siff commemorative 10th thank you


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Post on 01-Apr-2016




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As we approach our 10th season Minraed and everyone behind the success of SIFF would like to share this Thank You issue.


My plan was to do as I usual ly do and create this magazine under the guise of Minraedand Tabby Lloyd, my main media characters, but I thought I might take this opportuni ty

to introduce myself - my real self. So ya - Hel lo my name is Crystal.

In real life I am a Registered Dieti tian and Diabetes Educator with a special interest inmental heal th. I love my job because I love helping people, especial ly helping people

learn to love themselves more and to feel confident in taking care of their heal th.

Another thing about me is that I have a history of being a coach for a marathonwalking team (Team in Training for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society if anyone is

familiar with them), a public speaker and in many ways a teacher.

For me personal ly, creativi ty is my life’s breath. I am toldthat this is in some ways an underlying facet of ADHD.I think I would die without a creative outlet. I’ve playeddrums and gui tar, made jewelry, hand painted t-shirtsand clothing, made wedding cakes and chocolatetruffles in li ttle cute packages for special occasions,I’ve hosted theme dinner parties, I’ve painted anddrawn and doodled, I’ve wri tten stories and immersedmyself into role-playing MUDS and MMORPGs, and I’vecrocheted and more. Creativi ty is like an addiction forme.

My personal philosophy for life is that people deserveto feel good about themselves and their personalcreative expressions. I truly believe that al l forms ofcreativi ty should be celebrated and appreciated, evenif they are not as good as someone else’s. Many of theworlds most celebrated artists wil l say that a real artistcreates for themselves and not to appease themasses. I agree wholeheartedly.

So, i t is with this experience and philosophy that Icame to create Simatography and in turn, SIFF. Mywish is that everyone who participates or who joinsour communi ty feels safe to share, express theircreativi ty and learn from one another. I have beenfortunate to have been surrounded by so manysimmers who feel the same, this is what makes ourcommunity so wonderful and keeps me going andgoing even when I feel like I’m ready to throw in the towel.

So, this special commemorative issue is my personalthank you to each and every one of you who has beena part of SIFF for the past 10 seasons. I am so sorryif I miss anyone, please forgive me and know that evenif I may miss you in these pages, I promise that I havenot forgotten you or your contribution to al l of this.You guys mean the world to me. Xo

p.s. - this is my simself in a gown, you would never seeme in gown in real life, just sayin’

I am sure that al l of you already know Minraed Arzhel and TabbyLloyd wel l. Minraed is our SIFF executive director - in character she isthe founder of Simatography and SIFF. Tabby Lloyd came along only afew seasons ago as our Media Director in charge of SIFF Buzz weekly

tabloids during the SIFF season and otherwise overseeing ourreporters and other media personali ties.

“ I t has been an honour to be a part of this great festival for 5 years and 10seasons now. The most important message I have to say here is my expressionof absolute grati tude and thanks to each and every person who has played arole as staff, intern or moderator. I often feel that I get more of the credi t thanI deserve where i t should be known that without the support of great staffnone of this would have ever be happening. Thank you al l! xo ”

Minraed “ Having spent only a few seasons with SIFF so far I can truly say that this hasbeen the best job of my career. Each season I have the pleasure of watchingnew machinima makers take daring chances and grow over the years. I haveseen masters of machinima who leave me breathless, and have been starstruck by the presence of some of the Sims greatest directors and celebri ties.SIFF is a celebration like no other and I hope that we wil l carry on this tradi tionfor many seasons to come. Thank you al l for your contributions to this greatcreative ex travaganza! ”

Tabby Lloyd

This talented trio have been at the helm for afew seasons, working together to make magichappen. This is the team responsible for much ofthe website redesign, reworking the logos andcreating the newest ones for SIFF Buzz and our10 th season and so much more. Jorgha is alsothe hostess behind the Battle of the Bands.Thank you for everything you do to keep me incheck and for helping me keep i t al l togetherwhen i t seems so impossibly overwhelming.


“A warm welcome to al l as we kick off the10 th season of SIFF. We have come a longway in 9 seasons, striving to make thefestival better and more diverse each time.SIFF has grown from a small gathering oflike-minded creators sharing their love ofmachinima to something bigger than any ofus could have ever expected and i tcontinues to grow. I t's been a remarkablejourney that is nowhere near from over aswe usher in the nex t incarnation of TheSims. So we hope you al l have fun and enjoywhat the sims machinima community has tooffer for Fal l 2014.

The SIFF Senior Staff

“Since joining Simatography I have learnedso much. I started out not knowing muchat al l about machinima or Simsphotography, but now I understand somuch and i t is al l thanks to everyone hereand everyone who takes part in SIFF.. I'vemade life time friends and enjoy seeingpeople grow in what they love like I did.This is real ly a amazing time for SIFF! “

Lunxi Weis

Lunxi has been seen among the who’s whoof SIFF since our very first season. Lastseason she joined me, contributing to theSIFF Buzz. You can expect to see muchmore of her this coming season. Thankyou Lunxi for lending us your talents. I lookforward to many seasons of celebri tyglamour and SIFF parties together.

