serbian (cyrillic) style guide

Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide

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Page 1: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide

Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide

Page 2: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


What's New? .................................................................................................................................... 4

New Topics ................................................................................................................................... 4

Updated Topics ............................................................................................................................ 4

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 6

About This Style Guide ................................................................................................................ 6

Scope of This Document .............................................................................................................. 6

Style Guide Conventions .............................................................................................................. 6

Sample Text ................................................................................................................................. 7

Recommended Reference Material ............................................................................................. 7

Normative References .............................................................................................................. 8

Informative References ............................................................................................................. 8

Language Specific Conventions ...................................................................................................... 9

Country/Region Standards ........................................................................................................... 9

Characters ................................................................................................................................ 9

Date ........................................................................................................................................ 11

Time ........................................................................................................................................ 13

Numbers ................................................................................................................................. 15

Sorting ..................................................................................................................................... 19

Geopolitical Concerns ................................................................................................................ 23

Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions ......................................................................... 24

Adjectives ................................................................................................................................ 24

Articles .................................................................................................................................... 26

Capitalization .......................................................................................................................... 27

Compounds ............................................................................................................................. 28

Gender .................................................................................................................................... 28

Genitive ................................................................................................................................... 29

Modifiers ................................................................................................................................. 30

Nouns ...................................................................................................................................... 31

Prepositions ............................................................................................................................ 33

Pronouns ................................................................................................................................. 33

Punctuation ............................................................................................................................. 34

Singular & Plural ..................................................................................................................... 38

Split Infinitive ........................................................................................................................... 39

Subjunctive ............................................................................................................................. 39

Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces ........................................................................................... 39

Syntax ..................................................................................................................................... 39

Verbs ....................................................................................................................................... 40

Word Order ............................................................................................................................. 41

Style and Tone Considerations .................................................................................................. 42

Audience ................................................................................................................................. 42

Page 3: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide

Style ........................................................................................................................................ 42

Tone ........................................................................................................................................ 43

Voice ....................................................................................................................................... 44

Localization Guidelines .................................................................................................................. 45

General Considerations ............................................................................................................. 45

Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................... 45

Accessibility ............................................................................................................................ 46

Acronyms ................................................................................................................................ 46

Applications, Products, and Features ..................................................................................... 47

Frequent Errors ....................................................................................................................... 47

Glossaries ............................................................................................................................... 48

Fictitious Information ............................................................................................................... 48

Recurring Patterns .................................................................................................................. 48

Standardized Translations ...................................................................................................... 51

Unlocalized Items.................................................................................................................... 51

Using the Word Microsoft ....................................................................................................... 51

Software Considerations ............................................................................................................ 51

User Interface ......................................................................................................................... 52

Messages ................................................................................................................................ 53

Keys ........................................................................................................................................ 57

Document Translation Considerations ....................................................................................... 63

Titles ....................................................................................................................................... 65

Copyright ................................................................................................................................. 66

Page 4: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


What's New?

Last Updated: February 2011

New Topics The following topics were added:

Language Specific Conventions

Geopolitical Concerns






Singular & Plural



Localization Guidelines


Applications, Products, and Features

Frequent Errors


Unlocalized Items

User Interface

Updated Topics The following topics were updated:

Recommended Reference Material

Microsoft User Interface Reference

Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions







Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces

Word Order

Style and Tone Considerations

Localization Guidelines

Page 5: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide




Recurring Patterns

Standardized Translations

Using the Word Microsoft

Software Considerations



Document Translation Considerations

Page 6: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



This Style Guide went through major revision in February 2011 in order to remove outdated and unnecessary

content. Some topics are considered to be "Core & Common" – pertaining to all Microsoft products and services,

while other topics have been added for product-specific purposes. These product-specific topics are in a separate

section at the end of this document.

About This Style Guide The purpose of this Style Guide is to provide everybody involved in the localization of Serbian (Cyrillic) Microsoft

products with Microsoft-specific linguistic guidelines and standard conventions that differ from or are more

prescriptive than those found in language reference materials. These conventions have been adopted after

considering context based on various needs, but above all, they are easy to follow and applicable for all types of

software to be localized.

The Style Guide covers the areas of formatting, grammatical conventions, as well as stylistic criteria. It also

presents the reader with a general idea of the reasoning behind the conventions. The present Style Guide is a

revision of our previous Style Guide version with the intention of making it more standardized, more structured,

and easier to use as a reference.

The guidelines and conventions presented in this Style Guide are intended to help you localize Microsoft products

and materials. We welcome your feedback, questions and concerns regarding the Style Guide. You can send us

your feedback via the Microsoft Language Portal feedback page.

Scope of This Document This Style Guide is intended for the localization professional working on Microsoft products. It is not intended to

be a comprehensive coverage of all localization practices, but to highlight areas where Microsoft has preference

or deviates from standard practices for Serbian (Cyrillic) localization.

Style Guide Conventions In this document, a plus sign (+) before a translation example means that this is the recommended correct

translation. A minus sign (-) is used for incorrect translation examples.

In Microsoft localization context, the word term is used in a slightly untraditional sense, meaning the same as e.g.

a segment in Trados. The distinguishing feature of a term here is that it is translated as one unit; it may be a

traditional term (as used in terminology), a phrase, a sentence, or a paragraph.

References to interface elements really only refer to translatable texts associated with those interface elements.

Example translations in this document are only intended to illustrate the point in question. They are not a source

of approved terminology. Always check for approved translation in the Microsoft terminology database.

Page 7: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Sample Text

Microsoft Business Solutions апликације високо рангиране у независном извештају

У једном независном извештају о апликацијама за управљање пословањем, који је објављен у

децембарском издању базе података Accounting Library за 2004. годину, апликације Microsoft Business

Solutions–Great Plains® и Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision® добиле су признање као врхунски системи

за управљање пословањем. Ово признање почива на комбинацији резултата у три категорије које

Accounting Library прати: „Све функције―, „Основна функционалност― i „Додатна функционалност―. Извештај

годишње прави компанија Solutions, Inc.

SAP-ова апликација BusinessOne рангирана је знатно ниже у односу на Microsoft Great Plains и Microsoft


Accounting Library је база података за избор софтвера која садржи детаљне информације о већини

водећих књиговодствених производа на тржишту.

У категорији „Све функције― Microsoft Navision нашао се на првом месту, са резултатом 2,840/79%. На

другом месту је Microsoft Great Plains са резултатом 2,829/79%. На трећем месту је ACCPAC Advantage

Series Enterprise (2,741/77%).

У категорији „Основна функционалност―, Microsoft Great Plains је на другом месту са резултатом

2,176/80%, а Microsoft Navision на трећем са резултатом 2,164/80%. Први је Epicor (2,177/80%), али са

изузетно малом маргином разлике.

У категорији „Додатна функционалност― Microsoft Great Plains је на другом месту (2,448/68%), а Microsoft

Navision на четвртом са резултатом 2,378/66%. На првом месту је Syspro (2,465/69%), а на трећем Epicor


За више информација обратите нам се телефоном:

0700 300 300 по цени локалног позива из било ког места у Србији, или

+381 11 / 330 5500 за позиве са мобилне мреже и ван националне мреже.

Можете послати и пошту на адресу:

Пера Перић

Microsoft Software д.о.о.

Македонска 30/VI

11000 Београд

Настало 30. новембра 2007. у 16:29.

Recommended Reference Material Use the Serbian (Cyrillic) language and terminology as described and used in the following publications.

Page 8: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Normative References

These normative sources must be adhered to. Any deviation from them automatically fails a string in most cases.

When more than one solution is allowed in these sources, look for the recommended one in other parts of the

Style Guide.

1. Речник српскохрватског књижевног и народног језика, vol. I–XVI, Београд, САНУ, 1959-2001

2. Речник српскохрватскога књижевног језика, vol. 1–6, Нови Сад, Матица српска, 1967-1976

3. Пешикан, Митар и сар., Правопис српскога језика, Нови Сад, Матица српска, 1993 or later edition

4. Стевановић, Михаило, Савремени српски језик И, 3. изд., Београд, Научна књига, 1975 or later


5. Стевановић, Михаило, Савремени српски језик ИИ, 2. изд., Београд, Научна књига, 1974 or later


6. Клајн, Иван, Творба речи у савременом српском језику И, Слагање и префиксација, Београд –

Нови Сад, Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства – Институт за српски језик САНУ – Матица

српска, 2002

7. Станојчић, Живојин/Поповић, Љубомир, Граматика српскога језика, Београд, Завод за уџбенике и

наставна средства, 2002 or later edition

Informative References

These sources are meant to provide supplementary information, background, comparison, etc.

1. Клајн Иван, Речник језичких недоумица, 3. изд., Београд, Нолит, 1992 or later edition

2. Ивић, Павле и сар., Језички приручник, Београд, Радио-телевизија Београд, 1991

3. Рачунарски речник, Београд, CET, 1999

4. Тасић, Вера/Бауер, Иван, Речник компјутерских термина, 4. изд., Београд, Микро књига, 2001

Page 9: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Language Specific Conventions

This part of the style guide contains information about standards specific to Serbian (Cyrillic).

