screen shots of spotify advert

The two layers in the red and blue square are the voices that were recorded (Chris on the top and Danny on the bottom). For this advert I recorded two males’ characters impersonating members of the ban “The Script”. This is so the product would have celebrity endorsement. The The editing that was done other than cutting the voice overs up is the three tracks that needed to be mixed together. I took three iconic script songs to make a compilation for the audience to listen too, to entice them into looking into the product this also promotes the band I made sure throughout the entire editing process; I made sure to keep audio files on different tracks so that I didn’t get confused with what was what. This is a good way of keeping on top of your audio files because I am able to manipulate the one layer without affecting the

Upload: christiano96

Post on 18-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Screen shots of spotify advert

The two layers in the red and blue square are the voices that were recorded (Chris on the top and Danny on the bottom). For this advert I recorded two males’ characters impersonating members of the ban “The Script”. This is so the product would have celebrity endorsement. The voices are promoting the product spotify however they are also throwing in their own advertisement that you can find on spotify.

The editing that was done other than cutting the voice overs up is the three tracks that needed to be mixed together. I took three iconic script songs to make a compilation for the audience to listen too, to entice them into looking into the product this also promotes the band because people are listening and liking their music.

I made sure throughout the entire editing process; I made sure to keep audio files on different tracks so that I didn’t get confused with what was what. This is a good way of keeping on top of your audio files because I am able to manipulate the one layer without affecting the others. I feel like this increases efficiency to my work because I don’t have to mess around with the other files later on.