smecker-hane tiara tabel

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  • 8/13/2019 Smecker-Hane TIARA tabel


  • 8/13/2019 Smecker-Hane TIARA tabel


  • 8/13/2019 Smecker-Hane TIARA tabel


    The Physics GoverningThe Physics Governing

    Stars & Stellar EvolutionStars & Stellar Evolution

    4.4. PressurePressure

    Ideal Gas Law: P =Ideal Gas Law: P = kTkT//

    5.5. Hydrostatic EquilibriumHydrostatic Equilibrium

    At every radius in the star, the force exerted byAt every radius in the star, the force exerted bythe outward gas pressure must balance thethe outward gas pressure must balance theweight of the material on topweight of the material on top

    Theoretical Stellar Evolutionary ModelsTheoretical Stellar Evolutionary Models

    successfully predict the properties of thesuccessfully predict the properties of theSun and other stars from these basic inputs!Sun and other stars from these basic inputs!

    The Interior of a StarThe Interior of a Star

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    The Interior of a StarThe Interior of a Star

    TheThe HertzsprungHertzsprung--Russell Diagram (HRD)Russell Diagram (HRD)

    The MainThe Main

    Stages ofStages of



    Note: By convention, theNote: By convention, the TTeffeff axis in an HRD is reversed. Hotter,axis in an HRD is reversed. Hotter,

    bluer stars are to the left and cooler, redder stars are to thebluer stars are to the left and cooler, redder stars are to the right.right.

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    TheThe HertzsprungHertzsprung--Russell Diagram (HRD)Russell Diagram (HRD)

    Massive StarsMassive Stars

    changechange TTeffeff at fixedat fixed

    L when they evolveL when they evolve

    and becomeand become

    SupergiantSupergiant starsstars

    Low Mass StarsLow Mass Stars

    change in bothchange in both TTeffeffand L when theyand L when they

    evolve andevolve andbecomebecome Red GiantRed Giant


    Star ClustersStar Clusters

    As the cluster ages, stars evolve off the main-sequence,

    go through their various evolutionary stages, then they

    die and disappear from the HR Diagram

  • 8/13/2019 Smecker-Hane TIARA tabel


    Quiz on Cluster AgesQuiz on Cluster Ages

    Here is a table of the temperatures of stars at theHere is a table of the temperatures of stars at the

    main sequence turnoff in four clusters. Whichmain sequence turnoff in four clusters. Which

    cluster is the oldest?cluster is the oldest?

    7,0007,000M 67M 67DD

    5,0005,0004747 TucTucCC

    9,0009,000NGC 188NGC 188BB


    TTeffeff ((K)K)NameNameClusterCluster

    The Sun is a very

    typical star.

    Most of the stars are

    seen places where

    they spend the

    longest time.

    Stellar Lifetimes:

    90% on MS, ~5% on

    RGB, ~5% HB

    HipparcosHipparcos Catalog: Stars Nearest the SunCatalog: Stars Nearest the Sun

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    Main Sequence LifetimeMain Sequence Lifetime

    Lifetime = Energy Available / Rate UsedLifetime = Energy Available / Rate Used

    ttMSMS M / LM / L

    The mass M dictates the L of a star. In fact,The mass M dictates the L of a star. In fact,LL MM3.53.5 for most main sequence stars.for most main sequence stars.



    M / LM / L

    M / MM / M3.53.5


    ttMSMS = 10= 101010 yrs x (M/Myrs x (M/M))


    Main Sequence LifetimeMain Sequence Lifetime

    Stars have masses from 0.08 MStars have masses from 0.08 M < M < 130 M< M < 130 M What is the main sequence lifetimes of aWhat is the main sequence lifetimes of a

    10 M10 M star?star?ttMSMS = 32 million yr= 32 million yr

    What is the lifetime of a 0.5 MWhat is the lifetime of a 0.5 M star?star?ttMSMS = 56 Gyr, which is > the age of the Universe, 13.7 Gyr!= 56 Gyr, which is > the age of the Universe, 13.7 Gyr!

