sedibeng ster 06 september 2013

SEDIBENG Incorporating Vaal Weekly and Vaal Vision 4 SEPTEMBER - 10 SEPTEMBER 2013 Tel: (016) 950-7000 | Fax: (016) 981-0604 Free Distribution: Sebokeng, Evaton, Boipatong, Bophelong, Sharpeville, Meyerton, Roshnee, Rustervaal and Orange Farm. MAHALA PROMOTION CASH BACK R11 100 NISSAN QASHQAI 1.6 ISAAC MOLOTSI 078 627 9038 A1S1GYK a1s1h1f Mduduzi Mathebula SEBOKENG. - The basic instincts of mo- thers is to protect their young but for a yo- ung Boitumelo, Sebokeng, mother this ca- me at a hefty price. The 21-year-old mo- ther, Vuyo Thekiso, suffered severe first- degree burns in the early hours of the morning on Friday when her family’s outs- ide shack went up in flames. She died on Sunday at the Sebokeng Hospital. Her twins Bonolo and Bokamoso had already succumbed to death following the mystery fire. They had been with her in the shack. The two brothers were almost two years old says a family member, adding that they do not know the cause of the fire. Lydia Raditsela, the twins’ 51-year-old grandmother, says the fire is a disastrous blow to the family. Spea- king to Sedibeng Ster, Raditsela says, “Their mother suffered the most and she finally gave in and died on Sunday while we were thinking she was improving. She herself hoped to at least send her last wishes to her children at their funeral.” Thekiso was a caregiver and a real martyr. She sacrificed her life for others. She was a member of the Boitumelo Community Organization (BCO) NGO and the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) . “We have lost a soldier and a real heroine. May her soul rest in peace,” concludes Kenny Mokoena, the Deputy Chairperson of BCO. Police spokesperson Warrant Of- ficer Mzimkhulu Mthimkhulu says that they have opened an inquest docket. “ We are still puzzled by the incident and we are investigating he cause of the fire,” he says. Twins perish in fire Lydia Raditsela mourns following the mysterious death of her grandchildren and daughter-in-law. Inset: The twins, Bonolo and Bokamoso lost their lives in a strange fire in Boitumelo, Sebokeng on Friday. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula. To bring you quality news we are plea- sed to inform you that our social net- works are up and running. For more news about our area’s newsmakers, achievers, entertainment, job opportu- nities, and how to make new friends in the Vaal look out for fresh stories and much more news on our website Also follow us on twitter@sedibengster or our mobi- site or ‘like’ us on facebook Remember to enter your baby or toddler for Ster and Vaalweekblad’s competiti- on! R10 000 worth of prizes can be won! Have a photo taken at our venues listed below and then buy each week’s edition of Vaalweekblad to see your kiddie’s photo in print! This weeks venues: 5 September: Sasolburg - Pam Gol- ding, 12:00 - 14:00 6 September - Zio (Sasolburg) - 12:00 till 14:00 7 September - Multisave (Meyer- ton)- 10:00 till 14:00 8 September - Vaalgate (Vanderbijl- park)- 11:00 till 14:00 ber - Zio (Sasolburg) - 12:00 till 14:00 7 September - Multisave (Meyerton) - 10:00 till 14:00 8 September - VaalGate (Vander- bijlpark) - 11:00 till 14:00 Enter your child now! New New Midvaal Midvaal Mayor Mayor P5

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Sedibeng Ster 06 September 2013



Incorporating Vaal Weekly and Vaal Vision4 SEPTEMBER ­ 10 SEPTEMBER 2013 Tel: (016) 950­7000 | Fax: (016) 981­0604Free Distribution: Sebokeng, Evaton, Boipatong, Bophelong, Sharpeville, Meyerton, Roshnee, Rustervaal and Orange Farm.

Mahala ProMotion

Cash BaCk

r11 100nissan

QashQai 1.6

Isaac MolotsI078 627 9038




Mduduzi Mathebula

SEBOKENG. - The basic instincts of mo-thers is to protect their young but for a yo-ung Boitumelo, Sebokeng, mother this ca-me at a hefty price. The 21-year-old mo-ther, Vuyo Thekiso, suffered severe first-degree burns in the early hours of themorning on Friday when her family’s outs-ide shack went up in flames. She died onSunday at the Sebokeng Hospital. Hertwins Bonolo and Bokamoso had alreadysuccumbed to death following the mystery

fire. They had been with her in the shack. Thetwo brothers were almost two years old saysa family member, adding that they do notknow the cause of the fire. Lydia Raditsela,the twins’ 51-year-old grandmother, says thefire is a disastrous blow to the family. Spea-king to Sedibeng Ster, Raditsela says, “Theirmother suffered the most and she finally gavein and died on Sundaywhile wewere thinkingshe was improving. She herself hoped to atleast send her last wishes to her children attheir funeral.” Thekiso was a caregiver and

a real martyr. She sacrificed her life forothers. Shewas amember of the BoitumeloCommunityOrganization (BCO)NGOandthe Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) .“We have lost a soldier and a real heroine.May her soul rest in peace,” concludesKenny Mokoena, the Deputy Chairpersonof BCO. Police spokespersonWarrant Of-ficer Mzimkhulu Mthimkhulu says thatthey have opened an inquest docket. “ Weare still puzzled by the incident and we areinvestigating he cause of the fire,” he says.

Twins perish in fireLydia Raditsela mourns following the mysterious death of her grandchildren and daughter­in­law. Inset: The twins, Bonoloand Bokamoso lost their lives in a strange fire in Boitumelo, Sebokeng on Friday. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula.

To bring you quality news we are plea-sed to inform you that our social net-works are up and running. For morenews about our area’s newsmakers,achievers, entertainment, job opportu-nities, and how to make new friends inthe Vaal look out for fresh stories andmuch more news on our Also follow uson twitter@sedibengster or our mobi-site or ‘like’us on facebook

Remember to enter your baby or toddlerfor Ster and Vaalweekblad’s competiti-on! R10 000 worth of prizes can be won!Have a photo taken at our venues listedbelow and then buy each week’s editionof Vaalweekblad to see your kiddie’sphoto in print!This weeks venues:5 September: Sasolburg - Pam Gol-

ding, 12:00 - 14:006 September - Zio (Sasolburg) -

12:00 till 14:007 September - Multisave (Meyer-

ton)- 10:00 till 14:008 September - Vaalgate (Vanderbijl-

park)- 11:00 till 14:00

ber - Zio (Sasolburg) - 12:00 till14:007 September -Multisave (Meyerton)

- 10:00 till 14:008 September - VaalGate (Vander-

bijlpark) - 11:00 till 14:00

Enter yourchild now!



