show me sunday from the pastor 2 a f d friend su ie...

Worship Schedule Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Services 8:15 & 10:45 a.m. N OVEMBER 2011 V OLUME 10 I SSUE 11 Inside this issue: From the Pastor 2 Noteworthy 3 Notes for Life 4 Student Stuff 5 Women’s Ministry 6 Stewardship News 7 GPBC On Mission 8 Prayers 9 Financial Corner 9 Deacon Corner 9 Faith Riders 9 Inserts: * Calendar of Events * Birthdays * Anniversaries Fall Harvest Festival Chili, Soup, & Pie Cook-off & Basement Dedication Monday, October 31, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. All food entries need to be at the church, no later than 5:30 p.m. A sign-up sheet is available on the information table. Volunteers are needed to be chili, soup, & pie judges, kitchen helpers and servers. There will be lots of fun, food & fellowship for all ages! Kid’s Fun Fest Bounce House, Face Painting, Crafts and Fun Activity Booths! ~ We are collecting bags of individually wrapped candy to be used during our children’s activities. Please feel free to bring it to the church at your convenience. ~ Show Me Sunday Show Me Sunday Show Me Sunday Show Me Sunday October 30 Personal Commitment I Hope To Invite One Person To Sunday School On This Day! “Let my teachings fall like rain and my word settle like dew, like gentle rain on new grass and showers on tender plants.” - Deuteronomy 32:2 Brin g Brin g Brin g Brin g a a a Fri e nd S und ay Fri e nd S und ay Fri e nd S und ay Fri e nd S und ay Church Wide Thanksgiving Dinner Tuesday, November 22, at 5:30 p.m. In the New Family Life Center. Please bring your deliciously filled covered dishes in at 5:00 p.m., so that our Fellowship Committee has time to get it all set out! If you would like to volunteer, to purchase, cook & carve a turkey, please contact the church office, 747-7196.

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Page 1: Show Me Sunday From the Pastor 2 a F d Friend Su ie Schedule Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Services 8:15 &

Worship Schedule

Bible Study

9:30 a.m.

Worship Services 8:15 & 10:45 a.m.



Inside this issue:

From the Pastor 2

Noteworthy 3

Notes for Life 4

Student Stuff 5










Prayers 9

Financial Corner 9

Deacon Corner 9

Faith Riders 9


* Calendar of Events

* Birthdays

* Anniversaries

Fall Harvest Festival

Chili, Soup, & Pie Cook-off & Basement Dedication

Monday, October 31, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.

All food entries need to be at the church, no later than 5:30 p.m.

A sign-up sheet is available on the information table. Volunteers are

needed to be chili, soup, & pie judges, kitchen helpers and servers.

There will be lots of fun, food & fellowship for all ages!

Kid’s Fun Fest

Bounce House, Face Painting, Crafts and Fun Activity Booths!

~ We are collecting bags of individually wrapped candy to be used during our

children’s activities. Please feel free to bring it to the church at your convenience. ~

Show Me SundayShow Me SundayShow Me SundayShow Me Sunday October 30

Personal Commitment

I Hope To Invite One Person

To Sunday School On This Day!

“Let my teachings fall like rain and my word settle like dew,

like gentle rain on new grass and showers on tender plants.” - Deuteronomy 32:2






Friend Sun


Friend Sun


Friend Sun


Friend Sun


Church Wide Thanksgiving Dinner

Tuesday, November 22, at 5:30 p.m.

In the New Family Life Center. Please bring your deliciously

filled covered dishes in at 5:00 p.m., so that our Fellowship

Committee has time to get it all set out!

If you would like to volunteer, to purchase, cook & carve

a turkey, please contact the church office, 747-7196.

Page 2: Show Me Sunday From the Pastor 2 a F d Friend Su ie Schedule Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Services 8:15 &


October is ending well with the Fall Festival and the Dedication of the Family Life

Center Basement, otherwise known by the youth as The Park. I think you will be blessed to see how won-

derfully the completion of our building has come. I don't need to remind most of you at this point that the

Fall Festival is also our Chili, Soup, Pie Cook-Off. Yes, it is actually a contest that has first, second, and

third place prizes associated with it. The fun all begins Monday Night, October 31, at 6:00 p.m., but we

need our entries and judges to be there by 5:30 p.m. sharp. It's one of the best attended events of the year,

so be sure and join us.

