siska rio synastry report

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synastry report



    Solar Fire Synastry Interpretations

    (c) 2004, Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd

    Some Interpretations are from:

    Roderick Kidston, Aquarius Communications, 2003-10

    This report has been written to introduce you to the concepts of astrology and how to get started

    in relationship astrology. Astrology is a complex and meaningful science which takes years to

    study and apply successfully; however, we would like to whet your appetite with this report, and

    encourage you to deepen your understanding through other means.

    Astrology is a study of the connection between planets and life on Earth. It is based on a concept

    that energy patterns form between other planets and Earth and that these energies affect our lives

    as individuals and communities.

    An astrological chart, also known as a horoscope, natal chart, or birth chart, records the

    relationship between the planets and the signs of the Zodiac. Charts can be calculated for the

    birth of a person, a community, an event or anything that seems momentous. The horoscope is as

    individual and unique as a fingerprint.

    When using these interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain

    some contradictory influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the

    same chart may seem difficult to reconcile. However, this may still be an accurate reflection your

    chart, as it is likely that you do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in your

    life. Usually it is the responsibility of an astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in

    order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart.

    Please also be aware of the fact that each person has positive and negative influences in the chart,

    and therefore in their lives. The challenge is to accept and overcome the negative influences, so

    that we can successfully focus on the positive traits. This report outlines the influence of both

    people's charts on each other. This is called relationship synastry meaning the comparison of two

    horoscopes and the correlations discovered. It is likely that the report will show both the

    strengths and weaknesses of the relationship synastry. Any advice given is meant to be an aid to

    a person taking responsibility for their own lives and their own choices within a relationship. The

    ultimate decision rests with each individual. The author and publisher accept no liability for any

    adverse affects of this report.

    Australian astrologer Stephanie Johnson has written the text in this report. Stephanie holds a

    Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journalist in Australia, England and the USA for 15

    years before becoming a professional astrologer. She is currently a consulting astrologer, is

    Company Director of Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia and Editor of the

    Australian Data Collection. She holds the FAA Practitioners' qualification and was a former

    editor of the Journal of the Federation of Australian Astrologers. Stephanie has also completed

  • the Robert Zoller Certificate in Medieval Astrology. In 2000 she was awarded an FAA Diploma

    for her share in the development of the Solar Fire range of astrological software products.


    Siska - Female Chart

    29 May 1990, 16:00, AWST -8:00

    Manado Indonesia, 01N29', 124E51'

    Geocentric Tropical Zodiac

    Placidus Houses, Mean Node

    Rio - Male Chart

    24 Sep 1990, 12:00, USZ6 -7:00

    Jakarta Indonesia, 06S10', 106E48'

    Geocentric Tropical Zodiac

    Placidus Houses, Mean Node


    Siska's Moon Semisquare Rio's Sun

    Orb 228' Applying

    'Opposites attract' could the theme for this combination of personal planets. There is an instant

    spark when Siska and Rio meet, whether they choose to enjoy a friendship or a more intimate

    relationship. The world seems more exciting when they are together. When together Siska and

    Rio are able to broaden their horizons in ways they had not thought possible. Each one seems to

    fill a void deep inside the other. In astrology it is considered important to have a combination of

    personal planets in order to enjoy a deep relationship, but this can be a difficult combination

    once the initial excitement has worn off. Friction easily arises and what was once attractive

    becomes irritating. The success of this relationship largely depends on each person's ability to

    accept the other person's differences. Rio may eventually have difficulty understanding Siska's

    emotional nature. Rio may feel impatient and frustrated by the limitations placed on him by

    Siska. Siska may feel overwhelmed by Rio's personality. The initial excitement of the association

    with someone so opposing in nature may be replaced by feelings of insecurity. It's important for

    both Siska and Rio to continue to appreciate each other's differences at all times and to realise

    that this relationship is potentially very rewarding if the difficulties can be faced and resolutions


    Siska's Moon Conjunction Rio's Jupiter

    Orb 614' Separating

    This is a positive combination for any relationship enabling Siska and Rio to overcome any

    obstacles in life and embrace the happiness of the present moment. Siska and Rio enjoy each

    other's company and feel a certain zest for life when together. They share a need for fun-filled

  • adventures and the capability of achieving their goals. Siska and Rio feel that the world is their

    oyster that is ready to explore together. This can include holidays in far-away places, adventure

    travel and also encompasses any activity that expands their minds and views of life. This is a

    meeting of higher-minds. Siska feels that Rio expands her horizons. Siska feels safe and

    appreciated in this relationship. Rio knows that Siska is a comrade in arms when it comes to fun

    and adventure. Rio feels that he is truly appreciated for his generosity and optimism. Together

    Siska and Rio can conquer the world. Nothing seems too far-fetched. This combination augurs

    well for a long lasting and happy relationship.

    Siska's Moon Quincunx Rio's Neptune

    Orb 137' Separating

    Romance is a major theme in a union that involves the Moon and the planet Neptune. With this

    combination of planets Siska and Rio both feel that they are meant to be together. Perhaps they

    believe that it is a union of their souls. This is the height of romantic love. However, with

    romantic love there is always the possibility of disillusionment. Siska and Rio are likely to

    stumble across obstacles in this relationship because of unrealistic and overly idealistic

    expectations of each other. It is difficult for them to maintain the heights of love first attained at

    the beginning of the relationship. Misunderstandings can easily arise. After the first flush of love

    Siska feels that her emotional needs are being ignored, that Rio does not understand her. It is

    even possible that Siska feels that Rio is being deceptive in some manner. There is a danger that

    Rio does feel the need to hide behind a facade, failing to be his true self. Perhaps Rio feels that

    he cannot live up to Siska's expectations. Despair within this relationship needs to be avoided by

    both Siska and Rio facing their feelings of loss in previous relationships. They need to face the

    problems honestly in order to avoid the breakdown of trust and ultimately the relationship. As a

    result Siska and Rio may be able to recapture their sense of belonging together which was so

    strong in the initial stages of their union.

    Siska's Moon Square Rio's Pluto

    Orb 231' Applying

    This is an intense and powerful relationship. Siska and Rio feel a strong attraction to each other,

    one that seems to unconsciously draw them together. Siska's and Rio's deep feelings for each

    other need to be nurtured in a loving manner in order for the union to be long lasting. However,

    this can be quite difficult for Siska and Rio to achieve. It's not that they don't love each other,

    because they do care very deeply. The problem is that at times their intense emotions seem to

    erupt from nowhere. In fact the feelings have been simmering under the surface ready to be

    expressed at any moment. The pressure builds up quickly between Siska and Rio and before they

    know it they are embroiled in an emotional drama. Of course this can vary, depending on how

    Siska and Rio handle intense feelings. Some individuals thrive on intensity, while others feel

    threatened and powerless. Siska is likely to feel that her life has been transformed in some way

    by Rio. It's possible that Rio has changed the way that Siska feels about the world, making her

    conscious of things that have been bubbling under the surface for a long time. Life is not the

    same for Siska once she encounters Rio. She may feel powerless, overwhelmed by Rio's volatile

    nature. The key is for Siska is able to see through the explosive behaviour to the true heart of Rio

    and to nurture Rio's goodness. As a result Rio will deeply appreciate the emotional support

    offered by Siska. If this does not occur then it is likely that Rio will feel angry about the constant

    demands being placed on him by Siska. Rio will start to withdraw and become isolated, only

  • initiating contact in the relationship when he feels at boiling point. The challenge for Rio is to

    maintain a loving attitude and to give Siska time to learn her emotional lessons. This is indeed a

    passionate personal union and one that needs to be loving, otherwise there is a danger of abuse.

