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...r?4%:> "^.. t ^ , copy to V ', ' f'<^ ' -It?" ^.'\^>-^• ^ Schmidl 4' X'- ••' *< fr ,-:,; .. ,rf . >.♦., , ••vt.W V'^.*.: ...-^ ti. ■•'. J.V

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...r?4%:> "^.. t ^ , ■ copy toV ',' f'<^ ' -It?" ^.'\^>-^• ^ Schmidl

4' X'- ••' *<fr,-:,; .. ,rf . >.♦., , ••vt.W V'^.*.: ...-^ ,» ti. ■•'. J.V

Page 2: Schmidl - OCLC

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;^!f^14-18 sn : - ■ ^ia-18 240 ■. -

IIKi:S''<- " s« 187 . 1 ' '=5, 1" i, ■' \■ 20-40 184, ■

' 40-50 zs -y--y': :. ■ i8'/'/-#':iv||p:-::;-'^ 'yyy$:^

a_ 2622 : -■ -;.-;SJ2ef,^/-Vve#- 'W.v2094^ -

-9091, ■ r:?"'2:"^ • • •• '•"• ; - ! ■ 'vr.l'-,- •••'^

■:;, ■ Botos' Inforaeition on the Pxarleocb grmp is cot t&halatsd* • Dednetihl#' . . - y%${jyiaforrsGtion ».'oald be that .t?)c^ fSTOup on fuTloi^-h ritb the eateeptloa ot J^'''-..

' hsapitaliaad, v oald be in the r^iddle sge eroup ix.le, tte aa^rllgr off-' . v*.^k;*\y.. -v.

'$^"yy y' ' t7hieh; tntild fsll inte the 18-30 grotap*'Vr'*; '''.^L '4', ';>- -i*

■ ri^ '-e^ -•- - ■

!>'■':' ^4"'

<4- a

We ajre doneerned with this lnf€raiatlo& in trying to oseortain the possible .nonber (tf persons participating and inTolved in the ineident* On the even-

'Wy 'y^- ing of i)eee;aber 6tli two gronpe of persons ware forn»d soaowhere within the


eentor* Simultuicously one of t?'G grom^ narchod on tho x-:lloo station'' , ' (to froa Uono, under arrest and Inoaroeratod for allegedly beating up fayar&i

^ '. . and ti50 otlicr one on tho hospital located at opposite sides of the relocation eenter» At tho police station were Caucasiaia t!>-1 bad had ©Kpprieacewith orowda reviooaly, and teould serve to give a reliable estir^ite of the

y, 4'" '■»;^fe.;


nan3>er in the group tl3s,t o^pehe-d on that point* 2hoy are Wop 2er,4enQt Heed,'Vhf ■ 322&d iieoort Ciuard Cori;an7, a fortaor Sew Jersey State i:rodpor, who has bad

" exTcrieno© with footb'..ll cradds* oto». Acting AsaiGtiint Chief of InternalSecurity < • b* biilieuai, whe also hc^s had exacrieaee with groups asad crowds.

'.:5 ■ fisd. Can|E;bell, iiaslstnnb Project diractor sind several otheie* ' STheso jpersom' estiTBted to ae that between 500 and 800 persona were in the group la front

V-'' > 4 ' Of the police he^id usrtors* 2he estlaato of the group at the hospital wan


gi'^rea an between 3000 and 4000 persona (the reason for tbis gi'oup was tosearch the hoapita.1 and Mil rayane, who had boon provicasly beaten up,

|, . allegedly Ueno). 5?his inforjsation I do not fool is as roli. ulo as givaa^ statlran groETO* Hmvever, as a Esininaa let's assaoo that 5Q0 porsonawere in the hoepital groi:^ and 500 were in the pollw giposq)* Another eati-

f.-r'- Hnte civwB pnd aore or less agreed upon was that the age of tho partlcii^intsen 3D avei^ge wos betcoen 19 and 30* ITe wnaea participated* m will arrive

yyyyt th«i at an awran5>tloa ear apiaroxia tioa that in tl» two fjpoups, 1000 joale■ persons were present T^eiFore epnToxiar tels' between the ages of 19 stud 30*

^"v "" : -At:

W rlA'L.

i .'■ ■ ,. ,:4 , ■....AA.v,.- .' .-Vfei'ii ■'4A.A- ,i'>" t .-Ar

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Page 3: Schmidl - OCLC

:j V ... ̂

3)ill«B ̂ 3r-~wa»ia*y 8, 1943 ..yX- -; i ...



