sir syed college, study rep ort (iii cycle) –...

Self Study Report (III Cycle) – Sir Syed College Taliparamba 1 INSTITUTIONAL REACCREDITATION REPORT- III CYCLE SIR SYED COLLEGE, TALIPARAMBA (Affiliated to Kannur University) Karimbam P.O Taliparamba, Kannur District Kerala 670 142 SELF STUDY REPORT 2011-16 RE ACCREDITATION- THIRD CYCLE Submitted to NATIONAL ASSESSMENT & ACCREDITATION COUNCIL BANGALORE

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(Affiliated to Kannur University)

Karimbam P.O

Taliparamba, Kannur District

Kerala 670 142




Submitted to



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Particulars Page No

Preface 3

Executive summary 5

Profile of the College 13

Criteria wise inputs 24-178

Criterion I Curricular aspects 24

Criterion II Teaching Learning and Evaluation 44

Criterion III Research, Consultancy and Extension 70

Criterion IV Infrastructure and Learning resources 114

Criterion V Student support and progression 128

Criterion VI Governance , Leadership and Management 150

Criterion VII Innovation and Best practices 169

Evaluative Report of the Departments 179-310

Department of Arabic 179 Department of Botany 188 Department of Chemistry 201 Department of Commerce 211 Department of Economics 223 Department of English 229 Department of Forestry 237 Department of Hindi 245 Department of History 251 Department of Journalism 257 Department of Malayalam 262 Department of Mathemetics 267 Department of Physics 275 Department of Physical Education 288 Department of Statistics 293 Department of Urdu 300 Department of Zoology 304 Post Accreditation Initiatives 311

Enclosures 317-339

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Sir Syed College was established in 1967 at Taliparamba of Kannur District, Kerala by a group of visionaries under the aegis of Cannanor District Muslim Educational Association (CDMEA) for imparting quality higher education to the rural and socio economically underprivileged minority sections of the society.

In its 49 years of existence Sir Syed College has evolved as a premier higher educational institution imparting modern education. The prestigious position held by the college in the academic landscape of north Malabar is unparalled and the role of the college in augmenting social and cultural advancement in the region is pivotal.

The institution diligently ensures that education is accessible to all section of the society. The college is fastidious in providing value based high quality, holistic learning. Traditional teaching and learning practices are integrated with innovative methods and greater stress is laid on research.

The college offers academic programmes from undergraduate to research level in Arts, Science and Commerce streams. All the programmes are directed towards the realization of the mission and achieving the objectives while adhering to the values propounded by its founders.

Sir Syed College was accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore with ‘B+’ Grade in 2005 and reaccredited at B Grade with a CGPA of 2.8 in March 2011. The peer team recommendation propelled the college to introspect and improve on quality parameters. During the post accreditation period, the college has made tireless efforts to comply with those recommendations and projects have been implemented to better the infrastructural facilities and academic quality in accordance with it.

The college has undergone massive changes in the last five years. Dynamic young teachers have joined the work force and taken over the responsibility of carrying forward the tradition and legacy of the college. UGC funded innovative course, Post Graduate Diploma in Computational Science (PGDCS), completed its five year term successfully. New academic programmes, B.A. Malayalam and M.A. Arabic, and many certificate courses have been introduced during this period. Resource mobilization from various funding agencies was taken up as a major strategy to augment the infrastructural and teaching-learning facilities.

Research endeavours have been geared up in the last five years with increased participation of students and teachers. A greater number of major and minor research projects are being financed by different agencies. The college succeeded in gaining support from the Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India and has been granted

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an amount of Rs. 1 crore under FIST program (the Fund for Improvement of Science & Technology Infrastructure).

A spacious auditorium has been constructed to enhance the facility for conducting various activities. A separate PG & Research block and an indoor stadium are under construction as per the vision plan to next decade. These additions are expected to amplify the existing facilities of the college.

For a more effective and meaningful community service the college has instituted a Social Service Wing that works in collaboration with NGOs and CSOs (Civil Society Organizations). The programmes organized by this Social Service Wing focus on sensitizing students and provided them opportunities for experiential learning.

On the administrative front, college office is fully automated with the latest office administration software. Language laboratory is periodically updated and is utilized by the language departments. IT infrastructure is also periodically enhanced. Wi-Fi connectivity is available all around the campus. All the departments are connected with internet through NME-ICT facility. A campus management software is being used for streamlining administrative and academic procedures.

The SSR has been discussed with teachers, students and the management at every stage of its preparation. Introspections and discussions have helped in preparing a precise Self Study Report (SSR).

The SSR is divided into two parts. The first part includes the Preface, Executive Summary, SWOC of the institution, Profile of the college, Criterion wise inputs, Post accreditation initiatives, and Evaluative reports of the departments. The second part provides the annexure furnished with supporting documents for the data provided in the first volume.

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I. Curricular Aspects

The college is currently affiliated to the Kannur University. The curriculum and admission and evaluation procedures followed are as per the norms and rules prescribed by the University. As an affiliated college, institution lacks the freedom to design curriculum independently. So the scope for realizing the stated vision and mission directly is minimal. However, due to the eminent position of the college more than one-third of the faculties are members in the various academic bodies of the University. Through them the college ensures that its interests, especially those connected to its vision and mission, are safeguarded.

The college offers 13 UG, 5 PG, and 2 Ph.D. programmes in Arts, Science and Commerce streams. Apart from that, UGC sponsored Post Graduate Diploma in Computational Science (PGDCS), various Certificate Courses and several enrichment programmes are also offered through various schemes to suit the vision of the college. These programmes reflect the institution’s commitment to the promotion of human and cultural values, knowledge of one’s heritage, social responsibility, secular life, modern methods of scientific inquiry, self-development, skills in management and business and the importance of value-based education. Invited talks by external experts, seminars, conferences and workshops conducted by various departments also add values to the curriculum.

The UG programmes under Choice-Based Credit and Semester System (CCSS) provides greater flexibility by way of Open Courses and Electives. The curriculum is further supplemented by way of enrichment programmes by the college.

II. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

The teaching learning process follows a sound and well planned structure. The academic calendar and examination schedule are prepared in advance to help anchor teaching learning process. The institution adheres to student-centered method of teaching and learning for the most part.

Teachers prepare well in advance the semester plan, the teaching plan, schedule for the submission of assignment, unit tests, internal examinations and the seminar presentations. Records of teaching and other activities of teachers are maintained in the “Teachers’ Diary” and audited at the end of each semester.

Traditional modes of teaching-learning are blended with optimum use of ICT to increase student involvement. Campus wide Wi-Fi connectivity and NME –ICT (National Mission for Education through Information & Communication)

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facilities, IT Centre, Computation Lab, Media Centre, Language Lab and the Computer Labs of various departments promote the practice of learning through ICT. Smart class rooms and LCD projectors are used for tapping the resources of NPTEL and other open online learning materials.

Academic and all round development of the students are regularly monitored by way of the tutorial system. Remedial classes are conducted under Remedial Coaching Centre and Scholar Support Programme (SSP) of Government of Kerala for weak students. Walks With Scholar (WWS), a specialized mentoring programme sponsored by the Department of Collegiate Education, Kerala imparts personalized additional support to advanced learners.

The college conducts model examinations in a centralized manner at the end of each semester. Unit tests, assignments, book reviews, small projects etc are the responsibility of the departments.

Permanent teachers are recruited as per the UGC, the Kannur University and the state government rules. They regularly update themselves through refresher courses, orientation and training programmes. Adhocs are recruited by the management with the help of the PTA as and when required. About one third of the teachers hold Ph.D. degree.

Enrichment programmes are offered by way of seminars, conferences, workshops and invited talks by the departments and through the programmes conducted by the Career Guidance and Counseling Centre, Entrepreneurship Development Club, Remedial Coaching Centre, NET Coaching Centre, Entry into Service Coaching Centre, Equal Opportunity Cell and Reader’s Forum.

The college Counseling Centre helps to solve the learning and psycho-social problems of the students. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) monitors the teaching learning process through Internal Quality Records. It also initiates and administers feedback systems to chalk out and suggest enrichment programmes to be offered by various wings of the college.

III. Research, Consultancy and Extension

The institution encourages research in all disciplines. The college has a Research Committee to strengthen the institutional research. It guides the faculty by providing information on funding sources and suggesting area of focus of research, and advising the management and the principal on matters related to research.

Two of its departments are recognized research centers of Kannur University. These research centres have produced 10 PhDs in the last five years. Presently 33 students are undergoing research under 12 supervisors.

Seventeen teachers have Ph.D. degree and another eighteen are doing research. 12 minor research projects and 3 major research projects have been

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completed during the last four years. There are three major and one minor ongoing research projects. Most of the faculty members publish papers in refereed journals.

Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India approved the proposal of the college for the Fund for Improvement of Science &Technology Infrastructure (FIST). An amount of Rs 57.5 lakh has been granted by the DST as the first installment out of the sanctioned 1 crore. The fund has been utilized for installing Gas Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) machine and Atmospheric Weather Station as part of improving research facilities. Funds are availed from KSCSTE, Government of Kerala for the students’ projects.

The departments and faculty provide free consultancy services in their areas. The extension activities of the college truly reflect the concern of the institution for the society. The students and the teachers with their know- how move beyond the academics to serve the society outside. New linkages have been formed through extension activities since many of these are conducted in collaboration with NGOs, localites and various governmental bodies. Organisations like NCC and NSS spearhead extension activities of the college. Pain and Palliative Care, health and hygiene classes, medical camps and blood donation camps, anti drug campaign etc are a few among their activities.

IV. Infrastructure and Learning Resources

The college maintains a clean campus with sufficient number of furnished class rooms. All the PG departments are equipped with smart class rooms. Other departments have class rooms with LCD projectors. Well equipped laboratories, two seminar halls and recreation facilities are also part of the infrastructural amenities provided by the college. The latest addition to the infrastructure is the capacious auditorium, the indoor stadium and a four storied PG and Research block. Every year a substantial sum is set aside in the budget for infrastructural expansion, sustained growth and maintenance. Other sources of funds are the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and the Old Students’ Association.

The college library is fully computerized and has more than 40,000 volumes, 110 journals and other resource materials like cassettes, CDs and DVDs. New editions and titles are added regularly to the stock as recommended by the Library Advisory Committee. The library complex has Internet, Xerox, reprography, reading room, Digital Talking library for blind, DTP and N List facility of INFLIBNET. An exclusive area has been marked out for research scholars.

Each department is provided with internet access, intercom facility and Wi-Fi. Modern facilities like Language Lab, Statistical Computing Lab, computation

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lab, Media Centre, IT Centre and the computer lab strengthen the ICT facility of the institution.

The institution’s website is updated regularly. A fully functional campus management information system is in place through which students’ attendance, teaching notes, assignments, evaluation reports etc are uploaded. Some of the departments also maintain their own websites. Inverters, generators and UPSs are installed at all the key points for ensuring uninterrupted power supply.

The college maintains a health centre which provides free medical care to the students. A gymnasium cum health club, football ground, sports pavilion, courts for tennis, basket ball, volleyball, ball badminton and hand ball provide ample facilities for sports and games. A spacious indoor stadium is being constructed.

A medicinal plant demonstration garden has been set up with the financial aid of government of Kerala. An atmospheric weather station is also setup in the college. The residential character of the campus is manifested through separate hostels for boys and girls.

The college has separate staff rooms for each department, a student centre, ladies retreat, parking area for vehicles, canteen and sufficient number of toilets. To address the welfare and community life on the campus, separate clubs for teaching and nonteaching staff, a Day Care Centre, Students Cooperative Society and an Employees Cooperative Credit Society for staff members are also in place.

V. Student Support and Progression

The college publishes its prospectus and the academic calendar every year. Details of programmes and facilities are also published on the website. Various endowments provide extensive financial help to students on need basis. The students from SC/ST, OBC and minorities are given conveyance allowances and boarding and lodging expenses availing funds from UGC. The Scholarship Committee ensures that majority of the students get scholarships instituted by various agencies including central and state governments. The total amount of scholarship in the college crossed sixty lakh rupees in the year 2014-15. In addition to these, an initiative of the teaching staff, (SAFE) and College Alumni Association also provide financial assistance to students.

Career Guidance and Placement Cell organise career awareness programmes. Various institutions and companies come to the campus to recruit students. The Entrepreneurship Club, Remedial Coaching Centre, NET Coaching Centre, and Entry into Service Coaching Centre work hand in hand to equip the students with various skills to compete in the national and global spheres.

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Counseling services of the College Counseling Centre are provided to the students on reference by the tutor. The students are given free health care through the college Health Centre. The Students Centre and Ladies’ Retreat provide facilities for rest and recreation. Physically challenged students are ramps, disabled-friendly toilets and other amenities. Canteen and the Students Co-operative Society also serve students.

The women’s cell, LASS (Ladies Association of Sir Syed College) plays a major role in boosting the confidence of girl students and encouraging them to take a lead role in society. It provides skill oriented training in tailoring, mural painting etc to girl students and women of the neighbourhood.

The safety and security of the students is guaranteed by the vigilant functioning of the Committee against Sexual Harassment, Anti-Ragging Committee, and Anti Drug Club funded by National Rural Health Mission (NRHM). CCTV surveillance is also installed to augment the security.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) renders a major support towards student welfare by providing facilities for transport and pure drinking water. They also fund the cultural activities of the students.

The college ensures creative and democratic involvement of the students by giving a prominent role to the College Students’ Union in the functioning of the college. The union leads the sports and arts activities and the community life of the students. In addition, students are given membership in various official bodies and clubs to inculcate leadership qualities.

VI. Governance and Leadership

The college frames policies and shapes its execution keeping in mind the stated Vision and Mission. Future perspectives and annual plan are formulated by the College Planning Board. The plans are executed by the principal with the support of the College Council and various academic and administrative bodies. The staff and the students are given adequate representation in administrative and academic bodies.

The College Governing Body monitors the activities of the college through term reports submitted by the principal. The college also has mechanisms for monitoring the activities of the faculty and non-teaching staff, developmental programmes, and organizational management under Quality Advisory Committee and Internal Quality Assurance Cell.

The Grievance Cell, Anti-Ragging Committee, Ethics Committee, Discipline Committee and the Committee against Sexual Harassment have been constituted to ensure a hassle-free campus.

Mechanisms for performance appraisals of the faculty are in place. The teachers are encouraged to attend professional development programmes at all

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possible points. Non-teaching staff are given short term training in personal management, computer literacy and languages skills.

The college makes optimal use of its budgetary provisions for academic, administrative, developmental and maintenance activities. The main financial sources are UGC, state government agencies, alumni, well-wishers and the Managing Committee. The college is bound to comply with the rules of the government for collecting fee from the students. The accounts are subjected to internal and external audit regularly.

As part of the well defined programmes for the welfare of the entire academic community, the College Co-operative Credit Society offers money loan to the staff. The association of non teaching staff maintains a welfare fund to support the retiring members.

VII. Innovations and Best Practices

Consistent and conscious efforts are undertaken to inculcate the spirit of scientific inquiry that leads to innovations. The interest of the institution in innovation is evident in the launch of need-based programmes, promoting research activities, providing residential facilities to students, care given to economically weaker students, wide range of facilities in sports, games and arts, documentation of departmental activities, fully equipped laboratories, IT-based teaching and learning, the publication of the news letter of the college Wings, publication of departmental newsletters such as Papelio of Department of Zoology and Musaphir of Department of Hindi and books through its Publications Division, humanitarian extension services through NCC, NSS, Bhoo Mithra Sena, involvement of the PTA, Alumni and Association for Retired Teachers (ART).

As a social outreach and extension programme, college has adopted the nearby village, Muyyam and with the active participation and involvement of the people of the village vegetables are cultivated in the field of Muyam using organic farming method. The programme of Bhoo Mithra Sena volunteers, the Protection of Sacred Groove was well appreciated.

Programmes like coaching for SC/ST, OBC and minorities, Career Counseling, Placement services and coaching for National Eligibility Test are also conducted periodically.

Apart from the structured methods of taking feedbacks, the system of mid-semester three-tier meetings (of tutors and their students, of faculty and the parents, followed by that of faculty, parents and students) offer spaces for effective informal feedback. This triangular interaction acts as a point of evaluation and brews up corrective actions.

The faculty meetings are held periodically to discuss the feedbacks received and to address the problems and limitations with a view to facilitate the

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teaching-learning process in the best way possible. It also offers a point of self evaluation to the staff.

The college reaffirms its commitment to quality and excellence by drawing a well defined set of plans, procedures and practices that are marked by the values of coordination, cooperation, participation, decentralization and democratization.

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The SWOC analysis of the college


1. Well Qualified Faculty 2. Encouraging management 3. Proposed PG and Research block 4. High demand ratio 5. Research Centre 6. Funded Projects 7. Support under FIST Programme 8. Good sports infrastructure 9. Good publication division 10. Campus wide Wi-Fi 11. Wide range extension activities 12. Well equipped centralized library 13. Strong and active alumni 14. Management supported scholarship programmes 15. Hostel facilities


1. Lack of Industrial collaborations and joint ventures 2. Inadequacy of present infrastructure facility 3. Lack of new and modern courses and lack of PG courses in arts subject 4. Decreasing number of senior faculty 5. Lack of inter disciplinary initiation


1. Potential to start new PG courses and new research centres 2. Introduction of self employment oriented Certificate Courses 3. Extension of IT facilities 4. Enhancement of academic & research publications 5. More funds for research projects

6. Strategic alliance and partnership with other institutions 7. Pool of senior retired teachers for visiting professors 8. Separate block for central library 9. Collaborations with research institutes and industries


1. Reluctance of students to join traditional degree programmes 2. Decrease in boys’ enrolment 3. High cost of maintenance of infrastructure 4. Very limited support from govt. for expansion of building area 5. Poor educational back ground of stakeholders

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Profile of the Affiliated/ Constituent College

1. Name and Address of the College:



Address: P.O.KARIMBAM,


City: TALIPARAMBA Pin: 670 142 State: KERALA


2. For communication:

Designation Name Telephone With STD code

Mobile Fax E-mail

Principal Dr P.T Abdul Azeez

O:0460 2203217 R:0496 2613166

9447245413 0460 2204910

azeezpt@gmail. com

Vice- Principal

- O: R:

Steering Committee Coordinator

Mr. Saheed VK

O:0460 2203217 R:0497 2816393

9895145425 0460 2204910

saheedvk@gmail. com

3. Status of Institution:

Affiliated College Constituent College Any other (specify)

4. Type of Institution:

By Gender For Men

For Women Co-education By shift

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Regular Day Evening

5. It is a recognized minority institution?

Yes No

If yes, specify the minority status (Religious/linguistic/any other) and provide documentary evidence.

6. Sources of funding:

Government Grant-in-aid Self- financing Any other

7. a. Date of establishment of the college

b. University to which the college is affiliated/ or which governs

the college (If it is a constituent college)

c. Details of UGC recognition:

Under Section Date, month & Year (dd-mm-yyy)

Remarks if any

2 (f) 1992 - 12 (B) 1992 -

(Enclose the certificate of u/s 2 (f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act)

(See Annexure III)

d. Details of recognition /approval by statutory / regulatory bodies other than UGC (AICTE, NCTE, MCI, DCI, PCI, RCI






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(Enclose the recognition / Approval Letter)

8. Does the affiliating university Act provide for conferment of

autonomy (as recognized by the UGC) , on its affiliated colleges?

Yes No If yes, has the college applied for availing the autonomous status? Yes No

9. Is the college recognized

a. By UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE)?

Yes No b. for its performance by any other governmental agency?

Yes No

10. Location of the campus and area in sq.mts.

Location * Semi urban Campus area in sq.mts


Built up area in sq.mts


(* Urban, Semi-urban, Rural, Tribal, Hilly Area, Any other specify)

11. Facilities available on the campus (Tick the available facility and

provide numbers or other details at appropriate places) or in case the

institute has an agreement with other agencies in using any of the

listed facilities, provide information on the facilities covered under

the agreement.

• Auditorium / seminar complex with infrastructural


Two seminar halls with a seating capacity of 150 and a big auditorium with a seating capacity of 2000.

• Sports facilities

� Play ground

� Swimming pool

� Gymnasium


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* Boys’ hostel i. Number of hostels

ii. Number of inmates

iii. Facilities (mention available facilities) * Girls’ hostel i. Number of hostels iii. Number of inmates

iii. Facilities ( mention available facilities) * Working women’s hostel i. Number of inmates

ii. Facilities (mention available facilities)

� Residential facilities for teaching and non-teaching staff ( give numbers available – card wise)

� Cafeteria –

� Health centre –

First aid, Inpatient, Outpatient, Emergency care facility, Ambulance………

Health centre staff –

Qualified doctor Full time Part-time

Qualified Nurse Full time Part-time

• Facilities like


Post office

Book shops








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Transport facilities to cater to the needs of students and staff

• Animal house

• Biological waste disposal

• Generator or other facility for management / regulation of electricity and voltage.

• Solid waste management facility

• Waste water management

• Water harvesting

12. Details of the programmes offered by the college ( Give data for

current academic year)

Sl No

Programme level

Name of the programme /Course

Duration Entry qualifi cation

Medium of instruction

Sanctioned /approved students strength

1 Under Graduate

BA Arabic 6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 48

2 BA Economics 6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 60

3 BA Functional English

6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 48

4 BA History 6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 60

5 BA Malayalam 6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 30

6 B.Sc. Mathematics

6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 34

7 B.Sc. Statistics

6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 34

8 B.Sc. Physics

6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 34

9 B.Sc. Chemistry

6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 34

10 B.Sc. Botany

6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 34

11 B.Sc. Zoology

6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 34

12 B.Sc. Forestry

6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 29

13 B. Com 6Semesters Higher Secondary

English 60


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Sl No

Programme level

Name of the programme /Course

Duration Entry qualifi cation

Medium of instruction

Sanctioned /approved students strength

1 Post Graduate

MA Arabic

4Semesters BA Arabic

English 12

2 M.Sc Botany

4Semesters BSc Botany

English 15

3 M.Sc. Chemistry

4Semesters BSc Chemistry

English 15

4 M.Sc. Physics

4Semesters BSc Physics

English 15

5 M. Com 4Semesters BCom English 15 Integrated





Botany 3Years

M.Sc. Botany English -


Chemistry 3Years

M.Sc. Chemistry English -

Certificate courses

UGC foundation course on Human Rights 04 Months

Higher Secondary English 40

UG Diploma

PG Diploma

Any Other (specify and provide details)

Certificate course in various subjects in department level

- Higher Secondary

English -

13. Does the college offer self-financed Programmes?

Yes No If yes, how many?

14. New programmes introduced in the college during the last five years

if any?





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15. List the departments: (respond if applicable only and do not list

facilities like Library, Physical Education as departments, unless they

are also offering academic degree awarding programmes. Similarly,

do not list the departments offering common compulsory subjects for

all the programmes like English, regional languages etc.)

Faculty Departments

(eg. Physics, Botany, History etc)

UG PG Research


Mathematics √ Statistics √ Physics √ √ Chemistry √ √ √ Botany √ √ √ Zoology √ Forestry √


Arabic √ √ Economics √ Functional English √ Histroy √ Malayalam √

Commerce Commerce √ √ Any Other (Specify)

16. Number of programmes offered under (programme means a degree

course like BA, BSc, MA, M.Com…)

Annual system Semester system Trimester system

17. Number of programmes with

a. Choice Based Credit System

b. Credit based semester system

c. Inter/Multidisciplinary Approach

d. Any other ( specify and provide details)

18. Does the college offer UG and PG programmes in Teacher









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Yes No

19. Does the college offer UG or PG programme in Physical Education?

Yes No

20. Number of teaching and non-teaching positions in the Institution


Teaching faculty Non-







Associate Professor

Assistant Professor Lecturer

*M *F *M *F *M *F *M *F *M *F *M *F


by theUGC/


/ State



14 06 23 18 02 01 33 0 1 0

Yet to recruit 7

Sanctioned by

the / society or



bodies Recruited


Yet to recruit

*M-Male *F-Female

20. Qualification of the teaching staff:



Professor Associate Professor

Assistant Professor


Male Female Male Female Male Female

Permanent teachers

D.Sc./D.Litt. - - - - - - -

Ph.D. 0 0 06 00 08 03 17

M.Phil. 0 0 03 04 2 03 12

PG 0 0 04 02 16 13 35

Temporary teachers

Ph.D. - - - - - - -

M.Phil. - - - - - - -

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PG - - - - 8 7 -

Part-time teachers

Ph.D. - - - - - - -

M.Phil. - - - - - - -

PG - - - - - - -

22. Number of visiting Faculty/ Guest faculty engaged with the College

23. Furnish the number of the students admitted to the college during

the last four academic years.


2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

SC 10 45 10 58 19 45 19 47

ST 08 11 04 10 5 13 02 19

OBC 130 329 131 355 103 380 117 366

General 01 32 09 24 11 31 10 31


24. Details on students enrollment in the college during the current

academic year:

Type of students UG PG M. Phil. Ph.D. Total

Students from the same state where the college is located 538 77 0 32 647 Students from other states of India 05 0 0 0 05 NRI students 0 0 0 0 0 Foreign students 0 0 0 0 0


543 77 0 32 652

25. Dropout rate in UG and PG (average of the last two batches)


26. Unit Cost of Education

(Unit Cost =total annual recurring expenditure (actual) divided by

total number of students enrolled).

a) Including the salary component


12 5

Rs. 44692

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b) Excluding the salary component

27. Does the college offer any programme(s) in distance education

mode (DEP) ?

Yes No

28. Provide teacher-student ratio for each of the programme/course


Name of the Programme Teacher-student ratio

BA Arabic 1:48 BA Economics 1:60

BA Functional English 1:48 BA History 1:60

BA Malayalam 1:30 B.Sc. Mathematics 1:34

B.Sc. Statistics 1:34 B.Sc. Physics 1:34

B.Sc. Chemistry 1:34 B.Sc. Botany 1:34

B.Sc. Zoology 1:34 B.Sc. Forestry 1:29

B. Com 1:60 MA Arabic 1:5

M.Sc. Chemistry 1:8 M.Sc. Botany 1:8

M.Sc. Physics 1:8

M. Com 1:8

29. Is the college applying for

Accreditation: Cycle1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4

Re-assessment: (Cycle 1 refers to the first accreditation and Cycle 2, 3 and 4 refer to

the re-accreditation).

30. Date of accreditation * (applicable for Cycle 2, Cycle 3,Cycle 4 and

re-assessment only)

Cycle 1: 28/02/2005 Accreditation Outcome/Result – B+

Cycle 2: 27 / 0 3/ 2011 Accreditation Outcome/Result - 2.8 B

• Kindly enclose copy of accreditation certificate(s) and peer

team report(s) as an annexure.

(See Annexure V-VII)

Rs. 1069

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31. Number of working days during the last academic year

32. Number of teaching days during the last academic year

(Teaching days means days on which lectures were engaged excluding

the examination days)

33. Date of establishment Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC)

IQAC 14/08/2005 (dd/mm/yyy)

34. Details regarding submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report


AQAR (i) 27/02/2012 (dd/mm/yyyy)

AQAR (ii) 21/12/2013 (dd/mm/yyyy)

AQAR (iii) 21/08/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy)

AQAR (iv) 02/09/2015 (dd/mm/yyyy)

35. Any other relevant data (not covered above) the college would like

to include. (Do not include explanatory/ descriptive information)




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1.1 Curriculum planning and implementation

1.1.1 State the vision, mission and objectives of the institution, and describe how these are communicated to the students, teachers, staff and

other stakeholders.

Sir Syed College, one of the premier post-graduate colleges under Kannur University, embodies the systematic efforts made to break the social stagnation of a historically backward and unmotivated segment of society, particularly of North Malabar region, to bring about educational and cultural resurgence.


To uplift the educationally, socially and economically under-privileged sections of North Malabar region and to equip the society to contribute constructively to the process of nation building by providing affordable quality education while expanding our academic horizons to bring the institution at par with the leaders of higher education.


Strive for excellence in education and research and prepare young minds for imbibing knowledge, skills and sensitivity.


The prime objective of the institution is to inspire the students to generate and disseminate new knowledge and to contribute constructively to the field of research. The college envisions to emerge as an epicenter of groundbreaking findings. With this intention thrust is given on research, especially in areas of social utility.

The students are motivated to bring out their creative potential and to nurture the spirit of critical thinking along with equipping them with the skills needed to adapt better to the changing global scenario. The college is constantly striving for a value-based holistic learning by integrating traditional and innovative learning practices to match the highest quality standards. Great stress is laid on how to make practical application of knowledge, attitudes and skills as well as to sensitize and engage students in issues of gender equality, human rights and ecology in order to make them socially responsible citizens. The ultimate objective is to develop a sense of unity in all areas of knowledge.

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Vision and mission are communicated to students, teachers, staff and stakeholders primarily through the college calendar which is published annually and given to each and every student and staff of the college. They are communicated through the prospectus of the college which is distributed along with the application forms to all UG and PG programmes. Stakeholders outside the campus are intimated of the vision and mission through the college website. Moreover, they are formally communicated during the proceedings of PTA meetings to the parents and during the training programmes to young teachers. Vision and Missions are stated in major documents sent from the college to the higher authorities such as the University, Government, UGC and other funding agencies. They are also exhibited at the entrance of all the blocks on the campus.

1.1.2 How does the institution develop and deploy action plans for effective implementation of the curriculum? Give details of the process

and substantiate through specific example(s).

Choice Based Credit and Semester System was implemented by Kannur University in 2009 and the institution has been following the same ever since. The College Council supervises all the curricular activities of the college and formulates the general policy direction every year. A faculty advisor is appointed in each department to support the students in their selection of Elective and Open Courses. Further, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell develops quality parameters and implements the Quality Checking Process through the Internal Quality Record (IQR) system.

At the department level, staff meetings are held to prepare an annual plan to set directions to academic processes following the directions from the College Council and Planning Forum. They also formulate Semester Plan at the beginning of each semester. Teachers, following the directions of the department meetings, prepare teaching plans for each course to manage the delivery of the syllabus content, the schedule of laboratory work, submission of assignments, presentation of seminars etc. Finally the Department Coordinators monitor and ensure that the curriculum is implemented according to the plan.

Internal examinations, an essential component of the curriculum administration, are conducted in a centralized manner under the College Examination Committee. The grades of the internal examinations are published on the notice board of respective departments promptly. Any complaints related to the internal evaluation are addressed by the Grievance Redressal Forums at the department level and The Grievance Redressal Cell of the college.

High priority is accorded to students’ feedback. Problems in the delivery and administration of the syllabus as per the student feedback report are addressed.

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Their feedback is taken online to make the teachers aware of their performance and pitfalls. The feedbacks are scored and analyzed by the software and is made available to the respective teachers online through college website. Thereafter, the teachers give a report to the principal on the corrective measures that will be taken in future.

1.1.3 What type of support (procedural and practical) do the teachers

receive (from the university and /or institution) for effectively translating

the curriculum and improving teaching practices?


Every year the college publishes an academic calendar to help teachers. A centralized timetable for content delivery and examinations are drawn and followed strictly so that the curriculum implementation is put in comfortable timeline. The College Council intervenes at appropriate points to support and facilitate curriculum transaction. The college also maintains a department log book (Quality Register) in which the events of the departments are recorded.


The college provides the physical facilities for effective classroom delivery. All the departments possess LCD projectors and connected technologies for classroom presentation. PG departments are provided smart room facilities. Whole campus is connected through Wi-Fi and each department has computers with broadband facilities. Young teachers are given special training in better teaching practices and in IT- enabled curriculum transaction. Books and other forms of study materials are purchased periodically for the faculty and students.

Furthermore, to facilitate the teaching-learning process the college has IT centre, Language Lab, Media hall, Computation lab and Computer labs. Uninterrupted power supply is ensured by establishing generators and invertors at various points.

1.1.4 Specify the initiatives taken up or contribution made by the institution for effective curriculum delivery and transaction on the

Curriculum provided by the affiliating University or other statutory


The prospectus and the college calendar describe the curriculum in general. An in depth orientation to the programme is provided to the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students at the inception of their course itself. Faculty advisor helps the students choose courses in consonance with their potentials and needs.

Better exposure is provided to students by promoting invited lectures, seminars, and workshops which also enrich the curriculum delivery and implementation. Internet access is given to all the students and teachers via

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campus connectivity run by the college. Smart rooms, Wi-Fi, Computer labs, Media hall, Language lab, Statistical computing lab etc. are utilized effectively to aid curriculum delivery. The atmospheric weather station provides valuable data to research scholars studying the climate changes.

1.1.5 How does the institution network and interact with beneficiaries

such as industry, research bodies and the university in effective

operationalisation of the curriculum?

Constant interaction with industry effected by conducting industrial visits and doing projects in industries and other firms. Teachers are persuaded to get memberships in academic and research bodies in order to get in touch with the latest developments in their respective areas.

Networking with universities and research bodies of national and international repute is also forged by inviting eminent faculty of the universities and institutions and old students of the college working in such institutions to interact with students and teachers.

Also, representatives of the beneficiaries are given memberships in the prominent bodies of college such as Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Internal Quality Circle etc.

Following are a few of the eminent personalities who visited the college and interacted with students and researchers:

• Prof. Tomasz J Kozubowski , Naveda University Reno, USA. • Dr Shyjumon IISER Trivandrum. Alumni, Department of Physics. • Mr N K Ashokan, Station Health Physicist and Radiological safety

officer, Koodamkulam Nuclear power project. Alumni, Department of Chemistry.

• Mr Thomas George, Environment Surveillance programme officer, Koodamkulam Nuclear power project. Alumni, Department of Chemistry.

• Dr. T. V. Sreekumar, Head of Material Science Division, R and D Reliance Communications, Mumbai. Alumni, Department of Chemistry.

• Sruthi K. V, Researcher, Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), South Korea.

Following is the list of some prominent industries and research institutes the college has collaboration with

Departments Industry/Research Institutes

Department of Chemistry

• Western India Plywood Ltd, Valapattanam

• IISc Bangalore,

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• Central University Hyderabad,

• Centre for Bioinformatics, Trivandrum,

• CWRDM Kozhikode

• Regional Textile Laboratory, Kannur

Department of Forestry

• Western India Plywood Ltd, Valapattanam

• Social Forestry Division , Kerala State

• Kerala State Forest and Wild Life Department

• Department of Environmental Studies, Kannur University.

Department of Physics

• IISER, Trivandrum

• Malabar Cancer Care Society Tellichery

• Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Kannur University

Department of Zoology

• The students of the Department of Zoology utilizes the facilities and experts of Western India Plywood Ltd. Valapattanam, Kerala Forest Research Institute and Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod

Department of Botany

• TBGRI Trivandrum • Cashew Promotion Council, Kollam,

• CMPRI, Kottakkal,

• Department of Geology, Central University, Karnataka

• MSSRF, Wayanad, Kerala

• Department of Botany, University of Calicut,

• CPCRI, Kasaragod

• IISR, Calicut

• NMPGRI, Coimbatore

• Department of Environmental Studies, Kannur University

1.1.6 What are the contributions of the institution and / or its staff

members to the development of the curriculum by the University?

(number of staff members/ departments represented on the Board of

Studies, student feedback, teacher feedback, stakeholder feedback

provided, specific suggestions etc.)

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As an affiliated college, opportunities are limited for direct contributions to the formulation and development of curriculum. However, the college ensures that the vision and mission of the college are furthered through the faculty members who are on the Board of Studies. About one third of the faculty are members in different Boards of Studies and the college makes use of their presence to input the components that go in consonance with the objectives of the college.

The faculty of the institution, through these channels, often prepares syllabus for many of the courses of the University. Apart from that, some of them serve in the Academic Council, Faculties, Senate and Syndicate of the Kannur University. Members of the syndicate from the college are entrusted with the task of affiliations and examinations of the University. The college thus contributes elaborately to the design and the development of curriculum of the University.

At present Mr K.P. Mohammedali, Associate Professor in Chemistry is a member of Syndicate, Kannur University and Mr M.P. Narayanan, (former Head of Department of Physics) is the Dean of Faculty of Science of Kannur University.

Following is the list of members of Board of Studies, Kannur University

BOARD OF STUDIES PG (with effect from 27-11-2015) Sl


Name of the Faculty Subject

1 K. Shabeer Ali. Assistant Professor in Arabic


2 V.P.Abdulla Kutty Associate Professor &Head of PG Dept. of Physics


3 Dr.N.H. Zeinul Hukuman Associate Professor in Chemistry


4 Dr. Mohammed Ashraf .V Associate Professor in Chemistry


5 Dr. A.K. Abdussalam Assistant Professor in Botany,


6 M. Nisreen (Chairman) Associate Professor in Botany


7 Dr. T.U. Abdul Jabbar. Head, Dept. of Zoology,


8 Suhara Kovvammal Assistant Professor in Commerce


9 S.M. Shanavas Assistant Professor & Head Dept. of Commerce


BOARD OF STUDIES UG (with effect from 27-11-2015)



Name of the Faculty Subject

1 Linu M.K. Assistant Professor in Engish


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2 N.M. Waheeda Associate Professor & HOD of English


3 T.V. Purushothaman Associate Professor in Malayalam


4 Dr. V. T. V. Mohanan Assistant Professor & HOD of Hindi


5 Ismail Olayikkara Assistant Professor & Head of Dept of Arabic


6 Dr. Abdullakutty Malikkan Former HOD of Urdu


7 M.P. Sirajudheen Head of Dept. of Mathematics


8 G.D.Mashuda Kauser Associate Professor in Statistics


9 M.N.Ramachandran Associate Professor in Physics


10 K. S. Pradeep Associate Professor in Physics


11 K.K.Fairoosa Assistant Professor in Physics


12 Mohammed Sayeed. T Assistant Professor in Chemistry


13 V.K.Saheed. Associate Professor in Chemistry


14 Dr. V. Abdul Jaleel Assistant Professor in Botany


15 Dr. Tajo Abraham, Assistant Professor in Botany


16 M. Nisreen Associate Professor in Botany


17 Dr.R.S.M Shamsudeen Assistant Professor in Zoology


18 N.Bushra Assistant professor in Zoology


19 Dr. T.U. Abdul Jabbar. (Chairman) Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Zoology


20 C. Sneha Assistant Professor in Forestry


21 M. Malik Fasil .M (Chairman) Assistant Professor& Head Dept of Forestry


22 Dr. A. E. Shefi Assistant Professor & Head, Dept. of History


23 C. Mohammed Salih Assistant Professor in Commerce



Feedbacks are collected periodically from all stakeholders. Feedbacks from the students are taken at the end of the course delivery and from parents in the annual general body meeting of the Parent Teacher Association usually held at the end of every academic year. On the basis of these, the teachers prepare a feedback of the curriculum adding their own feedback following an open discussion at the department level. The points so reached are communicated

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by the Head of the Department to the chairman of the Board of Studies concerned. Teachers are also sent to take part in the syllabus restructuring workshops of the Board of Studies.

Based on the feedback from stakeholders and keeping in view the scope for better employability, BSc. Forestry & Wood technology has been changed to BSc Forestry.

1.1.7 Does the institution develop curriculum for any of the courses

offered (other than those under the purview of the affiliating university)

by it? If yes, give details on the process (‘Needs Assessment’, design

development and planning) and the courses for which the curriculum has


Yes. Certificate Courses offered by various departments of the college are designed on the basis of the demand raised by the students. The Course is structured unit wise and intended to give foundational instructions in various subjects which in turn is expected to increase the skills and employability of the students.

1.1.8 How does the institution analyze/ ensure that the stated objectives of

curriculum are achieved in the course of implementation?

The college follows Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) to ascertain that the curriculum objectives are achieved. Units tests conducted at the end of every unit, two internal examinations held term wise and the final written examinations are the evaluation forms.

Assignment and seminars are also prominent modes of qualitative component of evaluation. Teachers evaluate various points of students’ performance on the basis of the quality of the work. Once the evaluative points are known (especially in the unit tests and internal examination), teachers give feedback to the students so that they can compensate the unearned components of the curriculum. Teachers also provide focused recapitulation and other corrective measures.

1.2 Academic Flexibility

1.2.1 Specifying the goals and objectives, give details of the certificate/ diploma/skill development courses etc. offered by the institution.

Diploma Courses:

• PG Diploma in Computational Science (Chemistry) • Diploma in Computerized Accounting (Commerce) • Foundation Course on Human rights ( History)

Certificate Courses:

• Easy English Programme

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• Tally

• Essential Skill in Documental Translation & Secretarial Practice

• Organic Farming Technology

• Certificate Course in Computational Physics

Skill Development Programmes:

• NET coaching classes • Coaching for entry into service • Free coaching class for medical and engineering entrance • Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDP) • Career Counseling and Guidance classes • ASAP skill course • Training Partner Scheme • Enrichment Programmes under SEEC

1.2.2 Does the institution offer programmes that facilitate twinning/ dual

degree? If yes, give details.


1.2.3 Give details on the various institutional provisions with reference to

academic flexibility and how it has been helpful to students in terms of

skill development, academic mobility progression to higher studies and

improved potential for employability. Issues may cover the following and


• Range of core/effective options offered by the University and those opted by the college.

• Choice Based Credit System and range of subject options • Courses offered in modular form • Credit transfer and accumulation facility • Lateral and vertical mobility within and across programmes and

courses. • Enrichment Courses

The structure and objectives of the curriculum are offered by the University. Hence the college possesses only limited opportunity to add on to the given structure. However, the University has ensured a certain level of flexibility at various points in the curriculum.

As per the Choice Based Credit and Semester System introduced by the University, all programmes have four kinds of courses: Common Courses, Core Courses, Complementary Courses and Open Courses.

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The duration of an Under Graduate programme is 6 semesters spanning over a period of 3 academic years. The odd semester is from June to October and the even semester from November to March. Each semester has a minimum of 90 working days including the days of examinations.

Each undergraduate programme has the following courses:

• Common Courses (Code A) • Core Courses (Code B) • Complementary Courses (Code C) • Open Courses (Code D)

Common Courses (Code A): Every undergraduate student has to undergo the mandatory 10 common courses (total 38 credits) chosen from a group of common courses listed by the University.

Core Courses (Code B): Core courses are the courses in the major (Core) subject of the degree programmes chosen by the student. Core courses are offered by the parent department. The number of core courses varies from 10 to 18 including a project work.

Complementary Courses (Code C): Complementary courses cover one or two disciplines that are related to the core subject and are distributed in the first four semesters.

Open Courses (Code D): There is one open course each in core subjects in the fifth and sixth semester respectively. The open course is open to all the students in the institution except for the students of the parent department. Each department can decide the open courses from a pool of courses offered by the University.

Credits: Each course has a definite credit. For passing the degree courses, the student has to achieve a minimum of 120 credits of which 38 should be from common courses, 62 from core and 16 from complementary courses and 4 from the open courses.

Attendance: The minimum attendance required for a semester is 75% for each course (Common, Core, Complementary, Open and Elective courses). Attendance is maintained by the concerned teacher. Condonation of shortage of attendance to a minimum of 10 days in a semester, subject to a maximum of two times during the whole period of a degree course may be granted by the University. Benefits of attendance are granted to students for attending University Union activities, meetings of university bodies and for participating in extracurricular activities subject to a maximum of 10 days in a semester.

Extra credits: Extra credits may be awarded to a student for the achievements in co-curricular activities carried out outside the regular class hours. These

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credits are not counted while considering the minimum credits (120) for passing the courses.

Common Courses selected for UG programmes by the college are

• Critical Reasoning and Academic Presentation Skills • Communication Skills in English • Reading On Indian Constitution, Secularism and Environment • Reading Literature in English • Literature and Contemporary Issues • History and Philosophy of Science • Literature in Malayalam/ Hindi/ Languages other than English • Communication Skills in Languages other than English /Creative

Writing in Malayalam • Translation and Communication • Culture and Civilization

Following are the Open Courses offered to UG students.


No. V Semester VI Semester


Business Mathematics


Vedic Mathematics


2 Operations research Statistics Sampling techniques Statistics 3 Environmental Physics Physics Biophysics Physics 4 Chemistry in service to man Chemistry Drugs- Use and

Abuse Chemistry

5 Mushroom Cultivation and Marketing

Botany Medicinal Plants Botany

6 Health and Nutrition Zoology Aquaculture Zoology 7 Eco Tourism Forestry

Natural Resource and Biodiversity Conservation


8 Spoken Arabic Part I Arabic Spoken Arabic Part II Arabic

9 English Language Skills Functional English

Literature in Translation

Functional English

10 Chalachithra Padanangal Malayalam Vivarthanam Malayalam 11 Social Reform Movementsin

Kerala History Archival Studies History

12 Industrial Economics Economics Health Economics Economics

13 Basic Accounting Commerce Insurance and Risk Management


14 Physical Health & Life Skill Education

Physical Education

Health & Fitness Education

Physical Education

PG Programmes also follow Credit Semester System in which flexibility, in comparison with UG programmes, is rather less. Though there are a wide range of options within the subject, students have no option to select courses offered by other departments. The distribution of courses in the PG Programmes is also published annually in the college calendar.

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Choice Based Credit System and range of subject options

The college has followed Choice Based Credit and Semester System since its implementation by the University in 2009 for UG and Credit Semester System for PG Programmes since 2014.

Courses offered in modular form

Courses are generally offered in traditional content based syllabus. However, since the introduction of Choice Based Credit and Semester System, teaching units are given in a semi modular form whereby students have more active role in the learning process. Modular based objectives and references given in the syllabus marks a transition to the modular system.

Credit transfer and accumulation facility and lateral and vertical mobility within and across programmes and courses are permissible in accordance with the University norms.

Enrichment courses

Several enrichment programmes are conducted in between the course period.

1.2.4 Does the institution offer self-financed programmes? If yes, list

them and indicate how they differ from other programmes, withreference

to admission, curriculum, fee structure, teacher qualification, salary etc.


1.2.5 Does the college provide additional skill oriented programmes,

relevant to regional and global employment markets? If yes, provide

details of such programme and beneficiaries.

YES. All the courses mentioned in 1.2.1 have been designed keeping in mind the regional and global employment markets. The Certificate Course in Essential Skill in Documental Translation & Secretarial Practice in Arabic and Computerized Accounting Using Tally are designed to suit the employment market, especially in the Middle East countries. The course in Organic Farming Technology is designed to inculcate essential skills in agricultural farming using non poisonous organic fertilizers in students. The courses, Computational Physics and Computational Chemistry, give basic ideas and skills in computing the problems in Physics and Chemistry. The Easy English Programme is meant to enhance the communicative skill of the students

ASAP: Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) is a joint venture of Department of Higher Education and General Education of Govt. of Kerala. The college is a training partner of ASAP and regularly conducts ASAP Skill Courses, Foundation Courses and Communicative English Training. It provides additional skill sets to students along with their regular courses.

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ASAP stresses on imparting sector specific skills to create a trained work force ready for market.

A committee comprising of the principal, PTA secretary, a representative of parent, SDE (Skill Development Executive), ASAP programme manager and coordinator periodically evaluates the progress of ASAP activities.

Training Partner Scheme: Training Partner Scheme is a 21 days residential programme offered to the last semester interested UG and PG students. They are trained in communicative English skills, soft skills and IT in association with the Higher Education Department and General Education Department of Kerala. After successful completion of the course, these students are employed by ASAP as Skill Development Executives.

Training in tailoring and mural painting: Ladies Association of Sir Syed College (LASS) conducts training in tailoring and mural painting for the students.

Career and counseling centre: Career and Counseling Centre offers programmes to motivate the students, to generate awareness about higher studies, job opportunities and competitive examinations in addition to the training sessions to the undergraduate students.

Following are some of the skill oriented programmes conducted by Career Counseling and Coaching Centre

Programme on Benificiary

• Planning & preparation for civil service examinations • Motivation & goal setting • Long term planning in career field • Opportunities abroad for Arabic translation • Time management • Learning and memory techniques • Opportunities in nonconventional energy field • Opportunities in life science • Career planning • Opportunities in banking field • Communication Skills • Research aptitude and Methodology

UG and PG students

Coaching centre for entry in service for SC/ST/OBC: The coaching classes for entry into service such as Kerala Public Service Commission, UPSC, SSC, CDS, banking and other competitive examinations are conducted with the financial assistance of UGC. Many students who belong to the category of SC/ST/OBC and minority make use of this facility for employment.

Coaching for NET/SET for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) & minority

community students: The college has a Cell for conducting UGC-funded

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coaching in NET, SET and JRF examinations. The main objective of the scheme is to prepare and train the SC /ST candidates and candidates from minority communities to clear these examinations.

Equal Opportunity Cell: The function of the Equal Opportunity Cell is to create a socially congenial atmosphere for academic interaction and for the growth of healthy interpersonal relationships among the students coming from various social backgrounds. The cell makes efforts to sensitize the academic community regarding the problems associated with social exclusion as well as aspirations of the disadvantaged and marginalized groups such as SCs/STs,/women, OBC (non creamy layer), minorities and physically challenged. Remedial Coaching Centre: The objective of the Remedial Coaching Centre is to reduce the failure and drop-out rate of students belonging to SC / ST / OBC (non-creamy layer) / minority communities. On the basis of a need analysis these students are provided special classes outside their regular timetable with a view to equip and encourage them for pursuing higher studies.

Entrepreneurship Development Programmes: Entrepreneurship Develop- ment Club organizes programmes to extend entrepreneurial motivation to UG students of all categories. It also offers specialized programme to selected students of UG classes.

Student Employability Enhancement Center (SEEC):

Objectives of SEEC are as follows:

• To create awareness among students about various job opportunities. • To assist students to find placement in institutes of higher excellence. • To enhance students’ employability skills.

Programme conducted to meet these objectives are:



Date Topic Resource



1. 21-07-‘15 to 24-07-‘15

Opportunities in Higher Education –CA CMA ICWA How to face an interview How to prepare for Central Universities PG entrance exams How to prepare for GATE,IITs

Muhammad Shafeeque.K Career academy, Calicut

Students of Commerce, Physics Chemistry and History

5. 27-07-‘15 Opportunities in Higher Education How to prepare for Central Universities PG entrance exams

Muhammad Shafeeque.K Career Academy, Calicut

Students of Economics and English

6. 27-07-‘15 to 29-07-‘15

Job Opportunities of English graduation

Muhammad Shafeeque.K

Students of Statistics and

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Areas of Higher Education for PG course How to prepare for various Central Universities PG entrance exams including ISI ,CMI,IITs

Career Academy, Calicut


9. 04-08-‘15 to 5-08-‘15

Job Opportunities of Arabic graduation Areas of Higher Education for PG course How to prepare for Central Universities PG entrance exams in India and abroad

Muhammad Shafeeque.K Career Academy, Calicut

Students of Arabic and Malayalam

11 11-08-‘15 to 13-08-‘15

Opportunities in Higher Education , Job Opportunities of Forestry Degree How to prepare for various Central universities PG entrance exams including CSIR NET,ICMR IFRS

Muhammad Shafeeque.K Career Academy, Calicut

Students of Botany, Zoology and Forestry

SEEC organized the following seminars and workshops:

• Seminar on Cyber Law and Ethics: Key note speaker: Mr Hari Prasad (SI ,KAP IV Bttn.,Managattupramba Kannur) on 9th October 2015

• Workshop on GD and Interview Techniques in association with London School of Business and Finance on 19th January 2016

• Workshop on How to Attempt Competitive Exams and a model exam of IBPS on 21st January 2016

1.2.6 Does the University provide for the flexibility of combining the

conventional face-to-face and Distance Mode of Education for students to

choose the courses/ Combination of their choice? if yes, how does the

institution take advantage of such provision for the benefit of students?


1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1 Describe the efforts made by the institution to supplement the

University’s Curriculum to ensure that the academic programmes and

Institution’s goals and objectives are integrated.

The college offers a series of platforms and avenues for supplementing the University curriculum to ensure that the goals and objectives of the college are incorporated into the totality of student experiences while they undergo their programmes in the college.

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Orientation programme for students: At the beginning of all programmes, new entrants are given a clear exposition of the aims and objectives of the college and an orientation class is provided for them to familiarize them with all the platforms available for them for enrichment.

Career Counseling and Guidance: Career Counseling and Guidance Centre organizes programmes for motivating the students for upward mobility. Through these programmes, the students acquire awareness regarding the directions to be pursued after their studies. The centre also networks with the industries and firms to organize placement drives. SEEC, a special organization constituted to improve the employability skills of the undergraduate students, also organizes short term courses for selected students to train them in the most sought after skills.

Remedial Coaching & NET Coaching: Remedial Coaching Centre offers remedial teaching to the students, especially to those belonging to SC/ST, OBC and minorities. Post graduate students are offered NET coaching programmes under a special coordinator.

National Service Scheme: The college has two units of National Service Scheme which organize a number of social extension programmes. Every year, they conduct seven days residential special camp to ensure personality development through social service.

NCC: The institution has two army units of National Cadet Corps. The programmes organized by NCC aim at promoting patriotism and developing social awareness and discipline in cadets. They take part in state and national level camps. Specialized camp like National Integration Camps, Basic/Advanced Leadership Camps, Trekking and Adventure Training Camp etc. provide the cadets with ample opportunities to sharpen and exhibit their skills and potentials. They are also provided opportunities to take part in Republic Day parades.

Readers’ Forum: Readers’ Forum is dedicated to training the students in critical engagement with the world around and providing them with a keen analytical skill for understanding cultural tones of the time.

Bhoomithra Sena: Bhoomithra Sena volunteers have been engaging themselves in conservation of sacred groove. The volunteers play a huge role in mobilizing the nearby villagers to be a part of ecological conservation drives initiated by the college.

Training in farming: Organic vegetable farming undertaken by the Social Service Club of the college in the uncultivated paddy fields of the nearby Muyyam village, in association with the local society, provide the students valuable hands-on training in farming. The students utilize these opportunities to bank on the wealth of experience and knowledge of the indigenous farming communities.

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International Film Festival: The International film festival (IFFS) organized by the college provided the students with an unparalleled experience in organizing and hosting an event on a mega scale. Academically it was hugely beneficial for students as Film Studies is a Core Course of BA Functional English and an Open Course of BA Malayalam.

Walk With Scholar Programme: This is a special programme of the government of Kerala to mentor the advanced learners to take up challenging careers by motivating them throughout their course period

Further, all the departments organize talks by eminent intellectuals, discussions on current topics, extension lectures etc to get their knowledge updated with current developments. The programmes of various clubs and forums provide ample avenues for students to apply their knowledge in real life.

1.3.2 What are the efforts made by the institution to enrich and organize

the curriculum to enhance the experiences of the students so as to cope

with the needs of the dynamic employment market?

As an affiliated institution, the college is bound to abide by the curriculum structured by the University. A direct modification is not possible. However, the college has sufficient stakes in academic bodies to influence the decisions of the University. The syllabi of many of the UG and PG programmes are actually structured by the faculty of the college in their capacity as members of Board of Studies.

The feedbacks taken from the students and parents are communicated formally and informally to the University through the members of Board of Studies; and restructured University curriculum reflects the suggestions of the college. Since some of the teachers are serving as members of Faculties, Academic Council, Senate and Syndicate of the University, the college possesses immense space to influence and modify the curriculum.

The introduction of UGC-sponsored PG Diploma course in Computational Science was a huge step taken by the college for providing curricular enrichment. UGC-sponsored Foundation Course in Human Rights, various certificate courses, Diploma course in Computerized Accounting etc provided further enrichment to students of UG programmes.

Special Programmes such as Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDP), NET Coaching classes, Civil Services Training Programmes and the programmes offered by SC/ST Entry into Service Centre, Career Counseling and Guidance Centre all cater to various needs of the students to enable them to face the challenges of the modern world.

The college is a centre for training the trainers under the 21 days residential Training Partner Scheme conducted in association with Additional Skill

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Acquisition Programme (ASAP) of the State Government. After the successful completion of the training, the students are employed by the Higher and General Education Council of Kerala as Skill Development Executives.

In addition to these, the college ensures a good pick of courses in Open and Elective streams with a view to equip the students with employability and skills.

1.3.3 Enumerate the efforts made by the institution to integrate the cross

cutting issues such as gender, climate change, environmental education,

human rights, ICT etc. into the curriculum.