Country/Region Standards


Country/region Republic of Serbia

Lower-case characters а, б, в, г, д, ђ, е, ж, з, и, ј, к, л, љ, м, н, њ, о, п, р, с, т, ћ, у, ф, х, ц, ч, џ, ш

Upper-case characters А, Б, В, Г, Д, Ђ, Е, Ж, З, И, Ј, К, Л, Љ, М, Н, Њ, О, П, Р, С, Т, Ћ, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч,

Џ, Ш

Characters in caseless

scripts n/a

Extended Latin characters n/a

Note on alphabetical order Alphabetical order is indicative of sorting order.

Total number of characters 30

Unicode codes

А 0410

а 0430

Б 0411

б 0431

В 0412

в 0432

Г 0413

г 0433

Д 0414

д 0434

Ђ 0402

ђ 0452

Е 0415

е 0435

Page 10: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Country/region Republic of Serbia

Ж 0416

ж 0436

З 0417

з 0437

И 0418

и 0438

Ј 0408

ј 0458

К 041A

к 043A

Л 041B

л 043B

Љ 0409

љ 0459

М 041C

м 043C

Н 041D

н 043D

Њ 040A

њ 045A

О 041E

о 043E

П 041F

п 043F

Р 0420

р 0440

С 0421

с 0441

Page 11: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Country/region Republic of Serbia

Т 0422

т 0442

Ћ 040B

ћ 045B

У 0423

у 0443

Ф 0424

ф 0444

Х 0425

х 0445

Ц 0426

ц 0446

Ч 0427

ч 0447

Џ 040F

џ 045F

Ш 0428

ш 0448

Notes n/a


Country/region Republic of Serbia

Calendar/Era Gregorian

First Day of the Week Monday

First Week of the Year Starts on Jan 1st

Separator . (period)

Default Short Date

Format d. M. yyyy.

Page 12: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Country/region Republic of Serbia

Example 17. 3. 2011.

Default Long Date Format d. MMMM yyyy.

Example 17. март 2011.

Additional Short Date

Format 1 n/a

Example n/a

Additional Short Date

Format 2 n/a

Example n/a

Additional Long Date

Format 1 dddd, d. MMMM yyyy.

Example среда, 17. март 2011.

Additional Long Date

Format 2 n/a

Example n/a

Leading Zero in Day Field

for Short Date Format no

Leading Zero in Month

Field for Short Date



No. of digits for year for

Short Day Format 4

Leading Zero in Day Field

for Long Date Format no

Leading Zero in Month

Field for Long Date



Number of digits for year

for Long Day Format 4

Date Format for

Correspondence d. M. yyyy.

Example 17. 3. 2011.

Page 13: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Country/region Republic of Serbia

Notes n/a

Abbreviations in Format


d is for day, number of d's indicates the format (d = digits without leading zero, dd =

digits with leading zero, ddd = the abbreviated day name, dddd = full day name)

M is for month, number of M's gives number of digits. (M = digits without leading

zero, MM = digits with leading zero, MMM = the abbreviated name, MMMM = full


y is for year, number of y's gives number of digits (yy = two digits, yyyy = four digits)


Country/region Republic of Serbia

24 hour format yes

Standard time format H:mm:ss

Standard time format

example 8:59:12

Time separator colon (:)

Time separator examples 13:24:12

Hours leading zero no

Hours leading zero example n/a

String for AM designator n/a

String for PM designator n/a

Notes n/a


Country/region: Republic of Serbia

Day Normal Form Abbreviation

Monday понедељак пон.

Tuesday уторак ут.

Wednesday среда ср.

Thursday четвртак чет.

Page 14: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Day Normal Form Abbreviation

Friday петак пет.

Saturday субота суб.

Sunday недеља нед.

First Day of Week: Monday

Is first letter capitalized?: No

Notes: n/a


Country/region: Republic of Serbia

Month Full Form Abbreviated Form Long Date Form

January јануар јан. n/a

February фебруар феб. n/a

March март март n/a

April април апр. n/a

May мај мај n/a

June јун јун n/a

July јул јул n/a

August август авг. n/a

September септембар септ. n/a

October октобар окт. n/a

November новембар нов. n/a

December децембар дец. n/a

Is first letter capitalized?: No

Notes: Roman numerals could be used as month abbreviations. Example: 17. III 2011.

Page 15: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



Phone Numbers









Number of

Digits – Area


Separator Number of

Digits –



Groupings –



of Serbia

381 Yes 2;3 space or



(###) ### ###;

(###) ###-###;

(###) ## ## ##;

(###) ##-##-##;

###/### ###;


###/## ## ##;


### ### ###;

### ###-###;

### ## ## ##;

### ##-##-##;

(###) #### ###;

(###) ####-###;

(###) ### ## ##;

(###) ###-##-

##; ###/###

####; ###/###-

####; ###/###

## ##; ###/###-

##-##; ### ###

####; ### ###-

####; ### ###

## ##; ### ###-




Number of

Digits –




– Local

Number of

Digits – Mobile


Groupings –


Number of

Digits –



Groupings –



of Serbia

6; 7 ### ###;


## ## ##;


### ####;


9; 10 (###) ###

###; (###)


(###) ## ##

##; (###) ##-


11; 12 +381 ## ###

###; +381 ##

###-###; +381

##/### ###;

+381 ##/###-

###; +381 ##

Page 16: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


### ## ##;


###/### ###;


###/## ##

##; ###/##-

##-##; ###

### ###; ###

###-###; ###

## ## ##;

### ##-##-

##; (###)

#### ###;

(###) ####-

###; (###)

### ## ##;

(###) ###-






###/### ##

##; ###/###-

##-##; ###

### ####;

### ###-

####; ###

### ## ##;

### ###-##-


### ####; +381

## ###-####;

+381 ##/###

####; +381



Area code is always preceded by 0 in domestic numbers.

Slash (/) may be used as a separator after area code or after the first three digits of mobile phone


Page 17: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



Country/region: Republic of Serbia

Disclaimer: Please note that the information in this entry should under no circumstances be used in examples as

fictitious information.

Address Format:

1. [Title/Honorific] FirstName LastName

2. [CompanyName]

3. Address1 = StreetName + HouseNumber

4. [Address2]

5. [CountryCode-]PostalCode City

6. [Country]

Example Address:

Др Петар Петровић

Глобтуринг д.о.о.

Јована Јовановића 17

11000 Београд

Local Postal Code Format: xxxxx


[Address2] line is used very rarely

[Country] line is not used in addresses


Country/region Republic of Serbia

Currency Name динар

Currency Symbol дин.

Currency Symbol Position Numeral followed by a space and abbreviation.

Positive Currency Format 1,1 дин.

Negative Sign Symbol

For negative values, the ordinary hyphen accessible on the keyboard

(NOT the en-dash –) is placed before the value (no spaces) as a minus


Negative Currency Format -1,1 дин.

Decimal Symbol , (comma)

Number of Digits after Decimal 2

Digit Grouping Symbol . (period)

Page 18: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Number of Digits in Digit

Grouping 3

Positive Currency Example 123.456.789,00 дин.

Negative Currency Example -123.456.789,00 дин.

ISO Currency Code RSD

Currency Subunit Name пара

Currency Subunit Symbol п.

Currency Subunit Example 50 п.

Digit Groups

Country/region: Republic of Serbia

Decimal Separator: ,

Decimal Separator Description: comma

Decimal Separator Example: 123.456.789,00 and 123.456.789,00 дин.

Thousand Separator: .

Thousand Separator Description: period

Thousand Separator Example: 1.234.256; 123.456 дин.

Notes: Digit grouping symbol (period) is not used if number consists of four digits. Example: 1234,00 дин.

Measurement Units

Metric System Commonly Used?: Yes

Temperature: Celsius

Category English Translation Abbreviation

Linear Measure Kilometer километар км

Meter метар м

Decimeter дециметар дм

Centimeter центиметар цм

Millimeter милиметар мм

Capacity Hectoliter хектолитар хл

Liter литар л

Page 19: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Category English Translation Abbreviation

Deciliter децилитар дл

Centiliter центилитар цл

Milliliter милилитар мл

Mass Ton тона т

Kilogram килограм кг

Pound фунта n/a

Gram грам г

Decigram дециграм дг

Centigram центиграм цг

Milligram милиграм мг

English Units of


Inch инч n/a

Feet стопа n/a

Mile миља n/a

Gallon галон n/a

Notes: If the unit of measure is preceded by a number, there should be a non-breaking space between the

number and the unit of measure: 35 мм, 8 кг, 5000 л


Major percentages format is xx,xx%. For example: 12,34%


Sorting rules

1. Capital letters and lowercase letters are equal. No distinction is made between them.

2. The extended characters are treated as separate letters of the alphabet.

3. Non-alphabetical characters (i.e. symbols like @ ! #) sort before the letters of the alphabet.

4. Digits sort after the non-alphabetical characters and before the letters of the alphabet.

5. Zero comes before 1.


sorting order

А 1040

а 1072

Page 20: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Б 1041

б 1073

В 1042

в 1074

Г 1043

г 1075

Д 1044

д 1076

Ђ 1026

ђ 1106

Е 1045

е 1077

Ж 1046

ж 1078

З 1047

з 1079

И 1048

и 1080

Ј 1032

ј 1112

К 1050

к 1082

Л 1051

л 1083

Љ 1033

љ 1113

М 1052

м 1084

Н 1053

Page 21: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


н 1085

Њ 1034

њ 1114

О 1054

о 1086

П 1055

п 1087

Р 1056

р 1088

С 1057

с 1089

Т 1058

т 1090

Ћ 1035

ћ 1115

У 1059

у 1091

Ф 1060

ф 1092

Х 1061

х 1093

Ц 1062

ц 1094

Ч 1063

ч 1095

Џ 1039

џ 1119

Ш 1064

ш 1096

Page 22: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Examples of

sorted words






Велика Британија






























Page 23: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide












Geopolitical Concerns Part of the cultural adaptation of the US-product to a specific market is the resolving of geopolitical issues. While

the US-product should have been designed and developed with neutrality and a global audience in mind, the

localized product should respond to the particular situation that applies within the target country/region.

