site coor cruise manual v4


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Let's tell you about our company and the products that we can offer your cruise gueste.


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We look forward to introducing you and your guests to the natural beauty and wildlife that surrounds Greenland – a breathtaking landscape of magnificent geological wonders, humpback whales frolicking in the fiords, and so much more. Sitecoor runs a wide range of excursions to some of the most beautiful and fascinating natural habitats in the world. We are sure that you and your guests will enjoy Greenland’s rich cultural life and leisure facilities.

Our tours are tailor made to show off the very best of what our country have to offer.

We look forward to meeting you at our office or in town. Feel free to get in touch with us at any time, if you need help or additional information, or if you’d like to try one of our tours.

The Sitecoor Team


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Welcome to Sitecoor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Why cruise Greenland? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Grand Culture tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Welcome to Nanortalik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Welcome to Qaqortoq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

Welcome to Narsaq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Welcome to Narsarsuaq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Welcome to Nuuk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Welcome to Sisimiut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Welcome to Ilulissat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Terms and Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94




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Welcome to Sitecoor!

Who are we? We are a new company that handles the coordination of shore excursions for cruise ships. There is a big need for better communication between the cruise industry and the local tour industry. We are here to provide that communication.

We are the missing link…Communication between the cruise lines and the local tour vendors is key. We provide that communication between these two agencies, ensuring that both parites walk away happy. This helps form and maintain business relationships that will last a lifetime.

We have many years of experience successfully coordinating tours, and of adapting our product to the feedback from both guests and cruise managers.

Currently we offer cruise shore excursion packages in:



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• Nanortalik • Narsaq • Narsarsuaq

• Qaqortoq• Nuuk• Sisimiut

• Ilulissat

These are the major cities that we are already setup for right now. However, if there is another city that you have in mind for a cruise destination, then that is something that we can develop. It is about planning and doing the research, and that is where the true strength in SiteCoor lies.


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Our Key Sta�

Anika Krogh Anika (33) is the driving force behind our Marketing and

Sales Support team. She brings to SiteCoor her wealth

of knowledge in marketing from her time working with

the marketing team for Air Greenland. She also honed

her Internet marketing skills there as e-sales manager.

She helped form Kulit Buah Media as one of its partners. She brings her talents

to communicate everything that Greenland can off er, and to develop the

connections to help bolster Greenland one of the premier cruise destination.

Speaks: Danish, English, and Geenlandic

Contact her at: [email protected]

Helle Hansen Helle (30) is our onsite coordinator for Sitecoor. She is

currently enrolled in a Masters program for Tourism,

which she is on schedule to fi nish in the summer of 2012.

She gained much of her practical experience in the

tourism industry during her time with Nuuk Tourism.

She also has a lot of experience in the corporate sector as well. She is highly

organized and extremely enthusiastic about her role at Sitecoor. Her ability to

create great and dynamic teams shines in her latest role as a liaison between

the cruise ship industry and the local Greenlandic tour industry. She connects

passengers to the best local tours, trips, and local vendors.

Speaks: Danish, Greenlandic, and English

Contact her at: [email protected]

Drissa El Yous� Drissa (29) gained a lot of practical experience

in the tourism industry during her time with Nuuk

Tourism. Her function was handling much of

the contact between Nuuk Tourism and the cruise

lines. She is currently continuing her studies in Arctic

Sustainability, but she is still on hand to help us with key projects. She has

a great ability at forming business relationships which she brings to the table

in every project she works on with us.

Speaks: English, French and Arabic

Jon KroghJon (38) is in charge of development, project

management, and sales. He was a former manager of

Nuuk Tourism where he learned much about

the tourism business in Greenland, especially the

need for bridging the communication gap between

the cruise industry and the local tourism industry. He is a former Sargent for

the Special Recon Forces of the army. Where he experienced much about

leadership and how to build great teams. He is constantly on the lookout for

new tour concepts, and bringing the best that Greenland has to off er to the


Speaks: Danish, English, and German

Contact him at: [email protected]



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CPR: Coordination, Planning, and Research (Our Core Strengths)

ResearchSiteCoor is not seeking to own its own ships or offer shore incursions on its own. There is already a wealth of local tourism vendors scattered throughout the vast island of Greenland. We are here to make sure the product offered to the guests is a quality product that will leave a lasting impression on them forever.

This is where the research comes in. Using customer feedback, and knowledge gathered by cruise managers: we will work with the local vendors to develop packages that the customer actually want. Leaving them with memories that will last a lifetime, and that will bring them back to Greenland again and again.

PlanningWe plan out the entire agenda of shore excursions available to your passengers. We will work in the product development stage to insure that every detail has been thought through and well planned out. We will think through all of the details to ensure that nothing goes wrong, or there are no hidden surprises that could otherwise spoil a perfectly good trip. We work with the vendors to ensure they are producing a quality product, and are really giving the guests everything they would want out of a Greenland experience.

CoordinationThis is where the true strength of SiteCoor comes together. Taking all of our research, product development, and planning we coordinate the entire season of shore excursions. We fi gure out how guests will get to and from where they need to be, and how we are going to plan out their schedules. We are there to answer any questions they might have and handle all concerns.



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coor Focus… it’s about quality not quantity

We believe in focus. We only coordinate trips for cruise lines and their passengers., instead of focusing on other aspects of the tourism in Greenland. We handle all of the coordination between the cruise lines and the local tour vendors; this ensures that both parties get what they want.

We are interested in working directly with the Cruise Managers to help develop Greenland into an attractive

cruise destination. Development of exciting and inovating shore excursions is one of our primary focuses. For example, there is a wealth of natural phenomena and things that occur here Greenland that occur in very few places in the world. The local Greenlandic people often takes these things for granted, and do not give them a second thought. However, these are the very things that often leave the biggest impression on the guests. Phenomena like the northern lights, the midnight sun, the polar icecap, and simple Greenlandic farming life are all things that are unique to Greenland, and can be used to develop future tour packages.

We aim to change that, by seeking out the advice of the Cruise managers directly, and asking them what types of tours they would like to see developed. We plan on having annual strategic meetings with the cruise managers that we will be working with. To plan out in their offices the best possible tour packages for the coming Greenland cruising season.

By focusing exclusively on developing shore excursion packages for cruise lines, and by doing it correctly with the feedback from the cruise managers themselves: both of us will be able to better serve the customer, and elevate Greenland to its fullest potential as a cruise destination.