    This combination can also signify a secret love affair in which intense feelings are indeed in the

    background. It can also depict an intense working relationship in which power struggles abound,

    but it is more likely to point to a personal union.

    Siska's Sun Trine Rio's Sun

    Orb 648' Separating

    When two people's Sun signs are connecting in a positive manner it augurs well for any

    relationship. However, it is an ideal combination for a close, personal relationship whether it be a

    close friendship or love relationship. There is an instant rapport and the two people seem to shine

    more in their own lives as a result of such a connection. Siska and Rio enjoy each other's

    company and feel that the other person is giving something special to the relationship, adding a

    little sunshine to their lives. Siska and Rio probably experienced an instant attraction when they

    first met, warming to each other's personalities. This is because Siska and Rio have a lot in

    common and tend to view the world in the same fashion. Sharing a common purpose they work

    and play well together. It is easy for them to co-operate, creating harmony in shared enterprises

    and activities. In fact Siska and Rio are likely to experience luck and good fortune in joint

    projects. There can be a tendency for friendly rivalry, but this usually brings out the best in both

    Siska and Rio. All in all it is a very successful combination of personal planets.

    Siska's Sun Square Rio's Mercury

    Orb 521' Applying

    The importance of communication in relationships cannot be emphasised enough. Without

    understanding of another person's point of view and the ability to communicate one's own

    thoughts and feelings a relationship can easily breakdown. This is a difficult combination for

    communications in a relationship. Siska and Rio have difficulty understanding each other's point

    of view. They cannot communicate their thoughts and feelings easily. Consequently Siska and

    Rio have trouble being together and a certain tension exists in the relationship. Siska needs to be

    wary of having too much pride, of trying to override Rio's views through sheer force of

    personality. Siska takes a superior attitude to Rio, which proves detrimental in the long run. Rio

    feels misunderstood, knowing that his ideas are so different to Siska's. There is a danger that Rio

    starts keeping his thoughts to himself thereby blocking any chance of communications

    improving. As long as both Siska and Rio continue to try to overcome these obstacles then their

    union has a chance for success. They may find it of benefit to take time out and write down their

    thoughts and feelings during times of stress rather than speaking on the spur of the moment.

    Siska's Sun Conjunction Rio's Mars

    Orb 213' Applying

    This combination of the Sun and the planet Mars is a positive one for a working partnership that

    calls for concentrated effort on a joint project. It also ignites a strong sexual spark for a personal

    relationship, one that continues to flare throughout the union. It is an exciting combination.

  • There is never a dull moment when Siska and Rio are together. They love and fight with energy.

    Siska and Rio are hard working and energetic, achieving more together than they can on their

    own. Together Siska and Rio are able to tackle most of life's challenges with confidence and a

    positive attitude, taking the initiative, rather than sitting back and waiting for things to happen.

    Together they also enjoy taking few risks in life, particularly ones that satisfy their sense of

    adventure. They need only be wary of becoming too impulsive, of taking unnecessary risks that

    lead to dangerous ground. Siska feels that Rio provides the impetus and drive to help achieve her

    full potential. Siska is aware that her personality also helps Rio achieve his goals. Rio is excited

    by Siska's powerful personality and is inspired in his ambitions. This is certainly a progressive

    relationship that makes an impact on both Siska and Rio and those around them.

    Siska's Sun Sextile Rio's Jupiter

    Orb 031' Separating

    The Sun and the favourable planet Jupiter are combining suggesting that this relationship is

    blessed with good fortune and happiness. It is an ideal combination for an intimate relationship

    such as marriage because it indicates shared philosophies on life and the ability to grow together.

    Together Siska and Rio land on their feet no matter how difficult a situation. They seem destined

    to be in the right place at the right time. Siska and Rio enjoy each other's company, feeling all of

    the benefits that come with this union. Their optimism and enthusiasm are infectious, and as a

    couple they are popular. In particular Siska shines as a result of her association with Rio. Siska

    feels able to embrace life and all it has to offer. She is aware that her union with Rio is truly

    blessed and that it helps her to achieve her full potential. Rio knows that his horizons are

    continually expanding through his association with Siska. Rio feels able to conquer the world. In

    fact it is likely that both Siska and Rio enjoy travelling, studying or teaching together. They

    enjoy sharing anything that expands their minds and contributes positively to their lives.

    Siska's Sun Trine Rio's North Node

    Orb 320' Separating

    Both the Sun and the Nodes individually are significant in relationship astrology. The

    combination of the Sun and the Nodes indicates that this is an important personal relationship,

    one that changes the course of Siska's life and helps Rio shine brightly in his. Siska and Rio feel

    strongly drawn to each other, perhaps experiencing a sense that their relationship was written in

    the stars. In other words they may feel as though they were destined to meet and form a union.

    Whether the path of this relationship is smooth or rough, Siska and Rio's paths were meant to

    cross. The nature of this association depends largely on other aspects of Siska and Rio's charts.

    Passion may ignite if the right ingredients are involved, or friendship may be most appropriate.

    Siska's Mercury Sesquisquare Rio's Sun

    Orb 232' Applying

    The importance of communication in relationships cannot be emphasised enough. Without

    understanding of another person's point of view and the ability to communicate one's own

    thoughts and feelings a relationship can easily breakdown. This is a difficult combination for

    communications in a relationship. Rio and Siska have difficulty understanding each other's point

  • of view. They cannot communicate their thoughts and feelings easily. Consequently Rio and

    Siska have trouble being together and a certain tension exists in the relationship. Rio needs to be

    wary of having too much pride, of trying to override Siska's views through sheer force of

    personality. Rio takes a superior attitude to Siska, which proves detrimental in the long run.

    Siska feels misunderstood, knowing that her ideas are so different to Rio's. There is a danger that

    Siska starts keeping her thoughts to herself thereby blocking any chance of communications

    improving. As long as both Rio and Siska continue to try to overcome these obstacles then their

    union has a chance for success. They may find it of benefit to take time out and write down their

    thoughts and feelings during times of stress rather than speaking on the spur of the moment.

