simpáticos - goddess flight

Simpáticos An Astrological Report on the Relationship Between Paul McCartney and Heather Mills Interpreted by Bernie Ashman This report compliments of: Goddess Flight Divination

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An Astrological Report on the Relationship Between Paul McCartney and Heather Mills

Interpreted by Bernie Ashman

This report compliments of:

Goddess Flight Divination

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The Astrological Chart

Composite Chart (with Derived Cusps) For Paul McCartney and Heather Mills

At: London, UK 000W10'00" 51N30'00"

Planet Sign Position Hous House Cusps Sun Aries 08°Ar59' 10th 01 00°Le44' Moon Cancer 16°Ca02' 12th 02 17°Le05' Mercury Aries 09°Ar21' R 10th 03 07°Vi43' Venus Pisces 00°Pi51' 08th 04 06°Li14' Mars Taurus 17°Ta33' 11th 05 15°Sc27' Jupiter Leo 03°Le29' 01st 06 27°Sg55' Saturn Taurus 05°Ta57' 10th 07 00°Aq44' Uranus Leo 00°Le35' 12th 08 17°Aq05' Neptune Libra 26°Li32' 04th 09 07°Pi43' Pluto Leo 28°Le31' 02nd 10 06°Ar14' Midheaven Aries 06°Ar14' 10th 11 15°Ta27' Ascendant Leo 00°Le44' 01st 12 27°Ge55' Part Fortn Libra 26°Li28' 04thNode Cancer 00°Ca39' R 12th

The Natal Charts

Paul McCartney Heather Mills Jun 18, 1942 Jan 12, 1968 02:00:00 PM GM2 -02:00 12:00:00 PM GMT +00:00 Liverpool, UK Aldershot, UK 002W55'00" 53N25'00" 000W47'00" 51N15'00" Sun at 26°Ge37' in 10th. Sun at 21°Cp21' in 10th. Moon at 17°Le26' in 11th. Moon at 14°Ge38' in 02nd. Mercury at 18°Ge22' in 09th. Mercury at 00°Aq20' in 10th. Venus at 19°Ta00' in 09th. Venus at 12°Sg42' in 08th. Mars at 02°Le41' in 11th. Mars at 02°Pi25' in 11th. Jupiter at 01°Ca50' in 10th. Jupiter at 05°Vi07' in 05th. Saturn at 05°Ge13' in 09th. Saturn at 06°Ar41' in 12th. Uranus at 01°Ge58' in 09th. Uranus at 29°Vi11' in 06th. Neptune at 27°Vi07' in 01st. Neptune at 25°Sc57' in 07th. Pluto at 04°Le16' in 11th. Pluto at 22°Vi47' in 06th. Midheaven at 23°Ge44' in 10th. Midheaven at 18°Cp43' in 10th. Ascendant at 25°Vi18' in 01st. Ascendant at 13°Ta31' in 01st. Node at 07°Vi55' in 12th. Node at 23°Ar23' in 12th. Part Fortn at 16°Sc08' in 02nd. Part Fortn at 06°Li48' in 06th.

Interpretive text copyright 1998 by Bernie Ashman

Copyright 1985-2003 Matrix Software, Inc.

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The Playing Field

Welcome Paul and Heather, to Simpaticos, an analysis of your relationship, through the use of a unique tool, the Composite Chart. This is a type of chart that astrologers use to get an overview of a partnership. It is constructed by using the midpoints between each of your individual charts. The Composite Chart is a Blueprint that represents a symbolic meeting place of your shared mental, physical, emotional and spiritual chemistry.

Have you wondered why the two of you find it easier to agree on some topics and experience distance when trying to discuss others? This report will likely touch on some areas where you might need insight.

There are no perfect relationships. We can strive to make our interactions with others more productive and meaningful. The pages that follow will describe places of harmony in your relationship. It will also point to places of potential conflict. You will notice that some descriptions will appear to contradict each other. Astrology offers a lens through which to view a wide variety of ways to express ourselves in order to make better use of our vast resources.

Relationships are made more from the fabric of a verb, rather than that of a noun. They are in a continuous process of becoming. You will eventually have changing expectations of one another. Your individual search for growth and new direction is rewarding and yet can create tension. It is important to find ways to make room for your individual needs. Nothing truly stays the same. Perhaps this report will inspire the two of you to finds ways to mentally stay on the same page. Communication is so vital in clearly relating to each other.

Romantic love is a powerful belief system in modern day society. Some people have even compared it to a religion. Our faith goes out to another person. Romance charges a relationship with more emotional intensity than any other type of partnership. Many of our hopes and dreams are invested in finding a soul mate.

We seek happiness in a lover. How can such a simple thing get so complicated? It's that each of us has our own definition of happiness.

This report could create new options. Relax. It is not intended to judge either of you. Pause if something makes you take a deep look at yourself or your partner. Each of us is really a student of life when it comes to relationships. Learning how to communicate and to truly hear the mind and heart of another person is a life long quest. Remember that you are not alone when it comes to understanding how to better handle your human relations.

Paul and Heather, try to let your eyes scan the pages that follow with an open mind. Perhaps you will be stimulated into taking a refreshing look at one another!

Happy Navigating!

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The Players: The 10 Planets Part One: The Lead Roles

The Sun

The Sun is the center of our solar system. It generously shares its radiance with the other planets. In Astrology, the Sun is the heart of the chart. It points to ways that your relationship needs to confidently shine. Keep the fires of your Sun burning brightly and proudly together. Love will follow. Happiness will fill your minds, bodies and souls. The Sun stands for ego needs, will power and creative vitality.

Forget your own Sun signs for the moment, Paul and Heather.

Your shared Sun sign could be different than your individual Sun signs. Remember that we are talking about your combined Sun. It is the fusion of your two hearts.

Sun in Aries

A Sign is a psychological process through which a planet operates. As a couple, being solarized through the sign Aries gives your relationship a touch of romantic spontaneity. The two of you can display a tireless creative vitality. The keyword phrase for Aries in traditional astrology is "I am." What does this mean? You expect one another to respond quickly to your pleas for attention.

A desire for immediate gratification comes standard with this fiery sign. Neither of you need the other's permission to take action. Moving swiftly through life together is exhilarating. Getting instant results is something you expect.

Courage is a spark that gets lit in your being together. Take the initiative to conquer the circumstances that might come between you. Talk openly about your needs.

Your natural leadership qualities might find your relationship inspiring others to action. Seek a spirit of cooperation in dealing with conflict or adversity. Recognizing the territorial needs of each other will go far to establish harmony. Be brave in not giving into your individual and shared fears.

Acknowledge the strength of one another to find a sense of self. Do not run away from the natural intensity you awaken in one another. Give each other equal attention. Beware of short attention spans.

