· web view• apply their knowledge in answers to a range of questions...

Shevington High School – Computer Science Scheme of work: KS4 Years 9,10 and 11 Year 9 Year 9 Term 1 Week 1 Key idea (Content Coverage) Specification content (Key Learning) Learning activity and resources Presentation on prior knowledge Computer science knowledge and understanding. Presentation on the key concepts learned in KS3 1

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Shevington High School – Computer Science

Scheme of work: KS4 Years 9,10 and 11

Year 9

Year 9 Term 1

Week 1

Key idea

(Content Coverage)

Specification content

(Key Learning)

Learning activity and resources

Presentation on prior knowledge

Computer science knowledge and understanding.

Presentation on the key concepts learned in KS3

Week 2

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.1 Systems Architecture

Learn what a computer systems - Input, process, output.

L1 PGonline – Systems architecture memory and storage

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Understanding basic concepts of sequence of instructions

Learn to follow a sequence of instructions

Learn to use coordinates, angles and direction

Learn to describe an algorithm and detect errors

Scratch - L1 Sequence of Instructions:-

Week 3

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.1 Systems Architecture

Understand the purpose of the CPU

Explain the role and operation of the following CPU registers used in Von Neumann architecture:

MAR (Memory Address Register),

MDR (Memory Data Register),

Program Counter,


L1 PGonline – Systems architecture memory and storage.

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Understanding basic concepts of sequence of instructions including iteration.

Learn to describe an algorithm and detect errors

Learn to use a loop

Student will create a simple image on scratch using the pen tool.

G&T will add additional features and use the repeat command.

Scratch – L2 Sequence of Instructions:-

Week 4

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.1 Systems Architecture

Describe common CPU components and their function: ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit), CU (Control Unit), cache

Describe how common characteristics of CPUs affect their performance: clock speed, cache size, number of cores

Explain the purpose and give examples of embedded systems

L2 PGonline – Systems architecture memory and storage –

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Iteration and decomposition.

Learn to follow a sequence of instructionsLearn to use coordinates, angles and directionLearn to detect errors

Learn what Iteration and Decomposition mean

Learn to use Loops within code

L1 Scratch - Maze Game

Week 5

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.2 Memory

Describe the difference between RAM and ROM

Describe the purpose of RAM and ROM in a computer system

Explain the need for virtual memory

L3 PGonline – Systems architecture memory and storage –

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Selection used within programming techniques.


Learn what a variable is and how to use it in a game

Learn to use a counter to collect objects and hide sprites

Learn to create a unique game independently

Learn to detect errors in code

L2 Scratch - Maze Game

Week 6

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.2 Memory


Discuss the need for secondary storage including optical, magnetic and solid state storage

Evaluate suitable storage devices and storage media for a given application using the following characteristics:

· capacity,

· speed,

· portability,

· durability,

· reliability,

· cost

L4 PGonline – Systems architecture memory and storage

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Sequence, Selection, Condition, Iteration & Variables

Independent development of a unique game

L3 Scratch - Maze Game

Week 7

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources


Storage – Top trump cards

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Sequence, Selection, Condition, Iteration & Variables

Independent development of a unique game

L4 Scratch - Maze Game


Week 9

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources


Storage - Top trump cards

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Sequence, Selection, Condition, Iteration & Variables

Assessment report – highlighting key terminology

SL5 scratch - Maze Game – Assessment task

Week 10

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources


Storage - Top trump cards

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Sequence, Selection, Condition, Iteration & Variables

Learn what a variable is and how to use it in a game

Learn to use multiple variables

Learn to create a unique game independently

Learn to detect errors in code

L1 Scratch - Racing Car Scenario

Week 11

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.4 Wired & Wireless Networks

Learning Objectives:

• Define a Wide Area Network

• Describe the nature of the Internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks

• Explain the need for IP addressing of resources on the Internet and how this can be facilitated by the role of DNS services

