selected bilinguals’ second language grammatical proficiency and intrasentential code-switching

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  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    E art

    Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency

    and Intrasentential Code-Switching

    A Thesis Presented to the Edu!tion De"!rt#ent

    o$ Assu#"tion Co%%e&e

    In P!rti!% Fu%$i%%#ent o$ the Re'uire#ents $or the

    De&ree o$ (!he%or o$ Seond!r) Edu!tion

    M!*or in En&%ish

    Stephanie B. o!illos

    Se"te#+er ,1.


  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching




    See0in& to disoer the re%!tionshi" +et2een &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd Intr!sententi!%

    Code-S2ithin& 3CS45 the stud) tested 6 "!rtii"!nts +) o+t!inin& &r!##!ti!%

    "ro$iien) sores !nd e'u!tin& the# 2ith the $re'uen) ount o$ the t2o Intr!sententi!%

    CS #odes7 A diret re%!tionshi" si&ni$i!nt !t "879 2!s "roen +et2een &r!##!ti!%

    "ro$iien) !nd the "ro$iien)-drien CS #ode 2hi%e !n inerse re%!tionshi" 2!son$ir#ed +et2een &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd the de$iien)-drien CS #ode7

    A$ter2!rds5 the $indin&s $or E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s 2ere then o#"!red7 Resu%ts sho2

    th!t there is ! di$$erene in the %ee% o$ &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd the "rodution o$ CS

    +et2een the t2o &rou"s7 :"on $urther !n!%)sis5 it is su&&ested th!t the E!r%) (i%in&u!%s;

    "ro$iien) is one %ee% hi&her th!n L!te (i%in&u!%s !s ! resu%t o$ their edu!tion!%

    +!0&round7 The e$$et o$ the CS #odes on &r!##!r is !%so #ore o+ser!+%e in E!r%)

    (i%in&u!%s th!n in L!te (i%in&u!%s7 L!st%)5 the t2o +i%in&u!% &rou"s did not h!e !n)

    di$$erene in their "rodution o$ de$iien)-drien CS7 Considerin& the $indin&s5 the

    stud) "ositions itse%$ in $!or o$ CS !s ! "ed!&o&i!% too%5 "!rtiu%!r%) in "reditin&

    &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien)7

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching




    The rese!rher 2ou%d $irst !nd $ore#ost %i0e to th!n0 her s"iritu!% thesis "!rtner

    $ro# 2ho# !%% o$ the &uid!ne !nd diine $!ors !#e7 Without the 2isdo# !nd stren&th

    $ro# God5 none o$ the 2ords in this "!&e 2ou%d #!0e sense !nd it is to Hi# th!t !%% the

    redit is &ien7

    It is 2ith dee"est &r!titude th!t the rese!rher !%so th!n0s the Diision

    Su"erintendent o$ !%erie Anne Cru=-Mir!nd!5 $or her onsientious e$$ort in

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    e!#inin& the !rious rese!rh dr!$ts5 !nd $or her su""ort5 &uid!ne !nd #other%)


    The rese!rher 2ou%d !%so %i0e to !0no2%ed&e the ontri+ution o$ the !%id!tors

    Pro$7 Ro+ert Ort!e=5 Pro$7 O%ier O$r!io !nd Pro$7 M!7 Cristin! Sin&i!n !s 2e%% !s the

    "ro$essors o$ the Edu!tion !nd En&%ish De"!rt#ents 2ho t!u&ht the essenti!% one"ts

    %e!din& to this to"i7 S"ei!% th!n0s is !%so #entioned $or Pro$7 E!n&e%ine D!i%! 2ho

    t!u&ht the rese!rher st!tistis durin& her $irst )e!r !nd $irst introdued the ro"es o$rese!rh7 Moreoer5 the rese!rher 2ou%d !%so %i0e to !0no2%ed&e the ontri+ution o$

    Ms7 Sh!%o# E!n&e%i= @!!%er! in ounter-he0in& the !n!%)ses #!de +) the rese!rher7

    To Ms7 Grethen G!%e !nd Ms7 Le!h E7 Eeres $or $!i%it!tin& the %o&istis

    needed $or the thesis "ro"os!% !nd $in!% de$ense5 !nd to Ms7 M!ni%)n L7 Mir!nd! 2ho

    endorsed the rese!rher to other %i+r!ries $or the enrih#ent o$ the "!"er5 !""rei!tion is

    #uh &ien7

    L!st +ut not the %e!st the rese!rher 2ou%d %i0e to th!n0 her "!rents5 Mr7

    Theodore Ro+i%%os !nd Mrs7 @u%iet Ro+i%%os5 $or "roidin& su""ort5 !re !nd &uid!ne

    throu&hout this *ourne)7 This &r!titude is !%so etended to her +rother5 Mi&ue% Ro+i%%os5

    $or ehi+itin& "!tiene !nd 0indness $or the &ood o$ this ende!or7

    This rese!rh "!"er 2ou%d not +e "ossi+%e 2ithout the !ssist!ne "roided +) the

    #entioned &rou"s o$ "eo"%e !nd $or 2hih the rese!rher is tru%) inde+ted7

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    $a!le of Contents

    Chapter I $he Pro!lem and e%iew of elated Literature

    (!0&round o$ the Stud) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1

    Reie2 o$ Re%!ted Liter!ture 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1,

    (i%in&u!%is#7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1,

    Gr!##!ti!% "ro$iien) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 1

    Code-s2ithin& 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 ,9Theoreti!% Fr!#e2or0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 777 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 .

    Cone"tu!% Fr!#e2or0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7B1

    St!te#ent o$ the Pro+%e# 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 B,

    H)"othesis 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7B.

    So"e !nd Li#it!tion 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 BB

    Si&ni$i!ne o$ the Stud) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 B9

    De$inition o$ Ter#s 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7B

    Chapter II &ethod

    Rese!rh Desi&n 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9B

    P!rtii"!nts !nd S!#"%in& Tehni'ue 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 79B

    Rese!rh Instru#ents 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 96

    D!t! G!therin& Proedure 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 777 7 7 7 7 761

    Method o$ D!t! An!%)sis 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 76,

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    Chapter III esults and 'iscussion

    Resu%ts 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 76.

    Disussion 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ,

    Chapter I( Summary of )indings* Conclusion and ecommendations

    Su##!r) o$ Findin&s 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

    Con%usion 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1

    Reo##end!tions 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ,eferences7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7.

    "ppendices 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1

    A""endi A Letter to >!%id!tors 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1

    A""endi ( Letter to Shoo%s 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 11

    A""endi C Instru#ents 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 11.

    A""endi D Guide%ines $or Intr!sententi!% Code-s2ithin& An!%)sis 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 71,6

    A""endi E S!#"%e Ess!) An!%)sis Sheet7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1,

    A""endi F Nor#!%it) Test $or Gr!##!ti!% Pro$iien) Distri+ution7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 71.1

    A""endi G Enoded D!t! in Ee% 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.,

    A""endi H SPSS Gener!ted Out"ut7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1B1

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    List of $a!les

    $a!le no. $a!le title Page no.

    1 Test Ite#s $or E!h Gr!##!r Point 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9, Gr!##!ti!% Pro$iien) Sores o$ E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 76B

    . (!se L!n&u!&e o$ E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s77 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 769B Pro$iien)-drien CS T)"es o$ E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s

    2ithin %usters7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 766

    9 Pro$iien)-drien CS T)"es o$ E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s

    +et2een %usters7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6

    6 De$iien)-drien CS T)"es o$ E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s

    +et2een %usters7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6

    Si&ni$i!nt Re%!tionshi" +et2een Gr!##!ti!% Pro$iien)

    !nd Intr!sententi!% CS 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

    Si&ni$i!nt di$$erene o$ CS +et2een Hi&h !nd Lo2

    Gr!##!ti!% Pro$iien) Grou"s 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1

    Si&ni$i!nt di$$erene o$ CS +et2een E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    List of )igures

    )igure no. )igure title Page no.

    1 Cone"tu!% Fr!#e2or0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7B1

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    Chapter I

    $he Pro!lem and e%iew of elated Literature

    Bac#ground of the Study

    Phi%i""ine histor) enu#er!tes seer!% o%oni=!tions th!t +rou&ht !+out !ri!tions

    in the n!tion;s %in&u! $r!n!7 Conse'uent%)5 +i%in&u!%is# 2!s e#+r!ed !s "!rt o$ the

    Fi%i"ino identit) !s eidened +) the 2ides"re!d use o$ +oth En&%ish !nd T!&!%o&3o$$ii!%%) !%%ed Fi%i"ino47 (e!use o$ this5 Fi%i"inos !re e'ui""ed 2ith the !+i%it) to

    ode-s2ith or *u&&%e t2o %!n&u!&es 2ithin one disourse5 thus $or#in& the o%%o'ui!%

    %!n&u!&e Taglish.

    For seer!% )e!rs5 %in&uists +e%ieed th!t Code-S2ithin&3CS4 is ! str!te&) 2hih

    +i%in&u!%s use to o#"ens!te $or their in!+i%it) to "roess either %!n&u!&e orret%) !nd

    2!s there$ore %!+e%%ed !s deficiency driven7 (ut in the %i&ht o$ #odern %in&uisti

    rese!rhes5proficiency-driven code-switching5 2hih ste#s $ro# one;s #!ster) o$ +oth

    &r!##!r strutures5 is no2 reo&ni=ed !s ! str!te&) to !hiee o##uni!tie %!rit) !nd

    e$$iien) 3(!utist!5 ,B47

    In the edu!tion!% settin&5 it is %e!r th!t students resort to CS in order to e"ress

    the#se%es +etter7 :n$ortun!te%)5 the En&%ish-On%) Po%i) in shoo%s "rohi+its suh

    str!te&) th!t en!+%es the# to o#"ens!te $or their %!0 o$ o!+u%!r)7 Ho2eer5

    &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd o!+u%!r) !re t2o o""osite "o%es o$ !n) %!n&u!&e s)ste#5

    !nd the %!0 o$ #e#ori=ed $orei&n 2ords does not #e!n th!t one h!s not #!stered

    &r!##!ti!% one"ts7 On the other h!nd5 &r!##!r h!d +een theori=ed to +e the #!in

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    $!tor th!t !$$ets one;s !+i%it) to ode-s2ith7 It is 2ith this "re#ise th!t %in&uists !%%

    oer the 2or%d sou&ht to underst!nd this "heno#enon !nd the s)ste# +ehind it7

    Pro+!+%) one o$ the #ost $!#ous t)"es o$ CS !#on& "!st rese!rhers 3es"ei!%%)

    in the $ie%d o$ edu!tion4 is Intr!sententi!% Code-S2ithin& 3!%so !%%ed code-mixing4 th!t

    e"%!ins the onsious !nd intention!% shi$ts done +) the s"e!0er or 2riter 2ithin the

    +ound!r) o$ ! sentene 3(ist!5 ,147 A#on& !%% the other t)"es5 Intr!sententi!% CS is

    &ener!%%) ie2ed !s the one th!t re'uires &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien)7 Aordin& to Po"%!03,B45 S"e!0ers 2ho en&!&e in the #ost o#"%e t)"e o$ Intr!sententi!% odes2ithin&

    &ener!%%) turn out to +e the #ost "ro$iient in +oth o$ the ont!t %!n&u!&esJ 3"7 1B47

    Neerthe%ess5 it !nnot +e denied th!t ! %!0 o$ so%id su""ort $orproficiency-driven CS

    +%o0ed its !e"t!ne in shoo%s !nd other $or#!% institutions7

    Fo%%o2in& the rese!rhes th!t h!e e"%ored CS !nd its %in0s to &r!##!r5 $or#!%

    #odes $or Intr!sententi!% CS 2ere onstruted +) Po"%!0 !nd S!n0o$$ in 1 !nd 2ere

    %!ter !d!"ted +) (!utist! 314 into the T!&%ish "!tterns7 Reent studies in the

    Phi%i""ines no2 uti%i=e (!utist!;s T!&%ish "!tterns !s ! +!sis $or their rese!rh7 A#on&

    these5 ho2eer5 er) $e2 h!e e"%ored the %in0s +et2een &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd

    the use o$ Intr!sententi!% CS7 This need $or ! orre%!tion!% stud) "ro#"ted the rese!rher

    to $urther inesti&!te the %in0 +et2een the t2o !ri!+%es7 Proin& th!t &r!##!ti!%

    "ro$iien) !n !$$et CS 2ou%d not on%) sere !s ! su""ort $or the theories %on&-de+!ted

    u"on5 it 2ou%d !%so re!te ne2 !enues $or %!n&u!&e !ssess#ent7 This rese!rh intended

    to !hiee the #entioned !i#s +) o#"!rin& the En&%ish &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) sores