There is enough room in this relationship for your likenesses and differences. Let your competitive spirits take you to new heights.

Do you sometimes feel impatient with each other? This could be an area the two of you need to work on. Give yourselves a chance to catch up to one another during major changes. Give your partner advance warning before making a major decision.

Assertion is another key theme. You both need to feel free to express anger and to speak your

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mind--don't you? Denying anger could "make a mountain out of a mole hill." Carelessly invading each other's territory may produce resentment. A give-and-take attitude might help reduce stress and tension. Negotiate from the heart as well as the head.

Your creative vitality leads you to climb great heights together. But do look before you leap. Take the time to understand the inner motivation for your individual and joint actions. Enjoy the spark of confidence you bring to each other. Make each other feel important, and you have a winning combination.

Sun in the Tenth House

A determination for success is accentuated. You can instill ambition and great momentum in each other! It is possible to happily share ownership in a business or other investments. You can support each other's hope to receive recognition for your abilities. You influence one another to achieve great things in life.

Your life in the public sector may be demanding and at the same time offer growth. You can fill a variety of roles, whether it is in the form of parent, job, civic leader, etc. Sharing responsibility in your relationship gives you a sense of confirmation about each other. Making time for one another creates intimacy.

Friends and strangers will likely see you as people that know what they want in life. Your lives are based on a clear commitment. Your public and private lives can be balanced with good management. Remember to be fair to each other when life gets stressful or demanding.

A lack of adaptability can cause emotional distance. Too much competition within the partnership can create instability. Respect for each other's leadership ability is a stabilizing factor. Take turns being the boss.

You are a serious couple when it comes to making your ideas become a reality. You don't like people wanting to waste your time. Discipline is something you value.

Make time for each other. The temptation to compulsively work on individual challenges can distract you from your relationship. Give one another the attention and emotional support needed. If you do, you will have a friend for life!

The Moon

Countless song lyrics, poems and lofty dreams have been inspired through gazing at the Moon. The Moon's sign and house position represents the intimacy and feelings you share with each other. Establishing a sense of security and a home are other lunar sides of life. The Moon symbolizes the imagination you share from your inner landscapes.

Moon in Cancer

With your relationship lunarized through the sign Cancer, emotions run at high tide! You will get plenty of practice in adjusting to mood swings. Allowing each other to express opinions honestly balances emotional intensity. You can establish a wonderful sense of security together. There is unspoken warmth that you share that is evident to others. Your home is a retreat from the world and offers a place to unwind from stress. It is a true refuge in your eyes. Each of you needs to see that you can always find security here. You both need to know that your vision of

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family and closeness can be realized. You may prefer to live in a city or area that offers a sense of community.

You may not like people to know much about your relationship. There is a need for privacy. You expect each other to be able to keep a secret. You can probably read the unspoken language exhibited in each other's faces. Your intuition could lead you to be able to finish your partner's sentences.

There is the possibility of a reassuring closeness in your partnership. Honor each other's needs for space. Balancing dependency needs is good for your relating. You need to be able to experience your individual strengths as it enriches your togetherness.

Be sure to talk through differences. Why? It avoids emotional minefields. Keep the real issues within talking distance. Open communication keeps you feeling secure and acknowledged. This relationship draws out deep thoughts and moods. Do not panic during confrontations, and you will learn to work through problems. A positive stroke now and then never hurts.

Let your imaginations guide you to act from your clearest inner motivations. Enjoy building a life together that contains memories that will last a lifetime!

Moon in the Twelfth House

Your feelings flow back and forth powerfully. When first meeting you could have felt like you could see right into each other's minds. Did you wonder if you already knew each other? At times you can almost speak without using any words.

A strong spiritual connection is possible. Your belief systems can have much common ground. You could easily find yourselves championing a special mission or cause together. Working in the healing or helping professions could appeal to you both. There is a talent for art and music in your lives.

Romance is something you tend to cherish. Going to each other's favorite places is enjoyable. You both probably like to think you will never lead uneventful lives. A bit of intrigue and mystery never hurts anything.

Your home is a refuge or escape for you both. Tranquillity is a must. The type of music, art or possessions you find meaningful must fill your residence. You may like to display items that hold special symbolic meaning. People visiting your home may be moved by its uplifting presence. The two of you don't care for stress here. You will do almost anything to make it go away.

Everyday life will flow better if you have a clear sense of reality. Your idealism will be tested. Your faith in each other and your beliefs can get you through just about anything. Don't give up your dreams if they are slow in manifesting.

A natural compassion for each other helps sort out your differences. Do not try to rescue one another from the lessons you need to learn.

Keep expectations realistic. Setting individual or relationship standards too high can create disappointment. The idea is to continue enjoying each other. This will not happen constantly. Accept the ups and downs.

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Let your intuition guide you to walk together with sober eyes. You can be a lighthouse for each other, shining radiantly in the night, as the ship of your dreams is trying to land safely.

The Ascendant

We are taking a short intermission from the planets to introduce you to an additional key part of your relationship. The Ascendant or Rising Sign is the sign that starts the 1st house of the chart. The Ascendant is one of the twelve signs with a special role serving as an ambassador. It acts as a persona or mask for an individual or a relationship. The Ascendant is the personality through which we interact with the world.

The Ascendant is the way we appear to others. It is their first impressions of us. You meet someone and he or she seems to be confident, shy, talkative, cheerful, etc. The same can be said for a couple. The two people might seem theatrical, dreamy, or businesslike.

Ascendant in Leo

People see the two of you as confident and full of life. There is a touch of wealth and royalty that accompanies you when interacting with others. Your will power shines through your faces. Creative drives get others to take notice. Your movements are like that of a proud lion. The two of you like to do things in a big way. Your speculation tendencies will lead you to try things that the faint of heart won't touch. You desire attention from one another. Your extroverted nature will make for lively social interactions. You love roles that let each of you be dramatic and leaders. When life meets you on your own terms, you are more likely to be accommodating.

The Part of Fortune

Your Sun, Moon and Ascendant can be combined or blended into a cosmic alchemy, known as the Part of Fortune. This is not a planet, but rather a reference point in the chart. The Arabian astrologers of the Middle Ages are given credit for its discovery. The Part of Fortune is said to show where we can expect to find good fortune and even luck. Do we really need to take a look at something from the long ago past, if it will serve as nothing more than a relic to hang on the wall? A translation of this ancient symbol into modern terms makes this symbol worth investigating. Why? Because it can give clues to special paths that lead to harmony and a spirit of feeling united.

Think of the Part of Fortune as the potential corridor leading to Opportunity. It is a way to read the pulse rate of the partnership, indicating ways to reach a shared sense of fulfillment.