Sensitive issues or issues that might potentially be offensive to the users in the target country/region may occur in

any of the following:



Country/region, city and language names

Art and graphics

Cultural content, such as encyclopedia content and other text where historical or political references may


Some of these issues are relatively easy to verify and resolve: the objective should be for the localizer to always

have the most current information available. Maps and other graphic representations of countries/regions and

regions should be checked for accuracy and existing political restrictions. Country/region, city and language

names change on a regular basis and need to be checked, even if previously approved.

A thorough understanding of the culture of the target market is required for checking the appropriateness of

cultural content, clip art and other visual representations of religious symbols, body and hand gestures.


As country/region and city names can change, please use the most up-to-date Serbian (Cyrillic) list for every

release of your product.

Page 24: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Grammar, Syntax & Orthographic Conventions This section includes information on how to apply the general rules of the Serbian (Cyrillic) language to Microsoft

products and documentation.


In Serbian (Cyrillic), adjectives should be handled in the following manner.

Serbian (Cyrillic) adjectives, unlike the English ones, have gender and number and it is impossible to localize

single adjective correctly without having a context or when the context requires the adjective to be in masculine,

feminine or neuter at the same time (this often happens in menus). In these cases use the neuter adjective in

singular, as the most neutral word-form.


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

New (+) Ново

Unknown (+) Непознато

In cases where adjective refers to several nouns of different gender, adjectives should be used in a way that

covers all of them.


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Upload updated photo or video. (+) Отпремите ажурирану фотографију, односно

видео запис.

New product or feature integration (+) Интегрисање новог производа или функције

Possessive adjectives

The frequent use of possessives is a feature of English language. However in Serbian (Cyrillic), possessive

adjectives are handled differently. That is especially the case with possessive adjective your which is usually

omitted in Serbian (Cyrillic). The best way to decide whether it should be kept or omitted is to check the meaning.

If omitting the word your does not affect the meaning, it should be omitted.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Click Discard to discard your changes and edit the

latest version.

(+) Кликните на команду „Одбаци― да бисте

одбацили измене и уредите последњу верзију.

(-) Кликните на команду "Одбаци" да бисте

одбацили ваше измене и уредите последњу

Page 25: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


English Serbian (Cyrillic)


In order to continue using this product, you must

renew your subscription.

(+) Да бисте могли и даље да користите овај

производ, морате да обновите претплату.

(-) Да бисте могли и даље да користите овај

производ, морате да обновите вашу претплату.

In order for your subscription to work properly, your

computer's clock must be set to the correct date.

Please set your clock before continuing.

(+) Да би претплата исправно функционисала, сат

на вашем рачунару мора бити тачно подешен.

Подесите сат пре него што наставите.

(-) Да би ваша претплата исправно

функционисала, сат на вашем рачунару мора бити

тачно подешен. Подесите ваш сат пре него што


According to our records, your last attempt to

download the license failed. Click Next to download

your license now.

(+) Према нашој евиденцији, последњи покушај

преузимања лиценце није успео. Кликните на

дугме „Следеће― да бисте преузели своју лиценцу


(-) Према нашој евиденцији, ваш последњи

покушај преузимања лиценце није успео.

Кликните на дугме „Следеће― да бисте преузели

вашу лиценцу одмах.

Write your letter

(+) Напишите писмо

(-) Напишите ваше писмо

(-) Напишите своје писмо

Compose your document

(+) Саставите документ

(-) Саставите ваш документ

(-) Саставите свој документ

The Serbian (Cyrillic) grammar prescribes that the possessive pronoun свој should be used instead of ваш when

the subject of sentence matches the object.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Click the button below to locate your list of recipients.

(+) Кликните на дугме доле да бисте лоцирали

своју листу прималаца.

(-) Кликните на дугме у наставку да бисте

лоцирали вашу листу прималаца.

Please enter your authentication information. (+) Унесите своје податке за потврду идентитета.

(-) Унесите ваше податке за потврду идентитета.

Page 26: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Preview your letters

(+) Прегледајте своја писма

(-) Прегледајте ваша писма

(-) Прегледајте писма


General considerations

English articles are normally omitted from translation. However, they should be kept when they clarify the


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Select an option from the list. (+) Изаберите неку опцију са листе.

(-) Изаберите опцију са ове листе.

Unlocalized Feature Names

Microsoft product names and non-translated feature names are used without definite or indefinite articles in the

English language. We treat them the same way and we do not use quotation marks.


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Microsoft Silverlight (+) Microsoft Silverlight

Microsoft Office Access 2007 (+) Microsoft Office Access 2007

In Windows Live SkyDrive you can… (+) У услузи Windows Live SkyDrive можете да…

Localized Feature Names

Translated feature names are handled in this way:

In cases when parts of product and feature names are localized, only first word of localized product or feature

name part should be capitalized. In cases when localized product names are used without unlocalizable part, we

use quotation marks.

Page 27: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Windows Live Messenger Call Windows Live Messenger Позив

Windows Live Messenger Video Call Windows Live Messenger Видео позив

Bing comes with many useful enhancements. Mail

lets you check your e-mail directly from your browser

in a snap.

Услуга Bing је опремљена мноштвом корисних

побољшања. Апликација „Пошта― вам омогућава

да за трен ока проверите е-пошту директно у


Articles for English Borrowed Terms

This section does not apply to Serbian (Cyrillic).


In English, it is a general practice to capitalize all first characters of the words in titles, names, etc, and sometimes

middle characters in words too. Bear in mind that this is an error for the Serbian (Cyrillic) texts.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Move Down… (+) Премести надоле...

(-) Премести Надоле...

AutoArchive (+) Аутоматско архивирање

(-) АутоАрхивирање

The names of days, months, languages and adjectives derived from country names are not capitalized. Words

Web and Internet are capitalized in Serbian (Cyrillic) language.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Monday (+) ponedeљак

(-) Понедељак

Serbian (Cyrillic) (+) српски

(-) Српски

Search Web (+) Претражи Веб

(-) Претражи веб

Page 28: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



Generally, compounds should be understandable and clear to the user. Overly long or complex compounds

should be avoided. Keep in mind that unintuitive compounds are ultimately an intelligibility and usability issue.

Word order should be kept in compounds consisting of:

1. adjectival noun used in common collocations (such as Web or Internet) + headword

2. acronym + headword.


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Web page (+) Веб страница

(-) Страница на Вебу

Internet connection (+) Интернет веза

(-) Веза са Интернетом

Word document (+) Word документ

(-) Документ програма Word

HTML file (+) HTML датотека

(-) датотека HTML

Save file in .rtf format. (+) Сачувајте датотеку у .rtf формат.

(-) Сачувајте датотеку у формату .rtf.

RAM memory (+) RAM меморија

(-) Меморија RAM


Try to use gender neutral language whenever possible. Avoid writing sentences that refer to a single person

whose gender is unknown. You can often avoid this situation by rewriting the sentence to make the subject plural.


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

This contact might not respond because his or her

contact is Away.

(+) Можда нећете добити одговор јер је статус

контакта „Одсутан―.

(-) Овај контакт можда неће одговорити јер је

његов/њен статус „Одсутан/Одсутна―.

In cases where you cannot avoid it, such as letters, use suffix /a

Page 29: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Dear Window Live user, Поштовани корисниче услуге Windows Live,



You should not try to transfer word order from English system of compounds which are formed by connecting

nouns and/or adjectives in a row thus forming a long genitive construction. In Serbian (Cyrillic), too long genitive

constructions should be avoided. They should be translated as this:

1. main word (noun) + supporting word(s) in genitive

2. supporting word (noun translated as adjective) + main word in nominative

3. Main word + preposition (за, о etc.) + supporting words in preposition determined case

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Title font color (+) Боја фонта наслова

User name (+) Корисничко име

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services Add-

in patch

(+) Програм за крпљење програмског додатка

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services

Avoid genitive constructions such as од стране. They imply literal translation.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Powered by (+) Обезбеђује

(-) Обезбеђено од стране

Posted by (+) Објавио/ла

(-) Објављено од стране

Convention 1 Attaching a genitive "s" to (trademarked) product names is not feasible, as it could be interpreted as

a modification of such names.


(-) Microsoft‘s products

(+) Microsoft products

(+) Products by Microsoft

Page 30: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



In Serbian (Cyrillic) localized text you often need to use modifiers in cases when you need to decline a term or

component that must not be declined. These are mainly UI items and unlocalizable product names.

1. UI items modifiers. To select a suitable modifier, find out what kind of component is in question. E.g.

menus contain commands rather than functions, etc.

