so we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we? Zoltan Nagy St. Andrews, 26/8/11 Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

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So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?. Zoltan Nagy. So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?. Zoltan Nagy. MPI kernel : NLO → Need to consider NLO and colour-subleading contributions to standard shower. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Zoltan Nagy

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 2: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Zoltan Nagy

MPI kernel : NLO → Need to consider NLO and

colour-subleading contributions to standard shower

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 3: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Zoltan Nagy

MPI kernel : NLO → Need to consider NLO and

colour-subleading contributions to standard shower

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 4: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Zoltan Nagy

Colour reconnection effects are

important when comparing MC

predictions to data

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 5: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Zoltan Nagy

Colour reconnection effects are

important when comparing MC

predictions to data

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 6: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

Do we have a good understanding of MPIs and mPDFs?

Jo GauntBattlefield restricted to Double Parton Scattering


“dPDF framework”, used in phenomenology→ longitudinal-transverse factorization also in MCs

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 7: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

Jo Gaunt

Evolution equations for dPDFs known, would give contributions to DPS cross sections of the sort:

According to dPDF the diagram should contribute a DGLAP log but well known box diagram contributions, e.g. for gg→ZZ, are finite!

Do we have a good understanding of MPIs and mPDFs?

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 8: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

Jo Gaunt

Evolution equations for dPDFs known, would give contributions to DPS cross sections of the sort:

According to dPDF the diagram should contribute a DGLAP log but well known box diagram contributions, e.g. for gg→ZZ, are finite!

In general, all diagrams with the “DPS-singularity” give only integrable contributions to the cross section: this is a correction to a single scattering process

The apparent inconsistency due to the transverse-longitudinal factorization assumption: the dPDF framework breaks down!

Do we have a good understanding of MPIs and mPDFs?

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 9: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

Jo GauntEvolution equations for dPDFs known

According to dPDF the diagram should contribute a DGLAP log but the well known box diagram contributions are finite!

In general, all diagrams with the “DPS-singularity” give only integrable contributions to the cross section: this is a correction to a single scattering process

The apparent inconsistency due to the transverse-longitudinal factorization assumption: the dPDF framework breaks down!

Do we have a good understanding of MPIs and mPDFs?

Impact on phenomenology – definition of DPS cross section?

DPS at high pT will be measured: another test of MPI models in MCs

mPDFs and mPDFs running in MC?

Interference effects in flavour, spin and colour?

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 10: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

What is the impact of soft QCD corrections on jet physics?

Mrinal Dasgupta

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 11: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

What is the impact of soft QCD corrections on jet physics?

Mrinal Dasgupta

Soft QCD corrections to jets

Hadronization <δpt>h~ -1/R

Underlying Event <δpt>UE~ R2

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 12: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

An example of measurement particularly sensitive to UE

modelling?But beware, difficult

measurement! (track jets?)

Mrinal Dasgupta

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 13: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

What would be the impact of soft QCD effects on (feasibility of some) LHC searches?

Simone MarzaniJet-pull method: identification of hard subprocess from studying colour flow


St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 14: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

What would be the impact of soft QCD effects on (feasibility of some) LHC searches?

Simone MarzaniJet-pull method: identification of hard subprocess from studying colour flow


But get: b

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 15: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

The DIPSY alternativeDIPSY = Dipole Event Generator Gösta Gustafson

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 16: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

The DIPSY alternativeGösta Gustafson

Fair description of exclusive final states: MB and UE

The DIPSY alternative

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 17: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

Gösta Gustafson

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 18: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

Gösta Gustafson

from DIPSY

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

σ eff−1 = d2∫ b F(b,..)F(b,..)

Page 19: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

Summary of the soft QCD working group

Within this working group:

Proposed: new measurements

Emphasized: need to compare data with various available MC models* / identify measurements which cannot be well described by all MCs/tunes

Highlighted: many theoretical issues / open questions in the description of soft QCD

The real big question:

Are we happy with the current status? Is tuning the end of the story?

Certainly not satisfactory from the theory point of view…

*i.e. Sherpa

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 20: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

Summary of the soft QCD working group cntd.

Open call to both theory and experiment:

Is there a need for more measurements? Can we come up with measurements sensitive to particular aspects of soft QCD (hadronization, MPI, non-perturbative)?

Proposals need to be made now!

St. Andrews, 26/8/11

Page 21: So we just need another tune to fit the data, don’t we?

Anna Kulesza (RWTH Aachen) Summary of soft QCD WG part 2

Summary of the soft QCD working group

Open call to both theory and experiment:

Is there a need for more measurements? Can we come up with measurements sensitive to particular aspects of soft QCD (hadronization, MPI, non-perturbative)?

Proposals need to be made now!

Many thanks to all the speakers and contributors!

St. Andrews, 26/8/11