
Chapter 20 1. When Japan’s political unity disintegrated in the 12 th century, the country was controlled by warlords called daimyo. 2. The Japanese called their warriors Samurai. 3. After the period of civil wars in Japan, Japanese leaders resigned, thus allowing a true democracy to form. 4. Eventually, the Japanese government closed Japan to European trade and Christian influence. 5. What was the fate of the Samurai of the forty-seven Ronin incident? They were allowed to commit ritual suicide. 6. Which empire replaced the Ming Empire of China? Qing Empire 7. What European organization was a transmitter of science and technology to China? Jesuits 8. Who was Matteo Ricci? A Jesuit missionary who introduced European technology to China. 9. To gain converts, the Jesuits made what compromise? They tolerated Confucian ancestor worship. 10. Russian rulers were called tsars. 11. Russian expansion created a diverse society, including groups like the Cossacks. 12. How did the growth of a centralized Russian Empire affect the peasants? Peasants became serfs, people tied to the land. 13. According to the Russian census of 1795, over half of the population was serfs. 14. The greatest Romanov tsar was Peter the Great. 15. The new city that was to be Russia’s “window to the west” is St. Petersburg. 16. Although European enthusiasm for Chinese trade was high, the Chinese were slow to embrace European trade. 17. The British Macartney Mission was an attempt to persuade China to revise its trade system. 18. The princes of Muscovy organized a movement of conquest and expansion against the Golden Horde. 19. The motivation for Russian expansion to the east was availability of fur pelts. 20. One result of the “Great Northern War” was Russian access to the Baltic Sea. Chapter 20 Questions Taken From the Unit Test (Chapter 20 was the group chapter)

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Chapter 201. When Japan’s political unity disintegrated in the 12th century, the country was controlled by

warlords called daimyo.2. The Japanese called their warriors Samurai.3. After the period of civil wars in Japan, Japanese leaders resigned, thus allowing a true

democracy to form.4. Eventually, the Japanese government closed Japan to European trade and Christian influence.5. What was the fate of the Samurai of the forty-seven Ronin incident? They were allowed to commit

ritual suicide.6. Which empire replaced the Ming Empire of China? Qing Empire7. What European organization was a transmitter of science and technology to China? Jesuits8. Who was Matteo Ricci? A Jesuit missionary who introduced European technology to China.9. To gain converts, the Jesuits made what compromise? They tolerated Confucian ancestor

worship.10. Russian rulers were called tsars.11. Russian expansion created a diverse society, including groups like the Cossacks.12. How did the growth of a centralized Russian Empire affect the peasants? Peasants became serfs,

people tied to the land.13. According to the Russian census of 1795, over half of the population was serfs.14. The greatest Romanov tsar was Peter the Great.15. The new city that was to be Russia’s “window to the west” is St. Petersburg.16. Although European enthusiasm for Chinese trade was high, the Chinese were slow to embrace

European trade.17. The British Macartney Mission was an attempt to persuade China to revise its trade system.18. The princes of Muscovy organized a movement of conquest and expansion against the Golden

Horde.19. The motivation for Russian expansion to the east was availability of fur pelts.20. One result of the “Great Northern War” was Russian access to the Baltic Sea.Chapter 20 Questions Taken From the Unit Test (Chapter 20 was the group chapter)36. When Japan’s political unity disintegrated in the 12th century, the country was controlled by –warlords called daimyo.37. The Japanese called their warriors –Samurai.38. One of the consequences of Japanese aggression was –that weakened Chinese armies were defeated by the Manchu.39. After the period of civil wars ended in Japan, -Japanese leaders resigned, thus allowing a true democracy to form.40. European contact with Japan resulted in opportunities and problems such as –all of these.41. Japanese response to the Society of Jesus or Jesuits was –mixed while some were opposed to it, others were attracted.42. Eventually the Japanese government –closed Japan to European trade and Christian influence.43. Which empire replaced the Ming Empire of China? Qing Empire.44. Merchants from which country were the first to arrive in East Asia? Portugal.45. What European organization was a transmitter of science and technology to China? Society of Jesus or Jesuits.46. The Qing Emperor’s desire for security of the northern border led to –an intense struggle with Russia.