    All low mass stars with m < 0.85 MAll low mass stars with m < 0.85 M that ever formed in athat ever formed in a

    galaxy is still there.galaxy is still there. Measuring the # stars at different parts of the HRMeasuring the # stars at different parts of the HR

    Diagram can tell you a galaxys star formation historyDiagram can tell you a galaxys star formation history

    Hess DiagramHess Diagram: diagram showing the density of stars in: diagram showing the density of stars inbins of color & magnitude in an HR Diagrambins of color & magnitude in an HR Diagram

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    Apply HRD to Star ClustersApply HRD to Star Clusters

    Globular Cluster M80Globular Cluster M80 Open Cluster NGC 2420Open Cluster NGC 2420

    Star Cluster: a group of stars with different masses that formedat roughly the same time from the same gas cloud. All the stars

    have the same chemical composition, age and distance

    Milky Way Star ClustersMilky Way Star Clusters

    150 Globular Clusters: 12150 Globular Clusters: 12--13 Gyr, metal13 Gyr, metal--poor, stellar halopoor, stellar halo

    Thousands of Open Clusters: 0 toThousands of Open Clusters: 0 to ~~10 Gyr old,10 Gyr old, approxiapproxi--

    matelymately solarsolar metallicitymetallicity, disk, disk

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    A stars properties (L, T, R,A stars properties (L, T, R, ttMSMS) also depend on) also depend onthe chemical composition of the star.the chemical composition of the star.


    X = the fraction by mass of H = MH/MY = the fraction by mass of He

    Z = fraction by mass of metals (>H,He)

    [Fe/H] = log [ (XFe/XH) / (XFe/XH)] ~ log (Z/Z)

    Sun: Z

    = 0.019 (1.9%) and [Fe/H]=0

    [Fe/H] = 1 1/10 solar[Fe/H] = 2 1/100 solar

    M30M30A MetalA Metal--Poor, GalacticPoor, GalacticGlobular ClusterGlobular Cluster

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  • 8/13/2019 Smecker-Hane TIARA tabel


    Globular Cluster M30Globular Cluster M30

    Vandenberg et al.

    (2002) stellar

    evolutionary model


    Comparing theComparing the

    observedobserved fiducialfiducial pointspoints

    to the theoreticalto the theoretical

    isochroneisochrone allows you toallows you to

    detereminedeteremine the clustersthe clusters

    reddening, distance, &reddening, distance, &

    age (chemicalage (chemicalcomposition)composition)

    d = 81 pc

    Globular ClustersGlobular Clusters

    Two different clusters with about the same age, butTwo different clusters with about the same age, but

    very different chemical abundances (very different chemical abundances (25)25)

    M30: [Fe/H] = 2.1 47Tuc: [Fe/H] = 0.7

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    Star ClustersStar Clusters

    Star Clusters are useful (Star Clusters are useful (although biasedalthough biased))probes of the stellar populations of galaxiesprobes of the stellar populations of galaxies

    First an explanation of the classificationFirst an explanation of the classificationscheme for galaxiesscheme for galaxies

    Spiral GalaxiesSpiral Galaxies: thin, rotating disk & bulge: thin, rotating disk & bulge

    Elliptical GalaxiesElliptical Galaxies: entirely stars, little or no HI: entirely stars, little or no HIgas, shape supported by velocity dispersions ofgas, shape supported by velocity dispersions ofthe starsthe stars

    Dwarf GalaxiesDwarf Galaxies: galaxies fainter than M: galaxies fainter than MBB == --16,16,

    such as the LMC & SMC or thesuch as the LMC & SMC or the dSphsdSphs Dwarf Irregular (Dwarf Irregular (dIrdIr)): gas rich dwarfs: gas rich dwarfs

    DwarfDwarf SpheroidalSpheroidal ((dSphdSph)): all stars, no HI gas: all stars, no HI gas

    Four Galaxies are visible hereFour Galaxies are visible here

    Gary Stephens

    M31, the




    NGC 205

    Stars inour own

    Milky Way

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    TheThe FornaxFornax dSphdSph GalaxyGalaxy