• Understand the need for Network Interface Cards and the uses of MAC addressing

• Explain packet switching

PG Online Unit 2– Wired and wireless networks L1

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Sequence, Selection, Condition, Iteration & Variables

Learn what a variable is and how to use it in a game

Learn to use multiple variables

Learn to create a unique game independently

Learn to detect errors in code

L2 Scratch - Racing Car

Week 12

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.4 Wired & Wireless Networks

Learning Objectives:

• Describe the difference between a Local Area Network and a Wide Area Network

• Describe star and mesh network topologies

• Describe routers and switches needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network

• Explain the use of Ethernet standards to transmit data over a wired network

• Explain the concept of virtual networks

PG Online Unit 2– Wired and wireless networks L2

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Sequence, Selection, Condition, Iteration & Variables

Assessment report – highlighting key terminology

L3 Scratch – Racing car game

Week 13

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.4 Wired & Wireless Networks

Learning Objectives:

• Explain the need for Wireless Access Points (WAP) to create wireless hotspots

• Explain wireless data transmission including:

o Frequency and channels

o Encryption

PG Online Unit 2– Wired and wireless networks L3

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Sequence, Selection, Condition, Iteration & Variables

Learn to create a unique game independently

Learn to detect errors in code and improve scripts

L1 Scratch – Pac Man

Week 14

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.4 Wired & Wireless Networks

Learning Objectives:

• Explain the role of computers in client-server and peer-to-peer networks

• Explain the advantages and disadvantages of client-server and peer-to-peer networks

• Describe what is meant by:

o Hosting and

o The Cloud

• Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various transmission media

• Describe the factors that affect network performance

PG Online Unit 2– Wired and wireless networks L4

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Sequence, Selection, Condition, Iteration & Variables

Learn to create a unique game independently

Learn to detect errors in code and improve scripts

L2 Scratch – Pac Man – Assessment

Week 15

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Sequence, Selection, Condition, Iteration & Variables

Assessment report

L3 Scratch – Pac Man - DIRT


Year 9 Term 2

Week 18

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.4 Wired & Wireless Networks

Learning Objectives:

• Describe the uses of communications protocols including:








• Explain the concept of layers in the TCP/IP protocol stack

PG Online Unit 2 – Wired and wireless networks L5

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Know what Python is and some of the applications it is used for

Run a simple Python program in Interactive mode using the input and print functions

Write, save and run a program in Script mode

Understand what a syntax error is and how to interpret an error message

Know the rules for variable names and use variables in a program

Understand the use and value of comments in a program

L1 PG Online – Introduction to python

Week 19

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.4 Wired & Wireless Networks

Recap unit 2 using revision notes

Recap of prior learning in preparation of the assessment.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Understand the importance of using correct data types: string, integer or float

Use the int, float and round functions

Understand how to use assignment statements correctly

Perform arithmetic using the BIDMAS rule

Write a program involving input, calculation and output

L2 PG Online – Introduction to python

Week 20

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.4 Wired & Wireless Networks

Independent learning exam preparation for unit 2

Independent Study in preparation for the assessment.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Use selection statements if, else and elif in a program

Learn how to use different comparison operators

Use indentation correctly to define a block of code

L3 PG Online – Introduction to python

Week 21

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.4 Wired & Wireless Networks

Learning Outcomes:

Students will

• apply their knowledge in answers to a range of questions

• be able to highlight areas of strength and any gaps in their understanding of computers

Assessment task

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Learn to write algorithms in pseudocode

Review the difference between syntax errors, run-time errors and logic errors

Learn techniques for debugging programs

L4 PG Online – Introduction to python

Week 22

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.7 System software

Learning Objectives:

• Understand forms of attack and threats posed to a network:

o Malware

o Phishing

o Social engineering

o Brute force attacks

o Denial of service attacks

o Data interception and theft

o SQL injection

o Poor network policy

PG Online Unit 3 systems software and security - L1

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Use a while loop in a program

