smem ac three-phase motors_withanalysis&figures

8/17/2019 Smem AC Three-phase Motors_WithAnalysis&Figures 1/161 50Hz 415 V TEFC TOSHIBA MOTORS - PREMIUM EFFICIENCY ORDER FOR RATED POWER and THEN FOR POLE PAIRS Data!""t Output, kW Voltage, V Freq, Hz Pole Pair rpm Frame Irated, A I0, A 0.37 41 0 1 !"30 #71 0.$ 0.%" 0.37 41 0 ! 1410 #71& 1.0 0.7$ 0.37 41 0 3 $00 #"0 1.1 0."1 0.37 41 0 4 %7 #$0'( 1.4 1.11 0. 41 0 1 !"0 #71 1.1" 0.%4 0. 41 0 ! 1430 #"0 1.3! 0.$ 0. 41 0 3 "$ #"0 1.%! 1.!% 0. 41 0 4 700 #$0(( 1.$ 1. 0.7 41 0 1 !"4 #"0 1.% 0.$ 0.7 41 0 ! 14! #"0 1." 1.! 0.7 41 0 3 $4 #$0'( ! 1.4 0.7 41 0 4 70 #100( !.! 1.% 1.1 41 0 1 !" #"0 !.! 1.1 1.1 41 0 ! 14!0 #$0'( !. 1.3 1.1 41 0 3 $3 #$0(( !.7 1.% 1.1 41 0 4 %$ #100( 3.! !.! 1. 41 0 1 !"7 #$0'( !.7 1 1. 41 0 ! 14!0 #$0(( 3.3 1.$ 1. 41 0 3 $4 #100( 3. !.! 1. 41 0 4 710 #11!&( 4 ! !.! 41 0 1 !"7 #$0(( 3.$ 1.4 !.! 41 0 ! 14! #100( 4.4 !.1 !.! 41 0 3 $%0 #11!&( 4.% !." !.! 41 0 4 71 #13!' 3.! 3 41 0 1 !$10 #100( .4 ! 3 41 0 ! 1430 #100( .$ 3 3 41 0 3 $70 #13!' %.7 3.% 3 41 0 4 71 #13!& %.7 4.! 4 41 0 1 !$0 #11!&( 7 !. 4 41 0 ! 140 #11!&( 7." 3.7 4 41 0 3 $% #13!& ".1 3.$ 4 41 0 4 730 #1%0& 10 %.! . 41 0 1 !$1 #13!' 10 !.$ . 41 0 ! 14%0 #13!' 10.! 3." . 41 0 3 $% #13!& 11.7 ." . 41 0 4 7!0 #1%0& 1!.% %.% 7. 41 0 1 !$1 #13!' 1!.$ 3. 7. 41 0 ! 14 #13!& 14.7 %. 7. 41 0 3 $70 #1%0& 14.% %.3 7. 41 0 4 7!0 #1%0( 1" 10.3 11 41 0 1 !$! #1%0& 1".1 4.1 )O*

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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Output, kW Voltage, V Freq, Hz Pole Pair rpm Frame Irated, A I0, A

0.37 41 0 1 !"30 #71 0.$ 0.%"

0.37 41 0 ! 1410 #71& 1.0 0.7$

0.37 41 0 3 $00 #"0 1.1 0."10.37 41 0 4 %7 #$0'( 1.4 1.11

0. 41 0 1 !"0 #71 1.1" 0.%4

0. 41 0 ! 1430 #"0 1.3! 0.$

0. 41 0 3 "$ #"0 1.%! 1.!%

0. 41 0 4 700 #$0(( 1.$ 1.

0.7 41 0 1 !"4 #"0 1.% 0.$

0.7 41 0 ! 14! #"0 1." 1.!

0.7 41 0 3 $4 #$0'( ! 1.4

0.7 41 0 4 70 #100( !.! 1.%

1.1 41 0 1 !" #"0 !.! 1.11.1 41 0 ! 14!0 #$0'( !. 1.3

1.1 41 0 3 $3 #$0(( !.7 1.%

1.1 41 0 4 %$ #100( 3.! !.!

1. 41 0 1 !"7 #$0'( !.7 1

1. 41 0 ! 14!0 #$0(( 3.3 1.$

1. 41 0 3 $4 #100( 3. !.!

1. 41 0 4 710 #11!&( 4 !

!.! 41 0 1 !"7 #$0(( 3.$ 1.4

!.! 41 0 ! 14! #100( 4.4 !.1

!.! 41 0 3 $%0 #11!&( 4.% !."

!.! 41 0 4 71 #13!' 3.!

3 41 0 1 !$10 #100( .4 !

3 41 0 ! 1430 #100( .$ 3

3 41 0 3 $70 #13!' %.7 3.%

3 41 0 4 71 #13!& %.7 4.!

4 41 0 1 !$0 #11!&( 7 !.

4 41 0 ! 140 #11!&( 7." 3.7

4 41 0 3 $% #13!& ".1 3.$

4 41 0 4 730 #1%0& 10 %.!

. 41 0 1 !$1 #13!' 10 !.$

. 41 0 ! 14%0 #13!' 10.! 3."

. 41 0 3 $% #13!& 11.7 ."

. 41 0 4 7!0 #1%0& 1!.% %.%

7. 41 0 1 !$1 #13!' 1!.$ 3.

7. 41 0 ! 14 #13!& 14.7 %.

7. 41 0 3 $70 #1%0& 14.% %.3

7. 41 0 4 7!0 #1%0( 1" 10.3

11 41 0 1 !$! #1%0& 1".1 4.1


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11 41 0 ! 14% #1%0& !0.4 ".1

11 41 0 3 $70 #1%0( !1.1 "."

11 41 0 4 730 #1"0( !!.$ 13.!

1 41 0 1 !$! #1%0& !4.$ %.1

1 41 0 ! 14% #1%0( !" 11.3

1 41 0 3 $7 #1"0( !7.7 11.