2 SEDIBENG STER 4 September - 10 September 2013

According to the editorial policy of Sedibeng Ster we invite readers to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and we correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please send information about correction of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at [email protected], or call him on (021) 851 3232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman, Mr Joe Thloloe. In that case, please phone (011) 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to (011) 788 4990 or email to press [email protected].




National Basic Education Ministerand ANC Women’s League PresidentAngie Motshega spoke bluntly to yo­ung women, urging them to affiatewith the structures that will empowerthem. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula.

Mduduzi Mathebula

SHARPEVILLE. - “Mama Ade-laide Tambo passed away longago, but we will never forget hergood deeds. Her brave, lioness-heart remains. Sharpeville histo-ry. can not be complete withouther. We are very proud of her.”These are the words of a familyrepresentative during the Adelai-de Tambo memorial lecture onThursday at the Sharpeville Hall.

Tambo was one of the veteransthat took the struggle days bystorm. The packed SharpevilleHall could barely contain theemotions expressed by speakerson such an exceptional woman.

Speaking on behalf of theANC Women’s League and theNational Government BasicEducation minister Angie Mots-hega spoke prolifically aboutTambo.

Motshega urged young wo-men to join the women’s leaguebecause it was not just for elderlywomen but for all women in ge-neral. “If young women don’tstart affiliating with the structu-res of the African National Con-gress, who will?” We need toknow what the past generationhas done to protect the future. Wewould not cherish their deeds ifhistory was not written.” saidMotshega. The memorial lecturewas part of the Sedibeng DistrictMunicipality’s Women’s Monthcelebration programme.

Mduduzi Mathebula

VEREENIGING. - Sedibeng Tradi-tional Health Practitioners mounteda huge traditional march that shoc-ked many shoppers in Vereenigingon Thursday.

The march was part of celebratingAfrican Traditional Medicine Weekand the event was graced by Sedi-beng District Municipality MMC ofHealth and Social DevelopmentMelina Gomba and Traditional Hea-lers Coordinator Debra Mothuping.

The celebration was to raise awa-reness and promote traditional me-dicine within the society and to fur-ther motivate practitioners to recog-nise the need to ensure a highstandard of conduct and practice inthe traditional health sector.

Traditional Healers’ chairpersonNthwalo Matshediso says that thisis the beginning of a new era to re-construct traditional practice and tomake it understood to western medi-cal practitioners.

Healers on the marchHealers on the march

Traditional healers on the march in Vereeniging on Thursday to reconcile with westernmedicine practitioners. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula.

4 September - 10 September 2013 SEDIBENG STER 3


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Lerato Serero

SEDIBENG.- An elderly woman was re-cently killed when the bakkie she was inrolled on the R57 just outside Sasolburg.

The single cab bakkie the woman’sdaughter was driving toward Vanderbijl-park appears to have had mechanical pro-blems. This apparently caused the 26-ye-ar-old woman to losecontrol of the vehicle,which then rolled.

The bakkie landed onits roof at the side of theroad and the canopy wasripped from the vehicleas it rolled. The elderlywoman had been sittingin the back compart-ment of the bakkie andshe was flung from thevehicle. Paramedics ar-rived to find that she hadsuffered multiple andextensive injuries and,tragically, she did notsurvive her injuries andwas declared dead.

The 26-year-old whohad been driving and her

18-year-old brother had managed to climbfrom the wreckage and they had luckilynot sustained any severe physical injuries.They were in such emotional shock thattrauma counsellors were called to the sce-ne to console them and the family. The tra-gedy is under investigation by local autho-rities who attended the scene.

The bakkie in which the elderly woman was travelling liesupside­down beside the road.

Mduduzi Mathebula

VEREENIGING. – The cold weekendweather could not stop the youth ofthis area from attending the mother ofall yearly parties.

On Saturday afternoon young Sedi-beng people flocked to the Dick FourieStadium to attend the Vaal Beach Partywhich forms part of the Emfuleni Lo-cal Municipality’s Vaal River Carni-val. Although no serious incidents we-re officially reported, youth (Izikho-thane, Mamilano, Mabhujwa andBom’rapper) could be seen with cigar-rettes and booze at hand.

A park-and-ride was organised atthe President Park Stadium in Veree-ning where the youth could be seen intheir best attire dancing their soulsaway. According to event organiserIsaac Masia the main aim of includingthe park and ride was to control thetraffic jam and prevent car theft andcrime. “ The park-and- ride sectionwas watched by security guards whowere on alert 24 hours,” said Masia.

Most performers went ‘crazy’ onstage and fans shouted for their favou-rite artists throughout the night at themain venue at Dick Fourie Stadium inThree Rivers.

Police spokesperson Constable Te-duso Tsotetsi said they deployed consi-derable enforcement throughout Ver-eeniging and had not received any re-ports of crimes.

He further mentioned that the onlyproblem was that the young people hadturned the park-and-rider area into analternative party place.

A really ‘cool’ party

The cold could not dampen the spiritsof these young girls who wore minis­kirts.

The park­and­ride at President Stadiumturned into an alternative party venue.Photos: Mduduzi Mathebula.

4 SEDIBENG STER 4 September - 10 September 2013

Lazarus Dithagiso

BOPHELONG. - An allegedly jealoussuspect is on the run after he allegedlyused a knife to stab to death his girlfriendin Muvhango, Extension 8 over the week-end. Police spokesperson Constable Ger-trude Makhale said a case of murder is be-ing investigated.It is not clear what led to the murder

of Mapule Melato. The deceased was ad-mitted at the local hospital with several

stab wounds on Saturday and died the fol-lowing day. The suspect is known only asPapi Sibeko of Zone 3, Sebokeng.Members of the community say that he

works at one of the steel factories in Van-derbijlpark. The deceased was working atCheckers Vanderbijlpark.At time of going to print police were

busy gathering information thatmight leadto the whereabouts and arrest of the sus-pect.