These cross cutting issues are incorporated into the syllabi in a cohesive manner. The college has courses focusing on issues of gender, climate change, environmental education, human rights and ICT. Department of History conducts a Foundation Course in Human Rights. Green Voices, the second semester Common Course deals exclusively with ecological issues. The UG programmes in Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Physics and Forestry and PG programmes in Chemistry and Physics have courses in Environmental Studies.

Gender issues are incorporated in the syllabus of the UG programmes in English, Malayalam and History. Informatics is a mandatory course content of all programmes. Programmes under the college Women’s Cell, LASS (Ladies Association of Sir Syed College), Nature Club and Bhoomithra Sena Club provide additional content regarding gender issue and problems.

1.3.4 What are the various value-added courses/enrichment programmes

offered to ensure holistic development of students?

• Moral and ethical values • Employable and life skills • Better career options • Community orientation

All round development of the students is one of the main objectives of the college. The ethical and moral standard of the campus is monitored by the Ethics committee and Discipline Committee. The residential character of the college helps in organizing a lot of hostel level programmes to sensitize the students on the need for a value based personal growth.

New programmes like BA Malayalam and MA Arabic are started considering employability. Certificate Courses in Computerized Accounting, Skills in Documental Translation & Secretarial Practice in Arabic and Easy English Programme provide further enrichment for employability.

The programmes conducted by SEEC and Entrepreneurship Development Club, NET Coaching Centre, Entry into Service Cell, Career Counseling and

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Guidance Cell, and Remedial Coaching Centre further enrich the curriculum with added skills. They also offer better career options to students.

The avenues of National Service Scheme (NSS), National Cadet Corps (NCC), Bhoomithra Sena and Social Service Club provide ample opportunities for the students for social outreach. A holistic development of their personality is ensured through the programmes of these organisations.

1.3.5 Citing a few examples, enumerate on the extent of use of the

feedback from stakeholders in enriching the curriculum?

Feedbacks are taken periodically and systematically from students, parents and alumni. They are meticulously analysed and actions taken wherever required. A great many of the decisions and action plan of the college are also based on the feedback from stakeholders.

The B.Sc programme in ‘Forestry & Wood Technology’ is changed to ‘BSc. Forestry’ based on the feedback from the stakeholders. Feedbacks clearly indicated that the students had difficulty pursuing higher education since ‘Wood Technology’ was also part of their syllabus. They were denied admission to B.Ed course as well. Hence the course was restructured to ‘BSc Forestry’ to accommodate the demands of the stakeholders.

1.3.6 How does the institution monitor and evaluate the quality of its

enrichment programmes?

The college has developed a questionnaire tool to help monitor and evaluate the enrichment programmes. The tool is administered annually to all undergraduate students and it calculates the growth of students at various levels objectively. The success of the scheme is evaluated on the basis of the score received by each student. Apart from that, each programme has its own feedback tools administered at the end of the programme.

Entry into Service Coaching and NET Coaching Centre collect and keep the records of the progression of the enlisted students and the winners in the competitive examinations.

1.4 Feedback system

1.4.1 What are the contributions of the institution in the design and

development of the curriculum prepared by the University?

The membership in various Board of Studies and the academic and administrative bodies of the University (mentioned in 1.1.6 of this report) helps the college in the design and development of curriculum.

1.4.2 Is there a formal mechanism to obtain feedback from students and

stakeholders on curriculum? If yes, how is it communicated to the

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University and made use internally for curriculum enrichment and

introducing changes/new programmes?

YES. The college maintains the practice of taking feedback on curriculum from students, parents and alumni. Feedback from the students is taken at the end of the semesters and when they go out of the college after the programme. Parents’ feedback is attained at the end of the academic year, mostly at the annual meetings of Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and department level meetings. The meeting of alumni is also a point of taking feedback about the curriculum. It is discussed at the department meetings and reported to the College Council. The findings of feedback are intimated to the University through the Board of Studies members.

1.4.3 How many new programmes/courses were introduced by the

institution during the last four years? What was the rationale

forintroducing new courses/programmes?

The college introduced the following new courses in the last four years.

UG BA Malayalam

PG MA Arabic

While choosing the programme we keep in mind the goals and objectives of the institution and the employability of the programme

Any other relevant information regarding curricular aspects which the

college would like to include.


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2.1 Student enrollment and profile

2.1.1 How does the college ensure publicity and transparency in the

admission process?

The institution gives wide publicity to the admission process through college prospectus, notification in regional newspapers, institutional website and notice board. The college adheres to the rules and regulations formulated by the State Government and the University, for affiliated colleges.

From the academic year 2015-16 onwards admission to all institutions under Kannur University is through a single window system. The University notifies the list of colleges and the courses offered in its website. Students can apply 20 different programmes altogether in government, aided and unaided colleges. They can apply in the general merit, and reservation categories. The rank list is published in the University website. The college admits the students from this rank list based on the merit and the options of the students. The students can gain admission in the management quota also.

2.1.2 Explain in detail the criteria adopted and process of admission

(Ex.(i)merit (ii) common admission test conducted by state agencies and

national agencies (iii) combination of merit and entrance test or merit,

entrance test and interview (iv) any other to various programmes of the


The students are selected on the basis of their marks in the qualifying examination. The criteria laid down by the University are strictly followed in the selection. Out of the total seats, 40% is General, 20% is SC/ST, 20% community quota and 20% management quota. Students from all communities are admitted in general and management quotas.

2.1.3 Give the minimum and maximum percentage of marks for

admission to entry level for each of the programmes offered by the college

and provide a comparison with other colleges of the affiliating university

within the city/district.



2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Min




















Mathematics 91.3 96.6 83.7 90 86.4 92.2 87.6 95.2 82.9 92.9

Statistics 86.7 90.7 78.7 85.5 83.6 91 90.2 93.5 83.4 97

Physics 93.6 97.2 89.4 93 89.8 95.5 95.2 98.6 89.2 97.7

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Chemistry 93.5 98.2 87.2 92.5 90.3 96 95.3 97.5 90.2 98.8

Botany 87 94 82.3 89 85 92 91.5 95.9 85.7 95

Zoology 87.6 95.5 84.2 91.5 87.5 91.5. 87 97.2 85.7 94.8

Forestry 84.5 91.4 72.4 82.5 80.4 90 92 93.9 81.6 91.2

Arabic 70 85.2 61.7 78 61.6 79 81 90 74.9 86.7



88.5 93.3 83.3 91 87.4 92.5 90 95 82 95.7

Economics 86.7 90.7 79.5 88 84.7 90 90 93 88.3 92.8

History 84.2 96 79 90 76 89 84 89 78.6 84.7

Malayalam - - - - 83 88 71.4 85.3

BCom 91 98 88.5 96 90 96 93 97 88.4 97.5

Note: Figures shown in the table are of the students admitted in merit. However,

the minimum marks admitted in management quota are; Arts subjects >=50%,

Science subjects >=60% and Commerce >=70%. Minimum and Maximum marks at

the entry level of other colleges are not available for comparison


(PG) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
















% Min




MSc Botany 86.7 95 86.7 93 85.5 94 86.7 94 81.7 96

MSc Physics 83.5 94 83.5 94.5 89.5 95 83.5 93 85 95



86.5 94 86.5 93 90 95 86.5 92 84.5 94

MCom 87.2 92 87.2 91 80.7 93 87.2 92 72 89

MA Arabic - - - 83 94.7

Note: Figures shown in the table are of the students admitted in merit. However, the minimum marks admitted in Management quota are; Arts subjects >=60%, Science subjects >=70% and Commerce >=60%.

2.1.4 Is there a mechanism in the institution to review the admission

process and student profiles annually? If yes, what is the outcome of such

an effort and how has it contributed to the improvement of the process?

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The admission to the college is monitored by the college admission Committee. After the completion of the admission, the committee reviews the admission process and student profile. The committee gives the profile of admission to the Principal and a copy is sent to the University.Continuous reviews reveal the strength and weakness of the profile.

An important outcome of this is the decision taken by the college management to lay down cut off marks for those who are admitted to different programmes annually based on the review of admission process.

2.1.5 Reflecting on the strategies adopted to increase/improve access for

following categories of students, enumerate on how the admission policy

of the institution and its student profiles demonstrate/reflect the National

commitment to diversity and inclusion.

SC/ST OBC Women Differently abled Economically weaker sections Minority community Any other

Admission to the college is left open to students of all religion, region and social class. The college follows the admission rules laid down by the state government for the aided colleges. 40% is admitted in the general category and 20% each in SC/ST, community and management quota. Students with physical disabilities have 1% reservation.Students belonging to SC/ST and physically disabled categories have special provision for hostel facilities.

Following are the charts representing the student statistics for the last

four years.

Category 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

SC/ST 175 193 212 228

OBC 1117 1142 1214 1216

Women 1025 1060 1147 1172

Differently - abled 4 9 12 24

Economically weaker sections

-- -- -- --

Minority community 1008 993 1060 1075

Any other - - - -

2.1.6 Provide the following details for various programmes offered by the

Institution during the last four years and comment on the trends, ie,

reasons for increase /decrease and actions initiated for improvement.

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Name of the


Year No of


No of students


Demand ratio

1 BA Arabic

2015-16 455 48 1 : 9 2014-15 250 48 1 : 5 2013-14 235 48 1 : 5 2012-13 245 48 1 : 5 2011-12 210 40 1:5


BA Malayalam

2015-16 1737 30 1 : 58 2014-15 236 30 1 : 8 2013-14 109 30 1 : 4 2012-13 - - - 2011-12 - - -


BA Functional English

2015-16 1247 48 1 : 26 2014-15 1560 48 1 : 32 2013-14 2220 48 1:46 2012-13 1757 48 1:37 2011-12 2000 40 1:50

4 BA Economics

2015-16 2868 60 1 : 48 2014-15 1983 60 1 : 33 2013-14 1862 60 1:31 2012-13 1579 60 1:26 2011-12 1440 60 1: 24

5 BA History

2015-16 1962 60 1 : 33 2014-15 942 60 1 : 16 2013-14 830 60 1:14 2012-13 740 60 1:12 2011-12 680 60 1:11

6 BSc Mathematics

2015-16 1293 34 1 : 38 2014-15 632 34 1 : 18 2013-14 612 34 1:18 2012-13 598 34 1:17 2011-12 628 34 1:18

7 BSc Statistics

2015-16 268 34 1 : 8 2014-15 216 34 1 : 6 2013-14 202 34 1 : 6 2012-13 235 34 1 : 7 2011-12 265 34 1:8

8 BSc Physics

2015-16 2125 34 1 : 62 2014-15 757 34 1 : 22 2013-14 925 34 1:27 2012-13 910 34 1:27 2011-12 933 34 1:27

9 BSc Chemistry

2015-16 2526 34 1 : 74 2014-15 896 34 1 : 26 2013-14 869 34 1:25 2012-13 877 34 1:26 2011-12 898 34 1:26

10 BSc Botany

2015-16 2415 34 1 : 71 2014-15 896 34 1 : 26 2013-14 825 34 1:24 2012-13 755 34 1:22 2011-12 713 34 1:21

11 BSc Zoology

2015-16 2395 34 1 : 70 2014-15 1000 34 1 : 29 2013-14 925 34 1:27 2012-13 780 34 1:23 2011-12 660 34 1:19

BSc Forestry

2015-16 1137 29 1 : 39 2014-15 451 29 1 : 15 2013-14 410 29 1:14

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2012-13 425 29 1:15 2011-12 247 24 1:10

13 BCom

2015-16 5101 60 1 : 85 2014-15 2031 60 1 : 34 2013-14 1980 60 1:33 2012-13 1890 60 1:31 2011-12 1700 60 1:28

14 MSc Botany

2015-16 147 15 1:10 2014-15 124 12 1:10 2013-14 138 12 1:11 2012-13 142 12 1:12 2011-12 121 12 1:10


MSc Physics

2015-16 203 15 1:13 2014-15 205 12 1:17 2013-14 150 12 1:12 2012-13 128 12 1:11 2011-12 123 12 1:10

16 MSc Chemistry

2015-16 171 15 1:11 2014-15 188 12 1:15 2013-14 148 12 1:12 2012-13 107 12 1:9 2011-12 115 12 1:9

17 MCom

2015-16 150 20 1:7. 2014-15 157 20 1:8 2013-14 148 20 1:7 2012-13 138 20 1:7 2011-12 125 20 1:6

18 MA Arabic

2015-16 14 12 1:1.16 2014-15 18 12 1:1.5 2013-14 25 12 1:2 2012-13 - 2011-12 -

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

2.2.1 How does the institution cater to the needs of differently-abled

students and ensure adherence to government policies in this regard?

The college attends to the differently abled students with the utmost care. Class rooms are shifted for their convenience. Ramps and disabled-friendly toilets are built. The college library has special facilities like Digital Talking Library to render texts into voice for visually impaired.

The volunteers of NSS and NCC provide them various kinds of help to ensure the effectiveness of their studies. Special care is offered to them in the hostels also.

2.2.2 Does the institution assess the students’ needs in terms of knowledge

and skills before the commencement of the programme? If yes, give

details on the process.

YES. At the beginning of every academic year the institution organizes orientation programme for the freshers of undergraduate and postgraduate

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programmes. In this programme, the principal imparts detailed information to the students about the facilities available in the college.

Foundation course is arranged for the newly admitted students to orient them in general subjects, core and complimentary subjects. Every department conducts some baseline tests. Based on their performance, students are identified as slow, average and advanced learners. During the interactions in the classroom or during laboratory sessions, teachers also identify the nature of support required and update the teaching-plan accordingly so as to cater to the needs of the students. Questionnaires are distributed to the students in the tutorial classes to assess their socio-economic background, skills, goals etc. Students are recommended to join various clubs in the institution based on their knowledge and skill. 2.2.3 What are the strategies adopted by the institution to bridge the

knowledge gap of the enrolled students (Bridge/Remedial/Add-

on/Enrichment courses etc.) to enable them to cope with the programme

of their choice?

Bridge courses are arranged for newly enrolled students in various subjects. Fundamental laboratory techniques are provided to students of Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany. Mathematics foundation classes are provided for students who are weaker in mathematics. Basic computer skills are provided in IT centre. Orientation class about using Central Library facility is also provided. Classes on communication skills in English are given in order to help students who come from non-English medium schools of rural areas and from backward classes. Remedial programmes, especially to those who belong to the SC/ST and OBC are regularly conducted for all UG programmes.

Foundation Course on Human Rights, Diploma Course in Computerised Accounting Tally, GFMA (Global Financial Market Analysis) certificate course and certificate courses in Organic Farming Techniques, Computational Chemistry, Computational Physics and Easy English Programme provide further enrichment to students of UG programmes.

The college has created a group called ‘advanced learners group’ and gives special coaching classes and shows various video lectures from NPTEL, MIT open source ware etc. Such students are also engaged in group discussions on special topics.

Research scholars present their work in the annual reviews of the Research Forum of the college. All of the MSc. students also participate in this particular event. This is an excellent platform for the postgraduate students to understand the recent advances in science.

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2.2.4 How does the college sensitize its staff and students on issues such as

gender, inclusion, environment etc?

Issues such as gender, inclusion, environment etc are an integral part of the curriculum. The Equal Opportunity Centre of the college ensures that awareness about inclusive education is spread. They also host many programmes on gender issues.

The college is conscientious in celebrating Ozone Day, Wetland day, Environment Day, and National Science Day every year with the active participation of students and staff. Seminars are arranged on specific topics and pamphlets distributed to the students and in the nearby village. Also the college campus is a plastic free zone.

Environment-related issues are further addressed through various clubs like Bhoomithra Sena, Forestry Club, Nature Club, Harithakam Farm Club etc. These clubs conduct various programmes including ethnographic studies on nature and forest, competitions, nature camps, film screening etc. The college maintains a medicinal plant demonstration garden with a variety of medicinal plants. The students get awareness about the natural wealth around us and learn about alternate system of medicines which were once a part of our traditional knowledge. Dr. K.M. Khaleel, former principal, is a well known environmentalist and ornitologist. He is a recipient of Dr.Radhakrishnan National Award for Education and Environment and has also received special recognition award from OISCA International. His paper on Kerala Wetlands at RAMSAR International Convention held at Bucharest, Romania was well received.

The women’s cell, LASS, organizes programmes and events to sensitize teachers and students about gender issues. Anti-Ragging Committee and Committee on Sexual Harassment functioning on the campus spread the ideas of gender justice and egalitarian values through practice.

Gandhi Jayanti, Republic Day, Women’s Day etc. are generally celebrated every year with programmes like talks and competitions connected to the issues of gender, environment and inclusion. Seminars on Ambedkar and Ayyankali are conducted to spread the importance of inclusion. Outfits like National Service Scheme and National Cadets Corps also take a keen interest in addressing these issues. Programmes are also organized at departmental level.

2.2.5 How does the institution identify and respond to special

educational/learning needs of advanced learners?

WWS (Walks With Scholar Programme): The advanced learners are identified from among the students admitted to each programme through baseline tests and through the interaction of tutors with students during the tutorial classes. Tutors adopt various methods for the purpose: viz. question-

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answer sessions, problem solving sessions, home assignments, group discussions and seminars and these students are mentored through a special mentoring system called WWS (Walks With Scholar Programme) and they are given special orientations on the ways of upward mobility in their respective areas through higher studies and research.

Advanced learners in are given expert guidance lectures and video lectures from NPTEL, MIT open coursewares etc to harness their potential. These students are provided special coaching sessions for clearing IIT entrance tests and for equipping them to get admission in reputed institutions. Apart from that sessions for the development of their personality, communicative skills and soft skills are also conducted.

2.2.6 How does the institute collect, analyze and use the data and

information on the academic performance (through the programme

duration) of the students at risk of drop out (students from the

disadvantaged sections of society, physically challenged, slow learners,

economically weaker sections etc. who may discontinue their studies if

some sort of support is not provided)?

The college has a well established tutorial system which monitors the academic performance of the students regularly. Performance of students in unit tests, internal examinations, seminars and assignments are collected and scrutinized by the tutor. The students who lag academically, especially those belonging to the disadvantaged sections of society, are referred to Remedial Coaching Centre. There they are given additional coaching on topics by faculties suggested by the students. Whenever necessary the tutors convene a meeting of parents and the principal wherein the problems faced by the students are addressed.

Students who require financial assistance are referred to the Scholarship Committee. Whenever scholarships are not available they are accommodated by SAFE an initiative of the teaching staff to provide financial support to the students. Students facing psychological issues or having learning disabilities are assisted by the Counseling Centre of the college.

2.3 Teaching-Learning Process

2.3.1 How does the college plan and organize the teaching, learning and

evaluation schedules? (Academic calendar, teaching plan, evaluation blue

print, etc.)

The college prepares an academic calendar at the beginning of each academic year. This calendar, which also serves as a handbook of academic activities of the college, is distributed among the students and teachers.

The details and structure of curriculum is published in the calendar. Individual departments plan the semester wise teaching learning processes, including unit

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tests, internal examinations etc on the basis of this calendar. Each teacher prepares a teaching plan for the allotted work load and the completion of each module is recorded in it.

The continuous evaluation through unit tests, seminars, assignments, projects and presentations provide points of close evaluation and directions for remedial instructions.

The marks obtained by the students are published in the department notice board. Grievances, if any, are redressed and the mark list sent to the Principal for information and uploaded to the University site.

2.3.2 How does IQAC contribute to improve the teaching-learning


Internal Quality Assurance Cell has been functioning in the college since 2005. An important objective of the cell is to improve the quality of teaching learning process through strict monitoring of the teaching learning process.

The Cell organizes training sessions to teachers to familiarize them with modern teaching and learning methods including ICT-enabled teaching and course management.

The cell has developed Internal Quality Records (IQR) to monitor the teaching learning process. It also leads the internal academic audit to evaluate the strengths and weakness of the teaching learning methods adopted. Apart from that, the Cell has initiated SEEC to supplement the enrichment programmes organized under various wings of the college.

2.3.3 How is learning made more student-centric? Give details on the

support structures and systems available for teachers to develop skills like

interactive learning, collaborative learning and independent learning

among the students?

The introduction of Choice based Credit and Semester System (CCSS) by the University has made a remarkable shift in the learning process. The assignments, discussions, project preparation, seminars and peer teaching held as part of continuous evaluation are student-centric. The ICT based learning system and group discussions also promote interactive and independent learning skills. The introduction of inter-disciplinary subjects, elective and Open Courses has brought flexibility to the curriculum. Learning interdisciplinary subjects as Open Course and Elective Course has opened the doors to develop collaborative learning. Moreover, the college promotes learning through practice. The students are taken outside the classrooms to have direct experiences of the subject matter and many a time teachers as well as experts engage sessions from the sites. For instance Department of Forestry organises nature camp at Chimmony wild

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life sanctuary, Peechi Vazhani Wild Life and Kottiyur reserve forest etc as a field exploration. Classes are engaged on the site by experts. They also conduct survey of water bird at Kattampalli wetland, Kannur. Students of the Department of Statistics are also involving in various social surveys. The Department of History undertook a journey ‘Through the Path of William Logan’ from Kavvai to Kappad. The journey conducted on the basis of William Logan’s historical work Malabar Manual, connected the ancient port towns of Northern Kerala. The journey inspired both the students and locals to know more about the historicity of these towns and ensued interactive and collaborative learning.

Short duration projects given to UG students of Arts and Science have made learning more meaningful and has propagated enquiry based learning amongst the students. Language Lab, Data Analysis Lab, Computational Chemistry Lab, medicinal plants demonstration garden etc ensures interactive learning and student-centric methods of teaching.

Some of the departments have their own websites which is used as a point of interactive learning to a limited extent. Campus wide Wi-Fi connectivity offers the predominant support for the process of interactive learning. Availability of facilities like Open Course Wares (OCW) of various sources, NPTEL, INFLIBNET, GCMS etc help the teachers to develop independent learning among students.

2.3.4 How does the institution nurture critical thinking, creativity and

scientific temper among the students to transform them into life-long

learners and innovators?

Critical Thinking and Reasoning and History and Philosophy of Science are mandatory courses in all under graduate programmes. Apart from that, the institution provides various platforms for the students to develop their creativity and scientific temper. OSTENDO, activities of clubs, debates and discussions organized by various departments, programmes of Students Union and college alumni etc focus on the inculcation of the culture of scientific inquiry, critical thinking and environmental issues in students.

2.3.5 What are the technologies and facilities available and used by the

faculty for effective teaching? Eg. Virtual Laboratories, e-learning-

resources from National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

(NPTEL) and National Mission on Education through information and

Communication Technology (NME-ICT), open educational resources,

mobile education etc.

Some of the technologies and facilities available and used by the faculty for effective teaching are:

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• Data Analysis Lab • Computational Chemistry Lab • Media Hall • Language Lab • Computer and internet connections to all departments • campus wide Wi-Fi • smart class rooms, laptops and projectors • National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) • OCW from MIT and Stanford University. • CEC of the UGC • NLIST programme of INFLIBNET • Atmospheric Weather Station • Digital Talking Library

2.3.6 How are the students and faculty exposed to advanced level of

knowledge and skills (blended learning, expert lectures, seminars,

workshops etc)?

The students and teachers regularly participate in seminars and workshop conducted in the college and in the other institutions in Kerala and other states. The faculties also undergo Refresher and Orientation Courses periodically to update themselves. All the departments encourage and direct the students to attend seminars, workshops, invited lectures etc. conducted by other institutions.

The annual presentation programme of the research scholars (ARORA) of the Research departments of Botany and Chemistry provide exposure to the PG students and faculties in advanced research.

The INFLIBNET makes 1,35000 e-books and 6000 plus e-journals (full text format) available to the faculty members, research scholars and students to keep themselves abreast of the latest developments. 2.3.7 Detail (process and number of students/ benefitted) on the academic,

personal and psycho-social support and guidance services (professional

counseling /mentoring/academic advice) provided to students?

The college has a large repertoire of system and mechanism that offer various kinds of support to the students. Some of them are: Tutorial Scheme: The students of each programme are divided into groups and placed under the personal care of a teacher designated as tutor. The tutor takes care of the general and individual problems of the students. They closely watch students’ behaviour and progress and maintain close contact with the parents.

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The tutor keeps a diary containing the full details of the students under/him. The implementation of various student welfare schemes is also done effectively through the tutor of the tutorial scheme in the college.

Walks With Scholar Programme (WWS): It is a specialized mentoring programme initiated by the Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala under the “New Initiatives in Higher Education”. This scheme aims at giving necessary orientation to needy students, to prepare them for employment and give them necessary guidance, motivation and necessary mental support to identify appropriate areas for higher study as well as employment.

For the purpose of mentoring, two categories of mentors are identified: ‘Internal Mentors’ and ‘External Mentors’. Internal Mentors are faculty from the college itself who are able to mentor and support the scholars and act as a guide in building their career. External mentors are reputed persons from outside the college from various professions like business, media, law, accounting, engineering etc. Their experience and expertise help the student to identify a better career option. Every year 30 students are selected from various programmes.

Scholar Support Programme (SSP): Scholar Support Programme (SSP) is a novel initiative launched by the college during 2015-16 for the first year undergraduate students under the auspices of the Department of Collegiate Education, Govt. of Kerala. SSP envisages the provision of additional and personalized assistance to academically weak students. Accordingly, fifty 50 students from five subjects are selected on the basis of analysis of their results. Such students are given tutorials, study material, question banks, etc. A minimum of fifteen classes are held for such students outside the regular hours of the college The plan is slated to be extended to the second and the third year of the degree programme in the subsequent years..

Career and Counseling Centre: The Centre offers programmes to motivate the students, to give awareness about higher studies, job opportunities and competitive examinations in addition to the training sessions to the undergraduate students.

Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP): The objective of ASAP is to tackle the issue of growing number of unemployable people in the state. The programme aims at equipping college students with skills in communication, IT and in selected areas of industry and service sectors. The classes under ASAP are engaged by Skill Development Executives before or after the normal working hours of the Institution. Equal Opportunity Centre: The Equal Opportunity Centre operates to create a socially congenial atmosphere for academic interaction and for the growth of healthy interpersonal relationships among the students coming from various

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social backgrounds. It oversees the effective implementation of policies and programmes for students among the disadvantaged groups, such as SCs, STs, women, OBC (non-creamy layer), minorities and differently-abled. It provides guidance and counseling in academic, financial and social matters to students.

Other programmes: Other schemes provided for the betterment of students are remedial coaching programmes, coaching for the public service exams and NET coaching programme. The target groups of these schemes are the disadvantaged category such as SCs, STs OBC (non-creamy layer) and minorities. Conveyance and boarding allowances are provided to SCs/STs, availing the UGC support. The college hostel provides them free boarding and lodging availing the state government fund.

SAFE: It is a financial service instituted by the teachers of the college to support weak and needy students who do not get any assistance from government or other agencies. An average of Rs 20000 is given away every year to the students through a well framed selection mechanism.

LASS: The Women’s Cell, LASS, acts as a body that addresses the needs and problems of women students. The Cell provides counseling and empowerment related sessions. It also conducts programmes on gender issues.

Anti-Ragging Committee: The Anti-ragging committee, a Committee against Sexual Harassment on Women and Grievance Redressal Forums act in unison to check harassments and injustices that may come at various spaces and time on the campus. These Committees bring the college hostels also under their purview to ensure the safety and protection of the inmates.

2.3.8 Provide details of innovative teaching approaches/methods adopted

by the faculty during the last four years. What are the efforts made by the

institution to encourage the faculty to adopt new and innovative

approaches and the impact of such innovative practices on student


The faculties are assiduous in using new and novel methods for the transaction of the curriculum. The teaching learning practices for the major part are student-centred. Virtual experiments and audio visual sources are used for teaching learning. The traditional lecture method is substituted by participatory methods like seminar and field visits. Students are given assignments and projects through which an active participation of students is ensured.

All science departments regularly conduct study tours to experience knowledge from the source. Very often sessions are engaged on site. Services of experts are also utilized on such occasions.

Students of the Department of Forestry are taken to sites like Chimmony Wild Life sanctuary, Peechi Vazhani Wild Life, Kottiyur forest reserve etc. Field

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exploration and interactions with the experts make the teaching learning process more effective. The annual water bird survey at Kattampalli wetland by the students provides them exposure to survey methodology and migratory birds.

To generate curiosity in students and to give them a firsthand experience on the historicity of the ancient port towns of the region the Department of-

History came up with the novel idea of undertaking a journey along the ports of north Kerala. The journey titled Through the Path of William Logan was in tune with descriptions in William Logan’s Malabar Manual. Classes like this provide students opportunities for collaborative learning and field work.

ICT facilities of the college are exploited by both teachers and students to make teaching learning more effective and interesting. Open sources for learning, online lectures, NPTEL resources, CEC contents etc are utilized extensively. Great stress is laid on conducting workshops, seminars and training programmes familiarize the students as well as teachers with the new frontiers of knowledge.

IQAC conducts mega exhibition titled OSTENDO every two years. It is a huge platform for students to use the knowledge they have acquired on an application level. IQAC has conducted two editions (OSTENDO 2012 and OSTENDO 2014) so far. The practical knowledge the students have gained by way of these exhibitions is immense.

Teachers are motivated through workshops and seminars conducted by IQAC. A workshop on Prospects of ICT in Higher Education of Kerala with assistance from Kerala State Higher Education Council and another one on ICT Enabled Teaching were conducted for teachers. A class on office procedures and basic computer technology was organized for the non teaching staff.

2.3.9 How are library resources used to augment the teaching-learning


The fully computerized college library has more than 40,000 books, 110 journals and other resource materials. Newer editions and titles are added regularly to the stock as recommended by the Library Advisory Committee. NLIST of INFLIBNET are available in the library. The library complex has facilities like internet, Xerox, reprography, reading room, DTP and separate space for research scholars and a Digital Talking Library for the visually challenged.

During exhibition, OSTENDO the library organized book exhibitions of prominent academic publishers to whom orders are placed on the recommendations of students and teachers. The library has also set up a career

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section aiming to help the students attending competitive examinations including civil services examinations.

2.3.10 Does the institution face any challenges in completing the

curriculum within the planned time frame and calendar? If yes, elaborate

on the challenges encountered and the institutional approaches to

overcome these.

YES. The challenge in completing the curriculum in the stipulated time frame is mainly due to prolonged admission schedule and delay in the admission procedure at the University level. Formal classes for the first semester begin only towards the second half of July. Hence the first semester students lose a significant number of working days.

Another issue is the long duration of valuation camps in certain subjects. Faculty members on valuation duty find it difficult to engage classes resulting in lesser number of class room transactions.The short term strategy to overcome these problems is to arrange special classes on holidays to make up the loss of contact hours.

2.3.11 How does the institute monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching-learning?

The monitoring and evaluation of teaching learning process is held both at department and college level. Each department meets periodically to evaluate the progress of teaching learning process. These meetings also discuss the limitations and pitfalls, if any, and suggest corrective actions.

Every department has a coordinator to look after the quality side. A result analysis is conducted after each examination and discussed in the department meetings. At the college level, the Academic Council and IQAC co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate the teaching learning process.

IQAC conducts internal audit and as part of that has introduced Internal Quality Record (IQRs) for the teaching departments. This provides a mechanism for day to day evaluation of teaching learning process

2.4 Teacher Quality

2.4.1 Provide the following details and elaborate on the strategies

adopted by the college in planning and management (recruitment and

retention) of its human resource (qualified and competent teachers) to

meet the changing requirements of the curriculum.



Professor Associate





Male Female Male Female Male Female

Permanent teachers

D.Sc./D.Litt. -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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Ph.D. -- -- 6 -- 8 3 17 M.Phil. -- -- 3 4 2 3 12 PG -- -- 4 2 16 13 35 Temporary teachers (Guest Lectures)

Ph.D. -- -- -- -- - - - M. Phil. -- -- -- -- - - - PG -- -- -- -- 8 7 - Part-time teachers

Ph.D. -- -- -- -- - - - M.Phil. -- --- -- -- - - - PG -- -- -- -- - - -

The human resource recruitment strategies adopted by the college are as follows:

The needs for human resources from various departments of the college are assessed and vacancy positions communicated to the management by the Principal. After obtaining the NOC from the government, vacancies are advertised in newspapers as well as on the college websites. Interviews are conducted as per the government norms and appointments done.

2.4.2 How does the institution cope with the growing demand/scarcity of

qualified senior faculty to teach new programmes/modern areas

(emerging areas) of study being introduced (Biotechnology, IT,

Bioinformatics etc.)? Provide details on the efforts made by the institution

in this direction and the outcome during the last three years.

The college tries to find out retired senior hands who have sufficient experience in the area concerned and invite them to engage sessions as visiting faculty. The proficiency of such experts are evoked during seminars and invited lectures. Teachers are also deputed to attend orientation courses in such programmes

2.4.3 Providing details on staff development programmes during the last

four years, elaborate on the strategies adopted by the institution in

enhancing the teacher quality.

a) Nomination to staff development programmes

Academic Staff Development Programmes

Number of faculty nominated

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Refresher courses - - 5 7 6

HRD programmes 4 8 5 4 6

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4 2 8 5 1

Staff training

conducted by the university

- 1 1 1 -

Staff training conducted by other institutions

1 2 1 6 3

Summer / winter schools, workshops, etc.

4 6 41 3 27

Faculty training programmes are organized by the institution to encourage creativity and innovation in teaching. These training programmes aim to empower the teachers in the use of various tools and technologies for improving teaching learning approaches, handling of new curricula, content management, selection, development and use of enrichment materials and assessment. Expertise in handling cross cutting issues, multimedia aids, online e-resources and teaching-learning material development, selection and use are also stressed.

College has been proactive in organizing lecture series and workshops which focus on overall professional growth and development of teachers. Some of the programmes organized are as follows: Sl No. Training programme Focus


Teacher training programmes for newly recruited teachers :

Reflecting on teaching, understanding the role and responsibilities of teachers, challenges and opportunities in higher education, mentoring, motivation and student counseling, creative problem solving, extension and outreach activities, service conditions and career advancements, teaching aids and scientific models, teacher as a change agent, communication skills, role of teachers, research schemes and funding, understanding the philosophy of research.


E-Content development

How to use e-resources from UGC, NPTEL, NMEICT, Universities, IIM and IITs and e library resource INFLIBNET and preparation of multimedia presentations, Use of smart board to make teaching effective.


Workshops on syllabus restructuring

Revising and restructuring syllabi in Physics and Botany

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Testing and Evaluation

Training Cum Workshop (Testing and Evaluation) for college Hindi Teachers in collaboration with National Testing Service –India, Mysore


Workshop on Academic Performance Indicators (API)

Details of scoring system and new expectations of UGC from teachers


Use of ‘R’ software for statistical data analysis

Use of software for data analysis in research for teachers and research students


Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property, Patents/ Patent Laws, Copy Right and Trademarks


Seminar on prospects of ICT in higher education of Kerala

How to use various Information and Communication technology and educational software like moodle in teaching learning process

Percentage of faculty

• Invited as resource persons in Workshops / Seminars /Conferences organized by external professional agencies


• Participated in external workshops / Seminars /Conferences recognized by national / international professional bodies 70

• Presented papers in workshops/seminars/conferences conducted or recognized by professional agencies. 60

2.4.4 What policies/systems are in place to recharge teachers? (eg:

providing research grants, study leave, support for research and

academic publications, teaching experience in other national institutions

and specialized programmes, industrial engagement etc.)

The college and the management are highly supportive and motivate teachers to recharge themselves by attending orientation and refresher courses. They are encouraged to take a prominent role in research activities and publication and presentation of research and other academic papers.

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Eighteen of the members of faculty are currently doing research and two have been selected for FDP scheme. Dr. A.R. Biju, of the Department of Chemistry, completed one year Post Doctoral Research in University of Florida, USA by availing Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship of UGC, Government of India.

Research Advisory Council and Research Committee orient teachers to do research by making them aware of various funding agencies, by suggesting guidelines and time frames for submitting research proposals to funding agencies. In addition, the teachers are encouraged to take up minor and major research especially those funded by UGC. The management extends financial support to conduct seminar, talks etc.

2.4.5 Give the number of faculty who received awards/recognition at the

state, national and international levels for excellence in teaching during

the last four years. Enunciate how the institutional culture and

environment contributed to such performance/achievement of the faculty.

SINo. Name of the teacher Award Year

1 Dr.K.M. Khaleel

Dr.S.Radhakrishnan Award for the best teacher given by NGO Tamil Nadu


2 Dr.A.R.Biju Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship from University of Florida, USA.


3 Dr. Zainul Hukman. N.H

Dr. Abdul Kalam Award given by NGO, Banglore for the socio-economic contribution to the society.


4 Dr.VTV Mohanan Rashtriya Hindi Sahitya Sammelan Puraskar, for the Best Translator award for the Book Iswar Kee Shararatem.

Central Hindi Directorate Award, New Delhi (govt. of India) for the Best Hindi Writer’s National Award of Non-Hindi Speaking Areas, 2009 announced in 2014. Rashtriya Hindi Sahitya Sammelan Puraskar, for the comparative Literature on the book, Sanskriti, Sahitya Aur Anuvad.

2012 2014 2014

2.4.6 Has the institution introduced evaluation of teachers by the

students and external peers? If yes, how is the evaluation used for

improving the quality of the teaching-learning process?

YES. The institution does provide opportunity for teacher evaluation by students. Individual teachers are evaluated course wise through online using specialized software. The scoring sheet reveals the strength and weakness of teaching in general and the grade the students have given is derived by simple statistical method. The teachers go through the evaluative points and give a report on corrective measures to the Principal.

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2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1 How does the institution ensure that the stakeholders of the

institution especially students and faculty are aware of the evaluation


The college publishes a college calendar annually in which the evaluation procedures are described. These particulars are available on the college website also. A detailed picture of the same is given to the students in the first general orientation programme and the department level orientation programme. Moreover, the tutors too give individualized instructions on the evaluative process of each programme.

2.5.2 What are the major evaluation reforms of the University that the

institution has adopted and what are the reforms initiated by the

institution on its own?

The University initiated the Choice Based Credit and Semester system for UG programmes in 2009 and Credit Semester System for PG programmes in 2014. With this change the evaluation system underwent thorough change. The continuous internal evaluation along with the external examinations on a 20%-80% format was introduced. The system of direct grading was introduced for both internal and external evaluation.

As an affiliated college, the institution possesses negligible role in reforming the evaluative system. However, the written examinations of internal assessment are organized centrally by the college and the departments formulate timeframes and modes of continuous evaluation.

2.5.3 How does the institution ensure effective implementation of the

evaluation reforms of the University and those initiated by the institution

on its own?

An academic calendar is prepared at the beginning of every academic year in which of the dates of internal examinations and publication of results are scheduled. Internal examinations are centrally organized and the seating arrangements laid out in asymmetric matrix pattern to make the system more effective.

The department prepares in advance the schedule for assignment submission, seminar presentations with topics of each student in programme. A special package for easy evaluation of the internal grade is distributed among the teachers to help them prepare the consolidated internal grade.

2.5.4 Provide details on the formative and summative assessment

approaches adopted to measure student achievement. Cite a few examples

which have positively impacted the system.

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The formative evaluation comprises of the class tests, unit tests, assignments, book reviews, small projects, model examinations. These evaluations structurally lead to remedial teaching to help the students to perform at the summative evaluation.

Internal examinations, assignments and seminars lead to both formative and summative evaluations as the grades obtained in them decide their internal marks and at the same time it leads to focused and individualized remedial teaching that help them to perform well in external examinations.

2.5.5 Detail on the significant improvements made in ensuring rigor and

transparency in the internal assessment during the last four years and

weightages assigned for the overall development of students (weightage

for behavioral aspects, independent learning, communication skills etc.)

The structure of internal assessment (IA) is laid down by the University. The college possesses little authority to intervene in this structure.

To ensure the transparency of the IA the college follows a set of practices. The dates of submission of assignments and the presentation of seminars and such works involved in the process are declared in advance at the beginning of the semester and the dates are strictly followed.

The grades earned for each activity are published on the notice board for providing the students the opportunity to place grievances, if any. The Grievance Redressal Forums in the departments looks into the grievances and adjudicate the cases in a way is convincing to the students.

The University system does not allow direct scores for behavioural aspects, independent learning and communication skill. But these are inferred while evaluating assignments and seminars of each student in the programme.

2.5.6 What are the graduate attributes specified by the college/affiliating

University? How does the college ensure the attainment of these by the


The institution stands for the upliftment of socially, educationally and economically backward sections of the North Malabar region. The institution considers it its responsibility to produce a socially committed youth. The institution seeks to give equal importance to conventional and advanced courses so as to cater to both educationally disadvantaged and privileged learners. The UG and PG programmes offered are in tune with the demands of the day and the scope of employability. In spite of the rural background and the backwardness in the quality of the intake, the institution tries its maximum to inculcate capacity and confidence among the students. In this effort, attempt is made to improve qualities like communication skills, ability for planning, organizing and implementing

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programmes in students so as to make them self-reliant. The activities of various social and cultural forums such as National Service Scheme, Social Service Wing, Bhoomithra Sena Club, Entrepreneurship Development Club, Film Club etc provide a social reorientation to help develop an awareness of their social responsibilities. Apart from these, training programmes such as ASAP, WWS are also intended to equip the students with special skills like communication skills, IT skills, etc. 2.5.7 What are the mechanisms for redressal of grievances with reference

to evaluation both at the college and University level?

The mechanism for grievance redressal in the college is built around two platforms: The Grievance Redressal Forums at the department level and Grievance Redressal Cell at the college level.

Grievance Redressal Forums are constituted at all departments with the Heads of the respective departments as chairman and three members of the faculty as members. The grievances placed in front of the Forum are discussed and the issues that are fully under the control and authority of the department are disposed in the forums and those beyond its authority and important at college levels are referred to the Grievance Redressal Cell.

2.6 Student performance and Learning Outcomes

2.6.1 Does the college have clearly stated learning outcomes? If yes, give

details on how the students and staff are made aware of these?

YES. As the college plays a significant role in the curriculum formulation of the University, the stated learning outcomes of the college often find a place in the University curriculum. The learning outcomes set by the college are displayed in the departments and are communicated to the UG students at their first meeting after their admission to the college and UG students in their orientation classes.

2.6.2 Enumerate on how the institution monitors and communicates the

progress and performance of students through the duration of the

course/programme? Provide an analysis of the students

result/achievements (Programme/course wise for last four years) and

explain the differences if any, and patterns of achievement across the

programmes/courses offered.

The teaching departments convene periodic meetings to analyze the results of students in unit tests and internal examinations. The students’ attendance analysis is also conducted in these meetings.The marks/grades earned by the students are communicated to the parents during PTA meetings. Proceedings of the PTA meetings are reported to the College Council.

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Result analysis of UG and PG programmes (Course wise)

Programmes-UG Level 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15


Arabic 55.55 71.43 47.37 75 Malayalam - - - - Functional English

54.16 75 75 72.22

History 38.46 68.42 66.67 56.41 Economics 60.60 64.10 70.45 65.85


Mathematics 73.07 89.65 69.23 75 Statistics 63.63 78.57 84 42.11 Physics 83.33 86.96 89.66 96.88 Chemistry 91.66 100 91.30 89.29 Botany 95.83 80 96.43 85.19 Zoology 84.61 78.95 80.95 86.96 Forestry 76.92 73.68 94.44 75

B.Com 83.63 78.85 82.14 85.71 Programmes-PG Level 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

MSc Botany 100 100 91 100 Physics 100 100 100 81.83 Chemistry 91.66 72.72 91.66 82.87

M.Com 84.21 78.94 73.68 76.92 MA ARABIC - - - 100

The following students bagged ranks in the University final examinations during the years


Name of the students Course of study Rank position

Vidya.V.M MSc Physics I Rank

G.K Bindu MSc Physics II Rank

PriyankaRai .K MCom I Rank


Name of the students Courseof study Rank position

Navya.N MSc Physics I Rank

Fasila.P.M M Sc Chemistry III Rank

Ameera.P M Com I Rank


Name of the students Course of study Rank position

Yadhunath.O.K MSc Physics II Rank

Jathina.M MSc Botany I Rank

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Amitha.D MSc Botany III Rank


Name of the students Course of study Rank position

Shubha A MSc Botany I Rank

Neethu P MSc Botany II Rank

Habeeba .P.K MA Arabic I Rank

The analysis of the above result shows that the results of UG level course in arts subjects is around 60-65 % in the past four years. This can be attributed to the lower entry level marks of the students joining the arts subjects. The results of science and commerce students in UG level is from 70-96 %. The wide difference in the results between Arts, Science & Commerce stream are due to attraction of students with high percentage marks in entry level to the science and commerce subjects and also bright prospects of science and commerce subjects in the research and industries.

2.6.3 How are the teaching, learning and assessment strategies of the

institution structured to facilitate the achievement of the intended

learning outcomes?

The strategies of teaching learning and evaluations are structured around the orientation classes, classroom instructions, assignments, seminars, individual projects or group projects, internal and model examinations. These are supplemented with various enrichment programmes. The whole structure is formed with a view of achieving the learning outcomes set by the University in general and the college in particular.

Orientation classes make the students aware of the objectives of the college as well as the objectives of the curriculum.

Classroom instructions impart knowledge which is intended for helping the students to equip with the required knowledge to live competently in the contemporary society. Assignments, seminars and the projects offer a lot of opportunities, apart from widening his knowledge base to work with students from different regions, religions and cultures, to develop critical skills, to earn negotiating skills, to earn awareness about the practical needs to cohabit with others in the society and above all it provides chances for applying the earned knowledge to the real situations.

2.6.4 What are the measures/initiatives taken up by the institution to

enhance the social and economic relevance (student placements,

entrepreneurship, innovation and research aptitude developed among

students etc.) of the courses offered?

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The college gives special care to introduce new programmes with greater employability. Programmes like BA Malayalam, MA Arabic are such courses. The college has applied for MSc. Statistics course which is under the consideration of the University. The courses chosen for the different programmes also reveal the care given for incorporating employability components.

Special projects such as video making, collection of exhibits and publication of bulletins offer additional skills as well as market interface to the students. Curricular projects are generally done in the reputed institutions, industrial and business firms. Though there is no provision for placement after the completion of the projects, students earn sufficient knowledge and skills in the relevant area.

2.6.5 How does the institution collect and analyze data on student

performance and learning outcomes and use it for planning and

overcoming barriers of learning?

The college has the following mechanism to analyze the shortfalls in achieving the expected learning outcomes and suggest improvement measures. Each department conducts result analysis as and when the result is published. Subject wise analysis of results and mark lists showing comparative performance of students in internal assessments/examinations are prepared. This data helps in understanding the areas of academic weaknesses of the student. This is followed by counselling the students to seek improvement. They are given remedial classes if required. Overall result analysis helps in making efforts to make the teaching methods more learner-oriented.

2.6.6 How does the institution monitor and ensure the achievement of

learning outcomes?

The continuous evaluation and result analysis of the students, which are discussed in the periodic meetings, are juxtaposed with the student feedback of teachers to identify the problems of teaching learning as well as the state of learning outcome at the department level meetings. This is further discussed in the parent-teachers-students meetings convened in the middle of every semester. The department reviews the course distribution among the teachers in such a way as to streamline teachers’ potential for the maximum benefit for students and seek corrective measures if at all required.

The problems identified thus are reported to the Academic Council. Tutorial classes and advisory scheme are set to create closer relations between the students and the teachers so that students are evaluated and their course achievements assessed closely.

2.6.7 Does the institution and individual teachers use assessment

/evaluation outcomes as an indicator for evaluating student performance,

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achievement of learning objectives and planning? If yes, provide details

on the process and cite a few examples.

YES. The continuous evaluation and result analysis of the students are juxtaposed with the student feedback of teachers to identify the problems of teaching learning as well as the state of learning outcome at the department level meeting. This is further discussed in the parent-teachers-students meetings convened in the middle of every semester.

The department reviews the course distribution among the teachers in such a way as to streamline the teachers’ potential for the maximum benefit for the students and seek corrective measure if at all required.

Any other relevant information regarding Teaching-Learning and

Evaluation which the college would like to include.

College makes unique efforts to relate class room topics with the real life situations and promotes learning through experience.

For instance, Department of Forestry organises nature camp at Chimmony Wild Life sanctuary, Peechi Vazhani Wild Life and Kottiyur forest reserve as a field exploration and interacts with the experts on the site. They also conduct water bird survey at Kattampalli wetland, Kannur. The Department of History, conducted a journey Through the Path of William Logan from Kavvai to Kappad on the basis of the famous historical work Malabar Manual, written by William Logan.

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3.1 Promotion of research

The college focuses on fostering scientific temper and research aptitude among the learners and the faculty. The quality of higher education has become an important issue in the matter of employability. As research is one of the basic expectations of higher education in the country, the Research Committee of the college makes proper use of the work potentials of the students and faculty by inculcating in them a research sensibility. Research in the college has been given a strong thrust, putting it on par with teaching-learning. Two departments (Botany and Chemistry) are approved research centers. Research guides in other departments are associated with various research centers recognized under Kannur University. The teachers avail FIP scheme of the UGC to complete research degrees. Apart from it, teachers are encouraged to join as part-time PhD scholars relishing unconditional support from the college management. The college publishes annually a compilation, ‘Sir Syed Journal of Functional Research’, containing research articles of faculty belonging to the arts, science and commerce disciplines. The college encourages the faculty members to submit proposals for major and minor research projects and facilitates convivial research ambience for the ongoing major and minor projects initiated by the various departments. The research committee regularly updates fund availability details and dead line of submission of proposals and reports. More over the committee assures the timely completion and submission of audited utilization certificates and smooth running of project by Group Monitoring Meetings (GMM).

During the post reaccreditation period ten scholars completed research from the research centres and were awarded PhD. Five faculty members completed research and were awarded PhD during this period, while eighteen others are pursuing research leading to PhD. Three major projects and six minor projects have been completed during the period. At present the institution is running 3 major research projects with a total outlay of Rs. 5026000.00 and a minor project. Proposal for six minor projects and two major projects have been submitted and are awaiting approval.

Since the last accreditation, the college has substantially strengthened the basic research facilities by availing KSCSTE, MoEF and BARC grants. The research activities promote research thinking, analyzing and evaluating, and generate new knowledge. Deviating from the conventional chalk and talk methodology, the students are sensitized to new modes of research-oriented self study.

The departments and faculty give free consultancy services in various areas. Plant identification, insect and pest identification, Arabic translation and job

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application preparation and statistical data analysis are some of the important areas where consultancy is offered.

3.1.1 Does the institution have recognized research center(s) of the

affiliating university or any other agency/organization?

Yes, the Department of Botany and Department of Chemistry are recognized research departments of the Kannur University.

3.1.2 Does the institution have research committee to monitor and

address the issues of research? If so, what is its composition? Mention a

few recommendations made by the committee for implementation and

their impact

The college has a Research Advisory Committee which functions as an advisory body to suggest the directions the college has to take in the field of research. The committee is constituted with the Principal as the Chairman and the research guides of the college as members. A convener is selected from among them.

A sub-committee headed by Dr. Biju AR takes care of the day to day issues regarding the research and development. The committee motivates teachers to undertake research, provides necessary information regarding the opportunities for research, organizes orientation programmes for teachers and students on how to identify funding agencies and prepare research proposals and motivates the faculty to submit proposals for research grant from funding agencies. The committee also facilitates the PhD open defence of the research scholars of the research centres of the college.

Moreover, Research Forums, with research students and teachers of the departments, help research students to get familiarized with the latest developments in their area of research.

Research forum conducts an annual programme, Annual Review on Research Achievements (ARORA) for reviewing the research progress of scholars in which scholars present their research works and its progress, discuss new developments before the faculties and students. The forum assists the departments to apply for financial support for conducting international and national seminars/ conferences and workshops and inspires the faculty to present research papers in international and national seminars and also to publish their research works in refereed journals. It also encourages the faculty to get approval as research guides from various Universities.

The college promptly honours the faculties who have completed their M.Phil and PhD research degrees.

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Composition of Research Advisory Committee:


• Recommended to institute financial assistance (SSRF) of 2000.00/- per month to selected students to carry out independent research.

• Faculties are advised to apply for infrastructure funding like FIST, SARD etc.

• Research seed money for faculty members to establish facility and initiate research.

• To establish Skill Development Centres for students. • Recommended to elevate more departments as approved Research

Centres of the Kannur University. • PG students’ Project presentation as Content Presentation and best

presentation will be awarded. • The committee also ensures the availability of all instrumental

facilities for scholars and faculty. • Award for publication having the highest impact factor. This induces

the faculty to publish with high impact factor.

Impact of recommendations:

• Initiative has been taken to raise research seed money by pooling the balance of Institutional over head from Major Research Projects.

• Six more faculty members are also recognized as research guides. (Three in Botany and one in Hindi and two in Chemistry). Another three have applied for recognition. During this period, the college has received three major research projects.

• College has received FIST grant of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.

• Department of Physics, Statistics and Zoology arranged National seminars. Other departments received funding from various agencies for the conduct of seminars and group meetings.

No Name Designation

1. Dr.P.T.Abdul Azeez Principal Chairman 2. Dr.Tajo Abraham Asst.Professor, Dept. of

Botany Co-ordinator

Members 3. Dr.K.M.Khaleel Former Principal (Dept. of Botany) 4. Dr.Zainul Hukman Associate Prof.Dept.of Chemistry 5. Dr.Abdul Salam.A.K Asst.Professor, Dept. of Botany 6. Dr.V.Abdul Jaleel Asst.Professor, Dept. of Botany 7. Dr. VTV Mohanan Asst.Professor, Dept. of Hindi 8. Dr.RSM Shamsudheen Asst.Professor, Dept. of Zoology 9 Dr Mohammed Ashraf V Associate Prof. Dept.of Chemistry 10 Dr Biju A R Asst.Professor, Dept.of Chemistry

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• Dr.Biju.AR, Asst. Professor of Chemistry received Raman Post Doc fellowship and completed one year tenure at University of Florida, USA.

• Many of the faculty and research scholars have presented research papers in national and international seminars.

• Dr.K.M.Khaleel, Principal, Sir Syed College presented paper on Kerala wetlands at RAMSAR International convention held at Bucharest, Romania.

• Dr. Kutty Krishnan.A.P presented the research paper Assymetric Linnik Distributions and Processes in the ASMDA-2013 International

Conference held at Technical University, Barcelona, Spain from. • Ten students from research department and five faculties were awarded

PhD during this period. • Department of Botany is selected as PhD. course work centre by

Kannur University. They conduct lecture series by eminent scholars during the course work period.

3.1.3 What are the measures taken by the institution to facilitate smooth

progress and implementation of research schemes/projects?

• Autonomy to the principal investigator • Timely availability or release of resources • Adequate infrastructure and human resources • Time-off, reduced teaching load, special leave etc. to teachers • Support in terms of technology and information needs. • Facilitate timely auditing and submission of utilization

certificate to the funding authorities.

College considers research to be an integral part of education and is committed to create and maintain a conducive environment for infusing research-oriented culture on the campus. The college gives paramount importance to nurture a research atmosphere in the college.

The following measures are taken to facilitate progress and implementation of research schemes effectively.

• When the research funds are available, it is released immediately as per the norms. This is intended for supporting the principal investigator to purchase necessary equipment, books and other materials.

• The college assures the timely payment to chemical / instrument suppliers to maintain the regular flow of consumables.

• This ensures the accountability as well as the timely availability of the fund. In addition to it, the college offers all the physical facilities required for the researcher.

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• The college also gives necessary human resource support to the researchers in the form of assistance for documentation, preparation of utilization statements etc.

• In the aided system of administration, the college possesses no authority to sanction leave for reducing the workload or to extend time off to the faculty proceeding with research projects. However the college gives facility for work adjustment.

• The college offers the N-LIST facility of INFLIBNET to the research students and teachers to get access to the cutting edge knowledge and gives excellent laboratory facility to researchers.

• The college has Wi-Fi facility and high speed internet at library for collection of data and research articles.

• The college reviews the research works periodically, insists the submission of progress report and reminds the faculty to submit the report and utilization on time.

• The college ensures the administrative support for submission of audited reports.

• The college advances the fund from PTA for the smooth conduct of seminars etc.

Freedom to the principal investigator: For the smooth implementation of the projects/schemes, full autonomy is given to the project investigators.

Easy process to release the resources: The project grant credited to the Principal’s account is released based on request from the investigators. In case of delay in release of approved grant from the funding agency, the Management extends financial support (loan without interest) to the investigators, to ensure uninterrupted progress of the project.

