shiva lingam puja vidhanam.docx

Except parad or narmedshwar shiv lingam no other form of shiv lingam should be worshipped at home. Narmedeshwar/bana linga, means which has been made of natural narmada stone in form of lingam. Narmada stones are very cheap but are only stones which are blessed by lord shiva himself that all stones from Narmada River near Omkareshwar in MP are equal to my full fleged shiv lingams. Else you have to do pran-pratishta which is very cumbersome affair and cannot be used in home. When you do pran-prathista then shiv ling cannot be moved from the place of stapanna, as all rituals as per hindu vedic rituals are to be done as being done in temples. So you cannot place shiv lingam in home as you do sex, eat non-veg and do other natural calls in your home, so you not creating pure atmosphere thereby inviting lord's wrath unknowingly. PRANPRATHISTHA SHIVLINGAM cannot be removed from one place to another as even a cm movement will entail GOD'S PRAN-VAYU leaving idol at-once.Thats why I preach worshipping of BAANLINGAM (NARMADA) as SHIVA LORD blessed that he will remain in it eternally so there is no rules of movement of idol. Narmedshwar Linga are dark grey colour stones in a shape of lingam where on top there is one red patch similar to a man's lingam with a line joining from forehead to down. They are very mostly get them in ujjain, om kareshwar or at haridwar. Costing from 50 rs to 500 rs at most depending on size. Size of lingam or any idol for home puja should not exceeed breadth of your three right hand fingers joined together. You can get from various websites selling the shiv puja items. Snake & Nandi is must with shivlingam always. Copper/silver/gold NAAG and Nandai of aast dhatu or marble stone is a MUST. If possible put Ganpati, Parvati & Kartikeya also in front of lingam. Parvati in centre facing shiv lingam. Ganpati on right side of Parvati and Kartikeya on left. Snake on Linga should face either north or east. Yoni part of Lingam ie. Place from where water poured on Lingam is drained - should face North or East. All five means : lord shiva, maa parvati, ganesh, kartikeya and nandi called as panch mahadev. Since in your home you will like the blessings from them as a full family couple, you will get so.

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Post on 08-Jul-2016




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Except parad or narmedshwar shiv lingam no other form of shiv lingam should be worshipped at home.

Narmedeshwar/bana linga, means which has been made of natural narmada stone in form of lingam. Narmada stones are very cheap but are only stones which are blessed by lord shiva himself that all stones from Narmada River near Omkareshwar in MP are equal to my full fleged shiv lingams.Else you have to do pran-pratishta which is very cumbersome affair and cannot be used in home. When you do pran-prathista then shiv ling cannot be moved from the place of stapanna, as all rituals as per hindu vedic rituals are to be done as being done in temples. So you cannot place shiv lingam in home as you do sex, eat non-veg and do other natural calls in your home, so you not creating pure atmosphere thereby inviting lord's wrath unknowingly. PRANPRATHISTHA SHIVLINGAM cannot be removed from one place to another as even a cm movement will entail GOD'S PRAN-VAYU leaving idol at-once.Thats why I preach worshipping of BAANLINGAM (NARMADA) as SHIVA LORD blessed that he will remain in it eternally so there is no rules of movement of idol.

Narmedshwar Linga are dark grey colour stones in a shape of lingam where on top there is one red patch similar to a man's lingam with a line joining from forehead to down. They are very mostly get them in ujjain, om kareshwar or at haridwar. Costing from 50 rs to 500 rs at most depending on size. Size of lingam or any idol for home puja should not exceeed breadth of your three right hand fingers joined together. You can get from various websites selling the shiv puja items.

Snake & Nandi is must with shivlingam always. Copper/silver/gold NAAG and Nandai of aast dhatu or marble stone is a MUST. If possible put Ganpati, Parvati & Kartikeya also in front of lingam. Parvati in centre facing shiv lingam. Ganpati on right side of Parvati and Kartikeya on left. Snake on Linga should face either north or east.

Yoni part of Lingam ie. Place from where water poured on Lingam is drained - should face North or East.

All five means : lord shiva, maa parvati, ganesh, kartikeya and nandi called as panch mahadev. Since in your home you will like the blessings from them as a full family couple, you will get so.But if you desire to lift away from material gains then only you should do puja of single form of lord, but then also Nandi and Snake is must. See you will get in return accordingly in what and in which form you worship lord, so safe bet is in full-family form.

Narmedeswar shiv lingas are considered to very auspicious as they are made naturally in the river bed. It is believed that where there is narmedswar shivling lord shiva resides there; narmedswar shivlinga is a must in every home.

