sedibeng ster 10 july 2014

SEDIBENG Incorporating Vaal Weekly and Vaal Vision 9 JULY - 15 JULY 2014 Tel: (016) 950-7000 | Fax: (016) 981-0604 Free Distribution: Sebokeng, Evaton, Boipatong, Bophelong, Sharpeville, Meyerton, Roshnee, Rustervaal and Orange Farm. Tel: 011 857 2052/61 Evaton - Evaton Plaza (Golden Highway) a1u9uBF BRANCHES AT - Lenasia - Soweto - Xavier A1U9R50 Crazy SpeCialS Cash Back R11 000 NP200 1.6 8V A/C IsAAC MolotsI 078 627 9038 NUMSA on pay strike The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) with more than 220,000 me- tal and engineering workers (members) and the country’s single largest labour grouping, went on an open-ended strike last week de- manding a 15% salary increase and respon- ses to a host of other demands. These wor- kers could be seen demonstrating in Boipa- tong, Vanderbijlpark on Tuesday morning. The talks were said to be nearing an end this week. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula. Full story on Page 3

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Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014


Page 1: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014


Incorporating Vaal Weekly and Vaal Vision9 JULY ­ 15 JULY 2014 Tel: (016) 950­7000 | Fax: (016) 981­0604Free Distribution: Sebokeng, Evaton, Boipatong, Bophelong, Sharpeville, Meyerton, Roshnee, Rustervaal and Orange Farm.

Tel: 011 857 2052/61Evaton - Evaton Plaza(Golden Highway)


BRANCHES AT- Lenasia - Soweto - Xavier




Cash BackR11 000

NP200 1.68V A/C

IsAAC MolotsI078 627 9038

NUMSA on pay strike

TheNationalUnionofMetalworkersofSouthAfrica (NUMSA) with more than 220,000 me­tal and engineering workers (members) andthe country’s single largest labour grouping,went on an open­ended strike last week de­manding a 15% salary increase and respon­ses to a host of other demands. These wor­kers could be seen demonstrating in Boipa­tong, Vanderbijlpark on Tuesday morning.The talks were said to be nearing an end thisweek. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula.

Full story on Page 3

Page 2: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

2 SEDIBENG STER 9 July - 15 July 2014

VEREENIGING BOOKING DETAILS:Venue: Emerald Casino, VereenigingTime: Registration from 08h30Event: 09h30 – 15h00Cost: R170 (includes morning tea andsnacks, lunch, the latest issue of BONAand a goodie bag worth over R200)


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VANDERBIJLPARK.- The Vanderbijl-park SAPS are investigating a missingperson case following the disappearanceof Mpho Innocentia Padi (26) on June17th at about 17:30.

Padi was last seen by her sister in Van-derbijlpark.

It is alleged that she was last seen wal-king with her boyfriend in town in Van-derbijlpark CBD. She has never been se-en since that day. She has not turned upat her place of work.

Padi was last seen wearing a whiteT-shirt, blue jeans and a jacket of khakhimaterial.

She has black eyes and anyone withinformation about the her disappearancecan contact Constable Mpolokeng on 083478 1204.

Help findmissing Padi

The missing Mpho Innocentia Padi.

Pinky Mofokeng

EVATON. - Fire is a serious hazard and inthe townships community members are vic-tims almost every week. Six families were re-cently left homeless in Adams Road, Evaton,after a fire broke out at one of their shacks.Apparently the fire was noticed by the grand-mother who lives at the shack from where thefire started when she asked her grandchild fordrinking water. Thick smoke apparently cameout the wardrobe and before they could takeanything the fire had already spread to theother shacks. Neighbours ran trying to stopthe fire without any success. Emergency per-sonnel were deployed to the scene and on arri-val found all six shacks burned to the ground.

The grandmother apparently hurt herself whi-le trying to escape the fire. She was taken tothe Levai Mbatha Clinic in Evaton where shewas treated. All the families lost everythingin the angry flames. They claim they did nothave a chance to take anything as everythinghappened so fast. Amongst the adults werechildren under the age of 10 who lost every-thing - their school books, uniforms, and birthcertificates. Puleng Khubeka says, “The firestarted at our shack. My grandmother noticedsmoke coming from the wardrobe but we are

not sure how the fire started. We lost every-thing. We do not have any clothes, food, ora place to sleep. We sleep at relatives andfriends.” Emfuleni Fire and Rescue managedto give each household blankets to keep themwarm against the cold. Nobody seems toknow how the fire started although it is com-monly believed that during winter communi-ty members are vulnerable to shack fires thatare in most cases caused by paraffin stoves,heaters, unattended candles and gas applian-ces as they try to keep warm.

Fire leaves six families homeless

Above: Six familieswere left homelessin Adams Road af­ter angry flames atetheir shacks.

Left: RebeccaMhlongo, one of thevictims, says theangry flames ateeverything she had.Photos: Pinky Mof­okeng.

A suspect thathas apparentlybeen harassingthe Sharpevillecommunity iswanted by thepolice in con­nection with ca­ses of house­breaking andtheft of motor

vehicles. The 32­year­old man is belie­ved to be a foreign national known asFelix. He is allegedly involved in theftcases that include plasma televisions,cell phones and laptops. The Sharpe­ville Police appeal to community mem­bers to come forwardwith any informa­tion they might have. It is suspectedthat the man is hiding in Three Rivers.He used to live in Phelindaba but hasnot been traced.