    Two Star Clusters in theTwo Star Clusters in the FornaxFornax dSphdSph

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  • 8/13/2019 Smecker-Hane TIARA tabel


    Star ClustersStar Clusters

    Some very interesting pieces of informationSome very interesting pieces of informationabout galaxy evolution come from studyingabout galaxy evolution come from studyingthe star clusters in galaxiesthe star clusters in galaxies

    Nearly all the Milky Way globular clusters haveNearly all the Milky Way globular clusters haveages of 12ages of 12--13 Gyr although they span a13 Gyr although they span arange of chemical abundances. Initially, therange of chemical abundances. Initially, theMilky Way formed very chaoticallyMilky Way formed very chaoticallyglobularsglobulars were probably born out of violentwere probably born out of violentcollisions, similar to the bright, compactcollisions, similar to the bright, compact

    clusters we see forming in starclusters we see forming in star--burstburstgalaxies today.galaxies today.

    Star ClustersStar Clusters

    Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation predictCosmological simulations of galaxy formation predictthat large galaxies form first, and small galaxiesthat large galaxies form first, and small galaxiesform later. But what do we see in nearby galaxies?form later. But what do we see in nearby galaxies?

    All galaxies have 12All galaxies have 12--13 Gyr old stars! There are no late13 Gyr old stars! There are no lateblooming galaxies in the Local Group (galaxiesblooming galaxies in the Local Group (galaxieswith d < 1with d < 1 MpcMpc), although their star formation), although their star formationhistories are very different.histories are very different.

    The Milky Way, LMC,The Milky Way, LMC, FornaxFornax and Sagittariusand Sagittarius dSphsdSphshave globular clusters that are essentiallyhave globular clusters that are essentiallycoco--evaleval, 12, 12--13 Gyr in age.13 Gyr in age.

    However the SMC has only 1 globular cluster, and itsHowever the SMC has only 1 globular cluster, and itsage is 2age is 2--3 Gyr younger than in other galaxies.3 Gyr younger than in other galaxies.

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    Large and SmallLarge and Small MagellanicMagellanic CloudsClouds

    Large and SmallLarge and Small MagellanicMagellanic CloudsClouds

    LMC/SMC are interacting withLMC/SMC are interacting with

    one another as they orbit theone another as they orbit the

    Milky Way; bridge & tidal tailsMilky Way; bridge & tidal tails

    HI Maps - neutral hydrogen gas

    (M. Putman)



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    The Stellar Populations of the SMCThe Stellar Populations of the SMC

    HST survey of star clusters and field stars in theHST survey of star clusters and field stars in theSmallSmall MagellanicMagellanic Cloud done by a largeCloud done by a largecollaboration: Gallagher,collaboration: Gallagher, GrebelGrebel,, NotaNota,, TosiTosi,,SabbiSabbi,, GlattGlatt, etc. including myself, etc. including myself

    Goals:Goals: Accurately measure the ages (Accurately measure the ages (0.5 Gyr) and distances0.5 Gyr) and distances

    of star clusters in the SMCof star clusters in the SMC

    Use the star clusters to trace the evolution of theUse the star clusters to trace the evolution of themetallicitymetallicity over time in this dwarf galaxyover time in this dwarf galaxy

    Use the field stars to derive the star formation andUse the field stars to derive the star formation andmetal enrichment historymetal enrichment history

    Identify how cluster formation compares to the starIdentify how cluster formation compares to the starformationformation

    SMC Globular Cluster NGC 121SMC Globular Cluster NGC 121

    Glatt, et al. (2008)


    [Fe/H]spec= 1.46



    (Dotter et al. 2007)

    [/Fe] = +0.2

    (m-M)0 = 18.96

    d = 61.9 kpc

    age = 10.5 0.5 Gyr

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    SMC Cluster NGC 121SMC Cluster NGC 121

    Glatt, et al. (2008)