Here‘s an overview of most common UI elements and corresponding translation patterns if UI element in question

is ―Insert‖:

English Serbian (Cyrillic) Part of speech Select/click/in


Button (+) Дугме Verb (imperative mode) Кликните на дугме


Item (+) Ставка Verb (imperative mode) Изаберите ставку


Checkbox (+) Поље за потврду

Verb (imperative mode) Потврдите избор

Уметни / Опозовите

избор Уметни

Radio button (+) Опција Verb (imperative mode) Изаберите опцију


Menu (+) Мени Noun (or gerund) У менију Уметање

изаберите ставку …

Dialog box (+) Дијалог Noun (or gerund) У дијалогу Уметање …

Pane (+) Окно Noun (or gerund) У окну Уметање …

Section (+) Одељак Noun (or gerund) У одељку Уметање …

Tab (+) Картица Noun (or gerund) На картици Уметање …

Group (+) Група Noun (or gerund) У групи Уметање …

2. Product names modifiers. To select a suitable modifier, get to know product in question. Generally

speaking, confusion mainly appears among programs and services. Check if there is an installation file. In

cases where you can use an .exe file to install a product on your local computer, correct modifier is most

likely program/application. If you can use a product on the Web, but you cannot install it locally, the most

likely correct modifier is service. Also, services usually do not have version or edition labels (Windows 7,

Office 2010, Internet Explorer 9).

Page 31: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Here are several common examples:

Product Modifier Comment

Windows opеративни систем Windows is always OS!

Microsoft Office систем

Old modifier was ―programski

paket‖, as it mainly consists out of

various programs such as Word,

PowerPoint etc. However, in the

meantime, Microsoft Office got its

cloud based mirror - Office Online.

Modifier ―system‖ better reflects

new Microsoft Office features.

Microsoft Office Outlook програм Program (e-mail client) is installed


Microsoft Office Outlook Hotmail

Connector програмски додатак

Add-in is installed locally, but it is

not used as a separate program.

Rather, it enhances existing

program functions.

Windows Live Essentials програмски пакет

This is a program package that

consists out of free programs such

as WL Messenger, Writer etc.

Windows Live услуга Web based service - users cannot

install it locally.

Windows Live Hotmail услуга

Web based e-mail service. Users

cannot install it locally. They need

Web browser to access the service.

Windows Live Mail програм

Stand alone e-mail client. Users

install it locally in order to access

Hotmail or some other e-mail

service without Web browser.

Internet Explorer 9 програм

Web browser is a program that is

installed locally and it is often

marked with version label.


General considerations

Sometimes it is hard to distinguish if noun should be treated as proper or a common noun. You should always

double check context as this often happens with product names when they appear with no tags, unlocalizable

parts and so on. Check as many products names as you can (especially Bing, Windows Live and Office) to

become aware of this.

Page 32: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



English Serbian (Cyrillic) Tip

News is installed and ready to use.

(+) Апликација „Вести― је

инсталирана и спремна за


(-) Вест је инсталирана и спремна

за употребу.

This is an obvious example where

one can easily recognize the

meaning since option no. 2 does

not make sense.

Start Call (+) Покретање програма „Позив―

(-) Упућивање позива.

In this case, translator might ignore

capital letter due to its wide usage

in titles and make a logical, but

incorrect conclusion.


Declination of nouns that refer to non-alive things should not be the same as the declination of nouns that refer to

humans or alive beings. These two types of declination are different.


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Start the import wizard. (+) Покрените чаробњак за увоз.

(-) Покрените чаробњака за увоз.

Add contact. (+) Додајте контакт.

(-) Додајте контакта.

Plural Formation

Sometimes English text uses singular in cases that actually denote plural. That is especially the case with genitive


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Information collection (+) Прикупљање информација

(-) Прикупљање информације

NTFS file system (+) NTFS систем датотека

(-) NTFS систем датотеке

Special attention should be paid to collective nouns which denote group, but grammatically speaking, they are

singular. It is always better to do some workaround in order to avoid awkward formulations.

Page 33: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Adjust lightness or exposition using these buttons:

(+) Користите ову дугмад да бисте подесили

светлину или експозицију:

(-) Подесите светлину или експозицију помоћу ових



Pay attention to the correct use of the preposition in translations. Influenced by the English language, many

translators omit them or change the word order. Also, follow idiomatic usage.

US Expression Serbian (Cyrillic) Expression Comment

Account information (+) Информације о налогу

(-) Информације налога

Translation is not clear enough if we

omit preposition.

Divide the amount with the number

from this filed

(+) Поделите износ бројем у овом


(-) Поделите износ са бројем у

овом пољу.

Literal transfer of prepositions often

leads to incorrect formulation.

The preposition ‗for‘ in product names is always translated, e.g. 'Word for Windows' is Word за Windows, 'Visual

Basic for Applications' is Visual Basic за апликације.


Avoid usage of personal pronouns and possessive determiners whenever that does not affect the meaning,

especially when it comes to pronoun ―you /yours‖ which is used very frequently in English (See section

Possessive adjectives). However, if you have to use it, use lowercased formal 2nd person plural (ви/ваш).

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

In order to use this feature, both you and your contact

must have compatible web cameras installed on your


(+) Да бисте могли да користите ову функцију,

неопходно је да и ви и контакт имате инсталиране

компатибилне Веб камере на својим рачунарима.

(-) Да бисте могли да користите ову функцију,

неопходно је да и Ви и Ваш контакт имате

инсталиране компатибилне Веб камере на својим


Page 34: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


However, that does not apply to personal pronoun ―me/my‖ as it is often used as integral part of UI items. For

example: ―My computer‖, ―My photos‖ etc.

Pronouns should be used in situations when they can replace a word that appears many times in a single

sentence or paragraph.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Select the file that you want, right click the file, and

then click Delete to delete that file.

(+) Изаберите жељену датотеку, кликните десним

тастером миша на њу, а затим изаберите ставку

„Избриши― да бисте је избрисали.

(-) Изаберите жељену датотеку, кликните десним

тастером миша на датотеку, а затим изаберите

ставку „Избриши― да бисте избрисали датотеку.


General punctuation rules are available in the recommended reference material. Below are some points that

should be taken into account during Microsoft products localization process.


In Serbian (Cyrillic), a regular order in sentences containing two clauses is main clause + subordinate clause. You

do not normally put comma after the main sentence:

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

To join the service yourself, click Join.

(+) Кликните на дугме „Придружи се― да бисте се

придружили услузи.

(-) Кликните на дугме „Придружи се―, да бисте се

придружили услузи.

To check the spelling of a document, press F7.

(+) Притисните тастер F7 да бисте проверили

правопис у документу.

(-) Притисните тастер F7, да бисте проверили

правопис у документу.

Cannot post instructions because a worksheet is not


(+) Није могуће објавити упутства јер радни лист

није активан.

(-) Није могуће објавити упутства, јер радни лист

није активан.

Page 35: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


If you want to emphasize the content of a subordinate clause, a regular order could be inverted—subordinate

clause + main clause. In that case you must put comma after the subordinate clause:

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

To export all subfolders, select the check box.

(+) Да бисте извезли све потфасцикле, потврдите

избор у пољу за потврду.

(-) Да бисте извезли све потфасцикле изаберите

поље за потврду.

If this is correct, click OK. (+) Ако је то исправно, кликните на дугме „У реду―. (-) Ако је то исправно кликните на дугме „У реду―.

To reduce the amount of space needed for the

PivotTable report, change some of the row and column

fields to page fields.

(+) Да бисте смањили простор неопходан за

извештај изведене табеле, промените нека од

поља реда или табеле у поља странице.

(-) Да бисте смањили простор неопходан за

извештај изведене табеле промените нека од поља

реда или табеле у поља странице.

Since you have chosen not to synchronize this folder,

Outlook will remove it from the quick synchronization

group(s) that it belongs to.

(+) Пошто сте одлучили да не синхронизујете ову

фасциклу, Outlook ће је уклонити из група за брзу

синхронизацију којима припада.

(-) Пошто сте одлучили да не синхронизујете ову

фасциклу Outlook ће је уклонити из група за брзу

синхронизацију којима припада.

In Serbian (Cyrillic), the word order should reflect the order of user actions, even if it doesn't in English. In such

cases, there is no need to use comma after those steps.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Click Save in the File menu.

(+) У менију „Датотека― изаберите ставку „Сачувај―

(-) Кликните на ставку „Сачувај― у менију „Датотека―

(-) У менију „Датотека―, кликните на ставку „Сачувај―

Don‘t transfer all commas from English sentences.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

For information on XXX, see "YYY", in ZZZ. (+) За информације о XXX погледајте „YYY― у ЗЗЗ.

(-) За информације о XXX, погледајте „YYY―, у ЗЗЗ.

Page 36: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



All double punctuation marks (colons and semicolons, exclamation and question marks) are not preceded by a

space. In cases where colon is used in front of enumeration within the same sentence, do not use capital letters.