Page 3: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

9 July - 15 July 2014 SEDIBENG STER 3

they put their tools down and shut all accessto three most vital metal companies in thearea, Consolidated Wire Industries (CWI),Nampak and Cape Gate.The strike that began on July 1 has been

marred by violence in and around the country.Speaking to Sedibeng Ster NUMSA Sedi-

beng Region Bargaining Representative, Re-ginald Kolweni, says they demanded 15%wage increase initially, but due to numeroustalks they went down to 12% and will notback down.Kolweni listed their demands as follows:• 12% wage increase• End to part-time employment• A ban of labour brokers• R 1000 housing allowance• Shop stewards time-off• A ban of youth wage subsidy• Pay on 8 hours’ load shedding• Training for employees

strike continues after ten days.The Vaal region workers made their acti-

ons and voices clear during the strike when

Mduduzi Mathebula

VANDERBIJLPARK.- The National Unionof Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA)

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• For more news about our area’snewsmakers, achievers, entertainment,job opportunities, and how to makenew friends in the Vaal, visit our


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Does your school have a newspaper?We will host it on our website for youfor free! You can also win a laptop foryour school by telling us why yourschool is the best school under our

Citizen Journalism section online. Wewill also be launching a Youth Journopage soon where scholars can say theirsay and take part in our journalismcompetitions. All stories can be

submitted under Citizen Journalismwhen you visit www.vaalweekblad.comor moreinformation, e-mail [email protected] with the

subject line Youth Journo.

Are you looking for a job? SedibengSter wants to try and help you find oneon our mobisite! (A mobisite is like acomputer website, but easily accessibleon your cell phone). SMS the wordJOB, followed by the kind of job youcan do, in which town you would liketo work, as well as your name and

contact number to 45516. You can thenuse your cell phone to read your freeadvert on our mobisite at, which will be on the

site within the next few days. Employ-ers also read the mobisite and if theyare interested in your services or skills,they will contact you for an interview.Remember to provide a phone numberin your SMS on which employers may

call you.

This week on Ster’s e-This week on Ster’s e-publicationspublications

12%wage increase and nothing else!

Metalworkers say they want all their demands met and that they wont stop the strikeunless they get what they want. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula

Lazarus Dithagiso

MEYERTON. - The Al-Imdaad Foundationwith the motto: ‘Striving to serve humanity’recently brought excitement to needy com-munities when they served them with fruitbefore they donated over 800 winter blan-kets.Thanks to Muhammed Saloojee of Inter-

national Governmental Relations, assistedby his team Purple Bandage and SANCO,conducted distribution outside White Housein Sicelo.

Asked how how the community was iden-tified, Saloojee said they gave the task toSanco as they work very closely with thecommunity.Already 2000 blankets were donated, es-

pecially to elderly people, in the presence ofChief Mandla Mandela in Mofolo, Soweto,explained Saloojee.

He said the Vaal is one area neglected bysome business people. “It’s a small token thatwe are giving, but we believe that half a loafof bread is better than nothing.It is the responsibility of the Al-Imdaad

Foundation to assist the needy without coun-ting the blessing.” says Saloojee.Speaking about the Prophet, Saloojee said

a person cannot say he or she is a true belie-

ver if not taking care of those who go to bedon empty stomachs. “Look after yourneighbours so God takes care of the rest andyou will receive blessings.

“I am happywith the attendance as compa-red to last winter whenwe donatedmore thanthe current number to the community of Boi-ketlong.”

Striving to serve humanity

Members of the Al­Imdaad Foundation donated blankets and fruit to more than 800 com­munitymembersofSicelo.HereAl­ImdaadFoundationwasassistedbySANCOmembersoutside White House in Sicelo. Photo: Lazarus Dithagiso.

Mduduzi Mathebula

VANDERBIJLPARK.- Police are investiga-ting a case of drug-possession following thearrest of a foreign national over the weekend.It is alleged that the suspect is a 25-year-oldNigerian.

He was caught in possession of drugswhich were hidden in his car inside the spee-dometer cover. Police first found drugs in so-me in his pockets.

Police spokesperson Constable Thembeka

Koago says the suspect had different drugsin his possession including - cocaine, heroin,dagga, and crack. Constable Koago says,“The street value of the drugs found in thesuspects possession amounts to R20 000.Other drugs were hidden in the speedometerof his car.”The Police arrest arose from a bystander

who alerted them about the dealers, askingnot to be identified. According to Police du-ring the car search they could not find drugsin the car but, because the speedometer cover

was loose, itraised suspi-cion, whichled to the re-covery ofdrugs. Thesuspect wastaken intocustody andfaces chargesof dealingand possessi-on of drugs.“He has alre-ady appearedin court . In-vestigationswill follow as

Police are very alert about dealings in drugs,”says Koago.

Dashboard where drugs are ‘muled’

The man facing the wall was arrested fordrug dealing.

Police recovered the drugsthat were hidden in thisspeedometer by the sus­pect recently. Photos:Mduduzi Mathebula.

Page 4: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

4 SEDIBENG STER 9 July - 15 July 2014

Toastmasters International is the leading mo-vement devoted tomaking effective oral com-munication a worldwide reality.

They usually meet on the first Tuesday ofeach month, Methodist Church Hall, VictoriaStreet, Vereeniging, 19:00 – 21:45

Pinky Mofokeng

VEREENIGING.- Rainbow Nation Toast-masters held their annual Induction andAwards dinner at the Koffie Shoppie in Ver-eeniging recently.

In this exciting event members celebratedthe past year’s achie-vements and induc-ted the new club lea-ders for the year2014/2015. The in-coming president Jo-hannes Sono said,“The mission of aToastmasters Club isto provide amutuallysupportive and posi-tive learning envi-ronment in whichevery individualmember has the op-portunity to developoral communicationand leadership skills,which in turn fostersself-confidence andpersonal growth.”



The Council at its meeting held on 29 May 2014 resolved that the abovementioned properties can be alienated to Mrs I. Madumo and Mrs F.I.Mofokeng in terms of Section 14 of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, No. 56 of 2003 subject to a public participa-tion process.

Any comments or objections to the proposed sale of the properties must be submitted in writing to the Municipal Manager not later than 30September 2014 to the following address:

The Municipal ManagerP.O. Box 9Meyerton1960

Or delivered by hand to:

Room 101, Cnr. Mitchell and Junius Streets, Meyerton, 1961.

Any person who cannot read or write or require assistance or further information can contact Mr T. Figgins at (016) 360 7626.


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Toastmasters celebrate good times

Rainbow Nation Toastmasters held their annual Induction andAwards dinner at the Koffie Shoppie in Vereeniging recently.