Tabby Lloyd

“SIFF is a great way to get your creativejuices flowing and meet new, awesomepeople. And though i t's a competi tion, i t'snot about winning; i t's about having fun anddoing what you enjoy, meeting new andawesome people, and maybe even pushingyourself a li ttle bi t to broaden your creativehorizons and experience the game in wholenew ways. . That's what SIFF is al l about."


TenderWolf came on board last seasonas an intern. Since she passed the testof bringing us coffee and danishes, shehas now earned a desk of her own in ouroffices, which is great because we canreal ly use a grammar enforcer in our mix.I t is a pleasure to have you on the team.We look forward to many exci ting andcreative seasons together.


I t is so exci ting to have a new team of Interns on board this season, inparticular this trio of mul ti-cul tural beauty. Nanami, CatKetty and Demeterhave a history with SIFF going back to the very earliest seasons. Betweenthem they have contributed both machinima and Red Carpet glamour everyseason along the way. Now they have teamed up to bring their talents behindthe scenes. I’m personal ly very exci ted to see what magic we can weavetogether. I’m looking forward to celebrating this 10 th season with three ofour most dedicated SIFF fans and contributors. Minraed

“ If i t wasn't for SIFF I would never have given myself a shot at tryingmachinima or even taking photographs for that matter. So muchsupport and help for al l of us who were just starting off and needed aguiding hand knowing where to go nex t. I' l l never forget what SIFF didfor me and what i t has done for me the last 10 seasons.”

Demeter Moon

In 2011 I met Simatography. I loved the fact that people there actual lywathced and gave feedback on people’s art. I hold SIFF to the higheststandards, and very close to my heart, because i t was the first time inmy LIFE someone gave me a chance to expose my ideas. I've neverwanted to part since then.

Past Battle of the Bands winners punk-rockin’ New t Daviesof Toxic Dream and the silken-voiced and oh-so-refinedGrace DeLuca, have paired up to make the most unlikelyteam in music history. Well, who am I to question the magicthat they create together. New t and Grace are the host andhostess of our ever-growing band challenge, a relatively new,but already loved addi tion to the SIFF program. Thank youboth for making beautiful music together for al l of us Simsband fans.

Tabby Lloyd

My world got just a li ttle bi t brighter the day these twowalked into my office offering up their services to theedi torial team. I have no clue what they are capable of, butwe wil l find out this season. Filmore Noir is a self-proclaimedmachinima geek, and the classy Shantel l Potins claims thatthere is no star or celebri ty that can escape her loaded pen.Together they wil l keep us updated on the importantcelebri ty news at SIFF this season, and hopefully many moreto come. I t is great to have you on the team! I look forwardto taking the tabloids to new heights.

Tabby Lloyd

Watch for our newest reporters as they bringyou breaking celebrity news during SIFF

Season one was created through trial and error but i t came togetherthanks to a small but dedicated group of contributors and staff. Thisis where the magic began - we didn’t real ly know what to expect, but i twas qui te successful for a first season we thought.

Bring Me To Life by RenderMeNow

My Immortal by DesignGirl

Hero by Molly

Best Featured Film - The Lonely One by Sylent Whysper

Unforgiveable by Faalq aka Phantomhive

Nexus by SS Productions

SuperPogimon was one of thefirst people I approached. I justloved his creative style and thoughI didn’t know him well, he agreed.This was the start of a beautifuland creative friendship. I have tothank Pogi for the creation of ouroriginal logos and awards, theincredible Red Carpet photos, andfor the inspiration and supportthrough the early years. Real lifestole Pogi away from the Sims, butI wil l never forget al l that he hasdone for SIFF and rumour has i tthat he may return with Sims 4


Photographer, Builder, Designer or Director - Thebeauty of the Sims is that there is something foreveryone. I am proud to say I was here at thebeginning of Simatography and SIFF and haveloved watching i t grow and blossom into a trulyunique and international event. At SIFF anybodycan have a go, you do not need to be an expert

I wil l always hold a special place in my heart for the originalteam. They took a brave leap into unknown terri tory in ourfirst year of SIFF and helped build the foundation that hasgrown into what we now have today.

you just need to make sure you’re having fun. I stil l would not class myselfas an expert, but you can guarantee with everything I’ve made I have hada giggle along the way. Watching SIFF grow over the years and watchingthe amazing creations our members only exci tes me more, as I si t inanticipation as to what wil l be created by the nex t anniversary.


Thank you to…

Ida No Really





Patrons of SIFF Since season 1

“SIFF has always been a home for us. I t’s where we’ve al l started andmade our names  Well, i t’s where Vincent made his because he hasmore fans than I do,. but I’m total ly cool with that because I love him. Sohere we are on the Red Carpet to welcome the upcoming grand festival.As a director i t is real ly a great honour to be part of i t, and now we arejust exci ted to be celebrating the 10 th season! I t’s truly something tolook forward to for someone like me who’s been around ever since thefirst season. I remember the joy of being able to produce my first filmin this event, and there was much more than getting recogni tion. Seeingother people’s works and getting to meet such good friends are al l partof the good experiences I’ve had in SIFF. . We have so many funmemories and we hope to continue to make more in the future. I’m prettysure the 10 th season wil l be a blast, and again we are exci ted for i t. Asmy Cool Vampire Rocker-Action Star keeps saying, “i t wil l be FABULOUSseason!”