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    2ith the Intr!sententi!% CS "!tterns uti%i=ed +) se%eted "ri!te !nd "u+%i hi&h shoo%

    students5 2ho $it the 'u!%ities o$ E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s5 res"etie%)7

    e%iew of elated Literature


    Phi%i""ines is 0no2n to +e ! #u%ti%in&u!% ountr)5 h!in& oer 19 di$$erent

    di!%ets 3Te#"o5 ,4 in !ddition to En&%ish !s the #ode o$ instrution in shoo%s !nd to

    T!&!%o& +ein& the n!tion!% %!n&u!&e 3no2 h!n&ed into the #ore in%usie ter# Fi%i"ino4

    3Dur!no5 , Du#!ni&5 D!id5 ? S)#!o5 ,1,47 A#on& these %!n&u!&es5 T!&!%o& !nd

    En&%ish do#in!te eer)d!) use 2ith the #!*orit) o$ the !du%t "o"u%!tion underst!ndin&

    T!&!%o& !nd 96 K o$ these !du%ts +ein& !+%e to e$$etie%) uti%i=e En&%ish 3Gon=!%es !s

    ited +) Me%hers ? Sh!25 ,1147 As ! resu%t o$ the rih %in&uisti identities $ound in the

    Phi%i""ines5 it $o%%o2s th!t "!rt o$ their d!i%) %i$e ino%es %!n&u!&e #iin& resu%tin& too%%o'ui!% %!n&u!&e $or#s7 A#on& !%% these o%%o'ui!% %!n&u!&es5 Taglish 3T!&!%o&-

    En&%ish4 is "ereied to +e the #ost 2ide%)-used5 eentu!%%) !ttr!tin& #!*orit) o$ the

    rese!rhers to this s"ei$i %!n&u!&e #i7 In this stud)5 the ter# T!&!%o& 2!s

    o"er!tion!%%) de$ined !s ! %!n&u!&e 2ith ! $or#!% &r!##!ti!% s)ste#5 not ! di!%et

    2hih #!) !r) $ro# one re&ion to !nother7 In this !se5 thou&h +oth T!&!%o& !nd

    Fi%i"ino !n +e used interh!n&e!+%)5 this rese!rh uti%i=ed the ter# Tagalogsine it is

    #ore s"ei$i5 #ore onenient !nd #ost%) the ter# used in %o!% CS studies7

    (i%in&u!%is# is #ost o$ten !ttri+uted to the 2ide use o$ t2o %!n&u!&es 2ithin !

    o##unit)7 For #ost "!rts o$ the T!&!%o& re&ion 3sen!te !nd o$$ies in%uded45 the use o$

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    T!&%ishh!s +een dee#ed !e"t!+%e7 (e!use o$ this5 it is "ereied !s ! n!tur!%

    ourrene in the soiet) 3S#ed%e) !s ited +) Dur!no5 ,47 Aside $ro# this5 the

    #ediu# o$ instrution used in Phi%i""ine Shoo%s sine 11 h!d +een En&%ish 3Moises5

    ,14 unti% the i#"%e#ent!tion o$ the Mother Ton&ue-(!sed Mu%ti%in&u!% Edu!tion

    3MT(-MLE4 in shoo% )e!r ,1,-,1. 3De"ed5 ,1,47 (e!use o$ this5 the En&%ish

    %!n&u!&e in the !!de#i settin& is not uno##on5 2hih undeni!+%) su""%ies the# 2ith

    etensie e"osure to it7 In P!s!sio;s 3,.,B4 rese!rh5 it 2!s o+sered th!t the"!rtii"!nts 2ho did the #ost CS 2ere "ro$ession!%s5 students !nd e#"%o)ers5 !%thou&h

    so#e e#"%o)ees #!de use o$ CS on%) 2hen their su"erior initi!ted or5 !t other ti#es5

    2hen the oners!tion is "ure%) in En&%ish7

    In ! +i%in&u!% o##unit)5 suh !s the !se o$ Fi%i"ino !nd En&%ish %e!rners5 the

    %ee% o$ &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) is !n i#"ort!nt $!tor th!t !$$ets ho2 the +i%in&u!%

    s2ithes +et2een t2o %!n&u!&es7 This is es"ei!%%) essenti!% sine +oth %!n&u!&es !re

    "roessed durin& the use o$ the seond %!n&u!&e 2hih5 $or #ost Fi%i"inos5 is En&%ish7

    When ! +i%in&u!% uti%i=es his or her seond %!n&u!&e 3L,45 the $irst %!n&u!&e 3L14 2i%%

    !%2!)s inter$ere5 !ti!tin& the use o$ +oth %!n&u!&es in "!r!%%e% 3>!n He%% ? Di*0str! !s

    ited +) Sunder#!n ? ro%%5 ,647

    (e!use o$ this "!r!%%e% !ti!tion5 #ost %in&uists +e%iee th!t !%thou&h so#e

    +i%in&u!%s #!) dee%o" e'u!% %in&uisti s0i%%s $or +oth the L1 !nd the L,5 it is #ore %i0e%)

    th!t their !+i%it) 2ou%d $!or one %!n&u!&e s)ste# oer !nother 3@!o+son !s ited +)

    (o%!nder5 , Andre2s ? Rusher5 ,147 This une'u!% "ro$iien) $or the t2o

    %!n&u!&es !n $urther +e e"%!ined +) Hu%% !nd >!id;s 3,4 #et!-!n!%)sis7 Their stud)

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    su&&ests th!t %!n&u!&es !n +e either Le$t-He#is"here do#in!nt 3An!%)ti4 or Ri&ht-

    He#is"here do#in!nt 3Ho%isti45 !s deter#ined +) the !&e 2hen +i%in&u!%is# or

    #u%ti%in&u!%is# 2!s !'uired7 A&e si 2!s $ound to +e the deter#in!nt o$ the %!n&u!&e;s

    he#is"here "%!in&7 Whi%eEarly Bilingualism3L1 !nd L, !'uired +e$ore !&e si4 2ou%d

    !nhor the %!n&u!&e s)ste# under RH5Late Bilingualism 3L, !'uired !$ter !&e si4

    2ou%d +e stored in the LH7 This LH stor!&e &oes the s!#e $or #ono%in&u!%s 2ho h!e

    !'uired on%) one %!n&u!&e7 In this re&!rd5 L!te (i%in&u!%s !nd #ono%in&u!%s h!e thes!#e neur!% onnetion5 2hih #e!ns the) !re #ore !n!%)ti 2hen usin& ! %!n&u!&e7

    E!r%) (i%in&u!%s5 on the other h!nd5 see +oth o$ their %!n&u!&es in the ho%isti "oint o$

    ie2 +e!use L1 !nd L, h!e +een +i%!ter!%%) "%!ed in their #ind7

    In ! !se stud) +) To#i)!#! 3,4 2here t2o @!"!nese si+%in&s5 !&es !nd 15

    2ere o+sered5 it 2!s on%uded th!t their test sores 2ere onsider!+%) !t !ri!ne 2hen

    it !#e to the &r!##!ti!% !ur!) test7 The t2o si+%in&s 2ere returnees $ro# A#eri!

    2here the) st!)ed $or $our )e!rs !nd $our #onths7 As ! resu%t o$ their return to @!"!n5 the

    )oun&er si+%in&;s &r!##!ti!% !ur!) in En&%ish re&ressed 2hi%e the o%der one

    ontinued to i#"roe7 This sho2s ho2 !&e 2ou%d deter#ine the st!+i%it) o$ %!n&u!&e


    Aside $ro# !&e5 "ro$iien) 2!s !%so $ound to deter#ine the do#in!nt

    he#is"here used +) the +i%in&u!%7 Resu%ts o$ neuro%in&uisti studies sho2ed th!t %ess

    "ro$iient +i%in&u!%s de#onstr!te inre!sed use o$ the %e$t he#is"here $or !n!%)sis 2hi%e

    #ore "ro$iient ones !""ro!hed %!n&u!&e #ore ho%isti!%%) 2ith the use o$ the ri&ht

    he#is"here 3Hu%% ? >!id5 , Reiter5 Pered! ? (h!tt!h!r)!5 ,47 In ! stud) +)

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    Pu%er#%%er 3!s ited in M!n=ini ? S!oi!5 ,1145 $untion 2ords !re "roessed

    e%usie%) in the +r!in;s "eris)%i!n orte !nd is stron&%) %e$t-%!ter!%i=ed in t)"i!%

    ri&ht-h!nders7 Gien the de$inition o$ $untion 2ords5 this #e!ns th!t the "roessin& o$

    s)nt! is !%so done in the %e$t he#is"here7 With these studies onsidered5 it is there$ore

    eident th!t testin& $or "ro$iien) #ust ino%e the 0ind o$ !n!%)sis %ee%s on%) $ound in

    L!te (i%in&u!%s r!ther th!n E!r%) (i%in&u!%s7 Sine the distintion +et2een L1 !nd L, is

    #ore "ro#inent in L!te (i%in&u!%s5 it 2!s !ssu#ed5 $or the "ur"oses o$ this stud)5 th!t L,ou%d +e tested 2ithout #uh inter$erene $ro# L17

    In >!n He%% !nd To0o2i=;s 3,14 neuro-!n!%)sis5 it 2!s $ound th!t s)nt!ti

    "roessin& "%!)ed ! "!rt in deter#inin& the +r!in;s he#is"heres +ein& used7 The) $ound

    th!t the %!te +i%in&u!%;s neuro%o&i!% !tiit) "resents ! %e!r "iture o$ the di$$erene

    +et2een the L1 !nd L, s)nt!ti struture7 Aside $ro# this5 !ri!tions in the "!rtii"!nts;

    +r!in !tiities !%so indi!ted th!t s)nt!ti struture !nd &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) h!e !

    stron& %in07

    Aside $ro# the neuro%o&i!% onnetions deter#ined +) the t2o %!n&u!&e

    strutures5 !nother re%e!nt $!tor re!te the "ro$iien) &!" +et2een E!r%) !nd L!te

    (i%in&u!%s soio-eono#i st!tus7 In ! stud) +) ei$$er 3,45 it 2!s disoered th!t

    E!r%) (i%in&u!%s $ro# %!n&u!&e #inorities !n !th u" 2ith n!tie s"e!0ers "roided

    th!t the) sh!re the s!#e de#o&r!"hi $!tors7 Students $ro# +oth hi&h !nd %o2-"oert)

    shoo%s 2ere o+sered !nd tested7 It 2!s disoered th!t those $ro# hi&h-"oert) shoo%

    too0 #ore ti#e to !th u"5 2ith their &ro2th-r!te tr!*etor) e%e!tin& #ore s%o2%)7 In

    !nother rese!rh +) P!s!sio 3,.,B45 %!n&u!&e "ro$iien) o$ Fi%i"inos 2!s $ound to

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    +e !$$eted +) their soio-eono#i st!tus7 This 2!s in ter#s o$ their 314 soi!% %!ss !nd

    3,4 househo%d !#enities5 #e!nin& !ess to resoures is indeed ! $!tor in %e!rnin& !

    seond %!n&u!&e7 In re%!tion to resoures5 #edi! e"osure is !%so ! $!tor in En&%ish

    "ro$iien) &ro2th5 es"ei!%%) in the Phi%i""ines 2here +oth %!n&u!&es !re uti%i=ed7 In the

    "reious%) #entioned stud)5 it 2!s !%so $ound th!t "rint #edi! !$$eted the "ro$iien)

    #ore th!n +ro!d!st #edi!7 This is e"%!in!+%e due to the $!t th!t Me%hers !nd Sh!2

    3,114 $ound th!t En&%ish on%) o#"rised +ro!d!st #edi! +) BK 2here!s Fi%i"ino 2!sthe do#in!nt %!n&u!&e 2ith 6K7 This e%udes5 ho2eer5 the %en&th o$ e"osure !nd

    "re$erene o$ ie2ers7 (es!;s 3,4 rese!rh !ns2ers this 'uestion +) st!tin& th!t

    #!*orit) 39K4 o$ the students enro%%ed in ! Pu+%i Hi&h Shoo% 2!thed sho2s 2hih

    uses T!&%ish7 Fi%i"ino-on%) sho2s 2ere net 2ith 1K o$ the students ie2in& it $o%%o2ed

    +) En&%ish-on%) sho2s 2ith 1BK7 The %!st !re the other languages2ith 6K7 Either 2!)5

    soio-eono#i st!tus !s 2e%% !s the "re$erene $or the o%%o'ui!% %!n&u!&e !re $!tors

    th!t !$$et CS7

    Cu%ture 2ou%d !%so +e ! $!tor in !ssessin& L, "ro$iien) o$ the "!rtii"!nts7 For

    Gu&%ie%#i;s 3,4 stud)5 %!0 o$ &rou" in!ri!ne 2!s $ound 2ithin the Asi!n su+&rou"

    sine the) !#e $ro# di$$erent +!0&rounds7 The !use o$ this 2!s re"orted to +e their

    u%tur!% di$$erenes in onstrut one"tu!%i=!tion5 &re!ter %in&uisti !nd u%tur!%

    hetero&eneit) !nd5 $or %!n&u!&es 2ithout ! sh!red !%"h!+eti struture 3e7&7 Chinese !nd

