so. for sale · 2015. 6. 2. · i illf in r n ii ii j ii ii ii 1 if return i.v-m--vt honolulu,...

i illf In r II II J II II II 1 n if return i.v- m-- vt PRICE 5 CENTS. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, L888. VOL- - VIH ---- NO. 144. THE CHANCES IN NEW YORK. THE DAILY nr., rf fVtnhfr lltli admits that a good nomination for Mayor by the Re- - O. P. CASTLE. J. B. ATHERTON. Walker & Redwarcl, s.n. castle. publicans of Mew lor ity wouiu buuu acood chance of success, lhe uemo- - THE CLUB HOUSE Dining Rooms cratic vote will be ciiviaea neanv cc i VioT.ammanv candidate. a Commercial Advertiser " 1S PUBLISHED- - .y Honing Except Sundays. cADVEHtiBEKpone ;.;;;;.f E I! per mouth . rm vear o uu and Hewitt, the candidate of the County CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Democracv. As tne tuy ui new is likely to cast the deciding vote in the Hit conditions in that city will be carefully noted. In 1884 6 00 Siur'foreign (in 5" ...... " costage) Contractors & Builders Brick, sfone and Wooden Building Estimates Given. Jobbing Promptly Attended to, 7G KING STREET. iir. leveiuuu. uuu - York Citv and Mr. Blaine 90,093. Mr. -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN- - .uvrlably iu AUynnce. Cleveland's majority over isiaine vas, Is the Best Restaurant in Honolulu. First-clas- s Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and Cocoa at all hours. --A. Frail Meal, 25cts. Which includes a variety of food only to be had here. Board by the Week,"- - - 84.50. tST Civil and attentive waiters and first-clas- s cooks employed. Give us a trial. 123-3- m C. CHUN HEE. Prop. G-ener-al M!e:rcliand.ise. uVAlUN GAZETTE CO.. Uonolulu, H. I. P. O. Box 423. Bell Telephone No. 2. -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - 211 tf Kohala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papaikou Sugar Co. Grove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation, A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, Q. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Park Beach Hotel LEWERS & COOKE ce8Sor9to Levers & Dickson) therefore, 43.0G4. In Kings toumy, m which Brooklyn is situated, the vote was 62,284 for Cleveland, and 58,514 lor Blaine. Cleveland's majority in Kings was 15,770. Cleveland's combined ma- jority in New York and Kings was 5J,&54. This is the majority the interior of the State has to overcome. The Republican are confident of 80,000 north of Harlem River that is, north of New York and Kings and the Democrats are confident of increasing their majority in New York and Brooklyn to 80,000. The estimate is close, but the advantage lies with the Republicans, for the reason that, m view of the dissension' among Democrats in New York, that party is not likely to poll its full vote for the national ticket. The Democrats expect to cast for their two tickets for Mayor about 175,000 votes. The Republican vote is expected to reach 110,000, which will leave the Democrats nnn Rut it is not con- - Opposite Kapiolani Park, Walklkl. ... iniirH iu Iniuber "- - .fur ti..n.iinff M o.ffirial9. The Liverpool and Lon- don and Globe ESTABLISHED 1836. Assets 8 40,000,000 Net Income 9,079,000 Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox & Gibbs, Kemington and Wheeler & Wilson iajniud80I1,u rt STREET. Honolulu. Uf 4 fuBT Solulu market, to William McCandleas.) SMcw8or Dealers in Finest Bathing Place on the Islands. Elegant Rooms, gas and water in each, Extensive Grounds, well shaded; The Table is supplied with the best the market affords. Claims Paid 112.56,000 Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fire on Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwellings SEWIISTG MACHINES. Mlcnt Heel, AST 11 sidered possible that the national ticket will receive 175,000 in New York City. It is more likely to be cut down 10 iou,- - Fish MarKei. street, So. 6 Queen shipping orders carefully attended f K ruisbed to vessels at short .CtablM of all kinds applied to Telephone No. 12. . J. ALFRED MAGOON, 000. Should the Cleveland vote De epw Billiard Room and Bowling Alley FOR SALE ! down to about this figure the chance in ana f urniture, on tne mosi xavorauie ierun. Bishop & Co. 1188-C- m l-6- m B. LEVY & SON, Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Attached. the State would be greatly in iavor ui iTorriann A Cleveland majority ot s 40,000 in New York and from 15,000 to . n i- -i n.tnm1irViA nvpr- - Vnll inform inn dvMi to tourists as to the f - "Law -- U.UUU in rrooK.iyu uau tciiai"j . EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, come. The vote nortn oi nanem xvivc. has been carefully polled, and mere is no doubt on the part of the Republicans of an 80,000 majority to meet the com- bined Democratic majority in New York best routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities; also current rates for horse hire and guides on the other islands. Busses and carriages will be furnished at spe- cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggage wagons will meet every steamer. Special rates for permanent boarders. A wagonette will be provided for the use of guests at special rates. Commission Merchants In Foreign and Domestio FRUITS AND PRODUCE. -- And Just Landed In Fine Order.- - Merchant street, Uonolulu. ltf T 7GLSET VAILLANCOURT ASHFORD, kjrupji Solicitor, Affeut to Take iduuHledtfiuvntH, Etc. and Brooklyn. S. b . Uaii, vci. Barrel Shooks an4 Heads, Ax Handles, Pick Handles, Hoe Handles, Canal Baarows.V m m m - - The Late Dr. Kueeland. Tlr Samn p! TCneoland. whose death in it-c- ld Capitol uunuiug,uju- - T.t q,,. Galvanized Barb Wire, Galvanized Cut Nails, Galvanized Cut Spikes, Galv. Clinch Boat Nails, Iron Cut Nails (asst'd) Horse Shoe Nails. lost Uince. C. N. ARNOLD, PROP. 30-l- m narmont? ii n q nrfivionalv been men- - Nests Trunks. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, tioned in this paper, was a native of We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds in our line, and make a specialty in packing all kinds of fruit for long distance markets. Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special attention. 628 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco. P. O. Box 1742. E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu, 118-6- m Agent l'or Hawaiian Islands. Boston and graduated ac xmrvaiu w Importer and Dealer in 1840. He studied at me meuiuai duw in the same institution, and later in Paris, until 1845. He practised medi- - FILTER PRESSES. JINERAL MERCHANDISE. Second-han- d Iron Safes. Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber, "Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum, Pitch. Tar. Cotton Waste, Italian Packing, cine in Boston, taugM anaiomy ai iue Harvard School, and was connected with vonniia othpr institutions. He explored Paattsad Plantation. So.iS-3- 1 Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf H. HACKFELD & CO., Hawaii, March 9, 1888. j Brazil, the copper region of Lake Super Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust. PIONEER Steam Candy Factory ior and the Hawaiian lsianus. m mo summer of 1874 he visited the islands at the time of the millenial celebration General Commission Agents Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran- cisco. Gentlemen We have used two of your 30-chainbe- red Filter Presses this season. They are convenient, easily handled and are working entirely to our satisfaction. I can recommend no improvement on them. Very respectfully yours. (signed) A. Moobe, Manager Paauhau Plantation. studying the volcano phenomena ot tne islands. Among his published works are "The Wonders of the Yosemite AND Cor. Fort Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf "Electric" Kerosene Oil. "Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil, Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each). Plaster, Rosendale Cement. Portland Cement, Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns, Valley and of California," and "An American in Iceland," " The Land of BEAVER SALOON, Hemp and Sugar," and -- a VYimer Residence in the Philippine Islands. FrtMrm, Opposite Wilder Co.' BAKE R Y . B HOR3ST, H. J. N'OLTE, PROPRIETOR. His lavonte stuuies were yuitiv. turbances and earthquakes. totcU Luncbes Served with Tea, Coffee, These Presses are being carried in stock in Honolulu and are sold at the very low price of S650.00 in Honolulu to meet thedemana, A consignment i3 now on the way.- - Iiistlon Iron & Loco. Works, San Francisco. go 12342m $oh Wattr, Ginger Ale or aiuk. Open From 3 n. iu. till 10 p. m- - Tn wnW in a. tolpfram from the Col lector of Customs at Suspension Bridge, N. Y., asking for instructions, Assistant U&okers' Requiaites a Specialty. tf . R. W. FRAZER, Cumberland Coal. Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones, Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black, Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-p- ly, Ox Bows, T?rviin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks), Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. 71 Hotel Street. Both Telephones 74. JUST ARRIVED Treasurer Maynard teiegrapneu : xuo department has no authority under the Chinese .Exclusion aci oi ucujuer oy SRCHAET TAILOR, Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches. last, to admit Chinese laborers coming to vour jurisdiction from Canada, wheth- - Cor. King and Alakea Sts., Honolulu. er on tnrougii ucJteia iruiu vuiw w not." - -- r- ,1 T:.ts 1?teroinn Tnn JjWerate charge, good workmanship and a "tatrnaranteed. ltf , .r,,1T Tfn 1 "T Hand Carts, Baby Carriagea, Bashes, UUnas, vow. IVlETliUrUljll AL Carriages-t- ho best eyer consigned to ns-- and a First-clas- s uarr.aga. PER BARK H. Hackfeld, from London BEST C. BBEWEB & CO. CERMANIA MARKET. a.R.UFP, . . . PROPRIETOR, fort Street, Honolulu. Sep, mutton and veal. fffsU Sausage, Fork, Etc. "tljr 0Q tand Shipping served on short WING WO CHAN & Co., NUUANU ST. TELE GENUINE Galvanized Buckets, Meat Company, Best Coir Mattm?, HAVE JUST RECEIVED WETW GOODS I MURRAY & LANMAN'S 'OLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, Soil 81 KING STREET, Nnnr Mills, Coolers, Brass Suitable for Cliristmas and New Year's Presents I FLORIDA WATER, O-Fo- r Sale at Lowest Trice. byTE Q. W. Hacfarlane & Co. 129 tf SUN FIRE. OFFICE, THE nii Lead Casting's, VC!llnery of very description made to rtlcular attenUon paid to ships black-t- f. Job ori executed on the abortest ltf HE ROYAL SALOON, f'' Snnnu and Slercliaut Street tnder the Manaeement of J. WALLER, OF LONDON. (jtm EX BARK VELOCITY, FROM CHINA, REED CflAIKS AND BOOKERS Something new in Honolulu; Extension "Veranda Chairs, Ebony and Marble Diningroom Sets, Matting in aU variety and coIoej, Silks, Satins and Pongee, Silk Crepe, in all shades; SIantel and Hearth Vases, Establislied 1710. E- - H. F, "Wolter, . UNIVERSAL :. PERFUME FOR THE Handkerchief, Toilet, AND THE T3A.TH. MANAGER. Tn every description of 'riW,la 8tock a arity of the best Wines. ttcenta a. aQ4 lce coli leers on draught at glass. piVeTyarclmnTrpr-minm- . """ ToUltt.mIn.nr6a.nl8. jjfdl and see X's.TSi ltf A. H. RASEMArJ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL v ' Best Oolong Tea, Choice Manila Cigars G. W. Macfarlane & Co. nleT ana Blank Book 1 1C 1 w . r.i. for Htwalln lalsnds. TROPICAL COCTRHS IT HAS ACHIEVED IN greater pr ruUri'y thtn any other Toilet Preparatif " v . . aked npon by those vtl 2 (up gtaira) ltr H-- G. CRABBE, have onoe v'pei ' ' .eu the pleasure of Ha use as a necessity of r'.ut ai-- d comfortable existence. THOMAS LINDSAY Haa Benioved His E. Molntyre & BroM IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN BUTCHERS 1 it T 1 1.1 J I. rsil'V w An G-rocerie- s, Provisions and Feed, Hay aiJllSMM IMP E c Sale t , D RIJGGISTS & GRAIN 0 BY J ANP EAST CORKER FORT AD KINQ STREETS. Stroe to From Nnnann Thomas Block, King Street. i i Dealer la Vancy Goods. - '"o Street, . Honolulu, Dw4nn.t, ... aumar. au otdera faltnfnlly attenaea io, an oywa c 4H5 It l.t 1. ir' r.T: cited. 8tircU0U -- uaranwtu. ' -- p.xi. M3 trca mx txnm x - , .

