shrm mod 3 part 1

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  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    Making Human Resource

    Management Strategic

    Module 2 &3

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1



    A$ter reading t%is c%ater 'ou s%ould (e

    a(le to)E*lain %o+ a strategic aroac% to %uman

    resource management can imro,e t%e

    e$$ecti,eness o$ organi-ations.

    /escri(e t%e strateg' $ormulation rocess.

    /escri(e t+o generic cometiti,e (usinessstrategies t%at organi-ations use.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1



    E*lain t%e uni,ersalistic and contingenc'

    aroac%es to %uman resource strateg'0

    including ke' c%aracteristics o$ t%e

    commitment strateg'.

    /escri(e $our %uman resource strategies t%at

    organi-ations commonl' use.

    E*lain %o+ %uman resource strategies and

    cometiti,e (usiness strategies are aligned.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    1%at is Strateg'

    Strategycan (e ,ie+ed as a set o$coordinated c%oices and actions.

    rom a Human resource management

    ersecti,e0 t%ere are actuall' t+o t'es o$strateg'1. competitive business strategy0 +%ic% $ocuses

    on c%oices and actions a(out %o+ to ser,e t%eneeds o$ customers

    2. human resource strategy0 +%ic% $ocuses onc%oices and actions concerning t%e managemento$ eole +it%in t%e organi-ation

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    Ho+ is !ometiti,e Business

    Strateg' ormulated

    B' constantl' scanning t%e (usiness

    e*ternal and internal en,ironment.

    Looking at)





  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    Strateg' ormulation 4rocess

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    !ometiti,e Strateg'

    5nderstanding o$ e*ternal cometiti,e (usinessstrateg' %els a (usiness determine +%at goods andser,ices to ro,ide.

    Guide c%oices a(out +%et%er to $ocus on lo+ering

    costs or on ro,iding goods +it% suerior $eatures. 5nderstanding (road c%anges outside t%e organi-ation

    is critical $or %uman resource strateg' as +ell. Organi-ations need in$ormation a(out demogra%ic

    and cultural c%anges to $orecast %o+ man' +orkers+it% articular skills +ill (e a,aila(le in t%e $uture.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    Assessing Internal !aa(ilities

    Strateg' $ormulation also re6uires assessment o$ an organi-ation7sinternal resources and caa(ilities

    Human resource ractices can reresent a critical internal strengt%$or organi-ations. Suc% as8

    a(ilit' to attract and kee %ig%96ualit' emlo'ees

    !on,ersel'0 lack o$ e$$ecti,e %uman resource management canreresent a ma:or +eakness.

    Gat%ering in$ormation a(out %uman resource caa(ilities is t%ere$orea ,ital art o$ an e$$ecti,e assessment o$ organi-ational strengt%s and+eaknesses.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    "%e Strategic #alue !%ain

    Source) Rerinted +it% ermission o$ "%e ree 4ress0 a /i,ision o$ Simon & Sc%uster Adult 4u(lis%ing Grou0 $rom

    !OM4E"I"I#E A/#AN"AGE) !reating and Sustaining Suerior 4er$ormance (' Mic%ael 4orter. !o'rig%t ;c< =>?@0=>>? (' Mic%ael E. 4orter. All rig%ts reser,ed.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1



    "%ere are t+ostrategies ursued at t%e

    (usiness le,el.

    Cost leadership strategy

    Organi-ations seek to (ecome lo+9cost

    roducers o$ goods and ser,ices.

    "%eir goal is to de,elo e$$icient roduction

    met%ods t%at ena(le t%em to sell at a lo+er rice

    t%an cometitors

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    E$$ecti,e /ecision Making

    Source) In$ormation $rom at%leen M. Eisen%ardt0 Strateg' as Strategic /ecision Making077 Sloan Management Re,ie+0 CD;=>>>

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1



    Differentiation strategy

    Organizations using this strategy seek to

    produce goods and services that are

    somehow superior to the goods and servicesprovided by competitors.

    heir goal is to create uni!ue value for which

    customers are willing to pay a higher price

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1



    "+o (asic aroac%es to %uman resourcestrateg' "%e universalistic approachseeks to identi$' a

    set o$ %uman resource ractices t%at is (ene$icial$or all organi-ations.

    "%is aroac% %as identi$ied a (undle o$ ractices0la(eled t%e commitment strateg'0 t%at aear to (egenerall' (ene$icial.

    4ractices in t%e commitment (undle communicate

    t%e message t%at management cares a(outemlo'ees. "%e commitment strateg' also %els ensure t%at

    emlo'ees %a,e t%e training and $reedom to ursueimortant :o( tasks.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1



    "%e contingency approachseeks to matc% %uman resourceractices +it% cometiti,e (usiness strategies.

    "%is aroac% $ocuses on cost leaders%i ,ersus a $ocus ondi$$erentiation.

    Organi-ations mainl' concerned +it% reducing costs em%asi-erocesses and general roles.

    "%e' care$ull' rescri(e aroriate (e%a,iors $or er$orming+ork.

    Anot%er di$$erence is +%et%er t%e organi-ation %as an internal oran e*ternal la(or orientation.