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Why cruise Greenland? Each day of your cruise around the shores of Greenland will be an adventure. The largest island in the world (that is not a continent) also happens to be the least populated. It is a majestic, mostly frozen land that boasts some of the warmest people on earth. The island on the edge of the world has captured the imagination of explorers for generations. Once most of Greenland was accessible only to the hardiest of adventurers. However, today our company is happy to bring to you all the best that Greenland has to offer. Explore Greenland the way it was intended to be explored – from a cruise ship.

The coastline of Greenland is dotted with settlements. There are no roads that connect the cities so the only way to travel from one town to another is by boat or plane. This is a tradition that continues to this day. Today, Greenland has opened its arms to the outside world to come in and explore its lovely fjords, delicate glaciers, and the silence of the frozen ice sheet from the back of a luxury cruise ship. Still the best way to experience Greenland.





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Ice… Lot’s of Ice! Three quarters of the island is covered with ice. In fact, scientists have recently come to suspect that Greenland may actually be three separate islands that have been joined together by the Greenland ice sheet. The entire island is shaped like a bowl, with the interior of the island being pushed down, by the weight of the ice, hundreds of feet below sea level, while on the coast the elevation rises dramatically. Experience the great ice sheet like an adventurer from the golden days of exploration.

Glaciers Galore! Greenland is very active in glacier formation. You can enjoy sailing on your cruise ship sipping on some champagne while pristine icebergs sail by. Most people are amazed at how the ice seems to change color depending on the time of day and weather conditions. They can go from stark gray to the most intricate hues of blue.Experience the grandeur of the famed midnight sun. Watch the sun set over an ocean of floating ice at 4 o’clock in the night, wait 10 minutes later, and then watch it rise again.





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Wonderful Wildlife! A sheet of ice several kilometers thick covers most of the island. This has allowed a variety of artic life to thrive relatively undisturbed. Here the great white polar bear has made his home, amidst roaming herds of musk oxen and reindeer. Greenland has the largest population of wild musk oxen in the world. However, the real safari is happening in the ocean surrounding Greenland. One of the main reasons the native Inuit have survived for countless generations during the brutal Greenlandic winters is an ocean teeming with life.

Several species of whale call the shore and harbors of Greenland home for most of the year. These species include the gigantic blue and fin whales, as well as the humpback, minke, narwhales, beluga, sperm, pilot, and Greenland whales. It is truly a whale watchers paradise. You can even take a kayak and sail with them out on the open water, surrounded by carved blocks of frozen ice.





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Cold Air… Warmest People on Earth! The warmth of Greenlanders is legendary. Although, they would appreciate if you did not come over unannounced, many visitors find they local people to be extremely warm and inviting despite the chill in the air. You may even be invited to come have some coffee, and be delighted with tales from Greenland’s long and myriad past. The land itself is steeped in history, myth, and legend.

Inuit people migrating from what is now called Alaska originally settled the land.

Later came the Vikings from across the Atlantic searching for a new home. Today the culture of Greenland is a harmonious mixing of these two cultures. You can experience a traditional dance with the native Inuit, or stroll through the ruins of Viking hollow in southern Greenland.





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Grand Culture Tour Our New Tour Concept

Our new tour package is a new way to bundle tour options to get a true sensory experience of Greenland. We call these our Grand Culture Tours. This will leave our guests with a true experience of Greenland, packaged together for an aff ordable and rewarding shore excursion.

The three elements of our package include: 1. See 2. Listen3. Taste

These three catagories can be packaged together in diff erent combinations, and can be tailored to complement the strengths of the diff erent towns. In this way the guests will leave with a sense that they have really experienced Greenland’s life and culture. This explorer package can even be developed around the interests of the guests themselves.


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ur See Greenland Here are some of our options to see Greenland up close and personal:

• Kayak Show: • A kayak show in the water • A show of kayak training on land • A short lesson in how kayaks are built • Demonstration of hunting gear and equipment • Opportunity to for the guest to try these things out

• Mask Dance: • A short description on the purpose of the mask dance • Preparation for show (the make-up) • A mask dance show • An opportunity to take part in the mask dance

• Greenlandic Folk Dance: • The history of folk dancing in Greenland • A dancing show • An invitation to take part in a dance

• Inuit Games: • A short introduction about a specifi c Inuit game • A demonstration of the game • Small tournament for volunteers to participate in

• Drum Dance: • Introduction to the drum dance • History behind the drum dance • A drum dancing show • Introductory lesson to using the drum • Taking part in the dance


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Listen to Greenland

There are many sounds to be heard in Greenland. This will give the guests an opportunity to hear the voices of Greenland for themselves.

• Choir • Listening to a traditional choir • Getting to hear local artists • Listening to great music heard no where else in the world

• Theatrical Performance • A performance by a local acting troupe • 2-3 of Greenland’s favorite folklore and myths • A rewarding cultural experience

• Lectures • Diff erent experts will give short lectures • 2-3 diff erent speakers • About a diff erent subject eff ecting Greenland • Examples: climate change, society development, history of the island, or geological highlights


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Taste Greenland

This is a great opportunity for the guest to sample authentic Greenland cuisine with a BBQ in a lovely scenic setting.

• BBQ • Scenic settings • Authentic Greenlandic ingredients • Sheep, caribou, musk oxen, and seal may be on the menu • Fresh water from a nearby streamG






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coor Example of a

Grand Culture Tour Duration: 4 hoursMin: 80Max: 600 passengers pr. 4 hoursPrice: 50 € / pr. pax.

Here is an example of one of our package tours that takes about four hours in total.

• See: Kayak Show • Hear: Choir • Taste: BBQ

By the shores of the sea surrounded by the rugged and majestic Greenland countryside you will get a chance to learn about how the Kayak has shaped the life and culture of Greenland throughout the ages. Greenland has some of the best kayakers in the world and you will get to witness some of their advanced techniques. After a few demonstrations and some instructions, you may get to try out some of these techniques on your own.

Then it is on to your next destination. Which includes a lecture in the history of the Greenlandic national costume, a photo session and fi nally you get to expirence one of the traditional choirs of Greenland who are renowned for the haunting melodies and fantastic vocals.

After the performance your guide will lead you a scenic location where a Barbecue is being prepared. One of the great things about Greenland is how just steps from any bustling town you can fi nd yourself in the silence and beauty of the wilds of Greenland. There is nothing quite like sitting on a rock eating a musk ox steak, while you sip on some clear water from a nearby stream or waterfall.