Use an if statement within a while loop

Use a function to generate a random number

L5 PG Online – Introduction to python

Week 23

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.7 System software

Learning Objectives:

• Identify and understand how to prevent vulnerabilities including the use of:

o penetration testing

o network forensics

o network policies

o anti-malware software

o firewalls

o user access levels

o passwords

o encryption

PG Online Unit 3 systems software and security - L2

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Compare alternative algorithms for a given problem

Use a linear search to find a number

Understand how a binary search works

L6 PG Online – Introduction to python


Week 25

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.7 System software

Learning Objectives:

• Explain the need for the following functions of an operating system:

o provision of a user interface

o memory management and multitasking

o peripheral management and drivers

o user management

o file management

PG Online Unit 3 systems software and security - L3

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Python Challenge and scenario to solve.

Week 26

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.7 System software

Learning Outcomes:

• Describe the purpose and use of common utility software:

o encryption software

o defragmentation software

o data compression software

• Describe the role and methods of backup:

o full

o incremental

PG Online Unit 3 systems software and security - L4

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Flowchart symbols

Week 27

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.7 System software

Vulnerabilities presentations by groups

Groups to create a presentation on one aspect of vulnerabilities.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Python Challenges

Python Challenges (Zig Zag) 1-5.

Include Flowcharts, code and executed code.

Week 28

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.7 System software

Recap unit 3 – Create revision notes

Groups to present a presentation on one aspect of vulnerabilities. – Other students to take notes.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Python Challenges

Python Challenges (Zig Zag) 6-10.

Include Flowcharts, code and executed code.

Week 29

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.7 System software

Systems software and security

Independent learning exam preparation for unit 3

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Python Challenges

Python Challenges (Zig Zag) 1-10.

DIRT – Improve based on teacher feedback

Week 30

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

1.7 System software

Learning Outcomes:

Students will

• apply their knowledge in answers to a range of questions

• be able to highlight areas of strength and any gaps in their understanding of computers

PG Online Unit 3 systems software and security - TEST

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Python Challenges

Python Challenges (Zig Zag) 11-15.

Include Flowcharts, code and executed code.

Week 31

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Python Challenges

Python Challenges (Zig Zag) 16-20.

Include Flowcharts, code and executed code.

EASTER WK 32 & 33

Year 9 Term 3

Week 34

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Ethical, legal, cultural andenvironmental concerns

Learning Objectives

• Consider the ethical and cultural issues related to computer science technologies

PG Online Unit 4 Ethical, Legal, cultural and environmental concerns - L1

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Python Challenges

Python Challenges (Zig Zag) 11-20.

DIRT – Improve based on teacher feedback

Week 35

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Ethical, legal, cultural andenvironmental concerns

Learning Objectives:

  Consider how key stakeholders are affected by technologies

• Consider privacy issues

• Consider the environmental impact of computer science

• Consider security issues

• Compare open source and proprietary software

PG Online Unit 4 Ethical, Legal, cultural and environmental concerns - L2

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Read and understand an existing Python program

Recall different data types

Use the int(), float() and str() functions to convert data types

Write an if-else statement

L1 PG Online – Python – Next Steps

Week 36

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Ethical, legal, cultural andenvironmental concerns

Learning Objectives:

  Consider how key stakeholders are affected by technologies

• Consider privacy issues

• Consider the environmental impact of computer science

• Consider security issues

• Compare open source and proprietary software

PG Online Unit 4 Ethical, Legal, cultural and environmental concerns - L2


PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Read and understand an existing Python program

Recall different data types

Use the int(), float() and str() functions to convert data types

Write an if-else statement

L1 PG Online – Python – Next Steps - CONTINUED

Week 37

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Ethical, legal, cultural andenvironmental concerns

Learning Objectives:

• Describe legislation relevant to Computer Science:

o The Data Protection Act 1998

o Computer Misuse Act 1990

o Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988

o Creative Commons License

o Freedom of Information Act 2000

PG Online Unit 4 Ethical, Legal, cultural and environmental concerns - L3

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Use a while loop to repeat a section of code

Use a for loop to repeat a section of code

Make a choice about which loop to use, and why

L2 PG Online – Python – Next Steps

Week 38

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Ethical, legal, cultural andenvironmental concerns

Learning Objectives:

• Describe legislation relevant to Computer Science:

o The Data Protection Act 1998

o Computer Misuse Act 1990

o Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988

o Creative Commons License

o Freedom of Information Act 2000

PG Online Unit 4 Ethical, Legal, cultural and environmental concerns - L3


PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Be able to store and update values in a list

Be able to append data to a list

Be able to use a for() loop to step through a list

Understand why using a list can be more efficient than using single variables

L3 PG Online – Python – Next Steps


Week 40

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Ethical, legal, cultural andenvironmental concerns

Ethical, legal, cultural andenvironmental concerns

Independent learning exam preparation for unit 3

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Understand what a procedure is

Be able to define and call a procedure

Understand why procedures are useful

Be able to use parameters in a procedure

L4 PG Online – Python – Next Steps

Week 41

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Ethical, legal, cultural andenvironmental concerns

Learning Outcomes:

Students will

• apply their knowledge in answers to a range of questions

• be able to highlight areas of strength and any gaps in their understanding of computers

PG Online Unit 4 Ethical, Legal, cultural and environmental concerns - TEST

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Understand what a function is

Be able to define a function

Be able to call a function and capture the return value

L5 PG Online – Python – Next Steps

Week 42

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Assessment Preparation

Revision for end of year test – Unit 1 Computer Science exam

Revision list

Students booklets and task sheets

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms


Week 43

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision for end of year test – Unit 1 Computer Science exam

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Complete the Assessment Portfolio

Wk1 - Describe the purpose of a given program

Complete a ‘dry run’

Write a pseudocode algorithm

Week 44

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Summer Exam



Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Programming Project• Programming techniques• Analysis• Design• Development• Testing and evaluation andconclusions

Wk2 - Describe the purpose of a given program

Complete a ‘dry run’

Write a pseudocode algorithm

Complete the Assessment Portfolio

Week 45

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Summer Exam Reflection


Notes on misconceptions from assessment

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Programming Project• Programming techniques• Analysis• Design• Development• Testing and evaluation andconclusions

Wk3 - Describe the purpose of a given program

Complete a ‘dry run’

Write a pseudocode algorithm

Complete the Assessment Portfolio

Week 46

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Programming Project• Programming techniques• Analysis• Design• Development• Testing and evaluation andconclusions

Wk4 – DIRT - Feedback from teacher and improvements for the Assessment Portfolio

Week 47

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

As Necessary

Year 10

Year 10 Term 1

Week 1

Key idea

(Content Coverage)

Specification content

(Key Learning)

Learning activity and resources

Computer Systems

Explain what is meant by a computer system

Research and present task

Computational thinking

Understand and apply computational thinking methods including abstraction, decomposition and algorithmic thinkingExplain what an algorithm isExplain what is meant by top-down and bottom-up problem solving

TEXT BOOK:- 2, 105, 109

Cambridge elevate resources.

Week 2

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

System Architecture

To be able to describe the purpose of the CPU

To be able to state the function of the CPU (fetch and execute instructions stored in memory)

To be able to describe how common characteristics of CPUs affect their performance:

Clock Speed

Cache Size

Number of Cores

To understand ‘embedded systems’ regarding:

Their Purpose

Be able to give examples

OCR Systems architecture L1

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Cambridge elevate resources.