Moleboheng Chaha

SEDIBENG. - It seems that the first groupof Vaal University of Technology’s VUT-Sasol Entrepreneurship Initiative will leavea legacy of giving back to the communitywhen they make way for the second groupthat will form part of the initiative in thesecond semester.Vukuzenzele Old Age Home in Zone 14

and Vaal Echoes Old Age Home residentsin Sharpeville were pleasantly suprisedwhen they were last week visited by stu-dents who took time out to give back to theelderly.The students once again teamed up with

Meals on Wheels to donate blankets, hotwater bottles and also to build eco-circlesfor the elderly,planting differenttypes of vegetablein the eco-circlesand teaching resi-dents how to main-tain them.Idah Naile, Pro-

gramme Coordina-tor VUT-Sasol En-trepreneurship Ini-tiative, says that, aspart of the curricu-lum students aretaught to give backto the communityin various ways.Enrico Robin-

son from Meals onWheels says, “It isvery easy to makeand maintain aneco-circle. By do-ing this we are sim-ply showing peo-

ple that they do not have to go hungry. Theycan just plant their own veggies and benefitfrom them.”Studentswho live in and around both are-

as will be working with the gardners at thediffent homes to maintain the eco-circles.Vukuzenzele’s founder and Centre Ma-

nager Elizabeth Tyandela, says, “I would li-ke to thank the VUT students and Mealson Wheels for what they have done for us.The vegetable garden they started for uswill help us for a very long time. Even ifwe don’t have food we will still be able toget something to eat from it.”Tyandela states that the old age home

houses more than 70 elderly people whowill soon benefit from the garden.

Healthy living for the elderly

Standing from left are Idah Naile Programme Coordinator: VUT­Sasol Entrepreneurship Initiative, Vukuzenzele founder andcentre manager Elizabeth Tyandela and Enrico Robinson. Sea­ted from left are Josephine Peterson, Joy Hendricks and MariaLedimo. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha.

Page 5: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

9 July - 15 July 2014 SEDIBENG STER 5

Just a week after the crippling platinum mi-ne strike ended another one begun. This onewith more than 220,000 metal and enginee-ring workers from the National Union ofMetalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA),

the country’s single largest labour grouping,went on an open-ended strike since last week.Although it is enshrined in the country’s

constitution that workers shall have the rightto strike under law in pursuance of their socialand economic interests subject to reasonablelimitations in respect of the interruption of ser-vices such as would endanger the life, healthor personal safety of the community or anysection of the population, isn’t there any othersolution that can be reached amicably betweenthe employer and the employee without al-ways bringing the country to a standstill?Can’t the employer reach an understandable

agreement with his employee without him

(employee) having to resort to violence?Analysts believe that South Africa’s stutte-

ring economy is taking another big knockfrom this strike by its largest union and couldhave an even more severe impact than thestoppage in the platinum industry that lastedfive and a half months. This recent strike hasdisrupted construction work at two badly nee-ded Eskom power plants: Medupi in northernLimpopo province andKusile, whose comple-tion has been delayed, partly by industrial acti-on. NUMSA is demanding wage increases ofbetween 12 and 15 percent - at least doublethe official inflation rate - from employers.Numsa’s new labour action risks paralysing

nearly one third of the manufacturing sectorand wreaking further damage on both SouthAfrica’s economy and its already deteriora-ting reputation among investors. The ongo-ing strike activity leaves South Africa una-ble to take advantage of the recent pickupin growth among its major trading partners,consigning it to a third year running of sub-par growth and posing risks for stabilisingits government debt metrics, a credit negati-ve. The powers that be needs to intervenehere before things get out of hand, some-thing needs to be done before the countrygoes to the dogs.Lerato...

Someone, please do something!

Lazarus Dithagiso

VANDERBIJLPARK. - The community ofEmfuleni owes the Emfuleni Local Munici-pality (ELM)more than R3, 7 billion revenuefor services.Recently the municipality had no choice

but to institute MBD Credit Collections ai-med at digging deep into the pockets of resi-dents aIf the community were loyal payerslocal government would be able to buildmorethan 700 000 RDP houses at the cost of R70000 each in the region.

ELMExecutiveMayorGrethaHlongwanesays that every household, including schools,churches and hospitals need to pay their ratesand taxes. Community members have longcomplained to the municipality that they can-not pay for wrong billing sytems, estimationsby meter readers who do not read the meters,leaking water pumps and not knowing wheremeter boxes are situated.“ These situations have thus far not been

resolved.“ MBD Credit Collections, is the agent we

will enlist to collect outstanding debts on be-half of the municipality. We have unsucces-sfully travelled a long way trying to vigorous-ly convince and encourage the communitymembers to pay service revenue.

The municipality has difficulty in rende-ring positive services due to the non-availabi-lity of funds yet most community membersare living lavish lives.We have no choice but to engage MDB

Credit Collections for assistance ,” says ELMmunicipal manager, Sam Tshabalala.Apparently about 60% of the community,

especially in the townshipsdo not pay for ser-vices.Charl van der Walt of the MBD said that

through their 18 years of experience, they ha-ve the skills and knowledge to do the job ina transparent way.

Bring back a culture of payment: MM

Right: MBD has been enlisted by the Emfu­leni Local Municipality to collect outstan­ding rates and taxes from the community.Photo: Lazarus Dithagiso.

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Water to all Emfu-leni schools was disconnected by the localmunicipality and the meters removed lastweek due to alleged arrears ranging fromR50 000 and exceeding R700 000.The fact that the axe came down the day

before schools broke up for holidays madethe misery more keenly-felt.A school headmaster can prove via receipt

that it paid its municipal account in full buta municipal notice tells the school it is inarrears and states the amount.“How can over 900 learners and teachers

be without water for two days (so far)?” saidan incredulous school spokesperson on June26. “The hygiene implications alone are hor-rific.We have our annual Big Walk and Soccer

Day today, which has been planned forweeks. Rumour has it that schools were the

subject of water cuts because the GautengDepartment of Education (GED), which isformally bound to pay on behalf of schools,and has something of a chequered record ofpayment, failed to pay municipal accounts.”says a spokesperson for one of the schools.Several other Vanderbijlpark and Sharpevil-le schools had been similarly cut off withits arrears amounts running to ‘millions’.Speaking to Sedibeng Ster one of the cut-

off school principals in Sharpeville says thatthis is unfair to learners as they are the onesthat suffer.The general belief is that water-flow can

be reduced because it is too essential to becompletely stopped.One school reported that it had been for-

ced to issue bottles of water to the childrenand had begged and purchased water fromneighbours to keep the toilets going.All the parents Sedibeng Ster spoke to ha-

ve been mortified that this type of thing canhappen in South Africa in this day and age.It remains to be seen if the situation will

have changed in twoweeks when the schoolsreopen.