Part of Fortune in Libra

Your shared love of people makes good things happen. The two of you are gifted in pleasing the public. Relationships with friends and business peers add a special dimension to your lives. The effort you make to be active players in each other's lives demonstrates your dynamic relationship. Your partnership can be a lighthouse when you go through emotional seas. The romantic pulse of your hearts wants to be expressed in creating loving atmospheres. It is when you are decisive that life sends you good fortune.

Part of Fortune in the Fourth House

The closeness between you is special. It can be painful or frustrating when there is great

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emotional distance. You have a capacity to establish a wonderful intimacy. There is tranquillity and self-assurance when it feels like you are receiving adequate emotional support from one another. Your relationship gives you a sense of roots and security. Your intuition will sometimes put its ear to the ground and hear the footsteps of an opportunity coming, long before the gaze of your minds. Good luck comes when you are nurturing the paths that mirror the real you.

Part Two: The Supporting Cast Mercury

Are you curious about the way the two of you communicate? In this section are Mercury's sign and house placements, showing some of your favorite communication tendencies. Mercury is referred to as the winged messenger in mythology, a networker for the gods. This very mental heavenly body represents an important link between your minds. It shows how you interpret what the other is saying. Mercury is connected to Perception. Astrologers consider Mercury the ruler of the conscious mind.

Mercury in Aries

Your mental energies move fast and furious. Assertiveness is not a hidden tendency. Your perceptions can be sharp though your actions might not always be well timed. There is an impatience to make things happen immediately. The two of you like people able to get to the point fast! There may be a swift decisiveness exhibited.

You don't mince words when it comes to talking to each other. Your communication likely features a fast pace and is direct. One or both of you might sense that waiting to long to deal with a problem puts your nerves on edge. There is a desire to nip issues in the bud.

Putting your thoughts into action is an instinct. Try to reflect a little before embarking on major new challenges. It will be time saving to do so. You both need the individual freedom to express your leadership drives. An urge to satisfy your own unique curiosities about life is indicated. A perk in your being together is the stimulation of new thinking.

There will be times when you must just plain move through life spontaneously. It could be embarrassing to realize that with twenty-twenty hindsight you have the cart before the horse!

You need mental excitement to add spark to your partnership. New adventures keep your minds ready and alert.

Dull routines get you feeling down. You need to keep life interesting. Too many thoughts in the passing lane can lead to mental confusion. Slowing down the pace may be needed to keep you both on the same page. Listening does not come easy and will take practice.

Heated exchanges are bound to occur over sensitive topics. It's better when each of you gets a chance to talk; the exchange of insights and ideas deepens your connection.

Mercury in the Tenth House

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Your minds move along a practical path together. You like to know what each of you expects from the other. There is a firm grasp of what it takes to make this relationship click. It could seem that your perceptions are automatically targeted at serious ambition. Your thoughts combine to develop strategies that keep you focused. Career drives are probably big and on your minds a lot of the time. Speaking of time, you hate wasting it--don't you?

Business dealings are as natural as the rising and setting of the Sun. Each of you can get the other to think about personal growth. There is the possibility of public recognition for your talents. You certainly are a couple that knows how to mix with powerful or wealthy people. Each of you can become a legend in your chosen field of expertise.

Communication may be sporadic. Your schedules can be demanding on a regular basis. You may be cramming as much as possible into a day. It might be that you are busy helping people relying on you. Respect each other's opinions and you generate love. Take time alone together to keep your hearts close. There is a challenge here. What is it? Be adaptable. You will not always fit into the choices made by your partner. Be supportive. Your business wisdom can impress others. The two of you can excel in quickly sizing up the profitably of a situation.

A lively public life can occur. You might even be pillars of your community. Beware of responsibility as you do attract it. Make sure you want to be leaders of groups or movements. Your shared ideas can generate great clarity for one another.


Without Venus, life would be lonely and meaningless for all of us. The goddess of love guides our Social Awareness and search for Aesthetic Beauty. The Venus sign and house positions most directly point to your search for a sense of balance, peace, comfort, love and mutual admiration.

Venus in Pisces

Your relationship is a Symbol of Unity. Your social instincts could lead you toward artists, new age practitioners, and the company of people with similar spiritual beliefs. Friends and family may see you as the perfect couple. The main thing is that you experience harmony on a daily level. How do you achieve this? No easy task even for saints! Start with believing in each other. Show your faith not just in words, but through your actions as well. Did you feel a mysterious closeness when you first met? It might have seemed like rejoining an old friend.

You probably rely greatly on your feelings when it comes to making major purchases. It may be an effort for the two of you to totally agree on some items. Your idea of ownership could be vague. There is likely an attraction to aesthetic possessions. Colorful things and nature scenes seem like they belong in your home.

Your values and ideals must have played a major part in bringing you together. You have a shared idealism that can inspire dedication to a cause. Your tastes in art, music, and food can run along similar veins.

A romantic escape renews your commitment and love. Visit landscapes that capture your imaginations. Too much reality in your lives is hard to take. Reward yourselves after putting in your best effort to a pleasurable experience.

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What might need to be balanced? Keep your expectations reasonable. Don't ask the impossible. Guilt can fog your clarity. It only serves to alienate your hearts and minds. Talk things out without blaming. Denial does not solve your problems. The more you communicate, the more intimate you will become. You can fill one another with an intuitive zeal that makes life seem like magic.

Venus in the Eighth House

There probably aren't too many secrets you can keep from one another. You can expect to receive intense loyalty from your partner. There is a mutual desire to keep improving your earning power. You bring out a drive in each other to be masters of your own destiny. The two of you really are not comfortable leaning on others for support. An exception will be a close ally that knows you almost as well as your companion. It might have been a little scary when you first met. Why? Because you probably sensed you were in the presence of someone with a capacity to get to know you on the deepest of levels. Expect your emotions to grow more intense. The passion on a scale of one to ten is an eleven! The trust in this liaison has to be earned. The deeper your commitment, the more real it will become. This is not a relationship that likes to live on the surface of life. You instill a yearning in each other to deepen your personal power.

You are a couple that can obtain whatever is focused upon. There is great consistency to work toward your conception of wealth. Your possessions can reflect your intense desire to succeed. The sharing of resources deepens your bond. A balance of power keeps everything running smoothly. It will feel like your ship has hit an iceberg if you don't respect each other's decision- making ability. There are times when it seems your moods or emotions have carried you a thousand miles away from each other. What to do? Communicate--even if it doesn't come out pretty! Just talk. It will unlock some problems.

The two of you might encounter jealousy from others. Your happiness can bother those not seeing themselves as fortunate. Your partner, best friends and family will be enough support. Treat your lover as an equal, and you will find more harmony.


The ancients considered Mars the god of war. The warrior planet can translate into heated exchanges with each other. Mars arouses Passion in the form of sex, anger or a desire to forge ahead as a swash buckling couple. Mars is still the ruler of combat. It points to the primal competitive instincts embedded deep within each of us. In modern terms, this fiery red planet's sign and house placement are associated with assertion and acting on impulse.