I’m not even sure I expected that there would be more than one roundof SIFF, but here we were having our second season and setting up thefal l cycle for what would become this ongoing, twice a year showcase.

In this second cycle we saw our first SIFF souvenirs - customcontent for our games, and our first issues of Rising Stars, our

celebri ty magazines that come out during SIFF.

Best Feature Film - Irreversible by Bzanna

1st place film - Eminence Rising by Sylent Whysper

2nd place film Need you Now by Vampsessed

3rd place film Dissonance by SSMusicProductions

Bzanna, Eggzie, Bahariawans Studio (Fadhil)

Best Overal l Film - Welcome Home by JinjaNinja

Best New Director - Vampsessed for Need You Nowunfortunately Vampsessed no longer has a YouTube page

ChristieL arrived on the SIFF scene for the first timein season 2 and blew us away with her machinimamagic. Over the years she went on to become avalued staff member and regular contributor andsupporter. She remains active behind the scenesand continues to make incredible machinima withher own trademark style. Be sure to watch her firstSIFF entry, Geisha HERE Thank you for many yearsof support.


Thank you to the season 2 staff…

Mmyoko, SSProductions, SuperPogimon, Midnight,IdaNoReally, SylentWhysper, Jmelo

Every SIFF is different withnew and returning talentsalways bringing uniqueelements to the festival.Each season is aninspiration as I watch thefilms, fol low the bands, readup on the Buzz, laugh at thepaparazzi antics, show offon the Red Carpet, andsupport the most creativecommuni ty I have everknown.

Happy tenth season anniversary. I hope to see ten more! ! !Sylent Whysper

Sylent Whysper has possibly been the mostprolific of al l SIFF contributors over the years,with an uncountable number of machinimasubmissions, promo videos, posters, and evena season of Rising Stars publications. Evenafter leaving the staff official ly, Sylent wasthere lending her talents and helping out. Iwanted to take this time to say a special thankyou to Sylent for everything she has done overthe years, and for her never ending support.

Minraed See her Machinima HERE

In the early years Pogimon was our staff photographer. This walk offame spread is one of my favouri te memories.

Pogimon invi ted SimGuru Hydra and Poptart the party this season.

I would like to ex tend my thanks to The Sims 3 team for theirongoing support of SIFF over the years.

“SIFF is probably the baseline of my careerin marketing and project wri ting. I t'scommuni ty based, ambi tious andex tremely creative; just like the events Iorganize in my ci ty. So SIFF is not yetanother Sims experience, if you're doingi t right, if you're passionate about i t, i tcould be a professional experience.”

Norbert Szucs

Everyone who remembers Norbert knows how crazy he was, alwayskeeping us laughing and always the life of the party. Actual ly, he wasALWAYS throwing a party, like this one. No staff was safe from Norbert’snuttiness. He kept us on our toes to be sure. Thanks Norbert, for al l ofthe laughs and the ongoing support over the years.


Season 3 and stil l going strong. We made a few more tweaks this timearound, as we have every season since. As we grow and learn we

keep trying to make necessary adjustments to the system to makesure that things are fair and fun for everyone.

This year we opened up a separate Music Video category.

Magic and Dark Hearts by LilMSims

We’l l Meet Again by SimRomanov

Lost by MissGordana (no longer available to view)

Jeannie by Cupcake

Just a Dream by xXAngelicEvilXx

What Hurts the Most by FriendlieLlama

JinjaNinja - JN Productions

Berry Pie of Berry Sweet Sims

Best Overal l Film

Hegira by AAshleySEG

Best New Director - LilMSims

Thank you to the season 3 staff and interns …

SSProductions, SuperPogimon, Midnight

CMPye, Mmyoko, SylentWhysper, Bzanna, IdaNoReally

This was Jorgha’s first season at SIFF. Later she returned toenter the winning band - Toxic Dream - in our first SIFF bandsearch. From there, she and New t (the band’s thermin player)took on the role of Battle of the Bands Hosts (eventual lyrecruiting Peacemaker and his Sim personali ty, Grace DeLuca)and wel l, as they say, the rest is history. Jorgha brings abalance of stern professional standards along with some ofthe most incredibly creative ideas I have ever seen in TheSims. She is always an inspiration to me and keeps me in line.Than you Jorgha for al l of your time and everything you do.


Season 4 brought many new machinima makers who are stil l wi th ustoday. Things real ly started to come together this season and at this

point I think we knew we had a good thing going.