Schools’ water cut

according to the editorial policy of SedibengSter we invite readers to comment aboutthe newspaper’s contents, and we correctsignificant errors as soon as possible.Please send information about correction ofmistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsmanof Media24’s community Press, georgeclaassen, at [email protected], or call him on (021) 851 3232 or 083543 2471.Readers can also complain about the contentsto the South african Press Ombudsman, Mrjoe thloloe.In that case, please phone (011) 788 4829of 788 4837, send a fax to (011) 788 4990or email to [email protected].


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Page 6: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

6 SEDIBENG STER 9 July - 15 July 2014

protect the rights of the child irrespectiveof age, race and gender.

Facar added that he will continue as Good-will Ambassador for Children in the Vaal to

way, it will make a noticeable difference inthe community,” says Tasmin.

VANDERBIJLPARK. - Charity and child-ren are issues very close to the Vaal’sGoodwill Ambassador and AIDS Activist,Fabrice Facar.

He recently teamed up with BidvestBank to try and make a difference in morelives. Bidvest donated food, toiletries andblankets. Fabrice will distribute theseitems to those institutions that need themthe most.

Bidvest Vanderbijlpark branch mana-ger, Tasmin Mulder and Facar pledgedtheir oaths in doing their bit to make a dif-ference. “Bidvest Bank understands theneed to assist and support the less fortuna-te. Bidvest Bank’s Vanderbijlpark, River-side and Vaal Mall branches wanted toshow their support by supplying theseitems to those less fortunate. Although asmall gesture, if everyone helps in a small

Goodwillambassadorteams upwithBidvest

From left is Anthony Ntshaba, Tasmin Mulder, Tsholofelo Lekhakhau, Liza van der Westhuizen, Mandisa Mkhuhlani, Nelita Relvaand Fabrice Facar. Front is Charmain Lubbe (left) and Lerato Thinane (right).Chantelle Roos and Teresa Gutierrez who are alsopart of the Bidvest Bank team was absent when picture was taken.


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Battening of cable drums 29 July 2014

Recovery of scrap from

power cables

31 July 2014

Gardening and cleaning


25 July 2014





I, A P Squirra of APS Town and Regional Planners, being the authorizedagent of the owner hereby give notice in terms of Section 5(5) of theGauteng Removal of Restrictions Act, 1996 (Act 3 of 1996) that I haveapplied to the Emfuleni Local Municipality for the removal of certain titleconditions contained in the Deed of Transfer No.T000022357/2014 of theRemainder of Erf 92, Vereeniging Township, which property is located onthe Southern boundary of Rhodes Avenue, to facilitate this Application,and for the simultaneous amendment of the Vereeniging Town PlanningScheme, 1992, by the rezoning of the Erf, from “Residential 1” purposesto “Residential 4” purposes for a Residential Building(.for affordable ac-commodation in the form of Tenements), in Height Zone 11.

All relevant documents relating to this Application will be open for in-spection during normal office hours at the office of the said Local Authori-ty, office of the Deputy Municipal Manager: Economic Development Plan-ning (Land Use Management), 1st floor Development Planning Building,corner of President Kruger and Eric Louw Streets, Vanderbijlpark, from 9July, 2014 until 6 August, 2014. Any person who wishes to object to thisApplication or submit representations in respect thereof, must lodge thesame in writing to the said Local Authority at its address specified aboveor send it to P O Box 3, Vanderbijlpark, 1900. The objections or repre-sentations must reach the mentioned office on or before 6 August, 2014.

Name and address of Agent:APS Town and Regional PlannersP O Box 12311LUMIER, 1905

Reference: Vereeniging Amendment Scheme N968.

Date of first Publication: 9 July, 2014. A1U



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in terms ofclause 20 of the above mentioned Town Planningscheme, I the undersigned DALTON YULE intend

applying to the Midvaal Local Municipality,Meyerton for consent to use Erf/Holding/

Portion 163 (A PORTION) OF A PORTION 29 OFTHE FARM FAROASFONTEIN and the existing/proposed buildings thereon for the following

purpose(s) PROPOSED SECOND DWELLINGThe land is zoned AGRICULTURAL in terms ofthe above mentioned town planning scheme.

Plans and/or Particulars relating to theapplication may be inspected during office hours

at the following address of the undersignedCORNER JUNIUS AND MITCHELL STREET

MEYERTON 1961, any person having anyobjection to the approval of this application mustlodge such objection in writing with both theMunicipal Manger, Midvaal local Municipality,

P.O. Box 9, Meyerton, 1960 and theundersigned not later than 5 AUGUSTUS 2014.A




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Page 7: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

9 July - 15 July 2014 SEDIBENG STER 7

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Concrete&Palisades32. Elektriese dienste&

Herstelwerk / ElectricalServices&Repairs

33. Loodgieters / Plumbing34.AlgemeneDienste /

General Services35. Rommelverwydering

Refuse Removal

36. Sekuriteit / Security37. Plaagbeheer /

Pest Control38. Tuindienste /

Garden Services39.Vervoer&Berging /

Transport&Storage40. Boorgate / Boreholes41. Swembaddens /

Swimming Pools42.Grasdakke / Thatch roofs43. Lenings / Loans44. Finansiele Dienste /

Financial Services45.Naaldwerk /Needlework46. Skoonheid&Gesondheid /

Beauty&Health48. Jaggeleenthede /Hunting49. Sweis&Staalwerke /

Welding&Steelworks50.Massering /Massages

EiENDOMME/PROPERTiES72. Algemeen te huur / To let80. Losies / Boarding81. EiendommeBenodig /

PropertiesWanted82. Besigheidsgeleenthede /

BusinessOpportunities83. Persele / Premises84.Woonstelle te huur /

Flats to let85.Woonstelle te koop /

Flats for sale86.Meenthuise te huur /

Townhouses to let87.Meenthuise te koop /

Townhouses for sale88.Huise te huur /

Houses to let89.Huise te koop /

Houses for sale.