1 41 0 4 73 #!00( 30. 14."1". 41 0 1 !$40 #1%0( 30." ".$

1". 41 0 ! 1470 #1"0& 34.4 13.

1". 41 0 3 $7 #!00( 3!.1 11.%

1". 41 0 4 730 #!!' 40.4 !0.

!! 41 0 1 !$ #1"0& 3%." $.$

!! 41 0 ! 14"0 #1"0( 41.3 17.

!! 41 0 3 $"0 #!00( 3$.% 1.$

!! 41 0 4 73 #!!& 43 !3.4

30 41 0 1 !$0 #!00( 0." 13.3

30 41 0 ! 14"0 #!00( !.4 17.430 41 0 3 $"0 #!!& 3.! 17.$

30 41 0 4 73 #!0' " !3.$

37 41 0 1 !$0 #!00( %1 1

37 41 0 ! 14"0 #!!' %" !7

37 41 0 3 $" #!0' %7 !3

37 41 0 4 740 #!0& 73 34

4 41 0 1 !$% #!!& 74 17

4 41 0 ! 14"0 #!!& "0 !7

4 41 0 3 $" #!0& "3 33

4 41 0 4 740 #!"0' "7 37

41 0 1 !$% #!0' $1 !3

41 0 ! 14"0 #!0' $" 34

41 0 3 $$0 #!"0' $$ 34

41 0 4 740 #!"0& 107 4"

7 41 0 1 !$%0 #!0& 1! 31

7 41 0 ! 14" #!0& 131 44

7 41 0 3 $$0 #!"0& 13$ 43

7 41 0 4 740 #31' 140 3

$0 41 0 1 !$"0 #!"0' 14$ 31

$0 41 0 ! 14" #!"0' 11 40

$0 41 0 3 $" #31' 1" !

$0 41 0 4 74 #31& 173 "4

110 41 0 1 !$"0 #!"0& 17% 43

110 41 0 ! 1470 #!"0& 17$ 4%

110 41 0 3 $" #31& 1$3 %0

13! 41 0 1 !$70 #31' !10 4!

13! 41 0 ! 14" #31' !!4 41

13! 41 0 3 $" #31& !30 73

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10 41 0 1 !$70 #31& !3% 3$

10 41 0 ! 14"0 #31& !4 4

10 41 0 3 $" #31& !%3 "%

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4.$ 4.7 0.73$ 0.74 0.01 0.7! 1.!

%.0 $.% 0.7 0.% 0.01 0.7 !.

4. 11.0 0.73% 0.% 0.01 0.74 3.$4.7 10.4 0.%71 0.4 0.0! 0.7$ .!

7.0 4.! 0.774 0."4 0.01 0.4 1.$

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13.1 !0.4 0."!! 0.73 0.01 0.%7 .0

10.1 1%.3 0."11 0.% 0.0! 0.70 7.%

$. !0. 0.7$ 0.% 0.04 0.73 10.!

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"0.% 143.1 0."$% 0.7% 0.!! 0.0 4.4

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1!%.0 !3!." 0.$14 0.7$ 0.$ 0.4! 10".3

13".1 3".3 0.$ 0.7 1.34 0." 143.$

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34.1 !41." 0.$31 0."" 0." 0.!% $7.1

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37.$ $$3.% 0.$4 0."1 .$ 0.34 3".7

4%!.1 "$7.% 0.$3 0.7 "."3 0.47 477.

%4.% 30.7 0.$44 0.$ 1.7 0.!3 144.$

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701.7 7!3.$ 0.$44 0."3 4.! 0.3 34.$

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10$.! 4%4.3 0.$% 0.$ 4.% 0.!1 !"".4

10. 1030.! 0.$% 0."7 "." 0.!% 7".7

1041.! !1%3.$ 0.$% 0."3 1" 0.33 "7!.

1134.$ !$30.! 0.$47 0.77 !7." 0.4$ 113.%

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173!. 74!.7 0.$ 0.$! %." 0.!0 4!4.4

134". !1%4. 0.$ 0."% 13.1 0.1" "4"."

17.1 !71.4 0.$% 0."3 !!." 0.3! 1!7$.7

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1711.0 737.$ 0.$$ 0.$! 7.1 0.17 4"!.3

177." !44".% 0.$ 0."$ 1.1 0.1" $%7."

1$4"." 3%7$.1 0.$" 0."3 1$.1 0.33 144.!

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lip, pu (oe, W 6P89 6Piro 6 Pme2, W Piput, W

0.07 13 0.1" 0.40 0.$!0 !4.4 0

0.0%0 1!1 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 10.$ 4$1

0.100 144 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 13.0 140.100 173 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 1.% 43

0.0% 1%! 0.1" 0.40 0.$!0 !$.! 71!

0.047 133 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 1!.0 %"3

0.10 1$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 17.% 74

0.0%7 !01 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 1".1 71

0.0! 1"! 0.1" 0.40 0.$!0 3!.7 $3!

0.00 1$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 17. $4

0.0 1"4 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 1%.% $34

0.0%0 1$$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 17.$ $4$

0.04" !!" 0.1" 0.40 0.$!0 41.1 13!"0.03 !"4 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 !. 13"4

0.0% !7" 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 !.0 137"

0.073 303 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 !7.3 1403

0.04! 1"" 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 33.$ 1%""

0.03 ! 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 !3.0 17

0.0 !%1 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 !3. 17%1

0.03 !4 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 !!." 174

0.04! !$ 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 3.1 !4$

0.00 3%! 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 3!.% !%!

0.040 !"0 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 !.! !4"0

0.047 4!4 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 3".1 !%!4

0.030 41% 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 74." 341%

0.047 43 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 3$.! 343

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0.03! 4!" 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 77.0 44!"

0.033 4" 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 43.7 44"

0.03 4"3 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 43. 44"3

0.0!7 %00 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 4.0 4%00

0.0!" %"! 0.1" 0.40 0.$!! 1!!.7 %1"!

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0.040 74$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!! %7.4 %!4$

0.0!" %%0 0.1" 0.40 0.$!3 11"." "1%0

0.030 74! 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!3 %%." "!4!