Mars in Taurus

The warrior in you does not get activated until your sense of security is threatened. There is a tendency to fight to preserve your livelihood. You will not ordinarily demonstrate direct actions unless you are forced into it. Your decisions can have good timing. Your passion for business can be instantly ignited. You can show patience in your combined efforts to do a job. Your ability to finish what you start can be impressive.

There may be similarities in the way you seek beauty. You might seem like an ambitious couple, able to almost effortlessly be successful in life. You both can show thriftiness and a dislike of wasteful people.

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A shared love for nature and establishing a peaceful coexistence are things you have in common. Neither of you cares to be pressured into decisions. Stress can be an unpleasant sight. There is a tenderness you may be more willing to show to each other than anyone else.

You are not easy to anger, but can release your fair share if pushed into a corner. Differences over the spending of money might come between you. Each of you needs a voice in financial matters to keep you happy.

You can accomplish much when the two of you really put your best foot forward. Your relationship gets energized when opportunities arise to enhance your wealth, and when you make choices that deepen your life purpose together.

Mars in the Eleventh House

You both like to know you have the freedom to make choices spontaneously. Waiting for other people to make up their minds makes you nervous and even irritable. The war god shows you are a couple with a feisty drive to express yourselves. Your goals are sacred! Pay attention to the mutual and individual directions you want to explore. You feel lost without a sense of direction. The future is a space station beckoning to your sense of adventure and intrigue. You can help your partner find the courage to leap over limiting circumstances.

You like to stay near the forefront of your favorite subjects or fields of interest. Inventive people can enjoy being in your company and visa versa. Your minds work fast. You might have a tendency to not always listen to each other. Concentration in the present is not a natural inclination. It can get better with practice.

The two of you thrive on social connections. Group involvements can reflect your beliefs. You may, or may not like, each other's friends or business associates. Don't be too belligerent as it will lead to angry moments. Tolerance here is wise. You both can be forceful in getting your own way. Choose your battles carefully. Some are not worth winning.

You both are motivated when your thoughts touch down and test their chances for opening new doors. Being surprised by life excites you more than scheduling yourselves through a day-by-day planner. You are happiest when you are not looking back at yesterday, but more so when gazing into the horizons of tomorrow.


The largest planet in the sky is Jupiter. This happy-go-lucky cosmic giant is more than twice the size of all the other planets put together. Jupiter spins on its axis with great enthusiasm, doing this faster than any other planet. Jupiter's sign and house denote themes related to learning, optimism, travel, philosophical beliefs, luck and generosity. Inspiration that flows between two people can be traced to our good-natured friend in the sky.

Jupiter in Leo

You seek inspiration through fun-filled adventures. The two of you can exhibit a let's live for today attitude. You make each other feel important. Bragging about your partner's talents is likely. People enjoy the way you make them laugh. Your outgoing natures gets people to respond to whatever you put into motion. You are not a couple that likes to sit around and react to life. Others may be jealous of your carefree lifestyle and overt love for each other. You may be an

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open book regarding your principles and beliefs.

There can be fun in imitating each other's personalities and daily rituals. You could easily be accused of being a dramatic pair. Performing together on stage is not out of the question. Your voices can probably be heard over others at a social gathering. Your love of entertainment is something you very much have in common. Recreational activities relieve your stress.

Be careful in letting pride get you in over your head. If you realize you have entered a bad business deal, admit your mistake and get creative in getting out fast. The two of you may be too generous in helping others. You are big hearted toward those you love. Wealth can come through your knowing the ins and outs of a business, or the economy. Saving a nest egg may not be a natural tendency, but worth considering.

A sense of happiness and expansive growth comes through the creative power at the core of your relationship. When you are sure about taking a course of action, your momentum will stay strong to the end. You benefit when applauding each other's performances.

Jupiter in the First House

A speedy impulse to walk through a door of opportunity. Does this sound like a tendency you share? There is a knack for sniffing out lucky breaks that enhance your lives. Your self-confidence can accomplish much. You are probably in the habit of diving into something and worrying about the details later. People can fall in love with the big heartedness you both can show. When you believe in someone, you show it in an obvious way.

Exploring other locations keeps the two of you inspired. You are not stay-at-home people. Gypsy spirits will want to be expressed. You are students of life. Teaching the knowledge you grasp is a natural instinct. Expanding the horizons of others is a theme throughout your relationship.

Your belief in one another is an attracting quality. You can be a shining star in each other's eyes. Don't ask your partner to live their life through your own vision. It will cause friction. You both need plenty of leeway in making your decisions. Each of you would rather chance the consequences of your own choices than be guided too much by the rules of others.

This is a romantic liaison rich in personality. You make quite an impression on people. There is an atmosphere of wealth or royalty in your faces no matter the reality of your financial situation. Life seems to click when you spontaneously initiate new directions.


Astronomers say that if Saturn fell from the sky it is light enough to float on an ocean. Some people dread hearing about where Saturn is in their chart more than they do going to the dentist! The fortune tellers of old always painted this planet with "heavy" interpretations. They presented this planet as being a god of doom and gloom. In modern astrology, this motif denotes endurance and ambition. In mythology, Saturn was Chronos, the god of time, reflecting the wisdom that can be learned from past experiences. You could say Saturn is a "Cosmic Chiropractor", showing adjustments needing to be made along life's way. There can be frustration in repeating the same mistakes. Saturn's sign and house themes are associated with Commitment and Reality-Testing. The two of you may find clues here about how you define your relationship roles. Career drive is

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a Saturn hallmark. Saturn shadows are fear, rigidity and a need to be compulsively controlling. There is no longevity without partners dealing with the symbolism of this particular celestial wanderer. With a lot of practice and patience the two of you can get good in making this side of your relationship flow--honest! Saturn can become more a god of Success!

Saturn in Taurus

You are smooth and graceful in working together. Taking care of practical concerns will normally run like clockwork. Your slow and methodological approach to getting a job done gets results. Neither of you cares much for stress provoking situations. People probably see you as a reliable couple. Friends and loved ones prefer your shoulders to lean on during their times of personal crisis.

You believe in making money the old-fashioned way by earning it. Each of you needs to have your opinions about money recognized. There will be tension if you don't. Patience takes you far together. Investments that start small can snowball into profit in future years. You have noses that can sniff out where to put your savings to let it mature handsomely. It could be frustrating if one of you wants to take more of a risk, and the other doesn't. A carefully laid out strategy that involves taking a chance could be a good thing.

Talent in creating or collecting beautiful items can be exhibited. Each of you can get very attached to possessions. Respecting what your partner values is endearing. You can share a love of well-designed landscapes. Owning land can be enjoyable. A fondness for peaceful surrounds can be a mutual desire.

