social media benefits for small business

Social Media Benefits for Small Business

Upload: amr-atef

Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Social Media Benefits for Small Business

Social Media Benefits for Small Business

Page 2: Social Media Benefits for Small Business

What does Social media men?

• Social media are computer-mediated technologies

that allow the creating and sharing of information,

ideas, career interests and other forms of expression

via virtual communities and networks. The variety of

stand-alone and built-in social media services

currently available introduces challenges of definition;

however, there are some common featuresWikipedia

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Social Media BenefitsFor your Small Business• Establish Trust• Build Credibility• Enhance Brand Image• Increase Brand Recognition• Build Brand Equity• Humanize Your Brand• Increased Word of Mouth• Geotargeting

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9 Reasons Why Every Small Business Should Be On Social Media• Stay Up To Date With The Newest Trends• Monitor Competitors• Let The World Know You Exist• Get Feedback For Free• Connect With Mentors and Advisors• Join A Community of Entrepreneurs• Find Top Talent• Brand Yourself As An Expert• Generate More Business

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The 6 Essentials elemtns


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• Impressions and reach. An impression is a view of your post, or the number of times it showed up in someone’s feed. Reach measures how many people saw your posts; the same post can show up multiple times in someone’s feed.

• Mentions. Track how often your small business is mentioned on social media.

• Follower growth. Track the number of followers on your networks and how much followers grow over time. If you notice one particular post or promotion attracts a lot of followers, create more of those posts or offers.

• Sentiment. Track sentiment by searching for your company name or username followed by words like “love,” “best,” “sucks,” or “fail.”

• Location. Gathering followers from a particular part of the city, state, or country could open your eyes to expansion opportunities.

Spreading the News About Your Business

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It builds knowledge• In the past, it was difficult to gain timely product feedback.

But with the emergence of social media, a business leader can track and assess a product’s movement and engagement while also forecasting possible trends. Social media can track lead growth, brand perception, brand search volume and the number of inbound links established by your company. Klout -- a service that uses social media metrics to tally engagement -- is an insightful tool for measuring your social media reach.

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And always remember"The Key to Social Media is to listen, engage, and bulit a relationships"

David Alston