session1 - rsph · diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. ... time show upward trends severe and enduring...

Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice Session1

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Page 1: Session1 - RSPH · diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. ... time show upward trends Severe and enduring mental health ... life and if not addressed they become long term conditions. Slide

Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice


Page 2: Session1 - RSPH · diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. ... time show upward trends Severe and enduring mental health ... life and if not addressed they become long term conditions. Slide

Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1


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Introduction Housekeeping Ground rules

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Brief wellbeing adviceRecognise the part you can play in promoting mental health and wellbeing as part of your everyday practice.

After taking part in the course you will be able to:

Develop your skills and confidence to discuss mental health and wellbeing issues within your daily practice

Explain mental health and wellbeing by using specific public health models and self-help principles

Recognise the qualities and attitudes needed to promote mental health and wellbeing

Identify local mental health and wellbeing resources and services that support your community

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

For each character…

Discuss what seems to be going on for this person

What might be the reason for the person’s troubles and problems?

If they went to see a doctor or health worker, what might they be told? What might they be offered?

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Meet Steve

Steve is 28 and works as a kitchen fitter. He is from a white British background. He is single and has a son, whom he has regular contact with. Steve has always enjoyed his work, but management restructuring means that he is working with a new team. He does not get on with some people in this team. There are also rumours that redundancies are planned.

He has been off work for two weeks with back pain. His doctor’s note is about to run out.

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

What does Steve say?

I used to like my job, now I can’t imagine how I can get up in the morning and work all day.

I used to play football with my boy now I can’t find the energy.

I’m finding it hard to sleep, I’m waking most days at 3am or 4am.

I’m snappy with my son and my ex has noticed and is losing patience.

It’s beginning to feel hard to get out of the house, especially after last week when I felt like I was having a heart attack in the supermarket.

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Meet Dolores

Dolores is a 55 year old single mother with two teenage daughters. She is mixed heritage. She is very energetic and likes to keep herself active. She works as an office manager for a local charity.

At the moment she is struggling with debt. She is finding it hard to concentrate at work. She is also worried about her general health.

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

What does Dolores say?

I’m getting really worried about how I’m going to pay my debts. I had a spending spree recently. I was sure I was going to make money out of the business idea I had but like everyone kept telling me it turned out to be totally unrealistic.

I’m feeling ok at the moment but know that worrying about money could lead to other things. I don’t want it to build up, I don’t want to go down hill and get into the place I did last year.

I feel really guilty because I cant afford to buy my girls the things they want.

I’m finding it hard to concentrate at work and I’m forgetting things and making mistakes.

I’ve even stopped going to my exercise class which I always really enjoy.

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Meet Rukshana

Rukshana is 65 and of south Asian origin. She has been married for 40 years and has three children who have all married and live locally. Rukshana cares for her husband who had a stroke two years ago, and recently his health has got worse. She herself has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

She doesn’t see her two young grandchildren as often as she used to because she doesn’t feel she can cope with them.

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

What does Rukshana say?

I have been going to the doctors for help with my diabetes. No matter what they do I don’t seem to be any better.

I had a talk with the practice nurse as I feel so wobbly all the time.

I keep crying and I don’t know why.

Everything seems to take so long. It takes all day to clean the house and I still can’t get everything done.

Sometimes things feel so bad I don’t want to get out of bed.

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Summing up the whole personThings around you

Experiences (childhood issues, genetics, abuse, past events)

Triggers (loss of relationships

and status, trauma/difficult life events)

Sustaining factors (debt, poverty,

loneliness, violence)

Mind-Body partnership

Ways we shape our world and make sense of experience

Thoughts Beliefs

(self, world & future)

Personal resource Coping styles

e.g. problem solving, help seeking skill

Things that can be noticed

Poor sleep Problem eating Irritability Lack concentration Lack of energy Struggle to solve

problems Stop doing things Lack of pleasure Mood swings

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Kinderman, P. (2005) A psychological model of mental disorder. Harvard Review of Psychiatry. 13: 206-217

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Mental Health Problems how common do we think they are?

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Mental Health Foundation (2016). Fundamental Facts about Mental Health 2016. Mental Health Foundation: London

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1 Slide 12

Mental Health Problems how common do we think they are?

How many adults (over 16 ) do you think are experiencing common mental health problems at any one time?

1 in 15 1 in 251 in 6

Mental Health Foundation (2016). Fundamental Facts about Mental Health 2016. Mental Health Foundation: London

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1 Slide 12

Mental Health Problems how common do we think they are?

How many adults (over 16 ) do you think are experiencing common mental health problems at any one time?