Experience teaches you to how to negotiate with your partner. Stubbornness is a tendency when either of you feels slighted. When your commitment is based on an equal give-and-take, you feel like two lovers meant for each other.

Saturn in the Tenth House

Defining your most important aims in life is a major concern. You prefer not being rushed into making key decisions. Becoming successful is a primary drive in your relationship. Career aspirations are serious with a capital "S". You are a dynamic duo in taking on new challenges. People believe in your dependability. Learn to be realistic in what you ask of yourselves. There are few couples as adept as you in meeting deadlines.

Owning a business, or rising to prominent positions in a company could occur. Leadership comes naturally to you both. If you fear taking control of situations, this relationship might point the way to building confidence. Being bossy will not make you popular with your partner. Each of you needs to feel their own importance. Find the roles that show your true capabilities.

Celebrate life together by getting away from work schedules. A quiet retreat may restore your intimacy and awaken your passion. Delayed gratification is not that hard for the two of you if you believe it will get you results. You can excel in completing what you begin.


Try to visualize a maverick planet orbiting on its side, whereas the other planets sit straight up and down. Uranus! This planet was discovered in the eighteenth century, sandwiched in between the American and French Revolutions. Is it any great wonder that this planet's sign and

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house occupations show our individuality and innovative ideas? Experimentation. Inventiveness. These are two more themes of this exciting and trend-setting entity. What is the down side to this rebel? A tendency in exhibiting a sarcastic tongue in your everyday communication. Launching sudden irresponsible actions will not make you feel like friends. Uranus can be the source of enjoying the refreshing insights you bring to your partnership. Treat each other as equals and you are likely responding to a positive tendency embedded in this planet's symbolism.

Uranus in Leo

Creative impulses shoot from your two minds faster than the speed of light! Life better move swiftly to keep up with you two. Your romance probably got off to a fast start. You awaken the lover in each other with lightning-like force. Rewarding your partner with positive strokes brings you that much closer. Don't take each other for granted and you will remain positive influences.

You like straight shooters as friends. People with confidence capture your imagination. Your peers could be quite inventive. Brainstorming new ideas stimulates you both to seek more options. There is a playful and youthful side to you both that others can enjoy. You energize one another to think more positively about the future. Your individual and mutual creative pursuits are the bedrock of your partnership. It may never occur to you that there is a day with nothing to do. Being on the go is a microchip firmly planted in your brain.

Having goals is a must. Without them you feel like two fish that have jumped out of the bowl. Hunches about investments could pay off. Look before you leap! Your lives were never meant to move too slow--isn't this true?

Uranus in the Twelfth House

You share a vivid imagination about love and romance. People might accuse you both of being idealists in search of a cause. There are instances when you will be surprised to be feeling and thinking the same thing. Your subconscious natures are fused together in a way that makes for interesting discussions. Supernatural or intuitive forces may be part of your common belief system. You don't like to see life as limiting. You will need to use common sense in pursuing your goals. A plan may be needed, rather than relying solely on living in the moment.

A mutual appreciation for beauty could manifest in a joint creative exploration. Aesthetic talents can be a unique form of self-expression. Tastes in entertainment stimulate your conversations. You will need to accept your partner's spiritual or religious affiliations, if different from your own.

Occasionally, emotions can interfere with objectivity. You may need to pull back momentarily from touchy subjects to talk about them. It's not necessary to agree on everything. It's more important to feel you can speak your mind. This will light the way to a sense of unity. Faith in each other spurs you onto greater accomplishments. Trust your own unique insights. When you do, it adds a richness to your relationship.


There is a planet that adds a mystical tone to our lives. Neptune defies being labeled as part of the physical world. It is our spiritual awareness on one hand and desire to escape from earthly reality on the other. Both are possible!

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In mythology, Neptune was Poseidon, god of the oceans. This water god represents the strong emotions that love activates. Do the two of you feel any common ground when it comes to your highest beliefs? If you do, it might be associated with this planet's symbolism.

Faith is a Neptune theme. Neptune's sign and house will point to the ideals and causes you share. Your intuitive insights into one another can also be revealed here. Shadows of Neptune are denial and guilt. Keep these tendencies in check. It will ensure greater clarity and closeness. If you don't, it can feel like you are eating chicken broth with a fork.

Aesthetic interests are another part of Neptune's world. Your shared interests in art and music can come through loud and clear.

Neptune in Libra

You see a little of yourself when you look into your partner's eyes. It may seem most of the time as though you were destined to meet. Friction between you is unsettling--even painful. You can each feel as though you have found the ideal companion. It is harder to find a better lover or friend. You may even measure other people against your companion's qualities. Try to be fair in evaluating others. Maintaining your friendships and professional associations can be of benefit to your relationship. The two of you possess shared social skills that are above average.

Escape through your love of music and art is predictable. Your passion for beauty can be revealed in your clothing, jewelry and possessions. You can have a mutual appreciation for nature.

Indecision might be aggravating. Being able to see the potential for opposing viewpoints to be equally correct doesn't make this easier. What is the way out? Compromise! Create as many win-win situations as possible. People may envy the apparent unity in your relationship. Those closest to you will want to become part of your lives.

Neptune in the Fourth House

You can tune into each other's moods quickly. Emotional energies are intensified through interacting with your partner. You bring out a desire to get comfortable with closeness in this relationship. Taking space once in a while might be needed to clarify your feelings. You can't always know how to make each other happy. A disappointment now and then is to be expected. You can offer a shoulder to lean or cry on. Your faith in one another can inspire you to leave comfort zones in search of more challenging territory.

Your intuitive energies are forceful. They could even lead you to the right location to reside. Your home needs to be a package filled with security and comfort. Tranquillity is a heartfelt requirement. Neither of you is that fond of disruptive people or unsettling experiences. Retreats into nature or to relaxing places bring out your romantic sides.

When you first met, you could have sensed someone looking for the parts to complete a similar puzzle. It is hard to really hide your vulnerable selves from one another. You are at your best when communicating your genuine concerns. Listen without reacting. It takes plenty of practice. Patience. More practice. In a perfect world, you would always be able to shield each other from pain and sorrow. In the real world, you can move together with self-assured footsteps in establishing solid roots.

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Last, but not least, is a planet of mystery and intrigue, Pluto. You may get a message or two in this section about your shared psychological intensity. Pluto's sign and house point to our drives for power, passion and financial gain. A desire to get to know each other on the deepest of levels can be a Pluto theme. We must let go of a part of ourselves to be in a relationship. This scares some people and seems like a fair deal to others. What we cannot face as individuals sometimes will be brought to the surface in our interactions with a partner. Pluto's shadows center around jealousy and possessiveness. This planet teaches us that letting go and trusting one another are rewarding paths. Facing the tests of Pluto together is the breakfast of champions.