Veterans Day Recognition: We will be recognizing our Veterans in the service

of November 13. Our New Ministry to the Military will be handing out ribbons to

all of our Military personnel as they come to church that Sunday. Once again, I

appreciate the important role that Karen and Terry Sligh are playing in getting this

new ministry started. Later in the month we will be having a kind of round table

discussion with those who have thought about what we might do in terms of better

ministering to this important group of people in our church and community.

Annual Business Meeting: We will be having our Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday night, Novem-

ber 16, at 6:30 in the Sanctuary. As our agenda and reports are being written, they need to be turned in to

the office by noon on November 2. The Finance Committee will be bringing a recommendation to approve

a new budget for the 2012 Year. A you will hear in our meeting, 2011 has been a tremendous year. What

we plan and how we vote in this annual meeting will allow us to continue doing what God has called us to

do in the new year ahead.

Church Wide Thanksgiving Service: On Tuesday night, November 22, we

will be having our big Church-Wide Thanksgiving Dinner in the Family Life

Center at 5:30 p.m. It is basically a big "carry-in meal" for which everyone is

encouraged to bring two side-dishes, and the church supplies the drinks and ta-

bleware. We are asking for about 6-8 people to volunteer to donate, cook, and

bring turkeys that will be shared with the rest of the church. If you would be in-

terested in providing one these turkeys, call the church office and we will put

your name down on the list. This service will stand as our mid-week service for the week of Thanksgiving,

so we will not meet on Wednesday, November 23.

The Living Nativity: We publicized last month the need for people to sign up to be in-

volved in our Living nativity, and we want to thank you for the tremendous re-

sponse. Now it is time to begin the work of putting it all together and making it hap-

pen. The Drive-Thru Nativity that our church puts on each year is scheduled for Decem-

ber 16-17. Hundreds of cars will see this live event and over a hundred will be involved

in making it happen. We still need more workers as it is going to be even bigger and better than last year--if

that is even possible. Listen closely for meetings and times as we move even closer to that time. Please call

Rene Mayden or Debbie Weigand for more information.


Pastor Randy

Page 2 Volume 10 Issue 11

Page 3: Show Me Sunday From the Pastor 2 a F d Friend Su ie Schedule Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Services 8:15 &

Page 3 Volume 10 Issue 11

ARE YOU FULFILLED?? Did you continue to ask yourself that

question from last month until you got an answer? Did you hap-

pen to attend the VERY WELL ORGANIZED Stewardship Festi-

val in October to find out firsthand what ministry opportunities are available at GPBC? If you didn’t happen to

catch the Festival, fear not! You can find many of the informational flyers that were presented that night in the

foyer of the church. They contain contact information as well as brief descriptions of each area of ministry and

fellowship available.

For those who have chosen to get involved with the Music Ministry through the Chorale, work has begun and mo-

ments of fulfillment are distant, yet foreseeable. Many opportunities to serve God and achieve some level of ful-

fillment are disguised in the beginning with the veil of hard work. The Chorale is rehearsing the finer points of

music making in an effort to attain the broader purpose of presenting the message of Christ’s birth to the commu-

nity. This should bring both the Chorale and it’s audiences a predictable sense of fulfillment.

In conjunction with the question, “Are you fulfilled?”, I would like to pose one other for you to consider asking

yourself this month; “Is fulfillment a permanent state of being to strive for, or a moment that passes quickly, only

to be sought after again and again?” Or could it be either?? Or is it both???

In Ecclesiastes 3:11, Solomon actually puts his finger on why happiness (fulfillment) is so elusive: He says, "God

has set eternity in the hearts of men." We're made for something that will last forever, and nothing that doesn't last

forever will ever fill the hole in our heart. In fact, we were made for a personal relationship with God, the only

One who's big enough to fill that hole because that hole was made for Him. The Bible reveals that our heart is

searching because we're away from the God we were made for. We were created for Him, but we've lived for our-

selves, thus creating an uncrossable chasm between us and the God who made us. Uncrossable except for the cross

- the cross where Jesus died to pay for our rebellion against God and make a way back to Him (from

Yes, Jesus died for our sins to bridge the gap between our sinful nature and God. I think that as long as we are

bound to the earth and our sinful nature, we are predestined to find only smaller moments of fulfillment like that

which the Chorale may provide for both it’s participants and it’s audiences. It is only when we reach heaven as a

permanent resident with Him in eternity that we will find permanent fulfillment.