Boyfriend wanted for murderBoyfriend wanted for murder

Lazarus Dithagiso

THE BARRAGE. - Three suspects ha-ve been arrested after they were foundin possession of stolen scrap metal re-cently. According to police spokesper-son, Sergeant SimonMofokatsane, Ser-geant Alwyn Koekemoerwas busy patrolling in theVaalview area when he ca-me across a bakkie full ofscrap metal on Friday lastweek.The police officer instruc-

ted the driver to pull over.The bakkie was loaded withBMW, Golf and other mo-tor-parts.Koekemoer asked the

driver for a letter of consentto drive with the scrap andhe did not have it. The sus-pects went on to show thepoliceman where they col-

lected the items. On the police’s arrivalat the plot in Vaalview it was foundthat there were lots of other stolenitems. Apparently the place has beenused as a chop-shop for a long time. In-vestigations are ongoing.

‘Chop­shop’ closed down

Sergeant Alwyn Koekemoer stands in front ofthe bakkie full of suspected stolen scrap me­tal.

Parade them to thepublic: Maetso

Pastors in front of the coffin of the late Yvonne Msibi (23) ­ at the back are SelloMaetso Regional Secretary of SACP, and Sello Pitso, Emfuleni MMC for Health,in the Boipatong Community Hall. Photo: Lazarus Dithagiso.

Lazarus Dithagiso

BOIPATONG. - The murderer of the lateYvonne Msibi (23) was strongly con-demned recently by Emfuleni Local Mu-nicipality Health MMC Councillor SelloPitso and Sello Maetso, the Regional Se-cretary of the South African CommunistParty (SACP).Maetso says he wishes that police

would parade criminals before the com-munity as this would minimise such bru-tal killings. Msibi was recently gagged,strangled and left dead in a buthtub fullof water in Extension 1, Bophelong. At-

tending the funeral service held at theBoipatongCommunityHall recently, Pit-so labelled people who perpetrated deedslike this as real cowards. The deceasedwas attacked while she was alone at ho-me during the day. It was hardly twoweeks after the owner of the house, Flo-rah Matsaneng, had asked Msibi’s pa-rents of Winnie’s Park, Boipatong, if shecould come and stay with her. Matsanengdid all in her power to make sure that thedeceased received a decent funeral servi-ce with the help of Pitso’s office and theJMB undertaker.

4 September - 10 September 2013 SEDIBENG STER 5

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‘If at first you don’t succeed, try and tryagain’. I was infuriated this past week bysomeone who tells me that they have givenup on life. What annoys me is that this per-son is young and still has his whole lifeahead of him and he has already ‘given up’- only because things have not been goinghis way for a while.

I tell him that when things go wrong asthey always will, when the road seemsuphill, as it always will, when funds are lowand debts are high, he must rest if he sowishes, but quitting is totally out of thequestion. I tell him that life is perplexing,

that it has twists and turns and that and eve-ryone learns through hardship sometimes,but he should never give up.

‘A coward dies many times before actualdeath’, so I tell him he must never be one.I also tell this young fellow that giving upis not an option and that he must keep onfighting as he will only have failed whenhe gives up, that if he thinks he is beaten,he is, that if he would like to overcome thesituation and thinks he can’t, he won’t, andthat if he thinks he will lose the battle, hehas already lost.

After all, it is all in the mind. If this youngchap thinks that he is outclassed, he is in-deed. Finally I ran out of words but as thesaying goes - ‘the ball is in his court’. Myparting words to him were that he has gotto be sure of himself if ever he wants toobtain the eventual award and that life’sbattles do not always favour the strong orfaster person, but sooner or later the manwho wins is the one who thinks he can.

‘Phusha, Presa, Phanda’Lerato...

Don’t give upDon’t give upLeratoSerero

News EditorComments

Lerato Serero

MEYERTON.- Following the recent resigna-tion of Timothy Nast as mayor of MidvaalLocal Municipality one of the youngest may-ors in the country - Bongani Baloyi - wasinaugurated as Midvaals’ new mayor lastThursday. Previously MMC for Develop-ment and Planning, Baloyi says that he is con-fident that he will rise to the task of leadingand serving Midvaal.

“Residents can rest assured that stabilityand continuity will be maintained through mytransition to new Mayor, and there will be nodisruptions to the daily functioning of Mid-vaal. I am committed to upholding these valu-es of Midvaal, to driving business develop-ment, as well as entrenching the need for in-clusive economic growth, which allows ourpoor communities like Sicelo and Lakesideto progress along with businesses and inves-tors. We cannot afford to leave anyone behindas Midvaal expands its economy.”

“Young people often say they would liketo “make a change”,or be given an opportuni-ty to make an impact on the world aroundthem. As I stand here tonight, having beenelected Mayor of Midvaal, I realise that I amnow lucky enough to be a young person whohas been given the ultimate chance to do exac-

tly that - to make a change,” says Baloyi ina statement.

Baloyi’s appointment comes at a crucial ti-me when the issue of a merger between thefour municipalities in the area to form a metroof Sedibeng District Municipality, Lesedi Lo-cal Municipality, Emfuleni Local Municipali-ty and Midvaal Local Municipality, is at a cri-tical stage.

New Midvaal Mayor

Bongani Baloyi replaces Timothy Nast whorecently resigned as mayor of the MidvaalLocal Municipality.

Lazarus Dithagiso

VANDERBIJLPARK. – The Emfuleni Lo-cal Municipality Internal Investigation Unitrecently arrested eight prominent socialworkers involved in fraud for assisting nonbeneficiaries to collect government social

grant money. The suspects appeared brieflyfor a disciplinary hearing last week. The casehas been postponed for further investigation,said Stanley Gaba, Emfuleni Local Municipa-lity head of communication. Gaba told Sedi-beng Ster that the police are still battling to

gather more information that could add to thenumber of offenders and lead to more arrests.Reliable Sedibeng Ster sources within the mu-nicipality say that police acted swiftly aftersome of the culprits boasted to friends abouthow they were milking the government. Ap-

parently co-workers blew the whistle onthem. Some of the ghost beneficiaries inclu-de well known educators, professional nur-ses and police officials. Apparently theagreement was that the helper received halfthe amount paid out to the ghost beneficiary.