Pluto in Leo

You will probably learn more about each other when acting out your lives than through talk alone. Words without actions might seem cheap to one or both of you. A show me you mean it motto pulsates vivaciously in the heart of your liaison.

Each of you is dynamically aware of when you are getting support, and when you being ignored. There is little tolerance for the latter. You are possessive of each other's need for approval. Give your best attention whenever possible as it brings trust. It even enriches your lovemaking.

You will need to forgive one another when your egos get rubbed the wrong way. There is heat in some of your verbal exchanges. In other words, you may get on each other's case at times. You have a tendency to pull out your partner's deepest feelings. You are not a shy couple in the area of self-expression.

Money is a subject that awakens strong opinions. You both want to make use of green energy from your own vantage point. Allow each other to feel free to make purchases that benefit their own goals. It will make you both that much more cooperative on the joint ventures.

You can enhance mutual wealth in material and happiness terms. Make each other feel important. Your investment of time and trust can reap great rewards.

Pluto in the Second House

You impact each other's drive to create financial security. As a matter of fact, as individuals, concerns about money might not be as prevalent. In this relationship, you arouse a drive to increase your shared wealth. Financial dealings can reflect your business wizardry. A common sense approach will show you how to save money. Consolidating debts and locating lower interest rates is not that hard for your radar-like instincts to find. Money issues intensify if you don't discuss them. It could still require tough compromises.

Your sensual drives can move along similar routes. Tastes in entertainment and romantic atmospheres are likely not that far apart. You need to sweep each other off of your feet every so often. Comfort is a mutual desire. There will be occasions when you may grow tired of things that come too easily. This may indicate your boredom with routines. Arguments may have to do with not treating yourselves lavishly enough. Maintain a balance between hard work and relaxing moments alone.

A shared self-mastery comes through making each other feel good about themselves. Doing

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whatever it takes to create growth-promoting opportunities for your partner shows wisdom. You are capable of building a stable relationship where you both feel safe and sound.


Just as the Ascendant was described as a sign serving a special purpose, there is a sign referred to as the Midheaven, with a special mission of its own. This is the sign at the beginning of the 10th house of a chart. A palm reader can interpret the career line embedded in your hand. Think of the Midheaven or 10th house sign as a type of career line in your chart. How you two conduct business in the world and your work interests are shown here.

Midheaven in Aries

The two of you like to put your serious drives right into action. There is no holding you two back when you make up your minds to go full steam ahead. You may leave shore without your partner if you move too impulsively. Be sure to communicate before embarking on major decisions that will impact each of your lives. Courage may come when you dare yourselves to leap into a bold new direction. You both probably enjoy being leaders occasionally. A natural sense of competition can find you not wanting to take a back seat to others. Patience may not come easily, but does get better with time.

Part Three: Planetary Aspects It's time now to mention another technical side of your report. (If you don't like technical

explanations, skip right to the Aspect Interpretations). You have already been introduced to the ten planets. Certain planetary pairs in your chart have a special relationship to one another due to particular angular distances separating them, known as aspects. You could almost say the two planets in an aspect travel and interact together along the same circuit. The following aspect interpretations or descriptions will be listed under five types. Two are known as the soft aspects: the sextile (60 degrees) and trine (120 degrees). These two aspects generally point to more gentle themes found in your relationship. They indicate a lower voltage of electricity and produce less friction. The planets involved in a trine or sextile are more likely to be areas where you flow together without much effort.

The more hard or intense aspects are the conjunction (0 degrees), square (90 degrees) and opposition (180 degrees). They require our understanding and will point to key ways the two of you must communicate and negotiate. Planets that are part of an intense aspect will show how you energize one another. These higher voltage aspects don't mean you want to avoid them, but more so to develop a true understanding of how to use this energy constructively. "Soft" does not mean good and "intense" does not imply bad. It is often the more intense aspects that deepen the bond of a partnership. The interpretation of any planetary aspect depends greatly on the symbolism of the two planets forming an aspect.

It might be helpful to keep some key words in mind for the aspects. The sextile is a promise of Excitement and Eagerness. The planets in this aspect give clues how your energies support

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one another. The trine is a special Harmony shown by two planets. There is often positive regard for one another that comes spontaneously. We expect good things to be delivered in the trine.

The conjunction is where two planets are joined at the hip. There is a Fusion or powerful blending of these two energies. The square can reveal where you will encounter Friction in your relationship. Pay special attention to these aspects, as they are opportunities for growth as much as discord. The opposition requires a Balancing act. It is similar to a seesaw. Each of you may find yourselves taking turns in acting out one planet or the other.

It might be helpful to refer to Parts One and Two to refresh your memory about the meaning of the Planets, Ascendant and Midheaven, as you read the aspects that follow. Remember that it is usually the more intense aspects that stretch us the most. The more positively you use these challenging planetary combinations the greater will be your understanding of each other.

Note that a planet might be involved in several different aspects. In other words, the planet is interfacing its energies with numerous other planets (or even with the Ascendant or Midheaven). A "heavily aspected planet" plays a key role in your relating to each other.

Moon Square Sun

Ego and security instincts have a tendency to clash. You both have strong feelings about getting your individual needs met. Letting each other feel important is a wise policy to adopt. You are apt to dance dramatically through life together. Listen to each other's imagination and desire for attention, and you are less likely to step on your partner's feet. Talk. Laugh a little. Don't hide your feelings. Be generous in lending your emotional support as it goes a long way to ensuring stability. Your home is a place of refuge. It is where much of your creativity is born and stays stimulated. As a couple, you expect a lot from life. You have the energy to fulfill individual and joint dreams.

Moon Square Mercury

Emotions and minds can be at odds. It could be different opinions about the home will be the source of ruffled feathers. The two of you have a habit or two that may irritate the other. Try to see each other's point of view. Being critical is not the answer. Impatiently arguing your position doesn't work either. See if you can make room for a shared game plan that makes use of your individual mental prowess. Emotional upsets might be the result of poor planning. Learn to discuss some sensitive issues in advance to avoid a last second collision. Pour this mental intensity into constructive creative molds. Success in accomplishing joint tasks is gratifying.

Moon Sextile Mars

You can instill courage in one another through the confident gaze in your eyes. It can be comforting to have such great emotional support in your lives. A lively atmosphere permeates your home. The two of you don't like staying down for long. New ventures are thrilling. Tuning into when and where to take chances might prove profitable. Your instincts to know when to be encouraging, and when to give space, are usually on the money. You don't tend to remain angry very long at one another.