    En&%ish45 ross-%!n&u!&e tr!ns$er di$$iu%ties7 Without ! onsensus o$ +oth L1 !nd L,

    u%ture5 the s"e!0er 2ou%d $ind it di$$iu%t to s2ith +et2een t2o %!n&u!&es !s 2e%% !s

    ehi+it ! hi&h %ee% o$ "ro$iien)7

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    In order to o#e to ! $u%% underst!ndin& o$ +i%in&u!%is#5 the histor) o$ +i%in&u!%

    edu!tion in the Phi%i""ines #ust $irst +e e!#ined7 The #ost si&ni$i!nt re&u%!tion

    re&!rdin& this 2ou%d +e the (i%in&u!% Po%i) o$ 1B 2hih +e&!n the use o$ +oth Fi%i"ino

    !nd En&%ish !s initi!% #ediu#s o$ instrution7 Durin& its i#"%e#ent!tion5 Fi%i"ino 2!s

    used $or su+*ets suh !s #usi5 "h)si!% edu!tion5 he!%th5 !%ues edu!tion5 iis5

    soi!% sienes !nd Fi%i"ino7 On the other h!nd5 En&%ish 2!s used $or su+*ets suh !s

    #!the#!tis5 n!tur!% sienes5 tehni!% edu!tion !nd En&%ish su+*ets 3>i!do5 ,47Ho2eer5 this diision +et2een the t2o #ediu#s o$ instrution !%so resu%ted into !

    onsider!+%e di$$erene +et2een the other su+*ets the) eno#"!ssed7 Whi%e the su+*ets

    t!u&ht in Fi%i"ino 2ere %e!rned s#ooth%)5 those 2hih 2ere t!u&ht in En&%ish "ro&ressed

    #ore s%o2%)7 This 2!s eident in the M!ster P%!n $or (!si Edu!tion onstruted +) the

    De"!rt#ent o$ Edu!tion5 Cu%ture !nd S"orts 3DECS4 2hih re"orted th!t %o2

    "ro$iien) in the En&%ish %!n&u!&e hindered the students; !d!ne#ent in the tehni!%

    su+*ets 3Y!n!&ih!r!5 ,47 These une"eted e$$ets then "ro#"ted ! re-e!#in!tion o$

    the urriu%u#7

    In ,,5 the (!si Edu!tion Curriu%u# 2!s introdued7 This !d!"ted the

    (i%in&u!% Po%i) !nd re'uired +oth "u+%i !nd "ri!te shoo%s to !%%o!te B #inutes "er

    2ee0 $or the Fi%i"ino su+*et !nd 9 #inutes "er 2ee0 $or the En&%ish su+*et $or the

    &r!de one %ee% 32here the students; !&e r!n&e $ro# 6 to )e!rs o%d47 With this5

    +i%in&u!%s 2ho e"eriened the ,, (!si Edu!tion Curriu%u#re&!rd%ess o$ o#in&

    $ro# "ri!te or "u+%i shoo%s !n +e !ssu#ed to h!e +een e"osed to this !#ount o$

    ti#e "er 2ee07 Ho2eer5 it 2!s $urther noted th!t thou&h the urriu%u# 2!s the s!#e5

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    the de#o&r!"his +et2een "ri!te !nd "u+%i shoo%s 2ere etre#e%) di$$erent7 The

    #!*or $!tors th!t dr!2 the %ine +et2een the seond %!n&u!&e !'uisition in ! "ri!te

    shoo% !nd th!t o$ ! "u+%i shoo% !re 314 soio-eono#i $!tors5 3,4 te!her-re%!ted

    $!tors5 3.4 in!de'u!te %e!rnin& #!teri!%s !nd 3B4 the short !nd on&ested shoo%

    urriu%u#7 In the s!#e re"ort5 'u!%it) &ien +) "u+%i shoo% edu!tion 2!s !d#itted to

    +e %o2 3:NESCO-I(E5 ,6,47 It det!i%ed th!t/

    The !!i%!+i%it) o$ tet+oo0s h!s +een !ssured th!n0s to the Edu!tion $orA%% Pro&r!##e7 Ho2eer5 the other +!si edu!tion!% re'uire#ents suh

    !s shoo% +ui%din&s5 te!hers !nd instrution!% e'ui"#ent h!e not +een

    $u%%) "roided7 This %ed to the !do"tion o$ #e!sures %i0e inre!sin& %!ss

    si=es5 ho%din& #u%ti"%e shi$ts !nd !ssi&nin& te!hin& oer%o!ds7 Een 2ith

    suh #e!sures5 shoo% +ui%din&s !nd te!hers !re sti%% in!de'u!te 3"7 ,647

    To $urther 2iden the &!"5 the "ri!te setor is #ore !d!nt!&eous th!n the "u+%i

    setor 2hen it o#es to "re-shoo% edu!tion 3i7e7 edu!tion +e%o2 &r!de one45 es"ei!%%)

    +e!use o$ the t2o t)"es o$ E!r%) Chi%dhood C!re !nd Dee%o"#ent 3ECCD4 "ro&r!#

    o$$ered in the Phi%i""ines7 This is +e!use the :NESCO-I(E 3,64 !te&ori=es "u+%i

    "re-shoo%s under Center-(!sed ECCD 2here+) the enro%#ent in this "ro&r!# is not

    o#"u%sor)7 On the other h!nd5 "ri!te "re-shoo%s !re %!ssi$ied under Shoo%-+!sed

    ECCD 2here these "ri!te institutions re'uire the s!id "ro&r!# in order $or ! "u"i% to

    !d!ne to e%e#ent!r)7 Sine the ECCD "ro&r!# inor"or!tes +oth En&%ish !nd Fi%i"ino

    durin& instrution5 it !n +e in$erred th!t students 2ho h!e ! "ure%) "ri!te "re-shoo%

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    +!0&round h!e h!d #ore e"osure to the s!id %!n&u!&es #ore th!n those o#in& $ro#

    the "u+%i shoo%7

    For this urrent rese!rh5 the $ourth )e!r hi&h shoo% students 2ho h!e ! "ure%)

    "ri!te shoo% +!0&round 3"re$er!+%) 2ith ECCD e"osure4 2ere %!ssi$ied !s E!r%)

    (i%in&u!%s 2hi%e those 2ho h!e ! "ure%) "u+%i edu!tion 3"re$er!+%) 2ithout ECCD

    e"osure4 2ere %!ssi$ied !s L!te (i%in&u!%s7

    Grammatical proficiency.

    Aordin& to roe&er 3,945 &r!##!r is the set o$ ru%es $or !%% strutur!%

    "ro"erties o$ ! %!n&u!&e5 2hih intends to desri+e its sentene "!tterns7 One o$ the t2o

    di#ensions o$ &r!##!r th!t h!s +een the $ous o$ #!n) studies issyntax7 This oers

    &r!##!ti!% struture o$ &rou"s5 %!uses !nd sentenes 3(!0er5 ,1145 2hih in%ude 314

    2ord order5 3,4 onstituent"hr!se struture5 3.4 sentene t)"es5 3B4 s"ei!% onstrutions5

    394 #odi$iers !nd intensi$iers5 364 oordin!tion !nd orre%!tion 34 su+ordin!tion 34

    e#+eddin& 3Center $or C!n!di!n L!n&u!&e (enh#!r0s5 ,,47 Aside $ro#

    underst!ndin& s)nt!5 Wri&ht 3,14 st!tes th!t hi&h %ee% o$ $untion!% &r!##!r

    "ro$iien) !%so re'uires h!in& the 0no2%ed&e o$ !t %e!st the o##on %!sses o$ s"eeh

    de$ined in $or#!% &r!##!r7 Gr!##!ti!% "ro$iien)5 !s used in this stud)5 there$ore

    re$ers to the !"titude o$ !n indiidu!% to !n!%)=e !nd uti%i=e suh o#"onents o$ %!n&u!&e7

    In !ddition to the $und!#ent!%s #entioned !+oe5 e"eri#ent!% eidene h!e

    sho2n th!t indiidu!%s do not "ereie sentenes !s ! strin& o$ 2ords +ut r!ther in the

    $or# o$ onstituents5 2hih !re n!tur!% "!rts o$ ! sentene th!t !n st!nd !%one 3e7&7

    puppy5girlnot a5found4 3Fro#0in5 Rod#!n5 ? H)!#s5 ,1147 These +!si e%e#ents o$

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    s)nt! &ie 2!) $or ! !riet) o$ tr!ns$or#!tions th!t !n +e done inside the on$ines o$ !

    sentene7 When these sentene tr!ns$or#!tions our5 it is ! re'uire#ent th!t

    &r!##!ti!% hoies !re dr!2n $ro# ! "re-de$ined set o$ o"tions or ru%es 3P!r0er ? Ri%e)5

    ,1 (!0er5 ,1147 Fro# !rious desri"tie studies5 it 2!s on%uded th!t these

    restritions o#e in the $or# o$ "!tterns 3#ore tehni!%%) 0no2n !ssyntactic templates4

    2hih !re distint $or eer) %!n&u!&e 3P!)e)5 ,147

    In these "!tterns !re s#!%%er units th!t !re !%%edsyntactic categories3or si#"%)parts of speech47 The "%!e#ent o$ these units2hih !re usu!%%) 2ords or "hr!ses

    deter#ines the sentene;s oer!%% #e!nin&7 Aside $ro# the "%!e#ent5 the %ei!% densit)

    o$ e!h indiidu!% !te&or) !%so !rries ! onsider!+%e e$$et thus5 !te&ories !n either

    +e #!*or or #inor7 M!*or !te&ories !n $untion !s he!ds o$ "hr!ses 3i7e7 nouns5 er+s5

    !d*eties5 !der+s !nd "re"ositions47 On the other h!nd5 #inor !te&ories !re

    strutur!%%)-de"endent 2ords 2ith the #!in $untion o$ ho%din& the sentene to&ether 3i7e7

    Con*untions5 inter*etions !nd deter#iners4 3roe&er5 ,947 On the +!sis o$ #e!nin&

    3not struture45 #!*or !te&ories !re !%%ed content words 2here!s #inor !te&ories !re

    function words3Chun& ? Penne+!0er5 ,47

    In ! stud) +) Tho#"son 3,.45 the !te&or) th!t "ro#"ted the #ost ode-

    s2ithin& 3th!t is5 s2ithin& +et2een t2o %!n&u!&es in one sentene4 is the noun

    !te&or)5 2hih in%udes noun "hr!ses !nd o#"%e no#in!%s7 Fo%%o2in& this !re er+s

    !nd !der+s7 In ! #ore reent stud) +) Meti%! 3,45 it 2!s $ound th!t the $re'uen)

    r!n0in& o$ the #!*or !te&ories !re !s $o%%o2s 3#ost to %e!st4/ nouns5 !der+s5 er+s5

    !d*eties !nd "re"ositions7 As it is o+ious5 it is the #!*or !te&ories th!t do#in!te the

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    sentenes $o%%o2ed +) the "re"ositions5 2hih $!%% under the #inor !te&or)7

    Further#ore5 it !n +e in$erred th!t these !te&ories 2ou%d +e the "ro+!+%e deter#iners o$

    &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) +e!use o$ their 0e) ro%e in s)nt!ti !n!%)sis !nd $or#!tion7

    Indeed5 the sensitiit) to s)nt! indi!tes &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien)7 Seer!%

    studies h!e on$ir#ed th!t "ro$iient %e!rners tend to +e #ore sensitie to s)nt!ti

    io%!tions 2hih the %ess "ro$iient o$ten oer%oo07 In ! stud) +) )=i0 3,45 it 2!s

    i%%ustr!ted th!t %o2er-"ro$iien) %e!rners re%) he!i%) on se#!nti str!te&ies 2here!s thehi&her "ro$iien) %e!rners !te&ori=e sentenes !ordin& to struture7 Those 2ho

    "!rtii"!ted in Herte%;s 3,.4 stud) !%so ehi+ited di$$erent %ee%s o$ "ro$iien) 2hen it

    !#e to 2ord order tr!ns%!tion7 Here5 the inersion $ro# su+*et-er+ !nd er+-su+*et

    2!s o+sered !#on& %e!rners o$ di$$erent "ro$iien) %ee%s7 It 2!s $ound th!t those o$

    %o2er "ro$iien) stu0 2ith the su+*et-er+ order 2hi%e the #ore "ro$iient ones

    ehi+ited the use o$ +oth inersions5 de"endin& on the #e!nin& th!t shou%d +e one)ed7