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    nr., rf fVtnhfr lltli admits thata good nomination for Mayor by the Re- -

    O. P. CASTLE.J. B. ATHERTON.Walker & Redwarcl, s.n. castle. publicans of Mew lor ity wouiu buuuacood chance of success, lhe uemo--


    Dining Rooms cratic vote will be ciiviaea neanv cci VioT.ammanv candidate.a Commercial Advertiser



    .yHoning Except Sundays.

    cADVEHtiBEKpone ;.;;;;.f EI! per mouth

    . rm vear o uu

    and Hewitt, the candidate of the CountyCASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Merchants,

    Democracv. As tne tuy ui newis likely to cast the deciding vote in the

    Hit conditions inthat city will be carefully noted. In 1884

    6 00Siur'foreign (in5" ......" costage)

    Contractors & BuildersBrick, sfone and Wooden Building

    Estimates Given.

    Jobbing Promptly Attended to,7G KING STREET.

    iir. leveiuuu. uuu -York Citv and Mr. Blaine 90,093. Mr.--IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN--

    .uvrlably iu AUynnce. Cleveland's majority over isiaine vas,

    Is the Best Restaurant in Honolulu.First-clas- s Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and Cocoa

    at all hours.--A. Frail Meal, 25cts.

    Which includes a variety of food onlyto be had here.

    Board by the Week,"- - - 84.50.tST Civil and attentive waiters and first-clas- s

    cooks employed. Give us a trial.123-3- m C. CHUN HEE. Prop.

    G-ener-al M!e:rcliand.ise.uVAlUN GAZETTE CO..

    Uonolulu, H. I.P. O. Box 423.Bell Telephone No. 2. --ALSO, AGENTS FOR--211 tf

    Kohala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

    Paia Plantation,Papaikou Sugar Co.

    Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation,

    A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,Q. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.Park Beach Hotel


    ce8Sor9to Levers & Dickson)

    therefore, 43.0G4. In Kings toumy, mwhich Brooklyn is situated, the vote was62,284 for Cleveland, and 58,514 lorBlaine. Cleveland's majority in Kingswas 15,770. Cleveland's combined ma-jority in New York and Kings was 5J,&54.This is the majority the interior of theState has to overcome. The Republicanare confident of 80,000 north of HarlemRiver that is, north of New York andKings and the Democrats are confidentof increasing their majority in New Yorkand Brooklyn to 80,000. The estimateis close, but the advantage lies with theRepublicans, for the reason that, m viewof the dissension' among Democrats inNew York, that party is not likely to pollits full vote for the national ticket. TheDemocrats expect to cast for their twotickets for Mayor about 175,000 votes.The Republican vote is expected to reach110,000, which will leave the Democrats

    nnn Rut it is not con--

    Opposite Kapiolani Park, Walklkl.... iniirH iu Iniuber"- -.furti..n.iinff M o.ffirial9.

    The Liverpool and Lon-don and Globe


    Assets 8 40,000,000Net Income 9,079,000

    Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

    The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

    The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco.

    Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

    Wilcox & Gibbs, Kemington and Wheeler & Wilson

    iajniud80I1,u rt

    STREET. Honolulu. Uf4 fuBT

    Solulu market,to William McCandleas.)SMcw8orDealers in

    Finest Bathing Place on the Islands.

    Elegant Rooms, gas and water in each,Extensive Grounds, well shaded;

    The Table is supplied with the bestthe market affords.

    Claims Paid 112.56,000Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fire

    on Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwellings SEWIISTG MACHINES.Mlcnt Heel, AST11

    sidered possible that the national ticketwill receive 175,000 in New York City.It is more likely to be cut down 10 iou,- -

    Fish MarKei.street,So. 6 Queen

    shipping orders carefully attendedfK ruisbed to vessels at short.CtablM of all kinds applied toTelephone No. 12. .


    000. Should the Cleveland vote De epwBilliard Room and Bowling Alley FOR SALE ! down to about this figure the chance inana f urniture, on tne mosi xavorauie ierun.

    Bishop & Co.1188-C- m l-6- m

    B. LEVY & SON,Importers, Wholesale Dealers and

    Attached. the State would be greatly in iavor uiiTorriann A Cleveland majority ots40,000 in New York and from 15,000 to. n i- -i n.tnm1irViA nvpr- -Vnll inform inn dvMi to tourists as to thef - "Law -- U.UUU in rrooK.iyu uau tciiai"j .

    EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, come. The vote nortn oi nanem xvivc.has been carefully polled, and mere isno doubt on the part of the Republicansof an 80,000 majority to meet the com-bined Democratic majority in New York

    best routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities;also current rates for horse hire and guides onthe other islands.

    Busses and carriages will be furnished at spe-cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggagewagons will meet every steamer. Special ratesfor permanent boarders. A wagonette will beprovided for the use of guests at special rates.

    Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestio

    FRUITS AND PRODUCE.--And Just Landed In Fine Order.- -

    Merchant street, Uonolulu. ltf T


    kjrupji Solicitor, Affeut to TakeiduuHledtfiuvntH, Etc. and

    Brooklyn. S. b . Uaii, vci.Barrel Shooks an4 Heads,Ax Handles,

    Pick Handles,Hoe Handles,

    Canal Baarows.V

    m m m - -

    The Late Dr. Kueeland.Tlr Samn p! TCneoland. whose death in

    it-c- ld Capitol uunuiug,uju- - T.t q,,.

    Galvanized Barb Wire,Galvanized Cut Nails,

    Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,

    Iron Cut Nails (asst'd)Horse Shoe Nails.

    lost Uince. C. N. ARNOLD, PROP.30-l- m

    narmont? ii n q nrfivionalv been men--Nests Trunks.JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, tioned in this paper, was a native of

    We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds inour line, and make a specialty in packing allkinds of fruit for long distance markets.

    Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

    628 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco.P. O. Box 1742.

    E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,118-6- m Agent l'or Hawaiian Islands.

    Boston and graduated ac xmrvaiu wImporter and Dealer in 1840. He studied at me meuiuai duw

    in the same institution, and later inParis, until 1845. He practised medi- -FILTER PRESSES.JINERAL MERCHANDISE. Second-han- d Iron Safes.

    Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber,"Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,

    Pitch. Tar. Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,

    cine in Boston, taugM anaiomy ai iueHarvard School, and was connected withvonniia othpr institutions. He exploredPaattsad Plantation.

    So.iS-3- 1 Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf

    H. HACKFELD & CO.,Hawaii, March 9, 1888. j Brazil, the copper region of Lake SuperMetalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust.

    PIONEERSteam Candy Factory

    ior and the Hawaiian lsianus. m mosummer of 1874 he visited the islands atthe time of the millenial celebrationGeneral Commission Agents

    Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran-cisco.

    Gentlemen We have used two of your 30-chainbe- redFilter Presses this season. They

    are convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on them.

    Very respectfully yours.(signed) A. Moobe,

    Manager Paauhau Plantation.

    studying the volcano phenomena ot tneislands. Among his published worksare "The Wonders of the YosemiteANDCor. Fort Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf "Electric" Kerosene Oil.

    "Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).

    Plaster, Rosendale Cement. Portland Cement,Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns,

    Valley and of California," and "AnAmerican in Iceland," " The Land ofBEAVER SALOON,Hemp and Sugar," and --a VYimerResidence in the Philippine Islands.FrtMrm, Opposite Wilder

    Co.' BAKE R Y .B HOR3ST,

    H. J. N'OLTE, PROPRIETOR. His lavonte stuuies were yuitiv.turbances and earthquakes.totcU Luncbes Served with Tea, Coffee,

    These Presses are being carried in stock inHonolulu and are sold at the very low priceof S650.00 in Honolulu to meet thedemana,A consignment i3 now on the way.--

    Iiistlon Iron & Loco. Works,San Francisco.go 12342m

    $oh Wattr, Ginger Ale or aiuk.Open From 3 n. iu. till 10 p. m- - Tn wnW in a. tolpfram from the Col

    lector of Customs at Suspension Bridge,N. Y., asking for instructions, Assistant

    U&okers' Requiaites a Specialty. tf .

    R. W. FRAZER,

    Cumberland Coal.Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones,

    Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black,Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-p- ly, Ox Bows,

    T?rviin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks),

    Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

    71 Hotel Street.Both Telephones 74.


    Treasurer Maynard teiegrapneu : xuodepartment has no authority under theChinese .Exclusion aci oi ucujuer oySRCHAET TAILOR,

    Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches. last, to admit Chineselaborers coming

    to vour jurisdiction from Canada, wheth- -Cor. King and Alakea Sts., Honolulu. er on tnrougii ucJteia iruiu vuiw w

    not."- --r- ,1 T:.ts 1?teroinn TnnJjWerate charge, good workmanship and a"tatrnaranteed. ltf , .r,,1T Tfn 1 "T Hand Carts, Baby Carriagea, Bashes, UUnas, vow.IVlETliUrUljll AL Carriages-t- ho best eyer consigned to ns--and a First-clas-s uarr.aga.