Moon Square Midheaven

Your professions or major roles in life may keep you at a distance emotionally, or in physical

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terms. Private and public lives will be in a state of conflict if you are not able to talk about individual needs. Spending too much time alone could become a bitter experience for one of you. When you work out the logistics in your everyday lives, the intimacy is terrific! You probably do care about each other, but may have trouble expressing it. Scheduling an evening a week just for the two of you could become necessary. You attract responsibility. When you feel each of you is making the effort to make your partnership run smoothly, you tend to show more love.

Sun Conjunct Mercury

Communication Plus! Ideas are born by the minute when your minds get together. It might seem you could finish each other's sentences. The two of you can enjoy exposing the other to new learning. There is little happening in the news that gets by you. Be careful in worrying over too many details. You can sniff out imperfection quickly. When you perceive a purpose in being well organized, it is more likely to occur. A hard-working twosome you are, though you might not approach a job in exactly the same fashion. People probably find you an efficient duo.

Sun Trine Jupiter

Wishing and dreaming. It is in your souls. When you throw coins in a fountain you really expect to cash in on your wishes! You don't like to think in terms of limits. The realm of possibilities is your world. This is not necessarily your most aggressive side. It's more like sitting on your lounge chair at the ocean, sipping on your favorite beverage. It may take strong motivation to bring out the effort needed to pursue a goal. You can enjoy exploring everything from new movies to international locations together.

Sun Trine Uranus

A wonderful feeling of friendship runs through your romance. It is a relief to have a confidante when you need one. You both enjoy friends with a positive demeanor. Confidence can come from encouraging each other to pursue greater aims. You both have a way of making those you care about feel more at ease. Groups and peers may promote your talents. The two of you can discover exhilarating goals. When you pay attention to one another your communication is clearer. Exploring a unique hobby together could be fun.

Sun Conjunct Midheaven

You enhance each other's chances for success. Pride in each other's accomplishments can boost your confidence. Your talents may become well known. It means a lot to your partner when you pay attention to their serious ambitions. Joint business ventures can be a shared interest. Knowing how to please the public is an instinct. Delegating responsibility to others is sometimes wise. It will mean more time to spend together. People will see you as dependable sorts. Leadership will not find you shying away from it. You shine together when each of you is happy with the roles you have chosen. Careers are likely a major focus. You expect your partner to act responsibly. It can be reassuring to know you can count on one another during rain or sunshine.

Sun Trine Ascendant

Self-confidence is everywhere present in your relationship. Your ego needs and identity is in favorable alignment. Others can envy the way things seem to come easily to you lovers. Don't

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forget to make effort when going after your most serious aspirations. A passive approach to what you desire could surface. You may need to reach back for extra energy. Take a strong and convincing step to look good fortune in the face. Money and business acquisitions are in your favor. Believe in yourselves and the best is yet to come!

Mercury Trine Jupiter

One doesn't have to look very hard to notice the positive influence you have on each other. You are a twosome who has a rich diet of enthusiasm. Expanding your horizons is a sincere drive in you both. Growth and learning may be as important to you as material desires. Keeping life simple and carefree may be your motto. A flair for communication is in the heartbeat of being together. You generate confidence in yourselves and others.

Mercury Conjunct Midheaven

Thoughts about career and serious plans are frequent travelers in your conversations. Encouraging one another to climb the ladder of success is likely. You can stay organized and focused when pursuing the directions that mean the most to you. Managing your schedules is a must, to make sure they don't manage you! Delegating details or minor jobs to others could be a key to having more time for each other. Your accomplishments together can be many. Public attention for your abilities is not out of the question. Communication is a shared talent and strength. People in high places may be significant allies. Developing winning strategies for you both only takes your sincere willingness to work as a unit.

Venus Trine Neptune

You may feel like you have found the perfect match. It is wonderful to have someone believe in you so unconditionally. Romantic interludes make life worth living--don't they? You likely have a similar appreciation for the arts. The causes you choose to support can be a source of joy. Be careful that others will not abuse your generosity. The world seems like a better place when the two of you are together. Being advocates for one another doesn't take much effort.

Venus Opposite Pluto

A desire to get to know each other on deep levels is possible. You may be attracted to the mystique of this relationship. There is an occasional air of mystery that you might enjoy projecting to others. The way you met might have seemed destined. You can be great sources of comfort to each other in times of lack or plenty. Your loyalty can be ferocious. When you both feel empowered your business drive intensifies. Sharing your resources with one another clarifies your connection. The passion you awaken in your partner is intense. Expressing your feelings opens up the communication. Balancing work and play is a must. The two of you carry yourselves with a self-assured nature. It could be a choice to keep others in the dark about you. You can find that forgiveness gives a rebirth to your closeness. The love you share can be based on a bond of impeccable trust.

Jupiter Square Saturn

Tolerance for differing outlooks bodes better for you than trying to make one another agree with one philosophy. Learning how to accommodate each other's varying views is just as important as when you easily agree. If there is a question about the commitment, it may be due to

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control issues. When you establish a true closeness, you can work together very effectively. Neither of you will give in easily to pressure. It only makes you stubborn. You both are more fun when you see an opportunity in front of you. Mixing pleasure within the framework of serious schedules makes life far more rewarding. You can help each other stay focused or to loosen up.

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus

Life is not meant to have a straight, linear, predictable reality in your minds--isn't this true? You can question authority in the blink of an eye. Setting too many rules for each other means that many will probably be broken. In your kingdom, it's better "to live and let live." Intellectual pursuits can be many. Independent learning is a drive. The traveler and student are intensified through knowing each other. Restlessness is heightened. Having enough to fill your minds is essential. Sudden change may not be that disturbing to you. Something inside of you is ready for anything. Disrupting each other's train of thought will occur. You bombard one another with useful insights. Your ideas can break the mental sound barriers. Communicate to achieve mutual understanding, and you are never that far from your partner's loving gaze.

Jupiter Square Neptune

Trying to please each other will get tiring if expectations are unreasonable. You influence great idealism and imagination in one another. A fondness for similar causes brings you closer in philosophy. Tolerance for separate paths of inspiration must be a clause written into your relationship agreement. You can lift each other to creative heights. Together you can convince others to believe in you, no matter the odds you face. Your greatest attributes may be easier to notice when the waves are high and acting unpredictably. Try to see good things when the seas are calm.

Jupiter Trine Midheaven

Believing in your choices seems to serve the two of you quite well. Optimism makes you likable in the work world. People have little trouble seeing you as reliable and trustworthy. Your investments may start small and snowball due to fortunate occurrences. If you need new challenges, you might need to encourage each other to develop a new interest. Taking a trip or getting away from stress makes time spent together more fun.

Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant

To many, you will appear as a happy and content duo. To a few, you might seem judgmental or too lofty in thought. Whatever the critique, you probably won't be that concerned either way! There is a ring of optimism in your personalities. Maybe it's that reassured smile in your faces or the philosophical tone in your voices that sends a message that all is okay. You make good court jesters with the humor lining your thoughts. Teaching, counseling and consulting could be talents. When you feel a bit low, being on the go distracts you from negative thinking. Somehow your consciousness remembers how to get the bags packed in a hurry for a pleasurable rendezvous together.