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0.0!3 "77 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!4 7$.0 11"77

0.030 $"! 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!4 "".4 11$"!

0.0!7 134 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!4 1!1.1 1!34

0.0! 1!"7 0.1" 0.40 0.$! !31.7 1%!"7

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0.0! 13!7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$! 11$.4 1%3!7

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0.010 !%41 0.0$ 0.40 0.$3" !37.7 7%41

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0.010 40$7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$4 3%".7 7$0$7

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0.013 0% 0.0$ 0.40 0.$4 4$. "00%

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0.010 44!$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$0 3$".% $44!$

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0.007 71 0.0$ 0.40 0.$0 17.% $71

0.007 1!3 0.1" 0.40 0.$7 $!!.! 111!3

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0.010 %"7! 0.1" 0.40 0.$%4 1!37.0 13""7!

0.010 %470 0.0$ 0.40 0.$%4 "!.3 13"470

0.01 !1$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$%4 4%$.7 137!1$

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0.010 %0%% 0.1" 0.40 0.$70 10$1.$ 1%0%%

0.013 %73 0.0$ 0.40 0.$70 %0%.1 1%73

0.01 %$07 0.0$ 0.40 0.$70 %!1.% 1%$07

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Ptramitted, W P:;Piro, W P:r, W Piro, W P:, W #loe<, W

417 "".7 !3.% 3. 3.! =1.4

404 "%.1 !4.3 34.4 1.7 =0.7

4!4 "$.$ 4!.4 3%.0 3.$ =1.34!7 11%.7 4!.7 4%.7 70.0 =1.%

%17 $.0 40.1 3".0 7.0 =1.$

"$ $4.! !7. 37.7 %. =0.%

%3! 113.! %%.4 4.3 %7.$ =1."

%07 143." 40. 7. "%.3 =1.!

"!4 10".0 4!. 43.! %4." =1.7

"07 137. 40.3 .0 "!. =0.$

"10 1!4.! 44.% 4$.7 74. =0.$

"1% 133.1 4".$ 3.! 7$." =1.1

11$7 131.4 7.$ !.% 7"." =!.011"" 1$%.! %3.3 7". 117.7 =1.4

1!01 17%. 7".1 70.% 10.$ =1.%

1!14 1""." "$.1 7. 113.3 =!.0

1$$ "$.3 %%.% 3.7 3.% =1.4

1%07 147." ".7 $.1 "".7 =1.!

1%11 10.3 "".% %0.1 $0.! =1.3

1%07 14%. ".7 ".% "7.$ =1.!

!34$ 14%.! $7.$ ". "7.7 =!.!

!34" !13. 117.4 ".4 1!".1 =1.%

!317 1%3.0 $!.7 %.! $7." =1.0

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31%" !4".1 $.0 $$.3 14".$ =!.!

31"% !4$.1 14".7 $$.7 14$. =1."

313$ 37%. $4.! 10.% !!.$ =1.4

31$3 3!!.4 14$.0 1!$.0 1$3.4 =!.!

4!0" !!0.0 133.! "".0 13!.0 =!.4

41"! 303.7 13$.4 1!1. 1"!.! =1.

41"$ !$4.% 14%.% 117." 17%." =1.

41%4 43%.7 111.0 174.7 !%!.0 =1.4

7"3 3$".% 1%3.$ 1$.4 !3$.! =3.

703 3"!.0 1!.1 1!." !!$.! =1.4

7"0 %11.$ !0!.3 !44.7 3%7.1 =!."

7$7 4!.7 !31.$ 1"1.1 !71.% =!.7

7"37 3!!.4 !!!.1 1!".$ 1$3.4 =3.4

77$$ 443.1 !34.0 177.! !%." =!.0

7"03 4"7. !34.1 1$.0 !$!. =!.1

7$0% %33.3 31%.! !3.3 3"0.0 =3.7

11433 40%.! !"." 1%!. !43.7 =3."


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1134! 3.7 !%4.% !14.3 3!1.4 =1."

114!$ 3.1 34!.$ !!1.3 331.$ =!.7

114!! $!3.0 304.% 3%$.! 3." =3.!

1%1% %71.0 3$0.4 !%".4 40!.% =."

147% "!%." 3%1.1 330.7 4$%.1 =!.7

104 "!!." 3"7.% 3!$.1 4$3.7 =3.0

143% 100%.% 30".7 40!.% %04.0 =!.%1$0$4 %0$. 3"1.$ !43." 3%.7 =4.3

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0.010 0.01! %.0 117 %.0

0.013 0.014 .! $$ .!

0.01 0.01! !.7 101 !.7

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50Hz 400 V SMEM IE1



Output, kW Voltage, V Freq, Hz Pole Pair rpm Frame Irated, A I0, A

0.0$ 400 0 1 !%70 %A! 0.3 0

0.1! 400 0 1 !730 %! 0.4 0

0.1" 400 0 1 !70 %! 0.% 00.1" 400 0 1 !710 %3A=! 0. 0

0.! 400 0 1 !710 %3=! 0.71 0

0.37 400 0 1 !710 %3=! 1.0 0

0.37 400 0 1 !730 71A=! 0.$7 0

0. 400 0 1 !7%0 71=! 1.4! 0

0.7 400 0 1 !730 71=! 1."3 0

0.7 400 0 1 !770 "0A=! 1.77 0

1.1 400 0 1 !770 "0=! !.1 0

1. 400 0 1 !"00 "0=! 3.3! 0

1. 400 0 1 !"40 $0'=! 3.!" 0!.! 400 0 1 !"40 $0(=! 4.%1 0

3 400 0 1 !"40 $0(=! %.1 0

3 400 0 1 !"40 100(=! %.03 0

4 400 0 1 !"0 100(=! 7."" 0

4 400 0 1 !""0 11!&=! 7."" 0

. 400 0 1 !""0 11!&=! 10.3 0

. 400 0 1 !$00 13!'A=! 10.3 0

7. 400 0 1 !$!0 13!'=! 14.14 0

$.! 400 0 1 !$30 13!&=! 17.! 0

11 400 0 1 !$30 13!&=! 1$.$% 0

11 400 0 1 !$30 1%0&A=! !0.1 0

1 400 0 1 !$30 1%0&=! !7.! 0

1". 400 0 1 !$30 1%0(=! 3!.$ 0

!! 400 0 1 !$30 1%0(=! 3" 0

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30 400 0 1 !$0 1"0 &=! !." 0