    L!st%)5 the e"eri#ent +) M!rinis5 Ro+erts5 Fester5 !nd C%!hsen 3,4 !%so e"%!ins th!t

    non-n!tie o#"rehenders underuse in$or#!tion &!ined $ro# the 2ord order o$ their

    seond %!n&u!&e7 (e!use o$ these studies5 it !nnot +e 'uestioned th!t s)nt! !$$ets

    &r!##!r "ro$iien) #ore th!n !n) other !s"et7

    (!sed on the o+ser!tion +) ME2!n-Fu*it! 3,145 !du%t seond-%!n&u!&e

    %e!rners $ind di$$iu%ties in tr!ns$errin& es"ei!%%) 2hen *u&&%in& t2o strutur!%%)

    dissi#i%!r %!n&u!&es7 Fortun!te%)5 the s)nt!ti !te&ories o$ +oth T!&!%o& !nd En&%ish

    !re %ose%) !%i0e 2herein !%% the !te&ories $ound in En&%ish !re "resent in T!&!%o&5 2ith

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    so#e !dditions 3L!s!#!n!5 ,.47 This one"t is su""orted +) Se++! 3,4 st!tin&


    QCon&ruene; or Qe'ui!%ene; o$ !te&ories o$ the &r!##!r is i#"%iit in

    #!n) !ounts o$ the s)nt! o$ CS een 2here it is not #entioned7 The

    ross-%in&uisti e'ui!%ene o$ !te&ories is in 0ee"in& 2ith Cho#s0)!n

    ide!s o$ %!n&u!&e !'uisition5 2hih re'uire th!t !%% hi%dren +e !"!+%e o$

    in "rini"%e o$ !'uirin& the s!#e !te&ories 3"7 B147With !%#ost the s!#e !te&ories5 T!&!%o& !nd En&%ish users $ind %itt%e or no

    di$$iu%t) in s2ithin& +et2een the#7 Fi%i"ino res"ondents in (or%on&!n;s 3,!4 stud)

    noted th!t En&%ish is !%so !#on& the #ost o#"rehensi+%e to the#5 #!0in& it one o$ the

    %!n&u!&es th!t the) !re o#$ort!+%e 2ith7 This si#i%!rit) +et2een the t2o %!n&u!&es is !

    resu%t o$grammar universality5 2hih is the tr!it o$ &r!##!r th!t tr!nsends u%tures

    3Fro#0in5 Rod#!n5 ? H)!#s5 ,1147

    Another #!*or si#i%!rit) +et2een T!&!%o& !nd En&%ish is the "osition o$ the er+

    !nd the o+*et7 (oth T!&!%o& !nd En&%ish t!0e on the >er+-O+*et "osition 3>O47

    Nonethe%ess5 it is "ossi+%e $or +oth to s2ith to the inerse O+*et->er+ "osition 3O>47 In

    suh !ses 2hen either T!&!%o& or En&%ish t!0e on !n inerse "osition durin& CS5 the

    resu%t 2i%% h!e $our "ossi+%e "!tterns 3Ch!n5 ,4/

    314 >O order 2i%% h!e Qer+ $ro# >O %!n&u!&e;3e7&7 She gotyung li!ro niya "ahapon.J4

    3,4 O> order 2i%% h!e Qer+ $ro# O> %!n&u!&e;3e7&7 On%) s#!%% "ri=es ang ipamimigaynila.J4

    3.4 >O order 2i%% h!e Qer+ $ro# O> %!n&u!&e;3e7&7 Gr!de one !nd &r!de t2o "u"i%s lang ang bumati sa akin kanina.J#

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    3B4O> order 2i%% h!e Qer+ $ro# >O %!n&u!&e;

    3e7&7 $ritong isda at sopas2ere 2h!t the) ate$or %unhJ4

    The di$$erenes $ound +et2een t2o %!n&u!&es5 ho2eer5 !re resu%ts o$ !r+itr!r)

    %in&uisti onentions sh!red +) ! o##unit) th!t !uses so#e &r!##!ti!% ru%es to +e

    re-sh!"ed +) the di$$erent soieties 3roe&er5 ,947 For e!#"%e5 @!"!nese %e!rners !re

    +etter th!n En&%ish %e!rners !t !'uirin& ert!in &r!##!ti!% ite#s in Chinese5 2hih is

    #ost %i0e%) !used +) the di$$erene in u%ture 3Yu!n5 ,147 In ontr!st5 2hen the

    &r!##!ti!% ru%es !re the s!#e in t2o %!n&u!&es5 the s!#e +r!in !tiit) is o+sered5 !s

    in the !se o$ S!+ourin !nd Sto2e;s 3,4 stud)7 (ut sine the o!+u%!r) is o#"%ete%)

    di$$erent in #ost %!n&u!&es5 this s!#e #!nner o$ ho2 the +r!in "roesses %!n&u!&es

    +eo#es i#"ossi+%e in %ei!%%)-drien onstruts7 In Sunder#!n !nd ro%% 3,645 it 2!s

    $ound th!t +oth "ro$iient !nd non-"ro$iient %e!rners h!d trou+%e 2ith %ei!% ite#s7 This

    &oes to sho2 ho2 s)nt! !nd o!+u%!r) !re "o%es !"!rt 2hen it o#es to %!n&u!&e


    In the Phi%i""ines5 there is ! 2ides"re!d issue in ter#s o$ !""%)in& the

    &r!##!ti!% one"ts durin& !tu!% o##uni!tion7 For e!#"%e5 #!n) Fi%i"ino hi&h

    shoo% students h!e #!stered &r!##!r +ut !nnot !""%) it durin& s"e!0in&7 This

    h!""ens +e!use $irst5 the) $!i% to uti%i=e the %!n&u!&e h!+itu!%%) !nd seond5 their

    e"osure is %i#ited !nd is #ost%) !!de#i7 Si#i%!r%)5 E!r%) (i%in&u!%s do #!int!in their

    h!+itu!% use o$ their seond %!n&u!&e 3"roided no !ttrition ours4 2here!s L!te

    (i%in&u!%s !re on%) e"osed to the %!n&u!&e 2hen in shoo%7 (e!use o$ this dis"!rit) in

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    %!n&u!&e use !nd e"osure5 the oer!%% En&%ish "ro&r!# o$$ered +) the shoo% shou%d +e

    &ien #uh 2ei&ht5 es"ei!%%) $or those shoo%s 2ith students 2ho $!%% under the seond

    t)"e7 (e$ore the urriu%u# h!n&e in shoo% )e!r ,1,-,1.5 ho2eer5 the En&%ish

    "ro&r!# o+sered 2!s hi&h%) $oused on enh!nin& &r!##!r !nd %ess o$ !tu!%

    o##uni!tion7 The resu%t 2!s5 !s st!ted +e$ore5 the di$$iu%t) in !""%)in& the one"ts in

    &r!##!r 3Monderin5 ,947 This sho2s th!t &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) does not

    !uto#!ti!%%) e'u!te 2ith %!n&u!&e "ro$iien)7Fousin& on s"ei$i &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) %ee%s5 it is ! o##on $!t th!t the

    ter#s $or e!h %ee% !ries $ro# one intern!tion!% testin& +od) to !nother7 Ho2eer5 the

    desri"tions o$ these "ro$iien) s!%es !re #ore or %ess the s!#e 2hen o#"!red7 As

    st!ted in the Co##on Euro"e!n Fr!#e2or0 o$ Re$erene $or L!n&u!&es5 %in&uisti

    "ro$iien) r!n&es $ro# $our to si %ee%s7 In &ener!%5 these %ee%s !re/ +e&inner5

    e%e#ent!r)5 "re-inter#edi!te5 inter#edi!te5 hi&h inter#edi!te !nd !d!ned 3Retrieed

    $ro# htt"/n&%7en&!&e7o#"!&ese$7ht#%47

    Thou&h the underst!ndin& o$ &r!##!r ontri+utes %!r&e%) to the i#"roe#ent o$

    the oer!%% %!n&u!&e "ro$iien)5 #ost rese!rhers h!e $oused on the $our #!ro s0i%%s

    3i7e7 %istenin&5 s"e!0in&5 re!din&5 2ritin&4 2herein on%) one-$ourth o$ the test is !%%o!ted

    $or &r!##!r7 Neerthe%ess5 si&ni$i!nt $indin&s !n +e o+t!ined $ro# these studies7 In

    :%tr!# 3,45 the "ereied En&%ish "ro$iien) o$ $irst )e!r o%%e&e students !re on the

    +e&innin& %ee%7 On the other h!nd5 !nother stud) sho2ed th!t 2hen !n !tu!% "ro$iien)

    test is !d#inistered5 the s!#e %ee% o$ res"ondents o+t!ined !n inter#edi!te %ee%-sore7

    Sene&!5 M!r!n!n5 L!son5 Es!%!5 !nd P!%on 3,4 e"%!ined th!t the inter#edi!te
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    %ee% !tt!ined under the &r!##!r test is desri+ed !s h!in& the !+i%it) to !s0 !nd

    !ns2er 'uestions !nd !n s"e!0 in disrete sentenes !nd strin&s o$ sentenes on to"is

    th!t !re either !uto+io&r!"hi!% or re%!ted "ri#!ri%) to his or her i##edi!te eniron#entJ

    3"7 47

    In L%!nes-Le!o;s 3,4 stud)5 the "ereied %ee% o$ %!n&u!&e "ro$iien) 2!s

    !%so tested in re%!tion to %!n&u!&e use7 The resu%ts sho2ed th!t !%thou&h #!*orit) o$ the

    te!hers 2ere o#$ort!+%e 2ith En&%ish5 the students "re$erred ! #iture o$ En&%ish !ndFi%i"ino sine it &!e the# &re!ter e!se in %e!rnin&7 In re%!tion to this5 it 2!s $ound th!t

    students hesit!te to s"e!0 in En&%ish +e!use o$ their di$$iu%t) in $indin& !""ro"ri!te

    2ords to e"ress ide!s7 Seond on%) to this re!son is the $e!r o$ +ein& %!u&hed !t or

    ridiu%ed7 In the "ereied "ro$iien) sorin&5 #!*orit) s!id the) 2ere #ost "ro$iient in


    Code-switching +CS,.

    The $or#!tion o$ T!&%ish sentenes re%ies on ! "roess !%%ed Code-s2ithin&

    3CS45 2hih is !n inherent +i%in&u!% s0i%% th!t !%%o2s one to o#+ine 2ords or "hr!ses

    $ro# t2o %!n&u!&es in one disourse7 Po"%!0 3,B45 $urther desri+es CS $ro# the

    strutur!% "ers"etie !s the utter!ne-intern!% *ut!"osition5 in uninte&r!ted $or#5 o$

    oert %in&uisti e%e#ents $ro# t2o or #ore %!n&u!&es5 2ith no neess!r) h!n&e o$

    inter%outor or to"iJ 3"7 147

    In the "!st5 CS h!d +een $ro2ned u"on in $or#!% institutions +e!use it 2!s

    "ereied to +e ! str!te&) +i%in&u!%s use to #!0e u" $or their de$iienies in +oth their

    $irst %!n&u!&e 3 L14 !nd seond %!n&u!&e 3 L,47 Neerthe%ess5 the resu%ts o$ reent studies

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    "roed th!t CS !n indeed +e "ro$iien)-drien7 >is2!#oh!n 3,B4 su""orts suh

    "oint +) st!tin& th!t 2riters o$ten use CS to !dd re!tiit) into their 2or07 The s2ithes

    !id the 2riters in ehi+itin& 2it5 en&!&in& in iron) !nd eu"he#is#5 #!0in& "uns5

    tr!ns%!tin& "roer+s !nd e#"h!si=in& 0e) "oints7 Aside $ro# this5 T!&%ish 2!s !%so $ound

    to do#in!te the !ds in ne2s"!"ers to !ssert5 i%%ustr!te5 identi$)5 e"%!in or &ie !n order or

    !die 3D!)!&5 ,,47

    The "%!e o$ CS in shoo%s5 un$ortun!te%)5 is sti%% 'uestion!+%e7 M!rtin 3,64+e&ins her stud) +) introduin& ! Phi%i""ine uniersit);s i#"%e#ent!tion o$ En&%ish-On%)

    Po%i) th!t re!ted inonenienes durin& %!ss inter!tion7 The resu%ts o$ the stud)

    i%%ustr!ted th!t the students !nd st!$$ o$ this uniersit) "re$erred to disre&!rd the "o%i)

    !nd ontinue usin& CS7 M!*orit) o$ CS utter!nes 2ere #!de +) Siene te!hers !s !

