seasons and moon

Retrograde motion of Mars, June to November, 2003 Who is this guy? Use SkyGazer or StarCal to find out!

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Page 1: Seasons and moon

Retrograde motion of Mars, June to November, 2003

Who is this guy?Use SkyGazer or StarCal to find out!

Page 2: Seasons and moon

The Four Seasons

Is the changing seasons caused by the change in the distance between the Sun and the Earth?

No. If it is, then – The northern and southern hemisphere should have

the same season, not opposite season like we have.

– We should experience real seasonal changes in Hawaii also.

– …

Page 3: Seasons and moon

The Four Seasons: The Effect of the Tilt of Earth’s Rotation Axis

Page 4: Seasons and moon

The Reasons for the Seasons on Earth

• The seasons on Earth are caused by the 23.5º tilt of its rotation axis, and its revolution around the Sun.

• Although the distance of the Earth to the Sun changes slightly as it orbits around the Sun, its effect is not big enough to cause the four seasons.

Page 5: Seasons and moon

The Moon

The moon revolves around the earth with a period of about 29 ½ days ~ one month!

Facts about the Moon…• We see the moon changes its

appearances and position in the sky with approximately 30-day cycle.

• Unlike the stars, Moon can also be seen during the day.

• We also see that the Moon is always involved in eclipses, and

• Its position seems to be well correlated with the tide of the ocean.

• Understanding the motion of the Moon with respect to the Sun and the Earth will explain these phenomena.

Page 6: Seasons and moon

The Face and Phases of the Moon

• The phase (how much and which side of the Moon is illuminated) of the Moon changes with about one month period…

• The face (the features on the surface of the Moon) does not change at all…

Page 7: Seasons and moon

The Phase of the Moon

The phase of the Moon depends on the relative position between the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon…

Page 8: Seasons and moon

Phases of the Moon

Click on the image to start animation

Page 9: Seasons and moon

Moon Rise/Set by Phase

Click on the image to start animation