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47. To gain converts, the Jesuits made what compromises? They tolerated Confucian ancestor worship.48. The greatest Romanov tsar was –Peter the Great.49. Why did Peter the Great attempt to westernize Russia? To strengthen the Russian state and its autocracy.50. The new city that was to be Russia’s “window to the west” is –St. Petersburg.174.When Japan’s political unity disintegrated in the 12th century, the country was controlled by175. The Japanese called their warriors176. In 1592 after years of civil war, Hideyoshi177. One of the consequences of Japanese aggression was178. After the period of civil wars ended in Japan179. Japanese manufacturers in the 1600s and 1700s made beautiful180. Despite government efforts to curtail merchant independence, Japanese merchants181. European contact with Japan resulted in “opportunities and problems” such as182. Japanese response to the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits was183. Eventually, what was Japan’s response to European trade and Christian influence?184. What factors led to Tokugawa Japan’s instability?185. What was the fate of the samurai of the Forty-Seven Ronin incident?186. European visitors to Ming China in the 16th century were187. During its decline, which of the following was not experienced by the Ming?188. Which empire replaced the Ming Empire of China?189. Although European enthusiasm for Chinese trade was high, how did the Chinese feel about Europeans?190. Merchants from which country were the first to arrive in East Asia?191. The VOC (Dutch East India Company) representatives gained the favor of the Chinese Emperor by192. What European organization was a transmitter of science and technology to China?193. Who was Matteo Ricci?194. The Qing Emperor’s desire for security of the northern border led to195. What was the Treaty of Nerchinsk?196. To gain converts, the Jesuits made what compromises?197. During the Qing Empire, what new items or ideas did Europe gain from China?198. Europeans were permitted to trade only at199. What were Britain’s motives for becoming China’s biggest European trading partner?200. What problem did the British face with Chinese markets that they called the “Canton System?”201. The British Macartney Mission was an attempt to202. Population growth in China in the 1700s led to203. The princes of Muscovy organized a movement of conquest and expansion against the204. Russian rulers were called205. The motivation for Russian expansion in the east was206. How did the growth of a centralized Russian Empire affect the peasants?207. According to the Russian census of 1795, over half the population were208. The greatest Romanov tsar was 209. One result of the “Great Northern War” was210. The new city that was to be Russia’s “window on the West” is211. Why did Peter the Great attempt to westernize Russia?212. Which of the following about both China and Russia is not similar?

Chapter 211. The Enlightenment was the intellectual movement in which –the methods and questions of the Scientific Revolution were applied to human society.2. Monarchs such as Catherine the Great of Russia and Fredrick the Great of Prussia –supported many Enlightenment thinkers.3. The Stamp Act of 1765 required that colonists pay a tax on –nearly all printed material.4. Which 1770 event radicalized public opinion throughout the American colonies? The Boston Massacre.

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5. Common Sense, the pamphlet that stirred up anti-British sentiment on the eve of the American Revolution was written by –Thomas Paine.6. At Yorktown, the British General Cornwallis –surrendered to General Washington.7. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 is called the Second American Revolution because –the delegates pushed aside the announced purpose and in secret wrote a new Constitution.8. In the Constitution, salves were counted as 3/5 of a person –to give southern states more representatives.9. Which of the following statements is true of the French Revolution? It did not create an enduring form of representative democracy.10. As a result of the French Revolution, King Louis XVI was –beheaded.11. In 1787, King Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates General the French national legislature, because –the French elite would not consent to new taxes.12. Which French Estate declared itself to be the National Assembly? Third Estate.13. As economic depression, hunger and high bread prices combined in 1789, the Parisian crowd –attacked the Bastille.14. Some incidents during the Reign of Terror included –a new calendar without Sundays.15. Napoleon became Europe’s first popular dictator because he –promised order to an exhausted society.16. Napoleon won the support of the peasantry and the middle class by –rewriting French Law asserting equality in law and protection of property.17. Despite the dominance of the French military, the British defeated Napoleon’s army in 1805 at –Trafalgar.18. Napoleon’s invasion of _________ led to his decline. Russia.19. After his escape from Elba, Napoleon was defeated at –The Battle of Waterloo.20. Who was Francois Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverature? The Leader of a slave revolt in Saint Domingue.21. The central objective of the Congress of Vienna was –to restore the French monarchy and France’s 1792 borders.22. In 1930, Greece won its independence from the –Ottoman Empire

fiscal crises in Britain and France the colonial wars of the 18th century triggered

the methods and questions of the scientific revolution were applied to human society

the enlightenment was the intellectual movement in which

authority rested on the consent of the governed

one of rousseau's most radical ideas was that government

develop graphite for use in pencils in 1793, the french hired Nicholas-Jaques Conte to

middle class the enlightenment's intellectual ferment most deeply influenced the

earthaccording to the passage, the surface of the moon is similar to that of which heavenly body

limiting settlement in amerindian lands and imposing taxes

what two related problems did the british face after defeating the french in 1763

the british paid less for furs why id the amerindians begin to intensify their hunting practices