Best Feature Film - Nero’s Transformation by Anches

All I Need by Ti tus Linde

Tea:Instant by Strange Victoria

Leave the Past Behind by Li tleTiger96

Someone Like You by Thea

Pure Imagination by Hikari Creations

Back to December by Stars to Shame

Moment by Ni ttens

Nero’s Transformationby Anches

My Secret Friend by Veri tas

Best Overal l Film - Generations by Charismatic789

Best New Director - Hikari Creations

created by AAshleySEG

Before my time, the first reporter we saw onthe SIFF Red Carpet was the one and onlyPippa Razzi. She was a true paparazzi queenand one of my al l time heroes and the one whoinspired my career. Thankful ly she left behinda vacancy which meant that I was able to fil lthe posi tion, but stil l, i t would have been ahonour to work by her side.

Tabby Lloyd

Long standing friends of SIFF

This season brought many machinima makers tothe mix who are stil l wi th us today, showing their

support and participating in SIFF.

I would like to ex tend a very special thank you to NITTENSfor his support of SIFF and the machinima community withhis how to make machinima tutorials that have helped so

many of us become SIFF worthy machinima makers.

Other long standing patrons of SIFF who we first saw thisseason include Veri tas, Ti tus Linde, CatKetty, MJSimKat,Anches, Nanami as Animevidnnt, Demeter and Gus as FAProductions Thank you al l for your longstanding support

and contributions.

Thank you to the season 4 staff and interns

Sylent Whysper, Aashleyseg, Bzanna, IdaNoReally

Nebunedzar, SuperPogimon, Midnight, SSProductions

And Kazee

Machinima and More

(and yes, HE is actual ly a SHE :)

Behind the sly and loveable playboy that we know asTitus, is a wonderful ly creative woman and one ofSIFF’s biggest fans. There is much more to her thanthis hunk of gorgeousness though. Ti tus is a mastermachinima maker in both Sims 2 and 3, as wel l as agreat story tel ler, photographer and dancer. Ti tus hasperformed now for 3 SIFF seasons, each wi th aunique theme. We hope this tradi tion won’t end soon.Thank you Titus. .


The lovely Anches, director of the long-standingDon Lotorio Sims series, came onto the scene inthe 4th season and has been around every seasonsince. Her machinimas are known to garner 10,000 plus views! Aside from Machinima Anchesnever misses a Red Carpet party and has been ahonoured supporter season after season. She isdefini tely one of the who’s who of the Red Carpet,so we wil l defini tely be keeping an eye out for her.Thank you Anches for many seasons of machinimamagic.

Tabby Lloyd

Bring your creations to life and let them tel l astory, ful l of fascination, passion and romance.That’s my inspiration for the Sims InternationalFilm Festival. Congratulations on the 10 th SIFFseason!

Machinima Master and Friend of SIFF

Gus joined us in the 4th season for the first timeand over time became one of our most valuedstaff. He has taken over where SuperPogimonleft off and has revamped and created newlogos and branding. He even made the spiffynew SIFF Buzz logo that I wil l be using thisseason. He has given many hours of his timerevamping the website layout too, and manyother things that would not get done if Minraedwere left with i t al l. Thank you Gus - you rock!

Tabby Lloyd

Graphic Designs and Machinima

With Season 5 we introduced two new personali ties, The Exposerand Felici ty Eclair. - carrying on a new tradi tion. This season weintroduced Machinima Masters to replace Featured Machinima.

Best Machinima Master Film - Tie

NEON by FA Productions (aka Gus Rockman)

Should I Forgive - Winndy

1st place film - The Final Act by ChristieL of HDS Productions

2nd place film - Black Love by KDK21 Productions (aka CatKetty)

3rd place film - Alone in the Dark by SimRomanov

Best short film - tie

Conan O-Simian by Kazee

Unicorn Sanctuary by CreatEveWorks

The Art of Dreaming by Milo Bean

Who’s That Chick by Paco1200

Iv y Lies - Highway by The Dark Panda

Best Overal l Film - The Final Act by Christie L

Best New Director - Milo Bean

Thank you to the season 5 staff and internsSSProductions, Bzanna, Kazee, JN, Aashleyseg, SylentWhysper

Brought to us by Jack CannonOne day the Exposermyseriously arrivedand then just asmysteriouslydissapeared again.

Well, he brought us some laughs while i tlasted, and in his wake other paparazziwere inspired. Soon after his arrival wesaw the first of Felici ty Eclair, fashionistaand diva, who took the Red Carpet bystorm, gracing us with her glamourousinsights into the who’s who of the SIFFRed Carpet.

These two famous sisters arrived in season 5 Broken Dreams & PaperWings, and OMG What the Hey Hey. You know them now as ApocalypticDog and OMG That Girl is Psycho. Sisters yes, but these two couldn’t bemore different when i t comes to their machinima style. These two havebeen long-standing supporters and contributors so I wanted to add mythanks for al l of the love. If you want to see their earliest machinima’sthen click here because these are not on their current channels.

Taint by TaliBeauty in the Reconing by Dice

:Plight of Man’s Best Friend by Dice


“SIFF is more than just a film festival, i t is acreative outlet that al lows you to grow,improve and share your hard work with otherswho are just as passionate about machinimamaking as you are. My favori te part isconnecting with people each season, thoseboth new to machinima and those who areseasoned, feeling supported and revel lingin the strong sense of family i t creates.”

