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JUNE 7, 2015 ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH OF PRAIRIE HILL 6605 Old Independence Rd Brenham, TX 77833 phone: 836-8666 Second Sunday after Pentecost

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Second Sunday after Pentecost June 7, 2015 JUNE 7, 2015


6605 Old Independence Rd Brenham, TX 77833 phone: 836-8666

Second Sunday after Pentecost

Second Sunday after Pentecost 2 June 7, 2015

WELCOME VISITORS! We rejoice that you have chosen to worship with us, and hope you feel welcome to call Prairie Hill your home. The page numbers for the service refer to the front of the red hymnals in the pew. You will find hymns in the back of the same hymnal.

The * indicates where you are invited to stand .

A cry room and a bathroom are located near the church entrance (the back of the sanctuary). If you have any questions about our church family, you are invited to ask an usher or the person next to you in the pew. Please take a moment to introduce yourself to Pastor Jim after the service.

Welcome to Prairie Hill

Parents of Young Children

We are so glad that you are here, and that you brought your children with you! Thank you! A few suggestions for your worship experience:

Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house.

It can be helpful to sit toward the front where it is easier for children to see and hear. Sing hymns loudly, pray, and voice the responses with enthusiasm. Children learn

behavior by copying you. If you are excited about God, they will be too! There are Story Bibles in the pew—your child is welcome to read, look at, and use

this Bible! (If you would like to take one home, talk to Pastor Jim). Teach children some of the basic prayers; being able to join in with the prayers helps

them feel they are contributing too. Also, it can be helpful to explain to your child what is happening during the service.

Attend worship often, children like and need routines where they can participate.

To those who are sitting near worshiping parents and children:

A smile of encouragement is always welcome to parents with small, active children! Jesus welcomed the little children, and so do we. Whether talking, crying, laughing, or singing, the sounds of children in worship are joyful songs of praise.

3 Second Sunday after Pentecost June 7, 2015



*GATHERING HYMN Spirit of Gentleness (1, 4) #396

*HYMN OF PRAISE (8:00AM) “This is the Feast” p. 149-150 *HYMN OF PRAISE (10:05AM) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty(1, 4) #858




READING GENESIS 3:8-15 Pew Bible, p. 2(OT)


Second Sunday after Pentecost June 7, 2015

“A Place to Call Home”

1Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD; 2O LORD, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication. 3If you were to keep watch over sins, O LORD, who could stand? 4Yet with you is forgiveness, in order that you may be feared. 5I wait for you, O LORD; my soul waits; in your word is my hope. 6My soul waits for the Lord more than those who keep watch for the morning, more than those who keep watch for the morning. 7O Israel, wait for the LORD, for with the LORD there is steadfast love; with the LORD there is plenteous redemption. 8For the LORD shall redeem Israel from all their sins.

Second Sunday after Pentecost 4 June 7, 2015

READING 2 CORINTHIANS 4:13-5:1 Pew Bible, p. 159 (NT)

*GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia. Lord, to Whom Shall We Go? P. 151

*GOSPEL MARK 3:20-35 Pew Bible, p. 32 (NT)

SERMON Pastor Jim Abbott Silence for reflection

HYMN OF THE DAY On Eagle’s Wings #787

*APOSTLES CREED (8:00AM) p. 105

*NICENE CREED (10:05AM) p. 104


Each petition of the prayers ends with the following response: Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.



OFFERING HYMN Praise and Thanksgiving # 689

*OFFERTORY For the Fruit of All Creation (v 1) #679


THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION is distributed by bread and wine in individual glasses or a common cup. Individual glasses of white grape juice are also available for those unable to consume wine.

All baptized Christians are invited to join us at the table for the Sacrament of Holy Communion, in which we confess that we receive the Body and Blood of our Lord in, with, and under the elements of bread and wine.

We take up an offering, acknowledging that all that we have

is a gift from God. The offering supports

the ministries of St. John here at Prairie Hill

and around the world.

We ask that you also fill out a worship attendance card

and place it in the offering plate so that we can stay in touch with you

You may use the back of the card to share any prayer concerns

with the pastor.

5 Second Sunday after Pentecost June 7, 2015


* SANCTUS p. 153




COMMUNION HYMN Great is thy Faithfulness #733







*SENDING HYMN Onward Christian Soldiers (screen)


Portions of the liturgy From Sundays and Copyright 2014 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #27157. Onward Christian Soldiers public domain.

