shift your mindset

Awareness is the greatest agent for change, but it is NOT change. Only ACTION creates change. [email protected] 269.267.4489 TWENTY

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Page 1: Shift Your Mindset

Awareness is the greatest agent

for change, but it is NOT change.

Only ACTION creates change. [email protected] 269.267.4489


Page 2: Shift Your Mindset

Awareness is the greatest agent

for change, but it is NOT change.

Only ACTION creates change.

?I Created These CardsBecause it’s time. No more waiting. For timing. For permission. For circumstances to change. Now is the time for you to step into your power. You have everything you need to make this journey. But You have to take the step. When you move, Universal Energy moves. There will be signs and symbols along the way that are meant for you only. You will need to get comfortable following your intuition. Listening in the silence. When you do, there is an invisible force that comes to your aid.


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?To Use ThemHOW

Pick 1 Card Per Day

Complete 1 Action Step

Journal Your Progress

Whenever you �nd yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. Make the choice to take the chance to produce the change.

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?Can HappenWHAT

Your soul knows when it’s on to something, LISTEN! When you adopt a more empowering belief system, one that relies on your personal power, you will begin to align with the immense power within you. You will be leaving behind a belief system of limitation and helplessness. You will adopt a more empowering belief system of discipline and strength and inner wisdom. “If you don't make time to work on creating the life you want, you're eventually going to be forced to spend A LOT of time dealing with a life you don't want."-Kevin Ngo

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Kitt Depatie

WHOI was stuck. I couldn’t go forward. I didn’t want to go back. But something was whispering to me. “You have everything you need. You just need to move. Take the step. Jump if you have to.” So I did. I discovered being stuck is just a mindset. EVEN IF it felt like it was other things. The job. The place. The relationship. It was me, standing in front of ME. So I took the step and suddenly I was time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings.

Dream Builder Coach Inspirational Illustrator Problem Solver

I Am.

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I am a victim I create my of circumstances. own reality.

I live in scarcity. I live in abundance. There is never There is always enough. enough.

I am always My path is sacred. screwing up. I am always in the right place.

I need to prove I am worthy. my worth.

I am in competition I am in FLOW with the world. with the world.

Listen to your spirit!

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Don’t think about what can

happen in a month. Don’t think about what can

happen in a year. Just focus on the next 24

hours in front of you and do what you can to get

closer to where you want to be.

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I am a victim I create my of circumstances. own reality.

I live in scarcity. I live in abundance. There is never There is always enough. enough.

I am always My path is sacred. screwing up. I am always in the right place.

I need to prove I am worthy. my worth.

I am in competition I am in FLOW with the world. with the world.

I hope you enjoy these cards. Many small steps create the opportunity for BIG change. I encourage you to journal your progress. Journaling activates the Reticular Activation Center (RAC or problem solving)area of your brain, and produces huge insight.

For more information about new products and

courses visit

All my illustrations are available in canvas or print:

©Kitt Depatie 2016 All Rights Reserved

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“If it’s both terrifying and amazing, then you should DEFINELY pursue it.”


• We do not need magic to change the world. We carry the power we need inside ourselves already. • One day she just decided she did.• What if I fail? Oh but darling, what if you fly?• You already are amazing!

1. Step out of your comfort zone, even if it is just one step. Baby steps will get you all the way up the mountain.

2. You are limitless and connected to source energy. Never forget who you are. Feel this all day.

3. Your life is in your control. Agree to be afraid. Agree to “Not Know” Do it anyway! Watch how amazing your life will become.


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• We do not need magic to change the world. We carry the power we need inside ourselves already. • One day she just decided she did.• What if I fail? Oh but darling, what if you fly?• You already are amazing!

1. Step out of your comfort zone, even if it is just one step. Baby steps will get you all the way up the mountain.

2. You are limitless and connected to source energy. Never forget who you are. Feel this all day.

3. Your life is in your control. Agree to be afraid. Agree to “Not Know” Do it anyway! Watch how amazing your life will become.

Tell me one thing you p la n to do w i t h th

is wild


d pre c ious Life

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“What is one thing you are going to do today with your wild and precious life?”

• She who is brave is free.• It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.• Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, 20 seconds of embarrassing bravery.•  To own your story is the bravest way to love yourself.


1. Be unstoppable. Courage is feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Being scared means you are about to do something really big!

2. Courage is the foundation for integrity. Keep your word to yourself to be brave.

3. You are never ready for what you have to do, you just do it, that’s what makes you ready!


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“When you do things from your soul you feel a river moving through you. JOY.”

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• Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.• It’s not the circumstances that create joy, it is YOU!• Joy is the most magnetic foce in the universe.• Joy is not in things. Joy is in US.


1. Find joy in the journey. Joy is a choice. Find what gives you joy... and go there.

2. Lift someone else’s burden today. Add some joy to those around you. It’s contagious.

3. Sparkle, shimmer and shine today and watch joy show up.


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“Not all those that wander.. are lost.”




ose that wander are l



• You are born to wander. Part of the path back to you requires you to wander.• If you want to know where your heart is, look to where your mind goes when it wanders.• Don’t wander away from yourself to get close to someone else.