    Organi-ations +it% an internal la(or orientation seek long9termrelations%is +it% emlo'ees0 +%ile organi-ations +it% ane*ternal la(or orientation seek $le*i(ilit' and do not make long9term commitments to emlo'ees.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    our Human Resource Strategies

    "%ere are $our %uman resource

    strategies commonl' used ('

    organi-ations."oyal Soldier

    #argain "aborer

    Committed $%pert

    &ree 'gent

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    Strategic rame+ork $or HR

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    "%e Lo'al Soldier Strateg'

    "%e Lo'al Soldier la(el em%asi-es %iring andretaining lo'al emlo'ees +%o do +%ate,er t%ecoman' asks o$ t%em.

    Organi-ations +it% t%is strateg' design +ork so t%at

    emlo'ees %a,e (road roles and er$orm a ,ariet' o$di$$erent tasks.

    4eole are recruited and %ired (ecause t%e' $it t%eorgani-ation culture and (ecause o$ t%eir otential to(ecome lo'al emlo'ees.

    E$$orts are made to satis$' t%e needs o$ emlo'eesand (uild a strong (ond t%at reduces t%e likeli%ood o$emlo'ee turno,er.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    "%e Lo'al Soldier Strateg'

    !areers o$ten include a num(er o$ ,er' di$$erentositions0 +it% romotions o$ten made into ositionst%at are not closel' related to re,ious e*eriences.

    4er$ormance araisals are designed to $acilitate

    cooeration rat%er t%an cometition. !omensation includes long9term incenti,es and

    (ene$its and is o$ten linked to t%e o,erall er$ormanceo$ t%e organi-ation.

    5nions0 $re6uentl' %el (uild $eelings o$ unit'.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    #argain "aborer () strategy

    "%e em%asis o$ t%is strateg' is o(taining emlo'ees+%o do not demand %ig% +ages.

    Organi-ations +it% t%is strateg' design +ork so t%atmanagers can tig%tl' control emlo'ee e$$orts.

    Eac% emlo'ee is gi,en clearl' de$ined tasks t%at can(e learned easil'. 4eole are recruited and %ired toer$orm simle tasks t%at do not re6uire clearl'de,eloed skills.

    Little attention is aid to meeting t%e long9term needso$ emlo'ees. Organi-ations +it% t%is %umanresource strateg' don7t ro,ide careers +it% clearat%s $or romotion and ad,ancement.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    #argain "aborer () strategy

    4er$ormance araisal $ocuses on da'9to9da'$eed(ack and rarel' incororates $ormalmeasures.

    "raining is mostl' limited to on9t%e9:o(tec%ni6ues t%at teac% seci$ic met%ods $orcomleting articular tasks.

    !omensation is $re6uentl' (ased on %ours+orked0 and (ene$its and long9term incenti,es

    are minimal."%e lack o$ consistenc' among emlo'ees

    tends to make unions some+%at rare.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    Committed $%pert () strategy

    "%e rimar' o(:ecti,e o$ t%is strateg' is to %ire andretain emlo'ees +%o seciali-e in er$orming certaintasks.

    Organi-ations using t%is strateg' design +ork so t%atemlo'ees %a,e a great deal o$ $reedom to inno,ateand to imro,e met%ods o$ comleting tasks.

    4eole are recruited and %ired (ecause o$ t%eirotential $it +it% t%e organi-ational culture0 as +ell as

    t%eir atitude $or (ecoming e*erts in articular areas.

    "%ese organi-ations %ire eole earl' in t%eir careersand train t%em to (e e*erts in seci$ic $ields0 suc% asaccounting or sales.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    Committed $%pert () strategy

    4er$ormance araisals are designed to(alance cooeration and cometition amongemlo'ees.

    !areers generall' include numerousromotions into similar :o(s +it% increasingresonsi(ilit'.

    Emlo'ees recei,e long9term training t%at

    %els t%em de,elo strong e*ertise.!omensation is relati,el' %ig% and usuall'

    includes a good (ene$its ackage t%at tiesemlo'ees to t%e organi-ation.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    &ree 'gent () Strategy

    he main emphasis associated with this strategy is hiring peoplewho have critical skills but who are not necessarily e%pected toremain with the organization for a long period of time.

    *ork is designed so that employees have e%tensiveresponsibility within specific areas and substantial freedom todecide how to go about their work.

    "ong+term commitments are avoided, and no efforts are made toencourage strong attachments between employees and theorganization.

    -eople are recruited because they already have the skills ande%perience that they need to perform specific obs.

    hey are not led to e%pect long+term careers in the organization.(igher+level positions are fre!uentlygiven to people fromoutside the organization.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1


    &ree 'gent () Strategy

    4er$ormance araisal $ocuses on outcomesand results.

    "raining is rare.S%ort9term comensation is usuall' %ig%0 +%ic%

    is necessar' i$ t%e organi-ation is to o(taineole +it% to skills.

    4a' is linked seci$icall' to indi,idualer$ormance results.

    Bene$its and long9term comensationackages0 +%ic% tie emlo'ees to t%eorgani-ation0 are a,oided.

    5nions are rarel' seen in t%ese organi-ations.

  • 8/9/2019 SHRM MOD 3 PART 1




    Organi-ations are likel' to %a,e %uman resourceractices t%at $it +it% t%eir cometiti,e (usinessstrategies.

    Organi-ations +%ose %uman resource strategies

    matc% t%eir cometiti,e strategies do indeed er$orm(etter.

    Researc% suggests t%at organi-ations +it% a costleaders%i cometiti,e strateg' e*cel +%en t%e' $ollo+a Lo'al Soldier HR strateg'.

    Organi-ations +it% a di$$erentiation cometiti,estrateg' e*cel +%en t%e' use a !ommitted E*ertstrateg'.