    H. Hackfeld, from London



    a.R.UFP, . . . PROPRIETOR,fort Street, Honolulu.

    Sep, mutton and veal.fffsU Sausage, Fork, Etc.

    "tljr 0Q tand Shipping served on short

    WING WO CHAN & Co., NUUANU ST. TELEGENUINEGalvanized Buckets, Meat Company,

    Best Coir Mattm?,HAVE JUST RECEIVED


    81 KING STREET,Nnnr Mills, Coolers, Brass Suitable for Cliristmas and New Year's PresentsI FLORIDA WATER,

    O-Fo-r Sale at Lowest Trice. byTE

    Q. W. Hacfarlane & Co.129 tf


    nii Lead Casting's,VC!llnery of very description made to

    rtlcular attenUon paid to ships black-t- f.Job ori executed on the abortest


    HE ROYAL SALOON,f'' Snnnu and Slercliaut Street

    tnder the Manaeement of



    REED CflAIKS AND BOOKERSSomething new in Honolulu;

    Extension "Veranda Chairs,Ebony and Marble Diningroom Sets,

    Matting in aU variety and coIoej,Silks, Satins and Pongee,

    Silk Crepe, in all shades;SIantel and Hearth Vases,

    Establislied 1710.E-- H. F, "Wolter,



    Handkerchief, Toilet,AND THE


    MANAGER.Tn every description of'riW,la 8tock a arity of the best Wines.

    ttcenta a.aQ4 lce coli leers on draught atglass. piVeTyarclmnTrpr-minm-

    ."""ToUltt.mIn.nr6a.nl8.jjfdl and see X's.TSi ltf

    A. H. RASEMArJ


    Best Oolong Tea, Choice Manila CigarsG. W. Macfarlane & Co.nleT ana Blank Book 1 1 C 1 w. r.i. for Htwalln lalsnds.TROPICAL COCTRHS IT HAS ACHIEVEDIN greater pr ruUri'y thtn any other Toilet

    Preparatif " v . . aked npon by those vtl2 (up gtaira) ltr

    H--G. CRABBE,

    have onoe v'pei ' ' .eu the pleasure of Ha use asa necessity of r'.ut ai-- d comfortable existence.THOMAS LINDSAY

    Haa Benioved His


    1itT 1 1.1 J I. rsil'V w An

    G-rocerie- s, Provisions and Feed,Hay aiJllSMMIMP E c Salet ,D RIJGGISTS

    & GRAIN 0 BY JANP EAST CORKER FORT AD KINQ STREETS.Stroe toFrom NnnannThomas Block, King Street.

    i i Dealer la Vancy Goods. -'"o Street, . Honolulu, Dw4nn.t, ... aumar. au otdera faltnfnlly attenaea io, an oywa c 4H5 Itl.t 1. ir' r.T: cited. 8tircU0U --uaranwtu. ' -- p.xi.M3 trca mx txnm x - , .


    LATEST FOREIGN NEtfS.J3n Uttljorttih

    ing duly qualified. The foui th offense ispunished by expulsion .'rora the republic.

    Samuel J. Randall, the Democraticleader, in a letter to Nathaniel McKay,Mv5 I am still for the labor side of the Annual Meeting

    Waihee Sugar Co.'i fer.teS

    rfHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WAIHEEJL Sugar Co. will be held on MONDAY, Novem-ber 12, 1883, at the offlce of C. Brewer & Co.,Qneen street, Honolulu, at 10 o'clock a. ni.

    13U-t- d J. O. CARTER, Secretary.

    Corporation Notice.

    MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OFA the Hawaiian Carriage Manufacturing Co.will be held at the offlce of W. O. Smith, 011THURSDAY, November 15, 18S8, at 2 p. in., toconsider the question of making a change inthe amount of Capital Stock of the Company,and such other business as may be presented.

    By order of the Directors.W. O. SMITH, Secretary.

    Honolulu, Nov. 7, 1888. 142-l- w

    Boat For Sale.THE BOAT SAVED FROMthe wreck of the "DunnotarCastle," and sold at auctionto the King, has been re

    fitted, coppered and decked over by Mr. Holland,and is for sale cheap for cash by

    f2-t- f E. R. RYAN, Boat Builder.--V-


    AR9. M. B. CAMPBELL HAS COMMENCED1V1 the business of Dressmaking. Cutting andFitting, at her residence. No. 73 Beretania street.opposite the Hotel. Tho patronage of the ladiesis respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaran-teed. 88-t- f 1243-l- y

    For Kent or For Sale.

    SI I PLEASANT COTTAGEIn Ierfect Order.

    A few minutes' walk from the Tost Office.Apply to



    TTVTTOT?.rnT!R,ft Pugai' Coo

    Sealed TenderH

    Will be received at the Interior Ollice until, .r x- - v v- .- k icea of 10vinrif nnori. for Repairs and Addition to

    Oahu Prison.Plans and specifications can be seen and

    all necessary information be had upon application to the ollice of the Superintendentof Public Works.

    The Minister of the Interior does notbind himself to accept the lowest or anybid. LOKRIN A. THURSTON,

    Minister of Interior.Interior OlDce, Nov. 9, 1SS3. 144-'- Jt

    TendersWill be received at the office of the Boardof Education until 12 o'clock noon, onMONDAY, the 3d day of December next,for the construction of a School House20x40x12 ft., including material, at Kaana- -pali, in the District of Lahaina, Island ofMaui, according to plans and specificationso hp sfpn at the ollice of the Board. Also

    for two smaller houses, 11x21x10 ft. each,at Kaka, and Malania, in Puna, Hawaii,until MONDAY, the 10th of Decembernext.

    Duplicate plans of the Puna houses maybe seen by application to the School Agentof the district.

    By order of the Board of Education.W. JAS. SMITH,

    Secretary.Education Office, Nov. 0, 1833.

    11112H-3- t

    Kolatlng to Tuition Veen.Agreeably with the provisions of law on

    the subject, tuition fees at the rates hereto-fore charged in all grades of Fort-stre- etSchool in this city, will be continued, butpupils attending the HIGH SCHOOLCOURSE will be charged at the higherrate of one dollar per week, from and afterthe 1st of Januarv. ISs'J. All other Government schools are free.

    By order of the Board of Education.W. JAS. SMITH, Secretary.

    Education Office, Nov. 7, 1883. 142-3- t

    Notice to Government School Teacliers.The attention of all Government school

    teachers is hereby called to a recently published order of the Board of Education,requiring their attendance at their respective schools, daily, at least fifteen minutesbefore 9 o'clock a. m., the regular hour fornnnnmsr. and to a PROPER OBSERVANCE THEREOF, BY ALL, as thereindirected.

    By order of the Board of Education.W. JAS. SMITH, Secretary,

    Education Office, Nov. 7, 18S3.112 1211-3- t

    Sealed TenderWU1 bo received at the Interior Office until

    'Tuesday, November 13, 1883, at 12 o'clocknoon, for the construction of an intersecting Ditch on the slope of Punchbowl Hill.

    Plans and specifications can be seen andall required information obtained upon application to the office of the Superintendentof Public Works.

    The Minister of the Interior does notbind himself to accept the lowest or anybid. L. A. THURSTON,

    Minister of Interior.Interior Office. Nov. 5. 18S8. 110 1211-l- t

    Sealed Tenders.Office ok the Board of Health,)

    Honolulu, Nov. G, 1888. jScaled Tendtrs will be received at the

    office of the Board of Health until WEDNESDAY, November 11, 1888, at 12 o'clocknoon, for the erection of a Resilience forthe Superintendent at the Leper Settlement on Molokai.

    Plans and specifications may be seen atthe office of the Board.

    The Board does not bind itself to acceptthe lowest or any bid.

    W. G. ASHLEY,141-- 7t Secretar'.

    Notice Concerning the Storage of Oil,and the Fire and ISulldlng Laws.

    Notice ia hereby called to the followinglaws, viz.: Section 1 of Chapter 89 of thePenal Code as amended by Chapter 21 ofthe laws of 1880 which reads as follows:

    "Section 1. No 'person shall receive,keep or store or cause to be received, keptor stored, or aid or assist any person in receiving, keeping or storing, or have at anyone time on any premises owned, leased oroccupied by him, except the storehouseprovided therefor by the Government.more than one case of naphtha and one caeof benzole, nor more than ten cases ofpetroleum, kerosene oil, or any oil of whichthe component partis petroleum, naphtha,or spirits of turpentine."

    And also to Sections 3 and 8 of saidChapter of the Penal Code which read asfollows :

    "Section 3 Any person keeping, storing jor having benzole, petroleum, keroseneoil, or any oils, of which the componentpart is petroleum, naphtha or spirits of tur-pentine, in any one vlace except the storehouse provided by the Government therefor, in the quantities as provided in thisChapter, shall keep the same in air-tig- ht

    fine and imprisonment, it the discretionof the Court."

    And also to Section 1 of Chapter 1G ofthe laws of 1SS3 reading as follows :

    "No person shall, within the city otHonolulu erect, place or move any build-ing without permission in writing from theSuperintendent of Public Works."

    And also to Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter 2of the laws of 1SS0 which read as follows:

    "Section 2. Every building or structureexcept water closet or privies, hereafterbuilt within the fire limits of Honolulu,shall have the external walls thereof con-structed of brick, stone, concrete, iron orother approved fire-pro- of material, pro-vided, that If of iron, the frame-wor- k shallalso be of iron, and that rafters and rooftimbers, if covered with approved fire-proof material, may be of wood. The in-terior of fire-pro- of buildings shall be ceiledwith lire-pro- of material or lathed and plas-tered. V

    "Section 3. No wooden building orstructure now erected within the fire-limi- tsof Honolulu shall be altered, repaired orchanged without permission in writing,signed by the Minister of the Interior,

    L. A. THURSTON,Minister of the Interior.

    Interior Office, Nov. 7, 1888. 142-- 3t


    Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

    Be just and fear not:Let all the ends thou alm'at at be

    TLy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

    SATURDAY, : NOVEMBER 10, 1888.

