sharing our faith by sharing god’s love! sabbath’s ended

July-August, 2011 Volume 16, Number 11 Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! St. Timothy Mission Statement Nurtured and sustained by God’s love, we are called and inspired to share His love with our neighbor, to make God’s story known, and to help our neighbors near and far …so that all may experience God’s love. Dear Timothy Partners in the Gospel, ‘And Jesus said to his apostles (whom he’d sent and had just returned from their first mission without Him): “Come away to a deserted place all by ourselves and rest a while.” …and so they went away in the boat to be alone by themselves.’ [Mark 6:31-32 paraphrase] It was in that boat sitting at the feet of Jesus that the apostles were rested and refreshed by His presence, enough to be rejuvenated (as our next verses tell us) to take on the new mission of His Next Calling, the feeding of the five thousand. And such was our theme and focus this year at St. Timothy, in various ways getting into the boat with Jesus, having his presence rest and refresh us, re-centering us from our own thoughts and experiences with GOD’S perspective on them, giving us new energy and spirit with which to perceive that He has NEW callings and purpose for us. It was to that end: …that two Spring congregational gatherings were first held to understand God’s calling of all apostles to engage in Sabbath time; …that a Saturday Advent Sabbath Morning was held in Fall under the spiritual direction of Pr. Dr. Tom Lichnor; …that a January Council and Leaders’ Retreat was led by PK, and then developed into a full Sunday Pre-Lenten Congregational Retreat, “Sitting at the Feet of Jesus;” …that one Friday Night and two congregational Sunday morning worship services were led in the spiritually reflective, meditative style of Taize’ worship; Sabbath’s Ended… Time To Get Back To Work… …i.e. God’s Work, To Which He Specifically Calls Us! Continued on Page 3—See Pastor’s Message

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Page 1: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

July-August, 2011Volume 16, Number 11

Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love!

St. Timothy Mission StatementNurtured and sustained by God’s love,

we are called and inspired to share His love with our neighbor,to make God’s story known, and to help our neighbors near and far

…so that all may experience God’s love.

Dear Timothy Partners in the Gospel,‘And Jesus said to his apostles (whom he’d sent and had just returned from their

first mission without Him): “Come away to a deserted place all by ourselves andrest a while.” …and so they went away in the boat to be alone by themselves.’[Mark 6:31-32 paraphrase] It was in that boat sitting at the feet of Jesus that the apostleswere rested and refreshed by His presence, enough to be rejuvenated (as our next versestell us) to take on the new mission of His Next Calling, the feeding of the five thousand.

And such was our theme and focus this year at St. Timothy, in various ways gettinginto the boat with Jesus, having his presence rest and refresh us, re-centering us fromour own thoughts and experiences with GOD’S perspective on them, giving us new energy and spirit with which to perceive that He has NEW callings and purpose for us.It was to that end:

…that two Spring congregational gatherings were first held to understand God’scalling of all apostles to engage in Sabbath time;

…that a Saturday Advent Sabbath Morning was held in Fall under the spiritualdirection of Pr. Dr. Tom Lichnor;

…that a January Council and Leaders’ Retreat was led by PK, and then developedinto a full Sunday Pre-Lenten Congregational Retreat, “Sitting at the Feet ofJesus;”

…that one Friday Night and two congregational Sunday morning worship serviceswere led in the spiritually reflective, meditative style of Taize’ worship;

Sabbath’s Ended…Time To Get Back To Work……i.e. God’s Work, To Which

He Specifically Calls Us!

Continued on Page 3—See Pastor’s Message

Page 2: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

2 Epistle from St. Timothy’s July-August, 2011

Worship CalendarDuring the summer Pastor Kidd will be on vacation at various times.

The visiting Pastor for those weeks is noted below.During the summer the service will be a combination of theELW Service of the Word with WOV Setting 4 for communion.