So… In an effort to discover earthly moments of fulfillment, PLEASE GET INVOLVED and SERVE in a minis-

try at GPBC that fits you!! If you have a friend, neighbor, colleague, or even family member that could use an in-

troduction, reintroduction, or confirmation of the miracle of Jesus’ birth, then please be confident enough in our

Music Ministry to invite them to the GPBC production, “He Made a Way in a Manger”, on December 10th or 11th.

I promise they’ll have to practically be asleep to miss the miracle of Jesus.

Seeking to fulfill the GPBC mission statement,

“To Know Christ and To Make Him Known” through work in Music Ministry…


Page 4: Show Me Sunday From the Pastor 2 a F d Friend Su ie Schedule Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Services 8:15 &

Who are you pouring into?

Let me begin by saying that the Bible in 90 Day’s has been both a chal-

lenge and a blessing. For those of you who have been able to participate I

think you have found that to be true as well. It really is a joy to simply be in the Word and discuss terrific inter-

pretation keys as we seek to always better divide the Word of God. Many of you Parkies that will take the time

to read this have been Christians for years, decades, and well I’ll stop there. One of the questions we need to

ask though is this, who are we pouring into?

As believers we have not only been commanded by Christ to go and make disciples, but the Spirit of God who

lives within us has equipped us to complete the task given by Christ Himself! So what excuse do we have if we

are not pouring into others? Realistically we have none. So where do we go from here? Maybe you are wonder-

ing, ‘Brent, I never went to Bible College.” To that I say, ‘that may be true, but have you learned anything

about following Christ in your life? Have you learned some things about how to grow as a Christian like how

to pray or study the Bible or serve? If so, then guess what, you are called to pour into others as you yourself

grow in your faith.

I know it’s possible for every single person in our body who calls their self a Christian and is actually growing in

their faith. I know that because as I type this I can think of several middle school and high school students

who they, despite some being only a year in the faith, are right now investing in other Christians teaching them

what they have already learned. What’s a practical way that our church already has in place for you to meet oth-

ers and do this? Sunday School!

October 30th is Show-Me Sunday. Jo Campbell & I hope that you will take the opportunity to either investigate

a class for the first time or invite a friend to join you. We will spend time in prayer for one another, making

sure our class members are being followed up on, study the word together, and connect in an overall great time.

There’s no reason to polish up before you come. The truth is we are sinners who have been saved by Christ

who desire to look more like Christ. That’s us. That’s what our Sunday School is about.

I know you can’t wait to be a part of our Special Life Workshop November 19th, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

We will provide coffee and fruit. This time for the first time ever, we not only want our teachers to come and

be a part, but we want the members in our adult classes to join us as we seek to catch the vision for what God

has for us in the weeks and months ahead. So if you are an active member in a Sunday School class consider

this your formal invitation to join us in the Family Life Center for this valuable time of vision and planning.

By the grace of God,

- Brent

Page 4 Volume 10 Issue 11

Reach Out Ministry:

On Sunday, November 6th & 20th, at 4:00 p.m., followed by a

time of sharing at 5:20 p.m. Please feel free to contact

Brent Bullard for more information, at 909-2699.

Page 5: Show Me Sunday From the Pastor 2 a F d Friend Su ie Schedule Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Services 8:15 &

God is Good

…All the time… All the time… God is good. There are certainly times in life when those of us:

grandparents, parents, and youth workers may foolishly forget this truth. The month of November will be a

time where as a ministry to students and tool for parents, we will experience our first full month of breaking

in the ‘youth basement’. I know what you’re saying, “Brent, that’s a pretty boring name.” I know that’s

what you are saying because I had dozens of students and a few parents echoing this to me for several years.

So our students wanted to come up with a name that would be attractive to others, but also keep our iden-

tity as Parkies. After a process of students volunteering names that would be voted on by the students them-

selves in good Baptist fashion, with near unanimity, “The Park” was born. When you enter “The Park” you

will notice a neat space with games, bathrooms, an eventual homework/computer room, a kitchenette, a

stage, a chill out area, but most of all you will notice 6 objects that stick out more than anything else: the

poles. The Lord, in His wisdom, supplied us with 6 poles in “The Park”. At first we weren’t sure how to

use them. I had hoped that we could somehow remove them, but it turns out they hold the building up,

who would have thought? However, by God’s grace it hit me; the poles can represent the colors that we use

to explain the Gospel! What was first thought to be an intrusive opponent to “The Park” has become the

very means that has transformed it into an interactive Gospel presentation. For the past 3 years our stu-

dents have not had an actual physical location they could call their own. But, God provides and he does so

in His timing. The Lord has been shaping us, both as leaders, as a church family, and I believe the youth in

particular in how to use this new ministry tool. He has and is stretching them to think missionaly, not self-

ishly for the purpose of the building. I ask that you would continue to bath these kids and this community

in your prayers. Pray that the Spirit would move in a powerful way. Pray that students would continue to

hunger to grow to maturity in Christ and that they would become disciple makers even in their youth. Fi-

nally I want to thank you for your financially giving to help make “The Park” a reality. May we as Parkies

continue to band together to be who Christ is calling us to be and thereby do what he is calling us to do.