30 400 0 1 !$0 !00(A=! !.% 0

37 400 0 1 !$0 !00(=! %4. 0

4 400 0 1 !$70 !!&=! 7" 0

400 0 1 !$70 !0&=! $4.% 0

7 400 0 1 !$70 !"0'=! 1!".1 0

$0 400 0 1 !$70 !"0&=! 11. 0

110 400 0 1 !$"0 31'=! 1"4.$ 0

13! 400 0 1 !$"0 31&=! !!1.4 0

1%0 400 0 1 !$"0 31(A=! !70 0

!00 400 0 1 !$"0 31(=! 330.1 0

!0 400 0 1 !$"0 3&=! 410." 0

31 400 0 1 !$"0 3(=! 1.$ 0

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0.0% 400 0 ! 13!0 %A4 0.3 0

0.0$ 400 0 ! 13!0 %4 0.43 0

0.1! 400 0 ! 13!0 %4 0.3 0

0.1! 400 0 ! 130 %3A=4 0.47 0

0.1" 400 0 ! 130 %3=4 0.%" 0

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0. 400 0 ! 13"0 71=4 1.% 0

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0.7 400 0 ! 13"0 "0=4 1.$3 0

1.1 400 0 ! 13$0 "0=4 !.%7 0

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1. 400 0 ! 1400 $0(=4 3.4 0

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3 400 0 ! 14!0 100(=4 %.47 04 400 0 ! 1430 100(=4 ".3% 0

4 400 0 ! 1430 11!&=4 ".!% 0

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. 400 0 ! 140 13!'=4 11.03 0

7. 400 0 ! 140 13!&=4 14.%4 0

$.! 400 0 ! 14%0 13!&A=4 17." 0

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11 400 0 ! 14%0 1%0&=4 !1.3 0

1 400 0 ! 14%0 1%0(=4 !". 0

1". 400 0 ! 14 1%0(=4 3%.3 0

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!! 400 0 ! 1470 1"0(=4 40.7 0

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37 400 0 ! 14"0 !!'=4 %%.! 0

4 400 0 ! 14"0 !!&=4 "0.3 0

400 0 ! 14"0 !0&=4 $7." 0

7 400 0 ! 14"0 !"0'=4 131.1 0

$0 400 0 ! 14"0 !"0&=4 17 0

110 400 0 ! 14"0 31'=4 1$0. 0

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1%0 400 0 ! 14"0 31(A=4 !73 0

!00 400 0 ! 14"0 31(=4 340 0

!0 400 0 ! 14$0 3&=4 41$ 0

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3 400 0 ! 14$0 3( "" 0

400 400 0 ! 14$0 400&A=4 %%4 0

40 400 0 ! 14$0 400&=4 7% 0

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00 400 0 ! 14$0 400(=4 "4! 0

0.0$ 400 0 3 "40 %3A=% 0.1 0

0.1! 400 0 3 "0 %3=% 0.%! 0

0.1" 400 0 3 ""0 71A=% 0.7 0

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0.37 400 0 3 "$0 71=% 1.!7 0

0.37 400 0 3 $00 "0A=% 1.!3 00. 400 0 3 $00 "0=% 1.% 0

0.7 400 0 3 $00 "0=% !.!1 0

0.7 400 0 3 $!0 $0'=% !.1" 0

1.1 400 0 3 $! $0(=% 3.0! 0

1. 400 0 3 $4 100(=% 3." 0

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4 400 0 3 $%0 13!&A=% $.44 0

. 400 0 3 $%0 13!&=% 1!.4! 0

7. 400 0 3 $%0 13!&=% 1%.4 07. 400 0 3 $70 1%0&=% 1%.! 0

11 400 0 3 $70 1%0(=% !3.! 0

1 400 0 3 $70 1"0(=% 30.1 0

1". 400 0 3 $70 !00(A=% 3%.% 0

!! 400 0 3 $70 !00(=% 4!. 0

30 400 0 3 $"0 !!&=% %.4 0

37 400 0 3 $"0 !0&=% %7.4 0

4 400 0 3 $"0 !"0'=% "! 0

400 0 3 $"0 !"0&=% 100 0

7 400 0 3 $" !"0&=% 133 0

7 400 0 3 $$0 31'=% 13 0

$0 400 0 3 $$0 31&=% 1%1 0

110 400 0 3 $$0 31(A=% 1$% 0

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!00 400 0 3 $$0 3&=% 343 0

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3 400 0 4 7!0 13!&=" 7.7 0

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4 400 0 4 7!0 1%0&A=" $.7 0

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1 400 0 4 730 !00(=" 3!.3 0

1". 400 0 4 730 !!'=" 3$ 0

!! 400 0 4 740 !!&=" 44." 030 400 0 4 740 !0&=" %0.1 0

37 400 0 4 740 !"0'=" 73.% 0

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1%0 400 0 4 740 3&=" !$" 0

!00 400 0 4 740 3(=" 3%%.$ 0

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  ai2 2om

Itart, A *tart, )m , pu PF, pu -otor#!, kgm! I05Ir, pu *rated, )m

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4.3 1.$ 0.% 0.7"1$ 0.000! 0.00 0.$

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." !.$ 0.7 0.7"% 0.0003 0.00 1.3

". 4.! 0.71 0.7"74 0.0004 0.00 1.$

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10.% .7 0.73 0."37" 0.000" 0.00 !.%

1.1 ".3 0.7%! 0."301 0.001 0.00 3."