Right (+) Wrong (-)

Ако вам је трећа страна дала налог, она има права

на ваш налог и може да: управља налогом,

поништи лозинку, обустави или откаже ваш налог;

прикаже податке о коришћењу налога и профилу,

укључујући податке о томе када и како се користи

ваш налог; и прочита или складишти садржај у

вашем налогу, укључујући електронску

комуникацију, листе контаката и друге


Ако вам је трећа страна дала налог, она има права

на ваш налог и може да : Управља налогом,

поништи лозинку, обустави или откаже ваш налог ;

Прикаже податке о коришћењу налога и профилу,

укључујући податке о томе када и како се користи

ваш налог ; И прочита или складишти садржај у

вашем налогу, укључујући електронску

комуникацију, листе контаката и друге


Table headings could be followed by a colon, but it is not necessary. Every line starts with an initial capital


English Serbian (Cyrillic)


Copy text

Paste text




Да бисте:

Копирали текст

Налепили текст

Притисните комбинацију тастера:



Dashes and Hyphens

Three different dash characters are used in English:

Hyphen (U+002D) (ALT+045)

The hyphen is used in English to divide words between syllables, to link parts of a compound word, and to

connect the parts of an inverted or imperative verb form. In documentation, the preference is not to hyphenate,

except in those cases where the words already contain a hyphen (usually compounds and abbreviations).

Some hyphenated words should never be broken and must appear on the same line, such as:


(+) ауто-сервис (car service)

(+) 25-годишњи, 8-битни (special kind of abbreviations)

(+) ММФ-а, ММФ-ом (acronym declination)

(+) 322-88-63 (phone number)

Important: Cyrillic declination of acronyms in Latin script requires hyphenation.

Page 37: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


For example: (+) ID, ID-a, ID-ом etc.

En Dash (U+2013) (ALT+150)

The en dash is used as a minus sign, usually with spaces before and after. to emphasize a phrase within a

sentence, or to separate clauses in sentences (as in English usage). There should be a space before and after

the en dash.


(+) Замените кoд – као што је приказано у претходном примеру.

The en dash is also used in number ranges, such as those specifying page numbers. No spaces are used around

the en dash in this case, except the in case where the linguistic units connected by the dash (or one of them)

consist of more than one word e.g.


(+) 1999–2000.

(+) стр. 11–23

(+) Београд–Јагодина

(+) Београд – Нови Сад

Using dash instead of hyphen and vice-versa is an error.

Em Dash (U+2014)(ALT+151)

There is no Em dash in Serbian (Cyrillic). It should be deleted and replaced by en dash or comma (as in

apposition constructions)

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Download now — it's free! (+) Преузмите одмах – бесплатно!

(-) Преузмите одмах — бесплатно!

Ellipses (Suspension Points)

Use of ellipses is typical in describing ongoing processes, denoting omitted text etc. Do not use space in front of

ellipses symbol.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Downloading … (+) Преузимање је у току...

(-) Преузимање је у току ...

Page 38: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Keep in mind the following when using ellipses/suspension points:

Use three dots symbol (ALT+0133: …), not three dots in a row (…).


Remember that Serbian (Cyrillic) translations never end with a period unless they are complete sentences

regardless of the source text. Sometimes, translators use it after long string although it is not a sentence.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Get help with a forgotten password and other problems

signing in /title/

(+) Помоћ за заборављену лозинку и друге

проблеме приликом пријављивања

(-) Помоћ за заборављену лозинку и друге

проблеме приликом пријављивања.

Quotation Marks

In US source strings, you may find software references surrounded by English quotation marks. Always use

Serbian (Cyrillic) (curly) quotation marks (opening quotation mark: ALT+0132; closing quotation mark:

ALT+0147), except in rare cases of inner quotation when single quotation marks are used (both single quotation

marks: ALT+0146)


In English, there is no space between the parentheses and the text inside them. The same rule applies to Serbian

(Cyrillic) text. Check next section for more information about parentheses use in Serbian (Cyrillic) translation.

Singular & Plural

Serbian (Cyrillic) language plural is not complicated per se, but it is one of the most frequent issues among

localizers when it comes to declination of countable nouns in connection with placeholders that stand for a

number. There are several tricks you can try to avoid awkward final result.

English Serbian (Cyrillic) Tip

NUM item (+) NUМ ставка

(-) NUM ставки

Singular usually indicates 1. This

is not always the case, but it is

common enough to be considered

a rule of a thumb.

NUM items copied (+) Број копираних ставки: NUM If it is not clear if number in

Page 39: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


English Serbian (Cyrillic) Tip

(+) Копиране ставке: NUM

(+) Копираних ставки: NUM

(+) Копирано је NUM ставке/и

(+) Копиране ставке (NUM)

(-) Копиране су NUM ставке

(-) Копирано је NUM ставки

question is 2-4, wild guesses

should be avoided. Use colon and

leave the number in the end in

order to cover all possibilities.

NUM days (+) NUM дана

Exceptions are nouns with same

behavior with various numbers.

However, you should always

double-check if result could fit

both 2,12,32 and say 7,17,27.

Split Infinitive

This section does not apply to Serbian (Cyrillic).


Use active voice and imperative or indicative mood. These are easier to understand than passive voice and

subjunctive mood.

Right (+) Wrong (-)

Ако инсталирате више језика на рачунару, можете

да правите документе који садрже неколико језика.

Са више језика који су инсталирани на вашем

рачунару могу да се направе документи који садрже

више од једног језика.

Symbols & Non-Breaking Spaces

Use non-breaking spaces (CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR or Alt+0160) between words that should not separate onto

different lines. If two words are connected by a non-breaking space, Word will keep them together, even if

subsequent editing causes line breaks to change. On your screen, a non-breaking space looks like a degree

symbol (°), but it will print like a space.


Syntax and register differ between Serbian (Cyrillic) and English in the following ways:

Page 40: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


1. Passive voice is frequently used in English. Try to avoid it in Serbian (Cyrillic).

Refer to Voice section for more information on passive voice.

2. Serbian (Cyrillic) word order is quite liberal. Feel free to rephrase some sentences instead of following

their word order word by word (which is an error).

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

If you want to, you can select a different language for

the text to be identified with.

(+) Ако желите, можете да изаберете други језик за

препознавање текста.

(-) Ако желите, можете да изаберете други језик на

основу кога ће се текст идентификовати.

3. Literal translations should be avoided in cases of typical English constructions that cannot be transferred

into Serbian (Cyrillic) without giving out literal translation. Good example is "make something x":

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

You can make file size smaller if you save picture in

smaller resolution.

(+) Величину датотеке можете да смањите уколико

слику сачувате у мањој резолуцији.

(-) Величину датотеке можете да учините мањом

уколико слику сачувате у мањој резолуцији.

You can make this product work better if you use

recommended settings.

(+) Овај производ може да ради боље уколико

користите препоручене поставке.

(+) Ако користите препоручене поставке,

допринећете бољем раду овог производа.

(-) Ако користите препоручене поставке, можете да

учините рад овог производа бољим.

4. Avoid usage of relative pronouns as objects if you can rephrase the sentence.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Select which files you want to delete. (+) Изаберите датотеке које желите да избришете.

(-) Изаберите које датотеке желите да избришете.


Pay attention to perfect or imperfect form of translated verbs. English verbs can be translated in either forms in

Serbian (Cyrillic) depending on whether it is a repeated or a single action.

Page 41: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Read (+) Читати, прочитати

Print (+) Штампати, одштампати

Continuous operations are usually expressed in English with a gerund, which should be translated into Serbian

(Cyrillic) either by deverbative noun or by reflexive or imperfect verb.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Printing document

(+) Штампање документа

(+) Документ се штампа

(-) Штампа документ

(-) Штампа документа

Downloading page

(+) Преузимање странице

(-) Страница се преузима

(-) Преузима страницу

Pay attention to verb transition as it dictates declination of noun (object). That is especially the case with many

English verbs in a row.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

In Windows Live Photo gallery you can view, edit, print,

upload and manage your photos and videos.

(+) У програму Windows Live Фото-галерија можете

да приказујете, уређујете и штампате фотографије

и видео записе, као и да их отпремате и управљате


(-) У програму Windows Live Фото-галерија можете

да прикажете, уредите, одштампате, отпремите и

управљате фотографијама и видео записима.

Word Order

English usually follows SVOMPT word order (subject-verb-object-manner-place-time). Serbian (Cyrillic) syntax is

liberal as long as compound sentences, ambiguous sentence structure, and non-standard word order do not

affect users ability to interpret the text.

In Serbian (Cyrillic), the word order should normally reflect the order of user actions, even if it doesn't in English.

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English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Click Save in the File menu.

Select Save from the File menu.

In the File menu, select Save.

(+) У менију „Датотека― изаберите ставку „Сачувај―.

(-) Кликните на ставку „Сачувај― у менију „Датотека―.

Style and Tone Considerations This section focuses on higher-level considerations for audience, style, tone, and voice.


Always try to identify appropriate audience so you can apply appropriate tone. Text intended for home users

should be different from the text intended for developers. Refer to Tone section in order to get more detail



Use consistent terminology and style for consistent purposes. Consistent terminology promotes learning and a

better understanding of technical concepts. Inconsistency forces users to figure out whether different words and

actions mean the same thing. Consistent syntax helps set users‘ expectations. Once these expectations are set,

users can more quickly parse text that uses consistent syntax. For example, if instructions are always written in

the imperative form, users will learn to pay closer attention to imperative sentences.

Parallelism requires that words and phrases that have the same function have the same form. Use parallel

language whenever you express ideas of equal weight. Use parallel language for UI elements that are parallel in

function, such as headings, labels, lists, page titles etc.

How to format:

Make all items similar in length.

Make all items similar in form.

Make all items use the same part of speech.

