smoking and second-hand smoke damage virtually every part of the body


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Post on 12-Feb-2016




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Smoking and Second-Hand Smoke Damage Virtually Every Part of the Body. Second-Hand Smoke. Smoking. Tobacco Is a Risk Factor for 6 of the World’s 8 Leading Causes of Death. Hatched areas indicate proportions of deaths related to tobacco use. M onitor tobacco use and prevention policies. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Smoking and Second-Hand Smoke Damage Virtually Every Part of the Body
Page 2: Smoking and Second-Hand Smoke Damage Virtually Every Part of the Body

Smoking and Second-Hand Smoke Damage Virtually Every Part of the Body


Second-Hand Smoke

Page 3: Smoking and Second-Hand Smoke Damage Virtually Every Part of the Body

Hatched areas indicate proportions of deaths related to tobacco use.

Tobacco Is a Risk Factor for 6 of the World’s 8 Leading Causes of Death

Page 4: Smoking and Second-Hand Smoke Damage Virtually Every Part of the Body

Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies

Nearly Two Thirds of Smokers Live in Just 10 Countries

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Protect People from Tobacco Smoke

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Offer Help to Quit Tobacco UseNicotine replacement therapy

can double quit rates

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Warn About the Dangers of Tobacco

2/3 want to quit

3/4 approve of warnings

More than half changed opinions

Pack warnings are effective, especially if they have pictures covering half of pack

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Enforce Bans on Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and


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Raise Taxes on Tobacco

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Most Countries Have Not Implemented Effective

Tobacco Control Policies

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Individual Country Reports

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Regional SummariesExample: South-East Asia

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Global Tobacco Control is Underfunded