Computational thinking

Explain what is meant by decomposition and abstraction and use them to solve problems

Python Challenges – Zig Zag 21-25

Week 3

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

System Architecture

To be able to label an internal diagram of the CPU

To be able to describe the roles of the MAR and the MDR in the fetch part of the fetch-execute cycle

To be able to describe the purpose of the accumulator

To be able to explain the purposes of the ALU, CU and the cache

The describe the importance of the Program Counter in the Fetch-Execute cycle

OCR Systems architecture L2

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Cambridge elevate resources.


Understand the term and processes in computational thinking.

Be able to use the skills of:



Algorithmic thinking.

OCR 2.1 Algorithms L1

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Week 4

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Common Characteristics & Performance

Describe how common characteristics of CPUs affect their performance: clock speed, cache size, number of cores

L2 PGonline - function and characteristics of the CPU

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Cambridge elevate resources.


Be able to use a linear search to find data.

Be able to use a binary search to find data.

Understand the differences between a linear and a binary search.

OCR 2.1 Algorithms L2

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Week 5

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Embedded Systems

Explain what is meant by an embedded systemExplain the purpose of and give examples of embedded systems

Cambridge elevate resources.


Understand the principles of a bubble sort.

Be able to perform a bubble sort on a set of data.

Understand how the number of comparisons increases in a bubble sort.

OCR 2.1 Algorithms L3

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Week 6

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Purpose of ROM & RAM and difference between them

Describe the purpose of RAM and ROM in a computer systemDescribe the difference between RAM and ROM

Cambridge elevate resources.


Understand the principles of a merge sort.

Be able to perform a merge sort on a set of data

OCR 2.1 Algorithms L4

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Week 7

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Flash Memory and need for Virtual Memory

Explain the need for virtual memoryDescribe flash memory

Cambridge elevate resources.


Understand the principles of an insertion sort.

Be able to perform an insertion sort on a set of data

OCR 2.1 Algorithms L5

OCR resources – Activity worksheets


Week 9

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Need for secondary storage & common types

Discuss the need for secondary storage including optical, magnetic and solid state storageDescribe examples of secondary storage media

Cambridge elevate resources.


Be able to produce an algorithm using a flowchart.

Be able to produce an algorithm using pseudocode.

OCR 2.1 Algorithms L6

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Week 10

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Data capacity calculations & using characteristics

Discuss data capacity of storage devices Calculate data capacity requirementsSelect suitable storage devices and storage media for a given application and the advantages and disadvantages of these using characteristics: capacity, speed, portability, durability, reliability and cost

Cambridge elevate resources.


Be able to find and correct errors in algorithms.

Be able to complete algorithms where code is missing.

OCR 2.1 Algorithms L7

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Week 11

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Why data is in binary form, Logic diagrams & truth tables

Construct truth tables for the following logic gates:




Construct truth tables for simple logic circuits

Interpret the results of truth tables

Create, modify and interpret simple logic circuit diagrams

L1 PGonline – Logic and languages

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Cambridge elevate resources.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Sequencing & Selection (IF ELSE)

· Understand computational thinking including

· abstraction

· decomposition

· algorithmic thinking

L1 – PG Online Unit 5 - Algorithms

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Week 12

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Combining gates & truth tables to solve problems.

Learn to use logic gates to solve a given scenario.

Apply logic gates to a truth table

Learn Boolean Algebra

Learn to use Multiple Gates

L1 part 2 – Logic and languages

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Programming Techniques

Computational thinking and algorithms

Understand and use different types of search

Binary search

Linear search

L2 – PG Online Unit 5 - Algorithms

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Week 13

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Standard sorting algorithms (Bubble & Insertion)

Understand and be able to trace sort algorithms:

Bubble sort

Insertion sort

Merge sort

L3 – PG Online Unit 5 - Algorithms

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

Iteration (Fixed and Conditional)

Use the basic programming construct iterationExplain what is meant by iterationExplain the difference between definite and indefinite iterationUse for and while loopsUse nested loops

Zig Zag challenges

Week 14

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Standard sorting algorithms (Merge & Comparisons)

Describe and trace the merge sort algorithmUse all 3 algorithms to sort lists into ascending and descending order and compare performance

L3 part 2 – PG Online Unit 5 - Algorithms

PG online worksheet tasks

PG online H/W linked to lesson to extend learning and reinforce knowledge and understanding.