1$.$ 11.3 0.7" 0."307 0.0013 0.00 .1

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%43.3 44!. 0.$3! 0.$004 0.31! 0.00 17%."

"".3 7$.1 0.$3$ 0.$ 0.$7 0.00 !41.1

101.1 %$4." 0.$4! 0.$10! 0.%7 0.00 !"$.4

1!!0.3 70.4 0.$44 0.$0$% 1.1" 0.00 3!.

14%1.! """.7 0.$4% 0.$0$7 1. 0.00 4!3.0

1"0$.0 $74.7 0.$47 0.$03! 1.7% 0.00 1!.7

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333.4 1%1%.0 0.$" 0.$1$$ 4.1 0.00 100$.4

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1." 1.0 0.4" 0.$! 0.000! 0.00 0.4

!.% 1. 0. 0.%04! 0.000! 0.00 0.7

3.! 1.$ 0.! 0.%!" 0.000! 0.00 0.$

!." 1.$ 0.7 0.%4% 0.0003 0.00 0."

4.1 !." 0.$ 0.%47% 0.0003 0.00 1.3

. 3.$ 0.% 0.%%0$ 0.0004 0.00 1."

.0 3.$ 0.% 0.71% 0.000 0.00 1."%.7 .7 0.% 0.740! 0.000" 0.00 !.%

$.% ".4 0.%% 0.71" 0.000$ 0.00 3."

$. ".4 0.%7 0.74$$ 0.0013 0.00 3."

11.% 11.4 0.7! 0.77$ 0.001 0.00 .!

1%.0 1%.% 0.7%! 0.7"04 0.001" 0.00 7.%

1." 1%. 0.7%! 0.7"$! 0.00!! 0.00 7.

!0.7 !!. 0.7" 0.7$$4 0.00!" 0.00 10.!

34.3 33.0 0."1 0."001 0.0037 0.00 1.0

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4.3 44.4 0."!% 0."10! 0.0073 0.00 !0.!". "." 0."4% 0."1%3 0.00$! 0.00 !%.7

7." "." 0."4! 0."301 0.0107 0.00 !%.7

7".1 "0.3 0."7 0."3 0.013 0.00 3%.

77.! 7$.7 0."7 0."3$" 0.0!3 0.00 3%.!

10!. 10".7 0."7 0."4$$ 0.0304 0.00 4$.4

133.$ 13!. 0."7 0."0! 0.03$ 0.00 %0.!

1%.% 1".4 0.""4 0."%0! 0.041 0.00 71.$

147.0 1%.% 0.""% 0."413 0.07 0.00 71.$

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  putatio Aumptio #etailed 2omputatio

lip, pu (oe, W 6P89 6Piro 6 Pme2, W Piput, W

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0.077 !77 0.1" 0.40 0.$!0 4$.$ 10!7

0.077 344 0.1" 0.40 0.$!0 %1." 1444

0.0%7 411 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 73.$ 1$11

0.03 411 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 73.$ 1$110.03 1% 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 $!.$ !71%

0.03 %3! 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 113." 3%3!

0.03 %3! 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 113." 3%3!

0.00 7!" 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 131.1 47!"

0.040 71 0.1" 0.40 0.$!1 13.1 471

0.040 $1" 0.1" 0.40 0.$!! 1%.! %41"

0.033 $1" 0.1" 0.40 0.$!! 1%.! %41"

0.0!7 11!1 0.1" 0.40 0.$!3 !01.7 "%!1

0.0!3 1! 0.1" 0.40 0.$!3 !!." 104

0.0!3 1443 0.1" 0.40 0.$!4 !$." 1!443

0.0!3 1401 0.1" 0.40 0.$!4 !!.! 1!401

0.0!3 17%0 0.1" 0.40 0.$! 31%." 1%7%0

0.0!3 !010 0.1" 0.40 0.$!% 3%1." !010

0.0!3 !33% 0.1" 0.40 0.$!7 4!0. !433%

0.0!0 !!"3 0.1" 0.40 0.$!7 410.$ !4!"3

0.017 !$%7 0.1" 0.40 0.$30 34.1 3!$%7

0.017 !7"7 0.1" 0.40 0.$30 01.% 3!7"7

0.017 3!17 0.1" 0.40 0.$3! 7$.1 40!17

0.010 3%4$ 0.1" 0.40 0.$3 %%." 4"%4$

0.010 4013 0.1" 0.40 0.$3" 7!!.3 $013

0.010 4"7! 0.1" 0.40 0.$4 "77.0 7$"7!

0.010 41 0.1" 0.40 0.$0 $$7. $41

0.007 %! 0.1" 0.40 0.$7 1174.% 11%!

0.007 73 0.1" 0.40 0.$%4 13%.3 13$3

0.007 "$ 0.1" 0.40 0.$73 1%11." 1%"$

0.007 10!% 0.1" 0.40 0.$"7 1"$4.7 !10!%

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0.007 13"10 0.1" 0.40 1.0! !4"." 3!""10

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0.1!0 %4 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 .7 1!4

0.1!0 $0 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 ".1 1"0

0.1!0 111 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 10.0 !31

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0.100 1! 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 11.3 30

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0.0"0 !$! 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 !%.3 104!

0.073 344 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 30.$ 1444

0.0%7 344 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 30.$ 1444

0.0%7 411 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 37.0 1$11

0.0%7 1% 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 4%.4 !71%

0.03 1% 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 4%.4 !71%

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0.047 71 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 %7.% 471

0.040 $1" 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!! "!.% %41"

0.033 $1" 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!! "!.% %41"

0.033 11!1 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!3 100.$ "%!1

0.0!7 1314 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!3 11".3 1014

0.0!7 1443 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!4 1!$.$ 1!443

0.0!7 141 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!4 1!7.4 1!41

0.0!7 17%0 0.0$ 0.40 0.$! 1".4 1%7%0

0.030 1"! 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!% 1%%.7 !03!

