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GOOD HEALTH………………………………………..PAGE 1




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APRIL 13, 2013

Good Health

By Gabriel Zamora

Three important aspects of good health are exercise, food and diet, and

relaxing without stress. Today health is a trendy topic; however, not all the

people care about their health. Most of the people become interested in this

topic too late when they have an illness or something like that. Everyone should

worry because health is important for the quality of life. Well it would be best

that everyone starting to care more about their personal health.

Why is exercise essential for good health? Exercise has a number of

characteristics that make it an important factor in keeping our bodies healthy.

According to several studies, regular physical activity offers a number of

possibilities to look and feel better. Some benefits of exercise are that it helps to

not have sleep disorders, it increases strength, etc. In conclusion, I think

everyone should be more aware and concerned about their own health.

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APRIL 13, 2013

A good diet will always be important to have good health because it helps

us to eliminate all these unhealthy food. A balanced diet is one made up of

foods that provide adequate amounts of all the nutrients that we need for good

health. The diet should be varied eating mostly fresh and nutritive. However the

principal problem is that we have been losing good eating habits and the people

prefer to eat fast food and others unhealthy products. Actually people need to

think more about that because if people continue eating fast food without

thinking of the consequences will increase obesity and other illnesses caused

by these eating disorders.

Relaxation is the action to relaxing your body. Relaxing is associated with

reduced physical and mental stress. Relaxation is a great way to listen to your

body and soul and it helps to stop for a minute and think well about everything

around us. Benefits of relaxation are that it helps you to sleep better every night,

it clears the mind, it reduces stress, among other health benefits. These are

some of the many reasons why it is important to relax and reduce the pace of

life as this can keep us healthy.

Consequences that can bring not exercise or eat healthy………………

Actually it is difficult to understand how after all what they are informed

about the benefits of exercise people don´t take the necessary importance to

this topic. Many people usually when spoken of exercise associate it with the

little free time they have, with economic costs and other things that really don´t

affect. In response wing main question if we do not include in our lives two

important aspects such as exercise and good nutrition gradually begin to see

the consequences on our health. Among the diseases that can be produced as

a consequence for not leading a healthy life are: Cancer, high cholesterol,

diabetes, sleep disorders, heart problems and many others. In conclusion a

study of why people do not care or exercise and then give up is because we live

in a society where we want immediate results.

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APRIL 13, 2013

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APRIL 13, 2013

Heredia a Province with Many Benefits

By Marco Orozco

Do you know the benefits offered by Heredia? The beautiful province that I

lived all my life is Heredia. It is located in the center of Costa Rica, so we are

near to all the important places of the country such as the international airport

and the capital San Jose which is just 12 km. It is a small province with only

about 500,000 people and an area of about 2700 km². There are many things

to do in Heredia you can visit the magnificent natural places and also the old

buildings which are characteristic of the area.

One of the attractions is coffee plantations and Vara Blanca Falls. Coffee

plants are not the only plants that identify the province; flowers also have an

important part of the province. My province is known as the city of flowers, and

for a curious reason. Heredia women are the most beautiful in the country, so

the province is known as the city of flowers. It should be a little careful because

people used to walk down the street.

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APRIL 13, 2013

A little history of the province is that during pre-Columbian times, the

southern part of the province was occupied by the native group of Huetares.

The territory that now belongs to the canton of Heredia was inhabited by native

Huetar called Kingdom of the West. Spanish emigrants settled valleys as

Alvirilla and Barva, settled in humble huts and engaged in agriculture. Many of

the Spanish arrived in the territory expecting to find great riches like gold, but

they realized that it was a very fertile land, suitable for farming for, these

reasons you can find many coffee and strawberry plantations, also farms

especially in the higher parts of the province, these are characteristics of


One of the cultural benefits that Heredia has is that some of the most

important and interesting buildings in the city are located very close, all around

the central park. First "El Fortin de Heredia", is a tower-shaped building that is

located in the center of the city of Heredia, was used during armed conflicts that

took the country, and has become our symbol. He was ordered to be built in

1876, is located at the intersection of the street and the main street of the city,

across from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. In the year 1797 the

most important church was built in the province, and even today is beautiful and

impressive. Finally one block west is the post office built in 1915, and right next

to an age of 125 years can enjoy the beautiful old school "Republic of

Argentina" known today as the new "Centro Cultural Herediano Omar Dengo ".

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APRIL 13, 2013

Heredia is a nice place to live because it is close to everything and it has a

lot of agriculture. Also it has some of the most complex and beautiful buildings

in the country. It is known for its beautiful and confident women, so much so

that it was named the city of flowers. It has a population of 500,000 and lately it

has been showing a lot of business progress and job opportunities. This is my

great province of Heredia.

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APRIL 13, 2013

Global Warming

By Andres Pazmiño

Do you want to be born in fire? Global warming is a change in temperature, causes the earth is warmer with the passing of the years. Global warming is a topic which affects everybody and it is very controversial. We have raise consciousness, because we have to change all the bad habits. People are not conscious about the problem of global warming.