All the Time,

- Brent

Key Dates to Remember!

• November 4th - 6th S.I.G. Weekend

• November 6th & 20th Reach Out at 4:00 p.m.

• November23rd No Huddles due to Thanksgiving Break

• Wednesday Night Huddles Series: “Dealing with Hard Questions”

(Put me on your fridge :-)

Page 5 GPBC Newsletter

Page 6: Show Me Sunday From the Pastor 2 a F d Friend Su ie Schedule Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Services 8:15 &

Page 6 Volume 10 Issue 11

Plug In!

Where do you want to be plugged in at GPBC?

Opportunity abounds!

Nothin’ Says Lovin’ Like Somethin’ From the Oven!

BSU Student Ministries seek to reach out to UCM students with a weekly dinner. We have offered

to prepare a Baked Potato meal for about 60, on November 14. Melissa Gower is coordinating the

preparation of this meal, so if you can help, giver her a call at 238-0212 or [email protected].


God Coming Down Pageant 2011 ~ December 3 at 3:30 p.m. There are 15 Tickets (Free) available.


Opportunities abound to share the bounty of your kitchen - The Women’s Ministry prepares the

Wednesday night meals about every six weeks. Frequently there are families in our church who

need assistance with meals because of illness, sorrow, or new babies. If we all work together we

can do so much to show God’s love through our action in serving others. We are looking for

someone who can help out this ministry, and if you believe God may be calling you to serve in

this way, please feel free to contact Melissa Gower at 238-0212 or [email protected].


Women’s Spring Retreat at Windermere

Our annual Women’s Weekend is scheduled for April 27-29, 2012 so be sure to mark

it on your calendar. It’s a great place to get to know your sister Christians in the re-

laxed, informal setting of Windermere. We’re planning a great Bible study and lots of

fun activities (like eating and singing) for the weekend. You won’t want to miss it!

Women’s Ministry Prayer Chain

There is a way to get plugged in to GPBC though our prayer chain. Be sure Monica Fox

[email protected]) has your e-mail address, and when you have a prayer request, stated or unstated,

let her know, and she will send out a note to the women on the Prayer Chain to start praying.

“NMW” No Matter What ~ “WIT” Whatever It Takes

About 40 women signed up to our (NMW - WIT) partner ministry in August.

I hope all of you are plugged in & connected. We will have our 6 month party in January.

So keep committed & available.

If you are interested in any of the Women’s Events or would like to find out more on how to get

plugged in, please feel free to contact Melissa Gower are 238-0212 or [email protected].



Page 7: Show Me Sunday From the Pastor 2 a F d Friend Su ie Schedule Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Services 8:15 &

Stewardship News!

The Stewardship Fest on October 12 was an excellent opportunity for our church

family to get a look at the various ministries supported through the talents and resources of each member. The

Stewardship Committee used the Family Life Center as the focal point for showing members where their financial

contributions are going. Attendees also got a chance to get a brief idea of ministries where they might share the

talents God has given them. The night featured good food, entertainment, music and thoughtful moments about

the spiritual blessings involved with true stewardship. Hopefully, those in attendance will expand on

the opportunities of the Stewardship Fest to explore in depth the various ministries where they might serve.

Now for an update on the progress of finishing the Family Life Center basement. If you haven't visited the base-

ment area recently, we urge you to do so and see the tremendous progress made in providing a great facility

for our Youth Ministry. But beware, because George or Brent Bullard may put you to work in completing the pro-

ject! We hope to soon witness the facility filled with youth participating in Bible study and activities that will help

them seek God's will day by day. We will be dedicating it on October 31, at the Fall Festival.

As we continue to see God doing great things for Grover Park Baptist Church, we urge each GPBC member to

consider their part in seeking God's leading in the days ahead. In a few weeks we will have our annual business

meeting. The Budget and Finance Committee is putting the final touches on the annual budget to fund the various

ministries and activities of the church. What will be your part? The Church exercises stewardship of the myster-

ies of God when it:

• Believes the Bible and encourages its application both personally and corporately-in the lives of members and

in the church body

• Depends on the help of the Holy Spirit to be witnesses . . . to the ends of the earth.

