sms reminders for missed immunization appointments

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  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Using SMS Reminders to Red

    Missed Immunizations

    Jordan Schermerhorn

    10 August 2014

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments



    Part 1: SMS Reminders




    Part 2: Patient Interviews

    Part 3: Identifying Vulnerable Patients Methods


    Future Plans & Recommendations

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    SMS Reminders

    Part 1

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Background | SMS Reminders

    Goals: Easy way to remind patients about appointments they m

    Reduce time nurses spend calling defaulters

    Sends SMS to immunization and vitamin A defaulter

    Vitamin A: lots of defaulters, but too many wrong numbe

    Immunizations: fewer defaulters, more right numbers

    Began in June 2013, Taybeh Health Center

    Problems with defaulter list corrected in June 2014

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Setting | SMS Reminders

    Taybeh Health Center

    Average 23 defaulters eachweek

    ~100 births each month

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Procedure | SMS Reminders

    1. Set Criteria:

    Missed appointment

    No scheduled future appointment

    2. Receive spreadsheet from e-Health

    Once per week for immunizations

    3. Check & clean numbers

    4. Send messages using Clickatell

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Results: Return to Care | SMS Reminders

    114 patients received messages total 85 received messages before August 6

    66 of these 85 have returned to care (77%)

    Days Late

    (before SMS)

    Days until new appointment

    (after SMS)

    Median 16 1.5

    Mean 23 6

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Results: Return to Care | SMS Reminders

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Results: Message Status | SMS Reminder

    Out of 114 phone numbers

    Functional 89 78.1%

    Out of service or landline 15 13.2%

    Missing digit in e-Health 4 3.5%

    Wrong number in e-Health At least 2 1.8%

    Transfer to other clinic At least 4 3.5%

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Vaccine Type | Who received SMS remin







    - Dose 1


    - Dose 2


    - Dose 3

    Measles &

    OPV 4

    MMR 1 MM


    * 12 patients missed >1 appointment

    Month of life:

    Vaccine Type:

    1 2 3 9 12

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Gender | Who received SMS reminders

    114 patients

    43% male 57% fema

    Would expect 50/50

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Gender | Who received SMS reminders

    For MMR2, gender difference is statistically significant (p = 0






    IPV, OPV,

    DPT - Dose 1

    IPV, OPV,

    DPT - Dose 2

    IPV, OPV,

    DPT - Dose 3

    Measles &

    OPV 4

    MMR 1 MMR 2 &


  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Results: Time Cost| SMS Reminders

    Simulate defaulter calls Called 25 patients to request interviews; called 3 times if no

    Total time: 94 minutes

    Time to send SMS: 15 minutes/week

    Time spent: 1 hr, 15 minutes (5 weeks)

    Total time saved: 5 hours, 35 minutes of calling t

    Total cost: $6.84 or 4.04 JOD

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Challenges | SMS Reminders

    3 local cell providers

    Zain expires most quickly, Orange lasts longest

    UNRWA patients have:

    Orange 2%

    Umniah 34%

    Zain 64%

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Challenges | SMS reminders

    Expired numbers

    Multiple phones per family

    Problems with numbers listed in e-Health Missing digits

    Extra digits


    Some patients go to private clinicsand show up asdefaulters in e-Health

    Nonsense data in e-Health (ex. patient missed appoibefore he was born)

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Patient Interviews

    Part 2

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Patient Interviews | Part 2

    Goal: get patient feedback on SMS

    14 interviews with mothers at Taybeh who

    Missed an immunization appointment

    Received SMS reminder

    Questions about:

    Missed appointments

    SMS reminders


  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Patient Interviews | Conclusions

    Everyone has at least 2 phones (some 3, 4, 5) People are usually happy with MCH programs at Tay

    People like the SMS alerts

    They want reminders before appointments, not afte

    12 before, 1 after, 1 did not want Some people think wait times are long (9:30 am 1

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Patient Interviews | Forgetting Appointm

    I do not look at the handbook once a week, but I try to not mappointments. The nurses will talk to me if I miss an appointmIm late. If you come at a time that is not your appointment, ttell you to go home and then reschedule you and ask you to cthat new time.

    When my appointments are at 9:30 I cant be there at that stime in Ramadan. I have a kid in high school. My kids dont haon me. The things that happen in the morning get moved to tafternoon.

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Patient Interviews | SMS reminders

    I was very surprised by it! It is very good, honestly. It is so mueasier.

    SMS are good, phone is good, but whats better is when theyhusband a SMS and then called him after when we forgot aga

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Patient Interviews | Interesting Quotes

    When the neighborhood doesnt have running water, I feel liclinic is unusually crowded. It gets crazy. The health center alwwater so people come here instead.

    My husbands family, they are [sabaawiyeh?]. I feel like they aneglectful of their children, I dont know whymy father-in-lahe had a daughter and he didnt want to take her to the immu

    didnt want to take her to the doctor, because she is a girl.

    The family health team is a wonderful system. They implemerecent times and its fantastic.

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Identifying Vulnerable Patie

    Part 3

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Background | Vulnerable Patients

    Mothers said they preferred messages before That costs more money

    IF we send messages before, WHO should we r

    Goal: identify patients at high risk of defaultiimmunizations

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Methods | Vulnerable Patients

    Cohort analysis

    June birth & July births

    BCG vaccine only so far

    Given in groups

    Late if received BCG after the first group >1 wafter birth

    Data obtained from e-Health

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Methods | Vulnerable Patients

    Child gender

    Maternal education

    Child birth order

    Ramadan or no Ramadan

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Results: Ramadan | Vulnerable Patients

    99 due during Ramadan, 65 due during not Ramadan

    3.40x more likely to be > 1 week late (p < 0.0001)

    Average Days Late Late > 1 week Total

    Ramadan 8.3 57 99

    Not Ramadan 3.1 11 65

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Results: Education | Vulnerable Patients

    No education: 1.75 RR of >1 week late (n=14, p=0.0

    University: may work, have difficulty choosing exact

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Results: Gender | Vulnerable Patients

    Gender Median Delay # >1 week % Total

    Female 4 33 38.8 85

    Male 4 31 41.3 75

    No statistically significant difference (p = 0.76)

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Results: Birth Order | Vulnerable Patient

    Born 1 or 2: 29% late > 1 week

    Born > 2: 51% late > 1 week

    Risk Ratio 1.71, p < 0.01

    # Older Siblings Median Delay # >1 wk % Total

    0 4 13 32 41

    1 3 11 28 40

    2 7 18 64 28

    3 7 12 46 26

    4 8.5 6 60 10

    5 0 0 0 6

    6 0 1 0 5

    7 7 2 100 2

    8 7 1 100 1

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments


    Future Plans

    Send letter to clerks about updating phone numbers

    Continue monitoring of patients who received SMSreminders for 6 months

    Continue monitoring all patients in June cohort to sechanges by vaccine type and dose

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments



    Send SMS reminders to all patients scheduled for

    immunizations during Ramadan before appointment

    Consider sending pre-appointment reminders to vulpatients

    Mothers with no education or primary-school education Girls who need MMR Dose 2

    Babies with 2 or more older siblings

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments



    Maybe send SMS about prenatal nutrition

    Check box in e-Health for patients who want SMS (c

    Build system that integrates reminders automatically

    Health I cant do this, but could facilitate partnership

    Medic Mobile

  • 8/12/2019 SMS Reminders for Missed Immunization Appointments



    Thanks to everyone at UNRWA HQ and Taybeh Health C

    Funding: Duke University

    Statistical analysis: STATA software

    [email protected] me for raw data, interview transcripts, etc!