    Siska's Mercury Trine Rio's Mercury

    Orb 018' Separating

    Communication plays a central role in the success of any relationship whether it be a love union,

    friendship or work association. This combination indicates a meeting of true minds. Siska and

    Rio are able to converse easily with each other, sharing the stimulation of exchanging thoughts

    and opinions. Perhaps they also share a similar outlook on life. Siska and Rio understand each

    other and feel at ease together, enjoying each other's company. Lively conversations and shared

    pastimes feature in this relationship. They are able to appreciate each other's sense of humour

    and make light of any difficult arguments, often finding a creative way of approaching

    problematic subjects. In other words this is a harmonious combination and augurs well for the

    relationship. It is likely that Siska and Rio's communication takes the form of letter writing or the

    exchanging of notes, or perhaps even electronic mail. Whatever the form of communication it is

    important that both Siska and Rio keep in touch. This is an ideal combination for a personal love

    relationship and friendship. It is also beneficial for a work association, which requires an

    intelligent and energetic approach to a joint project or task.

    Siska's Mercury Trine Rio's Saturn

    Orb 520' Applying

    This is an excellent combination for an enduring relationship. Both Siska and Rio share a mutual

    respect for each other and are willing to work towards sound communication. They take each

    other seriously, and are likely to share an interest in a thought-provoking pastime or a business

    enterprise. Shared values also mean that this relationship has firm foundations for the long term.

    Siska and Rio realise early in their association that this is a lasting union. Therefore it is likely

    that they slowly and surely get to know each other, rather than rushing headlong into a

    relationship. As a result they eventually form a strong bond. Siska respects and learns from Rio's

    wisdom. She is better able to communicate her own thoughts and ideas thanks to Rio's

    well-received advice. Rio's organisational abilities shine in this relationship. He discovers

    different methods of approaching activities through his association with Siska.

    Siska's Mercury Trine Rio's Neptune

    Orb 134' Separating

    This is an inspirational relationship whether it be a romance, friendship or a creative working

    partnership. Both Siska and Rio feel excited by this union. Their imaginations are enlivened. In

    particular Siska's ideas are encouraged by Rio's creative input, enabling her to better express

    herself. It's possible that they work together on a creative project. Communication has an easy

    flow, more intuitive than concrete. Siska and Rio establish an empathetic bond which enables

  • them both to exchange their thoughts and feelings with ease. If involved in a romantic liaison

    then Siska and Rio are likely to feel very much in love, viewing their union through

    rose-coloured glasses. Whatever the nature of the relationship, it is likely that Siska and Rio

    share an interest in the arts, a spiritual path or a philanthropic activity.

    Siska's Mercury Opposition Rio's Pluto

    Orb 235' Applying

    This is a potentially explosive combination of the planets Mercury and Pluto, with

    communication playing a key role. The problem is that this combination indicates a battle of two

    minds. Both Siska and Rio discover that they trigger forceful emotions and thoughts in each

    other. At times the intensity becomes overwhelming and they don't know what to do. It is vital

    that both Siska and Rio communicate honestly, keeping all emotions and thoughts out in the

    open as much as is possible. Otherwise their relationship is likely to become volcanic, possibly

    even abusive as they battle to make themselves understood. They both find it near impossible to

    simply let matters slide, feeling that they must tackle each other head on. This works well if both

    Siska and Rio are able to enjoy penetrating and honest discussions. However, if they don't then

    one of them, probably Siska, is likely to suffer. Positively this relationship is transformative.

    Negatively it is abusive. The nature of the union depends on Siska and Rio's personalities and

    other aspects of their association.

    Siska's Venus Quincunx Rio's Moon

    Orb 050' Applying

    When planets combine unfavourably in personal relationships it can produce either sparks, which

    excite both parties, or friction. Either way a challenge is presented which needs to be met in

    order to succeed in the long term. With this combination Rio and Siska have difficulty

    expressing their feelings and often feel misunderstood by each other. Rio and Siska have trouble

    relaxing and feeling at ease with each other. There is a lack of harmony that troubles them. Rio

    and Siska sometimes feel that they are battling to find shared activities that they can both enjoy.

    In extreme cases they may feel that they are fighting against the other person's involvement with

    an absorbing pastime. Or perhaps they feel that their partner stands in the way of them really

    enjoying their own pleasurable pursuits. No matter how much Rio and Siska want to enjoy

    themselves, their partner seems to be standing in opposition, or determined to do their own thing.

    Depending on other aspects of their relationship and the nature of the combination of these

    planets, this can be a real problem. It's also likely that they have difficulty deciding how to save

    and spend their money. Rio is likely to feel some insecurity in the relationship. Siska is likely to

    feel that the Rio's feelings and insecurities are holding her back from relating to other people and

    the world in the way that she wants. On a more positive note this combination can add a spark to

    life and keep Rio and Siska willing to resolve difficulties to a satisfactory conclusion.

    Siska's Venus Quincunx Rio's Sun

    Orb 210' Applying

    This combination of the Sun and the personal planet Venus in relationship astrology is a difficult

    one. It indicates that the two people have conflicting values when it comes to personal

  • relationships, which creates problems for any long-term association. Rio and Siska feel a strong

    attraction to each other, but they cannot seem to communicate in a harmonious manner. Joint

    decisions about relationships are difficult. Rio and Siska argue about subjects such as the future

    of their relationship, family associations, money matters and creative pastimes. They just can't

    seem to agree. Rio feels frustrated. On the one hand Rio is drawn to Siska. On the other hand Rio

    knows that he is losing his identity in this relationship, and is often floundering to express

    himself. Siska is also frustrated. She feels overwhelmed by Rio's powerful personality and is

    unable to get on with her creative pursuits. Neither Rio nor Siska really feels that they are

    benefiting from this union, and yet they feel drawn to try to resolve the problems. Depending on

    other connections in this relationship Rio and Siska may finally decide to end their association or

    they could resolve their differences. They may need to seek counsel on how to resolve their


    Siska's Venus Sesquisquare Rio's Mercury

    Orb 040' Separating

    A positive blend of the personal planets of Mercury and Venus is a desirable one for an intimate

    union, and certainly advantageous to any association that requires harmony and collaboration.

    Therefore it is unfortunate that this combination is a difficult one. This association of planets

    indicates incompatibility in a relationship. No matter how hard Rio and Siska try they find it hard

    to relax in each other's company. Disharmony seems to infiltrate their union at every turn. The

    problem is that Rio and Siska simply cannot find any common ground for agreement. Their

    opinions and values clash, which makes any shared activities fraught with tension. In particular

    Siska feels that she is subjected to Rio's unnecessary criticism. Siska feels unappreciated and

    lonely, unable to share warm and loving moment required in her relationship. On the other hand

    Rio believes that he cannot express his opinions freely without being misunderstood. Rio loses

    confidence in his communication abilities and possibly withdraws his attention from the

    relationship. The extent of the difficulties in this relationship depends on other aspects of Rio and

    Siska's association. The positive side is that Rio and Siska are attracted to each and can work

    towards improving their communication skills. In this way they may learn to value each other.

    Siska's Venus Trine Rio's Uranus

    Orb 654' Applying

    This combination of planets indicates an instant and vital magnetism. It is the type of attraction

    in which Siska and Rio take one look at each other across a crowded room and feel the sparks.