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Welcome to NanortalikGreenland’s most southern town may also be its most beautiful. It has small pockets of lush woodlands, steep and craggy mountain peaks, and a breathtaking � ord system. Nanortalik attracts adventurous modern day explores to Greenland’s shores. The area is especially popular with mountain climbers who come to try their climbing skills on the ‘skyscrapers’ of Nanortalik. These skyscrapers, as the locals call them, are the rough, jagged, bare rock peaks of the Tasermiut Fjord, The highest vertical cliff wall can be found here (1000m) at the Ketil Fjeld.

There are many things in and around Nanortalik to keep the intrepid world traveler busy. There is a historic open-air museum consisting of

many historic and reconstructed buildings. People dressed in historic costumes will give you insight into how life was lived in both Inuit ancient culture and the old Norse Viking colonials. Near the open-air museum is a permanent Inuit summer hunting camp. Inuit dressed in traditional clothing will give you instruction on how hunting was done with traditional methods. These methods enabled them to thrive in the harsh Artic climate thousands of years before Columbus ‘discovered’ America for the rest of the world.


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Boat Trip to the Glacier in Tasermiut Fjord

Duration: 8 hours Min: 10 Passengers Max: 10 Passengers SKU 392210Price: 170€ / pr. pax.

This once in a lifetime boat trip will take you to the remote village of Tasiusaq. This is one of Greenlands greenest areas, and it is rich in wild untamed natural beauty. Although the fjords are not usually densely populated areas, there is evidence that the fjord may have been in Nordic times, as many ruins testify too. Although this is an all day trip, this is not a trip to miss. Journey to the ice cap that lies in the breathtaking Tasermiut Fjord. On the way you will sail by the Ketil Fjeld. high peaks, which are quite popular with climbers because of its 1,000 m vertical walls. This is actually the highest vertical cliff face in the world. W



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Boat Trip to UunartoqDuration: 6 hours Min: 10 passengersMax: 10 passengersSKU 392211Price: 137 € / pr. pax.

The Norse revered these hot springs for their healing properties. Soak your body in the soothing hot water (36-38°C; 98-100°F), and relax. You will feel the warm water melting away all of your stress. Although the air outside typically about 10°C, the water is a nice balmy 37-38°C. You will find these hot springs on a small deserted island, which is a short boat trip from Nanortalik. The pools are three naturally heated springs. As you relax in the hot water you will be surrounded by sharp mountain peaks and watch icebergs float serenly by.



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Hike to Raven HillDuration: 3 hours Min: 20 passengersMax: 240 passengersSKU: 392230Price: 41 € / pr. pax.

This scenic hike will take you to the top of Raven Hill (380 m) where the whole island will be laid out before you. Raven Hill is one of the two mountains of Nanortalik island, and from here you will get a breathtaking views of the island. Make sure you bring your camera for stunning views of the mountaintops of the Tasermiut Fjord. Make sure you are ready to hike with proper footgear, and that you are in relatively good physical condition.



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Hike to SissarissoqDuration: 3 hours Min: 20 passengersMax: 240 passengersSKU:392231Price: 41 € / pr. pax.

Join us on a hike to where the original trade center of Greenland was founded in 1797. Although, the trade center was moved in 1830 to Nanortalik (where it still is today): the hike is still rich in history. You will walk to Sissarissoq (the beach with nice rocks) through the path that goes through the bathing lake. You will hike through ruins of an old Inuit settlement and graveyard. You will pass polar bear rock, which according to local legend, claims to have had polar bear tied to it at one time.



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Welcome to Qaqortoq

Qaqortoq is the largest town in southern of Greenland. This charming Greenland town is dotted with colorful houses, and it has a relaxed and pleasant city center. This town was a natural place for the Vikings to settle, and there is a rich history here to explore. The old buildings from the colonial age, from when the town was first founded in 1775, fill the old town-square. They create the impression that you are stepping back into time. The most famous Viking ruin in all of Southern Greenland Hvalsey Church is located here as well. There is a lot of buzz and energy in this town due to the high population of students who go to school here in the Training Center for South Greenland.

Qaqortoq is a great place to learn about the Inuit culture. Some of the highlights of your trip here will be visiting the Ruins of Hvalsey Church, the Great Greenland Furhouse, sailing the fjord, hiking around the lake, going to see the future of agriculture in Greenland at the Upernaviarsuk Station, and admiring the outdoor art “Stone and Man” all around the town.


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Boat trip to Hvalsey Church Ruin

Duration: 3 hours Min: 10 passengersMax: 10 passengersSKU: 392010Price: 83 € / pr. pax.

Come and stroll through the ruins of the largest church in Greenland during the Middle Ages. Learn about the history of this area as one of the chief Viking ports. This port connected the Norse settlement with their European roots. The church was the center of Medieval life and culture, and the Hvalsey Church reveal much about what life was like back then. You may actually hear ghostly Nordic voices echoing off the walls as your guide tells you the stories of the vanished settlers.



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Boat trip to Upernaviarsuk Agricultural Station

Duration: 3 hours Min: 10 passengers Max: 10 passengersSKU: 392011Price: 62 € / pr. pax.

Take a short 30-minute boat ride to visit an exciting Greenland experiment. The government of Greenland maintains its only agricultural station here in Qaqortoq. The center acts as a small agricultural school working on applied farming research. The research facility deals mostly in sheep, vegetable production, and ornamental plants. On site are also the ruins of other attempts at farming, from an old Viking ruin dating from the Middle Ages, and a more recent one from the 1780’s.



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Helicopter Tours

Hvalsey Church and Eqalugaarsuit’s Fjord Loop:

Duration: 30 minutes Min: 5Max: 5SKU: 392030Price: 229 € / pr. pax.

This trip option is the shortest of the two. The 25 minute trip consists of seeing the Hvalsey Church Ruins, which is the ruins of the largest church during the middle ages built by the Vikings. The ruins themselves are hauntingly picturesque. Then the flight continues onto the Eqalugaarsuit’s Fjord to take stunning pictures of icebergs.

Inland Ice Loop:

Duration: 1 hour Min: 15 Max: 19 SKU: 392031Price: 416 € / pr. pax.

This longer 55 min flight will take you to the edge to the inland ice sheet. At Twin Glaciers you will have a fantastic opportunity to take a lot of photographs of the famed ice sheet. This is a great trip and it is one that should not be missed.