Adequate infrastructure: The institution provides separate rooms for laboratory for teachers who have sanctioned major research projects. The amounts sanctioned by the funding agency towards overhead expenses are fully utilized for maintaining the lab and equipment. The college promotes the sharing of equipments to reduce the duplications of equipments.

Relaxation in work arrangement/duty leave etc. to teachers: Internal work arrangement and special leave are granted to do field work outside the campus

and for visiting libraries and laboratories. The support from the research scholar is utilized to engage the regular classes whenever the principal investigator is on duty leave.

Support in terms of technology and information needs: The Research Committee extends full support for preparing research proposals, maintaining and auditing of accounts etc. Information regarding various funding agencies is available with the committee for reference.

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Facilitate timely auditing and submission of utilization certificate to the

funding authorities: Support from the office staff is rendered to the investigator to maintain and audit the accounts.

The college continues the good tradition of appointing people with excellent track records in research as its permanent faculty and extending full support to pursue research to acquire higher qualifications.

3.1.4 What are the efforts made by the institution in developing scientific

temper and research culture and aptitude among students?

The college takes various efforts to instill scientific temper and research culture among students. The present curriculum includes research projects in both UG and PG programmes. Adequate facilities in the libraries and laboratories are provided to the students. The institution encourages students to participate in and organize various programmes to develop a scientific culture within the institution. Some of the activities are listed below:

The college gives special care to send its students to reputed research institutions as their study tour to orient the students who like to seek advanced knowledge in their respective areas. Orientation classes to the First Year PG students are organized by IQAC to motivate them to pursue higher studies and research. (Details of places visited are listed in concerned department profile)

An atmospheric weather station has been set up for initiating students for studying climate changes. The data is available to all on request.

The college has GC-MS facility which boosts the research facility of Chemistry and Botany departments.

The college takes firm steps to ensure that its various departments regularly conduct national and state level seminars, workshops, symposiums, interactive sessions, lecture series and awareness programmes beneficial to both the faculty and the students. (Details of International/national /State level seminars organized by the college are given in 3.7.4)

Departmental projects and activities are launched with the support of KSCSTE, MoEF, BRNS etc.

Departments of Forestry and Zoology conduct field trip and bird survey to inculcate research aptitude in students.

Department of Chemistry utilizes the computational chemistry lab for research. The facilities are extended to PG students also to do their project works whereby the students are inducted to research.

Departments of Chemistry, Physics and Botany send their post graduate students to reputed institutions like IISc Banglore, IIIMT, Centre for Bioinformatics Trivandrum, NIT Calicut, University of Calicut, Regional

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Research Laboratory Trivandrum, Central University Hyderabad etc. for doing their projects.

Invited talks, workshops and other programmes are periodically arranged to inspire the students into research. These programmes are intended to familiarize the students with the frontiers of knowledge and the recent methods and methodology of research. The PG students get regular exposure to research presentations by means of open defence programmes and invited lectures from experts as a part of PhD course work.

Research Forum under the research departments organize presentation of research progress of scholars and project fellows periodically. They discuss the growing knowledge in their respective areas before the faculties and PG students in a specialised programme, Annual Review on Research

Achievements (ARORA).

In addition to this, there are students clubs such as Chemistry club, Bhoomithra Sena etc. to organize programmes that initiate students into scientific thought and nurture scientific temperament.

The college organized OSTENDO ‘12 and ‘14, a scientific exhibition for inspiring students and giving them opportunity to answer layman’s scientific quest. It also gave an opportunity to identify the success story of local farmers and industrialists.

Department of History conducted a field visit for the comparative study of ancient and modern period Through the Path of William Logan a journey from Kavvai to Kappad.

Research scholars are directed to participate in national and international conferences and encouraged to present research papers or posters. The students are motivated to exhibit the paper cuttings and further discussions are conducted based on the recent scientific achievements.The students utilize the facilities of nearby colleges, institutes and University for completing their project works.

3.1.5 Give the details of faculty involvement in active research (Guiding

student research, leading Research Projects, engaged in individual

/collaborative research activity, etc.

The college encourages the faculty to pursue higher degrees in M.Phil, PhD and Post doctoral Research. The faculty members of the college are actively engaged in guiding projects/dissertations of UG and PG students. The young faculty members are persistently pursuing higher research degrees.

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Faculty doing research leading to PhD

Name of the


No. of faculty

doing research

Name of the


No. of faculty

doing research

Forestry 2 Physics 2 English 4 Physical Education 1

History 1 Commerce 4 Economics 2 Arabic 1 Zoology 1

Research guides and the students in the departments

Name of the

Department Name of Research Guides

No. of students doing



Dr. K.M.Khaleel (Rtd) 3 full time 2 part time and 1 PDF Dr.Raveendran (Rtd) Nil Dr. Beebi Raseena (Rtd) Nil Dr. Tajo Abraham 1 Full time Dr. V. Abdul Jaleel 4 Dr. Abdul Salam 5


Dr.Zainul Hukman N.H. 5 Dr Mohammed Ashraf.V Nil Dr Biju A.R Nil

Zoology Dr. RSM Shamsudheen 1 Hindi Dr. VTV Mohanan 3 Commerce Dr. Mammootty.T.P 8

List of PhDs produced: Department of Botany



Name of the


Name of


Title of the research work Year

1 Gilna.V.V Dr. K.M.Khaleel

Cellulose production by fungi from mangrove soil lignocellulosic substrate


2 Deepamol P.C Dr. K.M.Khaleel Studies on sacred grooves of Kannur District


3 Dhanya Rajan Dr. K.M.Khaleel Studies on shelf life of selected plants in Zyngeberaceae


4 Subramanya Prasad.K

Dr. K.Raveendran

Exploration and elucidation of traditional medicinal plants of erstwhile of Tulunadu and surrounding area of Kerala and Karnataka


5 Raji.R Dr. K.Raveendran Botany of Theyyam 2013

6 Rathnavalli.V.K Dr. K.Raveendran Studies of plants used in Kalari of northern Kerala


7 Rekha Balakrishnan

Dr. K.Raveendran

The multidimensional Impact of Pazhassi dam project on ecology and biodiversity of Kannur District.


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Department of Chemistry



Name of the


Name of Supervisor Title of the research



1 Praveena.K. Dr.Zainul Hukman N.H.

Computational study of enolates in organic and biochemical reactions


2 Bindu P Nair Dr.Zainul Hukman N.H.

Quinine and Pyranone with aromatic systems as Potential nanomechanical devices: a omputational study.


3 Anjana John Dr.Zainul Hukman N.H.

Studies on natural gum and modified natural Gum micro particles for controlled release of cardiovascular drugs


List of faculties who completed their PhD.

Name of the faculty Department Dr.Muhammed Ashraf Vazhapully Chemistry Dr. Abdulla Kutty Malikkan Urdu Dr. K.M. Praseed Physics Dr. Nafeesa Baby Physics Dr. Ismail Olaikara Arabic

List of Research Scholars and supervising teachers in Botany



Name of scholar Name of supervisor Title of the

Research work

1 Dr.Ratheesh Chandra.P. (UGC Post Doctoral fellow)

Dr. K.M. Khaleel Assessment of metal toxicity levels of selected industrially polluted areas in Kerala state

2 Swathi Krishna.C. Dr. K.M. Khaleel Nutritional, Antioxidant and Antipyretic activities of Plants belonging to Myrtaceae


RajinaM.(Doing Course work)

Dr. K.M. Khaleel

Effect of irradiation on the active components and shelf life of selected Ayurvedic medicinal plants.

4 Jasna.T.K. Dr. K.M. Khaleel Studies on the indigenous traditional knowledge based chemical analysis of KandeliaCandel (L.) Druce,Bruguiera Cylindrica(L.) Blum and Excoecaria agallocha L.

5 Ruthisha.P.K. Dr. K.M. Khaleel Anatomical and Phyto chemical investigation of selected orchidaceae plants

6 Safeena.P.P. Dr. Abdul Jaleel V. Phytochemical analysis and molecular characterization of the species of the genus Lagenandra Dalzell ( Araceae) in peninsular India

7 Raghavan Kavalan

Dr. Abdul Jaleel V. Studies on Palynology, Phytochemistry and DNA bar coding of the species of the genus Amorphophallus in Peninsular India.

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8 Deepak M.S Dr. Abdul Jaleel V. Doing Course work 9 Girish Kumar.E. Dr. Abdul Jaleel V. Doing Course work 10 Anwar.N.P. Dr. Abdul Jaleel V. Doing Course work 11 Ann Mary Jose Dr. Tajo Abraham Doing Course work 12

Sruthi.P. CSIR-JRF

Dr.Abdussalam.A.K. Phytochemical analysis and molecular profiling of the Genus Dioscorea in Northern Kerala

13 Noorjahan.K. (Part time)

Dr.Abdussalam.A.K. Phytoremediation potential of aquatic plants of Ernakulam District.

14 Jamsheena.K. (Part time)

Dr.Abdussalam.A.K. Ethnobotanical studies on Kattunaikka tribes of Wynad District.

15 Ansarali.K. (Part time)

Dr.Abdussalam.A.K. Phytogeographical studies Lakshadweep flora

16 Jathina.M. Dr.Abdussalam.A.K. Doing Course work

List of Research Scholars and supervising teachers in Chemistry



Name of Scholar Name of


Title of research

1 Leena.P. Dr.NH Zainul Hukman

Isolation,structural elucidation and properties of selected secondary metabolites in plants.

2 Jisha.M. Dr.NH Zainul Hukman

Phytochemical studies of certain plants with antimicrobialproperties

3 Soumya Kurian Dr.NH Zainul Hukman

A computational study of promising high energy Materials.

4 Reena. (Part time)

Dr.NH Zainul Hukman

Synthesis and characterization of transition metal complexes with Schiff base

Research projects

Major research completed during the last four years.

Name of the





Theme of the project





Dr.K.M.Khaleel Botany Study on Electrons and X-rays Induced genetic variability and physio chemical analysis of oya bean cultivars evolving disease/stress resistant crops (Funded by BRNS)

22,88,775/- 22,88,775/-


Botany An in-depth study of diversity of marine fungi and miraculous Potentiality of Kerala Coastal water and resultant agricultural prospects (Funded by UGC)

10,74000/- 10,74000/-

Dr. Biju. A.R. Chemistry Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship,UGC, Govt.of India (at University of USA)

24,04,760/- 24,04,760/-

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Minor Research completed during the last four years.



Name of





Theme of

the project



in Rs


Utilized in



Dr.RMS Shamsu dheen


Ecological map- ping of endemic butterflies of Aralam wild life sanctuary

87000.00 87000.00

2 Mr. Malik Fasil

Forestry Herpetofaunal Ecology

68000.00 68000.00

3 Dr. K.M. Praseed

Physics Solar UVB fluxvariability and its impact on total atmospheric ozone

65000.00 65000.00

4 Dr. Abdul Jaleel.V

Botany Preliminary Taxonomic studies of the family Araceae of Kerala (Funded by UGC)

1,80,000.00 1,80,000.00

5 Dr. Tajo Abraham

Botany Micropropagation and somaclonal variant isolation of Stevia reboudiana Bert (funded by UGC)

200,000.00 200,000.00

6 Dr, Biju.A.R. Chemistry Synthesis of biologically active complexes

52,500.00 52,500.00

7 Dr VTV. Mohanan

Hindi The bottled up voices of hindi dalit poetry

60,000.00 42,500.00

8 Dr P V Raveendran

Commerce 65,000.00 47,500.00

9 Dr T P Mammootty

55,000.00 55,000.00

10 Dr P T Abdul Azeez

Malayalam Retrieval and recollection of ethnic systems of knowledge among the traditional medicinal practionares of Northern Kerala

65,000.00 65,000.00

11 Dr N H Zeinul Hukuman

Chemistry DFT Studies of keto-enol tautomerism

45,000.00 45,000.00

12 DrMohammed Ashraf Vazhapully

Chemistry Synthesis and supra molecular analysis of molecules-

55,000.00 55,000.00

13 Dr VTV. Mohanan

Hindi Translation of ‘gurusagram’ in hindi (sahitya academi, new delhi)

6000.00 6000.00

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Ongoing Major Research Projects



Name of





Theme of the




In Rs


Utilized in


1 Dr.RSM Shamsudheen

Zoology Diversity & Ecological Mapping of Lipidoptera of Shola forest (MoEF,Govt of India)

20,55,900.00 20,55,900.00

2 Dr. Tajo Abraham

Botany Improvements of Stevia rebandiana by Invitro mutagenesis allele mining (Funded by KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala)

15,25,600.00 15,25,600.00

3 Dr. KM Khaleel Botany Effect of irradiation on the active components for shelf life of selected ayurvedic medicinal plants (BRNS,Govt.of India)

14,44,500.00 NA

Ongoing Minor Research Projects:

Name of the



Department Theme of the project Amount


in Rs


Utilized in


Muhammed Salih.C

Commerce Performance evaluation of Norka rehabilitation of foreign returnees with special reference to north Malabar region of Kerala.

80,000.00 -

3.1.6 Give details of workshops/training programmes/sensitization

programmes conducted/ organized by the institution with focus of

capacity building in terms of research and imbibing research culture

among the staff and students.

The college conducts national and state level seminars, workshops and awareness programmes beneficial to both the staff and students in developing research aptitude.

The table below shows the details of some of the programmes organized in this regard.



Title and nature

of event

Name & address of

the faculty

Date Depart


1 Question item preparation for college Hindi

17th &19th March 2011


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teachers 2 Empressa II an

intercollegiate management fest was conducted in which various colleges under Kannur University participated

Dr Michel Tharakan, Vice Chancellor, Kannur University

15th & 16th September 2016


3 Seminar on Wild-Life Conservation

Bhaskaran Valloor, Environmentalist

4th Oct.2011


4 Environmental





Dr.Jaffer Palot, scientist, ZSI , Calicut Padmanabhan Master, Director, SEEK, Kannur

4th Oct.2011


5 National Seminar on Translation And Development

of Languages and

Literature in collaboration with Southern Regional Langauges Centre, CIIL, Mysore

Dr. RS Sirraju, Head of the Department of Hindi, Hyderabad University. Dr.L Prabhakar, Principal, SRLC, Mysore

15th and 16th Dec . 2011.


6 Workshop on Botanical


Dr.Sanoj.V. Asst.Professor, Zamorian’s Guruvayurappan College,Calicut. Mr.Manu Dev, Research Scholar, St.Joseph’s College, Calicut

12th july2012


7 Training on Plant Tissue Culture and

DNA Extraction for selected school teachers

Dr.Tajo Abraham, Asst.Professor, Sir Syed college, Taliparamba

28th sept2012


8 Workshop on Intellectual

Property Rights funded by KSCSTE Govt. of Kerala

Mr.V.P.Balagangadharan, Advisor, VSSC,Kerala Sr.Oggn Prasad Rao, Asst. Controller of Patents and design, Patent Office, Chennai.

12th October 2012


9 National Science Day seminar GMO’s -A

Blessing in

Disguise funded by KSCSTE

Dr. Anita Karun, CPCRI , kasaragod. Dr. Girija Devaki, KAU Trissur

28th February 2013


10 National seminar on New Frontiers on Physics funded by KSHEC

Dr.Shyju Mon, IISER,Trivandrum. Dr.Rajiv NK, IISER, Trivandrum Dr. Sudheesh, IISER,Trivandrum, Dr.M. Rama Krishnan, GBC, Thalassery, Dr. Mini P Balakrishnan, Providence College, Calicut

8,9 March 2013


11 Three days workshop for Hindi teachers

Sri.Balachandran Keezhoth, Registrar, Kannur University

26th- 28th Aug 2013.


12 UGC-sponsored National Seminar

Dr. Balachandran Keezhoth (Registrar,Kannur University)

7,8, January


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‘Insect diversity of Western Ghats

Dr. George Mathew, Emeritus scientist of KFRI Peechi


13 Workshop on Project

Preparation in


Dr.KK Soma Shekharan, HOD, KMM Govt. Women’s College, Kannur

16th January 2014


14 National seminar on Statistics and Applications funded by KSHEC

Dr. K. Muraleedharan, Prof. University of Baroda

24-25 February 2014


15 UGC-sponsored National Seminar Role of Insects in Wood


Dr.Govindan, Principal, College of Agriculture, Kasaragod. Dr. L.Santa Kumar, Scientist, Institute of Wood Science & technology, Banglore

19,20 March 2014


16 One day workshop on Research Methodology in


Dr.Jisha D Nair, Asst.Professor, Department of History,Payyannur College, Payyannur

14th Oct.2014


17 One day National seminar on The Media-

Emerging Trends funded by KSHEC

Dr.Muhammed Shafi, Asst.Professor, School of Management Studies, NIT, Calicut. Ms.Dhanya Bhaskar, Research scholar, Anna University, Chennai

29th Oct.2014


18 Seminar on Land Degradation –A

Story Overlooked funded by CED Kerala

Dr.Vandana Sreedhar, Associate Professor, Govt. Engg.College, Kannur

5th December 2014


19 Workshop on Research

Methodology funded by UGC

Prof. Nesi Daniel, Kerala University

9th December 2014


20 National seminar on Spectroscopic Approach

to Astronomy funded by KSHEC

Prof.B.K.Sarojini, Mangalore University PM Sidhartha ISRO

9 Dec. 2014


21 Workshop on Bioinformatics for

Chemists funded by UGC

Dr. Girinath G Pillai, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA

7th January 2015


22 Workshop on QSAR Approach

for Drug

Design funded by UGC

Dr. Girinath G Pillai, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA

8th January 2015


23 One day programme Industry institute interaction

Muraleedharan.K, Appolo tyres,Gujarat

13th February 2015


24 Seminar on Crystallography in connection with international year of crystallography

Dr.N.Gautham, University of Madras Dr.Haridas, Professor, Kannur Uniersity.

19th February 2015


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One day workshop on Intellectual Property Rights sponsored by KSCSTE

V.P. Bala Gangadharan, Advisor, Viikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum. Adv. Lawellman, Assistant Professor, Govt: Law College, Calicut. Nijel Vincent, Project Scientist, PIC, KSSTE, Govt of Kerala.

4th March 2015


26 Two days seminar on Nuclear and Radiation


Sri. NK Asokan, Station Health Physicist and Radiological Safety officer, Koodamkulam Nuclear Power Project Sri. Thomas George, Environment surveillance Programme Officer, Koodamkulam

27th June 2015 & 28th June 2015


27 Five days workshop on R-Programming funded by UGC

Dr. Jijo E.V. Associate Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore. Dr Sabastian George, St Thomas College, Pala

10-15 August 2015


28 Five days work- shop on Probability

Theory (Erudite Programme) KSHEC

Prof. Kozubowski, University of Nevada, USA

10-15 December


29 Invited lecture on Fiscal Crisis in


Dr.Thomas Issac MLA (Finance Minister, Kerala)

3rd February 2016

Economics & Statistics

30 Through the Path

of William Logan- a historical journey from Kovvai to Kappad

Dr. Balachandran Keezhoth (Registrar,Kannur University) ASP Poonkuzhali IPS Sri.MullappalliRamachandran MP & Former Union Minister Dr.KKN Kurup, Historian

5,6,7 February 2016


31 UGC sponsored National seminar on ‘Direct Cash Transfer as an

Alternate to


Dr VP Raghavan, Sr fellow, Ministry Of culture, Gov of India. Jose Sebastion Ass pro fessor,Gulathi Institute of finance taxation Trivandrum, Dr C Krishnan Associate Professor Dept of Economics Govt: College Kodencheri, Calicut

8,9 March 2016


3.1.7 Provide details of prioritized research areas and the expertise

available with the institution.

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The following are the prioritized areas of research of the various departments

SI No.

Name of the department Prioritized areas


Department of Botany

Angiosperm taxonomy Plant tissue culture & molecular Biology Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Environmental Science Taxonomy of lower groups


Department of Chemistry

Computational Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry Co-ordination Chemistry

3.1.8 Enumerate the efforts of the institution in attracting researchers of

eminence to visit the campus and interact with teachers and students.

The college takes efforts to invite eminent researchers and renowned personalities to visit the college. The interaction with such personalities has encouraged the students to imbibe research sensitivity. All departments provide various platforms to unravel the unlimited arena of knowledge to the students.

Sir Syed College is one among the three institutes in Kerala promoting Forestry education and research. The other two are Kerala Forest Research Institute and College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University. There is a symbiotic relationship between these three institutes and the scientists and academicians of the aforesaid institutes frequently visit the Department of Forestry of this institute.

The other departments of the institution also have networking with experts in their respective fields. These experts are brought to the campus as resource persons for workshop, seminars, training programmes and invited talks. Students and teachers get a lot of opportunities to interact with them. Department of Statistics and Department of Economics has instituted Extension Lecture programmes.

Prof. Kozubowsky, University of Naveda, USA visited the college for the programme of Department of Statistics. Dr.Thomas Issac, Finance Minister of Kerala and former professor of Centre for Developmental Studies,Trivandrum delivered extension lecture for the programmes conducted by the Department of Economics and Statistics.

Computational Chemistry: The research centre of Department of Chemistry has a unique facility of computational lab which is the only computational chemistry lab in an aided college under Kannur University.

Department of Botany has been selected as PhD course work centre and the department is arranging lecture series which is open for all PG students. This ensures that they get exposure to recent developments in research.

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Seminars are arranged on the occasion of The National Science Day, Environmental Day, Ozone Day etc. with the financial support of KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala by various departments.

3.1.9 What percentage of the faculty has utilized Sabbatical Leave for

research activities? How has the provision contributed to improve the

quality of research and imbibe research culture on the campus?

Mrs. Mumthaz TMV, Department of Zoology underwent PhD availing FDP scheme and Dr. Ismail Olayikkara, Department of Arabic completed PhD availing FDP. Dr. Biju A.R, Department of Chemistry was awarded Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship, UGC Govt. of India and availed duty leave for post doctoral studies in USA. He has been appointed as research guide in Department of Chemistry and he is the convener of Research Forum

3.1.10 Provide details of the initiatives taken up by the institution in

creating awareness/advocating/transfer of relative findings of research of

the institution and elsewhere to students and community (lab to land)

The college takes all efforts to disseminate the research findings to the students and to the community at large.

Department of Botany conducted a workshop on bio farming latest techniques for farmers of Kannur and Kasaragod. Botany department has established the Botanical garden for conserving the rare and endangered medicinal and native plants of northern Kerala.

Karshaka Congress was conducted by Department of Botany to interact with the farmers of nearby areas and to address their problems and impart agriculture as a part of culture among the young generation.

College has set up an atmospheric weather station and the information collected from the device about the climate change is duly analysed and informed to the people through press release.

Muyyam organic farming: The attempt has given an opportunity to materialize the scientific knowledge of the faculty members on organic farming, pest control and yield enhancement and the same has been shared with farmers of Muyyam village.

Department of Forestry launched house sparrow conservation awareness campaign and installed sparrow nests at Taliparamba townships in collaboration with Merchants’ Association and Head load workers’ Union. The department monitors yearly population status and nesting of house sparrows in the area.

The Department of Zoology conducts Kerala moth night celebration leading to identification of newer organism.

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The Department of Botany conducted a training programme on ‘Plant Tissue Culture and DNA Extraction’ for selected school teachers.

Various awareness programmes such as the necessity of protection of sacred grooves were conducted by the Bhoomithra Sena to impart knowledge regarding environmental protection and sustainability.

OSTENDO’12 and 14: A general exhibition programme opened for public and school students to disseminate the basics of scientific inventions and culture.

Talks on Media: Dr K.M Khaleel, Former Principal and Dr Sreeja Assistant Professor of Botany actively participated in talks on FM radio and Doordarshan on issues of social relevance.

Water quality analysis: Department of Chemistry offers facility for analysis and creates awareness on quality water for consumption, giving advice on essential measures to be taken for pure drinking water.

Sacred groove protection and biofencing: In association with OISCA international and regional bodies, the college has taken initiative to conserve nearby three sacred grooves.

Proposals have been submitted to the three selected Panchayaths near the college for the documentation of PBR (People Biodiversity Register)

3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research

3.2.1 What percentage of the total budget is earmarked for research?

Give details of major heads of expenditure, financial allocation and actual


During the last four years, the college has mobilized a total of Rs 77,00,000/-from the various funding agencies which have been fully utilized for major and minor projects and for conducting seminars. In addition to this amount, college has been granted an amount of Rs 57,50,000/- from DST/FIST as research fund .

The college allocates sufficient amount to the departments for the purchase of chemicals, equipments, and glassware required for the student projects.

3.2.2 Is there a provision in the institution to provide seed money to the

faculty for research? If so, specify the amount disbursed and the

percentage of the faculty that has availed the facility in the last four years.

Initiative has been taken to raise the seed money by pooling the balance amount of institutional overhead procured from major research projects. Moreover, the committee assures the availability of infrastructural facilities and laboratory to all researchers. The management has conceived the idea to make a Centralized Instrumentation Facility (CIF) in the new golden jubilee building.

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3.2.3 What are the financial provisions made available to support

student research projects by students?

The PG students of the Department of Botany avail monetary support from KSCSTE for their projects. The amount allocated yearly is utilized for the chemicals and glass wares required for UG and PG projects. The college has decided to implement SSFR (Sir Syed Research Fellowship) programme for independent research by students.

3.2.4 How does the various departments/units/staff of the institute

interact in undertaking inter-disciplinary research? Cite examples of

successful endeavors and challenges faced in organizing inter-disciplinary


The college takes keen interest in promoting interdisciplinary research projects. Most of the PG research in Botany and Chemistry are in the interdisciplinary field of ‘phytochemistry’. The faculty and scholars share their knowledge in the concerned fields.

Dr Praseed KM Associate Professor did his research work in collaboration with Dept of Atmospheric Science, Kannur University in monitoring aerosols and trace gases in and around Kannur district. An automatic weather station is instituted in the college for continuous monitoring of weather which facilitates the research activities in environmental science

Research in computational chemistry: Computational Chemistry is an important interdisciplinary research area. Computational methodology applies quantum chemical, molecular mechanics, and molecular dynamics approaches to understand the structure, reactivity and function of small and large molecules. Other areas which come under the purview of computational chemistry are molecular modeling techniques to drug design which spans the areas of protein modeling, docking, QSAR, database design and development.

The Biodiversity Club, Forestry Club and Bhoomithra Sena emphasize the need and importance of flora and fauna and the members are included from all the disciplines. These clubs regularly conduct field trips to craft nature-men interface.

The curriculum also provides opportunity for students to engage themselves in interdisciplinary studies in the form of Open Courses.

3.2.5 How does the institution ensure optimal use of various equipment

and research facilities of the institution by its staff and students?

The college is devoted to create necessary infrastructure to facilitate research activities. Each research department maintains separate research rooms with essential equipment facility for the smooth conduct of research with computers

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and internet facilities. In the last five years, the college has considerably improved the basic research facilities by availing FIST-DIST and UGC Additional Grants.

The teachers and research scholars have the freedom to use the equipment and other research facilities at any time according to their convenience. A log book is maintained for the accountability and optimal use of equipments. Students, staff and scholars use the equipments by prior booking on log book. Permission is granted on request to use them on holidays.

GC-MS is used as one of the major research facility for research in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Atmospheric Science, Nano Science etc. Atmospheric weather station is another research facility for the determination of climate change and other atmospheric phenomena.

The students and teachers of other institution can also avail the facilities of the equipments on a cost sharing basis. Part-time research students use the laboratories during holidays and vacation. The lab equipments are regularly serviced and maintained in proper working condition.

3.2.6 Has the institution received any special grants or finances from the

industry or other beneficiary agency for developing research facility? If

yes, give details.

Ajit Balakrishnan Foundation: The college has established a Computation Chemistry Research Laboratory with the support of Dr.Ajit Balakrishnan, CEO, A Data Analysis Centre has been set up in the Department of Statistics by statistics alumni.

The college has received funds from various agencies like UGC, DIST-FIST and KSCSTE

3.2.7 Enumerate the support provided to the faculty in securing research

funds from various funding agencies, industry and other organizations.

Provide details of ongoing and completed projects and grants received

during the last four years.

Details of ongoing and completed projects and grants received during the last four years are provided in 3.1.5

The Research Committee and IQAC give invaluable support to the faculty for obtaining research funds from various funding agencies. They provide timely information regarding the preparation of the proposal, submission of the proposal, preparation of the report and settlement of the project. Different seminars related to project schemes, funding agencies etc. are also organized for research students and teachers by IQAC.

3.3 Research Facilities

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3.3.1 What are the research facilities available to the students and

research scholars within the campus?

The college has received FIST-DST financial support for infrastructural development for research activities. First installment of 57 lakhs has already been utilized and UC submitted. All facilities on the campus are available for research students and faculty for their research. Research scholars have an exclusive room facility to carry out their routine works.

Research Labs: Departments of Chemistry and Botany have research laboratories. Department of Chemistry has a computational chemistry laboratory for research purpose.

GCMS Spectrophotometer is set up for doing research in Chemistry and Botany. Atmospheric weather station is set up for the study of climate change.

UV-visible Spectrophotometer, Tissue culture facility, PCR Thermal Cycler, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Gel documentation system, Gel electrophoresis, 20 freezer, solvent extraction facility, Microtome, Millipore water purification, Research microscopes with photomicrography are some of the other research facilities available in the college.

The Department of Statistics possesses a statistical computing lab. Department of Zoology has set up a GIS and Insect Biodiversity laboratory with the support of MoEF major research project.

Water testing facility: Department of Chemistry possesses a water testing facility which is important for research in Environmental Studies.

Research Libraries: The college has a centralized library system which procures books relevant to research in various disciplines and offers a research section in its portal.

NLIST facility of INFLIBNET: The teachers and students including research scholars can avail the facility of reading and downloading research articles offered under the NLIST facility of INFLIBNET.

Free Wi-Fi facility is available for registered candidates to collect data from web resources.

3.3.2 What are the institutional strategies for planning, upgrading and

creating infrastructural facilities to meet the needs of researchers

especially in the new and emerging areas of research?

To enhance the infrastructural facilities for research, and to make more departments as research centres of the University, a separate PG and research block is being constructed keeping an eye on making the college a centre of excellence in research.

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College envisages a Centralized Instrumentation Facility (CIF) for expensive equipments in the golden jubilee building (PG & Research block) which is under construction. The departments are persuaded to identify an area of research in which the existing faculty can contribute meaningfully and excel with expertise. With this in view, the college established a Research Advisory Council to develop a focused approach to produce output that excels others. Orientation followed by technical supports is offered to the faculty to proceed in the field of research. Members of faculty are selected and sent for research leading to under the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) of UGC.

3.3.3 Has the institution received any special grants or finances from the

industry of other beneficiary agency for developing research facilities? If

yes, what are the instruments/facilities created during the last four years?

Enumerated in section 3.2.6

3.3.4 What are the research facilities made available to the students and

research scholars outside the campus/other research laboratories?

The college provides whole-hearted support to scholars and arranges to make available the research facility outside the campus. Personal linkages of the research guides with research centres and industries are exploited in a mutually beneficial way to complete the work. The scholars are free to use the library facility allied with the Kannur University.

Students and researchers of the Department of Chemistry avail the facilities of IISc Bangalore, Centre for Bioinformatics Trivandrum, Central University Hyderabad, NIT Kozhikode, IIIMT, Trivandrum, Centre for Water Resource Development and Management, Calicut, and Regional Textile Laboratory, Kannur. The students of the Department of Physics use of the facilities of the IISER, Trivandrum

The students of the Department of Zoology avail the facilities of the Western India Plywood Ltd Valapattanam, Kerala Forest Research Institute and Central University, Kasaragod. Students and researchers of Botany department utilize the facilities of the Cashew Promotion Council, Kollam, M S Swaminatham Research Foundation, IISR, Calicut, KFRI, Trissur, CPCRI, Kasaragod, Research Lab of Calicut University, Botanical survey of India, Coimbatore, IFGTB Coimbatore, and GNTBGRI, Trivandrum

Students and faculty of the Department of Forestry draw on the facilities of the R&D Division of Western India Plywood Ltd, Kerala Forest Research Institute, College of Forestry, Trissur, and School of Wood Science & Technology, Kannur University.

3.3.5 Provide details on the library/information resource centre or any

other facilities available especially for the researchers?

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The college ensures that the researchers have maximum resources at their disposal for aiding their work. The library periodically updates its stock with advanced books in consultation with research guides. The researchers can access the internet using the campus wide Wi-Fi or from the library which also has sufficient number of PCs with internet access. Other resources available for the researchers are NLIST facility of INFLIBNET, NPTEL and MIT open ware.

3.3.6 What are the collaborative research facilities developed/created by

the research institutes in the college? For example Laboratories, library,

instruments, computers, new technology etc.

At present the college does not have any collaborative project in terms of major or minor research projects. But various associations have been forged with research guides of other institutions to share the facilities in a mutually agreeable basis.

Department of Forestry collaborates with Social Forestry Division, Kerala Forest Department, Kannur for the academic and research activities of the Department of Forestry.

Department of Botany conducted International Biodiversity seminar in collaboration with OISCA International, Kannur Chapter. Department of Botany arranged a public awareness programme on Energy Conservation in collaboration with Muyyam Panchayath and Govt.of Kerala (Oorjakiran).

Department of Botany hosted ‘KARSHAKA CONGRESS’ in association with local NGO and farmers. The financial support was obtained from North Malabar Gramin Bank (NMGB), Kannur and Punjab National Bank, Taliparamba.

Department of Zoology has conducted UGC National seminar on Insect Diversity in collaboration with ZSI, Calicut and Western India Plywood Ltd, Kannur.

Department of Hindi and Department of History jointly conducted seminars in collaboration with KILA on ‘Panchayathiraj and Development,

Decentralisation, Grama Swaraj and Youth and Local Governance.

3.4 Research Publications Awards

3.4.1 Highlight the major research achievements of the staff and students

in terms of

• Patents obtained and filed (process and product) • Original research contributing to product improvement • Research studies or surveys benefiting the community or improving

the services

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• Research inputs contributing to new initiatives and social development

Patents obtained and filed (process and product): No patent of research findings is registered during the last five years.

Original research contributing to product improvement: The ongoing project supported by KSCSTE on improvement on Stevia rebaudiana is aiming to improve the stevioside content in plant, which can be exploited as alternative sweetening agent to cane sugar.

Research studies or surveys benefiting the community or improving the

services: Sir Syed College is a regional coordinator in the international collaborative multi country study on labour supply chain, commissioned by International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Geneva. The project is -coordinated by IIM Ahmadabad and MCMAT Perumbavoor. The study is about the value creation dynamics and HRM decisions in the labour supply chain between UAE, India and Nepal. The overall study is on the governance with respect to the labour migration. It collects data, on labour recruitment and analyses the supply chain practice in migration from India & Nepal to UAE. It intends to evaluate the extent of compliance/violation of regulations.

The Department of Forestry is actively involved in the wild life census programmes. The department undertakes bird survey, butterfly survey etc. in the protected areas of the state. The department, in collaboration with Kerala State Forest and Wild life department, coordinates Asian water bird count of Wetlands International in January every year and is a regional coordinator of the Bird Atlas Project of Bird Count India.

The students of the Department of Statistics made a survey on ‘Risk Factors of Diabetics, Hypertension, & CVD’ in ward IV of Taliparamba Municipality.

Department of Statistics conducted a study on drop-out rate in the field of higher education using a sample of colleges of Kannur District.

Department of Botany conducted two ethno botanical surveys on the tribal communities of Kannur District. They also completed documentation of wild food varieties of Northern Kerala and work on the phytochemical and Pharmacological potential of the plant is going on with the help of GC-MS.

Research inputs contributing to new initiatives and social development:

The college provided practical training to selected higher secondary teachers in the laboratory for advance level research to motivate basic science studies. Department of Forestry has published a booklet on local medicinal plant in Malayalam. Sacred Groove conservation and biofencing initiative by the Department of Botany created awareness among the local community about the ecological importance and biodiversity of sacred grove and the need for conservation.

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3.4.2 Does the institute publish or partner in publication of research

journal(s)? If yes, indicate the composition of the editorial board,

publication policies and whether such publication is listed in any

international database?

The college publishes an interdisciplinary journal Sir Syed Journal of Functional Research every year.

The composition of the editorial board is as follows

Dr PT Abdul Azeez (Principal, Sir Syed College) Chief Editor Dr VTV Mohanan (Dept of Hindi) Editor

Members Dr RSM Shamsudheen (Dept of Zoology) Dr Abdul Salam AK (Dept of Botany)

Dr Biju A R (Dept of Chemistry)

Nishad V.H ( Dept of Journalism)

Sabitha Shankunni ( Dept of English)

Mohammed Saleem P.M( Dept of English)

Sneha C (Dept of Forestry)

Hyderali A ( Dept of History)

3.4.3 Give details of publications by the faculty and students:

Research paper publication by faculty: (See Annexure I for details)



Name of Faculty Intern









Peer Books/ Chapter in







1 Dr Ismail Olayikkara 2 2 2 Dr KM Khaleel 9 9

3 Dr V Abdul Jaleel 9 4 1 14 14 1

4 Dr Tajo Abraham 1 1 2 2

5 Dr Sreeja .P 1 1 2 2

6 Dr Abdussalam A.K 4 8 2 14 14 1

7 Dr Gayathri R Nambiar 11 3 14 14 3 2

8 Dr Zinul Hukuman NH 2 2 2

9 Dr Muhammed Ashraf V 1 1 2

10 Dr Biju AR 4 4 4

11 Mohammed Sayeed T 2 2 4

12 Shanavas SM 4 4

13 Muhammed Salih C 4 4

14 Haseens K.P 1 1

15 Siddique K P 1 1 1

16 Siraj P.P 5 5

17 Linu MK 2

18 Sabita Shankunni 2 1 3 2

19 Muhammed Saleem P.M 2 2 2

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20 Rafseena M 1 1 1

21 Malik Fail M 5 1 5 11 6 2 4

22 Aneesh K.S 2 4 8 14 4 2 2

23 Sneha C 2 3 6 11 4 2 1

24 Dr VTV Mohanan 1 7 1 9 4

25 Dr Shefi AE 3 3

26 Subairath C T 3 3

27 Nishad VH 1 1 2 1

28 Dr Praseed K.M 6 14 20 10

29 Dr Nafeesa Baby TP 2 1 3 6 3

30 Binumol P Kuriakose 1 2 4 7 2

31 Mahesh KV 2 5 7

32 Dr A.P Kuttykrishnan 2 1 1 4 3

33 Mumtaz TMV 3 3

35 Dr RSM Shamsudheen 4 2 9 15 2 1

Research paper publication by Students:



Name of Faculty Intern









Peer Books/ Chapter in







Jathina, M. 1 1 1 1 Arun, V.P. 1 1 1 1 Silsha Lakshmanan, P 1 1 1 1 Shuhaiba Ebrahim 1 1 1 1 Chaithanya VV 1 1

2 Anjana KV 1 1

3 Namitha KP 1 1

4 Sugiya N 1 1

5 Anusree Ashok 1 1

6 Riswana K 1 1

7 Sneha KP 1 1

8 Haritha M 2 2

9 Praseena Prabhakaran 1 1

10 Reshma CV 1 1

11 Jisha MP 1 1

12 Sayed Mehnaz 1 1

13 Shymmy Raghavan 1 1

14 Ashiya T 1 1

15 Jitha KC 1 1

16 Athira K 1 1

17 Sreeshma C 1 1

18 Afsana A 1 1

19 Sumitha Suresh 1 1

20 Minnu Tomy 1 1

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3.4.4 Provide details (if any) of

• Research awards received by the faculty • Recognition received by the faculty from reputed professional bodies

and agencies, nationally and internationally. • Incentives given to faculty for receiving state, national and

international recognitions for research contributions.

Research awards received by the faculty

• Dr.Biju.A.R Assistant Professor in Chemistry received Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)

• Dr. Tajo Abraham of Department of Botany received the best paper presentation award at the UGC-sponsored national seminar, UC College, Aluva.

• Dr. Tajo Abraham of Department of Botany received the best paper presentation award at the UGC-sponsored national seminar, St.Joseph’s College,Irinjalakkuda.

• Dr. V. Abdul Jaleel, Department of Botany received the best paper presentation award 2014 for the international seminar during the Asian Plant Science Conference on the topic ‘Taxonomy and Conservational Importance of the Rare and Endemic Species of Amorphophallus and Lasia in India’ held in 2014 at Nepal.

• Dr.Sreeja, Department of Botany received the best paper award in National seminar, St.Therasa’s College, Ernakulam.

• Dr. Gayathri R. Nambiar, Department of Botany received the best paper award for oral paper presentation in national symposium at Pondichery University Convention cum Cultural centre Puthucherry in 2012.

• Dr RSM Shamsudheen Department of Zoology received the ITTO fellowship in 2015

Recognition received by the faculty from reputed professional bodies and

agencies, nationally and internationally

• Dr.K.M.Khaleel, former Principal received Dr.Radhakrishnan National Award for education and environment.

• Dr.K.M.Khaleel, former Principal received special recognition award of OISCA International.

• Dr.A.P.Kutty Krishnan, Associate Professor of Statistics - former Pro-Vice Chancellor, Kannur University

• Mr.K.P Muhammedali, Associate Professor of Chemistry - Syndicate member, Kannur University

• Mr.M.P. Narayanan, Associate Professor of Physics- Dean, Faculty of Science, Kannur University.

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• Dr. A.R.Biju, Assistant Professor of Chemistry received Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship from UGC

• Dr VTV Mohanan Assistant Professor of Hindi received-

i) Rashtriya Hindi Sahitya Sammelan Puraskar, 2012 for the Best Translator award for the Book,’ Iswar Kee Shararatem.

ii) Central Hindi Directorate Award, New Delhi (govt. of India) for the Best Hindi Writer’s National Award of Non-Hindi Speaking Areas, 2009 announced in 2014.

iii) Rashtriya Hindi Sahitya Sammelan Puraskar, 2014 for the comparative Literature on the book, Sanskriti, Sahitya Aur Anuvad.

• Dr. NH Zainul Hukuman- Associate Professor of Chemistry received Dr. Abdul Kalam National award for social and economic contribution to society.

• Sneha.C, Asst. Professor of Forestry, was appointed as member of the editorial board of Greener Journal of Agronomy, Forestry and Horticulture.

• Ms. Linu M.K. Assistant Professor in English received silver medal for overall performance during PRCN Course, best IP lecture award and certificate for the best camp craft.

• Mr. Muhammed Saleem. P.M. Assistant Professor in English was selected for Fostering Linkage and Academic Innovation & Research (FLAIR),a new initiative of Department of Higher Education, Government of Kerala.

Incentives given to faculty for receiving state, national and international

recognitions for research contributions

The college does not offer any award or incentive to faculty. The staff association of the college organizes special meetings to honour the faculty who receive special recognition from national/international agencies. The research committee has recommended instituting best paper award for publication with highest impact factor.

3.5 Consultancy

Departments provide consultancy services in their specialized areas of knowledge and expertise but it is not structured or centralized as the college has not yet entered into a formal agreement of consultancy so far. Hence the consultancy services do not bring in any monetary benefit.

The Department of Zoology offers insect identification. The Department of Botany offers services of plant identification, GC-MS analysis, DNA extraction and separation, Plant tissue culture etc. The Department of Chemistry offers consultancy on water analysis. The Departments of Statistics and Economics provide assistance on data analysis to researchers and students

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of other institutions. Department of Commerce provides assistance to open new bank account and extends support to file e-returns.

Department of Arabic is doing consultancy in translation and exhibiting resources. Department of Physics extends a helping hand for school student to design working models in school science exhibitions

Dr. Abdul Azeez P.T, Principal, is an educational consultant at High School level. He was deputed as the coordinator of Vijaya Bheri –a project instituted by District Panchayath to uplift the educational standard of Malappuram district.

3.5.1 Give details of the systems and strategies for establishing institute-

industry Interface.

The college seeks relation and interface with industry mainly through curricular implementations which include student projects and industrial visit.

Industrial visits give a general interface with industrial firms, whereas the student projects offer the students concerned the interface in the specific area of industry. Another point of interfacing is when the college organizes campus placements to companies through College Placement Cell.

3.5.2 What is the stated policy of the institution to promote consultancy?

How is the available expertise advocated and publicized?

The institution is making every attempt to promote and synchronize the consultancy services of departments. The infrastructure facilities of the college like the library services, computer facilities, internet connectivity, laboratory equipments, computer-enabled facilities etc. are utilized by the faculty for the services they involve in.

The college web page highlights the available expertise with the concerned department.

The interactions with the local Panchayath members and the local school authorities officially and unofficially widen the scope on consultancy.The beneficiaries of the service are requested to acknowledge the contribution of the college. Word-of-mouth publicity and the alumni are the other modes by which college’s expertise is brought to the notice of the public.

Major research findings of the faculty are advertised in media (newspapers and TV channels). Faculties also participate in programmes on FM Radio and Doordarshan. Seminar and workshop summaries are broadcasted through AIR. Another platform used for publicizing the consultancy services is the exhibition ‘OSTENDO’ which is attended by the public and media persons in large number.

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3.5.3 How does the institution encourage the staff to utilize their

expertise and available facilities for consultancy services?

The consultancy services are generally done personally, since a permanent mechanism has not yet been developed. The consultancies are given free of cost. They inform it to the Principal when they proceed, give their service out and their works are appreciated in the Council meetings and Staff meetings.

3.5.4 List the broad areas and major consultancy services provided by

the institution and the revenue generated during the last four years.

SI No. Area Amount in Rs. 1 Translation work 55,150.00 2 Exhibiting Arabic resources 18,500.00 3 Micro technique 4,000.00 4 GC-MS sample analysis 2,000.00 5 Taxonomy identification 200.00 6 Tissue culture training 500.00 7 Income tax calculation Free 8 MSc. Environmental science dissertation Free

3.5.5 What is the policy of the institution in sharing the income

generated through consultancy (staff involved: Institution) and its use for

institutional development?

The college is in the process of formulating a policy to promote consultancy. Consultancy works for the most part are taken up as free service. As the college is largely running on community support and located in a suburban area, the policy of charging consultancy works is not followed strictly. But the department of Arabic has begun earning income through consultancy in the last few years through translation work. The income generated through these services is contributed to raise the common fund in the concerned department.

3.6 Extension Activities and Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR)

3.6.1 How does the institution promote institution-neighborhood-

community network and student engagement, contributing to good

citizenship, service orientation and holistic development of students?

The college is devoted to deciphering its social commitment through different outreach programmes. The promotion of institution-neighborhood-community networks are sought to be developed through a number of organs and wings of the college. The National Service Society (NSS), National Cadet Corps (NCC) Bhoomithra Sena Club are the prominent among them:

Awareness programmes on energy conservation, health and hygiene, monsoon related diseases, sanitation, legal awareness and cyber crime, blood donation, organ donation and services to work in collaboration with the local residents in building and maintaining local roads are carried out by various departments, the cadets of NCC and volunteers of NSS. Every social organization of the

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college prepares an action plan for the year in advance and the same is monitored periodically by the Principal. The pupils are encouraged to participate actively in the various social initiatives. The Blood Donors’ Forum of the college is an important arm of the institution for its social outreach initiative.

Organic vegetable farming effort at nearby village gives an opportunity for interaction with the society.

LASS (Ladies Association of Sir Syed) organizes various programmes of social relevance, ie, legal awareness campaign on cyber crimes, child abuse etc. The Yoga classes and training classes on tailoring, mural painting etc are attended by the ladies of the neighbourhood as well.

Sahapadikkoru Veedu: The volunteers of NSS undertook the task of financing and building a house for a homeless family.

Eye check up camp: The cadets of NCC conducted a free eye check up camp to the people of the neighbouring village, Muyyam in association with the Vasan Eye Care hospital.

Community marriage function: The alumni association of the college (SCOTA) arranged a community marriage function for 13 couples of various religions.

Mushroom cultivation: The Department of Botany conducted free training sessions on house hold mushroom cultivation as an option for earning additional income.

Poultry farming: The Department of Zoology organized a training course on efficient and economic farming for additional income.

Oorjakiran awareness programme: In association with the Govt. of Kerala, Muyyam panchayath and KSEB, programme was organized at nearby school to make people aware of the need to conserve and how to effectively use electric energy.

International Film Festival: The International film festival hosted by the college gave the public a rare opportunity to participate in to enjoy world class movies near them for the first time.

OSTENDO: These exhibitions are attended in large numbers by the public and school children. They are initiated to the avenues of science and technology.

3.6.2 What is the Institutional mechanism to track students’ involvement

in various social movements/activities which promote citizenship roles?

The institution has a systematic mechanism to track students’ involvement in social activities organized by different wings. The college ensures the

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participation of the members of NSS and NCC in the programmes organized by the college to observe various days of national importance.

Tutorial scheme is central to track the students’ involvement in various social movements and activities outside the campus. The tutors collect information from students such students. The activities anchored by various wings in the campus such as NSS, NCC, Bhoomithra Sena Club, Blood Donors’ Forum etc. are tracked by the concerned wings. The students participating in such activities are given relaxation of attendance by the Principal. The NCC cadets of the college participate in Republic day parade and Prime Minister’s Rally.

The best cadet of the NCC and the best volunteer of NSS are felicitated in the annual PTA meeting. The achievement of each and every cadet or volunteer is announced publicly with a word of appreciation from the Principal.

3.6.3 How does the institution solicit stakeholder perception on the

overall performance and quality of the institution?

The performance and quality of the institution is solicited from stakeholders through different ways. Feedbacks obtained from the students and the parents are the vital inputs of the institution to surge ahead with quality improvement initiatives. Parents are always welcome to discuss the welfare of the institution. Their suggestions are positively considered for improving the quality and performance of the institution. Inputs are solicited from the community outside available at the time of extension activities as well. Feedbacks in prescribed format are collected from outgoing students, parents and guardians in PTA meetings, institution level and department level alumni meetings. Feedback is also collected online from alumni.

3.6.4 How does the institution plan and organize its extension and

outreach programmes? Providing the budgetary details for the last four

years, list the major extension and outreach programmes and their

impact on the overall development of the students.

Every year annual plan and budget are prepared on the basis of the suggestions and advice of the College Council. In accordance with the annual plan of the college, different wings prepare the action plans for each year’s activity which are discussed and approved by the committee.

Budget outlays for extension activities of the college (in Rs.)

Activity 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 NSS 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 NCC 72,047 74,670 3,55,185 1,78,175 2,78,700 Bhoo mithra Sena


- - - 25,000 10,000

Total 1,62,047 1,64,670 4,45,185 2,93,175 3,78,700

List of extension programmes conducted

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No. Programme 2011-2012

1 NSS & NCC observed World Environment Day on 5th June 2011 2 Anti ragging campaign held from 17-30 June 2011 3 Anti-drug campaign on 26th June 2011 4 Blood donation and detection campaign on 28th June 2011. 56 students

donated blood during the campaign. 5 Volunteers visited ‘Hope’ a destitute home for mentally and physically

challenged at Pilathara 6 Planted mangroves at Kavvai riverside on 11th December 2011 with a

mangrove protection campaign 7 A Campaign on eye donation with Blind federation of Kerala held on 13th

January 2012 8 Fund raising campaign for pain and palliative care, Samoohya Suraksha

Mission campaign on 24th February 2012 9 Conducted RTI seminar on 27th February 2012 10 Public fund raising for Suraksha mission, Govt. of Kerala collecting an

amount of Rs.50,000/- on 29th February, community visit on 4th March were conducted.

Programmes 2012-2013

11 A two days camp at Naduvil village to survey on and to detect the oral cancer.

12 A one day class on dental and oral diseases was conducted in association with DAY (Dentist a day-Kozhikode)

13 A two days survey on cancer in ward 16 of Taliparamba Municipality in association with Malabar Cancer Centre, Tellicherry and Taliparamba Lions Club.

14 Camp at Koyyam where various activities including Ayurvedic medical camp, vegetable cultivation, etc. were carried out.

15 One day seminar on ‘Energy Conservation’ conducted in association with the department of Physics.

16 World Environment Day, Gandhi Jayanti, World AIDS day etc. were observed with seminars, workshops, rallies etc.

17 A one day blood donation and blood group detection camp was organized in association with Kannur DHQ hospital and Health Mission.

18 A seminar was conducted on ‘Problems of Alcoholism’ 19 A protest against sexual harassment against women was organized. Programmes 2013-2014

20 One day camp was organized in the nearby island which was under the threat of soil erosion. Each volunteer planted one tree and one mangrove each with the help of the villagers. The growth and progress of plants were observed regularly by a group of volunteers.

21 Made a vegetable garden in the Kurumathur UP School. Trees were planted around the play ground.

22 NSS volunteers and a group of ‘Kudumbashree’ ladies of Kurumathur were given training to make umbrella. 50 umbrellas were made by the group.

24 A complete survey was taken on the general health and socio-economic status of the village people of Kurumathur. Along with the survey,

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awareness was given to the people about general health, life style diseases, and the importance of nature conservation.

25 Pit in Kurumathur UP School for waste disposal was dug by NSS volunteers. Waste disposal was a major problem in the school.

26 Dental medical camp: At Kurumathur UP School, a dental medical camp was conducted. Eight dentists from Pariyaram Dental College participated in the camp. Total of 65 persons of different age group registered and got treatment.

27 Village adoption: Adopted the educationally and financially backward Rajiv Gandhi Housing Colony, Kurumathur. The volunteers visited the village occasionally and gave special coaching in mathematics and English to the children of age group 5 to 14.

28 House construction: In 2012, NSS helped complete the construction of the partially made house of Ashraf, a hostel staff of the college. In 2013, undertook a major project of house construction costing around Rs.5 lakhs for the family of Mr. Abid who is permanently bed-ridden in an accident.

29 NSS conducted a one day blood donation camp in association with Kannur District HQ Hospital. 65 students and a few staff members donated blood.

30 Introduced a scheme called ‘Sevana Jyothi’ to provide mid-day meal to the poor students or some financial help for the needy. The fund is from the small charity collected from the students as well as from the staff. Every year, an amount not less than Rs. 15,000/- was spend.

31 The medicinal garden of the college with a rare plants collection is looked after and maintained regularly by NSS unit of the college.

32 Nature and Farm club members participated in Sacred grove conservation project organized by OISCA international and state Medicinal Plants Board. Members participated in planting medicinal plants and also in thevawareness programmes. Planting was done at Irivery and Kayyath Nagam. Waste materials were removed from Thazhekavu island and net fence constructed around the island. The future plan is to clean the temple ponds.

33 Natural Environment Awareness campaign is organized in association with CED and MoEF on 16th January. The progrmme conducted in two sections is funded by Centre for Environment and Development.

34 Awareness component- organized a workshop on Sunday Farming by Dr.Abdul Jabbar, Asst. Professor, KAU Wynad.

35 Planted bio diverse mix of species in the campus. Conducted awareness class on Biodiversity Conservation and constructed medicinal plants garden at Kannapuram East UP School on 23rd January 2014.

36 Started terrace farming of about 80 pots and cultivated various vegetables. 37 Established a Bhoomithra Sena Club (BMC) by the Department of

Environment and Climate Change, from April 2014. A total of Rs. 25,000/- was sanctioned to the college for various activities.

38 BMC celebrated World Environment Day on the campus by planting 200 saplings. 3 saplings were planted in the 50 houses near the college.

39 Organized a national seminar on Conservation of Sacred Groves in

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association with OISCA international and State Medicinal Plants Board in February 2014.

Programmes 2014-2015

40 A one day blood donation camp was organized in association with Kannur District Govt. Hospital and college Red Ribbon Club. Total 65 persons including both students and staff donated blood to the blood bank.

41 One day camp was organized at Taliparamba Govt.Taluk Hospital in which 80 volunteers participated. The volunteers separated bio and plastic wastes of the hospital premises and disposed in the proper way.

42 Seven days NSS special camp was at Govt. Mappila UP School, Theralayi from 19-12-2014 to 25-12-2014. As part of the camp the following activities and programmes were conducted.

43 A social drama “Bhoomiyude Avakashikal” written by Prof.V.P.Abdulla Kutty and directed by Mr.Rajesh was enacted for the village people

44 A one day dental medical camp was conducted in association with Pariyaram Dental College. Total 80 patients registered in the camp.