JULYDate Day Special Events ReadingsJuly 3 Sunday Pentecost 3 Zechariah 9:9-12; Romans 7:15-25a;

9:30 a.m. Pastor Glenn Simmons Matthew 11:16-19,25-30Independence Day weekend

July 10 Sunday Pentecost 4 Isaiah 55:10-13; Romans 8:1-11;9:30 a.m. Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

July 17 Sunday Pentecost 5 Isaiah 44:6-8; Romans 8:12-25;9:30 a.m. Rite of Wholeness Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

July 24 Sunday Pentecost 6 1 Kings 3:5-12; Romans 8:26-39;9:30 a.m. Pastor John Deisinger Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

July 31 Sunday Pentecost 7 Isaiah 55:1-5; Romans 9:1-5;9:30 a.m. Pastor John Deisinger Matthew 14:13-21 0

AUGUSTDate Day Special Events ReadingsAug. 7 Sunday Pentecost 8 1 Kings 19:9-18; Romans 10:5-15;

9:30 a.m. Matthew 14:22-33

Aug. 14 Sunday Pentecost 9 Isaiah 56:1, 6-8; Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32;9:30 a.m. Rite of Wholeness Matthew 15:10-28

Aug. 21 Sunday Pentecost 10 Isaiah 51:1-6; Romans 12:1-8;9:30 a.m. Pastor Rev. Stan Trout Matthew 16:13-20

Aug 28 Sunday Pentecost 11 Jeremiah 15:15-21; Romans 12:9-21;9:30 a.m. Matthew 16:21-28

ST. TIMOTHY’s [email protected]



for information about our national church


for information about our synod

EPISTLE FROM ST. TIMOTHY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH isa publication of St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA).EPISTLE FROM ST. TIMOTHY EVANGLICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH.Published monthly except August by St. Timothy Evangelical LutheranChurch, 140 South Ott Street, Allentown, PA 18104-6197. Questions orcomments may be directed to the Editor, Epistle from St. Timothy, St.Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church, 140 South Ott Street, Allentown,Pennsylvania 18104-6197.





Page 3: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

July-August, 2011 Epistle from St. Timothy’s 3

Pastor’s Message —Continued from Page 1

…that the 3-D women’s group gathered around the book SABBATH; while two otherSabbath time groups gathered each 13 times (Wednesdays & Sundays) throughoutthe year to study, discuss, pray, and sing the nature and presence of God.

…and finally, that from the boat of Jesus emerged a group of those sitting at Hisfeet, to begin looking from the “Crow’s Nest”, sighting and perceiving to what workGod is next calling us. “Be who you are… See what you have… Do what matters”is the mantra for their direction. Their perceptions and insights will be given format the January Council and Leader’s Retreat. However already taking directionfrom them, council has vowed their monthly meeting to consist of one-half study,discussion, and prayer time (45 minutes); and the other half (45 minutes) institutional business time.

Until further sightings and visions are perceived, let me share with you some of theinsights and awarenesses gleaned by the two Sabbath groups who were meetingthroughout the year. For our Bible & discussion direction, we used Max Lucado’s bookentitled: “It’s Not About Me: Rescue from the life we thought would make us happy.”It is not ABOUT me; it is about GOD’S GLORY. Here are their insights and thoughts (presented randomly):

a. When I’m always falling short and disappointing other people, GRACE bringsme Rest.

b. The goal of human life is: ‘Making God JOB ONE!’ His agenda, His glory, Hiswill for me, guiding my thoughts and my decisions.

c. God is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY; and there is necessary mystery there (in Him) thatwe were never meant to understand.

d. My refreshened awareness is that I REALLY DO BELONG to God (He holds thedeed and title to my body and life).

e. We EXIST, to reflect the brightness of God (which is the purpose and reason forour good works).

f. God does not blow up balloons just to see them pop! It is GOD’S love for andrelationship with us, which HE just cannot let go of.

