seasons - st thomas more parish mt eliza · seasons newsletter of the catholic parish of st. thomas...

Weekday Masses Monday Tuesday, Mass of the Healing Wednesday Thursday Friday, Liturgy of the Word with Communion No Mass 10.00 am 9:15 am 7.00 pm 9:15 am Sunday Masses Saturday Sunday 6:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am Reconciliation Saturday 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Thirtieth Sunday In Ordinary Time, C 23rd October 2016 SEASONS Newsletter of the Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More, Mount Eliza 313 Canadian Bay Rd Mount Eliza Vic. 3930 Phone: 9787 7777 Fax: 9787 9734 Email: [email protected] Web: Pastoral Leadership Team Fr. Laurie (Parish Priest) Lys Crowe (Pastoral Associate) Peter Whyte (School D Principal) Anne-Marie Hyde (Chairperson) Ange Virgona Bill Hunt John Bruitzman Jim Bourke Maree Taverna PPLT Email: [email protected] PCC=Parish Community Centre U=Undercroft C=Church MPR=School Multipurpose Room SSR=School Staff Room Monday St Vincent de Paul Meeting, 9.30am, PCC No Poetry Group Tuesday Social Club after 10am Healing Mass, U Wednesday RCIA, 8pm, PCC Thursday Liturgy Team, 7.30pm, PCC Lord, Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace Please help people in Papua New Guinea heal wounds and find peace through mercy. The theme for this year’s Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal is inspired by the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, ‘Lord, make me an instrument of your peace’. It is a timely focus in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. For 194 years, Catholic Mission has been working towards helping and supporting communities locally and globally to fully realise the meaning of this prayer. Domestic violence and broken relationships are sad and regretful experiences, fre- quently resulting in physical and emotional trauma. Women and children are most often the direct victims, but it affects men and the wider community too. In recent years, the Australian Government has committed significant financial resources to raising public awareness, supporting agencies working in the field and helping bring out into the open this often very sensitive and stigmatised issue. In Papua New Guinea the trauma of domestic violence is just as real as it is here in Australia. It is just as painful, damaging and life-threatening. Coupled with poverty and isolation, the outcomes of domestic violence in Papua New Guinea are especial- ly dire. Furthermore, this issue has yet to become public in the way Australians are currently experiencing today. However, change is slowly happening. The Sisters of Mercy in Australia and Papua New Guinea established Mercy Works as one way to meet the needs of local com- munities. An active advisory team continually monitors, evaluates and implements what those needs are. In recent years, Mercy Works has identified that the commu- nities they are working with need and want to address domestic and family violence. Consequently two programs were established: Family Life and Community Advoca- cy. These programs raise awareness, support communities and travel with families who are at risk. This life-giving and life-changing work is taken to remote areas and villages and is accessible to all. With the help of Catholic Mission, community leader Steven Dude works in this ministry of mission. Along with other local leaders, he is actively engaging with the community - listening, caring, advocating and training. As instruments of peace, these men and women travel to remote areas of the Diocese of Daru-Kinga, in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea. This appeal invites parishioners to reach out through their financial gifts and prayers to support the work of Steven and other community leaders to help their people heal wounds and find peace through mercy.

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Page 1: SEASONS - St Thomas More Parish Mt Eliza · SEASONS Newsletter of the Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More, Mount Eliza 313 Canadian Bay Rd ... RCIA, 8pm, PCC Thursday Liturgy Team,

Weekday Masses



Mass of the Healing



Friday, Liturgy of the Word with Communion

No Mass

10.00 am

9:15 am

7.00 pm

9:15 am

Sunday Masses

Saturday Sunday

6:00 pm 8:00 am

10:00 am


Saturday 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Thirtieth Sunday In Ordinary Time, C 23rd October 2016

SEASONS Newsletter of the Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More, Mount Eliza

313 Canadian Bay Rd Mount Eliza Vic. 3930

Phone: 9787 7777 Fax: 9787 9734 Email: [email protected]


Pastoral Leadership Team

Fr. Laurie (Parish Priest) Lys Crowe (Pastoral Associate)

Peter Whyte (School D Principal)

Anne-Marie Hyde (Chairperson) Ange Virgona Bill Hunt

John Bruitzman Jim Bourke Maree Taverna

PPLT Email: [email protected]

PCC=Parish Community Centre U=Undercroft


MPR=School Multipurpose Room

SSR=School Staff Room Monday

St Vincent de Paul Meeting, 9.30am, PCC No Poetry Group


Social Club after 10am Healing Mass, U

Wednesday RCIA, 8pm, PCC


Liturgy Team, 7.30pm, PCC

Lord, Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace

Please help people in Papua New Guinea heal wounds

and find peace through mercy.