45 A socio-economic survey was conducted at Theralayi and the report was handed over to the Panchayath authority.

46 Different classes on psychology, handicrafts training, law etc. were given to the volunteers.

47 BMS conducted a mushroom cultivation demonstration class for the students and teachers. Conducted a demonstration class for students, teachers, local public and Kudumshree members of Taliparamba Municipality about “Amla for health and wealth” and for preparing seven juices from amla. This programme is part of Amla mission by the State Medicinal Plants Board.

48 BMS conducted activities for conserving traditional pond at Thaliyil, Mangad. Documented the history and also biodiversity. Conducted an awareness campaign for the local people about the importance of conservation of traditional ponds.

49 BMS Club conducted a one day nature camp at Kanayi Kanam, Aritheertham and Konginichal Kavu. A one day trip and camp was conducted at Paithalmala by Forestry Department.

50 The club started vegetable farming in the campus in association with Agricultural Department and also Best FM, Kannur.

51 NCC conducted a free eye check up camp at Muyyam in association with Vasan Eye Care. 115 people benefitted from the camp

52 The cadets helped out the inmates of Hope, an institution for the mentally challenged at Pilathara.

53 A Combined Annual Training Camp was conducted in association with 32 (K) Battalion for 600 cadets.

3.6.5 How does the institution promote the participation of students and

faculty in extension activities including participation in NSS, NCC, YRC

and other National/International agencies?

Physical facilities: The college provides sufficient physical facilities to the wings leading the community extension programmes. NSS and NCC are given

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space for office, spaces for conventions, furniture and equipments including computers and printers.

Compensatory leave: Teachers are given compensatory leave if necessary in connection with the programmes. Students are also allowed to avail compensatory attendance on recommendation from the faculty in charge.

Training for teachers and students: Teachers and students are sent for training programmes organized by the centres of excellence in the community extension activities. NSS Programme officers and NCC officers are regularly sent for training sessions outside.

Sending students to National Integration Camps: Students are persuaded to go for National Integration Camps so that they could be motivated to develop themselves to the higher levels of community service.

Appreciation of the achievements: The student achievers in the extension activities are specially honoured at the end of the year in the annual College Day function.

3.6.6 Give details on social surveys, research or extension work (if any)

undertaken by the college to ensure social justice and empower students

from under-privileged and vulnerable sections of society?

A socio-economic survey was conducted at Thayineri village and the report was handed over to the Grama Panchayath President. A complete survey was taken on the general health and socio-economic status of the village people of Kurumathur.

College NSS Unit conducted two day survey on cancer in ward 16 of Taliparamba muncipality in association with Malabar Cancer Care Centre ,Tellicherry and Lions club ,Taliparamba

The faculties and students of the college are actively involved in conducting studies which are socially relevant like women empowerment, unemployment, public transport, water quality analysis, water conservation awareness as part of their project works.

3.6.7 Reflecting on objectives and expected outcomes of the extension

activities organized by the institution, comment on how they complement

students’ academic learning experience and specify the values and skills


The objectives of the extension activities of the college include inculcating skills and traits required for the overall development of the students. The programmes and camps of the National Service Scheme and NCC provide the students practical lessons in social negotiations, tolerance, service-mindedness, problem solving and communication and good inter personal relations.

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The involvement of students in cultivation, energy conservation programmes, medical camps, environmental awareness programmes, involvement in waste disposal, teaching students of Upper Primary school of the village, making umbrella with village people, involvement in bio-farming in the field of Muyyam village etc. with the local people of Muyyam and Kurumathur-the nearby village adopted by the college offer the students interfaces with reality leading to the development of skills in using class room knowledge to solve the life-related problems.

The charity works of NCC at HOPE, Pilathara a non-profitable establishment to ensure quality life with people with disabilities and SNEHALAYAM, an Old Age Home at Pattuvam village offered the students a good interface in nursing and caring the hapless and old aged people. This gave them unparalleled exposure to the health issues and their solutions along with psychological strength to face difficult situations in their life. The construction of a house named ‘Sneha Veedu’ for a very poor and hapless person and another named Sahapadikkoru Veedu which is being constructed for a very poor and physically handicapped BCom student of the college under the auspicious of NSS gave the students a feeling of empathy and helping mind in critical situations.

The activities of Pain and Palliative Care offered students a good introduction to the health scenario of the area and the delicacies of life that the common folk bear when they get terminally ill. The practical training they got under Palliative Initiative, Kannur in nursing and caring the bedridden people gave them unparalleled exposure to the health issues and its solutions along with psychological strength to face difficult situations in their life.

3.6.8 How does the institution ensure the involvement of the community

in its reach out activities and contribute to the community development?

Detail on the initiatives of the institution that encourage community

participation in its activities.

The college maintains close contact with the social workers, members of Panchayaths, Kudumbashree, NGOs, and other clubs outside the campus in connection with the social outreach programmes. They actively participate in the health awareness programmes, bio-faming, medical camps, exhibitions etc. Apart from relations from the field, they are also included in committees of the college. Nature and farm club have been organizing awareness programmes and workshops to Kudumbashree workers, farmers etc. to sensitize them to the issues and problems faced in their respective fields.

In addition to that, the college has various committees in which relevant and notable persons are inducted. IQAC, Grievance Redressal Forum and Anti-ragging Committee are only some examples. The PTA also plays a significant role in developing a rapport between the college and the local community.

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3.6.9 Give details on the constructive relationships forged (if any) with

other institutions of the locality for working on various outreach and

extension activities.

• The college NCC unit has forged a constructive relationship with HOPE, Pilathara a non-profitable establishment to ensure quality life for people with disabilities ,illness and oldages to help in their charity works and with SNEHALAYAM, an Old Age Home at Pattuvam village

• College NSS Unit conducted two day survey on cancer in ward 16 of Taliparamba muncipality in association with Malabar Cancer Care Centre ,Tellicherry and Lions club ,Taliparamba

• Department of Botany conducted Karshaka Congress and a workshop on bio-farming for farmers of Kannur and Kasaragod Districts and a training programme on plant tissue culture and DNA extraction for teachers of nearby schools.

• The college makes a close association with the local people of Muyyam village as part of village adoption and they cultivate vegetables through organic farming method in the field of Muyyam and disseminate the importance of avoiding the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

3.6.10 Give details of awards received by the institution for extension

activities and/contributions to the social/community development during

the last four years.


3.7 Collaboration

3.7.1 How does the institution collaborate and interact with research

laboratories, institutes and industry for research activities. Cite examples

and benefits accrued of the initiatives-collaborative research staff

exchange, sharing facilities and equipment, research scholarships etc.

The college and its departments collaborate with many institutions at the level of research, studies and faculty sharing. The students and teachers of the college avail the facilities of other institutions, faculty support and their participation in workshops and seminars.

Department of Physics has signed a MoU with Malabar Cancer Care Society, Tellicherry for faculty exchange.

The students and faculty of the Department of Forestry have availed the facilities of the R&D division of Western India Plywood Ltd., Kerala Forest research Institute, College of Forestry, Trissur and School of Wood Science

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and Technology. The faculties of the department act as supervising guides for the Post Graduate research projects of scholars of the Department of Environmental Studies of Kannur University.

Students and researchers of the Department of Chemistry have availed the facilities and faculty of IISc Bangalore, Centre for Bio-informatics, Trivandrum, Central University, Hyderabad, NIT Kozhikode, IIITM Trivandrum, Centre for Water Resources Development, Calicut and Regional Textile Laboratory, Kannur.

The students of the Department of Physics have made use of the facilities and faculty of IISER, Trivandrum. The students of the Department of Zoology have been availing the facilities and faculty of Western India Plywood Ltd. Valapattanam, Kerala Forest Research Institute and Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod.

The students and researchers of the Department of Botany have availed the facilities and faculty of TBGRI Trivandrum for SEM and TEM studies, Cashew promotion council, Kollam, CMPRI, Kottakkal, Malappuram for phytochemical study, Department of Geology, Central University, Karnataka for GIS study, MSSRF, Wayanad, Kerala for ethnobotanical studies, Department of Botany, University of Calicut, Malappuram for Taxonomic studies, CPCRI, Kasaragod for the study of plant Physiology, IISR, Calicut for the study of Molecular biology, NMPGRI, Coimbatore for the study of plant breeding and the Department of Environmental Studies, Kannur University, Kannur for environmental studies.

3.7.2 Provide details on the MoUs /collaborative arrangements (if any)

with institutions of national importance/other universities/

industries/Corporate (corporate entities)etc. and how they have

contributed to the development of the institution

• College has made collaborative arrangements with Ajith Balakrishnan foundation for the construction and maintenance of Computational Chemistry lab

• College signed a MoU with Malabar Cancer Care Society for faculty exchange and research

Efforts are being made to sign MoUs with the following institutions

• Department of Geology, Central University, Karnataka, for GIS studies of Northern Kerala biodiversity especially Mangrove diversity.

• CAbC, MSSRF, Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala for ethnobotanical study of selected tribes of Wayanad Distrct.

3.7.3 Give details (if any) on the industry-institution-community

interactions that have contributed to the establishment/creation/up-

gradation of academic facilities, student and staff support, infrastructure

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facilities of the institution viz. laboratories/library/new

technology/placement services etc.


3.7.4 Highlighting the names of eminent scientists/participants, who

contributed to the events, provides details of national and international

conferences organized by the college during the last four years.

The following are the programmes organized by some of the departments during the last four years and the prominent resource persons.


Date Department Event Scientist/Participant

1 4th & 5th March 2011

Chemistry National level workshop on Molecularmodeling

R.Raghu, Executive Director, Schrodinger, Mahalakshmipuram


15,16 March 2011


National seminar on Beyond theMargins-

Reflection of Identity

in New Social


Dr.MGS Narayanan, Chairman, ICHR

Dr.Sadasivan, Dean of Social science, MS University, Thirunelveli,

Prof.KEN Kunhahammed,Social activist,

Sri. Civic Chandran, Social activist.


8th & 9th August 2012


National seminar on Computational


M.S.Gopinathan, Professor, IISER,Trivandrum


15th &16th Dec 2011


National seminar

Dr.L.Prabhakar, Principal, SRLC, Mysore

Dr.RS Sirraju, Head of the department of Hindi, Hyderabad Univesity.


8th & 9th March 2013


National seminar on

New frontiers of


Dr.ShyjuMon, IISER,Trivandrum


Dr.M.Ramakrishnan, GBC, Thalassery.

Dr.Mini P Balakrishnan, Providence College, Calicut

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6 4th october 2013

Hindi Distinguished lecture on Science & culture

Dr.Rohith P, Delhi University

7 5th & 6th

Sept. 2013 Commerce

National level intercollegiate management fest

Vinod Narayanan, President ,NorthMalabarChamber of Commerce, Kannur

8 7th & 8th Jan 2014


National seminar on Insect Diversity of

Western Ghats

Dr. Balachandran Keezhoth, Registrar, Kannur University.


23rd & 24th Jan 2014


National seminar sponsored by UGC on Hindi Dalit Sahithya mem Nari

Vimarsh Evam


Prof.V.Krishna, Director, Adivas and Dalit Centre, University of Hyderabad.


24th &25th Feb 2014


National seminar on Statistical Methods

Dr.B.Ashok, Vice Chancellor, KVASU


19th & 20 March 2014


National seminar on Role of Insects And

Marine Organism on

Wood Bio-


Dr.Govindan, Principal, College of Agriculture, Kasaragod.

Dr.L.Santakumar, Scientist, Institute of Wood Science & Technology, Bangalore.


29th October 2014


National seminar on The Media: Emerging Trends

Mr E Saneesh,Senior News Editor, Media One

Dr Mohammed Shafi, Assistant Professor, School of Management Studies , NIT,Calicut

13 9th Dec 2014

Physics National seminar on Spectroscopic

Approach to


Prof.B.K. Srojini, Mangalore University,

PM Sidharthar, Rtd scientist, ISRO


9th Dec 2014


National seminar on Research


Nesi Danie, Professor, Kerala University


6th March


Seminar on

Dr.Sanhya Sachi Chatterjee,

Indian Institute of Astrophysics,

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2015 Astronomy Bangalore


14th &15th March 2015


Physics stage show

Dr.Anantha Raman, CUSAT, Kochi


8th & 9th March 2016


National seminar on Direct Cash Transfer

as an Alternate to


Dr VP Raghavan, Sr fellow, Ministry Of culture, Govt of India.

Jose Sebastion ,Associate Professor, Gulathi Institute of finance taxation Trivandrum,

Dr C Krishnan, Associate Professor, Dept of Economics, Govt: College Kodencheri, Calicut

3.7.5 How many of the linkages/ collaborations have actually resulted in

formal MoUs and agreements? List out the activities, beneficiaries and

cite examples (if any) of the established linkages that enhanced and/or


Curriculum development/enrichment Internship/on-the-job training Summer placement Faculty exchange and professional development Research Consultancy Extension Publication Student placement Twinning programmes Introduction of new courses Student exchange Any other

Linkage and collaborations hitherto have worked on the basis of mutual understandings with MoUs’. The question of collaboration with other institutions is limited by the affiliating system. Curriculum development, internship and faculty exchange, did not draw anything from collaboration. The only area where collaborations developed was in research (mentioned in 3.7.1) and organizing workshops and seminars.

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List of some of the seminars organized in collaboration mode are shown




Area Beneficiaries Collaboration with

1 Entomology and Local health traditions

Students/Researchers/ Faculties/public

Centre for Environment and Development (CED)

2 Future concerns of environment legislations in India.

Students/Researchers/ Faculties/public

Kerala StateCouncil for Science, Technology & Environment

3 Conservation of Western Ghats Present status and future concern

Students/Researchers/ Faculties/public

Kerala Forest and wild life department.

4 Sea turtle of India-status and conservation

Students/Researchers/ Faculties/public

Kerala Forest and wild life department.

5 Importance of challenges of conservation of forest and wild life resources

Students/Researchers/ Faculties/public

Society for Environmental Education, Kerala(SEEK)

6 Relevance of environmental education in Kerala

Students/Researchers/ Faculties/public

Society for Environmental Education, Kerala(SEEK)

7 Plant taxonomy UG/PG/Research students

Zamorin’s Gurruvayurappan College, Calicut

8 Agricultural congress Farmers MSSRF, Calicut 9 Sacred grove conservation Local communities OISCA International 10 Ozone day celebration UG/PG/Research

students KSCSTE,Kerala

11 Panchayathi Raj &Development UG/PG/Research students


12 Youth &Local self Government UG/PG/Research students


13 Decentralization, Grama Swaraj & Seva Kendram

UG/PG/Research students


14 Archival Exhibition UG/PG/Research students

Kozhikode Archives

15 Tuhfatthul Mujahideen, The ideology of resistance

UG/PG/Research students

Tuhfath Mission Society Abu Dhabi -UAE

16 Bhoomika UG/PG/Research students


17 Indian Secularism& Communal Harmony. Contribution of Swami Vivekananda

UG/PG/Research students


18 Distributions of trade & Culture in Kolathu nadu

UG/PG/Research students

Folklore academy

3.7.6 Detail on the systemic efforts of the institution in planning, establishing and implementing the initiatives of the



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Any other relevant information regarding Research, Consultancy and

Extension which the college would like to include.

The new PG & Research block, which is under construction, is designed to provide modern facilities to expand research, consultancy and extension work. The college aspires to become the best institution for research work under Kannur University with the completion of this building.

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4.1 Physical Facilities

4.1.1 What is the policy of the Institution for creation and enhancement

of infrastructure that facilitate effective teaching and learning?

The policy of the college regarding infrastructure is consistent with the needs that arise as a result of academic development. The policy is as follows.

• To periodically upgrade infrastructure to support best class room education and to promote good teaching learning environment

• Allocate adequate resource for infrastructure development • Optimum utilisation of resource to carry out curricular, co curricular,

extracurricular and research activities • Raise fund from government agencies, alumni and other funding

agencies through various schemes.

4.1.2 Detail the facilities available for

a) Curricular and co curricular activities- Class rooms, technology

enabled learning spaces, seminar halls, tutorial spaces, laboratories,

botanical garden, animal house, specialized facilities and equipment for

teaching, learning and research etc.

Major facilities for curricular and co curricular activities



Facility Quantity

1 Class Room 56 2 Smart Room 07 3 Laboratories Physics 5 Chemistry 3 Research Lab 1 Computational Chemistry Lab 1 Botany 2 Research Lab 1 Zoology 1 Forestry 1 Statistics Computational lab (Data Analytic Centre) 1 4 Atmospheric Weather Station 1 5 IT Centre 1 6 Medicinal Plant Garden 1 7 Central Library 1 8 Auditorium 1 9 Seminar Hall 3 10 Guest Room 1 11 Cooperative Store 1 12 Photostat Centre 1

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13 Prayer Hall 2 14 Health Centre 1 15 Ladies Room 1 16 Canteen 1 17 CCTV Camera 12 18 Day Care Centre 1 19 Public addressing System 5 20 Digital Notice Board 1 21 Fax machine 1 22 Lap top 10 23 LCD Projecter 12 24 Computer 120 25 Printer 12 26 Scanner 5 27 Photo copier 4 28 Inverter 2 29 Generator 4 30 Sports Pavelion 1 39 Drinking water System 3 40 Students’ Centre 1

Class rooms: Well furnished class rooms are provided for all departments. Altogether 56 class rooms are available, of which seven are smart rooms with all modern facilities. Every department has separate staff room. Laboratories: The labs for science subjects are provided with all equipments and facilities to do the sufficient number of experiments specified in the syllabus. Museum, herbarium, store room, preparation room etc are also present. Research Centres and facilities: Department of Botany and Department of Chemistry are recognized research centres of Kannur University. Department of Chemistry has a computational chemistry laboratory with modern softwares for research purpose.

UV-visible Spectrophotometer, Tissue culture facility, PCR Thermal Cycler, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Gel documentation system, Gel electrophoresis, 20 freezer, solvent extraction facility, Microtome, Millipore water purification, Research microscopes with photomicrography are some of the other research facilities available in the college.

The GCMS (Gas Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry facilities), automatic weather station and computational facilities in Computational chemistry lab are the unique specialties of the college.

All the research labs have enough facilities to keep the instruments neat and effective. Research scholars are provided with separate cabins to undertake their research activities. Language lab and media center ensures utilization of modern technology in communicative English and journalism.

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Seminar halls: An air conditioned seminar hall with good audio visual facilities has been set up to conduct national level seminars. Two more seminar halls are recently renovated and fitted with modern facilities.

Auditorium: The recently completed auditorium with a seating capacity of 1500, and hi-tech facilities give a new dimension to the college level programmes.

Central library: The central library is well furnished with a seating capacity of 150. Separate area for reference, news paper reading and watching TV is provided. Under Network Resourcing Center of UGC, Wi-Fi facility is also provided. High speed internet facility is available in the library to download research publications and articles. The library has a collection of 40000 books and subscribes to 110 journals. There are also scanning, printing and photocopy facilities in the library. Necessary UPS are also provided. Digital Taking library facility is also setup for blind students.

Separate rooms are available for Career Counseling, Remedial coaching and IQAC activities.

b) Extra -curricular activities - sports, outdoor and indoor games, gymnasium, auditorium, NSS, NCC, cultural activities, Public speaking,

communication skills development, yoga, health and hygiene etc.

Facilities for various games are available. There are football, cricket, basket ball, volley ball, hand ball and tennis courts. A sports pavilion with all amenities has been established. A well equipped gymnasium is also functioning. A 400 m sports track and jumping pit are also available. Indoor facilities to play shuttle badminton and table tennis are available. A big indoor court with the financial support of UGC is under construction.

Separate rooms for NCC (boys and girls), NSS and yoga practice are available. Media hall and student center are used for cultural activities also. There are separate rest rooms for both boys and girls inside the campus. The ladies retreat for girls has a sick room and a prayer hall. There is a common staff club with TV and recreational facilities for the staff. Students co-operative store provides books and stationary to the students at a concessional rate, Employees Credit Society also has a separate room. 4.1.3 How does the institution plan and ensure that the available

infrastructure is in accordance with its academic growth and is optimally

utilized? Give specific examples of the facilities developed/augmented and

the amount spent during the last four years (enclose Master Plan of the

Institution/Campus and indicate the existing physical infrastructure and

the future planned expansions if any).

• College has a separate infrastructure committee which makes scientific studies about the facilities available each year. Proper

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planning is made for maximum utilisation of the available infrastructure facilities.

• New infrastructural facilities are built after careful planning and need analysis. Feedback from students, parents’ teachers and peers are duly considered at the time of planning.

• Renovations are also made wherever needed. To address the need for class rooms following the commencement of new courses in B.A. Malayalam and M.A. Arabic, five new class rooms were constructed.

• To meet the growing need for class rooms, laboratories and other facilities and to make the institution one of the best research centres for various subjects, the construction of separate PG cum research block has been started.

• An indoor stadium is being built to augment the sports facility of the college with the financial support of UGC.

• In response to the increase in the number of women students, facilities in the Ladies retreat have been improved and enough women friendly toilets provided.

• A Day Care Centre has also been set up to cater to the needs of young women teachers, researchers and students.

• Smart class rooms are set up for promoting IT enabled teaching learning process.

• Campus Wi-Fi facility is utilized extensively by teachers and students. Internet connections are made available to all the Departments.

• Research scholars are provided with IT enable rooms in addition to the lab facilities.

• Infrastructure is thus built in such way that they are utilized optimally and effectively.

(Master plan of the Institution is enclosed in annexure IX).


4.1.4 How does the institution ensure that the infrastructure facilities

meet the requirements of students with physical disabilities?

Students with physical disabilities are given facilities for stay in the hostels where disabled friendly spaces were allotted to them. Facilities such as disabled friendly ramp, wheel chairs, and Digital Talking Library for visually impaired students, voice recorders and such other provisions are extended.

4.1.5 Give details on the residential facility and various provisions

available within them:

Hostel facility: Accommodation available: Separate hostels for boys and girls are available. Malik Deenar Hostel for boys has facilities like mess hall, reading room, prayer hall, recreation room, TV room and facilities for shuttle badminton and table tennis.

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Ladies hostel has mess hall, reading room, separate study rooms for different category of students, prayer hall, sports facilities, guest room, and incinerator Recreational facilities, gymnasium, yoga centre etc: The college has a well equipped gymnasium which was established with the support of the College Alumni. New machineries worth Rs. 5 lakhs is added and presently 25 students can do physical exercises at a time. Hostellers are allowed to use the Gymnasium in the evening and in the morning.

Computer facility including access to internet in hostel: No separate computer facilities are provided in the hostel. But the hostellers can avail the facilities in the college computer center from 4.00 pm. to 5 pm on normal working days and 9.30 am to 4.00 pm on Saturdays. They can use internet facility in their own devices as and when they need in the hostels.

Facilities for medical emergencies: A visiting doctor of the college Health Centre attends to all primary health needs of the students and staff free of cost. Taluk Head Quarters Hospital Taliparamba and Co-operative hospital is very near to the college hostels. Arrangements are made for special health care to the hostel inmates in these hospitals.

Internet and Wi-Fi facility: Internet and Wi-Fi facilities are available only on the college campus. Hostellers can use the Internet facilities in the library from 4.00 pm. to 5.30 pm.

Recreational facility-common room with audio-visual equipments: Both the ladies and men’s hostel have common room for news paper reading and T.V. watching. Facilities are provided to play shuttle badminton, table tennis, chess and caroms.

Available residential facility for the staff and occupancy: Presently 5 faculty members are staying in the men’s hostel and 2 in the ladies hostel. Their presence ensures discipline, quality in food and medical care.

Constant supply of safe drinking water: Both the men’s and ladies hostel have its own system of water supply. Water filter facilities are set up to provide safe drinking water.

Security: The college hostel has 24 hours security system and visitors and guests are allowed only after proper verification and identification. 4.1.6 What are the provisions made available to students and staff in

terms of health care on the campus and off the campus?

The College Health Centre provides primary health care to the students and staff free of cost. The health centre is attended by a visiting doctor. Medical check-up for all first year students is conducted at the beginning of every academic year.

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4.1.7 Give details of the common facility available on the campus-spaces

for special units like IQAC, Grievance Redressal Unit, Women’s Cell

Counseling and Career Guidance, Placement Unit, Health Centre,

Canteen, recreational spaces for staff and students, safe drinking water

facility, auditorium etc.

IQAC has a well furnished office with computer and Internet facilities. Periodical meetings of the IQAC are conducted in this office. Women’s Cell has a separate office, and has spaces for Yoga and tailoring practice. Career Counseling and Placement Unit shares a common room which has provisions for internet browsing and reference.

Health center has necessary medicines and first aid kits. Since the Taliparamba Taluk hospital and Taliparamba Co-operative hospital is just half km away expert medical treatments and facilities are readily available.

College canteen works from 8.00 a.m. to 6 p.m. on all working days including Saturdays. Special arrangements are made to open the canteen if any function is arranged either on Sundays or on holidays. Staff club and students center provides recreational facilities for teachers and students. Pure sterilized drinking water is available on the campus and is strictly monitored by the College PTA. The new auditorium with the seating capacity of 1500 is used for conducting cultural programmes, exhibitions, open forums and student related activities.

4.2 Library as Learning Resources

4.2.1 Does the library have an Advisory Committee? Specify the

composition of such a committee. What significant initiatives have been

implemented by the committee to render the library, student/user


YES, The College has a Library Advisory Committee with Principal as the Chairman and Librarian as the Secretary. Five Heads of Departments and a student representative are the members of this committee. The Library advisory committee meets regularly to consider all important matters pertaining to the library.

Significant initiatives implemented by the committee are as follows:

• To build a digital collections, a digital library software “Greenstone” has been installed and is accessible through nine terminals

• Digital talking library software “ORCA” has been installed in two systems, for the benefit of the blind students.

• A “borrower check in check out option” has been incorporated in the server system of the “Bookmagic” (Library management software).

• A UG student can take 5 books at a time. • Purchased 10 more Book shelves to exhibit the new arrivals.

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• A ramp has been constructed at the entrance of the library to help the physically challenged students.

4.2.2 Provide details of the following:

Total area of the library (in Sq.Mts.): 6432 SQ .FT

Total seating capacity : 150

Working hours (on working days, on holidays, before examinations,

during examination days, during vacation).

Working hours: 8.30 am to 5 pm. on regular days and 8.30 am to 6.00 pm. during examination period.

Layout of the library (individual reading carrels, lounge area for browsing and relaxed reading, IT zone for accessing e-resources)

Layout of the library (see Annexure X)

4.2.3 How does the library ensure purchase and use of current titles,

print and e- journals and other reading materials? Specify the amount

spent on procuring new books, journals and e-resources during the last

four years.

Library solicits requisitions of book from the departments, teachers and students. The requisitions are placed in the purchase committee and after getting sanctions from the committee, orders are placed to the book shops. Funds from UGC, Government and Management are used for purchase



2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

Num ber

Total Cost

Number Total


Number Total

Cost Num ber

Total Cost

Text books 551 148725 1184 245761 992 259985 2039 575090 Reference Books

5 21730 68 107144 153 84415 50 199638

Journals/ Periodicals

110 75815 110 80771 110 107233 110 112452

e-resources More than 6000 e-journals, 135000 e-books (N-list)

Any other (specify)

301 Bound volumes of periodicals, 44 maps and 144 CDs.

4.2.4 Provide details on the ICT and other tools developed to provide

maximum access to the library collection

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Library is automated with Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), online circulation with bar coding technology, etc. All the students have been given bar coded identity cards. Catalogue cards are filed alphabetically and classified. "Open access system" in the library helps the users to locate documents easily. The users have free access to the digital book collection in various subjects as well as electronic books and journals under NLIST programme of INFLIBNET.

• Electronic Resource Management package for e-journals - YES

• Federated searching tools to search articles in multiple databases - NIL

• Library website - YES • In-house/ remote access to e-publications - YES • Library automation - YES • Total number of computers for public access - 13 • Total number of printers for public access - 2 • Internet band width/speed * 2mbps * 10 mbps * 1GB - 8mbps • Institutional Repository - YES, Greenstone. • Content management system for e-learning - NO • Participation in resource sharing networks/ consortia (like Inflibnet)

YES, N LIST facility of INFLIBNET. 4.2.5 Provide details on the following items:

• Average number of walk-ins :420 • Average number of books issued/returned: 160 per day • Ratio of library books to students enrolled: 25 : 1 • Average number of books added during last three years: 1495 per year • Average number of login to OPAC: 120 • Average number of login to e-resources: 65 • Average number of e-resources downloaded/printed: 60 • Number of information literacy trainings organized: nil • Details of “weeding out” of books and other materials:

Books and other materials are weeded out from library as per the resolutions of the Library Advisory Committee when

(i) the books are identified obsolete (ii) books are damaged beyond recovery (iii) Magazines are auctioned at the year end

4.2.6 Give details of the specialized services provided by the library

Sl No

Item Availability Details

1 Manuscripts NIL

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2 Reference YES Library has a reference section

3 Reprography YES Two Xerox machines are available.

4 ILL (Inter Library Loan Service)


5 Information deployment and notification

YES Information regarding programs inside and outside the campus are notified on the library notice Board

6 Download YES From Network resource Centre

7 Printing YES Three printers are available in the library.

8 Reading list/ Bibliography compilation


9 In-house/remote access to e-resources

YES Digital Library “Greenstone”

10 User Orientation and awareness

YES All the new students are given orientation at the beginning of the academic year.

11 Assistance in searching Databases

YES On request

12 INFLIBNET/IUC facilities

YES NLIST facility is being provided to the students and teachers

4.2.7 Enumerate on the support provided by the Library staff to the

students and teachers of the college.

Following Services are rendered by library

• Orientation on library facilities • Ensuring security of users’ belongings • Searching and locating books for users

• Xeroxing the required pages. • Helping visually challenged students in using Digital Talking Library • New addition alert service. • Career guidance

4.2.8 What are the special facilities offered by the library to the visually/

physically challenged persons? Give details

There is a separate section for visually challenged students providing digital talking library. A digital talking library software “ORCA” has been installed in two systems which enable the students to hear the lessons in English and Malayalam.

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4.2.9 Does the library get the feedback from its users? If yes, how is it

analyzed and used for improving the library services. (What strategies

are deployed by the library to collect the feedback from users? How is

the feedback analyzed and used for further improvement of the library


Yes. Formal online feedback is taken from students through college website and informally from other users. They are then analysed scientifically and necessary amendments made in the services and infrastructural facilities of the library.

4.3 IT Infrastructure

4.3.1 Give details on the computing facility available (hardware and

software) at the institution

Number of computers with configuration (provide actual number with exact configuration of each available system)

Sl No Item Configuration Nos 1 Desktop Core i5 10 2 Do Dualcore 91 3 Do Corei3 3 4 Do Quadracore 1 5 Server Computers Xeon 1 6 Laptop AMD 8 7 Do Dualcore 5 8 Do Core i3 1

Total 120

Computer-student ratio - 1: 13 Stand alone facility - LAN facility - only through internet Wi-Fi Facility - Available

Licensed software: college promotes the usage of free softwares. Modern equipments are provided with their own licensed softwares Computational chemistry lab uses the software Gaussian and Atmospheric Weather Station uses SkyeLynx Comms. The Main Automation Software used in college are “Library Automation” Software (Book Magic and OPAC) and “Total Campus Solution” for campus administration purposes including course calendar setting, timetable generation, online attendance system, online mark uploading and classification of student database.

Softwares like Matlab, Chemdraw, ‘R’, Linux, Ubuntu, Latex, Python, etc. are used in various departments Number of nodes/computers with internet facility: 120

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Any other: NIL

4.3.2 Detail on the computer and internet facility made available to the

faculty and students on the campus and off-campus

• The college campus is Wi-Fi enabled with firewall for internet security. Teachers and students can access internet through this facility. All teaching departments have computers with printers and internet connectivity through NME Connections. The seminar hall, IQAC room and career guidance center have separate internet connections.

• The systems in IT Centre are also extended to student users. • The computers in media hall, statistical computing lab, computation

chemistry lab, physics lab, chemistry lab and computers in library are also accessible to students.

4.3.3 What are the institutional plans and strategies for deploying and

upgrading the IT infrastructure and associated facilities?

The college gives special care for the establishment and up gradation of IT facilities in the college. The hub of the ICT facilities in the college is IT Centre.

An ICT Committee is set up for monitoring Wi-Fi facility, network facilities and other IT facilities in the college and it convenes meetings periodically and reviews the state of ICT facilities in the college on the basis of formal and informal feedback and does need analysis. It also recommends the actions required in this regard. The management and principal follow their recommendations.

4.3.4 Provide details on the provision made in the annual budget for

procurement, upgradation, deployment and maintenance of the

computers and their accessories in the institution (Year wise for last four


High priority is accorded to the purchase of computers, LCD projectors and UPS during the 12th plan period under development schemes. An amount of Rs 7, 00000/: has been allotted by the planning board for setting up of Wi-Fi facilities. Management has a budgetary provision of 2 lakh rupees per year for the maintenance of IT related instruments

4.3.5 How does the institution facilitate extensive use of ICT resources

including development and use of computer-aided teaching/learning

materials by its staff and students?

• The college organizes training programme for teachers and students. • Wi-Fi facility is provided to both students and staff.

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• The Network Resource Centre offers open learning resource materials.

• Teachers make use of the college website and various department websites to pool teaching learning resources and encourage the students to use this material.

• The availability of NList facility of INFLIBNET is a huge attraction for students as well as teachers to explore ICT materials.

4.3.6 Elaborate giving suitable examples on how the learning activities

and technologies deployed (access to on-line teaching–learning resources,

independent learning, ICT- enabled classrooms/learning spaces etc.) by

the institution place the student at the centre of teaching-learning process

and render the role of a facilitator for the teacher.

The Choice Based Credit and Semester System and the continuous and comprehensive evaluation process guarantee participatory learning among students. With the help of the teacher students identify the learning resource available in the networks which they learn themselves.

For example in preparing for a seminar, the teacher only gives a framework of study and mentions the resources available. The teacher may also guide them by giving NPTEL /CEC/MIT open ware resources related to their topic. The students collect data that suits the framework from the ICT facilities available to form the structure of their presentation. This ensures that ICT facilities such as campus Wi-Fi, smart class room, net work resource centre in the library, IT centre etc are exploited to the maximum by the students. 4.3.7 Does the institution avail of the National Knowledge Network

connectivity directly or through the affiliating university? If so, what are

the services availed of?


4.4 Maintenance of Campus Facilities

4.4.1 How does the institution ensure optimal allocation and utilization

of the available financial resources for maintenance and upkeep of the

following facilities (substantiate your statements by providing details of

budget allocated during last four years)?

College confers high priority to the upkeep of its building, resources and premises. The building and its premises are cleaned daily. Sufficient work force is arrayed for the upkeep of the campus under a Maintenance Wing.

The amount spent by the management under various heads as per the budgetary provision is provided below.

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No Items 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16


Building construction and maintanance






2 Furniture 186500 344714 811491 883501


Equipment & books

78502 201188




186711 89298 36908 150000 72064

5 Vehicles 723289

Total 3480490 1838547 3092693 6889000 5359676 4.4.2 What are the institutional mechanisms for maintenance and

upkeep of the infrastructure facilities and equipment of the college?

The college has a permanent mechanism for the maintenance of infrastructure and upkeep of the campus. There is a permanent computer technician who takes care of the maintenance of computers, projectors and smart boards. Annual contract maintenance is signed with the suppliers for the Wi-Fi and water purifiers. Infrastructure maintenance is done under the supervision of a work engineer. Carpenters, electrician and plumbers are appointed on contract basis.

4.4.3 How and with what frequency does the institute take up calibration

and other precision measures for the equipment/instrument?

All the instruments and equipments in the laboratories are well maintained through departmental funding as well as funding from external funding agencies. the standard operation procedures are followed whenever used.. Before, procuring instruments, the “Internal Review Committee” of the departments assesses the need of procuring the instruments, and then recommends it for purchase. Generally Instruments are calibrated once in every six month

4.4.4 What are the major steps taken for location, upkeep and

maintenance of sensitive equipment (voltage fluctuation, constant supply

of water etc.)?

Sensitive equipments are installed at points which are made water proof and air conditioned. Inverters and UPS facilities are given at all points where sensitive equipment is installed. To enhance the power supply diesel power generators are also established. A mechanic is also in the roll of the college to handle these facilities. Distribution of sufficient water is ensured through college water supply through open well and bore well system.

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Any other relevant information regarding infrastructure and Learning

Resources which the college would like to include.

College has a permanent infrastructural and maintenance workforce comprising of civil engineers, skilled supervising staff, and permanent maintenance workers like carpenters, electricians etc. Most of the infrastructural maintenance works are done on a day to day basis and hence proper maintenance is done within a short timeframe.

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5.1 Student mentoring and support

5.1.1 Does the institution publish its updated prospectus/hand book

annually? If yes, what is the information provided to students through

these documents and how does the institution ensure its commitment and


Yes. The college publishes prospectus and handbook every academic year.

The college prospectus provides brief information about the college, admission procedure, eligibility criteria, rules regarding attendance and discipline, subject combinations offered in arts and science, new academic programmes introduced, Post Graduate and research programmes.

Prospectus is generally distributed at the time of students collecting the application forms for admission to the programmes of the college.

The handbook cum academic calendar is distributed to all students, staff and other stakeholders. It contains, the motto, vision and mission, the history of physical and academic growth, the list of managing committee members, the staff (both teaching and non-teaching) and other functionaries, with phone numbers, the structure and details of curriculum, the listing of co-curricular and enrichment programmes.

The entire curricular and extracurricular programmes of a year are executed hinging on this academic calendar.

5.1.2 Specify the type, number and amount of institutional

scholarships/freeships given to the students during the last four years and

whether the financial aid was available and disbursed on time?

Financial support is extended to students under the following heads

• Endowments and scholarships given by various organisations through CDMEA

• PTA scholarships • Alumni scholarship • Financial support from teachers under the scheme SAFE • Scholarships from different agencies including Government

The institution takes special interest in providing maximum possible scholarships to its students.

Following are the various scholarships availed from the Government agencies every year.

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• Kerala State Higher Education Scholarship • Central Sector Scheme Scholarships • Kerala State Suvarnna Jubilee Scholarship • Muslim Girls’ Scholarship • Post matric scholarship • State Merit Scholarship • Hindi Scholarship • UGC- Post Graduate Merit Scholarship • Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl • Fisheries Scholarship • Children of Beedi Workers • Blind/PH Scholarship • Grant in Aid from UGC for Minorities • The Higher Education Endowment and Cash Prizes.

In addition to these scholarships, the following endowments are distributed every year.

• Dr.T.P.Balakrishnan Memorial Endowment • A.K.Kader Kutty Memorial Endowment • P.K.Kunhipathumma Memorial Endowment • C.P.Ayisha And C.P.Safiya Memorial Endowment • Valiya Thanal Mariyumma Memorial Endowment • Mrs. Sudha Krishnan Memorial Award.

The Cannanore District Muslim Educational Association (CDMEA), the parent body of Sir Syed College and the college PTA distribute awards to the rank holders and class toppers in the University examinations.

5.1.3 What percentage of students receives financial assistance from

state government, central government and other national agencies?

Year No.of students getting financial assistance

Total No. of students

% of students

2011-12 705 1399 52.65 2012-13 757 1514 50 2013-14 870 1528 56.93 2014-15 928 1565 59.29

The amount of scholarships from the Government and other agencies during the year 2014-2015 is given below

SI No.

Name of the scholarship No. of candidates

Amount in Rs.

1 Kerala State Higher Education scholarship

73 15,81,000

2 Central Sector Scheme Scholarship 46 5,00,000 3 Central Sector Scheme 4 40,000

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Scholarship(CBSE) 4 Kerala State Suvarnna Jubilee

Merit Scholarship 20 2,00,000

5 Snehapoorvam Scholarship 13 1,30,000 6 CH Muhammed Koya Muslim

Girls scholarship/ hostel stipend 503 22,82,000

7 Post Matric scholarship for Minorities

157 7,26,890

8 State Merit scholarship 2 2,500 9 Hindi Scholarship 1 5,000 10 Post Graduate Indira Gandhi

scholarship for Single Girl 2 40,000

11 UGC merit scholarship 1 20,000 12 Fisheries Scholarship 8 88,318 13 Children of beedi workers

scholarship 3 9,000

14 Blind/PH scholarship(BPHFC) 17 1,06,984 15 Sitaram Jindal Foundation

scholarship Banglore 5 50,400

16 Student Aid Fund 7 7,000 17 Alumni Association Scholarship 10 30,000 Endowments 18 Dr.T.P.Balakrishnan Memorial

Endowment 32 96,000

19 A.K.Kader Kutty Memorial Endowment

9 27,000

20 P.K.Kunhipathumma Memorial Endowment

6 18,000

21 C.P.Ayisha & C.P.Safiya Memoria Endowment

3 7,500

22 Valiya Thanal Mariyumma Memorial Endowment

3 9,000

23 Mrs.Sudha Krishnan Memorial Endowment

3 3,600

TOTAL 705 59,80,192

5.1.4 What are the specific support services/facilities available for

Students from SC/ST, OBC and economically weaker sections Students with physical disabilities Overseas students Students to participate in various competitions/National and International Medical assistance to students: health centre, health insurance etc. Organizing coaching classes for competitive exams Skill development (spoken English, computer literacy etc.) Support for “slow learners” Exposures of students to other institution of higher learning/corporate /business house etc. Publication of student magazines

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Scholarships: The students from SC/ST/OBC and economically weaker sections are given scholarships as per the State Government regulations.

Reservation in admission: 20% of the total seats in the college are reserved for the candidates who belong to the SC/ST. 20% of the seats are reserved for the Muslim community by the government. Admission in management quota is also predominantly given to OBC and minority students. Majority berths are thus made available to the students who belong to the SC/ST, OBC and minorities.

Free Hostel accommodation: The students belonging to the SC/ST category are given free food and accommodation with the support from the SC/ST Welfare Board, Kerala.

Remedial Coaching: The target group of the Remedial Coaching Centre of the college is the students belonging to SC/ST/OBC.

NET Coaching: The Centre for NET Coaching also aims the students belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non creamy layer) and minorities. Special care via Tutorial System is given to induct the students belonging to these categories for the coaching programmes conducted by the centre.

Entry into Service Coaching: Centre for Entry into Service Coaching is specially instituted to serve the students belonging to SC/ST category. Coaching programmes are organised after the candidates have applied for the tests and examinations.

Conveyance Charges: The college extends conveyance charges, accommodation charges, lump sum support etc. to the students belonging to economically backward students with the aid of UGC funds.

SAFE: This financial support programme initiated by the teachers to support the students from economically weak category for books, dress, food, accommodation, treatment etc.

The details are shown in the item 5.1.2 above

Students with physical disabilities:

Facilities in the hostels: Students with special needs are well attended to in the hostel. They are given rooms on the ground floor which are easily accessible. The other inmates are normally always ready to extend any kind of help to them including helping them to commute to the college.

Disabled-friendly toilets: The college does have disable-friendly toilets.

Provisions of scribes for examinations: The college provides the scribes to the visually challenged students for writing examinations.

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Digital Talking Library (DTL): For the benefit of visually challenged students the college library has the facility of Digital Talking Book Library which can render texts into sounds. This is an immense help for those students in studying.

Medical assistance to students: health centre, health insurance etc.

The college takes up all the responsibilities of the students in case of an emergency. The Health Centre provides the primary level medical treatment. If the doctor refers, the patients are taken to the hospitals outside the college. The expenses are usually met by the college PTA. SAFE the welfare scheme by the teachers for students also helps if required. No special fund is available for medical expenses of the students.

Organising coaching classes for competitive exams

The college organises various coaching classes for UGC- NET examinations every year under NET Coaching Centre and Entry into Service Coaching’ in connection with PSC Examinations and Civil Services examinations.

Skill development

Major part of the skill development programme is in the form of enrichment programmes conducted under the following wings.

• Language skills • Career Guidance and Counseling Centre • Entrepreneurship Development Programme • Soft skill development

Tutorial system: It is an important mechanism for identifying and correcting individual problems faced by the students. Tutors maintain a close relation with the students help them out of their problems.

Walk With Scholar Programme: it is an initiative of the government of Kerala to mentor the students for advancement of their career by motivating them throughout their course period.

Support for slow learners:

Slow learners are identified during tutorial sessions. If a structured approach is needed, the tutor sends such students to remedial coaching centre. In case they require psycho-social help they are referred to the college counseling centre.

Remedial Coaching Classes are given to the students of all subjects. Another mechanism implemented to assist slow learners is SSP (Scholar Support Programme). It is a government-initiated programme for selected slow learners to support them by giving remedial classes for selected subjects.

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Exposures of students to other institution of higher learning/ corporate

/business house etc.

The students go for industrial visit as part of their curricular materialization. The students during their study tours also visit other higher educational institutions, industries and other places.

Project works are another media by which the students get an interface with the working of the industries for a direct know how about the applications of knowledge.

Publication of student magazines

Student magazines are published annually under an editorial committee headed by a staff editor and a chief student editor.

Following are the names of the annual magazines published

Year Name of the magazines Remarks 2010-11 Step down -- 2011-12 Tharavadu - 2012-13 Ee mazha nanayathe pokaruth - 2013-14 Vathil pathi adanhirikkukayanu Won Malayala Manorama

Yuva Chief editor’s trophy 2014-15 Velippurath -

5.1.5 Describe the efforts made by the institution to facilitate

entrepreneurial skills, among the students and the impact of the efforts.

Entrepreneurship Development Club (ED Club)

ED Club, registered under the Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Kerala, is the main organization under which the entrepreneurial skill development programmes of the college are conducted. The Club has ties with RUDSET institute, Kanhirangad for free training programme for business and soft skill.

Every year, ED Club members attend a start-up boot camp at Techno Park, Trivandrum, Govt. of Kerala and visits SEBI, regional office, Kochi Stock Exchange and KINFRA Industrial Park, Kakkancheri, to facilitate entrepreneurial skills. The ED Club in association with RUDSET institute and the Department of Commerce conducts orientation programme on ‘how to become a successful entrepreneur’.

ED Club, made its presence felt in the college exhibition ‘OSTENDO-14’, with stalls of stock markets, insurance and bank. It also conducted a workshop on ‘Security trading operation’ in association with SHAREKHAN. The development of skills in entrepreneurship is stressed by the Department of Commerce in particular and the students regularly participate in seminars conducted by other institutions for this. They participated in seminars

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conducted by RUDSET institute on the topic ‘How to improve our leadership and innovative ability in businesses.

INCEPTION 2K16: The college ED Club conducted ‘INCEPTION 2K16’ inviting business ideas from UG & PG students. Selected ideas were sent to Kannur University incubation centre located at Palayad Campus.

5.1.6 Enumerate the policies and strategies of the institution which

promote participation of students in extracurricular and co-curricular

activities such as sports, games, Quiz competitions, debate and

discussions, cultural activities etc.

• Additional academic support, flexibility in examinations • Special dietary requirements, sports uniform and materials • Any other

The students who take part in sports and arts activities are given special consideration on recommendation by the tutor. Special schedule for examinations is laid down if they are away from the college at the time of internal examinations. The schedule of continuous evaluations are also made flexible for these students.

Special dietary requirements, sports uniforms and materials

The college PTA gives the sports uniforms and meets the dietary needs of such students when they are go out for competitions. The college hostel has a special food menu for the students participating in games and athletics.

5.1.7 Enumerating on the support and guidance provided to the students

in preparing for the competitive exams, give details on the number of

students appeared and qualified in various competitive exams such as


Central/State services, Defense, Civil Services etc.

Examinations 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 UGC-CSIR JRF 1 1 2 1 UGC-CSIR-NET 9 9 6 2 7 SET 4 1 5 GATE 1 4 CAT GRE TOFEL GMAT Central Service Defense Service 2 Civil Services ICWA 2 CA 3

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5.1.8 What type of counseling services are made available to the students

(academic, personal, career, psycho-social etc.)

Faculty Advisor: The Faculty Advisor counsels the students in the selection of Open Courses and guides them in other academics matters.

Class Tutors: Class tutors are part of the college advisory scheme and they take care of the general and individual problems of the students. The tutors maintain close personal relations with the students and identify their strength and weakness and gives individualized care to them. They closely watch the conduct and progress of the students and update the parents as well. Students who require professional counseling are recommended to the College Counseling Centre by the tutors.

Counseling Centre: The Counseling Centre of the college addresses the need for psychological counseling. Mrs. Nasitha Nazreen, Department of Psychology, Koyili Hospital, Kannur, serves as the counselor. A counseling room and required facilities are extended to the centre. The centre keeps a case diary.

Career Counseling Centre: Career & Placement Cell provides counsel on the career potentials and possibilities of individual students through both structured and unstructured methods.

5.1.9 Does the institution have a structured mechanism for career

guidance and placement of its students? If yes, detail on the services

provided to help students identify job opportunities and prepare

themselves for interview and the percentage of students selected during

the campus interviews by different employers ( list the employers and the


YES. A Career Guidance and Counseling Centre does function in the college.

The objectives of the Centre are to:

• Conduct programmes for personality development • Carry out skill enhancement, • Interactions with the industrial and business firms • Facilitate campus placement.

Many programmes have been conducted during the last four years in order to give direction and confidence to the students.

The following are the details of the campus placements.

Year Company Attended Selection 2011-2012 Eureka Forbs 24 7 2012-2013 GENPACT, Hyderabad 110 9 2013-2014 ICICI Bank 151 21 2015-2016 TVS Training and Service, Chennai 9 9

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ASAP 43 Result pending

5.1.10 Does the institution have a student grievance redressal cell? If yes,

list (if any) the grievances reported and the redressed during the last four


The Grievance Redressal System in the college is mentioned in item 2.5.8. The number of grievances reported and redressed is shown in the table below.

Year Reported Redressed 2011-2012 4 4 2012-2013 3 3 2013-2014 2 2 2014-2015 3 3

5.1.11 What are the institutional provisions for resolving issues

pertaining to sexual harassment?

College has a permenat cell to combat sexual harassment which look into the physical or mental harassment and other related issues. The cell consists of a Chairperson, and senior lady faculties as members.

5.1.12 Is there any anti-ragging committee? How many instances (if any)

have been reported during the last four years and what action has been

taken on these?

YES. The Anti-ragging Committee is headed by the Principal and consists of representatives of Civil administration and Police administration, Representative of N.G.O. involved in Youth Activities, Representative of Local Media,faculty members, parents, junior and senior students and non teaching staff. The committee takes appropriate actions on the recommendations of Anti-ragging Squad.

The Anti-ragging Squad is nominated by the head of the institution with such representations as considered necessary and members belong to various sections of campus community. The Squad is vigilant, alert and active at all times and is empowered to inspect places having propensity to ragging and make casual visits into the hostels. The Squad, if at all gets a complaint, enquires and recommends actions to the Anti-ragging Committee.

During the last four years only two cases were reported. These were forwarded to the police for further enquiry and actions.

5.1.13 Enumerate the welfare schemes made available to students by the


Students’ Centre: The Students’ Centre is built by PTA with all facilities for recreation. Students use this facility mainly for their art festival preparations.

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Health Centre: The centre caters to all primary health needs of the students free of cost. Medicine is given on non-profit basis. Serious health problems are referred to the nearby hospital.

Ladies Room: College has a well equipped Ladies room with all facilities for girl students.

Subsidized Canteen: The canteen rates are lower by 25% to 40% as compared to the nearby hotels. Every year, a few disadvantaged students are given free meals in the college mess.

Sports Pavilion: College has a sports pavilion adjacent to the sports ground with facility for changing clothes, taking bath, taking refreshments etc

Co-operative Stores: The college co-operative society runs a co-operative store where all the study materials required for the students are available. The employees can also procure groceries and other materials for their household.

Photostat Centre: The photostat centre functioning in the college is helpful to the students and faculties for availing photocopies at a subsidized price.

Gymnasium: A multi gymnasium has been set up with modern exercising equipments with the support of UGC fund.

College bus service: Three PTA- sponsored college buses ply for the daily commutation of the students and faculties of the college.

Students’ vehicle parking: The college has provided a parking shelter for the vehicles of the students on the campus.

5.1.14 Does the institution have a registered Alumni association? If yes,

what are its activities and major contributions for institutional, academic

and infrastructure development?

Sir Syed Old Students’ Association provides active unstinting support in every respect to the growth and expansion of the institution. The Association has chapters functioning in India, Dubai, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Bahrain.

Sneha Mangalyam by SSCOTA: The Dubai chapter of Alumni Association conducted ‘Sneha Mangalyam’, a group marriage ceremony on 15th August 2013 where 22 young men and women belonging to different religions got married. SSCOTA provided gold to the bride and met all the expenses of the ceremony.

Ormacheppu: The Alumni Association conducted a mega get together in an effort to renew their old memories. They pledged their allegiance and their readiness to associate themselves with all the developmental programmes of the college. All retired teachers of the college were invited and honoured at the function with cultural programmes.

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Plastic-free campus drive: The alumni in 2015 sponsored two dozens of waste bins to the college for segregated disposal of bio and plastic wastes.

Gathering with the students: Alumni meets are conducted quite often on the campus to provide motivation to the student community. The two recent gatherings were with the alumni members who are now police officers in Kerala Police and another of members who were college union bearers while they were study in the college.

Monthly programmes: Alumni Association conducts monthly programme like lectures and interactive sessions on academic, social, psychological or career oriented subjects for the students. These two hours sessions are usually engaged by an eminent alumni member.

Financial supports: The Alumni Association extends monetary assistance as well. The association adopts students from very poor family to help them complete their UG and PG programmes. They grant scholarships and hostel fees to financially weak students and meet the financial requirements to participate in the University Youth Festival.

Further the association has undertaken several major developmental projects to be completed in the near future including the financial support for PG cum Research Block.

Activities of Dept. level alumni: The department level committees organise enrichment programmes as well as family gatherings at least once a year. Department level alumni organises counseling classes and orientation classes for students and farewell programmes to the teachers retiring from the service.

5.2 Student Progression

5.2.1 Providing the percentage of students progressing to higher

education or employment (for the last four batches) highlight the trends


Student progression (in %) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 UG to PG 35 30 35 38 PG to M.Phil 5 8 8 9 PG to PhD 3 3 4 6 Employed

• Campus selection 3




• Other than campus recruitment

40 45 50 50

5.2.2 Provide details of the programme wise pass percentage and

completion rate for the last four years (cohort wise/batch wise as

stipulated by the university) Furnish programme-wise details in

comparison with that of the previous performance of the same institution

and that of the colleges of the affiliating university within the city/district.

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The results from 2011-12 to 2014-15 are given below. For comparison the results of other colleges are not available.

UG Programmes 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15


Arabic 55.55 71.43 47.37 75 Malayalam - - - - Functional English 54.16 75 75 72.22 History 38.46 68.42 66.67 56.41 Economic 60.60 64.10 70.45 65.85


Mathematics 73.03 89.65 69.23 75 Statistics 63.63 78.57 84 42.11 Physics 83.33 86.96 89.66 96.88 Chemistry 91.66 100 91.30 89.29 Botany 95.83 80 96.43 85.19 Zoology 84.61 78.95 80.95 86.96 Forestry & wood Technology

76.92 73.68 94.44 75 83.63 78.85 82.14 85.71

PG Programmes 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

MSc. Botany 100 100 91 100 Physics 100 100 100 81.83 Chemistry 91.66 72.72 91.66 82.87

M.Com 84.21 78.94 73.68 76.92 MA Arabic - - - 100

5.2.3 How does the institution facilitate student progression to higher

level of education and /or towards employment?

The college takes numerous initiatives to inspire and motivate the students to pursue higher education. . The upward mobility of the students is materialized through structured and formal mechanisms for motivation and training as well as informal and personalized support given by the teachers.

Teachers orient their students and give a broad outline of the scope of that subject and avenues that are open for the students after their course. Guest lectures by eminent academicians/experts in the field are arranged by all the departments so that the students get a chance to interact with experts who have contributed valuably in their disciplines. This can also serve as a guiding light for the students to pursue higher education in their fields

The Career and Placement Cell is the strongest wing in this regard. It organizes motivation classes and skill development programmes. It gives information about the opportunities for job, higher level education and scholarship and organizes campus interviews.