For example, make them all begin with a verb, make them all utilize a noun-verb-adjective structure, or make

them all single-word imperative verbs.

Right Wrong





Page 43: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Right Wrong






Tone refers to a writer's attitude toward the reader and the subject matter. Tone creates a personality and affects

the audience's reaction to what is being said. For example, you would use a different tone to write an executive

summary (formal) than you would to write a letter to your cousin (very casual). You should adopt the tone

according to audience profile.

Target audience Appropriate tone

IT pros and developers

Information and tone used will be technical and not marketing.

The primary purpose of a text for the technical user is to inform. Technical

correctness and functionality is the key.

Pages with technical content, aiming at more specialized users, may indeed make

an extensive use of field terms, acronyms, technical jargon, etc. It is not unusual to

leave terms in English or in parentheses, especially in the case of products that

are highly technical (such as SQL, Exchange, and Visual Studio).

Business Decision Makers

Information and tone used, will be marketing and more business focused.

The purpose of a text directed towards the business decision makers is to

influence them to make decisions for their business.

Technical abbreviations, contractions, and acronyms should be either avoided or

explained. Some technology concepts and names that would be understood by

technical users might have to be explained. Restrict field terms and jargon to very

specialized topics.

Information workers Tone should be informative, factual and inspiring. It should not be colloquial.

Technical abbreviations, contractions, and acronyms should be either avoided or

explained. Some technology concepts and names that would be understood by

technical users may have to be explained. Restrict field terms and jargon to very

specialized topics.

Home PC Users Tone should be informative, factual and inspiring. May be colloquial when dealing

with games and other entertainment products. Everything should be translated.

Technical or field terms should be either avoided or explained.

Page 44: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



The text speaks directly to users in the second person plural (referring to the user as "vi"). Refer to Possessives

adjectives section to get more information about its usage.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

You are now connected to the Internet. (+) Повезани сте са Интернетом.

The text speaks directly to the machine in the second person singular (referring to the machine as "ti").

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Remember my password (+) Запамти моју лозинку

Avoid the impersonal as much as possible. Only in cases where the passive is used intentionally in English, i.e.

the agent is not known or is not relevant, the term may be translated as impersonal in Serbian (Cyrillic).

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

The message has been sent (+) Порука је послата.

Page 45: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Localization Guidelines

This section contains guidelines for localization into Serbian (Cyrillic).

General Considerations Use correct and consistent grammar in all texts. If in doubt, see the reference books mentioned in

"Recommended Reference Material" chapter. The following are guidelines for consistent use in cases where

more than one solution would theoretically be possible, or where errors have been common in the past.


Common Abbreviations

You might need to abbreviate some words in the UI (mainly buttons or options names) due to lack of space. This

can be done in the following ways:

Method Examples:

Truncation with a period (+) види −> в.; на пример −> нпр.; и тако даље −> итд.; и слично −> и сл.;

Lists of common abbreviations:

1. The basic measurement units are: length — meter, weight — gram, liquid volume — liter. Unit names are often abbreviated; no period is used in the abbreviation. Value and measurement unit are always separated by a space.

Expression Acceptable Abbreviation

метар (+) м

километар (+) км

центиметар (+) цм

милиметар (+) мм

грам (+) г

килограм (+) кг

литар (+) л

Page 46: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


2. Units of information are often abbreviated. Always use the following abbreviations.

Expression Acceptable Abbreviation

KB (+) kB

MB (+) MB

bit (+) bit

bit/s (+) bit/s

3. Normally you do not put a period after the following units:

Expression Acceptable Abbreviation

секунд (+) с

минут (+) мин

час (+) ч

Don‘t abbreviate such words as Microsoft by your own.


Accessibility enables people of all abilities to use their full potential. Microsoft provides people with disabilities with

more accessible products and services. These may not be available in Serbian (Cyrillic)-speaking market. During

localization of accessibility features such as speech recognition software etc, please double-check with the

appropriate subsidiary or through your Microsoft Program Manager.


Acronyms are words made up of the initial letters of major parts of a compound term. Some well-known examples

are WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), or RAM (Random

Access Memory).

Avoid declining the acronyms as much as possible and trying to use a modifier, usually the main word from the

translation, e.g. 'RAM' – RAM меморија. Refer to Compounds section for more information about modifying


In the rare cases, declensional forms are unavoidable and case endings should be added following the rules

below: In Serbian (Cyrillic) Cyrillic, case-endings are hyphenated and written in Cyrillic.

Page 47: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Error in XML (+) Грешка у XML-у

Applications, Products, and Features

Application/product names are often trademarked or may be trademarked in the future and are therefore rarely

translated. Occasionally, feature names are trademarked, too (e.g. IntelliSense™). Before translating any

application, product, or feature name, please verify that it is in fact translatable and not protected in any way.

Frequent Errors

Frequent errors are usually connected with wrong usage of comma. Please refer to reference materials and

review these examples thoroughly:

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Under File click New. (+) У менију „Датотека― изаберите ставку „Ново―.

(-) У менију „Датотека―, изаберите ставку „Ново―.

For more information review … (+) За више информација погледајте…

(-) За више информација, погледајте…

Errors could be result of lack of context. You should always try to find out the subject of the text, especially in


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Border (document formatting) (+) Ивица

(-) Граница

Reality (TV program types) (+) Ријалити

(-) Стварност

In theaters (movies) (+) У биоскопима

(-) У позориштима

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Main sources for terminology related issues:

MSDN – here you can find the terminology for Microsoft products published after they have been released to market.

Ongoing projects – terminology from ongoing projects is available from the project leader.

If unsure about where to look for relevant terminology contact Microsoft Language Excellence.

Useful links:


You can find the translations of terms and UI elements of Microsoft products at Microsoft Language Portal


Fictitious Information

Fictitious content is legally sensitive material and as such cannot be handled as a pure terminology or localization

issue. Below is some basic information and contact points when dealing with fictitious content:

Vendors and Localizers are not allowed to create their own fictitious names. You must either use the source

names or use the list of legally approved names.

Please contact your product team representative for further information on how to deal with fictitious companies,

names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. in your product. For technical products, you may also

check with the product team representative whether localized fictitious content is required or not (e.g. Visual


One fictitious e-mail address is available for Serbian (Cyrillic): [email protected].

Recurring Patterns

1. Titles: When translating titles there are certain recurrent patterns that you should pay attention to, as

indicated below:

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

What's New in <productname> (+) Ново у програму <productname>

Getting Started with <productname> (+) Први кораци уз < productname>

Installing and Configuring <productname> (+) Инсталирање и конфигурисање програма


Designing a <productname> infrastructure (+) Дизајнирање инфраструктуре програма


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English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Core Training for <productname> (+) Основна обука за <productname>

<productname> Essentials (+) Основе програма <productname>

Windows Live Essentials is an exception!

Upgrading Your <productname> to <productname> (+) Надоградња програма <productname> на


Deploying <productname> (+) Постављање програма <productname>

Implementing <productname> (+) Примена програма <productname>

2. Cross references: The following translations are standard. Note that no commas are needed in the

Serbian (Cyrillic) sentences and that the word for 'chapter' (поглавље) has a lowercase 'п'.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

For more information about XXX, see Chapter 10,

"YYY", in the Microsoft Windows User's Guide.

(+) Више информација о XXX потражите у поглављу

10, „YYY―, Водича за кориснике оперативног система

Microsoft Windows.

For information on XXX, see "YYY", in ZZZ. (+) За информације о XXX погледајте „YYY― у ZZZ.

For further information about XXX, see Chapter 12,


(+) Више информација о XXX потражите у поглављу

12, „YYY―.

3. Manual Titles:

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Building Applications

Getting Started with (product name)

Functions Reference

Installation Guide

Introducing (product name)

Learning Guide

Network Administrator's Guide

Pocket Guide

Quick Reference Card

Quick Reference Guide

Roadmap to (product name)

Short User Guide

Tools Quick Reference

User's Guide

(+) Креирање апликација

(+) Први кораци уз… (назив производа)

(+) Списак функција

(+) Упутство за инсталирање

(+) Упознајте… (назив производа)

(+) Упутство за учење

(+) Водич за администратора мреже

(+) Џепни водич

(+) Брза референтна картица

(+) Брзи референтни водич

(+) Мапа за… (назив производа)

(+) Кратки водич за кориснике

(+) Кратки списак алатки

(+) Водич за кориснике

Page 50: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

User's Reference Guide

Worksheet Functions Reference

(+) Референтни водич за кориснике

(+) Списак функција радног листа

4. Standard phrases:

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

All rights reserved.

Appendix (Appendices)


Contents, Table of








See/See also




(+) Сва права задржана.

(+) Додатак (Додаци)

(+) Поглавље

(+) Садржај

(+) (наставак)

(+) Ауторско право

(+) Пример

(+) Слика

(+) Индекс, Регистар

(+) Увод

(+) Предговор

(+) Види / Види такође / Види и

(+) Уп.

(+) Табела

(+) Верзија

5. Standard Translations For Remarks, Hints etc

English Serbian (Cyrillic)








(+) Пажња!

(+) Опрез!

(+) Предлог / Савет

(+) Важно

(+) Белешка / Напомена

(+) Савет

(+) Упозорење

Page 51: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Standardized Translations

There are a number of standardized translations mentioned in all sections of this Style Guide. In order to find

them more easily, the most relevant topics and sections are compiled here for you reference.



