simple counter generator read me

Download Simple Counter Generator Read Me

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Upload: rohaanmanzoor

Post on 26-Sep-2015




1 download




Thank you for your interest in sight-creations effects. download location: to install the Simple Counter generator Folder:quit Final Cut Pro X.go to:/HomeFolder/Movies/Motion Templates/Generators/If a folder called SC_Generator already exists, then drop the Simple Counter folder inside SC_Generator, otherwise, create a folder named (preferably) SC_Generator (to keep sight-creations FCPX generators together) or anything you'd like to have appear in the Generators tab of FCPX.drop in the entire Simple Counter folder.restart FCPX. Check to make sure the effect is in the Generators library under "SC_Generator". If not -- select "All" from the top of the categories list. Find Simple Counter in the list. If you have Motion 5, right click and Open in Motion. Save. If prompted, create a Category (SC_Generator or whatever you like -- the name should already be supplied; if not: name it "Simple Counter" without quotes). Switch Back to FCPX. You should find the effect within the category you have now created. (You can go into the ~/Movies/Motion Templates/Generators and remove the files you initially installed IF you have created a new