sita ram goel history of hindu-christian encounters


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(AD 304 to 1996)


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Thomas Jefferson

The Christian God is Cruel ,Vindictive , Capricious and Unjust.

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Thomas Paine

It will be more consistent that we call it[Bible] the work of a demon than the work of God.

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Charles Dickens

Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it.

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James Madison

What have been Christianity’s Fruit?-Superstition, Bigotry and Persecution

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“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son*, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John3:16)

Those who accept Jesus as the only saviour will ascend to heaven & those who do not will burn for ever in the blazing fire of hell.

* “only begotten son” is Jesus Christ.

Bible viewed pagan gods as Devils.And idol-worshippers as


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The sole aim of missionaries was to ruin Hindu society & culture, and take over Hindu homeland.Jesus Christ and Christianity have been rejected by the modern West but which Christian missions are forcing on East ,to find a new home for Christianity .They are doing this with the help of media power & Western wealth.

Mass Conversion of HindusMissionaries understated Hinduism and exaggerated Christianity and


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First Christian encounter in IndiaChristians were persecuted by there own

brethren in SYRIA. So they fled towards India and China.

They were received well by Hindus of Malabar. They build houses and Churches in Malabar. And were allowed to practice there religion.

After arrival of Portuguese, Syrian Christians showed there real color and turned against Hindus.

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Destruction of Vedapuri Iswaran Temple

A.R.Pillai records(17 mar 1746) “...on Wednesday night at 11,two unknown persons entered Iswaran temple carrying in a vessel of liquid filth, which they poured on the heads of the Gods...”

Iswaran temple was the principal place of worship for Hindus of Pondicherry. The Jesuit missionaries built a church of St. Paul adjacent to it and got an order from the King of France that the Iswaran temple should be destroyed.

Even after it was the main place of worship for Hindus. Ther were so many controversies regarding the temple but it was destroyed cruelly.

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A.R.Pillai records

“… then Father Coeurdoux of Karkil came with a great hammer, kicked the lingam, broke it with hammer...”

“...then Varlam also kicked the great lingam 9 or 10 times with his sandals in the presence of Madame Dupleix & priest, & spat on it, out of gladness,...”

Abomination done in temple

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Christianity vs. Hinduism

Christianity Jesus saved mankind by

himself suffering the punishment for the sins of mankind. Sins get washed by simply believing in Jesus.

Christian salvation is a state of being called heaven with all celestial pleasures. So the desires grows. And Christian heaven becomes a place of everlasting dissatisfaction. No place for inward peace.

Hinduism Everybody pays for his

own sins. Repentance is the real cure for sins. It is impossible for anyone to escape the consequences of one’s sins.It is also unjust to make someone else suffer for one’s own sins.

Hinduism says when atman is completely purified the wheel of pleasure and pain stops turning.And atman reaches salvation.

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St. Thomas was brother and an apostle of Christ.We are told by Catholic Church that Christianity came to India in 72 A.D. with St.Thomas.

What difference does it make that Christianity came to India in the first or fourth century? The motives were as follow:

If it can be established that Christianity is as ancient as Hinduism no one can nail it as an imported creed from West.

Church said that St. Thomas was killed by Brahmins. Now it can be shown Brahmins were vicious.

According to Christians missionaries,India might have been Hindu homeland. But since St. Thomas stepped on her soil, it has become Christian land.

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Swami Dayananda found Jesus as a man not as a son of god.He said the fraud should be exposed and the innocent people saved.His performance in public debates not only helped to stop further conversions but also gave birth to a new movement-Suddhi.Swami Dayananda


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“You train and educate men to do what?To come over my country to curse and abuse all my forefather, my religion and everything.They walk near a temple and say ‘you idolators you will go to hell.’But they dare not do that to Mohammedans of India;the sword would be out.But hindus are too mild...”

Swami Vivekananda

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Mahatma Gandhi’s prolonged dialogue with Christian missionary left the Hindus at home defenseless.

Mahatma Gandhi’s ideology of sarva-dharma-sambhav leads to two conclusions .

“Whatever of substance is contained in other religion is always to be found in Hinduism, and what is not in it is insubstantial and unnecessary.”

• Either his own perception about Sanatan Dharma was not as deep as it sounds

Or • Politician in him

prevailed over his spiritual perception.

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Mahatma GandhiMahatma Gandhi regarded all religion as

tolerant as Hinduism.He never saw atrocities done by Islam and Christianity.

He failed to notice the true character of Christian missionaries and thought that he could tame them with reasonableness and good manners.

The mischievous myth of Sermon of the mount was not known to Christians before Gandhi came to scene. Now onward Christians could strut around with superior airs.

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Mindless slogan:Sarva-Dharma-Sambhava

Mahatma Gandhi coined and made fashionable the utterly thoughtless slogan of sarva-dharma-sambhava.

If Gandhiji gave the slogan in hope of winning over Christians and Muslims then the attempt proved to be total failure.

No other slogan has proved more mischievous for Hindus than the slogan sarva-dharma-sambhava.

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Maharishi Dayananda and Swami Vivekananda upheld the Veda and despised the Bible and the Quran. They had a great impact

On the other hand Mahatma Gandhi’s recognisation of Christianity and Islam equal to Sanatan Dharma was fraught with great mischief.

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Raja Ram Mohan Roy had demolished the most important Christian dogmas. But all along ,he kept Jesus on a high pedestal.

But the Brahmo Samaj he founded had to pay a high price for his praise of Jesus. They were alienated from their own religion , Hinduism and somehowpreached Christianity .Raja Ram Mohan Roy

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Christianity:After Independence of India

Independence of India proved to be boom for Christianity. The Christian right to convert Hindus was incorporated in constitution.