In loddii,': te«ic at tlic JiVAlsiocm of tho pspulatleaa ve find aptorexlmtdlj ,16^1 pcrso!^ in all, la th« eantttr. 9f this ygo gro^, Thia ^ould Indl-eata that over oa* half of that groc^ were proeeat# we can furtherassaae tlu t a mcdMr of those persojas partioipated in only a "seeiog" Jvi'^expdditioa* In other words, th<qf were curious about tho eromd and ^ ^

* followed along enly tc eeo what was going on* yiatt as farther assooeiplr^'V. ' ^ S*oo$> participated in such a Banner; leaving 500» ."'ivi h7?e could fartiaer assiaao that om half of tho roBaining 500 were net within

the inrasr elrele or salicioos group but ths-t thoy w©3Pe in accord with thefoeliBg* Tble would leave aboat 250 persozuir perhape is a verycenaorvative estiaate of the group of trouble aKslcers that had eonethlag - ^p to do With the planning of the treubles, participating in previoua

V BEilicions intent#

^ I so infmnasd, and from onestioaing people, it is reasombly probable^at the noea grotqj was planned nisi real riet taetlea were «!^leyed« Theyeuflgor of the group tritb tho exeeptlMt of the ooznaittGe were plaei^ infront; Caooasicn adudnistrstlve personnel had at least sOnrra J&panont

^ persons with a grot^ leader that were assigned (Sipeeifically, Zir# JSerritt,: 'J--; vi. ,

ijS r r Projeot Oiroetor, Hod Oacpbell, Assistant fro^eet director, end John" ; Qllltqy, -acting Chief of Internal SeourityJ to them and who were followed

}>j that group riierevwr tbejr throuGh the raob#

'VCv..#., (2) Tihos the six p* n# groups started, all of tho dinner songs in ttwrolocation center TOre sounded for eoiae tine, Ihia would indle^ te at

■ '.V-;<-P least 36 nore persons were a part of the rdaaning group or else hOaf could ,4 f Ai tfesy have i ll been sounded at oape and with the sa-ne sir^nifieance# ?t.3

•He'* . - c1 ̂

s i-



iZ) Slacac ars bunds were worn by u great nusder of peswons in the oenter*SSiis ijroap w-aa eatisanted at about 4000# Zroza ajr observation end throughthe oimerv$utlon of others, one of whOB was Ir, C2iana»erlaia, In oh rgo ofBcnufdottariag and a cloth expert, stated th t all the <S. oth wj?s of theease natorial# Phree daj'S primr to tho Inoidont John Sd-aougblln, Caucasian or^lo'^eo, )iad larobfi^sed for sa evaoaee roaident, two .'.M one h-nifyards of black ana b£tnd arterial in Lone Pine {a naarby tovcn) bec.vusemono oould be puroiuised or v;aa to be had within tho relocation certer,

/ Hoeover, after the incident tho estimtod mmmor of if.ra b^ads worn '.y i ^

I 1 nseessitated ,bpproxiri.tQly 4000 feet of svitoriol# Sie question is, was itf ^ -■ ordered before harai by the plsnaizig ^;rottp, or, why hod it not bocn sold

to the rcrcons who bisd wanted to bfi(sr two and om half ysrds for a. ssnllc b]|f- regular ooritl oor«K>cy#


1<t"' .. (4) for approxira^jitely two and one half weelbS buying was etoppod atit ' /the oojnn.uiity onterprise eontesns# Yet very little, if any, ooE^laiat

y;.' 'is*'

. ..