The theme for this year’s Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal is inspired by the

Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, ‘Lord, make me an instrument of your peace’. It is

a timely focus in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. For 194 years, Catholic Mission has

been working towards helping and supporting communities locally and globally to

fully realise the meaning of this prayer.

Domestic violence and broken relationships are sad and regretful experiences, fre-

quently resulting in physical and emotional trauma. Women and children are most

often the direct victims, but it affects men and the wider community too. In recent

years, the Australian Government has committed significant financial resources to

raising public awareness, supporting agencies working in the field and helping bring

out into the open this often very sensitive and stigmatised issue.

In Papua New Guinea the trauma of domestic violence is just as real as it is here in

Australia. It is just as painful, damaging and life-threatening. Coupled with poverty

and isolation, the outcomes of domestic violence in Papua New Guinea are especial-

ly dire. Furthermore, this issue has yet to become public in the way Australians are

currently experiencing today.

However, change is slowly happening. The Sisters of Mercy in Australia and Papua

New Guinea established Mercy Works as one way to meet the needs of local com-

munities. An active advisory team continually monitors, evaluates and implements

what those needs are. In recent years, Mercy Works has identified that the commu-

nities they are working with need and want to address domestic and family violence.

Consequently two programs were established: Family Life and Community Advoca-

cy. These programs raise awareness, support communities and travel with families

who are at risk. This life-giving and life-changing work is taken to remote areas and

villages and is accessible to all.

With the help of Catholic Mission, community leader Steven Dude works in this

ministry of mission. Along with other local leaders, he is actively engaging with the

community - listening, caring, advocating and training. As instruments of peace,

these men and women travel to remote areas of the Diocese of Daru-Kinga, in the

Western Province of Papua New Guinea.

This appeal invites parishioners to reach out through their financial gifts and prayers

to support the work of Steven and other community leaders to help their people heal

wounds and find peace through mercy.

Page 2: SEASONS - St Thomas More Parish Mt Eliza · SEASONS Newsletter of the Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More, Mount Eliza 313 Canadian Bay Rd ... RCIA, 8pm, PCC Thursday Liturgy Team,


We pray for...

Liturgy - 30th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Financial Matters Stewardship

Received last weekend .............................. $3,458

Pledged last weekend ................................ $3,455

Average received in September .............. $3,568


Amount received last week ..................... $1,207 Thanks to all of you who give so generously to support our


First Reading: Sirach 35:12-14, 16-19

The prayer of the humble will penetrate the heavens.

Responsorial Psalm

The Lord hears the cry of the poor.

Second Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18

All that remains is the crown of righteousness reserved for


Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! God was in Christ, to reconcile the

world to himself; and the Good News of reconcilia-

tion he has entrusted to us. Alleluia!

Gospel: Luke 18:9-14

The publican returned to his home justified; the Pharisee

did not.

Those whose anniversaries fall at

this time…

John Pierce, Ronald Taylor, Bruce Wright,

Beverley Smith

and the Sick...

Les Harper, Gordon Foulis, Les Malseed, Len Crowe,

Jose Gomes, Des Leyden, Pat Crowther, Margaret

Beale, Angela Butler, Sue Kelly, Maria Kelly, Jan Dea-

kin, Will Murray, Sr. Tarcissius, Frank Nolan, Jo King,

Paula Stuart, Jacki Waite, Kathryn Hart, Fr. Michael

Walsh, Shane Dobson, Ken & Mary Allen, Ray Grant,

Rob Nicholls, Adrian Gobel, Rachael Sanderson (nee

Davies), and all of the sick at the George Vowell Cen-

tre & Ranelagh Gardens Nursing Home.

and the parishioners of St Thomas More Parish,

Tequinomata, East Timor.

Morning Tea Your hosts this week will be

Kelly Griffiths & Tyler/Dylan


You are all warmly invited after

10am Mass to linger for a cuppa and an oppor-

tunity to get to know some other members of

your parish community better. Your hosts next

week will be Katie Rodgers & Ruth Pusic.

Next Week’s Roster

Mass Time Lector Commentator

6 pm Michaela Leamon Peter Leamon

8 am Keith Donovan Chris Anwyl

10 am Minda Wunder Peter Griffin

Mass Time Ministers of the Eucharist

6 pm

David Wirth (Book)

Anne Wirth (Gifts)

Helen Steyn (Gifts)

8 am Michael Canning (Book)

Bob Ribbons (Gifts)

Sue Carr (Gifts)

10 am Adrian Coughlan (Book)

Peter Royal (Gifts)

Rob Storr (Gifts)

10 am Children’s Liturgy

Andrew Postregna

Chiara & Siena Postregna

Counters Irene Owsianka

Richard Lindner

Yvonne Minton

Page 3: SEASONS - St Thomas More Parish Mt Eliza · SEASONS Newsletter of the Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More, Mount Eliza 313 Canadian Bay Rd ... RCIA, 8pm, PCC Thursday Liturgy Team,


What’s Happening Here...

