seav capability building

Integrating Energy Efficiency into Industry Training-Heating & Cooling Systems Residential - 1 - National Framework Energy Efficiency (NFEE) TNA Heating & Cooling System Installations Forum Record 19 Oct 2006 Moderated by Phil Shorten from Impart Skills Pty Ltd.

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Integrating Energy Efficiency into Industry Training-Heating & Cooling Systems Residential

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National Framework Energy

Efficiency (NFEE)


Heating & Cooling System

Installations Forum Record

19 Oct 2006 Moderated by Phil Shorten from Impart Skills Pty Ltd.

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…our focus today is on heating and cooling system installers in

the residential market.

To recognize the hindrances to installers achieving best practice

energy efficiencies so that we can create a brief to direct the

development of appropriate training.

Rod Lovett Training and education officer

Andrew Green Development of leading Fog appliances

Robert Taylor A/c advisor

Rodney Egles HCNA

Phil Wilkinson Education / training A’RAH CFA member

Bern Connell Efficient design

Tomi Winfree Training/competency Dev. VET- National sustainability

Phil Pryor IND

John McCulloch Industry regulator

Gary Workman MPMSAA – NAT. training Green Plumbers

Ron Marshall Technical training MGR Improve quality of installs

Rod Gill Provide correctly installed APPL that operates correctly

Katrina Wolfe Sustainability Victoria

Glen Wilson Designing and managing training programs for HVAC

Peter Kikos Creating awareness and training people on energy efficiency

Neville Suckling Approval and training in energy efficient appliances

George Thomson Admin

Deborah Gonsalvez NFFE training and accreditation

Graham Vaile Training of plumbers to install HVAC equipment

Craig Lee Design and install and commission system

Laurie Rutter Teaching refrigeration apprentices

Raylene Reese Admin – first rate training

And your moderator,

Phil Shorten

Impart Skills Pty Ltd.

The Skies the Limit…!!!!!!

If we know how to reduce energy

consumed in households what is

stopping us from realising these


20.10.06 9am – 12pm

Why we

are here …


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Our opportunity for

installers to realise

best standards of

Energy Efficiency

when providing

services to



Extent to which existing skill level of installers will deliver the Energy Efficiencies we seek.



Extent to which any training will deliver the energy efficiencies in households that we seek



Extent to which existing training will deliver the energy efficiencies in households that we seek


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What does this picture tell us?

More powerful is better???? Significant “cost” criteria

Lack of awareness customers and installers

Unable to influence

Question about installers opportunity to apply EE know how

Skilled but… not interested in EE

What training might be common to sellers and installers others?

Question about sellers being “expert”

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Challenges to meet Best Practice…

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What is helping and What is hindering installers providing installations that are energy

efficient and best suited to home?

Helpers and Hindrances

Custom education Customer making the “right choice” of product

Consistent accurate information by all stakeholders

Creates customer awareness

- energy efficient products

- consistent running costs

Enforcement and supporting regulations

Training updated -review best practices

Resource and energy efficient training across industry

Specific product training

Specialist fields of installation

Skills of installers

Being able to influence the installers design/style

Poorly built homes

Costs- consumers unaware of long term gains

Major builders selling H&C on an outlet or $$ not requirements

Volume builders - locked into a price for unit and installation costs

Lack of influence installer has on choice

Lack of understanding of “big picture” energy efficiency and where what they do fits in

Consumer knowledge Not all installers are trained qualified

Lack of enforcement of regulations -more funding? -more inspection?

Cheap imported project dumping

Cowboys(not trained/qualified) who are $$ driven therefore doing a questionable job

Retailers sell cheap and insufficient machines

Installed to a price

Cost driven causes major problems

Purchases made directly from bulk stores

Cost driven to install

Customers buying for price not sustainability

Sales by warehouses with no intimate knowledge of a/c systems

Design skills Customer understanding

Skills of installing

Currency of training- when installer trained are they up to date with EE initiative

Training of the environmental impact of poorly installed and selected equipment

Customers purchased incorrect appliance booked on cost or poor advice from sales person

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Stall No 1 “Subject matter”….Skills and Knowledge

What subject matter is it necessary for installers to learn in order to realise best

standards in energy efficiency?

What guideline can you offer to progress this question to a meaningful resolution.