“Participating in SIFF has been and continuesto be such a blast. I love being apart andobserving al l the creativi ty that SIFF has tooffer.” ‘

In Season 6 we had many firsts - We saw our first Sims 2 machinimasubmission this season and we took the time to recognize the

talented voice actors for the first time. We had some changes tostaff and took some new directions. I t was a truly exci ting season.

1st place Masters - The Pavil lion by Anches

2nd place Masters - First by Ti tus

3rd place Masters - Daughter of the Sea by Lyramia Movies

1st - Cirque by Cloudwalker

2nd - Martyr for Love by SimTVOfficial

3rd tie - Budge’s Adventure by ZoeyZuko

3rd tie - Cloudburst by SeeMyU

Separate Ways by Jorgha Haq with Toxic Dream

Forsaken by Ausaugi with Jack of Al l Trades

Drumming Song by Paco1200

Mascaping with Duct Tape by Jorgha Haq

Best Overal l Film - Wild by Pumpkins at the Disco

Best new Director - Cloudwalker for Cirque


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“SIFF has given me theopportuni ty to notonly share, learn, andexplore the wonderfulart of machinima, buti t has fostered a newand exci ting career. “

Thank you SIFF and Happy 10 th Anniversary.

Cloudwalker blew me away the first time shearrived on the scene with her machinima Cirque.Clearly she had a unique skil l in film productionon many levels, and was immediately cast intothe Masters category for i t. This season shealso submitted the winning SIFF poster andjumped on board as a Simatography forumsmoderator, offering her help to many members.Cloud is always wil ling to provide advice, shareher expertise and even create ex tras like poses,objects and animations to share. Aside from thehelp in our forums, Cloud contributed to theproduction of several issues of our magazineswhich was always greatly appreciated. Cloudsets a great example of our vision of SIFF andSimatography as a place where we can shareand learn from one another. Thank you so muchfor everything CloudWalker. I hope we wil l behonoured with another of your machinima oneday when your real life isn’t as busy.

Zoey flew onto the SIFF scene with Budge’s Adventure- a heartwarming tale starring voiced animal actors thatcame after the Pets EP. We had never seen anything likethis before so i t real ly caught our attention. Since thatSeason Zoey has appeared as Ti tus Linde’s dancingpartner for the special SIFF performances, and hasproven to be one of our greatest fans and supporters.WE do hope to see her back in the machinima spotlightagain someday. Thank you Zoey.

Minraed“Ten seasons of amazing creations have happened hereand WOW'd me every time with the projects that wereentered and shared with us al l. I'm so honored to be apart of this event. I'm looking forward to enjoy moreyears to come with everything that wil l be created!

Zoey Zuko

Logan arrived for the first time in this, the 6th seasonof SIFF and continues to be a supporter today.Thank you Logan for your ongoing support andparticipation.

"My SIFF experience was fantastic. I had found this new community al l whilebeginning to learn the ropes of Machinima. The community was great,especial ly the administrators and moderators. Everyone is so posi tive and thecommunity has a lot of creativi ty, and the community is what caused me towant to be in i t back in 2012." LoganWorm

Fall 2012 brought with it a new element to SIFF - For the firsttime there would be Bands added to the mix as a way for more

non-machinima makers to show their creativity.

The idea was inspired by the band NOISEcreated and role-played by Mirus Dark.Minraed was so drawn to the video ofSomebody New that she thought addingbands would be a great new addition. NowBattle of the Bands is growing strongereach season and has clearly become one ofthe favourite and popular aspects of SIFF.

The Band Search, as we cal led i t then, started off small wi th only 5bands. Li ttle did we know that i t would take off with force over the

fol lowing seasons.

One band that took the chal lenge bystorm was One Erection, a wel l playedout parody band that came completewith with fans, swag and one sexual

innuendo after another.

“Goodbye Clean, Good, Wholesome, Family-friendly image of Simatography!Hellooo One Erection! ~ MysteryJack

Compiled by Jorgha Haq

Last but not least this brings us to the surprise winnerOf the Battle of the Bands, Toxic Dream. Punk isn’tEveryone’s cup of tea but not only did they manage toWin, but Newt Davies would go on to become a Band CampCouncillor and host the event in the future.

We have come a long way since that first Battle of the Bands and eachseason I look forward to seeing the creativi ty that goes into creating aband and giving i t life. That is what The Sims International FilmFestival is about. Creativi ty. I t’s not about who wins and who looses.I t’s about having an outlet for your creativi ty and being able to shareI t with rest of the community. I t doesn’t matter if you are a machinimamaker or a picture taker. SIFF is and always has been about showcasingthese endeavours in an unique way.I have met and got to know so manycreative people through SIFF that IProbably wouldn’t have gotten to knowotherwise. Some of these people havegone on to be good friends. I t is becauseof these Things that I am proud to be apart of SIFF.