    Three millions of boxes, is the esti-mated orang crop of the State of Florida,for the year 188S. So says an item.from an Eastern paper, published inyesterday's Advertiser. Wo wonder ifthese figures suggest anything in theway of possible enterprise to any one inthese Islands, having land suitable forgrowing this fruit, or means to engage inits cultivation. There are certainly con-siderable areas well suited in soil andclimate to this purpose. The averagequality of the oranges we do raise is morethan respectable, and many of them areexcellent. Doubtless further improve-ment would follow, were the enterprisecarried on upon a larger scale and moresystematically, and intelligent care usedin the selection of the varieties to be cul-tivated. Our own knowledge of thematter, we confess, is limited. Ouropinion,based on what we have been ableto learn, is that the great obstacle to theenlargement of this field of productionlias been, heretofore, the anxiety of thosehaving capital and business capacity, tosecure not only large, but quick returns.The man who plants an orange grove,large or small, knows that he has got towait several years before he can possibly get anything back. The poor mancannot afford to wait, and he of largermeans has not been willing to. Still, ifintelligent men, having tho means attheir command, can afford to labor andwait in other countries, it seems asthough some of the same class mightafford to do the same here.

    Serious Kallroad War in Canatla.Chief Justice Taylor delivered judg-

    ment on the morning of the 24th, dis-solving the injunction to restrain thoRed River Valley Railroad from cross-ing the Canadian Pac.'tie. The greatestexcitement prevailed throughout theprovince upon hearing the news. Presi-dent Van Home wired from Montreal tothe Canadian Pacific authorities at Win-nipeg to resist the forces of the ManitobaGovernment to the last. Tho companywere to have 500 men at the scene of thetrouble the next morning. The Cana-dian PaciGc track was barricaded withan immense ience ana two dead engines.

    Attorney-Gener- al Martin advertisedfor loyal citizens to serve

    .as special con

    A. il. A. 11staDies 10 protect, ine iracK-iaye- rs incrossing the Canadian Pacific, and000men were sworn n to hght for tho pro-vince's rights. These were going to thocrossing in tne morning, and it a confiict took place bloodshed was inevitable. A big mass meeting passed strong

    That night the local militia terce, attho instance of three magisterial tools ofthe railroad corporations, were orderedto the scene of the action, and started ona Canadian Pacific Railroad train to beready for blood spilling. They took can- -non along in order to be prepared for theProvincial (jrovernraent 8 special constables. A large number of revolvers werepurchased that night.

    Late the same night, toe last date ofnews, the Chief Justice granted anotherinterim injunction to the Canadian Pacific road ujon strong affidavits that theplamt'tTs could prove that the road wasbuilt by tho Northern Pacluc and not bvthe Manitoba Government. It would beargued on the 20th and would surely bedissolved.

    A Dreadful Battle.The Panama steamer Mosello at New

    York brngs particulars of the battle atPort-au-Prin- ce on the night of September'JSth. Firing commeHced at 7 :30 o'clockin the evening. The cannon and Gat- -ling guns of the place did dreadtul execution, as did also shots from the bigguns on Fort Alexander, which crashedclear through buildings, destroying very-thin- g

    and evervbody they struck. The

    were killed and over 500 wounded, including many women and children.

    According to tables prepared and published by Prof. Elliot, the statistician,the population of the United States onthe 1st day of Januarv, 1SS9, will beabout 63,000,000. and will be not farfrom 05,000,000 on the last day of June.1S90, the date of taking the next officialcensus an increase of nearly fifteen

    OPEIU Ho)On Satimi. j

    SKLt CTIQFrom Gilbert an.j

    ulllvan- -I h ft. J

    Will be r.rf.CCr, , , . !meu by t ,.

    ln A1 of St. Andre s ChiTo b

    The Blind lifiOfficer ofH.B.M.s.cJ

    Doors open at : av3" Tickets r.'.CQxt iCP a a

    ODiained at the -- auj lo., rhere the h it-.jrj Tin. ou triads



    Ex Bark H. HjI

    mo N Fl1

    Selwig & Lange's p;

    ,8tto 30 ChanrtJWhich have proved allanamin In .. ,rreut Mr.-- .

    , ' "

    with the latest i m Lhparts of AI!0V


    (round comnIron Tanks, 3 sizes:

    I Vane's S'.e J

    Steel Kails&Fi!Portable Track, SKnpeis vt 4

    Corrugated Iron, all MFire Bricks, Slates, jFire Clay, Asbt-?-


    White Bros PortlamGermania P. Cement, !Keg Shocks, Rivet?, 1Sugar and Coal Ila, fCoal Basket., Twine, fStockholm and Coal Tar,'

    For Sale at Lowest HaU

    H. HAOKFElil) (l'oo-li- n


    The Nippon Vusen KaMifSteamship

    "Takasajro 31a

    EROWN, Cojimasdeb,

    Will be dut here from Yoiofcimithe 13th of November, and wili f

    nhnvn n(rto nositiveJ?. J

    NOVEMBER 17,

    Chinese passengers for Uonitransferred at Yokohama truH--

    that port. !

    For Freight or I'aSe'tljior accommodations, apply to

    Wm. G. Irwin i127-t-f

    Just Arrivec

    Two of those wtlI-k-

    ob T Cola VV

    """BorncDLiBKins a"u

    From LiverpOOh

    A Fresh S apply


    Bottled by M-- Fostej&

    . .vy t --c

    .,f TtAni. ana r.n. cmX"Of Joserb rerrier

    -- "Of V. nve Amiot, Cbaions,

    Ed. H1

    I'lve Days Later than Last Mail PerBarkentine Planter, San Francisco,October 25th.

    The Presidential Election.Connecticut is conceded to the Re-

    publicans, New Jersey is expected togive about its old-tim- e Democratic ma-jority and West Virginia is avowedlyclose

    A telegram of Republican color fromWashington reports the heads of deparimerits eone or eoinz out electioneering.Only the Secretary of War and the

    will be left in the citynext week. The President himself wasgoing to New York to review the Democratic procession.

    With certain States safe for them, theDemocrats are fighting for New York,Indiana. Connecticut. New Jersey, westVirginia. California and Michigan. Thepopular impression in Washington is thatCalifornia and Michigan are much saferto the Republicans than West Virginia,Connecticut, Indiana and New lork areto Democrats, so that harder fighting isnecessary for the latter, both in the missionary field and at home. The Uemocrats feel safer in New York and NewJersey than in Connecticut, West Vir- -trinia or Indiana. Ihe republicans navebut to hold their own and concentrate onNew York.

    Great interest is felt in the vote ofCalifornia and Nevada. The vote ofthose two States together with the votesnf Tnrilnnn. and New Jorsov added to the150 votes from the solid South wouldgive 201 electoral votes for the Demo- -cratic ticket and elect Mr. Cleveland. Itis the wish of Cleveland, second only tohis hooe of n, that the Republi- -can power in the Northwest should bebroken, that the majorities all along theline should be reduced and one Statecarried if possible. For this reasonenergy is being diverted from States withhopeless Republican majorities and decided efforts are being made to carryMichigan and Minnesota. Tho principalefforts to reduce majorities are beingmade in Iowa and Illinois. Determinedefforts are being made to carry Californiaas an offset for the possible loss of Connecticut and Indiana.

    In Washington, where personal considerations influence the judgment ofmen in political altairs more largelythan in anv other place in the UnitedStates, it is correspondingly difficult toobtain an unbiased view of the situation.There is no doubt, however, that thegeneral opinion under the upper crust ofpersonal and political prejudice is thatHarrison will be elected. Ihe inform-ation from New York State outside ofthe city is that the Republicans will gainheavily. The ablest Democratic politicians concede that the triangular fight mNew York Citv over the local officesgives an opportunity for trading voteswhich more than offsets any increase ofstrength for the national ticket that in-tense party feeling might create. Thelarge increase of registration in New Yorkand . Brooklyn confounds both partiesand neither side seems to know justwhere this vote will land.

    As soon as Congress adjourned, everySenator and Representative who couldbe of the slightest use to his party in anysection of country hurried away to en-gage in the campaign. Senator Mitch-ell of Oregon and Senator Morgan ofAlabama are the only two Senators remaining in the city. Mitchell had intended to take an active part in the Oregon campaign, but he is kept in theEast by alarming reports of the seriouslllnass of Mrs. Mitchell, who is now inParis. He is now awaiting advices bymail from abroad, to decide whether hewill return to Oregon in time to vote, orwill go to the bedside of his sick wife.In any event he will not be able to makeRepublican speeches in Oregon. Senator Stanford will not reach San Francisco m time to do more than to cast hisvote for Harrison and Morton, and thereis a possibility that he may not get homeuntil after the election.

    American Notes.The Tilden will contest is to be con

    tinued.The press of Central America favor the

    union of the hve republics.Adolph Sprockets says no bargain has

    been made with the sugar trust.A tie-u- p is ordered of all the lines

    operated by the Cross-tow- n IlailroadCompany of Brooklyn.

    Wheat Jaas taken a fall. "Old Hutch"(Hutchinson) is watched closely bv allthe smaller fry of speculators.

    At Jacksonville th;'ty-on- e new casesof yellow fever and four deaths were reported for the past twenty-tou- r hours.

    Judge Thurman left for Cincinnati onthe 24th, to be one of the orators at theExposition next day, that bc'ng " Democratic Day."

    It is rumored that on November 1stthe Missouri Pacific will assume and takecontrol of the Denver, Texas and FortWorth Railroad, tho latter be;ng ab-sorbed by the Gould system.

    Judge Sawyer discharged ten Chinesesailors of the steamer Colima on habeascorpus writs, on the ground that duringtneir voyage to ana trora Panama theywere never out of American Territory,being on an American vessel.

    The double wedd:ng of Miss HyrietNewton to Edwin It. Dimond of SanFrancisco and Miss Grace Newton toArnold G.Dana of New Haven wl.icl,iwii piiiuv un uiu cveu iiu ui lue Z-U- 1 at Itlie Uhurcn Ot the Pilgrims 111 Brooklyn, Iwas a noiaDie eveni in society.

    The latest staying device of the Chineseis to swear out certificates of their birthin America and the?r removal when veryyoung to China. Then they go to Mexicoand try to get permanent footing in theuimeu ouiico uii ruiuniing Willi tnesecertificates.

    William II. Holcomb succeeds Thos.J. Potter as vice-preside- nt and chief ex-ecutive officer of the Union Pacific sys-tem. Surplus earnings for the first six-month- s

    were $4,415,385, an increase of$290,099. The mileage is now 4,764miles. At the meet;ng nothing was saidabout a dividend.

    Axworthy, the defaulting treasurer ofthe city of Cleveland, on learning atMontreal that his offense was extradita- -Die, leit on me evening of the 3d the Canadian Pacific for Vancouver

    1. ' '4 ITvui tLic txy iu viiiiiu. ue 18 Supposed 10 Iins fcnurt u,wo, uue lO meaai-n- g "1 the

    The Government of Panama is proceeding vigorously against the auatkervso loni? the curse of the isthmus. Heavyfines or imprisonment are provided forthe first three offenses of practising med- -icinv, surgery or pharmacy without be- -

    tafitf cause. In a sentence.. I am unal-orahl- vin favor of preserving our

    American industrial svstem, coverug byflntios. as declared in the Democraticplatform of 1SS4, the difference in laborand the cost ot production m unscuuuujrand Europe.