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pontiacwhich amerindian chief drove the british from some western outposts and raided virginia and pennssylvania at the end of the seven years war

keep colonists from taking amerindian land by slowing settlement

the proclamation of 1763 and the quebec act of 1774 were intended to

nearly all printed material the stamp act of 1765 required that colonists pay a tax on

the 'boston massacre'which 170 event radicalized public opinion throughout the American colonies

declaring war on britainbefore 1775, which of the following was not the tactics with which the european settlers responded to British policies

thomas painecommon sense, the pamphlet that stirred up anti-british settlement on he eve of the american revolution, was written by

brought the french into the war the battle of saratoga in 1777 was crucial because it

the delegates pushed aside the announced purpose and inn secret wrote a new constitution

the constitutional convention of 1787 is called the 'second american revolution' because

to give southern states more representatives in the constitution, slaves were counted as three\fifths of a person

1808 the constitution allowed the slave trade to continue until

it did not create an enduring form of a representative democracy

which of the following statements is true of the french revolution

all of these an example of the growing poverty of france was

failure to collect tines from the clergywhich of the following was not one of the contributors to the financial crisis that triggered the french revolution

the french elite would not consent to new taxesin 1787, King Louis XVI called a meeting of the estates general, the french national legislature, because

attacked the bastilleas economic depression, hunger, and high bread prices combined in 1789, a parisian crowd

it put peasants in control of the governmentwhich of the following was not accomplished by the new french revolution

middle class democrats the jacobin members of the national convention were

a new calender without sundays some incidents during the reign of terror included

promised order to an exhausted society napoleon became europe's first popular dictator because

Chapter 221. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the population grew because of –reliable food supplies and resistance to disease.2. The Agricultural Revolution was a change in farming methods and crops that resulted in –rich farmers enclosing their lands and poor farmers becoming landless.

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3. New forms of energy were important for industrialization such as –the steam engine and electricity.4. What does it meant to use a division of labor in manufacturing? Dividing work into specialized and repetitive tasks.5. Among the new inventions developed to wave cotton was/were -the spinning jenny and the water frame.6. According to the chapter what are the two advantages of mechanization? Lower prices and increased productivity.7. An example of the enormous quantities of iron produced and novel applications of it was the huge greenhouse called –the Crystal Palace.8. The most revolutionary invention of the Industrial Revolution was James Watt’s –steam engine.9. What invention revolutionized communication during the Industrial Revolution? The electric telegraph.10. The most dramatic environmental change caused by the Industrial Revolution was –Growth of urban population.11. The most obvious change in rural life during the revolution was –the appearance of new roads, canals, and railroads12. Industrial work had an enormous impact on the family because –work was now removed from the home and family members were separated all day.13. Much of the industrial workforce was composed of child labor. Children workers –worked 14-16 hours a day and were beaten to stay awake.14. Although the Industrial Revolution is generally viewed as a period of progress, economic growth, and prosperity it was –not steady, swinging between hard times and recovery.15. The Industrial Revolution’s real beneficiaries were the –middle class.16. What does Adam Smith propose in The Wealth of Nations? The government should not interfere in business.17. When Britain’s spoke of “dismal science” they referred to –economics.18. Charles Fourier and other opponents of capitalism advocated –the wisdom of the mercantile system.19. The Factor Act of 1833 –prohibited textile mills from employing workers under the age of nine.20. How did industrialization change China’s relationship with the west? European steam powered gunboats humiliated China’s military.reliable food supplies and widespread resistance to disease

prior to the industrial revolution, the population grew because of

from the country to the citythe result of the 19th century population explosion in Europe was migration

the potatowhat new crop became an important aspect of the agricultural revolution?

rich farmers "enclosing" their lands and poor farmers becoming landless

the agricultural revolution was a change in farming methods and crops that resulted in

it recovered from the plague more quickly than the rest of europe

which of the following is not one of the factors that gave britain a "head start" on the industrial revolution

eliminated internal tariff barriers and opened Aware that britain had a head start, other countries of europe

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technical schools

the steam engine and electricity new forms of energy ere important for industrialization such as

dividing work into specialized and repetitive tasks

what does it mean to use the division of labor in manufacturing?

the spinning jenny and the water frame among the new inventions developed to weave cotton textiles were

coke could be used in the place of charcoal in the smelting process

iron production was transformed by abraham darby's discovery that

steam enginethe most revolutionary invention of the industrial revolution was james watt's

first building a railroad networkeuropean industries such as iron, construction, and machinery were stimulated by

Most poor urbanites lived in factory owned apartment buildings

which of the following is not true of urban poor neighborhoods

the apperance of new canals, roads, and railroads

the most obvious change in rural life during the industrial revolution was

all of thesefactory work represented a complete transformation in the nature of agricultural work because

married women worked if their husbands were unable to support their families

single women and married women both did factory work but for different reasons, such as

worked 14 to 16 hours a day and were beaten to stay awake

much of the industrial workforce was composed of child labor. Children workers

created a high demand for slaves the cotton boom enriched planters as well as manufacturers and

not steady, swinging between hard times and recovery

although the industrial revolution is generally viewed as a period of progress, economic growth and prosperity was