0.0!0 !010 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!% 1"0.$ !010

0.0!0 !!% 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!7 !03.0 !4!%

0.017 !71 0.0$ 0.40 0.$30 !47.% 3!71

0.0!0 !73 0.0$ 0.40 0.$30 !31.% 3!73

0.013 !$14 0.0$ 0.40 0.$3! !%!.! 3$$14

0.013 33"7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$3 304." 4"3"7

0.013 3$0 0.0$ 0.40 0.$3" 3. "$0

0.013 4$7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$4 44%.! 7$$7

0.013 %43 0.0$ 0.40 0.$0 07.$ $%43

0.013 %1% 0.0$ 0.40 0.$7 4.1 11%1%

0.013 %$47 0.0$ 0.40 0.$%4 %!.3 13"$47

0.013 "0%7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$73 7!%.1 1%"0%7

0.013 $%44 0.0$ 0.40 0.$"7 "%7.$ !0$%44

0.007 110% 0.0$ 0.40 1.003 103.% !%10%

0.007 13"10 0.0$ 0.40 1.0! 1!4!.$ 3!""10

0.007 1%7!" 0.0$ 0.40 1.03" 10. 3717!"

0.007 1"410 0.0$ 0.40 1.03 1%%.$ 41"410

0.007 !1%$" 0.0$ 0.40 1.070 1$!." 471%$"

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0.007 !4%$ 0.0$ 0.40 1.0"7 !!1$.3 !4%$

0.1%0 1!4 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 11.! !14

0.10 147 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 13.! !%7

0.1!0 141 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 1!.7 3!1

0.100 174 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 1.% 4!4

0.110 !37 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 !1.3 %07

0.100 !!7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 !0.4 $70.100 !71 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 !4.4 "!1

0.100 33 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 31." 1103

0.0"0 337 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 30.3 10"7

0.07 4!" 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 3". 1!"

0.0 !7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 47.4 !0!7

0.04 %!1 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 ." !"!1

0.040 7$7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 71." 37$7

0.040 $%$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 "7.! 4$%$

0.040 11!7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!! 101.4 %%!7

0.040 13!4 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!3 11$.1 ""!40.030 11%1 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!3 104.4 "%%1

0.030 17 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!4 140.1 1!7

0.030 1"4 0.0$ 0.40 0.$! 1%%.$ 1%"4

0.030 !010 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!% 1"0.$ !010

0.030 !3$0 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!7 !1.1 !43$0

0.0!0 !7"7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$30 !0." 3!7"7

0.0!0 3130 0.0$ 0.40 0.$3! !"1.7 40130

0.0!0 3%4$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$3 3!".4 4"%4$

0.0!0 4!03 0.0$ 0.40 0.$3" 37".3 $!03

0.01 1!" 0.0$ 0.40 0.$4 4%1. "01!"

0.010 043 0.0$ 0.40 0.$4 43." "0043

0.010 "47 0.0$ 0.40 0.$0 !%.! $"47

0.010 %40! 0.0$ 0.40 0.$7 7%.! 11%40!

0.010 73 0.0$ 0.40 0.$%4 %7".1 13$3

0.010 "!44 0.0$ 0.40 0.$73 74!.0 1%"!44

0.010 $%44 0.0$ 0.40 0.$"7 "%7.$ !0$%44

0.010 11!33 0.0$ 0.40 1.003 1011.0 !%1!33

0.0$3 $" 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 "." 1""

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0.0$3 173 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 1.% 33

0.0$3 1$% 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 17.7 44%

0.0$3 !17 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 1$.% "7

0.0$3 !"3 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 !. "33

0.03 3"% 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 34." 113%

0.03 4!" 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!0 3". 1!"

0.03 !7 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 47.4 !0!7

0.040 733 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 %%.0 !$33

0.040 "$% 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 "0.% 3"$%

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0.040 $0! 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!1 "1.! 4$0!

0.040 1103 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!! $$.! %%03

0.040 1!31 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!3 110." "731

0.040 1!" 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!4 137.% 1!!"

0.0!7 1$"" 0.0$ 0.40 0.$! 17".$ 1%$""

0.0!7 !010 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!% 1"0.$ !010

0.013 !!!$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$!7 !00.% !4!!$0.013 !"$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$30 !%0. 3!"$

0.013 330 0.0$ 0.40 0.$3! !$7. 4030

0.013 3$13 0.0$ 0.40 0.$3 3!.! 4"$13

0.013 407% 0.0$ 0.40 0.$3" 3%%.$ $07%

0.013 043 0.0$ 0.40 0.$4 43." "0043

0.013 74 0.0$ 0.40 0.$0 17.0 $74

0.013 %773 0.0$ 0.40 0.$7 %0$.% 11%773

0.013 7$7$ 0.0$ 0.40 0.$%4 71".1 13$$7$

0.013 $31! 0.0$ 0.40 0.$73 "3".1 1%$31!

0.013 10$70 0.0$ 0.40 0.$"7 $"7.3 !10$70

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Ptramitted, W P:;Piro, W P:r, W Piro, W P:, W #loe<, W

113 44.% 1!. 17." !%.7 =1.3

14 4".4 13.1 1$.4 !$.1 =1.!

!14 %3.1 17." !.! 37.$ =1.!1" %7.4 !1.1 !7.0 40. =1."

301 "3.% !$.1 33. 0.! =!.3

44 1!3." 43.1 4$. 74.3 =3.

43 $3.4 3$.! 37.4 %.1 =!.%

%3" 13%.4 1.1 4.% "1." =3.!

"77 1%.0 7".$ %%.0 $$.0 =4.7

"%! 1%.! %%.1 %%.1 $$.1 =3."

1!3 1$0.4 $%.1 7%.! 114.! =4.7

1%"1 !!$.7 11!.1 $1.$ 137." =4.$

1%" !!.4 "". 100.$ 11.4 =3.$!417 !$$.! 1!".$ 11$.7 17$. =.0

3!"3 34$.! 17.1 13$.7 !0$. =%.1

3!"3 34$.! 17.1 13$.7 !0$. =%.1

434! 3"%. !17.1 14.% !31.$ =%.%

430! 44"." 17!.1 17$. !%$.3 =.4

"$4 !3.4 !3." !0$.4 314.0 =%.%

" %!.$ 1$.! !!.! 337.7 =.