The bans on Christian missionaries during British rule were now uplifted .Proselytisation was much easier now.

Convents, Hospitals, Schools, Orphanages etc became centers of mass proselytisation. Indians were very much attracted towards them because of excellent services provided by them.

These programmes of mass proselytisation were financed by rich foreign countries.

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Mother Teresa was a synthetic product manufactured by Christian media power and prize–distribution devices. She was a true daughter of church. All she has done is to portray Hindu society in nasty and negative colours.Mother Teresa

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Jesus told his followers to eat bread together as a way to remember his

death and what he did for them. -Luke 22:19.

Jesus had said that the pieces of bread he was distributing were his body and the wine with which he was filling his disciple’ cups was his blood.Can a civilized man speak like this?No one except an uncouth savage would command his disciples to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

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The Death

Christians says that Jesus performed miracles. He was the only son of god and that nobody can reach god except by his recommendation.If he had any spiritual powers, he would have saved himself from such a shameful death. He was not even a man of honor. Had he been one, he would have fought back and died as a hero's death.

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Judas ,an apostle of Jesus betrayed him.

One of his apostles, Judas sold him for 30 pieces of silver. Others ran away when their teacher was caught and hanged.Yet we are told that these apostles will sit with Jesus on the day of judgment .Who could expect justice from judges of this kind?

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Article 25:“Every Indian has a freedom of propagation of religion. But forcible conversion is an offence.”

Article 25 of the constitution has given us the freedom of free profession and propagation of religion.

Freedom of propagation does not mean conversion but Christian missionaries have taken disadvantage of this freedom.

Missionaries are funded by organizations in abroad for this illegal activity.

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Religious adherents as a percentage of world’s population (2002)

Christianity33% Islam 22%Hinduism15%Non-religious14%Buddhism6%Others6%Chinese Tradi-tion4%

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Proselytisation Since Independence

Poor people often approached missionaries for loans which are written off if the debtor becomes convert otherwise he will have to repay the loans.

It was tough to get employed in those days. The new converts were employed as pracharaks on salaries ranging from 40/- to 100/-per month. It attracted other unemployed non-converts.

Dramas in which idol worship was ridiculed were performed in schools and colleges. The supremacy of Christian flag over Indian flag was depicted in a drama which was staged in Jabalpur.

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Propagating Christianity

The Indian native rulers have proved far more helpful to the Christian missions. They have provide constitutional protection to them. Now it is possible for missionaries to enter the areas from where the British had kept them out. Christianity came to acquire a prestige which it had enjoyed never before in India.

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An independent Christian State

Christian missionaries were not satisfied. Its ambition was to divide India again. The scheme was to have a sovereign Christian state composed of tribal areas in north east and central India.

The two enclaves were to be linked together by a corridor towards Christian population in Madras presidency and the princely states of Travancore and Cochin.

But the communists in north-east had the same aim in cooperation with Red-China. Their was a violent uprising. Thousands of lives have been lost.

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Polytheism If monotheism represents man’s intuition

for unity ,polytheism represents his urge for differentiation.

Spiritual life is one but is very vast and rich. So the human mind also conceives it differently.

If all human had same mind , the same imagination ,the same needs ,in short ,if human all were the same ,then perhaps one god would do. So only some form of polytheism can do justice to this variety and richness.

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Vedic Approach:Unity without sacrificing Diversity

If there is sincerity ,truth and self-giving in worship, that worship goes true by whatever way we may conceive.

If it has ego ,falsehood ,conceit and deceit in it, it is of no use though it may be offered to the most true god

The distinction is not between a true One God and false Many Gods. It is between a true way

of worship and a false way of worship.

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Plight of the converts Church converted Hindus from

schedule cast and tribes because ,according to church cast system was not allowing to improve their conditions.

But even Christianity had in no way improved their position. Besides the converts found themselves in worst plight after leaving their ancestral society.

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If someone studies the history he will find that Christianity and Islam have created religious wars, massacres, genocides, rapine, iconoclasm, slave trade and so on.

Jesus Christ and Christianity has been rejected by western scholars. He is no longer an historical figure.

Christianity is losing its hold in the place of its origin. So church is imposing itself on developing countries to survive.

Rejection of Jesus in the West

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Islam and Christianity has imposed there way of worship on other people by the means of force and fraud.

It was only after the advent of Islam and Christianity that Hindus were terrorized into habit of silent.

Hindu Tolerance

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Hinduism has survived the Islamic attack spread over more than Thirteen Hundred years and Christian attack sustained for five centuries.


Because anything that has truth in it can not be destroyed.

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Pat Robertson is a billionaire businessmen. He is also an top TV Evanglist.

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Pat Robertson

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On 23 March 1995, Robertson appeared on the ‘700 Club’ TV which he controls. There he said:

Devil- worship dreadful idolatry prevalent in Hinduism is responsible for Indi’s poverty and other ills.

According ho him, Hindus kill other human being on the name of God.

Views of Pat Robertson

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Sita Ram Goel responded Robertson in a letter(15 July 1955):

“Hindus are an ancient people and have survived many storms including those mounted by Islam and its elder blood brother-Christianity. We are here for long before your Jehovah and Jesus were invented by the diabolic drives in human nature....”

“And we will be here long after the Bible starts selling as waste paper on pavements around the world.”

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Vedic tradition has given to the world schools of Sanatn dharma which have practiced peace among their own followers as well as towards the followers of other paths.

Whereas Biblical tradition has spawned cults like Christianity, Islam, Communism and Nazism which have always produced violent conflicts as much within their own camps as with each other.