V^i wm heard mmezning tho lack of tobnooe or Xotox, iteras that "ould

' • " wffect about 3000 of the persone in the center# 2ho cuMti^ is, if they*; | l<v*" ■ ^-4 a teheed up previous to tlie incident, rhy were they mtified to do e«r and bjr tihoia#

t\K - ...M \-A


X i. :■ h ■v^.w ' -A-/ - ■■ -ir.'-'" V. -fe ,£\, y- .i a: > .a'y V-''' f ■■ ■ . '■ hi. • ' ' a"-;^ a- -I' ."* ' ' ' . • '■ ; A'?^! y ■» ■-» y vA-W''>'G . ,.^V r ,f..V J" 1 - a

w ' .^Jt - '- ii-^ • •■■ ■ -a . •.tov:,. 'ieBEsr*- .-Ki

Page 4: Schmidl - OCLC

' •■. .. ■- ■ - ■ ■ ■>-'' 5*; V ' 4•'■' ■ < •■ ,V- •v ^ .'V \

-r'Idllon 2^er-----^anuaiy 8, 1948- "■■■ '%' ' '

(fi) An olootrloiil as^pl^ building -waa bursarised soon sftor the inoident^«M fufiaa, vrire iind ground loops takoa* ifor l;v;o nights the ahutting off-Of olootpie ourroat in perta of ooct©* ms due to the uss of ground M

AJ- loops* I infonasd tfir.t Only two peraoae Tmam hoc to ue© a ground loop* gsOno being a Caueasiaa and the other ea evaoooo-* Iho Is in this

CTGOuo© "plaatod" to gst this iaforaatloa sod/or latorial,^ planBlng groap imew *^ro TOrtain things were stored and whoathey soold latlEsidat© for their useful pri?ctioe« A further indiostioa of


■; ; good planning*

(6) 5Hie Stoward Pirisloot* i^n sy questlcmiag* Inforasd ae that for aboutI jj;?;. ' a reck imd a half prior to the lacideat a rery masmil and large request '

list for foods was seat to th© dirisioa for doiirery to the rto-iouskitohens* Thile these foodn wore not <ai delivered* this iadlciptosthe placaiag tooards outaiaiag «r Uying sway <rf supplies for the ineldoiit.

:j';.' ; in easo of atrilce and closii^ of ^vi^Piouses*. ..y' r V!4- ii'*-^'

p.; g...

4'>-(7) m ehecScing eith the-postal authorities, I fjsecrtainod tk t theiGreeet d£^ la 0* 0* I)*8 and aoa^ orders thr^t the liaaaanay ieet ChTf ioe fhas oier had was on Soreaber ^th, 1942* 2ho da^-*s business inrolred 44Tlaoaoy orders and 0* 0* |}*8* of $4,707*44 tetdl* Ihls nausual businessres toe soon after Sbsricsc'iTine atsd too far fron Christaos to hare anysl^dflosnt attaohzasBt to thera* Bten thou{;;h the lost Oifioo t?&s closedfor cpproxiEtitely four days after the Ineidont, the ̂ stoaaster colleoted . .y"^'

boxes within the oonter sad dispatohed thara to their outsidedestination* ISiis perhaps xse^ be the r^seo for the after opening rush I '^ the c* 0* D* peelers* ^£;_^

'-A- ' -fy, ■ ■ iteiSsWI' -w4'•;•*'<'

(8J Ihe betehelor greap in blo<^ 1 adjeiaiac ̂ cdnsinlstratiro officeshrcte eleaya Iwoo rorj reluctant to be aorod aaey froD ttiis bleed:* . eb It

A.... _ _ . . .. • .

^ ̂ plan, &s these persons wore seen to b© the prossar© group" telling the Japanese not to return to tTOrtc la tbo a^sistrntions or nes id

just a coincidenoed...

Cenaorship of erac'uee nnll by the jS^pancMAb S3olsi<aii3 CoaBittoe In: Blocks 11 ai^ 22 indlw^'tee good jdatmii^? by thO'^^o* i.e-Tv-v?

S'":.-- - il^) Cossxini^ £ntorprises sdrisoc s» that only ccversi ds^'S before thei■'^ '.i/.y, noidcnt & iacrciUBo in buying at tbo C^oitoea and Dry Qeods Jtore,

^4:;^ depleted stooka and stores of aaterlsl* It was laoro or less oorcxm talkthf t tho ct43ree were going to bo closedi but this w-s irested by sotae

[;jae-dbore of tJio ataff as suaother ^ruaer monger*' etvsym .

i. nudber of persons bars ashnd -^tut do the Jepaaese or rz«**Aris grsv|>(if any) hope to ^n Iqr huTing those treublM within reXoci^tioa oeaters***


Page 5: Schmidl - OCLC

Dillon 6, 1945^

; V.'M'. ■■ ■ ' -. '-£¥2',■ ■ : :J:x ' ^ ■ ■■ . . tftyS-

V...fik I

Pwriu^ ̂ 3!Mi«Mi for ttiis oouia 1n)|\




f::. \' • H-- .