• Proclaims its message with urgency and compassion to all people in order to make disciples of all nations.

Giving is a major expression of our stewardship. In Paul's second letter to the Corinthian congregation, he shared

principles of giving in the longest passage on the subject in the New Testament -- 2 Corinthians 8-9. Giving was

inseparable to the witness of the Church and its ministry to others. May we all seek God as we budget and prepare

for what He has in store for us in the year ahead. God is good!

- Bill Gravely

Page 7 Volume 10 Issue 11

Food Pantry


On Sunday

November 20,

we will be


Non-Perishable Food Items, Paper

Products, & Cleaning supplies., for

the Food Pantry. Please

remember those in need in

our Community by donating!

You’re Invited!!

To a Wedding Shower for Bethany Neal and Doug Inman

Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. In the Family Life Center

They are Registered at... Wal-Mart

and Bed Bath, & Beyond

Page 8: Show Me Sunday From the Pastor 2 a F d Friend Su ie Schedule Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship Services 8:15 &

GPBC on Mission

Page 8 GPBC Newsletter

Have you packed your shoe box yet for Operation Christmas Child ???? There is still plenty

of time. We have boxes at the church at the church for you or you can provide your own

box. We will be collecting the boxes until Nov. 13th. Last year we blessed 221 children this

year it our goal is to be able to bless 300 or more precious children. “Matthew 19:14”

We will be having work nights on Nov. 8th and 29th at 6:30 to make pillowcase dresses and

mission dolls. If you can attend you might want to bring, cloth remnants, thread, lace,

ribbon, scissors, bias tape, portable sewing machine, and items to embellish the dresses with.

We will have patterns available. If you can’t stay for 2 hours come and go when you can.

The BSU is requesting homes for the International Students to visit during the

Thanksgiving Holiday. They are asking for housing, sleeping arrangements, meals etc.

from Nov. 23rd until Nov. 27th. If you want to help out or have questions please

contact Jeannie Campbell, at 238-6501 or Jaben Houk, at 238-2880.

Please keep the Missouri Convention in your prayers as they meet

from Oct. 31st until Nov. 2nd at Tan-Tara.

The theme this year is Philippians 3: 1-11, “Count all as Lost”.

Rachel Weigand is back home in Africa and getting settled in and ready to begin language classes.

Cynthia Craft is back from IBM and has two possible areas she will serve in, Southern Asia

or Southern South America. She thinks she will probably be going in April.

Keep all our folks in your prayers as they serve our Lord in all areas, Acts 1:8

Our Lottie Moon offering will begin in Dec. but I would like for you to start

praying now. Paul says, “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it”

(I Corinthians 12:27). Jesus has commissioned us to be His Heart, His Hands, and

His Voice. Through praying, giving and going, Southern Baptists have fulfilled this

legacy for more than 160 years. Yet billions remain lost, and time may be running out

for them. We must pray more intentionally and give more sacrificially than ever before.

Remember if you are a follower of Jesus, you are part of the task to fulfill the Great Commission.

Please feel free to contact Jeannie Campbell for more information about Missions, at 238-6501.

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Grover Park Baptist Church

409 N. Mitchell

Warrensburg, MO 64093

Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage Paid

Warrensburg, MO 64093

Permit No. 151

Our Staff…

Dr. Randall S. Neal - Senior Pastor

David Robinson - Music Minister

Brent Bullard - Minister of Youth & Education

Mark Wigginton - Assistant Youth Pastor, Intern.

Tammy Shirley - Administrative Assistant

Debbie Maguffee & Ray Fann - Custodians

Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Bible Study 9:30 a.m. & Worship 8:15 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.

Shepherd's Place (Children) 10:45 a.m.

Youth - CrossFire 6:00 p.m.

Children - R.A.’s / G.A.’s 6:30 p.m.


Dinner 5:30 p.m., Family Worship Night 6:30 p.m.

NEW MEMBERS Bonnie Brown

Drew Laramee

Erin Laramee

Tate Laramee

Aydrie Brown

Heather Roots

Kenneth Johnson

Ann Stewart

Charlotte Riley

Aaron Cram

Amber Cram

Josiah Cram

Zephaniah Cram

Eliah Cram

Seliah Cram