    During the three months ending June30. the arrivals at San Francisco, fromforeign countries other than Canada andMexico, numbered 9,9C8, of whom 7,606were Chinese. "Citizens of the UnitedStates returning from abroad," to allports, numbered 20,653 for the threemom us, ui mcn ncic v;muceiand for the corresponding period in 1837,19,556. of which 6,980 were Chinese.

    What promises to be an exciting oceanrace was staited the morning ot the J4tufrom New York bv the Inmau Line Cityof New York, the White Star Line Britannic, the Cunarder Gallia and the Ger-m?- n

    Llovd Trave. The four steamersleft their piers nearly at the same hour.The New lork, the Galna and the Urit- -annic are bound for England. TheTrave left half an hour later, passing theNew ork at the Narrows.

    Acting Secretary of the TreasuryI Thompson stated that no matter how;

    manv pretexts were raised to allowChinese laborers to get into the country,his department would endeavor to carryout the Exclusion Act to its strictest re-quirements, lie also expressed satisfac-tion that the Tacoma Courts had sus--tained

    -the department. decisions. .1

    TheActing becretary, in response to a tele- -gram from the Collector of Customs atSan Francisco, modified his previous de--cision so that vessels carrying Chineselaborers from San Francisco to Panamamay touch at Acapulco, Mexico.

    European Notes.The Pope has given .f 60,000 to the

    anti-slaver- y movement.Several thousand Yorkshire miners

    are on strike, and coal has risen 30 to 40per cent.

    The Belgrade official journal publishesa pastoral prepared by MetropolitanThcodosi is, leader of the Servian Church,in which he dissolves the marriage ofKing Milan and Queen Natalie, and declares it non-existen- t.

    Mary Ann Sutherland, who assumedto be Mrs. Gordon Baillie, a wealthyScotch land owner, and who therebysecured money under false pretenses,was sentenced to live years of penalservitude. Her husband was sentencedto eighteen months' hard labor.

    The Pope, in an address to a thousandpilgrims from Naples, vehemently insisted on the necessity of the restora-tion of temporal power "to the Holy See.He protested against Rome being calledthe capital of the Kingdom of Italy; itwas and ought to be recognized as thecapital of the Catholic world.

    It is regarded as a significant compliment to Professors Bergmann and Ger- -hardt that tho Emperor and Empressentertained them at dinner at Potsdam.Returning from a hunting trip to Bank- -enberg, fie Emperor was going to spend

    ? 1 .a a n 1 1a nigiiL at v reim ensrue on tne way.This compliment to Bismarck is thoughta sufficient answer to the rumor that theEmperor means to be his own Chancellor.

    R0YAL PoK'oiS jk 4

    Absolutely Pure.For quick raising, the Royal Eakine Powder issuperior to all other leadening aeents. It is ab-solutely pure and wholesome and of the highestleavening power. It is always uniform instrength and quality and never fails to makelight, sweet, most palatable and nutritive food.ureaa, biscuits, mufiins, cake, etc., raised withRoyal Uaking Powder mav be p.ifpn hnt ortthmdistressing results to the most delicate digestiveorgans. It will keep in anv climate withnnt

    deterioration.Prof. II. A. Mott. U. S. Government f!hfmfEt

    after examining officially the principal bakingfunui -- a iuc luimirj, reporteu:"The Rovnl Dakiner Powder is abonlfor I have so found ilin m.itiv fpta ma4hMI Ifor that company and the United States Govern- -

    I"Uecause of the faHlitiPa

    for obtaining perfectlv pure crum nfhrk.for other reasons dependent upon the proper.yiruiuuiin ui me Bunie, ana tne method of itspreparation, the Royal Uaking Powder ia nn- -ZToVXZ mIT' MUMe b""ne

    "Dk. HENRY A. MOTT Ph D5 1221-l- y U. S. Government Chemist.

    INT OTICE,(V AND AFTER October i, 1888. CIIU GEMV,o.iOBeauthonz?r5; firm name.

    KEE & CO.

    TALKING THE TEMPORARY Ansrvnv nr.wUMMrM?r'mG-MfWi- n from the Kingdom,. will act for Otir firm nnilA.poverof attornty.

    WM. G. IRWIN & C.nHonolulu. Oct. 23, 183 128-3- w

    NOTICE.D' TITE TEMPORARY ABSENCE OFMr. nkp'S;; Irwi?from thi Kingdom,

    4i Ui uueiuess.'Honolulu, Oct 23 1888

    pURNfc-UE- COTTAGE OF THREE OR FOURrooiiia ctrutrallv located. t,i , -

    Cirocers A' Provislou Dealer.



    Importers, "Wholesale and RetailDealers In .

    Groceries and Provisions.

    SSFlce House Uoocls n SpeclaUy.-- t181-- tf


    HAVING RECENTLY IMPROVEDand strengthened our construction ofMills, as also the Blat feeding mechan-

    ism for same with very satistactory results, woaro now prepared to contract for that olass ofmachinery at short notice. We have patterns onhand for iOxCGln.. 36x66in.. 32xGRin.. 30xC0in.,30x54in., 2Gx54in. eizeB of rollers, steel shaftingand steel gearing throughout with any deglredtype of engine, or they can be driven fromengine in use on Mill, by compoundingthe same, thereby economizing steam. ResultsUnder EQUAL CONDITIONS frnarantfiPrl TTvaun.passed by any otheb construction or system ofFEEDING.

    J. N. S. WILLIAMS.Agent Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works,13C1243-l- f San Francisco.

    To Planters!Just Received ex "J. C. PFLUGER"

    from GERMANY, a consign-ment of


    Patent Filterpresses IDtwith

    Appliances for extracting the Sugar fromuie ary cafce by means of water.

    SIZES OF PRESSES:30 Chambers and 42 Chambers.

    These Presses have beenJVt:iiia Tiantaiion during the past T71 Tll.SSOn, during which all the diffusion JjllIKllllOA ffflQ flln fhvnn. . 1 :it." 7" MUWUSU L1JUi" Wiui Uiemost satisfactory results.

    EGT-F-or sale at lowest prices by

    J. N. S. WILLIAMS.139 124 3--1 m

    S. TOSTEft & CO.,


    Ex s CoraUBvessels, which vessel or vessels shall be firing lasted up to G o'clock on the morn-marke- d

    with the words benzole, petroleum, ing of the 29th. Three hundred people


    Purchasing. Agents.

    Sole Agents for

    Blinpgon'g Toi-o-C- an Brand

    Diamond CreameryBUTTER.

    rpHIS CELEBRATED BUTTER ISJ-- of the finest quality, made upon the

    Danish and American systems combined.Packed in bermetically sealed tins, andwarranted to keep in hot climates.

    kerosene oil, or the name of the oil or oilsof which the component part is petroleum,naphtha or spirits' of turpentine, in plainKoruan letters, and shall be kept at alltimes conspicuously in view near the en-trance of the premises where kept, andconvenient for removal therefrom."

    "Section 8, Any person or persons vio- -lating any of the provisions of this Chaptershall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,and on conviction before a police magis-trate or sny distri t justice, shall be pun-ished by a fine t less than fifty dol-lars nor more ti.nn five hundred dol-lar- s,

    or by impriso tment at hard laborpot more than three months, or by both

    millions in ten vears. of which betweenfour and five millions will be credited toimmigration.

    A consignment of 113 bales of hopsfrom Puyailup, Wash., reached Londonin twenty-rnn-o days October 4th,

    26 and 28 California St,SAN FRANCISCO, : : CAL.

    168 1206-l-yf n


    Ai:iiiv.ii-s- .

    Fkidav, Nov. 9.Vn.lcnvooil.from Waianao ANNOUNCEMENT.

    ins. Ncilson. from Koo--

    The King's Birthday Ball.Honolulu Engine Company No. 1

    elsewhere advertise their grand ball tobe held on the evening of the 16th inst.They have all the subdivisions of theentertainment committed to the chargeof efficient committees. Tickets areplaced at the unusually small figure of$1, and may be had at the bookstores.There is no doubt that the gallant com-pany will acquit themselves as brilliantlyin this social event as they have alwaysdone when danger called them to duty.

    Friday brought more heavy rain.There will be no Blue Ribbon Loa gUeentertainment this evening.

    Hawaiian Commercial Company'sstock holds its own at 30) to 32.Meeting of the executive of the Ha-waiian Rifle Association, Hotel, 8 p m.

    OffinST are.invite at the InteriorrePairs and addition to Oahu

    n i... I v il .IVnballow, 15 days

    nKl'AllTl'KES.Friday, Nov. 9.

    Cluiney, for Maui andu.rriIllll,i.i t in. Le Claire, for circuittf.ill. ., i.' linn.

    r.ry ' - f ill i at 9 a m.

    rpiIE PUBLISHER OF THE HAWAIIAN ALMANAC AND ANNUALL respectfully announces the forthcoming issue, for 1SS9, as in course of publi-cation, and will be obliged for all notifications of needed corrections to its Tablesor Register and Directory for the coming year, as early as possible. Articlesin preparation for its pages should be sent in by Nov. 20th.

    The steady demand for this handy reference book is shown in the receipt oforders to place supplies in San Francisco, Chicago, New York and London, hencethe edition for 18S9 will be the largest yet issued.

    Patrons desiring to make changes in their advertisements will pleas notifythe publisher as early as may be convenient, the prices for which will rule withinthe rates similar space in the forthcoming Hawaiian Directory, unless for coloredinset pages.

    RATES: Full page, $20; page, $12.50; X page, $7.50; page, $4.Colored inset and inside cover pages as per agreement.

    ICCr" Parties desiring copies, local, or mailed abroad can order through thebookstores, the Press Publishing Co., or of the undersigned. Prices as usualisland, 50c; mailed abroad, COc.

    TH0S. G. THRUM, Publisher.140-1- 0t 1244-2- t

    . f. ..i Till -- 'X v"'i ' K .111:11.V.- -' Mililu a

    Subscribers to the Daily Advertises orWeekly Gazette, who do not receive theirpapers promptly by the carriers, are re-quested to give immediate notice by tele-phone or otherwise to the Gazette office,telephone number 83.

    Leaving To-da- y.

