
skema PBL: 1. Meeting the problem 2. Problem analysis and learning issues 3. Discovery and reporting 4. Solution presentation and reflection 5. Overview integration and evaluation penjelasan: 1. Meeting the problem At this stage, the problem scenario acts as a stimulus to scaffold and extend a realistic context students might encounter in the future. The activities in this first tutorial include: - developing collegiality - individual reading, reflection and inquiry - commitment to team roles and to the group - brainstorming and articulation of probable issues - consensus on problem statement - commitment to deliberate on problem scenario and problem analysis 2. Problem analysis and learning issues What follows is an induction into self-directed learning. At this stage, the students' prior knowledge is activated and ideas are generated that call for further learning. Students are required to work independently on their own, searching for information through various resources. This tutorial thus involves: - brainstorming and analysis of problem (e.g. generation of possible explanations and hypotheses) - identification of learning issues and formulation of learning objectives - assignment of self-directed learning and peer teaching Here the tutor emphasizes the idea that real-life issues are often fuzzy and, faced with problems, we need to seek theories and sometimes multidisciplinary knowledge bases to address the various issues we have to tackle. The groups then proceed to make a list of issues amongst themselves and agree to seek information from books, journals, Internet resources and so on and to come back with better- informed explanations to the issues and questions posed.

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skema PBL:

1. Meeting the problem2. Problem analysis and learning issues3. Discovery and reporting4. Solution presentation and reflection5. Overview integration and evaluation


1. Meeting the problemAt this stage, the problem scenario acts as a stimulus to scaffold and extend a realistic context students might encounter in the future. The activities in this first tutorial include:- developing collegiality- individual reading, reflection and inquiry- commitment to team roles and to the group- brainstorming and articulation of probable issues- consensus on problem statement- commitment to deliberate on problem scenario and problem analysis

2. Problem analysis and learning issuesWhat follows is an induction into self-directed learning. At this stage, the students' prior knowledge is activated and ideas are generated that call for further learning. Students are required to work independently on their own, searching for information through various resources. This tutorial thus involves:- brainstorming and analysis of problem (e.g. generation of possible explanations and hypotheses)- identification of learning issues and formulation of learning objectives- assignment of self-directed learning and peer teachingHere the tutor emphasizes the idea that real-life issues are often fuzzy and, faced with problems, we need to seek theories and sometimes multidisciplinary knowledge bases to address the various issues we have to tackle. The groups then proceed to make a list of issues amongst themselves and agree to seek information from books, journals, Internet resources and so on and to come back with better-informed explanations to the issues and questions posed.

3. Discovery and reportingFollowing the research and self-directed learning, students report their discovery of learning to their own groups. At this peer-teaching stage, students gather to share the new information they have individually discovered.Students practise group collaboration and communication skills through questions and the seeking of futher information from one another. The PBL tutor helps ensure that key areas to be learnt are not overlooked and also quizzes students on the accuracy, reliability and validity of the information obtained.

4. Solution presentation and reflectionAn iterative process follows with the discovery of learning, reporting, peer teaching and presentation of solutions. When students present their solutions to the problem scenario, a

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reflective and evaluative approach is taken. This involves contextualization and application of the knowledge to the situation. Students rephrase and paraphrase the knowledge acquired and demonstrate their new knowledge. Sometimes more questions may be asked. The tutor helps students to clarify doubts, to beware of gaps and to correct misconceptions or over-generalizations.

5. Overview integration and evaluationThe integration of knowledge from various disciplines and sources and the synthesis of ideas shared bring the PBL process to closure. The review and evaluation of learning, however, forms an integral part of learning. Students are encouraged to critique their learning resources (their value, reliability and usefulness for future learning). They reflect on the new knowledge they have learnt as a result of the problem. The tutor helps summarize and integrate major principles and concepts at this stage. Group members also evaluate how they do as learners in terms of being a problem solver, a self-directed learner and as members of the team.