    5 isochrones

    displayed at 0.5 Gyr


    age = 10.5 0.5 Gyr

    SMC Star ClustersSMC Star Clusters

    NGC 121 has an age of 10.5 Gyr andNGC 121 has an age of 10.5 Gyr and[Fe/H] =[Fe/H] =1.46 (1.46 (intermediateintermediate metallicitymetallicity))

    NGC 121 is theNGC 121 is the onlyonly globular cluster in theglobular cluster in theSMC, and is its oldest star clusterSMC, and is its oldest star cluster

    Disruption of Clusters? Total disruption is notDisruption of Clusters? Total disruption is notlikely forlikely for globularsglobulars because of their verybecause of their very

    high spatial densityhigh spatial density

    So is the SMC a young galaxy? No.So is the SMC a young galaxy? No.

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    The Stellar Populations of the SMCThe Stellar Populations of the SMC

    6 SMC Field Star Areas in Gallagher et al.6 SMC Field Star Areas in Gallagher et al.

    The Stellar Populations of the SMCThe Stellar Populations of the SMC

    Field Stars inField Stars in

    6 SMC Locations6 SMC Locations

    ((SabbiSabbi, et al., et al.


    Z = 0.004

    Ages = 50, 100,

    & 500 Myr

    Z = 0.001

    Ages = 3, 5, &

    12 Gyr

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    The Stellar Populations of the SMCThe Stellar Populations of the SMC

    Full analysis of theFull analysis of the CMDsCMDs is not complete yet, butis not complete yet, butsimply from comparing thesimply from comparing the CMDsCMDs to isochrones, weto isochrones, wefind thatfind that the SMC does have 10the SMC does have 10--12 Gyr old stars12 Gyr old stars..Just not that many. Thus the SMC had a slow startJust not that many. Thus the SMC had a slow startto its formation which maybe a reason so fewto its formation which maybe a reason so fewglobular clusters formed in it.globular clusters formed in it.















    age [Gyr]


    Lindsay 1

    distances [kpc]

    Kron 3

    Lindsay 38





    Kron 44

    alpha [deg]

    Kron 28













    Mapping the Spatial Distribution of SMC in 3DMapping the Spatial Distribution of SMC in 3D

    Using Star ClustersUsing Star Clusters

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    AgeAge--MetallicityMetallicity Relationship in SMCRelationship in SMC

    0 2 4 6 8 10 12



    0.5 Kayser et al. 2008

    Da Costa et al. 1998

    Parisi et al. 2008

    Bica et al. 2008

    age [Gyr]


    LargeLarge MagellanicMagellanic CloudCloud

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    LMC Star Clusters show a largeLMC Star Clusters show a large age gapage gap. Only 1 cluster. Only 1 clusterhas an age of 3has an age of 3 --13 Gyr, e.g.,13 Gyr, e.g., DaDa Costa (2002)Costa (2002)

    LMC Star ClustersLMC Star Clusters

    LargeLarge MagellanicMagellanic CloudCloud

    SmeckerSmecker--Hane, Cole, GallagherHane, Cole, Gallagher& Stetson (2002) imaged star& Stetson (2002) imaged starfields in the LMC with thefields in the LMC with theWFPC2 on the Hubble SpaceWFPC2 on the Hubble SpaceTelescope (HST)Telescope (HST)

    DerivedDerived SFHsSFHs for the Bar andfor the Bar andDisk 1 fields from the # stars asDisk 1 fields from the # stars asa function of magnitude on thea function of magnitude on themainmain--sequencesequence

    5% of WFPC2 area shown at5% of WFPC2 area shown atright; mean separation of starsright; mean separation of starswith Vwith V 2525 magmag isis ~~ 6 pix =6 pix =0.60.6

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    LargeLarge MagellanicMagellanic CloudCloud

    LMC BarLMC Disk

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    V I

    A DifferentialA Differential

    Hess DiagramHess Diagram

    Black = Larger # stars in

    the Bar Field

    White = Larger # stars in

    the Disk 1 Field

    LMC Field StarsLMC Field Stars

    Bar: Open Histogram

    Disk 1: Hatched Histogram



    LMC Field StarsLMC Field Stars

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    LMC Field StarsLMC Field Stars