ELM’s money scam busted wide openELM’s money scam busted wide open


Lazarus Dithagiso

THE BARRAGE. – ‘A better life forall’, but the residents of the Barrage in-formal settlement believe they must ha-ve missed the train when it comes to ser-vice delivery. Rural communities saythey are living in fear, not sure whetherthey should waste more time queuingduring next year’s general elections.They went on further to praise the De-partment of Home Affairs for helpingthem obtain new Identity Books and theDepartment of Social Services for pro-viding food parcels. The residents tellSedibeng Ster that they were moved outnear the bank of Vaal River seven or fiveyears ago fearing for heavy rains. “Wewere brought on the nose of the SouthAfrican Police station few meters away

from the Barrage road towards Parys.When we came here we expected chan-ge,” said some of the community mem-bers who did not want to be mentioned.After a surprise visit by DA MPL JackBloom, who spent the night in a cold,three-room shack, residents said theywere under the impression that soon -and very soon - things would change forthe better.

There’s no hope that one day rural pe-ople will enjoy the liberation-fruit forwhich they fought so hard,” the resi-dents say. Another informal settlementsthat seems to have been totally forgottenis Joko Tea near the Golden Highway,Tennis Court behind Tsolo SecondarySchool and Coal Site on Dube Road -all in Bophelong alone.

Settlements forgotten?Settlements forgotten?

6 SEDIBENG STER 4 September - 10 September 2013

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Notice is hereby given in terms of section 78(2) of the Local Government Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No.6 of 2004) hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the supplemen-tary valuation roll for the 2012/2013 year is open for inspection at the following locations during office hours (08H10 till 15H30) from 1 November 2013 to 30 November 2013.

Rates section Municipal office in Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging rates hall, Municipal offices in Sebokeng Zone 10, Evaton, Rust-ter-Vaal, Sharpeville and Bophelong Libraries.

An invitation is hereby made in terms of section Section 78(2) of the Act that any owner of a property or other person who so desires could lodge an objection with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from, the supplementary valuation roll within the above-mentioned period.

Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act an objec-tion must be in relation to a specific individual property and not to the supplementary valu-ation roll as such. The official application form for lodging of an objection is obtainable at the following locations:

Rates section Municipal office in Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging rates hall, Municipal offices in Sebokeng Zone 10, Evaton, Rust-ter-Vaal, Sharpeville and Bophelong Libraries.

In addition the supplementary valuation roll and official objection forms will also be avail-able on Municipality’s official website:

Completed objection forms must be return by hand or registered post before the closing date to the following address:

By hand (placed into marked box) Registered post:Rates section, Municipal office, Vanderbijlpark Municipal Manager P.O. Box 3 Vanderbijlpark 1900 Marked: Objections 2012/2013 Supplementary valuation roll

Notices will also be served in terms of Section 78(2) to all individual owners informing them of the valuation placed on their properties and the opportunity if so desired to lodge an objection on the prescribed form with the Municipal Manager in respect of any matter re-flected in, or omitted from, the supplementary valuation roll. Owners who do not receive the letter that is related to the 2012/2013 Supplementary Valuation Roll must contact the officials as displayed in this notice

For any enquiries kindly contact:

Ms. Mosidi Machobane (016) 950 5126 or [email protected]. Laura Schmidt (016) 950 5119 or [email protected]

S. SHABALALA (Municipal Manager) Notice number:




I, C F De Jager of Pace Plan Consultants, being the agent of the registered owner, hereby gives notice in terms of Section 5(5) of the Gauteng Removal of Restrictions Act, 1996, that I have applied to the Emfuleni Municipal Council for the removal of certain conditions in the Title Deed of Erf 651 Vanderbijlpark South East 1, which are situated on 268 Louis Trichardt Blvd, Vanderbijlpark SE 1 and the simultaneous amendment of the Vanderbijlpark Town Planning-Scheme, 1987, from “Residential 1” to “Special for a motor sales market and offices” and with the special consent of the Council, any other uses, excluding noxious uses. All relevant documents relating to the application will be open for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Strategic Manager: Development Planning, Municipal Offices, Old Trust Bank Building, 1st Floor, Corner of President Kruger & Eric Louw Street, Vanderbijlpark for 28 days from 28 August 2013. Any person who wishes to object to the application or submit representations in respect thereof, must lodge the same in writing to the Municipal Manager at the named address or to P. O Box 3 Vanderbijlpark 1900 or fax to (016) 422-1411 within 28 days from 28 August 2013. Address of the applicant: Pace Plan Consultants, P O Box 60784 Vaalpark. Tel: (016) 071 3456 Date of first publication: 28 August 2013 a1





I, Mr. C F DE JAGER of PACE PLAN CONSULTANTS, being the authorized agent of the owner, hereby gives notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(ii) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance (15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Emfuleni Municipal Council for the amendment of the Vanderbijlpark Town Planning Scheme, 1987, in respect of a Portion of Frikkie Meyer Blvd Vanderbijlpark SE 2, with the rezoning of a the Portion from “Public Road” to “Parking” and with the special consent of the local authority any other uses excluding noxious uses. All relevant documents relating to the application will be open for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Strategic Manager: Land Use Management, First floor, Old Trust Bank Building, corner of President Kruger Street and Eric Louw Street, Vanderbijlpark, for 28 days from 28 August 2013.Any person, who wishes to object to the application or submit representations in respect thereof, must lodge the same in writing to the Municipal Manager at the named address or to P O Box 3, Vanderbijlpark 1900 or fax to (016) 950 5533 within 28 days from 28 August 2013. Address of the agent: Pace Plan Consultants, PO Box 60784 VAALPARK, 1948, Tel: 083 446 5872

Date of first publication: 28 August 2013



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8 SEDIBENG STER 4 September - 10 September 2013

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Mduduzi Mathebula

VEREENGING. - It has been scientificallyproven that laughter improves ones health.Vaal comedy-lovers were treated to a reallyoutstanding showcase on Thursday night atthe Vereeniging Civic Theatre - the EmfuleniVaal Carnival Comedy Show.The show included local artists the likes

of ‘Wazz’, Jabulani and Thabiso. These yo-ung up-coming comedians showed class andprogress in comparison to their previousshows. Then the big guns were unleashed onthe stage. These included theMC - Tips - whokilled the audience from start to finish withlaughter. Among dignitaries were MMC forSports and Recreation, and Shaka Radebe

who was blown out of his seat.The show was redeemed by Skhumbuzo

Hlophe who plainly didn’t care what peoplethought of his jokes. Hlophe spent five minu-tes on stage and left his audience howlingtheir lungs out.“I’m very pleased to perform at such an

occasion and for the ELM to believe in us

Medicine for good health hahaha!