g. Unlike the child who thought the primary requirement for getting to heaven wasthat you had to be DEAD, we get to heaven by God’s Grace. Our gratitude andthankfulness for which causes our good works.

h. The word HUMILITY places ‘u’ before ‘i’. Thus so does the servant’s heart.i. We were created to live our lives for the displaying of GOD’S glory, not for the

attaining of our OWN glory.”j. My BODY is about Him, and therefore the CARE of my body GLORIFIES Him

(especially as I get older).k. It both humbles and comforts me that the Father can love me as one of his dear

children WITHOUT it being all about me (but instead being about Him: Hisglory, His love, His compassion, His understanding, His acceptance.

l. Because it’s NOT about me, but IS about Him, the more I SELF-CENTER andSELF-SATISFY, the less happy I am.”

Continued on Page 4—See Pastor’s Message

Page 4: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

4 Epistle from St. Timothy’s July-August, 2011

m. God’s Holiness is for God Only to understand …His thoughts, insights, wisdom,ways. This will remain mystery to us finite critters, except for what is good forus to know about Him (which is precisely then what he reveals to us).

n. Not by Choice, but by Calling, our human lives are mirrors of God’s glory, nomatter the clay-cracked-potness (or sin) of our lives.”

o. If it’s all ABOUT me, then it’s all UP TO ME… (YIKES… God Help Us!)p. A sardine will swallow the Atlantic, before God stops hating the sin but loving

the sinner.Baptized… and wishing you rest and refreshment this summer,


Pastor’s Message —Continued from Page 3

We pray weekly for our members at home.Every month we highlight a portion our list ofhomebound members so that you can sendcards, and perhaps visit!

Here is this month’s list (birthday in italics):Madilyn Evrard, Above & Beyond at

Mountainview, 2232 29th St. S.W., Rm. 208,Allentown, PA 18103 (January 29)

Ms. Emily Flowers, Good ShepherdHome, Raker #204B, 543 St. John St., Allentown,PA 18103 (June 3)

Ms. Vickie Kramer, The Village at WillowLane, Room 216, 6488 Alburtis Rd., Macungie,PA 18062

Dr. William Sharkan, Cedarbrook, D-4,Rm. #417, 350 S. Cedarbrook Rd., Allentown, PA18104 (February 6)

Phoebe Home, Turner St., 2 East, Rm.#292, Allentown, PA 18104 (September 29)

None of our members at home celebratebirthdays in July or August.

Muhlenberg, Malls, and Mission

Pay attention to one of the church’s biggestcompetitors of all time: our contemporary idol—market capitalism. This is one of the most successful religions of modern times. Malls are“cathedrals of consumption.” The “Word of Lordand Taylor” orients us to small dreams and provide temporary escapism from the world’sproblems. Malls are “temples” of our culture andprovide powerful seduction for our children. Thedesire to acquire results in unending discontentbecause real satisfaction is never acheived. Ourfamilies and we are attracted to Malls with theirlights, sights, sounds and beautiful décor, usuallyincluding fountains of everflowing sparklingwater. Stores are open from 10-9 every day.Remember when Sunday was the Lord’s Day?

The above is quite a contrast to the philosophyof two religious giants: Martin Luther and HenryMelchior Muhlenberg. Both of these inspiringpreachers saw God as our fulfilling Source, satisfying our soul’s most basic needs: love, forgiveness and rebirth. Luther and Muhlenbergboth stressed attention to the poor and abandoned. Luther successfully waged a war onpoverty in 1508 in Wittenberg when he convinced the town council to establish a tax—the funds to be collected from the citizens andused for the common good of the needy. AmyReuman, from Lutheran Advocacy in her workshop Muhlenberg, Mission and the Poor,related a letter written by Muhlenberg in 1753where he stated, …”the kingdom of God mustbegin vigorously with the poor, abandoned andnumerous youth.” Education of the young wasan emphasis.