    Wilson, for New YorkBrooklyn,Horn, Winding, for San

    The U. S. S. Brooklyn sails at 10o'clock for New York. Good-b- y andbon voyage.A California paper savs a serious flawhas been discovered in the crankshaftof the warship Vandalia.Mr. J. T. Dare, ex-Attorn- ey General of

    Hawaii, is the regular Republican nom-inee for Superior Judge in San Francisco.

    Mr- - R- - W. Cathcart, book-keep- er atWilder & Co.'s, returned per bark Kala-kaua, from his vacation voyage to thegenial climate of Tahiti.

    The Session Laws of 1888 are nowpublished and for sale at the InteriorOffice for 2 each. Also, the election

    1. 1


    Williams, forCarnarvon-hir- e, TO LET." . ship1 K: !!I I. ... - IT- , s nwr inr r 1 f in flCl JkIiiivo, -tDan


    Further 1'artlcula-- A former Earth- -quake.

    The slight shock of earthquake whichoccurred at 5 :45 on Thursdav afternoonseems to have been very generallv felt.AtPunahou College it was severe enoughto rattle doors and windows, and wasnoticed by nearly everybody on thepremises. Residents on the plains alsofelt the shock, tho direction being ap-parently from southeast to northwest,ihe source of the disturbance was pro-bably one of the Hawaii volcanoes, andthe next news from thence mav reportincreased activity. Some vea'rs ago,when the postotfice building was incourse of erection, quite a severe shakewas felt about 11 p. m., which waked upeverybody who was asleep and did slightdamage in some quarters, such as cracksin ceilings, and in a few instances shookdown the plastering, which was the caseat lunahou. Dr. Hutchinson, thenMinister of the Interior, rose from hisbed and rushed down town to see if thewalls of the postoifice had been throwndown, and was quite relieved when hefound them intact. No very seriousdamage has ever been known to be donehere in Honolulu by the light shockswhich occasionally visit us.

    . .The Steamer.

    If the mail steamer Australia left SanFrancisco on her regular day, NovemberGth, she will be due here on Tuesdaynext. But as that was the national elec-tion day for President, and to some ex-tent a holiday, the probabilities are thather sailing was deferred till Wednesdaymorning or noon of the 7th. If she isnot signaled by noon of Tuesday, it willbe pretty certain she was detained. Inthat case she will probably bring deci-sive news of the result of the presiden-tial election.

    Since the above was written we findthat the Sau Francisco Call of October21st announces that the S. S. Australiawould sail for Auckland and Sydneywithout change, immediately on arrivalof the English mails, but without givingdate of sailing. Again, the same paperof the 23d mentions the Australia'sfreight in detail as valued at $G5,55S forSydney, $19,942 for Melbourne, $G,875for Adelaide, $12,083 for Auckland, $1,-87- 8

    for Dtmedin, $7,500 for Blenheim,and $21,470 for Honolulu. An adver-tisement in the Alta California, however,announces the Australia to sail for Hon-olulu on November Gth, and the Alamedafor this port and the Colonies on the17th. The Call has probably got mixedin its marine news.

    AT NO 7 CHAPLAIN STREET, ONE LARGEfurnished front room; also, a small suite ofrooms suitable for a small family. 132-l- m


    T friends and the public generally that hehas purchased the Blacksmith and Carriage Shopformerly conducted by A. Morgan at Nos. 79 andSI King street, where he is now prepared to doall kinds of Carriage Painting and Trimming,Carriage and Heavy Wagon Work and GeneralBlacksmithing with promptness and dispatch.Satisfaction guaranteed. 131-t- f

    periaw in pampniet form at 10 centscopy.

    Tahiti tcr bark Kalakaua, Nov. 9.

    Fr per bktne Planter,?r,in: tS, vU. Capt Frcttle, J F Scott,

    ; i& and J Kobinson.DF.PAKTUKES.

    stmr W Gami Hawaii perMr and Mrs'ri-Fo-r Volcano:

    Captains Wise and Frettle, two veter-ans, and Mr. J. F. Scott, the new schoolmaster for Wailuku, Maui, were amongthe passengers by the Planter from theCoast.

    Tenders are asked, at the Educationoffice, for building schoolhouses at Ka-anapa- li,

    Maui, and at Kakaand Malania,Puna, Hawaii. Dates will be found inthe advertisement.

    Notice to Creditors.S v& L Taris1) W Bailey, Mr Ka- -

    p Onistcud, Miss KK Thompson:T?cliiilren, ami 52 deck passengers.

    SIII1TING NOTES.'pHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN DULYJ. appointed and qualified as Administratorswith the Will annexed of the estate of SamuelGardner Wilder, late of Honolulu, deceased,hereby notify all persons having claims againstsaid deceased to present the same, duly authen-ticated, with the proper vouchers if any exist,even if secured by mortgage, to Wm. F. Allen,Esq., at the bank of Bishop & Co., Honolulu,within six months from this date or they will beforever barred. A. V. JUDD,

    W. F. ALLEN,Administrators with the Will annexed of the

    Estatejof 8. G. Wilder, deceased.Honolulu, Oct. 11, 1888. 1240-5- t 120-l-ni

    bark 11. Hackfeld has beenti .HermanXi to Fort Street wharf.'T! ra,Iuh Lark Delphine Melange will

    Maiden Island.vbitil to-da- y forri'j ip inee steamship Takasago Maru,

    brown, is due here from Yoko-X- xnext Tuesday.

    vueriran ship Daniel Barnes, Cap-.','Xv- i'rto-da- y with Chinese pas- -


    AT THE

    Popular Millinery House, 104 Fort Street,1ST. S. SACHS, - Prop.

    A Fine Assortment of

    ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCINGS, in white, cream and ecru;


    With materials and edgings to match ;

    NEW SHAWLS and SCARF SHAWLS, cream light blue and pink;

    Hosiery, Corsets & TJiiclexweai?All Sizes and Qualities;

    Ladies' Jersey Vests, Silk and Merino, at Special Low Prices!


    l'jatest Style Plats and Bonnets,TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED.

    C0-2- W

    r.'vrsfor Hongkong.

    House To Let !T'ellntidi hip Carnarvonshire, Laptam: Wiihrns will likely leave to-da- y in bal-l.t- rilow land Island to load guuno for

    tiiP1. S. S. l'.rooklyn, Captain Wilson,Joiit the harbor this, u.wt of morn--"',,'- 1

    her way to New York via Caper?rv this uuusE and itemises lately10891 I rtfM ti nrl liir W Q T n - T?an oi a

    Union street and Adams Lane. Thehouse contains parlor, three bedrooms.

    ThMnurican Dark Forest Queen, Cap--ic M. Winding, sails this afternoonj,iy.-.-

    wo dressingrooms, hallway, diningroom, pantryand kitchen. There is also a Cottage in thegrounds with three rooms; stable, carriagehouse and servants' room. The place is in per-fect order. Possession given at once.

    Apply to J. M. MONSARRAT,137-- tf No. 27 Merchant street.

    h I.Hiit ;Hl tons sutrar ami uai rt-i- sand live passengers for San Fran

    A Good Chance to go into Business !

    During the heavy rains of the last twodays, the King's highway at the cornerof Hotel street and Adams lane has pre-sented a beautiful miniature representa-tion of Niagara Falls.

    Oahu College students have started alittle two page paper called "Truth."Its contents would agree better with thetitle, "Facetirc." The Owl will have tolook out, as the new-com- er bids fair to beits rival.

    Tenders for the Honolulu Market willprobably be issued by the Interior De-partment next week. Considerable timewill be given to tho closing da', in orderto admit of advantageous bids fromabroad.

    Captain Penhallow of the barkentinePlanter has our cordial thanks for thelatest dates of San Francisco papers,from which the interesting budget ofnews elsewhere, five days later than lastmail, is culled.

    ' John D. Spreckels has backed the tugRelief in San Francisco with $1,000 for arace with the Sea Lion. John D. Spreck-els & Bros, have bought a new tugboat,the Pride, now at Philadelphia. She isof steel and the price is said to be $40,000.

    Tenders for additional reservoirs inNuuanu Valley were opened at the In-terior Office yesterday. Alll the tendersbeing considerably in excess of the esti-mates, 110 contract was awarded. Astenders may be called for again, the bidsare withheld from publication.

    The box plan for the rendition of"The Blind Beggars" and selectionsfrom "Patience," this evening, wasnearly all appropriated yesterday. Avery successful rehearsal was held lastnight. The music is grand, the costum-ing splendid, and the operetta comical.

    The editor and staff of the Advertiserare happy in acknowledging, with heartythanks, the receipt of a generous piece ofwedding cake, accompanied with thecompliments of Captain and Mrs. A.Fuller, parents of the bride in tho mar-riage of Mr. Edwin Austin Jones andMiss Isabel M. Fuller elsewhere an-nounced.

    XThe Royal Hawaiian Band played a

    This is to certify that the largecommodious Dining Rooms of theCOSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT

    Will be shortly extensively altered, wherebygreater convenience and comfort will be af-forded to patrons, while the tables will be sup-plied with every luxury obtainable at the market,with the very best of Teas and Coffee.

    &T Terms, S?5 per week.133-2- w JUN HEE, Proprietor.

    Emergencies and How to Meet Them.An instructive informal talk on the

    above practical topic was given lastevening to a good, and apparently in-terested audience, by Dr. Day, at therooms of the Y. M. C. A. The emer-gencies treated of were mostly of asurgical nature, such as hemorrhage,apparent drowning, shock from injuries,burns, suffocation from noxious vapors,and the like. Illustrations of the meansto be emploj'cd in various cases weregiven, members of the audience offeringthemselves for that purpose. At theclose of the Doctor's remarks, a numberof questions were asked by those present,and answered by the lecturer. Dr. Dayhas rendered the public a good serviceby imparting, in this public manner, in-formation of a kind which it is importantto have as widely diffused as possible.Several members of the medical profes-sion were among the audience.

    Tax Collector's Notice!

    co.The American barkentine Planter, Cap-i'u.'- w.

    1'. lVnhallow, arrived in port at.k last evening, 15 days from San

    ;i:icko with a full cargo of general nier-' v,im 'hiding :5,;0o railroaii tics on

    wk. and al-- o 1 mare tor Mr. liidwell, 1Im, S horses, and 22 mules for Messrs.iriiihuam it Co. Sailed from San Fran-yi- )

    Ort. I'oth at 2:.0 p. m. Had strongSW winds and heavy sea the first twouvs. Ort. 'th was in'lat. 30 deg. N, long.

    k'.M min. W, then had two days ofaiiie wind and light weather ; had four

    to N K trades ; Nov. 3d was in lat. 22 deg.Tki.N.long. 13tMteg. 15 min. W; thence

    ) lat. 21 di'R. 30 min. NT, long. 151 deg. Wim? eat wind; Nov. 5th had twenty:ours of heavy rain, fresh gale and lieavyitrau the east, thunder ami lightning;

    sv?ral hours under sliort sail; thence toY'Tuir weather.