Saturn Square Uranus

The two of you are happier when each of you feels free to proceed toward fulfilling goals. Making rules will not do much good if neither one of you chooses to live by them. Following

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through on your shared objectives stabilizes your commitment. Respecting each other's needs is wise. You can get an amazing amount of work accomplished when you put your minds to it. If one of you gets too bossy, the other is apt to start a rebellion. Fighting city hall is a joint tendency.

Saturn Trine Pluto

Getting focused on the big plans usually doesn't produce much tension for either of you. You can work together smoothly. Letting each other lead is very attainable. Helping one another to realize business and career plans is rewarding. You can grow fond of the unconditional regard you receive. You may need a burst of energy if your intensity to further your ambitions grows sleepy. People likely see you as a dependable duo.

Saturn Square Ascendant

A more serious dimension of your personalities. Jobs left undone bother you. Strong drives to find success are indicated. Pace yourselves, as some projects can't be done in one day. All work and no play will grow tiresome. Make time for sheer enjoyment within the midst of your busy lives. Let one another explore individual talents. What is right for one of you will not always work for both of you. A fear of trying new experiences will stunt the growth of your partnership. Be flexible. Your commitment to excellence is apparent to others. Give-and-take is an appropriate motto.

Uranus Square Neptune

You can disrupt the direction in each other's lives without always intending to do so. It's the electricity you generate in each other's minds that delivers the jolt. Inspiring greater imagination and creativity is highly possible. Your goals and ideas could clash. It will take a willingness on both of your parts to iron out the differences. Sudden desires for distance can occur. It's when you openly explain your needs and expectations that life together may settle down. You are an exciting duo that many people want to get to know.

Uranus Trine Midheaven

Your thinking about work is often in harmonious alignment. A vision of the future that beats to a similar drum contributes to compatibility. You can follow each other's direction with little trouble. Goals ignite your serious ambitions, without them life gets sleepy for you both. Inventing a new sense of direction doesn't require a permit. Watching one another fulfill key plans is heartwarming.

Uranus Conjunct Ascendant

Do people say the two of you are unique? Unpredictable? Inventive? You must fall under at least one or more of these descriptions. This is not exactly the calmest side of your relationship. A constant brainstorming of ideas runs through you. Change is probably the norm. A restlessness to go into new directions is pulsating through you. If you like a few surprises and a bit of excitement, then this is the right partner. Slow down enough to communicate. Watch out for getting too self-absorbed. When you acknowledge each others reasoning powers and need for equality, you are most of the way home. New directions make you feel alive!

Neptune Sextile Pluto

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Your intuitive instincts are highlighted. You have a way of making each other feel valued. Enjoy a shared vision that makes you both look for the best in life. The natural romantic is never far from your awareness. Your imagination doesn't need much of a wake up call. Sharing your innermost secrets instills trust. You know how to help your partner rebuild their self-confidence when the going gets rough. You cannot save one another from life's lessons. You can be there though to make accepting the truth easier to swallow.

Neptune Square Ascendant

There will be days when you won't feel like you are on the same planet with each other. Hopefully, they are not too many. Your emotions can get as tangled as two kites crisscrossing paths in the wind. What to do? Sometimes it helps to talk. On a few occasions getting out of each other's lives for a few hours might work wonders. You certainly can influence each other's minds, perhaps like few others could. When your imaginations are working together, your creative punch is a powerhouse. You can convince others to believe in you. An aesthetic vehicle can showcase your talent. Believing in each other does draw you closer.

Part Four: The Nodes of the Moon Do you sometimes wonder if it was fate or some other mysterious set of events that

introduced the two of you? What attracted you the most to each other? Maybe it was a charismatic smile, the way you could talk, a physical attraction, or a shared sense of values. There is a multitude of possibilities you could name. The Nodes of the Moon are not planets. They are a celestial polarity offering clues to your connection on the soul level. Think of it as your own "psychic friends network." If this sounds too mystical or corny, just think of the Nodes as a shared frequency level in your partnership. It doesn't mean you get psychic flashes about each other. Much of this link between your minds is probably on a subconscious level. The Nodes usually play an active part in our closest relationships. The longer we are in a relationship with a particular person, the more these two energies come into our conscious awareness.

The Nodes represents a special way you can build your relationship together. They point to certain themes that must be nurtured. This helps keep weeds of discontent and frustration from growing. The Nodes are a path to solidifying your sense of closeness.

Node in Cancer

You have a shared mission in establishing roots and an atmosphere of inner contentment. A desire to add to one another's sense of security is a tendency. It might feel like you know each other inside and out. Respecting one another's definition of home adds to your compatibility. The moods you share can be intense. Learning how to interact with your partner's emotional needs comes with time. You are both happier when residing in a location that allows you to fulfill personal paths. Your support for one another makes you feel more self-assured. A willingness to express your feelings brings you closer. You could suddenly desire to get away together to enjoy a bit of privacy.

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The trickster or hidden irrational tendencies will manifest through control issues. You both like to lead in your areas of expertise. Power struggles can result if you don't acknowledge each other's strengths. It's when discounting your partner's opinions that real friction can result. Sharing your opinions and feelings openly makes you closer allies. A tenacious work spirit can accomplish much together. When you support one another's most serious ambitions a genuine closeness develops. Making equal effort to put a plan into action deepens your commitment. Encouraging your partner to realize their highest potential is a wise thing to do.

Node in the Twelfth House

There is a calling to be true to your shared ideals. The two of you can form a special closeness that can find you reading one another's thoughts. The intuitive and creative intensity you inspire in your partner is great. You can believe in each other's abilities. It may seem your subconscious minds are linked as one. Each of you must feel free to choose your own causes. You understand the idealism in one another. A fondness for the arts or similar types of entertainment is probable. You may expect a lot from each other--be reasonable. Dealing with realistic choices will test your closeness. It's when you support each other's favorite paths that you find the greatest joy.

Do you sometimes feel a mysterious pull to doubt yourself, or each other, for no apparent reason? Don't panic. It's just your mind saying it's not possible or realistic to be this happy. It is possible the two of you may need to get better in talking about real issues. It is tempting to do the sweeping under the carpet trick. Eventually you must talk straight. Criticism can be destructive if it gets out of hand. Neither of you probably likes to be critiqued anyway. The two of you are happier when you balance reality and idealism. You likely appreciate it when your partner is holding up their end of the bargain in acting responsibly. You can be an efficient duo able to enjoy the fruits of working toward shared objectives.

This concludes your Romance Profile, Paul and Heather. If this was your first experience of Astrology, hopefully it is far from your last! There are many other types of written reports available.