62. Juweliersware /Jewelery

63.Veevoer / Animal Feeds64.Diere&Pluimvee

Animals&Poultry65. Plaastoerusting /

FarmEquipment66.Motors67. Bakkies68.Vragmotors / Trucks69.Motorfietse /

Motorbikes70.Woonwaens / Caravans71. Bote / Boats

TE KOOP / FOR SALE52.Algemeen te koop /

General for sale53. Te koop gevra /

Wanted to buy55. Rekenaars / Computers56. Kantoortoerusting /

Office supplies57. Selfone/Cell phones58. Pandwinkels /

Pawn shops59. TV / Elektriese

toebehore/TV / Electrical Appliances

60. Boeke/VersamelitemsBooks / Collectors items

61. Kuns /Oudhede/Artwork/Antiques

90.Hoewes&Plase te huur /SmallHoldings&Farmstolet

91. Hoewes&Plase te koop /Small Holdings&Farms for sale

92. Besighede te koop /Business for sale

93. Kamers te huur /Rooms to let

94.Gastehuise / Guest-Houses95.Vakansie Akkomodasie /

Holiday Accommodation96. Bestuurskole /

Driving Schools97. Betrekkings gevra /

VacanciesWanted98. Betrekkings / Vacancies99.VolwasseVermaak /

Adult Entertainment

Egskeidings /Divorce


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(b) national organisations representing FEt students, universityprincipals, university of technology principals, principals of FEtcolleges, other higher education colleges, private higher educationinstitutions, private FEt colleges, the further education sector, thedistance education sector, educators, organised business, organisedlabour; provincial government, municipal government;

(c) members of the business community;(d) research and science councils; and

(e) relevant non-governmental nominate persons by virtue of the fact that they can give expression to:• Ensuring that the functions of the council or interim council are

performed according to the highest professional standards;• Ensuring that the council or interim council is broadly representative

of the further education and training system and related interests;• Ensuring that the council members have a thorough knowledge and

understanding of the further education and training sector;• Appreciating the role of further education and training in

reconstruction and development; and• Ensuring that the council is broadly representative of the community

served by the public college in respect of race, gender and disability.

Nominations are to be made on forms available from Sedibengcollege for FEt, contact: Ms Seipati Mohapeloa, tel: 016 422 6645,E-mail: [email protected]

Nominations made in reply to this notice must be submitted by11 july 2014 to: the Principal, Sedibeng college for FEt, For attention:Dr. AE Mashele.





Tel: (016) 986 1200 (office)Website:



Persoonlike kennisgewings /

Personal notices11


(016) 9

50-7000It is the responsibility of the Advertiser to make sure

that his advertisement is correct on the first dayof publication and placed according to his/her

instructions and that all mistakes are corrected beforethe next edition.

MooiVaal Media does not accept any responsibilityfor more than one faulty placing.

Page 8: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

8 SEDIBENG STER 9 July - 15 July 2014


World class market leader in the production, distribution and marketing ofdense media ferrosilicon powders

Position: ElectricianGrading: C2Distribution Date: 27 June 2014Department: Maintenance – ElectricalQualifications, Competencies & Experience:• Recognized electrical national trade certification (Red Seal), HT regulation• NQF Level 4 or equivalent (i.e. N3)• Wireman’s License will be an advantage• National License Code B (Light Vehicle) – (with own, reliable transportation)• Medically fit (OHP certified with Working at Heights)• Minimum 5 years’ experience in the maintenance environment• Fault-Finding experience in an industrial environment i.e. overhead cranes, conveyors, VSD drives,furnaces, low and medium voltage applications, motor control systems, HT switching(11 and 6.6KV)

Duties & Responsibilities:• Responsible for all electrical maintenance, inspections and installation work• Fault-finding and repairs on all types of electrical equipment• Identify and solve or improve equipment problems to improve efficiencies• Plans new or modified installations to minimize waste of materials, provide access for futuremaintenance and avoid hazardous and unreliable wiring, consistent with specifications and localelectrical codes

• Testing of circuits to ensure electrical compatibility and safety• Complies with all safety standards• Standby duty• Occasional overtime required• Supervisory responsibilities when applicable

General Attributes:• Communication - ability to communicate orally, in writing, or via electronic means, in a mannerappropriate to the audience

• Teamwork - being constructive and willing to take on less attractive tasks, contributing practicallyto the team’s success

• Leadership - being able to motivate and encourage others, whilst taking the lead• Initiative - ability to see opportunities, to set and achieve goals and act independently• Problem solving - thinking things through in a logical way in order to determine key issues,including creative thinking

• Flexibility/adaptability - ability to handle change and adapt to new situations• Self-awareness - knowing your strengths and skills as well as having the confidence to put theminto practice

• Commitment/motivation - having energy and enthusiasm to pursue objectives• Interpersonal skills - ability to relate well to others and to establish good working relationships• IT knowledge - a basic understanding of common IT equipment and programs

Closing Date: 11 July 2014E-mail address: [email protected] Number: 086 608 8633Please be advised that only applications meeting the standard minimum requirement will be respond-ed to and should you not receive any communication within fifteen working days from closure ofvacancy, please consider your application unsuccessful. Short-listed candidates might be required (ifnot done in the past 18 months) to do psychometric assessments and/or other relevant assessments aspart of the selection process.


VACANCYAT MEYERTONWorld class market leader in the production, distribution and marketing

of dense media ferrosilicon powders

Position: Marketing ManagerGrading: ELDistribution Date: 03 July 2014Department: Marketing ManagerQualifications, Competencies & Experience:• Engineering (ideally Metallurgical / Chemical) plus Commercial/Marketing qualification.• Minimum 8 years marketing experience in a metallurgical business-to-business, globalenvironment, with experience in commodity markets.