I* ha0'lMon.rolD:blj^ rerortod that J>pa®.Is tryiJ^ to iircrcat'any'XTlooi&tioiii^''^hjy thffl Japanoso* 25w : pprcalr»tod 14,000 OTOoueoe oho oeat oat on farlooi^j 'for hc.rvost vorK &jee a Toxy ii^povtont :J3d vit&l £srt of the JniteA states "atur peli^*'^ S%w trouble that is publlolsod in the nesnp&pQ^no about troublex^lthin oentere ceOoos the ^uscriOim peoplo relaetaat to hire those er&eueee fcrharvest ijoz^c thlzfldsg that tboy ore all troublo aeSotm and all ssoto or lessleyal to Ja|}un* Is ny travels betcoen the various relooation eentors thetroulilee that hovo been publicised h:.vo very ̂ ell scoot^isfeiid this sort efetrate©' rra, thue cnldnc the ;• E» - • policy of rolocction mieh harder#8o;:« Of the Japcmese believe ̂ apcn rdll uin the mr^ so thc^r ■cTont to partioi-pate in sorae overt act of vielenee to sho\# that th^ belOBfjed# 3oa» are , f •rodioally inelined due t« the ovaooatiea ordeTt to soae of the treataontdlreotod tor;aid tho!% upreotinj:- of fo-railies resuLtin^^ la fproap retardation,the loss of real and ^rsonal property, m sroat deal of tyhioh th.t bad to , - 'do -ith {;^inful ooeuix^ition, eto# Sono are fanQti^:illy attached to J.paa#

-■"?*•'r,' f-ljlle this rejert is not bused on xreconcelvod idea tow ards the antiei-.patioa or preowaee of iTO-jucia grwipe I feel that yoa should have the in-

El ht have®r.

forciatiea for eorrelating uXtb ether fa.ots end thoughts that your groi^.'m

if ♦ tery tr;4y years^ ■ ■. - . .b'"- " .-.5

: '«. i-

iin Mni.iHjijr.>5";, ■ vtif:



. >c ' - ' v«%UlMiiM"'"'nvs .<><jinwoa 't;!## Cantftftil unS' &FV fiAone' StOVe SSft. /<r''.^bifa'.4'iv'!b' '-T. S# jEneleddd are figures frm the Cantscn end Sxy deedv Store

Page 6: Schmidl - OCLC

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■ DaTS Sy GOUO;; lOEiil 0?,rr ^:o ^'20

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1129 83 . 2525 83 ' ' ' . -.

« 3 1169 89 570 46 174G 34 : ■■''j

:S... i „ U94 64 75C 99 O'SC r-S«kMr49«.^ 63

■ " 5 1405 90 753 54 2138 64

1231 26 801 U 2132 47-^^

- f 15^6 75 906 19, , 5462 88

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- 13 1384 70 733 37 2113 07

- U 1906 92 725 99 26S> 91

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" IC 1302 16 1476 82 2770 98 :

17 1560 52 620 39 1900 91■ , .:l..A

•» 16 687 60 49C^ 14 1177 74

" 19 928 52 604 72 1533 24

•• 20 1543 74 734 96 2078 69

" 21 1026 10 889 07 2715 17 ■

- M Close)d ei«e4

" 23 U92 06 UK 16 2606 22 .■

.» 24 1256 59 79< 04 2032 63

» 25 1467 94 107: 44 2539 88

" 27 2166 36 150^ 75 3673 11"-' l'^'

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tt 28 2169 H 1819 29 3988 43«

n 29 2010 19 1426 l& 3456 37

*1 50 1766


1873 28 3439 79

« 31 2281 40 1709 83 4081 23

,202AI, i' 33,564 57 ^ £5,587 78 V 64,152 35


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