‘Tips’ shakes his audience at the Vaalcomedy show in Vereenging. Photo:Mduduzi Mathebula.

as artists is a great honour,” explained Hlop-he. He believes that in black comedy SouthAfricans are starting to accept themselves andtheir indigenous cultures. The show was con-cluded by Limpopian comedian Mashabela.“It’s about time. The time has come for blackcomedy to rise to the people,” says the SAT-MA award nominee.

4 September - 10 September 2013 SEDIBENG STER 9

Mduduzi Mathebula

SEDIBENG. – eTV eKasi stories has pa-ved a way for local productions to gene-rate their untested talent onto South Afri-cans’ TV screens.Such projects have been on the go for

a season now, and numerous talented ac-tors and new producers are showing theirintentions through such opportunities tocultivate the entertainment industry.Luzuko Nteleko is a South African ac-

tor and entrepreneur best known for histelevision roles as Loyiso on Zone 14(since 2010).His profile speaks volumes. He was

student Constable Lebogang Chuene on‘The streets of Mangaung’, a story thatwas filmed in 2012. He will be playinga lead character on eKasi story: Our Sto-ries, in the drama ‘Strooi Meisier’, to befeatured soon. Having studied at WitsTech, Nteleko now owns an educational/industrial theatre and promotions compa-ny. He is multilingual, speaking Xhosa,Zulu, Sotho, Xitsonga and English.Originally from Sebokeng, Gauteng,

he now resides in Johannesburg. Accor-ding to Nteleko, ‘Strooi Meisie’ is a storyof childhood friends who shared similarhopes and dreams. All of that changedwhen ‘Thandi’ got a scholarship to UCTand moved away. Now, ‘Tshepo’ makesends meet any way he can, taking oddjobs and collecting rejection slips frompublishers as he tries to make it. ‘Thandi’meets, and agrees to marry John Mthem-bu, awealthy youngman from a powerfulfamily. ‘Tshepo’ has to deal with the an-guish of watching the woman he secretlyloves pledge herself to an arrogant ‘chee-se boy’ who doesn’t deserve her. ‘Than-di’ starts to realise that maybe she rushedinto things with John. Can they find a`happily ever after’, or will those child-hood dreams become a mere memory?Nteleko says all the answers can only

be achieved when you tune into eKasi- Our Stories, on eTV.

5,4,3,2,15,4,3,2,1camera action!camera action!

Lezuko Nteleko shines again on yourTV screen with eKasi­ Our Story. Pho­to: Supplied.

Ncingane does it for the community

Above: Daniel Zengele tries the newwheels he received through the communi­ty’s help. Left: Jerry Ncingane, the ‘SoulProvider’. Photos: Mduduzi Mathebula

Mduduzi Mathebula

SEBOKENG. - Daniel Zengele, after 13wheelchair-bound years, finally received awheelchair of his own recently from a mannamed Jerry Ncingane who is also disabled.

Ever since he was born Ncingane has beenwheelchair bound, yet he has been a youth andcommunity leader. He challenges disabled yo-ung people to participate in sport and arts. Anevent was conducted, attended by the Ward 37leaders and councillor Lahliwe Rapapadi. Ac-cording to Zengele he was unable to walk afterhe was mutilated 13 years ago. “It featured thetoughest decision I had to make in my life. “Iused to do everything myself, and then I hadto ask for help when I needed something. “Be-ing in a wheelchair is not child’s play. It’s avery challenging lifestyle. “I had a hard timeadapting to the new lifestyle,” says Zengelewhowas using a borrowedwheelchair all theseyears. Zengele was delighted to have his ownwheelchair, he even made some moves in thechair. “I am very happy. God bless Ncinganefor the love he shared with the wheelchair-bound community. Many people hide behindclosed doors due to their disability. “ThroughNcingane young people and his communityare are coming out,” says Zengele. Rapa-padi says she is very honoured to havesuch a community leader looking af-ter them. “Ncingane is a true leader.“We need such people in our com-munity, people who put othersfirst, I’m very happy with hisefforts to help others,” saysRapapadi. Ncingane saysall hewants is for youngpeople to engage inproductive operati-ons.

Angela Thinane (left) ­ founder of the Nyakallong Home ­ is pleased by the visit andgifts she recieved from the No Problem Sydicate Sisters. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula.

Moleboheng Chaha

SHARPEVILLE.- ‘Build It’, Vanderbijlpark andLekoa Construction put a smile on 75-year-oldMa-ria Moletsane’s face when they refurbished herhouse.

Following a story in this publication, Hlongwa-ne approached Lekoa Construction who approa-ched Ismail Kader of ‘Build It’ Vanderbijlpark,who gladly accepted the challenge.‘Build It’ then provided the material to fix the

burnt home and Lekoa Construction, the labour.Kader says, “The motivation to help Maria Molet-sane was to see an ailing old lady settled in herown home and to promote a sense of responsibilityamongst the youth in the area to take care of theirfrail and old.”

‘Build It’ has always been involved in the com-munity from its inception in 2011,” adds Kader.‘Build it’ also hosted a 16-a-side under-13 schoolsoccer tournament to uplift schools to a new levelof participation.‘Build it’ will also help in the new year when

a similar tournament is hosted. The hope is to makethis a yearly event..

Burnt house refurbished

Maria Moletsane (middle) was more than excited by the help she receivedfrom ‘Build It’, Vanderbijlpark, and Lekoa Construction.

Mduduzi Mathebula

SEDIBENG. - It was an emotional Sundaywhen No Problem Syndicate Sisters visitedtwo children’s homes in Sedibeng - the Ny-akallong Home for the Physically andMental-ly Disabled and Matwala’s Children’s Home,respectively, in the name of Women’s Month.Tears were running down the faces of thesesuper sisters, who were brave enough to visitthese two homes.They could not contain their emotionswhen

both managers elaborated their stories on howthey got started making their homes and howthey gathered children.Angela Thinane from Nyakallong was very

pleased by the sisters’ visit and gifts. They ga-ve groceries and clothes to the homes andspent time with the disabled children. Thinanesaid that starting the home was something shewas inspired to do through her personal expe-rience, when she herself had a disabled

daughter. “It was very hard to accept, butthroughGod’s grace Imanaged. I thoughtGodwas punishing me.