• Sound knowledge of, and exposure to, international trading.Duties & Responsibilities:

Strategic Alignment• Participates in development of the company’s business strategy and five year plan as part ofcompany’s executive management team.

• Develops and implements a marketing strategy in support of the DMS Powders businessstrategy to maximise revenues and profits of the company.

• Develops and implements a five year marketing plan to ensure achievement of the marketingstrategy.Marketing and Brand Management

• Sets pricing strategy based on supply and demand factors, product manufacturing costs andvalue-in-use to customer and ensuring profitable margins for the company.

• Sets product specifications in collaboration with relevant production personnel.• Ensures competent technical support to customers.• Forecasts product demand based on market segmentation and competitor analysis.• Monitors market positioning globally by constantly reviewing the long term sustainabilityof key accounts in view of changing distribution conditions and/or market factors affectingprofitability.

• Creates awareness of, and promotes the DMS Powders brand in the relevant market andmedia, by:o advertising and running campaigns in publications for the mining and scrap metal

recycling industrieso constantly updating the company websiteo exhibiting at international conferenceso arranging/hosting/sponsoring symposia and conferences for customersSales and Distribution

• Ensures achievement of sales targets through monitoring of pricing, sales volumes and throughon-going management of distribution costs.

• Negotiates Supply Contracts with key customers to define prices, duration and basic terms andconditions and legal protection of company interests.

• Ensures effective product distribution globally, by:o Monitoring negotiations with shipping lines, agencies and other logistics service providerso Identifying suitable partners as sales agents in other countries and by managing theserelationships on an on-going basis.

• Obtains customer feedback on an on-going basis, including customer visits, surveys, andfeedback from the website to recommend appropriate action.People Management

• Ensures that staff are trained and skilled to apply expertise optimally.• Ensures that the working environment contributes to improving staff morale and increasingproductivity.Cost Management

• Compiles/manages departmental budgetClosing Date: 11 July 2014E-mail address: [email protected] Number: 0866088633Please be advised that only applications meeting the standard minimum requirement willbe responded to and should you not receive any communication within fifteen working daysfrom closing date, consider your application unsuccessful. Short-listed candidates might berequired (if not done in the past 18 months) to do a psychometric assessment and/or otherrelevant assessments as part of the selection process.


the Midland group, a dynamic meat company, with its Head Office situated at Wolwehoek,invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for the position situated at our Head office,

as mentioned hereunder:


Minimum requirements:the suitable candidate(s) shall have the ability to / experience and knowledge of:

• Electrical experience is of utmost importance, accordingly electrical training andqualifications certificate.• Matric (Grade 12), Millwright applicable certificate/qualification• At least three years’ experience in the industry• Fully Bilingual• Self-determined and motivated; must be able to work fast and efficient• Need good planning capabilities• Knowledge of the load bearing capabilities of the equipment utilised as well as under

standing of blueprints and technical instructions.• Ability to maintain and construct industrial machinery such as that which would berelated to assembly lines, also pumps, valves, printing presses, etc.

REMUNERATION: Highly competitive packages will be negotiated according to experience,qualifications and skills. Should you wish to be part of our dynamic team, kindly forward your

cV (with relevant proof of qualifications and contactable references) to the HR offices:

Fax: 086 635 4328 / Email: [email protected](NO TELEPHONIC ENQUIRIES)

Closing date: 23 July 2014

Note: Kindly use correct reference number when applying for the applicable position.(Should you not here from us within two weeks from closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful)


SHEQ Co-ordinator VaCanCy aVailablE• Must have Code 08 Driver License• Must have good knowledge in ISO 9001

and 18001• SAMTRAC or Equal Qualification

Required• Quality Control / Assurance Experience• 5 – 8 years Experience• Document Control Experience or

knowledge• A positive attitude towards co-workers

and Management

SalES rEprESEntatiVE VaCanCy aVailablE• Must be a People Persons with

Construction experience for Sales ofLifting Equipment and Rigging

• Must have Code 08 Driver License• Basic Salary plus Commission and

Benefits (Cell and Motor Vehicle)

riggEr VaCanCy aVailablE• Must have Code 08 License• Must have Red Seal or Equal

Qualification (Section 28 or 13)• Experience in Mining, Shutdowns and

Demolition will be a advantage

training offiCEr VaCanCy aVailablE• Must have Code 08 License• Must be registered a Assessor and

Moderator• Must have good knowledge of Rigging

and Associated Training for ExampleBasic Rigging and Slinging

E-mail CV to [email protected] state in Subject Vacancy

Applying and Name




Must have experience in construction and oil and gas industriesMust have valid South African Passport

Qualification + Work experience needed:

BS degree in engineering with 8 – 10+ years’ experienceB.Tech engineering with minimum 12 years’ experienceDiploma, matric or N4 with 15+ years’ experience

The world’s largest oil company in Saudi Arabia requires thefollowing staff

• Cost Engineer• Designer• Engineers - Construction and Oil and Gas (All Engineering

Disciplines)o Electrical, mechanical, civil, piping, rotating, construction etc.

• Estimating Engineer• Field Compliance Coordinator• Field Maintenance Rep• Inspectors• Safety• Material Engineers / Specialists• P&P Analyst• Petroleum Engineer• Project Engineer• Project Management Specialist• Scheduling Engineers• Process Engineers

Mail CV to [email protected]






Vakante PosVerdien R20,000.00 kommissie

en meer per maandVereistes:• Eie vervoer en selfoon,• Woonagtig in Vanderbijlpark• Netjiese voorkoms

Stuur CV [email protected]

Skakel: 082 857 3358

Page 9: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

9 July - 15 July 2014 SEDIBENG STER 9

ArcelorMittal South Africa

ArcelorMittal South Africa, Vanderbijlpark Works, wishes to announce the following apprenticeshipopportunities for 2013 matriculants.

Training as an Artisan (Technical Trainee).

Applicants must comply with the following minimum requirements:Must have completed Matric in 2013. No application will be considered if the applicant hascompleted matric prior to 2013Applicants need to be in possession of a complete Grade 12 qualification with:English 50% or above;Mathematics 55% or above;Physical Science 50% or above.