1 in 15 1 in 251 in 6

Mental Health Foundation (2016). Fundamental Facts about Mental Health 2016. Mental Health Foundation: London

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1 Slide 12

Mental Health Problems how common do we think they are?

How many adults (over 16 ) do you think are experiencing common mental health problems at any one time?

How many adults do you think are experiencing severe and enduring mental health problems at any one time (Schizophrenia and delusional disorders)?

1 in 100

1 in 15 1 in 25

1 in 5001 in 200

1 in 6

Mental Health Foundation (2016). Fundamental Facts about Mental Health 2016. Mental Health Foundation: London

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1 Slide 12

Mental Health Problems how common do we think they are?

How many adults (over 16 ) do you think are experiencing common mental health problems at any one time?

How many adults do you think are experiencing severe and enduring mental health problems at any one time (Schizophrenia and delusional disorders)?

1 in 100

1 in 15 1 in 25

1 in 5001 in 200

1 in 6

Mental Health Foundation (2016). Fundamental Facts about Mental Health 2016. Mental Health Foundation: London

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1 Slide 12

Mental Health Problems how common do we think they are?

How many adults (over 16 ) do you think are experiencing common mental health problems at any one time?

How many adults do you think are experiencing severe and enduring mental health problems at any one time (Schizophrenia and delusional disorders)?

How many children and young people are experiencing common mental health problems?

1 in 100

1 in 10

1 in 15

1 in 25

1 in 25

1 in 500

1 in 50

1 in 200

1 in 6

Mental Health Foundation (2016). Fundamental Facts about Mental Health 2016. Mental Health Foundation: London

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Mental Health Problems how common do we think they are?

How many adults (over 16 ) do you think are experiencing common mental health problems at any one time?

How many adults do you think are experiencing severe and enduring mental health problems at any one time (Schizophrenia and delusional disorders)?

How many children and young people are experiencing common mental health problems?

1 in 100

1 in 10

1 in 15

1 in 25

1 in 25

1 in 500

1 in 50

1 in 200

1 in 6

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Mental Health Foundation (2016). Fundamental Facts about Mental Health 2016. Mental Health Foundation: London

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

What have we learnt?

Common mental health conditions include depression and range of anxiety disorders , they are the most prevalent mental health problems in our communities. Rates over time show upward trends

Severe and enduring mental health problems are less frequent with data showing rates are stable over time

1 in 10 children and young people (aged 5-16 years) have a clinically diagnosable mental problem. 20% of adolescents may experience a mental health problem in any given year.

50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24. This means common mental health problems are showing up early in people’s life and if not addressed they become long term conditions.

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Mental Health Foundation (2016). Fundamental Facts about Mental Health 2016. Mental Health Foundation: London

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Speaking with someone about their mental health and wellbeing

Consider the purpose of your conversation:

Acknowledge what’s happening and help someone have more insight into their experience and distress

Help someone work out what they can do to make things better

Help someone get further advice, support or treatment to resolve immediate problems and build resilience

Effectively signpost to local mental health and wellbeing resources

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

No symptoms of mental illness

Many/severe symptoms of mental illness

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Keyes C.L.M. (2005). Mental illness and/or mental health? Investigating axioms of the complete state model of health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73:539–548

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Flourishing wellbeingFeeling good and doing well

Languishing mental wellbeing

No symptoms of mental illness

Many/severe symptoms of mental illness

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Keyes C.L.M. (2005). Mental illness and/or mental health? Investigating axioms of the complete state model of health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73:539–548

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Flourishing wellbeingFeeling good and doing well

Languishing mental wellbeing

No symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and no symptoms of mental illness

Many/severe symptoms of mental illness

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Keyes C.L.M. (2005). Mental illness and/or mental health? Investigating axioms of the complete state model of health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73:539–548

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Flourishing wellbeingFeeling good and doing well

Languishing mental wellbeing

No symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and no symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and symptoms

of mental illness

Many/severe symptoms of mental illness

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Keyes C.L.M. (2005). Mental illness and/or mental health? Investigating axioms of the complete state model of health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73:539–548

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Flourishing wellbeingFeeling good and doing well

Languishing mental wellbeing

No symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and no symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and symptoms

of mental illness

Low wellbeing and symptoms

of mental illness

Many/severe symptoms of mental illness

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Keyes C.L.M. (2005). Mental illness and/or mental health? Investigating axioms of the complete state model of health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73:539–548

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Flourishing wellbeingFeeling good and doing well

Languishing mental wellbeing

No symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and no symptoms of mental illness