    "ed!&o&i!% too%5 2hih is thou&ht to #oti!te student res"onse !nd !tion5 ensue r!""ort

    !nd so%id!rit)5 "ro#ote sh!red #e!nin&5 he0 student underst!ndin&5 !nd #!int!in the

    te!hin& n!rr!tie7 In C!stro;s 3,B4 o+ser!tion5 tr!ns%!tin& !%so he%"ed students in

    $!i%it!tin& "%!nnin& !nd reisin& "roesses durin& 2ritin&7 It sho2ed th!t students 2ere

    !+%e to !ttend to hi&her %ee% 2ritin& &o!%s 2hen thin0in& !%oud in T!&!%o& een 2hen the

    out"ut is in En&%ish7

    M!i=o5 (!*o5 !nd P!o%ieri 3,1,4 e#"h!si=ed the i#"ort!ne o$ CS in one"tu!%

    re"resent!tion7 Resu%ts o$ their stud) sho2 th!t su"ressin& CS5 2hih su""ort inhi+ition

    t!s0s5 re!te ! disontinuit) in re"resentin& one"ts7 (e!use o$ this o+strution5 the

    +i%in&u!% t!0es ! %on&er ti#e to "roess either %!n&u!&e7 Aside $ro# this5 the "reious%)

    #entioned stud) ree!%s th!t +i%in&u!%s !re s%o2er to s2ith $ro# their L, to their L1

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    th!n $ro# L1 to L,7 This desri+es ho2 the #ore do#in!nt %!n&u!&e5 !%#ost !%2!)s the

    L15 deter#ines the one"ts $or#ed in the 2e!0er %!n&u!&e 3L,47

    For +i%in&u!%s5 CS !nnot h!""en 2ithout enou&h !ttention un%i0e in

    #ono%in&u!%s 2ith 2ho# s)nt!ti !rr!n&e#ent o#es !uto#!ti!%%) 3oe%#!n5 et !%7

    !s ited +) F!! ? Hu%%5 ,147 This !ttention #ust +e e"%iit es"ei!%%) sine the t2o

    %!n&u!&es !re "roessed in "!r!%%e% durin& disourse or e%se the #e!nin& !nnot +e

    de%iered orret%) 3Shoo0 ? M!ri!n5 ,147 CS $or#ed !s ! resu%t o$ in!ttention 2ou%d#ost %i0e%) +e distorted5 $or#in& !n !202!rd strin& o$ 2ords not !dherin& to the "re-

    de$ined CS ru%es7 Aordin& to Se++! 3,45 this re'uired Q!ttention; #!ni$ests itse%$ in

    "!uses !nd interru"tions 2hih !%%o2 ode-s2ithers to 777!oid the o#"%eities o$

    h!r#oni=in& dier&ent &r!##!ti!% s)ste#sJ 3"7947 L!0 o$ $%uen)5 there$ore5 does not

    onern the 'u!%it) o$ CS +e!use it is ! n!tur!% "!rt o$ it7

    (e!use CS ourrenes h!e +een $irst o+sered in s"o0en disourse5 %in&uists

    h!e inesti&!ted the e$$et o$ "hono%o&) to CS7 It 2!s est!+%ished +) (u%%o0 3,4 th!t

    "hono%o&i!% !te&ories do not oer%!" in ode-s2ithin&7 Nonethe%ess5 the dissi#i%!rit)

    in "hono%o&i!% $e!tures o$ t2o %!n&u!&es #!) !$$et "ere"tion !nd 2ord reo&nition7

    (e$ore this5 ho2eer5 (i!%)sto05 M(ride-Ch!n&5 !nd Lu0 3,94 h!e !%re!d) $ound

    th!t "hono%o&i!% !2!reness o$ Chinese-En&%ish hi%dren si#"%) tr!ns$erred !ross

    %!n&u!&es 2here!s the !+i%it) to deode 2ords 2!s dee%o"ed se"!r!te%)7 The resu%ts o$

    this stud) "oints out th!t "hono%o&i!% !2!reness does not neess!ri%) !$$et CS !s #uh

    !s the other $!tors do7

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    Aside $ro# the neuro%in&uisti n!ture o$ CS5 studies h!e !%so disoered th!t

    soi!% inter!tion h!s onsider!+%e e$$ets on "!rtii"!nts; CS7 Go%d+!r& 3,4

    #entioned th!t the %ee% o$ Qinti#!); 2ou%d !$$et the %ee% o$ s"eeh $or#!%it)7 Thus5

    the #ore $!#i%i!r the "!rtii"!nt $ee%s to 2ho# she is s"e!0in& or 2ritin& to5 the #ore

    in$or#!% the %!n&u!&e 2ou%d +e 3thus #ore our!nes o$ CS 2ou%d +e !hieed47 This is

    onst!nt 2ith P!s!sio;s 3,.,B4 rese!rh 2herein do#!in !nd ro%e re%!tionshi" !re

    !ri!+%es th!t si&ni$i!nt%) !$$et %!n&u!&e use7 This #e!ns th!t the hoie o$ %!n&u!&ede"ends on the "erson 2ith 2ho# the s"e!0er is onersin& 3e7&7 "!rent5 te!her5 "o%ie

    o$$ier4 !s 2e%% !s the ontet in 2hih the disourse is done 3$or#!% or in$or#!%47

    Another $indin& sho2ed th!t "o%iteness is ! $!tor th!t "ro#"ts ode-s2ithin& !#on&

    T!&%ish users7 Sine T!&!%o& is #ore sensitie 2hen re%!)in& do#!in !nd ro%e

    re%!tionshi"s5 it 2!s $ound th!t $e#!%es ode-s2ithed #ore th!n the #!%es to e"ress

    their "o%iteness 3Y!&ue5 ,47 Me!n2hi%e5 C!rden!s-C%!ros !nd Ish!r)!nti;s stud)

    3,4 est!+%ished th!t researcher-triggered CS2here ert!in CS "!tterns 2ou%d +e

    initi!ted +) the rese!rher5 resu%ts to ! rei"ro!% res"onse $ro# the "!rtii"!nts +) K7

    In #ore reent %o!% studies5 T!&%ish 2!s on%uded to !dhere to no $or#!%

    &r!##!ti!% s)ste# nor is it re%!ted to "ro$iien) r!ther5 it t!0es on ! soi!% ro%e !s !

    disursie str!te&) 3Denh5 ,B (u&!)on&5 ,1147 Ho2eer5 (!utist! 3,B4

    e#"h!si=es th!t usin& CS !s ! disursie str!te&) is on%) hi&h%) eident in "ro$iien)-

    drien CS7 Me!nin&5 one h!s to h!e ! $!ir &r!s" o$ +oth %!n&u!&es in order to use CS $or

    o##uni!tie e$$iien)7 De$iien)-drien CS is the o""osite o$ the $irst t)"e

    #entioned +e!use it is "ro#"ted +) %!0 o$ !+i%it) to o##uni!te usin& ! sin&%e

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    %!n&u!&e s)ste#7 (!sed on ho2 (!utist! oined these t)"es o$ CS5 +oth !re indeed

    re%!ted to !nd !$$eted +) "ro$iien)7

    Seer!% !""ro!hes h!e sou&ht to de$ine the e!t n!ture o$ CS !nd the ru%es th!t

    &oern it7 A#on& these !""ro!hes o$ CS is the &r!##!ti!% !""ro!h5 2hih is

    re&u%!ted +) ! s)ste# oined !s code-switching constraints3Reih%5 ,947 This e"%!ins

    the "oints in ! sentene 2here CS !n our !nd !re !te&ori=ed into $our onstr!ints/

    Tag-li"e CS5Extrasentential CS5%ntrasentential CS5&ree 'orpheme Constraint3!i%!s!#5 ,147 The $irst three onstr!ints 2ere $ound to eist in the Phi%i""ine settin&5

    !s on%uded +) Re&!%!-F%ores 3,1147

    E!h o$ these CS onstr!ints re'uires ert!in &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) in +oth L1

    !nd L, in order to +e orret%) $o%%o2ed7 Intersententi!% CS 3the s2ith th!t ours !t

    %!uses or sentenes4 is 2ide%) !0no2%ed&ed !s the #ost o##on CS $or %o2-

    "ro$iien) +i%in&u!%s 2hi%e those 2ho s2ith #ore Intr!sententi!%%) 3CS 2ithin the

    %!use +ound!r) th!t ours throu&h the shi$t o$ "hr!ses or indiidu!% 2ords4 !re #ost

    %i0e%) to "ossess hi&her "ro$iien) 3(er0-Se%i&son5 Po"%!05 ? Tre$$ers-D!%%er !s ited

    +)Po"%!05 ,B47

    D!)!& 3,,4 !%so $ound th!t Intr!sententi!% CS 2!s the #ost "ro#inent #ode

    used in Phi%i""ine ne2s"!"er !ds5 2hih $!%%s under 2ritten disourse7 Conerse%)5

    intersententi!% CS 2!s the "re$erene o$ +oth te!hers !nd students durin& s"o0en

    disourse in ! Phi%i""ine uniersit) "reious%) #entioned 3M!rtin5 ,647 The "re$erred

    CS onstr!int 2!s !%so the s!#e $or the "ri!te shoo% students in Meti%!;s 3,4

    rese!rh 2here BB7.K o$ utter!nes 2!s o#"osed o$ intersententi!% CS5 .97BK $or

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    Intr!sententi!% CS !nd ,7,K $or t!&-s2ithes 3!nother ter# $or etr!sententi!% CS47

    Here5 it is eident th!t +oth "ro$iien) %ee% !nd disourse $or# 3either s"o0en or

    2ritten4 h!e !n e$$et on the #ode o$ CS +ein& used7

    Re&!rdin& the !&e o$ L, !'uisition5 ir0er 3,4 $ound no st!tisti!% di$$erene

    +et2een the CS t)"es used +) the ,6 "!rtii"!nts7 It 2!s noted th!t +oth E!r%) !nd L!te

    (i%in&u!%s h!d #ied "re$erenes 2hen usin& inter-sententi!% !nd Intr!sententi!% CS7

    Nonethe%ess5 it 2!s o+sered th!t it too0 L!te (i%in&u!%s ! re%!tie%) %on&er ti#e s"!n to"roesses CS th!n the E!r%) (i%in&u!%s7

    For this stud)5 on%) Intr!sententi!% T!&%ish "!tterns 2ere the ones e'u!ted 2ith the

    &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) sores7 S)nt!5 !$ter !%%5 o#"rises the %!r&est "!rt o$ &r!##!r

    !nd it is Intr!sententi!% CS th!t +rin&s out the hi&hest ino%e#ent o$ s)nt!ti !n!%)sis7

    (o=te"e 3,94 !dds5 777on%) Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& is re%e!nt to the 'uestion o$

    s)nt!ti onstr!intsJ 3"7947

    Po"%!0 3,B4 su##!ri=ed the $our e#"iri!%%)-est!+%ished str!te&ies $or

    Intr!sententi!% CS 2hih !re/ Smooth CS5&lagged CS5 Constituent %nsertion!nd(once

    Borrowing7 The $re'uen) o$ these Intr!sententi!% t)"es 2ere inesti&!ted +) (or%on&!n

    3,4 in the Phi%i""ine settin& 2herein S#ooth CS !ounted $or 7K o$ the tot!% CS

    utter!nes7 This 2!s $o%%o2ed +) Constituent Insertion !t 1B7K5 None (orro2in& !t

    97B1K !nd Non-s#ooth 3or F%!&&ed4 CS !t 17K 7 Ho2eer5 the d!t! &!thered in this

    stud) 2!s not e'u!ted to the "!rtii"!nts; &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) %ee%s +ut to their

    tenden) to dei!te $ro# the i#"%e#ented En&%ish-On%) Po%i)7

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    An utter!ne is onsidered Smooth CSi$ $ound to !dhere to the Theor) o$

    E'ui!%ene or E'ui!%ene Constr!int th!t s!)s th!t L1 !nd L, #ust s2ith !t the s!#e

    "!rt o$ the sentene 3orswitch site4 2hih "reseres the &r!##!ti!% onstrution o$ the

    onstituents !d*!ent to it 3Po"%!0 !s ited +) Tre$$ers-D!%%er5 ,947

    In ontr!st5&lagged switches!n +e o$ t2o t)"es/&unctional &lagging32here+)

    F%!&&in& is done to re!te !n !rtisti e$$et or e#"h!sis4 or)eficiency-driven &lagging3!

    resu%t o$ "rodution di$$iu%ties !used +) de$iien)4 3Po"%!05 ,B47 W!tson 3,94"resented in det!i% the Continuu# o$ Inter!tion!% Co-o"er!tion 2here F%!&&in& is used

    !s either ! redution or !n !hiee#ent str!te&)7 A#on& these !re/ !""e!%s $or !ssist!ne5

    diret se%$-initi!ted other re"!irs5 in diret se%$-initi!ted other re"!irs5 se%$-initi!ted se%$-

    re"!irs !nd rein$ore#ent +) re"etition7 It 2!s $urther noted th!t these str!te&ies !n h!e

    sh!red do#!ins so their "%!e#ent !ross the ontinuu# does not neess!ri%) i#"%) th!t

    the) !n or !nnot +e $untion!%7 For this "resent rese!rh5 o#"ens!tion str!te&ies 2ere