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Great Greenland Tannery Duration: 1 hour Min: 20 passengers Max: 60 passengers pr. rotationSKU: 392020 Price: 14 € / pr. pax.

The Great Greenland Tannery is the only tannery in the country. The hunting culture of the Inuit is still very much alive in Greenland. Here you can see the piles of sealskins, polar bear furs, and other animal hides that are waiting to be transformed into garments. Learn about the fantastic process of turning these materials into clothes. The design studio is where you will get to see firsthand the fashion aspect that goes into the designing of these clothes.



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Walking Tour of Qaqortoq Duration: 1½ hrsMin: 20 passengersMax: 240 passangers pr. rotationSKU: 392021Price: 24 € / pr. pax.

Qaqortoq was established in 1775, and since its founding has become the largest town in Southern Greenland (population: 3,200). Take a tour with us through the center of town and learn all about its history right up to present day. Learn about what daily life is like here, and about its colorful mix of new and old buildings. You will experience the sights and sounds of the fish market, and visit the old and new church. See the way the Inuit once lived in a traditional sod house besides the museum. This trip can be combined with an optional visit to the main museum (additional charge of 20 DKK).



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Welcome to NarsaqThe town of Narsaq sits on a green plain between two � ords. Because of its sheltered location Narsaq (which literally means “plain” in Greenlandic) enjoys a milder climate. It generally is warmer here in the summer months, and not as cold during the long nights of winter. This town is the ideal starting point for a round trip of Southern Greenland.

This very charming town sits on a green and fertile plain, which is in stark contrast to the dazzling icebergs out in water. These icebergs are created by a very active glacier in Bedford that sends many icebergs sailing past the waters of Narsaq.

There are many things that will keep you busy in Narsaq including fi ne dining, iceberg cruising, kayaking, sightseeing, walking tours, sailing along the coast, hiking the � ords and the backcountry, and seeing the icecap.


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City Walk Duration: 2 hours Min: 20 passengers Max: 240 passengers pr. hour SKU: 392110Price: 25 € / pr. pax.

The only way to truly get a feel for a new city is to walk its streets. It is the only way to fully be immersed in the sights and sounds of this iconic Greenlandic town. Over 1,600 Greenlanders call this town their home. The tour will take you through the open fish market. The fish market is the heart of any Greenlander town. Much of Greenland’s economy depends on the sea. A stop at the local church will show evidence of German missionaries in its architectural design. The tour ends at the museum, which traces the progression of what life was like in this area during diff erent periods of history.



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Iceberg Safari by boat Duration: 1 hour Min: 8 passengers Max: 30 passengers pr. hour SKU: 392111 Price: 74 € / pr. pax.

There is something special about the icebergs of Narsaq. Something about the environment makes them seem to change color from various shades of blue, to almost totally transparent, to blazing white. In a small boat you will be able to get very close to these floating mountains of ice. You will be able to study these fascinating creations up close, in intimate detail.



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Hike to Narsaq Point Duration: 3 hours Min: 20 passengersMax: 240 passengers SKU: 392131Price: 30 € / pr. pax.

Take an incredible guided hike along the base of Qaqqarsuaq Mountain. Enjoy incredible views of the town and the ice in the fjord. The gravel road that we will be hiking is not too difficult and is good even for those who do not usually enjoy a strenuous hike. The guide will explain to the group all about the flora and fauna of the surrounding countryside. Old Inuit graves and ruins are scattered throughout the trail, and the remains of an old telegraph station that was built here during WWII. The guide also provides dried fish and water for the trip.



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Helicopter TripDuration: 40 minutes Min: 5 passengers Max: 5 passengers pr. rotation.SKU: 392120Price: 344 € / pr. pax.

A short helicopter ride will take passengers to the nearby icecap. The icecap is a phenomenon of nature that is not to be missed. Covering almost all of Greenland, the massive weight of the icecap has deformed the land into a bowl shape. The helicopter will land for about ten minutes giving everyone a chance to take some pictures. The icecap seems to stretch on and on forever. Anyone who has ever seen it is amazed that such a place can possibly even exist. This trip is a must!



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Viking Ruins Duration: 3 hours Min: 10 passengersMax: 12 passengers pr. rotation SKU: 392130Price: 33 € / pr. pax.

No trip to Greenland is complete without visiting some Viking ruins. Over a thousand years ago Vikings from across the ocean settled North America. They were here hundreds of years before Columbus’ famous voyage to ‘discover’ the new world. This whole area was once one of the centers of Nordic life in Greenland, and excavations here discover new artifacts all the time. From the harbor, the tour group will drive through the town to the nearby Dyrnaes Valley. You will get an opportunity to explore the ruins and examine replicas of Norse garments found near the culture house.



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Welcome to NarsarsuaqNarsarsuaq was founded by the American military as an air base during World War II in 1941. The air base was used as a stopping point for troops going to and from Europe, and as a staging area for missions. At that time the area held about 2,000 people, today there are only about 160 Greenlanders, most of who are employed by the Greenland International airport.

Narsarsuaq means “great plain” in Greenlandic, and it has a rich history. Its abundant green fi elds have been the home of Viking settlers who planted crops and raised livestock. Eric the Red settled here. He was the most famous of the Vikings. Who after being exiled



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for murder from volcanic Iceland found a new land vibrantly green and bursting with rich resources, which he called Greenland. Here you can see a historic reconstruction of his Viking Long House and the wooden church that he built.

The ice cap is only a few kilometers away, and is only a three to four hour walk through beautiful Flower Valley. You will be awed by the sheer size and weight of the ice cap that covers most of Greenland. There are plenty of icebergs to be seen out on the water surrounding the town, which is unique considering that Narsarsuaq has lots of rolling green plains and has a mild relatively warm climate.


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Boat tour to the Qooroq Ice Fjord

Duration: 1 1/2 Hour (Fast boat)Min: 10 Passengers Max capacity: 24 Passengers pr. rotationSKU: 392009Price: 63 € / pr. pax. (Incl. guide and drink with glacier ice.)

Duration: 3 hours (Slow boat)Min: 10 passengersMax capacity: 52 Passengers pr. rotationasSKU: 392010Price: 63 € / pr. pax. (Incl. guide and drink with glacier ice.)