The tutors in the tutorial system identify the potential of individual student and keep their wards motivated and give individualized coaching on how to take entrance examinations of higher level institutions.

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Student Employability Enhancement Center (SEEC):SEEC functions in the college with the following objectives:

• To create awareness among students about various job opportunities. • To assist students with placement in institutes of higher excellence. • To enhance students’ employability skills.

Coaching for NET/SET for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) & minority

community students: The college has a Cell for conducting UGC-funded coaching in NET, SET and JRF examinations. The main objective of the scheme is to prepare SC /ST/OBC candidates and candidates from minority communities for clearing these examinations


Entrepreneurship is a major input in the economic development of our country especially in this era of globalization. Entrepreneurship club aims to provide a conduit by which students can access entrepreneurial resources, network with entrepreneurs and share ideas. ED Club shows the way to the educated potential youths to identify a suitable way of life through self employment.

5.2.4 Enumerate the special support provided to students who are at risk

of failure and dropout.

Equal Opportunity Cell, with its programmes and initiatives enrich the trait among the students for inclusiveness on the campus. Remedial coaching motivates the slow learners and helps them to cope up with the academic urge

of the time. Students who are likely to drop out owing to financial problems are given financial support from various financial assistance schemes of the college.

Tutorial scheme and Counseling Centre address the emotional health of the students.

5.3 Student Participation and activities

5.3.1 List the range sports, games, cultural and other extracurricular

activities available to students. Provide details of participation and

programme calendar.

Table shows the Kannur University intercollegiate sports competitions

hosted by Sir Syed College

Year Item

2010-11 Intercollegiate foot ball B-Zone, intern zone womens’ basket ball and inter zone table tennis championship

2011-12 Intercollegiate foot ball B-Zone and inter zone chess championship

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2012-13 Inter zone foot ball championship and inter zone tennis championship

2013-14 Intercollegiate foot ball B-Zone and intercollegiate hand ball championship

2014-15 Inter zone ball badminton and inter zone swimming championship

2015-16 Inter zone Chess championship and inter zone head ball for men and women.

The two events that give extensive opportunities to the students to participate in the cultural activities are:

1) Fine Arts Day in which the students cluster themselves into houses and compete with each other in various items. The winners of these programmes are selected to participate in the university level arts festival.

2) College Day which is generally held at the end of an academic year.

The college also conducts Annual Sports Day in which the students grouped into different houses compete in sports and games. Students who perform well are selected to college team to participate in the University level events.

(i) Representation of players at various levels is given below

Level Event/ Game 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Inter University

Handball - - 6 9 9 Boxing 1 1 - - -

Ballbadminton 2 3 3 2 Kabbadi 1 1 - - - Football 2 2 2 1 1 Cricket 2 2 2 1 1 Tennis 3 2 3 2 2

Powerlifing lifting 1 1 1 1 - Chess - - - - 3

State level

Handball - - 5 9 9 Power lifting lifting 1 1 1 - -

Badminton 1 - - - Kabbadi 1 - - - - Football 1 1 - 1 1 Cricket 2 - - - -


Handball - - 5 9 4 Powerlifing lifting 1 1 1 - -

Badminton - - - - - Kabbadi 1 - - - - Football - 3 - - - Cricket - - - - --

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(ii) Positions secured in the University tournaments

List of students who have won intercollegiate championships, represented

University, state and national level teams


Sl. No

Name sports event

class Inter collegiate

inter univ rsity

state National

1 Jithin. K chess BSc Mathematics

x x

2 Muhammed afsal. P badminton BSc Phy x x 3 Sarath. K.P cricket BSc Phy x x 4 Muhammed shafi. K.P badminton BSc Bot x x 5 Muhammed shafi. K.P cricket BCom x x 6 Jaseel. K.P cricket BCom x x 7 Dipin. P.V cricket BSc phy x x 8 Niyas kuniyil Ball

badminton BA Eco x x

9 Mujaver khan Ball badminton

BA Eco x x

10 Muhammed ashal football BCom x 11 Ismayil salam manzil judo BA Eng x 12 Ismayil salam manzil boxing BA Eng x x 13 Asif K badminton MSc

Physics x x

14 Abdul hameed PTP Power lifting

BA Eco x x x x

15 Jasim. V tennis BA Eco 16 Fayis K.P tennis BCom 17 Rizwan tennis BCom


Position Secured Event or Game 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Handball - - 2nd 1st 1st

Chess - - - - 1st Badminton 3rd - - - 4th Baseball - - - - - Football 4th 4th 2nd 4th 4th Cricket 4th 4th 4th - -

Ball badminton - - 4th 4th - Wrestling 4th - - 3rd -

Power lifting 3rd 3rd 2nd - - Boxing 4th 4th - - -

Judo 4th - - 4th - Tennis 3rd 1st 3rd - 3rd

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Sl. No

Name Sports Event Class Inter collegeiate

inter university

state National

1 Muhammed Ashal

Foot ball BCom x

2 Izam TK Wrestling BA functional English


3 Jesna Jose Wrestling BSc Forestry x

4 Abdul Hameed PTP

Powerlifting BA Economics x x x x

5 Izam TK Powerlifting BA functional English


6 Izam TK Judo BA functional English


7 Fayis KP tennis BCom x x

8 Rizwan KP tennis BCom x x

9 Muhammed Afsal

tennis BCom x

10 Muhammed Shahid KMC

Beach foot ball

BCom x x

11 Mubarak U Beach foot ball

BA Economics x x


SlNo Name sports event

class Inter collegiate

inter university

state National

1 Aneesh KK athletics BSc Botany x

2 Izam TK wrestling BAFunctional English


3 Jesna Jose wrestling BSc forestry x

4 Sarika PR handball BAEconomics x x

5 Jisha ATV handball BAEconomics x x

6 Namratha handball BScPhysics x x

7 Ranjima handball BAEconomics x x x

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8 Sujana Sundaran

handball BSc forestry x x

9 Haritha handball BAFunctional English

x x

10 Muhammed Ashal

football BCom x x

11 Shuood football BCom x x

12 Mubarak U football BAEconomics x x

13 Muhammed Shahid KMC

football BCom x x

14 Rizwan KP tennis BCom x x

15 Jayadeep Krishna


MSc Botany x x x x

16 Izam TK Power lifting

BA Functional English


17 Izam TK Weight lifting

BA Functional English

x x


Sl No

Name sports event

class intercollegiate

inter university

state National

1 Aneesh KK Athletics BSc Botany x 2 Izam TK Wrestling BAFunctional

English x

3 Jesna Jose Wrestling BSc Forestry x 4 Sarika PR Handball BAEconomics x x x 5 Jisha ATV Handball BAEconomics x x x 6 Namratha Handball BSc Phy x x 7 Ranjima Handball BAEconomics x x x 8 Sujana

Sundaran Handball BSc Forestry x x

9 Rahina KP Handball BAEconomics x x 10 Megha

vijayan Handball BAEconomics x x

11 Anju k Handball BAEconomics x x 12 Saranya

Chandran Handball BAEconomics x x

13 Muhammed Ashal

Football BCom x x

14 Kannanunni Ball badminton

BAMalayalam x x

15 Mubarak U Football BAEconomics x x 16 Muhammed

shahid KMC Football BCom x x

17 Jayadeep Power MSc Bot x x x x

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krishna lifting 18 Izam TK Power

lifting BA Eng x

19 Adheeth V Wrestling BCom x


Sl No

Name sports event

class Inter collegiate

inter university

state National

1 Aneesh KK Athletics BSc Botany x 2 Sonumon Chess MSc Botany x x 3 Akshay Chess BSc Botany x x 4 Midhun K Chess MCom x x 5 Sarika PR Handball BAEconomics x x x x 6 Jisha ATV Handball BAEconomics x x x x 7 Namratha Handball BSc Physics x x x 8 Ranjima Handball BAEconomics x x x x 9 Sujana

Sundaran Handball BSc forestry x x x

10 Rahina kp Handball BAEconomics x x x 11 Megha

Vijayan Handball BAEconomics x x x

12 Anju K Handball BAEconomics x x x 13 Saranya

Chandran Handball BAEconomics x x x

14 Muhammed Ashal

Football BCom x x

15 Sufaid Tennis BAEconomics x x 16 Adheeth V Wrestling BCom x 17 Ansar K Taikwando MCom x x x

5.3.2 Furnish the details of major student achievement in co-curricular,

extracurricular and cultural activities in different levels:

University/State/Zonal/National/International etc. for the previous four


Following are details of the major achievements of students in extracurricular activities

Fine Arts and cultural activities 2011-12

Achievements in Kannur University Arts Festival

2011-12 Name of the Event Number of students


No.of students


1 Sahithyolsavam 25 12 2 Chithrolsavam 08 01 3 Sangeetholsavam 18 02 4 Nritholsavam 29 11

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5 Drishya Nadakolsavam 21 09 Total 101 35


Sl.No Name of the Event Number of students


No.of students


1 Sahithyolsavam 28 13 2 Chithrolsavam 05 01 3 Sangeetholsavam 17 02 4 Nritholsavam 41 13 5 Drishya Nadakolsavam 17 01 Total 108 30


93 students participated in various events in the Kannur University Arts Festival 2013-14 and 33 students won medals in the events

College won Overall Championship of Sahithyolsavam in Kannur University Arts Festival 2013-14


Winners (Off stage)

Name of Student Item Position

Uthara K.M Malayalam Recitation First Prize Farsana P.P Arabic Story writing First Prize Sruthi Sudhakar English Poem writing First Prize Anusree Krishna & Anand T.T Quiz First Prize Neeraja P.V Sanskrit Poem writing First Prize Farsana C.P Arabic Poem Recitation Second Prize Shirin Hala Urdu Essay Second Prize Haseena K.C Arabic Poem Writing Second Prize Afnan K.P& Nishana English Debate Second Prize Ramsheena K Urdu Elocution Second Prize Kajal Nambiar Hindi Poem recitation Third Prize Nishana English Elocution Third Prize Midhuna Balakrishnan Mlayalam Elocution Third Prize Afsal K.R Arabic Elocution Third Prize Winners (On stage) Name of Student Item Position

Vishnu Das K English Play Best actor, Kannur University Uthara K.M Overall Individual

performance (Female) Second Topper Kannur University

Nikhila Varma Kerala Natanam First Prize Uthara K.M Veena First Prize Nikhila Vimal Mohiniyattam Second Prize Uthara K.M Karnatic Music Second Prize Uthara K.M Light Music Third Prize Group performance Position English Drama Second Prize Hindi Drama Second Prize

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Group Dance Second Prize Folk Dance Second Prize Total number of Students participated – 76 Total number of winners – 56


Following is the list of winners in the Kannur University Arts festival held at Government Brennen College, Thalassery

Winners (Off stage)

Name of Student Item Position

Abdul Manaf Chaliam Pural Elocution ( Arabic) First Prize Nishana Elocution (English) First Prize Anand T.T & Sruthi Sudhakaran

Quiz First Prize

Neeraja P.V Short story ( Sanskrit) First Prize Abdul Manaf Chaliam Pural Essay (Arabic) Second Prize Farzana P.P Short Story (Arabic) Second Prize Shana P Elocution (Urdu) Second Prize Uthara K.M Kavithalapanam (Malayalam) Third Place Sherin Hala Short story (Urdu) Third Place Neeraja P.V Essay (Sanskrit) Third Place Afnan K.P & Fathima Nishana Debat (English) Third Place Winners (On stage) Name of Student Item Position

Uthara K.M Veena First Prize Vishnu das & Party English Drama First Prize Sithara M.V & Party Folk Dance First Prize Shamsheer & Party Kolkali Second prize Uthara K.M Karnatic Music Third Prize Sreya P & Party Mappilapattu Third Prize Uthara K.M Violin Third Prize Mohammed Ladeed & Party Hindi Drama Third Prize Mahesh K & Party Group Dance (Men) Third Prize Number of Students participated - 99 Number of students secured prize-57.Over all position in Kannur University–


5.3.3 How does the college seek and use data and feedback from its

graduates and employers, to improve the performance and quality of the

institutional provisions?

Feedbacks were taken from its graduates at the general and department level meeting of old students. Feedbacks are also collected from the recruiting companies when they come to college for campus recruitment.

5.3.4 How does the college involve and encourage students to publish

materials like catalogues, wall magazines, college magazine, and other

material? List the publications/materials brought out by the students

during the previous four academic sessions.

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The college has a Magazine Committee with the Principal as the Chief Editor and the publisher. The committee consists of a staff editor and a student editor and other members of the editorial board.

Department of Hindi publishes Hindi newsletter Musafir. Department of Zoology publishes newsletter Papileo. Department of Forestry maintains a Wall Magazine “The Green Edition” for the students and the articles on the same are then printed to a magazine and published annually. The students’ union and other students’ organizations on the campus publish various booklets and pamphlets for the students.

The details of annual college magazines published are mentioned in item 5.1.5

5.3.5 Does the college have Student Council or any similar body? Give

details on its selection, constitution, activities and funding.

The college has a Student Council usually referred to as College Union in strict accordance with the rules and regulations of the Kannur University. The presidential system is followed for selecting College Union The Constitution of the College Union is as follows. 1. President (Principal of the college, ex officio) 2. Chairman 3. Vice chairman (reserved for women) 4. Secretary 5. Joint secretary (reserved for women) 6. University Union Councilors 7. Secretary- Fine Arts 8. General Captain 9. Chief Student Editor 10. Association Secretaries 11. Class Representatives. The Students Union manages all Student Activities in the college including Fine Arts Day, Sports Day, College Day, Annual Magazines, Discussions, debates and other activities. The fund for the functioning of the College Union is met from the fees collected at the time of admission. 5.3.6 Give details of various academic and administrative bodies that

have student representatives on them.

There are student representatives in the following college administrative and academic bodies:

1. Internal Quality Assurance Cell 2. Women’s Cell 3. Anti Ragging committee 4. National Service Scheme 5. Documentation committee 6. Cooperative Society

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7. Canteen Committee 8. Campus beautification committee 9. Publication wing 10. Library Advisory committee 11. Hostel secretary 12. Social service wing

5.3.7 How does the institution network and collaborate with the Alumni

and former faculty of the institution?

The activities of the college alumni are detailed in item 5.1.15 The networking with old teachers is through the organization called Association of Retired Teachers (ART). Old teachers constantly keep in touch with the institution through periodic meetings they organize in the college.

Any other relevant information regarding Student Support and

Progression which the college would like to include.

Majority of the students of the hand ball team of Kannur University are from Sir Syed College. They participate in various national level hand ball competitions including the National Games. The college provides them accommodation and free coaching with the help of Kannur University.

A house ‘Sahapadikkoru veedu’ is being constructed for a very poor and handicapped student of BCom programme by the students and staff of the college.

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6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership

6.1.1 State the vision and mission of the institution and enumerate on

how the mission statement defines the institution’s distinctive

characteristics in terms of addressing the needs of the society, the students

it seeks to serve, institution’s traditions and value orientations, vision for

the future etc.

Vision: To uplift educationally, socially and economically under-privileged sections of the society of North Malabar region and to help shape a society which is able to constructively contribute to the national development by providing affordable quality education while expanding our academic horizons to bring the institution at par with the leaders of higher education.

Mission: Strive for excellence in education and research and prepare young minds for imbibing knowledge, skills and sensitivity.

The mission statement defines the institution’s distinctive characteristics in the following ways:

• Strive to inspire the students to generate and disseminate new knowledge and to contribute constructively in the field of research particularly in areas of social utility.

• Motivate students to bring out their creative potential and to nurture the spirit of critical thinking along with equipping them with the skills needed to adapt better to the changing global scenario.

• To emerge as an epicentre of groundbreaking findings. • Ensure accessibility of education to all sections of society. • Develop a sense of unity in all areas of knowledge. • Promote value-based holistic learning by integrating traditional and

innovative learning practices to match the highest quality standards. • Ascertain practical application of knowledge, attitudes and skills. • Sensitize and engage students in issues of gender equality, human

rights and ecology in order to make them socially responsible citizens.

The management accords great priority in providing maximum infrastructural facility for enhancing research. They try to provide quality educational opportunities to all sections of the society in general and to the socially and economically weaker sections in particular.

6.1.2 What is the role of top management, Principal and Faculty in

design and implementation of its quality policy and plans?

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The top management, principal and faculty involve in the quality policy formulations and planning by way of ensuring the smooth flow of functions of the following bodies.

Governing body: College Governing Body comprising elected members of CDMEA and the college principal as ex-officio member meets periodically to discuss academic matters, infrastructural facility and maintenance. They also plan the strategy and implement the plan related to academic matters by discussing with the College Council and IQAC. The action plan related to infrastructure is implemented via College Construction Committee.

College Council: The College Council is a statutory committee which serves the institution in all academic and other matters pertaining to the governance of the college. The Council is chaired by the Principal. All the Heads of the Departments, College Librarian, NCC officer and college office superintendent are members of the Council. Two teachers are elected to the council by the teachers on the roll. The quality related policies framed by the College Council are discussed in IQAC and in the Planning Forum and further approved by the Management.

Planning Forum: Planning Forum is constituted to plan the processes and events to be held in the college. The Forum meets at the beginning of each academic year and draws schedules and plans for academic, administrative, non-academic, and co-curricular activities on the basis of the perspective plan of the college.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC): The IQAC formulates quality standard procedures and quality standard records which are enforced by the principal. The Cell ensures regularity in the maintenance of quality standards and quality records.

Department Coordinators: The activities of the IQAC are supported at the department levels by the department coordinators appointed by the principal on the advice of IQAC. They help IQAC to see that the internal quality procedures and records are followed properly in their respective departments.

6.1.3 What is the involvement of the leadership in ensuring:

• The policy statements and action plans for fulfillment of the stated


Policy statements are formulated by the college management, principal and faculty together. The action plan for the decade (2010-20), VISION 2020 was formulated with the participation of the entire faculty, the principal, management and student representatives. The SWOT analysis in this regard originated from faculty during department meetings and was forwarded to the College Council and the management.

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• Formulation of action plans for all operations and incorporation of

the same into the institutional strategic plan

The institutional strategic plan was carefully prepared in consultation with the stakeholders as well as by referring to the suggestions provided by NAAC peer team report for the second cycle. Suggestions and recommendations are used to review and revise the action plan periodically. Leadership considers the modifications in action plan and incorporates these into the strategic plan . IQAC and departmental committees initiate the necessary implimentation plan for every academic year

• Interaction with stakeholders

A number of opportunities are available for the leadership to interact with the stake holders and vice versa. The Principal and the faculty leadership interact with the student leaders at the beginning of every academic year and on the eve of the election to the Students’ Union. Special meetings are convened in the event of any crisis or situation.

The orientation class held at the beginning of the first semester classes also provide opportunity for the leaders to interact with the students and parents and to build a rapport with them.

Other platforms for the interaction are the general body meetings of the Parent Teachers Association, class PTA meetings and the Staff Association which convene meetings periodically.

General Alumni meetings are organized once in every three years but department alumni meetings are promoted every year by the institution. These meetings provide ample opportunities for interaction between the authorities and the alumni.

Seminars/workshops/training programmes etc organized by the college invite the Vice Chancellors, governing body members, educationists and public leaders as guests and resource persons and offer another platform for interactions with leadership of higher order in the field.

The social outreach programmes initiated by the college provide opportunity for the college authorities to create ties with the public and thereby strengthen the social commitment of the institution

• Proper support for policy and planning through need analysis,

research inputs and consultations with the stakeholders

The leadership understands the importance of dynamic policy and planning and hence a periodic need analysis is carried out with the help of key

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administrative (Principal and Office administrative superintendent) and academic (Heads of Departments and senior faculty members) personnel. Interaction with the various stakeholders like Government, Directors of Higher Education, University, UGC, DST and other Higher Education bodies provide valuable inputs for future policies and planning. The changing global scenario and local needs are understood by consulting the stakeholders. The policies and plans are framed based both on the past experience and after assessing future needs. The management provides all the necessary support (administrative, financial and logistic) for any new plans designed for the benefit of the stakeholders.

• Reinforcing the culture of excellence

The top level management strives to improve the physical facilities of the college with addition of buildings, procuring IT enabled teaching-learning facilities, and increasing the number of courses and facilities. The faculty level leadership endeavours to formulate proposals for assistance from UGC and other agencies and organizes programmes and researches to augment the level of excellence of the college. At research level the Research Advisory Council streamlines research potentials of the college. The Research forum strives to maintain research culture alive on the campus.

• Champion organizational change

The leadership plays a critical role in formulation and implementation of policy/ action plan as per the current trends and requirements.

The principal through IQAC takes into consideration the formal or informal suggestions from the stakeholders while formulating policies and action plans. The action plan after finalization is communicated to the stakeholders for implementation. A conscious effort by the leadership and the positive attitude of the stakeholders generates a forward momentum needed to bring about change and maintain the brand reputation of the college.

6.1.4 What are the procedures adopted by the institution to monitor and

evaluate policies and plans of the institution for effective implementation

and improvement from time to time?

With the advent of globalization and impact of ICT, the institute has identified the need to change the method of monitoring and evaluating policies and plans. The general procedure adopted by the institute for effective implementation and improvement of policies and plans is described below.

• Collect feedback from the stakeholders as a method for monitoring the policy/plan.

• Conduct academic audit for every academic programme by IQAC. • Implementation of in house on-line feedback system by the IQAC.

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• Use of web-based college administration system used for all administration related processes.

• Periodic review of the plans and processes of the institution in management meetings and the communication of the decisions so made to the concerned wings through the principal.

6.1.5 Give details of the academic leadership provided to the faculty by

the top management

The top management has given a free rein to the principal and the faculty to develop the academic leadership. The faculty has full liberty to work as conveners, coordinators, secretary or members of the organizing committees of various academic events organized by the college. Teachers can also work on various academic bodies in the University or government/non government organizations.

The Heads of Departments are given freedom to administer their respective departments, plan and execute academic programs. Class-wise in-charges and Post Graduate Programme Coordinators are appointed to facilitate smooth conduct of academic activities throughout the year and monitor the overall progress of the students.

There are “Departmental Committees” to take all the necessary steps for successful implementation of the academic plan and provide the feedback to the College Council. The faculty members are allowed to participate in and contribute to the deliberations.

Moreover, the authority is keen to see that the faculty is sufficiently trained and maximum possible number of teachers is sent for Orientation and Refresher Courses and for Research under Faculty Development Programme.

6.1.6 How does the college groom leadership at various levels?

The college grooms leadership at three main levels: faculty level, students and administrative and support (non-teaching) staff level.

The procedure adopted for creating leaders at different levels is described below.

• Identify various activities / tasks to be implemented for every academic year according to the perspective plan of the institute.

• Circulate the list of activities / tasks amongst the faculty, staff and students.

• Involve the members in the college activities by considering his /her choice.

• Assign responsibilities by providing freedom and necessary support for implementation.

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• Appreciate the innovative ideas and leadership qualities shown by the members.

College authorities appoint the Head of the Department to take up the role of departmental administrative and academic head. In addition, they are also given the responsibility of handling some of the administrative tasks at the college level. All teachers take various curricular, extracurricular and administrative responsibilities in rotation. Periodic capacity building as well as faculty development programs also helps them to sharpen their management skills.

For administrative and support staff, training workshops for effective use of ICT and Campus Management Software and overall developmental skills are arranged through professionals. In certain case they are also sent outside for training.

The leadership in students is groomed through the College Students Union which is formed every academic year. Students elect two University Union Councilors to represent the students in the University Students Union. The preparation for annual University Arts festival and other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the college are planned and executed with the help of student Union.

For every course, a representative is selected. All class representatives are members of the College Union Council. He also works in coordination with the principal for planning and implementation of extracurricular activities.

6.1.7 How does the college delegate authority and provide operational

autonomy to the departments/units of the institution and work towards

decentralized governance system?

(i) The administration of the college is decentralized through the active role played by the Academic and Administrative Wings of the college in participative management.

ii) The college has formulated various committees to facilitate smooth functioning and conduct of all the activities in the college. The roles and responsibilities of the committee members are well defined. Each committee has a “Coordinator”/ “Convener” who co-ordinates the meetings/ proceedings and assigns responsibility to every member of the committee. These “Coordinators”/ “Conveners” provide a brief review of the activities of their committees to the principal.

(iii) The college is administered through the College Council chaired by the Principal and represented by the Heads of Departments, and representatives of the teaching staff elected as per University guidelines.

(iv) Each department is under the direct supervision of the Head of the Department. Academic planning, assignment of workload to teachers and

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non-teaching staff are done at the departmental level by the Heads of the department.

(v) Each department plans and organizes the academic activities related to their subject. The departments are given freedom to frame time table for the practical classes, identifying and inviting visiting faculty or guest speakers, assigning projects, deciding the theme for workshops and seminars etc.

(vi) Important matters are referred to the Principal.

6.1.8 Does the college promote a culture of participative management? If

yes, indicate the levels of participative management.

Yes. The college is committed to a culture of participative management. Participative management is promoted in all the bodies including the purchase committee and financial planning committee. Most of the committees and wings are run under the principal with the leader level participation of faculty and students. In many committees the representative of the public and alumni are also inducted.

All the issues related to academics, administration and enhancement of infrastructure, sanctioning of sabbatical/ study leave etc. are decided by the college governing body of CDMEA. The Principal, College Council, and IQAC are responsible for the academic and administrative leadership of the college.

The Principal convenes College Council every month to discuss academic or administrative issues. The IQAC meets periodically to discuss the points related to the quality policy and plans.

6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1 Does the institution have a formally stated quality policy? How is it

developed, driven, deployed and reviewed?

YES. The quality policy of the institution is to evolve as a premier research centre imparting state-of-the-art education. With this intention the college has developed a system of Quality Assurance in consonance with continuous evaluation.

A quality procedure developed by IQAC is followed in the institution. The procedures are distributed to the Heads of the Departments and the teachers in charge of the wings and committees supporting the system. IQAC has also developed the Internal Quality Records to document the quality processes. This is maintained by all the departments and wings. Internal Audit is also conducted to review the quality standard.

6.2.2 Does the institute have a perspective plan for development? If so,

give the aspects considered for inclusion in the plan

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Yes. The perspective plan drawn for the college for the next decade is called Vision 2020. The aspects considered are the SWOT analysis and the needs for sustaining the quality in tune with the requirements for the rapidly changing higher education scenario. The preferences are for quality improvement in infrastructure, teaching, learning, research and consultancy.

6.2.3 Describe the internal organizational structure and decision making


The internal organizational structure is as follows:

Cannanore District Muslim Education Association is the parent body of Sir Syed College. CDMEA governing body is given the responsibility to look into the management of various matters of the college. The governing body plans, monitors, assists and evaluates the functioning of the college. They make decisions regarding the development of infrastructural facilities, appointment of new faculty members etc.

The Principal of the college heads both the academic as well as the administrative sections and is the overall in-charge of the college. The Principal is assisted by various college level committees formed for the supervision and management of various academic, administrative, extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

College Council is a statutory body headed by the Principal and comprising of all the Heads of Departments, the Librarian, NCC officer and two elected representatives from the faculty members. It formulates the academic and non academic programmes and monitors their implementation. The decisions regarding internal discipline, conduct of various non academic activities are also taken by this council.

The Department Heads maintain the internal discipline and lead the departments to attain the stated aims, goals and objectives of the institution. The college office mainly looks into matters related to admissions, eligibility, and examinations. It also provides clerical support required for maintaining records and for interaction with government, University, parents and students. The functions of the college library are monitored by the Library Advisory Committee. The Committee takes decisions in providing books, digital resources etc and ensures smooth functioning of the library. The librarian looks after the learning resources of the college library with the help of the library staff. The IQAC has to ensure that whatever is done in the institution for education is done efficiently and effectively with high standards. In order to do this, the IQAC has established procedures and modalities to collect data and information on various aspects of institutional functioning.

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The following chart shows the organizational structure of the institution

6.2.4 Give a broad description of the quality improvement strategies of

the institution for each of the following

Teaching & Learning Research & Development Community engagement Human resource management Industry interaction

Teaching & Learning: The institution has a well defined procedure for quality sustenance and improvement of teaching and learning. Departments are instructed to follow these procedures and maintain the quality records as instructed by IQAC. For instance departments are advised to develop semester plans, teaching plans, seminar schedules etc and to keep evaluation points in the Departments as part of IQRs

Research & Development: On the advice of IQAC, college has launched a Research Advisory Council. The Council ensures that

Governing Body






Support Services




Head of the Department


Non teaching /supporting

staff/ students



Clerks and Peons


Sports facilities, Hostels etc

NSS, NCC & Other

Co-curricular, Extra-Curricular

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• Maximum number of faculty applies for minor research projects. • Research Departments apply for major research projects. • Awareness is generated amongst the researchers. • Adequate and timely support is rendered to researchers related to

project proposal formats, funding agencies, budget, purchases of equipment and material, account and audit of project expenditure and other additional infrastructure requirements of the researcher.

• All the teachers/ researchers understanding the recent methodology for publishing their articles in terms of citation index, h-index, etc.

Community engagement: The college always looks for opportunities to modify and improve the extra-curricular/extension activities for the benefit of the community.

Some of the initiatives in this direction are as follows:

• Adoption of the village, Muyyam. • Initiative for the protection of sacred groves. • Socio economic survey. • Exhibition - OSTENDO 2012, 2015. • International Film Festival of Sir Syed College

Human resource management: The main strategies employed by the institution in HR management are decentralized allocation of power and responsibility , ensuring provision of need based training, development of user friendly and efficient work culture and periodic transfer of the support staff wherever possible and equal distribution of additional responsibilities.

Industry Interaction: The quality strategy with respect to industry interaction is to promote the project works related to industries. The declared strategy is for all science departments to maintain the linkage they already have and make more linkage to suit research related project works. In this direction, students of the Department of Chemistry and Department of Forestry utilise the facilities of Western India Plywood Ltd, Valapattanam for doing research projects.

6.2.5 How does the Head of the institution ensure that adequate

information (from feedback and personal contacts etc.) is available for the

top management and the stakeholders, to review the activities of the


The formal and informal feedbacks are collected with the support of IQAC, Heads of the Departments, office bearers of PTA and Alumni Association. Individual feedbacks availed during personal meetings with the guests and invitees are kept in diaries and coordinated. Department heads take review from teachers, students and other stakeholders about the shortcomings and requirements of the department and gives a feedback to the Principal, who

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presents this to Management in the governing body meeting. Developments in the college are also communicated to the parents and alumni during meetings.

6.2.6 How does the management encourage and support involvement of

the staff in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional


The management provides all facilities required for effective and efficient running of the academic and administrative systems. It includes financial inputs, periodic interactions with various stake holders, extending special patronage for enrichment programmes and monitoring of the processes involved.

6.2.7 Enumerate the resolutions made by the Management Council in the

last year and the status of implementation of such resolution.



Date of


Resolutions Follow up

1 28-05-2016

To start the construction work of PG & Research block

Construction work under progress

2 28-05-2016

To create a website for CDMEA

Website created

3 22-08-2016

To renovate Student Centre Renovation work under

progress 4 27-10-2016

To reinstate the botanical garden to a new Place

A new medicinal plant garden is inaugurated. Botanical garden will be reinst

5 30-11-2016

To provide facility for Statistics computation lab

Statistical computation lab is set up

6 30-11-2016 To speed up the construction work of Indoor stadium

Work is progressing

7 4-12-2016

To complete the construction work of new Auditorium

Auditorium is inaugurated

8 4-12-2016 To renovate Botany and biotechnology laboratory

Renovation is progressing

6.2.8 Does the affiliating university make a provision for according the

status of autonomy to an affiliated institution? If yes, what are the efforts

made by the institution in obtaining autonomy?

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YES. Kannur University makes provisions for according autonomous status to affiliated institutions but the college has not applied for the status as it is not eligible for autonomy as per the present government rules.

6.2.9 How does the institution ensure that grievances/ complaints are

promptly attended to and resolved effectively? Is there a mechanism to

analyze the nature of grievances for promoting better stakeholder


The institution has a Grievance Redressal Forum at department level and a Grievance Redressal Cell at the college level. The issues that are fully under the control and authority of the department are settled in the Forum and those beyond its authority and considered important at college levels are referred to the Cell.

6.2.10 During the last four years, had there been any instances of court

cases filed by and against the institution? Provide details on the issues and

decisions of the courts on these?


6.2.11 Does the institution have a mechanism for analyzing student

feedback on institutional performance? If yes, what was the outcome and

response of the institution to such an effort?

YES. Feedbacks collected from the students through online are analysed and actions taken in accordance. The construction of disabled friendly toilets, the improvement of facilities in women’s room, improvements of facilities in the class rooms, canteen, hostels and the provision for separate vehicle parking for students are some of the measures taken on the basis of the students’ feedback.

6.3 Faculty Improvement Strategies

6.3.1 What are the efforts made by the institution to enhance the

professional development of its teaching and non-teaching staff?

Teaching staff is constantly encouraged to organise academic events thereby facilitating interaction with the best minds from around the world. A series of intellectually stimulating talks, seminars and lectures keep the faculty abreast of the current developments. Renowned personalities drawn from a diverse range of fields spanning science, literature, law, government, media, performing arts, cinema and others visit the college on a routine basis.

The institution makes deliberate efforts for enhancing professional skills amongst its teaching and non teaching staff by organizing in-house training programmes. Teachers are deputing for training at centres of higher learning and excellence routinely and granted special study leave by the college administration and management. The college also sends maximum possible

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number of teachers for refresher/ orientation/ summer courses and for doing Ph.D under FDP.

The details of staff who availed Faculty Development Programme are shown in item 2.4.3.

Teachers are also encouraged to do research. The details of faculty doing research are given in item 3.1.5.

6.3.2 What are the strategies adopted by the institution for faculty

empowerment through training, retraining and motivating the employees

for the roles and responsibility they perform?

The college has identified the need and importance of faculty empowerment in attaining excellence. Orientation sessions are conducted for the new teachers. They are motivated to take part in all kinds of training programmes designed for teachers. The attendance in the training/orientation/ refresher programmes is considered for promotions and placements of the teachers. Presentation of papers in the national and international seminars is promoted by granting them duty leave.

6.3.3 Provide details on the performance appraisal system of the staff to

evaluate and ensure that information on multiple activities is

appropriately captured and considered for better appraisal.

The college seeks and records information on the academic achievements of the faculty members annually. This record reflects the publications, conferences attended, papers presented, lectures delivered, courses attended and so on by each and every faculty member. These records are a part of the evaluation for promotions.

6.3.4 What are the outcome of the review of the performance appraisal

reports by the management and major decisions taken? How are they

communicated to the appropriate stakeholders?

The performance appraisal system in the college is not different from the appraisal system mandated by Kannur University. Hence the procedures adopted are completely in tune with the University protocol on performance appraisal.

The outcome of the review leads to a better understanding of

• Role of a teacher and his/her contribution to the development of the institution/ college.

• The teaching methods/ methodology followed, aids used, quality of course material and conduct of lectures and practicals (term wise).

• The research caliber of the teacher, which is evident in the type and number of research projects, quality of research publications/ patents etc.

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The decisions on performance appraisal reports are communicated to appropriate stakeholders through a letter with the details of the promotion and the new responsibilities.

6.3.5 What are the welfare schemes available for teaching and non-

teaching staff? What percentage of staff have availed the benefit of such

schemes in the last four years?

The college has its own initiative to provide for the welfare of the teaching and Non teaching staff. Some of them are:

• Sir Syed College Employees Cooperative Credit Society which provides financial support through loan facility to both teaching and non teaching staff.

• Sir Syed Cooperative Society provides credit purchase of stationery items to teaching and non teaching staff on a monthly basis.

• The welfare scheme offered by the government such as State Life Insurance scheme, Group Insurance Scheme, Family benefit scheme and Accident Insurance scheme.

All permanent approved teachers and staff avail all these facilities

6.3.6 What are the measures taken by the institution for attracting and

retaining eminent faculty?

The following are the some of the measures taken by the institution for attracting and retaining eminent faculty.

• Better facilities for academic activities including teaching learning facilities.

• Comfortable stay in hostels. • Facilities for education of children and relatives in sister institutions • Day care centre for kids. • Promotion of research departments.

6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.4.1 What is the institutional mechanism to monitor effective and

efficient use of available financial resources?

Financial matters are dealt with very prudently and cautiously by the college.

Financial decisions are made by Finance Committee, Purchase Committee and the Principal to ensure fiscal prudence and probity. The Heads of the Departments and teachers in charge of wings and scheme submit their requisition to the principal. The principal with the support of the College Purchase Committee decides the items to be purchased and earmarks the items for the departments and wings. The Purchase Committee arranges for the purchase of items following the procedures laid down by the State Store

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Purchase Rules. The Committee submits the invoice. Principal disburses the amount against the invoice only after making sure that the items have reached the destinations earmarked (vouched by the signature of the head of the department/teacher in charge in the issue list).

With respect to non recurring items, the request for disbursal takes place only after recommendation of the coordinator/teacher or staff in charge after verifying whether the objectives of the progamme /scheme are tangibly materialized.

In addition, quarterly reviews are conducted to evaluate the position of expenditure and the availability of funds.

6.4.2 What are the institutional mechanisms for internal and external

audit? When was the last audit done and what are the major audit

objections? Provide details on compliance.

The college has a permanent system of internal audit. All the accounts including that of the hostels are internally audited and suggestions are followed.

The additional funds channelized from outside are subjected to the audit of a licensed chartered accountant. The state government, through the department of Higher Education, the University and the Local Fund Audit department, audits the accounts of the college periodically. Only minor objections have come up so far. They are cleared when the college submits the auditors the reasons for such occurrences.

6.4.3 What are the major sources of institutional receipts/funding and

how is the deficit managed? Provide audited income and expenditure

statement of academic and administrative activities of the previous four

years and the reserve fund/corpus available with the institutions, if any.

The college draws its main income through donations from well wishers, philanthropists and alumni. In addition, the college attempts to pool funds for academic and research activities from agencies outside including Central and State Governments and agencies under them such as UGC, DST, KSCSTE etc.

6.4.4 Give details on the efforts made by the institution in securing

additional funding and the utilization of the same (if any)

The financial assistance from the UGC, government agencies like KSCSTE, KSHEC and management are the major source of funds of the institution. The institution has been able to secure additional funds from PTA, alumni and well-wishers.

6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)

6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell ( IQAC)

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a) Has the institution established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell

(IQAC)? If yes, what is the institutional policy with regard to quality

assurance and how has it contributed in institutionalizing the quality

assurance processes?

YES, the composition of the IQAC is as follows

Category No.

No of teachers 8

No of Administrative Staff 1

Librarian 1

No of Students 1

Management Representative 2

External Expert 2

No of Alumni 1 Total 16

The quality policy of the college is mentioned in item 6.2.1. IQAC reviews and monitors various processes involved in academic, curricular, co-curricular and extra -curricular activities of the college. On the basis of this it has developed Quality Procedures and Quality Records to be followed by the constituents of the college. The college has institutionalized many of its suggestions and tools for the sustenance and improvement of the quality of the institution.

b) How many decision of the IQAC have been approved by the

management/authorities for implementation and how many of them were

actually implemented?

The following are the prominent suggestions made by the IQAC for the consideration of the management.

• To formulate a perspective plan (Vision Plan) for the next decade. • To construct a separate block for Post Graduate Studies and Research. • To establish a Research Advisory Council to direct the research in the

institution. • To complete the construction of auditorium within a definite time

span. • To facilitate an additional seminar hall on the first floor of IT Centre. • To build a new multi gymnasium. • To install Wi-Fi facility on the campus. • To renovate and to improve the facilities of the Students’ Centre. • To introduce internal quality procedures for curricular and co-

curricular activities. • To launch Internal Quality Records in line with Internal Quality


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• To develop a system (SEEC) for planned and focused Skill Development Programme to improve the quality and to avoid duplication of enrichment and Skill Development Programme.

• To provide training for teaching and non teaching staff. • To improve the facilities for physically disadvantaged students. • To review the functions of wings and committees. • To start more Certificate Courses.

All of these decisions have been implemented.

b) Does the IQAC have external members on its committee? If so,

mention any significant contribution made by them.

Yes. Following are the external members of the IQAC

1) Mr A.K.Mayan (Managing Director, Western India Plywoods Ltd, Valapattanam- Industrialist)

2) Mr P.C. Vijaya Rajan (Assistant Labour Commissioner (Rtd), ) 3) Mr C.V.Jaya Chandran Manager, Syndicate Bank (Alumni


The external members helped in putting forward their ideas in formulating the vision plan for the next decade VISION 2020. Mr. P.C Vijaya Rajan contributes his resource for students by providing training classes on soft skills and administrative staff on the various office procedures in the administrative front.

c) How do students and alumni contribute to the effective functioning

of the IQAC?

The college IQAC has one student member in its composition. The student member gives feedback collected from student bodies such as college union,on the academic and infrastructural needs during the IQAC meeting. This feedback was decisive in improving the facilities for the Students Centre and Ladies Room and the facilities for PWD (persons with disabilities) students. The suggestions for renovation of auditorium and setting up of a new multi gymnasium originally came from the alumni representatives.

d) How does the IQAC communicate and engage staff from different

constituents of the institution?

The IQAC communicate with the constituents of the college via emails and formal notices circulated by the Principal. The Internal Quality procedures, Internal Quality Records and all other instructions and suggestions for documentations are navigated online.

6.5.2 Does the institution have an integrated framework for Quality

assurance of the academic and administrative activities? If yes, give

details on its operationalisation.

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YES. The IQAC has developed Institutional Quality Framework rendered into quality procedures. These quality procedures are operationalised through the Internal Quality Records (IQRs) structured in accordance with the quality procedures.

IQRs are made available in all departments and IQAC monitors whether the constituents comply with the procedures in keeping the IQRs updated. A department coordinator is appointed for looking after the quality procedures in the departments.

6.5.3 Does the institution provide training to its staff for effective

implementation of the Quality assurance procedures? If yes, give details

enumerating its impact.

Yes. Trainings are given to the teachers in charge of the wings and the department coordinators in special sessions and to the teachers in general in the staff meetings. Teachers enthusiastically accepted the quality procedures.

6.5.4 Does the institution undertake Academic Audit or other external

review of the academic provisions? If yes, how are the outcomes used to

improve the institutional activities?

Yes. The college practices department-wise internal Academic audit every semester. The outcome is presented in the IQAC first and then in the College Council.

The College Council reviews the quality of the academics on the basis of the outcome of the audit and suggests rectifications and improvements in the areas where the college lacks growth.

6.5.5 How are the internal quality assurance mechanisms aligned with

the requirements of the relevant external quality assurance

agencies/regulatory authorities?

Internal quality Assurance System is organically aligned to the NAAC. The system submits Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) every year, and seeks suggestions from the NAAC with respect to the sustenance and improvement of quality of the institutional process.

6.5.6 What institutional mechanisms are in place to continuously review

the teaching learning process? Give details of its structure, methodologies

of operations and outcome

Internal Quality Procedures direct the departments to maintain the Internal Quality Records which structurally keep up the quality of teaching learning process. As per the procedure, the departments are advised to maintain the following documents

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• Profile of the Department

• Individual teacher profile

• Annual plan of the Department • Semester plan

• Teaching plan

• Internal examination mark list

• Consolidated sessional marks

• Students feedback form • Student feedback report

• Department stock register • Old students achievements file • Grievance Redressal Forum file

• Faculty publications file

• Research proposals file • Events report & records • Photo album /CDs • Student achievement file

These documents help the departments keep the quality standards of the teaching learning. The internal marks and the student feedback of teachers are the main points on which the teaching and learning process arevcontinuously reviewed by the college and IQAC. The internal auditing of the departments is the mechanism of review process the outcome of which is used for the rectification and improvement

6.5.7 How does the institution communicate its quality assurance

policies, mechanisms and outcomes to the various internal and external


The quality assurance policies, mechanisms and outcomes are usually communicated through the college website, prospectus, college calendar and college magazine to the internal and external stakeholders. It is also communicated to parents and alumni during the PTA meeting and college annual alumni meeting respectively.

Any other relevant information regarding Governance, Leadership and

Management which the college would like to include.

The college is proud of the fact that its governance and leadership is conducted in a highly democratic manner with all major decisions taken after discussions in appropriate forums.

Management adheres to the participatory mode of functioning and is in constant interaction with faculty and staff. This has brought about a sense of participations among different sections.

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7.1 Environment Consciousness

The college is a staunch champion of protection, conservation and sustenance of natural resources. The faculty and students are sensitized towards environmental issues through regular awareness programmes. Special days like World Environment Day, Earth Day, Ozone Day, National Science Day etc are celebrated with zeal by the students. NSS and NCC units and Bhoomithrasena are actively involved in maintaining the campus green, clean and plastic free. The institution practices and promotes activities that increase environmental consciousness and biodiversity through various bodies like Bhoomithrasena, Forestry Club, Tourism Club etc. 7.1.1 Does the institute conduct a Green Audit of its campus and


Yes. Under the initiative of IQAC, Bhoomitrasena Club of the college has started a green audit of the campus. The Club studied the existing rate of power consumption, water consumption, and waste disposal methods. The feasibility of extracting non conventional energy resources and rain water harvesting scheme was studied in detail and a report is submitted to the Principal. An action plan has been proposed, and things are in progress on priority basis. The major proposals made by the committee are:

• To replace the existing fluorescent and sodium vapour lamps by CFL

and LED lamps. • Establish solar panels at various blocks and generate at least 50% of

the power needed, within the next two years. • Collect more rain water during rainy season either by using ferro

septic tanks or natural ponds. • Establish a bio gas plant near the college canteen. • Set up a compost pit to produced organic manure. • Introduction of biodegradable paper cups or reusable steel tumblers. • Establishment of facility for paper waste recycling. • E-waste management by establishing assembling unit as a part of skill

development centre. • Conduct audit of energy water, waste and vegetation of the campus.

7.1.2 What are the initiatives taken by the college to make the campus


Energy Conservation:

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The staff and students are made aware of the need for conserving energy by inculcating in them the habit of switching off the electrical appliances after use.

Usage of refrigerators and air conditioners are restricted. The college has installed a biogas plant to dispose the food waste, which serves as an energy source and waste management system.

Use of renewable energy: A wind mill has been installed to pump water from the bore well. It is an energy efficient system as it completely depends on renewable energy.

Water harvesting: a rain water harvesting unit with a capacity of 53000 liters is constructed with the support of Parents Teachers Association. This unit is well maintained and is sufficient to meet the water requirement in the Ladies Retreat during the rainy season and Chemistry lab round the year. Purification of water in the unit is done using charcoal, sand and gravel.

Check dam construction: Not Applicable

Efforts for Carbon neutrality: The campus is enriched with pollutant absorbing plants like Syzigium (njaval), Polyalthia longifolia, and Cassia fistula. Apart from that more trees are planted and maintained every year. On World Environment Day trees are planted in the neighbourhood and message is communicated to the community about the role of trees in reducing the carbon content in the atmosphere.

With a view to reducing the pollution rate the college promotes public transport system and operates three buses. This facility is used by more than 300 students. The staff members encourage car pool system.

Open burning is restricted and sanitary napkins are disposed of using an incinerator.

Plantation: Every year students and teachers plant tree saplings under the banner of Ente Maram with the support of Social Forestry Department and other NGOs. Students are supplied saplings and encouraged to plant trees in their houses as well. Nature Club and Forestry Club initiative a programme to plant curry leaf in all the nearby houses.

Other enterprises of the institution to make earth greener were:

• Distributed and planted medicinal plants in the nearby houses of the college.

• Planted saplings in the fallow areas of Madayipara, an environmentally and ecologically important area facing threats due to clay mining.

• Planted tree saplings on roadsides from college to Karimbam.

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Hazardous waste management: Liquid wastes generated in the laboratories of Chemistry are neutralised, diluted with water and then discharged. Efforts are underway to reduce the use of plastic bags and bottles on campus as part of plastic free campus campaign. E-Waste management: Electrical and electronic wastes are collected from departments and stored separately. The District Suchithwa mission collects the waste periodically.

7.2 Innovations

The college has implemented a number of innovations in teaching and learning, administration, student support and progression. Support programmes for value education, interactive learning and knowledge sharing were organized. Student monitoring system and administration were taken online using TCS (Total Campus Solution) software. 7.2.1 Give details of innovations introduced during the last four years

which have created a positive impact on the functioning of the college.

Sir Syed College has taken up a series of innovative academic engagements like special lecture series, enrichment courses, national and international seminars, student symposia and creatively designed field trips. These enterprises by the institution have helped foster a more holistic teaching-learning experience.

Some innovative endeavors are:

• International Film Festival of Sir Syed College (IFFS): The first edition of International Film Festival of Sir Syed College, a film extravaganza, was inaugurated by the legend, Sri Buddhadeb Das Gupta. The festival screened 36 classic International films in three specially designed theatres on the campus over three days. Several people in and around Kannur district thronged the venues for utilizing this rare opportunity. Students benefitted immensely by this festival as film studies is a core course in their syllabus.

• Smart class rooms and Wi-Fi Campus: Use of ICT has brought about a revolutionary transformation in teaching, learning and research. Power point presentations, interaction with the help of smart board and exhibition of video Lectures of open learning resource like NPTEL, presentation of virtual laboratory experiments etc has brought vibrancy within the classroom. It also also helps students and teachers access the expansive global pool of knowledge now available.

Seven rooms are equipped as smart class room with interactive white board. With the introduction of Wi-Fi on the campus all the class rooms have internet access for the maximum utilization of ICT.

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• Use of Campus Management Software: Feedback of students and students attendance management through online: To streamline the process of taking feedback from students about the performance of teachers (Teachers evaluation) and Evaluation of the facilities in the College Campus are taken via online using campus management software. Student’s attendance and monitoring are also done using TCS.

• Digital Notice board: A digital notice board has been set up in front of college office for the display of important messages.

• Digital Talking Book Library: The Digital Talking Book library facility aids in bringing the visually challenged student to the ambit of E learning.

• Atmospheric Weather Station: To facilitate the research in atmospheric studies an atmospheric weather station has been set up.

• GC-MS Facility: To enhance the research facility of the college, GC-MS Spectrophotometer is set up.

• Medicinal Plant Demonstration Garden: For research in different species of medicinal plants, a Medicinal Plant Demonstration Garden is set up with the aid of Kerala State Medicinal Plant Board.

• SAFE: SAFE is an innovative programme instituted by the faculty to extend a helping hand to very poor students to purchase books, clothes and medicines, construct and repair their house etc.

• Best Talent Award: In order to promote the talents among students, IQAC instituted best talent award for students

• Student Parliament: Principal convenes student parliament where students can voice their grievances directly to the Principal.

• Village adoption: To reach out to the society the college has adopted the nearby village, Muyyam. The college provides assistance to the villagers in various socio economical cultural, educational and agricultural activities.

• Organic farming: Students and staff of the college cultivate vegetables on the field of Muyyam with the assistance of local people. The farming method adopted is bio farming using organic manures. This has instigated the village people to the concept of bio-farming and importance of avoiding chemical fertilizers and poisonous pesticides.

• Urja Kiran: Phase I of the programme was to create awareness among public on energy conservation. Phase II was to mobilize the public to practice renewable energy resources in agriculture. The programme was conducted in collaboration with KSEB and Energy Management Cell, Govt. of India.

• Sneha Mangalyam: As a social outreach programme and as a sign of exemplary commitment of our students to the society, Alumni Association Dubai Chapter SSCOTA conducted a mass marriage

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‘SNEHA MANGALYAM’ of 22 poor bride and bridegrooms among different religions from Kasaragode, Wayanad, Kozhikode and Kannur district.

7.3 Best Practices:

Many of the best practices of the college are mentioned in 7.2.1

Sneha veedu and ‘Sahapadikkoru veedu’ the house construction projects of NSS unit , Organic farming in the field of Muyyam village by students and teachers with the support of local people are also the best practices of our institution in the field of social outreach.

7.3.1 Elaborate on any two best practices in the given format at page No.

98 which have contributed to the achievement of the Institutional

Objectives /and or contributed to the Quality improvement of the core

activities of the college.

1. Science and cultural exhibition (‘OSTENDO’)

2. Protection and conservation of selected sacred groves of Kannur district




• Showcase the cultural variability, historical development and scientific advancement.

• Disseminate knowledge and information to the students and general public.

• Exhibit skills and creativity of students. • Polish students’ ability to respond to laymen’s quest for knowledge.


The College is located in a suburban area Karimbam of Taliparamba Muncipality. The feeding centers of the college are mostly villages and hilly areas. Majority of the people of this area are socially, educationally and economically backward farmers and daily wage workers. It is the responsibility of the institution to enrich them with the developments in science, technology, commerce and culture. Widespread appreciation and remarkable participation in community enrichment programmes conducted at department level was the motivation behind OSTENDO. Moreover the institution accepts that constant interaction with the society is indispensable and crucial for its growth.

One of the best ways to communicate with society is through organizing exhibitions. It is with this vision that ‘OSTENDO’, a biannual cultural and educational exhibition, was conceived.

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• To cultivate various skills and talents in students and exhibit the educational and research resources to the common people.

• To promote scientific temper, research aptitude and organisational skills in students.

• To enhance the collaboration with reputed research institutes, industries, banks and nearby educational institutes.

• To facilitate community empowerment through a convergence and involvement of the society with the College.


The college conducts the exhibition biannually in the month of January/February. Students in the various committees organize and co-ordinate the activities under the directions of the staff member. The student groups design and arrange the exhibition with the support of group convenor. This enhances their leadership skills and organizing talents. External institutes and NGO are also invited to display their stalls. Medical College, Kannur, Ayurvedha medical college, KELTRON, KFRI, ISRO, KVK, Folklore academy, etc are a few among them. The stalls are provided free of cost.

The college does not aim to generate revenue from the event. So the entry is free for the students and general public. College management, PTA and alumni are the major financial supporters. The remaining amount is mobilised through lucky dips and advertisements. This assures maximum participation from the public and exhibitors. The college level resources and research outputs are exhibited. In order to promote scientific temper and aptitude among school students, a competition on working and still model of science project is conducted.

Various cultural activities are organised in the evening by the students of the college. Martial arts of Kerala, Kalari payattu, Classical dances and Ottan thullal are staged on the occasion. Musical events are also conducted by the students. This offers a platform for students to perform in front of public. The evaluation of the exhibitions is done by visitors as well as IQAC committee and outstanding performing group is awarded.

Evidence of Success:

The active participation of students from outside institutions makes the programme a success. Almost all the secondary and higher secondary schools in and around Taliparamba and most of the colleges in Kannur district visited the exhibition. For the convenience of the local people, one day was set aside for them.

Each department had a novel approach on exhibiting. Department of Mathematics and Statistics prepared numerical skill games which attracted the

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middle school students. Biological science departments, Botany, Zoology and Forestry arranged stalls on biological curiosities. The major displays included various research instruments, specimens, traditional agricultural tools, crop varieties including traditional paddy varieties, vermicompost, organic farming, etc.

The external participants, like KFRI Peechi, Ayurveda Medical College Kannur, Pepper Breeding Centre Panniyoor, Krishi Vigyan Kendra were also associated with the exhibition. Demonstration on vegetable and fruit carving and Bonsai invited attention of public to a great extent. Snake exhibition added extravagance to the event. The students described the exhibits to the guests with overwhelming enthusiasm.

‘Chemblast’, demonstration of a number of colourful experiments by the Department of Chemistry attracted and aroused the curiosity of a large number of school students. The department also showcased various apparatus and instruments used in the chemical analysis and for research. Chemistry students also demonstrated experiments for identifying food adulteration and method for making soap etc.

Department of Physics demonstrated various experiments on the physical phenomenon of the universe including robotics with the help of Vimal jyothi Engineering College, Sreekandapuram. Department of History showcased many archeological samples and the history museum of the department. Department of Economics demonstrated many models indicating economic developments of world and India in different periods of time and Language Departments showcased many folklore models and charts indicating the developments of language and culture.

Medieval Science and Arabic Language was the theme of the exhibition by PG Dept. of Arabic. The exhibits propagated the great heritage of Arabic language and its traditions and explained the importance of Arabic Language in the contemporary world to the public.

