sgo newletter (bv) (2) (1)

 ISSUE 1 September 2014 VOLUME 1 Dulane Hi h School What is SGO? The Student Government Organization (SGO) is an organizatio n that is responsible for addressing school-wide events. These events can include student activities, such as the Senior Prom and approving clubs and can include student assemblies. Our purpose is to allow students to share their own voice, in decisions concerning our school events and to help t hem become more involved in the school itself as well. In this Issue Meet the New Executive Board…  Spirit Week…………………… 3  Homecoming……………………  SGO If you have any questions regarding SGO, then e-mail SGO Advisor Stacy Herring at: [email protected]

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ISSUE 1 September 2014VOLUME 1

Dulane Hi h School 

What is SGO? 

The Student Government Organization

(SGO) is an organization that is responsible

for addressing school-wide events. These

events can include student activities, such as

the Senior Prom and approving clubs and can

include student assemblies.

Our purpose is to allow students to share

their own voice, in decisions concerning our

school events and to help them become more

involved in the school itself as well.

In this Issue Meet the New Executive Board… 

Spirit Week…………………… 3 



If you have any

questions regarding

SGO, then e-mailSGO Advisor

Stacy Herring at:

[email protected]

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My name is Michael Zimmerman and I’m a sophomore. I keep track ofthe school’s funding  , as the Treasurer and keep track of the student council’sfunding too. Lastly I help chair social events Dulaney has, as well as organizeand run them. 

My name is Amanda Song and I am a sophomore this year. I'm also theCorresponding Secretary of SGO. I’m responsible for the SGO newsletter,maintaining the files of the student council, creating a student council directory,

and performing the regular duties of the Recording Secretary in her absence. 

My name is Kristin Newman, and I am a senior as well as President of the SGO. AsPresident, it is my job to run the Executive Board and the General Assembly meetingsevery week and work with students to plan successful school-wide events. I also workclosely with the advisors to develop agendas and to keep the organization runningsmoothly. It is truly an honor to be able to represent the incredibly talented and diversestudents we have here at Dulaney.

My name is Sophie Golden and I'm the Recording Secretary for SGO.My job is to take notes during executive board and general assembly

meetings, manage attendance, and assist with any extra tasks. Aside fromstudent government, my interests are traveling, music, reading, and camping

Meet the New Exect.


I’m Emma Jones and as Vice President, my duties include: assisting thepresident in any needs asked of me, consulting with the president to benefitSGO and I also coordinate the needs of the body and administration. 

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I'm Caitlin Derry, and I’m Senior at Dulaney. I'm a Historian this year,which means I take pictures of the things that go around Dulaney! I havebeen a part of the Student Government for 3 years now and executive boardfor one year. 

My name is Ashley Forthuber and as Co-Historian, it’s my job todocument Dulaney’s events and activities through photos. At the end ofthe year I, along with Caitlin, make a scrapbook or video presentation toshowcase what we will have accomplished as the student councilthroughout the year.

My name is Maddie Wilson and I am a junior at Dulaney. I have been involved inDulaney's SGO since my freshman year and became deeply involved in SGO. I'mhappy to be a part of such a cohesive and diverse group that strives to better theDulaney community. This year, I am a member on the executive board without anofficial position so I spread my experience, opinions, and help to each individualmember on the executive board.

My name is Kira Stiers and I am a senior at Dulaney. I have beeninvolved with SGO and class council all 4 years. I am currently serving asthe liaison between SGO and the athletic board. You can usually find meeither running around the hallways of Dulaney or running around asoccer field, go Lions! 

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It’s that time of year again!Spirit Week will begin this year onOctober 6


Kicking offSpirit Week is theHallways War.The theme is:

 Hawaiian Shore.

Spirit Week 

Spirit Days-------------------------------

Oct.6th PJ (pajama) Monday


Fandom Tuesday:-Wear clothes of

your favorite,movies, TV series,bands, and more

Oct.8th Maryland Wednesday

-Wear Marylandthemed clothing, suchas an Orioles jersey, aRaven jacket, or a crabT-shirt.

Oct.9thHawaiian Thursday

Oct.10thDulaney Friday

-Get your Spirit

 Wear ready forPep Rally!

On Oct. 6th, student councils ofeach grade will take part indecorating their assigned hallway.The hallways will then be judged todetermine the winner!

Hallwa   Wars

Marching band, Cheerleaders, Dance Club and more, Pep Rallyhas it all. It’s time to get your spirit pumped up as students fromevery grade come to attend this meeting for our athletes. Grabyour spirit wear and come after school on Friday, Oct. 10th.

Pe Rall

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This year’shomecomingtheme is: Dancing with the 


Homecoming willtake place on

October 11th

 from7pm-10pm. Doorsclose at 7:30;no re-entry.


Ticket sales will begin onSeptember 29th near theClassic Cafeteria. In the firstweek of ticket sales, ticketswill only cost $20 and justDulaney students maypurchase tickets in the firstweek. Late buyers and non-Dulaney students maypurchase their tickets for $25on the second week of ticketsales. So don’t forget to

purchase your Homecomingtickets early.

Thanks for Reading my Newsletter !  

~Amanda Song 

Corresponding Secretary 

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