The boat takes us close to amazing icebergs run aground on the moraine at the mouth of the Qooroq Fjord. We will enjoy the breathtaking view of the glacier that delivers 200.000 tons of ice a day. During the tour your guests will be served a cocktail on the rocks – off course the rocks are the purest glacier ice.W



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Settlement of Eric the Red – Qassiarsuk (Brattahlid)

Duration: 3 hoursMin: 20 PassengersMax: 240 passengers pr. rotationSKU: 392011Price: 23 € / pr. pax.

Today sheep farmers are working on exact the same land as the Viking Eric the Red. He settled here more than 1000 years ago. Join in on a guided walking tour in that beautifully links together old history and modern living. With the reconstruction of a Norse longhouse and the church the picture is completed.



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Helicopter ToursDuration: 30 minutes flight timeMin: 5 or 15 passengers (Depending on helicopter)Max: 5 or 19 passengers (Depending on helicopter)SKU: 392030Price incl transfer: 305 € / pr. pax. .

It is truly an amazing experience, to fly over glaciers, blue fjords and lush valleys. Pictures of amazing landscapes and ice will be in your mind forever. The helicopter brings you to the edge of the icecap, overlooking an endless landscape of ice. two different size helicopters available.



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Hiking trip on the ridgeDuration: 3 hoursMin: 20 Passengers.Max: 240 Passengers per rotation.SKU: 392031Price: 37 € / pr. pax. (Incl.: Transfer, guide and coffee or tee)

The tour along the ridge is a short hike 5 – 6 kilometres with a fantastic view over the valley, the Narsarsuaq River and Glacier and not at least the Ice Cap. We follow the gravel road among small birches and willow trees. In the Hospital Valley the Americans built a hospital with 250 beds during WWII.

Today only a lone chimney remains. The impressive Narsarsuaq River with melting water from the ice cap is running into the � ord. Maybe the white-tailed eagle will hover over us. Your guide will tell about the ice cap, the local glacier and life in Narsarsuaq now and then. Hike: Level 4 we walk on gravel roads and paths, a few steep ascents and descents occur as well. We recommend good walking shoes.



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Narsarsuaq guided sightseeing by bus

Duration: 1 hourMin: 20 PassengersMax: 36 Passengers per rotationSKU: 392020 Price: 24 € / pr. pax. (Incl. entrance to the Museum, Coffee/tee)

Narsarsuaq was founded by the American Air Force in 1941 when they built an air base in the region code named Bluie West One. During WW II this base played a major role for troops heading to or from Europe. With more than 2000 inhabitants it was an active society. Today the area has 160 inhabitants; most are employed by the airport authorities. The trip includes entrance to the local museum with a fine military history exhibition.



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Welcome to NuukIn Greenlandic the word Nuuk literally means “the headland”. The city was built on a peninsula that juts out into the mouth of a gigantic fjord system. This area was a natural place to settle for people migrating into Greenland in the past. The past and present collide here with quaint old buildings nestled against newer modern buildings, which are among the biggest in Greenland.

Nuuk is the capital of Greenland, and is the largest town in the whole nation. While the city itself is among the smallest capital cities in the world, with a population of only 16,000 people. The town is quite bustling for Greenlandic standards, and will make all other towns visited in Greenland seem small by comparison. The natural environment and the advances of modern civilization seem to flow together seamlessly here.

Some of the highlights of a visit to Nuuk include: the Old Colonial Harbor, the culture center Katuaq, the University of Greenland, the National Museum of Greenland, whale watching, ancient city walks, amazing hikes into the wilds of Greenland, some of the finest dining in all of Greenland, and cruises in to the amazing fjord system.


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Panoramic Fjord Tour Duration: 2 hours Min: 8 passengers Max: 106 passengers pr. rotation SKU: 390010Price: 83 € / pr. pax.

There is no better way to experience the Nuuk Fjord then by boat. This trip also has fantastic views of the Sermitsiaq Mountain and the surrounding Islands. This is the second largest � ord system in the word and it is home to a variety of marine life. The colossal humpback whale calls these waters home from early June to mid October. These gentle giants are often putting on spectacular shows by jumping out of the water, and splashing around with their gigantic tails. Since the humpback whale is a protected species, they have become quite comfortable with people and tour boats. They often venture quite close to the city, and sometimes it even seems that they are showing off for the tourists.

There is a rich amount of biodiversity here in Greenland’s capital city. You will also get chance to see many other species including seagulls, seals, eagles, and a variety of birds. You will marvel at how the natural and manmade environment fl ows together to create on of the most stunning towns in Greenland.



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Panoramic City Tour Duration: 1½ hourMin: 24 passengers Max: 240 passengers pr. rotation SKU: 390022 Price: 35 € / pr. pax.

Past and present seem to merge on the streets of Nuuk. Its 300 years of history has produced a startling mix of charming old buildings nestled against large modern buildings (the largest in Greenland). While you are driving around your driver will point out to all of you all of the many things that Nuuk has to offer, and offer insight into the inner workings of Nuuk both past and present. With frequent photo stops along the way, you will gain an appreciation for the true breath of this town that is not apparent from simply wandering around the Old Harbor or the City Center. After this tour all other Greenland towns will seem small by comparison, even though by other countries standards Nuuk is still quite small, being among the smallest capital city of the world, with just over 16,000 inhabitants.

Some of the tour highlights include: • Panoramic views of the � ord (photo stops) • Visit to the Main Harbor• Pleasure craft marina • Old University of Greenland Campus • New University of Greenland Campus • Shops in the center of city • Old Colonial Harbor • National Museum of Greenland • Cathedral of Greenland



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Practical Information:

All busses are city busses and have room for 30 passengers each. Minimum number of passengers to secure a bus is 20 passengers. We have access to four busses, which all can run simultaneously, for 120 passengers getting a bus tour at the same time. However, depending on how long the ship is docked several tours can be booked in one day. For instance, if the ship is docked for eight



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hours, that gives enough time for about fi ve city tours, or a total of 600 passengers. Also, more busses may be acquired by request. Wheelchair users with collapsible wheelchairs can be accommodated if they have helpers who can help them on and off the bus.

Entry into the National Museum is not included in the fee for this tour.


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Ancient City Walk Duration: 1½ hour Min: 20 passengers Max: 240 passengers pr. rotation SKU: 390021Price: 28 € / pr. pax.