7$07 713. !10.$ !".4 4!".1 =.4

$%4% "0".$ !!.1 3!3.% 4".4 =.3

11!3 $!0." !%".$ 3%".3 !. =%.1

111 ""%.3 !%".7 34. 31." =.$

1%7 10"4.7 3%." 433.$ %0." =7.4

1$304 1!0%.! 40.4 4"!. 7!3.7 =".4

!!$4% 13$0.! 3.4 %.1 "34.1 =$."

!!"%0 14!!.7 47.! %$.1 "3.% =".!

31043 1$!4. 17.4 7%$." 114.7 =".$

31010 177%." 1%." 710.7 10%%.1 =".4

3"!0% !011.1 %3%." "04. 1!0%.7 =$.7

4%111 !37.3 4%1.1 1014.$ 1!!.4 =%.%

%!7" !73.0 %!." 10$4.0 1%41.0 =7.!

7%%3 3!37.% 7%%.3 1!$.1 1$4!.% ="."

$1$07 3%34.$ $1$.1 143.$ !1"0.$ =10.0

111$13 4%1!.% 74%.1 1"4.0 !7%7.% =7."

134!4! !$!.7 "$4.$ !117.1 317.% =$.0

1%!%"% %!%".$ 10"4.% !07.% 37%1.4 =10.7

!03!37 7!"$.3 134.$ !$1.7 4373.% =1!.%

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31$%00 $!10.1 !130.7 3%"4.0 !%.1 =1%.%

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74 4$." ".$ 1$.$ !$.$ =0.7

110 %$.% 13.! !7.$ 41." =1.0

14% "4.4 17.% 33." 0.7 =1.!

141 %$.0 14.1 !7.% 41.4 =0."

!11 $3." !1.1 37. %.3 =1.1

!$3 1!3.$ !$.3 4$.% 74.3 =1.

!$3 1!3.$ !$.3 4$.% 74.3 =1.4!3 14%.! 3%.7 ". "7.7 =1.%

%!3 !10.0 4$.$ "4.0 1!%.0 =!.0

%!7 1$4.3 4.3 77.7 11%.% =!.1

"41 !00.! %7.3 "0.1 1!0.1 =!.1

1!1" !!.% "$.3 $0.! 13.4 =!.3

1!0$ !34.1 "0.% $3.% 140.4 =!.1

1%44 !%%.7 10$.% 10%.7 1%0.0 =!.

!404 31!. 1%0.! 1!.0 1"7. =3.1

!370 34.7 1!%.4 13".3 !07.4 =!.

3!!% 40%.1 17!.0 1%!.4 !43.% =3.04!%1 4%%." 1$".$ 1"%.7 !"0.1 =3.1

4!%3 4"7.! 1$$.0 1$4.$ !$!.3 =3.!

"1! %0%.0 !3!. !4!.4 3%3.% =3.3

77! %4. 1$!.4 !".! 3"7.3 =!."

7"$ 7%1.! !%!.0 304. 4%.7 =3.4

$70 $43.$ !.! 377.% %%.4 =3.!

11431 101!.! 304." 404.$ %07.3 =3.

114!$ $"%.% 304." 3$4.% $!.0 =3.4

1%$ 11$0.4 41.! 47%.! 714.3 =4.!

1$!3$ 1113.! 77.! 44.3 %%7.$ =.0

1$0" 141. 3"1.! "0.% "70.$ =3.%

!!%! 1%03." 43.0 %41. $%!.3 =4.1

307% 1$$.0 1!.% 7$".0 11$7.0 =4.1

30"44 17!$.4 %1%.$ %$1." 1037.7 =4.%

377%! !11. 03. "%0.% 1!$0.$ =3.

4$13 !474.1 %1!.! $"$.7 14"4. =4.1

%0$$ !"0.$ 74".0 1140.4 1710. =4.7

7%4%0 34$7.7 101$. 13$$.1 !0$".% =.$

$17!4 3$1".$ 1!!3.0 1%7. !31.3 =%."

11!041 411.7 14$3.$ 1%4%.3 !4%$.4 =7.4

13440$ 43".3 17$!.1 1"1.3 !7!3.0 =".3

1%!""" 17$.0 !171." !071.% 3107.4 =$.7

!0371 %073.0 !714.3 !4!$.! 3%43." =11.%

!!713 "7$!.$ 1%"4." 317.1 !7.7 =%.$

31"37 1043.0 !1!!.4 41"1.! %!71." =".3

3"""" 1!"3$.7 !3$!.% 13.$ 7703." =10.0

404341 140%".% !%$.% %!7.4 "441.1 =11.0

44$73 1%7!.1 3033.! %%$0.1 1003.1 =13.0

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07 1$0"4.0 3370. 7%33.% 1140.4 =14."

11" $%.0 1".$ 3".4 7.% =1."

14 11!.3 !3.! 44.$ %7.4 =!.0

!17 104.! !%.1 41.7 %!. =1.

!$3 130.3 !$.3 !.1 7".! =1.%

437 1%$. 4".1 %7." 101.7 =!.3

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C#IV50/ 1.%0 C#IV50/ 47 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 1.03! C#IV50/ 4!7 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.%! C#IV50/ 3"! C#IV50/ C#IV50/C#IV50/ 0.%!" C#IV50/ 413 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.400 C#IV50/ 317 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.!70 C#IV50/ !"0 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.1"" C#IV50/ !73 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.1%% C#IV50/ !30 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.1!1 C#IV50/ 1"0 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.0$! C#IV50/ 1%% C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.071 C#IV50/ 14% C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.04 C#IV50/ 130 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.040 C#IV50/ 101 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.04! C#IV50/ $3 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.034 C#IV50/ "! C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.0! C#IV50/ 7" C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.0!1 C#IV50/ %7 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.01 C#IV50/ %4 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.011 C#IV50/ " C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.00" C#IV50/ ! C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ %".$7% C#IV50/ 4!%1 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ %.173 C#IV50/ 3"4 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 3$.3% C#IV50/ !43$ C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ !7.!37 C#IV50/ !!13 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 17.!1 C#IV50/ !1!1 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 11.7" C#IV50/ 1%"3 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 10.307 C#IV50/ 10$ C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ %.3$3 C#IV50/ 103 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 4.!74 C#IV50/ "" C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 3.!41 C#IV50/ "$ C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ !.3!$ C#IV50/ 4$1 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