String Manipulation

Use string manipulation functions such as:-finding the length of a string-slicing and concatenating strings

Zig Zag challenges

Week 15

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Standard searching algorithms (Linear & Binary)

Understand and trace the linear and binary search algorithmsUse these algorithms to search sorted and unsorted lists


Syntax and Logic Errors

Learn how to identify syntax and logic errors and fix them.



Year 10 Term 2

Week 18

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Operating systems

Explain what is meant by systems softwareExplain what is meant by an operating systemDescribe the functions of the operating system

Cambridge elevate Ch12

Lists (Arrays)

Create and work with simple array data structuresCreate and work with two dimensional arrays

Zig Zag challenges

Week 19

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Utility system software

Explain what Is meant by utility systems softwareList some examples of utility systems software and their functions

Cambridge elevate Ch12

Lists & Dictionary Files

Use one and two dimensional arraysCreate and use a dictionary data structure

Zig Zag challenges

Week 20

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Types of networks and factors that affect performance

Explain what is meant by a computer network and list the different types of networks (LAN/WAN)Be familiar with local and wide area networksUnderstand the factors that affect network performance

OCR Unit 4 wired and wireless networks.

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Functions and Procedures

Use sub-programs (functions and procedures) to produce structured code

Zig Zag challenges

Week 21

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Hardware needed to connect to a LAN and virtual networks

Identify and describe the hardware needed to connect computers into a LAN:-Wireless access points-Routers and switches-NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card)-Transmission mediaExplain how computers communicate using cable and microwaveExplain the concept of a virtual network and explain how they can be set up

Cambridge elevate

OCR Unit 4 wired and wireless networks.

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

File Handling

Use basic file-handling operations: open, read, write & close

Zig Zag challenges

Week 22

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Client-server and peer-to-peer networks

Describe the differences between client server and peer-to-peer networksExplain the different roles of computers in a client server and peer-to-peer network

Cambridge elevate

OCR Unit 4 wired and wireless networks.

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Defensive design considerations

Describe defensive design considerations:-Validation of input-Planning for contingencies-Anticipating misuse-Authentication

Zig Zag challenges

Week 23

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

The Internet

Understand that the Internet is a worldwide collection of computer networksExplain how users connect to and use the InternetDescribe what is meant by:-DNS (Domain Name Server)-Hosting-The cloud

Cambridge elevate

OCR Unit 4 wired and wireless networks.

OCR resources – Activity worksheets

Purpose and types of testing & test data

Understand the purpose of testingDescribe types of testing: iterative and terminalSelect and use suitable test data


Week 25

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Explain why the binary system is essential for computer processingUse the units bit, nibble, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte and petabyte

PG Online – Data representation unit 8

Cambridge elevate

Practice & Consolidation

Week 26

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Binary Addition & Shifts

Convert binary numbers into denary and vice versaCarry out addition and subtraction on binary numbersUse left and right shifts when multiplying or dividing binary numbers by powers of 2Explain overflow errors which may occur when addition two 8 bit binary numbers

PG Online – Data representation unit 8

Cambridge elevate

Practice & Consolidation

Week 27

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Hexadecimal & Check Digits

Explain why hexadecimal numbers are usedConvert denary numbers (0-255) into 2 digit hexadecimal numbersConvert between binary and hexadecimal numbersUnderstand the use and function of check digits

PG Online – Data representation unit 8

Cambridge elevate

Practice & Consolidation

Week 28

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources


Explain the use of binary codes to represent charactersExplain the term 'character set' and the relationship between the number of bits per character in a character set and the numbers of characters which can be represented (for example ASCII, extended ASCII and Unicode)Calculate the size of a text file