You will begin with the Ancient City Walk tour with a stroll though the oldest part of Nuuk. The experienced guide will take you through the area down by the Old Harbor, where the guide will illuminate who lived here, and what life was like back then. You will also learn about life here today, and how the past eff ects the present.

This tour includes a trip to the National Museum of Greenland, which is the premiere museum of the entire country. Here you will learn all about the various cultures that have called Greenland home. You can get a full education about Greenland, just by strolling through these halls. The museum is also the home to the famous Greenland mummies that were found in the north. These mummies have been amazingly preserved, and look spookily lifelike. The museum is one of the best in the world, and it is a must see. The tour will also go to the Cathedral of Greenland.

This tour is a must for those who love history, or even for those who love great stories. This tour is great if you only have a short stay in Nuuk, or if you are at the beginning of a longer stay, and want to get a good feel for the town.



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...Ancient City Walk

Practical Information: Tour starts at the Old Colonial Harbor, and the total distance covered is approximately 1.5 km along paved roads and paths.

Tour is wheelchair accessible. However, some large motorized wheelchairs may have di� culty entering the museum and cathedral.

Be advised, if tour is docked at the Nuuk International harbor it is recommended that you take a shuttle bus (2.7km) to the starting point at old harbor. Price of shuttle bus is not included in tour. Or if you feel up to it you can even take a short (but lovely) walk to the starting point at the Old Colonial Harbor. .


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Hike Around Little Malene

Duration: 5 hoursMin: 24 passengers Max: 240 passengers pr. rotationSKU: 390033Price: 50 € / pr. pax.

This hike is perfect for those fi t travelers who are looking to experience a little bit of silent sub-artic wilderness. Without getting too far from the capital you will fi nd yourself scrambling over rugged terrain. You will be rewarded by seeing the wild Greenlandic countryside, and getting to hike around one of Nuuk most iconic mountains. Since there are no hiking trails in Greenland, a guide becomes essential so you do not become lost. They will explain to you the history, both cultural and geologic, of the beautiful lands surrounding Nuuk. Lunch (sandwiches), coff ee, tea and bottle water will be provided for the hikers.

Practical Information:A bus is provided to pick up the passengers and bring them to the starting point, and will pick them up at the end of the hike to bring them back. Approximate hiking distance is 8 to 10 kilometers.



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Hiking up Little Malene Duration: 3 hoursMin: 24 passengers Max: 240 passengers pr. rotationSKU: 390032Price: 35 € / pr. pax.

This trip is defi nitely for those who are in good physical condition, and who are ready for an adventure! This 4km hike follows a well-marked path to the summit of Malene. Those who conquer the summit will be rewarded with unparalleled views of the � ord and the town. No formal rock climbing experience is necessary; just make sure you bring appropriate footgear and a light windbreaker. The experienced guide will be on hand to explain to you the lay of the land: including its rich history and fascinating geologic past.

Practical Information: A bus is provided to pick up the passengers and bring them to the starting point, and will pick them up at the end of the hike to bring them back. Approximate hiking distance is 4km.



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Mini-Hike to Mountain

Lake with Barbeque Duration: 3 hours Min: 30 passengers Max: 240 passengers pr. rotation SKU: 390023Price: 52 € / pr. pax.

Passengers will take a bus ride to a short mini hike to a scenic lake nestled between two mountains: Little Malene and Store Malene. A short fifteen-minute hike up a gravel road to a small dam will be rewarded by a great barbeque – Greenland style! Our staff will be on hand coPractical Information:A bus is provided to pick up the passengers and bring them to the starting point, and will pick them up at the end of the hike to bring them back. Approximate hiking distance is 8 to 10 kilometers. oking up a great Greenlandic mix of meat and vegetables. This is a great way to sample local fare, while getting to enjoy views of the rugged countryside.



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Also, weather permitting one of our guides will conduct an additional short hike with guests who are interested. Don’t forget to bring good shoes and your best appetite!

Kaffe-mikDuration: 1½ hourMin: 24 passengers Max: 90 passengers pr. rotation SKU: 390024Price: 43 € / pr. pax.

SiteCoor Event and Tour Coordinators invite you to participate in a unique Greenlandic tradition. Whenever someone is celebrating some type of family event they have an open house where they invite their neighbors to come and share their joy with them. While they celebrate a collection of sweets and cakes are served along with tasty Greenlandic coffee, tea, and other beverages.

Occasionally these events also include native Greenlandic performers showcasing traditional skills such as singing, mask dancing, and other traditions. These are performed in beautiful handcrafted traditional clothing. Although, the type and number of performers vary depending on availability (contact you tour coordinator for more information) it will always features local music and waiters dressed in national costume.

This is a great way to experience one aspect of the Greenlandic life



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Bundles are great ways to save money and to combine different tours that you’d wish to enjoy in one fun packed day! Checkout

these great pre-packaged bundles ready for you to go exploring!



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Ancient City Walk + Panoramic Fjord Tour

Duration: 3,5 hours Min: 20 passengers Max: 106 passengers pr. rotationSKU: 390030Price: 97€ / pr. pax.

This bundle combines our popular Ancient City Walk tour with the Panoramic Fjord Tour Bundle.

You will begin with the Ancient City Walk tour with a stroll though the oldest part of Nuuk. The experienced guide will take you through the area down by the Old Harbor, where the guide will illuminate who lived here, and what life was like back then. You will also learn about life here today, and how the past effects the present. This tour includes a trip to the National Museum of Greenland, which is the premiere museum of the entire country - home to the famous Greenland mummies.

Next you will head to the harbor where you will set sail to view the great fjord of Nuuk up close. There is no better way to experience the Nuuk Fjord then by boat. There is a rich amount of biodiversity here in Greenland’s capital city. You will also get chance to see many of other species including seagulls, seals, eagles, and a variety of birds. You will marvel at how the natural and manmade environments fl ow together to create on of the most stunning towns in Greenland.



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Panoramic City Tour + Mini hike to Mountain Lake with BBQ

Duration: 4 hours Min: 30 passengers Max: 240 passengers pr. rotation SKU: 390031Price: 69 € / pr. pax.

This bundle combines two of our most popular activities the Panoramic City Tour and the Mountain Lake Mini-Hike to Barbeque. This is for guests who wish to experience the life, culture, and history of the capital of Greenland, with the quite and solitude of the backcountry.

You will start your journey on the Panoramic City Tour. The past and present seem to merge on the streets of Nuuk. Its 300 years of history has produced a startling mix of charming old buildings nestled against large modern buildings (the largest in Greenland).