~ Jorgha Haq

Click HERE to go to YouTube for the tutorials

In the 6th season we final ly realized that we should be showing our appreciationfor the talents of the growing number of voice actors contributing to SIFF..Recently Charley, a voice actor from some previous SIFF films, approached usto offer his expertise as a representative of the Voice Acting community.

I have voiced in the award-winning Sims 3Voice-Over movie, Life’s a Beach: THE MOVIE, where I played Conner.

I am an active member of the Sims VAcommunity, as well as the animation community and Halo community of YouTube. I try to keepa diverse mind to the different styles of machinimation.

Very much so! I have been playing Sims for over ten years; I rememberplaying The Sims back when I was about eight years old, and I was hooked immediately. I own allthree of The Sims series and plan on getting Sims 4 when it comes out!

Sims was one of the reasons. Another reason was thatI loved to look at the bonus features section of animated movies and I always thought the voiceacting was a really cool process. One day after school, I watched an old favorite Sims 2 machinimaof mine by Jaydee and I saw a casting call in the suggested videos. From there, I got Voice Recorderup on my laptop and made an audition! I’ve been hooked ever since!

I’m inspired by everyone I see make an audition and go for roles, and honestly, everyone in thiscommunity is talented, whether it is raw talent or potential. I also get a lot of encouragementfrom my fellow VAs in the community. That is what I admire about the voice actors of YouTube.

I honestly wish I had a Samsung Meteoror a BlueYeti Snowball mic, but sadly I am a broke college kid. I use a Logitech ConferenceMicrophone, which is basically a square hunk of plastic with a black pole that goes up and archesoutward. It isn’t the best, but it’s all I have and I make it work!

Just go for it! Don’t be afraidof judgment or messing up; nobody is perfect. If you have an interest in it, you need to dive straightinto it and experience it! If you think you don’t have proper equipment that is perfectly fine. Whiledirectors prefer better quality, you have to start somewhere. Use a lower-production mic untilyou can save up for something upgraded. Everyone starts at different places!

In Season 7 we switched up the format a li ttle and introduced TabbyLloyd as our new resident tabloid reporter and Media Manager. Thiswas the season that SIFF Buzz was introduced, and from here on

became the official news source for SIFF fans.

1st place Masters - Nicolo by Anches

2nd place Masters - Time Machine by SSProductions

3rd place Masters - Psycho Thril ler by Cloudwalker

1st - Luminescence by Nims

2nd - Enlight by SIMul8rReviews

3rd - Ice Cream by Housho FX

1st - Lovesong MEP with Veri tas

Tie 2nd - Born This Way by Eduardo Castelinne

Tie 2nd - 4 Leaf Clover (Nanami) - Alone

3rd - Just Give Me a Reason by NeonFlick

The SIFF Buzz began in season 7. Inspired by past reportercharacters, we fel t that we needed a permanent addi tion to the staff

in this role. Thanks to MysteryJack (now known as Jack Cannon) -who created the sim for Minraed.

Tabby is the figurehead behind the BUZZ

The BUZZ i tself is a weekly, or sort of weekly, publication that iscreated during the SIFF season. You can fol low along during SIFF so

that you won’t miss anything important.

Just fol low us on ISSUU here

Thank you to the season 7 staff and internsJorgha Haq, Gus Rockman, Cloudwalker, Ti tus Linde, ChristieL,

Green Girly and SS Productions.

Titus LindeThe beginning of a Tradition

The second season of the Battle of the Bandssaw the number of bands double from five to ten.This season produced one of the most remarkabletalents to come out of the Battle of the Bands todate. Eduardo Castelinne, was not only a verytalented machinima maker, producing a number ofhigh quali ty ful l length videos, but hereinforced the “international” part of the SimsInternational Film Festival. From Portugal,Eduardo didn’t speak English And used GoogleTranslate to communicate with us.

Performing as 2nd place,backup band was Aim High-Shoot Low, an band withtalent and promise, thoughsadly we have not seenmore of them since.

These bands have become amainstay in the SIFF lineup. Thesebands each bring something newto the table and we always look

forward to seeing what they haveto offer.

Honourable mentions goto Eterni ty by DemeterMoon, 4 Leaf Clover by

Nanami and Breaking Blueby Lunxi Weis

There is a load of talent here, growing by the season.

I t is no surprise that the talent behind these bands are now alsomembers of the Simatograhpy and SIFF staff.

Compiled by Jorgha Haq

Season 8 was a big year for us at SIFF. Many aspects ofwhat we do began to take a more professional andpolished turn.

With Peacemaker’s tied-winning poster we becameinspired to change our look using this graphic as ourprimary inspiration. I t was this year that, wi th the help ofPeacemaker, Gus and Georga, that we began a facelift ofal l of our social media pages and our website. I t was ahuge undertaking, but we think i t looks better than evernow.

Thank you to the season 7 staff and internsJorgha Haq, Gus Rockman, Peacemaker

Cloudwalker, Ti tus Linde, ChristieL,

SmokyTopaz, Cloudwalker, Zoey and Ti tus

Other changes that we began in Season 8 have set the foundationfor where we are heading nex t. We started to build a foundation for

more accessible rules and expansion of the awards system to betteracknowledge people’s talents.