But by the look of things, Hewas preparingme to be strong. These children need love,they need care and need your undivided he-art,” says Thinane weepily. Apparently thereare three branches that this super-determinedwoman heads. She is a leader and a pillar ofsupport for these disabled children.The sisters also gave groceries and clothes

to Elizabeth Twala who welcomed them withlove and care.

She also gave a brief history about the ho-me and how she got her children. “Some ofthese children’s stories are very dramatic andheart-breaking. Because of my love of child-ren I have to be strong and brave for them.I don’t want anything to happen to them. Theyare my strength,” says Twala.Poppy Mofokeng, chairperson for the sis-

ters, speaking on their behalf, says they aredeeply touched and are encouraged to do mo-re.

“We have to salute such women, peoplewho put their lives on hold for others, this iswhatwe call humanity,” concludesMofokeng.

No Problem Syndicate Sisters on the moveNo Problem Syndicate Sisters on the move

10 SEDIBENG STER 4 September - 10 September 2013

the league. We welcome everyone. We wantto give these youngsters opportunity to playfootball and - who knows - some of themcould end up playing for Bafana Bafana,” ex-plained Ndlovu.The league was launched bySafa three months ago as part of a master planto establish junior leagues in this country.

newly established Safa u/13 and u/15 league.According to the Emfuleni Local football As-sociation New Committee Chairman – PhilipNdlovu - the meeting is for Stream A teams.

“This is the last meeting before the kick-off of the junior league in this Stream. Weinvite all the teams who are interested to join

to attend a meeting scheduled to take placeat the George Thabe Stadium on Saturday at9:00. The meeting is a way forward to the

Zacharia Nale

SEDIBENG. - Emfuleni Local Football As-sociation invites all the junior soccer teams

Zacharia Nale

SEDIBENG. - The Safa Sedibeng Wo-men’s League is not yet finished howe-ver, Celta Figo Ladies FC seems to havealready crowned the league champions.This Sebokeng-based side is at the

summit of the log with 31 points. Thereare five games left to round-off their lea-gue programme for the 2013/2014 sea-son. The league consists of eight teams,namely The Birds FC Ladies, MightyEagles, Going Up, Young Girls, Real To-kyo, Young Stars and Young Milano La-dies FC and is part of Safa’s initiative topromote women’s football in this count-ry. Safa Sedibeng League coordinatorBeauty Molise says some teams have fi-nished their league programme, exceptfor the likes of Celta Vigo, which are stillbehind with their fixtures. According to

Molise, the delay of the league was dueto the Gauteng Women’s Sports Tourna-ment being held in Johannesburg recent-ly.“The league was supposed to be finis-hed by this time but it was interruptedby the women’s tournament held by theGauteng Sports Department. Some of thegames will be played during the weekendand hopefully the league will be finishedby next weekend,” says Molise. Me-anwhile, Mosile revealed to SedibengSter Sports that, next season, they willtarget more teams to affiliate. She chal-lenges all the women in this region to beinvolved in football. She adds: “We needmore women in football because there isa role for women to play in South Africanfootball.” She also challenges womensoccer players to form women’s soccerteams or get involved in coaching.

Celta Vigo Ladies champs in waiting?

Right: Thabang Moloi is following in thefootsteps of his father as one of the mostpromising referees to have come from theSedibeng region. Photo: Zacharia Nale.

Bidding documents containing the specifications and details of the deliverables will be available from , Mr Enos Maja and Mrs Zodwa Mazingela at Rates and taxes hall, Municipal Offices, Meyerton, as from Monday, 02 September 2013 at a non-refundable deposit of R250-00 per document, payable at the rates and taxes hall during office hours Monday – Friday, 07:30 – 15:00. Cheques are to be made out to Midvaal Local Municipality. Notice of this bid is available on the webpage: Bids are to be sealed in an envelope marked with the relevant bid number and description as indicated on the bidding documents.

All fully completed and signed bid documents must be placed in the tender box situated on the ground floor at Block A, Corner Mitchell and Junius Street, Meyerton to be placed in the tender boxes by time and date as set out in the bidding documents and will be opened in public. No late, e-mailed or faxed bids will be considered. The tender box is generally open from Monday to Friday, 07:30 to 16:00.

Bidder’s attention is specifically drawn to the provisions of the rules and specifications which are included in the bid documents. The Council reserves the right to ac-cept any bid or part thereof and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and not to consider any bid not suitably endorsed or comprehensively completed. Bids completed in pencil or re-typed will be regarded as invalid bids. Evaluation of the bid will be based on compliance with all criteria as set out in the special condi-tions of contract, the specifications and according to the preferential point goals as indicated in the bid documents.



Suitably qualified, registered and authorised service providers are hereby invited to submit a bid for various tenders within Midvaal Local Municipality as listed below:

BID NUMBER DESCRIPTION CLOSING DATE TIME CONTACT PERSON 8/2/2/145 Supply and delivery 500KVA mini-sub Transformers for

Midvaal Local Municipality-Electrical section16/09/2013 10:00 Mr R Mallinson –

(016) 360-5810



Zacharia Nale

SEBOKENG. - No doubt Thabang Moloi(14) is following in his father’s footsteps asone of the most promising referees to emergefrom the region of Sedibeng.At the tender age of 14 the future looks gre-

at for this up-and-coming referee. SedibengSter Sports witnessed his talent first hand du-ring one of the Emfuleni Local FootballPromtion League matches at the George Tha-be Stadium recently. Moloi Jr was assistantto veteran referee Motsheng Kola.He made some brave decisions and he was

not intimidated by players and officials andmore especially by soccer fans on the stand.To make things interesting, an opposition

team coach asked young Moloi what he wasdoing there as he was supposed to be officia-ting for his age-group, then playing outsidethe George Thabe Stadium.For the uninformed the young man’s father

Thabo “Thiza” Moloi is a former referee andhe currently numbers prominently among theSafa Sedibeng Referees Coordinators.This Katleho-Impumelelo Secondary

School student was discovered by develop-ment referee Jabu Mkhwanazi, who was im-pressed by Moloi’s talent.Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Moloi Jr says

he started to fall in lovewith refereeing duringthe time when he used to go with his fatherto matches. “Even though I did not see my

father officiating, people always tell me thathe was a good referee. He also encouragedme to take refereeing seriously and to followin the footsteps of Jonas “Samora” Nhlapo,Victor Hlongwane and others,” he says.His mentor Mkhwanazi believes that the

young man has the potential to go places ifhis current commitment is anything to go by.“The boy is going places as far as referee-

ing is concerned and what I like about himis that, he is willing to learn,” he concludes.