    Romance is alight and the relationship develops at a rapid rate. Friends are amazed as the

    couple's union becomes more and more intense. In the short term this relationship provides fun,

    excitement and stimulation for both Siska and Rio. The long-term scenario depends on other

    aspects of their relationship and the ability of both Siska and Rio to respect each other's need for

    autonomy. It is all too easy for the initial flame to burn out of control. For this reason this

    combination of planets can be more prominent in relationships that contain the intrigue of a love

    affair, rather than the stability of a long-term union. Siska feels particularly struck by Cupid's

    arrow, ignited by the very presence of Rio. She wants her love to be strong enough to keep the

    spark of excitement in the relationship. However, Rio is hard to pin down and is likely to become

    bored once the initial excitement starts to fade unless he is given plenty of room to be

    independent. It may be difficult for Rio to make a commitment to this relationship unless he is

    given the freedom to inspire Siska without feeling tied down to promises. A strong bond can be

  • achieved if Siska and Rio can find the right balance between intimacy and personal freedom. If

    this is achieved then they can both enjoy a long-term relationship full of joy and romance.

    Siska's Venus Square Rio's Chiron

    Orb 255' Separating

    This combination of the planet Venus and the asteroid Chiron indicates a significant but difficult

    relationship. Siska and Rio love each other, either as friends or lovers, but have difficulty

    avoiding misunderstandings and upsets. The problem is that their union is strongly influenced by

    childhood traumas. Present-day situations bring memories of previous painful experiences to the

    surface. Inadvertently Rio seems to upset Siska's feelings. There is also a tendency for Rio to

    blame Siska for all of her problems. Siska needs to develop a strong sense of self-understanding

    in order that she can make a clear commitment to this relationship. Once committed, Siska would

    be wise to ensure that her needs are met. In return Rio needs to develop a sensitive awareness of

    Siska's emotional wounds. This sensitivity will serve him well in other situations. If the

    difficulties can be overcome, this union can bring a sense of freedom and joy.

    Siska's Venus Square Rio's North Node

    Orb 537' Applying

    This is the combination of star-crossed lovers. The planet Venus and the North Node indicates a

    strong bond, but this blend is a difficult one. Fate has played a strong role in bringing Siska and

    Rio together, but it also challenges their bond. Perhaps theirs is an illicit love or maybe they have

    difficulty reconciling their differences. Money may be a source of conflict. Siska and Rio feel

    compelled to interact despite the difficulties. They are either passionate about each other or

    ardent about a joint artistic or creative project. This is a love story that needs to run its course.

    Siska's Mars Trine Rio's Moon

    Orb 100' Applying

    This combination of planets denotes a relationship that is exciting and animated. Rio and Siska's

    discussions are lively and impassioned and their shared pastimes are also likely to be energetic

    and fun. Rio and Siska enjoy spontaneity and both tend to be impulsive when together. Both of

    them feel that their lives have become more effervescent with the advent of this relationship. Rio

    is most likely to feel that Siska brings excitement into his life. Rio is aware that Siska's drive and

    energy contributes positively to his life. Whereas Siska feels inspired by the relationship to

    achieve her goals. Siska acknowledges that Rio's support and understanding is helping her to

    advance in life. There is also likely to be a strong sexual attraction that helps to add a little spice

    to life. However, this sexual attraction is most powerful when both Rio and Siska are feeling

    comfortable within the association. The attraction can lose its spark when there is emotional

    tension. Fortunately, this does not happen often. Rio and Siska are mostly able to resolve their

    differences and enjoy an enlivened and satisfying union.

    Siska's Mars Opposition Rio's Sun

    Orb 220' Applying

    This is a relationship that begins with a fanfare and ends with a bang. This fiery combination of

  • the Sun and the planet Mars is a difficult one. Any relationship with this combination is likely to

    be difficult to maintain unless there are other more positive connections. There is much

    excitement when Rio and Siska first get together; an electric sexual energy pulsates between both

    of them. Both Rio and Siska feel a rush of energy when in each other's company. However, this

    quickly becomes friction because Rio and Siska are trying to head in different directions.

    Conflict is likely. The problem is that Rio feels overpowered by the demands of Siska, and

    unable to positively express himself in this union. The frustration can build to the point where

    Rio's attitude aggravates Siska. Rio feels that his personality is squashed by Siska. Siska is

    frustrated by the demands of Rio, feeling unable to pursue her goals. In the end the sexual

    attraction may fail to be enough to maintain a long-term intimate union. Depending on other

    connections in this relationship Rio and Siska may finally decide to end their association. They

    may need to seek counsel on how to resolve conflict, which at times could be quite fiery.

    Siska's Mars Sesquisquare Rio's Pluto

    Orb 223' Applying

    This is a passionate and explosive relationship fraught with hidden tension. It is difficult for both

    Siska and Rio to conquer their own strong feelings about this association. There is a real danger

    of this relationship becoming an emotional battleground. Siska and Rio try to communicate in a

    calm and loving manner, but their union is fraught with deep-seated problems which continually

    surface in an explosive manner. The result is that they both become embroiled in a fight for

    supremacy. There is also a danger for this relationship to become emotionally and physically

    abusive. Rio feels threatened by Siska's drive and initiative and compensates with controlling

    behaviour. As a result Siska rebels. There is a clash of wills. A long-term intimate bond is a

    difficult goal with this combination of the planets Mars and Pluto. However, it is possible to

    direct the passion that Siska and Rio feel for each other into a positive pursuit. Perhaps a

    challenging home-renovation project, or a demanding sports activity or a regular workout at the

    gym could help alleviate the pent-up emotions.

    Siska's Mars Trine Rio's Chiron

    Orb 245' Separating

    A common goal is needed in order the make the best of this combination of the planet Mars and

    Chiron. If Siska and Rio share the same drive and ambition then they can successfully overcome

    past failures and progress in their lives together. Together they bring an element of play and

    laughter into areas of their lives that were previously weighed down with pain and angst.

    Together their activities take on a new glow. They may share an interest in the healing arts or in

    teaching. Rio feels that Siska offers the energy and drive needed to support his ventures.

    Whereas Siska appreciates Rio's insights and wisdom, which enable her to better achieve her


    Siska's Jupiter Sesquisquare Rio's Moon

    Orb 218' Applying

    Although there can be some difficulties with this combination, on the whole this is a positive

    combination. Rio and Siska enjoy each other's company and feel a certain zest for life when

  • together. Rio and Siska share a need for fun-filled adventures and the capability of achieving

    their goals. They both feel that the world is their oyster which is ready to explore together. This

    can include holidays in far-away places, adventure travel and also encompasses any activity

    which expands their minds and views of life. This is a meeting of higher-minds. Rio feels that

    Siska expands his horizons. Rio feels safe and appreciated in this relationship. Siska knows that

    Rio is a comrade in arms when it comes to fun and adventure. Siska knows that she is truly

    appreciated for her generosity and optimism. Together Rio and Siska can conquer the world.