Please use the format: “we should …………………………….. so that


Installers need to know MCPs standards to be able to make appropriate decisions

Manufacturers instructions, best practice industry guidelines should be used as part of the curriculum to examine all facets are observed with approved installation

Trainers should understand what makes an energy efficient appliance and installation and the impact on both life running costs and environment

Installers should no their ethical responsibilities when dealing with customers so that consumers receive unbiased, objective information

We need to get installers to apply their knowledge! Be the expert! Not cave In to the politics of the product sale

Should include information on joining multi level education so most people can get more use of smaller cooing load/heating load equipment

We should train in the areas of design, heat loads and best practice within existing and in add on courses this would include installers and sales people

Principles in energy water usage, environmental considerations, regulations, fuel types/new technology

Simple residential application tram psychometric heat lands power science zone design equipment selection

Other factors that can improve insulation, curtains, gaps, standing in summer so that a/c is less

We should train installers in the consequences of poorly installed equipment so that the customer pays less for the running of the equipment over time and contributes minimally to gas emissions

Ongoing machine systems to ensure that equipment insufficient over time

We should be educated in all contributing factors so that we can provide more efficient cooling outcomes

How they can best sell the benefits of energy efficient to the home owner to increase their business

We should be educated in MEPS rating scheme so that we give better advice on more appropriate/efficient equipment

Teach how to provide comfort in an efficient way what is meant by compact?

Focus on promoting comfort to the occupant not just selling equipment so that installer knows why he is doing his job

Raise awareness of a chance warning and the effect of using mode air con on energy use and effect on environment

Installers must have ARC so that national industry science qualifications and standards are discussed

We should provide effective advise to customers so that they can make informed choices based in initial long tern running costs and influence the environment overall

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Stall No2 “qualification level” eg short course post grad AQF3/4/5

What Qualifications and/or level of learning is necessary to achieve the outcomes we


What guideline can you offer to progress this question to a meaningful resolution.

Please use the format: “we should …………………………….. so that


Energy efficiency should be incorporated into existing training qualification and licensing of HVAC persons and industry

Cert II for basic installation / cert III for more complex install. Make sure we have nationally consistent training

To be a specialist energy efficient installer at least Cert IV level – so autonomy of installation is recognised and complying of the task/subject is addressed in the training

Write training course at a level appropriate to residential application so that a realistic entrance level is achieved and can be instantly used by the student

We should develop an energy efficiency qualification so that all installers are required to have as a minimum

Ensure cert II course curriculum encompasses energy efficiency information so that we achieve a national accepted standard that can be monitored and modified

We should have minimum qualification of cert II so that basic level skills required are reflected i.e. don’t need advance report writing skills and negotiation skills or others gained at higher level. Match current skill level

We should provide training across all levels from cert III to post trade and Prof. Dev. So training touches on incoming tradies and existing tradespeople

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Insert photo 3 learning process

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Stall no 3 type of “Learning Process” - formal/off job/on job/E-learning /classroom

How should the learning be facilitated? (classroom, distance, e-learning, on/ off the

job …other innovative processes)

What learning Process will develop the necessary skills & Knowledge required? What

guideline can you offer to progress this question to a meaningful resolution.

To make your input more useful use the Construct “we should

…………………………….. so that ………………………….”

Should be facilitated with a national approach and teach rural areas si that skill shortages are overcome

national consistent training – faced to face, online and development tools for use in the field on going continuing professional development CPD scheme

Use a combination of e learning and class room/TAFE. Need to reduce costs to encourage more participation

We should ensure that trade instructors keep up with industry practices by having regular access to field experiments so that they better understand current industry requirements

Training should be nationally recognised so that online delivery can occur wich is standardised and provided using face to face and classroom

We need to incorporate a mix of delivery strategies recognising that some people need real trainers and others are happy with electronic learning

We should train installers in a hands on approach so that the process is logical to the trades person

We should use other methods of training delivery apart from “e” so that the current trade installers can improve their skills

Have industry experienced training facility for the trade teachers

We should offer industry/trade forum so that networking opportunities occur at the same time as relevant training

Need to determine blend if learning that suits technicians so it is most effective

We should provide short information sessions to existing tradies to meet and discuss developments so that networking opportunities can occur

Classroom so installers can talk to each other

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Stall Four “Prequalifications and Prerequisites” for any proposed Training

What pre-qualifications / pre-requisites for any proposed training would help to realise

the outcomes we seek in an effective and efficient manner?