Impressed by the exhibition held on 14, 15 &16th January 2015, many public figures and eminent persons contacted the college seeking permission to show the artifacts and other materials in their localities. The college has arranged the show in various places on their demand. They are:

• OSTENDO 2015 Sir Syed College : 14,15&16 January 2015

• Noorul Huda Madrasa, Onapparamba : 25 January 2015

• MM UP School, Kuppam : 19/12/2015

• Rifaiyya Madrasa, Mattool South : 20, 21, 22 Dec.2015

• Sir Syed Institute of Technical Studies, Taliparamba:11/03/2016

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The exhibition was an immense opportunity for the students to improve their knowledge, skills in presentation, power of expression and inculcating in them the leadership quality.

More than seven thousand people have viewed these artifacts at different venues so far. About a thousand have registered their comments and suggestions in the Visitor’s Diary.

Problems encountered:

The following problems were encountered while conducting OSTENDO.

• The hectic academic schedule of students and teachers. The new Choice Based Credit and Semester System allows little time for co curricular and extracurricular activities

• The inconvenience in housing pavilions of other institutions in large number in addition to pavilions of various departments of the college.

• A large number of visitors including women to watch the events throughout. Existing college level facilities are inadequate.

• Conducting exhibition free of cost causes financial shrinkage. Mobilizing necessary fund is a challenge.





The objective of the programme is to provide awareness to the students and the local community about the need to protect environment and ecosystems.


Sacred groves are patches of natural vegetation in the man-modified landscapes. These are the home of local flora, fauna, gene pool and a mini biosphere reserve. Within this groves are locked ancient secrets of herbs and traditional medicine and protected by human societies believing that preserving such a patch of vegetation in a relatively undisturbed state is necessary for expressing one’s relation to the divine or to the nature.

Three sacred groves namely- Iriverikavu, Kayyath nagam and Thazhekavu of Kannur district were selected for conservation. All these sacred groves faced various threats due to anthropogenic intervention. This project aims to protect and conserve these sacred groves after studying their biodiversity with the active involvement of teachers, nature club members, local people, temple committees and NGOs like OISCA international.

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The preliminary survey showed habitat degradation and biodiversity loss due to encroachment and waste dumping at Iriverikavu, Kayyath nagam sacred groves. Thazhekavu is located on an island, surrounded by saline water. The tidal water brings waste materials including non-biodegradable materials and plastics which are harmful to the mangroves.


The practice was completed through the following steps:

• Preliminary survey of the proposed sites with experts from SS College, OISCA and SMPB etc. to identify the threats.

• Awareness programme on each sacred grove with the involvement of local people, Kudumbasree units, temple committees, students, various club members etc.

• Signing of MoU with the temple authorities in presence of college principal, OISCA south Indian chapter members, nature club members and coordinator.

• Discussion with experts, traditional vydyans and local people about the selection and documentation of plants for bio-fencing the grove.

• Collection of medicinal plants from various parts of Kannur District.

• Planting with the support of students and local people.

• A national seminar organized at Sir Syed College on Sacred Grove Conservation.

• Honoring of stakeholders who actively participated in bio-fencing.

• Displaying of name boards indicating a short description of the project.

• Naming of the locally available plants in each grove indicating their scientific name, local name and medicinal uses.

Evidence of success:

The practice of sacred grove conservation was really an eye opening process to the community. It created a positive attitude towards biodiversity conservation. It helped them realize the role of religion and beliefs in biodiversity conservation.

The student participation was beyond expectation. They exploited the chance to interact with the community and study the myths and traditional knowledge. This practice gave the institution an opportunity to share its resources and knowledge with the community and vice versa. The amalgamation of

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conventional and scientific knowledge led to the emergence of new strategies for conservation.

Once the initiative was taken by the college the villagers also started getting involved in planting, watering and protecting the diversity for the future. They started paying attention to encroachers and illicit waste disposal. The attempt was supported with the active participation and contribution from forest department, local governing bodies and Kudumbasree units. This two years project is now complete but the safeguarding of these sacred groves is continued by neighborhood society and Bhoomitrasena of the college monitors their persistence.

Problems encountered:

We came across various hurdles during the implementation of the project. The major among them were:

• The resistance from believers on entering the sacred groves. Even though, the groves was encroached by the local people and premises were used for waste disposal, it was tough to convince them on the importance of conservation.

• Lack of human resources for continuous evaluation and caring of sacred grove.

Though the students were enthusiastic about the project and ready to spend their holidays for it continuous maintenance was possible only with the participation of local bodies. The involvement of the stakeholders at Kayyam was very sparse during the planting activities

• The seasonal tidal changes created problems in the activities at Thazhekavu.

• Transportion of saplings from Kannavam forest nursery to the sites. • The major constrains to sustain the practice are unavailability of

human resources and limited financial support.

Contact Details

Name of the Principal : Dr PT Abdul Azeez Name of the Institution: Sir Syed College City: Taliparamba Pin Code: 670142 Accredited Status: B (CGPA 2.8) Work Phone: 04602203217 Fax: 0460 2204910 Website: E-mail : [email protected] Mobile : 9447 245413

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1. Name of the department P.G Department of Arabic

2. Year of Establishment 1967


Names of Programmes/ Courses offered (UG, PG, M.Phil, Ph.D, Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph.D, etc)




Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved

A. Common Course in Arabic for B.A, B.Sc,B.Com and B. Sc (L.R.P)

B. Open Course in Arabic


Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit and Semester System (CBCSS)

PG Credit and Semester System


Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments



Name of

Programme Offered by

Common course

BA/BSc/ BCom

offered by other Departments

Open Course Open Course

offered by other Departments


Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc Nil


Details of courses/ programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons Nil

9. No of teaching post

Post Sanctioned Filled

Assistant Professors 04 04 Associate Professors 00

10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization

(D.Sc/ D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil.etc)

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No Name







No of

years of



No of Ph.D


guided for

the last 4


1 Dr.Ismail Olayikkara

MA, Ph.D, B.Ed

Associate Professor

Language and Literature 18 Years Nil

2 Shabeerali. K.K

MA, M.Phil, B.Ed

Assistant Professor

Language and Literature 3 Years Nil


Muhammed Shareef. M.M

MA, M.Phil, B.Ed

Assistant Professor

Language and Literature 2 Years Nil

4 Abdul Jabbar. C.C MA

Assistant Professor

Language and Literature 1 Year Nil

11. List of senior visiting faculty :

• Hashim E.P (Rtd. HoD. Dept. of Arabic, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba)

• Dr. Ahmad Saeed. P (Rtd. Associate Professor, Farook College, Calicut)

• Aboobacker. K (Rtd. HoD. Dept. of Arabic, Govt. College, Kasargod)

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: (Programme wise) by temporary faculty: NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl. No Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG BA Arabic Language and Literature 1:48

2 PG MA Arabic Language and Literature 1:05

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff sanctioned and filled


15. Qualification of teaching faculty with (D.Sc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/M.Phil/PG) Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grant received:


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17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc and total grants received: NIL

18. Research centre/facility recognized by the University : NIL

19. Publications (per faculty)

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 TOTAL Dr. Ismail Olayikkara 01 01 2 Impact factor

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated:

i. Translation Consultancy : 55150

ii. Exhibition : 18500

Total : 73650 /

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards


22. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes 100% Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution researchlaboratories/Industry /other agencies Nil

23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students



Name of the


Name of the





national Year

1 Dr.Ismail Olayikkara Ph.D Calicut University 2015

2 Habeeba P.K(2013-15) First Rank in MA ARABIC

Kannur University 2015

3 Farsana.P.P (2012-15) Topper in BA ARABIC

Kannur University 2015

4 Habeeba P.K(2013-15) UGC-NET December 2014

5 Abdul Manaf C (2011-4) Topper in BA ARABIC

Kannur University 2014

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6 Habeeba.P.K (2010-13) Topper in BA ARABIC

Kannur University 2013

7 Naseera.E.T.P (2009-2) Topper in BA ARABIC

Kannur University 2012

8 Sabana. N (2008-11) Topper in BA ARABIC

Kannur University 2011

23. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl. No Name & Designation Address Year of visits

1 Dr. V.N. Mahmood

(H.o.D of Arabic, Co-

operative Arts and Science

College - Madayi) 2011


Mr. Muhammed

Basheer Edat Former Student, Counsellor and Psychologist, Payyannur 2012

3 Suhail. P.K

Assistant Professor, P.G

Department of Arabic, Govt.

College, Kasaragod 2012

4 Dr. Ahmad Saeed.P

(Pricipal, Saadiya Arts and

Science College, Kasargod) 2012

5 Muhammedali .SV

Member, SCERT Curriculum

Committee, Kerala 2013

6 Abdul Azeez Ashrafi

(Psycho Counsellor, SIGN

HRDRC, Wayanad) 2013

7 Dr. Muhammed K.K H.o.D of Arabic, Keyi Sahib Training College, Karimbam 2013


Dr. Muhammed

Haneefa. P

H.o.D of Arabic, EMEA

College, Kondotty 2014

9 Adv. Mueenudhin Psychologist and International Trainer. 2014

10 A.C. Mathew Deputy Collector. (Rtd.) /2015

11 Muhammedali .SV

Psychologist and International

Trainer. 2015

12 Basheer Master Counsellor and Psychologist, 2016

24. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding,

National/International : NIL

25. Student profile programme/ course wise:

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Name of the







Enrolled Pass

percentage Male Female


UG 210 40 11 29 55.55

PG 0 0 0 0 0


UG 245 48 11 37 71.43

PG 0 0 0 0 0


UG 235 48 14 34 47.37

PG 25 12 02 10 0


UG 250 48 11 37 75

PG 18 12 02 10 100


UG 455 48 10 38

PG 14 12 03 09

26. Diversity of students

Name of the Course % of the students from the same state

% of the students from the other states

% of the students from abroard

UG 100% Nil Nil

PG 100% Nil Nil

27. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil Services, Defense

services, etc.?






2011-12 03 01 Nil Nil 01

2012-13 02

2013-14 01

2014-15 02


28. Student progression against percentage enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to M.Phil

PG to Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepreneur ship/self employm

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment

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2011-12 10% 05% 10%

2012-13 47% 12%

2013-14 40% 15%

2014-15 89% 10%

2015-16 53% 05% 10%

29. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Nil Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Nil Laboratories NA

30. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

31. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with External experts

Sl. No

Title & Nature of event Name & address of the faculty


1 College Level Seminar on

“Environment : Islamic View”

Dr. V.N. Mahmood

,(H.o.D of Arabic, Co-

operative Arts and Science

College - Madayi) 04 October 2011

2 Enrichment Workshop

Mr. Muhammed Basheer Edat, Former Student, Counsellor and Psychologist, Payyannur

11 July 2012

3 Invited talk on “Trends and

Development in Modern

Arabic Poetry”.

Suhail. P.K

Assistant Professor, P.G

Department of Arabic,

Govt. College, Kasaragod

19 September 2012

4 Invited talk on “Prospects of

Arabic Language in the

Modern World”

Dr. Ahmad Saeed. P

(Pricipal, Saadiya Arts and

Science College,


19 December 2012

5 Talk on “Reframing of the

Mind” Muhammedali .SV,

Member, SCERT 07 January 2013

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Curriculum Committee,


6 Individuality development

(image building)

Abdul Azeez Ashrafi

(Psycho Counsellor,

SIGN HRDRC, Wayanad) 03 July 2013

7 “Importance of arabic

language in the current world”

Dr. Muhammed K.K

H.o.D of Arabic, Keyi Sahib Training College, Karimbam

18 December 2013

8 Invited talk on “Arabic as a

living language”

Dr. Muhammed Haneefa.


H.o.D of Arabic, EMEA

College, Kondotty 29 January 2014

9 “Way to the success”

A Counseling programme

Adv. Mueenudhin

Psychologist and International Trainer.

20 October 2014


Talk on the Subject : “Status

of Arabic Language in the

Present Era” A.C. Mathew

Deputy Collector. (Rtd.) 29 January 2015

11 Orientation Class for Students


Psychologist and

International Trainer.

17 September 2015

12 Award Meet 2016

Basheer Master Counsellor

and Psychologist, 11 January 2016

32. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Tutorial System • Remedial • Student Support Programme • Using ICT enabled facilities • Giving opportunity to PG students to teach the juniors

33. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

Dr. Ismail Olayikkara

• Member UG (Arabic) BOS Kannur University • Member, College Discipline Committee

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• Subject Expert, Kerala Public Service Commission • Selection Committee Convener, Student Aid Fund (SAF) and other

scholarship committee • Advisory Committee Member for Educational Standing Committee,

Koothuparamba Municipality

Shabeerali. K.K

• Member PG (Arabic) BOS Kannur University • Nodal Officer, All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE),

NUEPA, New Delhi • Nodal Officer, Single Window Admission System (UG), Kannur

University • Member, IQAC • Teacher Coordinator TCS (Total Campus Solution Software) • Convener, College IT (Information Technology) Committee • Staff Editor : 2014-15 College Magazine • Member, College Union Election Committee • Member, Campus Beautification Committee • Coordinator, Department

Muhammed Shareef. M.M

• Member, College Academic Committee • Mentor, Walk with Scholar Programme • Member, College Model Examination Committee • Department Career Coordinator • Secretary, Department

Abdul Jabbar. C.C

• Member, Single Window Admission System (UG), Kannur University • Member, Arts Forum • Member, Clean the Campus Programme

• Secretary, SAFE ( Sir Syed College Teachers Association for Financial Empowerment of Students)

34. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

Young and dedicated faculty members

Stubborn attitude of community towards higher education

Upliftment of Status in the society by making them competent to face the challenges of the time being.

Lack of awareness of opportunities

Imparting additional skills like typing in

Poor academic background of students

Academically and financially poor background

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Arabic and English

of family

Translation Consultancy Service

Indifference of parents towards higher education exerts pressure upon the girls to stop their study after the completion of the graduation

Various Jobs in and around India and opportunities in Arabian peninsula

Lack of computers and other facilities

PG Course

Higher dropout rate among the girls due to the marriage

Consultancy service generates the income to the Dept.and helps the public and the bureaucracy in fulfilling their needs

Certificate course in Documental Translation and secretarial practice

Lack of facilities like language lab, TV and etc. to improve the communication and other skills

helps the student to develop research attitude and it will open wide spectrum of job opportunities around the world

Attitude of community

Self Developed Exhibition as an Extension Activity

Lack of fund to make it more impressive

Self developed exhibition make aware the society about the importance of the language and to change their attitude towards higher education

Digital Library Lesser number of permanent staff

Majority of the community still want to stop their study as earliest as possible

Future Plans

• To be a Research Department to give more opportunities for students • Establishment of modern Language Lab • To set up ARAB SAT with access to Arab Channels • The Development of exhibition articles to make it more impressive

and popular • Establishment of Departmental library

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1 Name of the department BOTANY 2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters,Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG Botany PG Botany PhD Botany

4 Names of Inter-disciplinary courses and the departments /Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System

PG Semester PhD Research Department

6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments

Courses offered Name of Programme

Offered by

Botany(Compli mentary)

B.Sc. Zoology

Department of Zoology

Botany (Compli mentary)

B.Sc. Forestry &Wood Technology

Department of Forestry

Open Course

7 Courses in collaboration with other Universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc

Certificate course- Organic Farming Techniques Collaboration with Karimbam Farm, MSSRF, Wayanad, Kerala and KVK Panniyoor, Kannur

8 Details of courses /programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors 06 06 Associate Professors

02 02

10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation


Sl No

Name Qualification

Design ation


No of years of experience

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

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1 Ms.Abidal Beevi MSc. M.Phil

Associate Professor

Mycology 28

2 Ms. Nasrin, M MSc., M.Phil

Associate Professor

Pterido phytes and Angio sperm Taxonomy


3 Dr. V. Abdul Jaleel

MSc, M. Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Angio sperm Taxonomy

06 05 (Guiding)

4 Dr. Tajo Abraham,

MSc. M.Phil.Ph. D.

Assistant Professor

Molecular Biology

06 01 (Guiding)

5 Dr. Sreeja, P. MSc, BEd, Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Environmental Science


6 Dr. Abdussalam, A.K.

MSc. M.Phil.Ph. D.

Assistant Professor

Plant Physio logy and Biochem istry

04 05 (Guiding)

7 Dr. Gayatri R. Nambiar

MSc, Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Mycology 04

8 Jazeel, K M.Sc. B.Ed.

Assistant Professor

Cell Biology

One Month

11. List of senior visiting faculty:

• Prof. Vani Devi • Prof. Thankam • Dr.K. Raveendran • Dr. K.M. Khaleel • Dr. Beevi Razeena

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG (Main) Complimentary

BSc Botany


BSc Zoology BSc Forestry


2 PG MSc Botany 1:7

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrarive staff

sanctioned and filled

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Post Sanctioned Filled Lab Assistant 03 02 Herbarium curator 01 01 Gardner 01 01

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.05

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) Inter

national funding agencies and grant recieved:



Name Title Amount Funded



1 Dr. K.M. Khaleel

Effect of radiation on the active component from shelf life of selected ayurvedic plants

BRNS, Govt. of India

14,44,000 Completed First year

2 Dr. Tajo Abraham

Improvement of Stevia rebaudiana by in vitro mutagenesis and allele mining

15,25,600 KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala

Completed first year

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc

and total grants received

a) Major Research completed during the last four years

Sl No

Name of Principal investigator

Theme of the project

Amount sanctioned (Rs.)

Amount utilised

1. Dr. K.M. Khaleel

“Studies on electrons and x-rays induced genetic variability and physio chemical analysis of soya bean cultivars towards evolving disease/ stress resistant crops’ (Funded by BRNS)

22,88,775 Rs.22,88,775

2. Dr.Raveendran. K

‘An indepth study on the diversity of marine fungi and the miraculous potentiality of Kerala costal waters and resultant agricultural prospect’ (Funded by UGC)

10,74,000/- 10, 74,000/-

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b) Minor Research completed during the last four years Sl No

Name of Principal investigator

Theme of the project Amount sanctioned

Amount utilised

1. Dr. Abdul Jaleel, V

Preliminary taxonomic studies of the family Araceae of Kerala (Funded by UGC)

Rs. 1,80,000/- Rs. 1,80,000/-

2. Dr. Tajo Abraham

Micropropagation and somaclonal variant isolation of ‘Stevia reboudiana Bert. (Funded by UGC)

Rs. 2,00,000/- Rs. 2,00,000/-

18. Research centre/facility recognised by the University

Sl No

Research centre/Facility Name of the University

1 Research centre in Botany funded by DST for FIST Programme and the Department installed GC-MS and Leica M.80 Microscope in addition to these facilities several other instruments like Spectrophotometer, Microtome, Deepfreezer, Cooling centrifuge, Laminar Airflow chamber are available

Kannur University. Produced 08 Ph.D and one UGC Post Doctoral Fellow is working more over 13 Research scholars are working under various discipline

19. Publications (per faculty)

Name of the













Dr. V. Abdul Jaleel

01 2 3 5 3 14 1

Dr. Tajo Abraham,

1 1 2

Dr. Sreeja, P. 1 1 2 Dr.Abdussalam, A.K.

3 2 3 3 3 14 1

Dr. Gayatri R. Nambiar

4 5 1 1 11 3

Impact factor Range 1.5-3.5

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: GC-MS, Microtechnique, Taxonomic identification

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards.

1. Dr. Abdul Jaleel, V: Member, IAAT (Indian Association of Angiosperm Taxonomy)

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2. Dr. Tajo Abraham, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Research in Plant Biology

3. Dr. Gayatri R. Nambiar, Editorial Board Member Mycological Society of India

4. Dr. Abdussalam, A.K. Editor, Wizmag Science Plus (National level Higher Secondary level science quarterly magazine)

22. Student projects

a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organisations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industri/other agencies


External Funded Student Project



Name of the


Name of PI Funded By Amount Status

1 Student Project

Dr. Sreeja, P KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala

15,000 Completed

2 Student Project

Dr. Sreeja, P KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala

7,000 Ongoing

3 Student Project

Dr.Abdussalam, A.K.

KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala

10,000 Ongoing

23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students

Sl No

Name of the faculty

Name of the Award

National/ International


1 Dr. Abdul Jaleel, V

Best Paper Presentation Award International 2014

2 Dr. Tajo Abraham

Best Paper Presentation Award National 2014 Best Paper Award National 2015

4 Dr. Sreeja, P Best Paper Award National 2012 5 Dr. Gayathri

R. Nambiar Best Paper Award and Oral Presentation

National 2012

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department



Name & Designation Address Year of


1 Dr. Easa Former Director, KFRI, Kerala 2016 2 Dr. Kunjikrishnan Scientist, NBPGRI, Coimbatore 2016 3 Dr. Janardhanan Professor, Dept.of Botany, Goa

University 2016

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4 Dr. Housdurgar, Scientist, E. TBGRI, Palode,Trivandrum 2015 5 Dr. Rajendran, Professor,

Dept. of Botany, Barathiar University, TamilNadu


6 Dr. Sudha, Director, TBGRI, Palode, Kerala


7 Dr. Paul V

Karamthanam, Assoc. Prof. St. Thomas College. Palai


8 Dr. Santhosh Nampi, Director, Research, Calicut University


9 Dr. Harinaryanan,

KSCSTE, Trivandrum 2014

10 Dr. Muhammed Aslam, Central University, Karntaka 2014 11 Dr. GM Nayar, Dept. of Plant Science, Central

University, Kerala 2013

12 Dr. Anita Karun

CPCRI, Kasaragode 2013

13 Dr. Girija Devaki

KAU, Thrissur 2013

14 Dr. N.Anilkumar

MSSRF, Wayanad 2013

25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding

a) State Level

Sl.No Title and Nature of events Name And Address of



1. 2. 3.

Discussion and Interaction on “Cyber Crimes” Exhibition arranged in connection with OSTENDO’12

1. Exhibition by Karimbam Biodiversity Farm (Nakshatra Vriksha)

2. Medicinal Plants Exhibition by Parassinikadavu Ayurvedha College,

3. Pepper varieties and Breeding exhibition by Panniyoor Pepper Research Institute, Panniyoor.

4. Sales and Exhibition by KVK, Panniyoor.

5. Bonsai Exhibition 6. Zero waste

Management 7. Mashroom Cultivation 8. Compost Preparation

One day workshop on “Biofarming-Latest techniques” for farmers of Kannur and Kasaragode. Arranged in collaboration with

Smt. Nirmala, CI of Police, Vanitha Cell, Kannur. Mr. Sulaiman Mr. Balakrishnan Koyyal Akasavani, Kannur

2011-12 2011-2012 27th June 2012

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4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

AIR, Kannur and NMBG, Kannur. Broadcasted by Akasavani Workshop on Botanical Illustrations Training on Plant Tissue Culture and DNA Extraction for Selected School Teachers

Workshop on Intellectual Property rights Funded by KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala Seminar on Algal Diversity of Indian Coast National Science Day Seminar Funded by KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala “GMO’s-A blessing in Disguise” Broadcasted by Akasavani, Kannur ‘Karshaka Congress’ Various Innovations in agriculture. “Demonstration on Pot composting and Organic Farming” Ozone Day Intercollegiate Essay Competition “Ozone umbrella: An everlasting shield for man and environment” Seminar on “Importance and threat of ozone umbrella” Seminar on Western ghat – Myths, Reality and Conservation National Science Day Funded by KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala

Dr. Sanoj, V., Asst. Prof. of Botany, Zamurian’s Guruvayoorappan College, Calicut. Mr. Manu Dev, Research Scholar, St. Joseph’s College, Calicut Dr. Tajo Abraham Asst. Prof. of Botany Sir Syed College, Taliparamba Mr. VP Balagangadharan, Advisor, VSSC, Kerala Sri. Oggn Prasad Rao, Asst. controller of patents and design, Patent Office, Chennai Dr. K. Harikrishnan, Asst. Prof. of Botany, Payyannoor College, Payyannoor.

1. Dr. Anita Karun, CPCRI, Kasaragode

2. Dr. Girija Devaki, KAU, Thrissur

1. Dr. N.Anilkumar MSSRF, Wayanad

2. Mr. Deepak, Field Supervisor, THANAL, Kerala Dr. KM Satheesh Kumar, Assoc. Prof. of Physics, GBC, Thalassery Mr. Harindran K. Environmentalist, Mahe Kannadiparamaba Higher Secondary School Dr. P. Harinarayanan, Scientific Officer, KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala

12th July 2012 12th Oct. 2012 23rd Jan. 2013 28th Feb. 2013 4th July 2013 26th Sept. 2013 21st Jan 2014 5th Feb. 2014

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13. 14. 15

1. Science Drama


2. Seminar on “Disaster management”

3. Seminar on “Space Applications”

Environmental Day celebrations Seminar on Zero Waste Campaign, Pesticide and Environmental Health Flower arrangement Competition Class on Botanical Nomenclature

KV Ravindran, Scientist, ISRO, Kerala Sri. Jayakumar C, Director, THANAL Dr. Sunil CN, Assoc. Prof. SNM College, Maliankara

23rd Jun 2014 3rd Sept. 2014 19th sept. 2014

National Level

Conducted a National Seminar on Sacred Grove Conservation of Northern Kerala in Association with Kerala Medicinal Plant Board and OISCA International South Indian Chapter

Date: 11th & 12th January, 2014

26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

Name of the course/ programme

Application received

Selected Enrolled Pass % Male Female

16. 17. 18.

Ozone day Celebrations Funded by KSCSTE

1. Intercollegiate PPT Presentation and Elocution Competition –Topic “Ozone Umbrella”

2. Talk on “Climate change and our duty”

3. Talk on “Ozone layer and our existence”

Seminar on “Land degradation a story over looked” National Science Day Funded by KSCSTE Seminar on “Future Biology”

Mr. Gangadharan, All India People Network TP Padmanabhan, SEEK, Edat. Kannur Dr. Vandana Sreedhar Assoc. Prof. Govt. Engineering College, Kannur Dr. Paul V, Karamthanam Assoc. Prof. St. Thomas College. Palai

29th Sept. 2014 05th Dec. 2014 12th Mar. 2015

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2011-12 UG 713 34 1 33 96 PG 121 12 11 1 100

2012-13 UG 755 34 3 31 80 PG 142 12 12 12 100

2013-14 UG 825 34 3 31 96 PG 138 12 11 1 91

2014-15 UG 896 34 2 32 85.19 PG 124 12 12 12 100

2015-16 UG 2415 34 2 32 PG 147 15 15 15

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from out side the state

% of the students from abroad

UG 99% From Kerala 2% from Lakshadweep


PG 100% from Kerala - -

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET.SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence services,


Year JRF NET GATE SET Civil services

Defence services

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 01 2014-15 2015-16 01

29. Student progression against percentade enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to MPhil

PG to Ph.D

Ph.D to Post


Employed Entrepreneurship/self employment

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitement

2011-12 4 2 2 1 2 5 2012-13 5 1 2 1 2 2 2013-14 7 2 1 1 4 5 2014-15 8 1 1 2015-16 9 1 2

30. Details of infrastructure facilities

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Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students

Wifi system Available

Class room with ICT facilities 01 Laborotaries 04

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies: 9

Detailed in item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32.Details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/workshops

/seminar) with external experts

Mentioned in the Seminar /conference section

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Smart Class Room • PPT • Animations • Field study • Institutional Visit

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

Ms. Abidal Beevi

• Member College Council • Kerala PSC Question Setter • PG Examination Board Chairman • Member, Phytovoice

Ms. Nisreen

• Chairman P.G. Board of Studies, Botany Kannur University • PG Examination Board Chairman • Convener, Anti Drug Committee • Member, Campus Beautification • Member, Phytovoice

Dr . Abdul Jaleel, V.

• Member Board of Studies (UG) Kannur University • Member Board of Studies (PG) Calicut University • N.S.S. Programme Officer, Sir Syed College • Member, Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy • Member, OISCA International, Kannur Chapter

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• Convener, Sir Syed Medicinal Garden • Member, Phytovoice

Dr. Tajo Abraham

• Member Board of Studies (UG), Kannur University • Convener, Extension Activities, Sir Syed College • Adjudicator, M.G. University Botany Thesis Evaluation • Member, IQAC • Member, College Academic Council • Member, Research Council • Executive Member, Calicut University Botany Alumni Association • Co-ordinator, Ph.D. Botany Course Work Programme, Kannur

University • M.Sc. Botany Question Paper Setter, St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri,

Calicut (Autonomous) • Member, Phytovoice

Dr. Sreeja, P.

• Convener, Bhoomithra Sena, Sir Syed College • Convener, Clean Campus Programme • Joint Secretary, OISCA International, Kannur Chapter • Secretary, Botany Alumni Association, Sir Syed College • Joint Secretary, Sir Syed College, Alumni • Project Co-ordinaotr, Sacred Grove Conservation, Kannur District • Executive Member, Sexual Harassment and Grievance Cell, Sir Syed

College • Member, KSSSP • Member, Phytovoice • Member, Research Forum • Member, Discipline Committee

Dr. Abdussalam, A.K.

• Member Board of Studies (PG), Kannur University • IQAC Member, Sir Syed College • Co-ordinator, DST-FIST Programme, Sir Syed College • Convener, Campus Landscaping and Beatification, Sir Syed College • Member, Kerala State Environment Protection Committee • Board of Editor, Science Chronicle, Interdisciplinary Biannual

Journal, N.S.S College, Pandalam, Pathanamthitta • Academic Co-ordinator, Wisdom Education, UAE,UK,Oman, India • Editor, Wizmag Science Plus, quarterly Magazine • Chief Editor, Time Publishers, Kerala • Convener, Sir Syed Botanical Garden

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• General Secretary, Phytovoice (Botany Teachers Association, Kannur University)

• Executive Member, Botany Alumni Association, Calicut University • Life Member, C.H. Centre, Taliparambab • Secretary, OISCA, Taliparamba Chapter • M.Sc. Botany Question Paper Setter, St. Joseph’s College, Devagiri,

Calicut (Autonomous)

Dr. Gayatri R. Nambiar

• Treasurer, Alumni Association, Botany Department, Sir Syed College • Director Member, Co-operative Society, Sir Syed College • Member, Cultural Committee, Sir Syed College • Member, Discipline Committee, Sir Syed College • Life Member, Mycological Society of India • Member, Research Forum, Sir Syed College • Treasurer, Ladies Association of Sir Syed College • Member, Phytovoice

Jaseel, K.

• Member, Campus Beautification, Sir Syed College • Member, Phytovoice

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

Research Department and good no of research publications

Lack of orientation of students to research

Integration/Collaboration with Research institutes in Northern Kerala

Lack of Infrasture facilities and Fund

Highly qualified faculty

Very few students qualify JRF-NET

Training centre for Rural youth and women in various job oriented programe

Placement of the students

Major Research Projects from different funding agencies

Well equipped Research Lab and equipments

Botanical Garden Students of high potential

Future Plans

• Bringing more major projects from various funding agencies • Establishing a well equipped Botanical Garden • Brining more useful equipments

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• Releasing a International Journal • Producing more JRF-NET/SET etc. • Producing patent for specific research • Start a M.Phil.Programe for Botany students • Making a Value Added Unit for Natural Products

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1 Name of the department CHEMISTRY 2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered UG Chemistry PG Chemistry PhD Chemistry

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments involved


5 Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System

PG Semester PhD Research Department

6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments

Courses offered Name of Programme

Offered by

Chemistry (Complimentary)

BSc Physics Department of Physics

Chemistry (Complimentary)

BSc Botany Department of Botany

Chemistry (Complimentary)

BSc Zoology

Department of Zoology

Chemistry (Complimentary)

BSc Forestry

Department of Forestry

Open Course

7 Courses in collaboration with other Universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc


8 Details of courses/programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

3 3

Associate Professors

6 6

10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization


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Sl No

Name Qualification

Design ation

Speciali sation

No of years of experience

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

1 Ms PM Sarojini M.Sc Associate Professor

Inorganic Chemistry


2 Dr Zeinul Hukuman NH

MSc, Ph.D

Associate Professor

Theoretical Chemistry

33 7

3 Mr P.K Abdul Jaleel

MSc Associate Professor

Physical Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry


4 Mr KP Mohammedali

MSc Associate Professor

Physical Chemistry


5 Mr Saheed Vannathankndi

MSc, BEd

Associate Professor

Organic Chemistry


6 Dr Mohammed Ashraf Vazhapully

MSc,BEd, Ph.D

Associate Professor

Physical Chemistry


7 Dr Biju A.R MSc,PhD

Assistant Professor

Inorganic Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry


8 Mr.Mohammed Sayeed.T

M.Sc, MTech

Assistat Professor

Physical Chemistry


9 Shahabanu MSc Assistant Professor

Inorganic Chemistry


11. List of senior visiting faculty: Prof. A. V. Vijayan

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG (Main)

BSc Chemistry



BSc Physics, BSc Botany, BSc Zoology, BSc Forestry


2 PG MSc Chemistry 1:7

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrarive

staff sanctioned and filled

Post Sanctioned Filled Lab Assistant 3 3

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15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b)

International funding agencies and grant received: NIL

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc

and total grants received :


18. Research centre/facility recognized by the university

Sl No

Research centre/Facilty Name of the university

1 Research centre in Chemistry Kannur University

19. Publications (per faculty)

Name of the















Dr N.H.Zinul Hukuman

1 1

Dr Mohammed Ashraf Vazhapully

1 1

Dr A.R. Biju 2 1 1 4 Mohammed Sayeed T

2 2

Impact factor Range 2.0-4.0

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: NIL

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards.


22. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organisations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industri/other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students

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Sl No

Name of the faculty/Student

Name of the Award/Recognition (Organisation)

National/ International


1 Dr. Zeinul Hukuman

Dr. Abdul Kalam National award for social and Economic Contribution to Society

National 2014

2 Dr. Biju A. R Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship from UGC

International 2013-2014

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl No

Name & Designation Address Year of visits

1 Ajith Balakrishnan, CEO 2011

2 R. Raghu, Executive Director, Schrodinger

Executive Director, Schrodinger,Mahalakshmipuram


3 Dr. Padmesh, Post Doctoral Fellow Germany 2011

4 P. M. G. Nambeesan, Scientist Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics


5 Achyuth Sankar Nair, Scientist State Inter University Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics, University of Kerala


6 Ambika Sudan Mangad, Writer Associate Professor, NAS College, Kanjangad


7. Dr A Anoop, Assistant Professor

IIT, Kharagpur 2012

8. M. S Gopinathan, Professor IISER, Trivandrum 2012

9 Pankaz Sharma, Associate Professor

Gauhati University 2012

10 Nesi Danie, Professor Kerala University 2014

11 Dr. P. M Gopalakrishnan Nambisan Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics


12 Dr. Girinath G. Pillai, Post Doctoral Fellow

University of Florida 2015

13 N. K. Govindan, Associate Professor

Govt.WomensCollege,Kannur 2015

14 Dr. N Gautham, Professor University of Madras 2015

15 Dr. Haridas, Professor Kannur University 2015

16 Sri N. K Asokan, Station Health physicist and Radiological safety officer,

Koodamkulam Nulear Power Project


17 Sri. Thomas George, Environment Surveillance Programme officer

Koodamkulam Nulear Power Project


18 E. Gangadharan Master, Sasthra Sahithya parishath

Mangad 2015

19 Dr. Vijesh A. M, Assistant Professor

Payyanur College 2015

20 Dr. T. V. Sreekumar, Head of Material science division, R and D Reliance Communications

Mumbai 2015

21 Prof. T. P Radakriahnan University of Hyderabad 2015 22 Sruthi, K. V, Researcher Korea Institute of Geosciences

and mineral recourses (KIGAM), South Korea


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25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding

a) National

Sl No

Title Item Funding agency

National/ International


1 Molecular modeling

Two Day Workshop

UGC National 4-5 March 2011

2 Molecular dynamics of biomlecules

Seminar College National 10 March 2011

3 Wonders of Science

Seminar College National 6 June 2011

4 System Biology Seminar College National 17 August 2011

5 Computational Chemistry

Conference Higher Education Dept.

National 8-9 August 2012

6 Research Methodology

Seminar UGC National 9

December 2014

7 Certain issues related to the study of nano crystalline solids

Seminar College 10 December 2014

8 Bioinformatics for chemists

Seminar College 7

December 2014

9 QSAR approach for drug design

Seminar College 8 December 2014

10 Chemistry in services to Man

Seminar College 12 February 2015

26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

Name of the course/ programme

Applications recieved

Selected Enrolled Pass percentage Male Female

2011-12 UG 898 34 4 30 91.66 PG 115 12 0 12 91.66

2012-13 UG 877 34 3 31 100 PG 107 12 1 11 72.72

2013-14 UG 869 34 3 31 91.30 PG 148 12 12 12 91.66

2014-15 UG 896 34 6 28 89.29 PG 188 12 12 12 82.87

2015-16 UG 2526 34 6 28 PG 171 15 0 15

27. Diversity of students

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Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from outside the state

% of the students from abroard

UG 100 - - PG 100 - -

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence services


Year JRF NET GATE Civil services

Defence services

2011-12 2012-13 1 2013-14 1 2014-15 1 2015-16 1

29. Student progression against percentage enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to MPhil

PG to Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepreneurship /self employ ment

Cam pus selec tion

Other than campus recruitment

2011-12 5 2012-13 4 3 2013-14 10 4 4 2014-15 9 4 2 2 2015-16 6

30 Details of infrastructure facilities

a) Library Yes b) Internet facilities for staff &

students Available

c) Class room with ICT facilities 3 d) Laboratories 4

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

S. NO Year Number of students 1 2011-2012 18 2 2012-2013 27 3 2013-2014 27 4 2014-2015 39

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32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special /

lectures/workshops seminar) with external experts



Title & Nature of event Name & address of the faculty Date

1 Molecular modeling R. Raghu, Executive Director, Schrodinger, Mahalakshmipuram

4-5 March 2011

2 Molecular dynamics of biomlecules

Dr. Padmesh, Post Doctoral Fellow 10 March 2011

3 Wonders of Science P. M. G. Nambeesan, Scientist, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics

6 June 2011

4 System Biology Achyuth Sankar Nair, Scientist, State Inter University Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics, University of Kerala

17 August 2011

5 Computational Chemistry Dr A Anoop, Assistant Professor, IIT, Kharagpur M. S Gopinathan, Professor IISER, Trivandrum Pankaz Sharma, Associate Professor, Gauhati University

8-9 August 2012

6 Research Methodology Nesi Danie, Professor, Kerala University

9thDecember 2014

7 Issues related to the study of nano crystalline solids

Dr. P. M Gopalakrishnan Nambisan, Scientist, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics

10th December 2014

8 Bioinformatics for chemists Dr. Girinath G. Pillai, Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Florida

7 January 2015

9 QSAR approach for drug design

Dr. Girinath G. Pillai, Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Florida

8 January 2015

10 Chemistry in services to Man

N. K. Govindan, Professor, Govt. Womens College,Kannur

12February 2015

11 Crystallography and biophysics

Dr. N Gautham, Professor, University of Madrass

19February 2015

12 Crystals of biomolecules Dr. Haridas, Professor, Kannur University

19February 2015

13 Nuclear and radiation Chemistry

Sri N. K Asokan, Station Health physicist and Radiological safety officer, Koodamkulam Nulear Power Project

27 June 2014

14 Nuclear and radiation Chemistry

Sri. Thomas George, Environment Surveillance Programme officer, Koodamkulam Nulear Power Project

28 June 2014

15 Anthropogenic emissions and life’s on earth

E. Gangadharan Master, Sasthra Sahithya parishath

15 October 2015

16 30 years of healing the ozone together

Dr. Vijesh A. M, Assistant Professor, Payyanur College

5 October 2015

17 Carbon nano fiber Dr. T. V. Sreekumar, Head of Material science division, R and D Reliance Communications

31July 2015

18 Molecular Materials Prof. T. P Radakriahnan, Professor, University of Hyderabad

16 June 2015

19 Breadth Depths scope of chemistry in modern world

Sruthi, K. V, Researcher, Korea Institute of Geosciences and mineral recourses (KIGAM), South Korea, 2016

3 February 2016

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

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• Lecture demonstration with the assistance from smart board. • Showing video lectures from Open course wares like NPTEL, MIT,

Stantford University etc • Demonstration of experiments • Powerpoint presentation

34.Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and extension activities

Ms IVK Indiara

• Head Of the Department • Member, Board of Studies, Chemistry

Ms PM Sarojini

• Head Of the Department • Member, Board of Studies, Chemistry

Dr NH Zinul Hukuman

• Head Of the Department • Research Guide • Member, UG & PG Board of Studies, Chemistry • Coordinator , PGDCS • Coordinator, Film Club • Coordinator, International Film Festival of Sir Syed College

Mr K.P Mohammedali

• Syndicate Member • Member UG Board of Studies, Chemistry

Mr PK Abdul Jaleel

• Secretary, Parent Teacher Association • Member, College Council

Mr Saheed Vannathankandi

• Coordinator, IQAC • College Coordinator, Choice Based Credit & Semester System

• Secretary,Sir Syed College Cooperative Society • Member, College Planning Board • Member, College level Committee, RUSA • Member, UG Board of Studies, Chemistry • Member, Faculty of Science

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Dr Mohammed Ashraf Vazhapully

• NCC Officer • Member, UG & PG Board of Studies, Chemistry • Member, College Discipline Committee

Dr Biju A.R

• College level Nodel Officer, Spark, Government of Kerala • Member, Film Club • Member, College ICT Committee

Mr Mohammed Sayeed T

• Member, UG Board of Studies, Chemistry • Member, College ICT Committee

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

Well Qualified Faculty

Lesser number of experienced Lab Assistants

A functioning Research Committee. Interaction of Research scholars with the students and update student knowledge

Identification of specific areas of research and develop infrastructure accordingly

Recognised Research Centre

No Separate instrumentation rooms

PG & Research block Drop out of students especially girls

Good Laborotary & Libraryfacilities

Inadequacy of maintainance fund

Collaboration with Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). More such collaborations are possible in the computational filed

Boys are not preferring basic science courses

All the faculties are permanent

Constraints in Career development programmes

Encouragement for students to work in national laboratories, institutes and industries

Insufficient fund

DIST-FIST funded department

Consultancy service

Students with good academic back ground

Most of the girls are not career oriented

Computational chemistry laboratory with licensed software like Gaussian09

Smart Class rooms

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Future Plans

• Develop and enhance opportunities that give undergraduate students experience with the process of scientific research through participation in undergraduate research.

• Make a coordinated effort to seek and advertise summer research opportunities for our B.Sc students.

• Work to ensure that more than content knowledge is covered in our courses; that students also learn hypothesis development/testing, how to ask relevant questions, and how to find answers to these questions.

• Preparing M.Sc students for national seminars

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1 Name of the department COMMERCE 2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of Programmes /

Courses offered (UG, PG, M Phil, Ph. D, Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph. D, etc)

UG B.Com

PG M.Com

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System PG Semester

6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments



Name of


Offered by

Open Course

BA/BSc Other departments

7 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc

GFMA star program – Global Financial Market Analyst- NSDC supported BSE designed course - in collaboration with IBMC Financial Consultants Pvt. Ltd

8 Details of courses/ programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

8 8

Associate Professors

Nil Nil

10 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization

(D.Sc/ D.Litt./Ph.D./ M.Phil.etc)

Sl No

Name Qualification

Design ation


No of years of experi ence

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

1 Mr. S M Shanavas


Assistant Professor

Finance 9

2 Ms. Suhra Kovvammal

M Com, B Ed

Assistant Professor

Finance 5.8

3 Mr.Muhammed Salih. C


Assistant Professor

Finance 7

4 Ms. Ramseena Azeez

M Com Assistant Professor

Finance 1.5

5 Ms. Haseena K P

M Com, B Ed

Assistant Professor

Finance 1.5

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6. Mr. Siddique. KP


Assistant Professor

Finance 1

7. Siraj. P.P M Com, B Ed

Assistant Professor

Finance 1

8. Shameel K M Com Assistant Professor

Finance 1

11. List of senior visiting faculty : NIL

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: 13% at UG & PG: Nil

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG (Main)

B Com 45:1

2 PG M Com 10:1

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff

sanctioned and filled: Nil

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b)

International funding agencies and grant received: NIL

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc

and total grants received: NiL

18. Research centre/facility recognized by the university: Nil

19. Publications (per faculty)







Mr. S M Shanavas 1 1 2 Ms. Haseena K P 1 1 Mr. Siddique KP 1 1 Mr. Siraj P P 1 2 2 5 Impact factor

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated:

• Income Tax help desk • Auditing of Various Accounts

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21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards... NIL

22. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industries/other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by students

Subin M K M.Com 1st – inter collegiate Chess

Kannur University

2015- 16

Mithun K M.Com 1st – inter collegiate Chess Member University chess team

Kannur University

2015- 16 2015- 16

Ansar K M.Com Gold Medal – Taekwondo–under 74 Gold Medal – Taekwondo –under 80 Selected for All Kerala Taekwondo Championship

Kannur University Kannur University

2014- 15 2015- 16 2015- 16

Akhal Haris B.Com 1st Marketing Game 1st Marketing Game 1stprize- Communication game 2nd Prize- Marketing Game Attended ED Camp by KEID

ITM Mayyil SN College WIRAS SN College Eranakulam

2014- 15 2014- 15 2015- 16 2015- 16 2015- 16

Fathima Nishana Mahmood

M.Com 2nd English Debate 2nd English Speech NET

University Kalothsavam University Kalothsavam UGC

2014- 15 2014- 15 2014- 15

Nihad Ashraf B.Com Completed Certificate course – GFMA

Athulya P B.Com 2nd prize – Treasure Hunt SN College 2014- 15

Firos P M B.Com 2nd place Inter college Cricket team Completed Certificate course – GFMA

Muhammed M B.Com Silver Medal - Best Physique Completed Certificate course – GFMA

Kannur University

2014- 15

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Junaid V P B.Com 3rd Prize Marketing Game Completed Certificate course – GFMA

S N College 2014- 15

Afnan KP B.Com 2nd prize English Debate Completed Certificate course – GFMA 1stprize- Communication game

University Kalothsavam WIRAS

2014- 15 2015 - 16

Aquil Ahmed B.Com 1st prize –Marketing game 2nd Prize- Marketing Game 2nd Prize- Marketing Game

S N College ITM Mayyil S N College

2014- 15 2014- 15 2015 -16

Muhammed SaffanO

B.Com 2nd Prize- Best Management Team

S N College 2014- 15

Salim Ali B.Com 2nd Prize- Marketing Game Completed Certificate course – GFMA

S N College 2015 -16

Afneeda VM B.Com Completed Certificate course – GFMA

2015 -16

Shafna B.Com Completed Certificate course – GFMA 1st prize –Marketing game

WIRAS College

2015 -16 2015 -16

Nasla Nasir B.Com Completed Certificate course – GFMA

2015 -16

Sahla M P B.Com Completed Certificate course – GFMA – Top scorer

2015 -16

Sujesh K B.Com Participated in district level badminton tournament

2015 -16

Nahda Praveen B.Com 1stprize-Marketing Game 1stprize-Marketing Game 2nd Prize- Marketing Game

ITM Mayyil S N College Thottada S N College Thottada

2014- 15 2014- 15 2015 -16

Sree Lakshmi Pradeep

B.Com Completed Certificate course – GFMA Attended 3 days NSS IRC Camp Best Female Volunteer- NSS 2nd – English Drama 2nd – Hindi Drama Attended National orientation program National Camper - NSS

University Kalothsavam University Kalothsavam Chennai Himachal Pradesh

2014- 15 2014- 15 2014- 15 2014- 15 2014- 15 2015 -16 2015 -16

Anusree T B.Com Attended 3 days NSS IRC Camp 2nd – Folk Dance

University Kalothsavam

2014- 15 2014- 15

Farook Ahmed B.Com Completed Certificate course – GFMA

Kiran Mathew B.Com 2nd Prize Best management Team

SN College 2015 -16

Adeeth V B.Com National Game 2015 –kerala – Facilitator

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2d -Wrestling – North Zone – Kerala

Nasif P B.Com NSS Adventurous Camper 2013 -14 Jouhara P B.Com 1stprize- Communication

game Completed Certificate course – GFMA

WIRAS 2015 -16 2015 -16 2015 -16

Muhammed Danish

B.Com Completed Certificate course – GFMA


Jehfer Muhammed L.V

B.Com B.Com

1stprize-Best management team 2nd prize- Best management team

Brennen College Payyanur College

2014–15 2013 -14

Shammas Abdul Khader

B.Com B.Com

1stprize-Best management team 2nd prize- Best management team

Brennen College Payyanur College

2014–15 2013 -14

Moideenkutty A.M

B.Com B.Com

1stprize-Best management team 2nd prize- Best management team

Brennen College Payyanur College

2014–15 2013 -14

Noufal Chackan B.Com B.Com

1stprize-Marketing Management game 1st prize Marketing game.

Chinmaya Arts&Science College National level management fest S.N College

2014–15 2013 -14

Amal Rasheed B.Com 1stprize-Marketing Management game

Chinmaya Arts&Science College


Suzna .P V B.Com 1stprize-Marketing Management game

Chinmaya Arts & Science College.


Hajara Farzana B.Com 1stprize-Marketing Management game

Chinmaya Arts & Science College.


Shameel Siddique M.Com NET 1st prize- finance game 3rd prize- Finance game

UGC National level management fest -Kannur University campus National level management fest by DMS Palayad.

2013-14 2013-14 2013-14

Thayyib P.V M.Com NET 1st prize- finance game 3rd prize- Finance game

UGC National level management fest-Kannur University campus

2013-14 2013-14 2013-14

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National level management fest by DMS Palayad.

Nabeela Banu B.Com

3rd place - English Elocution 1stplace - English Elocution First prize in JAM Participated in Inter Zone Debate Participated in Orientation IAS 1st-Elocution competition 1st Quiz Competition 1st Elocution competition 2nd English Debate .

University Kalothsavam Inter university English department Banglore University Calicut English Department English Department Zoology Department Kannur University Kalothsavam

2013-14 ,, ,, ,, 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13

Rizwan K P B.Com 2nd place- College football team Individual Champion - Lawn Tennis Runner up position Runner up position

University football tournament. Kannur University Lawn Tennis Tournament University tennis University badminton

2013-14 2013-14 2012-13 2012-13

Muhammed Ashal B.Com M.Com

2nd place- College football team Captain Best football player

University football tournament. Kannur University football team Kannur University football team

2013-14 2013-14 2015 -16 2015 -16

Shahid KMC B.Com 2nd place- College football team

University football tournament.


Jayadeep Krishna.P Gold medal- weight lifting championship.

National Level Weight Lifting Championship.


Muhammed Shamir

B.Com 1st prize Marketing game National level management fest S.NCollege


Asif M.M B.Com Volleyball team in NU camp Chennai 2011-12

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Sabitha M.Com NET UGC 2011-12 Sabitha

M.Com NET UGC 2011-12

Sheena M.Com NET UGC 2011-12 Zahina M.Com NET UGC 2011-12

Linesh M.Com NET UGC 2011-12 Biju M.Com NET UGC 2011-12

Ramya K M.Com NET UGC 2011-12 Ramya E.B M.Com NET UGC 2011-12 Aswini M.Com NET UGC 2011-12 Anumol Thomas M.Com NET UGC 2011-12 Rajasree M.Com NET UGC 2011-12

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl No

Name & Designation Address Year of visits

1 Dr. P I Laila, HoD of Commerce, St. Joseph College, Pilathara


2 Mrs. Haseena Pulukkool,

Junior Accounts Officer, BSNL, Kannur,Kerala Circle


3. Mr. Noushad Poothappara

District Coordinator, Akshaya, Govt.of Kerala Project


4 Mrs Preetha Varma Regional Manager, SB Global Education Resource Private Ltd


5 Hari Prasad Sub Inspector of Police, KAP IV Bn.


6 Mr. Abdul Nizar Asst. Commandant of Police, Kannur HQ


7 Prof. A Vinod Associate Professor (Rtd.) Govt College, Madappally


8 Dr. M K Abdul Sathar Corporate Trainer, Zeal International,Calicut


9. Mr.Alex.P.C Manager, Punjab NationalBank,Taliparamba

10. Dr. Khader mangad Vice Chancellor, Kannur University 2014 -15 11 Mr. M.C Jayaprakash Chartered Accountant 2014 -15 12 Dr. Manoj Pillai Associate Professor, MG. Govt.

College, Mahe 2014 -15

13 Dr. PV Raveendran Principal, STEMS College 2014 -15 14 Mr. Vinod kumar, President, North Malabar chamber

of commerce,Kannur 2013-14

15 Mr. Kareem Chelleri Executive Director,IIHT,Kerala 2013-14 16 Mr. Shashidharan Manager(Retired),Catholic Syrian

Bank 2013-14

17 Mr. K.M Mathew Manager,Raidco, Kannur 2013-14 18 Mr Lijin Narayanan Business Executive ,Sharekhan 2013-14 19 Mr. A.K Raghunath Supply Chain manager, Bond

Communication, Dubai (Founder chairman of Sir Syed College Alumni, Dubai Chapter)

2012 -13

20 Dr. V.K Vijayakumar Investment Strategist, GEOJIT BNP PARIBAS

2012 -13

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21 Mr. K Satheesh Manager, Federal Bank, Taliparamba Branch

2012 -13

22 Mrs. Girija Manager, SBI, Taliparamba Branch 2011- 12 23 Mr. M.V.Ramachandran Manager, Punjab National Bank,

Taliparamba 2011- 12

24 Dr. Michael Tharakan Vice Chancellor, Kannur University 2011- 12

25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding

a) National, International

Sl No

Title Item Funding agency

National/ Inter national


1 National Seminar Seminar PNB National 21OCT


2 Entrepreneurial Development Class

Workshop DIC 13 July 2015

26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

Name of the course/ programme

Applica tions received

Selected Enrolled Pass percentage

Male Female

2011-12 UG 1700 60 32 28 83.63

PG 125 21 12 09 84.21 2012-13 UG 1890 60 32 28 78.85

PG 138 24 16 08 78.94 2013-14 UG 1980 60 32 28 82.14

PG 148 19 12 07 73.68 2014-15 UG 2031 60 35 25 85.71

PG 157 24 16 05 76.92 2015-16 UG 5101 61 38 23

PG 150 20 11 09

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from other state

% of the students from abroad

UG 100 Nil Nil PG 100 Nil Nil

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence services


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Year JRF NET CA ICWA Defense services


2011-12 1 8 4 2012-13 1 6 1 2013-14 5 4 2014-15 2 2 2015-16 1 7 3 - inter 2

29. Student progression against percentage enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to MPhil

PG to Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepreneurship/ self employment

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitement

2011-12 59 1 8.92 3.57 2012-13 30 1 5.76 2013-14 58 13.33 6.67 2014-15 41 9 1.67 2015-16

30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Yes

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

Scholarship 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Higher Education 5 4 8 5 PH & Blind Scholarship 3 3 2 3 Fisheries Scholarship 2 1 4 Centre Sector 15 13 8 5 CH Muhammed Koya 16 6 13 18 Post Metric 6 10 21 18

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with external experts

Sl No

Title & Nature of event Name & address of the faculty Date

1 Seminar on Cyber Law Mr. Hari Prasad (Sub Inspector of Police, KAP IV BL

8 October 2015

2 Workshop on Effective Communication

Mrs Preetha Varma 29 January 2016

3 Seminar Recent Trends in Commerce

Prof. A Vinod 14September 2015

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4 Workshop on Research Methodology

Dr. P I Laila 19August


5 Entrepreneurial

Development class

Dr. M K Abdul Sathar 13 July 2015

6 Visit to RUDSET Entrepreneurial Development Centre

05 February 2015

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• ICT Class Room • Power point presentation • Group Discussion • Collaborative learning • Seminar • Lecture • Assignments and Projects • Debate • Quiz Competition

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility(ISR) and

Extension activities

S M Shanavas

• Member of PG Board of Studies in Commerce • Former Member of UG Board of Studies in BBA TTM • Member - Question setters board – Kerala University • Member - Question setters board – Calicut University • Academic Counselor – IGNOU • Former Hostel Warden • Former Staff Editor • Member – College Cooperative Store • Former Coordinator – ED Club • General Secretary – KRIPA Youth Wing

Suhra Kovvammal

• Member PG Board of Studies in Commerce • Member, College Discipline Committee • Convener, Lass – Cultural Fourum • Member, College Cooperative store • Internal Mentor, WWS • Coordinator, ED Club • Member, College Documentation Committee • Member, Magazine Committee

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Muhammed Salih C

• Member UG Board of Studies of Commerce, Kannur University • Chairman - Question setters board – Calicut University • Academic Counselor, IGNOU • External Examiner, IGNOU, Pondichery University • Coordinator, SEEC • Coordinator, Commerce Club • AIPMT, observer – CBSE • Manager- Najmul Huda Orphanage – Meruvambayi

Ramaseena Azeez

• Department Career Guidance – Coordinator

Haseena K P

• Member of Staff Council • Member of Arts Forum • Coordinator –IT Club

Siddique K P

• Premium Researcher- Academia- Research.