Recurring Patterns

User Interface


Unlocalized Items

Trademarked names and the name Microsoft Corporation shouldn‘t be localized. A list of Microsoft trademarks is

available for your reference at the following location:

Using the Word Microsoft

In English, it is prohibited to use MS as an abbreviation for Microsoft. In Serbian (Cyrillic), it is neither abbreviated

nor transcribed, it is inflective word, and a possessive adjective form could be made. The correct modifier is

corporation and it should not be used in nominative case.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft values your privacy.

(+) Microsoft Corporation

(+) Microsoft поштује вашу приватност.

Refer to Copyright section for more information.

Software Considerations This section refers to all menus, menu items, commands, buttons, check boxes, etc., which should be consistently

translated in the localized product.

Refer to for a detailed explanation of the Windows user interface

guidelines (English). When referring to a command in a menu first indicate the menu name and afterwards the

command name.

Page 52: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Menu command (+) У менију „XXX― изаберите команду „YYY―

OK (+) Кликните на дугме У реду

Command button (+) Кликните на дугме/везу „XXX―

Toolbar button with attached command (+) Кликните на дугме „XXX― на траци са алаткама

Option button (+) Изаберите опцију „XXX―

Check box (+) Потврдите избор „XXX―

Check box in group (+) У оквиру „YYY― потврдите избор „XXX―

Option in list (+) У листи „XXX― изаберите опцију „YYY―

Type in text box (+) Унесите текст

Push key (+) Притисните тастер XXX

Click button/ symbol/icon (+) Кликните на дугме/симбол/икону

Move to another document window (+) Преместите у други прозор документа

Drag (+) Превуците

User Interface

Check Modifiers section for standard translations for basic UI elements. See pictures below for explanation of

main UI elements:

Page 53: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide



The US messages sometimes contain abbreviated sentences using an imperative verb. Translate to a question

starting with Желите ли да... or, only when the space for the translation is limited, with an infinitive, but try to

avoid that.

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English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Continue without Undo? (+) Желите ли да наставите без опозива? (-) Наставити без опозива?

Status Messages

What is a Status bar Message?

A status bar message is an informational message about the active document or a selected command as well as

about any active or selected interface item. Messages are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the window

when the user has chosen a menu, a command or any other item, or has started a function. The status bar

messages refer to actions being performed or already complete (for example in Outlook below).

Serbian (Cyrillic) Style in Status bar Messages

In English, the status bar messages have different forms dependent on the information they must convey. In

Serbian (Cyrillic), menu and commands status bar messages should follow the format below.

Name Serbian (Cyrillic)

Name Category

English Status Bar


Serbian (Cyrillic) Status

Bar message

Edit (+) Уреди

menu Contains editing commands (+) Садржи команде за


Copy to


(+) Копирај у

фасциклу… menu

Copies the selected items to

a new location

(+) Копира изабране

ставке на нову локацију

New (+) Ново

command Creates a new document (+) Креира нови


The display layout for the


(+) Приказује распоред


Make object visible?

(+) Желите ли видљив


Word is converting the

document. Press Esc to

(+) Word конвертује

документ. Притисните

Page 55: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Name Serbian (Cyrillic)

Name Category

English Status Bar


Serbian (Cyrillic) Status

Bar message

stop. тастер Esc да бисте

зауставили конверзију.

Datasheet View

(+) Приказ листа са


Done (+) Готово

The importance of standardization

In the US product you can often find messages that are phrased differently even though they have the same

meaning. Try to avoid this in the localized Serbian (Cyrillic) version. Use one standard translation as in the

examples below:

English term Correct Serbian (Cyrillic) translation

Press F1 to get Help (+) Притисните тастер F1 да бисте добили помоћ.

If you want Help press F1

To get Help press F1

Not enough memory (+) Нема довољно меморије

Insufficient memory

There is not enough memory

Save changes to %1? (+) Желите ли да сачувате промене у датотеци %1?

Do you want to save changes to %1?

Page 56: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Error Messages

What Is An Error Message?

Here is an example:

Error messages are messages sent by the system or a program, informing the user that there is an error that

must be corrected in order for the program to keep running. For example, the messages can prompt the user to

take an action or inform the user of an error that requires rebooting the computer.

Serbian (Cyrillic) Style in Error Messages

It is important to use consistent terminology and language style in the localized error messages, and not just

translate as they appear in the US product.

Standard Phrases in Error Messages

When translating standard phrases, standardize. Note that sometimes the US uses different forms to express the

same thing.


English Serbian (Cyrillic) English example Serbian (Cyrillic)


Cannot …

Could not … (+) Није могуће…

Cannot save the file

because it is used by

another program.

(+) Није могуће

сачувати датотеку јер

је користи неки други


Failed to …

Failure of … (+) Није успело… Failed to open document.

(+) Отварање

документа није успело.

Cannot find …

Could not find …

Unable to find …

Unable to locate …

(+) Није могуће


Cannot find requested file

Could not find requested


Unable to find requested


Unable to locate

(+) Није могуће

пронаћи тражену


Page 57: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


English Serbian (Cyrillic) English example Serbian (Cyrillic)


requested file

Not enough memory

Insufficient memory

There is not enough memory

There is not enough memory


(+) Нема довољно


There is not enough

memory (or disk space) to

save this document.

(+) Нема довољно

меморије (или

простора на диску) за

чување овог


... is not available

... is unavailable (+) Није доступно

The requested protocol is

not available.

(+) Тражени протокол

није доступан.

Error Messages Containing Placeholders

When localizing error messages containing placeholders, try to find out what will replace the placeholder. This is

necessary for the sentence to be grammatically correct when the placeholder is replaced with a word or phrase.

Note that the letters used in placeholders convey a specific meaning, see examples below:

%d, %ld, %u, and %lu means <number>

%c means <letter>

%s means <string>

Examples of error messages containing placeholders:

"Checking Web %1!d! of %2!d!" means "Checking Web <number> of <number>".

"INI file "%1!-.200s!" section" means "INI file "<string>" section".

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Cannot open %s (+) Није могуће отворити датотеку %s.

The %s property can't be found for the Offline


(+) Није могуће пронаћи својство %s за ову омиљену

ванмрежну ставку.


The keyboard is the primary input device used for text input in Microsoft Windows. For accessibility and efficiency,

most actions can be performed using the keyboard as well. While working with Microsoft software, you use keys,

key combinations and key sequences.

In English, References to key names, like arrow keys, function keys and numeric keys, appear in normal text (not

in small caps). In Serbian (Cyrillic), key names and combinations are written in initial capital letters.

Example: Тастер Enter, Комбинација тастера Shift+F10

Page 58: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Key names should be translated in accordance with the Microsoft Glossaries. While working with Microsoft

software, you use keys, key combinations and key sequences.

1. Key combination KEY1+KEY2

This term is used to underline that the user is supposed to press the first key, hold it and press the second key.

Key names are combined with ―+‖ character. For example, the command Притисните комбинацију тастера

ALT+ESC means that the user should press ALT, hold it, press simultaneously ESC and then release both


2. Key sequence KEY1, KEY2

This term is used to underline that the user is supposed to press and release the given keys one after the other.

Key names are separated with a comma (,) and a hard space. For example the command Притисните низ

тастера ALT, F means that the user is supposed to press ALT first, release it, then press and release the F key.

Localized keys:

English Translation on its own Translation in a key combination

with the plus sign

Down Arrow стрелица надоле Стрелица надоле

Left Arrow стрелица налево Стрелица налево

Numpad 5 тастер 5 на нумеричкој


Num 5

Numpad + тастер + на нумеричкој


Num +

Right Arrow стрелица надесно Стрелица надесно

Space размак Размак

Spacebar размакница Размакница

Tab табулатор Tab

Up Arrow стрелица нагоре Стрелица нагоре

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Unlocalized keys:

English Translation on its own Translation in a key combination

with the plus sign

Alt тастер Alt Alt

Alt Gr тастер Alt Gr Alt Gr

Backspace тастер Backspace Backspace

Break тастер Break Break

Caps Lock тастер Caps Lock Caps Lock

Ctrl тастер Ctrl Ctrl

Del тастер Del Del

Delete тастер Del Del

End тастер End End

Enter тастер Enter Enter

Esc тастер Esc Esc

Home тастер Home Home

Ins тастер Ins Ins

Num Lock тастер Num Lock Num Lock

Page Down тастер Page Down Page Down

Page Up тастер Page Up Page Up

Pause тастер Pause Pause

Pg Dn тастер Pg Dn Pg Dn

Pg Up тастер Pg Up Pg Up

Print Screen тастер Print Screen Print Screen

Scroll Lock тастер Scroll Lock Scroll Lock

Do not repeat word key (taster) in tables.

Page 60: Serbian (Cyrillic) Style Guide


Access Keys/Hot keys

Sometimes, there are underlined or highlighted letters in menu options, commands or dialog boxes. These letters

refer to access keys (also known as hot keys) that allow you to run commands, perform tasks, etc. more quickly.

Additional notes: All Serbian (Cyrillic) Cyrillic characters are extended characters and may cause technical

problems. Therefore, this section does not apply to Serbian (Cyrillic) Cyrillic. If you localize a piece of software

Cyrillic version of Serbian (Cyrillic), please double check technical possibilities and requirements before you

localize access keys.