1. Pay attention to where your mind is today. Make a decsion to do one thing that moves you closer to what it is telling you.

2. “You can’t push the river” Go with the flow all day. Watch where it takes you. Let go of the need to know why you are here now. Instead, let it delight and surprise you.

3. When you let yourself wander, you will discover things that will never be revealed in the “tightly held to” schedule.


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“I love it when someone’s laugh is funnier than the joke.”

• Look at something that frustrates you with humor.• Remember a time when you laughed till you cried?• Sometimes I just want a hug and someone to say, here is a coffee and 5 milllion dollars.

1. Do what makes YOU happy. Be with those who make you smile. Dump the dumpables in your life.

2. Pick 1 situation today that you might normally be irritated with and find 2 funny things you can laugh about. Seriousness is a state of mind that robs you of your life force.

3. Practice staying ahead of your emotions. As a conscious creator you are in charge of what you allow in your life. Refuse to let what others do or say disturb you today. Be in flow, watch the energy around you. If you laugh a lot now, when you get older, your wrinkles will be in the right places.



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“Today is going to be awesome!”

• What if It was better than you thought?•  What if you looked for what was working?• What if You felt blessed?• What if You were grateful for what you have?

1. Train yourself to see the potential good in every situation.  Everything is here to facilitate your growth, especially the tough times. 

2. Find 3 things to be grateful for today, but one of them needs to be hidden in a di�culty. This will teach you to look beyond the surface irritation and look for the lesson or “gift." 

3. Tell one person today how grateful you are for them. There are times when our light goes out and it is rekindled by the words of another person. If possible, tell someone who has been di�cult what they have taught you.



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Lo oking at things fr

om m




s im


es yo

ur perspective

“Looking at things from many directions improves your perspective.”

• It’s just a viewpoint NOT the truth.• There is more than one way to see things.• Becoming a conscious creator requires you to be fluid in your perspective.

1. Acknowledge that there are many ways of looking at every situation.

2. Pick a perspective that makes you feel powerful. Today, come from a place of personal power. Your perspective is connected to how you feel about who you are and what you can do. Understanding this will allow you to become more flexible in your reactions.

3. Notice how many opinions you have about everything; the weather; your neighbor’s lawn furniture; other drivers... Today, agree to eliminate at least one opinion. It’s easy to be happy if you have no opinion.



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Be Bold...Do What The Ordinary Fea


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“Be Bold...Do what the ordinary fear.”

BOLDNESS• Action is the antidote for fear.• Do what you can, with what you have, from where you are.• The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.  • NOW is the time for action!

1. Your life shrinks or expands depending on how brave you are. Stop trying to figure out what others want to hear from you and figure out what you have to say. Be Brave Today! Do something that scares you. Your Big Life lives outside your comfort zone.

2. Remember a time when you were brave. Remember how it made you feel? Today, be your own superhero.

3. Be bold enough to follow your own voice, brave enough to listen to your heart, and strong enough to live the life you imagined.


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y atte n t ion t

o what you’re paying attention to

“Pay attention to what you are paying attention to.”

• You attract to you what you focus on. • The way to manifest what you want, is to ONLY give your attention to what you want.• Pay attention to what you are paying attention to.

1. Where attention goes, energy �ows. Today be aware of what you give your attention to and decide to focus only on what you want to show up in your life.

2. If something disruptive comes up, stop and notice how you are feeling. Do not react, instead, respond.  

3. Notice what makes you angry, resentful and irritated and transform one of those feelings today by choosing to be happy. Become vigilant in focusing on things that bring you happiness.



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Who we re

you... befo re e


ne told you who y ou were?

“Who were you before everyone told you who you were?”

• The real you is still within you; time to reconnect.• YOU are the director of your life, take your power back!• Play is a necessary component of a happy life.• What made you happy as a child?

1. Look at the world with wonder and amazement. Be curious about everything. "Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places."- Roald Dahl

2. Play, Play, Play all day, especially if you are at work. You don't stop playing because you grow old; You grow old because you stop playing.

3. Remember what made you happy as a child. Integrate that activity into your life today.



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you aren’t will i ng to r i sk the u

n usual, you will ha ve to sett le

for t





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“If you aren’t willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

• Listen to YOUR voice first.• The death of creativity is trying to be like everyone else.• Connect to that thing that you love. That is your gift to the world.

1. STOP comparing yourself, your path, your place in the world to others. If you are always looking outward you will never now how amazing you can be.

2. Don't wait for extraordinary things to happen. Make simple things extraordinary.

3. Become a quitter! Quit some- thing you hate today, then do it again tomorrow. The key to an extraordinary life is in your personal power. Get rid of things that weigh you down. An extraordinary life requires courage that will be available to you only when YOU show up.



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Nothing was going to stop her... this time

“Nothing was going to stop her...this time.”

• Be fearless in your pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.• Success comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn’t.• Be stubborn in your goals, but flexible in your methods.• Defeat is temporary; Giving up makes it permanent.