We, as the “priesthood of believers” need tohelp our youth make the choice that attracts

them to a life of GIVING instead of alwaysRECEIVING. Pastor Michael Reist in his workshop Magic, Puppets and Arts—ExpandingHow We Do Ministry, stated that as church members we need to be clever and CREATIVE inideas to appeal to our youth and those who findchurch more of a chore than the uplifting gracefilled experience that our Lord provides. Pray forthe Holy Spirit to inspire us all to light the pathto the Call not the Mall.

Page 5: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

July-August, 2011 Epistle from St. Timothy’s 5

Summer Food SafetyThere is still plenty of time to take

advantage of the warm weather to have picnicsand barbecues. Practice these steps to keep yourfood safe and prevent food poisoning duringyour outdoor activities.

1. Wash your hands frequently for at least20 seconds in warm soapy water—before, duringand after handling food outside. Use bottled handsanitizer if there is no access to clean water.

2. Keep foods in separate containers toavoid cross-contamination with other foods.

3. Make sure you cook your food to therecommended temperatures. Use a food thermometer to check the temperature.Refrigerate food promptly after use.

4. Use hot soapy water to scrub the grill andthe utensils you use to cook the food. Also, remem-ber to clean the inside of the portable coolers.

5. Don’t use the same dishtowel repeatedlybecause it can spread germs. Do not reuse paper towels.

6. Don’t use the same brush to baste rawand cooked meats. Boil leftover marinade beforeusing it to season cooked meats or make a sec-ond batch or set aside a portion before the initialmarinating.

7. Keep food cool with plenty of ice or icepacks; maintain the temperature inside the cooler at 40 degrees or below.

8. Don’t allow food to set out too long; inhot weather, 90 degrees F or above, an hour isthe limit without refrigeration. Place cold foodson a bed of ice for serving.—Adapted from the American Dietetic Association,

press release, May 2011

Moving? Got Email?Change Your Phone #?

We constantly struggle in this mobile society we livein to keep up with everyone's current mailing andcontact information. We are asking everyone tomake sure the information we have is up-to-date bycompleting the form below and either mail it to thechurch secretary or drop it in the offering plate.





City State Zip Code

Cell Phone (optional) � include in directory� omit from directory

Work Phone (optional) � include in directory� omit from directory

E-mail � include in directory� omit from directory

Home Phone � include in directory� omit from directory

Several members of St.Timothy have expressed aninterest in attending aCPR course. As a result,we have engaged aninstructor to teach acourse at the church.

When:Wednesday, September 21, 20115:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

Cost: $10 per person (limit 10 people)(The remainder of the costwill be paid by the church.)

The instructor is an Operating Room StaffNurse at Lehigh Valley Health Network and acertified American Heart Association CPRInstructor.

For additional information or to register forthe course, please contact Charlotte Cruse (610-436-3180) or Mary Bowers (610-965-8422)by September 10.

Dear St. Timothy’s,Thank you so much for your thoughts

and prayers. They mean so much.SincerelyJennifer Oswald

CPR Course

Page 6: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

6 Epistle from St. Timothy’s July-August, 2011

AARP NewsAllentown AARP Chapter #5415 meets at St.

Timothy's Church from September to June. Ouropening program on Thursday, September1, 2011 is an entertaining, but also educational,one. Did you ever feel "ripped off" in the marketplace? When you pump a gallon of gas,how do you know what you received? Have younoticed that packages are shrinking the amountof product we get for the price we pay?

Your shopping trips will never be the sameafter this entertaining and educational presentation packed with important consumerinformation. Mary Bach, AARP PennsylvaniaConsumer Advocate, is the speaker and her presentation is packed with important consumerinformation. Mary has been on the Today Show,Good Morning America, and Dateline and nowshe is coming to our opening meeting onSeptember 1, 2011. Mark your calendar. Spreadthe word. Bring your friends and neighbors tothis meeting as we open our new season withthis program, which will begin at 1 p.m. Non-members are welcome.