Other shiv lingam cannot be kept in home and to be put in rivers and lakes after completion of their puja.Secondly, only narmedeshwars do not require any pranpratishta - means getting soul of god in the stone lingam by mantras and is fully capable of giving full blessings as equal to temple puja.Point here is. Outside city or village limits shiv-lingam and nandi are must. Whereas in home puja 5 deities are being mandatory: shiva, parvati, ganesha, kartikeya and nandi.

Do not put tulsi leaves as gods do not accept it. Put three leaves intact bel (bilave) leaves facing away from you on top of lingam.

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Do not use packet or pasteurised harmonised milk as boiled milk is forbidden in puja, as packet milk are pasteurized which involves heating therefore it is not suitable for shiv puja but curd made out of it can be used for puja. Best is to use raw chilled and fresh cow milk of wheatish colour cow (brown coloured).Use very ice cool water and milk as lord loves snow to keep him cool use white til for puja.

After puja do not throw oblations any where except running river, lakes or sea. If it is not possible put it in flower pots of home or trees except tulsi and peepal.

Never consume anything which has been offered to shiv lingam, it brings bad omen illness, loss of money and luck. But u can have if it is from given specifically by priest as you cannot refuse or from shiv murti or idol.

You can offer coconut, but not coconut water, especially on shiv-lingam.

Every thing offered on shiv lingam is called nirmalaya. which is forbidden to be consumed or put in any where except in rivers,lakes and sea. Until and unless somebody else offer you by priests. From murti's that is shiv idol you can consume anything. Whole shiv-mahiman stotra revolves around this fact,when gandharva called mahiman lost his everything by inadvertently disrespecting shiv-nirmalaya

Best vibhuti for shiv puja is burned ash of human body pyre...which is difficult to obtain so pls use white normal sandal wood or asta gandha for putting three tripund marking on shiv lingam. These are available in all puja shop's specially in karnataka emporium.Never smell any flower or sandal wood or scent which you intend to offer to lord as by doing so you yourself are using it and a used item is not permitted in puja.

Woman are allowed shiv puja by putting water and flowers, except touching of shiv lingam is prohibited to woman as only wife of lord shiva is only lady permitted that puja

If you already have a shive linga other than parad or narmedshwar lingam then please don’t keep near or below tulsi plant . Peepal is very good. Ideal is bel tree. Or do a normal puja as above on any banks of river/sea and after doing shamayachana immerse the linga.

You can immerse all sand idols after doing their mental puja with asking prayer - aahwanam na janami najanami visaarjanam,puja karm na janami shamyantam parmeshwaram or parmeshwari,mantra heenam kriya heenam bhakhtiheenam sureshwaram/sureshwari yat pujitayam maya kshamyantam parmeshwaram/parmeshwari... As deemed fit, to excuse any of your fault knowingly or unknowingly....immerse them in any flowing river or sea.

In fast you can eat only once in day only in afternoon's but before sunset.If you are continuous in fasting then even salt is permitted but should be white rock salt not sea salt. If you are keeping numbered fast then only sweet or non-salt food is consumed.

In the evening just light lamp and dhoop (incense stick) in front of lord and offer flowers.

Flower offerings - never offer ketaki flower to god or coconut water. best are mandaar pushpa or dhatura's

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Never offer kevada (screw-pine) flower and champa flowers as they are cursed by lord and narad rishi in past. These are most favorite shiv puja WHITE flowers

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please use them but not after they fall on earth.

Ber or Jujube Fruit is also offered to Lord Shiva, as it is symbolic of longevity and gratification of desire.

Doing abhishek has to be with naag-yoni stand, in a gold, silver, copper, brass, bronze vessels, don’t use steel or iron vessel as they are preferred in dead man pooja and rituals.

Please don’t pour shiv-abhishek water in is a sin you are doing un-knowingly, but cannot be forgiven by tulsi (vranda) as only water of shali-gram goes to tulsi.

No tulsi to ganesh, parvati & shiva please

Only narmadeshwar lingam and original gandaki river shaligram are blessed to give full puja effects and need not to have pran-prathistha (putting a live part of soul of particular god) in them.

To ganpati & parvati only kummkumm haldi.No kummkumm haldi to lord shiva

Put bel patram intact with three leaves and danthal facing top and towards you. Flowers of white are white lotus flower.

You can use as many as idols of lord ganesh in your house, except in your mandir or regular puja sthan where only two (02) idols are permitted and are good, it is similarly for any god.

Abhishek water of all gods needs to be removed at once and can be stored in any other vessel for further disposal as per procedure. Do not keep your god's feet wet as they will not move to help you as in water they wait for you to complete charan praksahlaya as you other guest do when they arrive in your house.