Previous, recognised formal trade related institutional training will be an advantage. A contractualtraining agreement will apply. The bursaries include specified training costs, PPE, payment ofinstitutional training, personal insurance as well as a bursary allowance. Permanent employment oncompletion of trade test is not guaranteed.

It will be expected of short-listed candidates to report for a selection process and medicalexamination.

Fax your CV, including a copy of your ID and proof of qualification, to Chantel Smith at Fax No.016 889 3300 or drop off applications at the Employment Building Reception, Vanderbijlpark Works.Please quote reference MATRIC 2013 on all applications.

Please take note that we will not correspond with applicants who do not comply with the minimumrequirements. ArcelorMittal South Africa is a designated employer in terms of the Employment EquityAct.

If you do not receive a response within 30 days of the closure of this advert, regard your application asunsuccessful.

Indicate the trade you are applying for.

Closing date for applications: 31 July 2014


The Storeman will be responsible to ensure proper control of the distributionoperations and interface between Technical Departments, Stores and Inventorysystems. Duties will involve, but are not limited to Oversee and control the trans-portation and delivery of consignments at Ipelegeng. Oversee and control thecorrect handling and moving of consignments; Control consignments and partsreturned from the BU’s. The Storeman will be required to maintain relevant ser-vice, maintenance and other records of all the delivery vehicles; to liaise andmaintain good relationships with BU’s, departments and suppliers; to assist withdaily Cycle Count, reconciliation and Bi-Annual stock take for Ipelegeng as wellas to maintain a variety of clerical files and records associated with the storesfunction. The Storeman will also be responsible to liaise with customers and en-sure efficient level of service to internal customers, comply with Company Occu-pational Health and Safety policies and to supervise staff in area of responsibility.

The ideal candidate will have a minimum grade 12 or equivalent academicqualification, a tertiary qualification in Inventory Control.


NTC 2, Trade test certificate, valid EC Drivers licences and PrDP.Experience in maintenance of heavy vehicles, to do mechanical repairson buses and other related work on the workshop. Overhauling enginesand other automotive components.Preparation for certification of fitness and registration of buses.Recovering breakdowns.Adhere to company’s health and safety procedure.

Both vacancies are at Ipelegeng in the Vaal.

Applications in writing accompanied by a detailed CV should be handdelivered to: The Personnel Officer, 27 Ken Viljoen Street, Roods Gardens,

Vereeniging, or faxed 086 683 8910.

Clearly indicate the title of the position applied for.




Manager position offeredMugg and Bean in the Vaal is looking for avibrant and ambitious individual as manager.Roles and responsibilities will include:

• Experience (Restaurant) the past 2 years isa must

• Excellent customer service skills – A must• Own transport and valid driver’s license –

A must• Point of sales experience – is a must• Organisational skills and punctuality – a must• Flexibility between Front of House and Back

of House – a wish• Flexibility to work in any Mugg and Bean in

the Vaal Triangle• Hospitality qualification – a wish• Problem-solving skills, Teamwork and Good

interpersonal skills• General duties

Market related salary and benefits will be offeredaccording to experience/qualifications

Relevant training will be provided

Due date – 20 July 2014Apply by email - [email protected]




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We require the services of a clinical nursing tutor for the clinicalaccompaniment of our nursing learners at SEBOKENG HOSPITALand other primary health care centres, hospitals and old age homes


This is a full-time position. We would also consider applicationsfrom retired persons in good health.

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We are accredited by the South African Nursing Council and registeredwith the Department of Higher Education and Training.

Kindly fax a C.V. to (011) 760-5567 or e-mail to [email protected] contact Avril on (011) 760-3098 for an interview.



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Page 10: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

10 SEDIBENG STER 9 July - 15 July 2014

Page 11: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

9 July - 15 July 2014 SEDIBENG STER 11

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I have spent my entire life in a newsroomand there one thing that never changes is pas-sion. The passion to serve the Sedibeng com-munity, to be the eyes and ears of the commu-nity.

Recently Shooting From The Hip had aninteresting argument or should I say debateabout what has changed over the past 20 ye-ars as far as football is concerned.

I said not much; we have the same old pro-blem of football administration in this region,especially when elections are around the cor-ner. As Shooting From The Hip mentionedin a previous column, I’m not going to pre-dict who will be Safa Sedibeng President.

The person to be regional president willhopefully be one who has football close tohis/her heart.

But what won’t change about football inthis region is the way football administratorsoperate.

For example, some teams don’t mind dis-carding league matches to play in tourna-ments. Please don’t misunderstand me: the-re’s nothing wrong with playing tournamentsbut a certain level of respect for our footballhas to exist.Shooting From The Hip understands that

the teams play tournaments to raise moneyfor transport to honour their league matches.Our youngsters think tournaments are moreimportant than league games because they al-so like attention – to be cheered and glorifedby those who watch them.

However, the fact of the matter is that yo-ungsters play those tournaments at their own

risk and we can’t blame the tournament orga-nisers for anything that happens to them.Shooting From The Hip has witnessed legs

broken because some teams want to win atall costs. Shooting From The Hip has seenplayers retire prematurely because of injuriesthey suffered in the very same tournaments.

If our local football structure was strong,Shooting From The Hip doesn’t think the te-ams would go and play those tournamentswithout being given permission by the lea-gue.

It has come to the point where even theorganisers don’t respect our football structu-re for the same reasons.

Our league is affected by these tourna-ments because most teams want to be partof them. But having said this, not only tour-

nament organisers should take blame for thisunfortunate situation.

The teams’ officials and LFAs or Regionshould also be blamed because there is nomajor tournament organiser in this region.For example, we had a good tournament inthe Pooe Tournament, Makgotamisha andMCS Sedibeng Tournament, but our localfootball won’t take advantage of this andpartner in these tournaments.

Mind you, these abovementioned tourna-ments are most popular in our township be-cause local soccer fans enjoy them.

The only thing our local football structurescan do is find ways to work with them forthe sake of football development in this regi-on. There must be a way the two can worktogether!