Other news of our Chapter: Trips duringthe summer months include:July 13, 2011 Hunterdon Playhouse, $75.Summer musical. Delicious meal and wonderfuldessert buffet.July 17, 2011 Mohegan Sun Casino, $20.Includes bus, $10 food, slot play $25.August 17, 2011 Mohegan Sun Casino, $20.Includes bus, $10 food, slot play $25August 31, 2011 Philadelphia River Belle $65.4-deck Paddle Wheel Boat. Cruise, Dinner &EntertainmentSeptember 14, 2011 Ehrhardt’s WaterfrontResort in the Poconos $65. Italian Festival

Information on all trips (non-members welcome) call Jeanne at 610-437-4265.

Synod AssemblyThe 24th Annual Synod Assembly of ELCA

NE PA Synod opened at 9:30 Friday morning,June 17, 2011 with devotions led by BishopZeiser. Unique this year was the blending of agroup of non-voting Lutherans called LIFT(Lutherans in Faith Together) and LYF(Lutheran Youth Fellowship) together with theestablished voting representatives for all areaLutheran churches.

Although this was a non-voting year forBishop selection, Friday morning was taken upwith the “business” of the church called PlenarySession One. This included reports from suchareas as the Officers, the Bishop, Secretaryand,of course, our own Dave Hinrichs, SynodTreasurer, who presented in precise, clear andfactual terms, the financial health of our synod.The writer was proud to inform those aroundhim, Dave's home church and the notable qualifications that made him, " the right man forthe job.” (Note: If anyone is interested in thesereports they are available in the church office.)

Friday afternoon afforded us a wonderfulpresentation that centered on the theme for thisyear’s Assembly, “Muhlenberg, Malls andMissions.” (As a matter of interest, this markedthe 300th anniversary of Henry MelchiorMuhlenberg, who roamed the halls during theentire Assembly). The keynote speaker was theRev. Dr. Jon Pahl, Professor of History andDirector of MA Programs at the LutheranTheological Seminary in Philadelphia. A summaryof this keynote presentation along with a synopsisof two related workshops attended by your representative are published in this newsletter,separate from the overall Synodical assemblyreport. (See page 4)

Saturday morning began with devotions followed by Plenary Session Two which wrappedup more synod “housework,” recognition ofanniversaries, compensation guidelines forPastors and lay leaders, a report on the Synodoffice move to Schoenersville and the signing ofan agreement by the presidents of MuhlenbergCollege and Philadelphia Seminary that willmake transition from college to Seminary morefluid. (This was actually signed Friday but clarified more on Saturday.)

The 2011 Synod Assembly officially closedwith a celebration of the Eucharist and a -wonderful sermon by Bishop Zeiser. This was avery moving service and touched St. Timothyrepresentatives deeply and humbly.

We, Jim and Rose Maehrer, would like tothank St. Timothy's and her Church Council foraffording us the opportunity to represent youand we would be happy to discuss any aspects ofthe Assembly with you.

Page 7: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

July-August, 2011 Epistle from St. Timothy’s 7


St. Timothy Lutheran Church confirmedtwo members of the congregation on Sunday,June 12, 2011. They were Austin Braxmeier andAlex Christensen. Austin’s sponsor was his aunt,Rev. Caroline Johnson Franceski. Alex’s sponsorwas Mrs. Charlotte Mann.

The confirmands spent Friday eveningthrough Saturday morning at Pastor Kidd’s homefor their final session before Sunday’s confirma-tion (see photos).

A reception honoring the two new adult members of thecongregation followed theservice.

Left to right: Cheryl Christensen, Alex Christensen,Pastor Kidd, Austin Braxmeier, Tiffany Braxmeier.

Alex, Patrice Kidd and Austinsing along with player piano.

Austin and Alex clowning toplayer piano music.

Austin, Pastor Kidd and Alex relaxing at the Kidd residence.