    !te&ori=ed under De$iien)-drien F%!&&in& !%on& 2ith errors 2hi%e intention!%

    F%!&&in& 3used $or e$$et4 2ere %!ssi$ied !s Funtion!% F%!&&in&7

    Constituent %nsertions!%so $!%% under the %i#its o$ e'ui!%ene suh th!t s)nt! is

    #!de u" o$ onstituents7 Po"%!0 3!s ited +) Tre$$ers-D!%%er5 ,945 e"%!ined th!t in this

    #ode o$ Intr!sententi!% CS5 onstituents $ro# one %!n&u!&e !re "ro"er%) inserted in the

    s)nt!ti struture o$ the other7 (e!use o$ this5 the e'ui!%ene onstr!int is #!int!ined7

    A$ter di$$erent studies on ! nu#+er o$ %!n&u!&e "!irs5 it 2!s !%so $ound th!t Constituent

    Insertions !re de"endent on the "!rtiu%!r soiet) r!ther th!n on %!n&u!&e t)"o%o&)7

    (or%on&!n;s 3,+4 rese!rh in T!&%ish CS on%uded th!t Constituent Insertions !""e!r

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    !s t!& e"ressions5 en%itis5 !nd the T!&!%o& !der+i!%parang3#e!nin& li"e4 !nd the

    ourrene o$ suh !re er) $e2 o#"!red to the "erent!&e o$ S#ooth CS7

    (once Borrowing3!%so !%%ed loan-other words4 !re sin&%) ourrin& 2ords $ro#

    the Donor L!n&u!&e 2hih !re surrounded +) 2ords or "hr!ses $ro# the Rei"ient

    L!n&u!&e7 None (orro2in&s !re not reurrent nor !re the) 2ides"re!d in ! o##unit)

    !nd it is $or this re!son th!t None (orro2in& is not onsidered !s "!rt o$ the rei"ient

    %!n&u!&e s)ste# een thou&h it is $!#i%i!r to th!t "!rtiu%!r "erson 3St!##ers ?Deuh!r5 ,1,47 Thou&h this t)"e o$ Intr!sententi!% CS is !%#ost undistin&uish!+%e5 the

    reent $indin&s +) St!##ers !nd Deuh!r indi!te th!t None (orro2in&s inte&r!tion

    de"ends on the $re'uen) o$ its ourrene in the o##unit)7 In the !+sene o$ suh d!t!5

    Po"%!05 Whee%er5 !nd West2ood 3!s ited +) (o=te"e5 ,94 "ro"ose th!t 2ords +e

    !n!%)=ed !ordin& to their #or"ho%o&i!% s)nt!ti inte&r!tion5 "hono%o&i!% inte&r!tion

    or the entire %eion 3ontent 2ords4 o$ the indiidu!%7

    With T!&!%o& !s the rei"ient %!n&u!&e5 the None (orro2in&s !n our in the

    $or# o$ tehni!% !nd !!de#i ter#ino%o&ies 3Re&!%!-F%ores5 ,114 2here!s 2ith

    En&%ish !s the rei"ient %!n&u!&e5 these !n our throu&h %o!% %ei!%is!tions 3e7&7

    !ar"ada45 $orei&nis#s 3e7&7 lechon45 2hih !re u%tur!%%)-+ound7 So#eti#es5 these !%so

    our !s t!uton)# 3e7&7stand!y #e!nin& id%er or +)st!nder4 or heteron)#s 3e7&7 cara!ao5

    calamansi !ndyaya4 3Me%hers ? Sh!25 ,1147 In these !ses5 u%ture +eo#es !n

    essenti!% $!tor in !ssessin& the t2o %!n&u!&e strutures7

    A%so re%)in& on the $re'uen) o$ use isLexical Borrowing7 This t)"e o$ +orro2in&

    is h!r!teri=ed +) the "resene o$ loan words5 2hih !re $orei&n 2ords th!t h!e +eo#e

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    $u%%)-inte&r!ted into the o##unit)7 A%thou&h it #!) %oo0 e!t%) %i0e ! None

    (orro2in&5 it $untions !s "!rt o$ the L1 %in&uisti s)ste# !nd is no di$$erent $ro# th!t

    rei"ient %!n&u!&e7 For e!#"%e5 the "hr!se th!n0 )ouJ is onsidered ! %ei!%

    +orro2in& sine it is 2ides"re!d in the Phi%i""ine settin&7 H!s"e%#!th 3,4 $inishes his

    h!"ter on %ei!% +orro2in& +) st!tin& th!t it is not in !n) 2!) de"endent on ode-

    s2ithin&J 3"7 B,47 In this !se5 Lei!% (orro2in& is not ! t)"e o$ Intr!sententi!% CS7

    (!sed on de$inition5 !%% the #entioned t)"es o$ Intr!sententi!% CS !dhere to +othL1 !nd L, &r!##!rs ee"t $or F%!&&ed CS7 Ho2eer5 in the "resene o$ Funtion!%

    F%!&&in&5 2hih is done $or !rtisti e$$et5 on%) De$iien)-drien F%!&&in& !n +e

    %!ssi$ied !s the deter#iner o$ %o2 "ro$iien)7 It is there$ore "ossi+%e th!t !

    &r!##!ti!%%) "ro$iient indiidu!% 2i%% uti%i=e !%% the Intr!sententi!% CS t)"es e%udin&

    De$iien)-drien F%!&&in&7 A stud) th!t sho2ed si#i%!r resu%ts is o$ S!%eh 3!s ited +)

    T!2ee% ? (toosh5 ,1,4 2here ! hi&h "ro$iien) in the seond %!n&u!&e resu%ted into !

    !riet) o$ Intr!sententi!% CS t)"es !nd no ourrene o$ intersententi!% CS7 This re"ort

    su""orts Po"%!0 3,B4 2ho st!ted th!t +i%in&u!%s restrit their CS in nu#+er5 t)"e

    !ndor disourse %o!tion !ordin& to their "ro$iien)7

    (o=te"e 3,94 noted th!t in order to $u%%) deter#ine 2h!t t)"e o$ CS is used +)

    the "!rtii"!nt5 it is i#"ort!nt to distin&uish the !ase language 3onsidered !s the

    rei"ient %!n&u!&e45 2hih is the #!in %!n&u!&e in ! ode-s2ithed utter!ne to 2hih !

    #!*orit) o$ "hono%o&i!% !nd #or"ho%o&i!% $e!tures o$ disourse !n +e !ttri+utedJ

    3"7647 C!ntone 3,94 st!ted th!t the +!se %!n&u!&e !n +e deter#ined +) the 2ord order

    "ro#inent in the sentene5 to 2hih the rest o$ the ode-s2ithed "!rts !dhere7 This

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    i#"%ies th!t +oth L1 !nd L, !n sere !s the +!se %!n&u!&e5 de"endin& on the struture o$

    the sentene7 Findin&s o$ C!ntone;s rese!rh i%%ustr!ted th!t !d*eties !nd "re"ositions

    deter#ined the +!se %!n&u!&e inste!d o$ the nouns th!t $o%%o2ed it7 Aordin& to (!0us

    !nd Dor%ei*n 3,45 the "reious%) #entioned do#in!ne o$ one %!n&u!&edurin& CS is

    !%%ed insertional CS7 It is "ossi+%e thou&h th!t +oth %!n&u!&e strutures !re e'u!%%) !t

    "%!) durin& ! s2ith !nd this is ter#ed !s alternational CS7 In this !se5 the t2o %!n&u!&e

    strutures oner&e in suh ! 2!) th!t the do#in!ne o$ one %!n&u!&e isundistin&uish!+%e7 Po"%!0 !nd S!n0o$$ 3!s ited +) Ad!#ou5 ,14 st!te th!t si#i%!r

    %!n&u!&es5 there$ore5 2ou%d "rodue !%tern!tion!% CS 2here!s t)"o%o&i!%%) distint

    %!n&u!&es 2i%% #ost%) uti%i=e insertion!% CS7 Aordin& to (u&!)on& 3,1145 usin&

    En&%ish !s ! +!se %!n&u!&e 2!s #ore o##on in e-#!i%s 2ith 1,B ourrenes th!n usin&

    Fi%i"ino !s ! +!se %!n&u!&e5 2hih on%) h!d ourenes7

    The +!se %!n&u!&e h!s its roots in the M!tri L!n&u!&e Fr!#e 3MLF4 #ode%

    onstruted +) M)ers-Sotton7 The MLF #ode% !do!tes the i#"ort!ne o$ one"ts

    $or#ed in the #ore do#in!nt %!n&u!&e 3!%%ed the M!tri L!n&u!&e4 th!t onerse%)

    !$$ets the %ess do#in!nt one 3E#+edded L!n&u!&e4 3N!#+!5 n7d747 The M!tri %!n&u!&e

    is there$ore si#i%!r 2ith the +!se %!n&u!&e7 Ho2eer5 $or the "ur"oses o$ this stud)5 the

    %!tter ter# 2!s used7

    CS !n either +e in s"o0en or 2ritten $ro# 3(ist!5 ,147 For "!st CS studies5

    #ost #ethods o$ d!t! &!therin& 2ere done throu&h tr!nsri+in& or!% res"onses o$

    "!rtii"!nts7 This is +e!use5 in s"o0en disourse5 "!rtii"!nts tend to ode-s2ith #ore

    usin& di$$erent !rieties !nd %ee%s o$ CS 3C!%%!h!n !s ited +) @!%!%5 ,147 Whi%e 2ritten

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    CS is sti%% onsidered !s under-rese!rhed5 Se++!;s 3,94 stud) on%uded th!t the

    oners!tion!% tone used in s"o0en CS !n +e !hieed in !uthenti $or#s o$ 2ritten CS

    suh !s e-#!i%s5 h!ts5 et7 2here the s"!e is usu!%%) unre&u%!ted7 This 2i%% "ro#"t #ore

    use o$ CS !#on& the "!rtii"!nts th!n th!t o$ re&u%!ted $or#!% 2ritin&7 Aordin& to

    C!rden!s-C%!ros !nd Ish!r)!nti 3,45 the #!in di$$erene +et2een 2ritten !nd s"o0en

    CS is th!t Written %!n&u!&e tends to2!rds strutur!% o#"%eit)5 $or#!%it) !nd

    !+str!tion 2hi%e s"o0en %!n&u!&e is #ore ontet-de"endent !nd strutur!%%) si#"%erJ3""7 1-,47 M!r0us 3,4 !dds th!t5 !side $ro# !uthentiit)5 s"o0en $or#s !n +e #ore

    "reise th!n 2ritin& in "r!ti!% !""%i!tions5 es"ei!%%) 2hen testin& s)nt!!ti


    As !n o$$shoot o$ the !r&u#ent re&!rdin& s"o0en !nd 2ritten CS5 the o#"uter-

    #edi!ted o##uni!tion 3CMC4 2!s #!de in order to !'uire the !d!nt!&es o$ +oth

    $or#s7 Dor%ei*n !nd Nortier 3,4 desri+e it !s ! h)+rid +et2een s"e!0in& !nd

    2ritin&J 3"7 1,4 +e!use it h!s the oneniene !nd the hi&her-onsious CS "rodution

    o$ the 2ritten $or# !s 2e%% !s the !uthentiit) o$ the s"o0en7 There !re three t)"es o$

    CMCs 2hih !re e-#!i%5 h!t !nd $oru#7 A#on& these5 $oru#s o$$er the #ost !d!nt!&es

    sine the) !re e!si%) o+t!in!+%e5 e!s) to store5 #!ni"u%!+%e5 dierse in tet t)"e5 in$or#!%

    o%%o'ui!%5 "ossi+%) inter!tion!% !nd the) o$$er %on&hitudin!% d!t!7 Considerin& the

    resoures5 the stud) uti%i=ed 2ritten CS 2ith !n in$or#!% "ro#"t th!t #i#i0ed the tone

    used in e-#!i%s7

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    In su##!r)5 reent st!te o$ rese!rh h!s $ound th!t ode-s2ithin& !nd

    &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) +oth onern +i%in&u!%is# !nd the use o$ &r!##!r5 s"ei$i!%%)


    (i%in&u!%is#is ! n!tur!% ourrene in o##unities e"osed to t2o %!n&u!&es

    %i0e the Phi%i""ines5 eentu!%%) $or#in& the o%%o'ui!% CS %!n&u!&e Taglish7 It 2!s

    est!+%ished5 throu&h neuro%o&i!% !n!%)ses5 th!t !&e 6 2!s the deter#in!nt o$ the t)"e o$

    +i%in&u!% one !n +e7 Those 2ho !'uire their L, +e$ore !&e 6 2ou%d +e %!ssi$ied !sEarly Bilinguals2hi%e those 2ho !'uire their L, !$ter !&e 6 +eo#eLate Bilinguals7

    This diision +et2een the +i%in&u!% o##unit) is eident in "ri!te !nd "u+%i shoo%s

    2here $!tors suh !s soio-eono#i st!tus5 te!her-re%!ted $!tors5 in!de'u!te %e!rnin&

    #!teri!%s !nd the short !nd on&ested shoo% urriu%u# on$ir#s the %!n&u!&e &!"