    SFR of the LMC Disk 1 field was nearly constant withSFR of the LMC Disk 1 field was nearly constant withtime, not varying by more than a factor of 2, in thetime, not varying by more than a factor of 2, in the

    lastlast ~~ 1 to1 to 14 Gyr14 Gyr

    SFH of the LMC Bar field is very different from that ofSFH of the LMC Bar field is very different from that of

    the Disk 1 fieldthe Disk 1 field

    Initial formation of the barInitial formation of the bar ~~ 4 to 6 Gyr ago, exact4 to 6 Gyr ago, exact

    age depends on the assumedage depends on the assumed metallicitymetallicity

    SFR in last 1 to 2 Gyr also has been high in BarSFR in last 1 to 2 Gyr also has been high in Bar

    We note a distinctWe note a distinct lack of metallack of metal--poor starspoor stars in bothin both

    fields,fields, but notbut not a lack of old starsa lack of old stars

    Stellar Populations of GalaxiesStellar Populations of Galaxies

    Collisions of protoCollisions of proto--galactic fragments early ingalactic fragments early inthe evolution of galaxies are thought causethe evolution of galaxies are thought causedissipation of energy & funneling of gas todissipation of energy & funneling of gas tothe centers, which may create galacticthe centers, which may create galacticbulges (red, old starsbulges (red, old stars))

    In addition, early merging of the protoIn addition, early merging of the proto--galacitcgalacitc

    fragments and later the continualfragments and later the continualcanniblizatoncanniblizaton of dwarf galaxyof dwarf galaxy satelitessatelites arearethought to make the stellar halos of galaxiesthought to make the stellar halos of galaxiesout of merger debrisout of merger debris

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    Hierarchical Formation of GalaxiesHierarchical Formation of Galaxies

    CDM NCDM N--bodybodysimulation (darksimulation (dark

    matter only)matter only)of the evolution of aof the evolution of a

    Milky Way typeMilky Way typegalaxygalaxy


    Bullock & JohnstonBullock & Johnston


    Stellar Populations of GalaxiesStellar Populations of Galaxies


    Do all galaxies have stellarDo all galaxies have stellarhalos?halos?

    What about a bulgeWhat about a bulge--lesslessspiral like M33?spiral like M33?

    Do the ages andDo the ages and metallicitiesmetallicities of the stars inof the stars inthe halos match the predictions ofthe halos match the predictions ofsophisticated hierarchical galaxysophisticated hierarchical galaxyformation simulations, and can they beformation simulations, and can they betested over a range of galaxytested over a range of galaxyluminosity?luminosity?

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    M33 Spectroscopic SurveyM33 Spectroscopic Survey

    With MichaelHood, Matt Teig,Annette Ferguson &Mike Irwin, andmyself

    Spectra taken w/Keck II 10-mtelescope and theDEep ImagingMulti-Object


    The areasstudied indifferentparts of thisproject


    fields arethe long &narrowfields.

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    M33 Spectroscopic SurveyM33 Spectroscopic Survey

    Dispersion = 0.47 /pix, Resolution = 1.8

    Exposure time = 3 hrs

    Average S/N per pixel = 6 (3.5 to 15)

    Average Velocity Error = 9 km/s

    Field of View over which slits are placed is16.3 x 5.0

    Multiplexing is key to getting to our eventual goal:

    observing 400 M33 RGB stars

    M33 Spectroscopic SurveyM33 Spectroscopic Survey

    Initial runs selected stars for spectroscopy basedInitial runs selected stars for spectroscopy basedon Ferguson et al.s photometric survey (Fergusonon Ferguson et al.s photometric survey (Fergusonet al. 2006)et al. 2006)

    Judge whether or not M33 or Milky Way stars afterJudge whether or not M33 or Milky Way stars afterthe fact using our DDO51 photometrythe fact using our DDO51 photometry

    Kinematic results presented here for 173 starsKinematic results presented here for 173 stars

    which are likely M33 members based on DDO51which are likely M33 members based on DDO51photometry and relative densities of stars in thephotometry and relative densities of stars in theHess diagrams of the cleaned MWay and M33Hess diagrams of the cleaned MWay and M33CMDsCMDs