Moloi following in his father’s footstepsMoloi following in his father’s footsteps

Emfuleni Local Football Association calls on all the teams to attend a junior soccer lea­gue meeting scheduled to take place at the George Thabe Stadium on Saturday. Photo:Zacharia Nale.

Junior soccer teams invited to a meeting

10 SEDIBENG STER 4 September - 10 September 2013

the league. We welcome everyone. We wantto give these youngsters opportunity to playfootball and - who knows - some of themcould end up playing for Bafana Bafana,” ex-plained Ndlovu.The league was launched bySafa three months ago as part of a master planto establish junior leagues in this country.

newly established Safa u/13 and u/15 league.According to the Emfuleni Local football As-sociation New Committee Chairman – PhilipNdlovu - the meeting is for Stream A teams.

“This is the last meeting before the kick-off of the junior league in this Stream. Weinvite all the teams who are interested to join

to attend a meeting scheduled to take placeat the George Thabe Stadium on Saturday at9:00. The meeting is a way forward to the

Zacharia Nale

SEDIBENG. - Emfuleni Local Football As-sociation invites all the junior soccer teams

Zacharia Nale

SEDIBENG. - The Safa Sedibeng Wo-men’s League is not yet finished howe-ver, Celta Figo Ladies FC seems to havealready crowned the league champions.This Sebokeng-based side is at the

summit of the log with 31 points. Thereare five games left to round-off their lea-gue programme for the 2013/2014 sea-son. The league consists of eight teams,namely The Birds FC Ladies, MightyEagles, Going Up, Young Girls, Real To-kyo, Young Stars and Young Milano La-dies FC and is part of Safa’s initiative topromote women’s football in this count-ry. Safa Sedibeng League coordinatorBeauty Molise says some teams have fi-nished their league programme, exceptfor the likes of Celta Vigo, which are stillbehind with their fixtures. According to

Molise, the delay of the league was dueto the Gauteng Women’s Sports Tourna-ment being held in Johannesburg recent-ly.“The league was supposed to be finis-hed by this time but it was interruptedby the women’s tournament held by theGauteng Sports Department. Some of thegames will be played during the weekendand hopefully the league will be finishedby next weekend,” says Molise. Me-anwhile, Mosile revealed to SedibengSter Sports that, next season, they willtarget more teams to affiliate. She chal-lenges all the women in this region to beinvolved in football. She adds: “We needmore women in football because there isa role for women to play in South Africanfootball.” She also challenges womensoccer players to form women’s soccerteams or get involved in coaching.

Celta Vigo Ladies champs in waiting?

Right: Thabang Moloi is following in thefootsteps of his father as one of the mostpromising referees to have come from theSedibeng region. Photo: Zacharia Nale.

Bidding documents containing the specifications and details of the deliverables will be available from , Mr Enos Maja and Mrs Zodwa Mazingela at Rates and taxes hall, Municipal Offices, Meyerton, as from Monday, 02 September 2013 at a non-refundable deposit of R250-00 per document, payable at the rates and taxes hall during office hours Monday – Friday, 07:30 – 15:00. Cheques are to be made out to Midvaal Local Municipality. Notice of this bid is available on the webpage: Bids are to be sealed in an envelope marked with the relevant bid number and description as indicated on the bidding documents.

All fully completed and signed bid documents must be placed in the tender box situated on the ground floor at Block A, Corner Mitchell and Junius Street, Meyerton to be placed in the tender boxes by time and date as set out in the bidding documents and will be opened in public. No late, e-mailed or faxed bids will be considered. The tender box is generally open from Monday to Friday, 07:30 to 16:00.

Bidder’s attention is specifically drawn to the provisions of the rules and specifications which are included in the bid documents. The Council reserves the right to ac-cept any bid or part thereof and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and not to consider any bid not suitably endorsed or comprehensively completed. Bids completed in pencil or re-typed will be regarded as invalid bids. Evaluation of the bid will be based on compliance with all criteria as set out in the special condi-tions of contract, the specifications and according to the preferential point goals as indicated in the bid documents.



Suitably qualified, registered and authorised service providers are hereby invited to submit a bid for various tenders within Midvaal Local Municipality as listed below:

BID NUMBER DESCRIPTION CLOSING DATE TIME CONTACT PERSON 8/2/2/145 Supply and delivery 500KVA mini-sub Transformers for

Midvaal Local Municipality-Electrical section16/09/2013 10:00 Mr R Mallinson –

(016) 360-5810



Zacharia Nale

SEBOKENG. - No doubt Thabang Moloi(14) is following in his father’s footsteps asone of the most promising referees to emergefrom the region of Sedibeng.At the tender age of 14 the future looks gre-

at for this up-and-coming referee. SedibengSter Sports witnessed his talent first hand du-ring one of the Emfuleni Local FootballPromtion League matches at the George Tha-be Stadium recently. Moloi Jr was assistantto veteran referee Motsheng Kola.He made some brave decisions and he was

not intimidated by players and officials andmore especially by soccer fans on the stand.To make things interesting, an opposition

team coach asked young Moloi what he wasdoing there as he was supposed to be officia-ting for his age-group, then playing outsidethe George Thabe Stadium.For the uninformed the young man’s father

Thabo “Thiza” Moloi is a former referee andhe currently numbers prominently among theSafa Sedibeng Referees Coordinators.This Katleho-Impumelelo Secondary

School student was discovered by develop-ment referee Jabu Mkhwanazi, who was im-pressed by Moloi’s talent.Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Moloi Jr says

he started to fall in lovewith refereeing duringthe time when he used to go with his fatherto matches. “Even though I did not see my

father officiating, people always tell me thathe was a good referee. He also encouragedme to take refereeing seriously and to followin the footsteps of Jonas “Samora” Nhlapo,Victor Hlongwane and others,” he says.His mentor Mkhwanazi believes that the

young man has the potential to go places ifhis current commitment is anything to go by.“The boy is going places as far as referee-

ing is concerned and what I like about himis that, he is willing to learn,” he concludes.