    +et2een the t2o &rou"s7

    Gr!##!ti!% "ro$iien)5 thou&h se%do# diret%) tested5 is the under%)in&

    o#"onent o$ %!n&u!&e "roessin& th!t deter#ines the %e!rner;s !+i%it) to orret%) re%!)

    in$or#!tion7 Rese!rh indi!tes th!t s)nt!ti e%e#ents not on%) !r) in %ei!% densit)

    +ut !%so in the $re'uen) o$ use7 Seer!% studies h!e !%so sho2n th!t there is ! %ose %in0

    +et2een &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd s)nt!ti sensitiit)5 !s "roen +) neuro%o&i!%

    !n!%)sis7 (!sed $ro# this5 it 2!s $ound th!t the t2o %!n&u!&e strutures %e!rned +) the

    +i%in&u!% shou%d +e onsidered sine the) $untion in "!r!%%e%7 Ho2eer5 sine #!ster) o$

    L1 $o%%o2s 2ith the #!ster) o$ L,5 &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) tests 2ou%d +e +etter direted

    to2!rd the L,7

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    On the other h!nd5 studies on CS see0 to e"%!in the s)ste# +ehind the t2o

    %!n&u!&e strutures !nd ho2 the) !re #ied to&ether7 Here5 the !ase languagethe #!in

    %!n&u!&e s)ste# in$%uenin& the CS $or#!tionis the +!sis $or !n!%)sin& !n) CS

    ourrene7 Th!t +ein& s!id5 +oth L1 !nd L, !n !%tern!te%) st!nd !s the +!se %!n&u!&e

    durin& CS5 es"ei!%%) 2hen +oth %!n&u!&es !re dee"%) inte&r!ted !nd 2ide%)-used in !

    o##unit) suh !s th!t o$ Phi%i""ines7 Ho2eer5 $or #ost "!rt o$ the Phi%i""ines5 CS h!s

    +een dis#issed !s ! resu%t o$ %in&uisti de$iien) +ut reent studies h!e "roedother2ise7 Its %in0s to &r!##!r h!e +een est!+%ished in &ener!% suh th!t CS ourrenes

    !n no2 +e %!ssi$ied !ordin& to its "!tterns7 He!i%) re%)in& on s)nt!ti "!tterns5

    Intr!sententi!% CS is the #ost une"%ored t)"e7 Its su+t)"es in%ude Smooth CS5&lagging

    3eitherfunctionalor deficiency-driven45 Constituent %nsertion!nd(once Borrowing7

    Whi%e #ost rese!rhes h!e est!+%ished CS !nd its %in0s to &r!##!r5 none h!e sou&ht to

    $ind s"ei$i onnetions +et2een &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd the t)"es o$

    Intr!sententi!% CS7

    $heoretical )ramewor#

    Eui%alence Constraint theory.

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    Seer!% rese!rhers h!e !%re!d) !ttri+uted the s)ste# o$ CS to the &r!##!ti!%

    struture o$ +oth %!n&u!&es7 The #ost "ro#inent !#on& the# is the E'ui!%ene

    onstr!int +) Po"%!0 3147 The ter# e*uivalenceis deried $ro# the "re#ise th!t

    s2ithes our the "!rtiu%!r "!rt o$ the sentene 2here ! si#i%!rit) +et2een t2o

    %!n&u!&es !n +e $ound5 2hih "roides ! &!te2!) $or the h!n&e in the &r!##!ti!%

    struture 2ithout !$$etin& the #e!nin& re%!)ed +) !d*!ent onstituents7

    In the ourse o$ Po"%!0;s rese!rh5 the e'ui!%ene onstr!int 2!s &ien #oree#"h!sis !s she %isted th!t t)"es th!t !dhered to it7 A#on& the Intr!sententi!% CS t)"es5

    on%) S#ooth CS5 Constituent Insertion !nd None (orro2in& 2ere in !ord!ne 2ith

    the #entioned theor) 2here!s F%!&&ed CS dei!ted $ro# this onstr!int7 Po"%!0 31.4

    st!ted5 Code-s2ithin& S#ooth CS5 Constituent Insertion !nd None (orro2in& !re !%%

    3"otenti!%%)4 2!)s o$ !%tern!tin& t2o %!n&u!&es s#ooth%)2ithin the sentene !nd in this5

    !%% ontr!st 2ith F%!&&ed s2ithin&J 3"7,14

    Aside $ro# !n!%)=in& the di$$erent "!tterns o$ ode-s2ithin&5 Po"%!0 o#"!red

    the "!rtii"!nts; %in&uisti $%uen) to the #!*or ode-s2ithin& t)"es $ound in the stud)7

    The $indin& $or this "!rt o$ the rese!rh i#"%ies th!t $%uent +i%in&u!%s tend to use

    Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& 2hi%e non-$%uent +i%in&u!%s o"ted to ode-s2ith #ore

    intersententi!%%)7 Po"%!05 ho2eer5 did not !d#inister ! test th!t 2ou%d s"ei$i!%%)

    #e!sure &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien)7 R!ther5 "!rtii"!nts 2ere se%eted +!sed on their !&e o$

    !rri!% in the :nited St!tes !s 2e%% !s their do#in!nt %!n&u!&e o$ use7

    $ypes of Intrasentential Code-Switching in $aglish.

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    In their !rti%e in Soio%in&uistis/ An Intern!tion!% H!nd+oo0 o$ the Siene o$

    L!n&u!&e !nd Soiet)J5 Po"%!0 !nd S!n0o$$ 3!s ited +) (!utist!5 14 !te&ori=ed the

    t)"es o$ Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& into $our/ Smooth CS5&lagged CS5(once

    Borrowing !nd Constituent %nsertion7

    Fro# the ter# itse%$5 Smooth CSre$ers to the 0ind o$ s2ithin& th!t !dheres to the

    &r!##!ti!% struture o$ +oth %!n&u!&es suh th!t its ourene see#s n!tur!% !nd

    s#ooth7 In ontr!st5&lagged CSdr!2s !ttention to the s2ith sites5 o$ten ourrin& in the$or# o$ re"etition5 #et!%in&uisti o##ent!r)5 et7 Sine the s2ith +eo#es notie!+%e

    !nd unn!tur!% durin& F%!&&in&5 it is +e%ieed to +e the resu%t o$ either de$iien) or

    "ro$iien) 3done to !dd !n !rtisti e$$et47 These t2o t)"es o$ F%!&&in& !re ter#ed

    )eficiency-driven &lagging!nd&unctional &lagging5 res"etie%)7 For the "ur"oses o$

    this stud)5 the #entioned t)"es o$ F%!&&in& 2ere t!0en !s se"!r!te Intr!sententi!% CS

    t)"es7 The third t)"e o$ CS is Constituent %nsertion2here+) ! &r!##!ti!% onstituent

    3t!& e"ressions5 en%itis !nd !der+i!%s4 $ro# one %!n&u!&e is inserted into the other

    %!n&u!&e5 )et its "osition 2ithin the sentene de"ends on the &r!##!r o$ its ori&in7

    L!st%)5(once Borrowingino%es the insertion o$ ! sin&%e $orei&n 2ord th!t is not

    2ides"re!d in the other %!n&u!&e7

    (!utist! 314 !d!"ted the $our Intr!sententi!% t)"es o$ CS into T!&%ish7 In this

    stud)5 the T!&%ish "!tterns 2ere &rou"ed !ordin& to e!h t)"e !nd 2ere &ien +rie$

    e"%!n!tions7 Thou&h #ost o$ the e'ui!%ene onstr!ints 2ere !""%i!+%e to the #iin&

    o$ T!&!%o& !nd En&%ish5 (!utist! $ound out th!t T!&%ish is !"!+%e o$ re!tin& other

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    "!tterns th!t ontr!dit 2ith the "reious theor)7 For S#ooth CS5 the $o%%o2in& reisions

    2ere "ro"osed +) (!utist!/

    17 For ! T!&%ish >SOS>O "!ir5 s2ithes !n our +et2een Su+*et !nd >er+

    3or ie-ers!47,7 S2ithin& !n our +et2een ! T!&!%o& er+ !nd !n En&%ish su+*et7.7 The O+*et !nnot +e ! s2ith "oint in T!&!%o&-En&%ish CS +e!use o$ their

    deter#iners7B7 En&%ish 2ords !n +e s)nt!ti!%%) !nd #or"ho%o&i!%%) inte&r!ted into


    L!st%)5 in re%!tion to the identi$i!tion o$ none or %ei!% +orro2in&5 (!utist!

    314 "ro"osed th!t the 2ord order +e e!#ined7 She st!tes th!t the +!se %!n&u!&e 2i%%

    !%2!)s +e the %!n&u!&e $ro# 2hih the 2ord order is +!sed !nd it is $ro# this th!t 2e

    deter#ine the None (orro2in&s or the %ei!% +orro2in&s7

    This rese!rh #!de use o$ the #entioned theories in order to !sert!in the

    re%!tionshi" +et2een &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd ode-s2ithin&7 The one"t o$ CS

    +ein& "ro$iien) or de$iien)-drien 2i%% &uide this rese!rh into !ssi&nin& "ro$iien)

    %ee%s $or e!h t)"e o$ Intr!sententi!% CS7 Aside $ro# this5 the ne2 T!&%ish "!tterns

    "roided +) (!utist! in her "!"er Another Loo0 !t T!&!%o&-En&%ish Code-S2ithin&J

    314 2i%% sere !s ! +!sis in !te&ori=in& the "!rtii"!nts; use o$ CS7

    Conceptual )ramewor#

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    &igure +.En&%ish Gr!##!ti!% Pro$iien) !nd Intr!sententi!% Code-s2ithin& o$Se%eted E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s

    This rese!rh $oused on est!+%ishin& the %in0 +et2een &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien)

    !nd ode-s2ithin& 3CS4 !#on& E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s 2ho "ure%) o#e $ro# "ri!te

    !nd "u+%i hi&h shoo%s5 res"etie%)7 In order to !'uire the d!t!5 students $ro# +oth

    +i%in&u!% &rou"s 2ere &ien !n En&%ish &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) test5 2hih indi!ted

    their "ro$iien) %ee%s7 The s!#e &rou"s 2ere !%so &ien !n ess!) 2ritin& test $ro#

    Late Bilinguals

    3Pu+%i Hi&h Shoo% Students4

    Early Bilinguals

    3Pri!te Hi&h Shoo% Students4


    riting $est


    Proficiency $est

    SEC/0' L"0G1"GE




    Hi&h Pro$iien) Lo2 Pro$iien)

    B"SE L"0G1"GE

    L1 3T!&!%o&4 L, 3En&%ish4 (oth 3L1 ? L,4


    C/'E-SI$C3I0G &/'ES


    -S#ooth CS-Funtion!% F%!&&in&

    -Constituent Insertions-None (orro2in&


    -De$iien)-drien F%!&&in&

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    2hih the CS ourrenes 2ere o+t!ined7 E!h ourrene 2!s then &rou"ed !ordin& to

    the +!se %!n&u!&e used7 This ste" 2!s rui!% in deter#inin& the #ode o$ CS th!t e!h

    ourrene $e%% under7 The resu%ts o$ the t2o tests 2ere then o#"!red to e!h other +)

    $irst %usterin& the "!rtii"!nts $ro# e!h +i%in&u!% &rou" !ordin& to their "ro$iien)

    %ee% then !n!%)=in& the $re'uen) o$ e!h o$ their CS #odes7 The resu%ts $ro# the

    &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) test !nd the Intr!sententi!% CS !n!%)sis o$ the ess!)s then

    +e!#e the +!sis $or orre%!tin& seond %!n&u!&e &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !ndIntr!sententi!% CS !s 2e%% !s $or o#"!rin& the e!r%) !nd %!te +i%in&u!% &rou"s7

    Statement of the Pro!lem

    The stud) intended to est!+%ish the onnetion +et2een the &r!##!ti!%

    "ro$iien) !nd the Intr!sententi!% Code-S2ithin& o$ se%eted E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s7

    S"ei$i!%%)5 it !ns2ered the $o%%o2in& 'uestions/

    17 Wh!t is the En&%ish &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) o$ the res"ondentsU,7 Wh!t is the $re'uen) o$ the Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& #odes used +) the

    res"ondentsU!7 Pro$iien)-drien Intr!sententi!% CS

    - S#ooth CS- Funtion!% F%!&&in&- Constituent Insertions-

    None (orro2in&+7 De$iien)-drien Intr!sententi!% CS- De$iien)-drien F%!&&in&

    4. Is there ! si&ni$i!nt re%!tionshi" +et2een En&%ish &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien)

    !nd Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin&U

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    B7 Is there ! si&ni$i!nt di$$erene in the Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& +et2een