Do not use steel or iron pots for puja; use brass, silver, copper, gold or aastdhaatoo vessels. Similarly idols of gods should be asstdhatoo are best, then bronze.

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For married couples specially the pradosh fasting and puja on regular basis is very very good for blissful and happy married life,always start this puja on pradosh falling on somvar and specially in waxing moon phase or called as shukla paksh,but if monday pradosh is not falling in near months and you want to start then start with any shukal paksh pradosh day.

Unmarried women:16 monday fasts for good husband and happy married life.

Friday vrats for married women to pls goddess laxmi/shakti.

Men:somvar /mangalvar /thursday vrats or just pouring regular cow milk and water on shivlingam on mondays and offering on tuesdays a kesar ladoo tulsi mix prasad to maruti/anjanayea /hanuman will ward off all evils.

Shiv puja if done in continious for 40 days and more is very beneficial. If at all you miss out puja offer manas-puja of same diety post morning routines and bath and offer flowers in your mind to is also acceptable as per shastra's.

Narmedeswar shiv lingas puja process:-

Before starting the puja, the devotee takes a bath and wear freshly washed clothes.

Monday is the day of shiv puja.This puja is very very effective on triyodashi (pradosh) from sunset to one hour post sunset as that day his lordship shiva sits with full family and dedicate his time to bakhts otherwise he is always remain spiritually inclined and do not like the disturbances in his meditation.

Best is to read shiv mahiman stotra's or panchakshar while doing puja or any time

First puja of Ganesh and Parvati and they should face west towards shiv-lingam. Face of nag towards north direction. Nandi facing east and you sitting behind nandi

First ring bell or counch, then light incense or dhoop and lamp to wake up lord.

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Pure raw and chilled water preferably of any flowing seven sacred rivers but narmada & ganga are best. If you run short of gangaa jal then pour few drops of gangaajal in brass, copper, silver or gold vessel do not use steel or iron vessel as they are used in puja of dead ones. If at all you don’t have any water then just pour pure tap cold water either chilled in freezer but not mixed with any non-veg or drinking ice as lot of people use freezer for using ice for hard drinks, avoid that one. Then put your right hand ring finger touching the water and say - om gangee chai jamumayee chai, sraswati chai,godavari chai, narmada chai, sindhu chai, kaveri chai,jalasmeen sanindhamm kuru (you are calling all seven rivers in your vessel of water). Then pour three times some water on ground by puja spoon (not iron or steel),saying om...atam-tatav shodhiyami swaha,om...vidya-tatav shodhiyami swaha, om..shiv-tatav shodhiyaami swaha.

Now drink water three times from your right hand saying : om..govinday namah, om keshavaya madhavaya namayee....then wash your hand with water and pour little water on earth / soil for achmanyaa.

Now your water is pour of all defects of any kind and acceptable by gods, but you are still not clean and pour some water on yourself and other pooja items reciting:"om apavitra-pavitro-va sarva-vastam gato api va yah smaret pundarikaksham sah bhayabhyantara suchih."

Now you are ready for the go except in shiv-puja do not use tulsi leaves and counch (shankh at all) because he (shankhchud) was killed by the lord shiva and god (Siva) do not like him.

Now place Narmadeshwar linga with Yoni stand on gold, silver, copper, brass, bronze vessels.First put pure untorn, unbroken fresh, bel patra on shivlingam put it upside down meaning leaves are down and stem up. Centre leaf should be just in front and opposite to you.Now pour continuous small steam of water of shiv-lingam saying om namay shivaye...keep repeating mantra till you pour water.

Then use panchamurt (any five - ghee, honey, curd, rose water, Raw cow milk, sugar/sugar cane juice, Ganga jal), then cold water. Dry Linga and Yoni with a cloth only used for daily pooja.

Place Narmadeshwar Linga with Yoni stand back in pooja Stan in front of Nandi, then put scent on lingam, then put sandalwood paste (white only)

Make sure water from shiv lingam should not come under your or anybody's feet this water than has to be only poured in lakes, rivers, sea or plants...not to be consumed at all in any form, neither to be spilled so as it comes under some ones feet.

Then put white flowers shiva favorite and lamp a diya, kapoor and agaar bati or dhoop,

Offer what so ever food is made, then sweets and lastly pan supari beeda. Offer lord some fresh seasonal fruits if you can and then give them to cow or a Brahmin.

Do not forget dakshina even it may be one rupee, lord only loves your emotions and faith.

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Do arti & 1/2 pradakshana (reverse mode), shastaang danvataam and ask your wish from lord & family, surely you shall be blessed

Initially it may appear a long process, but in few days it hardly takes five to seven minutes and I think that much you can take out for lord supreme...