Land of Promise

St. Timothy Lutheran Church is now theowner of the “Land of Promise” (across the streetfrom the church). Closing with the City ofAllentown occurred on Wednesday, June 8 at theoffices of Hamilton Abstract. President LorettaWiltraut, Vice President Jess Keller, Pastor DavidKidd and Rick Focht,who acted as the congregation’s attorney, were present.

St. Timothy Endowment FundSt. Timothy Lutheran Church has an

Endowment Fund whose purpose is to enhancemission outreach. Through wills and other gifts,we as church members can fund new visions forministry by expanding our congregational out-reach and social ministry and by supportingefforts in Christian education and leadership. Tothis end, in 2010 the fund made grants to assistRufus Zulu with tuition for a course in the pre-nursing curriculum at LCCC and to MarilynMazsa toward costs of attending the TriennialGathering of the Women of the ELCA in Seattlethis summer.

The balance at the end of the first quarter,2011 in the fund was $36,105.16. TheEndowment Fund is invested in a balancedmutual fund and thus the total will fluctuate. TheEndowment Committee is willing to considergrant applications when a need arises. Pleasespeak to any member of the committee for moreinformation. Committee members are JoanDeisinger, Richard Cruse, Lorna Meyer, CharlotteCruse, and John Deisinger.

Page 8: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

157 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3–Office Open6:30-11pm–ChessClub [L]

Key: [F] = Fellowship Hall [L] = Lounge [P] = Pastor’s Office [NV] = Nave [N] = Nursery [LB] = Library


3 PENTECOST 39:30 am–WorshipVisiting Pastor: Rev.Glenn Simmons

17am-6pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3 pm–Office Open6:30-11pm–ChessClub [L]

4 Independence DayOFFICE CLOSED7 pm–Boy Scouts [F]

57 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3 pm–Office Open

67 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3 pm–Office Open7:30 pm–VentureCrew [F]

77 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3 pm–Office OpenNO AARP Meeting6 pm–ExecutiveCommittee [P]NO Worship & MusicCommittee MeetingOperation Sunshine inParking Lot

87 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3 pm–Office Open6 pm–Venture CrewLock-In Begins [F]6:30-11 pm–ChessClub [L]

910 am–Venture CrewLock-In Ends [F]

10 PENTECOST 49:30 am–Worship11 am–BloodPressure Screening[L]

117 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]OFFICE CLOSED7 pm–Boy Scouts [F]

127 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]9 am–Quilters [L]9 am–Property [L]12-3 pm–Office OpenNO CongregationCouncil Meeting

147 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3–Office Open2 pm–DaybreakMission Team


17 PENTECOST 56:30 am–St. Paul’sMission Team9:30 am–Worship Wholeness

187 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]OFFICE CLOSED7 pm–Mental HealthSupport Group [L]7 pm–Boy Scouts [F]

24 PENTECOST 69:30 am–WorshipVisiting Pastor: Rev.John Deisinger

31 PENTECOST 79:30 am–WorshipVisiting Pastor: Rev.John Deisinger

257 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]OFFICE CLOSED7 pm–Boy Scouts [F]

267 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]OFFICE CLOSED9 am–Quilters [L]

277 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]OFFICE CLOSED7 pm–AA [F]AARP in Parking Lot

287 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]OFFICE CLOSED

297 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]OFFICE CLOSED6 pm–Hamilton ParkCrime Watch [F]6:30-11 pm–ChessClub [L]


197 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3–Office Open

207 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3–Office Open7:30 pm–VentureCrew [F]

217 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3–Office Open

227 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3–Office Open6:30-11pm–ChessClub [L]



137 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3–Office OpenAARP in Parking Lot

Page 9: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

197 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3–Office Open6:30-11pm–ChessClub [L]

Key: [F] = Fellowship Hall [L] = Lounge [P] = Pastor’s Office [NV] = Nave [N] = Nursery [LB] = Library


