school ssp information brochure - what is the speech sound pics approach?

Becoming Code Crackers, Learning to Code Map ! Code Mapping is an essential skill for reading & spelling. It ‘wires’ the brain to be ABLE to read with fluency and comprehension, and to write as quickly as the student can talk.

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1. Becoming Code Crackers, Learning to Code Map ! Code Mapping is an essential skill for reading & spelling. It wires the brain to be ABLE to read with fluency and comprehension, and to write as quickly as the student can talk. 2. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 3. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. Order a teaching pack, per P-3 class, which includes all hard copy resources, and 12 months access to the members area for assessment tools, whiteboard lessons, printable resources and more. Teaching packs are available for parents (1 or 2 children) tutors (up to 5 students) and P 3 classrooms (25 students going through Phase 2). All you need for Phase 3 is a set of wall clouds and the Speedy Six pdf, however parents and teachers might still want access to the members area. See for everything included in each pack. Nothing else is needed other than extra coded hard copy readers. We recommend a set of SSP readers, Dandelion Readers and also Fitzroy. We also code readers for you, to use on tablets, whiteboards etc. This is a free web site for all. All whiteboard lessons and resources are in the members area, however you can See some high frequency words to music on This means you have everything needed to teach letter formation, phonics (all spelling choices, a world first) spelling, reading fluency and comprehension, writing, grammar and punctuation, to develop information processing / working memory systems and more. See SSP in action on and follow us on 4. Every student* enters Year 2 reading chapter books for pleasure, and reading to learn. * Other than in the case of a diagnosed learning impairment. SSP is vital for those students as they will thrive on the scaffolded approach. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 5. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 6. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 7. Phonemic awareness is not phonics. Phonemic awareness is auditory (can they identify, order and blend individual speech sounds in spoken words) and is separate from print. It is an essential subset of phonological awareness, and does not involve syllables or onset and rime. Between 10 and 33% of any Prep class (who have not used SSP in pre-school) will have poor phonemic awareness, regardless of socio economic area, gender, intelligence, parental involvement Without phonemic awareness they will never become effective readers or spellers. 8. Issues that prevent all learners being able to learn to read and spell with confidence are overcome from term 1 of Prep. Dyslexic brains are wired for reading and spelling. 9. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 10. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 11. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. Find things to Code Map that the students are really interested eg Minecraft ! 12. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. Best way to confuse? Give them spelling 'rules'. Brains just don't like learning that way. Want something new, that doesn't make them blue? Let brains discover code mapping through play. 13. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 14. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 15. Play the word in speech sounds on the piano and find out how many notes were used. Do this with duck hands from left to right, and then blend the whole word. Identify which speech sound sit on each line and then choose the sound pics (magnetic) or write them on ! Play the speech sounds again, and blend into the whole word. 16. Say the speech sounds (not letters) as you play the Speech Sound Piano and then finish with the whole word. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 17. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 18. Down the head, to the hooves, and over his back All around the orange. Down and under, up to the top, and draw the puddle Slither down the snake Lift off the top, and scoop out the egg. Order through 19. Learn to play a word in speech sounds, to speak in speech sounds, and to read in speech sounds! ! See words as made up of pictures of speech sounds. Writing is just talking on paper. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 20. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 21. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 22. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 23. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 24. Early Years/ Prep Order Speech Sound King and Speech Sound Duck Puppets, and also Speech Sound Hat (what is under the h/a/t today?) and Speech Sound Camera. SSP Shop Online. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 25. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 26. There are Visual Prompts for each code level ie images that prompt a word the student can spell using Sound Pics at that level. These all link with s,a,t,p,i,n. (Green Level) 27. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 28. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 29. (ant) (pants) Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 30. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 31. You are not teaching these! All clouds are on walls from day 1 to show students all of the other Sound Pics for the speech sound they are learning. They refer to these daily. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 32. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 33. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 34. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 35. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 36. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 37. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 38. sip Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 39. ant Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 40. tap Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 41. pan Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 42. pin Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 43. nap Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 44. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 45. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. Ord Order workbooks separately - only 1 per class needed. ($15) 46. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. The ant is in the pan. The ant runs on the pan The red pants run by the pan. The black ant runs by the pan The ant runs by the pin. The red ant runs in the pan. the red ant runs by the pan. The red ant runs in the pan. The red ant runs by the pan. 47. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. The King is pleased ! Hes flashing his flip flops ! 48. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 49. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 50. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 51. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 52. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 53. No levelled readers start before Blue, inc PMs. 54. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. These are available as table top resources 55. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. and the Duck Levels ! 56. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. At each Code Level the students are not only learning to use more Sound Pics, but developing an understanding of the concepts required to fluently code, and comprehend, developmentally appropriate text. 57. You will see when students are moving through the levels. When they can do the brain training video at speed, and do the rap for each level in 14 seconds or less their brains are code mapping at that level quickly enough to move up. But they use prior knowledge and build on it each day. So there is not really a day when you say now they are ready to move up as they already are! However you can use the assessment tools if you want to record data, especially to keep track on how far travelled ie when each reached the next Code Level. We have recommended assessment tools in the members area, eg Probe for comprehension tests, and various from Macquarie University. If you must benchmark using a whole language tool ie PM Benchmarking, please do this when the student is ready ie when they reach the Blue Code Level, or term 4 of Prep whichever comes first. We hope these will be phased from Australian classrooms however, as at odds with best practice. 58. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. This does not happen. SSP Preps would not write like this from term 2. Why? They would know that there are not enough sound pics for many of the words (m/ar/k/s) and that sound pics are not following the sounds (f/ir/s/t) and that the duck level words are not spelt like that ie one, said, your dont, want, know, going. A blue level student would know that race is a sound pic sandwich. They would ask this student to check their work as the Speech Sound Frog has eaten capital letters, commas and full stops for lunch. This student has obviously not been taught to duck hand words to know how many speech sounds there are, and current teaching strategies are preventing this childs brain from recognising what looks right or not. There are NUMEROUS high frequency (Duck level) words in this piece that are being spelt incorrectly, and every time they do this they reinforce the incorrect spelling for the brain. It is repetitive learning for the brain, of the wrong spelling (sound pic) choices. 59. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 60. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 61. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 62. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 63. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 64. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 65. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 66. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 67. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 68. Coded readers and sentences will be created using the Sound Pics they know and are learning at their current Code Level, along with High Frequency Words (they start on Duck Level 1, alongside SSP Green). If working at the Purple Code Level therefore they may be coding the following Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 69. More speech sounds are investigated, and 1 or more Speech Sound Pics that can represent those speech sounds. More words can be read, and written ! More coded high frequency words are introduced (Duck Levels) Concept introduced that a sound pic can represent more than 1 speech sound (g/c). Speech sounds can be represented by more than one sound pic sssss represented by s (green level) c and ss Concept introduced that to sound pics together still represent 1 speech sound (ck/ le) and that two of the same sound pic together represent one speech sound (ss/ ll/ bb /ff /dd/) 70. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 71. The Speech Sound Pics (SSP) Approach 72. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. The pug dog pants, the mad man rants, Mick lost his belt and has no pants ! Example Purple Level Text 73. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 74. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 75. The gentle giant giggles, and the daft duck wiggles ! Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 76. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. Example Purple Level Reader 77. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. Example Purple Level Readers 78. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. Purple Level Rap 79. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 80. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 81. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. The rabit in a hat finds seven carrots. the rabbit in a hat finds six carrots. The rabit in a hatt finds six carrots. The rabbit in a hat finds six carots. The rabbit in a hat finds seven carrotts. The rabbit in a hat finds six carrots. The rabbit in a hat findz six carrots 82. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 83. Play Speech Sound Pic Detective. You might start a sssssss table etc. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 84. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 85. There is one for each code level. Use splitters, so that all students in a class can follow their Code Level brain training video at the same time. Each lasts between 10 and 12 minutes long. Let the students know that when they can keep up with the video, and do all activities at that speed, they are ready to move up to the next. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 86. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 87. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 88. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 89. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. Visual Prompts Sound Pics Sound Pics in Words Coding Poster Side One 90. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. Sound Pics & Words - Chants The Kings Helpful (High Frequency) Words Speedy Sentences Coding Poster Side Two 91. Watch the videos showing how to use the poster. All students do the same activity on the poster at the same time, but at their Code Level. You spend around 90 - 120 seconds on each activity. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 92. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. Same activity, but at their level. 93. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 94. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 95. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 96. Watch the videos in the members area showing how to teach children to write sentences, without you needing to ever writing sentences for them to copy. The same applies to older students, who need to know how to structure their writing, work out unfamiliar words, proof read it etc. This is where you use your knowledge of the students to plan the writing element. However it is important that you show them how to structure a sentence regardless of whether they know how to write any of the words! ie where to start writing, how to use finger spaces, how to write sentences using only lines, to represent the speech sounds! Keep watching the site for useful Big Write resources, ideas and tools.Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 97. Writing for a Purpose Activity - in Prep / Kinder. Watch this first - - have at least 10 minutes of them writing sentences at their code level. They can do 'hold a sentence' (activity within the Speedy Six) using a sentence from the poster, or from one of their Coded Readers. They 'hold it, write it, read it, check it, change it'. You can read out 4 sentences if you have children on all 4 code levels. If some finish quickly they could carry on independently. But they are also using capital letters and full stops- you might say the sentence in an excited voice and they add an exclamation mark. The Speech Sound Frog goes around trying to eat all of the punctuation - so they better check their work! You could then talk about something - a picture, story etc - and decide on a sentence you are all going to write as a class. Model the sentence in lines (no letters) and they do this on theirs too. The children then add in any of the sound pics they know. Help each as needed. They then read it back in a speaking voice. Children help other children, so those who know a lot of the sound pics share this with others! It's like a jigsaw and the children are working out the representations for all speech sounds used in the words in the sentence. They will discover so much, and refer to the Spelling Clouds. If you have children who have done this whole class sentence independently and quickly, give them all another prompt and they do it on their own! So they think of a sentence themselves and then write it in lines, and then fill in any sound pics they know! It's a really quick way of getting them writing independently. Copying a sentence the teacher writes doesn't help them understand sentence structure and spelling etc. It's a bit of a waste of time for most brains really. So have a whole bank of picture cards as prompts, and get the kids to bring them in too. Things that are meaningful to them are brilliant as you also get more oral language from them as so excited! Have the coded 'sight word' book out as well to reinforce high frequency words. They are learning how to structure writing, even before knowing which sound pics are used to spell all of the words, and are able to work at their own level, as within all other SSP activities within the 2 hour literacy block. At first they just need to know how we 'talk on paper' at their code level (or they won't understand those links as too many words created using sound pics they have not yet learnt) Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 98. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 99. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 100. If a child is struggling to read the text, and understand the questions unless you explain it orally, it is the text that needs to change. Use coded text at their SSP Code Level. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 101. In the Primary National Strategy (2006a), the three cueing model (known in England as the Searchlight model) is finally and explicitly discredited. Instead, the Strategy has acknowledged the value of addressing decoding and comprehension separately in the initial stage of reading instruction. attention should be focused on decoding words rather than the use of unreliable strategies such as looking at the illustrations, rereading the sentence, saying the first sound or guessing what might fit. Although these strategies might result in intelligent guesses, none of them is sufficiently reliable and they can hinder the acquisition and application of phonic knowledge and skills, prolonging the word recognition process and lessening childrens overall understanding. Children who routinely adopt alternative cues for reading unknown words, instead of learning to decode them, later find themselves stranded when texts become more demanding and meanings less predictable. The best route for children to become fluent and independent readers lies in securing phonics as the prime approach to decoding unfamiliar words (Primary National Strategy, 2006b, p.9). PM Readers and other Levelled Readers are based on the Searchlight Model. PM readers bypass the learning to code phase (SSP Phase 2). Students cannot comprehend what they cannot rapidly code, as they lose fluency. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 102. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 103. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 104. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 105. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 106. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 107. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 108. It is vital that you choose text the children can independently code, and therefore have the opportunity to understand. Remember, the quicker you get through Phase 2, the more easily you can focus on literacy, and the children can fully participate in the whole curriculum. When teaching science, history, maths etc it is far easier if the children can read! Get to Phase 3 before Year 2, and you literally change the whole school culture. Miss Emma The Reading Whisperer Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 109. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 110. Note about the clouds. We generally only put a sound pic in the cloud if its found in more than one word. This is why we havent put wo in the cloud (t/wo) or ach (y/ach/t) There is a poem for every Spelling Cloud ! Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 111. Its not every day, that gold fish swim away, from a ghost on a hot air balloon. And if that made you giggle, then look in the middle, Theres a hen in a dish with a spoon ! gue ggg gh Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 112. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 113. Ask Miss Emma about bespoke RTIs for older students. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 114. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 115. The whole class is in Phase 3 by Grade 2 if SSP used in Prep Kinder and Year 1 as shown in this handbook (no mix and matching of programs) Many have reached Phase 3 by the middle of Grade 1. Phase 3 used in Grades 2 6. You can use Cars and Stars here, while we build our bank of resources. We are developing resources in line with Big Write for this activity, Phase 3. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 116. Working Memory Example Activity. Without writing them down, remember the things the cow does. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 117. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 118. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains. 119. Subject to Copyright Law. Wiring Brains.