    Nothing seems too far-fetched. And this is where problems can lie. It is possible that neither Rio

    nor Siska know when enough is enough. There is a saying that 'you can have too much of a good

    thing'. This is one of the underlying problems of this association. Rio and Siska need to make

    sure that they do not become too grandiose in their dreams. Overinflated ideas of their

    capabilities are not helpful and can lead both Rio and Siska into troubled waters. Another

    complication can arise if Rio and Siska do not share the same values, because morals and beliefs

    play an important role in this relationship. However, if Rio and Siska share the same beliefs and

    can exercise some restraint this can be a positive combination for a long-term relationship.

    Siska's Jupiter Sextile Rio's Mercury

    Orb 047' Applying

    This is a positive combination of the planets Mercury and Jupiter and provides inspiration in any

    relationship whether it is a friendship, work association or more intimate union. Both Rio and

    Siska discover new worlds through their association. They enjoy broadening their minds through

    overseas travel or by learning about different cultures in books and study courses. Philosophy,

    metaphysics and religion are topics of conversation, which stimulate and expand their minds. It's

    also possible that Rio and Siska pursue activities connected with philanthropic or philosophical

    ideologies. In particular Rio's mind is extended through his relationship with Siska. Rio is

    willing to listen and accept the wisdom of Siska's ideas. In turn Rio is able to provide ways in

    which Siska can better communicate her ideas. Together they are able to grow and learn.

    Siska's Jupiter Opposition Rio's Saturn

    Orb 626' Applying

    A strong bond is formed as a result of this combination of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, but not

    necessarily an easy one. Siska and Rio have difficulty find the right balance between boldness

    and caution. On the one hand Siska is the risk-taker in this relationship, the person wanting to

    explore new territories and activities. She is excited by the many possibilities available as a result

    of this partnership's resources and feels constrained by Rio. This is because Rio errs on the side

    of discretion. He believes that a slow but sure approach is a sure sign of success. Rio believes in

    the edict "moderation in all things", whereas Siska espouses the adage "nothing ventured,

    nothing gained". Neither Siska nor Rio listen to each other. Both have trouble seeing things from

    the other person's point of view. This is true of friendships, marriage and work associations. It is

    possible that Siska and Rio have met in order to learn something from each other in order to

    become stronger and wiser for future relationships.

    Siska's Jupiter Opposition Rio's Neptune

    Orb 028' Separating

    When Siska and Rio first meet they are attracted to each other's spiritual and religious values.

    Their imaginations are inspired by each other's differing beliefs. However, as the relationship

  • develops the novelty wears off and conflict arises. At first Siska and Rio may not be aware of the

    deterioration of this side of their association. It is an insidious process and one that Siska and Rio

    find hard to understand. The problem is that their conflicting religious or spiritual values are

    undermining the success of their union. Secretly Rio believes that he is following the true path.

    He does not realise that this is a rejection of his partner's values. Siska is more vocal in her

    opposition to Rio's convictions. Both Siska and Rio have difficulty allowing each other to follow

    their own spiritual truth. Eventually conflict over spiritual matters takes its toll on this

    association. The challenge is for Siska and Rio to discover a way in which they can both offer

    support and understanding for their opposing spiritual or religious values.

    Siska's Jupiter Trine Rio's Pluto

    Orb 341' Applying

    Siska and Rio are rejuvenated through their relationship. Life takes on a new glow from their

    first moment of meeting. In each other Siska and Rio have found a soul-mate, someone who

    understands them at a very deep, metaphysical level. As the relationship develops both Siska and

    Rio are challenged to reach deep within themselves in order to change and grow. Depending on

    their individual traits they can either enjoy this process of change or they can resist. Either way

    they are being dared to view their lives in a different and broader manner. Siska and Rio

    encourage each other in this growth process through co-operation and understanding. Together

    they feel able to overcome all obstacles. As a result it is likely that, through this union, both

    Siska and Rio begin to lead more creative lives.

    Siska's Saturn Trine Rio's Sun

    Orb 601' Separating

    Many astrologers believe that a connection between the serious planet Saturn and a personal

    planet such as the Sun is important, providing the cement for a long-lasting relationship. In other

    words a serious planet is needed for a serious, meaningful union such as marriage. It is certainly

    true that the combination of the Sun and Saturn is found in many, meaningful relationships.

    However, the harmful planet Saturn can also cause problems. The extent of the problems varies

    according to the astrological aspect. Certainly this combination indicates that Rio and Siska both

    view this as a serious association, whether it is a marriage, friendship or a working partnership.

    Both Rio and Siska are committed to their association. It is likely that they experienced a strong

    attraction in the initial stages of their relationship, and it is likely to be long lasting. When Rio

    and Siska first meet they each know they have discovered a potential serious relationship, one to

    which they can commit and build on over a lifetime. If they believe in reincarnation, then it is

    likely that they feel a karmic attraction, a moment of recognition when they first look into the

    other person's eyes. However, the very qualities, which they seriously considered as attractive in

    the initial stages of the relationship, can become the source of friction if they are not careful. In

    particular, Siska needs to be wary of becoming too critical and judgmental. Initially Siska found

    Rio's personality traits to be worthy of a committed union. She admired Rio's qualities as

    complementing her own. However, it is easy for Siska to forget this attraction. As the

    relationship develops she feels threatened by the force of Rio's personality and takes a superior

    attitude in defence. As a result Rio feels threatened, disliking the authoritarian side of Siska. If

  • Rio is not careful his self-confidence is whittled away and the relationship becomes onerous. It is

    vital that both Rio and Siska work at developing a stable basis for communication and

    understanding in this relationship. If both Rio and Siska work at maintaining their own

    self-confidence as well as mutual respect then they have the makings for a very successful

    marriage or working relationship. If this is the case they both benefit from the stability offered by

    this union, growing in integrity in their own lives.

    Siska's Saturn Trine Rio's Venus

    Orb 357' Applying

    The planet Saturn is an important ingredient in any committed relationship. This sombre planet

    can take away some of the short-term excitement of any union, but on a positive note it adds

    commitment and security needed for a long-term association. In other words Rio and Siska take

    this relationship seriously. They are devoted to each other and joyful in making promises that

    they are both able to keep. From the start of their association they enjoy taking their time getting

    to know each other, experiencing stability and understanding that grows slowly over time. They

    genuinely love each other and want to work towards a strong partnership. At times Rio would

    like more fun and spontaneity, but he appreciates Siska's wisdom in slowing things down in

    order to build a lasting union. Mutual respect is a central theme to this union. There is also a

    strong feeling of fate in this relationship. Rio and Siska may tell a story of how destiny meant for

    them to be together. While this combination of planets indicates a serious personal relationship,

    it can also be a positive influence on a partnership formed for the purpose of an artistic or

    creative project requiring both inspiration and hard work.

