & monitoring responsibility

Delegation If practice is at least good

If it requires improvement

If it is inadequate

Trust Board









r ro


KPI: % of outstanding and good observed teaching <R KPI: % of school action plan targets have measurable expected outcomes <R <R <R KPI: % of previous year’s action plan targets led to evidenced improvement <R <R <R KPI: # of CEO/LG joint learning walks for ongoing consistency in each school <A <A <A <A KPI: % of school action targets in line with the 3 MAT strategic objectives A> <R A> <R KPI: # of ‘red’ areas within all school KPIs: Minimised and reduced over time <A <A <A <A <A KPI: # of positive external media articles for each school and the trust <A <A <A <A KPI: # of recognition points at system level and system leadership inputs <A <A <A Trust's vision and strategy, key priorities and key measurable performance indicators (KPIs) against which progress towards achieving the vision can be measured: prepare, agree, monitor, and review.

<R <A <A <A <A <A <A

Budget plan to support delivery of Trust 's key priorities: agree <A <A <A <A Trust wide policies which reflect the Trust's ethos and values including admissions and complaints: determine, monitor, review

<R <A <A

School level policies include e.g. admissions; SEND; safeguarding and child protection; curriculum; behaviour: determine and approve

<A <R

Schools' vision and strategy: agree key priorities A> A> <A <A Headteachers : appoint and dismiss <A Trust and CBU staffing structure: agree <R <A <A <A School staffing structure: agree <A <R <A <A <A Performance management of Headteachers: undertake, agree pay award A> <A <A

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Decision / KPI setting & monitoring responsibility

Delegation If practice is at least good

If it requires improvement

If it is inadequate

Trust Board













KPI: Press coverage rates for schools and Trust as a whole <A> <A <A KPI: Attendance of visiting directors at their linked schools <A <A KPI: % Payment for PR from each school and Trust overall <A> <A <A <A KPI: Kirkland Rowell or similar survey outcomes fed into action plans <A> <A <A KPI: Active link meetings with community groups <A> <A <A KPI: Participation in local school groupings not in the MAT <A> <A <A KPI: Ease of access to public information and consultation <A <A <A KPI: Range of web news items and postings – arrangements for MAT-wide support for such services.

<A <A <A

KPI: Proportion of children engaged in community action <A <A <A Publication on Trust and schools’ websites of all required details on governance arrangements: ensure

<A <A <A

High profile or newsworthy items: report regularly to the Board <A <A <A

Praise systems and positive links with parents setting public perceptions: monitor the effectiveness

<A <A <A

Ensure fair advertisement of governor vacancies and that posts are filled in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation including induction and mentor.

<A <A <A

Engagement with stakeholders

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Scheme of delegation Dan Buckley 11th January 2018 17

Decision / KPI setting & monitoring responsibility

Delegation If practice is at least good

If it requires improvement

If it is inadequate

Trust Board








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KPI: National schools benchmarks: e.g. Progress 8, ALPS, Primary progress: Annual report with strategies for all areas below national averages.

<A> <R <R

KPI: % Proportion of Pupil Premium and SEN funding showing measurable improvement. Publish annual report on the web. <A> <A> <R <R

KPI: % Proportion of children in each year group and category placed on class teacher based 6 week intervention due to less than flight path progress.

<A> <R <R

KPI: % Proportion of children in each year and category involved in more able programmes. %of these who describe the programme as good or better.

<A> <R <R

KPI: % attendance: Correlation between attendance and cost effectiveness of interventions intended to improve this. Annual attendance report.

<A> <R <R

KPI: #of extracurricular places per term (1 MOS doing 2hrs/wk for 6 weeks = 2x6x15 =180 places). Number accessed by PP and by non PP.

<A> <R

KPI: % with one or more PLTS type assessment reported home per year. (Review this KPI annually to extend it to intervention for poor progress)

<A> <R

KPI: % of annual assessment that is standardised across more than one school <R> <A

Curriculum: Broad and balanced curriculum in line with national requirements: review design and implementation

<A> <A

Curriculum: Homework and feedback provision: Agree, monitor, review <A> <A School action plans targets that are focussed on CSA objectives: Review how many, what they are focussed on and how progress is defined.

<A> <R

Moderation of standards between schools and externally: Review the number of events that take place and how standards are verified.

<A> <A

Quality assurance systems used in schools. Review systems in use and evidence for their effectiveness. E.g. subject reviews, work scrutiny etc. <A> <A

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Scheme of delegation Dan Buckley 11th January 2018 18

Decision / KPI setting & monitoring responsibility

Delegation If practice is at least good

If it requires improvement

If it is inadequate

Trust Board








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KPI: % staff at each stage of competency <A <A

KPI: Staff absence (RTW ) and staff turn around exit interviews <A <R

KPI: % GAG spent on CPD. <A <A> <R

KPI: % of staff in each school engaged in CPD related to school priorities <A <A

KPI: % of staff provided with leadership opportunities, training or mentoring <A <A <A

KPI: % of staff having achieved or exceeded PM targets <A <A <A <A

Remuneration committee: Set up, chair, agree roles, report <A <A <A <A Role descriptions for Directors/chair/specific roles/committee members: create, review, agree

<A <A <A <A

Clerk to board: appoint and remove Clerk to LGC: appoint and remove <A Skills audit: complete and recruit to fill gaps <A> <A> <A Chair’s performance: carry out 360 review periodically <A <A Performance management of the CEO: undertake <A CEO pay award: agree <A <A

Staff appraisals: To agree or challenge recommendations from Headteachers <A <R

Determine Trust wide staffing policies which reflect the Trust's ethos and values (facilitating discussions with unions where appropriate) including - capability, discipline, conduct and grievance: approve, manage review