Someone Like Her by Cloudwalker

1st - Chroma by StephyDee

2nd Avalonia by MJSimKat

3rd - Sleeping Beauty by Vani ty1992

3rd - Nightmares and Lul labies by OMG

That Girl is Psycho Productions

I Hope You Wil l Be Missing Me - MEP - with Veri tas

Just Go with B.A.D.A. Bing by Demeter

Excessive Solution - CatKetty

Grace DeLuca - Peacemaker

Nemesis - TenderWolf

October Tale by Jorgha Haq

While there might have been a tie for second place, ExcessiveSolution, created by long-standing SIFF contributor and nowstaff, CatKetty, was the clear winner of Battle of the Bandsthis season.

Compiled by Jorgha Haq

The funny thing, at least behind the scenes, about season 8 was howthese two performers tied in the pol ls. Peacemaker and Jorgha Haq’s SIFFofficial posters tied this season, then proceeded to fol low that up withtying for second place in Battle of the Bands. Stranger stil l is that thesetwo acts couldn’t be any more different from each other had they tried.This proves that the acts are as varied as the fans and you don’t have topresent a specific type of band or style to place in the winning lineup.

Also of note are some long-standing participants of SIFF who alsoshowcased their bands, Demeter, TenderWolf, Lunxi Weis and SylentWhysper. Thank you for your ever present contributions.

Graphic Designs, Awards and SIFF exclusive CC

Thanks to Peacemaker and his poster thattied for the win this season, we started anew era with a new logo and branding basedon this design. Peacemaker has been a hugecontributor behind the scenes, especial lynoted for a variety of custom content, butalso for the variety of CC awards that wepresent to award winners as souvenirs foryour game. His talents are varied, and includebehind the scenes input into policy andsome of the major (and sometimes difficul t)decisions that we have to make as a team,as wel l as revamping al l of our social mediasi tes. Thank you Peacemaker for yougenerous donation of time and effort.


We had dabbled in specialrecogni tion awards for a fewseasons, but this was the firstseason that we real ly debated as ateam and came up wi th someguidelines. While not yet perfected,we are working towards a fair andwell organized structure in order tobetter recognize the varied talentsin this community. We fel t that manyfilms that were not winning in thepol ls did in fact have manyredeeming and praise-worthyquali ties that just needed to berecognized. This is the goal of theseSpecial Recognition Awards.

The awards recognize suchelements as special effects, voiceand sound edi ting, story-tel ling,costume and set design andcinematography. Each season bringsnew talent to the table so we arealways revisi ting our cri teria forthese awards.

As soon as Season 9 hi t us we were already zooming ahead intoSeason 10 celebration mode. This season was so exci ting for us.

1st - Surprises by Anches

2nd - Decomposing Emily

by Apocalyptic Dog Films

3rd - The Otherworld by DNL Films

1st - Life’s a Beach by TwistTV

2nd - THE MERMAN by WhiteBlueCherry

3rd - Lost in a Dream by Lyramia Films

1st - Say Something by RomerJon

2nd - Everything Has Changed by RomerJon

3rd - Everybody Wants to Rule the World by JN

1st - Hol low Tower by Elonian Cass

2nd - Creepypasta Lesson #1 by Tenravalg

3rd - Find the Way by Ts3M4ker

GrayLeeStudios and Sims 2 Machinima Maker

Sims 2 Machinima has not historical ly been apart of SIFF for several reasons, but primarilyi t was that we started as a Sims 3 fansi te andwere not real ly aware of the Sims 2 community,To our surprise the Sims 2 machinima makersare stil l going strong. While we have been opento Sims 2 for a couple of seasons, i t as recentlythat we were approached by Meridian of GrayLee Studios with some much needed feedback.We would now like to shout i t from the rooftopsthat we are not only open to Sims 2 machinima,but we have made a nice li ttle nest on ourwebsite forums for Sims 2 machinima makerstoo so please drop by and feel free to contributesince we have very li ttle Sims 2 content therecurrently.



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an C


- Sim

s 2






Spring 2014 brought with i t some of the mostunusual bands ever to participate in Battle ofthe Bands. There were vampires, mimes and anincredible amount of Kpop.

Enter Nightcrawlers, a band of four vampireswho ended up taking the Battle of the Bands bystorm. They won by a landslide thanks in part totheir lives playing out across twitter in what canbe cal led a social media soap opera, gatheringa devoted fol lowing along the way.

Dol lychix brought another unique typeof performance to the stage -burlesque dancer, model and costumedesigner inspired by the likes of MarilynMonroe and Grace Kel ly, who took abreak to explore a music career. TheSIFF Battle of the Bands was her firststop where shetook a very closesecond place.

Just when you think thingscan’t get any weirder, they do.No one quite knew what to makeof Cacophony, Prior to the Battleof the Bands their biggest claimto fame was Frantic the Spider,The only mime to ever get stuckin an invisible box. Then there wasThe fact that they didn’t reallyplay music, they mimed it.Performance art at it’s best, or

or worst, depending on what side of the fence you were on.