    Siska's Saturn Sesquisquare Rio's Mars

    Orb 003' Separating

    This combination of the planets Mars and Saturn suggests a strong commitment in which Rio

    and Siska struggle to understand each other. On the one hand both Rio and Siska are committed

    to making this partnership work. On the other hand they face almost insurmountable difficulties

    along the way. Ancient astrologers consider the planets Mars and Saturn to have a harmful effect

    on humanity. Therefore this relationship is in grave danger of causing emotional or physical

    damage to both Rio and Siska. The trouble is that they are both determined to force their own

    egos on to each other, and can be quite brutal in their efforts to get the other person to do as they

    wish. They lack understanding and respect for each other. Rio tries to force his methods on to

    Siska, only to meet Siska's stubborn refusal to budge on certain matters. The challenge is a big

    one in this union. Both Rio and Siska need to carefully consider the future of this relationship,

    knowing that only mutual respect and caring communication can shine a light on their


    Siska's Saturn Conjunction Rio's Saturn

    Orb 609' Applying

    The role of the planet Saturn is important in relationships, particularly partnerships that require a

    long-term commitment. Both Siska and Rio's ability to work through difficulties in a positive and

    compassionate manner play an important part in any combination of relationship planets that

    include the planet Saturn. This serious planet can represent either stability and security that

    enhances individual's lives, or restrictions and constraint that eventually erodes confidence. It

    can indicate a sharing or conflict of values. In this case it is likely that Siska and Rio share

  • common values and enjoy a committed relationship that embraces the positive traits of

    fellowship and co-operation. They both take this union seriously and respect each other enough

    to continue to work through any difficult moments. They may also believe that they were meant

    for each other, perhaps experiencing a moment of recognition when they first meet.

    Siska's Saturn Opposition Rio's Chiron

    Orb 055' Separating

    This union is fraught with difficulties, mainly because of Siska and Rio's past experiences in

    relationships. Hurtful experiences from previous important relationships have a negative impact

    hampering both Siska and Rio's ability to build a secure and loving relationship. Rightly or

    wrongly, Rio often perceives Siska to be stern and critical. He has trouble allowing himself to be

    vulnerable. As a result past hurts are compounded rather than healed by this union. In turn Siska

    fears emotional intimacy, putting up barriers that hinder the growth of this union. On a more

    positive note other aspects of this relationship may strengthen the bond between Siska and Rio

    enabling them to overcome their difficulties and establish a secure and loving association.

    Siska's Uranus Trine Rio's Mercury

    Orb 416' Separating

    This is an exciting and unpredictable relationship. Rio and Siska enjoy a lively union, whether it

    be a romance, friendship or work association. They take pleasure in topical conversations,

    sparking new ideas and ways of thinking. They may also enjoy taking part in an unusual activity

    or pursuing an environmental, humanitarian or political cause. This combination of planets

    indicates intellectual, rather than emotional, stimulation. Consequently this combination may

    indicate a friendship or work association, rather than a more personal union. However, an

    intimate relationship with other aspects is enhanced by this combination if both partners enjoy

    freedom. Rio and Siska are excited by each other's minds. In particular Rio realises that Siska

    sparks his creativity. Both Rio and Siska enjoy a new-found sense of freedom in each other's


    Siska's Uranus Quincunx Rio's Mars

    Orb 108' Separating

    Sexual attraction plays a key role in this relationship. Rio and Siska find each other's company

    exciting both in and out of the bedroom. When Rio and Siska first meet they experience a thrill.

    However, it is difficult for Rio and Siska to maintain the excitement beyond the initial stages of

    the relationship. An initially challenging union quickly becomes frustrating as both Rio and

    Siska try to balance intimacy and independence. Rio is irritated by Siska's constant need for

    autonomy and her apparent lack of commitment. At first Rio finds Siska's independent spirit

    thrilling and arousing, but he soon becomes threatened and annoyed. Siska grows to dislike Rio's

    drive and determination, which she perceives as aggressive and arrogant. The challenge for Rio

    and Siska is to allow each other the freedom to follow their individual interests. These moments

    of separation may help alleviate the growing tension and re-ignite the positive sparks.

    Siska's Uranus Quincunx Rio's Jupiter

  • Orb 136' Applying

    This combination of the two planets Jupiter and Uranus indicates a meeting of two individual

    minds. In some associations it can be a case of "opposites attract". At the beginning of their

    relationship Rio and Siska are attracted by the novelty of each other, but this quickly wears off.

    However, differences between Rio and Siska are difficult to overcome. What follows is a

    discordant union. Their individual natures clash. What was once attractive becomes irritating and

    a cause of friction. Both Rio and Siska find it awkward to allow each other the independence

    needed to pursue their individual interests. The end result for an intimate bond depends on other

    aspects of the relationship. However, this combination is a formidable one and could result in a

    love relationship breaking down unless Rio and Siska find a way of following their independent

    paths within their association. A friendship or work association also needs to provide plenty of

    scope for individual expression.

    Siska's Uranus Conjunction Rio's Uranus

    Orb 308' Applying

    This combination of the planets Uranus indicates an electric connection which excites both Siska

    and Rio. They feel that they are on the same intellectual wavelength, and welcome each other's

    creative ideas. Together they enjoy innovative projects. Technology, science, politics, the

    environment, metaphysics and world events may spark their curiosity. The key is intellectual

    stimulation and joint discovery of new uncharted territories. Their relationship undergoes periods

    of upheaval, but on the whole both Siska and Rio prefer the unexpected changes to settling into a

    routine. Together Siska and Rio are able to enjoy independence, enabling each other plenty of

    freedom to pursue their individual activities.

    Siska's Uranus Conjunction Rio's Neptune

    Orb 300' Separating

    This combination of the planets Uranus and Neptune is not a major contribution to this

    relationship. However, it is likely that life can be approached in a new and imaginative fashion

    for Siska and Rio as a result of this union. Together they stimulate growth and change in each

    other. Siska is particularly interested in keeping this association fresh and alive. She finds Rio's

    ideas and opinions intellectually stimulating, prompting her own creative ideas and shared

    activities. Rio's imagination is more to the fore in this relationship. He is able to express a more

    intuitive side of himself. Together Siska and Rio share insights and this encourages their


    Siska's Uranus Conjunction Rio's Ascendant

    Orb 208' Applying

    It is significant in relationship astrology when one person's planet makes contact with the

    Ascendant in another person's chart. In this case Siska's Uranus is combining with Rio's

    Ascendant indicating that this is a significant relationship. Siska and Rio feel strongly drawn to

    each other. Siska is enthusiastic about her relationship with Rio. She enjoys exploring new

    territories with Rio. On the whole this is a positive combination, but only if Siska and Rio allow

    each other a great deal of independence. In particular Siska craves the freedom to explore her

    own interests. While this union is a significant one, it may not be a long-term association. Both

    Siska and Rio may enjoy the fun and excitement of a brief encounter rather than making solid

    plans for a shared future. The longevity of this liaison depends on other connections between

  • Siska and Rio's planets. This combination can denote an intimate love union, friendship, or work


    Siska's Neptune Semisquare Rio's Moon

    Orb 027' Separating

    Romance is a major theme in a union that involves the Moon and the planet Neptune. With this

    combination of planets Rio and Siska both feel that they are meant to be together. Perhaps they

    believe that it is a union of their souls. This is the height of romantic love. However, with

    romantic love there is always the possibility of disillusionment. Rio and Siska are likely to

    stumble across obstacles in this relationship because of unrealistic and overly idealistic

    expectations of each other. It is difficult for them to maintain the heights of love first attained at

    the beginning of the relationship. Misunderstandings can easily arise. After the first flush of love

    Rio feels that his emotional needs are being ignored, that Siska does not understand him. It is

    even possible that Rio feels that Siska is being deceptive in some manner. There is a danger that

    Siska does feel the need to hide behind a facade, failing to be her true self. Perhaps Siska feels

    that she cannot live up to Rio's expectations. Despair within this relationship needs to be avoided

    by both Rio and Siska facing their feelings of loss in previous relationships. They need to face

    the problems honestly in order to avoid the breakdown of trust and ultimately the relationship.