Shameel K

• Coordinator, Education Empowerment Program, Taliparamba Municipality

Siraj PP

• Convener - DQAC

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Qualified permanent faculties

insufficient infrastructure

Industry Alliances

Fast change and slow updating

Department Library Academic imbalance (Poor academic back ground for students from management quota)

New Generation Courses

Two Extremes in potentials among students (High and Low)

Strong Alumni Association

Partnership with other institutions offering courses

E-Library with international Books and Journal

Certificate courses offered by National

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level institute like NSE,BSE

ICT enabled class rooms

Add on Courses

Future Plans

• Yearly Journal • National / International Seminar • Annual News Letter

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1 Name of the Department ECONOMICS 2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters,Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG Economics PG NIL PhD NIL

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System

PG - PhD -

6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments

Courses offered

Name of Programme

Offered by

Economics (Complim entary)

BSc Mathematics

Depart ment of Mathe matics

Open course

BA/BSc/ BCom

Other depart ment

7 Courses in collaberation with other universities,industries, forign institutions,etc


8 Details of courses/Programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

3 2

Associate Professors

10 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation


Sl No

Name Qualifi cation

Desig nation

Specialis ation

No of years of experience

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years




Assistant Professor

Macro Economic and Environmental Economics

07 years and 03 months


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M.A, B.Ed, Diploma in West Asian Studies


Micro Economics and Indian Economy

18 years and 11 months



M.A, Guest Lecturer

Public Finance 08 months


11. List of senior visiting faculty

• Prof. K Subairu, (Former HOD)

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: 08 hrs per week lectures only

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG (Main)

BA Economics


2 Complimentary BSc Mathematics


14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrarive

staff sanctioned and filled: NIL

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b)

International funding agencies and grant recieved: NIL

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST,UGC,DBT,ICSSR,etc

and total grants received: NIL

18. Research centre/facility recognised by the University: NIL

19. Publications (per faculty): NIL

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: NIL

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards NIL

22. Student projects

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Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories /Industry/ other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students

Recognitions received by students are listed below

Name Item Mahesh K • A grade in Naatoti Nritham(Group) in connection

with University Arts Festival 2014-2015 • A grade in Sanghanritham in connection with the

University Arts Festival 2014-2015

Sarika P.R , Ranjima P.V Jisha A.T.V

• second place in intercollegiate handball 2013

Sarika P.R , Ranjima P.V Jisha A.T.V , Saranya Chandran Rahina K.P

• First place inintercollegiate handball 2014 and south zone qualified

• Particpated in All India Handball championship 2014

• First prize in State Senior Handball Championship 2015.

• First prize in intercollegiate championship 2015

Sarika P.R Jisha A.T.V ,

• Participated in National games 2015 • First prize in Kerala Senior South zone


24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl No

Name & Designation Address Year of visits

1 Mr.M.S.Jalil(Director Career Guru, Calicut) 2011 2 Hamsa Master, Mayyi l 2011 3 Prof.K.Subairu, Rtd.HoD

of Economics Sir Syed College 2011,2014,

2015 4 Prof. Falgunan , HoD of

Economics, Govt.Brennen College, Thalassery


5 Dr.S.M.Abdul Khader, HoD of Economics,

K.M.M Govt.Womens college 2012

6 Mr.EldoPaulose, (Assistant Professor and Chief operating officer,

Marian Academy of Management Studies


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7 Mr.T.K.Devarajan, Assistant Manager,

Indian Overseas Bank, Trikkarippur


8 Mr.Shanavas P.H, Assistatnt Professor of Economics,

Govt. College, Mananthavadi 2014

9 Sri.V.P Balagangadharan, Advisor ,

Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum


10 Adv.Lawwelman, Assistant Professor,

Govt. Law College, Kozhikkode


11 Sri.Nigel Vincent, Project Scientist,


12 Adv.Febin James, Trademark Attorney

Partner Legalities IP services, Trissur


13 Sri.V.E.Sasidharan, SBT Manager, Taliparamba Branch


14 Dr.Thomas Isaac MLA 2016

25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding

Sl no

Seminar/ Workshop National/ State level/ Regional level

Funding Agency


1 Seminar on Current Issues of Indian Economy

Regional Department Fund

10 /10/2011

2 Seminar on Unemployment and Pension Age

Regional Department Fund

05 /09/2012

3 Seminar on Rupee Depreci ation: A Panic to Indian


State level Department Fund

10 /09/2013

4 Seminar on Population Issues in Kerala

State level Department Fund

24 /07/2014

5 Workshop on Intellectual Property Right

State level KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala

04 /03/2015

6 Lecture on Fiscal Crisis in Kerala”

State level Department Fund

03 /02/2016

26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

Name of the course/ programme

Applica tions recieved

Selected Enrolled Pass percentage Male Female

2011-12 UG 1440 60 15 45 60.6 2012-13 UG 1579 59 18 41 64.1 2013-14 UG 1862 60 19 41 70.45 2014-15 UG 1983 59 22 37 65.85 2015-15 UG 2868 61 18 43

27. Diversity of students

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Name of the Course

% of the students from out of state

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from abroard

UG 0 100 0 PG

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil Services, Defence services



29. Student progression against percentade enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to MPhil

PG To Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepreneurship/self employment

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment

2011-12 25 - 30 15 2012-13 30 - 25 10 2013-14 20 - 30 10 2014-15 30 - 35 10 2015-16 30 - 30 15

30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Available Laboratories NA

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies:

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special lectures/work-

shops /seminar) with external experts

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Group discussion • Debate • ICT enabled learning • Field study • Project method

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

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Smt.Sajitha P.K

• Head of the Department


• College Discipline Committee Convenor • Former NSS programme officer 2011-2012 • Department DQAC Coordinator • Board of Examination Chairman, Kannur University • Member Pass Board, BA Economics, Kannur University

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats High demand ratio for the programme

Students with Comparatively Lower marks prefer to join the programme

IES, NSSO Department, Banking sector, Planning Board, Teaching,, Govt. jobs in various departments

High dropout rate among girls due to marriage

Young and dedicated faculty

No PG Course PG and research block and the opportunity for Higher studies

Stubborn attitude of society towards highereducation of girls

Good rapport Lack of interest of students for further studies

Civil Service Examination

No senior experienced staff

Self employment

Lack of ICT facility in the class room


Lack of department Library

Future Plans:

� Start Post-graduation programme � To conduct research oriented and current issues seminar and

workshops. � To conduct training programme for self employment � To expand consultancy service in three-tier panchayat raj system

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1 Name of the department ENGLISH 2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters,Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG B.A. Functional English

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit and semester System

6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments



Name of




Common Course

BA/B.Sc/ B.Com

Other department

Open courses BA/B.Sc/ B.Com

Other department

7 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc


8 Details of courses/programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

6 4

Associate Professors

1 1

10 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization


Sl No

Name Qualifi cation

Desig nation

Specialis ation

No of years of expe rience

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

1 Waheeda.N.M

M.A. Mphil

Associate Professor

Translation Studies & Indian Writings in English


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2 Linu. M.K M.A. B.Ed

Assistant Professor

Media Studies & Theatre


3 Sabita Shankunni

M.A. B.Ed

Assistant Professor

Film Studies & Theatre

4 Muhammed Saleem.P.M

M.A. M.Phil. B.Ed

Assistant Professor

English Language Teaching& Literary Criticism and Theory


5 Ms. Jeseera. K

MA. B.Ed

Assistant Professor

Twentieth Century Poetry


11. List of senior visiting faculty

• Dr. Zainul Hukman. (Retd. Associate Professor) • Mr. Ramkumar. P (Retd. Associate Professor)

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: 33%

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG (Main) Core

B.A Functional English 1:24

2 U.G.( Common) B.A. English Common 1:164

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff

sanctioned and filled : NIL

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

Sl No

Name of the project

Funded by Amount sanctioned (in Rs)


1 TPS (ASAP) 21 Days Residential Programme

Department of Higher Education, Department of General education, Government of Kerala

3.5 Lakhs


2. TPS (ASAP) 21 Days Residential Programme

Department of Higher Education, Department of General education, Government of Kerala

3.5 Lakhs


3 CET (ASAP) 21 Days Residential Programme

Department of Higher Education, Department of General education, Government of Kerala

4 Lakhs Completed

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16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from

a) National b) Inter national funding agencies and grant received: NIL

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc

and total grants received : NIL

18. Research centre/facility recognised by the university: NIL

19. Publications (per faculty)

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 TOTAL

Ms.Linu. M.K 2 2 Ms. Rafseena.M 2 2 Ms. Sabita Shankunni

2 2

Mr. Muhammed Saleem.P.M

2 2

Impact factor 2.317- 4

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: NIL

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards. NIL

22 Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organisations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industries/other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students

Sl No

Name of the faculty/Student

Name of the Award/ Recognition (Organization)

National/Inter national


1. Linu M K Commander’s Silver Medal for All Round Performance Best Lecture Award

National 2015

2. Mohammed Roshin

Qualified I.A.S. Preliminary Exam


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24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl No

Name & Designation Address Year of visits

1. Dr. Muraleedaran Associate Professor Department of English Payyanur College


2. Ms. Reena Nair. Assistant Professor Department of English KMMGWC


3. Abhilash Mohan News Reader India Vision Channel


4 Mr.E. Saneesh Senior News Editor Media One


5. Dr. Muhammed Shafi Assitant Professor School of Management Studies, N.I.T. Calicut


6 Dr. N.Sajan Associate Professor Department of English S.N. College, Kannur


7 Mr. P. Sudhakaran Special Correspondent The Times of India


25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding

a) National, International

Sl No

Title Item Funding agency

National/ Inter national


1. The Media: EmergingTrends

Seminar Department of Higher Education, Government of Kerala

National 29 October 2014

2. TPS 21 Days Residential Programme

Department of Higher Education, Government of Kerala

State Level

12 May- 1 June 2014

3. TPS 21 Days Residential Programme

Department of Higher Education, Government of Kerala

State Level

8-28 May 2015

4. CET 21 Days Residential Programme

Department of Higher Education, Government of Kerala

State Level

21 April – 11 May 2016

26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

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Name of the course/ programme

Applications received

Selected Enrolled Pass percentage Male Female

2011-12 UG 2000 48 08 40 54.16 2012-13 UG 1787 48 11 37 75 2013-14 UG 2220 48 9 39 75 2014-15 UG 1560 48 10 38 72.22 2015-16 UG 1247 48 10 38

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from outside the state

% of the students from abroard

UG 100 0 0

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET.SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence services


Year JRF NET GATE Civil services Defence services

2011-12 NA NA NA - - 2012-13 NA NA NA - - 2013-14 NA NA NA Qualified I.A.S.

Preliminary Exam -

2014-15 NA NA NA - - 2015-16 NA NA NA - -

29. Student progression against percentage enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to M Phil

PG To Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepreneurship /self employment

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitement

2011-12 7 0 0 0 0 6 2012-13 8 1 1 0 0 10 2013-14 10 0 0 0 0 12 2014-15 10 - - - - 1 2015-16 - - - - -

30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Available

Laboratories Language Lab

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31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with external experts

Sl No

Title & Nature of event

Name & address of the faculty Date

1 . Film & Culture

Dr. Zainul Hukman Associate Professor Department of Chemistry Sir Syed College, Taliparmba

3 December 2015

2. Media in the Twenty First Century

Mr. Ramkumar. P Retd. Associate Professor Department of English Sir Syed College, Taliparmba

10 January 2014

3 Research


Dr. A.P. Kuttikrishnan Associate Professor Department of Statistics Sir Syed College, Taliparamba

16 February 2016

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Use of ICT enabled teaching with the help of Language Lab. • Participatory Learning by conducting various programs under FACE

(Forum for Acquiring Communicative English) • Collaborative Learning ( Preparation of Manuscript magazines &

Social Awareness Programme) • Involvement in Virtual Learning ( Massive Open Online Courses) • Seminars and projects by the students • Student blogs • Debates and Discussions

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities


• Member of UG Board of Studies in Functional English • Chairperson, Board of Examination, Functional English • Former Secretary of LASS • Member, Cultural Forum • Former Convener of Anti Ragging and Grievance Redress Cell • Steering Committee Member for SSR • Editorial Board Member, College Magazine

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Linu M.K

• Associate N.C.C Officer • Member of UG Board of Studies in Functional English • Course Director of ASAP TPS & CET Programme • Master Trainer, ASAP • Member of College Council • Member of Canteen Committee • Member of Discipline Committee • Member of Social Service Wing • Member of Sir Syed Employees’ Cooperative Store

Ms. Sabita Shankunni

• Internal Mentor, Walk with the Scholar (2015-16) • Resource Person, Scholar Support Programm (2015-16) • Member of SEARCH

Mr. Muhammed Saleem.P.M.

• Member of IQAC • Member of SEEC • Coordinator of Scholar Support Programme • Member of FLAIR (Fostering Linkages in Academic Innovation and

Research, Govt of Kerala) • Editorial Board Member, College Magazine • Master Trainer, ASAP • Former Staff Editor, College Magazine • Member of Scholarship Committee, Sir Syed College

Ms. Jeseera. K

Resource Person, Scholar Support Programme

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

No. Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

1 Young and vibrant faculty members

Lack of P.G. Course

To develop as a P.G. Department

Improving linguistic competence of students from rural areas

2 All faculty members are pursuing PhD

No research facility in the college

Scope for developing value added courses like Content Writing/ TechnicalWriting, BusinessCommunication, MassCommunication and Soft skills

Lack of interest of girl students to go for higher studies

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3 Favourable working environment

Large strength of students

Different collaborative efforts

Lack of higher studies option

4 ICT enabled class rooms

To start research journals Student drop out

Future Plans

• To develop the department as a Post Graduate Department • To start different job oriented certificate courses and skill

development programmes. • To start a research journal for the department. • To take students to the next level of virtual learning. • To develop department as a research centre. • To initiate various collaborative ventures with different governmental

and non governmental agencies.

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1 Name of the department FORESTRY 2 Year of Establishment 1999 3 Names of Programmes/ Courses

offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters,Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG B. Sc. Forestry


4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System


6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments



Name of




Open course

BA/BSc/ BCom

Other depart ment

7 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc


8 Details of courses/programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

3 3

Associate Professors

- -

10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation (D.Sc/D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil.etc)

Sl No

Name Qualifi cation

Design ation

Special isation

No of years of experi ence

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

1 Malik Fasil M.

M.Sc. (Forestry)

Assistant Professor

Ecology, Wildlife Science and Geoinformatics


2 Aneesh K. S.

M.Sc. (Forestry)

Assistant Professor

Wetland and Mangrove Ecology, Seed Science and Nursery Technology


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3 Sneha C. M.Sc. (Forestry)

Assistant Professor

Plant physiology, Wood Science, Plant Genetic Engineering


11. List of senior visiting faculty : NIL

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No Level Programmes Ratio 1 UG B.Sc. Forestry 1:29

2 UG Complimentary 1:68

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff

sanctioned and filled : NIL

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from

a) National b) International funding agencies and grant recieved:

Sl No

Name Title Amount Funded by


1. Malik Fasil M.

Diversity, abundance and community structure of herpetofauna in Kadalundi Vallikkunnu Community Reserve, Kerala

Rs.68,000 UGC Completed. Final report submitted

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc

and total grants received: NIL

18. Research centre/facility recognised by the University: NIL

19. Publications (per faculty)

Faculty 2011-12 2012-13



2015-16 TOTAL

Malik Fasil M. 1 1 13 15 Aneesh K. S. 1 2 5 4 12 Sneha C. 2 2 3 4 11 Impact factor

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20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: NIL

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards

Malik Fasil M.

• life time member of Chiroptera Conservation and Information Network of South Asia (CCINSA)

Sneha C.

• Member of editorial team of Greener Journal of Agronomy, Forestry and Horticulture

22. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes

>90% (project is a part of curriculum)

Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industries /other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students

Sl No

Name of the faculty/Student

Name of the Award/Recognition (Organisation)



1 Jesna Jose National Judo Championship

National 2013

2 Sujana Sundaran Participation in national handball championship

National 2014

3 Avishna A. Rajpath March in Republic Day 2016

National 2016

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl No Name & Designation Address Year of visits

1. Dr. Abdulla Seedling division, Uravu, Waynadu. 2012

2. Shri. K. K. Chandran President, Oisca International, Kerala State Chapter


3. Dr. Muraleedharan Parassinikkadavu Ayurveda Medical College


4. Shri. K.V. Sivaprasad Environmentalist 2012

5. Sri. T.P. Padmanabhan Secretary, Society for Environmental Education Kerala


6. Dr.A.V.Santhoshkumar Associate Professor, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur


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7. Dr. K. U. Haridas Lecturer, Folklore study Centre, Calicut


8. Shri. Vishalakshan One Earth One Life 2013

9. M.P Prabhakaran, Range Forest Officer, Taliparamba, Northern Circle


10. Shri. V. Saji Kumar Asst. Conservator of Forests, Northern Circle, Kerala Forests and Wildlife Department


11. Sri. Biju

Assistant Conservator of Forests, Social Forestry, Kannur.


12. Sri. Bhaskaran Vellur, Environmental Activist, Society for Environmental Education Kerala


13. Smt. Razeena Nazir Wildlife Photographer 2015

14. Sri.V.Ratheesan Range Forest Officer, Kottiyoor Range


15. Dr. S.Gopakumar Associate Professor, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur


16. Sri.C.Sunilkumar Chief News Photographer, Mathrubhoomi, Kannur


17. Dr.P.M.Sidharthan Scientist (Rtd.), ISRO 2016

18. Sri. T. P. Padmanabhan Director, Society for Environmental Education Kerala


19. Dr.Dinesan Cheruvat Joint Director, Fisheries, North zone 2016

20. Dr.C.Mohanan Course Director, Dept of Wood Science, Kannur University


25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding

a) National, International

Sl No

Title Item Funding agency

National/ Inter national


1 Ethnobotany and Local Health Traditions, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba




19 Dec 2012

2 Future concerns of environmental legislations in India, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba




3 & 4 Feb 2016

3 Wetland Conservation and Sustainable management- a Kerala perspective Sir Syed College, Taliparamba




18 Feb 2016

26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

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Name of the course/ programme

Applica tions received

Selected Enrolled Pass percentage Male Female

2011-12 UG 247 29 3 26 76.92 2012-13 UG 425 29 2 27 73.68 2013-14 UG 410 29 8 21 94.44 2014-15 UG 451 29 8 21 75 2015-16 UG 1137 29 10 19

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from outside the state

% of the students from abroad

UG 100 Nil Nil

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET.SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence services


Year JRF NET GATE Civil services

Defence services

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 1

29. Student progression against percentage enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to MPhil

PG to Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepreneurship/self employment

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment

2011-12 3 2012-13 6 2013-14 7 2014-15 7 2015-16 15 1 1 12

30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students


Class room with ICT facilities Yes, Two Laboratories Yes

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31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with external experts



Title & Nature of event Name & address of the



1 World Environment Day Lecture

Shri. K. K. Chandran, President, Oisca International, Kerala State Chapter


2 A talk on “Fresh Water, Fresh Air and Fresh Food for Sustained Life”

Shri. K. V. Sivaprasad, Environmentalist


3 A talk on Relevance of Environmental Education in Kerala

Sri. T. P. Padmanabhan, Secretary, Society for Environmental Education Kerala


4 Lecture on “Snakebite – Precautions and First Aid”

Dr. Muraleedharan, Parassinikkadavu Ayurveda Medical College


5 Nature Education Camp Shri. Vishalakshan, One Earth One Life


6 A lecture on Forest Management Information System was organized for the final semester students

Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department, Thiruvananthapuram


7 Invited lecture on the “Biodiversity of Western Ghats

M.P Prabhakaran, Range Forest Officer,Taliparamba,


8 Invited Talk on Conservation of Western Ghats – Present Status and Future Concerns

Shri. V. Saji Kumar, Asst. Conservator of Forests, Northern Circle, Kerala Forests and Wildlife Department


9 Invited lecture on Sea Turtles of India – Status and Conservation

Sri. Biju, Assistant Conservator of Forests, Social Forestry, Kannur


10 Training on nature photography

Mr. Jamal Panampad Light Magic School of Photography, Thrissur


11 Interaction with wildlife photographer

Smt. Razeena Nazir, Wildlife Photographer


12 Sustainable forest management – Kerala perspective

Sri.V.Ratheesan, Range Forest Officer, Kottiyoor range


33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

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• Students visit natural forests, plantations, protected areas, research centres, industries, tribal hamlets etc. for interactive learning

• Use of smart boards, video lectures and other audio-visual aids • Purchased software for plant taxonomy studies and use of open-source

remote sensing and GIS softwares

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

Malik Fasil M.

• Chairman, Board of Studies in Forestry, Kannur University • Member, Faculty of Technology, Kannur University • Resource Person, Western Ghats Reptile CAMP programme, IUCN • Regional Project Co-ordinator, International collaborative inter-

governmental (India-UAE-Nepal) study on Labour Supply Chain: commissioned by International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva.

• Member, Chiroptera Conservation and Information Network of South Asia (CCINSA).

• Member, Subcommittee for Choice Based Credit and Semester System (CBCSS), Kannur University

• Member, Expert Committee for Industry-linked Wood Science and Technology Programme, Kannur University.

• Member, College Council

Aneesh K.S

• Co-ordinator, Walk With Scholar Programme, Govt. of Kerala • Warden, Sir Syed College Hostel

Sneha C

• Member, Board of Studies in Forestry, Kannur University

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats A specialized course Lack of

laboratory equipments

The course outline of UG programme are restructured based on the syllabus of Indian Forest Service Examination

No scope for doing MSc forestry in Kerala

The only institute in the state offering B.Sc. Forestry

This is strictly a field based course. Lack of facilities and fund for field

The students completed the course can undergo diverse kinds of PG courses including

Since it is a 3 year programme, there is a clash with the 4 year B.Sc. (honors) Forestry

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visits of the students

environmental science, wood science, wildlife science, ecology etc.

students for higher education as well was job opportunities.

All the sanctioned teaching posts are filled with qualified permanent teachers

Lack of awareness among the public regarding the importance and scope of forestry education and research

Better chance of getting job in agriculture and allied sectors, forest department, plantations, forest and wood based industries etc.

Three year degree programme is not valid for writing MSc Forestry entrance conducted by ICAR. Need to attend a remedial course, even if the students are selected for MSc forestry, offered by other autonomous universities

The location of the college is apt for the course because of the less distance and accessibility to forests, mangroves, protected areas, wetlands, sacred groves, laterite hills, coastal areas, wood based industries etc.

Better field exposure to students compared to other natural science courses

No reservation in PSC jobs like KFDC, Forest Ranger etc compared to BSc Hon. Forestry (4 year course)

Future Plans

• To start PG programme in Forestry (M.Sc. Forestry) • To setup soil testing and wood testing laboratories for academic and

consultancy purposes • Establishment of a forest nursery with the aim of training students to

raise forest tree seedlings as well as to supply superior planting stock to the public.

• To establish a butterfly garden in the college campus • To establish a Non Timber Forest Products Museum in the department

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1 Name of the department HINDI 2 Year of Establishment 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph.D, etc)

Second Language


PG Nil PhD Nil

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System

6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments



Name of




Common course

BA/BSc/BCom Other Depart ments

7 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign istitutions, etc


8 Details of courses/programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

One One

Associate Professors

Nil Nil

10 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization

(D.Sc/D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil. etc)

11. List of senior visiting faculty : NIL

Name Qualification

Desig nation

Speciali sation

No.of Years of Experience

No. of Ph.D. Students guided for the last 4 years

Dr. Mohanan VTV

MA, B.Ed, M.Phil.Ph.D, Diploma in Computer Applications

Assistant Professor

Translation Studies

7 Years 03

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12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty : NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 BA/BSc/ BCom Second language 1: 250

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff

sanctioned and filled: Nil

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b)

International funding agencies and grant received: NIL

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR,etc

and total grants received: Nil

18. Research centre/facility recognized by the University: Nil

19. Publications (per faculty)

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Total Dr MOHANAN V T V

1 1 4 3 3 12

Important publications:

• ‘Bharatheey Dalit Sahithya: Vishwa Sahitya ke pariprekshy mem’- , Dalit Sahitya 2012 Ed. Dr JayPrakash Kardam , ISSN No. 2278-201X, p.No. 374-376(Delhi)

• ‘Keral ke Dalit Sahity: Ithihas” , Journal- Dalit Sahitya, 2013, Ed Dr Jai Prakash Kardam, New Delhi, 140-146

• Translation Studies: Germs of Theories to the Practice’, -Inrernational Journal of Tamil Studies, C I T Campus, Chennai, dec. 2013. No. 30339/7 89-92

• An Interivew with Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh, Famous Dalit Writer, Chandrika Weekly , Nov. 2015 , pno- 30-31

• Rashtriy Andolan mem Dalit Sahitya kee Asmitha, 57-58, Seminar Proceedings(U G C), Pazhassiraja N S S College, Aug 29-30 2013

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• Nikhandu Shastravum Ekabhasha Nikhandukkalum, 12-15, Samyam Monthly, oct 2011

• Anuvad Adhyayan Siddhanth : Sanskriti ke Paksh Evam Vipaksh, Peer Reviewed Bilingual Internationa Journal of Multy Disciplinary Research, Shodh Samalochan, Dec. 2014, pno. 61-66

• ‘Sanskriti : Keral Kee Vishisht Natya Shaili: Kathakali’, Journal Of Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, 2015 (ISBN 81-86907-93-9) pno. 70-72

• Glossary of Evaluation Terms, National Testing Serice India, CIIL Mysore, Ed. Pon Subbiah(Book) ISBN- 81-7342-105-6, 2011

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees

• Hindi Language Advisory Board, Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India

• Former Member, Hindi Language Advisory Board, Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India (2011- 2014)

b) International committees: Nil

c) Editorial Boards: Editor, College Publication Committee

22. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organisations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industry/other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students


24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl No

Name & Designation Address Year of visits

1 Dr R S Sarraju Head, Hyderabad Uni. 2011 2 Prof. Muhammed

Ahammed Kerala Folklore Academy Chairman


3 Sri. K P Rajendran Chairman, Kerala Press Academi


4 Prof K P Mohanan Writer, Editor Deshabhimani 2011 5 Dr L Prabhakar Principal, S R L C, Mysore 2011 6 Dr. P.P Balan Director, KILA 2013

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7 Dr. Roith P Faculty, Delhi University 2013

8 Prof. V Krishna Director, Adivasi and Dalit Centre, Uni. Of Hyd.


9 Dr Bhimsingh Writer, Faculty Hyd. University


25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding

Sl No

Title & Venue Item Funding agency

National/ Inter national


1 ‘The Emergence and Developments of Languages and Literature’

Seminar SRLC, Mysore

National 15 Dec 2016

2 Question Item Preparation for College Hindi Teachers’

Workshop National Testing Service, Mysore

State level 17 & 19 March 2011

3 Distinguished Lecture Series’,

Inaugural Lecture

13th June 2013

4 Hindi Dalit Sahitya mem Nari Vimarsh Evam Chitran’

Seminar U G C National 23 & 24 Jan 2014

5 Panchayathiraj and development’

Seminar KILA 19 January 2014

6 Decentralization, Grama Swaraj & Seva Kendram

Seminar KILA State level 31 October 2013

7 Youth and local governance

Seminar KILA State level 18February 2014

8 One Day Seminar on Youth and Local Self Government

Seminar KILA State level 19 January 2015

26. Student profile programme/ course wise: NA

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from other state

% of the students from aboard


28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services,

etc.? : NA

29. Student progression against percentage enrolled: NA

30 . Details of infrastructure facilities

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Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Yes Laboratories Not Applicable

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with external experts

Sl No

Title & Nature of event Name & address of the faculty


1 Distinguished Lecture Series Dr M K Abdul Khader, Vice Chancellor, Kannur University

13 June 2013.

2 Invited talk on Science and Literature

Dr. P Rohit, Delhi University

4th Oct 2013

3 Workshop on ‘Decentralisation, Grame Swaraj & Sevakendram

Dr P.P.Balan. Diector KILA

31October 2013

4 Youth and Local Self Government

- 19January 2015

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Class Debates • Discussion Methods • Project Method • Constructivist Method • Jurisprudential Method

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

Dr Mohanan V T V

• Member Board o Studies, Kannur University • Member, College Council • Editor, Publication Committee

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Highly competent faculty

No UG course in Hindi

Certificate course in communicative Hindi

High strength of students in the class results in lack of individual attention

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large number of students opting Hindi as additional language as National language

Only single facultymember In the department

Constraints in the appointment of new faculty

Research publications and department newsletter

No department Library

National language No smart room facility

Future Plans

• UG Programme • To apply major research project • To conduct Research oriented Seminars and Workshops • To Guide the students for higher studies at Central Universities

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1 Name of the department HISTORY 2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG History PG Nil PhD Nil

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System

6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments

Courses offered Name of Programme

Offered by

History (Complimentary)

B.A Functional English

Department of Functional English

Open Course History

Add on course UGC Foundation Course on Human Rights

Other UG Departments

7 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions,etc


8 Details of courses/programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

Three Three

Associate Professors

Nil Nil

10 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation

(D.Sc/D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil. etc)

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Name Qualification Designation Specialisation No of years of experience

No of PhD students guided for the last 4 years

Dr. Shefi A E

MA, M.Phil Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Islamic Education and Culture

5 Years & 11 Months


Subairath C.T

M.A, M.Phil, B.Ed

Assistant Professor

Medieval Trade

3 Years & 3 Months


Hydarali A

M.A, M.Phil, B.Ed

Assistant Professor

Trade 1Years & 4 Months


11. List of senior visiting faculty : NIL

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG (Main)

BA History

1: 60

2 Complimentary BA Functional English 1:45

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff

sanctioned and filled: Nil

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) Inter

national funding agencies and grant received: Nil

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc

and total grants received: Nil

18. Research centre/facility recognized by the University: Nil

19. Publications (per faculty)

2011-12 2012-13



2015-16 TOTAL

Shefi AE 1 2 3 Subairath CT 2 1 3 Hydarali A 1 1 Impact factor

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil

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21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards. Nil

22. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organisations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industry/other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

SlNo Name & Designation Address Year of visits 1 Prof. MGS Narayanan Famous Historian 2011 2 Prof. KEN Kunjhahammed Writer and social activist 2011 3 Dr. K Sivadasan Former Dean MS

University 2011

4 Dr. P.K Abdul Azeez Former Vice Chancellor AMU


5 Prof. Muhammed Ahammed Kerala Folklore Academy Chairman

2012, 2014

6 Dr. P.P Balan Director, KILA 2013 7 Prof. K.K.N Kuruppu Famous Historian 2012,2013 8 Dr. Mohandas PSC Member 2012 9 Prof. MA Rahman Writer and Social activist 2011 10 Dr. Punathil Kujabdulla Writer and Social activist 2011 11 Dr. V.K Abdul Jaleel Former Registrar AMU 2015 12 Dr. Hussain Randathani Historian & Writer 2015

25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding

a) National, International

Sl No

Title & Venue Item Funding agency

National/ Inter national


1. Beyond the Margins; Reflections of Identity in New Social Movement

Seminar UGC National 15 &16 March 2011

2 Le Mashalee, Monologue by Ojes (Pune)

Stage show

24August 2011

3 Local History Seminar Library Council

State level 13January 2011

4 Dimensions of Trade and Culture in Kolathunad

Seminar Folklore Academy

State level 27October 2012

5 ‘BHOOMIKA’ Seminar NRHM State level 21Jan2013 6 Koonan Solo Drama 8July2012 7 Panchayathi Raj and

Development Seminar KILA State level 31-10-2013

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8 On Indian Secularism and Communal Harmony: Contributions of Swami Vivekananda.

Seminar MIR State level 18 February 2014

9 One Day Workshop on Research Methodology In History

Seminar State level 14 Oct2014

10 One Day Seminar on Youth and Local Self Government

Seminar KILA State level 19January 2015


Tuhfathul Mujahidheen The Ideology of Resistance

Seminar Thufat mission Society Abu Dhabi

State level 11 August 2015

12 Through the path of William Logan, A historical Journey Through the ancient Port towns in North Malabar, from Kavvai to Kappad

5, 6, 7 February 2016

26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

Name of the course/ programme

Applications received

Selected Enrolled Pass percentage Male Female

2011-12 UG 680 60 17 43 38.46 2012-13 UG 740 60 11 49 68 2013-14 UG 830 60 19 41 66

2014-15 UG 942 60 16 44 56 2015-16 UG 1962 60 21 39

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from other state

% of the students from aboard


28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET.SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services,



29. Student progression against percentage enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to MPhil

PG to Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepreneurship/ Self employ ment

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment

2011-12 18 0 0 0 0 2 8 2012-13 16 0 0 0 0 1 7

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2013-14 17 0 0 0 0 2 8 2014-15 19 0 0 0 0 0 2015-16 18 0 0 0 0 0

30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Yes Laboratories Not Applicable

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

Year Number of Students Agencies 2011-12 20 Post Metric/ CH/ Central Sector 2012-13 18 Post Metric/ CH/ Central Sector 2013-14 21 Post Metric/ CH/ Central Sector 2014-15 18 Post Metric/ CH/ Central Sector

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with external experts

Sl No

Title & Nature of event Name & address of the faculty


1 Inaugration of foundation course in Human right

Prof. M. A. Rahman, writer and social activist

2 one day Seminar on Panchayat Raj and Development in collaboration with Kerala Institute of Local Administration

Dr. P.P Balan Director, KILA

3 One Day Workshop on Research Methodology In History

Dr V.K.Abdul Jaleel 14 October 2014

4 One day Seminar on Youth and Local Self Government in association wit Department of Hindi and Kerala Institute of Local Administration

Prof Mohammed Ahammed, Kerala Folklore Academy Chairman

19 January 2015

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Class Debates • Discussion Methods • Project Method • Constructivist Method • Field Study

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• Jurisprudential Method

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

Dr. Shefi AE

• Member Board of Studies, Kannur University • Head of the Department

Subairath C.T

• Former Warden, Ladies Hostel ( 2012- 2015 )

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Dedicated and hardworking faculty

Students with low marks in the +2 level prefer to take the programme

Proposed PG & Research centre

High Dropout rate among girls due to marriage

Department Library

Un Availability of Higher Studies

Research field Stubborn attitude of society towards higher education of girls

U.G.C Funded Add on Course

Lack of Interest on the Part of Students towards Subject

Heritage Museum

Lack of consultancy

Future Plans

• PG Programme • To apply major research project • To conduct Research oriented Seminars and Workshops • To expand Department Heritage Museum • To Guide the students for higher studies at Central Universities • To complete the research among the faculty members

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1 Name of the department JOURNALISM 2 Year of Establishment 2016 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters,Integrated Ph.D, etc)


4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved

Complementary Courses in Journalism -Dept.of English -Dept.of Malayalam -Dept.of Hiatory

5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System


PhD NA 6 Participation of the

department in the courses offered by other departments

Courses offered Name of Programme

Offered by

Journalism (Complementary)

Journalism: Mass Communication Studies, Print Media Journalism

Depart ment of English

Journalism (Complementary)

Journalism: Mass Communication Studies, Print Media Journalism

Depart ment of Malayalam

Journalism (Complementary)

Broadcasting: Television Journalism,. Film Studies

Department of History

7 Courses in collaberation with other universities,industries, forign institutions,etc


8 Details of courses/ programmesdiscontinued (if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

1(yet to be filled)


Associate Professors

Nil Nil

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10 Faculty profile with name, qualification,designation,specialisation


Sl No

Name Qualifi cation

Design ation

Speciali sation

No of years of experience

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

1 V H Nishad


Assistant Professor (Adhoc)

Print Media, Magazine Journalism, Online Journalism, Film

10 Years (media industry) 5 years (teaching)


11. List of senior visiting faculty : NIL

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: (programme wise) by

Temporary faculty: NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio(Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG - Complementary

BA Functional English BA Malayalam BA History

2 PG Nil

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrarive staff sanctioned and filled


15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) Inter national funding agencies and grant recieved:


17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST,UGC,DBT,ICSSR,etc and total grants recieved


18. Research centre/facility recognised by the university

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19. Publications (per faculty)



2013-14 2014-15 2015-16


V H Nishad 1 2 3

Impact factor

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated : NIL

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees: Nil

b) International committees: Nil

c) Editorial Boards.: Literary Editor,

22 Student projects

a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organisations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industri/other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions recieved by faculty and students

Sl No

Name of the faculty

Name of the Award/Recognition (Organisation)

National/International Year

1 V H Nishad Muttathu Varkey Kalalaya Katha Award

National 2001

,, M P Narayana Pillai Katha Award

National 2001

,, Balakrishnan Mangad Katha Award

National 2009

,, Ankanam- E P Sushama Award

National 2014

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department


25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding

a) National, Intrnational


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26. Student profile programme/ course wise:


27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from outside the state

% of the students from abroard


28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET.SLET,GATE,Civil services,Defence services ,etc.?


29. Student progression against percentade enrolled : NA

30 . Details of infrastructure facilities

a) Library No b) Internet facilities for staff & students Available c) Class room with ICT facilities Avilable d) Laborotaries No

31. Number of students recieving financial assistance from college, university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (speciallectures/workshops/

seminar) with

External experts: NIL

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

i) Peer-group specific learning

ii) Activity oriented classes

iii) Assignment log book system

iv) Media-Practical lessons

v) Field visits and reporting

vi) Meet the press programmes to interact with media people

vii) Creative writing lessons

viii) Photo Album for better understanding

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34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility(ISR) and Extension activities

Mr. V H Nishad

i) Member, BOS, Journalism & Mass Com, Kannur University ii) Visiting Faculty, Pondichery University iii) Former Chairman, BOS, Journalism & Mass Communication,

Kannur University iv) Former Course Director, Dept.of Journalism & Mass

Communication, Kannur University v) Former Faculty Member, Faculty of Communication, Kannur

University vi) Former Senior Correspondent, The Times of India, Coimbatore vii) Former Senior Correspondent, News Today Daily, Chennai viii) Former State Correspondent, Covert Magazine, Tamil Nadu ix) Former Sub-Editor, India Today-Malayalam Magazine, Chennai x) Former Literary Editor, Free Press Magazine, New Delhi xi) Convener, Media Club, Sir Syed College xii) Joint-Convener,Film Club, Syed College xiii) Member,Publication Wing, Syed College xiv) Member, Ducumentation Committee, Syed College

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Faculty with Media Industry Experience

The department don’t have a Degree/ PG Course

Can establish as a reputed Journalism Department in the University level, if Main courses are given

The department don’t have proper students strength, as we don’t have main Degree courses to offer

Future Plans

i) Installation of a Radio Studio and launching of campus radio ii) Monthly News Bulletin for the College iii) Publication of-Inland Magazine iv) Book Publication-Inter-disciplinary v) Village Media Fest: Annul event vi) Media Hub vii) Campus Press Club viii) Media Museum ix) Media Surveys x) Media-Industry collaboration programems like interships for


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1 Name of the department MALAYALAM 2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters,Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG Malayalam

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System

6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments

Courses offered

Name of Programme

Offered by

i) Common Courses, ii) Open course

BA/B.Sc/ B.Com

Other depart ments

7 Courses in collaboration with other universities,industries,forign institutions, etc


8 Details of courses/programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

3 Nil

Associate Professors

2 2

10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation,specialisation


Sl No

Name Qualifi cation

Desig nation

Speciali sation

No of years of experience

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

1 Dr.P.T Abdul Azeez

MA, P.hD

Principal Lingui stics

27 -

2 T V.Purusho thaman

MA, B.Ed

Associate Professor

Folk stories

20 -

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11. List of senior visiting faculty : Nil

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: (programme wise) by temporary faculty: Nil

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No Level Programmes Ratio 1 UG (Main)

B A Malayalam 1:45

2 Common courses

- 1:210

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff

sanctioned and filled


15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) Inter

national funding agencies and grant received: Nil

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc

and total grants received

Sl No Name of the project Funded by

Amount sanctioned (in Rs)


1 Retrieval and recollection of ethnic systems of knowledge among the traditional medicinal practionares of Northern Kerala




18. Research centre/facility recognised by the university: Nil

19. Publications (per faculty): Nil

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards: Nil

22 Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organisations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industri/other agencies


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23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department: Nil

25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: Nil

26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

Name of the course/ programme

Applications received


Enrolled Pass percentage Male Female

2013-14 UG 109 30 05 25 2014-15 UG 236 30 06 24 2015-16 UG 1737 30 03 27

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from outside the state

% of the students from abroad

UG 100% - -

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence services

etc.? : NA

29. Student progression against percentage enrolled: NA

30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Nil Laboratories NA

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with external experts

Sl No

Title & Nature of event Name & address of the faculty


1 Reading Week Sri. Ummer T.K, Film critic. 19 June 2013

2 Malayalam my mother tongue

Sri. Makaram Mathew, Gandian

20 June 2013

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3 Formal Inauguration of BA Malayalam course

Sri. M.A Rahman, Film maker & short story writer

01November 2013

4 Talk series- With Creative Writers

Sri V.S Anil kumar, Short story writer

26 February 2014

5 Talk series- With Creative Writers

Sri.Subhash Chandran, Short story writer

04 March 2014

6 Reading week & Photo exhibition of Malayalam Writers

Mr.Raghunath Morazha, Writer

19 June 2014

7 One Day Seminar-Nattarivinte Velicham in association with Folklore Academy

Prof.Mohammed Ahmed, Chiarman Folklore Academy and K.Pradeep Kumar, Secretary, Folklore Academy

16september 2014

8 Classical Dance Demonstration

Dr.Anila Sunil and Sri.Rakesh, Dance Teachers.

28 October 2014

9 Malayalam-sreshtabhasha varacharanam conducted by Kerala Heritage & Cultural Dept, Kerala Folklore Academy, Public Relation Dept and Dept. of Malayalam

Sri.K.C.Joseph, Minister of Culture, Dr.G.Premkumar, Director, Heritage dept. and Dr. Soman Kadaloor, Writer.

07November 2014

10 Commemmaration of the 100th Death anniversary of Kesari Vengayil Kunhiraman Nayanar- The 1st Short story writer.

V.H.Nishad, Short story writer.

14November 2014

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Co-operating learning strategy • Team teaching • Inter-disciplinary method • Project method • Field trip • Exhibition • Seminars and Group discussions • Assignments- Individual as well as group

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

Dr. P.T Abdul Azeez

• Principal • Co-ordinator, Career Guidance and Counselling Centre. • Co-ordinator, Remedial Coaching Centre. • Co-ordinator. Tutorial scheme. • Secretary, Staff association. • HoD, Malayalam • Chiarman, Board of Examination, Kannur University.

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Prof. T.V. Purushothaman.

• Member, Board of Studies • Co-ordinator, College Arts Forum • Director, College Co-operative Store. • Staff advisor, College Union 2014-15 • Returning Officer, College Union Election 2015-16 • Co-ordinator, Model Examinations. • Co-ordinator, Folklore Club.

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Sl. No.

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

1 In order to get maximum exposure to the mother tongue several programmes are conducted under the auspicious Malayalam Dept.

No sufficient permanent faculty.

Bright prospect for expansion as Malayalam is promoted from regional language to an official language

Drop out Of girls students

2 In connection with the celebration of Malayalam language as ‘Sreshtabasha’, our students got enough opportunity to interact with famous novelists, poets, short story writers and social reformers. When they shared their experiences, the students realized the sacrifice and commitment behind novel creations.

No separate library

Majority of our students are coming from English medium schools, or schools giving importance to English language. Such institutions give least preference to regional language. The net result is that when they take regional language as the main subject their performance will be much below the expected level which in turn may affect their academics.

3 The programme ‘Kadhaykoppam Kadhakaranoppam’ helped a lot to improve and nurture the creative writing skill among our students.

No separate smart class room and language lab for Malayalam Dept.

Future Plan:

• To start MA Malayalam programme • To establish Malayalm Language lab

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1 Name of the Department Mathematics 2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D, IntegratedMasters, Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG Mathematics PG PhD

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System


6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments

Courses offered

Name of Programme

Offered by

Mathematics (Complimen tary)

BSc Physics

Department of Physics

Mathematics (Complimen tary)

BSc Chemistry

Department of Chemistry

Mathematics (Complimen tary)

BSc Statistics

Department of Statistics

Mathematics (Complimen tary)

BA Econo mics

Department of Economics

Open course (Mathematics)

7 Courses in collaberation with other universities, industries,forign institutions,etc


8 Details of courses/ programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors 4 3 Associate Professors

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10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization (D.Sc/D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil.etc)

Sl No

Name Qualifi cation

Design ation


No of years of experience

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

1 Jaseentha Lukka

MSc Associate Professor

- 33 -

2 Ashraf PK MSc,BEd Assistant Professor

- 6 -

3 Riyas P MSc,BEd - 2 - 4 MrSiraju

dheen MP MSc Assistant

Professor - 4 -

5 Najmah AR MSc ,BEd Assistant Professor

- 1 -

6 Mr Siddique PC

MSc Assistant Professor

- 2 -

7 Deepa T MSc,BEd Assistant Professor

- 1 -

11. List of senior visiting faculty : NIL

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: (programme wise) by temporary faculty: NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG (Main)

BSc Mathematics


2 UG Complimentary

BSc Chemistry BSc Physics, BSc Statistics, BA Economics


14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrarive

staff sanctioned and filled


15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b)

International funding agencies and grant recieved: Nil

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc

and total grants received : Nil

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18. Research centre/facility recognised by the university: Nil

19. Publications (per faculty)

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 TOTAL Ashraf PK 1 1 Riyas .P 1 1 Impact factor

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: NIL

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards.


22. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industry/other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students

Sl No

Name of the faculty/Student

Name of the Award/Recognition (Organization)

National/International Year

1 Muhammed Ladeed(Sixth Semester BSc Mathematics)

Silver Medal in All India Shooting Competition(NCC) Second Prize in Nadodi Nirtham Second Prize in English and Hindi Drama

National University Level University Level

2015 2015 2015

2 Muhammed Hashir(Sixth Semester BSc Mathematics)

SSCOTA University Level Essay Competition Third Prize First Prize in Quiz Competition organized by Forest Department, Kerala Second Prize in Quiz Competition organized by Forest Department, Kerala

University Level District Level District Level

2013 2013 2014

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3 Suriya Sabin (Sixth Semester BSc Mathematics)

Second Prize in Arabic Essay Competition (University Kalolsav)

University Level 2015

4 Vishnudas AK(SixthSemester BSc Mathemaics)

1)Best Actor-University Kalolsav English Drama 2)Second Prize in Intercollegiate PPT Presentation 3)Second Prize in Nadodi Nirtham(University Kalolsav)

University Level University Level

2015 2015 2015

5 Sahad VK(Sixth Semester BSc Mathematics)

1)Second Prize in English and Hindi Drama 2)Second Prize in Nadodi Nirtham

University Level University Level

2015 2015

6 Anees(Sixth Semester BSc Mathematics)

1)Second Prize in English and Hindi Drama

University Level 2015

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl No

Name & Designation

Address Year of visits

1 Prof.KV.George Associate Professor, SES College, Sreekanapuram


2 Rathnakaran KO Principal, JNV, Thiruvanathapuram 2012 3 Prof.Shahul Hameed

Associate Professor Associate Professor Govt.Brennen College,Telichery


4 Prof.Moosa P Former HoD, Dept.of Mathematics, Sir syed College


5 Shafi Vettam Career Consultant Tirur 2014 6 AV Ajaykumar, Full Bright Scholar and Folklorist

Kannur 2015

7 Palliyara Sreedharan Writer (Malayalam mathematic books) Kannur


8 M.A.H Khan Former HoD, Department of Mathematics, Sir Syed College


9 Prof.Ramakrishnan HoD, Department of Mathematics Kannur university


25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding

a) National : Nil

b) International : Nil

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26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

Name of the course/ programme

Applications recieved

Selected Enrolled Pass percentage Male Female

2011-12 UG 628 34 5 29 73.07 2012-13 UG 598 34 4 30 89.65 2013-14 UG 612 34 5 29 69.23 2014-15 UG 632 34 6 28 75 2015-16 UG 1293 34 6 28

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from out of state

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from abroard

UG 0.2 99.8 0 PG - - -

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil Services, Defence services


Year JRF NET GATE Civil services

Defence services

2011-12 0 1 0 0 0 2012-13 0 0 0 0 0 2013-14 0 0 0 0 0 2014-15 0 0 0 0 0 2015-16 0 0 0 0 0

29. Student progression against percentage enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to MPhil

PG to Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepren eurship/self employment

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment

2011-12 29 0 0 0 0 18 - 2012-13 28 0 0 0 0 16 - 2013-14 30 0 0 0 0 10 - 2014-15 32 0 0 0 0 7 - 2015-16

30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Available Laboratories

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31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and Other agencies: 51

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with external experts



Title & Nature of event Name & address of the faculty Date


Seminar on Cosmology- The Study of the


Prof.KV George, Associate Professor Department of Mathematics SES College, Sreekandapuram

23 January 2012


Seminar on Graph Theory and Matrices

Prof.Shahul Hameed, Associate Professor Department of Mathematics Govt Brennen College, Talassery

20 September 2012

3 Seminar on Making

Mathematics Learning


Shri .Rathnakaran KO, Principal JNV, Thiruvananthapuram

24 September 2012


Career Opportunities C.A.Mohammed Salih.K Kannur

23 January 2014

5 Higher Education Opportunities

Mr. Shafi Vettam, Career consultant, Tirur, Malappuram

23 January 2014

6 Beauty, Symmetry And


Prof.Moosa.P , Former HOD, Department of Mathematics, Sir syed College

13 March 2014


Working and Still Models

Roshid Master, Kannur

13 January 2015

8 Folklore Mathematics

AV.Ajaykumar Fulbright Scholar & Folklorist , Kannur

12 February 2015

9 Scope Of Mathematics

And Statistics

Dr.AP Kuttykrishnan HoD Department of Statistics Sir Syed College

5 August 2015


The Magical World Of Mathematics

Palliyara Sreedaran Malayalam Mathematics Book Writer

11 January 2016


Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory and its


Prof.Ramakrishnan HoD, Department Of Mathematics,Kannur University

24 February 2014

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33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Lecturing and problem solving • Interactive mode of teaching • Personalised attention to weak students.

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

Ms Jaseentha Lukka

• NCC Officer • Member, Board of Studies • BOS Chairman

Mr Ashraf PK

• Member, Board of Studies • College Council Member • Hostel Warden

Mr Sirajudheen MP

• Member, Board of Studies • College Council Member • Men’s Hostel Warden • PTA Executive Member

Mr Siddique PC

• Deputy warden • Vise –President, Staff Association

Ms Deepa T

• Co-coordinator, Mathematics Club. • Department DQC co coordinator

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Dedicated Young faculties

No MSc Degree Course

Opportunity for starting PG course

Lack of goal orientation among students

Availability of Smart class room

No Faculties having PhD

Certificate course Absence of job-orientation and application of knowledge in the programmes

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Students with good academic performance

Lack of experienced senior teachers

Lack of active researches and paid projects for students

Maintainance of good results

No Department Library

Knowledge gap of students at the entry point

Good teacher-student rapport

Drop out of students (Girls)

Future Plans

• To start MSc Degree Mathematics Course • To Organize National Seminar • To organize a seminar on application of Mathematics • To Conduct Workshop for Mathematics Teachers • To start certificate course in computer programming(C, C++, VB,

Latex, Sky lab, Math lab,)

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1 Name of the department


2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of

Programmes/ Courses offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters,Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG Physics PG Physics

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit and Semester System

PG Choice Based Credit and Semester System

6 Participation of the

departent in the courses offered by other departments

Courses offered Name of Progra mme

Offered by

Physics (Complementary)

B.Sc. Chemistry

Department of Chemistry

Physics (Complementary)

B.Sc. Mathe matics

Department of Mathematics

Open course 7 Courses in

collaberation with other universities,industries,forign institutions,etc


8 Details of courses/programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

4 4

Associate Professors

4 4

10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization (D.Sc/D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil.etc

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Sl No

Name Qualification

Design ation

Special isation

No of years of experi ence

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

1 Prof. VP Abdulla kutty

M.Sc MPhil

Associate Professor and HoD

Electronics 32

2 Dr. KM Praseed

MPil, PhD

Associate Professor

Theoretical Physics & Atmospheric Physics


3 Prof. Pradeep KS

M.Sc. Associate Professor

Solid State Physics


4 Prof. Ramachandran MN

MSc MPhil

Associate Professor

Solid State Physics


5 Prof. Firoosa KK

MSc, BEd

Assistant Professor

Electronics 4

6 Dr. TP Nafeesa Baby

MPil, PhD

Assistant Professor

Plasma Physics


7 Prof. Binumole P kuriakose

MSc MPhil

Jr.lecturer Electronics, Plasma Physics


8 Prof. Muneer CP

MSc Assistant Professor

Electronic Instrumen tation

11. List of senior visiting faculty :

• Dr. M.K. Satheesh Kumar (Manipal Institute of Technology) Prof. M.P. Narayanan (Former HoD, Dean, Faculty of Sciences, Kannur University)

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG (Main) BSc Physics, 34:1 Complementary BScChemistry, BSc Mathematics 136:1

2 PG MSc Physics 7:1

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrarive

staff sanctioned and filled

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Post Sanctioned Filled

Lab Assistant 4 4 Mechanic 1 1

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) Inter

national funding agencies and grant recieved:

Sl No

Name Title Amount Funded by Status

1 Dr. Praseed KM

Study of aerosols over Kannur

6 lakh KSCSTE Completed

2 Dr. Praseed KM

Solar UVB Flux variability and its impact on atmospheric ozone

65000 UGC Completed

17. Developmental projects funded by DST-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc

and total grants received

Sl No

Name of the project Funded by Amount sanctioned (in Rs)


1 Dr. Praseed KM Weather monitoring over Taliparamba

8 lakh ongoing

18. Research centre/facility recognised by the university: Nil

19. Publications (per faculty)

Name of


2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Total

Dr. Praseed KM 1 4 1 6

Dr. TP Nafeesa Baby

2 1 3

Binumole P Kuriakose

2 1 3

Impact factor

Details of Papers Published by Faculty Members

Name of Teacher

Name of Paper Name of Journal

Dr. Praseed KM

Influence of ozone precursors and PM 10 on the variation of surface

Atmospheric Research, 138(2014)112-‘14

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ozone on Kannur, India Dr. Praseed KM

Columnar Aerosol Optical depth and its changes over Kannur, Acoastal site in South India

International Journal of Science and Technology, vol.2, No.9,658-667 (2012)

Dr. Praseed KM

Study of Columnar Aerosol size spectra over Kannur, A tropicalcoastal site in India

International Journal of Current research,Vol. 4,Issue ,09,149-57 (2012)

Dr. Praseed KM

Spectral Variations of AOD and its its validation using MODIS, First cut results from Kannur, India

Atmospheric and Climate Sciences,2,94-100, doi10,4236/acs2012.21011 (2012)

Dr. Praseed KM

Atmospheric pollution in a semi urban, coastal region in India following festival Seasons

Atmospheric Environment, 47,295-306. Doi:10.1016/j.atmosnev.2011.10.062 (2012)

Dr. Praseed KM

Solar Eclipse induced variations insolar flux j(NO2) and surface ozone at Kannur,India

Meteorology Atmospheric Physics113,67-73 DOI 10.1007/s00703-011-0141-0(2011)

Dr. TP Nafeesa Baby

’Plasma excitations in a single-walled carbon nanotube with an external transverse magnetic field’

PRAMANA _ journal ofPhysics- Indian Academy of Sciences Vol. 80, No. 2February 2013pp. 289–294

Dr. TP Nafeesa Baby

SWCNT-Plasma Excitation with Magnetic Fields in Long Wave Length Limit.