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    Spectra of the Calcium LinesSpectra of the Calcium Lines

    3 Calcium Absorption Lines:3 Calcium Absorption Lines: WavelengthWavelength starstars velocity along the line of sights velocity along the line of sight

    DepthDepth abundance of Calcium in the star (Ca/H)abundance of Calcium in the star (Ca/H)

    Heliocentric Velocity vs Position AngleHeliocentric Velocity vs Position Angle

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    M33 Velocity ResultsM33 Velocity Results

    Thin Disk


    = 15 km/s

    The Stellar Halo of M33The Stellar Halo of M33

    Omitting Rotating Disk

    Stars (|v | < 35 km/s),

    what is the intrinsic

    dispersion in heliocentric


    N = 34 stars

    Simple Calculation: = 170 km/s

    RMS implies a Halo

    intrinsic = 72 km/s

  • 8/13/2019 Smecker-Hane TIARA tabel


    M33 Star ClustersM33 Star Clusters

    M33 does have a population of star clusters that haveM33 does have a population of star clusters that havemuch higher velocity dispersion than the HI diskmuch higher velocity dispersion than the HI disk

    ((ChandarChandaret al. 2002)et al. 2002)

    Clusters w/Clusters w/

    age > 1 Gyrage > 1 Gyr

    havehave = 68 km/s= 68 km/s

    However only 18However only 18

    clusters haveclusters have

    kinematics that arekinematics that are


    with disk rotationwith disk rotation


    1.1. TheThe HertzsprungHertzsprung--Russell (HR) Diagram is a veryRussell (HR) Diagram is a veryvaluable tool that allows us to measure distances,valuable tool that allows us to measure distances,reddening and ages of star clusters and stellarreddening and ages of star clusters and stellarpopulations of galaxiespopulations of galaxies

    2.2. Application to Star Clusters and Field Stars inApplication to Star Clusters and Field Stars inGalaxiesGalaxies Milky Way, LMC,Milky Way, LMC, FornaxFornax dSphdSph and Sagittariusand Sagittarius dSphdSph allall

    have globular clusters that are 12have globular clusters that are 12--13 Gyr in age.13 Gyr in age.

    SMC has only 1 globular cluster and it is only 10.5SMC has only 1 globular cluster and it is only 10.5 0.50.5Gyr old, however it does have field stars that span theGyr old, however it does have field stars that span the fulllfulllrange in age from 0range in age from 0 12 Gyr.12 Gyr.

    The SMC started forming slowing, then after 2The SMC started forming slowing, then after 2--3 Gyr the3 Gyr thestar formation rate increased, and this gasstar formation rate increased, and this gas--rich dwarfrich dwarfgalaxy is still actively forming stars today.galaxy is still actively forming stars today.

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    2.2. Application to Star Clusters and Field Stars inApplication to Star Clusters and Field Stars inGalaxiesGalaxies

    LMC formed stars at nearly a constant rate throughout theLMC formed stars at nearly a constant rate throughout theage of the Universe, probably had a burst about 3age of the Universe, probably had a burst about 3--5 Gyr5 Gyrago when the bar formed.ago when the bar formed.

    Galaxies form star clusters at different rates than they formGalaxies form star clusters at different rates than they formfield stars. The formation rate of clusters is not the samefield stars. The formation rate of clusters is not the sameas the star formation the star formation rate.

    Star clusters can be very useful probes of the ageStar clusters can be very useful probes of the age--metallicitymetallicity relationship in a galaxy, overcoming therelationship in a galaxy, overcoming thedegeneraciesdegeneracies in age/in age/metallicitymetallicity inherent in the CMD, butinherent in the CMD, butyou need to study field stars to determine a galaxyyou need to study field stars to determine a galaxys stars starformationformation histioryhistiory..

    3.3. More about that in tomorrows lectureMore about that in tomorrows lecture

    Thank you for your attention.Thank you for your attention.

    Do you have any Questions?Do you have any Questions?