slideshare 2011 accomplish the extraordinary

2011 ACCOMPLISH THE EXTRAORDINARY Victoria Trabosh Executive Coach and Speaker Twitter: vhtrabosh [email protected]

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Post on 23-Dec-2014




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Reach and exceed your goals in 2011


Page 1: Slideshare 2011 accomplish the extraordinary



V i c t o r i a Tr a b o s hE x e c u t i v e C o a c h a n d S p e a k e r

Tw i t t e r : v h t r a b o s hv i c k y @ v i c t o r i a t r a b o s h . c o m

Page 2: Slideshare 2011 accomplish the extraordinary

focus on what you want

Page 3: Slideshare 2011 accomplish the extraordinary

set high goals

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then take the 1st leap

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climb to your greatness

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be memorable

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sail through the storms

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remember you possess wisdom

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be watchful for danger

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be strong

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lighten up if you need to

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Page 13: Slideshare 2011 accomplish the extraordinary


ACCOMPLISH THE EXTRAORDINARY t h a n k s f o r w a t c h i n g !

C o n t a c t m e i f y o u ’ d l i k e t o fi n d o u t m o r e a b o u t c o a c h i n g a n d k e y n o t e s p e a k i n g

V i c t o r i a Tr a b o s h , E x e c u t i v e C o a c h a n d S p e a k e r5 0 3 - 8 4 1 - 6 1 0 8