The warming that is evident in the temperature record is consistent with a wide range of observations, as documented by many scientific groups. Examples include sea level rise. Widespread melting of snow and ice, increased heat content of the oceans, increased humidity, and the earlier timing of spring events. The flowering of plants. The probability that these changes could have occurred by chance is virtually zero. That’s all the causes of the bad treatment of dirty water and solid trash. The greenhouse effect is when the temperature rises because the sun's Heat

and light is trapped in the earth's atmosphere. This is like when heat is trapped

in a car. On a very hot day, the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot.

This is because the heat and light from the sun can get into the car, by going

through the windows, but it cannot get back out. This is what the greenhouse

effect does to the earth. The heat and light can get through the atmosphere, but

it cannot get out. As a result, the temperature rises. There are different ways to

reduce these damages as: recycle, reduce and reuse. It is important to educate

young people and teach what is right.

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Man has created incredible damage and is the only one who can repair. You

need to create campaigns to help children understand the problem and solve

environmental problems. Future generations have a duty of care and parents

should educate their children early to form a habit.

In conclusion we must learn to preserve our environment. This can be

accomplished by methods known but few use. Is important for a country to give

future generations an important basis of the damage we cause to the

environment. Order to reduce the impact caused already. The easiest method is

to reduce, recycle and reuse. Can also be used clean energies are very

efficient. Is important to make the change now because we have time to reduce

damage to the environment.

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APRIL 13, 2013

Negative Effects of Technology

By Jaime Sotela Lopez

Nowadays it is a wonder to see how the world unfolds itself in innovative fields

of improvement for a healthier human life in so many different areas. Indeed the

new digital era makes us vulnerable to get attacked by electronic trends, ideas

and cultural customs. It is also easier to get access to new forms of medicine

which prolong our lives and sometimes allows us to look much younger. As time

goes by, our world looks much wider and interconnected, however, as in some

fields mentioned above, some of them have many negative side effects for our


With social networks we have the ability to interact and share life

experiences with friends and family members. Nevertheless having one

provides others the tools to have access into our intimate life. You should

consider the stranger distrust both in real life and social networks; you’ll never

know what you might find. For this reason, you should also be self- aware with

whom you share your deepest feelings. Moreover, social media have made us

think that being self-expressive all the time is the best choice to succeed in the

new era. As a repercussion, most young people try to find a niche when they let

others speculate what they think about them, in order to gain some sense of

belonging. This is harmful for society, because every youngling must learn that

everyone must have to work hard for our interdependence to succeed in our

own. Meanwhile, there are other individuals much more confident and reserved

on their thoughts which lead to the probability to stay behind.

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APRIL 13, 2013

Mayor aspects such as loss of culture should also be deeply considered.

Many studies had been done in western hemisphere to explain us the influence

of massive production means over modern day society. For example,

production line companies like “Macdonald’s” among many others have taken

advantage of the globalized world to sell their products. They have elaborated

much more efficient messages on billboards at the streets, on the web,

newspapers and on television. However, such companies have also tried to

create strategies to persuade people to acquire similar thoughts and behaviors.

Whether their intentions are good or bad, these so called subliminal or hidden

messages are imposed to us through many advertisement means. It tells us in a

subconscious way, how we should act, obey, what to wear, eat, among others.

That is why these communication techniques might work but could also restrain

the real essence of freedom and privacy maintaining; the entire western region

is prone to lose independency and authenticity when imitating other culture

trends: conducts, customs, or both.

Technology had made us think that well-being and possession stays

always above any thought, feeling and will; it is also considered to be the

greatest value in life. Materialism has increased and many of us have forgotten

the meaning of human principles, and instead, we have chosen to be

individualistic and egocentric with our goals and achievements. In this way, it is

easier to notice the pursuit of a shallow friendship based on interest. Electronic

devices have also consumed the human spirit because we have forgotten about

the real essence of social interaction: face-to face relationships. For instance,

this new generation of Smartphones, tablets, game consoles and so on have

made kids and teenagers adapt to them and they have forgotten about true

relationships. It also makes them lazier and disobedient to the parents. In

general, the use of technology makes us more sedentary which can cause

severe health problems; it could decrease our will to do physical activity and

compete. Our biggest longings should really be meant to help and enjoy the

fullest our life with others, this way we could learn from our mistakes, learn

about other people´s insights and share ours with them.

I think that considering the use of technology as always bad or

good is an ambiguous response. If it is used correctly, we can acknowledge it

could be used to learn, teach, help, share and communicate. First point in

contradiction on the positive matters is used to create stereotypes that could

insult minorities and people’s faith, lifestyle and relationships. Second, it makes

some people more ambitious with regard to the use of extreme weaponry to get

advantage in case of disagreements and alter human equilibrium. At last,

technology could bring people’s daily basis to decay if there is no sufficient

intelligence to embrace a better future. All of us need a motivation through

human contact and spiritual life.

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APRIL 13, 2013