section 5: decline & fall

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Section 5: Decline & Fall. Targets. Explain why the Roman Empire gained a new lease on life under Diocletian and Constantine. Analyze how ferocious warriors from Asia and Germany finally brought an end to the Roman Empire. 180 A.D. a period of conflict & confusion. I. The Decline. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Section 5: Decline & Fall

  • TargetsExplain why the Roman Empire gained a new lease on life under Diocletian and Constantine. Analyze how ferocious warriors from Asia and Germany finally brought an end to the Roman Empire.

  • I. The Decline180 A.D. a period of conflict & confusion

  • Political UpheavalsFrom 235 to 284, 22 emperors occupied the Roman throne20 of these emperors met violent deathSeries of invasions

  • Economic & Military ProblemsInvasions, civil wars & plague caused an economic collapse of the Roman EmpireDecline in trade & small industrylabor shortage

  • Economic & Military ProblemsPlague (epidemic disease) affected both military & economyFarm production declinedFinancial strains made it difficult to pay soldiers

  • II. The Reforms of Diocletian & ConstantineEnd of 3rd century & beginning of 4th two emperors helped the EmpireNew governmental structure, rigid economic & social system & new state religion, Christianity

  • The Reforms of Diocletian & ConstantineDiocletian divided the empire into four unitsBoth rulers strengthened & enlarged the administrative bureaucracies

  • The Reforms of Diocletian & ConstantinePolitical & military reforms greatly enlarged the army & civil serviceinflation - a rapid increase in prices

  • The Reforms of Diocletian & ConstantineConstantine constructed a new capital city in the east, the Greek city of Byzantiumrenamed it ConstantinopleCalled it his New Romebuilt large palaces & forum

  • The Reforms of Diocletian & ConstantineTemporally successful, such policies in the long run stifled the very vitality the Late Empire needed to revive its sagging fortunes

  • III. The FallCapital of the Western Roman Empire remained RomeConstantinople remained the capital of the Eastern Roman EmpirePressure from invading Germanic tribes

  • Maps and Charts 4

  • The FallThe Germanic Visigoths, crossed the Danube River378 Visigoths defeated the Romansin 410, the Visigoths sacked RomeVandals poured into Spain

  • Maps and Charts 4

  • The Fall455 the Vandals, sacked Rome476 the western emperor was disposedThe Eastern Empire or Byzantine Empire continued to thrive

  • IV. Why did Rome FallChristianitys spiritual kingdom weakened Roman military virtuesTraditional Roman values declined, as non-Italians gained prominence

  • Why did Rome FallLead poisoning in leaden water pipes caused mental declinePlague wiped out 1/10 of the populationFailed to advance technology because of slavery

  • Why did Rome FallUnable to put together a workable political system

  • Analyzing Maps and Charts

  • Augustus Marcus Aurelius almost a hundred years

  • the Western Empirethe Eastern EmpireIllyricumByzantium