<A <A

The Process for conducting staff appraisal objectives and pay progression awards: review

<A <A <A

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Scheme of delegation Dan Buckley 11th January 2018 19

Decision / KPI setting & monitoring responsibility

Delegation If practice is at least good

If it requires improvement

If it is inadequate

Trust Board











KPI: % Difference between total income and expenditure <A <R

KPI: % Reserves in relation to GAG: <A <R

KPI: % Capital in relation to GAG <A <R

KPI: % GAG +SEN on unfunded staffing <A <A> <R

KPI: % GAG +SEN on unfunded teaching <A <A> <R

KPI: % GAG for management <A <A> <R

KPI: % Budget allocated to CPD <A <A> <R

KPI: Final sign off of headline budgets for each school <A <A> <A <A

Central spend / top slice: agree <A <A <A <A

CFO: appoint in conjunction with CEO <A

CFO: monitor and review performance through monthly meetings <A <A <A <A

Trust's and School’s Scheme of Financial Delegation: establish and review

<A <R <A <A

Trust wide procurement strategies and efficiency savings programme: develop


Trust wide procurement strategies and efficiency savings programme: review and approve

<A <A <A <A

Annual report work of LGC: submit to Trust and publish A> <A

Business Continuity Plan: review and maintain <A <A <R <A

Trust wide policies for charging and remissions: determine; review <A <A <A <A

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Scheme of delegation Dan Buckley 11th January 2018 20

Decision / KPI setting & monitoring responsibility

Delegation If practice is at least good

If it requires improvement

If it is inadequate

Trust Board








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KPI: # of advice notices from external auditors annually

<A <A

KPI: # of advice notices addressed: effectiveness of actions taken since last year to address notices and other concerns.

<A <R

Annual self-review of LGCs: Agree structure, contents and timescale <A <A <R> <A <R> <A Annual self-review of LGCs: Publish deadlines, compile <A <A Annual self-review of Trust Board and committees: complete Management of risk: establish register, review and monitor <A> <A Auditing and reporting arrangements for matters of compliance (e.g.

safeguarding, H&S, employment): agree <A> <A

External auditors' report: instigate, receive and respond <A <A> <A

Internal audit report: Response to the termly report conducted by CBU <A <A <A

Audit Committee: Establish, Maintain, Chair, Agree Terms of Reference <A <A <A <A

Annual report and accounts including accounting policies, signed statement

on regularity, propriety and compliance, incorporating governance statement

demonstrating value for money: Compile, Submit to Trust Board <A <R <R> <A <R> <A

Policy review: Data Protection, FOI

Benchmarking and Trust wide value for money: ensure robustness <A <A <A <A

Benchmarking and school value for money: ensure robustness

<A <A <A <A

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Scheme of delegation Dan Buckley 11th January 2018 21

Decision / KPI setting & monitoring responsibility

Delegation If practice is at least good

If it requires improvement

If it is inadequate

Trust Board









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KPI: % of random 10 children can name a CP officer and lanyard colours. <A <R

KPI: # notifications to MARU, PREVENT, discrimination (race, LGBT+ disability) <A> <A <R KPI: % attendance and persistent absent for all and for vulnerable groups <A <R KPI: # follow up actions remaining from annual S175/157 safeguarding audit <A <A KPI: # governor visits in last 12m, #staff and students included in spot checks <A <A KPI: % of random 10 children can find CEOPs and recall e-safety training. <A <A Ethos: Ensure leadership and chair promotes a culture of vigilance in which ALL responsible with open, transparent dialogue and challenges encouraged.

HR: Annual training and updates in ‘Prevent’ and Child Protection for ALL staff and governors. Specific training for DSL/DDSL and link governors.


HR: Arrangements for safer recruiting of all posts: Agree, establish, monitor Partnerships with primaries, LADO, MARU and all agencies are used appropriately and correctly notified e.g. private fostering, ‘prevent’, CP cases.

CSA: As part of balanced curriculum, all pupils receive awareness, information and skills for how to remain safe and well in relationships and online

Audit: SCR in place, for all governors, staff and visitors with the same version in use across all schools including safe access control and name badges. <A> <A <A <A <A <A

Audit: Up to date Safeguarding Policy, Behaviour and anti-bullying policy, all named roles are up to date and trained for their roles. E.g. CiC governor.

Risk register for safeguarding is up to date: maintain <A <A <A <A <A Robust systems for reporting, detecting patterns in data, monitoring and tracking outcomes particularly for CP children: Agree, monitor

A> A> A> <A

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Scheme of delegation Dan Buckley 11th January 2018 22

Decision / KPI setting & monitoring responsibility

Delegation If practice is at least good

If it requires improvement

If it is inadequate

Trust Board







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KPI: Capital expenditure and %reserves in comparison to GAG for each school <A> <A <A

KPI: Number of reported near miss events and follow up <A <A <A <A

KPI: Completion of H&S annual audits, number of actions requested by the reviews.

<A <A <A

KPI: Proportion of H&S audit actions followed up and resolved: Annual <R <A <A

KPI: Income due to lettings across the MAT and against expected benchmarks for each school A> A> <A

Capital grant funding to areas of most need: allocate <A> <A> <A

Bidding for external funding: review success and processes A> A>

Energy use and efficiency: monitor <A> <A

Trust wide policies which reflect the Trust's ethos and values (facilitating discussions with unions where appropriate) including: health and safety, premises management: determine, manage review

<A> <A <A

Annual child led assessment with photo evidence of the top 5 and worst 5 areas in each school requiring attention.

<A> <R <R

Risk register for H&S and premises: establish and manage

<A> <A