Moloi following in his father’s footstepsMoloi following in his father’s footsteps

Emfuleni Local Football Association calls on all the teams to attend a junior soccer lea­gue meeting scheduled to take place at the George Thabe Stadium on Saturday. Photo:Zacharia Nale.

Junior soccer teams invited to a meeting

4 September - 10 September 2013 SEDIBENG STER 11

Zacharia Nale

SEDIBENG. - Time is running out for theEmfuleni Local Football Association’s Pro-motion League teams to complete their lea-gue programme.According to the association’s chairman

Philip Ndlovu, they are behind schedule incompletion of their league programme. Ndlo-vu says the initial deadline was September for

all the teams to complete their league pro-grammes. However, he is positive that all theteams will complete their league programmesby the end of the month. He says they aredoing everything in their power to push thegames so that they can meet Safa Sedibeng’sdeadline. He says some of the games will beplayed during the week, and on Saturdays andSundays. “I’m quite aware that we are behind

schedule, we are doing everything in our po-wer to ensure that by the end of the monthall the teams will be finished with their ga-mes. I know this is going to be difficult, espe-cially at this time of the year, because playersare writing exams. But the teams understandthe situation we all find ourselves in,” saysNdlovu.Meanwhile, expect soccer mania when the

Promotion League teamsmeet in their respec-tive league matches this coming weekend inboth streams. Eyes will be on the local derbywhen Vaal Milano FC welcomes its bitter ri-val Nale Academy at the George Thabe Sta-dium on Saturday. Kick-off is at 15:00. Thisencounter promises fireworks as both teamsalways display exciting football wheneverthey play.

D­Day for Promotion League teamsD­Day for Promotion League teams

“If you pick the right people and givethem the opportunity to spread theirwings and put compensation as a carrierbehind it you almost don’t have to ma-nage them.”This is what our football needs!Shooting From The Hip will always

advocate the growth of football regard-less of the insults I suffer from thosewho don’t want to accept the fact thatthey are failing this region.For example, now their focus is on

who should be Safa president! Who ca-res?This country doesn’t need men in

‘black suits’ but someone who will gettheir hands dirty to save our footballfrom the dogs.Shooting From The Hip doesn’t care

who becomes Safa President.My only concern is the state of deve-

lopment football in this region.The doom of our football is our failure

to pick the right people who can take it tothe next level.If ex-professi-

onals such as Lu-cas Radebe, NeilTovey and otherscould raise theirhands, I think theSafa regionswould vote forthem.For how long

will our footballbe run by peoplewho never experi-enced pain in the field of play?

If Shooting From The Hip may ask: “Dowe really need Danny Jordaan or Irvin Kho-za?

These are the very same gentlemen who,together with former Safa President Dr Mo-lefi Oliphant, brought the 2010 World Cupto this continent.

As things stand now,Dr Khoza is doing asterling job for Pre-mier Soccer League(PSL) and his club Or-lando Pirates.The PSL is among

the best leagues in theworld because of “IronDuke” as he is affecti-onately known inSouthAfrican football.His team is currently

chasing a second star in the CAF Competiti-on.My argument here is that theman has done

enough for football in this country and he

doesn’t have to prove a point to anyone.Safa is in a mess as it is now and I

don’t think Dr Khoza wants to risk sa-crificing the reputation he worked sohard for - to be one of the most succes-sful football administrators in theworld.As for Danny Jordaan, he was side-

by-side with Dr Khoza and Dr MolefiOliphant when this country was awar-ded the right to host the 2010 WC. Mypoint is that this country needs newfaces that will come and change the faceof our football.The biggest challenge facing our

football is to stay together, win together,and grow together. The same can besaid of the Sedibeng region – we arevery scared to challenge issues becausewe don’t want to make enemies.Pick the right people!

Save football from the dogs!Save football from the dogs!



Zacharia Nale

12 SEDIBENG STER 4 September - 10 September 2013

team. Jansen was once a household na-me in South African football, playingfor Giant Blackpool before he joinedthe now-defunct ‘Vaal Monsters.’

Hewas a no-nonsense defender, lea-ving his opponents shivering aftertackles.

Some of the players he played withand against include Geelbooi “Goma”Masango, Jabu “Scara” Mnguni, Er-nest “Rambo” Marumo and Meshack“Guna” Zwane. To make it interes-ting, he still applies the same no-non-sense approach.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sports,Jansen challenges other ex-professio-nal soccer players to get involved inthe development of football in this re-gion. He believes that youngsters needthe experience of ex-professionals torealise their dream to play at the hig-hest level of football.

“I urge all those ex-professionals togive themselves time to coach theseyoungsters because they need us.

“There is no point for us to com-plain about the state of football in thisarea if we are not involved,” he con-cludes.

The club consists of two divisions - u/15 andu/17. Jansen believes this region is blessedwith talent but the only disappointment isthat it does not have a professional soccer

the same can’t be said of Neil Jansen.This former Vaal Professional star is invol-

ved in the development of football in this regi-on as co-coach of the Rust-ter-Vaal Saints FC.

Zacharia Nale

RUST-TER-VAAL.- While other ex-pro-fessional soccer players are doing little forthe advancement of football in this region,

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Get your hands dirty: Jansen

Neil Jansen (far left) is one of the few ex­professional soccer stars who is still involved in the development of football in Sedibengregion. Here he is with his team ­ Rust­ter­Vaal Saints FC. Photo: Zacharia Nale.

Zacharia Nale

SEBOKENG.- EvatonSports Hub hosted a succes-sful Development NetballTournament at the EvatonSports Complex on Satur-day. The tournament formedpart of development with lo-cal netball teams battling forhonour in the chilly weather.

Galaxy Netball Club beatDiphetogo 17-7 to be crow-ned the tournament champi-ons.

Galaxy crowned Evaton Netball Tournament champions

Galaxy Netball Club was crowned the Evaton Netball Development Tournament Champi­ons after beating Diphetogo 17­7 in the final on Saturday.

Photo: Diphetogo NetballClub before their final gameagainst Galaxy NetballClub.