1. Menemukan masalah Pada tahap ini, skenario masalah bertindak sebagai stimulus untuk perancah (perancah: arti dari scaffold) dan memperluas konteks realistis yang mungkin dihadapi siswa di masa depan. Kegiatan dalam tutorial pertama ini meliputi:- membangun kolegialitas- individu membaca, refleksi dan penyelidikan (penyelidikan: arti dari inquiri)- Komitmen untuk peran tim dan kelompok- tukar pendapat dan artikulasi kemungkinan isu- kesepakatan tentang rumusan masalah- Komitmen untuk memusyawarahkan skenario masalah dan analisis masalah

2. Isu analisis masalah dan pembelajaranBagian ini adalah induksi ke pembelajaran mandiri. Pada tahap ini, pengetahuan awal siswa diaktifkan dan ide-ide yang dihasilkan bahwa seruan untuk belajar lebih lanjut. Siswa diminta untuk bekerja secara independen pada mereka sendiri, mencari informasi melalui berbagai sumber. Tutorial ini sehingga melibatkan:- tukar pendapat dan analisis masalah (misalnya perumusan penjelasan dan hipotesis yang memungkinkan)- Identifikasi masalah pembelajaran dan perumusan tujuan pembelajaran- Tugas pembelajaran mandiri dan pembelajaran teman sebayaDi sini guru menekankan gagasan bahwa masalah kehidupan nyata sering kabur dan, dihadapkan dengan masalah, kita perlu mencari teori dan basis pengetahuan terkadang dari berbagai disiplin ilmu untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah yang harus kita atasi. Kelompok kemudian melanjutkan untuk membuat daftar masalah di antara mereka sendiri dan setuju untuk mencari informasi dari buku, jurnal, sumber dari internet dan seterusnya dan kembali dengan penjelasan informasi yang lebih baik terhadap masalah dan pertanyaan yang diajukan.

3. Penemuan dan pelaporan

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Setelah penelitian dan pembelajaran mandiri, siswa melaporkan penemuan belajar mereka untuk kelompok mereka sendiri. Pada tahap pembelajaran teman sebaya ini, siswa berkumpul untuk berbagi informasi baru yang telah mereka temukan secara individual.Siswa mempraktikkan keterampilan kerjasama kelompok dan komunikasi melalui pertanyaan dan mencari informasi lanjut dari satu sama lain. PBL guru membantu memastikan bahwa bidang utama yang harus dipelajari tidak diabaikan dan juga kuis siswa pada keakuratan, reliabilitas dan validitas informasi yang diperoleh.

4. Solusi presentasi dan refleksiProses berulang-ulang mengikuti dengan ditemukannya pembelajaran, pelaporan, pembelajaran teman sebaya dan penyajian solusi. Ketika siswa mempresentasikan solusi untuk skenario masalah, pendekatan reflektif dan evaluatif diambil. Ini melibatkan kontekstualisasi dan penerapan pengetahuan untuk memilih situasi. Siswa mengulangi dan Mengutip pengetahuan yang diperoleh dan menunjukkan pengetahuan baru mereka. Kadang-kadang lebih banyak pertanyaan mungkin akan diminta. Guru membantu siswa untuk memperjelas keraguan, berhati-hati terhadap kesenjangan dan untuk memperbaiki kesalahpahaman atau generalisasi yang berlebih.

5. Ringkasan keterpaduan dan evaluasiIntegrasi pengetahuan dari berbagai disiplin ilmu dan sumber dan pembuatan ide-ide bersama membawa proses PBL sampai pada penutupan. Penelaahan dan evaluasi pembelajaran, bagaimanapun, merupakan bagian integral dari pembelajaran. Siswa didorong untuk mengkritisi sumber belajar mereka (nilai mereka, keandalan dan kegunaan bagi pembelajaran masa depan). Mereka merefleksikan pengetahuan baru yang telah mereka pelajari sebagai akibat/hasil dari masalah. Guru membantu meringkas dan mengintegrasikan prinsip-prinsip utama dan konsep pada tahap ini. Anggota kelompok juga mengevaluasi seberapa yang mereka lakukan sebagai peserta didik dalam hal menjadi pemecah masalah, pembelajar mandiri dan sebagai anggota tim.