shuba phala and graha

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  • 8/10/2019 Shuba Phala and Graha


    In this we come to know one important thing. That is, even if the shubha graha in lagna may not bring allgood to jataka. No one should say that shubha graha in Lagna will always bring shubha phala to jataka.

    To this shubha graha, it is enough the slightest sambandha by papa graha or bhadakadipathi or bhadakasthana will bring down the bala of jataka drastically. Jataka may get the shubha phala provided he does the

    required parihar to this dosha.

    If Budha, Guru or Shukra is with papa graha (Kuja Shani Rahu-ketu) in Lagna or papa graha aspects thesenatural benefic grahas, jataka will get problems during Dasha bhukthi period. How the phala is there forthe aspects of bavadipathi, the same will be there to aspects of karaka Graha also--- said in Jataka Narayani

    jyothish Tatwa Grantha.

    When you say the phala, you should first see whether Lagna and Lagnadipathi is shuddha (clean).If Lagna isnot shuddhi or Lagnadipathi and lagna is nirbala, jataka will not get poorna phala in any dasha bhukthiperiod.

    Shani-Kuja-Rahu and Ketu in lagna will always bring anarogya, durbala shareera, shatru bhaya, manasikaroga and hindrances to any development of jataka.

    Some grahas when they are in particular house, they will become poorna phala karaka graha. These karakagrahas should be in shubha sthana from lagna, uchha or swa kshetra or in mitr kshetra. They providedushta phala when they are in neecha or in shatru sthana.

    Sometimes, even if they are in shubha sthana, grahas which is supposed to provide shubha phala will onlygive dushta phala to jataka, when they are in neecha or in shatru navamsha

    So, we have to analyse the jataka as per the stithi (condition) of grahas in jataka. Some times Grahas whichis shubha to lagna, may not provide shubha phala even if they are in shubha sthana. This is my personalexperience as I have seen this in many cases. Therefore, one should not say that grahas will provide shubha

    phala, only when they are in shubha sthana or bava (this jataka is the example, even though Guru in lagnabut he is in shatru Shukra nakshatra. Shukra in badhaka sthana). One will understand this only if he analysethe jataka as per Nakshatra siddhantha.

    Readers may Pl understand, no Raja yoga will apply when there is KARMA DOSHA in jataka.

    Jyesta bratr karaka--- Guru, Shani

    Kanishta bratr karaka--- Kuja, Budha

    Day birth---- Shukar is Matr karaka and Ravi is Pitr karaka

    Night birth--- Chandra is Matr karaka and Shani is Pitr karaka

  • 8/10/2019 Shuba Phala and Graha


    Netra (eyes) karaka --- Ravi, Chandra

    Blind, dumb, anga oona (deformity) karaka---- Shani

    Agriculture land karaka Shani.

    Bank, Society karaka--- Guru

    Adrashta karaka--- Guru, Shukra. (Should not be astha, neecha or vakra in jataka)

    Big big industries, apartments, real estate karaka --- Shani, Shukra

    Small industries, small houses, small business karaka--- Kuja, Chandra.

    Athi balishta graha among Navagrahas (for malefic), Athma Saakshathkara graha --- Ketu Graha.( That iswhy it is said in Muhurtha that , no shubha kaarya is conducted till Guru in Ketu Nakshatra.)

    Whoever with Ketu graha, they experience the pain, manasika apaghaath, succumb injury from others,involve in severe accidents, involve in mantrik badha. Hence jataka will make himself in difficult situation.Therefore, while analyzing the jataka, one should give more importance to Ketu graha. That is the reason;no auspicious function is performed till Guru in ketu nakshatra. So ketu is considered as athi balishta grahaamong Navagrahas in jyothish shastra.

    He is that graha, who can take away (eat) all the shubha phalas of all the grahas from his tail, make the jataka to experience vishamaya jeevana and will show the jatakas end. Therefore, by doing the shanthi,pooja, japa with love and affection, this Ketu Mahanubava will provide his sampoorna anughraha , will savethe jataka from any difficulty, will take the jataka to Moksha and see that the jataka will not havepunarjanma.

    So, lets do Big Namaskar to this Ketu Mahanubava Graha.

    Therefore Ketu is Pradhana Graha in jatakas jeevana.

    Guru in swa kshetra (Dhanu or Meena rashi) in Kendra or in Kendra uchha sthana is called Hamsa yoga.

    If the Guru in Kendra uchha sthana (kataka rashi) in Punarvasu 4th pada, that Guru will provide UttamaHamsa yoga phala

    If he is in Dhanu rashi Uttarashada 1 st pada, that Guru also provide Uttama Hamsa Yoga phala.If he is in Meena rashi Poorvabhadra 4th pada, he will also provide Uttama Hamsa Yoga phala.

  • 8/10/2019 Shuba Phala and Graha


    But, the above said Guru should not get the sambandha from 6th or 8th or 12th lord. Then the HamsaYopga phala will become nishphala.

    Also if Vakri Guru in Tyajya bhaga in karkataka rashi (Punarvasu 26 degree 40 mts, that Guru will notprovide shubha phala. Jataka will have many ups downs in his life.

    Vakri Guru in Tyajya bhaga (4, 12 and 18 degree, that is Moola and poorvashada) in Dhanu--- no proper job,

    wife and childrens will get sickness.

    As I told earlier, slightest sambandha form bhadaka sthana or lord to lagna will drastically reduces thestrength of lagna.

    That is the reason, it is said in Jyothish shastra that:-

    If 6-8-12th lord in lagna or

    If 6-8-12th lord aspects lagna or

    If Shani -Kuja-Rahu-ketu in Lagna or

    If Lagnadipathi in neecha rashi or

    If lagnadipathi in 6-8-12th or

    If Lagnadipathi is Astha

    Then lagna will become Bala heena or Nirbala

    If lagnadipathi gets sambandha from 12th lord--- Jataka will get problem from lower class people and maylose his respect, prestige and honour.

    It is told in a very simple way in Nadi;-

    Adipathya papa graha is vakra--- papa phala

    Adipathya shubha graha is vakra--- shubha phala.

    Adipathya in neecha and vakra--- shubha

    Adipathya shubha in 1-4-7-10-5-9-11 and vakra--- Yoga.

  • 8/10/2019 Shuba Phala and Graha


    Guru in west direction or west rashi ----- BalishtaShani vakri------------------------------ NIRBALAShani in Ruju gathi is --------------- Balishta (without vakratwa)Shukra and Shani, even if they are asthangatha----- BalishtaKuja in shatru rashi--------- Balishta

    Shani in uccha rashi, Swa rashi and in Meena, Dhanu Lagna ---- BalishtaShukra, even if in 12th balishata. But not in Makara or Kumba, both in rashi and in navamsha.

    As I told earlier, jatakas lagna bala will drastically reduces when bhadakadipathi in lagna.

    In Agastya Nadi and Gopala Ratnakara, it is said that ,Lagna should not have vakri graha sambandha.

    Adipathya shubha graha should not be astha, neecha or vakra