The next meeting of St Vincent de Paul will

be held on Monday, October 24th at 9.30am

in the Undercroft.

STM Social Club

Fun & Friendship For All

New members welcome. Please contact Christine

5975 6687 or Carol 9775 2315.

Please Note: Poetry Group will not be running on

Monday 24th October.

Sunday, 30th October, is our next Drop in Pizza

Night. No need to let us know… Just drop in.

FAME is on Tuesday the 1st of November, at Tag-

garts. $30 per head: sign up and pay at the October

25th meeting.

Friday 4th November at 10:30 am is the Big Band at

Frankston Arts Centre. Cost: $20. Bookings and pay-

ment to Carolyn.

Beleura House - “A Christmas Tradition” Friday,

9th December @ 6.30pm. Cost: $85 or Matinee, Sat-

urday, 10th December @ 1pm. Cost: $65. Bookings

and payment at the next Social Club Meeting on Tues-

day 25th October. For all enquiries contact Colleen

9787 2479.

The Welfare Officers for October are Mercia

Gleeson and Judy Jones.

Our Next Parish Meeting The next of our quarterly Parish Meetings is on

Wednesday 2nd November (postponed from 12th

October) at 7.30pm in the Church. At this meeting

we will continue with the next stage of putting our

Parish Pastoral Plan together. Please consider coming

to this meeting, as it’s important that as many people

as possible attend these meetings and contribute to

the ongoing life of our Parish.

Parish Pastoral Leadership Team At this month’s PPLT meeting we

planned for the Archbishop’s visit

continued to work on our next Parish Pastoral


discussed our upcoming Fundraising events

began planning the next quarterly Parish Meet-


Nametags: The Parish Pastoral Leadership Team

invites you to wear a nametag to Mass! This is just

one way of us getting to know each other better. You

can BYO, or we will have some stick-on ones available

each week.

Baptism Welcomes

Congratulations and Welcome to Greta & Alexandra McCullough (Parents - Scott & Rachael)

who will be baptised at the 10am Mass this weekend.

Some dates for your diary!

Saturday 17th December - Sausage

Sizzle at Bunnings.

Saturday 26th November - Parish Working Bee

Children’s Liturgy at 10am Mass Gabrielle Dole & Margo O’Callaghan will

lead the children in an exploration of this

week’s Gospel at the 10am Mass.

Please encourage your primary school age children to

join them in the Undercroft, or you might like to go

with your pre-schoolers.

Melbourne Catholic The October edition of Melbourne Catholic is now

available. $4 per copy.

Mass of Healing

Our annual Mass of Healing will be on Tuesday 25th Octo-ber at 10am.

This is an opportunity for any-one who may like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, and/or you may know someone you could bring along, or you may like to just come along and pray for and with those being anointed. All welcome.

St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria

Mass of Remembrance Our annual Mass of Remembrance will be on Friday

11th November at 7.30pm. At this Mass we re-

member by name those we know who have died

throughout the year, and a special invitation has been

sent to their families. It is also an opportunity for all

of us to especially remember those we love who

have died, and so we invite everyone to come

along to Mass, followed by Supper. If you would

like to, please bring a plate of food to share.

Page 4: SEASONS - St Thomas More Parish Mt Eliza · SEASONS Newsletter of the Catholic Parish of St. Thomas More, Mount Eliza 313 Canadian Bay Rd ... RCIA, 8pm, PCC Thursday Liturgy Team,


What’s Happening Elsewhere….

Are You (Fairly) New

to Our Parish? We would love to invite you to a

meal at Fr. Laurie’s house to enjoy

the company of other parishioners,

both old and new.

Just fill in the form in the folder at the Church porch

and we will be in touch.

You Are Invited To Our Annual Presenta-

tion Evening For Brosnan Services

You are invited to our Annual Presentation Evening for

Brosnan Services. Come and hear about the great work

being done for troubled youth in our society and join us

for soup and sandwiches.

Our guest speaker this year will be Leanne Acreman.

Leanne manages the Housing services that care for young

people who are both homeless and fall into the criminal

justice system. In many ways, this is very much in the

spirit of Fr. Brosnan's work in providing accommodation

via “Four Flats”.

When: Friday, 28th October at 6pm

Where: Tom and Maree Shelton's home,

19 Gannet Street, Mt Eliza

Celebrating the Feast of St Jude The Parish Community of St Jude Church, Langwarrin

is celebrating the feast of St Jude on Tuesday 25th Oc-

tober 2016 with 7pm Mass followed by Benediction,

Novena to St Jude and refreshments.

Please come and join us on our feast day and may the

feast ease your burden and strengthen you

with God’s healing power.