    As a result Rio and Siska may be able to recapture their sense of belonging together which was

    so strong in the initial stages of their union.

    Siska's Neptune Trine Rio's Mercury

    Orb 102' Applying

    This is an inspirational relationship whether it be a romance, friendship or a creative working

    partnership. Both Rio and Siska feel excited by this union. Their imaginations are enlivened. In

    particular Rio's ideas are encouraged by Siska's creative input, enabling him to better express

    himself. It's possible that they work together on a creative project. Communication has an easy

    flow, more intuitive than concrete. Rio and Siska establish an empathetic bond which enables

    them both to exchange their thoughts and feelings with ease. If involved in a romantic liaison

    then Rio and Siska are likely to feel very much in love, viewing their union through

    rose-coloured glasses. Whatever the nature of the relationship, it is likely that Rio and Siska

    share an interest in the arts, a spiritual path or a philanthropic activity.

    Siska's Neptune Conjunction Rio's Saturn

    Orb 435' Separating

    The planet Saturn is a vital ingredient in relationship astrology. It is the planet that represents

    stability and commitment and is seen by astrologers as the necessary glue that holds a

    relationship together on a long-term basis. Of course not everyone is seeking long-term

    commitment, but for those who are Saturn is a welcome sign. The planet Neptune indicates

    inspiration, imagination and dreams. So Rio and Siska feel strongly drawn to each other, perhaps

    experiencing a sense that their relationship was written in the stars. In other words they may feel

    as though they were destined to meet and form a union. This could be a personal relationship or a

    friendship that involves a spiritual, artistic or philanthropic project. Whatever the form of their

  • relationship, Rio and Siska enjoy a meaningful bond. Rio and Siska both approach the

    relationship from different angles and need to respect each other's differences in order for the

    relationship to succeed in the long term. Of course they may both agree that their union was

    destined to be for a short period only. When this association runs a smooth course Rio provides

    the structure and security, which enables Siska to fulfil her dreams. In some cases Rio may act as

    Siska's manager. In return Siska challenges Rio's fears, teaching him to break down certain

    boundaries and follow his dreams.

    Siska's Neptune Conjunction Rio's Uranus

    Orb 828' Applying

    This combination of the planets Uranus and Neptune is not a major contribution to this

    relationship. However, it is likely that life can be approached in a new and imaginative fashion

    for Rio and Siska as a result of this union. Together they stimulate growth and change in each

    other. Rio is particularly interested in keeping this association fresh and alive. He finds Siska's

    ideas and opinions intellectually stimulating, prompting his own creative ideas and shared

    activities. Siska's imagination is more to the fore in this relationship. She is able to express a

    more intuitive side of herself. Together Rio and Siska share insights and this encourages their


    Siska's Neptune Conjunction Rio's Neptune

    Orb 218' Applying

    This planetary combination of Neptune is not a significant one in relationship astrology. It

    indicates common values, which can help form a basis for a relationship. However, many other

    combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union between Siska

    and Rio.

    Siska's Neptune Sextile Rio's Pluto

    Orb 150' Separating

    This planetary combination of Neptune and Pluto is not a significant one in relationship

    astrology. It indicates common values, which can help form a basis for a relationship. However,

    many other combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union

    between Siska and Rio.

    Siska's Neptune Conjunction Rio's Ascendant

    Orb 727' Applying

    It is significant in relationship astrology when one person's planet makes contact with the

    Ascendant in another person's chart. In this case Siska's Neptune is combining with Rio's

    Ascendant indicating that this is a significant relationship. Siska and Rio feel strongly drawn to

    each other. Romance is in the air. Both Siska and Rio are in love and floating on air, as the

    saying goes. They enjoy the first throes of romantic love and have a knack for re-creating

    romance. It is possible that this relationship could falter under the demands of daily practicalities.

    This combination can indicate an association based on mutual spiritual, artistic or philanthropic

    interests, but it is most likely in a romantic union.

  • Siska's Pluto Semisquare Rio's Sun

    Orb 006' Separating

    This combination of planets indicates a relationship that is life changing, whether it be a

    friendship, love union or work association. Both Rio and Siska feel a powerful attraction for each

    other in the initial stages of the relationship. It is as if they are both compelled to relate, perhaps

    even in response to strong opposition from outside sources. Once the exciting first stages of the

    union have passed, it is likely that both Rio and Siska become embroiled in a struggle for

    dominance. There is no longer an impetus for change and the challenge has become wearisome.

    Now Rio and Siska's relationship resembles a battleground in which both try to change the other.

    It is possible that these battles become emotionally abusive, perhaps even violent. It is important

    for both Rio and Siska to avoid senseless battles from which neither emerges triumphant. Money

    may be at the root of the problems, or it could be that sexual matters are a key theme in this

    relationship. Either way it is likely that Rio feels overwhelmed by this union to the point where

    he suffers from low self-esteem. There could be a tendency for Siska to try to bully Rio that may

    only make matters worse. Rio is faced with the challenge of delving deep into his personal

    resources to find a sense of self-value. Siska is a powerful force in this union and needs to learn

    how to use her power wisely.

    Siska's Pluto Sextile Rio's Mercury

    Orb 243' Applying

    An intense relationship is the result of this combination of the planets Mercury and Pluto, with

    communication playing a key role. Consequently it is vital that both Rio and Siska communicate

    honestly, keeping all emotions and thoughts out in the open. This helps them to keep the

    relationship dynamic rather than volcanic. If Rio and Siska enjoy penetrating discussions and

    passionate pastimes then all is well. If they don't then their union could become overwhelming,

    particularly for Rio. Together they experience a change of perception which is ultimately

    rewarding, although initially could be disruptive. Notably Siska challenges Rio's way of viewing

    the world. This can be an excellent combination for personal and spiritual growth. Consequently

    it is an ideal combination for a therapist and client relationship. It can also be beneficial for an

    intimate relationship or friendship, if both partners enjoy intensity, and a demanding working


    Siska's Pluto Conjunction Rio's Pluto

    Orb 009' Separating

    This planetary combination of Pluto is not a significant one in relationship astrology. It indicates

    common values, which can help form a basis for a relationship. However, many other

    combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union between Siska

    and Rio.