PG Online – Data representation unit 8

Cambridge elevate

Practice & Consolidation

Week 29

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources


Explain how an image is represented as a series of pixels represented in binaryDescribe the metadata included in the fileDescribe the effect of colour depth and resolution on the size of an image fileCalculate the size of an image file

PG Online – Data representation unit 8

Cambridge elevate

Practice & Consolidation

Week 30

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources


Explain how sound can be sampled and stored in digital formExplain how sampling intervals and other factors affect the size of a sound file and the quality of its playback:-Sample size-Bit rate-Sampling frequencyCalculate the size of an audio file

PG Online – Data representation unit 8

Cambridge elevate

Practice & Consolidation

Week 31

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources


Explain the disadvantages of large image and audio filesExplain how file compression reduces the size of filesExplain the differences between lossless and lossy file compression

PG Online – Data representation unit 8

Cambridge elevate

Practice & Consolidation

EASTER WK 32 & 33

Year 10 Term 3

Week 34

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Wifi & Ethernet

Explain Wi-Fi, frequency and channels, and encryptionExplain how computers communicate using cable and microwave

OCR - unit-1.4-wired-and-wireless-networks resource pack.

Cambridge elevate

Week 35

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Star and mesh topologies

Describe mesh and star network topologies

OCR - unit-1.4-wired-and-wireless-networks resource pack.

Cambridge elevate

Week 36

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Uses of IP & MAC addressing & packet switching

Explain how users connect to and use the InternetUnderstand the uses of IP addressing and MAC addressingExplain how data is transmitted across networks using packet switching

OCR - unit-1.4-wired-and-wireless-networks resource pack.

Cambridge elevate

Week 37

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources


Explain the use of protocolsDescribe different protocols including:-TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)-HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)-HTTPS (Hyper Test Transfer Protocol Secure)-FTP (File Transfer Protocol)-POP (Post Office Protocol)-IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)-SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

OCR - unit-1.4-wired-and-wireless-networks resource pack.

Cambridge elevate

Week 38

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Protocols & concept of layers

Describe different protocols including:-TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)-HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)-HTTPS (Hyper Test Transfer Protocol Secure)-FTP (File Transfer Protocol)-POP (Post Office Protocol)-IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)-SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)Understand the concept of layers

OCR - unit-1.4-wired-and-wireless-networks resource pack.

Cambridge elevate

Week 40

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Characteristics of different levels of programming language

Describe the difference between high level and low level languagesExplain the advantages of using high level languagesExplain how program instructions are encoded in low level languages

Chapter 10 OCR text book

Cambridge elevate tasks

Week 41

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Translators and characteristics of types of translators

Explain why high level languages need to be translatedExplain the characteristics of:-an assembler-a compiler-an interpreter

Chapter 10 OCR text book

Cambridge elevate tasks

Week 42

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

IDE common tools and facilities

Explain why high level languages need to be translatedExplain the characteristics of:-an assembler-a compiler-an interpreter

Chapter 10 OCR text book

Cambridge elevate tasks

Week 43

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

identify and describe common tools and facilities available in an integrated development environment (IDE):


-error diagnostics

-run-time environment


Chapter OCR text book P121

Cambridge elevate tasks

Week 44

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

CS Presentation

Use of IP & MAC addressing and packet switching

Wi-fi & Ethernet

Characteristics of different levels of programming language

Network Protocols

Network Topologies & Communication

Students work in groups and create a 30 minute presetatiomn to teach other students their topic area. Presentations must contain information and a learning resource

Week 45

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

CS Presentation

Use of IP & MAC addressing and packet switching

Wi-fi & Ethernet

Characteristics of different levels of programming language

Network Protocols

Network Topologies & Communication

Students work in groups and create a 30 minute presetatiomn to teach other students their topic area. Presentations must contain information and a learning resource