Same old problems about our football

Ettienne van Rensburg

VANDERBIJLPARK. - The Falcons Rug-by Union recently hosted the Sedibengcommunity development rugby tournamentat the Vaal Vikings Rugby Club in Vander-bijlpark. Everyone involved hailed it as aresounding success.

Between 300 and 400 learners fromtownship schools from all over the Vaal Tri-angle such as Emmanuel Primary, Tsheme-di Primary, Polokong Primary, MaboellengPrimary, Seeiso, Sakubusha secondary,Esokwasi Secondary, Maxeke Secondary,

Tshepo Themba Secondary and Tshediso Pri-mary Schools attended the tournament. TheEmfuleni Local Municipality invested in thetournament by supplying transport for theschools and officials. Seeiso won the u/9 tagrugby. The Vaal Vikings rugby club won theu/12 and u/15 - u/16 sevens tournament. TheVikings also won the boys u/17 -u/18 tourna-ment and United Knights Meyerton werecrowned as the girls’ u/17-u/18 winner.

Development rugby aresounding success

Learners from township schools from allover the Vaal Triangle enjoyed themselves.

Members of the public are requested tosend their notices on sporting events toZacharia Nale at [email protected] or fax them to 086 509 7518every week. For more sports news visitour website at orour facebook page (


Page 12: Sedibeng Ster 10 July 2014

12 SEDIBENG STER 9 July - 15 July 2014

SportSportSportSportSportSportSport at its best


Zacharia Nale

VANDERBIJLPARK. - The much anticipatedBuild It School Soccer Tournament is backwith 16 local primary schools expected to takepart in this year’s event.

It is scheduled to take place at Cecil Oldrid-ge Park, otherwise known as Shakespeare Sta-dium on October 19.

The tournament was hailed as a great suc-cesswhen it started two years ago at theGeorgeThabe Stadium. The organisers have alreadystarted with tournament preparation to ensureit is a great success yet again.

The objective of this tournament is to bringdevelopment soccer back to the Vaal as wellas to help create a stronger soccer nationthrough youth development.

The tournament will start play in eliminati-on, then proceed through to quarter-finals, se-mifinals, culminating in the finals and a closingceremony

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sports, Build ItVanderbijlpark manager Alwanda Steyn saysthe tournament is a completely non-profitevent ‘as all our stakeholders’ sole objectiveis to promote soccer and see young soccer starsshine.

Build It hosts the tournament in partnershipwith the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM),SAFA, the Department of Education, SASFA,local radio stations, SuperSport, MooiVaalMedia, the local SAPS, Traffic Department,ER24, the SAPS canine unit, Emfuleni Emer-gency and Fire Services.

“We anticipate more than 5000 people willattend this day and we are looking forward toa very exciting event. The tournament will pro-mote a positive community outreach program-me. This is also part of Build It’s social respon-sibility toward townships.

“We care for the community we serve andwe want to make a difference to the lives ofthese youngsters through soccer,” says Steyn.

There will also be a Fun Walk on the day.

Build It SchoolSoccer


Mduduzi Mathebula

VANDERBIJLPARK.- Emerald SportsBar hosted the returning boxing athlete Gi-deon ‘The Black Tiger’ Buthelezi lastweek.

Buthelezi is scheduled to lock horns withthe Bantam Featherweight Champion CeboNgema.

The event took the form of a media brie-fing with national and local media expec-ting to hear more about the coming fightthat is believed to be the resurrection of Bu-thelezi. The young dynamic fighter from

the Vaal has been out of the ring for quietsome time, but he is back hard in training do-ing what he knows best.

Buthelezi says he has been training hardto make his return to the professional boxingindustry. His trainer Herold Voltbrech, con-firms the hard work the young fighter has putto make his return. “I’m very proud by theeffort and time Buthelezi has put in. I havebeen hard on him in training and he is respon-ding well,” explains Voltbrech.

“I believe in myself and I’ve never beenready like this, I’m nervous but I know I will

nail it as a professional fighter, Nge-ma is a good fighter I knowwhat I’mup against,” says the youthful Bu-thelezi.

The fight is scheduled for July 26and will be held at the Emerald Casinosports bar. PatMolefe, the promoter, saysthey are expecting an explosive event and theVaal people will be treated to great fights onthe day.

Buthelezi markshis return to theprofessional ranks

Bongani Gideon Buthelezi is ready to fightagain. Photo: Mduduzi Mathebula.

Zacharia Nale

SEBOKENG. - Ekujuleni Primary Schoolnetball team represented Sedibeng at theGauteng Provincial Championship held inBoksburg recently. This Zone 3-basedschool achieved their feat after recently be-ing crowned the School Netball DistrictChampionship.

Prior to their Provincial Championship,the school was visited by the Sedibeng WestDistrict Director Victor Theta to congratula-te the school on their achievement. He han-ded out medals to the school and wished le-arners good luck in the tournament.

Speaking to learners and educators, Thetasays the school has done more than enoughto represent the region in the provincial le-vel. He says they should be proud of thisachievement:

“As director of the district I’m humbledby your achievement and I’m proud that a

school from our district represented us at thatlevel. This shows how much we value footballin Sedibeng West District. I also want to con-gratulate the school principal for ensuring theschool takes each and every activity seriously,”says Theta. District Sports Coordinator VanRooi Mabeleng says it is a great honour to bethe district sports coordinator. He believes thatthere is great potential in the district as far assports is concerned.

He congratulated the school for winning thedistrict championship and also representingSedibeng at provincial level. School principalLevy Mathe says he acknowledges the com-mitment and dedication of netball team coachIrvin Thaba. Mathe says the school netball te-ams from u/10 are doing well because of oneman – Thaba. “I’m very proud of our netballteacher for the love he shows these learners.His commitment won’t go unnoticed by theZone 3 community,” he concludes.

Ekujuleni PrimarySchoolNetball teamrepresentedSedibeng in theProvincialNetball Championship inBoksburg recently. Photos:Zacharia Nale.

Ekujuleni Primary School netball team

Sedibeng West District Director VictorTheta hand the trophy to a Ekujuleni Pri­mary School learner during his recent vi­sit to the school.