7 PENTECOST 89:30 am–WorshipVisiting Pastor: Rev.Glenn Simmons

17am-6pm–TLASummer Camp [F]OFFICE CLOSED7 pm–Boy Scouts [F]

27am-6pm–TLASummer Camp [F]TBA–Office Open

37am-6pm–TLASummer Camp [F]TBA–Office Open

47am-6pm–TLASummer Camp [F]TBA–Office Open

57am-6pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3 pm–Office Open6:30-11pm–ChessClub [L]

87am-6pm–TLASummer Camp [F]OFFICE CLOSED7 pm–Boy Scouts [F]

97 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]9 am–Quilters [L]9 am–Property [L]12-3 pm–Office Open7:30 pm–CouncilMeeting [L]

107 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3 pm–Office Open

117 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3 pm–Office OpenNO AARP Meeting2 pm–DaybreakMission Team

127 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3 pm–Office Open6:30-11 pm–ChessClub [L]


14 PENTECOST 99:30 am–WorshipWholeness11 am–BloodPressure Screening[L]

157 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]OFFICE CLOSED7 pm–Boy Scouts [F]7 pm–Mental HealthSupport Group [L]

167 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3 pm–Office Open

187 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3–Office Open

209:30 am–PeachPicking (meet inParking Lot)

21 PENTECOST 106:30 am–St. Paul’sMission Team9:30 am–WorshipVisiting Pastor: Rev:Stan Trout

Bakers pick uppeaches [F]

22OFFICE CLOSED7 pm–Boy Scouts [F]

28 PENTECOST 119:30 am–Worship7 pm–Crop WalkRallyt Meeting [L]

29OFFICE CLOSED7 pm–Boy Scouts [F]

3012-3–Office Open7-9 pm–AmnestyInternational [L]

3112-3–Office Open NOTE–


239 am–Quilters [L]12-3–Office Open7-8:30 pm–PeachFestival

2412-3–Office Open7 pm–AA [L]

2512-3–Office Open

2612-3–Office Open6 pm–Hamilton ParkCrime Watch [F]6:30-11pm–ChessClub [L]



177 am-6 pm–TLASummer Camp [F]12-3–Office Open7:30 pm–VenyureCrew [F]

Page 10: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

SYNOD NEWS The Spirit of Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA July 2011

Since the early days of the Lutheran Youth Fellowship organization, ELCA World Hunger has been a top concern for youth in our synod. The LYF adopted a resolution called Burger of the Month club. This resolution requires LYF board members to contribute $3 each month they meet (the cost of a burger) to give to ELCA World Hunger. 

Last fall at its initial planning retreat, the Youth, Young Adult and Family Ministry Team decided to focus on an event that would raise money for ELCA World Hunger. Their decision? Hold a World Hunger Lock‐In event at nine different sites, one in each mission district, on the same weekend. 

On July 16 and 17, youth in grades 7 through 12 will be 

participating in these lock‐in events. In addition to raising money for ELCA World Hunger, participants will be working on a variety of projects as they focus on the problem of hunger in the world. According to the ELCA website, 

ELCA World Hunger responds to hunger and poverty in the 

United States and around the world by addressing root causes. Through a comprehensive program of relief, development, education and advocacy, people are connected to the resources they need to lift themselves out of poverty. Between 70‐75 percent of ELCA World Hunger funds are spent internationally, and 20‐25 percent are spent domestically. 

How Your Congregation Can Help – Whether Your Youth Are Participating or Not! 

There are at least three ways that your congregation can 

help with the lock‐in. You can supply items for Lutheran World Relief personal care kits and deliver them to the congregation in your mission district that is hosting the lock‐in. Youth will be assembling these kits during their time together. Another way to participate is to involve your congregation in a 24‐hour prayer vigil for world hunger starting on Saturday, July 16. A third way to participate is to sponsor a young person at the lock‐in as they raise money for ELCA World Hunger or collect an offering designated to ELCA World Hunger during worship on July 17. 