1. Learn to watch your energy and stay in high vibrating emotions like faith and possibility. Don't allow anyone or anything to disturb your quiet confidence today. You can. And you will!

2. Make a committment to finish one thing that will bring you closer to your dreams.

3. Become solution oriented. Develop a style of self talk that only focuses on possibility. Stop arguing for your limitations. Give yourself 3 reasons today why YOU CAN have the life you dream about.



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“Cultivate the observer in you.”

OBSERVATION• Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.• Observation creates distance between the thing and your reaction to it. • Distance gives you perspective to make better choices. Look at things from above them.

1. Don’t react. Respond. Take 30 seconds before reacting to any situation today, especially if it makes you angry.

2. Begin analyzing your emotions; mad, happy, sad, excited. See if you can get underneath them, so you can control your reactions.

3. Look at a difficult situation from your past. Find three different perspectives or stories to tell yourself about what happened. Notice the emotions you feel in each scenario.


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kitt d epatie 8.15“She needed a hero, so that’s who she became.”

CHOICE• Let your choices re�ect your hopes, NOT your fears.• Every choice is a prayer.• Busy is a choice, anger is a choice, happiness is a choice.• You are NOT born a winner. You are NOT born a loser. YOU are born a chooser. Choose wisely!

1. Indecision is a decision. Choose to live by choice, not by chance. To excel, not compete. Be motivated, not manipulated.

2. Listen to your inner voice, not the random opinion of others. Stop letting the loud and needy dictate your choices.

3. The 3 C’s. Make the choice to take the chance so things will change.


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“Today she started living the life she imagined.”

PRECIOUS• Life is fragile, just because something is here today does not mean it will be here tomorow. • You don’t need anyone else’s approval to live the life you dream of. Live YOUR life, do what makes YOU happy.• Some days you have to make your own sunshine.

1. Life is short. Break rules. Laugh uncontrollably. Love truly.

2. Stop. Look around. Life is really amazing.

3. Make today so amazing that yesterday is jealous. Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are.


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“To love oneself is the beginning of a life long love affair.”

SELF ACCEPTANCE• Unconditional self acceptance is the core of a peaceful mind. -Buddha

• When you take care of YOU �rst, everyone benefits; your family, your friends, the world.• Invest in yourself �rst. When you start acknowledging your worth, you will find it hard to stay around people who don't.

1. Today, make yourself a priority. Give yourself permission to say yes to you. Self love is the deliberate practice of taking responsibility for your needs and desires by creating your life in a way that honors them.

2. Learning to put yourself first is the �rst step.  Make a list of your 10 best qualities, acknowlege them.

3. Reject the media's idea of beauty  and create your own. Happiness is something you are and come from the way you think.


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“You don’t need to have it all figured out to move forward.”


• Perfectionism, just another name for procrastination.• Some information isn’t available for you until you move.• Isn’t it really about fear of making a mistake?• Give yourself permission to suck, it’s very liberating.

1. You can’t wait for the perfect time. You must use the time you have now and make it perfect. Your future. begins with your next thought.

2. Step into your power. Aim for a life with purpose. Everything you have ever done has prepared you for this moment.

3. Let go of what you think your life ought to be and embrace a life that wants to be. Listen to your instincts, and ignore everything else!


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brings hap



if you thin k only su nshine

you ’ve never danced in t he rain

“If you think only sunshine brings you’ve never danced in the rain.”

• Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what makes it worthwhile. • Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.• Don’t wish for less challenges. Wish for more wisdom.• Don’t wish for less problems. Wish for more skills. -JR Hardships often prepare ordianary people for an extraordianry destiny.

1. REFRAME. Sometimes overcoming a challenge can happen if you change the way you look at it. Find 3 ways to look at a current challenge.

2. No pressure, no diamonds. Your most significant opportunities will come from your greatest challenges. What opportunity can you find in a present challenge?

3. Stop talking about your problems, talk about your joys. Complaining is a bad habit you can retrain yourself out of.



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“Actually I just woke up one day and decided I didn’t want to feel that way anymore. So I changed, just like that!”


• A loving, compassionate, conscious reality is slowly replacing an outdated, fear based unconscious one.• The awakening of consciousness is the next evolutionary step for mankind. • Y ou are not IN the universe. You ARE the universe.

1. It may work out, it may not, every decision carries the good, bad, even ugly. But there is nothing worse than staying in a place that no longer belongs to you. Indecision steals your life. 2. Run your decisions through your body. Do they make you feel expanded or contracted? Do you feel fear or excitement? Fear has two meanings. Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. You choose!

3. Resist the urge to get others to approve of your choices.



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“She is her own person, in spite of who others want her to be.”

• It’s not selfish to take care of yourself. It’s necessary.• Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love!•  You are an amazing extension of universal energy!

1. Accept yourself for who you are, then you will not need others to accept you.

2. Watch your self talk. If you have been criticizing yourself for years, notice if it is making you better or worse? Only words of self encouragement are allowed today. Make sure your worst enemy is not living in your head.

3. Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that doesn’t support or love or grow you. If you allow others to treat you badly, and you allow it, your unwillingness to leave is just giving them permission to do so.



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