International Journal of Advanced Materials Science Volume 1, Number 1 (2011), pp. 13–17 . Research India Publications

Dr. TP Nafeesa Baby

Study of High Frequency Dispersion and Low Frequency Excitations in C60 Molecule. House.

International Journal of NanoScience and Nanotechnology.ISSN 0974-3081 Volume 2, Number 1 (2011), pp.51-56 International Research Publication House

Binumole P Kuriakose

Low Frequency Plasma Oscillations in Metallic Carbon Nanotubes 9

The African Review of Physics (2013) 8:0014 8

Binumole P Kuriakose

The Variation in Dispersion Relations of Ion Acoustic Waves Due to the Presence of Dust in a Single Walled Carbon Nanotube.

International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ISSN 0973-6085 Volume5Number2(2010)pp.177–182.©ResearchIndiaPublications,

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Binumole P Kuriakose

Dispersion Relation of Dust Ion Acoustic Waves in a Single Walled Carbon Nanotube with Low Ion Densities

International Journal of NanoScience and Nanotechnology.ISSN 0974-3081 Volume 2, Number 1 (2011), pp. 57-62© International Research Publication House

Binumole P Kuriakose

Variation of Plasma Frequency with Applied Magnetic Fields in a Single Walled Carbon Nanotube. International journal of Physics and Applications.

ISSN 0974-3103 Volume 2, Number 1(2010),pp.39-43. International Research Publication House

Binumole P Kuriakose

Study of High Frequency Dispersion and Low Frequency Excitations in C60 molecule.

International journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ISSN 0974-3081 Volume 2, Number 1 (2011), pp.51-56.International Research Publication House

Seminar proceedings by faculty members

Dr. KM Praseed

S.No. Title Seminar/


Venue & Date

1. GPSR technique and Applications

National workshop sponsored by Dept of science and Technology,Govt. of India

SRM university 16-19, March 2015

2. Impact of aerosols on climate change

UGC sponsored National Conference on Economics of Climate Change,

NAS College, Kanhangad, 23-23 september2014

3. Some features of Columnar AOD, UV Flux and Surface Ozone overKannur, A Coastal site in south India

18 th National Space Science Symposium (NSSS 2014)

Dibrugarh University Assam,@9 Jan1-Feb 01,2014

4 Aerosol Optical Depth andPM10 study over Kannur, Kerala,

IASTA 2014, Banarus hindu University, Varanasi

11-13 Nov 2014

5 Softwave Radiative Forcing Resulting From Temporal characteristics of Aerosols over Kannur, a tropical coastal location in India

IASTA, 2012, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, December 2012

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6 Surface UV radiation modified bythe presence of atmospheric aerosols over Kannur,

Proc. National seminar on emerging trends in optoelectronic and Solar Energy Nanomaterials EOSN-2011

PRNSS college, Mattannur,sept2011

7 Solar UVB Flux variability and its impact on total atmospheric Ozone in Kannur and associated health hazards

National Seminar on Higher Education in India

Kannur University ,Dec13-’15, 2011

8 Spectral variation of total column aerosol optical depth over Kannur, Atropical coastal site in India

Proc. National Conference on advances in atmospheric sciences weather prediction & Climate Change (ARWPCC)

SV University, Tirupati, March 2011

2. Dr. TP Nafeesa Baby

S.No. Title Seminar/


Venue & Date

1. Dispersion Relation in Dust Ion Acoustic Waves in Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes with High ion Densities in the

INDO-US Workshop on Nanosonics and Ultrasonics(IUWONU-2011) and International Conference on Nano Technology& Ultrasound (ICNU-2011)

St.Joseph’s college Tiruchirappally

2. Presented paper entitled Study on DIA Waves in Dusty Plasma

Emerging Trends in Life Science (AURORA-2KXI)

Navarasam Arts and Science College for Women, Arachallur, Erode.

3. Plasma Oscillations in Single Walled and Multiwalled Fullerenes

Emerging Trends in Plasma Technology and its applications (ETPTA-2014)

Research Department of Physics, Sri Vasavi College,Erode.

3. Binumole P Kuriakose

Sl. No

Title Seminar/Coference/other

Venue and date Remarks

1 Dispersion Relations in Multiwalled carbon

International Seminar on

18thAugust 2011At

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Nanotubes Emerging Trends In Life Science(AURORA-2KX1)

NavarasamArts and Science College, Arachallur, Tamilnadu.

2 Plasma excitation in a single walled carbon nanotube with an external transverse magnetic field’

In the Índo-US Workshop and International Conference

Department of Physics St.Joseph’s College, Trichirappalli, Tamilnadu from 12th to 14th January2011

3 Dispersion study of single walled and multi walled carbon nanotubes’

National seminar, MSNMRN2013,

Department of Physics, Government Arts College, Ooty, Tamilnadu. on 25th to 27th September 2013 at

4 Comparison Study of Dispersion Relation in Single Walled and Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes is accepted for presentation in the to be held on 11th and 12th February 2015 at Mounnt Carmal College, Banglore.

National seminar ‘NanoScience –A Multidisciplinary Approach’

Mounnt Carmal College,Banglore on 11th and 12th February 2015

accepted for presentation

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: NIL

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) Intrnational committees c) Editorial Boards.


22. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes

Percentage of students placed for projects in organisations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industri/other agencies

7 MSc students in 2013 and 4 ,2015 IISCER, Trivandrum

23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students

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(Ranks in University examinations)

Sl No

Name of the faculty/Student

Name of the Award/Recognition (Organisation)



1. Manjusha Chadrasekharan

I Rank , Kannur University

MSc Physics 2011

2 Dhanya PK II Rank , Kannur University

MSc Physics 2011

3. Aswathi PV III Rank , Kannur University

MSc Physics 2011

1 Vidya VM I Rank , Kannur University

MSc Physics 2012

2 Bindhu G K II Rank , Kannur University

MSc Physics 2012

3. Navya. M I Rank , Kannur University

MSc Physics 2013

4 Yadhunath OK II Rank , Kannur University

MSc Physics 2014

5 Neeraja PV University Topper BSc Physics 2014

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl No

Name & Designation Address Year of visits

1 Prof. Vincent Mathew HoD, Dept of Physics, Central university of Kerala,Kasargode


2 Dr. Shyjumon IISER, Thiruvanantapuram 2013 3 Dr. Rajeev. N.Kini IISER, Thiruvanantapuram 2013 4 Dr. M. Ramakrishnan , GBC, Thalassery 2013 5 Dr. BK Sarojini Dept of Chemical

Scieces,Mangalore University 2014

6 Dr. PM Sidharthan ISRO space scientist,(Retd), Payyannur


7 Dr. Anataraman Visiting faculty, school of photonics, CUSAT,Ernakulam


8 Dr. Sabyasachi Chatterjee

Indian institute of Astrophysics, Bangaluru


25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding

a) National, International

Sl No

Title & Venue Item Funding agency

National/ International


1 New Frontiers of Physics

National seminar

KSHEC National March8-9,2013

2 Spectroscopic Approach to astronomy

National seminar

National 9Dec2014

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26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

Name of the course/ programme

Applications recieved

Selected Enrolled Pass percentage Male Female

2011-12 UG 933 32 8 18 83.33 PG 123 12 1 9 77

2012-13 UG 910 32 10 14 87 PG 128 12 3 9 100

2013-14 UG 925 10 19 90 PG 150 12 3 9 100

2014-15 UG 757 07 25 97 PG 205 15 3 8 82

2015-16 UG 2125 34 PG 203 15 1 13

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course % of the students from the same state

% of the students from other states

% of the students from abroard

UG >99 <1% 0 PG 100 0 0

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence services


Year JRF NET GATE Civil services Defence services 2011-12 2012-13 3

2013-14 2 1 1 2014-15 2015-16

29. Student progression against percentade enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to MPhil

PG to Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepreneurship/self employment

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitement

2011-12 15 10 2012-13 10 2 5 2013-14 12 4 4 2014-15 23 4 1 1 2015-16

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30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Available Laboratories Separate lab facilities for BSc (Core),

BSc (complementary) MSc general and Msc electronics

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

Year PG UG 2011-12 07 38 2012-13 9 40 2013-14 13 50 2014-15 13 50

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/ seminar) with external experts

Sl No

Title & Nature of event Name & address of the faculty Date

1 Seminar on Current Trends in Physics

Pro.vincent Mathew, HoD, Physics , Central university if Kerala, Kasargode

20 December 2012

2 Seminar on Solar Energy Dr. Nisam Rahman 15 November 2013

3 Talk on Nuclear Physics Dr. PV kunhikrishnsn, Sn College, thottada , Kannur

10 February 2015

4 Night sky watching programme

Astro,Kothayamukku, Payyannur

10 February 2015

5 Seminar on Astronomy Dr. Sabyasachi Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru

6 March 2015

6 Seminar on Weather, Climate & Solar Energy

Dr. NK Satheesh Kumar, Manipal University


7 Seminar on Weather, Climate & Solar Energy

Dr. Manoj, CUSAT 22 September 2015

8 Talk on career guidance Prof. Deepu Joseph, Nirmalagiri Collge, Koothuparamba


33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Conducting student seminars under teachers’ supervision. • Giving students chance to participate in Seminars conducted with

external experts. • Regular assignments and projects to students and proper evaluation. • Conducting special classes to compensate lost time. • Special care given to weak students.

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• MOU signed with other institutions such as Malabar Cancer Care Society, Thalassery to share recourses benefitting students of both institutions.

• Add on courses to improve knowledge in related area.

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

Prof MP Narayanan

• Head of the Department • Dean, Faculty of Science • Chairman, PG & UG Board of Studies, Physics • Secretary, Co-Operative credit society • Resource Person for ASC, Kannur University • Member, Curriculum restructuring committee • Member, Steering committee, CBCSS • Convener, subcommittee for implementingHrudayakumari committee

report for UG programmes • Co-ordinators of Tourism club, Cultural forum, Science forum, Media

cell • Secretary, staff Association Kannur University

Prof. VP Abdullakutty

• Head of the Department • Member, PG & UG Board of Studies, Physics • Staff Advisor, College Union • Convenor, Cultural Association

Dr. KM Praseed

• Chairman,Board of Studies PG Physics • Member, Faculty of Science • Member, PG Board of Studies Physics • Member, Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association • Member, IQAC. Sir Syed College & St. Joseph College, Pilathara • Coordinator for the III cycle of NAAC accreditation • President, Sir Syed College Employees Co-Operative Society • Director, UGC sponsored NET Coaching Centre • Convenor, College Level Planning Board , 12th Plan (UGC) and

RUSA • Chairman , II &IV sem. PG Physics Examination

Prof. Pradeep KS

• Member, UG & PG Board of Studies

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• Secretary, Staff Association

Prof.Ramachandran MN

• Member, UG Board of Studies • Secretary, PTA

Dr. TP Nafeesa Baby

• NSS Programme Officer • Member, IQAC • Warden , Ladies Hostel • Convenor, Social Service Wing • Member, Society for Advancement of Physics • Member, Academy of Physics Teachers

Binumole P Kuriakose

• NSS Programme Officer • Secretary, LASS

Fairoosa KK

• Member, UG Board of Studies Eectronics

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Well qualified , experienced and dedicated teachers

Lean towards technology. Not getting bright students to study basic sciences. Immediate job openings are few

Starting ph.D programmes

Social barriers like early marriage

Two of the faculties are Ph.D holders and one submitted Ph. D thesis

Lesser number of campus recruitments

Commencing research oriented courses

Mushrooming of Unaided Colleges

DIST-FIST funded department

Lack of consultancy services

Certificate Courses

Faculty members in the University academic bodies. Can contribute to curriculum framework

Collaboration with industries

Enoughinfrastructure facilities

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Future Plans

• Starting new Courses like MPhil in Physics, • Starting new add on courses • Develop into a research department • Providing career development opportunities through a career guidance

centre • Campus placement cell for Physics students • Signing MOU with other institution for resource and students sharing

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1 Name of the department PHYSICAL EDUCATION

2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of Programmes/ Courses

offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters,Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG - PG - PhD Nil

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved

Open course in physical education, sports teams coaching

5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG - PG - PhD -

6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments



Name of




Open course

Other department

7 Courses in collaberation with other universities, industries,forign institutions,etc


8 Details of courses/programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors

2 2

Associate Professors

Nil Nil

10 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialisation


Sl No

Name Qualifi cation

Designation Specialisation

No of years of experience

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

1 Mahesh. KV BPE, MPE, MPhil

Assistant Professor & HoD In Phy.Edu

Handball, Basketball, Volleyball

Total-14 Current Institution- 7 years


2 T. Ilyas MPed Jnr. Lecturer In Phy. Edu

Basketball 18 Nil

11. List of senior visiting faculty : NIL

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12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG (Main & Complimentary) 750:1 2 PG 30:1

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrarive

staff sanctioned and filled: NA

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b)

International funding agencies and grant recieved: NIL

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc

and total grants recieved

18. Research centre/facility recognised by the University: NIL

19. Publications (per faculty)

Name 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 TOTAL Mahesh. KV

1 2 1 4

20.Areas of consultancy and income generated :

• Kannur University Sports excellence scheme-

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) Intrnational committees c) Editorial Boards... NIL

22 Student projects

Sl No

Name of the project Funded by Amount sanctioned (in Rs)


1 Indoor Stadium UGC 7000000 On going 2 Gymnasium UGC 500000 On going 3 Sports equipments UGC 1000000 completed

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Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organisations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industry/other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: NA

Indicated in 5.3.1

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department


25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding


26. Student profile programme/ course wise:


27. Diversity of students: NA

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence services



29. Student progression against percentade enrolled: NA

30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library - Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities - Laboratories -

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with external experts

Sl No

Title & Nature of event Name & address of the faculty


1 Handball coaching camp Mr. saleesh kr, NIS coach- Uty

2013 onwards

2. Football coaching camp Mr. Ranjith. K. B level coach


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3. Organized kannur uty B Zone Football, Inter zone Tennis Men & women, Basketball women tournaments.


4. Organized kannur uty B zone and Inter zone Football, Organized kannur uty Inter zone chess,


5. Organized kannur uty Badminton tournament men & women, handball men & women, tournaments.


6. Organized kannur uty Inter zone swimming, Inter zone Ball badminton.


7 Organized kannur uty Inter zone chess, Inter zone handball-Men & women


33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Demonstration of skills • Audio visual aids • Video analysis of skills • Practice matches

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

Mahesh. KV

• Member BOS • Member College Council • Staff Association Secretary • Infra structure & building committee member

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Very good sports infra structural facilities High Students strength Good support from management, PTA, Principal and Staff for sports activities

Lack of interest of students especially girls students towards Sports.

Indoor stadium , Well equipped multi gymnacium, Sports pavilion. Open course in physical education Sports hostel

Decrease in number of enrolment of boys students every year. Hectic academic schedule

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Future Plans

• Kerala sports council Sports hostel in the college for handball • Completion of Indoor stadium • Health and fitness hall • Aerobic dance classes

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1 Name of the department STATISTICS 2 Year of Establishment 1981 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,M.Phil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters, Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG Statistics

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System

6 Participation of the Department in the courses offered by other Departments.

Courses offered Name of




Statistics (Complimentary)

BSc Mathematics

Department of Mathematics

Statistics (Complimentary)

BA Economics

Department of Economics

Open course

7 Courses in collaboration with other Universities, Industries, Foreign Institutions, etc


8 Details of courses/ Programmes discontinued (if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Associate Professors

3 3

10 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization


Sl No

Name Qualifi cation

Design ation

Speciali sation


No of student registerd for Ph.D, if any.

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1 Kutty krishnan.A.P.

M.Sc; M.Phil; Ph.D

Associate Professor

Time Series; Distribution Theory

30 Nil

2 Anitha.B M.Sc; M.Phil

Associate Professor

Statistical Inference; Operations Research

29 Nil

3 Mahuda Kauser.G.D

M.Sc, M.Ed

Associate Professor

Design of Experiments; Sampling Theory

25 Nil

11. List of senior visiting faculty : NIL

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: NIL

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 UG (Main)

B.Sc Statistics& B.A. Economics


2 UG (Complimentary)

B.Sc Mathematics 1:23

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrarive

staff sanctioned and filled

Post Sanctioned Filled Lab Assistant Nil NA Others Nil NA

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/M.Phil/PG):

Kuttykrishnan. A.P.: M.Sc; M.Phil; Ph.D;

Anitha. B: M.Sc; M.Phil

Mashuda Kauser.G.D: M.Sc; M.Ed

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) Inter

national funding agencies and grant recieved:


17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc

and total grants received:

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Sl No

Name of the project Funded by Amount sanctioned (in Rs)


1 Erudite Programme KSHEC, Govt.of Kerala

3 lakhs Completed

18. Research centre/facility recognized by the university: NIL

19. Publications (per faculty)

Faculty 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15



Kuttykrishnan.A.P. 1 - 1 1 1 4 Impact factor

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: NIL

21. Faculty as members in

Dr A.P.Kuttykrishnan.

a) National committees :

• Member of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics • Member of Kerala Statistical Institute • Executive Committee Member of Kerala Statistical Association • Member of Kerala Mathematical Association

b) International committees:

• Member of Indian International Statistical Association

c) Editorial Boards:

• Former Editor of “Kannur University News”


National committees:

• Member of Kerala Statistical Association • Member of Kerala Mathematical Association

Mashuda Kauser G D

National committees:

• Member of Kerala Statistical Association • Member of Kerala Mathematical Association

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22 Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industry/other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students

Sl No

Name of the faculty/Student

Name of the Award/Recognition (Organization)



1 Kuttykrishnan.A.P. Invited to present the research paper by the ASMDA. UGC Sanctioned Travel Grant.

International 2013

24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl No

Name & Designation

Address Year of visits

1 Dr.B.Ashok Vice Chancellor, KVASU


2 Dr.K.Muraleedharan Professor, MS University , Baroda 2013

3 Dr.Sreekumar

Professor, Department of Statistics, Manipal University, Karnataka


4 Dr.Jijo E V Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore

2013 and 2015

5 Dr. Sebatian George

Research Centre, Department of Statistics, St.Thomas College, Pala, Kerala

2013 and 2015

6 Dr. Muraleedharan Black Belt, Six Sigma Expert, Appollo Tyres, Gujarath


7 Dr.Saravanan

Research Centre, Department of Bio Statistics, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu.


8 Dr.Devika

Research Centre, Department of Bio Statistics, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu


9 Sri. Silambarasan

Research Centre, Department of Bio Statistics, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu


10 Prof. Tomasz J Kozubowski

Professor, University of Nevada, Reno, USA


25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding

a) National, International

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Sl No

Title & Venue Item Funding agency

National/ Inter national


1 National seminar on Statistical Methods and


Seminar KSHEC National 24-25 February 2014

2 Five-day National Workshop on Statistics Using R

Workshop UGC National 10-15 August 2015

3 Erudite Programme -and Five-day workshop on Probability


Workshop KSHEC International 10-15 December 2015

26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

Name of the course/ programme

Applica tions received

Selected Enrolled Pass percentage Male Female

2011-12 UG 268 34 5 29 63.63 2012-13 UG 235 34 9 25 78.57 2013-14 UG 202 34 6 28 84.00 2014-15 UG 216 34 6 28 42.11 2015-16 UG 268 34 8 26

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from other state

% of the students from abroard

UG 100 nil nil

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil Services, Defense

services, etc.? : Nil

29. Student progression against percentage enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to M.Phil

PG To Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepreneurship/self employ ment

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment

2011-12 8 2 2 2012-13 9 2 2013-14 11 2014-15 7


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30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Available Laboratories Available

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with external experts:

Monthly programmes to enhance academic potential students is conducted and outside experts from Kannur University, Malabar Cancer Centre, Calicut University, Indian Statistical Institute ( Bangalore) handled class room training for students and faculty members on various advanced topics n Statistics

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Personalized academic improvement programme. • Field study for getting knowledge on how to organize sample surveys. • Active learning strategies that allow students to supplement what they

have heard and read about statistics by designing studies, collecting data, analyzing their results, preparing written reports, and giving oral presentations are followed.

• Project on simple topics to understand the basic concepts on data analysis, sample surveys, statistical inference, correlation, regression etc.

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities


• Former Pro Vice Chancellor, Kannur University. • Former Syndicate Member, Kannur University • Former Academic Council, Kannur University • Former Chairman, Board of Studies (UG) in Statistics of Kannur

University. • Former Member of Board of Studies (UG) in Statistics, Kerala

University. • Former Member of Faculty in Science, Kannur University. • Outside Expert, Research Committee, Malabar Cancer Centre,

Thalassery. • Member College Council, Sir Syed College.

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• Former Chairman, UG Board of Studies in Statistics, Kannur University.

• Former Member, UG Board of Studies in Statistics, Kannur University

Mashuda Kauser G.D

• Member of UG Board of Studies in Statistics, Kannur University • Secretary, Sir Syed College Employees’ Credit Society

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

Experienced teaching faculties. Better employability in Statistics compared to other basic science courses . Statistical Computing Lab. Smart Class room,

Lack of industrial linkage and practical training in statistical work.

Post Graduate course in Statistics, Oportunities in doing statistics - designing studies, collecting data, analyzing their results, preparing written reports, and giving oral presentations.

Inadequate finantial support. Ignorance of students about the importance of statistics

Future Plans

• To start PG course inStatistics • To start certificate course in Bio-Statistics • To start training programmes with the support of Ministry of Statistics

and programme implementation (MOSPI) for professionals who are applying statistics in different streams such as medical, engineering, agricultural etc.

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1 Name of the department URDU 2 Year of Establishment 1967 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,Mphil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters,Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG Common course in Urdu

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit and semester System

6 Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments



Name of




Common Course

BA/B.Sc/ B.Com

Other department

7 Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc


8 Details of courses/programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Assistant Professors


Associate Professors


10 Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization


Sl No

Name Qualifi cation

Desig nation


No of years of expe rience

No of Ph.D students guided for the last 4 years

1 Dr Abdullakutty Mallikan

M.A. PhD

Associate Professor

- 19 NIL

11. List of senior visiting faculty


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12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty: 100%

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Sl No

Level Programmes Ratio

1 U.G.(Common course) BA/BSc/BCom 1:80

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff

sanctioned and filled


15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from

a) National b) Inter national funding agencies and grant received: NIL

17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST, UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc

and total grants received


18. Research centre/facility recognised by the university: NIL

19. Publications (per faculty)


20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: NIL

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards. NIL

22 Student projects : NIL

23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students


24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department


25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised & the source of funding


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26. Student profile programme/ course wise:


27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from outside the state

% of the students from abroard

UG 100 0 0

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive

examinations such as NET.SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence services



29. Student progression against percentage enrolled


30. Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Nil Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Available

Laboratories NA

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops/seminar) with external experts


33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• Seminars and projects by the students • Debates and Discussions

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and

Extension activities

Dr Abdullakutty Mallikan

• Chairman UG Board of Studies in Urdu

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35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

No. Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats

1 Students enthusiasm to study Urdu as Urdu is a new language as far as most of the students are concerned

Lack of Under Graduate Core course

To start UG Core course

No permanent staff

Future Plans

• To Start Under Graduate Studies in Urdu

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1 Name of the department


2 Year of Establishment 1969 3 Names of Programmes/

Courses offered (UG,PG,M.Phil,Ph.D,Integrated Masters,Integrated Ph.D, etc)

UG Zoology

4 Names of Inter disciplinary courses and the departments/Units involved


5 Annual/ Semester/Choice based credit system (Programme wise)

UG Choice Based Credit System

6 Participation of the Department in the courses offered by other Departments.

Courses offered Name of Programme

Offered by

Zoology (Complimentary)

BSc Botany Department of Botany

Zoology (Complimentary)

BSc Chemistry

Department of Chemistry

Open course

7 Courses in collaboration with other Universities, Industries, Foreign Institutions, etc


8 Details of courses /programmes discontinued(if any) with reasons


9 No of teaching post Post Sanctioned Filled Associate Professors Assistant Professors 4 4

10. Faculty profile with name qualification, designation, specialization


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Sl No

Name Qualification

Design ation



No of Ph.D students guided for the last four years

1 Dr Abdul Jabbar T.U

MSc .Ph.D

Associate Professor

Entomo logy

26 Years


2 Mumtaz T.M.V Assistant Professor

Fisheries Biology

7 Years -

3 Dr RSM Shamsudheen

MSc. Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Forest entomo logy

6 Years 1

4 Bushra N MSc Assistant Professor

Aqua Culture

4 Years -

11. List of senior visiting faculty :


12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

(programme wise) by temporary faculty:


13. Student Teacher Ratio (Programme wise)

Level Programme Ratio


UG Complemantary 102:1

14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff

sanctioned and filled

Post Sanctioned Filled

Lab Assistant 2 1

15. Qualification of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/Ph.D/Mphil/PG)

Mentioned in item No.10

16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from

a) National b) International funding agencies and grant recieved:

Name Title Amount in Rs Funded by


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17. Developmental projects funded by DSE-FIST,UGC,DBT,ICSSR,etc

and total grants received: Nil

18. Research centre/Facility recognised by the university: Nil

21. Publications (per faculty)

20. Areas of consultancy and income generated : NIL

21. Faculty as members in

a) National committees b) International committees c) Editorial Boards: NIL

22. Student projects

Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental programmes


Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in research laboratories/Industry/other agencies


23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students

Dr. RSM Shamsudeen

Diversity And Ecological Mapping On Lepidoptera (Insecta) of Kerala

20,55,900.00 MoEF Ongoing

Dr. RSM Shamsudeen

’’Ecological modelling of endemic butterflies of Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary

87,000.00 UGC Completed

Name 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Total

Dr. RSM Shamsudeen

1 1 1 1 1 5

Impact Factor


Name of the faculty/Student

Name of the Award/Recognition (Organisation)

National/International Year

Dr RSM Shamsudeen

ITTO Fellowship Award, Japan

International 2015

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24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department

Sl No

Name & Designation Address Year of visits

1 Dr. George Mathew, Emeritus Scientist

Kerala Forest Research 2014

2 Dr. Santhakumar, Emeritus Scientist

Institute of Wood Science and Technology


3 Dr. B.A. Daniel,Scientist Zoo Outreach Organization


4 Dr. Priyadharsan, Scientist

ATREE, Banglore 2013

25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding

a) National, International

Sl No

Title Item Funding agency

National/ International


1 Insects diversity of Western Ghats -

Seminar UGC National 07-08, January 2014

2 Role of Insects and marine organisms in wood degradation

Seminar UGC National 17-18 March 2014

26. Student profile programme/ course wise:

Name of the course/ programme

Applica tions recieved

Selected Enrolled Pass percentage Male Female

2011-12 UG 660 33 4 29 84.61 2012-13 UG 780 33 30 3 78.95 2013-14 UG 925 33 4 29 80.95 2014-15 UG 1000 31 3 28 86.96 2015-16 UG 2395 34 6 28

27. Diversity of students

Name of the Course

% of the students from the same state

% of the students from the Other state

% of the students from abroard

UG 99.5 0.5 Nil

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28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defence services



29. Student progression against percentade enrolled

Year UG to PG

PG to M Phil

PG To Ph.D

Ph.D to Post Doctoral

Employed Entrepreneurship/self employment

Campus selection

Other than campus recruitment

2011-12 5 2012-13 7 2013-14 11 2014-15 10 2015-16 --

30 . Details of infrastructure facilities

Library Yes Internet facilities for staff & students Available Class room with ICT facilities Yes Laborotaries Practical Lab and Newly Formed

Research Lab

31. Number of students recieving financial assistance from college,

university, government and other agencies

See item 5.1.2 and 5.1.3

32. Details of student enrichment programmes (special

lectures/workshops /seminar) with external experts

Sl No

Title & Nature of event Name & address of the faculty


1. Biodiversity of Mangroves: National environmental and Awareness Campaign

Mumtaz TMV Sep. 2011

2 Environmental Day Celebration Sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science and Technology

Mumtaz TMV 5/6/13

3 National Science Day Celebration Sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science and Technology

Mumtaz TMV 28/02/16

4 Wildlife week Celebration Dr RSM Shamsudeen October Ist Week Every Year

5 Kerala Moth Night Dr RSM Shamsudeen 28/07/2015

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33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning

• ICT Based Learning • Group Discussion • Quiz Based Learning • Demos for quick learning • Open Book Test for rapid learning • Nature Camp (Learning subject oriented) • Computer based teaching for informatics

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility(ISR) and

Extension activities


• Chairman ,UG Board of studies, Kannur University • Member College Council • Member, PG Board of Studies of Physiology, Calicut University • Member , PG Board of Studies of Zoology, Kannur University • Member Board of examiners of PhD, Calicut university • Subject expert, selection of asst. Professor, SN College, Kannur

university • External examiner, PhD qualifying examiner, Calicut university

Mumtaz TMV

• Member, Discipline Committee, • Member, Placement Committee

Dr RSM Shamsudeen

• Member, Board of Studies Zoology • Member. Board of Studies Wood Science and TechnologyQuestion

Paper setter, Ph.D Calicut university • Sub Editor, College Newsletter • Coordinator, Documentation Committee • Member Discipline Committee • Member Landscape Committee • Member Website Committee, Sir Syed College, • Sub Editor, College Journal • Member, PTA Executive Committee • Member, FIST Committee, Sir Syed College • Editor, Dept. Newsletter

Bushra N

• Member, BOS 2015--to till date

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• Member Discipline Committee, Sir Syed College, 2012-2015 • Member, Walk With Scholar, Sir Syed College, • Member, Social Work, Sir Syed College,

35. SWOT Analysis of the department and future plans

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Young and research oriented faculties

No PG course Collaboration with premier institutes

Drop-out of girl students

Ongoing Major projects

Lesser number of lab assistants

Expansion to a research centre

Lesser placements

Research laborotary

interdisciplinary Research

Smart class room

Future Plans

• Research Lab (Biodiversity and GIS) • Butterfly Garden • Entomology Museum • Student Fellowship • Interdepartmental projects • PG in Zoology • PhD Guidance for Faculty

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If the college has already undergone the accreditation process by NAAC,

please highlight the significant quality sustenance and enhancement

measures undertaken during the last four years. The narrative may not

exceed five pages.

The second cycle of accreditation by the NAAC peer team was carried out in February 2011 and the college was accorded B grade (2.8 points). The process of reaccreditation paved the way for an all round development of the institution. It helped in realigning the teaching learning process, strengthening the laboratory infrastructure, inculcating the research culture and enhancing social outreach. The peer team recommended 11 different areas where the college needed to focus for the overall quality enhancement of the institution. The college has complied with all those suggestions and has undertaken many quality sustenance and enrichment programmes in the past five years.

Recommendations of Peer Team

1. College may plan compulsory full-fledged course in communication skills

2. Complete automation in office systems and procedures. 3. ICT integration in teaching learning process. 4. More number of computers, campus networking and higher band

width of internet facilities with Wi-Fi covering whole campus. 5. Vocational Certificate/Diploma Course in areas of Retailing,

Hospitality Management, Logistic Management, Event Management, Capital Market Operation, Types Of Service Marketing, Professional accounting using TALLY, Type Setting And Printing Business, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry.

6. Intensify industry institute linkage cell for training and development. 7. Strengthen IQAC for academic audit. 8. Teachers encouraged in research and multidisciplinary approach. 9. Institutionalization of alumni association. 10. Improving the facility for more use of INFLIBNET and inter

University Accelerator Centers. 11. Prepare a vision document for next decade with executable action plan.

During the post accreditation period high priority was given to implement the recommendations of the peer team. As a first step detailed SWOT analysis of the institution was conducted from the feedback of staff members, alumni and selected students. A vision document for the next decade was prepared and

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priority items were identified incorporating the suggestions made by the NAAC peer team.

The peer team had suggested introducing compulsory course in Communicative English. In the academic year 2012 – 13 compulsory Spoken English Course was offered to all the I and II year degree students, from 8.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. Classes were handled by external experts from CIGI. The project was a great success. In the succeeding years the scheme was implemented by their respective departments. Selected teachers (tutors) attended training programme conducted by the Department of English. A peer group was constituted in each department with students having proficiency in communicative English. Classes were conducted on all Wednesdays under the supervision of tutors based on the drafted syllabus. At present the Department of English is offering a Certificate Course in communicative English. Students undergoing ASAP training programme and WWS programme receive special training in communicative skills.

The college office is fully automated. Salary distribution, fee collection, issue of certificates, examination registration, student’s attendance and teacher’s evaluation by the students are digitalized. The number of computers has been increased to 120. The present computer – student ratio is 1: 12 and measures are underway to make it 1 : 10 in the next academic year.

To strengthen virtual learning, smart boards are installed in seven class room. Software like Python, Mat lab etc. are widely used. All the PG classes and final UG classes are provided with LCD projectors to enable ICT learning.

To boost the ICT facilities the campus has been modernized with Wi-Fi connectivity. Faculty members and PG students can access internet at all times and UG students at selected times. High speed internet connections in the library and IT centers are used for downloading research papers and text books. The communication between the administrators and faculty members are made through the TCS (Total Campus Solution) software. Students can access the TCS site at allotted times and verify their attendance and internal evaluation reports.

Being a Govt. aided college we have limitations in starting new courses. Neverthless two new courses, B.A. in Malayalam and M.A. in Arabic, were started in 2013. We are proud to announce that one student in the first M.A. Arabic batch cleared NET. We are fully equipped to start M.Sc. in Statistics and Zoology and B.A. in Journalism if permitted by the Government.

Eight departments offer Certificate Courses in specialized areas like Computational Physics, Computerised Accounting, Tally, Essential Skill In

Translations & Documentation in Arabic, Organic Farming Technology.

To strengthen the research activities in the institution, a new four storied

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building is being constructed. The botanical garden has been restructured and a separate medicinal plant wing established. The gymnasium is renovated and expanded to a capacity of 40 people at a time.

College alumni have separate branches in Gulf countries and Bangalore which function in tune with the local alumni. They support financially weak students by providing scholarships. The Gulf chapter of alumni organized a mass marriage function in which 11 couple from poor financial background got married. All the expenses were met by the alumni and was the first if this kind in our domain. Alumni help the college management to mobilize funds for infrastructure development and organizing student oriented programmes. The old students associated with reputed institutions deliver invited talks and orientation programmes at regular intervals. The local alumni organize a get together annually in which all the retired teachers are invited. They have organized a get together of the College Union office bearers, in which the last 46 years of union leaders participated. A college magazine exhibition was also arranged. Separate alumni wings of police officers, media persons, doctors and government employees are also functioning effectively.

College has ENLIST facility of INFLIBNET. Students and teachers download journals and research papers free of cost. The college has a linkage with the the University of Calicut and the faculty access their INFLIBNET facilities.

To strengthen academic audit IQAC has taken measures to institute quality bench mark in all the curricular and co curricular activities. The students are grouped into brilliant/good/average/below average and special training is given to different groups. The developments are monitored and analyzed periodically and the improvements are communicated to the parents. The annual results are statistically analyzed by a group of teachers and a bulletin is published.

Teachers are motivated to undertake research activities and publish papers in reputed journals. During the last 5 years more than 150 papers were published in reputed journals and many papers were presented at the national and international seminars. The college has a research publication Sir Syed Journal of Functional Research in which research students and teachers publish their research works. Dr. K.M. Khaleel, and Dr. A.P.Kuttykrishnan presented papers at the International conference in Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in Jakartha (November 14-18 , 2011) and International Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA-2013) held at Barcelona, Spain, (25th June to 1st July 2013) respectively.

Dr. V. Abdul Jaleel received best paper presentation awards in the international seminar during the Asian Plant Science Conference on the topic Taxonomy and Conservational Importance of the Rare and Endemic Species

of Amorphophallus and Lasia in India held on 1-3 Nov. 2014 at Nepal and Dr.Tajo Abraham and Dr. Sreeja received best paper presentation awards in

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national seminars conducted at St Joseph college, Irinnhalakkuda and St Therasa’s College, Eranakulam respectively. Dr Gayathri R Nambiar received best oral paper presentation award in the national symposium at Pondichery University Convention cum Cultural centre, Puthucherry in 2012. Dr. Biju A.R completed his post doctoral work at the University of Florida, USA with the financial support of UGC. We had made it mandatory that each department should have at least one project supported by UGC/DST/other funding agencies.

To intensify industry-institute linkage a committee has been constituted with Dr. Tajo Abraham as the convener. Janab. Mayan Mahamood, Managing Director of Western India Plywood is a member IQAC. The Department of Forestry and Department of Chemistry have collaborations with the WIP. The Department of Physics has established a link with the Malabar Cancer Research Center, Tellicherry.

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SIR SYED COLLEGE (Affiliated to Kannur University)

Accredited by NAAC at the B Level TALIPARAMBA, KARIMBAM (P.O.) – 670 142 E-mail : [email protected] Web : Phone: 0460 – 2203217, 2205866, Fax : 2204910

Declaration by the Head of the Institution

I certify that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during their visit.

Signature of the Head of the institution with seal: Place: 05-08-2016 Date: Taliparamba

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SIR SYED COLLEGE (Affiliated to Kannur University)

Accredited by NAAC at the B Level TALIPARAMBA , KARIMBAM (P.O.) – 670 142

E-mail : [email protected] Web : Phone: 0460 – 2203217, 2205866, Fax : 2204910

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE This is to certify that Sir Syed College Taliparamba, Kannur District, Kerala fulfills all the norms

1) stipulated by the affiliating University (Kannur University) 2) Regulatory Council/Body- University Grants Commission 3) The affiliation and recognition is valid as on date

It is noted that NAAC accreditation if granted shall stand cancelled automatically once that institution loses its university affiliation or recognition by the regulatory council as the case may be. In case the undertaking submitted by the institution is found to be false then the accreditation given by NAAC is liable to be withdrawn. It is also agreeable that the undertaking given to NAAC will be displayed to the college website.

Principal Date: 05-08-2016 Place: Taliparamba

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Details of some of the Research paper publication by faculty

Sl Publication

1 V.Abdul Jaleel et al 2011. Revision of Amorphophallus Blume ex decne. Sect. Rhaphiophallus (Schott) Engl. (Araceae) in India. Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon 18(1): 1-26.

2 V.Abdul Jaleel et al 2012. A Taxonomic Revision of Amorphophallus Blume ex decne. Sect. Conophallus (Schott) Engl. (Araceae) in India. Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon 19(2): 135-153.

3 V.Abdul Jaleel 2013 The genera Lagenandra and Cryptocoryne in South India. (Proceedings of UGC National seminar, NSS College, Manjeri)

4 C.N. Sunil and V. Abdul Jaleel 2013.Lolium multiflorum (Poaceae): A new record for Peninsular India.

5 M.Sivadasan, V. Abdul Jaleel. 2014. Taxonomic identity of Theriophonum Danielii and T. manickamii (Araceae) . Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxon 21(1): 63-70.

6 Sreena Raj, V.Abdul Jaleel ,K.M. Gothandam 2014 Toxicologica profiling of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Amorphophallus commutatus var. wynadensis-endangered medicinal plant in rodent models. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine.

7 C.N. Sunil. V.Abdul Jaleel, Ratheesh, N. 2014 Lindernia nelliyampathensis (Scrophulariaceae)- A new species from Kerala ,India.2014. International Journal of Advance Research.

8 Arjun R Krishna, Asis Singh, V.Abdul Jaleel, K.M. Gothandam 2012. Morphological, Phytochemical and Antibcterial properties of wild and indigenous plant (Amorphophallus commutatus). Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 6(12) 2256-2260.

9 Sunil, Ratheesh, Nandakumar, Jayesh, V. Abdul Jaleel &Anil Kumar, 2013. Rotala khaleeliana sp. Nov. (Lythraceae), a new species from lateritic hills of Kannur, Kerala,India.International journal of advance research 1(2): 14-16.

10 C. N. Sunil and V. Abdul Jaleel. 2014 New records of grasses from Kerala . Journal Indian Forester (Paper accepted)


C.N. Sunil, M.K. Ratheesh, M. Sivadasan, Alfarhan Ahmed, V. Abdul Jaleel.2014. A new species of Eriocaulon L. (Eriocaulaceae) from Kerala, India. Nordiac Journal of Botany .(paper accepted)

12 Gayatri R. Nambiar and Raveendran K., 2011. Arenariomyces triseptatus and Halosphaeria appendiculata: Two new record of marine fungi from India. Geobios 1:17-19.

13 Gayatri R. Nambiar and Raveendran K., 2011. Anthostomella nypensis and Biconiosporella corniculata: Addition to the marine mycoflora of India. Geobios 3:24-27.

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14 Gayatri R. Nambiar and Raveendran K., 2011. Halosarpheia kandeliae Abdel - Whab & Jones: An addition to mycoflora of India. Indian Forester, 1466-1467.

15 Gayatri R. Nambiar and Raveendran K., 2012.Report of Saccordella marinospora Hyde from Kerala (India). J. Basic & Applied Biol. 2011 (1&2): 224

16 Gayatri. R. Nambiar. and Raveendran, K. 2012. Lautisporopsis circumvestita, Morosphaeria ramunculicola and Saccardoella mangrovei: Additions to marine mycoflora of India. Geobios 39:55

17 Gayatri. R. Nambiar. and Raveendran, K. 2012. Carinispora velatispora, Herpotrichea nypicola and Pleospora spartinae: New report of marine fungi from India. Geobios 39:67

18 Gayatri R. Nambiar and Raveendran K., 2012. Heliocorhoidion nypicola and Trichocladium nypa: New to the marine mycoflora of India . Geobios 39:160

19 Gayatri R. Nambiar, Nisreen, M. and Raveendran K., 2012.Marine mycoflora of Maharashtra. Geobios 39:109

20 Gayatri R. Nambiar and Raveendran K., 2012. Marine mycoflora of Gujarat (India). Bioinfolet 9 (3):289

21 Gayatri R. Nambiar and Raveendran K., 2013.Filamentous marine fungi on Acrosticum and Salvinia.Bioinfolet.10 (3a):839

22 Abdussalam, A. K., Ratheesh Chandra, P., Hussain-koorimannil, Jos. T. Puthur and NabeesaSalim. (2014)Detoxification mechanism of heavy metal stress in Boerhaviadiffusa, L. A.A.J.8: 218-227.

23 Swapna K.S., Shackira A.M., Abdussalam A.K., Nabeesa-Salim and Jos T. Puthur (2014) Accumulation Pattern of Heavy Metals in Chromolaenaodorata(L.) King & Robins. Grown in Nutrient Solution and Soil. J. Stress Physiol. &Biochem 10 (2): 297-314.

24 Mohammed-Aslam M. A., Raghavendra B. R.,Abdussalam, A. K., Hussain Koorimannil, Thomas George and Gopinathan(2014). V MODIS Derived Multi temporal Canopy Characteristics of Mangroves: A Micro Level Assessments at Kasaragod, Kerala, India Meridian2 (3): 126-132

25 Abdussalam, A. K., Ratheesh Chandra, P., Hussain-koorimannil and NabeesaSalim. (2013). Response and bioaccumulation potential of Boerhaviadiffusa L. towards different Heavy Metals. J. Stress Physiol. &Biochem. 9 (3): 23-36.

26 Abdussalam, A.K.,Madhusudhanana, K., Azeez, K. and Mohammed – Aslam, M.A. (2013). Effect of cold stress on physiological and biochemical activity of squash plant (Cucurbita maxima L.) of the family Cucurbitaceae.Mille. Zool.13: 50

27 Abdussalam, A.K., Muhammed-Aslam, M.A., Jyothi, P.V., Azeez, K. and Girijan, G. (2011). Ecological impact of changing cultivation on the biodiversity of Wayanad, Kerala, India.Mille. Zool.12: 44-49.

28 Mohammed – Aslam, M.A.,Suresh Mohan Ghosh , George, T. And Abdussalam, A.K (2013).Western Ghats: The Biodiversity Hot Spot. In: (Ed). Biodiversity Conservation Challenges and Prospects. 51-55.

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29 Mohammed – Aslam, M.A.,Abdussalam, A.K., Madhusudhanan K. and Suresh Mohan Ghosh. (2012). Digital analysis of LISS 3 data around Mangrove habitat at lower reaches of Valapattanam river, Kerala, India. Mille. Zool.13: 42

30 Hussain-koorimannil., Abdussalam, A.K, Ratheesh-Chandra, P. and Nabeesa-Salim (2011) Heavy metal accumulation potential and medicinal property of Bacopamonnieri –a paradox. J. Stress. Physiol. Biochem. 7: 40-50.

31 Mohammed-Aslam, M.A. and Abdussalam, A.K. (2011).GIS Based assessment for the need of conserving biodiversity of southwestern low-lands of India in relations to the terrain characteristics. Mille. Zool.12: 70-73.

32 Hussain – koorimannil, Abdussalam, A.K. and Nabeesa Salim (2011) Bacopamonnieri-A pollutant detector of mineral water and soft drinks. Int. J. Ecol. Dev.19: 86-94

33 Tajo Abraham. TILLING-A reverse genetics tool for crop improvement. Proceedings of National Seminar on Genomics. 2012. UC College, Aluva, Kerala.

34 JE, Thoppil, Tajo Abraham et al., 2014. Antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of three species of Pogostemon. J. Envtl. Biol. 35(5): 795-798.

35 Dhanya R., B.B.Mishra and K.M.Khaleel (2011). Study of effect of gamma irradiation on aroma constituents of ginger rhizomes. Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. Vol. 13, No. (2) : 2011 : 295-298

36 Gilna V.V. and K.M.Khaleel (2011). Cellulase enzyme activity of aspergillus fumigatus from mangrove soil on lignocellulosic substrate. Recent Research in Science and Technology 2011, 3(1) p 132-134.

37 Hosagoudar, G R Archana, K M Khaleel and M Soumya (2011) MELIOLA KANNURENSIS SP. NOV. FROM (KANNUR) KERALA, INDIA Bioscience Discovery, 2 (3):348-349, July 2011 ISSN: 2229-3469

38 Gilna V.V. and K.M.Khaleel (2011) Diversity of Fungi n Mangrove ecosystem. Journal of Experimental Science. Vol.2. p 47-48.

39 Gilna V.V. and K.M.Khaleel (2011) Diversity of Fungi n Mangrove ecosystem. Journal of Experimental Science. Vol.2. p 47-48.

40 Rajeevan P.C., K.M.Khaleel, Jayan Thomas and Harkirat Singh Sangha (2014). First Records of Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos and Caspian Plover Chararadrius asiaticus from Kerala. Indian Birds Vol 9 (3); p 64- 67

41 VB Hosagoudar, GR Archana, KMKhaleel, P Ramya(2012)Two interesting black mildewsfrm Kannur, Kerala. j.Sci,Trans.Environ.Technov.6(1):p1-2

42 PC Rajeevan, KM Khaleel and Jayan Thomas(2012) Breeding of black winged stilt Himantopus at Chempallikkundu, Kannur district, Kerala . Malabar Trogon vol.10(1&2) p2-3

43 KM Khaleel & P Sreeja(2012) Management strategies for the Mangrove wetlands of North Malabar Institute of Wood Science& Technology, Bangalore abstract, pp73

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44 PC Rajeevan& KM Khaleel(2013) First Sighting of Bristled Grassbird Chaetornis striata from Kerala Indian Birds vol 8 No2: p 51-52

45 Deepthi Somasekharan and K.M.Khaleel (2013). Radiation induced enhancement of protein content in Soybean (Glycine max L.Murr.). International Journal of Scientific Research. Vol.2. p 49-50.

46 Abdussalam, A.K., Ravindran, C.P. Ratheesh Chandra, Azeez, K. and Nabeesa Salim (2015). Physiological effects of Heavy metal Toxicity and associated Histologiclal Changes in Boerhavia diffusa L. J. Global BioSci. 4: (1). 1221-1234

47 Abdussalam, A.K., Ratheesh Chandra, Hussain-koorimannil, Jos T. Puthur and Nabeesa Salim (2014). Detoxification mechanism of heavy metal stress in Boerhavia diffusa L. Afro Asian J. Sci. Tech. 143-152


Sreeja P, Vimya, E, Cindoo, P. S. and Abdussalam, A. K. (2014) Phytomorphological and Ecological Study of the Invasive Annona Glabra J. P.P. Sci. 1: 2: 60-66.

49 Swapna K.S., Shackira A.M., Abdussalam A.K., Nabeesa-Salim and Jos T. Puthur (2014) Accumulation Pattern of Heavy Metals in Chromolaenaodorata(L.) King & Robins. Grown in Nutrient Solution and Soil. J. Stress Physiol. &Biochem 10 (2): 297-314


M.Sivadasan, V. Abdul Jaleel. 2014.Taxonomic identity of Theriophonum Danielii and T. manickamii (Araceae) . Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxon 21(1): 63-70.

51 C.N. Sunil. V.Abdul Jaleel, Ratheesh, N. 2014 Lindernia nelliyampathensis (Scrophulariaceae)- A new species from Kerala ,India.2014. International Journal of Advance Research

52 C. N. Sunil and V. Abdul Jaleel. 2014 New records of grasses from Kerala. Journal Indian Forester

53 V.Abdul Jaleel et al 2014. A Taxonomic Revision of Amorphophallus Blume ex decne. Sect. Candarum Engl. (Araceae) in India. Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon

54 Sreeja, P, Vimya, E, Cindoo, P. S. and Abdussalam, A. K. (2014) Phytomorphological and Ecological Study of the Invasive Annona Glabra J. P.P. Sci. 1: 2: 60-66

55 A.R. Biju , M.V. Rajasekharan , Satish S. Bhat, Ayesha A. Khan, Avinash S. Kumbhar, Synthesis crystal structure and cytotoxicity studies of cis-dichloro(4,5-diazafluoren-9-one)planitum(II), Inorganic Chemica Acta, 423(2014) 93-97

56 B. Kishore Babu, A. R. Biju, Sailaja Sunkari, M. V. Rajasekharan, and J. -P. Tuchagues, Tetranuclear Copper Azido Complex of 4,5-Diazafluoren-9-one, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 1444-1450.

57 A. R. Biju, M.V. Rajasekharan, Structure, magnetic properties, catalase activity and DFT studies of [Mn2(µ-RCOO)2(µ-OR)2]

2+ type dinuclear manganese(III,III) complexes, Inorganic Chimica Acta, 2011, 372, 275-280.

58 V. Arun, G. P. Preetha, S. Manju, A. R. Biju, K. K. M. Yusuff, Hydrogen Bonded Triple Helical Structure of 3-Hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxalidine-4-

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aminoantipyrine, Journal of Chemical Crystallography, 2011, 41, 1013-1017.

59 Anjana John and Zeinul Hukuman and D. V. Gowdapreparation, evaluation and bioavailability studies of propafenonr hydrochloride loaded with gum microspheres for controlled study (975) International journal of pharma & bioscience

60 Mohammed Ashraf , D vinod , NH Zeinul Hukuman Pharmacophore and 3D QSAR study of TGF-β inhibiters, Letters in drug design and discovery Volume 11 #3

61 Shamsudeen, R.S.M.and George Mathew 2011. Taxonomic notes on genus Edosa (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) with new records to Western Ghats. World Journal of Zoology 6(4):404-406, IDOSI Publication

62 Shamsudeen, R.S.M. Faunastic studies on Tineoidea (Tineoidea) with new records to Western Ghats. Ecologia. Science alert Publication (Accepted)

63 Shamsudeen, R.S.M. 2011. Taxonomic studies on Hygroplasta Meyrick (Lecithoceridae) with new records to Western Ghats. World Journal of Zoology 6(4):404-406, IDOSI Publication

64 Shamsudeen RSM 2013Systematic studies on subfamily Gelechiinae(Lepidoptera: Gelechiinae)with new records to Western Ghats,Academic journal of entomology 6(2):74-78 2013

65 K.S. Aneesh, C. K. Adarsh and P.O. Nameer. 2013. Butterflies of Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) Campus, Thrissur, Kerala, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 5(9): 4422–4440

66 Aneesh, K.S., Adarsh, C.K and Nameer P.O. 2014. A preliminary checklist of odonates in Kerala Agricultural University Campus, Thrissur district, Kerala, Southern India. Journal of threatened taxa, 6(8): 6127–6137

67 Sugiya N, Chaithanya V V and Aneesh, K.S. 2015. Wild edible plants traditionally used by Kadar tribes of Vazhachal Forest Division, Thrissur, Kerala. Journal of global biosciences, 4 (9): 3344-3349

68 Sneha, C., Santhoshkumar, A.V., Sunil. K.M. 2012. Effect of controlled irrigation on physiological and biometric characteristics in teak (Tectona grandis) seedlings. Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, Vol. 8 No. 3 2012, pp. 196-202. ISSN

1997-0838. 69 Sneha, C., Santhoshkumar, A.V. and Sunil. K.M. 2013. Quantifying water stress

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70 Praseed K.M Columnar Aerosol OpticalDepth and its change over Kannur, A

coastal site in south India International journal of Science and technology, vol 2 No9,

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71 Praseed K.M Study of Columnar Aerosol size spectrum over Kannur ,a tropical

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72 Praseed K.M Analysis of ground level O3NOx measured at Kannur, India Journal

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73 Binumol P.Kuriakose Dispersion relation in metallic Carbon nanotube African

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75 K.M.Praseed has published an article “Influence of ozone precursors and pm10 on

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76 Binu Mol P. Kuriakose has published an article “Low Frequency Plasma Oscillations in Metallic Carbon Nanotubes in the journal The African Review of Physics (2013) 8.0014 (89)

77 Kuttikrishnan A.P (2014) Time series model using geometric stable distribution, Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin Vol 65, 257-260

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80 Shefi AE (2015) Nerchas A cultural specimen kerala muslims, a historical perspective International journal of multidisciplinary ednal research vol4 issue 12 (3) dec2015

81 Shefi AE 2014 Literature as an influencing phase of religious reformism among the muslims in Kerala. Astudy based Sanaullah Mukthi Thangal, ElectronicInternational Inter disciplinary Research journal July 2014 ISSN22778721

82 Shefi AE Madrassa movement in kerala a reformist response to Colonial Modernity, Jounal of the Institute for research in Social Science and Humanities Volume 8 December2013 ISSN09733353

83 Linu M K, Translating Aesthetics from Fiction to Screen: A Case Study of

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84 Linu M K, Nostalgia in Kunal Basu’s The Japaneese Wife. Published in New Trends in Indian English Literature. ISBN 978-93-82186-51-9

85 Sabita Shankunni “The Female Psyche as represented in the novel Afterwards by Jaishree Misra IJELLH Vol. II Issue IV 2014 ISSN 2321 – 7065 SJIF

86 Sabita Shankunni “Sexuality as represented in the film Chitrangada by Rithuparno Ghosh Vol.II Issue VII 2014

87 Sabita Shankunni‘’An Analysis of the character Shashi in the movie EnglishVinglish- Journal of ELTIF Vol. VI.3 (July – Sept2015) ISSN No. 2230 -7710.

88 Muhammed Salim “Paranoia as a Postmodern Condition in Ken Kesey’s One Flew over the Cuchoo’s Nest” in Galaxy International Multidisciplinary Journal ISSN: 2278-9529


Muhammed Salim “Malayalam Dalit Short Story: Coming of Age” in IJELLH ( International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities) volume II Issue IX 2015 ISSN-2321-7065

90 Rafseena M Breaking the Silence: Bama’s Karukku and Toni Morrison’s Sula in IJELLH( International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities) ISSN- 2321-7065

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91 VTV Mohanan.Translation Studies: Germs of Theories to the Practice’, -Inrernational Journal of Tamil Studies, C I T Campus, Chennai, dec. 2013. No. 30339/7 89-92

92 VTV Mohanan ‘Bharatheey Dalit Sahithya: Vishwa Sahitya ke pariprekshy mem’- , Dalit Sahitya 2012 Ed. Dr JayPrakash Kardam , ISSN No. 2278-201X, p.No. 374-376(Delhi)

93 VTV Mohanan ‘Sanskriti : Keral Kee Vishisht Natya Shaili: Kathakali’, Journal Of Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, 2015 (ISBN 81-86907-93-9) pno. 70-72

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