    Siska's Chiron Sesquisquare Rio's Moon

    Orb 010' Applying

    Compassion is needed if this union is to overcome the difficulties presented by this combination

  • of the Moon and the asteroid Chiron. Ultimately this can be a healing relationship, one that

    presents both Rio and Siska with opportunities to heal past emotional wounds and head in new

    directions. However, initially they have to overcome old hurts that stand in the way of honest

    communication. Unwittingly, Siska is likely to spark Rio's painful memories. This could be by

    saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or by her actions. Rio's memories may have been

    forgotten, only surfacing in fragments. Rio may have difficulty connecting the current day events

    with the past associations. Either way the force of Rio's reactions may surprise both Rio and

    Siska. The onus is on Rio to find a way to understand his emotional reactions, to heal the past

    and move on in life with renewed self-confidence and understanding. Siska also needs to become

    more aware of the effects of her behaviour on other people. A gentle and loving approach is

    often needed. Perhaps Siska is preparing to become a teacher or healer and needs these valuable


    Siska's Chiron Sextile Rio's Mercury

    Orb 120' Separating

    Kind and gentle communication is an essential ingredient for success in this relationship.

    Through considerate interaction Rio and Siska can develop a warm and loving relationship,

    whether this be a love union, work association, student and teacher connection or friendship.

    There is a childlike quality to this liaison, possibly Rio and Siska share a love of children or

    enjoy recapturing some of their lost childhood. Through this relationship Rio learns a vital life

    lesson, one that furthers his spiritual journey. In some way Siska helps Rio to let go of

    intellectual insecurities, paving the way for a more wholesome approach to learning. It is

    possible that Rio is a student of Siska's. In return Siska realises new skills, in particular that of

    communicating information with compassion and empathy.

    Siska's Chiron Opposition Rio's Saturn

    Orb 418' Applying

    This union is fraught with difficulties, mainly because of Rio and Siska's past experiences in

    relationships. Hurtful experiences from previous important relationships have a negative impact

    hampering both Rio and Siska's ability to build a secure and loving relationship. Rightly or

    wrongly, Siska often perceives Rio to be stern and critical. She has trouble allowing herself to be

    vulnerable. As a result past hurts are compounded rather than healed by this union. In turn Rio

    fears emotional intimacy, putting up barriers that hinder the growth of this union. On a more

    positive note other aspects of this relationship may strengthen the bond between Rio and Siska

    enabling them to overcome their difficulties and establish a secure and loving association.

    Siska's Chiron Opposition Rio's Neptune

    Orb 236' Separating

    Rio and Siska cannot fully enjoy this relationship because of fears and insecurities. They both

    have difficulty letting go of past hurts, which adversely affect this current union. As a result Rio

    and Siska are both pre-occupied nursing their own hurts and cannot see the other person's point

    of view. Any joint projects in the arts, spiritual matters or medicine are particularly prone to

    misunderstandings and difficulties. Rio often feels confused, wondering why Siska reacts so

    negatively to his actions. In turn Siska believes that Rio fails to fully understand and appreciate

    her talents. Together they need to take time to listen to each other and gently discuss areas of


  • Siska's Chiron Trine Rio's Pluto

    Orb 133' Applying

    Personal growth is one theme in this relationship. Both Rio and Siska embrace change. Together

    they are willing to live life to the fullest, breaking free of habits or anything that blocks their

    progress in life. Rio and Siska may be at the centre of organisations involved with spiritual

    matters, personal growth, medicine and medical breakthroughs. There may be a strong sense of

    destiny attached to this union. Rio provides the impetus for change, preferring to challenge

    Siska's previously held beliefs and patterns of behaviour. In turn Siska is able to respond to Rio

    in a way that enables him to achieve his goals. This is a rewarding relationship as long as each

    person enjoys stimulation and transformation.

    Siska's North Node Trine Rio's Mars

    Orb 040' Applying

    This combination of the planet Mars and the North Node indicates a fiery and fated relationship.

    This association makes a strong impact on both Rio and Siska whether they are lovers or

    enemies. It is also possible that Rio and Siska are involved in a dramatic or energetic project

    together. Whatever the path of this relationship, it is destined to change the course of their lives,

    in particular that of Siska. Passion and an intense desire to relate may be central to this

    relationship. However, it is also possible that arguments and violence are at the core of this

    association. The challenge for both Rio and Siska is to keep this association lively and positive

    so that fate can play its hand for the best possible outcome. In fact Siska may benefit directly

    through the role that Rio plays in her life.

    Siska's North Node Opposition Rio's Jupiter

    Orb 325' Applying

    On the whole this is a joyful union. Rio and Siska enjoy each other's company, both benefiting

    from the joy that is destined to enter their lives through this liaison. It is possible that Rio and

    Siska meet while traveling, at a place of higher learning, in a sports arena or through a

    philosophical or religious organisation. Together they enjoy exploring any or all of these avenues

    of joint interests. However, both Rio and Siska need to set sensible limits on this union and any

    project undertaken together. Otherwise they may go overboard in their enthusiasm, egging each

    other on and taking unnecessary risks.

    Siska's Ascendant Sextile Rio's Mercury

    Orb 024' Separating

    It is significant in relationship astrology when one person's planet makes contact with the

    Ascendant in another person's chart. In this case Rio's Mercury is combining with Siska's

    Ascendant indicating that communication plays a key role in this relationship. Whether it is a

    love union, a friendship, relative or work association, this partnership thrives on honest and open

  • communication. Rio places more emphasis on keeping spoken and written exchanges flowing.

    However, Siska also appreciates the manner in which this relationship enables her to share

    information and learn through interaction. This is a positive and lively relationship in which both

    Rio and Siska enjoy each other's company.

    Siska's Ascendant Sextile Rio's Neptune

    Orb 140' Separating

    It is significant in relationship astrology when one person's planet makes contact with the

    Ascendant in another person's chart. In this case Rio's Neptune is combining with Siska's

    Ascendant indicating that this is a significant relationship. Rio and Siska feel strongly drawn to

    each other. Romance is in the air. Both Rio and Siska are in love and floating on air, as the

    saying goes. They enjoy the first throes of romantic love and have a knack for re-creating

    romance. It is possible that this relationship could falter under the demands of daily practicalities.

    This combination can indicate an association based on mutual spiritual, artistic or philanthropic

    interests, but it is most likely in a romantic union.

    Siska's Ascendant Conjunction Rio's Pluto

    Orb 229' Applying

    Sparks fly when one person's Pluto connects with another person's Ascendant. This is a powerful

    combination indicating a dynamic relationship. Both Rio and Siska are intensely attracted to each

    other and stand to learn much about themselves and relationships under the influence of this

    combination. Rio has a particularly powerful role to play in Siska's life, shattering year-long

    habits and introducing an element of excitement. While Siska might initially feel uprooted and

    insecure as a result of the changes in her life, she comes to appreciate a sense of rejuvenation that

    comes with throwing out the old and welcoming the new. The success of this relationship

    depends on other aspects strengthening the long-term bond between Rio and Siska.

    The Midheaven has no text available for aspects to subsequent chart points.