    T:e Hawaiian bark Kalakaua, CaptainHereon, arrived in port on the morningriioinh inst., 15 days from Tahiti, andie vuyage is reported as follows: Theiuakuuf sailed from Kawaihae, Hawaii,W.lL'th, having on hoard 174 head of cat--::o- m

    the ranch of Hon. Sam Parker,a:dtu l'aneete. Tahiti. On the second

    a large number of the cattle died,ht and variable winds were experienced2'Jeg. N, weatfier pleasant, the equatorr.gfrosed in longitude 135 deg. 50 min.

    " t''ttity-fou- r days trom time of depar-"bol- drun is" were experienced from

    to 2 deg. N, and but few cattle suc-- ;lto the baleful inlluence of these

    Froin the equator to port of des-"Jt;u- :ioccupied hut seven days, strong

    -h easterly breeze with line weather and-- xth h;i being experienced. Of the 174

    t;e -- hipped t2 were landed in fair condi--'ap- t.Uoss, supercargo, reports a

    market fur cattle but received every:uene and attention from the business

    oi the place. The vovatre home was


    ot his entire interest in the business known as G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort

    Street, Honolulu. Liberal Terms will bo givon to a responsible party. The

    firm has been doing a good paying business during tho last six months, not-

    withstanding the dull times. For the next Sixty Days we will sell Goods at

    just enough to cover cost. 7" For Bargains in FURNITURE, TOYS,

    FANCY GOODS, Etc., Etc., see us before purchasing.

    rpAX PAYERS OF THE DISTRICT OF WAI-J- Lluku, Island of Maul, will please take notice

    that their annual taxes for the current year arenow due and payable to the undersigned, at hisoflice, corner of Main and High streets, town ofWailuku, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p.m., except as hereinbelow stated, when he willreceive taxes at the following places, viz:Spreckelsville, Nov. ; Kahului, Nov. 12; Wai-he- e,

    Nov 19; Waikapu, Nov. 22; Honuaula, Nov.'26. W. A. MCKAY.

    Tax Collector District of Wailuku.139-l- w 1243-2- t


    Young Men.For several years the Young Men's

    Christian Associations of the world haveobserved the second week of Novemberas a season for united prayer and specialeffort in behalf of young men. Thisyear November 11th to 17th is the"Week of Prayer for Young Men in AllLands."

    Dr. Beck with, pastor of Central UnionChurch, will preach a sermon especiallyadapted to young men on Sunday morn-ing at 11 o'clock.

    There will be a gospel service in theY. M. C. A. rooms at 6:30 p, m. Sunday,and a noonday meeting every week dayat 12 :25 for half an hour, and Tuesdayevening. All young men are cordiallyinvited to attend the above services.

    Hine programme, containing various na--- t n .1: -"1 17 davs, light and squally wcathec::'? experienced. FOR 30 DAYS ! FOR 30 DAYS !

    ..... f??yjty

    tionai airs, uuring me uiuiiur jcbiciuuevening at Ioiani Palace, given by HisMajesty to Captains Wilson and Graham,respectively of the U. S. S.'s Brooklynand Alert. A very distinguished com-pany was present, including visiting andresident notables.

    MAKE ROOM FOR NEW GOODS.3IAKKIIJD.J the Central UnionV''li. Honolulu, November 8th, bv theiv-rUi- . F..ckwith, 1). I)., Edwin Aus- -

    jJosms to Isabel M. Fuller.:o:--

    Will he Given by

    Honolulu Engine Co. No. 1

    At the

    Rifles' Armory,

    On November 16, 1888

    vyag; of the Kalakaua..CMn Henderson of the bark Kala-Urepor- ts

    that the yacht Casco, Capt.luvin- - on board the distinguished

    Jw which Mr. Robert Louis Steven-l- ie author, is a member, was at

    Tahiti, on October 23rd, the4;,

    tae Kalakaua left there, but was touitdayforthe Leeward islands.

    JJ,Hapt. Henderson and Mr. Cathcartentertained as guests by Mr. Oa-- sCT owncr of the yacht, while inwere able to supply informa-::in?Mtio- ns

    asked relative to Ila- -,,fes!JeilU ail(l affairs. It is, how-a- ;i

    f t0 sa" tht the Casco,with lieriW.frtvss!?ls,er8 may arrive in portlij-f- f "ristmas. The locally re--l:-,-. Cook, the "nimtft" of tho


    Fancy and Staple Dry Ooods,Fancy Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Millinery,

    Will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices in order to make room for New Goods.We will offer the biggest Bargains in Dry and Fancy Goods in this country.

    Our $5 Hats will be sold for $2.75; our $6 Hats, $3.75; our $3 Hats, $1.75;our $10 Hats, $6 ; .$15 Hats, $8.75.

    We Have Remnants in all! DepartmentsGOODS WILL BE SLAUGHTERED FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY1

    Boy's Fine Straw Hats only 25 Cents each ;Our Linen Lawns Take the Cake! Price our Ribbons:

    Our Stock of Ribbons is Complete and you may expect Bargains.

    C7We MUST and we WILL sell in order to make room for Now Goods.o

    Tickets $1, to b4 had of the News Dealers.114-t- d

    FOR 30 TD.A.YS!Grand Clearance Sale

    the j!1 arcipelago, who left iort hereWr')vils Picked up by Capt.

    Remarkable Fall of the Barometer.Captain Christensen, of the Danish

    bark Hydra, at San Francisco, reportsthat on the passage from Hongkong, heencountered a terrific typhoon in theChina Sea, on the 30th of August. Thewind was from the southward, blowingat the rate of sixty-seve- n miles an hour,and two barometers on board fell to 27deg. 05 min. This was in latitude 32 deg.13 min. North, east longitude 134 deg.25 min. Tho peculiarity of the storm wasthe extraordinary fall of the barometers,to a point seldom reached. Anothervessel which encountered the same galereported up barometer at 27 deg. 90min.

    . ... i 'Supreme Court At Chambers.

    Friday, Nov. 9.Probate Division. Before Mr. Jus-

    tice Preston. Estate of J. F. O. Ban-ning. Ordered that the second accountof W. F. Allen, administrator with thewill annexed, be approved. Receipts,$4,744 70; payments, $(503 70; balance,$4 141. The administrator reported!l29 900 of the estate money investedwith good security, at an average ofpr cent, interest, and $12,900 79 in cashon hand. All tho interest as collected is

    U. Banning under thepaid Mrs. O.;terms of the will.

    Rand Concert.

    The Royal Hawaiian Band will give

    a concert" this Saturday afternoon at

    Emma Square at 4:30 o'clock. Fol-

    lowing is the programme :

    March-Admi- ral.. ...... MilhulOverture-T-he Blindmen HaydnAndante-Surpr- ise SymphonyFinale Carmen. l!rzlWaltz-Morgenb- latter btufl.quadrille Bon Jour


    The Baseball Expedition.The Spalding baseball contingent, due

    here on the 24th inst., are heard from ontheir, first two day 3 out from Chicago.

    The Ail-Americ- an team were defeatedin a rattling game before 3,000 spectatorsat Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on October 23d,by the Chicagos 6 to 5. Tener pitchedfor the victors, Hutchinson for the losers.Tener's venerable father, who was pres-ent, never yet saw his son lose a game.

    At Des Moines the following day thetables were turned, the All-Americ- anwing winning a fine game by 3 to 2.They had only one error charged tothem, against three for the Chicagos.


    Police Court.Friday, Nov. 9.

    Kaaheo, assault and battery on Ka-u- i,$5.

    Hop On and Sun See Hop, violatingbuilding law by making alterations inbuilding without permission. W. O.Smith for prosecution ; S. K. Kane fordefendants. Fined each $75 and $3.2ocosts.


    Chas. Turner, deserting service of Ke-kah- aSugar Mill Company, ordered to

    return and pay costs $3.Elia Kanoaehele vs. T. K. Nathaniel.

    Replevin for a horse. Judgment forplaintiff for the horse and costs $4 10.

    The Steamer Service.. His Excellency L. A. Thurston, Min-

    ister of the Interior, when in San Fran-

    cisco, had a conference with Messrs. J.D. Spreckels & Bros, agents .of theOceanic Steamship Company. The sub-ject of changing thewas the possibilitysailin" of steamers so as to make thetiirou-- h Colonial and the direct servicesmore beneficial to these Islands. Mr.

    John D. Spreckels informed the Ministerthat if the Government and businesscommunity here would formulate apracticable plan in that

    would be only too happy to put itinto effect. The Chamber of Commerceheld a meeting yesterday to discuss thematter.

    MILLINmZ ,,lno Kalakaua at Tahiti,'hum here on that vessel. The'iw1?1 Schooner, Phcbe

    vell, had not reachedPut in Kalaka"a left. She mayinat some other group.


    S. J. FISHEL,MISS CUILLBURG wiV . u - '.ni30 days, to A . ,.- - --j :1 lujiro inS the Metropolitan.Mr.G 61-- tfJ-- Waller New Holrl

    TO ARRIVEMeanVhe K1 Sit of tho Metropoli-- r

    t !?,et 0X1 KiB street. Messrs." Edward 1 41.kK UOOrS 0fMn. roof of ...

    g is (U?;:1 :rrusated iron- - Ever-


    AT HaRki BAYLOR'SYou can get

    A Change of Dinner Every Day!And also,

    Broiled Steaks and ChopsFor Breakfast and Supper. Try 'em !

    12-- tf


    and'r, for chancing con veil

    "Ciencv. nr.,1

    The Ship "J. 0. Pflupr"

    Has Jnst --ArrivedWITH ANOTHER CARGO OP


    lYloi? 1 ..v cwuiiierucuiiji

    Ladies' 20 Hat will be sold for $8 CO15 " 6 10

    " 10 5 00" 6 " 2 60

    $12 Ostrich Plumes " 7 COTips 1 60

    Flowers, Birds and WingsAT HALF PRICE. j

    The above Hats are all new and of the Lateststyles, and trimmed with the very best materials.

    ion 01Tll n the transactH r Provision koritl.. lien .xt ' iness.v:t, w hern m.! . .V?" a r om 8 feetstored Vi 1 1 li lor 8op sales

    I meat room, arh tiwh 'gctat)le8 a feed room,y ono tratile will have a

    h:1 nb,; ri-oH- ce. All re- -FOR

    Can be found next door to the P. C. A.Office, Merchant Street.