After you have worked up an appetite, can you think of a better idea than going to a local barbeque in a beautiful natural setting? Passengers will take a bus ride to a short mini hike to a scenic lake nestled between two mountains: Little Malene and Stole Malene. A short fifteen-minute hike up a gravel road to a small dam will be rewarded by a great barbeque – Greenland style! Our staff will be on hand cooking up a great Greenlandic mix of meat and vegetables. This is a great way to sample local fare, while getting to enjoy views

of the rugged countryside. Also, weather permitting one of our guides will conduct and additional short hike with guests who are interested. Don’t forget to bring good shoes and your best appetite!



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Welcome to SisimiutSisimiut lies just 40 km north of the Artic Circle. It has an ice-free harbor in winter, and it is the southernmost town that where you can go dogsledding. You can visit the area where the many sled dogs of Sisimiut are kept in summer while they wait for snow. It is a beautiful town full of rich history. Many of the buildings from the colonial days are still here and are painstakingly preserved. The town was originally founded in the mid 1700’s as a mission and a trading post. A guided walk through these ancient streets will make you feel like you are stepping backwards into time. Today about 6,000 inhabitants call this city their home.

The fishing has always been rich here, and many who enjoy deep-sea fishing will find an angler’s paradise, out here amidst the small islands surrounding Sisimiut. The Most modern shrimp factory in the world is here too. The harbor of Sisimiut is a bustle of life and energy that has echoes of the historic trawlers bringing in their daily catch.


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Panoramic Sisimiut Duration: 1½ hoursMin: 20 passengers Max: 240 passengers pr. rotationSKU: 391110Price: 28 € / pr. pax.

Sisimiut lies just north of the Artic Circle, and is the second largest town in Greenland. This tour is a great one to take as soon as you arrive in Sisimiut. It will give you a great overview of everything you are going to experience during your time here, and is will give you a real feel for the daily life of Greenlanders. You will see trawlers hauling in their daily catch, and catch a glimpse of the most state of the art shrimp factory in the entire world. The trip continues through the center of town to the end of the road. From a spectacular viewpoint overlooking the ocean you can see where the Artic Circle divides Greenland in half. There are three ways of getting around in Greenland: boat, plane, and dogsled. The preferred mode of transportation in the winter months is by dogsled. The trip also includes a brief visit to where many of the sled dogs are kept while they wait for snow.



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A Hike Back Into Time Duration: 2½ hoursMin: 20 passengers Max: 240 passengers rotation.SKU: 391111Price: 31 € / pr. pax.

Teleøen (or Sallinnguit in Greenlandic) is where the past and present meet. The various Inuit cultures have called this area home for literally thousands of years. Hike through the ancient ruins, and catch a glimpse of what life was like before the arrival of the Europeans. Stroll through the old fishing and hunting grounds of the Inuit as you walk the same paths that have been trodden for over 4,000 years. Only take this tour if you are in good physical condition as the hike goes over hilly and rocky terrain, which is physically challenging.



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Boat Trip to Assaqutaq Settlement

Duration: 2 hoursMin: 8 passengers Max: 12 passengers pr. rotation.SKU: 391130Price: 83 € / pr. pax.

Many small settlements in Greenland have been abandoned over the years, as people began moving to the bigger towns to find work. The harsh winter conditions of Greenland makes maintaining roads throughout Greenland a challenge. Many of the larger towns have a small system of roadways within their town. However, none of the towns themselves are connected by roads. So the only way to get to this abandoned town is by boat. In the summer months it is used by local schools for a summer camp, and some fishermen use it to catch capelin. As you stroll around the small town, you will learn what life was like in a small settlement like Assaqutaq, what are some of the challenges a place like this would face, and what lead to it being abandoned.



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Deep Sea Fishing Duration: 2 1/2 hourMin: 8 passengers Max: 10 passengers pr. rotationSKU: 391131.Price: 122 € / pr. pax.

Experienced guides will take you among some of the small islands about 15 minutes from Sisimiut. Everything will be provided for you (including poles) so you can have a fishing experience of a lifetime. The guides will bring you to prime spots known only to locals, where you will get to try out some fishing. Although we cannot guarantee how successful your trip will be, some of the fish you could expect to catch are: sculpin, cod, and fiord cod.



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Meet the Greenlandic Sled Dog

Duration: 1 hourMin: 20 passengers Max: 240 passengers pr. rotation SKU: 391120.Price: 23 € / pr. pax.

The Greenlandic sled dogs are closely re-lated wolves, and they have been bred to be the strongest working dogs in the world. They are still one of the primary means of travel in the winter. You will get the chance to meet with a guide and dog owner who will tell you about dog sledging industry, and the advantages man’s cuddliest best friend still have over modern technology. W



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Hike to Palasip Qaqqaa Duration: 4 hoursMin: 20 PassengersMax: 240 Passengers pr. rotationSKU: 391121Price: 45 € / pr. pax.

Hike the beautiful green mountains of Sisimiut. You will marvel at how green and lush these mountains are for being above the artic circle. You may even catch a glimpse of musk oxen grazing on flowers and bushes. The hike takes you up the southward facing slope where you will enjoy views of the town and sea. You will even pass several waterfalls where you will have the opportunity to refill your water bottle in the clear spring water flowing off the mountains. From the top you will be rewarded with breathtaking views of the sea and town below, and the Tulleq Fiord to the north. A bus that holds a maximum of 10 passengers will take you to the trailhead.



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Welcome to IlulissatIlulissat literally means “iceberg” in Greenlandic, and from the moment you enter the town it is easy to see why. Sermeq Kujalleq the most active glacier in the entire Northern Hemisphere produces about 20 million tons of ice a year. Icebergs fill the harbor and surrounding fjord. UNESCO declared Ilulissat ice fjord a world heritage site in 2004.

Ilulissat is also home to a rich and diverse marine life population. Several species of whale inhabit these waters throughout the year. This includes Greenland’s own artic whale (or Greenland Whale) who lives year round off Greenland’s shores. Seals, sea lions, musk oxen, reindeer, and a variety of sea birds also fill this rich ecosystem.