    "!rtii"!nts 2ith hi&h !nd %o2 &r!##!ti!% "ro$iieniesU97 Is there ! si&ni$i!nt di$$erene in the Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& +et2een

    E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%sU


    The stud) set $orth the nu%% h)"otheses 2hih 2ere tested !t 79 %ee% o$


    3o56There is no si&ni$i!nt re%!tionshi" +et2een &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd

    Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& o$ E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s7

    3a56There is ! si&ni$i!nt re%!tionshi" +et2een &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd

    Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& o$ E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s7

    3o76There is no si&ni$i!nt di$$erene in the Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& +et2een

    "!rtii"!nts 2ith hi&h !nd %o2 &r!##!ti!% "ro$iienies

    3a76There is ! si&ni$i!nt di$$erene in the Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& +et2een

    "!rtii"!nts 2ith hi&h !nd %o2 &r!##!ti!% "ro$iienies

    3o46There is no si&ni$i!nt di$$erene in the Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& +et2een

    E!r%) !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s7

    3a46There is ! si&ni$i!nt di$$erene in the Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& +et2een E!r%)

    !nd L!te (i%in&u!%s7

    Scope and Limitations

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    This orre%!tion!% stud) !i#ed to deter#ine the re%!tionshi" +et2een &r!##!ti!%

    "ro$iien) !nd Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& o$ se%eted +i%in&u!%s 2ho h!e +een

    "ure%) e"osed to either the "ri!te or the "u+%i shoo% s)ste# sine the +e&innin& o$

    their edu!tion7 Hene5 the !ri!+%es 2ere +i%in&u!%is#5 &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) !nd

    Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin&7 Whi%e &r!##!r 2!s $oused on the res"ondents; seond

    %!n&u!&e 3En&%ish45 the ode-s2ithin& ourrenes 2ere ounted !ordin& to the

    eistin& T!&%ish "!tterns7 To test &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien)5 the rese!rh #!de use o$ theM!!striht :niersit) L!n&u!&e Centre5 En&%ish De"!rt#ent En&%ish Di!&nosti Test

    3>ersion ,5 St!nd!rd47 On the other h!nd5 the $re'uen) ount o$ the Intr!sententi!% ode-

    s2ithes 2!s o+t!ined throu&h !n ess!) 2ritin& !tiit)7 The "!rtii"!nts; res"onses 2ere

    "ro#"ted +)/ 314 A tehni!% to"i !nd 3,4 ! "erson!% to"i7 The !d#inisterin& o$ t2o

    tests h!""ened on @u%) , !nd Au&ust ,7 The $irst d!te 2!s !%%otted $or the %!te +i%in&u!%

    &rou" $ro# Pu&!d L!2in Hi&h Shoo% 3"u+%i4 in

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    "resent stud) &ien th!t its onern %ies so%e%) on theswitch sites5 2hih !re essenti!% in

    identi$)in& the Intr!sententi!% CS t)"e +ein& used7

    Significance of the Study

    This rese!rh $oused on the re%!tionshi" +et2een the ode-s2ithin& "heno#en!

    !nd &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) in order to !sert!in its ontri+ution to %!n&u!&e e!%u!tion

    inside the +i%in&u!% %!ssroo#7School administrators.

    The !e"t!ne o$ CS !s !n eidene o$ %e!rnin& 2i%% )ie%d to ! #ore in%usie

    +i%in&u!% edu!tion "ro&r!# !nd 2i%% ino%e the "!rtii"!tion o$ #ore students7 (e!use

    o$ this5 shoo% !d#inistr!tors 2i%% +e &ien ! #ore ho%isti o+ser!tion o$ the En&%ish

    %!n&u!&e %!ssroo#5 un%i0e in ! shoo% 2ith !n En&%ish-on%) "o%i) 2here the +u%0 o$ the

    %!n&u!&e "rodution on%) o#es $ro# ! $e2 $%uent En&%ish s"e!0ers7 In the s!#e sense5

    %!ss o+ser!tions 2i%% !%so )ie%d to #ore !ur!te te!her e!%u!tions7

    $eachers of English-as-a-Second-Language +ESL,.

    () inesti&!tin& the %ee%s o$ "ro$iien) ehi+ited in e!h t)"e o$ Intr!sententi!%

    CS5 inst!nes o$ ode-s2ithin& !n no2 +e used !s ! t)"e o$ $or#!tie !ssess#ent

    inste!d o$ +ein& dis#issed !s !n indi!tor o$ de$iien)7 In !ddition5 $uture %!n&u!&e

    "ro&r!#s !n +e re!ted 2here students 2i%% +e t!u&ht to #!ster the one"ts o$ &r!##!r

    usin& CS or #!0e !n interention "ro&r!# th!t 2ou%d $!i%it!te the se"!r!te #!ster) o$

    L1 !nd L, +) "in"ointin& the reurrin& CS sites !nd t)"es o$ the +i%in&u!%s7


  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    Aside $ro# edu!tors5 students 2ho !re dr!2n +!0 +) %!0 o$ En&%ish 2ords !n

    sti%% +e "ereied !s &r!##!ti!%%) o#"etent7 I$ the $indin&s o$ this rese!rh 2i%% +e

    inor"or!ted in the %!ssroo#5 #ore students 2i%% +e !+%e to reite !nd "r!tie their

    #!ster) in &r!##!r 2hi%e the) !re sti%% $!#i%i!ri=in& the#se%es 2ith the En&%ish

    o!+u%!r)7 The) 2i%% !%so +e !+%e to $ous on hi&her-%ee% %e!rnin& t!s0s sine the +!rrier

    o$ L, de$iien) is out o$ the 2!)7

    'efinition of $erms

    Base language.

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    Aodin& to (o=te"e 3,94 (!se L!n&u!&e is the #!in %!n&u!&e in ! ode-

    s2ithed utter!ne to 2hih ! #!*orit) o$ "hono%o&i!% !nd#or"ho%o&i!% $e!tures o$

    disourse !n +e !ttri+utedJ 3"7647

    O"er!tion!%%)5 the s!#e de$inition is !d!"ted e%udin& "hono%o&)7 The +!se

    %!n&u!&e $or this stud) !n either +e T!&!%o& 3the $irst %!n&u!&e4 or En&%ish 3the seond

    %!n&u!&e45 de"endin& on the s)nt! used7


    Aordin& to Gros*e!n 3!s ited +) Sherer5 Fonse! ? Ans!%do5 ,145 !

    !ilingualre$ers to one 2ho uses t2o %!n&u!&es to $!i%it!te o##uni!tion5 re&!rd%ess o$

    the ontet7

    The s!#e de$inition is used to re$er to Fi%i"inos 2ho use T!&!%o& !nd En&%ish

    !%tern!tie%) in their s"eeh7

    Code-switching +CS,.

    Code-s2ithin&5 !s Po"%!0 3,B4 de$ined5 is the utter!ne-intern!%

    *ut!"osition5 in uninte&r!ted $or#5 o$ oert %in&uisti e%e#ents $ro# t2o or #ore

    %!n&u!&es5 2ith no neess!r) h!n&e o$ inter%outor or to"iJ 3"7 147

    O"er!tion!%%)5 the ter# is used to re$er to the "roess o$ s2ithin& $ro# one

    %!n&u!&e to !nother in &ener!%7 The !++rei!ted $or# CS is used +) #ost rese!rhers in

    the $ie%d o$ %in&uistis so the s!#e $or# 2i%% +e !d!"ted in this stud)7

    Constituent Insertion.

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    The !t o$ insertin& ! &r!##!ti!% onstituent $ro# one %!n&u!&e into ! s)nt!ti

    s%ot #!de $or the other %!n&u!&e 3Po"%!05 ,B47

    In this stud)5 Constituent Insertions !re de$ined in the s!#e 2!)5 s"ei$i!%%) in

    re$erene to !der+i!%s5 t!&-e"ressions !nd non-ontent 2ords7


    Constr!int is ! ter# th!t re$ers to %i#it!tion or restrition 3Retried $ro#

    htt"/dition!r)7re$erene7o#+ro2seonstr!intUsVt47In the o"er!tion!% sense5 ! onstr!int is ! &ener!% s)nt!ti ru%e in ode-s2ithin&

    #!de u" +) the si#i%!rities +et2een t2o %!n&u!&es7

    Early Bilingual

    E!r%) (i%in&u!%s !re "eo"%e 2ho !'uired ! seond %!n&u!&e +e$ore !&e 6

    3Genesee5 et !%7 !s ited +) F!! ? Hu%%5 ,147

    O"er!tion!%%)5 E!r%) (i%in&u!%s !re desri+ed to h!e !'uired their seond

    %!n&u!&e !t the s!#e !&e r!n&e 3$ro# -6 )e!rs o%d45 usu!%%) een +e$ore the) entered

    shoo% throu&h etensie use !t ho#e or throu&h their e"osure to #edi!7 The rese!rher

    !%so ru%ed out the "ossi+i%it) o$ !ttrition in the E!r%) (i%in&u!%s 2ho 2i%% "!rtii"!te in the


    )irst Language +L5,.

    In %in&uistis5 $irst %!n&u!&e is the n!tie %!n&u!&e !'uired +) !n indiidu!%

    3Retrieed $ro# htt"/thes!urus7o#+ro2se$irst%!n&u!&eUsVt47

    For this stud)5 the $irst %!n&u!&e o$ the "!rtii"!nts is T!&!%o& or #ore o$$ii!%%)

    0no2n !s Fi%i"ino !nd the !++rei!tionL+2!s used to re$er to it7
  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    )lagged code-switching.

    The onstr!int 2here s2ithes dr!2 !ttention to the s2ith sites throu&h

    re"etition5 #et!%in&uisti o##ent!r) !nd other 2!)s th!t5 in ontr!st 2ith S#ooth CS5

    #!0e the s2ith notie!+%e 3Po"%!05 ,B47

    O"er!tion!%%)5 F%!&&ed ode-s2ithin& 2!s used !s ! &ener!% ter# to ite its t2o

    t)"es/ Funtion!% F%!&&in& or De$iien)-drien F%!&&in&7 The $irst t)"e is used !s ! $or#

    o$ !rtisti e"ression 2hi%e the %!tter is ! resu%t o$ &r!##!ti!% de$iienies7Grammar.

    Aordin& to roe&er 3,945 &r!##!r is the set o$ ru%es $or !%% strutur!%

    "ro"erties o$ ! %!n&u!&e5 2hih intends to desri+e its sentene "!tterns7

    The rese!rher used the ter# to re$er to the %!n&u!&e struture th!t t2o %!n&u!&es

    !dhere to7 Gr!##!r !s used in this stud) &ies #ore e#"h!sis on the ru%es r!ther th!n the

    s"ei$i e%e#ents th!t o#"rise it7

    Grammatical proficiency.

    Gr!##!ti!% "ro$iien) is the !+i%it) to uti%i=e !%% strutur!% "ro"erties o$ !

    %!n&u!&e ee"t sound struture7 It intends to desri+e the 2ord !nd sentene "!tterns o$

    ! %!n&u!&e +) $or#u%!tin& ! set o$ ru%es 3roe&er5 ,947 In !ddition5 &r!##!ti!%

    "ro$iien) is the e"%iit !2!reness o$ ho2 %!n&u!&e 2or0s7 Moreoer5 the ter#

    proficiencyis "re$erred oer competencesine the %!tter is !%2!)s "er$or#ed 3Sh!n0%in5


    In the s!#e sense5 &r!##!ti!% "ro$iien) in this stud) 2!s t!0en !s !n

    indiidu!% !ri!+%e th!t is #e!sur!+%e throu&h ! test !nd !n +e h)"otheti!%%) "er$or#ed

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Bilinguals Second Language Grammatical Proficiency and Intrasentential Code-Switching



    usin& ode-s2ithin&7 Further#ore5 it is the !+i%it) o$ ! +i%in&u!% to uti%i=e strutur!%

    "ro"erties o$ ! %!n&u!&e e%udin& "hono%o&) !nd #or"ho%o&)7

    Intrasentential Code-Switching.

    This is the "roess o$ s2ithin& +et2een t2o %!n&u!&es in one sentene 3(ist!5

    ,147 It t!0es "%!e 2ithin the %!use +ound!r) !nd on%) ours throu&h the shi$t o$

    "hr!ses or indiidu!% 2ords 3H!#ers ? (%!n !s ited +) Du%#5 ,47

    O"er!tion!%%)5 Intr!sententi!% ode-s2ithin& is de$ined the s!#e 2!)7Late !ilingual.

    L!te (i%in&u!%s !re "eo"%e 2ho !'uired ! seond %!n&u!&