What guideline can you offer to progress this question to a meaningful resolution.

To make your input more useful use the Construct “we should

…………………………….. so that ………………………….”

Initial trade qualifications required as a pre requisite. Energy efficiency is specialist the trade background is that base only for installations for example to install 5 star appliance the installer must have his trade 4 cert 4 in 5 star energy efficient installation

Should include training as part of sales training for retain sales staff so they can offer correct information to customers recommend correct system

Training should be at a cert 4 level with a cert 3 pre requisite there should also be a sales unit so that other stakeholders can become better trained and accredited

We should keep the pre requisite to a minimum so that everyone has the opportunity to learn

As a base cert 2 or 3 in HVAC industry to achieve even levels of training

We should offer cert 3 training in resource and energy efficiency as a pre requisite init of competency for all HVAC qualifications so that we support future industry best practice at the national level

Must be reg/lic. So everyone is starting at the same level

Cert 2 and ARC licence so that comply with standards and regulations

Cert 2/cert3 ARC UC. To comply with fed gov. regulations

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Stall Five Delivery Organisations

What Organisations would be best to deliver the learning interventions required s to

achieve best standards in the industry? Create a guideline to progress this question

to a meaningful resolution.

Please use the format: “we should …………………………….. so that


We should engage and encourage these organisations (MPMSAA, HCAA, AMCA, NECA) so that training is delivered to an industry standard

Industry based RTO’s should deliver accredited courses and training packages so that the training is consistent across the board and state and nationally recognised

We should use the manufacturer in conjunction with appropriate industry associations to ensure relevant and up to date information

RTO with a national focus – industry coordinated approach under a fed. Regulation so that skills are transferable interstate

We should deliver training that can be used with RTO’s and industry associations together on all levels of HVAC

We should work with employer/industry associations to deliver training in partnership with an RTO so that training meets employer/business needs

We should deliver training in a team approach with a trainer and facilitation from the HVAC and sustainability industries to ensure all areas of energy and resource efficiency are communicated

Industry nationally recognises training org. so that we deserve professional outcomes on a national level

Master plumbers – so training can be delivered around state

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Stall six Accreditation & Certification

What should be the requirements for the accreditation of facility Managers to support

the quality outcomes we seek.? Create a guideline to progress this question to a

meaningful resolution.

To make your input more useful use the Construct “we should

…………………………….. so that ………………………….”

Look to HCAA accreditation – push this on a federal level – need to consider people moving interstate – COAG issues

The person should have a minimum of cert 2 training within their field so that it improves industry standards

Need to have national industry accreditation with a CPD model for skills to meet technology and regulations so that product costs and installation methods are competitive

Nationally accredited training by professionals development so that the message and skills are consistent to a standard

CPD and ongoing training by recognised providers so that skills are maintained and improved

Accreditation must be industry and government driven with consumer promotion top down and bottom up approach and be national so that all stakeholders value accreditation

We should streamline current accreditation with national conflictions to support consistency and quality in energy and resource efficiency

Nationally accredited training and professional development so that skills and competencies are measured against a standard

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What other questions do you now have that if resolved will overcome the hindrances

installers have contributing to best practice EE?

What guidelines can you offer that hints at a solution to these questions?

Please use the format: “we should …………………………….. so that


We should be aware of and continue to work inside existing federal regulations and training packages

What can be done to ensure that the level of basic (apprenticeship) training is maintained? As COAG directives have removed the role of regulatory bodies (in plumbing/electrical) in assessing the skills of existing trainees for registration purposes

We should continue to support and encourage training with retailers, designers, manufacturing and customers so that we educate all parties in the efficiency of products and their responsibilities in ensuring best practice.

What accountability will retailers have to the consumer

How can installers adhere to requirements of installations requirements when major builders are selling a sizing H&C systems to a price or to only specific areas thus systems are undersized or under performing

As you reflect on the work done today what First Activity will you undertake to make your

time here today worthwhile?

Do What By/With


By When

Record all inputs and create a digital record of this forum Phil s/deb/sv 29 Oct 06

Meeting with department at P.I.C emphasis of EE in current training

John/Laurie R/ teaching staff

1 Nov 06

Ensure EE is included in a new apprenticeship programme we are offering in 2007

Glen w/TAFE Nov 06

Yes but…

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