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Prairie Hill Volunteer Fire Department’s

BBQ Chicken Dinner

June 13th 6:00 Social-7:00 Meal

Please bring a dessert! Raffle after dinner

Second Sunday after Pentecost 6 June 7, 2015

Worship Assistants

Interim Pastor The Rev. Jim Abbott Visitation Pastor The Rev. Virgil Pecht Accompanist Linda Pieper Council Members Cookie Engeling, Lisa Finke Altar Preparations Elvera Tisdel, Joydell Janner Ushers Emery Schulze & Gary Schulze

Ushers needed at 10:05 Screen Anna Finke & Cassie Westerfeld

8am 10:05am

Acolyte Riley Moehlmann Clay Boeker Layreader Camryn Finke Kallie Finke

Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God by Charles & Deanna Giese.

Monday-Friday ......... Vacation Bible School @ 5:30PM

Monday ............................ 6:00PM Council Thursday ......................... 2:00PM Ladies Aid ............................................. Office Closed Friday ............................... Office Closed Saturday .......................... 7:30AM Men’s Breakfast Sunday ............................. 10:05AM VBS Closing & Church Picnic ............................................. Ladies Meeting

Pastor Jim Abbott Cell 251-4992

[email protected]

Pastor Virgil Pecht Cell 421-2970 Home 421-9707

7 Second Sunday after Pentecost June 7, 2015


Our Church Family:

Mavis Smith Linda Bryan Herbert Klatte Janice Cordova Sydney Wagner Kervin Finke Clarence Moehlmann Shirley Moehlmann Lora Quebe Elwood Oevermann Fay Kokemor Ella Ruemke Pearlie Becker Ruby Kettler Willie Rosenbaum Anna Finke John Spreen LaNell Seeker Howard & Harriet Grebe

Those celebrating baptismal anniversaries: Marcy Preuss, Annie Hernandez, Alex Rosenbaum, Jeb Hatfield, Allye Ray, and Kathryn Janner.

Those celebrating wedding anniversaries: Kevin & Mary Hill, Ed & Evelyn Strangmeyer, Lloyd & Sharon Neutzler, and William & Molly Grote.

Friends and Family: Evelyn Klausmeyer Dalton Walla Avery Schell Jeff Hohlt Lincoln Foley Trish Borgstedt LaVerne Krumrey Viola Warmke Flora Luna Larry Glenz Rebecca Schroeder Chris Yoakum Charles Schulte Nicole Burks Dan Reynolds Anna Buck Amanda Sebastian Ken Weiss Nello Strickland Jeff Schwartz Darla Callendor Mike Lampe Gary Sonnenburg Linda Oppermann Reagan Jackson Laura Jones Cheyenne Meschwitz Susan Ebel Cheyenne Marie Deanna Williams Lillian Antkowiak Barbara Saunders Melvin Neuendorff Bethany Clemons Mike McIntyre Krystal Countermann Lennie Kwiatkowski Peyton Flowers Debbie Heidemann Barbara Bockhorn Cindy Maldonado Esther Preuss Albin & Brenda Flisowski Mildred Flisowski Shirley Paetz Benjamin Lake

Military: Cody Snell Cody Paul Wesley Paul Hunter Ferguson Names on the prayer list more than 60 days may be removed. Please notify the church office if a prayer concern is on-going.

Second Sunday after Pentecost 8 June 7, 2015

Save the date: Sunday, June 14, 2015

Please join us Sunday, June 14th for the Vacation Bible School Closing. We will only have one church service at 10:05AM where the children will sing the songs they learned that week. Pastor Abbott & Louise will also host a fried chicken picnic lunch in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary! Everyone is invited!!! Please sign up in the Narthex to bring sides if able.

LYO Food Drive for Canned Goods and Baby Items

Our youth group has generously volunteered to be in charge of our Non-perishable Food Drive and Collection of Baby Items for Faith Mission in

June. A basket will be set up by the front door of church for your donations. You may bring items any Sunday in June. Faith Mission

has been very appreciative of our donations during this time of year.

The Council has approved a recommendation from the Call Committee to present Kyle Merkle to the congregation to consider as the next called Pastor at St John Prairie Hill. Kyle will lead worship on June 21st and everyone will have an opportunity to meet him informally between the services with coffee and doughnuts. There will be a special congregational meeting at 9:15 Sunday, June 28 to vote on whether or not to call Kyle. We will also discuss future options for our church parking lot.