We love how each season brings out something new, new faces andnames and new friends. We also love to see people coming back year

after year and enjoying SIFF again and again. Thank you for yourongoing patronage. I t means a lot to us that people enjoy SIFFenough to keep on returning. We hope to see more of our past

contestans rejoining and building their fan base over time.

Eterni ty

By Demeter

4 Leaf Clover

By Nanami

Jack of Al l Trades

By Ausagi

Tanisha Tal ley

By CatKetty

Compiled by Jorgha Haq

And here is just a small sampling of the incredible graphicarts talent that our film makers also showcase during SIFF

For Archives click HERE

There is no possible way to showcase al l of the incredibletalent of our SIFF photographers over the years. Al l I coulddo is select a random photo from each season to give anexample of the many years of great SIFF celebri ties. Wehope to see the biggest and best RED CARPET this seasonfor our 10 th celebration so get yourself cleaned upeveryone, we have parties to attend!




- B






- Mid



Season Five


Season Four - Eziopeep

Season Three

Ki ttyCatty Tea Legacy

Season Six

Lyramia Movies

Season Seven


Season Eight


Season Nine - The Elonian Cass- Sims 2 on the Red Carpet for the 1st time

And last but not least, a few of the photographers that went above andbeyond over the years as official photographers of SIFF or as photo

journalists tel ling stories with their photos.

MysteryJack and Felici ty Eclair - Red Carpet Fiasco

Umi and the famous Mr. Gnome in a weeklong Red Carpet Ordeal

Byrony Rae

Red Carpet

Celebri ty Reporter


Official staff

Red Carpet



Official photographer for TSS


Photo story tel ler, severalseasons of SIFF


Reports from the Red Carpet

for several seasons of SIFF

Sylent Whysper - official Staff photographer and major contributor

Another way to al low people of al l talents to get involved at SIFF is tohave an open chal lenge for builders. Over the seasons we have

accumulated a number of venues available for download that you canuse to host your V IP Red Carpet Events. While we don’t always

actively announce this chal lenge, we always welcome Venues as partof the SIFF festivi ties.

Click on the photo for more information and for download links

Click on the photo for more information and for download links

One venue is missing photos, but stil l available on the exchange

Gerard Butler Arts Center by CMPye

Machinima masters Wil l take a slightly more structured form from the10 th season on with a goal of fairness, set standards and cri teria.

The process of selecting masters has changed a few times over theyears, and what we now have is a list of Masters who have been

named as such and wil l carry the ti tle for al l future seasons. Here isour list of current masters as we head into our big 10 th season.





Pumpkins at the Disco


Gus Rockman - Brainstrip

Titus Linde

HDS Creations

Apocalyptic Dog Films

DNL Films

SS Music Productions


Fadhil - Bahariawans

Berry Pie

OMG that girl is psycho

1992 Vanity



Lyramia Movies


The Elonian Cass

White Blue Cherry

Twist TV


Sylent Whysper




We ex tend a special thank you to Al l About Simsrepresented by King Leo and Moni B, for helping to makeSIFF more accessible to the German machinimacommunity, and also to Ti tus Linde for being our Germanlanguage liason.

Mark has an exci ting newproject wel l underwaythat is sure to benefi tmachinima makers in a

variety of new andexci ting ways.

Be sure to check out Sims World TV to see how you can haveyour creative project showcased. SIFF supports Sims WorldTV and wil l hopeful ly find fun new ways to help promote theart of machinima together.

Thank you to …

Ballantyne for the many times she stepped up asmoderator to assist in the forums

Smoky has been around in the SIFF circlefor a number of seasons, sometimes

helping behind the scenes as wel l.

We don’t see as much of her anymore, buther ongoing support and friendship wil l

always be remembered.

Thank you Smoky

Alex was one of the original members and one who contributed asignificant amount of time and expertise. We miss him now that he isgone, but he wil l always be remembered for everything he has done.

Thank you to our supporters on Twitter

@TheSims4Info @KentarosCinema @Nittens

@NephetsYUI @TheSimsCommunity @TheSims

@Larnalynnpro @DNLFilms @TS3M4ker and more 

This was a huge undertaking to put together. Ihad no idea what I was getting in to. My

biggest fear now that i t is complete is that Ihave missed someone.

Actual ly, I know I have because I didn’t nameevery single person who ever contributed to

SIFF, al l of whom deserve a thank you.

Please do not feel left out if you were notmentioned in these pages. Know that al l of you

are special to me and to SIFF and I hope thatyou wil l al l continue to enjoy the celebration of

creativi ty that we have laid out here at SIFF.

We look forward to many many more years!

Season 10 is about to begin. We had an insanely huge col lection ofincredible posters to choose from so I know i t was difficul t for al l ofus to vote, but here we have the fan pol l resul ts and the 10 th season

poster winner with a tie for 2nd place. Al l of the season’s posterswil l soon be available as downloadable game content. Thank you toeveryone for your talented contributions and welcome everyone to

2nd place By Gus Rockman 2nd place By Peacemaker

On the back cover - flip the page