    Hacks Nos. 18, 37, 66, 75, imAND WAGONETTE HO.

    3" Bell Telephone 204, Mutual 5 '

    "im i r ... , .103 ; 'llin the

    An old man informs the Portland Tele-gram that th rmont will neveropen the CoU.u.i M ;:vr chaniivl ; it istoo low. He there i- - no moio waterin the channel "now limn w!. n I e cameto l .ntiaii J, sixteen or ecvv. a years

    MISS CHILLBITKG, II. L'ACKEELD & CO.JT- - ,i,jir f0T. 2,1888. 138-l- w

    8 V,

    ill uhec

    :.u143- - 2W FORT STREET,v. I . . i ' i


    moral Slictrtistmcnts.

    HE PUBLIC. B.F.EHIAustralian Mail Service. Just Received a Full Linehas

    T.ATVriTQ . CCfJTT.Tr.MPKr'Q ..extreme dull times, whichOn account of thenow lasted for several months,


    LEWIS & CO.Have Just Received ex S. S.


    N. Z. Smoked HaddockAND

    New Zealand Potatoes


    In COTTON --BatMllg SllitS-An- dJfeS . . , ;l i Ii. lnrrra fnr tHfi StOFC

    ALSOfW S !Te'Tha?e tKrefome to & conclusionJ"55" rwOl oil tnv3f-t- f Ladies' Black Diamond Dy0

    Tins4 --t T T

    rTFT-- fntiirn ItTra. TC. Ci . Slmn.11 will li irna .... ... Iw - iu ao t nH! fri ATrirTTminvrc ! 1


    rhe new and fine Al steel Bteamshlp

    "MAEIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due

    at Honolulu from Sydney and Aucklandon or about

    Novr 17th, 1888,And will leave for the abave port with malls andpassengers on or about that date.

    For freight or passage, having SUPERIOHACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

    Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

    For Sydney and Auckland.

    Sydney Stock and KeUegore baddiesAND ALSO, MYAT SYDNEY PRICES.

    READY-MAD- E HARNESSAt Reduced Prices for 60 days only.

    I a t t TkT r-- VTT T I .34


    Pioneer Shirt Factory, of HonofoljTelephone 55.174iNo. JLY --tLmma Street.Sugar Plant i?ov Sale. Ab my Harnesses have stood trial here lor ten are,i i o

    make any comments on my cwm . ' ' jj, tne' Kingdom, and I Th. undersigned beg. to inform the public of these island, tlul heof the very best o material, and by the Dest workmen I measurement. Directions for self-measureme- nt will be given a,mMn. a.nrwrintonHprt hv mvself. l.t1U;n.5

    SaWles, Sade Bas, Wlllte Sllll'tS, Over Sllll'tS ftlltlWith this guarantee, I will sive you a chance to buv

    soma lion 0 fit oa tllflSP llfTP. i

    A. Mi. MELLlsjThe new and fine Al steel steamship1 Bell Telephone 14Q.

    gCT With this assurance on my part, will you come and look for yourself.

    CHAS. HAMMBE,99ALAMEDAOld Corner Harness Shop.

    lla-Zt- tlI

    The Entire Plant of the

    STAR MILL CO.Kobala, la offered for sale. The machinery la

    la perfect working order, and consists of

    One 26x48 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r,etc., complete.

    One rair of boilers, 6x20.One Double Effect. 6 and 7 ft. Pans.One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Pump.Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

    Together with the usual assortment of Clarifiei'Cleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machineiusually found in a well appointed Mill.

    Also, a number of

    California and Islnml Mules.

    Cane Carts and General Plantation Implements.

    Delivery will be given after next crop hasbeen harvested, Bay about July 1.

    For further particulars apply to

    John Hind,

    :e.a. lthMaintained bv NourisFOOD.

    Is Best

    Ol the Oceanic Steamship Company, will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

    or or about

    Nov. 24, 1888.And will have prompt dl3patcn with malls anassenge s for the above ports.For frekjbtor passage, having SUPERIOR AC-

    COMMODATIONS, apply to

    Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

    In this Climate something more than Food is required

    "W yet msManager Star MillEohala, II awail.


    A LABGE INVOICE OF FINE JEWELRYOf the Latest and Prettiest Designs.

    DIA3I0NDS! IN solitaires and clusters. DIAMONDS !


    Waltham Watches, Elgin Watches, Etc., Etc.At Exceedingly Low Prices.


    A Special Line of Alarm Clocks at $1.75 Each;



    113 Nuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall


    Chinese & Japanese Goods,

    JOS. TINKEE,Family & Shipping Butcher SUPPLIES THIS WANT!

    2Contains ALL th Nutrient 1 Properties of MALT with the Least

    Amount of Alcohol. 'City Market, Nimaim St.Prime Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,

    --:o:-Fire Crackers, New Designs In Cups and

    Sauoees, Tea, Cigara, and all kinds of FancyCiooda

    At Greatly Itednce! Prices. BENSON, SMITH & CO., AgCT These Goods have all been personally selected in the States, guaran-teeing thereby a choice selection of the Newest and Latest Designs.Sample packages of Goods sent to any part of the Kingdom.Having every facilitv requisite for a first-clas- s Jewelry Manufacturing Estab-

    lishment, we feel confident that we can manufacture anything that may berequired in the Jewelry and Silverware Line.

    125-- 3tRegular shipments by erery Bteamer.

    Dairy-fe- d Pork and Cambridge Sausage,fresh every day.

    Corned Beef and Pickled Tongue alwayson hand and put up in quantities to suit.


    Watch Repairing and Engraving in our well-know- n manner.GOMES & WICIIMAN, Fort Street.

    106P. O. Box 342.BUHACH !IMITATION GIN.

    C7N. B. All meats delivered everymorning within a radius of three milesof the city.

    My prices are as reasonable as any-where, and all orders attended to withprom ptness and dispatch. 114-l- m




    Beware ot Imitations,It having come to our notice, that an inferior j

    quality of Gin, purporting to be J. J. Melchers' j"Elephant" Brand, is being offered for sale in jGENERAL MERCANTILE

    Which are being put upon the market.-- ANl


    The Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOP THE UNITED STATES.

    Stanfls First Anns the Mm Life Assurance Companies of the Worlfl,In Outstanding Assurance, in New Business, in Surplus, in Total Income,

    in Premium Income, in the annual Increase in Surplus andAssets, in the Percentage of Assets to Liabilities,

    and in all other Important Respects.

    Assets. Dec. 31, 1887, : : : $84478.904 85.Outstanding Assurance S483,029,563New Business of 1887 138,033,105Surplus (4 per cent. Standard) 18'J'o5Increase in Surplus during the Year 1,748,Increase in Assets during the Year 8,868,433Total IncomePremium Income 7Percentage of Assets to Liabilities 13 o

    A Careful Study of the above Proves Conclusively that the Equitable Societyis the most Profitable and Secure Life Assurance

    Company for intending Assurers.


    sold onlj byLIST OF OFFICERS:

    P. C. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryIIou. W. F. Allen Auditor

    this market, we have to

    Caution the PublicThat we are the Sole Agents in the Hawaiian Is-

    lands, for the said Brand, and that evkry genuinebottle bears our " Sole Agency " label.

    W. C. PEACOCK & Co,

    Sole Agents for J. J. Melchers'Schiedam, Y Z.


    lion. C. R. Bishop. Hon. II. Waterhonse

    Benson , Smith& Co.

    Sole Agents In the


    94 1236-6r- a

    Bnliacli Producingand Mfg. Co.

    STOCKTON, CAL.73 aug!2tf


    C7" Have Just Opened

    New Lines of GoodsWhich will repay Inspection.

    ORGANIZED 1850.J

    The Manhattan Life Insurance Companyof ISTew York, JOHN ..TSTOTD

    Wm. G. Irwin.Clamg Spreckels

    i3T Net Surplus over 82,000,000.t3T Assets over 811,000,000. - i. -In th Salesrooms on the second floor artmany artj le entirely naw to this market. 1-


    BANKERS.1 r


    POSITIVE RESULTSOf a Policy in the Manhattan Life on the New Plan.

    Age, 30; amoimt ofi Policy, $10,000; term, 20 years.

    The Annual Premium will be 8 301 8 ' ;

    The 20 payments will amount to 6,036 OOAt the end of that time the Company will return to the holder in cash.... 5,700 OO

    Draw Exchange cn the principal parts o theworld.

    Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general hanking andexchange business.

    Special Goods at Special Prices!Household! Goods in large variety

    Complete Lines

    Hardware, AgriculturalImplements, Etc.

    1'lantation Supplies, Kerosene Oil ofbest quality.

    90 1238 Pacific Hardware Co.. L'd.. Honolulu

    LOVE'S BAKERYo. 73 NnnnTin Street.

    MRS. ROBT. LOVE, Proprietress,

    Thus the flO.OOO Insurance will have been secured at the net cost for 20years of only 336 00

    or $1.68 for $1,000 insurance per year,or if the Cash be not drawn the Policy will become paid up for 10,050 OO

    Deposits bearing interest received ' their SavIngs Department subject to pu rules andregulations. 17oc3tf

    Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping GooThese results are not estimated, but are fixed in a Positive Contract, tbe full faceof the Policy meanwhile being payable in the event of the death of the assured. Thereis no forfeiture of payments on discontinuance of policy after three years, a !

    Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet lroLHONOLULU MARKET.

    (Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

    "So. 6 Queen Street, Flsli Market, Ho-nolul-a,H. I.


    Casli-o- r Paid up Talue being Guaranteed by the Terms ofthe New York Law.

    For examples at other ages, and also on the 10 and 15 years' plans, write or applyat the Office of the Agent.

    NOTE. The Manhattan's is the simplest form of policy in existence, and Incon-testable after 5 years, this feature having been originated and adopted by this Companyoyer 20 years ago. ,

    JOHN PI. PATY, Jrrt,86-t-f 1335-t-f

    1876. GEO W. LINCOLNChoicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, FishVEGETABLES, ETC.,

    Always Kept on Hand.

    Every Description of Plain and Fancy

    Bread and Crackers,f res n

    Soda CrackersA N D 1

    Saloon BreadAlways on Haiid.



    Family and Shipping orders CarefullyAttended to. The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. C. Advertiser 75 and 77 Kinp- - Street,

    Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at shortnotice. . . f i