Low wellbeing and no symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and symptoms

of mental illness

Low wellbeing and symptoms

of mental illness

Many/severe symptoms of mental illness

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Keyes C.L.M. (2005). Mental illness and/or mental health? Investigating axioms of the complete state model of health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73:539–548

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1






Flourishing wellbeingFeeling good and doing well

Languishing mental wellbeing

No symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and no symptoms of mental illness

Low wellbeing and no symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and symptoms

of mental illness

Low wellbeing and symptoms

of mental illness

Many/severe symptoms of mental illness

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Keyes C.L.M. (2005). Mental illness and/or mental health? Investigating axioms of the complete state model of health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73:539–548

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Manage Stress

Flourishing wellbeingFeeling good and doing well

Languishing mental wellbeing

No symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and no symptoms of mental illness

Low wellbeing and no symptoms of mental illness

High wellbeing and symptoms

of mental illness

Low wellbeing and symptoms

of mental illness

Many/severe symptoms of mental illness

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Keyes C.L.M. (2005). Mental illness and/or mental health? Investigating axioms of the complete state model of health. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 73:539–548

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Applying what we have just learnt about wellbeing what activities might

help your character to feel better?

For Dolores, Steve and Rukshana…

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

ways to wellbeing5

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Foresight Mental Capital and Wellbeing Project (2008). Final Project report. The Government Office for Science, London

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Active ingredients of activity

APPS Achievement Pleasure Physical Social

What we

FEELWhat we


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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Understanding why we feel like we do

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

5 Areas Model and the ‘vicious cycle’



Physical Behaviour

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Five Areas™ diagram used under licence from Five Areas Ltd

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Understanding feelings

Put the cards into three groups:

Physical symptoms Behaviours Thoughts

What am I feeling ?

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Key communication skills for mental wellbeing conversations

Using questions: open / open directive

How are you? How have you been since I last saw you? What’s going on for you at the moment?

Negotiation Could we spend some time talking about

that today?

Responding to cues: empathic acknowledgement

That sounds really difficult I can hear how upset you are I can see how that would be overwhelming

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Egan, G. (2014) The Skilled Helper: 10thedition. California: Brooks / Cole.

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Key communication skills for mental wellbeing conversations

Reflection You said it’d been hard since you left work

and you’d been spending time just sitting at home watching telly.

Summarise You’ve mentioned three things that are

getting you down: the way that your partner treats you, your back pain and the pressure about not having enough money coming in.

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Egan, G. (2014) The Skilled Helper: 10thedition. California: Brooks / Cole.

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Responses to the suffering and misfortunes of others

Level of engagement

EmpathyI identify and understand

SympathyI care

PityI pity

CompassionI’m motivated

to help

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

Stepped-Care ApproachService Level

Highly specialised


Specialist psychological and multi-systemic therapies.


Psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists and other health professionals with specialised training in psychological therapies.

Specialist Specific structured therapies including CBT, dialectical therapy (DBT), psycho-therapy, family therapy.

Mental health and addiction clinical staff (any profession) trained in evidence-based therapies.

High-intensity Evidence based therapies such as CBT, interpersonal therapy (IPT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), solution focused therapy.

PHOs, NGOs, primary health care, and community practitioners.

Low-intensity Brief evidence based therapy such as guided self-help, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), e-therapy, motivational interviewing.

Primary health care and community practitioners.

Early identificationof vulnerability

Breif interventions including active monitoring, education, information, self-care.

GPs and other healthcare professionals who have first contact with service users.



Severe presentationsand disorders

Moderate tosevere presentations

Mild to moderate presentation

Early presentation of problems or distress12345

Front-line publicfacing workforce

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NICE Clinical Guidance (CG123) Common mental health problems: identification and pathways to care. Clinical guideline. Published: 25 May 2011.

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Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice

Connect 5 Session 1

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Connect 5© 2018 Rochdale Borough Council on behalf of Public Health England (PHE), Health Education England, The Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) and the Greater Manchester Authorities of Stockport, Manchester and Bolton.

Acknowledgement to the following partners and stakeholders who have collaborated in the development of this community resource;

Stockport Together (Stockport council); Buzz Manchester Health and Wellbeing Service; Bolton Council Public Mental Health Team

The Royal Society of Public Health

The North West Psychological Professions Network

Elysabeth Williams National Connect 5 lead & Public Mental Health advisor

Jackie Kilbane Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester

Clare Baguley Mental Health Lead Health Education England - North

Martin Powell Principle Educational Psychologist Stockport Council

Graphic Design Illustration

Connect 5Mental Wellbeing in Everyday Practice