To find out what items are being collected for the personal care kits and where you can drop them off, go to htm and click on Youth World Hunger Lock‐In. 

Page 11: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

Synod News is published monthly by the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA; 4865 Hamilton Blvd., Wescosville PA 18106; 610‐395‐6891; [email protected]; 


Christ’s United Lutheran Church, Ashland, PA 

10:00 AM – 3:00 PM with Marlane Druckenmiller 

Schedule 8:45  Registration 9:00  Session 1: Brain Secrets for Teaching the 

Bible   Learning doesn’t depend on the curriculum 

alone. Our brains help us learn in different ways. Come away from this workshop knowing at least 7 different ways to teach the Bible based on how people learn! 

12:00 Lunch 1:00  Session 2: Creative Learning Classrooms   How can the appearance of classrooms 

affect the way students learn? What can you do to spruce up your classroom to make it an effective tool for teaching? 

For more information and a registration form, go to; scroll down to the Gearing Up for Sunday School blurb. 

Note about the 2011 Assembly Summary The summary of the 2011 Synod Assembly, held June 17‐18 at the Muhlenberg College, will be mailed to congregations in the July monthly 

mailing. This (July) issue was prepared and mailed June 8, before the synod assembly. 

Synod Ministry Teams Your Resource to Help Invigorate 

Congregational Mission 

Youth, Young Adult, and Family Ministry Team 

Build and support ministry with children, youth, young adults and families in the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod communities (church, mission district, synod) 

The Youth, Young Adult and Family Ministry team gathered for its first meeting, a training weekend funded by the Leadership Development team, October 22‐23, 2010. At that event, team members learned how the team was organized; discussed their roles and job descriptions; discovered their gifts; enjoyed group building activities; brainstormed events and programs; and constructed a framework for committee future meetings. 

Team members include a young person and an adult from each mission district, the LYF president, a synod staff person, and the convener. Each team member chooses an area of ministry on which to focus – youth, young adult or family ministry. Focus groups meet regularly to work on ministry ideas. 

Leaders of the youth focus ministry group are working overtime to put the finishing touches on the team’s first event, the World Hunger Lock‐in on July 16‐17. Exploring ways for young adults to be connected through Internet resources is the young adult focus ministry group’s task. Family Fellowship Day, planned by the family focus ministry group, is scheduled for October 16, 2011. Like the World Hunger Lock‐in, the Family Fellowship Day will be held on the same day with each mission district providing a host site. Watch for more information.  

Members of the Youth, Young Adult and Family ministry team were able to attend the Do What 

Matters workshop at Union, Schnecksville, in December. Through this process the team created the Facebook page, God Sightings in Northeastern PA Synod. Check it out! 

Kathy Schaeffer, convener 

Volume 19, Issue 7 Synod News

Page 12: Sharing our faith by sharing God’s love! Sabbath’s Ended

St. Timothy EvangelicalLutheran Church140 South Ott Street

Allentown, PA 18104-6197

St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Churchis a member of the Lehigh Mission District,Lehigh County Conference of Churches, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran ChurchRev. David Kidd, Pastor—610-435-6512Mrs. Nancy E. Fennell, M.Ed., Music Director—610-435-0628Mrs. Cheryl Christensen,Secretary—610-435-6512 x200

Office Hours: Tuesday thru Friday—12 a.m.-3 p.m.Sunday School: Classes resume in SeptemberWorship: 9:30 a.m. Service of Holy Communion (Returns to 10:30 a.m. in September)Email:[email protected]

Non-Profit Org.U.S. POSTAGE



Sabbath’s Ended…Time To Get Back To Work……i.e. God’s Work, To WhichHe Specifically Calls Us!. . . . . . . 1

July/August Worship Schedule. . . . 2Muhlenberg, Malls, and Mission. . 4Health Topic of the Month. . . . . . . 5Synod Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6July Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . . . 8August Calendar of Events. . . . . . . 9Synod News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1