Week 46

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

CS Presentation

Presentations begin:-

Use of IP & MAC addressing and packet switching

Wi-fi & Ethernet

Characteristics of different levels of programming language

Network Protocols

Network Topologies & Communication

Students present topic

Week 47

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

CS Presentation

Presentations begin:-

Use of IP & MAC addressing and packet switching

Wi-fi & Ethernet

Characteristics of different levels of programming language

Network Protocols

Network Topologies & Communication

Students present topic

Year 11

Year 11 Term 1

Week 1

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Computer systems


Embedded systems


Week 2

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – The CPU

Fetch decode cycle

Von Neumann architecture

CGP P2,3

Assessment task P5

Week 3

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Memory


CPU and system performance

CGP P6-7


Week 4

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Secondary Storage

Storage types




CGP P8 -9

Assessment task P11


Week 5

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – System Software


Device drivers


File & Disk manager

Open source & Proprietary

CGP P12 - 16

Assessment task P17


Week 6

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Networks


Network hardware

Wireless networks & Wi-Fi standards

Client sever & Peer to peer

Network topologies

CGP P20 - 24

Assessment task P26


Week 7

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Network Protocols

Client sever & Peer to peer

Network topologies

CGP P27 - 30



Week 9

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Network Security




CGP P31 - 33

Assessment task P35


Week 10

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Ethical & Cultural Issues


Censorship & surveillance

Social well being

Health & Culture

Digital divide

CGP P38 - 42

Assessment task P44


Week 11

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Environmental issues

E Waste




Week 12

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

As Necessary

As Necessary

As Necessary



Year 11 Term 2

Week 15

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Legislation

Copyright, Desisn & patents act

Creative commons


Computer missuse act

CGP P46 - 47

Assessment task P49


Week 16

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Computational Thinking




CGP P51 - 53

Assessment task P55

Week 17

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Algorithms




-bubble sort

CGP P56 - 57

Week 18

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Algorithms




-bubble sort

CGP P58 - 59

Assessment task P61

Week 19

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Programming

Data types




Contants and variables


CGP P63 - 67

Assessment task P69

Week 20

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Programming

Program flow




Boolean operators

CGP P70 - 73

Assessment task P75


Week 22

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Programming


File handling

Storing data

CGP P76 - 79

Week 23

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Programming

Searching data

Sub programs

CGP P80 - 82

Assessment task P83

Week 24

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Design, Test & IDE’s

Defensive Design



CGP P87 - 89

Week 25

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Design, Test & IDE’s


Syntax Errors

Logic Errors

Software Development Cycle



CGP P90 - 93

Assessment task P95

Week 26

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Data Representation

Logic Gates


Parrity Bit

CGP P98 - 100

Assessment task P102

Week 27

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Data Representation



Addition / Multiply

Binary shift

Overflow errors

CGP P103 - 105

Week 28

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Data Representation

Hexideciamal Numbers

CGP P106 - 107

Assessment task P109

Week 29

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Data Representation

Character representation

Character set

Storing images

Colour depth and resolution

CGP P110 - 111

Week 30

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Revision – Data Representation

Storing sound

Sample rate

Bit depth

CGP P112 - 113

Assessment task P114

Week 31

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Mock Exam

Mock Exam

Mock Exam

EASTER WK 32 & 33

Year 11 Term 3

Week 34

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Mock Exam

Mock Exam

Mock Exam

Week 35

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

REVISION based on exam results

As necessary

REVISION based on exam results

As necessary

REVISION based on exam results

As necessary

Week 36

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Mock Exam

Mock Exam

Mock Exam

Week 37

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

Mock Exam

Mock Exam

Mock Exam

Week 38

Key idea

Specification content

Learning activity and resources

REVISION based on exam results

As necessary

REVISION based on exam results

As necessary

REVISION based on exam results

As necessary