Arrow Keys

The arrow keys move input focus among the controls within a group. Pressing the right arrow key moves input

focus to the next control in tab order, whereas pressing the left arrow moves input focus to the previous control.

Home, End, Up, and Down also have their expected behavior within a group. Users can't navigate out of a control

group using arrow keys.

Arrow keys are translated since they don‘t have their names printed on the keyboard.

Numeric Keypad

It is recommended that you avoid distinguishing numeric keypad keys from the other keys, unless it is required by

a given application. In case which keys to be pressed is not obvious, provide necessary explanations. For

example: Тастер Del на нумеричкој тастатури.

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Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keys are keystrokes or combinations of keystrokes used to perform defined functions in a software

application. Shortcut keys replace menu commands and they are sometimes given next to the command they

represent. In opposition to the access keys, which can be used only when available on the screen, shortcut keys

can be used even when they are not accessible on the screen.

Standard Shortcut Keys



US English

Shortcut Key

Serbian (Cyrillic)


Serbian (Cyrillic)

Shortcut key

General Windows Shortcut keys

Help window F1 Help window F1

Context-sensitive Help Shift+F1 Context-sensitive Help Shift+F1

Display pop-up menu Shift+F10 Display pop-up menu Shift+F10

Cancel Esc Cancel Esc


menu bar mode

F10 Activate\Deactivate menu bar



Switch to the next

primary application

Alt+Tab Switch to the next primary



Display next window Alt+Esc Display next window Alt+Esc

Display pop-up menu

for the window

Alt+Spacebar Display pop-up menu for the



Display pop-up menu

for the active child


Alt+- Display pop-up menu for the

active child window


Display property sheet

for current selection

Alt+Enter Display property sheet for current



Close active

application window

Alt+F4 Close active application window Alt+F4

Switch to next window

within (modeless-

compliant) application

Alt+F6 Switch to next window within

(modeless-compliant) application


Capture active window

image to the Clipboard

Alt+Prnt Scrn Capture active window image to

the Clipboard

Alt+Prnt Scrn

Capture desktop Prnt Scrn Capture desktop image to the Prnt Scrn

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US English

Shortcut Key

Serbian (Cyrillic)


Serbian (Cyrillic)

Shortcut key

image to the Clipboard Clipboard

Access Start button in


Ctrl+Esc Access Start button in taskbar Ctrl+Esc

Display next child


Ctrl+F6 Display next child window Ctrl+F6

Display next tabbed


Ctrl+Tab Display next tabbed pane Ctrl+Tab

Launch Task Manager

and system


Ctrl+Shift+Esc Launch Task Manager and

system initialization


File Menu

File New Ctrl+N File New Ctrl+N

File Open Ctrl+O File Open Ctrl+O

File Close Ctrl+F4 File Close Ctrl+F4

File Save Ctrl+S File Save Ctrl+S

File Save as F12 File Save as F12

File Print Preview Ctrl+F2 File Print Preview Ctrl+F2

File Print Ctrl+P File Print Ctrl+P

File Exit Alt+F4 File Exit Alt+F4

Edit Menu

Edit Undo Ctrl+Z Edit Undo Ctrl+Z/Y (depends on user


Edit Repeat Ctrl+Y Edit Repeat Ctrl+Y/Z (depends on user


Edit Cut Ctrl+X Edit Cut Ctrl+X

Edit Copy Ctrl+C Edit Copy Ctrl+C

Edit Paste Ctrl+V Edit Paste Ctrl+V

Edit Delete Ctrl+Backspace Edit Delete Ctrl+Backspace

Edit Select All Ctrl+A Edit Select All Ctrl+A

Edit Find Ctrl+F Edit Find Ctrl+F

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US English

Shortcut Key

Serbian (Cyrillic)


Serbian (Cyrillic)

Shortcut key

Edit Replace Ctrl+H Edit Replace Ctrl+H

Edit Go To Ctrl+B Edit Go To Ctrl+G

Help Menu

Help F1 Help F1

Font Format

Italic Ctrl+I Italic Ctrl+I

Bold Ctrl+G Bold Ctrl+B



Ctrl+U Underlined\Word underline Ctrl+U

Large caps Ctrl+Shift+A Large caps Ctrl+Shift+A

Small caps Ctrl+Shift+K Small caps Ctrl+Shift+K

Paragraph Format

Centered Ctrl+E Centered Ctrl+E

Left aligned Ctrl+L Left aligned Ctrl+L

Right aligned Ctrl+R Right aligned Ctrl+R

Justified Ctrl+J Justified Ctrl+J

Document Translation Considerations Document localization may require some specific considerations that are different from software localization. This

section covers a few of these areas.

General information on translating help and documentation

• Show all hidden text, field codes, and nonprinting characters at all times when translating Help.

• Do not translate, delete or in any way touch any hidden text or field codes.

• Do not translate, delete or in any way touch any hidden text or field codes.

• Translate one paragraph at a time. Do not delete or replace paragraph marks, they contain formatting

information which is crucial to the building process.

• Do not translate or in any way touch footnotes or footnote indicators (K#$ etc.) unless you are specifically

instructed to do so, and given tools with which to do it.

• Do translate double or single underlined text unless specifically instructed not to do so.

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A phrase preceding a bulleted list (or enumeration) can end with a semicolon (A), comma (B), full stop (C) or have

no punctuation at all (D), according to whether the phrases following the bullet are complete sentences, or a

continuation of the leading sentence, and depending on other punctuation rules.

In example (C), the items in the list are complete sentences. Each sentence starts with an initial capital letter and

ends with a full stop.

Example (A):

У настави се комбинују:

усмени и писмени метод излагања. Усмени је чешћи и боље веже пажњу ученика;

контролни и редовни писмени задаци;

аудио и видео касете;

графоскопи и дијапројектори.

Example (B):

Три основне функције цртице изгледају овако:

а) писање полусложеница (ауто-сервис),

б) писање удвојеног презимена (Весна Јањевић-Поповић),

в) растављање речи на слогове (на-пи-са-ти), на крају ретка и другде, нпр. у речницима који дају све речи

растављене на слогове.

Example (C):

Цртица се, за разлику од црте, увек пише без белина:

У полусложеницама, у којима је истовремено и спојни и раздвојни знак, некад више једно, некад више друго (спомен-плоча, ауто-сервис, ауто-кућа, ауто-превозник), мада изостаје у спојевима када ауто значи само-, а не самоходни, тј. када не значи аутомобилски (аутобиографија, аутопортрет, аутосугестија).

У удвојеним презименима, која су последица новијег непатријархалног времена, цртица се редовно пише (Нада Поповић-Перишић, Весна Јањевић-Поповић).

Пише се и при растављању речи на слогове, на крају реда и, нарочито, у речницима који све речи растављају на слогове како би се то растављање олакшало педантним корисницима речника, односно правописа (на-пи-са-ти, рас-ту-ри-ти).

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Example (D):

За следеће енглеске термине постоје ова решења:

promotion mix – промотивна мешавина

marketing mix – маркетиншка мешавина

Public Relations – односи с јавношћу

full service agency – агенција која пружа комплетну услугу

copywriter – писац реклама

press clipping – прес клипинг

business-to-business advertising – узајамно оглашавање међу фирмама

Leading Phrases and Triple Spaces

Where paragraphs start with a phrase in bold type, followed by three non-breaking spaces, use a similar

appearance in Serbian (Cyrillic) as well. If the phrase can be considered a part of the following sentence, treat it

as such (don't capitalize the word after the three spaces). If it can't (i.e. words like Note or Tip), then add a full

stop after the word, preserve the spaces as usual, and start the next sentence with normal sentence

capitalization. For consistency, make the full stop bold if the preceding word is bold.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Table formats have been updated . (+) Облици табела су ажурирани .

Note Table formats can be . (+) Напомена. Облици табела могу бити .

How to Reference URL Links to English References

When translating URL links to references that are in English (e.g., links in Knowledge Base texts to articles that

do not exist in Serbian (Cyrillic), references in a manual to a resource that does not exist in Serbian (Cyrillic),

etc.), translate the link text. We do not add ―(само на енгл.)” note anymore.


In English the titles for chapters usually begin with ―How to …‖ or with phrase such as "Working with …" or "Using

…". In the Serbian (Cyrillic) version of Microsoft documentation, you should use gerund where possible.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

How to … (+) Како да…

Working with … (+) Рад у програму/услузи/some other modifier…

Using … (+) Коришћење програма/услуге/some other modifier…

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For more standard title translations refer to Recurring patterns section.


Copyright protection is granted to any original work of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression from

which it can be perceived, reproduced, or communicated. Trademarks and the name of Microsoft Corporation (as

a part of the Copyright© notice) mustn‘t be localized.

English Serbian (Cyrillic)

Copyright© Microsoft Corporation 1995-2001. All

rights reserved.

(+) Copyright© Microsoft Corporation 1995-2001. Сва

права задржана.

Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft


(+) Windows® је регистровани жиг корпорације


Microsoft (trademarks listed here) are either

registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft

Corporation in the United States and/or other


(+) Microsoft (trademarks listed here) представљају

регистроване жигове или жигове корпорације Microsoft

у САД и/или другим земљама.

End User License Agreement (EULA) (+) Уговор о лиценцирању са крајњим корисником