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C#IV50/ 1.3$0 C#IV50/ 1$ C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.$31 C#IV50/ 43$ C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.7! C#IV50/ 4!1 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.3!1 C#IV50/ 3%% C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.!%" C#IV50/ !4 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.174 C#IV50/ !$ C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.173 C#IV50/ 1$$ C#IV50/ C#IV50/C#IV50/ 0.1!3 C#IV50/ 1 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.0$3 C#IV50/ 13$ C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.074 C#IV50/ 11" C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.04 C#IV50/ 11$ C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.03 C#IV50/ 100 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.0!" C#IV50/ $0 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.0!! C#IV50/ 7" C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.01" C#IV50/ %" C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.014 C#IV50/ %0 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

C#IV50/ 0.011 C#IV50/ 3 C#IV50/ C#IV50/

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 Di;P:r, W








































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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E

p E 1 p E ! p E

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p E 4  p

p E 4  p

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p E 4  p E

p E 4  

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p E 4  

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3 p E 4  

3 p E 4  

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1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4


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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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T!" t!"#$% & $#'(!)% $"*"+t"d

For t>e tator 2urret eru rated torque tredp lope eGpe2ted lope

1 0.00 0.00

! 0.!%0 0.!0

3 0.1"! 0.1%7

4 0.14$ 0.1!

T!" t!"#$% & ",+at)% $"*"+t"d

For t>e tator 2urret eru rated torque tred

p lope eGpe2ted lope

1 0.47 0.47

! 0.!3! 0.!!$

3 0.14 0.1!

4 0.11 0.114

For t>e tator 2urret eru rated po9er tred

Aerage lop E 1.4$ COMMENTS

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For t>e o=load 2urret eru rated po9er tred

+p to 7 kW t>e o=load 2urret i2reae i @regular@ 9a 9it> t>e po9er i

 *>e relatio I0 E qrtJpK<I0,1 i more or le repe2edt or t>e " pole motor

For t>e o=load 2urret eru rated torque tred

 *>e t>eor JI0p E I0,1K i ot repe2ted, ad it i poile to oere a gee

 *>i i due to a dieret geometr J# ad (K ad dieret ele2tri2al ad ma

All t>e ollo9ig @pu Lgure@ >o9 t>e ame ee2t preioul di2ued o

For eGample 9e like t>e JI05Ir@, puK Lgure at t>e ottom

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2reae, ut ot a eGpe2ted 9it> repe2t to t>e pole pair

ol Jup to 7 kWK

ral redu2tio o t>e o=load 2urret 9it> t>e pole pair i2reae

eti2 load ele2tio Jto mitigate t>e detrimet o t>e po9er a2torK

  >e o=load 2urret, 9it> dieret iual ee2t due t>e logarit>mi2 2ale

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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p E 4 p

p E 4

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p E 4  p

p E 4  p E

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p E 4 p E

p E 4 p E

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 p E 4 p E

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  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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it i 2oLrmed t>at t>e PF de2reae 9it> t>e pole umer i2reae ad t>e

Ho9eer, t>e empliLed equatio are ot repe2ted at all i ot> t>e t9o

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'imilar 2ommet a or t>e po9er a2tr

 *>e impa2t o t>e pole pair i more eidet Jmore @moot> ad pread@ tre

2orrelatio 9it> t>e pole pair M i it poileN

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&ore or le t>e ame ituatio a or PF ad e2ie2


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ariatio are more eidet i t>e 2ae o 2otat torque rat>e t>e t>e 2ae o 2o

ae J2otat torque ad 2otat po9erK.

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K i term @o 2otat torque@ 9it> repe2t to t>e @2otat po9er@

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tat po9er, a eGpe2ted t>e t>eor

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 4 

p E 4  

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 p E 4

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  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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'imilar 2ommet to t>e tator 2urret tredM


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I parti2ular or t>e iertia eru torque tredNNN

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 4  

p E 4  

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p E 4  

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p E 4

p E 4

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p E 4  

p E 4  

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p E 4  

p E 4  

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p E 4  

p E 4 

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p E 4  

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4


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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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eeral 2ommetR

'ame 2oideratio a or t>e -r@

For t>e - eru rated torque tred

 *>e eelig i t>at t>e @aerage tred@ are le parallel 9it> repe2t to t>e

 *>e lue ad red aerage tred eem quite parallel

Wit> t>i aumptio t>e ollo9ig equatio 2a e deried

-,! E pQJ1.1%K< -,1

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For t>e Bm eru rated po9er tred

I t>e Bm eru rated po9er grap> it i poile to oere a de2reae a t

For t>e Bm eru rated torque tred

 *>e ituatio i ot 2lear

 *>e t>eoreti2al relatiot Bm,pEBm,1 i ot repe2ted Jlogarit>mi2 2aleK

)O O&&)*'M.

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)o O&&)*'M

)o O&&)*'M

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  eerred to t>e tator ide

J)R logarit>mi2 2ale are uedKK

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ae o -r@

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  >e pole pair i2reae ee i t>e redu2tio i ot like t>e eGpe2ted oe JBm,pEBm,15q

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3

p E 1 p E ! p E 3

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 p E 4  p E

p E 4 p E

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1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

  E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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 p E 1 p E ! p E 3 p E 4

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Page 159: Smem AC Three-phase Motors_WithAnalysis&Figures

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Page 160: Smem AC Three-phase Motors_WithAnalysis&Figures

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Page 161: Smem AC Three-phase Motors_WithAnalysis&Figures

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