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Iceberg Safaris Ilulissat is Greenlandic for iceberg and it is easy to see why. The town itself sits at the mouth of a 60km long ice fjord. Enormous icebergs created from the most productive glacier in the northern hemisphere fill the icy fjord. If there is one thing that people come to see when they come to Ilulissat it’s ice – lots of ice. Approximately 20 billion tons of ice is created from the glacier in this fjord every year. The whole area was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004. There are two options for viewing these icebergs up close:W



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tDaytime Iceberg Safari

Duration: 2 hours Min: 10 passengersMax: 64 passengers pr. rotation (Total boat capacity)SKU: 395210Price: 69 € / pr. pax.

Get an up close view of these gigantic floating mountains of ice during the daytime. Your guide will get you close so that you can experience the richness and wonder of the icebergs that have come to define this town.

Midnight Sun Iceberg Safari Duration: 2 hours Min: 10 passengersMax: 64 passengers pr. tour. (Total boat capacity)SKU: 395211.Price: 83 € / pr. pax.

Get up and personal with the icebergs of Ilulissat during a very special time of night. The sun behaves diff erently during the summer in the North Pole. It does not really set; it mostly dips below the horizon for about ten minutes and then rises again. It is like a day that never ends. Experience the wonderment of the icebergs during this very special time of day.


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Whale Watching Safari Duration: 5 hours Min: 10 passengers.Max: 64 passangers pr. tour. (Total boat capacity)SKU: 395230Price: 136 € / pr. pax.

The summer is a great time to go whale watching in Ilulissat. As the southern ocean warms many species of whales migrate to the colder waters of the Disco Bay area. This is a great opportunity to get close to these great gentle giants of the sea. The most common type of whale that is encountered are the humpback, the fin, the bowhead, and the artic whale. This five hour tour will take you on a search for whales, and once found you will follow many of them as they swim along. This is also a great time to view icebergs as well, and getting sail through the fantastic Greenland landscape. Coffee and lunch will also be served.



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Visit an Inuit Village Duration: 5 hours Min: 10 passengersMax: 64 passengers pr. tour (Total boat capacity)SKU: 395231.Price: 111 € / pr. pax.

Take an escorted trip by boat to a small settlement of Inuit at the village of Illimanaq. Although, the population is small (approximately 80 inhabitants) the culture is very rich and robust. The settlement was founded in 1741 and the community has remained relatively unchanged, with the main form of occupation still being hunting and fishing. The boat leaves the harbor at 10am where it crosses the ice fjord on its way to the village. When you arrive you will have a couple of hours to explore the village. It is also possible to have a lunch arranged with some of the locals (at an additional charge) where you can feast on some traditional Greenlandic cuisine.



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Helicopter Ride to the Jakpbshavn (Sermeg) Glacier

This is the glacier that is responsible for the majority of ice in the � ord, and is the most active glacier in the northern hemisphere. The entire glacier is about 10 km wide and 1 km high. It produces a whopping 10% of all of the icebergs in Greenland. It is literally a moving mountain of ice fl owing at approximately 38 m per day. The helicopter tour is a 35min fl ight over the city and through the � ord. You will have about 30 min to enjoy the glacier before having to head back.

There are currently two helicopters to choose from:

Helicopter Bell 212 Duration: 1 hourMin: 9 Max: 9 SKU: 395221Price: 452 € / pr. pax.

Helicopter Sikorsky S-61Duration: 1 hourMin: 19Max: 19SKU: 395220Price: 410 € / pr. pax.



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ions Terms and Conditions When Booking Tours

Maximum and minimum passengers numbers are based on availability of vehicles, boats and aircraft.

Tours can be operated with less than the required minimum number of participants providing payment is made for the full minimum number listed.

If a planned visit to Greenland by a cruise ship is cancelled for whatever reason by the cruise ship, the cruise company in question is subject to cancellation fees, if planned tours have included busses, boats, aircraft or other external facilities.

Sitecoor reserves the right to cancel any tour should the weather on the day in question prevent such a tour from being safely completed. Cancellations due to weather or any other occurrence over which Sitecoor has no influence, will not entitle the cruise company to any form of financial compensation.

The final number of passengers participating on tours shall be submitted two days before the ships arrival and will be the number used on the invoice.

For any boat tours the final number must be submitted three days in advance. No-shows on the day in question are subject to payment unless it can be verified a passengers absence is due to illness, accident or similar

On tours targeting events controlled by nature, such as but not limited to Whale watching, Sitecoor does not make any refunds if the event does not happen during the tour.

When hiking be advised that there are no hiking trails in Greenland. Passengers must be in relatively good physical condition, and accustomed to walking over wild un-groomed terrain. Participants must be dressed appropriately and be carrying the proper gear. Any guests lacking the proper gear may not be allowed to participate for their own safety. We reserve the right to cancel tour if weather conditions are not optimal and could put the tour guides and participants safety at risk.

Prices are subject to change without further notice.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Are all boats in compliance with the national safety rules?Danish Maritime Authority has approved all boats for passenger transport. We comply with all of their stringent requirements for safety, sea worthiness, life-saving equipment, engines, and radio equipment. There is ample room to move about on deck and in cabin. All boats are equipped with washroom and heated cabins. The crew is well trained and highly experienced.

What is nice to take with me on a hike: Here are some things you will need on your hike:• Good hiking shoes (or comfortable

sneakers with good grips)• A light wind breaker• A water bottle• A mosquito net• A backpack• Bug Spray

What kind of currency is used in Greenland?Danish Kroner is the standard currency used in Greenland. The Bank of Greenland (Which you fi nd in most cities) will exchange common currencies like US dollars Canadian dollars,

British Pounds and Euros. Tourist offi ces, souvenir shops, most hotels, some restaurants and some shops will accept foreign currencies. International credit cards like VISA and MASTERCARD are readily accepted. However in most shops, restaurants and hotels a pin number is needed.

What languages do people speak in Greenland?The main language in Greenland is Greenlandic. The main foreign language used in Greenland is Danish. English is spoken in all tourist offi ces, tour agents, hotels, most souvenir shops and restaurants. Some also speak other languages like German and French.

What kind of clothing will I need?For clothing in summer you will be well off wearing fall or spring clothing used in more temperate climates. Good walking shoes or boots, and wind breaker all weather jacket, a warm fl eece sweater and thermo underwear. You may also consider bringing a hat and gloves if you are planning on going out on a boat. The trick is to dress in layers as summer can be very warm one minute and then freezing cold the next.



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Hans Egedesvej 29 • 3900 Nuuk Phone: +299 529 530 or +299 529 529

E-mail: [email protected][email protected][email protected]